Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ n . - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - TIlE OMAhA ] ) AIT Y BEE : UONnA : , 1\AUOII 18 , : I S9i. ! )
- - - - . . , . ' - - ' - . - . -
Seveta Arciane11s ! \ that Have De-
vloped Strong Flow of Wntcr.
JrlUer Crnfdnl HRI Ono that " .1 Tnkn
tbo I'lato of WRter Works-Olhen
tlt bend LIP IntCIRO ItrR11
. All tile Yenr.
3E\VARD Neb , Mach 17.-Speclal.- ( )
At Uuver Croulng , Seward conty ] . Ne.
braRlla , D. Eager . merchant , hal for many
years a geol surtace well back of hIs l storo.
ErectIng a double store . the well was co v-
tred In . after whIch the wnte seemed to
lessen In Ilurlty. le dccled to strive for
a lower vein and hetter water. Slnltlng n
tubular wel to the depth ot 15 feet , to the
surprise ct all concerntt , he struck a very
strong current of water. In R brief time
- his cellar was flIkd . nnd the current flowing I
over the noor. After some 1 iiflcti1ty the
few was finally controlled and aecur.d with
pipes. I Is now used for a Ilrnklng tOln.
Lain II Ills store and Is also conducted to
the neighboring hardware ] store or Ilbery
& Orllflth . thenc pa'Se3 Into the barber
_ shop and bath rooni I ts used by a nlm-
. bar ot families and a livery barn , and flows
on towarll the railroad , At this poInt the
water raIses about eight feet above the I I
stone ficor. Illepcdenty ot this effort leI
, IEcure good water , ChrIs Klemm , living
three miles west or town , on the south
bank or the Blues , 1I11ng a tubular well ,
struck a very Itron ! low or water the next
: Jay So strong Is the pressure that both
these gentlemen hind conslerable ! dlfculty
In connnlu the now to 11lpes. 'he striking
or a strong now ot artesian water at points
three mls apart arousel great Interest In
the mater or flowing wels In the valley.
There are now twenty wels In a district
eight miles long by two and one-hai miles
: whle. Wihin these limits It now seems
nlJndanty Letted that a strong flow ot
artesian water can bo obtained anywhere.
The first \ % ( 'iiS were put down simply to
secure n tUllpl of waUr for domestic pur-
{ pcses. I was econ sten that a rapId and
strong now wa : within reach whIch could be
used for irrigation.
; - Thomas Foster Implement dealer , living
. , onr-haH mile south or town , concluded to
have a three-tnch well at his Ilome. When
, ' hl reachell the under current tome twenty-
five of thIrty wJgon loads or quIcksand were
. thrown out , his cellar flooded , and for a
time he experienced great Ilfculy In getting -
ting 1e now or water under control , and
even yet about three times as much water
. ' flows lp around the pipe as Is delivered by
the , original PIPe put In. After much dm1-
. culy lIe fnaly sEcured control of the
flow , and used I for some weeks In the
: lath or the year saturating the and
. subsoil In his field. This well at this time
flows four Inches , with a quick current ,
. running through I waste weir Into the
. draw.
F' , 1 Plmery merchant , has two strong
flowing wells. The current from the one
over the rIver tins power enough to shoot
the water 11to the air twenty-nve reet.
J , \V. , \rtllh , living five miles south-
east at town , has four flowing wells , strikIng
the artesian current at an average depth of
' 'fort-thwe feet The temperature or the
water from all these wells Is about 55 degrees -
grees , furnishing stock warm water for win-
. ter use. I ts thought that the . steam arisIng -
Ing from this water In frosty nights In thc
spring would help to guard against the late
sprIng rrosts.
Tim eXIensC or putting tn the deeper wels ,
and furnishIng all complete Is ' rated by well-
' borers at $55 , and for the three Inch pIpe
tram $65 to $7G. There ts talk of putting
down foul and six Inch wels with the Idea
or irrigating large ' tracts. A three Inch well
wIll easily irrigate twenty acres , as the ,
water flows with great force
Now wells are , constantly being put down
and there Is I general disposition to utilize ,
: this artesian few for stock purposes and IrrI-
gatlon. These wel ! are quickly and cheaply
' made , John Evans sinking his well to flowing -
Ing water Inside ten hours. What Is known
as the hydraulic process Is used In sinking '
them , gIving a flowing well In from one to
' two dars. The few or water from some at
the wels can b heard for a consIderable dia-
tance. No doubt other people similarly clr.
cumstanced wIll be tempted to sink artesian
wells to see what nature has In store for
. them EvIdently there Is encouragement for
. the sinking of artesian wels In other places
The value of this fInd for the growing or
, small frlls and vegetable products , as well
' as to irrIgate hay land and farm crops , can-
. not be overesthna The most serious difficulty -
fculy In raIsing small fruits and vegetables
for market has been the mIdsummer drouth .
which In dry seasons , ortmes seriously
lessens the yield and profit . With the con-
tnuous abundant flow of water this dim-
' culy Is overcome These lands wIll be found
much superior to those about
Ilch Iuperlor aholt Greeley. Cola" ,
: for the growing or small fruits and
' ! sml vege-
tables because very much more fertile and
at a lower elevaton , Properly cultivated In
small fruits and vegetables should yield an-
Iluahly from $100 to $300 per acre. The business -
ness men are already In corresponllence with
responsible parties for the erection or a canning -
nlng ractory. .
, Most or the hand In this valley Is very
. . level and easily covered with water. Experl-
. mcnts show that wells sunk thirty feet above
the level ( r the valley do not Hive flowing
water. The ' sol or the valer Is very fertile ,
" tram six 'to ten feet deep , underlaid by a
strata ot sand from twelve to twenty feet
deep , In which Is the upper vein or surface
water , Underlying this Is a strata of clay
't ' . from thirty to fifty feet deep. and Immediately -
diately overlying the strong vein or artesian
water Is a strata or tough tenacious clay , and '
' then something resembling a black or mucky
. coil containIng the remains or v getable mat-
. ter , boric , leaves and twigs.
O ( \"CTyn , Ut' : - \Ntl. UIITIUt ON'.Y.
Job 1lorehend , % liu KllII l'arinor Selmoter -
; 0.1. ll ) 1Uy ,
FALLS CITY , Neb. , March 17.-Speclnl- ( )
' ' District court , which commenced here March
4 , wIth JUdge Babcock on the bench , Is doIng
Considerable worll mil has disposed or mlny
'I , criminal cases ( rout last year . The case or
the state agaInst Bob Morehead has created
: ' 10 little Interest In this community Marc-
'r lead murdered I farmer named Schaer r
: , , last Fourth or JUly. Morehealt and another
fellow got Into a fight and Scha fer trIed to
make luenco when Moreheall drew a slung
shot and hammered hIm over the head
. h Schaerer dle,1 In a few da'a front the reo
.lc suIts or the wounds . The jury was out
' about . haH an hour when I retured rItht a
L verdict or manslnughter In the second lIe-
, gee , Moreheall did not take the verdict
very hard. The judge did not pass a sen-
tenco. _ _
Ste.nion ' IIJt the Jerley Vows .
' t , NEIIASIA CITY , March 1.-SIJeclal.- ( )
The lice recently heanl the following good
story on Secretary or Agriculture Morton :
, ; I seems that the secretary has always been I
A great admirer or Jersey cattle , and Intra-
ducell these mlhle'el and gentle little ani-
aunts Into Oloa county. If not the state lie
Was enthusIastic In their praIse , and never
S missed an opportuniy to talk of theIr mer-
its , lie tried to Interest the late hioti .
Thomas B. Stevenson In Jerseys , but Mr ,
? Stevnson would not be convinced A few
f years after theIr introduction , woen the Jer-
I leY had demonstrate hy the superIor rich-
' flogs of its milk that It had COme to Btay . the
I'cretary met Mr , Stevenson one day , and
latd : "Wel , Torn what do you thInk or the
Jersey cow now ? " Mr. Stevenson , who had
1 slight tmpedlment In his sPeech , replied :
' "I t.thllk , I t-t.thlnk t.t.they repled
r-r.rlgh ( f-fror a man who Is t.t-too P'II.poor
. . tot-to k-Ic.ktep a c-c-cow and t.t.too d-d-
d-m pp-Ilroud k.k.keep a K.g-goat. "
That settled I , and the secretary never at-
tempted to Internt Mr. Stevenson In his \ herd
( , Cf Jerseys ater that
. 1tIub'lc > I 'Icket lt 1111 ( 'lt1.
' . FALLS CITY , Neb. , Marc i7.-Speclah.- ( )
' The republIcans or J'lls City met In open
caucus lat evening for the purpose of placIng -
log In nomination a city ticket. George W ,
, larhI elected chairman and J' , E. Far-
' thgton secretary , Ptie following tlcket
tgton leretar ) 'e tolowlng strng tcket ,
. . ,
: I
was nomlnltlll : VOr lyor , henry C. Smith ;
for treasurer . Ezra 1 E Metz , for clerk , J , It.
len ' ; for police judge M. W Muuelmln ;
for city engIneer , J. W , Towle : for two mem-
hen ot school hoarll , \V. I Crook and Dr. I
S. C. Yutzy ; for councilman , First ward ,
11:0 nucber : for councilman . Second ward , I
J. J. Tanner for councilman , Third ward ,
for one''oar term , I I Iennedy ; for two-
year term , J. J. itorner.
liii Wie lVni ft lur.lfl and Aha Wi Now
llccnine I'sibtIc ,
leenme ii l'nhle Chnfgr
YOmC , Neb , ! lrch ! 17.- ( peclI.-In ) the .
last term ot the district court of llis county
Victor : flnron secured a divorce from hIs
wife , Mary , Munson. Prior 10 thIs time they
! ; ave made thIngs hum In the locality at their
residence , until the citizens ot that part at
the city asked that Mary be tried for insanIty -
ly , which she was. To settle up matters
VIctor offered his wIfe the "penal" rum at
$70 to clear out of hIs sight , which she did , I
and a dIvorce was granlell. Yesterday Mary [
returned and insisted that Victor grant her
admission to his home. This he decidedly
objected to , and , although he threatened to
have her arrested , phe continued to beat at
his door and accuse him at being her be-
tra'er. She Is In a delicate cbndlton , and , as
she claims , has no means hy which she cnn
support herseH. She will , no doubt , be sent
to .ome state institution to be taken care
or , At the time of the marrIage or the
two the affair caused quite a little comment ,
ns both were rather weak minded. Munon
Is a Swede anti owns conslderablo property In
this locality.
: Ir. and Mrs [ . Scovla and daughter , Nellie ,
left yesterday morning for Seward , at which
place they wi spend a few days viiIng
brie nul s .
Miss Nellie Dunlap or Benedict and Mr.
Charles Long of 1)ougbas who has been at-
tending the United Brethren college at thIs
place for some time , yesterday left for theIr
respective homes.
County ClerIc Reader was furnIshing gar-
den seed to those who nppllll to hIm for the I
same yesterday . The seed hall been sent hIm
by the government Jest all was disposed
of.Mr. [ . I. Sheells or this place - left for Chicago
Saturday with a carlo dor horses , whIch he
will dispose or at that phact' . All of the
horses \ ere purchase In York county and
were a line lot '
The republican calCIS for the nomination
of n mayor will he held on tomorrow e\'en-
Ing. Those candidates whtch seem to stand
the best chances of securIng the nomination
are J. N. Idow , I. : . Detrick and N. : .
Ferguson . At the present time the sup-
Porters or Kidow claim that he Is far tn the
lead , hut I Is thought that after all n dark
horse will figure prominently In the race.
The wInter term of the United Brethren
college closed 'J Friday. ThIs has been otto
or the most successful terms or this college.
Notwithstanding the general depression or
the times , thc enrolment was good , and the
college has fared far better than expectcd.
The college lerarles met In theIr respective
halls on Friday , for the last joint meeting
or the term. A good program was rendered.
The last meeting of the students will be In
the presentaton of Qoltismithi's "She Stoops
to Conquer. " Much time Is beIng put on
this play , and I Is thought that the same
will he decided success. I will be given In
Bell's hal on the 2Itbi. ! '
License nld Autti-Ltceutse Ttelcet In the
} 'et. Ift 1 'Vnfm Ftlht On.
ASHLAND , March 17.-Speclah.-Withuout ( )
n doubt the election In Ashland this spring
will have greater interest tItan any election
ever held In this . " -
cIty. Friday night a "ct-
zens' " caucus was called to meet , but was
called to order In the name or the "people's
Independent , " and men were nomInated who
would support the Issuing or license to a
saloon. Last night at I3ertieon's hal there
was I caucus called under the name of "cit-
Izens' reform , " and a full ticket nominated.
Party lines are blotted out The "people's
rerorm" party , . anti-license , has led its pe-
tton , as follows :
"To the City Cerlt of Ashland Neb. : We ,
the undersigned legal voters or the city or
Ashland , respectfully petition that the fallowing -
Ing names be placed on the ballot , to be
voted on at the general city election to be
held April 2 , 1895 , under the desgnaton or
"citizens' reform. " J. H. Oliver . mayor ;
Charley Mier , treasurer ; R. D. Pine , city
clerk i J. 11. Snel , councilman . First ward ;
J. C. Raisback , councilman . Second ward ;
1 R. McLQren and J. Dee tson , members or ,
school board. "
This Is sIgned by J.V. . Seabrook , \ V.0 ,
Slrvtce , R. A. HInckley , L E. Snehl , T J.
Penny A. C. Urch , C. E Smith , ' \Vayne Russell -
sell , W. J. Durltee , J. P. Brooks , - . S. Fuller .
R. E. Butler , E. C. lancost. Chiahey Miller.
Charles aivert . A. J. Anderson , \V. J ,
Bryan , C. W. Fuller , jr. , C. Whtler , jr. , C.
A. Huyck , H. 1. Flanders , Charles E. Cal-
secretary. kina , W. C. Scott , chairman ; Lincoln henry .
Last night Mayor Manfelde Issued an order
to close up Smith's leland hail . much to the
gratification or the Chrlstah people of Ash-
Last evening at the home at M. n. Hal In
thIs city occurred the wedding or George En-
nis to Miss Susan DavIs of Waterloo , Mr.
Ennis being > a brother or Mrs. Hall About
forty couple were present. The gifts were In
abundance. The young couple will commence
life on a farm just west or Ashland , where
they will be at home after a short visit
among relatives or time brIde at Waterloo.
J'urlhlt Fusion itt Uxrofd.
OXFORD , Neb" , March 17.-Speclal.-The ( )
republicans a few days ago nominated as
candidates for village trustees V. A. Petty-
grove , \ V. G. Springer , L. M. Brady n. D.
Waugh and D. D. McIntyre. The people's
party caucus endorsed .
yesterday ellorsed Mesra
Brady , Mcintyre and Waugh , and nominated
In addition G. W. Webster and J , W. Tram-
license well . . Either ticket would be unfavorable to
TIm town board has passed an ordInance
raising the saloon lIcense , Including occupa-
ton tax , to $1,000 per year. I
The I uras County Anniversary association
will apprcprlately celebrate the' seventy-sixthm
anniversary or Odd I elowshlp In America at
this place on April 26. There are six lodges
In the dIstrict. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
r mills " ' ! v " .n"ll Note , ' ,
FALLS CITY , Neb. , March 17.-Speclal.- ( )
About fifty InvIted guests gathered at the
home at Miss Adn Musselman last night to
celebrate her eighteenth birthmday . Cards
anti games were the pastime indulged In .
Refreshments were served and at a late hour
all departed for their homes
Grant Shurtel went to Beatrice to attend
the bedsile' or his sister , who Is dangerously
Ill. lie returned yesterday
11ev Father flex , who luau been transacting
busIness In David City Neb. . since last
Monday , returned home yesterday ,
Bert Heavls returned yesterllay from
Omaha where he haa been visiting frlend !
anti relatives .
hlrlflmct'r Wi uI'1118 'l'hompMon ,
GRAND ISLAND Neb , March 17.-Spe- (
clal.The'Iew ) on the political horIzon was
gIven a sudden changq yesterday when It
was annolncel , that representatives or the
railroad men , A. 1 A. and the Union Vet-
erans' league hall Induced the present city
clerk , C.V. , Jlrinlnger to be a candIdate for
niayor and caused I ) . O. Zlnlt to wlilraw ,
leavIng the fght for the mayoralty between
Irlnlngcr and the little giant W. II. Thomp-
son. I Is generally cancelled that , though
this will make the race a closer and more
interesting cite . the nomilee or the peollle's
mass convention , Thompson , still has much
the best or tjmmL.flglmt.
( lon ( ' 011'1 tlrnlf ICthleut by IhA ( 'nu.
NEnHASCA ! CITY . March l7-Special.- ( )
Patrick Costello . a wealthy farmer and promInent -
Inent democrat , living near JUlan , was run
over and killed by the mldnhh southbound
Missouri Pacific this mnornlmug lie boarded
the train at this city at midnight last night ,
and In getting off the car shipped and tell
ummider the wheels. lie lIved
Inder wheel. 10 l\d three hours
after time accident An Inquest Is now In
progress ! . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Llccnlo Iht Ully 'nut.
JUNIATA Neb. , March 17.-Speclal.- ( )
The political pot Is bubbling here now. The
only Issue 11 bo the license question . and
the license party opened time campaIgn Sat-
urday night by nomtaatng the following
ticket : For councilmen , O. H. I'llmer. Ii. I"
Smith , O. G. Vreeland , A. U , Lngjaler , W
JI Dlekmau
Early In the present century there was nn
organIzed ! brotherhood of highwaymen . slave-
thieves and clt.throits. which , under the
masterly direction and control of John A.
Mmirreil . had its centers or acton and rendezvous -
dezvous establIshed nt convenient Intervals
front Louisville to New Orlenns.
Murrel , hImself , was not only the master
spirit , but the chief malefactor as , 'el. In all
the most outrageous doings ot this fnr-
reaching chaIn at outlaws . lie was I shrewd ,
bold , magnetic man ; fearless conscIenceless
and enterprisIng to a degree beyond anythIng
ever before known In America
I was In Mississippi and Louisiana that
he became most terrible to all law-abIding
people. There were no railroads : then , no express -
press companies to prey upon , very few bank
vaults to blast open : but the common highways -
ways or travel , the country roads meanderIng
through sparsely seWed regIons , were
haunted day smith nIght by the spirit ot medieval -
eval lawlessness In the form or n solitary
horseman armed to the teeth and ridIng In
search or a traveler wIth hcvy mone-
Dotmhitless , In this condition ot thIngs much
was charged against : lurre1 , ot whIch he was
guiltless ; but the larger fact was , as I care
ful examination at historIcal data has shown
me . that the great hlghwa'm:1 : was , hike
most great leaders from Napoleon down ,
whether god or bad , apparently ubiquitous.
' 01 never felt safe from hIm , no matter how
far ho was reported to bt at tim time. And
his methods were Intensely practical compre-
hensive and carefully operated , down to the
minutest details or plannIng and doing.
I chanced that a calamity , sudden and
crushIng , tel Ipon a family or three persons
John Ionus and hIs wife died suddenly or a
malignant fever , In their cabin-bionic In MIssissippi -
sissippi , leavIng their son , FrederIck , 1 boy
or 13 , all alone. The nearest neighbor lived
eleven miles away , beyond a great swamp ,
and a wed Infested with dangerous wild ant-
male , to say nothing at vagrant outlaws and
fugitives train official detention ,
Both Mr. Lottus and hIs wHe were 'strIcken
anti random shot I was R terrIble ride ,
but h escaped anti ! found hIs way to 1 Me
Wylie's house wheru told hula story , lie
was hatless , and his cfdhes ? were nearly torn
off by his riding thiijh pathless woods
where the ullerhrmh : thIck Me W1o
and his femur stalwartj6ru ' armed themselves
and promptly retutrd with him to the
, !
lonely cabin. , , ,
Now comes the singular part at this ( cute
story , When the Jrl \ renehed the spot
where the outlaws ha ; Approached poor l rel
they found them bolulrtched out lpn the
ground dead and str . ' )0 here pistol' ' hnl
been bountifully chare1 Jwlth , buckhot , and ,
being one ot the ancl 1t "el.mouth pattern ,
hnl1 scattered Its con ( mnt . wIth deadly erect ,
The robber together hnl1 rc .
eeh'el each several shot In the breast amI
henll , anti probably - 1el almost instantly.
They were nfetwardsJI\n to bo member
oC the : Iurel gang. .
Mr and Mrs. 1,0Hul Were buried behind
the cabin and Frell' nt to hive with an
uncle In Nashville , Tenn , lie afterwards be- I I
came a merchnnt In Cincinnati , where he I
( led an old man In 1569.
: UI'IW.IU : VUliT .n.L.I/T / ,
Etiney against . Bal ; rror from Lancaster -
ter count ) . HeversCI anti remanded . Oimin-
Ion by CommIssioner IrvIne.
Errors In 'the admIssIon or rejection oC
testmol ) ' cannot be considered unless by
assignments or error the particular rulings
comllaineit or are Fpeclnell.
2. A verllct wi not he Fet aside because
of thc Inadeluac ) ' of the Ilamnes Iwlrlell.
when one In Issue is l round for ! the 1lalntl
they would be lullequate hut whel the
verdict may have been basel on other Issues
calling for n smanllem' recovery.
3. : A verdict shoul be set ashle when I
Is made to appear that jurors dlscussell
umonE thiemnsel % ' ( ' the macrita of the case
expressing opinions thereon , before Inal
submIssion , antI where mimi ulauthorlz 11 coin-
munlcalon took place between a juror and
one of th' attorneys while the jury was dc-
Hberln , l sl'eClal ; ) ' Rloull such n verdict
he set aRlle shere the evidence estlblshes a
high proahlty that therc was misconduct
tn other particulars.
4. In this ase It was not shown that an-
thing Irejllclal occurrell tn the communi-
calan between co'unsel and juror. But
prejudice will In such crises usualy be pro-
sumed The fact that there exlstel , the op-
portuniy and Inclnaton Inon jurors to
communlclte wih those outsIde the Jtmry
room may he sulelont to vitiate I verdict .
\VoOlworth against Tliomuipson Error
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end of three hours of rigors and spasms , died
In on unconscious state.
Frederick was a sound , vIgorous and
healhy lad ; but this horrible visitation for a
time unnerved him ; he stood wringing his
bonds and crying In the silent , desolate little
house , feeling as H he hall been suddenly
banished from all possibility or hope
This befell just after nightfall of a mid-
September day. The air was still . hot , slightly
foggy , with that vague smell or unwholesome
decay In It whIch always attends an accumu-
laton of malaria. A big laughing owl was
guffawing amid the moss festoons or an alI
water-oal not far away. Fred Lotus had
not been bred to sentimental . action ; his life
had been one or hardship , tel , adventure ;
and the last thing he was likely to do was ,
any cowardly or faltering real from what
seemed to' him necessary under the circumstances -
A few days before his death Mr. Lofus
had sold two slaves , all he owned , to a
planter who lived on Pearl river , thirty
miles away , receiving In gold and silver
money thereror $870. With thIs money he
Intended to take his wife and son to try
fortune In a better part or the country. But
death came ; and now Fred , so son as he
could pull hlnuelt together , naturally thought
of first finding some one to help him give
his parents decent burial.
There was but ana horse on the premises ;
for In those days oxen were mostly used for
plantation work. Ho was a wiry Ute bay
pony , tough as a knot , and exceedingly
quick-footcd. Fred _ brldlell and saddled him ,
and In a sad mood prepared for a journey In
the dark to a distant neighbor's house
He hnd covered up the dead and barred
the doors and windows ; he had even mounted
the horse before he thought or the money ,
whtch was In a buckskin bag , bidden among
some articles at clothing on a corner shelr.
With time prudence so characteristc or rront-
tier folk , he at once returned and got time
bag. Naturally . thIs treasure gave him a
feeling at danger and responsibility. He
hastily looked about for his rather's paIr of
horse-pistols. and , Indlng them , hung them
al his saddle-bow , mounted and rode away
through the night.
When ho had reached the edge or the lit-
tie clearIng In which the cabIn stood , he
heard n horse snort , amid , turIng In his sad-
die , he was surprised to see dimly outlined
two horsemen at the gate ; they seemed to
be making ready to dismount and enter the
house. Ills first thought was to return Immediately -
mediately and beg their help ; but something
checked him They were acting strangely
and a chi went through hIs blood. Intui-
ton told hIm that they were robbers and
that they bad come to take his father's
One of them went and knocked on the door ,
the other stood by. AgaIn and again the
knocking was 'repeated , then the door was
kicked In. All this passed In a few seconds.
I.'re was so scare at frt that he felt weak
anti dazed . The men entered the house and
soon a light Uashed and ho could see that
they were rtimniaging
A this poInt red's here neighed shriy ;
tIme men rushed forth II tact , they had discovered -
covered the dead man and woman . A hasty
glance made them thInk these lad ben
already murdered anti robbed and when they
heard Fred's borse they took I for granted
that Fred was the freebooter who had ben
to fast for them ; so It was Fred that thcy
noW directed their attention to
Into their saddle they leaped , pIstols In
haad. The pony , In spite of all that Fred
could do neighed again The robber saw
him amid dashed toward him at a gallop ,
shoutn , "lmahtl"
I the poor boy was scared at first , now he
was horrltej ; but he never once thought or
tamely surrendering to the cut-throats ;
frontier boys In those days , and especially
southern boys were born fghters ; every In.
stnct had been tralnell to meet danger
bravely to use every cunning , to save thmemn-
selves by nil means ; never to give up while
1 breath could be drawn or a hand lifted .
But despite his training , his instinct for
fight and the desperate need or cool courage ,
I.'rell was so scared that for a moment or
two he could neither think or act . His pony
stood still , looking al the approaching horses ,
doubtesa glad to have equine company
"Hold UII your hands I" shouted one at the
men , "or I'l blow you to the devil ! "
Time two were rllng close , side by side ,
their stirrups touchIng , their Iron spurs
jingling . They were within fIfty feet or Fred .
'fhe pony , ns I have said , was fast , and I
could , probably have outooted the heavier
horses of the outlaws. I Freti could have
gathered his wits In time to turn about and
put spur and misaim away he might ! have
run off from timem but a rigor of frIght
seemed to stiffen him II his saddle , power-
at once with the terrible malaria , and at the
less to move
"hiolti UI' your handsl'l repeated the man
who had already given the counmand
I was movl or die Fred suddenly real ed
the mortal exigency. Quick as lghtning ho
snatched up one or the huge horse.plstols ,
cocking I 8 he drew I , leveled It and fIred :
The report was almost hike that of a can-
non , and the blaze of the Immense charge
appeared to reach nearly to time men The
pony wheeled short about and almost Unhorsed -
horsed J'red. who let the pistol tall to the
And now be bethought 11m or flight .
kicked hIs pony's flanks and away bo went.
lie never looked back , lie felt that ( hIs
pursuers would scarcely hal for his hurried
from Douls county. Affirmed . Opinion
by Commissioner Irvine '
Evidence examined and held sufficient to
sustain the verdict. [
Where I tenant Is nlt obligated by hIs
lease to make any partcplar repairs a subsequent .
sequent par1 agreOment whereby certain
extensive repairs arengrited upon the landlord -
lord promising to pay ' , the' ( cost thereof above
a certain sum Is , vald and will be enforced -
forced ' , ' , wi 11-
3. In such case the. , making of the repairs
by the tenant and hlf prmlse ! to pay I por-
tion of the cost conSttute , L sufclent consideration -
sideraton for the lantllormI'mi prmtse.
4. I Is not reversible error for the trial
court to refuse to Rtrlkl out a portion of
the answer of a witness In a deposItion . because -
cause the answer stted the witness' con-
elusion as to the effect or lnngtmage used by
ing been made until the deposition was read
at the trial. .
First NatQnl1 bank , \Yymore , against
Myers et nl. App arrr m Gage c3tmnty. At-
flrmetI . OpInion bY Ohtlsloner Jlvlne :
In an acton by an attacking creditor o a
mortgage to vacnte .t ! rort age for fraud.
plaintiff pleaded that "on the 17h day of
April , 1110 , and before the levy of the attachment -
tachment S 0 'A' and 'D' can-
ve 'ed" the lanll to the mortagee This the
answer aimllrd , Hel , . that evidence that
the mortgage was not delvered until after
the levy of the attachment was Irrelevant
and foreign to the Issus ,
2. In such case a general averment In the
answer denlell In the reply that the mort-
gage was prior to all other lens does not
prevail against the peclf pleading of fact
and does not put the date of delivery of the
mortgage In Issue.
3. Amendments will not he allowed after
judgment where their elect would be to
suhistnntlahiy defense. change the cause of acton or
4. Amendments will not be allowed where
to do so would prejudice the rights of the
adverse party.
5. First National bank agalpst Myers 38
Neb. . 152 , realrmel1
Morrison against . DOggs et al. Error from
Douglas count . Reversed and remanded.
OpInion hy Commissioner Hngan.
The object of n penalty In a hood Is to
thereof. fix the limit of the liability of the signers
2. Section 1030 of the code of civil pro-
cedure males the signers of the bond or a
11efendant In a forcible detainer suit . against
whom a jud/ment of restitution has been
rendered antI who appeals , lahle11 such
judgment shal be aiilrmed-for the costs of
the suit and for the reasonable rent of the
premises durIng the UrI the defendant
wrongfully premises. withholds possession at the
3. Said section fixes the measure of dnm-
ages or the signers ' of a bond executed In
pursuance of its provisions.
4. A writing obligatory-whether I he
called a bond or undertaking-executed In
accordance with the provisions of said eec-
Uon and for the pure e mentoned therein. ,
Is not voId hscmiuse no specific sum or
money Is specIfied therein as I penalty
Whether It Is necessary to the Validity
of the bond mentioned In salll secton that
It he signed as prIncipal by the defendant
tn the judgment appealed from , not de-
6. Where a case Is appealel1 to the Ils-
trlct court and time issue I In another action
Is whether the case appealed was tried In
the appelate court /ldlng made or ver-
elct retrned , and a judgment pronounced
thereon , such Issue can he provc hy a cer-
tnell copy of the record or the proceedings
had In the case In the appellate court.
7. Gregory against Cameron , 7 Neh" , 41 :
State cv eel Stange against Cochran . 2
Neb . 98 , dlstnulthed.
J.Irj , Ull I J'JT.LTOR9. .
NORTh ! LOUP Neb" , March 17.-To the
Editor of The Bee : A number of the farm-
ers oC this vicinity are this season conshler-
Ing the advisability oC planting potatoes on
I large scale as a lemuding field crop end If
the season should prove to be anything like
1891 no better move could he mnde , even on
land above the reach o irrigation , whie
those who are siuated below the dich
would seem to be especially happiy located
for this purpose flnco It Is true that nearly
every year the Unit l Slates InpOts potatoes -
toes from the aliI , worle , especially from
Germany having last year Imported no less
than 2,80,0 hushels , amid the year previous
over 4.0,0 buimeis , It woull seem highly
dCfrahl ! that our farmel fhould turn their
attentIon toward hilling this defIciency II
our staple proeuts , whlcll seems to promise
a good profit . Imporl11 potatoes no better
than our own have beeh costing us about
50 cents hushel , And the
: eentl per statement re-
quires no proof that. It Is better for 11
Parties eoncerned-s , ta , nt this country Is
concernell-to raise pur own potatoes anti
keep our money a lite' nearer imome .
No coil Is superior to' that of Nehraska for
potltoes when we have a good season ,
anti , wih tll farmers \yho ore sa sluatlll
as to use irrigation water the seasons vlll
all be good If time natural superiority of the
aol Is supplemente(1 and developed vItii
suitable UII e. According to actual statis.
tics from jV.ley county farmers
In 1891. gIven over t Ier . , own signatures as
the sever I amounts raised hv them thlt
season , the Average was over HO bushels of
potatoes to the acre , Neither was this an
exceptional yield , impoesible of duplIcation
In the future , nor were the farmers reportIng -
Ing conlned to a email . extra fertile strip of
territory On the contrary. the Were residents -
dents of all parts of Vlley county , anti
thouKh one Inllviduat reported 300 , bushels
to the acre under the same conditions , their
success can he equaled In any favorable
season . \Vhy longer pw : an annual lubsl11y
of from $ ,0.0 to $2..0 to Germany for
potatoes while thousanl1s of acres of most
excellent potato land In central Nebraska
1f neglected anc untilled ?
The freeze which followed the recent rRln
has interfered somewhlt with plowing , hut
10 snow has since fallen II QUlntly mmutll-
cent to prtvent work and the sunny
weather now prevailing will soon put the
ground again In good condition .
E. W , DLAme.
- -
- -
. - ,
WRl Strcot HuHs and BeRr Shako Off the
Torpor of Long Doprmion.
Inlro'\1 { ' Uhh'ends Uhcountcll amiti Promise
of Worhl- \ \ lie Ihnetllsl Inlt Uiim
for I nelerlt loom tn Speculation
Along tIme 'holo LIne ,
NEW YORK March 17.-len1' Clews ,
head at the bankIng house or Ienr ) Clews
& Co. , writes at the situation In Wal street :
In \\'nl street there are the hcglnnln8s of
n strrinG among tl dry bones , 'l'hl new
conlitons Iltrouuccll by ) the s'lllcltc op-
erntons amid tIme relief Ilforltcd L ) ' time dose
ot congress hnve awakenell fresh Interctt
/111 the general aspect of the marllet Is
IHlcntvc oC nw lite . 'rhl'I'O Is n generl
( cllng thnt the chlnge or mtituatiomi removes
11\1) ' obstacles to ollerntons siuaton affords I
more delnl ! amid safer basis for emugmuge-
mcnts extellll Into the futl e , amid inVestors -
\'estors anti 811ecullerH ) mire thtefore imi-
tltmim'imig whlt seclrllct tiffot'd Ilromise or nn
early Inl.rovement In vnlle , As mlcht be
expected ntcr such I hard cxperlence so
long IJ'otrctec , thIs movlment Is checked
by n ccrtnln m'emumaimmlmig cmttmtion , and theme-
fore its effects mnlle mmd clUton glea Ihow on the
surfacc at the moment , htmL not the less
Iurel ) does I sIgnify the IJeglnnlng or me-
In values , conllenco and atm Impro\'ement
In the Present stage a comitimmtuous source
of tiepressiomm Imngs over the niatket In the
uncertlll about dlvllemlR of railroads or
CISCS or actual retlucition . This Is ni effect
of the diminished enrlngs of runny mOlths
past , Inl docs not reprllent the actual present -
emit cOldllon of the propertes. which , as I
rule , arc really In n better dlvldenl earning
posiiol now thnn durIng the period mepre-
sented hy the recent nlli currcnt tlivideniis. ,
These elec1 of had business have been dls-
connted In anticIpation , but still when the
relluclons of dl\'hlenl nctualy OCCl' the ) '
are apt to ho Itended wih some further
depressing effect . Besides this cause , theme
are also others which tend to encour e
n comir'em''atlve feeling , even emi the "bull"
side of the market , but , emu the other hanl ,
the "hears" are becoming eQual ) ' carefut
ahout their rlslls Under these cllcumstnnccs
the Improving tone oC the marltt fails to
tImid full expressIon In the volume of trans-
netiomme. I woull hc n mistake . thereole , tu
measure the future oC the nHIIet by Its
surfnce aspects at the present moment. The
Ipmlng business amid the future 11rlces must
ue estmatcd rrom the force of the new
factors thnt arc now ! nteltn tnto the , \ua-
ton , hut which are held In temporary check
hy ell distrusts anti I ' thc caution begotten
of I host oC now disappearing discouraging
comiditinna. As these obstacles wear awny
thl hew factors connected wih healthier
natonal conditions will have a fuler effect
and herein lie the reasons for expecting 1
steady de\'elolment of bullish tendencIes ,
'rhe true policy , thererore , Is to follow the
drift of this new tellenc ' .
Wall street keeps a quick eye upon the
prospects of the suggested luternatonal silver -
ver conference. 1 sees In the adoption of n
world-wide POliCY of bimetalsm the certaInty -
taInty of n material increase In the metallic
money of the commercial natonB , nod assumes -
cornea thnt In such case there wonlt be n
generl rise In values and a cousequent
speculative boom of wide dlmenslonl At
present there Is no real certainty about the
caln of such I conference but the I'roba-
hiiies sem to preponlerate largely In its
favor At such I gatimering one of the gravest -
est points of .lscusslon must he the adoptIon
of n reduced valuation of silver. What ratio
slver. \\hat rte
between the two metals would satisfy the
conservative European natons It Is not
worth while to speculate upon hut no douht
they woull Insist upon I material departre
from the present "tandalll of 15Y to 1. At
this point It becomes a mater of much re-
gret that of the delegates provisIonally selected -
lected by congress to represent this country
. In such a gathering so large n proporton nre
strongly commited to the rate of 16 to 1.
I Judging from their determined Insistence on
thIs pInt It Is not impossible that they
might ! o to the length of presenting that as
their ultimatum. though It Is to he prlsumed
that the president W01111 put In his "In-
structIons" some limitations uoon their dis-
creton , 1 Is therefore desirable that public
opinion favorIng an international method ot
settnl this question should make its Infu-
ence felt as against any Insistence upon
nroposals which the European powers might
he counted upon to reject.
I needs some explanation why the silver
leaders of the mining states so persistently
insist upon free coinage at the rate of 16 to
1. They seem to be marc than indifferent
about international action. and yet unquestionably -
tonnbly the international basis wcul afford
much more promise or stability than would
Isolated national acton , This must be clear
to any man not Und from prejudice ; indeed -
deed I ts so clear that a large proportion
of the friends of silver would probably reject -
ject free coInage upon any basis short of an
international compact. Why II the face of
these facts do the mining leaders insIst
upon national rather than international acton -
ton ? Their principal reason ts that they are
well aware that European co.operaton
would be impossible without the adopton of
I revaluation or silver more or less ap-
proxhntating this reduced mnrltet value nf
silver bullion. Thnt fay the miners , would
make Impossible the complete recovery tn
the price of silver , which Is the supreme ob-
ject they , as producers . have tn view. They
are concerned solely with the 'alue of their
outptmt and considerations affecting the
quality oC money , which mfv appear Important -
portant to mauv of their followers , have
, athing to do with the solely Iulustrlal pur-
nose which controls the mlnhlE Interest.
They conslQuenty Insist upon n settlement
that woul11 enable them to get a dollar for
37125 "rins of silver . while othel' nations
might Insist tnon valuing the metal at nos-
slbly 45 to 50 grains tn the tlollnr. Here
comes Olt the utter selfishness of the silver
miners In opposing Internatonal , free coin-
age. I IR the old , story of blind "elfshness
bar aln demanding
-sacrlclnA a good bargain by
a one.RldN1 ontract.
The general cJnltons or the country since
the adjournment of congress have materially
Improved anti have now reached I stage
where the judgment of business men wl
hereafer he the guide , instead of business
affairs dominated h ' what
being by congress
was or was not going to 10 , as heretofore
This means I great deal tn trade circles
from now onward. Conndlnce may , there-
fore , he expected to "rdualy increase and
business courage wi come back wih I.
This means I new departure , anti Instead of
the business or the country being restricted
to I retail basis , It will grllualy hroaden
and develop Into wholesale transactions on
an Important scale which Increasll conn-
.Ience and coumrmtge wi bring about hy trle
purchases being marlc ahead or wants , anti
not confined , ; for I long tme east , to a
hand-to-mouth poll ' , Buyers oC late are
very numerous In Ohio city from all parts of
the country and havl shown on inclination
to plcl up supplies that nre cheap In very
much increased qtmantities. An enlarge
mcrchnnllse business will 10 for to help the
railroads between now and' the harvesting
of the next crop The settlement of the
hlumlnous coal disserisionmi . shows "where
therc' a will therc's a Wl ) . . and the same
treatment shoulll extend 10 the anthracite
promierties. A settlemaent . thmeretore ml ' he
arrived , at soon which will he another coull
uplfed , The oulck action hy tim committee
In the reorganization : of the \Vhlsl1) trst
gives encouragement nml Is an Ivldence of
what can bo accompllhell throulh energetic
action al the part of reorganization com-
mittees . 1 Is to he honed that similar enterprise -
tprprlso will he Infu81ll Into the Atchison ,
Northern I'aciflt. Union Pacific nnll Heading
comrnitteem4 . fO that the country can derive
Ohio advantages that will come from thle
properties being reconstructed and again Jut
on their fect _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AmericAn IRlh"IY" Alvlnced AI < Mining
stocks Took I Innm.
I"NDON. March 17.-The Chmlnese Tas-
manian and Chlan Issues tended during
the week to make money somewhat iiutrmler .
The stock market \ as weak on the whol ,
hut time strength or foreign securities WIS
a special feature notably lortuuese anti
Spanish , while South American stocks were
Irmer. Wih the prospect of thl war com-
Ing to an enti , the Chinese tactics were
stronger. Humors wlre current of anothpr
Chinese loan or ! 20,000,000. home railmvay
securities were easier , TIme completion of
the syntiiemtte to guarantee tim payment of
the assessments causeti a rise in Atchilmuon ,
American securities generally mmhmowetl a bet-
tem' tone , but there vas little btmeines done.
The report of time New York Central road
was hiehil to ehuow timat a ( urtiier cutting
down of expenses is impossible. Time report
of Sir Chares Itivers'ihmmon , guaranteeing
a mlivltientl , caused a rist of 3 % mmcm cent in
Central l'ncIllc , The other Imiereases were :
Erie 2ds , per cent ; Lake Shore , 2
tier ccitt ; Atehisomi Is , 1 % per cent ; 3iilwau-
kee , Iemtver preferred , Mexican Central ,
Norfolk & Western 1(0(1 Northern Pacific
preerrel ( , I ier cen. The other showeti
tractional advances , American gaining securities -
curities vere booming.
Tramps Ihseught to l's Thmltt'ps.
NIIHItASKA CITY , March l7-Spechuml.- ( )
Four men , tramps , were arrested here last
night 0mm suspicIon of being Implicated in time
Missouri I'acItlo depot robbery at Taimmiago
Friday nlgimt. They vere trying to sell some
secommd-bantl elothmlng when arrested , Chief of time Missouri Pacific detective force
went to Taimnago last nlgh ( to see If the
clothiag could bo Identified. .
_ _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ '
s'A . - _ : .
.51' iiii ; . 'ii.zti'tes' iw izc.
( IItAND ISIANDMmureh 17. . - ( Speclrmi.-
Time flee's corresimontlOnt had ( lie plemstmro
of meeting Commuintinmit'fln timimi mnrn-
tug , The hew cemimnmniulamut is t emua.nrmum..l
veteran , who5e hiomuc' is itt I'nxton , Nob. ,
but who has in mccciii years lived 1mm Ogal-
olin , hmivlmmg been elcctctl jimuigri at Keith
coummt3' . lie was formeily a muevamaper tnmmn ,
imavlrmg estm'thlishmetl time l'nxtomi Pilot , which
iialier is mmow called tImO Klthm Cotmmit sews ,
tommimnnmmdnmmt Wilson was mu macmember of corn-
tinny Ii , I' 1fc3'-sevemithhmmtliamma volunteers.
Time hew matton , Mrs. 7Immimmuer , Is tim
widow of an oltl soltilem. I ier imomume is in
l'erkltms coutmty , SIte is mm sister of tIme sonic-
Wiiat.fatncjtms Isaac LeDoyt of itastimigs ,
Dr. Satikr , tue next surgeon , coimmemu to the
boats imighmly reconmmtmentletl , mint ommly by
mncmbet'uu of imIs owmm Party , but umlso by
TIme ouigolng otilemnis hma'e all watt thm
emutcemu of tue imummmntes. Timtim'stiay Imight
Commimmtmtmmulumit t3coviile vort pm'emtvnteml wlthm
a cimimma tea r''t of IIX ) ulcers by time veteran
initiates , Pm'eehtiemit M. 11 , lint limo of tim
advisory hearth lircsentetl it m'ithm u heat mtii.
(1 i''Stl ! , 0 till ( 'uiammc'l In tlmmm miked t 1 me
donors wmtrnily in afew vehl clmtmsemi words.
Mr. W'alhcer , tIme ntljumtant , has licen nit cx-
cehient othichnI , mmls'aymm . to ImlCtt time
re.ltmircrutL'mlts of ilmmmmrites oath mttt'ammgcrs , amid
considering time great mmmmtotmnt 01 wom'k he
Imas lund to perfurmim , imns mtlwoys boemm me.
mnat'kmmtmh3' courteous.
Dr. , Ianss liar ; ( IC'Oteti iiis entire time to
the came of time sick , miged utmuti imiihi'mmt 'et-
cramms amni mme commmplalmmtc himivu ever ttecn
hmtmtm'l , agmui mist lmIiim. I I e vi1l reman 1mm a t time
imoumme timitil Dr. Smitiler arrives and lmccomnes
mtomnewlmat acqunimmtctl with thai tltmties toll.
immg uuimmi hmlmu , lr , Jmmmmmus will go to Clii-
cage to tmtke a ftmrther cotmrse iii climmlcs.
The matromi , Mrs. Myers , has also womi time
emuteemum of every 'etem'nt. , and in fact the
whole mttlmmtinlstratiomi line beemi a snuootim
omit , , wHIm remuarkabiy little friotleum or tmmm-
plemtsmmiitmicmts ,
'i'lmertm may be two chunmgt's in time nti-
visory hoarl , Thm termums of 3ltssrs , 1lmo'mm
of llmmetimigs tmmnl 3lorgmimt of Scotia expire.
It is stateti hiy a macmatter lit the bottrtl timat
time . govemmior nitty even appoint mmmi ermttrely
iie % board ,
An immvoico was taken at tIm comniimusar3'
yestertlay , just before time itiTnirs .ot time
hmomne Were ttmrnemi ovei to Comitmmmmtmiiiant
\\'ilsmm , At tIme btghmiluimig of encim ntmam'tcr
ycar a stock ot' stmhiIilIes is lititi itt , Omily
twenty tlmmys yet remmiumin bvfoi'e Ohio begimi-
iming of nmmotlmer qtmarter , maid an idea of
how large a stock is kept on hmamiul camu ho
gairmetl froma time fact tImid flmiiomtg time itemmiti
Oh hmmnil nrc 115 houniis of hitmtter 350 ltotimmils
mmaVy beamimu , 220 motmnds , cr.tckcrs , 1,25O Imoummiuls
iioumr , P.17 poummtls hunni , : ioo ixitmmmtls otmtrmtenh ,
1,545 lotmnds grmttitmluutetl strgztr amid lIt )
lioumids mtinoking muid chewing tobacco.
' ( 'hue hamuie farm. now Immis iteaul
of cattle anti forty-sevami hcn'l of liege.
Thto iarm departmnemit line beemm a'ery lirtimlt-
mibht , in time last few years , mmotvltitsttndimtg
the drouthi ,
A very pretty paimttlmig ndornmi the mmommthm
valh imi the otfiec of tIme lmomtte. It is the
libeture-amiti it is saitl to be a. very trtme one
- ot one of 'tIme first imoitsee itt Nebraska ,
that of Jitnmnle , the scout.
Inmates Allait Soper , George 'I'hmomuipson ,
Elms howell , Chimmries Cot'wimi , Mielmach antI
Itonchu have takemi furloughs for time sumn-
Inmate Ira G. Schinul of Broken how has
bet'tm very sick durimig the bst week and is
still quite low.
inmmtate D. II. Stout , who has licemi visiting
in Missouri , mueckimig to recover lost health
at some sirlmigm' , was bm'otmgimt hack to time
hiortie by btmrgeon Jumimme last week.
Cotnmttmmtiant Scoviliar.d Athjtmt'mntVaiker
taku with them upon their r'etiremuic'nt the
esteem and confidemice of every Initiate , as
vell as of every business maria with wimoumm
tiiey came itt contact. Tlmey have managed
the hmoune successfully.
Mrs. 3 [ , Hiker , a widow Inmate , hums gone
to Kansas to make lmer hommie pet'mnamtemttly
with sonic' relatives.
Ex-Commandant Scoville line taken up his
residence in thts city temporarily ,
As soon as relteved by Mart howe , Adjutant -
jutant Walker vill return to Pawmiee
county , his former home.
1)ISO USFS TI11 C011.iION C'IT1ZIf ,
LINCOLN , March 17.-To the Editor of
The Bee : If there is any one part of tIme
squabble engaged In by tIme iegielature at its
regtmlar biennial meeting wiiiclm is more
fruitful of disgust or more trying on the
nerves of a common citizen titan the engineering -
gineering tltrotmgim of time appropriation
bills it has not come to lIght dtmring tlt
present session. There is , as usual , time two
sides to the questiomi. A , glance into either
of the two ItalIc at any time thmring time
hmours of business wIll reward the party
making the effort with a sIght of state othi-
cers , clerIcs janitors , frientis and rimat not
all engaged In a hot pursuit of sonic pat
scheme for private gain , or , what is equally
cheerful , busily at work on some latmdabbe
project that will prevetit the mmeigitbor
across the hall fromn obtaining witat ( lint
person thttnk is necessary. W'lmat might any
one man or miny set of men have to untler-
take to hay dnvmu regumlations for time man-
agc'ment of another 0111cc or department , to
witichi there line beemt elected by the stiff-
rage of the people one vim is competent , or
at least jutigeti to be coutipetent , to mmmmiage
time affairs of that bronchi of the govern-
maCnt , It is hiarti to mtnderstaad. Vhat cx-
cumue camt be offereti for a course of condtmct
that , beginning in ( lie right , line developetl
trmto a jealousy timmtt is chlltlish amid constantly -
stantly irompts a motldhimug dIsposItIon , amid
the incessant poisoning of the inimitle of parties -
ties Wito asIc miot for the outgrowth of
mnontiis of sItying into others' affairs , butt
do ask a good sound business opinion , it is
agaimm iuaril to understantl.
To see time various state officers arrayeti
agaimist each other. erocim fighting for an ob.
ject expressed in dollars , amid in lime form of
Li donation ptmre antI simple , over the just
amounts already etabhislmed by the past see-
clone , makes omie feel sick , to use the coin-
nmon parlance. Of all the entet'lrises , mmside
from those engaged in by that perfect
schemer , Allen , limbs petty vnm-fare mmnmolmg
time state oiilcers over tIm nrprotriations ,
with tue motto. "Everything for us anti
nothimig for you , " does cap time climimax. Wity
don't some man get tired of all Ohmic wire
hulling , out of which time memitbar imelps
hut caitnot be helped , amiti stop stmclt sickening -
ing sights as miii entm1ity oiilcc withi time
clerIcs adjourneti in a bomly to the tmpper
corridors cxem'ting every energy mimi mielmig
mmcli argmmmnents as : "If you don't approiri-
ate the money sonic of us will lose our
jobs , " to bring about ( lie mhllennimmtn of of-
lice huoltiere ? 3lmmy we Ito hiessetivitlm a
speedy atljourntnent : we need it as mmmli as
we need rmmin.Vc need more uirighitmiess iii
otir state officials ; we need macn that will
always lie ncttiated by tIme Imest interest of
time commonwealth , anti mmot jealousy ,
It is mmot time tuna rhmo is most facile Pt
the accommodation of huB vIews to tiite of
others that is time one we wnmtt , anti it is
not time man who agrees Itt every extreme
of reform , iuo.cahieti , that will hiemut serve time
state , Give tue fearlessness to tie right , hitit
give also udgntent unblasmd by any jealousy
of others mtmccecs.
The last forty ears of grain that the com-
ntissiomi inaml in the elevatoi' mit i..immcoln were
sent out just In time to renichi time .lroutlm
sufferers before the snow storm of 'i'hut'stlay ,
For all ftirmds dimthiursetl tue commitisslon
takes receipts in tlullicitte onm blutimics lIre-
pam'etl for timat Imurpose , one copy of wimiclm
accomnipaimlemt time tnomititiy report to the eec-
retary of state amid the titimer Is kept in time
0111cc mis a voucher for , time hioolcs ,
From March 1 to date tIters maya lieen
orders plaeel ( for siuipotent of time following
articles : 190 tons o ( flour , St4 bits corn-
ameal , 51 iimtrrols of hmoniiny , 25 ( mOO imountis
mmmnoked extra short' clear side bacomi , 1,300
Pounlc ( colfee , 11 barrels rice , 150 barrels oat-
mouth , 32,227 liOUflilS beans , 1,750 paunmis tea
sittings muiti 20 cars of coal.
Ionated ctnpphlcs Inmve : mtlmont cemsetj cotmu.
ing in and time ccmmimlm'ion is 'x.ow pur'imasinig
about all of thu i.tmiipiies timntt rmm e Stunt to
tim 'routhm.stricken ' district. 'rlmey go out
into tine immurket ammd receive blue for all
goods ricedeti. antI time older goes to tim low-
emut hjimltler , By ( lila coniltetltinn time very
lowest prices are obtuimieti , Lust week a cmmr
bail of beans were hiougimt at tim timmlmenmrti of
Price of $1.20 tier bushmel Tlmiim is time los'est
quotation on beans ever made in Nc'iiraskim ,
'flue Nebraska State iteiicf comnrnismuion Is
coinrmnsed of time fohiowilmg gm'mitientert : W
N , Nmteon ' Omaha , president : Rev , I. . I' ,
1..utltlen , I'irmcolmi , secretar ) ' ; J. Ii. Mcdlay ,
Lincoln , treasurer ; 11ev , Joselmim 'I' . 1)uryemt ,
) ) .n. , Onaimmm ; 1' . J. ltrrmst , Lincoln ; J , W.
hartley. Jtncoin ; A. J. Sawyer , Lincoln ;
Henry Spriele , Fontanelle , and S. 13. 'l'lmomp-
eon. Broken how. The finance committee Imt
composed of C , J. Ermist , chaIrman ; A , J.
Sawyer anti henry Sprick , and tIne purcimas.
ing committee is 15. 11. 'I'imompsofl. chairman ;
J , W , hartley and W. N. Nacon.
T. ci- .
i4omtai _ tlcmitn Aye , , gsmmsas CiiyMtz
. ! ' . -
ErT. -11iw ]
iiic'ia's ' i'i
how an Ornithological Enthtniat Sittnt
Winter's Day in the Black Hills.
I.umeky Strtmchc by ( ilaammco and Followed
by is Good Shot acl liiimi front
Seriotma hharmim ammul 1ett time
E'rle Umiprotcuteml.
WimlIa spending a winter in the Black hula . '
two years ago time writer itati tilt ndvenmture '
which , wimlie strictly speakirmg It does not
comne ummmtler the heath of oumt-ot-door sports ,
yet might prove of imiterest to timose Interested -
terested iti ormmlthmolng ) ' anti Its brammehes.
A cattle mamm fromim time foot lull country near
Ilermuosa , clmnmccti to comae Into the batik at.
it- City one .iay in Marcim , anmd wlmiio
givimig us 000mo bits of miows fromim timat to-
glomm , iticitlehitzmhiy told its of an eagle's mmest
that iio imatl passed ott imis way imp to our
' 'cammil ) . ' ' lie % m'ent Oil to say tlnat time eagles
hmntl umesteti on a certaimm cliff for sonic years ,
anti tlmat owimm to time almost itmaccoesllmihity
of tlmelr cyrie , they hnii mmcvcr been nmo-
hosted. having mmmyself once ( mcmi ami egg-
collector , I felt qumito a rettmrmm of mmmy formmier
ommtlmtisiasmmi at hmis accoummmt , tumiti ( irtermulnell
to try to reach tIme mucet , If emily for thm
excitenictit comimmectetl with time ummilertakimtg ,
Aceorthitigly , I ohtmimmt'tl heave of : mbscmmco
fur a few .tnys , ntitl lmmmvimmg ctilistti may
friend , Mr. B- of ( ilmicago , In time enter-
lirise , cli time fuhiowimug iimornlmmg we set out
for tim sotmtlmermt foot utIle anti the eagle's
miost. 'e ere vehi provideti far all emmier-
gemmcbes , hnvimmg Imi ( lie bumckboar I , in atitil-
tiomi to a iitemmtiftml suppiy of food nimd m oboe ,
our rifles amid revolvers , muevcril hmtmtmdrtti
feet of rope , a pair of clinibimig Irons and
a prosliector'mt bag ,
A otmr tiestination was distant tlmirty-flve
mimiles , amid tlme mimoumitmmtmm roatis , at imo linac
tIne smuotlmest , were themm hatliy cmmt tiI ) by
sprIng freshuets , we tirovo thiraimglm t'miiy as
far as a ' 'catnip' ' just imeyonimi the mnommmitalrme
amid ' 'immt mlii' ' for tIme mmiglmt.
TIme next mnormmimtg we took a early start
anti , vltlm better roamis ammd fresh lmorses ,
travelemi tlmo few remminining mmtlles in a couple
of hnommrs , amnmi about 9 o'clock caimie iii sight
of the mmest. Time ' 'eovpmmnclmer' ' lath , 1mm-
detl , spoken tIme' trtmthm itt smyimig timat tIme
cym'io was imard to emliliroacli. '
.A Immige "butte" rome 500 or COO feet imp
fromit ( lie lilttifl , its slties so steel ) as to be
almost liredlpltotme , wimile on time itio roarest
a creek , which we lutti folbowetl fur everat
miles , was a himimestone clIff sheer up amid
dowmi for nbotmt 300 feet , Abotit ImaIf way
LII ) Its face , on a ledge , Was tIme nest , a
great black object , that conmtrastcd strangely
with its ye1iovieim-wiuite backgrottnmmi.
We took 1mm time situation and naturally tie-
citied to ascend time butte to a point directly
over time nest. So , after unimitcimimig and.
tetherIng the bronchos amid taking out oumr
parapimernahia , we vorkcd our s'ay around
tIme bmmtto to a side tuomnewlmat less steep titan
the greater part. of It amid began the ascent ,
and after half arm ouir's stmmmnbuimtg anti slip-
iilmig amnong ( ho icy rocks , scrub lilacs aimti
cacti ve fomimmd ourselves abort time cliff , anti ,
as micarly anvo could jumilge , directly above
time nest. Ilere fortunately , tIme small ,
gnarled trees were thIck , affording us a
nteans of support ,
In the meamitinto we lund only mmoticcd onme
of time eagles , a : niomistrous birti , tlmat slowly
sailed aroummti a little above ommr heads , but
hail n9t as yet slmwd ammy sIgns of imostility.
My' frieiitl umow proceeded to tie one emmd of
time rope secimrely around may clmcst ; then ,
running ( Ito otimer end arommna a stout scrjmb ,
imo braced hImself flrmmily arid stood ready
to "pay otut" LImo rope as mieeded. Thus so-
cureti against any probahile mmccidcnt , I care-
fumily mntde nniy way down to time emlge of the
cliff amid firOti mmmy revolver. ' 1)lrectly the
otlmer eagle came soaring out frommi tim cliff
amid began circling around , givlmmg vent to
slmrill screamas or wlmtstles. We both now
conclmmded that probably time bIrds would not
venture to attack us , and so B- got reatiy
to lower mao over tine edge. If the birds
shmould not prove hostile everythlng'poijmted to ,
stmccess , for Mr. B- is a nato of greni
strengthm anti thme rope was warranted , So ,
first seeing timat my bag was sectmred and my
revolver in easy reach , , i gave lmini the word
and in anotimer nionment was ( tangling In the
air , I at once found timat time cliff sltelved
in alimmost from time top , and as in mnost places
I could not toucim tine rock , I soon began t'
spin slowly aroimnd , whIch did mmot add to
my conifom't. I lmali never forget tIme fIrst
sensation ot time muoment , Timoimghm I was
positive that there was little or no absolute
danger , yet I was in some way far from
feeling secure. Stmppose that the strands of
time rope sbmommltl wear away by the friction
agaitiet time slmarp edge of the cliff , or that
hit sonno way B- should for a moment
lese hiis hold , or If this or that-and therm
I \voulti "brace" and try and think of something -
thing else. First , just tIme bare vall of the
overimanging clIff and timen a momentary view
of thm surrounthing cotmntry and timen a hur-
m led look below mae , wlmcre I now caugimt a
glInnipso of tine nest on a broad , fiat ledge ,
still some ways down. Thus I must have
gone' miown a Imundretl feet armd was just con-
gratmmlating myself upomm an approacim to at
least temporary safety , when I
siutimlenly lmcard , close at imanni , a tremendous
flaplilnig of wings anti time next nmontent I re-
ceit'eti ( so it seememi to mumy excited senses ) at
least a score of lmeavy blows on time Imead and
simoultiers , accomapanled by several fearful
mmcratchmes umpon nny head amm.1 neck , I Imati
been hmolding time rope with bothm Imminds , but
now , instinctively , I dimcked nay imead under
one Imanti nmntl arrmi antI with ( lie other
grabbeti may revolver , I tlaro rmot look up ,
iinmt realizing may somitewlmnmt dangerous posi-
Lion I swtmng time revolver , butt etmd up ( and
It was a very lmeavy one ) , violently back arid
fortim above my imeaml for a mmiomerit , receiving
at time snmtmnc tlmimo a blow on tIme hand from
one of the eagles' talons , , Timis irovod to be
time best niiove I cotmld Imave mnuatle , for it
drove timemni back , anti , l000cimmg carefully uj , I -
took a hmurried aimmi am'mti succeeded imm "mirop-
iilnmg' ' one of time birds , wimicim friglmtcnmed time
other ormo away ,
Meammwimllo mny friend , Ignorant of time true
state of affairs , had continued to lower me
anti just as I terminated tItle strange on-
cotnnter I felt amy feet toucln tIme ledge , antI
after resting a little I worketh my way along
to time nest. It was a Imuge affair , fully '
timreo feet imlgim and as macny in diameter. anti
i'itH comistu Ucteti of sticks of various sizes ,
sonno of timeni amm timick as one's wrist , but
dwimmdllmng 1mm size to etmiahl twigs at time top.
It was almnost blat , cc'amnthly lined witim ltieces
of haric mtjmil fentimers frormm time breast of time
feunalu birml anntl contaimmeul time eggs , The
eggs , fIne spcclmmtemms , wimiclm I have still in
miy collection , rneastmred 4m/x2 % Imicimeri , arid
vero of a crcanim colored imue , irregularly
marked witim remidisim browmm bloteimes. 'SVeli ,
to bring time story to a close , titter securing
tlme eggs I gave time signal to ho raised anti
flmnahiy rencimemi terra ( Irma once moore , But
a sammy looking rtighmt , witim coat. amid collar
soakeml witim blooti broom time scrmmicimes on my
neck and imeami , antI large strips of skin torn
from mtiy lmanmi. After timis we soon made
otmr way down ( Imp butte antI secured time
esgie , It proveti to ho a fume slieclunen of
time Golmienm Eagle , well mmiarketi and mmteasureml
7 feeL 10 ittclmes frommm tip to tip , Therm , starting -
ing for imonmue , we reacbmcd time "camp" just.
after ( lark , tirm.I . ammd imummgry , but well pleased
witim our two days' outlrmg aruiormg time "toot-
lmlhls , ' ' J , B , 0 ,
. 4
' , M ARGIN Numtmstcr ( whn booklet ext
m4peculattomm otm mmmsy have
T RAJI"G read segei icr emirs wimieht I.
a' NIW anmd Cfl'1i'LETi. Is
Biorm. It's free rmmmtl s'il1 Occult lou 5OmmmCthm1n , Buy
50mm , wheat and cor.i before tile bi , iLim'lnr lid-
Vance , A , U. ) IOOAS'L' CO. , f2 ¶ Lrstlars I31U ,
Cbtcao ,
- ' . - . , - - , , , . :