Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1895, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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    : _ _
I Tim OMAHA \ DAILY DElD : SUNDAY , . 1\LA.RCIt \ 11 , 1eHJ ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. 4 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , t ; , . . -
: Society rinas Little tO Break the Monotony
p of the Penitential Seaon ,
I -
Small nlll 1'lrlcf UuItnflutIIlflg ? , \1 Other
] ! nnctInn-One or Two UorrUonf-A
I't'iuiy I'Rrty Rt the Ircxrl-Wit of
" 'el Known Men RII ' omen ,
I U was at a recent Omaha wedding , ! O the
; Ftory goes , and the girl friends 01 the bride
wanted omcthlng that the bride had worn I
during the wedding ceremony , for the legend
Is that the posenors of articles worn by the
bride will be married within the year. The
young girls were alt comely , ant they haTe
I ; be spin-
no rcaO to believe that theirs will
Bter lives , but t make auurance doubly sure
they beeeched the bride to wear somethIng
ant then present It to her maids In waiting.
But what should the " "somethln be. Drain
I . . to show
were racked and crows.ret began
y around sOle eyes , as a result 01 deep study
spent In solving this most vexed 01 nil ques-
tIon. Finally a winsome las , with eyes
. SUlllplng with excitement , salt ! she had read
; somewhere that at a swell wedding In LOl'
t don the brute wore the garters or her attend-
mix maid and that afterwards these circlets
' . were Presented to their owners with the
brhlo's benediction. She luggstet that as a
novel ) ' this be done on the occasion of her
friend's \ wedding. The suggestion was
- received with enthusiasm , as it'aS a
uppy lsue I out at deep perplexiy , and the
bride went down to her lord wearing enough
ot the much desirEd souvenirs to supply the
Order or the Garter for a decade to come.
After the ceremony there . was a rush above
atalrs und from the brltn's room there CUC :
Bounds 0' girlish laughter and little screams
at delight , for the bride wal presenting [ the
s mtsed garters to her girl friends In most
. ancient cnremony. These garters do not
adorn the persons 01 their owners any more ,
80 thc story goes , hut In ' velvet-lined boxes
and restug upon ehlerdown they have become -
. come prl7etl amulets slenly paving , the way
for the longed-or' marriages within at least
' thre ' .
'threi' years.
: 1Iss Nettle Collins In a letter to a friend
announces that her mother anti herself wilt ,
salt on the steamship Amsterdam April 27
' , . . tram New York going directly to FrJncu
and larl . Miss Collins has accepted an In-
vlalon tral the Marquis and 1arlulse de
Dreteu\ to spend & first three weeks In
May with them at their chateau In Seine
Inberleur. The family Is one or the oldest
and must excluslvo or the French arlstoc-
rdy , Ind owns and occupies as residence a
valuable out ehatrn of great architectural
beauty and historic Interest , which Includes
a large collectIon oC old armor ancient Gab-
. olin tapestry and gallery of old masters. The
Imnense hal which extends tin , entire length
or the chateau shows heavy , massive beams
at oak , and at the extreme end or the hal
Is a carved fireplace , with antique hand-
Irons of the thirteenth century. The walls
arl stretched wIth tapestry . and the polished
floor Is strewn with rare old rugs and
trophies or the torest and jungle for the
marquis \ Is an cnthuslastC sportsman. ' 'e
111qls and Marlulse dl Dreteul have lived
'much In England , and are prominent mem-
berl or the Prince at Wales' set. This will
not be Miss . Collins' first visit to this- French
, famiy having spent several weeks under
their roof some three years- ago.
Miss Collins ' Is having the bluest kind at
r a time In New Yorlc. Her school friend ,
.1lss Martin of Hlverdale-on-the-Hudson
11ss 11artn - - - ,
\ gavI a second theater party In her. honor
thIs time "TrIstan and Isolde" being the at-
. - traction , with. Frau Suclier Fraulein Drema
and Herr Al\ary In the cast. The party occupied -
. cupied two ot the lower ' boxes and after the
. opera drove to the \Valdor . where aI elab-
orate . supper was serveu. 'Tue small tables
were each decorated In mauve orchids , the
, fnshlonable fewer or the season . and dainty
silver candlesticks burning violet wax taper
In orehld shades stood at the left side of each
cover. Hammered silver Tiffany \on\onlers
lined with gold and 'led with Huylcr.'s opera
drops wert presented to the ladles , and to
. the men vera given tiny silver mint boxes
. for the pocket. The menu was elaborate and
waa Illuminated by hand In water colors ; the
p 11ato cards corresponded and were at cream-
. - tinted vellum. On , Friday another school
- friend ; Miss Morel of FIfth avenue . gave a
picture afternoon II Miss Collins' honol'
which was very delightful . They
drove to several private views and
m visited the Abbey and Ratael col-
ledions and larlus-lmon -
- sym\ol-
Isms antI the Smedley drawings. A. good tilL
oX the time was spent at the Iedler galleries -
leries In viewing Mr. Theobald Chartran's
I portrait of Calve as Carmen , which Is just
. ovel from Paris and Is attracting much at-
tentlon. The party finiShed the afternoon at :
Sherry's , ' where tea was served at I o'clock !
' ; elo Iomlltor I cumuli No o.
" . Among , the many enjoyable events toe
chronicled durIng the past week was the
' social given by Dela Kempter council No. G
at the residence ot Mrs. Anna A. hems , 831
S South Nineteenth street , 1M\ Thursday even-
111g. Owing t the Inclemency or the weather
l the attendance was not as large as It would
I- otherwIse have been , but those present en-
I joyed the evenlng's program u was evl-
dencel\ \y tim hearty applause which greeted
each number. II honor o the occasion the
rooms wore lmammilsomely ' decorated with flags ,
while suspended from the chandelier to the
various canners or the rooms ' were grace-
fully looped red , white all blue pieces of
f bunting. 'ho fore part of the evening was
'T devote to curd playing hl which five ladles ,
j winning the Hall number at gaInes , were
obliged to' cut for the lady's Irst prize. a
vary pretty feather fan representing the
, national colors , and was presented to Mrs. , E.
Drink at Columbus , Neb. The gefltlemmien'mn
honors for scoring the most
honor gaines resulted
In a tie between five gmes ald was de-
cided In like manner , Mr. Hough receiving
I the gentlemnaim's lnt prize , a very useful glt ,
t being a pall of cult \utonH , curs and cuff
box. Mrs. Dunlall was awarded the iady'mm
t consolations prize and Mr. 11. Flint " captured
: the ' gemitleman's "booby prize , " both being
t novel gifts ot the occasion
L I At time cOloluslon at the gamel Mr. leverly
i reuller : a recitation entitled "Tho Chinese
r lust Go " Herreshments were served by tine
I , committee. composed or Mrs. Drawer , Mrs.
. Flatter amid Mr. Hough , who 1111 not omitted
anything that wouhl tend to further the cn-
joyment or Limo guests.
, 1 Those Ilresent were : 1lessu. Haugh , Fich ,
Eck , Owynn , Evens , Brewer , Stocksbery ,
> Winslow , flock , Cockhlii . Sutton , SIwart ,
U Marshall , Duelow , licymnamm. W. Stockimanmi , C.
r Stocltham , Catimers . Goulding , Klrchberg
I Austin , Beverly , Heins , HeUrich , Ihletehl
Flint Anisoim Gammiber. Mesdames Rawlt7er ;
Brewer , Fisher , E. Brink , Nellie Fisher
10hug , Cockrel , Dunlap. U wynn , Ce\land ,
. Gamber , lay , 'Winslow Snlon , Stubben ,
i. Duul Marshall. Ilbins 1ltch. Anson. Misses
t Carroll , UOlahlson , Lee , Itobertin. laecela ,
. DruUn , Marshal , Ohio Sutton. Ustelhorlt ,
' Lindstrom , lUler , 'hompson , Frazier , Alice
: ' leln3 , May Heins.
- La SR1I . ( irmsmilmste ' . 1110
FrIday Mrl , P. M. Iehardson entertained
at luncheon II honor of h.r sister , 11sl
Scott , who Is visiting her from Wyoming Ill.
Tins guests were LaSale graduates , from
four , making the dInner
states a very en-
joable reunion of those who have worn time
light blue ribbon of the school Miss Scott
ot Wyoming , lii. , MIl Cleavelant at Uen-
, Va Miss Geason and Miss TUleys of Counc !
I DuUs and Miss Tukey or Omaha formed the
guests who lat .Iown at the beautifully decorated -
rated table. The table decoratIons were In
. daIsies. the class flower or Miss Scott and
Uu Tuhleye. ThQ school color. light blue ,
, wa& brought out In ribbons at that color .
which held hunches of daisies lt each place.
Following the luncheon a guessing contest ot
? 110ral enigmas was' entered upon , the wInner
receivIng n large bouquet of yellow tulips
rec"lvlnr 'elow tUIJ !
r Dld daffodils. Th occasion wu parilcu.
Ic . laly delightful , al It la seldom that the
, "Iumol of a woman's college have a chalce
1,0 meet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: high " 'IYI tins Order or thl l veuhl : ,
, Mr , amid Mrs. hi. Kessler entertained their
friends at their teaidence , 21 South Twems-
tel street . Wednesay ovcnlna at high ave.
. . . . . ' . : . & , ' 1. " ' . ' ' , . , . ! ' : . .r.
The house was tastefully decorated with
potted plants and cut flowers. Mrs. Maty
won. the lallt' first prlz . I et glass salt '
and pepper service , and Mr. Maty wa the
clever winner of the gentlemen's frt prize
an exquisite cup And sauc r. The boobies
, were presented Mr. and Mrs. Relpn , after
whlct : dainty refreshments were served.
Among those present wEre : Mr. ant : { rs. G.
"farty , 1r , and Mrs. E. D. CI" Ir. and
Mrs. Meyer , Mr. and Mrs. Schmhlsburger ,
Mr. and lrs. D. E. Chapen , Mr. and Mrs.
fleipen . Mrs. Itodgere , Mr. Meyers , MIss
Helen Helpen , : tr. and Mrs. Drbcol. ,
FRrC",1 "urty tn Mr. BRI Mri , 8. lrncr ,
A very enjoyable socal , In the farm , at a
urprlso .a given at the hOI ! at Mr and
Mrs. Stephen I"race , 2616 Coming street , last
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. FracQ and daughter , Edna.
who have been connected wilts the Second
PresbyterIan church almost sInce its beginning '
ning . and mayo done such tOll anti faithful
work for the Master In that feld , are about
to depart from It to make their future hOle
near Caihnommim Neb. , muck to the sorrow ant
regret of their many rlends. I was to
show their appreciation and to express a
parting apprecaton a large number of the
partug farewel
charter members at the Second Presbyterian
church gathered together last Tueday. I
: It. Otis la10u enteJtalnel the company
with a few remarks on the growth of the
church and highly commentell tie work ot
Mrs. Frace In connection with it. Mr. J. H.
Phelps then ( rlentr Mrs. \ rce wills a pair
at gull eye-glasses as ! lIttle token ot re-
Icmlrance from her ninny friends , also with
al al\um quilt , made \ b ) tine "nanll at Lit-
tie Toilers . " or which Mrs. Fraco was the
leader. Those receiving were : Irs. Spaull-
lug . Mrs. Zmlaglnn . Irs. lcClean , assisted by
11s , Balou , , Miss Briggs , Miss Spaulding
Miss tJglnu , Miss I race.
The guests present were : Iessrs. and
Mcsdame S. Ie Spaulding. Slsbee , W. It.
lenderson , Scadfehl , S. ItobbinsV . H. Lar-
ferty , J. 'rrench , E. ! Smith Charles Hoxlc ,
Ran . Mdflride . Jaclcson ! W. C. McLeard ,
Border . Charles Westerileld . Cleeland. Fishier .
Ady , Devries , Glrdnel. Itutmaker . Fairchild .
. . I. II. Bahioni ,
Cadet Taylor L. F. laglnn , I. Dalou
Freeda Lanktnn . S. M. Ware , \V. H. Ander-
son . E. G. Baion , J. n. Phelps J. , S. I3riggs :
Irs. M. C. Cazupheli. Mrs. Jessie I.ckwoaJ ,
Irs. II. C. Dalou , Mrs. hiuston Mrs. PhIl.
hIppo , Irs. Willis , ! rs. Anderson : Misses
Kite Avery . Edna I rae , Mac llahlou. Lois
lnglnn , Mablo Spammiding Nannlp Drlggs
Carrie Fairchid , Hate Eltiy Myrtle Roarll ,
Anna Anderson , Edith Canvery , Margaret
Andersomi Mary Archibald , Kate Iutmaker ,
Llzzlo PhIllips . Mettle heel Phoebe 10el.
Clara Alb ) ' ; Iessrs. Avcry , WhlUcsey , Gard-
ner. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A l'IIIY 1'111)
One oC the mosl charming functions or the
season was that gIven 'rlmrsdny afternoon
\ ' Mrs. llermnnmt Freedman In the parlors at
the Hotel Drexel , the occasion beisig her
birthday anniversary. The affair was gotten
111 In a wholly Impromptu fashIon by the
entertainer and ' styled "a penny party. "
Tine guests to the number of about thirty
having arrived . to each one was given a
large card wih a delicate decorations oC
vlulets. To the tOIl or the card running
through 1 hole was attached a bright penny.
Oi the card was a list or twenty questions ,
nod pencils having been provided , the Instruc-
tons were to thud the articles mentioned In
this list \y the scrutiny tine PeomlY. the
answers to be written opposite each ques-
tth An hour was granted for the solving , at
tine end or which time the cards were
checlted art and prizes prepared by thc
hostess were awarded to time two most suc-
eessul guessers. Mrs. leyn won the first
prize , which was a pretty little vase. Mrs.
Adolph Meyer won the second prIze , consist-
log of a very handsome shell pin receiver.
In additon to thle and one or SlJcclal interest
to all who participated were the splendid
decorations and menu provldech I being a
violet luncheon al each guest's plate was. a
unique and most beautiful napkin ring designed -
signed and worked In heliotrope and pUlle
colors by the hostess as favors.
Time Invltcl guests were 11 and Mrs. I
Arthur Brandies , Mrs. J. L. Brandies . Mrs.
Herman Cohn" , Mrs. L Klrsch\raun , Mrs. C.
KIlsch\raun , . Mrs. Andrew Haas , Mrs. S.
lau , Mrs. S : Obertelder , ! r. M. Heiman ,
lfrs. Adolph. Meyer Mrs. L. Heler , Mrs. I
I , ) . Silverstein. Mrs . J. Lobman" , lfrs" Moritz
Meyer , Mrs. K. Rothschid , Mrs. H. lehtehI
and mother , Mrs. Louts Mendelssohn Mrs. I.
Oberfeler , Mrs. George Heyn , Mrs. H :
Itoaeastock . Mrs. W. F. Harte . Guests from
out of the ciy' ' were : Mrs. Flora leyers of
Chicago ; Mrs. H . Sachs , nee Helman , Cln-
clunat : Mica II Tewelts , MIlwaukee.
Elr or the Olthlhomns.
The "Oklahomas" were entertained last
Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. A T.
Sidwel or 2721 South ' Nineteenth street wih
high five , this being the bat party of the
club far this seasOn.
Among those present were : . Mr. and Mrs.
James G. MartIn . Mr and Mrs. D. S. Park-
hurst , Mr. and Mrs. John .L : Murphy , Mr. and
Mrs. Sol Hopper , Mr. and Mrs. P. Strus- :
baugh , Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duchlnan , Mr. I
and Mrs : Nathan Rckard , Mr. and Mrs. T.
P. Mahoney , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dudley or
Council Dufs , Mrs. Al Poivehi . Mrs. Lucy
Pegau at Herman , Neb. . Miss Kate Powers ,
Miss Ale Powers , Miss Lucy Pegau , Miss
Sarah Martin , Miss Sarah Wagner , Miss Belie
ltrland , MIss Grace Strousbaugim . Miss Mary
Alice SldwpI" , Mr. Wither McKenney et
Blair , Neb. . . Mr. . Walter Nlchle" , Mr. A. E.
Stuhit Mr. Lawrence T. Sidwehl , and Ir.
William Anderson .
The ladles' ! rst prize was taken by Mrs.
Nathan Rckard , I being necessary . for eight
at the ladles to cut for first , prl : . The second -
end prize was taken by Mrs. John J. Murphy
and the booby was captured by Mrs. A. T. I ,
Sidwell. Among the gentlemen Alex flu- '
chanan took frt prize , W. II. Dudley of
Counci Buts , la. . second , the consola-
ton going to Captain D. S. I'arkhmnrst. ' After
a lunch alt took plrt In the usual dance
whIch the Oklahomls always close the even-
lugwitim. .
It Coatq You a Penny .1 l'oal.
01 Thursday evening last the South Tenth
Methodist church celebrated Its birthday In
a very unique mamler. The affair was under
the alplces of the Ladies' Aid society
which issued invitations on whlcl appeared
the following :
This birthday party II given to you :
'W'e do hope , you will come , and propose I' you
An agreeable time , some good things to eat :
Anti besides many others a musical treat
Al we could nOl Ilrocure time number oC
candles ,
To let your lght shine , we send this fan-
Put safely wihin nl many sound Jennles
As years you are old ( we hope there are
many ) ,
Your bring life It wie bright It you send It or
Whlo we'l leeep dark , If you like , what's
within It.
The program consisted of musical selec-
tons all recltatiommmn . at which the duet by
Airs. ii. hopkins and Miss McCoy wa : ,
hearty applaulled. The recitation "How
Mrs. Smlrt Learned to Sltate" was rendered
In a very ploslng manner and appreciated
\y all. lefrestunent were served , after
which remarks wera made by tine II1tor. : Ir.
church. Priest , and Iromlnent member of the
At the FomIeer4' t lob
Time monthly exhibition of the I.'encer'
cub took place last Monday night before a
hsH full or vteitor Mr. Egioliiein and Mr.
Stewart at Council Iuts appeared In bouts
wills Dr. Despcher , Mr. Kimmiball , Mr. Ly-
man and Mr. Prinz. Several cr the ladies
belonging to the club also contributed bouts
to the evening's entertelnment Dr. Ues-
IJecher 8111 Mr. Eglotsteln , by way' of finale ,
engaged In a very slrltell contest wltl
broadswords , after which coffee was served
Among the gueta present were leen : Mr.
anllu. . Charles Greene , Mrs. Hor\acb. Mr. .
and Mrs. WIlt hIamnilton . Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
tur D. Smith. : . and Mrs. Wallace , Miss
Orant. lrs Ulgwal Mrs. hall , Miss
Hughes , \ls Helen Smith , Miss Thrall. Miss
Iharnard. Mr. Gulou Mr. Mercer , Mr. Berlin .
Mr. Luther Drake , Mr. Andriano , Mr. Clark
and Mr. Carter.
'rho Jln'lblUI 'lCltll . ,
The Omaha \oenbeam Social dub gave
one of the most enjoyable dancing parties of
time season at Morannd's academy lat 'ednea-
day eVtnlng Time music was good and lie '
attendance jnusualb' large , timers being fully
sixty couples Ilresent. The slleelal feature of
the grand zuiirclm , led by Mr. Charles Kals
and Miss I.eona Roberte , was the torJlton
by the dancers of the letters O. 1 [ . D. S. , the
Inltall at the club's name.
- - - -
A lullrr , 01 ( JUton 11th.
Miss Julia Ureiilan was agreeably sur-
pried by I numbr ot her friends Satur-
" ' ' ' _ . " : _ " , - . .
cay evening , Mardi D , nt her hoO In Clifton
11111. The part \ vas planned by Mils
Blanche lendc and Mil l1mlo. Sage anti i
carried to a most successful conclusion At
11:20 : 1 dainty luncheon was served \ , cards
and other gaines being thoroughly enjoyed
by the guest . who wee : Emma Snyder . Lii-
lan Paul Beatrice Halley , Derth Wiers , .
Grace Sheehy , Steln hilts . Gertrude. Foster ,
Jessie Thelenhardt , Grace Light , Stacia Durk- '
Icy , Blanche Henller , Mamie Sage Julia l3ress-
man , Henry Ashmuen , Valentine Steven "
Wilam Christensen , Wilam Foster Bert
Stevens , } rmmest Messersmih , Waler Sheeley ,
Eugene Stevens , I'hlp Dresman , George ,
Fotel Gus Dresman.
Young \ V'mnit'n's , ChrllUnl Assoclatiomi.
Last Monday . evening was time regular
monthly meetng of the association. Fifteen
now members and thirteen renewals was the
summary of the membership commIttee re-
port. The committee for adminitrton to
the sick reported a number of visits al !
kindly deeds done.
The regular month ! reception to new
members will be held Monday evening , at
which tme light rerreshments will be served
by tine Inlles of the First and Hanscom
Park : leLhodlt churches.
The Sunday afternoon gospel meetings are '
growlll In Interest. The leetnl next Sun-
day will be led by Miss Ptremmer.
The work at the "Branch Rest" Is In a
flourishIng condItion , time average attendance
already , being malt as large as that at the
nee bsnilnhing .
Monday evening oC each week Is social
evennhng In charge oC the Youn Women's
Christian Tempern e union. Noontde ser-
less every Wednesday ant I"rhloy. Mother's ,
meeting every Wednesday at 3 p. ni. Gospel
advice every Sunday - afternoon at 3 o'clock
t" , :1f.rIMo l'nrty.
A surprise party was given at the resl-
denco at : Ir. ald Mrs. Noble the past week.
, gay tmo was had and everybody enjoyed
The guests were : Messrs. ali Mesdames
Noble , Will Benson , Herb Gear Guy Palmer ,
Johnston , Scott . Suptner ; Mrs. McCowin :
Misses Amanda lurlulst , Edith Vinqtmist .
HUlda Vinquist . Oeorgle Benson , LoUe
Swanson , Peterson , Holerot. Messrs. E. F.
Kirkland , George Benson , Victor Benson ,
' vill Benson , George Swanson , Homer John-
Stan , Atlnham , C. Cole Cole.
Musical selections by Mr. Gus Larsen , Mr.
Homer Johnson and Mr. Morris Johnston
were enjoyed br all. An elegant supper was
served after dancing had been engaged In.
A Ltmiuiiboy BriLt.
Tuesday evening , April 3. Mrs. Jennie
Wertz , assisted by a numbmer of the best
known youug womel of society's excusive
circles , will give a "rainbow drill" at Metro-
politan. hail. :1 s. Wertz who Is an enthu-
siastc disciple ot Delsarte amid an artiste In
arranging such I drill . wl lead the follow-
log young ladles partcipatng : Misses lc-
Iol , Bartlett , Barber Cook , Cleveland Tu-
key , House Staley , Sadie Alexander Cholwel
Norwalk Conn. , Sargent , Duryca Ethel Tu- I
key , Alexander , Brunner Isaacs.
In addition to the drill there will be sev-
oral musical numbers , and children's fancy
dances The costumes will be beautiful and
time drIll attract . being a large entirely audience. novel , will undoubtedly -
1\91 \ Hummel 1\lterlllns.
Miss Sadie Hummel entertained a num\er
at her young lady friends at her hame , 2H2
Parlcl street , Wednesday evening. I was
a lively crowd and a very delightful evening
was spent. At a late hour refreshments were
served. Among those present were : Mrs. T.
P. Sturgess , Mrs. J. O. Pritchiam-d , Mrs. Dot-
tie ; Misses Grace Baxter , Sarah von Lackum .
Rasala van Lackum , Anneta De Bolt . Mole
Lucas , Omit Ferrie . Clara Forrie . Maud Sun-
dcrland , . Pearl Sunderland , Jennie 1arkwood.
Delia Markwood Cassie Markwood . Ella
Crane . Maude Martin . Anna Schneider , Dessle
Schindler Island. and Donche Martin of Grand
Cleat of ocl ( : .
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yost left for the east
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Epenetel have taken
rooms at the Fremizer.
Dr. Brash -ot O'Ne1 was In Omaha the
early part of' last weelr.
MIss Jesse Millard left for Caieag. last
week to attend the opera. ,
Mr. and Mrs. d'Ha llton are - happy over
tie artval of,1 : son last we k
Mrs. King 'or ' Mt. Pleasant Ia. , Is the
guest at Mrs. Howad H. Smith.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Caldwel on Wednesday , the 13th.
Mrs. H. G. Streight announces that sine will
be at home Tuesdays , 2210 Ohio street.
Rev. and Mrs. Frank Crane entertaIned
the Methodist choir last Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. D. lelde left Thursday fur hot
Springs , S. D. , to be gent several weeks.
Mrs. Robert S. Angln leaves for Utica ,
N. Y. . . today ; where she will visit her mother.
Miss Manchester left FrIday for Chicago to
attend the grand opera. She will be gone a
week.lIss 'Krout returned Chicago yesterday.
While In Omaha she was the guest of Mrs.
Carleton A. Searle of St. Alb3s , Vt. , Is
visiting his aunt , Mrs. 1. F. Sears for a
few days.
Miss Hal of ChIcago ! was In town Sundny.
. Ex-Senator Manderson will arriveIn Omaha
March 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Buchanan ot 107 Stanford -
ford Clrct moved to 1522 Yates street , last
11. and lrs.V. . H. Kennedy were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Popple-
ton last week.
Mr. M. Ii. Cook and family left on Thurs-
for St. Louis where they will
day St , wl permanently -
manenty reside.
The engagement at Miss Nash and Mr.
Harry Cartan Is announced , the wedding beI
tug set for June.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hough or 2002 South
Eleventh street have moved their home to ,
1520 Yates street
Mrs. Kirkemidali leCt last week for Toledo.
She will return via Chicago s as to enjoy
a part ot tlO opera season.
Miss Henderson , daughter of Judge Hen-
derson , Is visiting the family at Warren
Swlzler on St. Mary's avenue.
Mrs. D. S. Biker was called Webster
CIty , Ia. , last week by the sudden death of
her sister , Mrs. R. I. Burlesorn
Dr. C , S , Shepard and wle left the city
Tuesday evening lat for a few weeks' so-
jour In Mexico , Texas and the south.
Mrs. Arthur Herbert , infant and maid ,
leave for their home In New York on Satur-
day , Mrs. Lemit accompanying . them W far
as St. Louis
W. S. McCune , Morris Sulvnn , A. J. Van
Iurn and J. 1eltn left FrIday for the
opera In Chicago. They took In \oth performances -
formances yesterdny.
The Bsho1 [ ClarkEn ten' will give an afternoon -
non tea wih a ahort program at the residence -
1 dance or Mrs. E. L. Loimmax 202 Farnam
street , Thursday , from 2 to 4.
. _ _ _ _ u _ _ _
Thursday evening Mr. amid AIrs. Will E.
Illtcheock very plelsllly entertained at din-
ncr Captain John I. Woods. Mrs. Woods ,
Miss Eva Woods and Mr. C. E. htmrhlngton.
The Patriotic Daughters of America will
give a progressive high five party at the
residence of Mrs. I' . hiougin 615 North Twen-
teth street Thursday evenIng at this week
Mr ! . James Gray of Wahlngton , D. C. ,
and Mrs. hi. K. Sln'lJon o Kensington , Md. ,
mother and sistan' of Mrs. Kate R , Ryan at
Walnut ll , after a month's sojourn , re
turned home on Thursday last .
Mrs. J.V. . nobb gavE a Itenslngtan In the
We Six club rOOIS , at the Frenzer , Thursday -
day e'enlng. Mr. W. A. Pixley , Miss Ilm '
Iutchlnien , Miss Lulu Dolan , Misses Don.
aldson , and Mrs. J. W. no\b compose the.
club .
cub.Lat Thursday afternoon a very delightul
kensington was given at the Prenzel by Mrs.
J. W. Hobb. Those present were : Mrs. PIx-
hey , Miss 11Ie Hutchinon , Miss lclle Hu-
let Miss . Lulu Dolm and the Jls s Don.
The members ot the Omaha Starlight club
met at the bome at Miss Emma 1yers , 171 :
South Flreenth street Wednesday evemmiug
After the meeting the members celebrated
'the birthday of Mr. Wiiam Oorman by
playing games , after whIch supper was I
served. i
Time lanscom Park DancIng club gave a
very enjoyable party Thursday evening at
the residence of Mrs. J. T. Evans. Thee
present were : Misses \ouer , Jensen , Water-
man , Abbot , MacFarhlnd , Curtis , Kessler ,
hiarhand Dun , Ietcham , McGuan , Fonnlnl
Evs , Wicox ; Messrs. alcner , l'ahner , I
, . ' , . . i , : ,
- - t .
" ' . 'iL. " :
Body , McDon1t171Cess1er , Peake , W. Pelke , I
Burr , R. Dl\rr \ , onkln , Young , Campbell , I
Evns , Frarc 't fnt ; Mesdame" , Evans , Jen-
see anti Dlrr'I' I '
Miss Mlert ,40 came to be Ilrl.lelnh
It Miss Drakqf"Wellng ! " , left on Thursday ,
accompanied by Mr . L. J. Drake , for Chicago ,
where she will again serve as bridesmaid be-
tore returnlnl"to her home. Mr. Drake goes
as tar 1 Cincinnati before returning.
Mr. C. E. l'erklns , president of this Dur-
Ington system : aiM isle party pasel through
Omaha Thursdy1 The train was 1 BIeclll
one at two cars , antI the party consisted or
Mr. 3.V. , 1).thtl ' : lr. Ioward Elliott , Miss
PerkIns or Durltrton , and her friends , Miss
Car and Miss ' 'Datomm \ at Doston.
Friday evening MIss Wood entertained at
cards Miss Cimise . Miss Dwyer , Miss Du-
chanan , Mr. I'rltl Mr. Penlel ! , Mr. Meln ,
Mr Simhilvan . . tIme favors being In the term or
' butterflies. Miss Chase received CIO ladies'
prize , while Mr . 1eln won the prize for
the gentlemnenn . Dainty refreshments were
served .
The Garfield circle. No 11 , ot the ladles or
tine Grand Army or the Republic . gave a
progressive high five party Interspered with
mmlc. recitations and refreshment , nt the
residence of t Mrs. William hlinmes . at 83\
South Nineteenth street , 'Venestny evell-
proprlate. ing. The' dcortons were beautiful all ap-
A delIghtful luncheon was given Friday \ by
Irs. Whitng In honor at her sister Mrs.
Rust at Detroit . The table was prettily arranged -
ranged ! with fresh flowers antI a dainty anll
delicious menu was served. Those present
were MIss Evans Miss Lindsay , Mrs. I.hul-
say Mrs. Philppi , Miss Taylor. Mrs. Tel'
pleton , Mrs. Poote ant Mrs. Godfrey.
In honor or Minim Miller ot Franklin , Penn ,
and Mrs . Drake Irs. W. J. Grllths gave
a delghtUl Icnslngton tea last Wellnesdny
afternoomi . Mrs. Grimths' pretty hale Is
very delghtul to entertain II and time after-
uoon was an unusually pleasnnt one. About
fIfty guests were present and during their
slay several luslcnl numhers were given
Delicious retreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Hchard Carrier rcturnet last
week from a pleasant Florida trip. While
al Tampa they met Mr. D. B. Wood , who
was looking In excelent health , but does
not propose to return much before May 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Barton were there
also enjoying thelse'es , and , after a stop
at Atanta , will return to Omaha \y way
of Cincinnati and Chicago about April 1.
A very pretty wedding occurred In 1lnne.
apols on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
lrs. O. J. DeSale 341 ChIcago avenue , the
contracting parties being Mr. Frank E.
Flint and Uss Re\a May Iarlan , bath of
whom are wel and favorably known In
Omaha. Rev J. R. lanton officiated. Mr.
and Irs. Flnt will be at home after April
1. at the Waverly hotel , Minneapolis . Minn.
An informal dinner was given Tuesday
evening by Mr. uti Mrs. John Douglas at
their cosy home , 826 South Forty-ilrst Street
In honor or Mrs. Richard Sharp or Grand I
Island . who 1 visiting In the cIty. There '
were present , besides the guest or tine occa-
tlon : Mr. and Mrs. John hlhremmtomm Mr. and
Irs. Isaac Douglas Mr. Charles ll , Miss
Lillian Drenton , Mrs. Margaret Dee , Mr. Wi-
lam Brenton and Miss Cherry.
Mrs. Hughes entertained a few friends Fri-
day evening at her pretty home on Douglas
street , In honor or Miss Kroul of Chicago
who was her guest while In Omaha. Miss
Krout Is one or the most Interestng amI well
Informed women , ot the times and Is on time
editorial staff 9t"the Chicago Inter Ocean.
The evening was deUghtuly passed , the
guest reeling greatly pleased nt having let
so charming a woman as the guest of honor.
A very pleasant surprise. party was given
Monday evening , March 1. 1895 , on Miss
Annie Leuenberg . at her residence , 91 North
Eighteenth stret. Music and reCreshments
were served. Amat those present were :
Misses LIzzie Tor hce , Ktte Judd Ethel
McAndows , E'a 1t Andrews , May Wright
Mamie Baker , . l\aeDrophy" , Jennie Powers
Delia Latholz ; (1les.s. ( .Sam Torrance , . John
Baker , Nate 1cCrady , Nate 'Traphlgan ,
Robert Leary Jim Lear ,
Harry Vann , Email Lthioltz . Lewis Longfrey.
Thursday afterI of last week Mrs. W.
P. Durkee gavd ' a very pleasant kensington
at her reeIdence4ll2 Durdete street , "Clton
HIlL The rooms svere very tastefully decorated - ,
rated wih roses anti carnations . Amang
tose. pre ent were 'Mrs. W. A. Brown , Mrs.
T 'D. Norris , Mr.fI. I. Plumb Mrs. 'G , 13.
Johnston Mrs. S : S. Senna. Mrs : Eugene
Duval , Mrs. D. S. Guild at Plat1mouth , Neb. ,
Mrs. A E. Gates Mrs. ' Warren 'Noris ' , Mrs.
C R. Davidson. Mrs W. J. C. Cramer , Mrs.
J. Lee Steele , Mrs. Paul Grossmann , ' 1lss
Kate Durkee
A very pleasant surprise was given Miss
Minnie Mack , 129 South Tenth street , the
evening or larch 9. The evening was spent
In playing dIfferent games all enjoying them-
selves very much. The foiiowing' we prts-
ent : Misses Minnie Mack , Bertha Pampeil .
Edith Sohns , Ella Duree , Ursula Schmidt ,
Laura Mitchell , Alma Vodicka . May Sheahan
Daisy Burgatrom . Alma Johnston and Annie
SommEs : , Messrs. WIlliam Drake . Johl Mur-
phy , William . Rcheleu , Wendel Priest ,
Charles Preike James Murphy , Hugh Mines ,
Charles Rice , and Leonard Mack.
'rho Oxford cub held their semi-monthly
private dance at their club rooms ( which were
tastily draped for tim % occasion ) , last Wednesday -
day evenIng , and was highly enjoyed \y the
eighty or more invited young ladles and gen-
temen ot this city and Council Bluffs.
Mt' . W. E. Cardwel held the paslton 01
master of ceremonies , while Messrs. S. H.
Hale , J. E. Kaufman C. U. Forbes , J. Dee-
man and Vt' . Conltln acted as the dance committee -
mittee , which was carried to a successful
point , as an of their private dances have been.
The club gives another private dance March
The regular monthly meeting or the Chris-
tan Woman's Board of MissIons auxiliary or
the First Christan church was held on Tues-
day last at the residence or Irs. 1. C.
Nixon 18 South Twenty-flh street. Upon
completon of regular business an Interestng
program , conslstng of choIce selections upon
missionary topics , was rendered by Mrs.
Marsimahl , Mrs. Cotner and Mrs. Block , after
which the hostess entertained the twenty-five
members present wills dainty retroshments. I I
The next meotlng will' be held on the second
Tuesday In April at 2:30 : p. m. , In the church
parlors , corner Twentieth street and Capitol
Last Monday morning a telegram was re
ceived In Omaha announcing the sudden death
ot Miss Emma H. Sherwood of South part ,
Conn. No further information bas , as yet ,
been received , and tine friends are all anx-
Iously awaiting particulars. Miss Emma
Sherwood was about 18 years old and the
youngest at the three daughter' o Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Sherwood who formerly resided
here I Is thought that the cause of her
death must bare been pneumonia. Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. Lambertson , ( formerly Mary Sher-
wood ) were on their way to their home In
I Lincoln after their marrIage , when the sudden -
den death or Miss Emma Sherwood called
them back to the funeral ,
Psrhaps nil mos , , IntereElnK event durIng -
Ing the Lenten noofl has been the very
successful series p oq stereoptcon lectures
given by tie Art department of the Woman's
chub Tine slides were the finest to be ob.
talned , most of them being frol the original. I
and therefore corrtTha , stereoplcoli las I
perfectly manageti ! b ; Mr. Irvine , the pic.
tures coming out 1\llth wondertul distnct-
ness The greater ' \urden at the descrip-
tons fell upon t1 ' leader , lrs , Keyser
whose clear volcek : , 4n artistic sense and
poetho language lllJ ! ! the audience In sympathy -
path with the piaturgmammd the mossIer. She
was ably assisted hy M sdamC Somers ,
Flenmmulmig PotterVhnmd' ' Lanman and Miss
Town That the IClr at the class was op-
predated was sho\YA \ ; ) > 1 the very large attendance -
tendane and the . CII SUI that goes Into
the treasury 'JII o
TIme Omaha Damin\ \ , society gave a very
pleasant prize ' lldeai lat Monday
Ulht at I. O. O. E ? iiUh. The popularity of
this young societYPI'/ shown by the large
attendance , there bllg over nifty couple
In mask. The three rizes were awarded as
follows : For the , beBt character masked
lady , to Mrs. Ievyest ; character masked
gentleman . to Mr 1iardwehl , and for tie
most cmical musk , to Mr. I.avy. The master -
ter at ceremonies , Mr. C. L. Mather , made I
immoet enjorable for all . Among those present
were : Mc an Mrs. L\'r. Mr. and Mrs.
Devereau ! Mrs. Coyier , Mrs. Yager , Mrs.
Millet , Mrs. Klelnhan , Mrs. Gihlen. Mrs.
Kngsbury , the Misses Cuyler , Phillips , Jack-
msn Leiiis . Hautng , MIss Curan , Hnns ,
Shaver , Calvin , 1letcalt , Burquist . Miller ,
Walker Taylor of ne Oak , Williams , Vinti-
qulat , Messrs. C. L. Matimer. A. 11. Weims-
bergar , U. Q. Hayne , W. U. Albrecht , J.
Garrison , J. J. Yager , G. Yager , J. McGCgh ,
O. Duns , L Levy , a. Shaver , T. H. Moss ,
if. lestman , D. P. Devereaux , Klngley ,
1laloy , Kenney , Soloml , Heyer , Goldsmith ,
Norton. Muiviblil , Oulck , Jack Casey , Tru.
man , X'arthlll lcke > alaman , Shanner ,
_ _ - . . _ , ; _ iJ- . ------r _ _ _ . .
Withers , Fltgeraiti , Doarllwel , limes , Potter -
ter , Perry anti othus.
One' of time most enjoyable Ilules cf the
season was given by the Terpslchorenn club
Friday e\'enll8. gven March 15 , at Erfling's hail .
Notwithstanding time cold nud snow . the
granl mach was engaged In by torty-seven
couilles. Thee present were : Misses Ialoy ,
Marty , Rnsel , Arnold Gregory , Swnrtz.Coles ,
Hobbs , Pickering Duahmam J1els , Paris ,
Dewey , \'lcox. Newton , 1 llnlnger , Alt-
hams , Corber , I. Corber , NOI\laln , Chesbro ,
Inmln , St. Guyer , Skinner , Currey . n. Cnr'
rey : Mr. and Mrs. Fuller ; Messrs. Potter ,
Schneider , Berlin , Coliott , Ilahted , Body
Cu rrey . flamnh in . Schrader Gacomini I ,
Squires , McDonald , Mathews , Wilcox , Sun-
\'er , Parmer , Jones , Wimitehorn , Johnson ,
Lowe , Cowhnnn , Giespie , } 'owier , Nnudaln ,
UggS , leman , : Iclel , Manchester , \'nl-
worth , Starten , Witham , O. Simmer and
Smith ot Oskaloosa.
IX . 'Il.UO/l.Ur.
Mils tate L. Harris , the beloved and :1 -
Cmplshtl daughter or Mr. and Mrs. n. E.
Haris , tiled In this cIty Snnday afternoon ,
March to , 18:5 , at the age at 19 years She
was born In Quincy , I ! , on the 16th day ot
September , 1876. Her parent afterward re-
moVtl to Des Moines , ha , anti \ there Katy :
passed the greater unction ot her belntful
She came' to Omaha with her parents three
years ago She at once IdentIfied herse\
with the \'llnlt HIl Methodist chlrch , was
elected teacher In the Snntlay school and
assisted II organizing the Epwortl league
at that church. She Cnllnly [ dlschargoll
every trust commltetl to iner. ,
Dy her amiable dispositIons and winning
manner she SOOI "atnercd around her a cir-
ole at warm mmd admlrln friends. She was
a girl of ram aecomplsl ment. I may bo
truly said : "The slerlol'lt at her charms was
felt ali actowlcdgell her eompanlols ,
but without envy , for It was surpassed by
the unassuming gentleness and \Iunlng
Itlndless of her nmannners. "
Sine was a strangeI to deceit , and whie
frank to censure her companions for their
Cauls , she was ever renlly to commend them
Car thellIrtues. . She loved the \eautul In
nature was remarkably conversant with the
best classical writers , and was with music ,
art and language oHen touched to tears
. .
The Yellowstone river has broken up at
Miles City.
Montana has a new county \y the name
at Sweetgrass.
Tine new North & South railroad In Arizona -
zona has been completed through Phoenix.
Lmons for Portland , . Ore. . aroelng
shipped trm San Diego county . Caiiformmia . by
The anti-gmmnmnbhinmg bill has \een signed \y
time governor of 10ntana. It goes Into effect
JUly 1.
Eggs In Tularo county CalifornIa arE' sel-
log at about G cents a dlzen , thc price flue-
tuatng about that figure.
The Phoenix city council nas annexed a
cuunel annexe
suburban residence district to the city This
tract consists oC about 100 acres.
Two Phoenix men hare built a thrce-wheeld :
tandem which Is said to be a succes. It Is
stated that a higher speed can be attained
than with time ordinary tanem.
A preliminary trial or the bumming or na-
tnral gas , under the new s'stem of the AmerIcan -
lean Natural Gas company the other day at
Sal Lake , proved a complete success.
way or Eureka and from there to Portland
on the steamer Alice l3ianclmard . the freight
bing less than If they were shipped direct
on the railroad or by steamer fem SJ Fran-
The Anaconda Standard claims to have Inside -
side information that the Durlngton will be
extended to Butte this year , connecting with
the Butte , Anaconda & 2aciflc. Time latter
wIll also be built to Daise Ida.
The. steamship Wlapax has left o her I
initial trip for Alaska , with a full cargo ot
Crelght and eIghty passengers. Every
steamer going north Is loaded down with
miners and adventurers rushing to the Yukon
gold fields.
A Chinese wire appeared II the peculiar
role of an applicant for' a ! lvalcr before
Judge Trout at San Francisco . and her ap-
plcaton was granted. She alleged ' that her
husband com ( eled her to lead a life or
shame , and that when she remonstrated he
beat her.
The third house or the Idaho legislatur
held a session In the house chamber. A num-
\er at burlesques on county diviion and
agricultural college schemes were passed.
One bill annexed Nampa to Pike county ,
Missouri. Another provided for bounty
1lssourl. prvided fol a ty on
mOSlulo scalps.
It Is understood that the contemplated refinery -
finery at Great Fails. Mont. ; will be three
tmes the size of the Anaconda plant. In
other words , It wi contain 1,800 vat , will
have a capaciy for turning out 150 tons 01
copper per day. and will cover probably three
aaron ct ground.
There Is a petition . somewhat numerously
signed going about Fresno , Cn ! , asltng
Governor Dudd and the legislature to provide
for the establishment of free employment
offices In nil first and second class cites , to
be under the management of the commissioner -
sioner of label statstcs ,
William Kirkham , wbo lives about two
miles west or Nevada City , Cal. , struck rIch
speehnen are In a quartz claim on his place.
Last Saturday a piece ot quartz about two
Inches long and an Inch wide and a half Inch
thick was taken from a pocket whleb Is estimated -
tmated to be worth $ 20.
The herd of camels that ran between the
Gun and Colorado rivers In time plains below
the Eagle Tail mountains of Arizona 13 said
to he Increasing Tapll ! . I numbers upward
ot 400 , despite the fact that many are Itled
anll sold to miners fo beet , and otbers are
captured for circus troupes. This herd now
forms time main supply for the showmen.
Charles Landers , an Arizona rncher , had
an exciting experience with Mexican cattle a
few days ago. Five hundred steers wore at
his haystaelt and he proceeded to the spot on
his horse and drove them away. lie dismounted -
mounted tu repair the fence , and whie thus i
engaged the cattle charged. His horse stampeded -
peded , and to escape thC steers he was forced
to get on the stack , train which Illace he was
later rescmned .
The Santa Clara Railway anti Navigaton
company has been Incorporated at San Jose
Cal. , with a capital stock or .540,000 , divided
Into 15,400 shares The company Intends to
build I raIlroad from Giry to San Jose ,
thence to Palo Ale , a branch to Los Gates
and brunch to Alvlso. The estimated length
of the road Is seventy-seven miles. There
will be a steamer lne running front Alvlso
to San Francisco.
One at the biggest gold discoveries ever
made In the state was reported by Thomas'
Carmln of Pony , Madison county , Mend .
Years ago he , loatNI tle White Pine leall ,
near that place but did very little work upon
I until recently. when he began to develop
it. A few days ago he struck a ten.lnch vein
of gold ere which runs ' 100 to the 10mm. This
Is richer than the Quartz foulnl at present In
any or Montana's famous mines.
A prospector brought fourteen pounds of
ore Into 'he Needles . Cal , recenty whlcb
netted him $4.000. I was obtained from a
quartz heath wIthin sixty unties of that paint.
A Santa Cruz pQwder company Is putting
In what II said to be the finest plant In limo
wor\ for the manuracture or smokeless
Ilowder. Tine oull will cost about $16,000.
Southern Utah cattlemen are wrought up
over the operations of stock tinievee. Smell
bands of nnenn from Arizonma , Now MexIco and
Texas mayo been engaged in riding over the
range , stontlinng cattle , horses anti mules amid
wanmtonly killing fine beet cattle. Fifty head
of horses and ! imU18. were tokens fron one
rancim in a emngme nngnt.
' 'hero is a tiniet in time Victoria postoillca
that inns occasioned a loss of several hundred
dollars Iii the past few weeks. and thougin he'
has been unimninstakably identified by imis vork ,
ho defies capture , cats and convictIons , Time
culprit is a mnouse that hiss been conifort.abiy
quartered in tine office for several weeks , and
moro than onmce imas wrought havoc ansomng
registered letters. lie does not commsider a
night. well spent in which be lies not. mad
ama opportunity to Investigate the contents of
the sample bag , and It ho can complete hIS
re-imast with wedding cake me feels that. hue has
not lived in vain. All efforts (0 entrai ) tine
thief hare failed , amnd tine latest tieveiopnuent
is the offering of a reward in tine ofiico for
the capture of the expensive boarder ,
Miss Torrell , who iiss been in time east for
time past two weeks , is expected borne
Vednosday , Marcim 20. She will have a
large line of inoorted goods , which she will
be pleased to show to her customers Wednica.
day and Thursday , March 20 and 21. .
, . .
- - - - - -
- - - -
- - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
John L. as Decided to Challango the
Winner at Boston Monday ,
'i'hht ISo at time Rhmigaitlo to hurl Ills Iefy
in tite Teeth of the Giadiator.
'is ' They ( ho On to Do
BOSTON , March 16.-Joinnu L. Sullivan will
challenge time wInner of the Kiiraint-O'Donuiel
fight lmere Monday night.
John has not proclaImed this publIcly , but
imiatlo time declaration lii a recent conversatiomi
iith Captain Dill Baby and Dan Murphy ,
amid arranged with tine former to care for his
end in time affair. As Captain Daley wilt not
attcmnd lImo fight , Sullivan persomialiy at tine
ninmgsitla , will anmnounco lila cimahicnmgc. Time
promised returns to tIne arena of the ex-clnani-
pion has set the' local sporting fraternity by
tine ears , and many of his friends look asic-
mince upon mis propositiomi , In fact , wimile
hieninaps , they will not regret a chalhongo to
lCiiraimi , omie i'hmo has Sinhhivan's Interests at
heart , told aim Associated press reporter to-
ntgimt that a determined effort would be made
to prevent time "big fellow" from meeting
O'Donmniel , slnotnid time latter win his comitest
ivith Kllcain ,
.tcciilcnt et tIns itay 1)Istriat Track Costs
Itiley ( ; rmlmulmnn tISOO.
SAN FRANCISCO , Marclm 16.-Time Spring
stakes , live furlongs , for 2.yenr-olde , was the
attraction for today. Only three youngsters
started , Crescendo won with ease , Cimnnrlcs
fluot' Leda lilly , by Drutus-Ledmt , stumbled
and fell , breaking Imer leg and bath to be
shioL itiley Grannnn bet $5,500 againmet $3,000
with Levi , time Cliienmgo boolcnmmuker , timat sine
would hlnishm second. Crescendo's luerforuni.
umice was onarvelomms , The son of Flambeau
carried 103 potnnmdtm. amid won by imnilf a dozen
iengthmt , under a strong pull lii the fast tunic
of 1:0l' : . Crescendo and itoyal Flush were
tIme only favorites to wIn. Conmmrade , ii 51) ) to
1 shot , surprised everybody by wtmmnmimmg.
First race , nbotnt six furionigs , selling :
Connn'mide lot ; , 11111 (50 ( to 1) , won Cen-
turiomm , ' 3 , , Chevailer ( it ) to 1) ) , 8econd , fluati
Ituniner , 101. Carr (6 to I ) , timiril , Time :
1.l2n : , Seraphim , Enummma Macit , 'rIme Drum-
nimir , l'tlnce , Anna , Raphael , El 'l'irammo ,
Itumna muid Joe Frank also ran.
Second rmsce' , meven ftnnionmgs , seliinmg :
Jntcit lttchehleu , 107 , Carr (2 to I ) , romm ; hteur
( Juan-ti , 99 , Sloane (15 to 1) ) , ititcond ; itcaliza-
than , 104 , Isomu , (15 ( to 1) ) . third. 'rtnue 1:27. :
Contribution auth Cnmhiture also raum ,
Piiin-tl race , five ( tiriomigs , Sprinmg stakes ,
2-ycar-olcth : Crescenmtto , 103 , Carr (1 ( to 3) ) ,
wonn ; Snmfla Delta , 118 , UrilIhni (8 ( to 1) ) , eec-
nod ; Leda nlhiy , 110 , Ciiormi ( I to 1) , fell.
'rimmie : iOl'4.
Fotmrth race , mile nmmti a half , steeple-
cimtinme : 'l'iie Lurk , 120 , Fiynmn (20 ( to 1) ) , von ;
Apn'ui , 137 , Cairns (7 ( to 1) ) , second ; Mere , 120 ,
Seuniman (20 to I ) , tlmird , Tinmo : 3:20.Vootl : -
ford , Montalvo , Ilaymarket , Mendocino amid
fleihninger niimto rnnm.
Fifth race , mile mind a quarter , imandica
Oniltland , lOS , Cimorn (3 ( to 1) ) , wonm ; Mary
102 , GrhtIinm (33 to 1) ) . second ; Cittmndimmt * , 00 ,
Sloane (2 to 1) ) , third. Tune : 2OS : % . Trtx
amid Mowltza aiso maim.
Sixth race , five funiongs : Royal F'imneim , Ill ,
Grililn (11 to 5)von ) ; Emupress of Norfolk ,
'JO Charm , (3 ( to 1) ) , second ; Tigress. 100 ,
Cmevaiier (4 ( to 1) ) . third. TIme : 1:074. : Robin
Hood I , San Lucas and Cannel also ran.
NEW ORLEANS , March 16.-liarvy Dtm-
vies , the comnbimmntlon bookmaker , was
stricken with apoplexy while sitthnmg In time
grand stamid after time first race antI died in
a few minutes. Track fair. Results :
First race , live ftnrlonigs : Mimmlver (8 ( to 5) )
% von , F'luslm (8 ( to 5) ) second , Dr. Work (20 to
1) ) third. Time : 1:02. :
Second race , live ftmrionga- Wild Htmntress
(5 ( to 1) won , The Atomik (1.2 to 1) ) second
Miss Knott (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:01. :
Third race , one mite : Folly (2 ( to 1) ) won ,
Francis Pope (10 to 1) ) , second , Ixion (3 to 2) )
third. Time : 1:45.
Fourth race , handicap. six' furlongs : Met-
ropoie ( even ) won , Mista ' , Gaulop (5 ( to 2) ) see-
o'nd , Longbroolc , (4 to 1) ) 'third. TIme : 1:16 ½ .
Fifth race. seven furlongs : Fakir (9 ( to 2) )
wonn , Manoa (4 ( 'to 1) ) second , Oxford (12 ( to 1) )
third. Time : laO : % .
ST. LOUIS. March 16.-Results at East St.
I.ouie : First race , three-eighths of' a mine :
Etimel Leah voni , Peanut second , Nellie
Fields thIrd. Time : 0:38. :
SeCond race , five-eighths of it mile : Mo-
hlcan vonm , The Rook secomid , Nortnwestern
third. TIme : i:05. :
ThIrd race , three-quarters of a mile : Stori-
etta won. Jude Bradley second , Christine I )
third. Time : 1:21 : ½ .
Fourth race , rmine-sixteenths of a mile :
Jerquet vonm. Heeperia secomid , Sir Lancelot
third. Time : 0:50. :
Fiftlm ra'ce , thirteen-sixteenthis of a mile :
Liberty Bell won , Senile second , Paulette
thIrd. Time : i:26 : ½ .
Three Records I3olgon-Tiio Winners in the
Varlou Events.
SCHENECTADY , N. Y. , March 16.-Time
athletes of Union colleme struggled last night
fronn 8 o'clock until 2 a. in. for supremacy at
their annual nmltlwiater meet and the college
indoor records for the cue mile wailL. 440
rods run ; mile run ; high kick and runninmg
lnigh junnnp were bralcen Following Is a summary -
mary of thom events :
Twenty-yard dash-Twilford first ; time. 3'/
Rope climbing-Klein first ; timne , 10 see-
onds.Four hundred anti forty yards run-Sands
first ; time , 1:06 : 2.5.
One nmihe walk-Todd first ; time. 7:55. :
high kick-Meyer and. Schofield tied at 8
feet ten Inches.
Twenty-yard hurdhe-hlolleran , first ; time ,
3 3-5 seconds.
Onme mile run-Kilpatrick. first ; time 5:02. :
Polo vault-Campbell first ; 7 feet 11. incimee.
RunnIng high junsp-l3urgini first ; S feet 6 %
Standing mnighi jump-Scimofleld first ; 4 feet ,
10 Incines.
Putting shot-Darres first ; 40 feet ,
Cohonat ipplegzttfm eumonres Control of Latomuia
antI Sugests a i'robmmbio UnmIcrstmmmitlng ,
CINCINNATI , March 16.-Colonel W. E.
Appiegate , as trustee of a symmdicatc of
n3eveni men , several of svhimn live in Louis-
yule , concluded this afternoons , with Mr. Ed.
S. Hopper , trustee for the stockholders of
the Latonta , Ky. , Jockey club , a tranutfer
of the conntrohiing interest in tim stochc of
time Lutommia trnck , whereby Coiunmel Apple-
gate's synidicnote becontnes time virtual owner
of the Lnttoimia track , 'rho stocic of LnttomninL
sylls $150,000. Colonel Aimplegnote will niot
name tine jrice paiti by the syntiicate. but It
Is believeti it vhil make. tlno total value represented -
resented by the stock about $223.00' ) , Mr.
hopper , tine batonmia nmecretnnry , is mi mitock-
holder In time new concern , A. mounted
patrol judge vili be Introduceti ( it Latonia
ttnth there will liii telephone conunntmnmication
( rein tIme patrol judge amid the starter to
time juilgeit stand , It Is n'urmieed timnt a
state of good fellowship niimuost m'qulvnlemmt
to a coneohilatlomn will he established tie-
tVCefl Lntnnint , Oakley , Louisviile and hex-
izigton tm'acice , inee Culunmel .Applegate inns
pecunmiary immterests its tue two last named ,
firlilo miuiml Mctirty ; ii'ern Ihlsiud ,
I'IiIt.ADflIl'ihIA , Mardi IL-Young Ciriffo
ninth 11111 McCartimy fougimt a four-round bout
tommlght at limit Sotmtimwark Athletic club , 'I'imc
tight was a very tame affair , not more timarm
ma dozen dealt blows beimng struck in the tour
rounids , Unite iYUs fat nsa ii mute , nmntl thid
riot appear to care whether ho fought or
nut , bciiig conitetit. to allow MeCartiny to do
tine moat leading , McCarthy trieti to force
tile lIghting. but Orilto would siltie out of
his way in an easy fashion , The bout sinew
So tiritnoimne before time end of tine thIrd
round that this crowd imimtmneil tine lighters ,
wise Are 'hitcy ?
ROChESTER , N. Y. , Marcim 16.-Ed Fin-
by anti F , 11. Asmnley , who are svahkimmg from
Onnaima to New York City on a wager , sir-
rived about nmooni today and registereti at
time Athletic club rooms. fronts wmnich tiney cc-
sumed timelr tramimp , 'rho distance to be coy-
ereti inn it54 mites , mitt of which must be
walked except fifty inito , which they anti
nliowed to epic , They are now tour darn
ahead of ecimetlimle time , having left Omairi
nine weeks ago.
IANlON , Mnrch 1e.-C , W. M1)at1e of
Santa Fe arrived In IMndonm trnlny , lie Is
walkinmg around the world , and will cons.
mms0000 a petlestrian tour ttnromigh 1"rance
Monmtlay next. _ _ _ _ _ _
HIJIhT ON Ah.TOlt'itElt Ni'1S' h.INF.S ,
leei of tine Hefentler of tinmi AniorIcn's Cup
Linhike Any i't him ,
nosro ; , Mardi 16.-The particulars of
time tiesIgn anti build of time new cup tie-
tender are published today , SIne 'viii measure
exactly 125 feet over all anti Is time most radi-
cmii departure ever mnmide its time Fin keel typo
of boat , Tine lead keel is unlike any other
yet rtnmm amnd its shape shows thorouglm study ,
( 'ant to Vtnechimien ,
For time past week sense one Imas been circulating -
culating a story to the effect that a ntnrnber
of time new 1803 "Cohinmubint" bicycles iiavo
broken mutt sinowed signs of weakness at cer-
lain Imimits ins titelr constntnctiomm ,
These "fairy tales" are always cited as
occcmnrimng in ilistanit cities , btmt not ins Omalma.
how straniget
' 6 desire to state that there is not one
iota of founimlations for these statemmnenmts. 'i'hmoy
are malicious auth enmmimmate train tine source
of envy amid jealousy.
Ve' defy any person to Prove one instanico
It is easy to nmaltni a statement amid aniother
timing to isrovo it.
P.'e have isroofls that tine story Is moot trtno
anti imivito tine riders' inspection or tinenmm ,
Respectfully ,
WM. LYLI' ] DICKflY & CO. ,
Agts. for "Coinunmibla" Bicycles ,
Time Ihest em Earth ,
loiva ( lity. Aleintisnm Atlnh't Ie ,
IOWA. Ci'V , March 16.-Time Unilversity
01' IoWa Atinletic usocinttion this nfteniuoonm
passed a resulintioms that it "be the eunice of
tlnla nssoeintttomi timnmt nil pm'ehmanmtions for
font lttthl fur tine conning seasons be discon-
tionmeti for time imrvsenmt , owlmng to 0xistlmmn.
conditions aim account of tIme stnspemieions at
the captndn of our foot bali teninmi nmmtl tInts
refusal of tine fmmctnhty to reinsstnte idol , anti
time genmeini nttitlntiu towarti tinis matter
i ) . tine stmntient iOti3. ' ' 'h'ime base ball' ' teans
hits aliauitbatmeti it soutlmern trip also ,
linmip Ut'tl the Str.imigth Itotil.
INDIAN'AI'OLlS , ? tiarcin 16.-Herbert lInus
or thin ; city defeniteil Frnnlc Tricicter of Cia- .
cinuati ims i wrestlIng contest at tile Em'pirte
theater tomltgtmt. Trickier won thn first botmt
amid halts tIme last two. 'i'inb strangle' mold
SvnIC not barrett , and Hale used it to good
effect In tii ' sei'ommti , A pnnrse of $ lf'l ) amid a
stile bet of $100 vas the stake ,
I.nm't , Stayer I'iitroimizn' llanl1nitl.
LONDON , March 16.-The lord 'nmmttr of
London , Sir Joseph Pemuils , has nccepted time
honorary Presidency of time Lomition Base
flail aesociutlon ,
xJI.1Ie , Sc ) IILUCII : ; ' . , ; ; ; : ,
Vomnnu Fommmmtt Guilty of Murder 1mm tIne First
legree-.t itit ( 'rlnuiimaini ,
JACKSON' , Ky. , Marcin 1G.-Tine jmnry in
time case of Catinarimme McQulnu , cinargeti
with complicity in the murder of Dr. Rader ,
returned mm vertlict at i1.h.5 : o'cloelc this morn-
inig and founni tier guilty of mmmtnrnThr ins limo
first degree aimd fixed her imunlslntnent at
conflmmenient in tine state hniSOfl for life.
Winen time verdict was remit mmot a muscle
of Mrs. MeQuinin's face nnmoved anmd as alma
left time commrt room in charge of this jailer
sue smmmhied as sonnie nmcnmmbers of the jury
s'hmo walked along with her.
Mrs. McQuinn is one of the coohest crtmi-
flubS , eitiner man or woman , ever tried itt
lists cotmnsty. Sine has a rosy conmnplexion
wimlcit nmei"er paled durlmmg time trial. The
jury , s'as out only an lnour amid a half : Mrs.
McQuinmna's attormmeys will appeal the case
again anti every effort will be nmade to Inavo
time verdict reversed.
She is the first wonnntn ever sentenced to
the peaitemitiary fronn thmis county.
) r.u.liIt SV ( ) 172. ' EISITh ALAJZ.L.W.L.
Clany LIves Supposed to ISo Loit but Far' .
tlcolnars ( : anumot Ito Obtained ,
GADSDEN. Ala. , Iitarcii 16.-A waterspout -
spout Passed Over the Coosa river valley.
forty lathes from. here , late this evening
hearing death anti destruction ins its path.
The tchegraplm , wires are down and luarticu-
mrs are hard ta get , but it is known. . that
several lives were lost. The damage in the
vicinity of Gadsden La enormous , crops being
ruined and time country laid waste. Time
Coosna river is rlsimmg a foot an imone at this
place. It i already swollen from time' recent
heavy rains , antI the deluge of timts cveimin
will spread ruin all over time valley.
( jinclmimmati ln.m liters [ ) tscatisfiuid.
CINCINN'ATI , March 16.-Cincininati distillers -
tillers , who turned their distilleries over to
the trust under tue present reeciversimip , are
reported us maklnmg overtures to recover
theta. Tinere L no mistake about time' exist-
t'nce of dissatisfaction among distributors
antI thhstiiiers In this dIstrict , many of vhom
tire btii tiistiiiers anti distributors , Today
time distributors received a telegram from
Receiver MeNulta that the Chicago re-
celvere had thecideti to advance. wisisky ImaIf
a Cent per gallon , and requesting them to '
atlvmnnce accorthtnmgiy. At an infrnmal , mneet.
log they decided to Ignore time request , They
cimarge thnt McNultn , by advancing prices ,
itt curtailing saie , emit ! that otmtside die.
tihieriens are runnming at 64) ) per' Cent capacity
while trust planmte ruin at. 30 per cent' and
the production exceeds the sales.
- i
Ionmoerntts showed Enthusiasm ,
CLEVELAND , March 16.-Tine democratic
city conventions heitl imero today was jaummed
to the doors. Mr. Cinaries P. Salemi was endorsed -
dorsed for the postmnastership anti a conn-
muittee appointed to wait upon tine president
to inform imimn of this adieu , Mayor Robert
131cc was nonuimiateti for ml. second terna by
acclamation , Major W. W. ' Armstrong"was
named for city treasurer.
lhIamid' Coiorade Lcctmmrtng Tour.
DENVER , March 16.-Ex-Congressnman R
p. Illand of Missouri has teicgraplneti that
on account of an attack of grip ho wiLl
probably be unable to begin Imis Colorado
lecturing tour at the date orlgimmally ap-
pointed. He suggests a postponmenmmemit of ini
appearance in Ienvor , where lie will lecture
first , unntii April 20.
Ohjnct to theCamnithisun (3'pyrigiit Law.
LONDON , March 16.-Tile petition of l3rit.
ish authors to the marquis of Itipon , secretary -
tary of state for colonimmi mnffalrs , praying thu
queen to withhmoiti lner assent to the Cane-
finn copyright law , is signed by ninny of
time best known literary men , nuusieai cons-
posers ard thrammmatbnts In tine cotiiiti'y ,
Died fromui as Mmnrgical ( lperatlou.
LA CHOSSB , Wia. , March 16-Fred U.
Sinetid , general freight and passenger agent
of time Southernm Minnesota divisiomn of' the
Cintcago , Miiwamihee & St. L'auh railroad , died
merit today from tine effects of a surgical ape-
ration , 110 was 33 years of age.
Cluin's Dire inmy to Electricity ,
FI1IAMOICIN , l'n. , Marcin 16.-The EnterPrise
Prise Coal connpanny Inmtemnds to Use doe-
tricity in its moines hew. Not only will light
be furnitttmeth to nih Ilortionis of tine worhilings
but it wIll also do awmty with tine immuhes and
0110 electricIty n.M ii motive power ,
( 'hlTn'r id I1t"u to tine ( limbs , , ' ,
TAMPA , Fin. , March 1G.-Senor Figueredo
recelvetl fifteen letters totitmy fm'omn parties
volummteerlsmg to go to Cuba. One letter is
from one of the western states anti cornea
from a bttmnti of tifty , wino' are Ctliiillittl anti
iii readimnenis to rntpamid to any cull ,
hlamgrd for ii ii tmrI.'r tioninulttctl li ' 00 ,
IIAWIcINSVILL1I , Ga. , Marcim 1G.-Wash
Strong , colored , was inanigeti for the mmmurder
or Joinninomi Iuncao , in a dispute over cards In
IecemnbOr , 1800. Strong confessed before hits
executiou , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Itewerd for 'iyntlsmnburii' rynelmers.
lBNVhhit , Mnrch lG.-lovem'nor Mclnmtyre
toulght isstied a proclamation otterlnng 11,000
reward for the cupt'Jrc of amy or nil the
mmmcmi who lyimeited the ltauiamms Ut Waisems-
burg ,
Highest of all in Leavcthng Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
R0V& LJ ( Powder Bakin
. s--