. . LUu ! ff11nJIILIJnrUIPL1L _ * . I S TIIJJ ! OMAllA : DAILY BEE _ : : SUNDAY , [ ARCII 17 , lSD/ / . 1I . _ - - I ' . . . : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . N. B. FALCONER. . . , . 1 , Tomorrow Wo Will " Mnko a Grand Show- : ing of Now Spring Goods. i GREAT UMBRELLA SALE TOMORROW - : Tonorunv Afternoon train 2:30 : to 4:30 I' . 2o/orro , Arernoon II , W ' . ,1 Sf1 lre" , (1011 UUlt Were 10c , ' 1e , I.O ) nml e 1 21 t.r 230 Yurd-Hm.1 the I'urtculnr I m.ACK OOODS , $1,00 nntl ( $125 qunltes Monlny ( for 671,4c. I you nre looking for bargains In PINB BLACK mmss OOODS , Don't fall 10 attend this nIo. Positvely ) ' the greatest values ever offered Iead the following lIst carefully : tolowlng lst carefuly . 5.lnch nil \ eel I.'rench serge , regular IrlcD , $1.25 . 4G.lnch all wol India twills , regular price , 81.00. 42.lnch new novelty weaves ( I'risteley's , regular price , $ l.OO. I &G.lnch laiiIe' cloth , regular price , $1.15. 40.lnch mohair briiantne , regular price , ' 1.00. 40.lnch all wool crepon , regular price , $1.00. ,4G.lnch heavy dye silk fnish lenrleta , regular prIce , $1.25. 4G.lnch , all wool cay serge , regular price , 11.00. , 42-inch all wool russel corl , regular price , $1.25. I.lnch all " 001 slorm serge , regular price , $1.25. 40.lnch Priesticy's nuns veiling , regular , price , $1.25. . Anl man ) ' other new weaves all go In one r 16t 11 a 11 a ) ; AT 67C A YAIm. W\SI GOO1)S. . There I no stock In Omaha 10 complete as ours. I verylhllg that Is desirable and \ 10 to be found with us. We arc doing the . / 'y ash goods business of Omaha. Our goods are perfect In every respEct , both In regard _ to idw. ualy and prIce. Our leaders for tomar- , 25 pieces genuine French I mull , prInted In : the most ' desirable designs nll colors the price Is only lIe 'anl. We guarantee them , " to be worth 30c. I I Then there Is our Cordelc Marqulsc , the : latest wash goods fabric at the season. This I the most beautiful hue of goods ever . "hown : the price Is only I&c yard ; they are , , cheap at 25c. : Then there Is our last shipment at genii- ' the Scotch zephyr ginghams , that everyone , Is selling nt 30c all 3&c : our price on them 115 lOc yard. ' - Then we have just opened up over fifty . , , different paterns of new designs Uhd colors ! . In 3G.lnch Sea island < 1 percales , just the thing for dresses wralllcrs , and shirt waists. Our price on them Is only 12Yc yard. They arc ' 'wel worth looking after. " 'Ve are showing an endless varIety of this , , . 'leason's novelties In white goods. ' I AI10N SALE , 29C. - Tomorrow 20 dozen aprons , white all fancy , I extra size , beautiful quality , well worth GOc : wo start them for 29c. BUCKLE SALE 25C. , A beautiful line or buckles , belt buckles , and . neck buckles all now , beautiful goods : 1 wo start thorn for 25c. gogs , COHSg1 SALE , 4SC. , The grandest summer corset ever offered I . for less than $1.00 : perfect fitting : ask to see ! . - it Cal for Trilby corset I I.\CE SALE , 25C. , Tomorrow GOOO yards ot laces , all styles , white and ecru , from 4 to 8 Inches wide , . cheap . for 50c this sale , 25c. . SKIT SALE , 75C. Tomorrow 100 fast black sateen skirts , reg- ular size and elegant wide ruffle , well worth , $1.25e start them for 75c. p UMBRELLA SALE , $1.00. , For an even $1.00 the grandest umbrella 4 , mounted. ever offered , actually worth $1.7G : beautifully x ; ' UMDIELLA SALE , $1.98. ' . For $1.98 you can get an umbrella that you wl pay elsewhere $3.0 for : come and bolt them over , an'way. . 's , mmRELLA SALE $2.48. I you want a better one we can sel you r. a regular $5. ' umbrella for $2.48 : all the new and stylish handles ; come and see them . ' THE DRESS GOODS WORLD STARTLED. How can alconer sell these fine Imported , all wool dress materials that arc worth 50c 'Gc , $1.00 and $1.25 for 25c ? 'Vo have no time to fIgure out the reason but will go right 'long , all tomorrow for 2 , sale hours , tram 2:30 : to 4:30 : p. m. , will place on . 50 PIECES MOUE. Handsome colored dress goods ( no blacks ) tot a bolt In the whole lot worth less than , SOc , and nearly all $1.00 and $1.25 cloths , 4:30 for : 2 hours Monday afternoon , from , 2:30 : to , ChOICE AT 2&C A YAUD. , Limit , S yards to a customer. , . N. B. ALCONER. . . i 'I : lns , It. _ H. 1).t1I. " "rlnl ( ) peitzig . French and domestic patter hats and bon- , tets , Thursday , Friday and Saturday , March 21 , 22 , 23. The choicest line shown west of Chicago. 1520 Douglas , street. - . TiE uumCT SOUThERN nOU"E ' Via " nook IlanJ , IhlrtJlt Tlmn Line ami l.utOlt . To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory , Texas and all points In southern . California. Only one night out to all points - ot Tons. "The Texas Limited" leaves Omaha lt Ill : a. m" , daily except Sunday , landing . passengers al all points In Texas 12 hours In Idvace of all other hues . Through tourist . cars via l't Worth and m Paso to Los An. gohe For full particulars , maps , folders , . . etc. , ' call at or address Hock Island ticket .01ce , IGQ2 Farnam st. CHItS. KENNEDY . , O. N. W. P. A 'J Pure n"snrvolr Ice , The Artic Ici company wishes to announce ' tp th pUblc ( lift they have the purest and finest lee on this market , cut from the Amer. lean WaterVorks company's reservoirs al l and Walnnt lull , Letter from the American \ \ 'uterVorks . C mlJany : ' . OMA1\ , March 12 , ISOS-Arctic Ic ! Com- . ; pnny , Omaha , Neb , Gentlemen : In repi ) ' to } 'OUr ot the 8th Inst. , the Arctic Ice coiu lsny of Omaha hall the exeluslvo right to cut Ice on our reservoirs al Plorlnce and 'alnut lull Illrlnl the ( season of 189t.189 . TJlo Ice In those reservoirs Is from settled end aerlate.l Missouri river water taken from the river at Florence Very repectfuliy , relectUly EI.IS I. IlmlOWlm , . AI.ONZO B. IUNT , Receivers American Water Works C mpan . All 'onters for this ice promptly fled , Telellhone , 4rG : olce , 220 South 'rweiftii street , National bank . buIlding - ? , leUcr Evcry 1r.lr , 'Time was when the "glorious clImate of California" did Irll attract tourht8. Uut year after year the tide ot travel sets II btronger and stronger every fall and winter tQward this favored region. There Is no cli' late like Il Oi this continent for a winter resort , all the usual fine service In the : Union l'aciilo fbtem has this season been brought to a degree at perecton which eas'es nO\blng \ to t b. desired . . IAHHY P. DEUEL . , CIty Ticket Agent , 1302 I aram street . _ - _ Ice : I'1 \ S Ilit all I nve.tigatioui. Ice men ot Omaha are having a lot of ' trouble at present ' Oi account ot the agitation of the hlilure Ice question , 'fhe comml- Ioner ot health asked the council for an all. ) IEOllrlaton sulelent to cover tbo ( expense of [ hu\'lnl I chemical analysis made of ImlJles ot Ice from the various cuttings In this t \'Iclnly , us In his opinIon a large quantIty : at the ( 11roducl was Impure und untIl for use This was al the begInning ot the year , and t as the council has not lade the required Ipprlprlaton the ( mat r his hung tIre. Now the dealers declare that their buslneu hiss been materially da\naged \ b ) the ( agitation lt . , the mater Ind list ( the only thing tint will put thel right with their cuatomen 18 an Investigation which shall establish conclu- a1'el ) just what Ice Is wholesome and what Is otherwise. Several of them have clhd II n ! cOllnlbsluncr ot health lately wih (111 ( complaint and I Is likely that they wIl present a lletllon ( to the counhl , asking that "Olie actIon be tlken , . , , ' . _ " , . . - . , " . - . , . . . . " - - . . . BOSTON STORE WREC \ [ { SALE Posltvoly ! Every Dollar's Worth Wreaked DrcEs Goods , Silks , Linens and Curtains MUST BE CLOSED CUT TOMORROW The Winding UI' of Thl Wreck Sale Wi Ibcl080 the OrnllleMt nnrlnln II I uji- l'nrh ( oIIM-Tho IIMt " 'crn Ha- Rer'cil for Touuorrow-Last , l"y , $1.50 SILK AND WOOL DRESS GOODS , 2dC. This season's silk antI wool dress goods , also plain black and cOlored all wool hen- rleUas , that were damaged In any way on the steamer "l'hioenicia" go on bargain square at 25c yarll. 1lany of these , I 11er- feet , would be worth $1.50 1 yard. S& pieces all wool fancies In seeded effects , illuminated colors , silk and wool small checks and stripes all wool crepons , goods that cale al steamer Phoenica , and arc not damaged I , go at 3ge yard , worth $1.00 yard , $1.50 IINIETTAS , JACQUAHDS , 490. , \111 lwo.tonet cheviots , all new goods , worth up to $1.60 yard , strictly perfect , 10 In our dress goods department nt 49c yard. B.AC ) CHEION AND Cr VIOTS. 20 pieces of crepon , pure silk and silk and wool , the most stylish goods for separate tress skirts , also wide wale serge all cheviots. These goods measure SO inches and go nt 76c , uSc and $ IG9 'arll. SPICiAL SILK . SAI.E. On bargain sluare 200 IJleces ) 'art wide China silks , all dark grounds , with small , neat figures , cost $1.00 to Import choice , 29c yard This includes stripes and checks In kalkls , or wash silks. NEW SILlS. AT &Oe , 79C , 9SC AND ! $1.50 YARD. Most wondcrrul bargains In gros grain , Ieau.de-Sole ant figured jacquarts , which arc nul so stylish for separate dress skirts or entro suits. These silks were bouJht nt the great New York trade auction or S\IS. They are really extra ordinary bargllns , and wo earnestly all vise every one of our customers to take advantage ot this sale. LACE CURTAINS FROM TiE WlmCK. In the last lot of merchandise from Steamer Pheenlela were four cases of [ lace curtalnp : only a few of the outside packages were wet ; the greater portion arc fresh all clean ; tomorrow they go In lots as follows : At 8c ) pair , nil the Imported Nottngham ! curtains that arc worth up to $2.50 a pair go tomorrow at 98c. At $1.50 pair , all the finest goods In this lot , curtains that arc worth UI to $1.50 pair , elegant designs and extra sizes , go at $1.50 I pair. LINENS FROM TilE WRECKED STEA IR. Our big sensational lnen sale still lasts. All the GO.lnch $1.00 qualIty sliver bleachel daunael 19c yard. " , slightly soiled by salt water , go at 50 pieces ot GO.lnch silver b\'ached damask , with Queen Charlotte finIsh , slightly soiled on edge , worth $1.25 yard ; go at 35c. 50 pieces i > or 72-lnch Irish double satin damask , all Ilerfect , worth $1.00 yard : go at 35 . GI.lnch heavy crenm damask , slightly damaged - aged , worh ill to ISo yard : go at 29c and 35e. 19 bolts of GO-Inch Scotch turleey-rCI ' damask , worth 35e yard ; go at 15c. 'I . GOOO glass cloth anl damask napkins , In. plain ali fancy borders , slightly , et , worth up to 10c : go at 2c each. BOSTON STORE , OMAhA , N. W. Cor. IGth and Douglas. 0- Inlhl0lnI10 P"uIlo \ ruSdlt ! IeIi , Other where they will spend the summer. AssumIng - Ing you are one at them and an eastern re sort Is selected , you will b Interested In knowing that the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Hy. Is the direct and popular line for this class of travel between Chicago and the east. M. S. Gies , T. 1' . A. , Chlcngo. C K. Wiber , W. P. A. , Chicago. Totho l'nchllc Oual , h.:1 : \ 1"lernoint s Via tim Union Pacific , the War Ils Pic- torah line. Read the time. To San Francisco . from Omaha G7y hours ; to Portland from Omaha , G5 * hours : first class through Pul- man , cars. Dining car service unsurpassed. Pre reclining chair cars. Upholstered Pul- lan colenl sleepers daily between Council Bluffs , Omaha and San Francisco via C. & N. " ' . and Union Pacific system without change , connecting at Cheyenne with simi- lar cars for Portland : also daily between Kansas City and Portland , connection at Cheyenne with similar cars for San Fran- cisco. Corresponding ( line and service to Colorado - tme anl rado Utah , Wyoming , Idaho and Montana polnls. HARRY P. DEUEL City Ticket Agent . , 1302 Faram St. Mrs. R. II. Davies' spring opening March 21 , 22 , 23 , Thursllay"Frlday and Saturday. . MANY SUITS ARE IN e3I1UT. Slstrs of 1 lly Jesller Arraying Thom ctVt'S II Court 10 ( on test I Wit' . MetaphorIcally speaking , a bombshell dropped yesterday among the rela- tves of the late Emily D. Hespeler , who dIed on February 1 last. I was In the shape of a will , bequeathing all at her property to her stepson Colonel George Hesp3her , and disinheriting a dozen or more ot leI own relatives. Soon after the death of Mrs. lespeler , a sister , ! rs. Mary Dyers , called at the house , 123S Norlh Twentlth street and took away a trunk contaIning a ' lot at valuable personal .ot property , which she hunch 1 conveyul to her own house , much against the whhes of George Connely , a roomer atthc Icspeler home. She then telegraphed to Colpnel Heapeler , Inorm- log him of the death ot his sister. Later on Cunnely swore ont a warrant 'for ( lie arrest ot Mrs. Dyers charging her with larceny , and she was called Into ' police court , where the case was continued for two weeks. I In the ( vent that Mrs. flyers Is held guiles les of the ( larceny charge she will commence a criminal prosecution against Connely , In addition to suing him for defamation of char- acter. Mrs. Hespalcr's mahlen name was Uroh. lan , and when 19 years of age she went to work for Ito man whose name she bore , and who was u wealthy manufacturer , after whom the town of Hespeler , In Ontario Canada , was nanied . leslleler was an old mln , anti he had two sons older tlan ( the fair Emily , bIll this did nol prevent his becoming a victim to the charms at his pretty enspioye . The result was a marriage , with the understanding that if I she survived the 011 g'ntIenian , she should be his sale heir , and In turn , upon her death , she should will all of her possessions to his eons lies- Ileler died , as also did one or his Sons , and the whlo\ came to Ounahia. She did not suc- eeell , fnancial ! , and out at an estate orlglnal ) ' worth $00,000 , she leaves hut little over $11,000 In IJersonal II'opert ) ROLl real estate. About n year ago she got Into a Personal encounter with one of her sisters , Mrs. Morrow , who sued her for $50.000 Ilamnges for 'Injurles to her person , The sister rero\'ere a judgment for $4,000 , I which was , however , reversed upon second trial before Judge Ambrase. . The relath'es of time deceased fondly hoped and bele\e she had heft no will , lS a careful search ot her personal effects was eagerly mmmdc . 1lr. lespeler did make I will . however , ' which she left In Canllla , and which arrived rlday Under 1 Colonel George liespeler , her stepson , Is made solo hell and admlulstrtor , without bonds. 1\leng the Ilerson.1 elects of the decease are 16 Illeees of lace , valued at $2,000. There Is Her ) lrosict ) at a hal dozen suis beIng eommenced over the will by the different relatives of [ Mrs. iespe1er . who consider thelseh'ea unjusty treated ) uhiimi of IhD Court. /oll& Tie jury In the case of Thomas Igalnst Justice of the Peace dgerton has brought In a verdict In Judge hiopewell's court In favor ot the Jllalutl for $101.93. In the ( case of lanllx against Irandlea 11 Judge I"erguson's court verdict hiss been rendered for the Illalltl for $28S.90 , WIIJlu .Iathews , who shot Wiiam Davis , a colorl < Ilorter In a resort lt Nluth street and Capitol as'c'nue about two years ago was yesterday sentenced by JUdge Scott to fifteen years In the huenitemutiary. Bert Brown , a colored ) 'outh , who pleaded guilty ' to having stolen 1 dlamcnJ ring , vaiueil lt $ t50 , from UflJresentatn Watsol , "as switumeed to the county Jai for thIrty d3)'S. nmrles Tietz , who was convicted by a jury b"riday of having sold liquor without a leelu ! at TII IZ's park ) , on the old Military road < I , was ordered to pay a fine at $300 , or languish In the county Jail while the amount was bearded out II the rate ot $2 per day , WILCOX & DHAPER. The Buffalo Shoe Stock Was Too Dig for Us. - CAN'T ' SELL IT ALL IN A DAY - . Monday " . . Really 1"111 to Sell luIalo 6hot. , fur Tomnorrow' , , \ \ 'luen n-c Make thin 1'ricc ! Thnt't lo I - , , TIe prices we'vo made so far on the Buffalo shoes have been perfectly satisfactory to everybody , 'esterday's purchasers being on tIme verge of [ rIot , so dense at times be- . came the ' crowd But we appeased them with Buralo shoes till the throng thinned. i Now , as wo say , everybody was satisfied who came , antI we have but one cause for complaint : There were Intervals , not many , 'ts ( true , but n few , when the crowd dwindled down to perhaps fifty people . Then was the tmo you should have cOle In . In order to give ourseh'es no rest whatever on Monday , we wIll take this lulalo stock hy tH horns ; untl we arouse one at the greatest shoe ex- ciements that ever struck this metropolis. Wo'l sho\\ you prices tomorrow that beat , an'thlug you ever heard 0 [ , LIttle wee bits i of prices for the best shoes on earth , much as this . [ uIalo stock was largely composed 0 [ . WI ARE SELLING MEN'S SIO S. Never sold so many lace amid congress for a dollar as we did Saturday. Wo'l sell more yet Ionday. Price Is god , so Is quality , IJut them to- gelhE'r and they're irresistible. Then $1.48 buys a cal and kangaroo shoe In lace anti congress. No man ever saw the like of them. The needle toes for $2.60 need no words at praise Two hines at men's shoes for Monday that hann't been out 'et. They arc $1.23 and $1.40 kangaroo , cal and are great shoes for lho money. Days' shoes are exactly like the men's. TIm BOYS hAKE ThAT. The prices arc half a dollar under and TiE MEN LIKE THAT. \Vo ha\'o overlooked , In the beginning of the sale to say what wo have for clldrQn , Over 200 pairs at 6 to 8 at 4Sc. A hundred pairs yet of baby shoes at 25c that cost 24c. Some of the newest things In children's and mlsea shoes are stched with whie silk . THE LAmES' UAHGAINS. ' ,0 only quote today decIded bargains. A ladles' .Iongola , patent Upped , In square or narrow toes at a dolal' . All sizes and all widths. hundreds ] of pairs that Dufalo sold . for $3,00 amid $3.50 , we arc selling for $1.48. There's nothing bike it. So many real bargains - gains thlt It wi be to your Interest to visit our store If fur nothing but a cal to see how we do huslness. Selling shoes every mln1te. WILCOX & DRAPER , Otherwise Known lS the House of Bargains , 151 all 1517 Douglas Street . A Few Advsmmtapg. Offered by lie Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A clean train , made up amid started from Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to destination. Elegant train service and cour- teous employes. Entro trains lighted by electricity and heated by steam , with electric - tric ( light In every berth Finest dining car service In the west , with meals served "n la carte. " The Flyer leaves nt G p. m. daily from Union depot City Ticket Ofce , 150 Farnam street. C S. Carrier city ticket . agent . Mrs. n. II. Davies' spring opening March 21 , 22 , 23 , Thursday , Friday and Saturday. . COUNTY MAKES A DEMAND SherI Must lotto for Irens Hcccivod from Clue County Court. , Ot all tl offices In the county that of the county judge furnishes , or rather In past years has furnished to constables , the richest pIckIng. But slnco the election at JUdge Baxter nil this has been changed , and there has been , as a consequence , no end of growlIng - hog on the part of the regularly elected con- stabulary. But their complaints have had no elect whatever upon either the judge or the sheriff. Time constables got no processes to servo , and , at course , no tees. I all calo about In thIs way : When Judge Baxter entered thc ofce he found that under the law constables could sere civil , but not probate processes. He therefore applied to Sheriff Drexel to have I deputy appointed far the county court , and finally James C. Swift was appointed lo that position. But here was the diihlculty. How was Swift to be paid ? Time county ' commissioners only allowed lie sheriff five deputes , the stated salaries to be taken out at the fees ot time oiflce. Swift could not bo added to time roll In this way , so I' . Drexel permitted him to pay hlmsel by pocketing the tees and mileage eared hy hIm In hue county court. This suited Swift first rate , and since a year ago last January ho has been working under this arrangement. But It did not suit the chairman ot the ftnammce committee of the county commissioners - sioners , and on several occasions Mr. Jenkins , who was then acting In that capacity , wrote to the county attorney , Mr. Kaley , for his opinion as to the liability of the she rif In time nmatter . No answer was receIved from Mr. Kaley , and hue mater was dropped until recently , when Mr. Stenberg , now chairman ot the finance committee , apple to County Attorney Dalrlge for his opInion , which he PromPtly urnlshed. I was to the elect that Sheriff Drexel must account for every dollar which hall been collected by Swift and pay Il over to the county treas- urer urer.An An expert has been engaged In the commnty judge's olce for two days attempting to get at the amount due the county on this ac- count but be has reported to time eomlls- missioners that It Is Impossible for him to make even an etmate , owing to the fact that mleage and tees are lumped alI en- terell under one Item , They will have to be segregated , however , for the reason that ( the sheriff Is entitled to tIme mleago and the county to the tees , though the process will be long and tedious. . --e .1 . < UI/ . 'T10. OMAHA , March IG.-To the Editor at The Bee : There are many unemplo'ed men In , lhls city depending moro or less upon others to aid them. Wlh the opening ot spring the number will doubtless bo sOlewhal reduced but work there will still b lan ) ' who cnnnot fInd Why cannot sOle sort of Irrangemtt be made In Omaha as was don ( 11 Detroit by time suggestion and under the ( direction o ) Mayor I'lngree ? With time expendluro at $2,100 for ( seeds , tools , food amid ludglnl for the unemployed time vacant lots at Detroi , with the consent ot time property owners , were Illaltel wih potatoes. Al the unemployed who desired to ( do so were given emimioymmient The result was that over 40,000 bnahlls of [ potatoes , worth $28,000. were raised , 'here are any lumber ot vacant lots In this city , many ot which eoull , no doubt , he used for this Ilrpose by consent or the prol. crt ) ' owners without coat ) vacant lots camm- not bo goten , the fifty aCrE1 ot 11001 farm IUld izetl belonging to time county could be utl- Ized.Why Why not go ahead and do Eomethlnl In this mater ? - _ . A. - G. OIOI , \unllty . " 1"0 tim Ullt F 0 lb , . At the economic seclln of UnIty club lust Friday e\'enlnS 'fhe ' 1wo Stuntlards" was the subject again under conbhlerutol , the special toPic belmmg " ) , ' IIHclal age. belnS "Domestc Free Coin- Mr. e. S. I.ohlnsIer , the director . ct timis section , tlolee brlel ) ' ot the work of the two re\'lous e\enlngs de'ott1 to "The 'l'wo Stuntlarls , " amid said tlat time usual review woull be omited , as the ( hue wait ul too brief for the subject of the evellng , 'rhe first Paper on time proi&Lmmu . "Sltetch ot Current \ Ionl ) ' ttancinrds. ' was road b. Mi' . I. I. . \bhot after which the main question for debate was taken up Mr. I G. H lagney IlresenllS the 11'IUlelt tal' free coinage , und Proto U. 11. Lewis the unu- ; meat uJaln6t free ( 'olnlll. 'fhe 6ubJl'ct , together with the lumts of those who took part In time program ' , lt- traded n large Iuihm < o. Owing to time lateness - ness or the hour. a general dlscussi ' 1 of the subject was oumutted. The next amid final meetIng of this l"clon for the season oc'url Alrl 5. SubJect : "Momietury l'anlcl " ' " ' , ' : ( -7-- - . - - ELLEY { { , SJIGER & CO. . Spring Annonno3met of Arrival of Fash- ionnble Oropons anbflsse Dross Goods , ARRIVAL OF A IIOSTtO1 SPRING NOVELTIES IOST1F - Nlw rreneh Silk 1''UU" , Black CrfI'OII 01 the Newest nlfH ; Olt l'-"hlolnhlo , 'VCn"fM , New ' 1lmllll , , New Collars , New CnlleR , We have just received from the United States custom house the most attractive and latest Ideas In crepons , ali grand spring novelty dress goods and siks , French silk plaids. Plsse crepe , a stripe Parisian [ ash lon , Superb China Taffetas . Time latest effects In silks for waists , lack small figured Tnretll , elc. CIIEPON. I The creation of [ the most Ingenious designs In the following [ shades. CAI .AU-I.AIT I pgW ACmH. I.AUS GENE. G IILE'iV'IF. . MAHnOW LAUREL , BTC. BLACK DRESS GOODS Dmss or the fInest grale' and desIgns. . Crepon Phase , Gaulee , crlnldeJ. All kind Imallnable now on hand. Note-iiaving fortunltely given early Import - port orders for [ fine dress goods , we are enabled - bled to display the splendid assortment of novelty crepons , now so scarce In the coun- try. try.A A choice line fine trimmings for above goods. Also collars , belts , buckles , etc. Newest designs In capes and jacleets. Also flue shirt waists , Including the celebrated - brated "Star" and "King" brands. KELLEY , STIER & CO" , . Cor. I.'arum and 15th st. . l'ivitsiiumt tn T,1eD The Northwester line fast vestbulell Chi. cage train that slde cast from time Union Depot every afefl cn at 5:45 : and Into Chicago nt 8:15 : next niorniumg with supper and la carte breaktast. Every part of tht train Is HIGHT. Other easter trains at 1:0G : a. m. and p. m. daily-good , too. City ticket office . 1401 Farnam street. Ciy tcltet 101 POLISH CRUICH TROUBLE. CHUJCH l'rolinmmmmary Icurll ! of the 1'"rU"sr - rested forA"ult , Is l Ic I 1 . 1. The assault cases resulting from .the recent disturbances at St. Paul's Polish Catholic church at Sl'eehey arc 01 trial In police court , ant yesterday the ent e day was occupied In hearing the evidence against the deenl- ants. There are nearly forty at these. All the cases at assault are being tried al a single - gle hearing , but time charge of shooUng with Intent to Id1 against atber Karmlnsld will bo treated sepnrately. When the case was called at 10 o'clock , yesterday morning the court room was filled , with the defendants , witnesses and interested [ rlcnd . At this juncture nn objection was raised as to the valdiy , at warrants on which the arrests had been made. They were countersigned - tersigned by W. , 8. : .ivey , chief at police , and It wasl suggested that nl time time when they were Issued , Mr. Seavey was sImply a private citizen , and Captain Mostyn was acting In hIs stead. Some time was occu- pied In looking up authorities on this point , and City Attorney Connel was telephoned for an opinion Mr. Connel said that he believed that lie warrants would hold good and on this representation the trIal proceeded - ceeded , alhough Judge Derlt saId that he was nol alogether satisfied that the proceed- Ings would be regulnr. The only witness examined In the morning Father Karmlnskl , who was was al the stand until noon. lie was examined by Assistant - sistant County Attorney Day , while Attorney C. J. Smylh appeared for the defendants. The testimony or the priest was merely a repetition at his previously pUblsh el state- ments , and no facts of Imp rlanco were chic- ited. lie was rigidly cross-examined by Mr. Smylh , who brought out the facts In re- gard to tIme ordination at the witness by Archbishop Vlato at Wisconsin. The examInaton ot Father Karmlnslt was continued at time afternoon session , amid then the boys who were his assistants In the serv- . Ices , and wbo were witnesses of the shotog , were put on the stamit Their testimony : simply confirmed the reports previously pub- ! lshed , and the trial was without incident I nnt Sam Macleod , a former e'mploye ot the Board of Education , was put on the ( stand : Macleod hld been Iowa to thin church on the evening after the shooting occurred , and he testified to the appearance at the building - ing and the location of time bullet marks. le hall made a critical examination at the bullet holes made by the revolver at the Priest and their appearance and convinced him that they had been fred merely to scare some one. How he arrive at this conclusion was not stated , amid Mr. Smyth Inquired hoI \ I was that he was so Interested In the affairs at the Polish church as to go hero to make an imivestigation. Samuel admitted that he had a lively Interest In seeing "the reputable sid' , " com3 out on top , antI In reply to an- other question declared that he never mixed " " side with a "disreputable , unless there was " . " "somelhlnJ In I. After recalling Father Karmlnsld to repeat his testmony as to which of the derenlants ho could identify as having been inside the church when the sbootng occurred the state restul. . J/STlWN l'/ .S/ ( , . ' . \'oternIU or lisp R.'bolilon Hcmcmhorod hy tIme 1fH'ml ( ; ov"rnllll. , 'V\SIINGTON , Jlrch 1G.-Speclal.- ( ) PensIons granted , Issue of March 1 , 1&93 , were : Nebraska I Orl lnnl-J.ouls P Derhy Myr- tie , Lincoln : Charles Hoeltwood , 1)'annle , ' Cirummit IncreascDonpls I.'on , O'Neill , Iloit. Ttelssue-lavid. 11. \'hiite , Aurormu , 1amltol. Original , widow-Saraim C. Durand , Saint llward , Boomie , Iowa : Origiial-Joftn , W. Keeley , Per ! , Dalas ; John Deck trtrord , Inmlton : Wilson Iteniahy , Spero' Des Moines : Edwin . D. Illtr\lge , Denhll ' Crawford . Addl- tionalIteuben'zumVV'amt , VIUsce , Mont- 1ont- ' ' . Iomer ) . I micreus.e-1i'erthimmnmmd Nerher Chlrles City , Floyd I : , Furls Thuompsomi . West Inlon , 1lyete : NouuIKnupp ) , Charlel City. IloYII : Joseph Zineula , lowl City Johnson ; August Iruuse , Churoj City \ Floyd ! , le _ imtsue-Ilolhls g. luter , lopKlnlon , Dela- ware . Original wilows , otc.-usan H. Leach , Bkldor , CIton : Margaret Jeler- les , ilencomi Juhata 60Ulh Dakota : 1zeveise-Robert Ihomisahi , IIQDOISe-Hoberl Bonsul Jol.la , Hund. Colorlllo : OrlsIpn1Bohan Field , Hot 10t Sulphur Hprlnls. ( Gnm. hsue or Murch 2i1615 : : Nebraska : ltenewaL-Jmimes " ' . hush , I.lncoln , I.nncastcn' lteiasue-Timmnas Ireelen , lUlhohl1 Hlchurlson , OrIginal wimiosvs , etc.-I.ucla "A , Fillmore , Beatrice , Gui ge. lawn ; Originai-Johiui n. Wilams.Igona. . OS8Uth. . Henewal-John Hush Brown , I mm- Ilanola , Warren . lncrease-Jumel \y Quiche , SIpDurn cr. Kcokuk : hugh p I" Uurton. Clarksville. , i Iu t her. Orllnal whllWl , , ete.-I lcn Noble , Des Moines , 101. , South Iakzta : Original-John W. WaY1 , Faul.tol , I"aulk. - - - 'Ih\'xl"tl' ; " It' Nlturnl n" . . INDIANAPOLIS , March IG.-Jacob Oold- berg and his wife , living at ! 8 biddy street , were found at G o'clock this moring asphmyx'atcd by natual I gas whch ! hrd ncap d ( ruin the kitchen slove. Mrs. Goldberg was dead and huusbammd ' . ald her hUS\II cnnnol - reco\'er. : H. c I"r fur . u I'IUI ! r iu.mps. ! On.AlmiA CITY , Old . , March IG.-I. . Mvrrin'an & Jlros. , whele211e liquor deal- era , have hlrl1eJ their llfIIC'S'er to a reco'\'er Dll'lntell by te l'e1rlrt ' ctirt. The hiatm'hitles are $ O , oo ; assets , $18,000. J. J' , Boyle Is the recelnr - , - , . , 2 SALES AT BOSTON STORE - 200 Cases New Wash Goods , White Good ! , Battens and Cotton Gocds ON SALE IN BASEMENT TOMORROW - And time Great Inlkrult Stuck of 11.I'A 'lrlllhlll ( ell lit " 'hl.h0 Arc OI.rlll the 11nMt Slrprllnl liar- gain of All , TOlorrow , 2c white goods , slightly imperfect , lc yard , 25e new zephyr glnlhams , Gc yard , ' Ylrd. 251 henrleUa sateens , all new ) Iaterns , 8'c ' 'heulils of yards at lle and 19c satcen , all new patterns , G1he 'ard. The best cambric linings , worth lc yard , go at 2 % c. New sprlnJ calicos atll prints , worth 7c ) yard go at 3'c. ' Best Sc indigo blue prints , 3 .c 'ard. 7',4e apron diode gimighamns . 21 yard. Holer towels imp to three yards long , all sewed 0111 ready [ erse , go at 19c cache Man ) ' worth SOc. Hemnants or all Ilnls of crash toweling , 7Yc for ni entire remnant. Stampet piow ) Ilams , 12\2e \ pair. ON MAIN I.OOH. $1.60 men's white laundered shirts , SOc. $1 men's white and colored uniauliered shirts 26c. $1.25 men's underwear , 25c. $1 men's neckwear , 25e. All the men's linen cufc , 4c. All styles men's linen collars , 4c. All men's socks , &e , 8e , 12Yc anl 19c. $ quality bo's' shirt waists , 26c. $1.25 boys' all wool knee pants , &Oc. 7Ge union casslmero knee pants , 25c. BARGAINS IN CHOCKEHY DEPARTMENT In batement. No. S nickel teakettle , &Gc : worth $ . & Decorated dlnler plates , 48e per set : worth $1.20. Decorated cups nnl snucers , 48c set ; worth $1.20. HAm DRESSING DEIAHT mNT. Hair goods wl be sold all thl9 coming weele for less money than they ever were before 11 Otumaima . and every lady having her hair Iressell 11 be given a " [ ace steaming" free of charge. BOSTON STORE , Omaha , N.V. . CQr. IGth amid Douglas. . Miss S. C. Grh\\oll , the milner , hums ra- moved front 1 South lGth to Mrs J Ben- son's store , In rear , with full line at fIne ' reneh nmiiiinery. . - l ) .Vl TIl .ST.iTI.11I.VTh . . .11. ' jVlIS. Uolt lounty \ \ 'imnesses I1\hnle II UIN- CI"'III ' : Ihn Strit's or nn ( ) lrll I"n , O'NEILL , Neb. , March H.-To tIme Editor ot The Dee : In your Issue or the 9th Inst. there Is published an Interview with \V. J. Dobbs , staten agent at this place , which casts a slur on the people of this county. As your paper circulates extensively throughout the state , the publcaton will reach many who do tel know Dobbs , antI they might be led to believe what was said In that Intervlcw by him. As you have always been air In dealing with us , we ask that you republish time article , all also time afdavls of the men Dobbs says have len the country , so that the people of the state may see what unfair means have been resorted to by a few to create a sentment against the men charged with the murder of Barrett Scott. WITNESSES I.A VIG. Fear Expressed that Darrett Scott's Alleged i . Slayers May Go Free. w , J. Dobbs , the Elkhorn agent at O'Nel , Is one of the out-at-town Masons who ut- tended the convocation at Shrlners In this city last evemuing ' Mr. Dubbn shys that the .people of e\nlnl' I have about given \I ) hop that Darrel SCUU' alleged slayers wil be . convicted. Since the preliminary eXlmlna- I lon two or the most Important witnesses ' for the prosecution have disappeared , ant It Is feared hint others may follow. One at these was Palmer , a man who passel Parker's just n few minutes before Sootls buggy on the fatal New YellS eve. At that time Scot was Just comIng In sight about a mile asvny and Palmer swore that : Iulhan was stamiding ! on the waU or the sol house when he plssed , About two weelts ago Palmer left the place where he was working to go hume and chnl e his clothes IJrepar- atory to attending I meeting uf the debating socIety at O'Neill. This was the hat seen of him. His disappearance Is being Invest- Jated , but so far no trce of him has been discovered. The witness Stanton , whose disappeared. testimony was also Important , has likewise I. David S. Palmer , or Dorse , Neb. . being first duly sworn , depose and say that I have read the above statement II The Omaha Bee or Saturday , March 9. 1893 , all fay that I am still residing II Dot-soy Hal county , Neh . and that I am ready to go upon the witness stand Iny time the state mar re- < ulle me to 10 so. I turther say that J dd ( not swear that 1 saw George D. ! ulhan standing on the sod wall at Parker. Parker.DAVID S. PALmR. Subscribed nod sworn to by DavId Palmer , to me known to le the identical person who subscribed his name to the foregoing aildavlt. ( JOHN DAVIISON Justice ot the Peace. I , harry Stanton , being fIrst duly sworn , depose and Hay that I have reall time above Intervle\ ofV. . J. Dobbs at O'Neil. and Hay thnt whnt he says In relIII to me Is I malicious ralsehood : that I nm 111 have heen antI am still ready to testify In the lmnrrett Scott case at any time that I am called emi to do 130. HAnny S1'ANTON. caled and sworn to by larry Slln- ton , to me Imown to he the identical per- son who Fuhscrlbed his name 10 the fore- going aliltiavit. JOHN SKIHVJNV , gainS Clerk District Court. By O. M. Collins , Deputy , ) . J ) 1./ ) . VICKOrtY-Eulward , aged 3 years , 8 months VII 20 daYH , larch 1G. 180 : . Fnnerl services - ices Monday , March 18 , at 10 a. 1. from the resIdence or his "arents , : lr. rind Mrs James Vlekol ) ' , : i91 North ' -wenteth street. Interment Forest Lawn cemeter . -0- . , ' /ICOT CIVI ) IS lllZ/ ' . "orloll Unll\16 In Cllflrnin hy I J.Ol Tluprmomn'tor II Jlnr.h , , SAN FRANCISCO , March 1G.-Heports from ( VacavJe , Woodland , Emira , Rulsan , San Jose , Fresno antI Davisyle state that frost bas practically ruined the apricot crop In all the northern a \I central part at the localities named. Prunes , grapes and paches 'havo also been Injured but deciduous fruits have suIerel most. In the neighborhood of Vaca\le the loss Is esthnated at $2GOOOO and alJut San Jose the value ot nut destroyed . stroyed Is $100,00 Many orchardists say that theIr revenue this year will be nothing and have discharged their employes. A tber- ( moreter of 2 ! degrees - - did , - the mischief . Trust . of Editor Uana , I'osmpomurd. NEV YORK , March 16. -The hearing In the case of Charles A. Dana , who Is charged wIth criminaly lbeling F' . n , NoyeR of Washington , was to have taken place before United States CommIssioner ! Shields tOdn ) By agreement between counsel the hearIng was postponed until next 10nday morning at 1 o'clock. . S l\E LESLIE DRUGS. _ - _ - 1 , OU' ussort" nt ot hlit price meileines rror I.esle'l tock , Is ! etUnS prel badly hale hroken : , but we ha\e the folowing still on Leslie's l'rices . Our Prices ISo bottle IHusehJll1 amnmonimm . , . . . . , . 60 40e bottle W'itchm Hazel ( same size us Si bottle - tie belie 10nll'I Wich xtrot lazel ) . . . . . . . . . . $ . ISo 750 and $1 iuottlo Port. Claret and Hhern' ( fur medical use only ) . , . . . , . . . . : c-40e We size Hhuiiuim's Conmuunmption Cure. . . . . 2fe Shioh's Consumpton Wu size , \cker'l Emighimuim : 'mcdy , . . . . 2c ) ; 1':1118h I $1 size Sarsaparliha Ind CQler ) ' , . . . . , . . Wet $1 size Sarlpnrla lee antI Wine . ' . . . . ' . Wo t $ size gmulrlon Cod Liver Oil . . . . , SOc 250 size ( hlycorimme Supposaitories---------- hOc Ilze O'cerlne lorlew" - " - " - " - " - lO SOc 117 O'Cel'lne amid I ' se Water . . . 2e ISo size ( hlytcrimme Inll Bose Water . . . iSo : size OeerJne IhlMh noses 10so . . . . . . , . ' 401 Hh rr31 & r G nlBl Drl Co o 1513 lodge St. , 2nd door west at P . O. Agents ( or Iunyon's Homocopathlc nem- cdles . , . . . , " _ : Sl _ . ' . ' .t . . . . HAYDEN BROS. SHOES. Monday Will Do the Day to Buy Shoes nt Hayden Dr.s , GOOD SHOES WERE NEVER SOL SO CHEAP - Laillemi' Shofp , Olc-llel'l Sheep , Ulo I ClmIldrcmt' IhOfA , -Itc-iimfmmit' ShoeM , , 23c-lcnl ( lie J'rirC Below I ! for 11011ny , Infanl's fIne dongola SOc shoes , 2dC : sizes 2 to I Chuihtlren's fine patent vamp , S5c shoes , 4Ge : sizes 4 to 8. Chmiltlrcn'mm grain solar tip , U.21 shoes , 7Gc : I sizes 9 to 12. Misses' fine grain tip , spring heel , $1.60 shoes , Ole ; sizes 12 to 2. Misses fine .10ngola , patent tip , $ $ .IO shoes , I 08c ; sizes 12 to 2. : Ladles' flume hnll turned Ludlow $3:00 : and $ t.OO shoes , 9Sc : small sizes. Ladles' flume hallurned , hiatomit vamp $ tOo shoes , $1.18. These arc broken sizes , but I you can gel a fit they are big bargains. , Ladies' fine dongola Pie and square till , $4.00 buton shoes , $1.98 ; sizes 2\ \ to 7 , ) anll I widths. Men's N , IC. calf , $2.00 shoes , 95c. Icn's fine satn calf , $2.50 congress Ind , lace shoes , $ .48. $ Mcmi's fine Pie toe calf , $ GOO shoes , $2.0. Do's' N. K. cal lace , $1.6 shoes , 98c ; sizes 1 to 5. IA YD N BROS. , Monday Shoe Sale - The ncw photograph at the ( heavens which Is being IlrelJared hy 1.0ndun lerln amid Parisian astronomers shows 6SOOOOOO stars. I'OTATO .F.l1tltS 1'It 1'Iflf J'OVfl. ' l'tT.TV " 'I.USOl TIl 1'Wl Non York City I a AdoUn A ll.lal M"U.o.1 . of "Inuit" ! , ' NESV YORK , March I'G.-T'Ie New Yor Charites conference has leehlcII to adopt the scheme at POtAtO ' ( arias for the poor which was Inaugurated by Mayor Pingree of Detroit last summer. A commlteo has been al . pointed to carry . out the plan on a- large scale antI active work has been commenced , The Plan Is simply obtaining tIme muse of kilt tracts at mad In the cl ) ' al\l dividing them up Into Patches ! ot one.thlrll at an acre fOI each [ lml ) ' , 10tatots for planting and oUlel vegetable seeds will be furnisimeti . Eacim man must then attend to hIs little tuna and all the products are his own , Mr Wiiam Steinway his offered the use ot a tract ot lal\l contnlnlng 200 acres In Long bland City , and Mayor Wlel Rives a large tract at \lnwooII , Columbia college do- ntes seven acres on lornlng lle JelKhts , All or these alers were received be [ ere any publc appeal was mude , nnll It la expeeh' ' that asked thousands for cit [ acrs will be tOl\lerel1 IhOl1 New York has n large area at unocculel ( land , Accor.lng to n census tnken hy Postmaster - master layton through the . letter carrler ther arc 17,329 vacant lots , containing over 1,000 acres . below Wesl One Juntlrell a 11 I.'ort.fth street amid tIme 1arlem river. In the nnnexell district nro 11any thousanll acres that the commitee expect to be offered for the summer's ( ice. I'hl lclta-1 h"ln hmnuiqilot. BOSTON , March IG.-The Massachusetl Alpha Alumni association of Phi Deln.Theta held its third minus ! banquet at the Parker house. Se\'enty members , relresentng college - lego chapters [ rom Maiuie to Calfornln , Bat about the tables with Preshlenl . . , wih I. C. Tom- lnson presldln TIme chief 81Jeaker at ( lie after ( huller exercises were : 1. 11 , Marble at Nash\le , Tenn" , hlslorlan of he t eneral counci ot the fraternl ) ; W. H , Menalr , also of Nmishmvihie , all bbs' Arthur Little , I.n. or llostoum. At the business meetng I. I C. Tom- lnson , luchtel . college , OhIo , was electe1 . ' ! ell 10" 108olno M"I. . LINCOLN , Ill. , Mareh IG.-The Lincoln water works have been sold . The cal wal closed today ) for their transftr to F. M , Mliii of Des Moimiemu The conshleraton Is $170,000. - - - - - - - - I - FOR . . . v.i1-- g : jt L- TI I I FIFTEEN ' ' . . . ' . . . i . - ! ' DOLLARS UrI [ i . ; . \ & 'r" Down and 8 monthly you CII buy I fine . PIANO Orcheshal : gl'Il\ feet G inches high , 3 peduls , at I engra\eu panels ivory keys , continuous hinges , $18 5 ' choice ol walnut , mahogony 0' oak case , stool und scarl. . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHY PAY RENT - . ' "Thcl you can have o\el'y dollar ; you pay right in your house , anti thereby muko 0 savings bank ol your inst-ument ? can address I I \c Ire ! ellul Trlbuto plcturo frames I I I on or - I -glass and mat-only 24c , F1QSPE1 Jr 1513 IlOilgills st , , _ . , S Omaha , Neb1 . . - - - - - I . - - - MRS. J. _ BENSON ; . . SPECIAL BARGAINS -IN- Knit Underwear For Spring. A beautiful quality of Egyptian Cotton , silk trimmed , finest finishezl seams , best pearl buttons , high DCCI , 1 OF short sleeves ; price 5oc , Pants to match. A good quality. silk trimmed , well finished seams , good p3arl buttons , high neck , long or short slccve3 , price 35C. . ; izes 3 to 7. 1-ligil neck , long sleeved vest , regu1ar 35C to 40C quality for 25C. Sizes 3 to 7. In our Muslin Underwear department CIiiIdrcii's Drawers in good quality of muslin , with button holes worked , tlirce tucks above hem , sizes o and i , 7c ; 2 , 3 , 4 , hoc ; 5 , 6 , 7 , i5c ; 8 , , 17c. Ribbon and I-Iandkcrchicf sale continues on Monday , . ILttttILtIt tt1t1 ttKt1I2 lIZ I . czzz - : 1 ' New China . Cheap. - ' 1 , : " - - the , - - , . , - - I Not cheap in the sense ' , of quality , but in the sense . . _ . ; : ; " , _ . I of priccrciia'ka6 c'ieiP' _ , - " I Fume dc'corateml 1)ImitOs. . . . . . . . . . . I LIof , umuit meal dishes , , . , , , 2a . . , , , . . Ci'nc'lcom' jut's , decorated , 1-1h Colum'y tluys , wovtbi 2OO , . , , . , , OILs Olive dlshmc's , fume , , . . , . , . . . . . , , liha r- L'llc'ulIItQ ( Jugs . . . , . . , , , . . , . . . , . 91).a . limmo decorated lamnps . . , . , . . , . . 1)1)ti ) ) 1)ccoi'atcd 10-piece toilet set. . $3.95 O1Isllii'Os-l"I'Oflc'li jmattoruhs. . , 'l'm , 'III ! 13 J3reud ti'ays-bcmtutlttul. . . . , , /i 1) ) 'mlmtny oUmot' thimigs Imi china that 9 ; : ceiit 151'o " 5flhLl ) ' lam' thu ptircliusor , Store Our Baby Uugglea , , ttto tiuc tulle of tim town , . have 1319 Fai'iiaiii Street. seen thoumi ? rnrnwJ i'irn 1L Z - - - - , . . . - , . . . . .Aw 0