Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1895, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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0 . TilE OMAUA ] ) AIT Y 1EE : SVNIAY , l'AUOII 17 , 189.
' . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . - - - - - . . -
: t . , : : ; Im OMAHA .SUNDAY J3I&
't COUNCL n.Fs.
't .
- - - - -
. . Dtlnrt * by canter 10 any par of the r.I , .
. r U. W. TILTON , Leuee.
} PrEt.EvuONEs-13uneu : omce No. 4 : nIght
, , dflor . No. U
I _ _ ,
'r .UI..Ul .UR.1'ISS.
: ( rant , CouncIl n r E. F. Cark , prop.
t' Jlnyt , ! enl 1slnlo : 8encr , 1i39 nroadw r.
. . ' . of Paral l. MexIco
; , Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Alge Pn
. I. Young
are guests of the famIly of J.
Furniohed rooms wIth board . at Mrs. Ilax-
. , wantel. ter' ! , tI9 Sixth annue. Also tay boarter
( J. lcNll spealls at the Young Men'a
ChrItIati nsoclatIofl meeting this alternoon
, , Christan aSloclaton meelng
, at 4 o'clock.
The fludley Buck quartet goes to Omaha
I .
thin evening 10 sing for n special fervlce
r given by the Young Men's cub of St Mar"s
Avenue Congregational church.
' 0 A atereopticon entertainment will bo given
, next Btereoptcon \ ' for the beneft of the
I , ( ris' IndustrIal 1 : hol , the proceeds to be
\ devoted to the purohase of sippiIe.
: A union meeting of the Young I'eople's
gnlleavor vIll be held
" Soclrtles of Christian wi
. this evening lt g:15 : o'clock at SI John's
, English Lutheran church , 17 Pearl slreet.
Earl A. , the 7.months.ohl Ron of : lr. nn.1 .
. Mrs. August Olesen , led nt 2 o'cloek Friday
" : AUluat the realdence . 2109 Avenue C.
; .U The funeral took place yesterday aleroon
" . al 3:30 : o'clocl. ]
. Tom Brewer , arrested In Omaha Friday
: . night for ! Iealng 1 wagon load : of chickens
' frotii 'dIhIs \ county farmerl , wn alIen back )
T rol18 )
il to Oen\ oed yesterday . by Sheriff Camphell
Mihi count .
, of Mils county.
j C. Casllson and wife lost their .tnont1i'oId
; . child ! 1111 : ) ' mornln nt 8 o'clock. Thc
, funeral will talc place thJs morning nl 11
: o'c'.ock at the resIlIence of the fumly hi
, o'cock
C hazel Del township.
. . A meeting of the directors of the Union
t' Driving Ilrll u loclaton Is announcNI for
Monday , afernoon , when Il Is expected that
, iomulhlng wil drop In connection wIth the
trotln& meeting proposed for the coming
; , summer.
! ' The gospel temperance meetings . which
I expectEd to begin this evening . with
" , Mrs. Palmer al the helm , have been posl-
; - pone.l until further notice on account of the
; serious illness In the family of lrs. Palmer's
: aughter.
; ' Comrades or ncampment No.8 , UnIon
; , Veteran Legion . and I.adles' Auxilary No.
r 17. Union Veteran Legion , will meet at their
; : hal this evening at 7 o'clocll. for the purpose
i' 'of attending divine service at the English
' 1' Lutheran chnrch.
Daniel C. BcllCord , aged Gr. anti lrs. Ma-
> tilda man. .1. were married Friday even-
tag , after /n extended acquaintance through
; , , the' mails. They never saw one another until
Friday , as all Ihelr courtship has been carried
. ' on by correspondepce.
' . Charles Lhnberger . a well known engineer
, on the Burlington , was qulely married last
Wednesday to Miss JennIe Itick. The mar-
; , rlalo took place at Lincoln and but few of
the young people's friends knew of the occur-
rence until they began keeping house at I
. . 118 South Sixth slreet.
A young man named Perry Howard was
) arrested yesterday afternoon for the larceny -
ceny of a suit of clothes from Chares ] Cou-
. Icy's house , 236 Broadway. The clothes
- were the property of Jell Cover who Is In
jai himself for stealing. Mrs. LiihIeS'lmit -
tesey led the information.
The case of the state against Schmllteln ,
- the young German baron who struck several
Connel Bluffs and Omaha merchants hy
means of forged checks , Is to be tried In
\ . police court next Friday. Schmlteln has
. been In the county Jai above two months
' awaiting 1 prelimInary hearing.
: . A Jury In Justice Cook's court decided yes-
l' terlay that Mrs. L. G. Knots Is neither L.
G. Inots nor 1 part of the firm of L. G.
: Knots & Co. J. A. Smaley began suit
: ' against her , bar husband , and time company
: for $25. O for wood bought . but not paId for.
. Mrs. Inols demanded a separate trial claim-
lag that she wns only working for the com-
pany at n salary or $25 per month. After
. hearing the evidence , the jury returned a
1 verdict In her favor.
. " A. H. Emarlne complained at police headquarters -
" ' quarters baet evening that hts hen roost
t located nt 11 Twenty-first , had been en-
- terell by burglars and nineteen buff cochins ,
' one of them n rooster , had been stoR'n .
- f' Heads ' and tl feathers lying around pro-
- mlscuously indicated that twelve of them
. .r had been killed and the rest were supposed
I to have been carried off alive. There was
4 I . 10 clew to the identity of the thieves.
. We hAve oVlr $300.000 to lOan upon 1m.
proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans
: , , . can save money by dealing direct with us .
: thereby raving ngent's commission. 'Ve do
, Sot loan on wild lands. nor In Nebraska.
; ' ( Lougeo & Towhe 235 Pearl Itreet.
; : t Dr. Laugel. ofro 40 5thave . ; tel 180.
: Evans" Lundry company , 520 Pearl. Tel.
L 290 ; oshlr.ts , collars . cuffs , fine work.
"t 0 i'EIltoN.4L ' , WlllS.
" Miss Ella ' nagsdale has returned from an
i ' . easter trip.
j ; : Mrs. 11. D. Couzens of New York Is the
. t guest of Miss Friendly Lucas
Deitsch of Iadcirfo ( liardin
i Carl Hallclle. lardln county ,
1 bas gone homo after I visit wllL his son-In-
. JI\ .s C. Daleer.
\ Mrui. H. S. nawlnls Is slowly recovering
'F from 1 severe attack of the "grip , " with
t lnk-eyo" complicatIons .
} , Sam Morrtson , time blind ex-lireman , Is at
' St. Dernarll's hospial sick. le will be glad
'j to see any of his old friends at any time.
'r Miss Agnes MCArdlo , formerly In charge of
: J. J. Vavra's millinery store the past year
. heaves this evening for Fort Dodge to open
L' L . ' a milnery store '
n. N. Ellis , who has been for sIx years
I with l'eregoy & Moore , left last evening for
Delrol. Mich. , 10 make arrangemnents to as-
I sumo the managemel\t of the Iowa agency
" for Drown Dros. of that city . ,
4 \ , Ex-County Attorney John P. Organ Is sick
" In Chicago. lie left here for a trIp to New
York by the way of St. Louis tmmedlately
. after retiring from ofco and only got as far
- a Chicago , when ho was taken wIth the
grIp. Yesterday hIs illness , which at fIrst
, did not seem dangerous , became so serious
, i' that a teegram ] was sent to hlB wife In
f Neola , asking her to come on at once She
" r left last o\enlng for Chicago.
There never were such prices and such
, bargains given In Council DufH as Marcus ,
' . the clothier Is offering now A 19000.00
, ; stock of clothing , furnishing goods and shoes Is
' $ being worse than slaughtered , Not a thing
that Is offered was damaged by the tIre. anti
time hIghest prices asked are 50 per cent below
o cQst.
Cola & Cob will sell the Quick Meal and I
Relablo gasoline stoves ; time tried anti
tested. A two burner store for $2.50. You
\ _ Ihould see their 50a wash boiler and lOc
; coffee lOt H you want cheap prices on tin-
' . ware , go there
Ou heating stoves for rent and for sale : t
i r i Council Bluffs Gal company's ciflee.
o I , hurt 11 ii 1.ul'llr1.
Ltzzlo Grumm , a young lady employell In
time Eagle steam laundry . yesterday was
, working a mangle , when her left hand b-
came caught between the rollers. Before the
, machinery could be stopped \ the hot Irons hal
burned bier haM nearly to the wrist . Mr
Duerr happened to be standing near , and seeIng -
. tog her predicament , Iluled the belt of and
Itopped time muaclmine . The burs cause her
much pain , but time Injury Is not likely to
be permanent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, \ il UIIIIBI.
"lie who by his biz would rise
Must either 'bust' or advertise , "
We have advertised , and are doing the
" , buslnesl All frames and IllcluU at halt
price Main until street . Apri 1. Ii. L. Smih & Co. , 45
. . Do you want any roomus . furnished or un
furnished T Any number up to ten , good for
housekeepIng \ or beading house. L' . W. Jace-
Ion , 710 First avenue , ale 73 Broadway .
Yes , the Eagle laundry Is 'that good
laundry , " and Is located al 7U Broadway.
. I In doubt about this , try I and bo conyincd
1" 10rlet name and uuinber Tel. 157.
- .
, .
- - -
Dying City Oonnoi Pr paring for It Ocr-
tin Transition t lstry ,
Social Alnlr of time Wcc1c-Miqtaltc : 11\10
by Infer nee h'nn It.Imrer' , l'lgure
' , Still Unt-
-unit's Jury Stl -
Other City Notes.
The city rouncl itCimi a meeting last even.
Ing to wind UI ) the business ef tIme year get
ready for death , atud decide whk of the mat-
tots now pending before It should be turned
over to the hew. council as a legacy of love.
'Fhie ' bill for $1,300 for paving Oakland nvenuo
was allowed. The petition or O. II. Simons
for remission of taxeS on the Ogden ; hotel
was rrjecled. W. S. Slyter's petition for the
remlsslen of grading lax was refused.
The council decided that the ordInances
vacating South Seventh street In favor of the
flock Jlanll hallway company and establish-
Ing tvcmity.four ounces as the minimum
weIght of n loaf or bread had caused the
counci enough grief , nna they were unanimously -
mously turnout ! over to the new council to
wrestle wih ,
The petition of property owners for the
opening of 1 new Street Into I nlrlount park .
In time rear of the General ledge property on
Thlr.1 . atm cot was granted , and nn orllnance
passe.1 . orterlnl the street oJ nel. This will
I make a road front Filth avenue 10 thc sum-
mtt of tIme hl nt the west boundary of the
L park , about 700 feet In length anti wlnllnl
imp time 'l\slle nt nn easy Irllle of 6 per cent
I ur Ices The council adjourned until Monday
t night , when the business of the city wl be
i turned over to the new councIl.
I JmNJSU ltilS.
: : nlos.
tlotu.iay. 1ilomiday. Xtlommmlay.
Greatest bargains ever offered over a retail
counter. I you value money , attend thIs sale
. 2,000 yards of .Ic , lc and Gc embroIderies
In short lengths , 41 yards In each piece ,
Monday lc yard ; no limit , all you want ;
15c . 20c a 111 25c Irish point embroideries ,
Monday choice 9c yard ; 25c , 30c and 3rc embroideries -
brohlerles , 5 10 10 Inches wile , Monday all at
one price , 1lc yard.
59e all wool , 38-lnch French serge , In
navy and black . Monday 350 yard.
75c 4G-lnch navy and black French serge ,
Monday 49c yard.
50-Inch black gloria silk , worth $1.00 , Mon-
day 69c yard : 21-lnch check Taffeta sIlks , all
colors , 50c 'ard.
I I ; pieces of W.lnch : white Habutal wash silk .
50c quality , Monday 25c yard. !
I you need table lInen , napkins or towels
Monday Is the day to buy.
52-Inch cream table damask , worth 50c.
Monday 29c ) 'ar < .
G-Inch bleached damask , Gc quality , Mon-
day 480 yard.
GS-Ineh regular $1.00 bleached double satIn
damask , Monday 74c yard .
72.lnch regular $1.25 bleached damask , 1on-
dab' S9c yard.
45c Turke-red damask , Monday 29c yard.
2c Timrkey-red damask , Monday 15c yard.
lOO 17-lncl fringed check napkins , 3c
50 dozen all linen , huclc hem towels , size
17x3. . Monday lOc each.
A good 3G-lnch JL unbleached muslin , 3c
ya l.
36-lnch bleached muslin , 3o yard.
Genuine ( Green Seal ) Lonslalo bleached
muslIn , 6I yard. _
1,000 curtaIn shades , en bqst spring fixtures -
tures , Monday ISo each.
$5.00 chenille curtaIns , dado and fringe , top
and bottom , Monday $2.98 pair.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Council Bluffs .
MRY luy 1 MetHner.
E. 11. Odel returned yesterday from nock-
ford , Ill. , where he has been looking Into the
merit of "Arrow , " a steam launch which It
Is possible may be brought to Lake 1anawa
this summer to accommodate the crowds of
pleasure seekers at Manhattan beach. "Ar-
row" Is sixty-four feet In length , sIxteen feet
In wIdth and stands eleven feet and three
Inches out of the water. I has been In use
since April , 1890. on the Hock rIver. It accommodates -
commodates 200 persons and will prove a
great attraction at the lake. Negotiations
are still pending for its purchase by the
Manlva Improvement company. The proba-
bity Is that If the deal Is carried through
the boat will Ilave to be bronght hero by
river , the railroad bridges being ' too narrow
to admIt of Its passing through.
J'rtces Talk
The extreme low prices we have put on
some lines of merchandise has had the desIred .
sired erect and closed them out entirely. .
A lot ot fjncy black allIes that sell from
75c to $1.00 a yard , to close at 50c.
A lot of 46-ln. all wool henrlettas and sergs
that sell from &Oc 10 75c a yard we offer at
25c a yard.
35 ( Ioz . kId gloves In ladles' , gents' and
cimilthren's , goods that sold from $1.00 to $1.0 ,
to close at 50c a pair.
A lot of all silk ribbon In satin edge moIre
and gros grain , width from 5 i to 12 , offered
at 5c gos yard. Don't fail 10 see this bargain
Our entire stock of stamped and em-
broidered stand covers , worll from 75c to
$1.25 , to close at 50c each.
Our muslin undearwear stock must be reduced -
luced ; big reductIon . on our entire stock
Good muslin gowns reduced to 3ge each.
$1.00 , $1.25 and $1.50 gowns reduced to 88c
25c corset covers offered at lOc each.
75e , $10 amid $1.19 lace anti embroider-
trimmed drawers reduced to 3ge.
2 doz Diamond carpet sweeper left , the
price to close Is 3ge each.
OWI.lm , mCK & V'AL1CER
CouncIl Bluffs , Ia
'r he ¶ . . , nit mmg C Ii " U t aim iiumi.
To the Editor of The lice : I sUbmit the
following as my method for raising the money
to start the Chautauqua. We need $2,000.
Some mammoth millionaire couhl give I us
In time twinkling of an eye But let 2.000
persons In Council Bluffs and surrounding
country hand In $1 each with name and address .
dress , and they will quite as notably help us
on 10 limo same happy result. Each person
who does this shall have a ticket handed
him or her as soon as they are Printed that
shah u.lml the holder to time assembly
and Its privileges during the whole twelve
day , ' session of 185. This payment Of $1
will be less than 10 cents a day gale $
Your money will bo safely deposited In the
I'ank as soon ai receiveil
Throwaway those out shoes I will cost
moore to get them mended titan you will pay
for a new pall If you buy Ihem at time great
auctIon sale at 600 Uroadway. The sale today
wi be a corller.
Jallanese Pie Ilemmmedy-Wonderfui In Its
curative powers , at lehlaven's
1lull" Wunll , 1.11" , . 831.OOO.
Io\e Graham , whose woundN heart only
hurt her $25,000 worth two weeks ago , whm
she had Fred I.eutzlnger served with a notice
of suit for damages In that lum for false
Imprisonment anti failure 10 support has
been laken with an extra twinge , which she
thinks Is worth $10,000 moore She las also
changed her mind , and decided not to allege
that Ibo anti Fred were husband and wife In
- - . . , : iDJe'
the common law \tf , In her petItion. which
II I now on file , he says that J-rel has re-
fused to nlarry her a he hall promised to
do , anti that the consequent sorrow at being
deprived of his society has tetrartl Just
$25,000 from her happiness. SIte also al-
logos that she was Imprioned At Iutzingor's .
request a shorl time ago , the charge pre-
ferrell being assault wih Intent to commit
murder. This charge "as utterly ground'
less . and when the case came up for trial
she wa discharged , Leutzlnger failing to put
In en appearance The few days which she
spent In jai were fIlled with grief and the
bights with walling anti gnashing of tcelh.
For this she demauIls $0.000 damages , makIng -
Ing the total amount for which she sues
$3 , OOO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
sO11.ti . JAJ'l'ININU OJ' TImE W'EElt-
Evemit thnt J'rouht Many J'oollo Together -
gether I Iurln tim . "not ? IJ lmty5. )
Friday evening Ed N. Iron organized \
party of 'oung peoille to go to Oenwooll amid
Perpetrate a surprise upon Ie\ ' . E. W. Allen
of the ChrIstan clmurch who has been haiti-
Ing a series of meetings there luring the
week just pasl. A merry time was hall , 4mt ,
It was found that the surJrlsers were also to
be victms of 1 surprise , for they were all
invited by Dr. Powel to the slate imistitu-
tion . where the evening was happily spent.
The following eomposet the party : Marcie
Miller . Rosa Grngg , : lnnle Lindsey . I \l
Miller . Vinnie Carley May Mliier. gilth
Foster . Jennie Bul , Florence Carley Ida
Dempsler , Cecela Crocker , E. G. Goodchlhl ,
Nettle L. Belsoe , Minnie Patton . Laura
Crocker , E. I E. Mack , Sophia Johnson , Iuth
Steep . Mamie 101ns , Clarence Allen , lrlle
Irown , John Camioyer Arab foal , gl N.
Brown , Ene Miles , [ lassie Hch , Marie l er-
gu&on , Harriet 1001 , Minnie Saunlers , Mrs.
Decrw ! ster . lay Grosvenor Carrie GI'OS-
vemior Roy Paterson , John Clark.
On Tucsday evening there thunlerel 10wn
Uroalway about two dozemi couples loaded In
ohl-fahlonell wagomis singIng amid chantng
imi . a mrry manner. The drivers finally un.
loaded their human freight lt tie residence
of Jhnmle IWsworth , Fourteenth avenue and .
Twcnteth street : i. . and Mrs. Elsworth
entertained Ihem In 1 gocll ohl.fashloned and
royal imiatmimer. Games were Indullell In , amid
1 lunch was served that Is se.lom ! ! I ever ,
excelled. All who were there join In laylng
It was one of the best times they ever Imad .
I was the wee hours of the morning when
110 crowd started on their overland trip for
home. Among these present were : Mr. nml
Mrs. Joe ! clherson , Mr. amid Mrs. El N.
Brown , Mr. and "trs. Julius Keppner , : lr.
amid "Irs. Arlhur Jmsworth , Mr. amid lrs.
Frank Klein , Mr. and "Irs. George Elsworth ,
Mr. a 11 Mrs. Otis Shepherd , Mr. and Mrs.
Don Bryant ; Misses Minnie Sanders . Jennlo
nul , Birdie Drown . Belle Marks Laura La-
venberg , Agnes Cook ; ! essrs. Walt l'icicering .
Dan Lnvenberg. Eli Irown , AI Drown , Sam
Teami CHrl" ! van Dr UogRrt.
The I' . E. O. society held a meeting last
Tuesday afternoon from 4 o'clock until G nt
time home of Mrs. J. M. Treynor and discussed
current topics.
A "birthday reception" was heM Thursday
afternoon from 3 unti 6 o'clock nt the resi-
dence of ! r. Charles T. Officer under the
auspices of time Lookout committee of Che
'oman's Christian association . I was not
given In honor of anybody's age In palc-
ular but ever'bolys tn general. Time following -
lowing verse of poetry had been Inscribe on
the 11 Iaton and s'gnlfed the I urp se c the
affair much better than so much prose could
have done :
Put within this small baS
As many round pennies
As years you are old.
< ( \e hope they are man ) ' . )
Your light will be bright :
I you sent It or bring I. I
While we wIll keep dark
I ) 'ou wish . what'l wihin It.
'Ve urge you to come.
With greetings most hearty ,
For In more than one "cents"
Its your birthday party
The ladies responded well , both In pe:20n
and with pocketbook . The secret of how
much each envelope contained was well kept.
but It ts whispered that the sum realized was
far In excess of the actual aggrEgate of the
ages. each lady fearing that through some
hook or crook the exact number of penntes In
her offering should be hearneo . and making I I
largo accordingly , In order to disarm sus- ,
The home of Mrs. A. Louie was the scene
Tuesday evening of a pleasant surprise party ,
tendered to Mrs. V. Campardon by a number
of her friends the occasion being the lady's
sixtieth birthday anniversary. Those present
were : Messrs. anti Meslame G. H. Jackson -
son , J. C. 1errlllh , M. Duquete and A.
Metzger ; Mrs. Hullo ; Misses Emma Potter.
Blanch Arkwright , Hattie Duquete and
Hudto ; Messrs. John Duquette , T. H. Booth
and A. Iloffmayer. A pleasing feature of the
occurrence was a charming serenade rendered
by the Mandolin club comnkosed at Bert McCormick -
Cormlc , Karl W. 1ayne. Win Woodward ,
Fred H. Searle and Gus Louie , who also pre-
sented quet. to Mrs. Campardon a beautiful bou-
quet.A number of friends of Mrs. F. O. Westrlp
arranged a surprise party for her benft
Tuesday evenIng , but on theIr arrival at her
hOle found her youngest . chIld I ! . _ The . corn-
pany repalrr ( tnI hOuSe Ot airs . oUIIUI ,
ThIrd avenue and Tenth street , where Mrs.
Johnson assisted by Mrs. Lund , entertained
timom HIgh five , music and dancing , with
a bountiful repast , furnished a royal enter-
tainment. The company Inclule Mr. and
Mrs. Black of Los Angeles , Cal , Mr. and
Mrs. Carothers and Miss Idd Carothers , Mrs.
lhrlstanson ana Miss Fie Chrlslanson , Mrs.
Jonts. Miss Pearl Jones , Mrs. Blue . Misses
Nina Blue Mr. Edward Jones .
Lillian and Due. 11. Elwara Jone.
Cyler Carl , Gorilla Johnson , Miss 1all
Johnson , Miss Addle Lund , Mrs. Shreeves ,
Miss Shreeves , Mrs. Crovemer of Leaven-
worth. ICan. , Miss Jessie Sherwood of Omaha ,
Miss Lyman and Henry Christianson .
Friends of Miss Sadie Goss tendered her a
surprise party Tuesday evening at her home
on Third street. The evening was spent In
games and varIous other amusements. Those
present were : Misses Pearl and May Wy-
colt , Bessie Gillette , Lydia Evans , Emma
Colburn , Adlle Gultnr , Maggie and Drde
Lindsay and Bessie and Gerte Luke of Cht-
cage ; Messrs. H. Colburn. F. Colburn , G. Jud-
son , J. Connoyer , J. WIndle , H. Goss . , C.
Goss and D. Catterhin.
Time indies of the Fifth Avenue Methodist
Episcopal church wi give a literary amid
musical entertainment , after which oysters
will be served at the church Monday evenIng -
Ing , March 18.
Mrs J. C. 1xby will open her home Tues-
day afteroon from 2:30 : to 6 o'clock for a
social gathering of the ladles of the Congregational -
gatonal church ana their friends.
' 01 Immys' Clmrlnl male . .
WO have got to have rom for I .W goods ;
have a lot of goods that are In the .yay , and
Intend to dispose of them. Prices no : taken
In consideration In this sale. Lamps that are
worth $3 will go at $1 , and a variety of other
useful household articles Ihat will make It a
chance 10 get goods at prices below manu-
facturers' costs. Come early and get choice
and avoid the rush. W. II. MULLIN ,
21 Main Street.
Jductuno for luldlngo.
The figures quoted from the address of
ox-Mayor Hohrer bIfore the municipal reform
meeting. arc to some extent mIsleading from
time fact that other figures which ho ale
read were not published In connection . The
nmounts quote are time totals drawn from the
general and Police funds , but Include Items
which (10 not , as he explained . actually
belong 10 time ordinary running expenses of
the city. These items are those for publIc
buildings and grounds , damages and condem-
nation and park litigation. In Justice to the
admninistrations ot limo varIous years taken ,
these amounts should be deducted , when the
shooing ! for actual runnIng expenses of each
year woull bs as follows :
, . ,
. . .4
g3g .o - iyZ ao .
g. 9- ! pt e-
\ b''o : C
8 ! C. 'os44 : 02 " :
: . ; g : . . 2 ! =
. - "
_ _ _ : c'a. . : < .
1555.9 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' 92,16 GG' 8,552 il f63.23 9 :
18S.9-\ ' \ 9) . 8r I 9. . 51 11.21Z &Z
j59.j . . . . . , . . . . 102.93 G 6.810 U n 12d 5J
1891.2 . . . . . . . . . . 20 2,8) 6 121,31252
1 9.3 . . . . . . . . . 10.761 59 ZI.05 U tG.1Jt t
15)3.4 . . . . . . . . . . .ilomi . i6 6.tG9 G 9Jt6t I
1891.5 . . . . . . . . . . .1OOiO 31 191 r 88.u 16
Miss Hags.lale . has returned from the east
whim a full line of the latest noveltes In mull-
hlmmery. Notice of the spring opening later.
lqllr ) Was alisleit .
J. W. Squire , one of time defenlants In the
suit of Francis Grass against M. E. Snow
laud otimers fed a petition In tIme district
court yesterday asking for a vacation of tie
_ * vfr- - - - - - - - -
IUIIment thal ' ' 1 rendered against him' '
seine little ImeJ ) 't I. In I ho alleges thal
his attorney . Captain ii. W. Ilight I. told him I
ho hall made arrangements with the attorneys -
IYS for the platrTtlff not to prosecute the I
clbe and UIposMrlbey were living UII 10
their agreemrnt : l\terwarll Captain II"ht
lost his eyeslgh nn l the attorneys for lrs.
Snow pushed the case , securing n JUIIment
on a defaumlt . ITO now wishes to have the
1 defnul.
case reopened. . , \1
( Jly ; t ttm ii m t ir's . \el'UIII ,
The following -t1 summary of City Au-
( Ilor Gould's relrt.lfor . the yea :
Total warrnntstdrnwn ' , $138,724.10 , for the
following accounts : 1
llrard of health. Ct'IiitbP . . . : . . I . Xll . . : : . . mS. . . . . $ I39J. ,
1leelon ] nlr Henlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6.15
lngmneer's : , Iepnrlnlenl . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.o3
1'nJlneer's 1"110 del1ttlent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.QJ.H I
11" anti street .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . I2O3.56
InsprclJ . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IMI.O )
Mnrshal's del"llment . . . . . ( . . . . . . . 5,216.29
: lscrlaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r.09.2i
I'iice deplment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.312.0'
1\N anti supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9i.4
3tr'ta and .upple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.31 .3 '
HIIIrle8 Itr.rt. nnl . . . . nie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,66.36
He\e .Iep"rtmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.r.2.03
\ "
City pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210.M
- - -
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 88UI.iG
sI'EciAI. 1I l'ito'IIl1N'r. : 1-C.
' ; HI'CIAI . . . . nl.IO\'II- . . . . . . . . . . . . .S i,2SQ
11'IIe' ' \ " . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .r9
iulterCf-ctItn svcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2. U1
Interst'ction pr\el Itllnl . . . . . . . . . . . l.r. 19 ;
I'uIiic .eton \ amid grctmtml . . . . . . . I .037 .5 ;
Iullc bu\hlna ' Irollls. . . . . . . . . OI3. r
llcll fl't''tnt'flt pr\rr . . . . . . . . I,5O.5. )
Hlcell R. e..II.nt N Jtllnl . . . . . . . . . r.2.1
( . Ieclnl omit , \ \ l'a\'lnl . . . . . . . . . . 141.57
- - .
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ i. 91.1G
lamiinges anti rhhl HtDlm . . . . . . . . . $ M\.O' ' )
TnmnJe8 , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JIIIJmN\1 ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Si .i3
\\'uler rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2G.t50.0
Total . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . $ 42,715.27
OU'1TAN1)mNU . \ N1' .
General OU'IOT.:11:0 . . . . . . . . \ . . I . iA . . . . . $120,553.56
'uler runl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U,0.8.i5
- -
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ir"O2.01 ;
I Is eXllected Ihat IleCerre.l special Interest
now on the tax books will enable $ 2 ,000 to
be returned 10 the ftmmids 10 be applied during
the year lu rednclu the onslallnJ varramits
13ON5uIl : ) 1ND1nT11IESS.
Ilegimiar city bonds INlmTINI'HS. . . . . . . . . . . $ n.IM.O
Intersection Imllro\'cmcut . . . . . . . . . 2.1(1).0 (
Special assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - 2')9,7U0.0) )
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GJ1.10i.OO
Tulnl one year ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . - i3 ,9'\.0) '
Decrease . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .C 99.8'.0 )
1onds Issued durlnl year , $1,200 ( specials ) .
The city pays annualy Interest on oulstand-
Ing warrants bonds and judgments about
The sinking tumid contains $71,180.80 , tO.-
000 of which Is for the retirement of regular ,
city bonds and $31,000 for Interseton hn- '
Tuxes In process of collection :
Grurral lax . . . . . . . . colecton . . . . . . . . . $58,039.4i
Specials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 81..02.19
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39.S02.26
Balnnce9 on hnnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112SSS.92
- -
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .332,2)1.18
China antI , lmipmmn .
I Is not often that you can get a first-class
returning from
newspaper correspondent , upon
1 big asslgnmiient to tell his story to lie peo-
1)10. Frank G. Carpenter ts just back from
Asia , and he brings the latest news from
Japan China and Corea. lie traveled 25,00
miles through these countries during the past
year and he had a corps ot photographers
with imlni lie photographed everything and
everybody , and he Is now to appear emu the
lecture platform , and swill give three of his
tales here this seasomi A\rl 10 , 12 and 13.
He ts a singularly lnlertalnlng man and has
proven hlnself a great SUCceSS on time plat-
torm. 10 leCpa lila aullences with htm , amid
Is eloquent and f11y by turn lie believes
that news should fqrm a part of 1 lecture as
well as a newspaper , and he talks because he
has something to 6ay. Ills views are sterep-
tcon slides , which , vl be shown on an 1m.
mense screen. They have bEen colored by
tim finest of the .apnnese artists and the
photogralher ) of the mikado aided In the
preparation. The Japanese are the finest
colorists In the world , and the hundred pictures - I
tures which ho wi show each eyenlng will
come before his , lultences as' magnificent
palntinga photo r p11N In colors. I Is impossible -
possible to describe , these pictures. They are
undoubtedly world Itho" .nest" eeu . shown . to the
Whoro.l'c'YH Free.
First PresbyterIan-Corner of Willow avenue -
nue and Seventh mitrect. Rev , Stephen Phelps ,
paslor. Preaching by tie pastor at 10:30 : a.
m. and 7:30 : p. m.
Second Presbyterian-Preaching at 10:30 : a.
m. Subject , "The Exaltation of Christ ; " 7:30 :
p. m. subject , "Fire From Heaven , or the
Great Revival ; " nev. Henry Coller. Sabbath
scimool 12 m. ; Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor , 7 p. m.
Congregational-Dr. John Asldn , pastor.
Morning subject "The Shrunken Sinew or
the Offset to VIctory ; " evening , "Absalom ,
or Glory . Human all Divine. "
Broadway Methodist-Il . P. Dudley. pastor.
Preacimiimg at 10:30 : a. m. Subject , "The Rest
Day , " ana :30 : p. m. subject "The City , Its
Perils andProbioms . " Sunday school and
Peris nn/Problems. anl
class meeting at 12 m. Epwortl league at
6:30 : p. m. _ _ . _ _ _ _ . .
neorganzeu llrCI or Jesus Ulrlst or
Latter Day Saints-On Pierce street three
doors west of Gen avenue. Preaching al
10:30 : a. m. anl 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at
12 m. Z. n. L. society at C p. m. Evening
subject , "Amusements. " T. W. Williams ,
St John's EnglIsh Lutheran Church-
James Hall . No. 17 Pearl street Rev G. W.
Snyder , paster. Services at 1 a. m. ana 7:30 :
p. m. Sunday school at 0:45 : a. m. The
Union Christian Endeavor society of the city
will hell union services at this church at
6:16 : p. m. The Union Veteran Legion wit
attend the regular service at 7:30 : p. m.
OracCorer PIerce and Union streets.
Morning services ut 10:30 : a m. Evening
services at 4 p. m. These services will be
conductel by members of St. Andrews' so-
ciety of Omaha.
Are you going to buy a gasoline stove this
spring ? I so , b sure to visit C. O. D.
Drown's Glove department before you buy.
We have the simplest , safest most economical
and best all around gasoline stove made.
Many retrain from using gasoline as a
fuel , owing to the apparent danger. They
refuse no longer after beIng shown our stove
whIch Is a stove that takes care of Itself-one
that can be blown out and let opened tr
turned on and not lighteil . and no harm done
BROWN'S C. O. D. , Council Bluffs , Ia.
Meal tickets ! good for 21 meals . , only U
eacll , at Hotel Inman
St. 1'mtrick's I clrhrauion.
The Ancient Order of Ibernlans will celebrate -
brate SI. Palrlck's day this evening with
appropriate exercIses at Dohany's theater. The
exercises will commence at 8 o'clock , anti time
following Is the attractive program that has
been arranged for the occasion.
OvertureIrIsh , nnd Amellcan Airs . . .
. . orchestra .
. . . Dy the Chairman
Opening Addressj . . . . .
JoIi . \ ; ' M. Gaivimi
Chorus-Erin Nbwtls Not My Home. . . .
Pupils frOnt St. Francis Academy
Quarlet-'he Hprp That Once Through
'rurn's Inl 1 / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mrs A. Imrpghm . Miss Jennie ICeating ,
Mr E. A. Ifi pdsby , Dr. A. M. I.aulel.
Somig and IripJI15U - Saw from the
I ana . InptomtmeI . 'I. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pupils of St.IFrarmcls Academy , with harp
accompunlmttlby Miss l.ulse Lynch
Solo'1hree Ielfl' of Shamrock . . . . . . .
C. M. 'rrcmiiugen , lcomllnled uy I'mof
S lee cf Omaha .
Duct-Come 1lnrR 10 Erin . . . . . . . . . . .
. Mrs . J. Df anti Mrs. n. 1luls ,
Solo-Dear Irl1hcIomelleall . . . . . . . .
Irt.tiA. Id. Laugei .
Address-Poellnlllllutriol ! Iautel. . . . . . . . . , .
110mm . M. . , J Wade , of Iowa City .
Chorus-Sial 1111Iet Banner . . . . . . .
Entire CpiifliliY mini Orheslra.
Tabienux-l-Itiltfld ) ! us She " 'as. ( II-
Tablenux-I-ll Is 'roday. ( 1)-1 ) re-
land ns We lole 10 See (
Pupis from 1St. Francis Acatlemy
Price reduced ; Centervle or Walnut Dock
nest Iowa coal , $3.25 ; 2.000 Ibs. for a lon ,
delivered. WmJ , Welcb , _ GS S. Main , Tel. 93.
Davis drug , paint , glass moan 200 D'way.
\1 110. l . let . l'm'ml'
The probability now seems 10 be that no
services wi bs held at St. Paul's church
after this month. Time doors of the church
will Ilrobably be closed until fall. ThlH Is
partially done to Hive the churh a chance to
cutch up In Its finances. 1 has been cus-
tomary 10 have a vacation of several weeks
durIng the summer , and time vestry Ihlnk the
yacaton might a well be extended a little .
will HI'lt for a Tim !
The care of Shulz against Harris , In which
a judgment was rendered some time ago In
favor of the plaintiff , has not yielded any
substantial returns to the plaintiff , and Mrs.
harris was put upon time witness stand for
the purpose or giving ome information a to
the whereabouls of her preperty. She Mid
she hall $50 at home , but on going home was
unable to fnll more than 17 cents ler attorney -
ney . J. J. Stewart. thcreupon stated to the
court that his client was not responsible for
tIme stalement she hall Ialle , because of her
poor health all general nervous conditiomi.
Thl case will not be prosecuted any further
imntil an examnination has been malte by a
unti exnmlnaton
physician Into Irs. harris' condition.
itcH CHAO , cItIm limit , 'lry.
The ntorneys In the case of the stale
against Wilam Hall spent the greater pnrt
' ' their to the
of yesterday making arguments
Jlr . anti the case was submitted about G
o'cloc ) . Time fact was levelol'ed yesterday
thall part or time liquor al least that was
stolen amid was afterward found missing from
the kegs ha.1 . gOI ! to the home of County
: Attorney SaunlEs , to 11 used In the manu-
I rncluro of mince pies : lr. Saunllers did not
know that the brandy woull ever be wnntel
l as e\'llence. and It was pure luck he said .
that any of It was left. The Jury was still
I wrestling with the cato at 1 o'clock last
evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11" , rur ' .1" : ,
We offer for sale for n short time only , timO
following Iowa farina : A 287-acre farm In
Guthrie cotimity n 40'acro fnrm In tonona
couul ) ' . 1GO'acre farm In Ionona , iO.acre
farm In Union county , 160.acre farm In V'ooJ-
bury coumity 120.acre farm \'oodliumry
count . two SO'acre farms II larrlson county.
Very low Ilrlces will be mad In order to effect -
fect Inmellato sales. Wi lake some trce ,
Cnn make liberal terms emi these ltropcrtics.
Cal or write for larticulars. James &
O'eefe } , 17 Pearl street.
l.nn5timtg . for Morl ltoomn.
The directors of the Young Ien's ChrIstian
associaton held a meetng last evening at time
rooms In time Everett block and Icclled to
malle an effort to secure moore room than
the ) ' now have. This will be done by ncllnl
10 the parlors the office now occupIed by S. n.
Snyder , mooring .the partition amid putting In
an arch thus making a parlor , reading room
and game room at the northeast cormier
general harry Curts WIS . engagell permanenty ns
S'mivra's thy UOIII ' Stmre.
For Monday antI Monday night time finest
line of zeh'r gimigiiam . 12c and iSo qual-
I ) ever offered . at 7'c yard. Lathes' fast
black , seamless hose for 10e ; chIldren's hose
from 3c , 4c , Sc , 10e. up to 25c.
VA VHA'S , 12 Broadway.
J. n. McPherson , florist . cut flowers and
plants. Design work n specialty. 'Vlre or-
'ders day 01 night. 12S1 E. Pierce Council
Bluffs. _ _ _ _ _ _
The Aberln , strictly first-class. Cuisine
unexceiled. Beautiful rooms. Sixth avenue
and Seventh street , Council . - Bluffs.
" 1'IE ( iLl ) SEIWE.f.VT. "
COUNCIL BLUFFS , In. , March H.-To
the Editor of The liceVihl : you publish
tin ; poem , "The Ohl Sergelnt , " so highly
spoken of In the review of time author's-
Forceythe Wihison's-hife , published In Int
Sundny's Issue under the clpton , "An Old
War Time Poet , " amid oblige 1 deeply interested -
tereste reader and others. C. S. C.
On nccount of the length oC the poem tt
Is only possible at this time to give the
first and last verses. I can be found In 1
" , ' of
work entitled "The Famiy Library
Poetry amid Song " edited by William Culen
Bryant , a standard library work.
"Come a little nearer , Doctor-thunl 'ou-
let me take the cup
Draw your chair uml-Iraw It closer-just
another little sup !
Maybe you lte thInk Im better ; but Im
prety well used up.-
Doctor 'ou've done all you could do , but
i'mn a-going !
Im just up
. . .
'Tell him his ohl father blessed him as he
never did before-
And to carry hint old mnusket"-Hark ! a
knock Is nt the door- !
"Till the Unlon"-See ! It opens ! "Father !
"T\ Father ! speak once more ! "
"Dless you ! " gasped the old , gray sergeant
and he lay and . said no more.
Man Who Lost Ills 5cnes by Con n ment
( 'ure,1 hy Bum'n" Trutmnt.
DENVER , March 1G.-The district court Is
hearing arguments today on a motion for the
discharge from custody of Henry Tyson , con-
victed of murder and sentenced to be banged ,
but whose sentence was suspended on account
of Insanity.
For three years the miserable man was con-
fined In 1 cell , allowed to see or talk with
no one. He lost both sight and hearing , and
the power of motion. But when Warden Mc-
Ltster took charge of the penitentiary In
1892 two convicts were detailed each day to
exercise Tyson. Gradually the tortured man
regained his senses , his eyesight returned and
finally he could distinguIsh sounds. A jury
has now declared him sane and he may be re-
sentenced to be hanged. His attorneys hope
to secure his release on the ground that ho
was convicted under an ex post facto law.
JtESI'ITLS .b'R . ; 'BN , IEN . :
Governor Stone Gives Four Weeks ot LieI I
' , .
to londemned Pelsommer
JEFFERSON CITY , Mo. , March 1G.-Go\-
ernor Stone today granted respites to sIx
murderers and one man indicted for criminal
assault . all condemned by lie supreme court
21. Time extend
to bo hanged March respites
to April 20. The men granted a new lease
of life are : Kaiser and Henze ; William Tay-
lor and James Murray , St. Louis ; Ed Murray -
ray , Gasconade county ; Joseph hurries , alas
Joe Dusty for a crimInal assault . St. Joseph ;
JJmes Crisp Webster county.
J' lldler Found Murdered with 111 leld
Split Open Irnl E.\r 10 1 > llr.
BRADFORD , I'a. , March 1G.-Max Samuels
a pedler , was murdered and robbed near
this place last night. lie had a pack contain-
inK several hundred dollars worth of Jewelry
besides a large sum of money. He was cred-
Ied with doing a large business among the
miners and always carrIed a big roll of cas 1.
Last night his body was found under a railroad -
road bridge near imere lBs pack was gone as
was his money and watch. His head was
' split open from ear to ear. There Is no clew
to t1 Iie murderer
I' .
Clnlloll Hmlth Uld th" Killing .
JACKSON , Icy , March 16.-Tho trial of
Catherine M. QuInn for murder has become
sensational. Tom Smith was with her the
nll"lt ot the murder Site swore that after
Hader hal gone to bed and while she was
sitting by the fire Smith rose , and puttIng
his pistol close 10 Itader's breast , fired the
fatal shot. She at once ran Into the room
followed by Smimitim who , pistol In hand , forced
her to agree to lake the bionic UJon herself
on the grounds that It was Jlstfahlo on her
own part Sbe reluctantly . consent .
Your Uemocrlt10 In time 1'1011.
JACKSON , Miss , March 16.-Ex.Qovernor
Robert Lowrey formally announced today his
candidacy for the senate to succeed Senator
Oeorge. Time aspIrants so far entered In
the race are Governor Stone and Assistant
Secretary of the Interior SIIS , Cleveland
len , amid Congressman' Allen , another sliver-
Ite . as a strong possibiiy.
I'ulr amid WKrmer "Ith Hnulh Winds tor
: 'hrlakl.
WASII1 NG'l'ON , March 16.-The forecast
for Sunduy Is :
1.01 Nlbraska. Kansas and Suth D"kota
-I"ulr ; winds shifting to soulh and warmer.
For 1lssourl und Iowit-Witrmer ; full : '
weather ; wlHI 10 south winds.
1octii JICII'I'
07iAhI/t , March 16-01ahl record of tem-
OIAl.\ amid rainfall . comJared with time
cOrm'ttmtOnthlmig day of the Iast , four years :
corrcsJonllnl 1695. 1894. 1893. 1892.
Maximum lemperature . . 38 71 2t 21
Mlnimnummi temperattire . . . 12 42 : 10
Average lell'lllurc leml'ernlro . . . 2 r 2J 1G
PrecipItation . . . . . . . . . .1 .0 .11 .0
Condition of tenipemature Ind precipita-
ton ut Omaha for the day and since Match
I. 1&95 :
Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
loiiCimic ) ' fur time du . . . . . , . . . . . , . . .
Uelcl'lc precipitation ) . . . . . . . . .01 . Inch
Norlul reclptalon lit ' . . . . . . . . . .01 Tnch
'i'otal DrecIPItatiomi simice March 1. . .46 Inch
Dehiclency since March ! 1. . . . . . , .1 Inch
Pelcllnc ) 1 A. W111 Observer ,
7 : , - . ,
_ _ 0- _ _ \VEST
Nnhn'c ur thc .Mtlndy : . Nuw Vre'nldnt-llI Inny Cases SUlcllmhlcc by
Cntnl'hnl Iii fcctloii-Neccssityof [ PI'ollt AttU hitlOll . /
- - - - - - - -
- -
Halt the people In Omaha are just now I
sneezing anti running at the nose , or Imwk- I
lag , coughing amid spitting with moore or less
fury . Some are drooping In the first Iln-
guitl hnlf.alclmes of 1 bad coil Others
Ire 8erloISI ) ' Ill frol neglected colti . half
, Iell with hellnche , earnchc , Illgnche ,
bonenciie . due to intent Clllnh:11 : Poison
stmtldemity awakened from cold and snakelike -
like sleep to vIcious and destructIve nctvi- :
ty. These are the cnllrh stmffercrs.
The other half of the COlmunl ) are com-
1I1IIning ot chills folowed b ) llln amid mis-
ser ) ' In the heml antI 1) ' Inln , nll soreness
itt lImo rntiscles . They how n quick , feverish
Pulse antI a high feverish iemnlernttmre. They
loire n couJh that Is tncessnnt anti distress.
trig , with nervous "lrlmeS n111 col.1 . deject.
lon bike the taste of death 'he have the
, rlp.Thnt
That Is to say , about half the Ilopulnlon
Is afcctell by calnTh , anti the olher hn1 by
the grip. Thnt Isn't mull . lul of those who
are sick with tIme grip have catnnh , nnll
half of those long nfecled by calarrh nre
down with lie ( grip or quivering In Its Irst %
premonolor 1Iserlc !
The fact Is culnrrh and the grip nre sls-
tel' disenss . They ' arc intensely Sllllhele
Eacim imivolves or invitea tile other , ( 'atarrim
immdtmces a unit poisoned comilition timnt
mimakes thto lumigs , kithiieys , etc. , a quiche vres'
to grip. Au attack of grip lets down the
tone of ( lie systemii to time miiininmtimu of vital-
1t9' nntl emiables some ulornirumit catnmrhi to
ittmiject time entiie mtltntomn9' to sutltiemi amid
uletmilly ifltmSiomi.
To those vhio diced time gm ip , not for time
mimtserles of imifitmenatu irohsr , hilt for the cit
hanmitoims after Cilmits or lit ight'rt disease , comm.
mtttmptiomi or ittipeiess Phlslcal di-bility. Goal
fllti ( timnely udvice uvotmith s'emim to be , look
to 5otlr ctmtarrh trolmie. At't ireciselS' as you
wotmhtl if you huh tvnik'uej miii oummice of
poison by nultnke. Soc a itiecitillst at omice.
In. TIlE CO1'ELAND ANI ) SIIF7I'tfll )
T3l7itFECTl.l ) sYs'l'Eui : OF I A IL Tfl i.\1'-
MENT 'Ot3 MAl1i ( 'tiltED A'S' IIOME.
T1ll.iNG : ir .tGAIN ,
, t lomimier I'mil Ieptt ltemililrmn 11cm Stmtenm'mmm
4)1 ml % 'cmmm' d(12'P ,
Mrs. 0. W. Solver. wbmose resitlence is
time SImile IbId. 1305 lotmglas Street , itt the
uuif' of G.V. . Seiver , mimi operator 1mm tIme
U. P. dispatcimei'm , otllce. Mms. Seiver about
a S'emtmago melated her recovery troni a
severe chronIc condition. Sue now mlittkCS Ii
public statement thtit lmer case itt lierimims-
Desperate Efforts Are Being Made to turn
Down an Iowa Town.
Blaze Started 1mm time Itcar of mi Mcnt Star-
leet ; Just as time W'atclmmimumm timid
Turned Ills Iimuck-l'otmr Hullul-
ings Hcstroycd.
ALGONA , Ta , , March 16.-Special Teie-
gramn.-A ) fourth incendiary fire in a week
broke out. in 11 , 0. Dodge's meat market
this morning about 1 o'clock and spread so
rapidly that although an imumnedlate alarnm
was given four framne business houses were
burned to the ground , amid it was wIth dim-
ctmlty that ( lie brick blocks at each side were
saved. Two extra night watches were on
duty and one had passed through the back
alley whmera time fire started not five minutes
before , Oil had evidently been used , amid before -
fore anything could be domio time flames were
beyond control. E. 0. lawyer's jewelry
store , W. J. Studley's pharmacy , H. C.
Dodge's meat market , L. L. Valentine's restaurant -
taurant , P. I4. Shagle's harness simopand 13.
IL Anderson's shoe store were destroyed
wIth more or less loss , probably covered by
insurance. The buildings were owned by
William Chrisahilies , A. A. Call , II. E. fist
and Peter Pmmrvis , all partially insured. This
makes nine buildlmmgs ( hint have neon burned
in time past timreo weeks , besides ( lie attempts
to fire ( lie Kossutli County bammk and haggard -
gard & Peck's hand office. Time town is
aroused and $500 reward imas been offered by
Mayor haggard for time capture of time firebugs -
bugs , Night watches will be put on every
block. A generally credited timeory is that
some one with a mania for fires is at work ,
or that some boys are amusing themselves
with this rascally work.
rilEmus VAS A VtP3ttN IN TIlE OASI.
onsmitiommai Divorce L'mugc , at Glenwood timat
l1mi IJmvidmot a Ltimnlm' .
MALVEI1N , Ta. , Mardi 10.-Spcclal-The ( )
Schmaffer against Sclmnftcr dlvorte case , on
trial timis week at Gienwood , is exciting
more than usual interest , as tue partTinm-e
and imave been for fifteen years reHithents of
Malvermm. Mr. Schnfter , until about a month
ago , was in the furniture business. All
itarties concerned are well known over the
county , Mr. Scimaffer in his Itetitlon alleged
cruel and imihiuman treatment , It seems
from the testimony givelu antI the facts ott
known at tile time of the occurrence that
tue cause of time trouble between husbamiti
amid vite vatt Mrs. Mary Crow. It rmppears
that Mrs. Crow Imath left her iitisiiumal , Ned
Crouu' , on account of bitt drtmnkermness amid
gambling. Miss Maggie Schmitffet' foumid imer
Imi Omnaha , Imoniciess and with two little
chmiltlren , one a iiabc a fmw Inomitlmi + old , She
vrqte her parents that Mrs. Crow wanted to
apply for a divorce , amid asked it' they would
glvu Imer a imome until site could get time di-
vorce. 'rimey commmmemmtctl anti agreed to pay
her $1.50 mu week anti board hmer ciiilthren.
Everything went s'ehl until Mrs. Ciow , It is
alleged , hiatl womi time affectiomis of Mr.
Scimaffer antI somm lIce , a young man of about
17. Mrs. Schmufrer ordered Mrs. Crow f room
the house. Mr. Schimirfer told her to mitmiy
anti mitie staid , Flnmthiy Mr. Scimaffer amid
Mrs. Crow moveti into two roomnim off tue
living rooms of the fnmnily anti set up a
sepmtrato estmmbhishmmnemit , 'l'hey kept time door
loc'kctl betweemm their roomnim anti those of the
rent of tIme family.
Last January Mr. Sciiatter flied his
Itetitian for a divorce , with time
mmhiegmmtiontt as stated above. Miss
Maggie testifletl thmit her motiter mmd
mu terrible temper amid vums a ioor imoimse-
keeper ; timfit hIm was more imiterestetl imi
temperance anti religious mneetimigs mumil work
timami alme was in taking care of hmer home.
Slme mittuted she bud no respect for imer
Mr. t3cbater testifleml suiistuntlnlly to the
same. lie sail Ito and his 'imt bind his'etl
litiplilly tom'etimer for years
until 1Iarc'hi , 1891 ; timat lie rimil hmlti wife miii
mmgreetl emi nil their pet Ioldiit'm' , womnatm su (
( rage , temnhterrtmmce , imypmiotlmtmmi anti reilgiomm
timmit bitt u'lfe had become Ihl.tcmnhmeled tmmitl
jemmlous ,
'l'tme elilest dammghmter , Maggie , amid ecottd
lion , hlt'e , take the part or their ftmtiier immid
Sirs , Crouu' , snub time otlter four eltilthren ,
Dell , Smmsiu , AlIce mind Charlie , imidu with tIme
'fume lawyers ( or tue Plaimitlff are L. W' .
( lemmimng of' Ilastines , Snilthm McPhmerson of
Iteti Oak mmtmd A. 17. Coohe of Malvern. For
the defense time lawyers mire ex.Attorlte % '
( lenermmh , Tnimn V. Stone of Gienwood mmmi If.
J. Baird of Malvern ,
T.'aq'iipra Sleet , , t. Mistourl Stiller ,
1lISSOlJhtf VALLEY , March 16-Spe. (
ciai-Tho liarrisomu County Teachers usso-
clation hiehmi mu mneetirmg 1mm this city today. A
large numnber of time profemisiomi ( rain this
antI mmdJoinimmg cotmntiemt utere IlmOsent. 'Flme
meeting was also largely mmttemitled by local
remticlemmts imiterestetl in muiihic scimools ,
'rho annotincenient ( if time mnrmrriaee of Mr.
14. 5. Ibritlshm'v mmmii Miss Lizzie ? ileGtmrven
hmatm imeen male. The ceremommy will occtir
next \dnexmlav at time resitience of time
bride's titthmer , l'ostmaster MeGarvemi. 'rime
contractimig mtmrtieg nrc 'er3' hmigimly emtteemmtcml
by mmli who know them
lee1 Iirokvim by 't rail ,
IIAItLAN , Ia , , March 16.-Special.-Mar- ( )
timi Barton , a yoummg man of Grove township ,
( eli from lila imorse Wedimestlay anti was
killed , Ills necIc was brokemi , lie heaves a
wife , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sioux City l llmitimmIiig Cimemmimlr ,
SIOUX CITY , 1mm , , Mulch 16.-(13p'ciai (
Teiegram.-Thme ) reports of the city olilcials
for the last ilscal year , wimich cioseti Feb.
ruary 31 , indicate that the city is now rua
nt'it ; and hmas stood the test of time. Shi
Sal's :
, w
MRS. 0 \ ' . l3lI\'Efl.
" 1 aiim glati to repei : t what I sail of my
mmmetlicmml troatumment over a yeni' ago , The
mInts of timmie britmgt out thmt' certain fact
thittt I nmii emitirely iestoretl. 'l'be climimiga
frommi nmu invmulltl's stmiTerimmg timid vetmkmiess
to H stmito of splemm&iiti hietiltim is mu mmmntter .
01' daily I itoughit amid grmmtitutle with nie.
' 'Imi ' time lInt 11111CC 1 hind always hwemi ox.
tremnely nervous anti ilehlctite. About a
ear mmii a Imalf ago my s9'stelmi umitierwemit
mu change thmat emitmsed extremmie wemmkmmess.
? ly flPhiotite fmi Ilel , oo that iiiy bolu' mmlmnost
mttarvctl for its usimni noumi ishimmielit. My blood
seemmiemi timimi as wntr , mmtmtl I Imtmtl no miioro
strcmtgthi or nhiilctit ( ' thoU mm Persoli in tiio
delirium of typhioiti fer'r. A howerimig of all
tIme itowers of lIfe tumum ( lie result. My mImi
% mis imi keepimig with my ltot3' . I mitiltered
actmtei' fmomn mental depression , iy ,
timotmghits were ploomiiy , amid worse tiimun ahii
I cotmhti riot sleep. except iii little spells
thitit were imiketi by hiom rible drenmius.
' 'I wait falhimig , mis every hotly Imimist fail
whose boti' iieetitt food tumid whose Itraimi
miceds leei ) . litTert'Iit d0t05 treatttti rime
omme for ' 'tiyslepsla ; " tmiiotlter tOt "imisonillmn ;
a thiirii for ' 'tiervotis Itrostmmttioti. " But
otiieiiou' I got no real Iteimetit ummitil Dra ,
Copeianil mini Simepam ii ithimeemi mmmc tmpomu a
course of trentmncmmt tbmat lutist given immo ox-
cellcmit hiemmlth , 'rite first imiomit hi gave no a
gootl muppt'ilte amid slt'ep , mumiti niy Pmoire
hiatt beemi bigiii' satlsfaetomy. I will gladly
rem ifs' tiiimt stntemum'mit tmpomm request. MY
ft iemidtt all htiou' that i ntn cmithitmsinstto
ovem' mny iecoV'm'5' , btmt mtmlmimit thitut I iiav
good reasomi to be. "
Onke ilommts--5 tti II a. to , : 2 to 5 p. m ,
ilvenings-W'edmmeslaYa tini Satum'dnys onl7 ,
6 to 5. Sunday , 10 to 12 ni.
- - - -
When Buying
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never be recovered ,
anti it's a calminilty to lose severai yeara
whIch so inmmny Iowa amid Nebraska people
have done su'ben they hinvo botmgiit foreign
grown , umiacchlmated frtmit. ' ees.
StI1Nl1rtA1HP" 1RI1S ,
STore born emi the Inmids where their nutree.
ry stock Is grown , amiti years of patient ,
inteligemit experiment have taught them tim
best varieties for this chimnatc. Commsemluemitiy
their homne grown stock Is as hitmrdy as tue
forest trees. 'rhmey lirmve a 'er' large stock
for the spring delivery amid every tree Is
warm-nntetl true to mialmie. Orchimurti , Vinyard ,
Lawn , Parlclmig Trees and Oriininentmth stock
Mmmlee no nmlstnke in your ortlers. Semid us
your list of wants for prices. We can please
you iii vrices aiitl stock. Heferences : Council
Bluffs Bamiks , Cotmncll Bluffs Depnrtmnent
Omnaha lIce , mind Prominomit business men.
Nurseries six miles north of Council BIffs.
p. o. .ddress ,
Crescent , Iowa ,
President. 'ashler ,
hist Natlo nat Bank
Capital , - . $100,000
Profits , - - - 12,000
One of the oldest banks In the state of Iow
We solicit your buatneas and coilections , We
pay C per cent on time deposits , We wIll b.
pleased to see anti serve you.
Spccial Nuhicos-ollnciI Diuffs
121 ilurhe , at W. 13. ISomer' . , 533 Broadway ,
court house. Apply at lies omilce. Council fllutta
sale cheap anti eu easy termns. Day & hess , 33
I'earl street.
FOR atiNT : , AN Co-ACI1Il I'Ahtli , 3 SiILS
( mommi Council Olmmirs' court ttouti' ; rent only
13.04) per acre. Apply to Leonard Bverctt , Pearl
street ,
for rent at 710 1st avonus ; alsO 10 looms at 7a
Jironiwny. 10. W. Jackson.
term at tit , , loblnsoa Conservatory of MusIc ,
4i0 hiromitlway. - -
nmsited ; tine lawn ; good ltrn , and on paveti
street. I ( P. Officer , 13 Maiti Street.
double-barrel , ltamnmem less , l2.gauge shotgun.
T , Wooitoy , 302 Broadway , CotmOell Bluffs ,
W'ANTfli ) , GOOl ) Qllti FOil ( IENEItAI. ,
lmotmtewomIc. AtIdrea Sirs. A. H. Luke , 705 GIlt
nvemtue ,
rung more econonmicahly tlman ever beforS ,
mmmiii hints mu fair title to time ciaimn
of lteimmg time clieniicmmt governed city.
of its size in time country. Laat
year tIme exiienttes of thin city admnin.
istratictmi vere $ : Xis,000 , imiclumthing immtcres ( 0
time debt , 'l'uvo yearn before time mumoun
uu'as $ ti,000 , For time comning year time
Ilmiance commimnlttcu estimmtutcs time expense u
$ :220,000. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
helping omm 4 imo himirsii hanoi.
CI1ESTON , In. , Marcht 1G.-Special ( Tele.
gmam-'I'hme ) Ilarshm 'I'rmmvelimig Memo's cltib of
soutimeweritern Iowa , tIme object of whmiclm. Is
to promuiotu time canthitlacy of I4emmmutor J.
llmurshm of Crestomi for thu rcitmmhihicamm ube
mmmi tonal nome I via t iomm , hmClil it htmeeti mig 1mm rcs-
tomm this evemmimig. Mm' , limit miii svrtH Present
anti tithtirt'sseti tIme climb. Time tttttiritiance
watt large mind time mneetimig was mmimtrketi b
enhhimmsiasmn. 'i'iui work of time club was par-
( icily ommtlimiemi , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It mmmii for I I i' sertmthi , mm Lti mmti II ngmmn.
FI1QUX C1'I'Y , In. , March l0.-Siiecimi1 ( , )
Time opemmimig of time Yammirton reservation irs
Charles Ilix cotmnty , Rotmthm Dakota , will
oc'cmtr 1mm ohmout timirty iltiyii , it timere itt no
imitcim mit Wsishmington. Atmout 200.000 acres t
hiiiitl wihi be timrown cimerm to settbemnent , antI
mmlreati' the iiroNPectlVe iteltiems are crowd.
imig itt to take ltnrt iti time mmmsh , 'i'iic lan4
Is ritteml tot equal to amiy In time state , lybn
along time Missouri , ut time smoutlmeastern par
( Jr time state , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ilmmrgitir uses Ciilnrmmfurimm ttmn'eessfimhly.
MOVILl.E , ha , , lularcim l6.-Siteeial ( Telo.
grammi-A. ) liimrgiar vent to time imouse of
George Promiser , near imere , chmlorofornied Mr.
and Mrs. l'rosser , whmo were In boil , an
took frnmn littvcen time ticks of time bemi
about $611) , snitch Mr. l'roiser hind received
thmmmt ilay ( rormi liii' male Of sortie live stock
aul imilmlt'mm 1mm tIme bed , No trmtcu was loll
hmy tutu robbers ,
limmil 11111 tilrlkcr I utmiemiced ,
COI.ORA1)O Rl'ItiNCJS , March 16.-Tb ,
jury iii tIme Lyommmm case lies brought in a
verdict , Lyons was ( oummtl gimilty on time first
coummt of assault witim intent to murder Sari
Mciommahtl , Charles ! ml , Itohimmeon and J , i ,
Goodimue. 0mm limo secomiti count ime was con.
victeti of mnshlcioUmt mmmlscimief ammd time damnage
to time Strommg mmmlne by time explosion was , . . _
asseed at $6,000 , Tlmis is time first trial arol
commvlctiun resultimmg from time sermsatlormal Hull _
lull war betweemm limo aminers and deputj _ _ _ _ 1
sheriffs at Cripple Creek last spring , _ _ _ _ _
, ,