, . ' . . . . , . ' w : m a. . . : . : THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. , . . . I " , I . ES'l'AULISIIJj1J ) JUNE 17 , 1871. OMAhA , MONDAY MORN13kiuion : 18 , 1895. SINGlati COpy FIVE CJDN I S. _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ I SIX THOUSAND UNDER ARIS Armed Insurgents Scattered AU Tbr13\gh the Easter Part oi Ouba a GOVERNMENT SUPPRESSES TiE TRUTH ExprcIouR ot 8111'Ith1 lor Ihe JluurscntR C Jertnln to IIRult lhnRtrust1 to the , l'erRon Who Ilnl' < I TIietn-SpnIfihi : Decas Challed "R "lcorIIR , l { Y WEST , Fla" , March 17.-Tho ful dear an' ' ) truslvorthy statement of the con- diLlon of affairs In the caster end of Cubl Is lronght ly n pa8senger on the stcamer flacotto. "I have traveled throughout the mountainous 11strict constantly since the trouble began , " saId he , "am ) matters are now In n much worse comlton ) than at the beginning. The fighting started In a dcsu- ) tory nnl sentered fashion , lut the forces gralunl ) ) ' became crYRta1zed and there are now fully 6,000 Insurgents under arms. They are II n dozen or more detachments but are giving the government 10 end of trouble. In many cases the Spanish troops have been beaten back with hoary loss. The most deplorable feature of the warfare Is the pH- aglng ] and buring , The Insurgents have , gained confidence slnco the beginning ot the trouble and maters In the easter district are In almost as bad condition as during the war at 18G8 "N w leaders are springIng up , and by force of their Intellect and ability they have Induced the Insurgents not to boll oft longer for the arrival of toallers. The general opin- Ion II Santiago Is that It the Insurgents can hell out till summer the yellow fever will ] Ith' them greatly. I Is said both nabl anil , Masse ara coundent of taltng Santiago before October. The Spanish troops are guarding 4a every road and nobOly Is allowed to pass without giving the strictest account at him- self. 1 Is as much as a man's life Is worth In santiago to talk In favor of the Cubans or tel the truth. Several persons have bean shot on account of an expression of opInion. "Instances where the Spaniards were (10- fented have been publshell as government victories. .I'our Spanish cruisers were lu the harhor of Santiago one week ago but now there arc but two guarding the easter coast * Q1d one the southern . " The passenger also said the revel would kill busIness In Cuba for two years. Money I already scarce. and prices are high. A a panic Is feared. 1 seams 10 be the genera ] ImpressIon nmon the Sp.liards that the United States feels bitterly toward tile Span- % W Ish government , 111 ( would ] lit nothlns bet- ter than to seize the Island. hence their L hatred of the Americans. Nothing official has been received of the report of the SpanIsh cruiser firing on the Alliance. 1 Is understood that tile SpanIsh ofcials In Havana claim that the Ailanca was within three miles of the shore , and t that the cruiser had a right to sink her on I her refusal to halt. ' ' 'AM 'A. Fla. . March 17.-The reports at' ' the 'rogresso. a Cuban steamer that arrlve.l tonIght , give credence to the uprising In the eastern department and state that much ac- tviy exists among the Spanish troops on the entire Island. Thirteen Prisoners are re ported In the prisons of havana. San July and Aguirre are being tried by civil court as required by Consul Williams , and It Is be- hieved they will be freed ahtegather. although - though It Is asserted that should San July be Tdeased his life weld be J ' peril. . The Cubans bad a recent engagement with . Spanish ' troops In the outskirts of Ba'amo. The alTraylasted two o lrs.nnd 300 SpanIards were klelt and wounded. ' : ; The Cubans gave , an entertainment In Ybor ! city , the proceeds being for the tr asury. of the revolutionary party. 'flle house was ' : : erowded. ' , pr..niB 1\V ALL ItEI1N I WEI.L ' , UD. a 4 - r "I ; ban ovolutonlUs ! Ilno nncn J'rcpnrln. ! fil the I'rei4ii.t 'r"\Alu * fur Yr- . , JACKSONVILLE . . . F.a. , March 17.-Extrts ' from a special to the Florida Citizen from a Key West say : With MardI , Gomez and Co- laz In the cast ; with the Insurrectonists ala - a ready In possession at the Vueta Abajo district - a trict of Cuba , Spain Is confronted by n turbn- " hence which she knows from experience must result In the death of many faithful subjects and the loss of a large treasure The forces , now at work have been gathering strength twent.lve years. On the defeat nf the rising of 18G8 , the Insurgentf fed from the Island and made their homes In the United States and the Spanish speaking republics at South and Central AmerIca. In these homes of x- lIes . revolutionary funds were opened and regular contributions were made until In New York alone $3,500,000 was on hand , and the cIgar makers ot Tampa and Key West were , pouring Into the fund at the opening or hos- i tites $ 3OOO a day. Jlseph Mart wIth his I ohlet residence In New York , was head ali I front ot the secret operations. Marti's plan wal primarily to gel some email , fast steam vessels for transports to' Cuha ; 'ho rising was to he In several ! laces at once and emissaries - saries In SIlILIn the lllplnes ) andPorto Rico were to Inclo insurrectIon. The failure of Donlen's expeditIon belayed the beginning ot hostilities several weels. The I.Gonla ! , which II one of the fastest vessel - sel In the country and whose 'speed ' caused Dorden to charter her , was to cruise In Cuban waters and to occaI"II ) ' shIp Into thl Island a Cuban leader or a company or recruits rron' Forte H o , Santo Domingo , Ilayti , Jamaica , Venezuela or Costa Hca and points In Fior- I ha , where clubs at Cuban revolutionists or from 110 tl 200 members each bad been I formed ' , all who stood realty to go to Cuba to take UI ) arms agaInst Spain , The day set I by lrt for the revolution to break forth was ' February 22 , Waihiigton's , birthday , and nil 'I arrangemcnts were made to that end , but the failure of Borden's part of the program knocked all other Illans out of lne , for besIdes destroyIng blmullnools operatIon , It pre- vented the landing tn Cuba of some ten or twelve Important leaders , and at the lowest estimate GOOO mcii The Mart plan further provided for ( the organIzation of clubs or sinai ) companies or a 150 ; to 200 men , who were to be ready for a bushwhackIng warfilre. 'fhese men were to bo lanlel on Cuban soIl . leaders to tale coni- mand , and march from place to place , pickIng - Ing ull recrui s , Tills project has been fairly ) ' successful. The fightIng 60 far has been done under the conl1nll ( of General Santos lurez and Henry lrooks , two able leaders. tioivez Is already at ' IUIIII. and Mardi Is gathering forces , anti I Is believed that the hag of revolutIon 18 to be unfurlcll shortly In full view at havana where the fnal ItrUlllo Is to take place. By that tme every effort will he mode by the Cubans to.have oil their forces II hand . { uaYlar , In 1'uerto Principe provInce. has been Ill lgnated aR the place for the final nrgniizatIon % : or thin republIc , 11 ] for. mlton ot 1 democratIc : form of government I the revolutun 8ucccfls. . Un' , lirniolirreled ' fur "mhrnllm."t , lA''WISON , N , J. , March 17.-Rev. I. N Ilinson rector ot the Halet Memorial tem. 1)la at Broultway 110(1 Strath street , this city . was arrested on FrIday , charged with ( . heth'ment. 'fha urrest \UI kept quiet a 11 the rabbi Wil released 01 hli to await reqiIsIIon % ' ) Upeie ( cool VIIIII1(1elphIa ( or Council 11ul" , Jalhl lensCI formerly Pruc- tced law In Council 1 u 1' where ho \ was given n cllim of s 1 : ; 10 cll'I1t by Abraham , Hirsch & Bros of PhIladelphia. He claims to' hav" collected only IL IllIrt of the monl ( ) ' Willie . lUNCh Urol , chains the whole amount WIS colected. ! . ' 11'101 Hid Not Bruch TIJpl'I'Irrlal" . TAMPA ' la" . ' ' . " , March 18.-'fu'llr , th 111- econdlng South Ialwta trelsurer , whom 1 was Inlyell. said would arrive here tonight , has not , , Ex-llawshhsi , Ulel,1 I Itt11 . In I "lr , SAN J n"NCJSCO , March 17.-Arthur Pelerson , ' Itorney general or , If\val under thu monarchy , diell In thll city lute lust Itlh t - ) ' - - , l'lW.lC o.HI.IST,1 l"IWHI TO UUIT. 1'rotat ot the Prlu Jelresentatvc8 JrlngR In n Crl.I. MADRID , Mach 17-The Spanish mlhls- try has resigned In consequence of the trouble - blo In the Chamber or Deputies yesterday , when ni the reporters withdrew from the house ns a protest against the ofcal dc- fens made by the minister or war of the ofcers who attacked and ] wrceked the office of EI Glob the organ of Senor Castehiar. 1 ha probable Field Marshal Martinez Cam- pos will form a new cabinet. The ministers decdet : to resign at a councIl this ennlng. Senor Sagasta subsequently - quenty went 10 the palace and handed the resignations to the queen regent , who accepted - cepte(1 ( them. I Is expect ell that Marshal Martinez do Campos will form a new o1bl- let , Senor Slgasta has declared ] It Is his IntentIon not to resume the premlHshlp. The HemMo will tomorrow Fay that Marsha ] de Campos will lake command of the troops In Madrid ] befoe he forms n cabinet. General Bermulez , ReIns , the milItary governor or Madrid ] , It wi be recalled ] . resigned that po- slion yesterlay , The HeralJo will further say that while the councIl was sitting tonight . night a deputatIon of milItary officers pre- sentel itseif. I Is not known whether this officers were sUlnmolel1 by General Domin- guez. the mInister of war , or came of their own accord , LONDON , March 17.-A dispatch from Madrid to the Standard says that time govern- lent Is only able to count upon the support or the polcc , the civil guard having deelnel ] to act against the young officers who took part In the riot at the olces of m Globo. The spirit of the garrison shows that almost nil the ofcers' sympathize with the young rioters. There Is great exciement In the city. No such military eontct has been seen silica the restoratIon or the monarchy. The dispatch alhl3 : "The queen regent Is mnmihi affected , Senor Sagasta and his ooleagues , wih the exception of the minister ot war , decided to resign dIrectly they were apprised of the feelIng among the military. I has been learned that the military deputatIon that visited the council formulated conditIons that no goverment could accept. A constitutional crisis Is on. According to the milItary code , those who slander the army through the press ought to be tried by court- martial , when , according to the press laws , such maters ought to be submitted to a jury The supreme court decled In favor ot civIl precedure despite this. The minister at war clnformlng to the desires expressed by the officers ot the garrison , proposed to the cabinet - net that a court.mnrtal be summoned to try the cases. A majority of the ministers representing ' resenting the cvi clements opposed this pro- , . cedure whereupon Prime MinIster Sagastn de- cared It was Impossible for him to continue longer In 0111cc. All the ministers then tendered . dered their resIgnations. Marshal Campos assumed - sumed command of the garrison tonIght. TAJO INTEREST 1i lrlmt M..SONILY. : ' Special SeriaIca hold In a Church In thn pocnl . 1 ( 'It ) of I.ondon , LONDON , larch IG.-Noneonformlsts are beginning to take an Interest In Free Ma- sonry. The special masonic service held by Rev W. J. Dawson of the Ilghbury Quadrant church , London , last week was very success- ful The edifice was crowded. Even the pulpit stairs and passages were thronged , and large numbers faIled to obtain admis- sion. I Is stated that this Is the first time there has ever been a parade at the craft In a nonconformist place of worship. This church , It may be ot Interest to note. Is fitted wih a telephone , which not only transmits to distant hearers the sermon , prayers ant music but also makes a colecton , just as If the hearers were In the building. . On this occasion the preacher announced that his Invisible audience had contributed $ i.50 toward - : ward the mission , : orle ot the church. . , Jai " Coptlrl'Al time ( hlrMe Suppimi'i. ( \ . PARIS , March 17.-A Shanghai dispatch I states that . the Japanese army at Nv I Chwang captured all the supplies or pro- viSon ! , etc. . which were Intended to that Ihe Chinese three months. They also hold mdl the other rorts from which Hupples cold arrive. ' rort ( the Chinese troops 1\ Munchurla will be compelled either to yield or king. to speedily retire In the direction of 1e. king.I Is reported at Shanghai that the Drlt- Ish Mediterranean squadron Is goIng to the cast. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inmhort ( 'll "nt to the 11"11111" . LONDON March 17.-Tho Paris corre- spondent of the Daily News tales for granted the betrothal at Princess Helene ot Orleans daughter or the late count at Paris , to the Iulto or Aosta , nephew of King Hum. hert and says that the wedding wi tale place privately In Eniand The royalists are excited over the report or the betrothal. A dispatch from Home to the ChronIcle says that Icing Iulb rt bait given hla consent to the marriage , and the IJOpe does not o jcct. 6pIllnl. u.r."t thH Nmttlva. MADRID , March 17.-Advlees from Ma- nOa are to the effect that the Spanish ' forces under the command of General Sar- mdo have defated the Malay ; IIRsulmans nt MilfllflflO. Tile enemy lost -IOS 1lcd , In- eludinG the sultan of llnelalo and hIs son. The Spanish ioss wal two 0lcer8 and lit- teen men killed , and twenty-one olilcers anti olcers anl t72 men wOumithetI. 'Ihe Slmnlu'ds captured tour cannon al1 a iiunil.er or rules. l'url-'hrln iiilcs Ittq'nwernl , TROIPAU , AustrIan Siesla , March 17.- I.'orty-three bodies have been recovered from the JoheJgcn mine. Reports yesterday - day ot a disastrous xploston anti lire were received and u number oC miners are un- accounted for . Arehlulw , Frederick owner or the mile , will laY a pensIon of 10 harms each to the vitlows 'I he widows und orphans will alao receive a Pension from the Miners' Uene\olent funti. lu.slnn "hll" ' Urelorell to tin I l'micIlIc. LONDON , Mardi 17-A dispatch from St. Petersburg ea ) ' ! It Is reported that alt the Busslal Medierrnean ftundron has been ordered to the Pacific to he In reallless to make a Iloslt\o demonstration In concert with Great .llall In rlgard to the Japami- demammde Clmimiit . ese demrlds on Chlnl. l'omItm , \1 l'roloet the ChIrlMtIaIIN. CONS'l'A N'i'lNOI'Ld. March 17.-The porte replying ) to 1 protes from Sir Phiip CurrIe , the British minister , assured hIm measures woull be taken to protect Chris- tahoe In Asia Minor The Porte has also assured the American minister to the same effect. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I "uulorbt , "Icltrrh'ca at atmrpliies. , I MARSglLI , March 1T-\V. K Van- der l'a steam ) 'a'ht Valaut unlved hel' " today with the body of 1.'Ily ' , Mary Alva Montague . the twIn dauHhlr : or the lucheS5 ot Anlehsttr , who ) dIed In Home on 1"11- day last. _ _ _ _ _ _ ( ; " "UIIIII A rehll.hola nilt l"hop I I . ROME . March 17.-A consistory will beheld held tomorrow It which thc rope will lIre- Jope wi Jre- canonize slxty.flvu archbishops anti bishops , Including ( ) Irchbl , hot ) of St. oonlfaee , Canada , and the UlbhL'p $ oC 8t. Johns. "rep"rutons " fur . lime llrh UI Irlon , . YOI Ol.IA , March 1.-I Is oleialy annolnced that Prince Komltlu has been olertd to time front ns commun er.ln-thlef oC the Irm . which I Is Inton.tel . bhal ) mnrch on to I'pklng , % WrrckR frol I'I'a 1Icicitp , MAnRID , March 17.-A' qmimtntlty at Cresh wrecIog . IHIIIlSelf ) to . from the missing Htlnl Htentl' , has C010 ashore nt 'l'urlfl. All time ltarcl 1 for the vessel have been fruItless , _ _ _ _ _ _ C'nlrit I."t.r Iitim nr JIIICIi' , . IEHf.IN , March 17.---Biiron von - Shoer. h'I'nel'-\ t. the 10tp1 centrist leader , whoRe Illness frMI Inllle1a : was announced In tlS < 1 \ntchel yesterday , Is dead. Ilaq' 1:11'1 : lny Him fur lu1nr. WIChITA , Kan. . March -Qtmite u stir was cauict1 ) In Iloltcal circles herc tonight II ) ' the InnOUlement thaI 1irs. : Iary Ellen hease woulll be nlJllnaltd ( oi' mayor of WIcllu tomolTOW by u clzln , , ' cciii iillttte . 10 lak" the flma'fliaity light Icalnst , the regular retlhlcal puiiitflee. , I shp accept . un' I Is south shu \ \ III , the 10lulstl , the d'molrIE. time Women 111 ; the llroimlbitien. prohibiton- lets wi hark lice In the llglit cliii , WOI'n 11t ulrta.I ' talln I10nt ! elful "urrGI t orators or natonul reputulon 10 rome her 1111 hold a rally every nIght 1111 the cam- maIgmm II " lmled. A hot two w\\k ' campaign j Is locked ( or . \ \ : TALES TOLD BY A REFUGEE - Only Three FnmiHes Remain Out of n Village of Seventy Houses , ARMENIAN WOMEN rOUGH r WIT THE MEN W 'cro Abho to Brat hack the U.urlt8 but Turithali Troop " Were TOO NUUHOU -Conliriimcd he ' \'or8t 1111rt of the ? llngsacre . Ins8ncrc. : LONDON , March li.-Tho following letter has been received from the special caere- spondent or the Associated press who Is examIning Into the Armenian atrocities. The letter , which bears date of Iars , February I 28 , says : An ArmenIan refugee [ has just nr- rived here , after many dangers aU ] Priva- thonc . since his escape ) from his home al Sas- soun. ills name Is Marto. Ito Is a shepherd - herd , 20 years at age. Ho said : "I nm the semi of Stephnn. Our famIly Is called Netho. The name of our village Is Axlibi In my nclghborhood there was also the villages of Khatan , Hetng nod Oncbar- ash. My village , Axhbl , consisted of seventy - enty honseS-nOI\ lhero remaIns nol [ single man , not n single house ; all Is destroyed , ; the people are all killed save thrao families. In my family were nine mcmbers. My father was the most considerable man In ho : village. There were In [ I four men In QUI fsmily. My father was lie most courageous and was al the head of the firing. At tll order of time Val , Kalamedan , Sassoun was attacked by a very great number or Kurds. The Kurds assailed us like wolves , bIt they could not conquer us , since not only we men took part In the fighting , but all time women.-even the oh ones-as my mother , tucked u ; their clothes , armed themselves with daggers amid helped us to fight the Kurlls. ' ' \ ent.ono : days continued our battle. We beat amid were heaten. lImit wo showed no sign of Iefnt , or intentIon to retire from the battle. 'Vhen Intenton retre le. we had succeeded In killIng ] . 010 lIt the Kurds , Yal Pash and Yal Kalamedan sent many regular troops-how many th.'re \1 e 1 do not know ] , maybe GOOO , 11Jybe 20000. One thing Is very certain , there remained no place wihout some solllers , They placed cannon and began to fIre. The women fainted ! anl their shells created much terror , death and destruction. destructon. TROOPS SHOWED NO ERCY. "Troops wished to show mercy to nobody , not even to time chIldren or to the old men. The shells as they burst mowed down all : before them , as grass before a seytho. We lied . amid began to seek refuge In our rocks and caverns , but the cannon continued to' ' sweep everything , stones and men. The tames and smoke ot our burning homes reached us In our caverns. The commanders of the Hamadle ( irregular cavalry ) pitched their tents on some of the heights , and , with field glasses In their hands , they observed the hiding places ot the mountaIns , and It they perceived behInd a steno the head of a man they immediately went there. The . : oldlers cut to pieces all they found there , without Ilstncton of age or sex. The heads at the victinis were brought as trophies to the commander - mander : : Those who round refuge In the cav- erhs could only leave In the night. The Kurds commited all kinds of atrocites , They round no pleasure In killing adult men ; they hunted for childremi . threw them on the ground and plunged daggers In their bodies. After this they pitched them Into the air and turned the daggers In them and threw them against a stone , saying : "When you are grown you would fight us ; better go to hell. " (0 ( jalhan ma. ) Then they trampled the bodies , under root : "Tho Kurds hunted me to kill me , because they knew that I was neither lazy nor sleepy In killing them. We decided , I and my two companions to fly 10 nussla. 'VI fed tram Sassoun and readied the torest. Entering , we heard n heavy and heartrending sigh. GoIng to the sound we round Mire , from Khatan , a courageous Sassoun man , from whose mouth flowed blood. 'VI took Mire and carried him secretly , but when we reached the wheat field the Kurds saw us and pursued. Then each of us gave a kIss to our dying compat- riot and fled . The Kurds took Mire , dragged him Into a sheep fold and set fro tl It. All was burned. "My uncle was killed In the flgiting ; the other members ot our family took refuge In a cavern The place was so difcult to reach that we had to draw up the women and children - dren one by one hy ropes "My companion , Avetl , had five uncles , or whom ICimaso anti Khaeho were kIlled ; In the famiy MIre three men were killed , the uncle of Keyph , Ave , also was klle , ! I you wish , I can name one by one all the persons killed and tel you how many cattle were driven away. After my and ! aso's fl"lt we came to the village or Zlz and then to Edhnpapo Wo were six and all wore strange clothIng. We had coats ot 1oosh and hats of Mooch , I We had worn our Sassoun aba ( overcoat ) I and our Sassun hats the Kurds woud ] have I reco"nlzel us and wa should have been killed. . " Time correspondent says : "f have no doubt Iarto told the truth , and It Js well for him that Ie Is on lusslan soil. - " - UELHO.ITH XU I'lUSUS CONGJtI' , Prctidont Clc\'eh1HI Nlunes the , hnorlcll Itepresem ) tam is-es. IITTSDURG , 11. March 17-PresIdent Cleveland line appointed the official repre- ecntatiycs' the United States government who tire to attend the international prIson congre nev. J. I. 11Igan , chaplain of the Hlverslde penItentiary , who 's aeere- tar ) ' oC thc national association , line just received - ceived a list Cram Secretary or State Gresham , and the names lre here made puble ) for the lust ( line , The congress Is to meet In Purls on June 10. next and wIll continue ten days. There will be 40 pr.sent. Delegates from every civilized conn try In the world will ho uresent anti the conference - once wIll be hell umtel' the supervIsion or the 1"Ienoh go\ernment. which Is lullng au nrrangenmermtm , All the delegates ul alrngements Al delegltes are promlwnt men , who have great Interest In prison worl . 'rhe delegat' a , In additoii ! to flv 11111an , are : Urnelt Brlnltel'hoCC of Mansleld , 0. , presilent oC the National Prison associa- ton ; F' . U. \Vlnes , Sprlng/eJII , Ill . : Rev. Samuel J. Barrows , edItor of the Christian Register , BO&lon ; n. W. leClaughrey , ex- slllrlInt111ent or olco of Chicago and now superintclilent oC the Ilnois state reform- atory' Jueie M. G. " "al , St , Paul , Miami. ; Chlrllon C. Levis , the wel known . corpora- ton lawyer or New Yorl CIty : flomi . J. S. Amiple. president or the Board oC State Cimuilties tier Cal , , Denver : Dr S. II , Llnlle ) ' , WhIt- ter Official omllsslons will be Isslet to delegates , - gates h i ) ' this State department at Washln - lOl , II leSlonse lu hIs relueat , Ir. :1- IIan hal secun'd In'omlacs from n numher or prominent Alnerlcan8 to Curnlsh papers for the eoiigrsmui. . . 1iil.scs lt 011 lUll Ilnetll , , SIOUX t"AT.1A. S. D. , Murch H.-Spe- ( clal.-.10hn ) 1. Mcl.aughln , custollan oC the nba11one , ] Fort Handa In this state , ' wries that he Is In constant danger or death tram prowling thieves at that lilace "Ihe whole fort Is In the charge of tc- 1.lughln nail wire. They went out the other night 10 Fee what Ihel' dog was halldng at timid they were shot at twlc . They aw two men In the dlrl , amid returned the fire , but with 10 eO..ct. The custodian says thai thloyls have stolen the chain whIch line licen around the . burial lot of the Odd Fellows - lows for tWent years Ult , the rope at- tachel to I Ilrge bell which hs been In lice for n8 many ) 'eaf. lIe wisheR tla t the 1"'ollle will eon purcha the old fort und take law and order there. . hut limo " 'rul , : ; lln , DENVER , March 17.-A special to time Itoeky MountaIn News Cram l01at COle . 11)5 : Arthur Iely , whlo celebrating St. Patllelt' day . got Into a quarrel und tried tl lhl t n Swede. lIe mlssld his lan and stnu'l Wilam Kelly over the loft eye , ki- lug him. Arthur iCeliy . I tllt large. 3luycmmmeimtg . uf : . .1:111uMpl < , March 17. AI Qmmeenstown-Arrivcd-.mmranIa , tram , New \'crk. \ ! At InvI'c-AI'rlvcl--L : Iretagne , tram I New Yorl . At New ' ' . Yurlc-Amrlyed-La Galcosne" ( rem UH , . INJlJH.\'CI ; U1'Ilnil : .V uhf . , rUlLl - Notable S nlce held In nil Cathelrnt at Vmschilngtom " WASJNGTON , March 17-t. Patrick's day , coming on Sunday . was celebrated In St Pntrlek's church today with high pontncl1 mass by Mgr . Satol , and a sermon by IC\ ' Father Hlchlds , president \ of GeorgetOvl college . on the world.wlde work wrought by St. Patrick and the Irish tace. Mgr. Sntoll was assisted by 11ev. } nlher Sharetl , flus- sell and n large number ot the local Catholic clergy , Ills eeebratlon ] of the mass was accompanied by orchestra , choir and organ. President hlichiards' sermon was notable In portrn'hIK the Irish race as God's chosen people of modern times , ns the Jews hal ] been the chosen Ieople of the oh ] dispensa- ton , and also In Its eloquent tribute of loyalty to the pope and his American representative - sentatve , Igr. Salol Ieferrlng to the growing Inluence of the Irish tIme world over , Father Richards ! saId ] a mighty empire , far vaster than the Roman power-tho em- 111ro ot the English speaking peoplewas growing IIJ nll ] overshadowing the world , A grasping relentless , unfeelng power It Is , no doubt , yet , In general just to 111\'lduals , much like that pagan but orderly empire of old. And now , wherever the English lag Is planted there , time rlsh ] go with I to plant time fmilthm. Nny , they outrun . their imiasters. Driven from homo by unjust laws , uy op. pression , cruelty , poverty and famine , they penetrate to the remote quarters of the ( globe , bearing wih them their priest ali theIr faith. This Irish immIgration was nt first toward the Unied States. Al the present ( lay they are 10wlng to South America , where 100,000 Irishmen are settled on the his surroullng Buenos Ayresi The ) are found. lug a new world In AustralIa ; they are pow- erful In India : they are invadIng nil the countries of EurOIJe. European countries are taking ] possession of the OrIental regions nnd the ancIent prophecy of Noah Is In course of realization , with the Irish giving back to the east the faith It had . rejected. Father Rchards referred to the dlstn- gnlshed characteristic ot tIme Irish In theIr unwaverIng fidelity to the see of Home , whIch equipped them for their , world's missIon. Then , adlesslng Mg Satol , he said : "Venerable prelate , from the moment you set toot emi these shores , the heart of the Amer- Ican church bade you a joyful anti respectful welcome. , . , . "Wo ore all ot us IrIsiiall ; at us Romans In our welcome to thee. \\'liei , thrdore , you write to the glorious pontiff , whom you so worthily represent , say t4e hearts of his chIldren In America beat with only one 1m. IJlseloyaly and love for the ( see of Peter. In his words , however much the world may carp and blame , we know ] 'we shall find the purest faith , the most devoted patriotism. Ask hIm to rely upon our obedience and cur affection . and Implore him to bless , from his throne ot suffering , his children ] In these United States that we. under Leo , may carryon , with high beared courage and beated steadfast truth the mission entrusted by Celestne to St Patrick an the Irish race. " The statement had added significance on account o the persistent , bit groundless , re- port that the Jesuit order' was not In full [ sympathy with Mgr. Saolit's mission. Pres- Ident Richards Is one of .the influentIal mem- bes at the ( order and Georgetown college one at its scheols. I Twenty Thousand l' r'ltlrnt CmlcaOl ! ) . CHICAGO , March . 17-re : feature of the SI Patrlck's celebration ] ' bre today was a long parade : compsetl' oc number or Irish a and Catholic societies , fncildig the Ancient Order of Hhbernlanit lan-Nn-Cael . guards and Seventh Infantry1110ls Natonal guard TIme procehslon' , orHlstng of live divisions , marched through the prlnclpat streets oC the city and wus led by Grand Marshal 11 J. Kelly. 'I : s .stmated that Kell' thlt there were 21,0 people in4he pamde. Gre'at crowds of spectators. thronged the line of march. The cay coming op Sunday . spe lal churches. services were also held al I In ul Catholic 1"1ur ' d I ri'lmimm'M 1'4itron ! -aInt . DETROIT , March 17.-AI conditions wee favorable forlDetrolt's celebration .f 'St. PatrleK's day . which proved to be one of the most successful ever helll ( In the cIty. Tile parade Included all time Irish Catholic mill- airy organizations of Detroit und Windsor , ( lit' benevolent associations and the various Catholic ! clubs : _ - 1 rrhhl8"11 " CorrlJ"n ( : ulthratOI J" < 8. NE\V . . . , ' YORK Mareh.17.-St. Patrlct's day was celebrated at St . Patrlcl's cathedral by very Impressive services. At 1 o'clock \ontlclul high mass was celebrated. . The Sixty-nInth battalion In uniform , amI with stile arms only attended muss In n body Archbishop Corrigan elebr , tel mass. : \ oct "Irn.lvn , Cel'brHI/ Ynrs. INDIANAPOLIS , March. 17.-Tiie celebr- ton of St Patrlcle's day In thIs city WIS , the most elaborate known i Indianapolis for many years. The demonstration In srdet Parades was made up or about 2,0 unlfOled men and thos wearing the re- Snla of their orders. Jo lon ClthlUC8 te , -Iirimto. BOSTON , March 17.-8t. Patrick's day waR celebrated here today by high mass In . all the Catholic churchmdd In the cl ) ' . In I the morning n number of' Irish orhunlza- ' lens entertainunents celebrated the day I"lh . receptions C"rlln,1 GlhhllM ( : enl , " ted thin crvleem . IAUlJIORE , March ' 17-There was I great "veorirmg of the green" here on this St. Patrick's la ) ' , There . was a special service In St. Patrlcl.'s church , where Car- Illnal Gibbons and the principal clergy of the city nsslsted. cergy ) Perfect 'Vrnll'r lIt Nuw Orlr"n NEW ORLFANS . , March 17.-Perfect spring weather favored the celebration ot St. Patrick's clay which was conducted on a grander scale than has been the custom recenty ; _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ JfUIIIElED AN Orl } XDIE ct rijtiue . COrUIUU8 IHlgl , he I 1e.t Jlown 01 time Cll t , Htlr ( for lTotmr Ulllr8 , SAN FIANCISCO , Mnrch 17-Cornllus Stagg , proprietor of the l/gleslde , a famous wayside ! resort near ( lie oce.n beach was eliot anc killed ] late inst nllht hy one or two maslec men , whose object was rob- her ) ' . Entering the bar , at which several men were throwing dIce , one robber cow- cecil thc party whIle the other entered nn aJolnlng ( ! room and ordered StaHl to go to the bar and produce the money hag , , large sums being spent daIly by vIsitors. Stagg nt Irst re lstEd. mind the robber , first ' striking him on thl heall with a revolver then leveled the pistol at the old caterer amt shot him through the temple. ' 1he mabked men , after securing the content of the till , amounlng to only $1 , lett. They have not bOon alJprhe.led , Stagg , who was murdered , wna tui tlt known caterer In Cailformila. lie Oleq d'/ wayside resort anll racetrack thirty ) 'etti ago. his place being the helliquart ror clubmen amid memberl of the mqortirmg fraternity . Iur- lag the visit or ( Iorln ; Ornt and Dam Peelro , emllrol of BI'uzl , n specIal series at races was arrange ! . nnl the leading , men of time ' city were . daIly and nIghtly lt Stagg'l. _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ J""lh IiiiloI t lt"I'n . .1 ' , r' If i-ervleo , DENVEH March 17.-Mr. William Crisp Nicholson , a long time employee wlh the soclated press In New yprl\ , died In Den- 'vcr todny ot consumpton , aged 3 : years. He came to ! lnvel' Ivc months ago In search or imealthm . since ihIch ( line he Improved - proved greatly for I tIme but during lie lust month line beeq steadiy 1 deflning . Mr. Nlcholaon wal well Imow , > a bright and ) Inte1ent newspaper mqn miami , was m- plo'e(1 , In the Assoclteil ( liress eme I In New York for eighteen years. ills wife was wih him V. hen he died. 111s body will he sent east this week . - . 1'1 I I "It. ( hit 1.mrly . SIOUX FALLS 1 , S. D. , > March 17.-Spe. ( cial-Quite ) u stir has been caused In po- ltca ] circles hy the circulation ot I well founded ) rUl0r that N. E. lhlll ) , present warden o time penlttntan' . hal announced himself to hIs friends ns a en'll ' ate for governor emi th rCIJu lean , ( iciest 10 go be. tore the people In IS9i. ' , Ir Phillips lies heen for many years one Qr the i'ettlgrew [ ) "Big Four. ' - . ' \111 mlms \ . \ " 1"1 ' .I'"lr , Y"I1" , WAShINGTON , Mbrch 17.-Helene ( 'urn- niings . known throughout the Catholic world 11 Sister de Chantel , for over thirty years ml t1r superior . of lie Vlliaton convent In thIs city . tiled here today. She Was born \'asimingoim. . August 13 1811 , and took the white well at the age Qt 1" . BURIED BY FALLING WALLS Twelve Employes Caught in n Round nome Fire at Toledo , TREE OF ThEM INSTANTLY KILLED Of the Ilmn\lter Son'ral Are SI UOl11 Hurt lust They .Iimy lle-Imuhhdlmig Eim- : trel ) ' lestrult ) nli tIme 1migincu It Contallcl Uuhlcil. TOLEDO . , March 17.-Tho rounlhouso of the Wabash railroad In this city , located at the foot of South street , on the dock front , burned to the ground between 10 anti ] 1 o'clock this morning. Thre-quarters of al hour after the ( first alarm wits sent In the southwest wal of the bumlitling . sixty cot In circumference , fell In , bur'lng twelve men underneath It. Two of them were Instantly killed ] , I thlr,1 dIed n short tme after being tallen [ rom time tiehjris cmiii time others were all badly hurt , one probably fatal ! . Al but one , John Bowen , were employes of the Wa- basim The dead are : R. II. DOHLIAN , skull crushed : Internaly Injured I , J. J. PRESTON , back broken ; slml crushed ; killed instantly. JOHN DOWEN , sll crushed : internally Injured ; killed instantly. The Injured are : F. 11. Howarl , heal bruised ; face cut ; slightly bured ; will recover John Leary , leg broken ; arm crushed ; slml fractured ; may die. Patrick McDenoughi . skull fractured ; shoulder - tIer broken ; wIll reco\'er. rartn Greenburg , head cut ; will recover Harry Zimmerman , legs sprined : body bruised. - Louis Becker , head bruised ; shoulder sprained. Henry Gerding , head bruised all CJlt , T. C. Luer , head and neck spraIned ; head I cut. Casper Decker , head all shoulders cut. The first nlarm for time lire came by telephone - frst phone to the district ofces at 10 a. ni. A few mlnutls previously a resident of the neighborhood - hood of the roundhouse saw a small fame burst ant at the cupola , and he ran to the onee of the foreman , directly across from the roundhnusl and notified those In charge. General l-.IoremJn Howard summoned the company's private fro department , consistIng of fifteen men , to the scemie and a stream of water was directed towarl ] the blazing cupob. A heavy wind was blowing and tht ( fire ate its way down the roof of the roundhouse. WARNING CAME TOO IATE. When Fire ChIef Mayo reached the fire ho saw that there was danger of the flames reaching the oil honse , repair shops and the Wabash elevator , all In close proximity , and ho immediately sent In a general alarm. MeanwhIle the road's fire company hall di- reeted its efforts toward smothering thl names In the ( southeast ell or the structure , ' which menaced the 'al home , and ( lie fire at this point was held fairly In cICI , . The roof was already ablaze and threatened to collapse every moment , but the failing or the wals was not at this time anticipated. The Iron braces supporting the roof expanded In the intense heat and the frail frame covering gave way with a mumed roar , falling In on time stale engines. At this moment the southwest wall , eighteen feet high and eighteen Inches ( hick , was seen to totter out- \'at , rorm.tha lateral pressureot the falling reel and n yell rent IIJ to apprise .ir their danger the fIfteen men at work at this per , ton of the building. The warnIng came too late and twelve or the men were burled In a plo of brick several feet higlm That enl ) ' . two were killed outright was nothing short of miraculous. Streams of water were poured on the amok- ling debris , and , as soon as possible. the work of rescue began. Dowen and Post were hurled completely and were dead some time tme before their bodies were reached. The were badly crushed Dowen's' features belug un- recognizable. Bohlmnn was taken out In aim unconscious conditIon and removed to his home where he died a few hours afterward . Dy this time half a dozen physIcians had reached the scene and attentIon was directed toward carrying out the injured Leary wa : found to be the worst sufferer , and It was feared he would scarcely hive out lie day The others , though badly used up wi prob. ably all recover. TIme firemen had n stubborn fight with the now dOOnd round house , the heavy wind greatly aiding the fmes , At non the fire was practically under control , aCer destroying all that was inflammable of the building. The property loss Is estImated at $100,000 , probably Insured. The round- hous , which had a cJpacly of twenty loco motives , contained only six engines , and tileS ? are all badly damaged. A Wheeling & Lake Erie coal car and a Baltimore & Ohio box car were also consumed , NEWSPAPER J'LANTS nU NED our. 'level"n,1 Evening World and Kellogg i'rlmmln'x ( ullny : n'lprd Uut. CLEVELAND . , 0. . March 17.-The Worth- Inglon block , at the corer at Ontario and Noble street , occupied by the World newspaper - paper plant and the A. N. Kellogg News- paper COmlJany , was entirely destroyed by fire soon after 6 o'clock this evening. The buildIng was at brick and five stories In height The basement and second floor were occupied by the Kellogg Newspaper company , wih a composing room and ster eotyplng plant , whIle time World occupied the first and nfh floors. On the third floor was tim Clafen Manufacturing commmpany . maller or light harlware , anti on the fourth leer was the Bandau Dros. Passementerlo corn- pany , manufacturers of dress and cloak trim- mhngs The less on the huldlng Is cstmate,1 , at ' 40,00 wih $ ] 0,000 insurance Time loss of time World Is placed nt 'GO.OOO , with $10,000 Insurance. The Kellogg company's loss Is $41,000 and the Insurance UI.OOO , The Clafen Manufacturing company antI han- dau Bros. loae $10,000 ach , which Is Insured The cause or lie fire Is a mystery , I started In the rear on the ( first floor and spread ] with great rapidity , An explosIon \ , probably eaustl by gasolpe . occurred soon after the fire started , causing quite a little excitement . The \Vorld will appear as usual toniorrow SS'ater l"lnhh Whit IhA Fire I.ef. ST. I.OUIS.arch 17-Eurly his mornIng - Ing the storage warehouse and elevator ot Ihuiglm Rogers & Co. . dealers In salt and grain , at the corner of the levee l amid Bre- men U\I'nue , was hurned , causing a hose of $2,0 on tIle huldlnG anti contents ; fully Insured 'rue hullll" : was two stories high , about lf feet long and forty wide and coil- talned sal anti ( Hraln valued at n60o The contnls that escaped the fro were swepl awa ' anti thestroycci the Ilood of away deltro'ed hy food water thrown on the fame , The fire lolo out In the ohhice. 11resumlhly from the stove it lgcII \ day , but was conlned , to I Rogers warehouse . So rapidly did the Ilarmieis spread ( hint when the frat englno ar- rived and was ready for work the entIre structure was In flames . A s clnd alarm was InmIlntely , IOUIHPl ! 1111 the firemen fremen wet to work 10 save the ( umhjcdniemg rmroparty , consiltng ( or hlnlH'r yard , small storage warehouses and railroad propert ) ' . as It was seen that the elevator was ihoomed 11) . . . . " " 1011' Ilrlllt I , Unto 1HIWAUKIm. \Vis. , March 17.-Fire early this morll ! In the Norris uldln , a large brick structure at the foot of East Water street caused damage to buIlding and coot- tents l'stmate,1 , at ! $ ir. Time ] insurance cannot bo ascertained before tomnorm-ous' but Is ' luPI.osel to be ample. The Jlr mlles were occupied hy a bicycle mlnuCacturlng firm . the \ \'imtconsin Iron and WIme work , the Mliwatmkem' Brass company and time : - tonal 'lime Recording company. The lire started ) from fame unkl1wn cause In tIme (01) Hoar at the slruclure. tO/ - - - 'UI"II 1tllucll from I llurnIng Asyluni MIL4LEitSDL'BG 0" , Marll 17.-'I'h Holmes county Inlrmary near this place burned , this morning , eau'IIU a loss or $2- ceo ) on nhtlh there was an Insurance of $15- ( .00. 'fhe forty.slx Inmates of the institu. lon ( were rescull with great dllculy , but all were taken out safely . CI.fl4ll0 CIXCIXNA TI .l l.OUNi S IJXIA 1' . ! Vl.\'CI.ATl SI.0U , ' .V.lll' , Lw antI Urller Jraglo Making an . \lgr R' Rlyo l'llhl , CINCINNATI , March 17.-Time Law mind Order league closet up the. city tOllay. Slot machines antI aU such Ile\lees were run Into the cellars last week. Gambln1laces have been close,1 wherever Il was osslblo to shadow them for SOme tlnie. During time tact week the mhnlght ] closing law has been strictly enforcC ] , Tonight the recors ] show over forty saloonlsts arrestell today for keeping opcn In violation of the Sunday law. ! I vcr ) ' plaeo wih an oien entrancl ( In the O\cn rear , side , or trent to a bar lE being PUlletI. Since the poleo ha"e'uctel on time complaInts of the Law all Order league a counter move- mcnl has been started by detectives ] antI enc oustetl at ( ho instigation of thin league. Charges of tlrimniceminess , visiting prize fights anti other offenses are being prepared against ( lie police commitmmissIoncrc , to file with ( los'- ernor MeKimmlcy , who appoints tue liohice comn- mimlestoumers. As laniel Morgamm , one of ( lie commissIoners , is a immeniber of the flrmmm of lttmsseh , Morgami & Co. , lirimlers ( , a boycott line been started on their playing earths ntiml other goods. Two other comnmnissioncrum are beimig boycotted. TIme loathing commmmmmitsiouier iii time restrictive mnoremmieimt imi Isaac Miller , a lass'- yer , aiitl time boycotters do miot. kmmow Imow to get out after Imiimm , SiJXt.t' IiINht hAiti ) TO CATCh. Sabbmith Closimig h.eaguo in St. Iotmhs Miskimig mimi etivo ( irmmM mile. ST. LOUIS , Mnrclm 17.-Totlay Imas been the bluest Sunday St. Louis hiss immi svitliiim time memilory of ( lie oldest tmihimtbltant. Tue Sabbatlm association hmitii mnamiy conimnlttecs at work , amitl tlmey mnatie loirclmnses in all snlooims. groceries , dry goods stores amid 1mb. -ertiashmer's estahilimtiinmcnts timat . were opemi reatiy to sell , The svork of ( lie Sabbath its- socimtloii it week ago hits Put te'rror iii ( hue hearts of ( ho umitit svlio imas'e hitherto scarcely - ly tiiouglmt there is a Stmmitiny closIng ltms' on ( lie statute bookim , In consetluemice mummy stores heretofore kept opemi on ( lie Sahitnlu , tiny \s'ere choseti , The sumihtiemi brettk of Chic humtchmers , grocers , cigar dealers nimml saloumi keepers to keep Imoty tIme Sabbath dm'ove ( helm' wits' mnaiiy absent-unintletl iemsomis to emitis to secure ( lie neccssiie anti ltmxuries umatmally hitmrclmased on Stmimtiay. Ofilcers of tIme associmutiomi say tImes' are iiiaklng an aggressive - gressive crusmutle in s1 > tte of time efforts of 501110 inllumontial much to thwart their efforts. TIme resuiht of todity's work svill Ime sesmi iii ( lie nummmber of s'nrranth mipphietl fat' by time itsstciimtlomi ofhicer tonmorrow. Arrests anti comivicioimn ivill likely follow 1mm every cmu'u where witnesses are able to Prove flfl 1mm- fractioim of tue law. p - IIS1 EIi.1 I'E JIlfJt.f IC la'UIt LlI1EICTI' . llmroo Murderers miniS Seu'eii OtImer 1'rIuimcr l1ml tOli tIme .1 slIer. SEATTLE , \\'aslm. , Marchm 17.-A daring jaIl delivery , headed by tIme notorioums Toimi hihanck , twice a murderer , was effected at time county jail lucre timis eveiiimig , in wimhcht temu prisommors , including three convicted of moe- tier , mmmdc their escape. TIme tielivery was accoamphisimed by means of a dumiimmy revolver made of wood. At 7:30 : Nlglmt Jailor Yer- berry went into ( lie nortlm corritlor to ( ohm medicine to W. A. Wilcox , a convicted inur- tierer. When lie reached tIme iron door 1mm front of ( ho cells Ime saw a revolver thrust between ( hme bars and heard Blanche say : "Timrow up your hands. " hulnnck made Yor- berry ttmrmi aroumnti anti tied him to the bars. lie next booseimeth time cord about time jailor's right armn amid throw a noose over his neck , at time same time calling out : "Unlock time cnmblmmation. , " Time jailor obeyed , and , with thO ciiaen- ' gaged hand. soon hind ( lie iron door to the cage swingimig opemi , and Blanck then went througl Cite jallor's pockets , talcimig lila keys and 30 cents in cash. Then proclaiming free- , ciom to all in time cells , ho wallceti'leisureiy into time air. Thte were twenty-two prisoners n time cages , btmt only eloveim oinct1 in time attempt to escape. As soon as possiiila time night jallor was released ( coin lila predicament amid Simeriff Vamidevanter now has parties scouring ( lie country iii every direction. Blaimek will fight , amid if time omcors commie up with him blood will be siibd. Time people gathered at pollee imeatiquarters as noon as the news went abroad. GUIAT I.1M.lUJJ DOXJ ni' STORMS. 'Ftiroo Lives Lost In Almmliuma and a Large Amount ol [ 'roperty i > estroyei. GADSDEN , Ala , , March 17.-News comes from several sections of time muato of great losses Iii houses and cattle by time heavy rains and strong winds prevailing time past few days. A cyclone strtmck Prouto and wrecked the house of 'IV. 0. Copciammd , Time hoimse was torn from over time bientis of the Copeland family , and six members svere imiore or less immjured. Lucy llaverahmam , a 0-year. olti girl , was biown some distance and struck a tree , breakIng liar arm and leg and several - oral ribs. From llrewton onmi Eufaha comes news of great daniage to farnms and destruction of live stock , The worst fatality occurred tin time Cciosa river , thirty miles niovo ( his place. A water spout burst and time river rose out of its banks , minlodged time house at Jacob Anmier- wn , anti carried 1dm , his wife anti baby down ( lie atream. The Imouse was wrecked mipoim .1 rock , anti time tlmree Inimmates drowned , A negro eervant saveti his life by catchIng time hiiflh ) of a tree as time imcmuse sped tmnvn tIme stream , Hundreds of cattle srere drowned anti fifty to 100 barns were wrecked. Three imien wtmo were loggiimg on tIme Cansa hmave not been seen sInce time storimi , and are thought to have beemi lost. J'UJLMJN bTIfIIUItS ClUING SOUTh , trrmmigomnenI l5elmmg l'orfectcd for a Co. norstlvo Coloimy , CHXCAGO , March 17-A large number of the Puhiman strikers of Inst summer , with their famIlies , tinti otiieruc , iiutemmti to settle ( his sprimmg tuui a colony In ( lie southi , A nicetlmig of timoso imitemestcd In ( lie move- meat was heltl this afternoon , at ivlmlcim ii committee was appointeti to make a pros. pecting trip (0 view ( lie vamiotme sitms tlmat are nuttier eonsimierntiomm Imi Temimiessee , Ahm- human anti Lotmiciamma. It is said that of tue i'tmllmnan mcmhkems. wiio , It is omilegoti , syore iiiacitilstemi , over 200 imuvo been unable to get work elsewhere. Mast of timei'c will lie mom- litre of time colony , Mitimy of ( imose wlmo now hmrmvo employimmemi ( 1mm time l'mihhmnomn elmope are nnxlous to cnt tlmehr lot ss'ihi ( lie eel. any , it wIll nlso have mnamiy others , hotim employed mtmiti umrmemniiloyeml at ( liii iirescimt tlmno , All time stores in the miew colony iviii be co.operitthvo , mund one rule of ( lie nsso. elation says ( lint " 110 framm hilses ( or supply. Ing its members wIth publIc iiecesmiities shah be granted by ( lie mimuiocluIon. " 'rIme mnmunufactories sill be of a varied cimuracter , btmt svill lie ( hiosa wiilchi cami utilIze - Ize mmueii muechmdmiiics onmi lmmborers as arc ineimibers of lime coloimy. ( lime of time unanmm- fmictum lug Ilmunlil proposed s'lll build raIlroad - road antI street cars. TOOC ItIJ'bJ ( IX 4 IO.IIL JI'JIIWICUIC , Lolcrutmlo ahisim lUlled me ( nnmpnnioim fl'fiu 11.1,1 iIsgrmiceml Ills Jumiilty , DENVER , March 17-George 11. lcroning wail idiot anti kIlled thIs afternoon shortly mutter 3 o'clock by ViIliamn It , l'eclc at i-oem 269 , EquItable lulltllng , Keening died at 5:15 : o'clock at SC. Lukee Imospital. Kron. lag's wife obtimlmmed a divorce from imlrn several - oral weeks ago , on ( lie ground that lme bath been Umitluhy intimate is itEm ii. ssoman who wmms ulii to lie . ' . , irs. I'cck , It seems that icrommlmmms cailt-il at jiohico lmeatlquurlers last miImiimt : mmliii asked tom' jmm'olectltimm , ronighmt I'oek rtmimeti into hmcadtimilmmvrs ( itmid cxcii- emily irmformuetl time ollicem-im lii chmnrge ( lint lie had just dial Erommimig. I Iii ealtl ( hint lie did not kmmotv ivhithicr lie immuti killed umlni or mmot , but lie limit ] eimiptieil time six cimtimnlmere of his resolver into lila boily , i'cic refemeemi to talk , hiolli macn s'ere emnployeml by time JIb Grantie ltaihm-oati coinpammy , hlnl II tIme scammilal of the divoice case timey bore time hiest of i-cpu. tatloims , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ So mm I I I I iii kol me P' cli aol l.a mmml. . HI0u. PAI.IJI , S. 1) , , Mardi I7-Specbol. ( ) -'Fornorow ; about 9.000 acrClP Pt sclmool lands in ( lime ciunty i'Ill be leased to time lilgimest bidder , TIme lantis sdt apamt am-c of ( Imu umost vabummhihe 1cm the coummty timid imo I roulil r' u t a I I viil he , cii coo mit eremi I mm lemslmmg : timeomi ( r a gcm'mti ri-mitch. Jtlhiii Lockhart , flue new CuflirniiCimnCr of school anti publIc hands , wfll cu&u.huct ( lie leub1mic , \VIIOOWNSTIIESTATE \ PRISON Qucstion Concerning the Penitentiary Now Pressing for an Answer. DOEGAN'S RELATIONS TO NEBRASKA Sortie of tlmr' ' i'ectillmir 1vmstnrcs of ( hiciMisflc ngt'lmieiit of thin Immstlttmtlomm lhtimIer tIme Co.mtrmmct Systemmu-LI time State Ilitil it. LINCOLN , March 17.-Spcclal.-Tlier. ( ) are ieatling Iii time imouse four bills affecting time state Penitelitlar ) ' amid time convIct halmor comitraet. lmiasmmitmcli as tIme closIng days of time present session are to wItness a liar. a llamuemmary ( strtmgghe over tlmesc mimeasuires , It is just as well thiat tIme 1)00010 of time state be fully hnformmietl as to tImeIr imroislons. ltcpreseiitntlvo flarry o't Greeley coumnty , has one bill , house roll No. 641 , providIng that time act of the legislature by whmichu ( lie . state pemmiteimtiary was leaseti to C. \ \ ' . Masher as assignee of VI' . 11. 11 , StatiC be declared imms'ahltl. Representative Jtumitl of lioono coumnty hma iimarodumccti three bills , numimibereti 604 , 005 and 607 , whmlelm are all depeiitletmt Upomi each otimer. Time first simmiply Provities timat "iii all cases of vacancy iii any eilice of time peal- ( entiary tIme hoard of h'mmbiic Lands amid Iiuuidlmmgs , by anti s'ith time ntIs-ice of tim governor , simali fill tlmo vacancy by ap . a polntnment , ammO ( lie mmlii Board of Ptmbiitm Lands amid llmulltiings shall have posver to reniovo amiy officer of time iiemiitemmtinrY w'lmen- ever Iii theIr opimilon tIme interests of timO state tietnaimd such removal. " Time seconth bill provides for time appoliut. macmit of time prison omcers anti as iuuamiy assistammts , keepers anti genetIc as imiay be imecessary , ( lie bill being as follows : Olilcers of time iienitcntinr' i-'liall comisist of aime wnmtieim , svhio slmimht be ( lie principal keeper of time vemiitemmtiarY coo ( lclimmt3' war- a. ilemm , who shall be chief ttmrmmlcey , timid botht of wliomii mthimtii m-esltie mit time hirisomi. Omia at mttewmirtl wlmose duy it. shall be to liur- chaise iil mmuccsitary stilittllCH Imu mmii ntititmt itmiti for tIme use of the imemiiommtlnmv , emmitier time , llm-ectlomi of time iloarti of Public hnmmd5 iurmd hitmlitilimgs anti time wtmrtiemi. Omic dci It , wina ! duly it , alilmll be to keen ithi ( lie boolts of tue pemmitentiury anti immmmke reports of mmli mioceetiIiigs on ( lie first tiny of emmcli aumil es-cry niomithu (0 time ilomurtl of I'tmbiiO Ittiiihs antI I mtimldln ge. 0 mme hhYsietamm cite cimmuilaln , , and smmchm number of nuaistnnti4 , 4 keepers anti gmmnrtls as time ivardemi ammd. Board of Ptmblhc Lands amid Iiuiltlimmgs mmmay eiccimi reiulsie , Time bill Imurther provides ( lint time warden slmall receive a salary of $1,500 per animal , ( ho deputy wartiemi $000 , ( lie steward $1,000 amid time clerk $000. TIme chaplain , ; ihmyicinfl , keepers , guartis , etc. , are Ca receive stick salaries as ( ho Board of Public Lammtls and. BuIldings mmmay direct. Them Is probahdy mmothming in these bulb wimtch may be objectionable. If tim ( ate takes possession of time penitentiary it imiumst necessarily aPpoint officers amid pay timeRS salaries. Time feature of time bill ( lint mimay , deserve criticism Is ( hue omic which lilaceb a no limit upoim thin number or keepers , guards amid asslsaiis ( ( lint immay be employed by the " Board of PublIc Lami3a amid Ijulldlomgs , At present ( lucre are twcimIy-tiireo inca on tIme pay roil , exclusive of ( hue warden , depumty , steward , clerIc , chaplain amid plmyslcian. Thits prison contractor eimiplo'eS time services of two turmikeys. au usher , two niglit watchmen , ' ' two cell' house , keepers , one kitchen keeper , five shop keepers , one ntablegunrd 'ymiril guard , mix , sunhi guards and omrn extra guariL a It. . is entirely bale to presume .Umat time Board of Public Laimda nail BuIldings would einphoy - as mnaiiy as time prison contractor deems imects. sary. It is also barely pocsiblo ( hint time ( eimiphition wnuId be stroimg to appoint mnoro thman ( hose above enumerated. f 1a IN DORGAN'S INTEREST. The present chatnmniit of the loose of time state penitentiary , V. II. Dorgami , figures imi tIme foregoing bills emily Incidentally. It I in tIme third bill , introduced ltepresenatlve ( Judd , that Dorgan's interest principally lies , house roll No. 607 approprIates time sum of $50,000 with wiiicui to purchase tIme property at the state penItentiary which Dorgan clalmnb to own. It is this bill ( hat time lobby is bemmtiiimg its every emmergy to pass. As in the other bill , time Board of Public Lammds anmt Ihuilrilngs figures proniinemmtly. The bill provides ( lint ( lie Board of Ptmisilo Lands and Buildings mmimall appoint oime tip. praiserV. . if. Dorgan another , and timat the two appraisers so appoiiited shall select a third , who shall ofiicIato na an umimplre' The umnuihre provitleti by time lull soemmis to have but very little to do. Time two an- praIsers are directed to at once jiroceid to appraise tiic' cash vahime of time prison contract - tract for its unextired ( cram , ammO also tuG cash value of all time property owned by Dorgan. It is ommiy Itm time case of a disa. greement between ( lie two appraIsers that time umpire is to lie called in. lIe imas no a voice in dciermlnIng time value of time property - a erty or ( he "value" of the "coimtract" as bug as tIme two appraisers agree , Whcn the appraisal is conipleted time asvarmi Is to be flied wIth time auditor of publIc accounts , who is directed to drasv lila warrant impon time metato treasurY for time amount. The bill aipropriates , ( lie suimi of $50,000 to carry out its provlsion. Immcidtmmtaily , It is provide-il that all existing - ing contracts for convict labor made by in- divitluals , corporatIons or co.partnerslmips witim Dorgaa aimahl remain lii full forts anti ummaffected , cave that time comnpimsatIo a. for sumch commvict labor shah be liald to the state Irmetcail of to Dorgarm. IL Is time nodular features of timis bill ( hat has aroused time inteimse opposition of so mummy members of time legislature , It i hiOlmmted out timat mimmder time provisions of the bill , If It almoulmi becomno me law , ( hers is no possIbility of a disinterested ap- nraisemnont , Timero is nothing to prevent tii mimemnbers of time Board of PublIc Lands and - BuIldIngs and 'mV. Ii , 1)orgmmmi fronm reachIng an agreement as to the two appridsermm to be tmplOiimtemi , It 1mm evemm clalmimeml tlmat they have agreed to agree In time event of time enactmnermt of thin law. It ( Imey (10 connive - at tlm tippolmitmeilt of' two appraIim'erB frlenthly to Dorgan's Interest ( be umpire will be ama orimamont , - - a I'I4ANS ALREADY LAID , So cor.flmhent are ( lie members of time lobby ( hint time bIll will become a law tiiat they have already laid their hilans for time future rnanageiiient of ( he penitentiary , It a is an open secret timat J , A , hluelcetaff , at present one of time mnammufmmcturere at time imezmltermtiary under time Iorgan contract , ex- licca ( to lease freon time Board of I1uiillo Lands anti lluildlngs the holier of the convicts - victs at to mnucim per tlay , It Is eqtmaily well kmmoss'n timat time board iviii reappoint the presemit w'nrticmm , A , I ) , fleemer , Br , hunts , wlmoso frantic gyrations In ( lme semiate last sceek pendlmmg ( lie appointment of time lnves- tigatlng committee excited no llttic merri. imitnt , ivill be retaincti as ( lie hirleon Imhmysl. clan. . &imtl finally , no come liellevemi for a me- . imient that the hoard of I'ublic Lands unit hluihihings will have aimy diiilcully in fimitllng twcmmly five or tumirty mmien 'ushijing to accept time imimmier iiositlens at the lienltentlary. It Is sveil understood ( bitt florgan is heartily - ily anxIous to imavci time contract tahi : off a ( mIs hmmtrmds. It ( maim become a very unmanageable - ageable ehepimamm-mindt-r ( time imre.emmt condi- - ( lone of lila lease , it Is predicted that it thm legislature adjourne wltlmout. mirmmiuhllrmg hmI contract antI providIng for tIme purcha.e of lila property it may be set tiown as certaIn that Ime will eiieefu1ly urmhoaml tmpon tmmmy one lmo will pay him a reatormable cailm jirice too hIs property smith timrow in the unexpired a portion of hi alleged hta.e as a free gift , ' - Iiumekstaff's interest can b easily m1etectct i , wlthmoqt the mild of a. maicroscoiie , There ie nothing $ mm any of the proposed law. that - litaces any , mmirmlii.mmmn prls mit svimichm ths hoard of l'ublle J..amm1e and ilulldlnge shall lease time eonviet irbor 'Flue only provision titider tsimilm Ima Clm QPa.t ate is Urn one coiitainr2 4 lit ze0tIon 3.784 of th ConoVdatvtl Stat- ut-i , which dIrects tbo hoard of Publiq