Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1895, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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_ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TrEE 01tlAUA DAILY DEID : StliN19AY , MARCh 17 , 1893. I' " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , n
- - -
Reuse Decides to Provldo Further Pro-
tccton for Obastty in Women ,
Erort to StrIke the Word " rRlo" Out ,
ot R 1 Con tluton l Amendment I
T ltnoekll Out hy R Strol !
uld lecRh'o Vote
I.nCOr.N , March 1G-Spca1-The ( ) larg.
est al11ence that has attended any of the
house debates this winter assembled this
morning , and fle every seat In the galery ,
crowded the aisles and overflowed the vacant
space skirting the leglslatvo arena The
larger portion of these Interested tpectators
were ladles. Most of them were mothers
and wives , Interested In the question , which ,
as , formulated In Henedict's bi , raises the
age ot consent In Nebraska from 16 to 18
With McNI In the chair , the house went
Into committee at the whole to consider
house rolls and senate ifies. Benedict's age
ot consent bill , house roll No. 348 , which
bad been made a specIal order for 10 o'clock
a. m. , was taken up.
Benedict , the Introducer ot the bill , spoke
In favor at the original provisions of the
measure. lie presented a petition received
this morning from Lincoln ladles , containing
3,000 names. There were many others , he
said , which had been received since the
. Introduction ot the bill , containing thousands
- - ot names.
Casper sent up an amendment , malting a
provision that should I le proved that the
girl claimed to have been wronged was Incorrigible -
corrigible , and otherwise lad with others , the
penalIes should not rol ow.
Sutton of Douglas had another amendment ,
substantially the same as Ca per's Ilrovhl-
Ing that the girl seduced under the age of
18 must lo a virgin at the time . 'or ' the commission -
mission of the crime.
Burns ot Lancaster , Munger . ' chairman of
t. the judiciary committee . Benedict and Miles
r Indulged In an extended colloquy during the
progress at which Burs drew harrowing pictures -
tures of thc poor young man , seduced by the
Immoral woman , all llackmaled out of his
, Miles spoke , In favor of the orIginal bIll ,
without the amendments. lie belIeved that
the measure struck at the rot of the social
evil , and at such It hall his hearty support.
Caspar now withdrew his amendment and
accepted the amendment of Sutton , which was i ,
then made a substitute. Craml opposed the
substItute , . 10 said that It would aler a
premIum on slander and enable a false wit-
ness to COIO Into court and swear away the
Irovlous character at a girl seeking the pro-
tecton at this law.
"I want to ask the gentleman from Lan-
caster ( Burns ) how many boys he has ? " said
- Denellct.
"I have four boys and four girls , " answered -
swered Durns. "Now , I want to ask the
gentleman from Douglas how many girls he
has ? "
"I have two girls , 10 and 1 years of age ,
and I want to say right here that should any
scoundrel trIfle with either of them I will
never seek the protection of this ll should
It become a law. "
Speaker nchards saldl that no just honor-
- - able uprIght man ned fear the blackmail
of the prostItute. Cole made a stIngIng
speech against the amendment and In favor
of the measure. He caught the gallery from
the outset and sat down amId npplause.
Davies spoke at length for the orIginal bIll
devoId at al complicating amendments He
said that he would not go hand In hand with
those- who sought to adulterate the bill In
favor of the house of the bawd.
Dr. Rckets brought hIs professional ex-
perIence to aid his natural eloquence In
describing some of the scenes and Incidents
which he had wItnessed In connectIon with
the subject under discussion.
_ Caspar grew quite vIolent In hIs denuncIa-
ton at the bIll , and strongly hInted that
few girls went astray unless they Were
wIckedly disposed from the start.
Dee moved a substitute for the amendment
of Sutton hi the shape at an amendment to
seton I , debarring known prostitutes and
marrIed women from the provisions at the
bIll. Dee's substitute prevaIled by a vote at
65 ; to 25.
Chapman then produced an amendment
tbat informatIon of a violation of the law
must be fed within forty-eight hours , but I
went down under a heavy majority.
speaker Iel.ardl then moved that when
.s the committee rise It report tie bill for
; passage as amended , and It prevailed. And
so the bill raising the age at consent tram
15 to 18 years was recommended for passage
by 'an unexpected majority In Its favor.
There was raIsed a question among the
- % lawyers on the floor In the afternoon whether
the substitute ot Dee's , adopted , does not
remove all protection from rape from un-
chaste and married women as provIded no\
by reads statute : Dee's substitute to section 1
Provided , that no female shah be entitled
to legal proceedIngs under this act who shal
previously' have become notoriously unchaste -
chaste , and , It Is further provided that no ,
female person who Is now or has been mar-
nod act. , shall be regard as embraced 11 this
Section : of the bill , as recommended for
passage , reads :
Said orIginal section 12 at the CrimInal
Code at the tate ot Nehraska , being section
6.688 of the Consolidated Statutes , Ie hereby
The repealed section of the criminal code
protects cvuy female from Indecent assault.
A repeal at the section ly the present bill
would have len all marrIed women , as well
as all well known prostutes , defenseless
agaInst violent and Indecent assault . To
remedy this awkward poailon the house went
Into committee of the whole to consider the
commlee lle
bill. flee'u substitute was abandonel , and nn
amendment carrIe which protects all females -
males under 18 years ot age , save those no-
torlonsly unchaste , and between the ages of
15 and 18 y ar. and even these from violent
assault . In this condition It was , recommended -
mended for nassago.
' - Constitutional " amendment No.8 , relating
to the right at suffrage and providing that a
voter shall be able to read his ballot In the
English language and write his name , shah
have been a resident of the state one year ,
I citizen at the : United States for ninety days
and a resident at the county for ninety days
and of the votIng precinct thirty days preceding -
ceding election , was the occasion of a
stormy scene. 'fho woman sulraglsts mus-
terCI In force , antI tried to amend their prop-
uganda Into the measure . They were In goo
form , active and nearly overtopped their op-
poinnts but McNit , In the chair , , ote to
decide a tie , and they were defeat . They :
mode another strong rally after the coniult-
tea at the whole hall risen , when an attempt
was made to amend the r lor asking leave
to sit again and recommend the bill for
passage , and succeeded In voting this down ,
3 ( to 31. Hut thirty members were absent ,
and It Is thought they have nearly shown
their strength today '
In the afternoon Rouse moved to recommit
house roll No ; 4S0 , to regulate state printing ,
and providing for a supervisor of the same
to the committee for aineiidment . The bill
us recommended fails to provide an appro-
prIaton for payment ot salaries provided tor.
Honse's motion irevaIled.
The house , on McNitt'a motion , went Into
committee of the whole to reconsider house
roll No. 38 , the age of consent bill , and
amend I In order to Ilrotect married women
and those females notoriously unchaste Time
substitute offered by lee , whIch was recoin-
mended for passage with the bill , was aban-
donell , and an amellment by Bnrns ot Lao- :
caster a.lclted. which , with . the bill , was
recommended for passage.
'rhe commIttee then tool up nckels' bill ,
house roll No. 556 , to Ilrovldo for the SUII-
- ' pression of mob violence , and recommended
I for passago.
lou1e roll No 43" by Munger , providing
for the luulng of diplomas ly foreign cor-
I10ratons , was favorably recommended.
Chapman's bill , house roll No. 3U , pro"hl-
log for commIssioning graduates tram edu-
caton/l institutions within the state when
such InstItutIons have mIlItary departments
under otcera of the United States army , was
recommende.1 for Ilassage.
* Senate tile No. I , ly Watson , with /mend.
mionts , provides for the IncorporatIon at
citIes ot the Out class having less than 25,00
. . . . , _ .
" Ihl'\ > - " ' < '
and mora than 10,060 Inhabitants. This
mnasmmro was favorably recommended.
Senate fle No 211 , a Joint resolution pro-
, ' 111ng for the Invetmenl of the permanent
eduI'aUunal funds ot the state by constitu-
t'Jal Amenlment No. I , titroduceml by the
committee on constitutional anicndments , " 'a
recommended for llaStago without amend-
Senate tIle No. 273 , constitutIonal ammiend-
mont No. 2 , I elatng to compensatIon of the
officers at the executive department , Was i
recommended to pus.
Senate me No. 274 , constItutional amend-
meat No 4 I , relative to the merging c the
government of cities of the metrolloltan class
and the government of the counties wherein
such cites are located , was laid over for
further coneideratlon.
Senate file No. 275 . constitutIonal amendment .
mtmt No. r ; , provhlng that In ( vl suits
two-thirds of the Jury may render a verdict ,
and that the legislature may also authorize
trial by a jury of a less number than twelve ,
men In courts InferIor to the district court , '
was favorably recommended for passage.
Senate file No. 276 , constitutIonal amendment .
ment No . G , providing that the judIcIal power
at the state shall le vested In a supreme
court , district court , county courts , justices
at the peace , pol co magistrates and In such
other courts Inferior to time supreme court as
mmay be created by law In which two.thlnls
of the members elected to each house con-
cur , was recommenled , to pass.
Senate file No. 2T9 . constitutional amend-
ment No.7. relatIng to the number at judges
of the supreme court and their term at office ,
and sUlreme that the supreme court shah ,
until otherwise provided by law , consist of
five Judges , n majority of whom shah constitute -
slute a quorum , whose terms of office shall
be for a period l r . not less than fve years ,
was reCOmlelutel for passae.
Senate tIle No. 280 , constitutional amendment -
mont No.8 , provIding that every male citiZen -
zen of the United States of the age of 21
years or upwards who shall have been a citizen -
zen of the Unltell States for ninety days ,
and an Inhallant ot th3 state ono year next
precedIng an election , for the last ninety
days a resident of tIme county , and for the
last thirty days a resident at the election
precinct In hlch he may offer his vote ,
shall bo an elector , provIded he shall le able
to read the gnKlsh language , was time occa-
sion of a shower ot amemlments. i
Smith of 101 moved to strike oul the
word "male" from the first line of section 1.
This was voted down , amt Suttr moved au-
other to Insert the words "a 11 female , "
makIng the amendment a straight woman's :
suffrage meare. Suter's amendment was
ruled out of order. Barry moved that senate
file No 280 le indefinItely postponed. A tie
vote was , the result , and McNi , In the chair
declared the motion lost 1 was then moved
that the comn IlOe rise , report progress and
ask leave to alt again , and the motion pre-
vailed. When the house had received the re-
port at the committee a motion was made
to amend the report and recommeml the
bill for passage This was voted down ly
39 to 31 follows
( nays yeas , as folows :
Allan . DavIes , lcNlt ,
imacon Friz. Merrlc .
Becher , j I rlmlh , lun er ,
neck , larlumn , Orion
ilee ilarrim , . Hlcharl.on ,
Brml" , larrlson , ItohInon
Burke , higgins . Hmhly ,
hums Jenimt's * , SISSOn .
Burs Jel"ss Hls"n.
( Lancater ) , Johnston Hulrm ( Douglas )
Cimaco ( Douglas ) , Wilder.
Cole Judd , Mr Speaker-31.
Ashly , Hnlr"ro\e , Ih01es ,
hat ry. Havlk , itothmeutner
Irncmlnn , , Imom-st. house .
Irol < w. H"wlll , South .
Cain . HII. m Hodelnan . ,
Campbcl , KIUP , Splclman ,
Cal"n , ' i i.angluorst , . Spencer
Casper , 1111.on. Suter.
Clu\man , alclmrlme . Thomas ,
Cooley lcYlcker , Yanlousen ,
Dehaney Mies , ' 'art ,
Dempsey , Jitoehum uuman. ZIII
flmy Hemlngloa , ( Sherman-39
Gear ,
Absent and not voting-
Henellct , hinds , lobertson ,
hierninI . . Jenkins. Scott .
thrownehl . Jomston : Schlcl.cdantz ,
Il'ch , ( Nemaha ) , Shook .
hums ( Dodge ) , Jones. Sutton ( Pawnee )
Conaway , l.amlor. 'hnme , ,
Crm" . McFaddenVaht ,
Crow . Myers , Weber ,
Outline , Perkin , Zllk
Hnler , l'ohlman , ( Johnson-0 )
Hure , Hlckels ,
The house then adjoured.
Senate Jeeommcllh Sprochor's UIl for a
Return to the Dhtrtct l'lal.
LINCOLN March 113.-Special.-Tlme ( ) Ien-
ate closed another uneventful week with a
brief sessIon thIs morning , at which narely
a quorum was present after roll call. The
reading ot the journal was dispense wIth and
the senate at once went Into commitee at the
whole to consider Sprcchier's bill provIding
for the election ot district attorneys. The
bIll Is simple In Its provIsions. All the sec-
lens relating to the county attorneys are re-
pealel1 The law provides that at the general
election In 1896 and 189 , and every four year
thereafter , a distrIct attorneY shall be elected
In each Judicial district , who shall receIve
$2,500 per annum and hold his office for tour
Each district attorney may appoint one
deputy , except In Douglas county , where four
deputes may bo appoInted. The deputes are
to receive an annual salary of $ ,500.
In case of a vacancy tIme judge of the dIs-
trIct may appoint a distrIct attorney , who
sh1 serve until the next general election.
The original bill provided that the governor
sholhl fl all vacancies , but the senate
thought It unwise to vest too much power
In the hands at a mere governor.
The commie a of the whole agreed to rec-
ommen(1 that the bill do pass. I also voted
the same recommendaton to the see grain
note bill , already passed by the ' iouse.
After the commlUe rose It was decided to
put the seed grain note bill upon Hs passage ,
but after ito secretary had read about half
way through It was discovered that there
were but twenty-one senators present This
woulll defeat time emergency clause , without
whkihm time bill would be valueless Consequently -
quenty the friends of the bill called a halt In
Momlay. time reading of the bIll . I wIll lo fnished
Wrigh succeeded In having hIs two Insur-
ance bills , senate files 132 and 98 , made a
special order for Monday afternoon. Time bal-
lot bills , four In number , were also made a
special order for Monday afternoon , and the
senate then adjoured.
Uuotleu Ohllgeo nt leciinuseh .
TECUMSEI , Neb. , March 16.-Special.- ( )
John Forbes has sold his photograph gallery
to NV. . Petnger and moved with his fam-
ly to University Place.
J. L , Chomlerlaln has purchased of the
stock company the Nebraska Lumler com-
pany's yards here.
Miss Nellie Scott Is home tram Grand
Iland , where she has been teaching music
the past winter.
James Shamighmnessy has removed with his
famiy to Denver.
Mr. amid In , W. R. Harris , Judge and
Mrs. W.V. . Gfen anti Judge John Wison
are home from a winter's sojourn In Florida.
J. W lutt has sold the Tecumseh dray
Ino to E. A. Ellswortim .
Marcus B , noatman and Lavona Irwin were
marrie nt the home at the bride Wednes-
day ly Hev. Thomas Ring. The young couple
are very promInent In this locality.
Vale , . \\"hlt Clllly Ilvlolul ,
VALLEY , Nob. , March 16.-Speclal ( Tele.
gram-Tho ) citizens' imon-partisan Ilarty met
at the Valley opera house tonight and norl-
nateJ the folow 1'1 ' : gentemen for members
ot tIme village bard ; J. C. Iely , C , H ,
Pierce , C. E. Byars , J. Mason ant A. A.
gbert. rids Is the only ticket In the fell
anti favors high license , which males It an
assured tact that Valley will have saloons
after Ipy 1 A vete at the mEeng was taken
In regard to the division of Douglas county ,
Omaha and South Omaha to le a county by
itself , and the county precincts representing
a county. Several speeches were nlde against
tIme divIsion , amid a unanimous vote was cast
against it. One hundred and twenty-eight
voters were present.
. "Iuforlh L.camiic ItsmmeriainmiIiiI , .
BENDLEY , el" , larch 16.-(8peclal.- ( )
The Bpworth ( league ot this place gave a
very Interestng literary entertainment to a
crowded house Thursday night after which
a "crazy quit , " manufacture ly the ladles
of this place , was auctioned off to the hIghest
bidder , which was Lou Cone , whosa b1 ! was
$ t0.30 the Ilroceeda at which ara , tn le
used for the benefIt of the Methodist I pls. i
copal church , The quit \ composed ot over
300 different pieces bearing the names ot
persons who paid 10 cents Each to have their
Ilmes sewed In I. Thus $20.20 Wa the I
tel amount realized by this novel plan , all
of which will be used for a good purpose. .
Fremot May Not Bo Permitted to Erect
Its Own Electrio Llgbtnlg Plant , .
. - I
District Court 111 10en Asked to rerll-
neatly Deny the City the Right to
Ilvelt lloney In'Thls
I ) I rection .
FREMONT , March 1G.-Speclal.-The ( )
movement to place n municipal electric lighting .
Ing plant In Fremont has receh'C1 a tern-
porary quietus. The mayor and city council ,
upon petitIon of a largo number at citizens ,
clamming to represent a majority of the legal
voters of the city , decided to appropriate
about $20,000 out of time general fund In the
treasury to build all equip an electric light
Illant. Phs all estimates were male by
the city engineer , and tIme Board of Publc
'orls , under Instrnctons of the council , has
advertised for bids for constructing the same.
But the remont Oas a \1 Electric LIght
company , which Is doing the iuminatng
business of remont , objected to the pro-
ject , and commencell an injunction suit In
the district court. JUdge Sullivan has
rnted a temporary injunction. City Attorney -
torney Dolezal line fed a moton to dissol'e
limo injunction , and Iho hearing of this mo-
ton has been set for Friday , March [ . 22. This
probably means that the case will eventually
fml its way to Ole supreme court , where It
Is liable to le hung 111 for a long time , all
mcanwhlo the Gas and Electric Light com-
Iany wi continue to furnish Illumination for
tIme streets , and for citizens and business
places that require methlng better than
common keroseume.
The relHllcau primaries of the four wards
of lo'remont were lucId last night and as a re-
suit candidates for councimen were nomInated -
Inated as follows : In the First ward Oscar
Olhldel was nominated to succeed himself ,
and E. O. Brugh was nomInated to fill the
vacancy occasioned ly the roslgmuatiomu of J.
V. N. Bibs ; Second ward O. II. 1' . Shively ;
Third , II. O. Brelcnfehl , renominated ;
Fourth , 1 , ' , ' . T. Crook . renominated. There
was a pretty general division throughout the
city emi the tre.\surershlp question. John , C.
Cleland , the present treasurer , all E. I ) .
Percy , present city clerk . are both candidates -
dates for the nomInaton for treasurer. The
Cleland pole was the longest , knocking the
fruit oft the trees and electng the delega-
tons rrom every ward ly large majoritie3.
The city convention was held at the court
house thIs evening and city ofcers were
These nominated were : William Fried for
mayor J. C. Celand for city treasurer , W.
J. Bullock for cleric , L. C. Holmes for police
jUdge , Thomas Carrel and Charles D Marr
for members of the Board ot Education.
The Bachelor Girls' Music club was entertained -
tertained yesterday afternoon by Miss Mira
Lee. There was a short musical program
and a composite story to which each member
contributed a chapter. In the last chapter I
the engagement of Miss Lee was announced , '
whIch was something of I surprIse.
Frankie , Sam cUd Willie , children of Mr.
and : Irs , \V. R. \'Ison. entertained a large
company at friends at their home last even-
lug. Pleasant games were Indulge In , and
delicious refrebhments were served at a seasonable -
sonable hour.
The assessors at the various townshIps of
Dodge county will meet at the court house
next Tuesday , according to law , to agree on a
basis at assessmenl for the whole county.
The Fremont Ladles' Bicycle club will
be Permanently organized at Pythlan hal
next Monday evening , when by-laws will be
adopted all officers elected.
n. A. Twiss of this city has secured a
patent on I device to be atached to house
hydrants , so that In case of fire or undue
pressure on the water mains from any cause ,
the water will le automatically shut oft until
the pressure Is red uced.
'here are strong indications of several ma-
tinge among Fremont's society young people
directly after Easter.
Mrs. A. n. Wightman ot Nelgh was In the
city yesterday visiting her daughters , Mrs.
J. F. Hanson and Miss Grace Wightman.
Prank Roberts has returned home from a
commercial trip to the Black Hills.
aloikiejolin's eeds Dl8'ppolntel them
SCHUYLER , Neb" , March 16.-(8peclal. ( )
The pnllshed announcement of Congressman
MelklJohn that he would send Into
thIs county a portion at the seeds allotted to
, .Im for distribution caused quite a furry
among many who have not seed for spring
sowing. There was much disappoIntment
when It was learned that small packages at
fewer and garden seeds only would be sent ,
Instead at train loads of grIn for seed. In
the absence at a relief committee In thIs
county the county judge , county clerk and
county treasurer were designated by' Mr. '
lelklejohn to distribute the seeds , and the
gentlemen . S. B. Alien , M. F. Shouka and l.
P. Dednar , will be busy henceforth answering
questions concerning seeds. The garden seeds
, wi bo much In demand , as but little at the
seed raised here last year will grow
Dan Burke of the B. & 1 [ secret servIce Is
with friends In Schmuyltr . his old home
Ex"Superlntendent A. K. Goudy bas been
engaged to give a lecture here during next
E. B. Greenman , county surveyor , has been
employed to do some work for the state at
Grand Island.
There are numerous cases at scarlet fever
In Schuyler and vicinity , S. D. Wheeler's
child was the first case reported.
There have been submitted proposals to
chanKo some at the by-laws of We Schuyler
Building and Loan association. Formerly
parties desiring money appeared at meetng3
and bid for I , time highest bidder being sup-
plied with funds. Under the proposed
change , applications In writing arc fed with
the secretary , ' all loans to go at 20 pr cent
premium , and parties are supplied In the
order In whIch applications are made
Withdrawals , also , are secured upon appl-
cation , In writing , to the secretary , the request - '
quest to be mtt In thirty days : but I funds
are not on hand to meet t the request for
withdrawal , the party applying can resume
payment of monthly dues and continue his
memberhip. But It he does not , InterEst
ceaSES on date at application for withdrawal .
I Is proposed , ale , to dispense with th
customary fine for failure to pay .lne3 on the
first Saturday at each month , the legality of
such fines having been brought Into ques-
lion . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Uelovno ItrewItIe.
I.LEVUE , Neb. , March 16.-Speclal.- ( )
Mrs. J. D. Patterson of lapllon spent Saturday -
day with her daughter , Miss Lulu , who Is
attending college.
L. I. Case at Omaha , formerly of this
place , came down to attend the funeral of
Jonathan Thompson
Morris and Dora McDermot at Omaha have
been spending several clays here with friends.
! rs. H. S. AHord of Gretna spcnt Saturday
wih her friend , Miss Kayser
W'ihhlaimi Gimore of Platsmouth spent sev-
erat days In town , called here by the death
ot ! r. J. Thompson
Ir . Madeline Stevens , an old resident of
Bellevue , but now of Oklahoma has been vis-
Itn the family of L. Neals and renewing
old acquaintances during the past week.
Mr. If. F. Clarke and family are moving
to Omaha this week ,
111155 LIzzie Conaor who left college dur-
lug the early part at tIme term on account
at Iloor health , returned Monday from Port '
Scot , rCan" , to resume her stules.
Miss May Peters , who bas been very I
with diphtheria , Is convalescing.
lte. and Mrs. J. I ) . Kerr are both on the
sick list .
The I.adles' Aid society gave a social at the
homo ot WiIam Walace _ Thursday evening
Soeh.1 Unlll lt I'terce
PIERCE , Neb. , larch 16.-Speclal.-The ( )
Scottish musicale at Kelper'a hal on Friday
night was a success In every sense at the
term. Each selection elicited hearty applause.
The receipts , which were abut $20 will le
expended for Improvements on the Methodist
Episcopal panonoge.
Mrs . Ferdinand Itohler Is very sick.
Miss Jessie Ditz at Osmund , Nob. , visited
friends here the first of the week .
The Chl"er' home was - the scene of a
happy gathering last Saturday night , the oc.
birthday caslon being . Thomas Chllvera' thlrty.arh
if , L Marken , district manager ot the
Young Men's Christian , Al lulton , was
hooking after the association here on Tne dar.
Sheriff Litel And Ii. hi.Mo&mr transacted
business at LIncoln on Monday.
Mrs. Mary lade died lt her , home on TUe"
day ot puerperal tenr. SIc } w In the 36th
year ot her ake. She lea H a husband and
several children to mourn hjtr 'departure. i
William Courtnage dcparll1 With hIs tam-
I ! for Independence , la" , on Tuesday for a
three weeks' visit. .
, _ 'I. 1"
Alt CItzen ! of that Enlerpttslng \ 'illmsgc
Unlto on this , ,1.lon
KEARNEY , Neb. , March lC.-Speclal.- ( )
As there are only two members at the school
board and a councilman frOmicacim ward to
elect hero this sprIng , local politics has been
rather quiet so rar. A republican ( onventon
was called last night , and the city bal was
crowlled. I C. Andrews all II. J. Allen
were nominated for school directors , and the
councilmen selected were Hco Eaton from
time First ward , W. 1. Hoc from the 5cc-
and , W. F' . Crossley from the Third and W
1. lunt from the I"ourthm. They are all new
men except hunt , who Is a member of the
counci now. Abut the only Issue before tIme
people Is that at retrenchment , all no one
Is making any particular opposition to I.
The caucus Passed ol harmoniouslY , all In
two of the wards the nomInees were chosen
by acclamation .
The members of the Order at the Eastern
Star gave a reception to time members of Blue
lodge Wednesday e\enlng , which was a very
pleasant affair. There \ere recitations , tableaux "
leaux , vocal amid Instrumental music and a
entitied "Masonry la Irs.
humorous farce entle(1 ! asonr a
Lease " After the program was rendered re-
reshments were served by the ladles at the
A farewell recepton will le tendered to
: Ir. and Irs. V. O. 1.'lan at the First
Iethedlst Episcopal church this eVenln . as
they start next Tuesday for Shanghai , China ,
where Ir , L'man . has a posllol as agent for
the Bible soclet ) .
A camp or Modern \oollmen was organ-
Ized nt West Kearney this week with fit-
teen members. Time new cum\ was oranlzell
ly Deputy C. S. lul or .exlngton , amid the
new imiemubers were given the work by the
officers of hope camp of Kearne
L. I' . Ialn has Imrchased the handsome
residence 1.1 Kenwood addition built a few
years ago l ) ex-County Treasurer II. Fred
John Wison has sold hIs livery stable llsl-
ness to D. 11. Goodsel and Farley Russell.
Quite a number or former Kearne'le who
have movel away are coining back now , all
say that Nebrslm anti Bulilo county and
Kearney In particular are just as good places
as they . can fml for business or reshence
The contest for delegate to represent the
Kearney schools In tIme state oratorical con-
test wilt le hehl next Tuesday nIght.
I.ler"ry : orlh ' .II !
NORTH LOUP Neb. , March 16.-Sleclal ( )
at Its last
-The Woodmen Literary society is
session debated the question : "Hesolved ,
That the right of suffrage should bo denIed
to those who cannot read the English language -
guage intelligibly. " Proto PaIne , principal of
the city schools , and Den DavIs , late of the
Grand Island Business college , were the prin-
cipals. The debate was ably contested and I
proved a rich intellectual treat for those who
had the pleasure of being among the auditors.
: lr. B. II. Mosler and wife \ of Wautoma ,
'Vaushara county , Wls , , are now visiting
wih relatives In this city and will remain for
several weeks.
The Valley County Taactmers' . association
met at the county scat today , when a long
program , consisting at Important papers and
discussions , was carried out , to the mutual
benefit of all concerned. o
The North Loup Irrigation and Improve-
mont company has at .ast dechled to deal
direct with Individuals Inndlsposlng of water
In the village , Instead ot dealing through the
village board , and will "charge $2.50 per lot
for single lots and $5 per block of eight lots
For acre property $5 will be charged for the
first acre and a decreasing price to the ffh i
acre after whIch a uniform price of $1.25
will le charged , While It eems a difficult
maier to flx . a rate that .eems le entirely
satisfactory and not work 'an injustice to
some I Is thought that atthme present rate
I 'quite general use dt".thoC'water will be
made within the village.
The prIncipal entertainment announced for
the coming week Is 10 be given at the town
hal on next Thursday evening by the North
Loup Cornet band. "The Little Drown Jug "
a tempernce drama , will be the chief attraction -
traction . but an abundance at both vocal
and Instrumental music wilt le offered. The
band boys deserve credit for their enterprIse
In their alempts to lighten tIme heavy hours
at a long and tedious winter.
J. A. Green . another old settler who has
been spending the winter abroad , returned
this week from Nortonvle , Kan. , and will
resume hIs usual occupation of farming.
A St. Louis Implement company has made
public through the local press an offer to
supply all farmers who apply wih sufficient
Early Amber cane seed ( sorghum ) 10 plant
one acre 01 ground tree at cost , provided
they arrange for their own transportation.
Sorghum Is generally 'a winning crop In
this section , and the liberality at the frm
tarmers. "
will be appreciated by many
tee.1 OrRtn for Valley COUlt\ .
ORO , Neb. , larch 16.-Speclal.-The ( )
grand lodge , Ancient Order at United Work-
men , has made arrangements by which It Is
to furnish each needy farmer who Is a
member at the order ten lushels ot seed
corn. A carload Is expected In Ord some
time next wcek.
Adam Smith has received two carloads of
grain from his old Indiana home for distrI-
buton among the destitute , and has been
notified that $0 will le sent hIm soon to
buy seed graIn.
Mr. and Mrs. Spetman at Grand Island
were In the cIty last week , visiting with
their daughter , Mrs. D. Heuck.
A pleasant Presbyterian social was held at
the homo of Mrs. Spaulding on Main street
Tuesday evening.
Proto George I. Kelley , principal ot Orll
High school , left for Genwood , Ia. , hIs old
home , for the purpose of getting some seed
grain for Valley county farmers DurIng
his absence 11ev. W. D. Leonards Is fling
his place In the school room
I. E. Iabcock antI A. Rowan returned
from the eastern part of time state on Wednesday -
nesday evening , accompanIed byV. . J.
Eatheron , civil engineer for the Nebraska
Irrigation and Power company. The above
named gentlemen have made arrangements
by which their ditch In Wheeler county will
bo extended to the Boone county line , and
work will be commenced at once.
The estimated expenses for running Valley
county this year amount to $40,000.
1111111 IOII ! at 'uVmsmarlon
WATERLOO , Neb. , larch 16.-Speclal- ( )
The coming season promises to him an unusually -
usually active one In , the building line , there
not being a house for rent In town , and sev-
oral Ilersons have bean 'e . ' mpeled to buy to
secure a home 1 c'
Mrs. E. S. J'lor ot , Valiy Is a guest of her
imiothier Mrs. E. C. I'ttlWoh.
Frank Royce , ma"age of the Waterloo
Creamery company herdt . left for time east
today on a vacaton.-
A. Resum Is hula farm.
Seedsmen are hUBt" IHtng contracts for
time coming season , I 1ui
George Springer at Vlley Is the guest of
" '
Mrs. T. Keefe. . !
Landlord Todd Is buTtng the drummer
who gave hIm a brass souvenir at the
World's fair for a dolb.t
Dr. C , Crooks hasleabed the Resum prop-
erty 11 : " " -
NebrRok JI homier Ioath
NEBRASKA Clrhrllarch : 16.-Special (
'Telegram.-J. ) E. IfcOQri a resident at this
city since 185G , dledl'hlS morning , aged 56.
The decease was until recently promInent
la busIness affairs , l1 health compele
him to retire.
Time new Grand Anny at the Republic
Memorial hal wIl b'e ' dedicated Tuesday
evening with approprIate ceremonies. Among
the speakers will be General Van Wyck ,
lion Church Howe and Department Coin-
mander Adams.
Energetic lurlltl UI''lolltel ,
TALMAGE , Nel'r larch 16.-Speclal.- ( )
Burglars broke Into the Missouri Pacific de
pt lat night They lore a hole In time side
at the safe and put . charge of powder In , I
but failed to open it. With the exception at I
mixIng things up very promiscuouslY and '
bending the handle at the safe , no damage
was done. The tools were taken from time
company's pump housa to do the job . Held ,
the pumper , Is short I shotgun and the sta-
ton agent , W ' It. McDaniel , lost 1 pair
of pan t. . '
Omwford Factions Bury the Hathet After
Yenr of Acrimonious Strife ,
non rcs and n IRnqne l.ulc . the Close ot
limo 'nrtRre RII tuth ShIes Ulie In
Nominating 1 City Ticket-All
Snit Wltllr\ft
- -
CRAWFORD , Neh. , March IG.-Speclal.-I ( )
This town has for the past tour years leOn
divided Into two blUer factions , irrespective
at polItics , sect or religion. Time town COII'
oil has been controlled br one faction and
the school board by the otlmer These fghts
have been confined to bier Incrlmlnalons
and charges at corruption on both
shies against their opponents , and to
fiercely fought hitlgatiomm-tho district court
dockets being crowded with the suits . For
time past week negotiations have been on
root for the bringing of the parties together
on a friendly footing. These negotiations
yesterday terminated In the withdrawal of
all pending snis by both shies antI In
the nnanlmons nominaton or a compromise
ticket for both the town board and the school
bnard ' Times factional fghts and frictions
have been so bitter that the town has pro-
grossed under diiflctmitles. Any proposed enterprise -
torprls was always opposed b ) one or the
other faction , Time town Is celebrating the
relnlon today. The lens all } tIme lambs are
[ rolcldng together , and "jullco"
Itself Is rumpant. A commlee
composed of leaders } at the
respective factlols Is arrammgtng for a graml
banquet In the near future ant bonfires are
blazing tonight. Wih the people of Craw-
ford unied and the energy they displayed
In thou' factional fights unied In the Inter-
eats ot lie town , Crawford will no doubt
boom dnrlng the snmmer. Several large
brick and stone llslness blocks are already
umler way . and time selement of these Internal -
ternal disagreements will bring several other
large lulllngs dlrlng the summer.
Snow has been falling pretty Oontnuol91y
for the past week amid the ground will be
wel saturated for spring work on the [ arms.
Irrigation legislation Is being watched with
much Interest here. Irrigation claims have
been fed with the county clerIc for water
rrom the Whlo river all through the count ) . .
the clalnants antcpatng that the proposed
legislaton will recognize theIr claims In the
order they are filed. I such shoull bo the
law time fIrst two or three who fed will get
all the water and leave time others out In
time dry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"opuloto Slake No onulnnthonui.-Civie
l'edfrnton Ulvlirl Its Stumport.
LINCOLN , March 16.-Sleclal ( ) Telc-
gram-The ) local Independents held a city
convention tonight , which , upon adjourn-
ment , was immediately followed In the same
hal , the dIstrict court room , by the conven-
ton of the Civic federation. Each body con-
tamed nearly 200 delegates , and standing I
rom only was available during the sessions I
for late comers.
The Independents were divided In sent-
ment. Nearly one-half at the delegates were
In favor of a straight endorsement of the
democratic municipal ticket , but the majority
held them down to a negative endorsement
of the democratic city ticket ly refusing to
nominate an opposition list. With councilmen -
men It was different. The Independents
nominated E. T. Hartley for the First ward ,
made no nomination In the Second or Third
nominated Harry Fletcher In the Fourth ,
S. D Hyde In the Fifth , endorsed the dem-
ocratc nominee C. S. Jones , In the Sixth ,
and nominated W. T. Moore In the Soventh.
Tin the Civic federatIon took possession
ot the hal and endorsed the , democratic
nomInee for mayor Judge J. II. Broad ,
the republican nominees for city treasurer
and clerk , Mart Aiken and Johnny Bowen ,
and the democratic nominees for member
of the excise board \V. E. Hargreaves and
Tom Cochran. The federation then adjourned -
journed until 8 p. m. Monday. At the Independent -
pendent convention Mayor Weir made a
speech , In which he announced "hat he did
not desire to agaIn become a candidate for
the mayoralty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
PlaUomouth Ladles : Accordingly Will Support -
port that "urty nt the l'oIA.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. . March 16.-Speclal (
Telegram.-Tho ) city campaign Is now fairly
on , with every prospect at being particularly
warm as to time election of members ot the
school board. The women ot the city met cn
Thursday and nominated two lady c'nJhlates
for the school board and appoInted a com-
mitee to walt on both the repullcan and
democratic city convention and asl the endorsement -
dorsement at their candIdates. At last night's
republican convention the women were completely -
repnblcan conventon
pletely Ignored and J. r. Root and George
Honseworth were nomInated. The women
presented their candidates at the democratic
convention tonight and one ot the Indies
preferred , Mrs. C. F. Stoutenlorough , was
named as a candidate along with Charles D.
Cummins. The women have announced their
intention at giving both at the .1tnocratic :
candIdates their full support , anti 1 hot con-
test at the polls Is assured emi the ( ommncih-
manic ticket In the several TI ere-
pullcans have nomlnatpd C fCn : I.ngen-
hagen , P. D. Dates , J. W. Bridge , Charles
Iassman and A. J. Graves and . the d1 0-
cratsV. . J. White , C. I ) . Irlmes , C. C.
Parmelee , John A. Gutsche amid J. Lan'cl !
10t h i'artlcum Nominate I\t Sehuyler.
SCHUYLER , Neb , March 16.-Speclal (
Teiegranm.-Ilepubhicans ) and democrats held
their caucuses tonight to nominate candidates
for the various city ofces , and for two Ihree.
year memberships In the School Board The
republicans hehl their caucus at republican
headquarters , and the democrats theIr's at
Chaso's hall. The republIcans made nomina-
tons a follows : For mayor , Morris Palmer :
city treasurer , D. Mick ; city clerk , V. II.
LOVEjoy ; councilmen , First ward , I.
L. Dohman ; SecondV. . M. Brad-
ford : Thlnl ward , Frank Chrastl : G. I
Dnnham , to _ fill vacancy ; engineer , E. E.
Greenman : for n1embers of sclool board ,
John E. Arnold and C. W. lirubesky. The
democratic nominatons were : For mayor ,
S. D. Allen ; city clerk , B. J. Rogers ; city
treasurer , George Little : city engineer , A.
1. Long : councimen , F'lrst. warll , V. SUI1t ;
Second ward , John Edgar ; Third ward ,
rank Cuba : for members of school board ,
Thomas 10laceit and John Gaeth ; John Vln-
cence Fajman to fill vacancy In Third ward.
Citmzens' Nolll\lnno Rt Oh"lron.
CIADRON , Neb. , March 1C.-Speclal ( Tel-
egram.-The ) following city olcers were
unanimously nomlnatell ly the 11eollle's can-
cus , w111ch virtually means election , al no
other ticket will he put In the leld : lon ,
J. S. Dahlman , mayor ; I. . J. F . Iaeger ,
clerk ; C. C. Jameson , treasurH : C. I ) .
Johnson , engineer ; A. I , . Putnam , George
lngaman and M. E. Hose , councimen : S.
A. G. Phhsr , M . II. Wiis . , memler of the
school board . Dahlman's nominaton was
marked ly the widest enthusiasm , whIch
took the cllalrman , lIon . D. n. Jenck , some
time to quiet _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mron , Ticket at lenlf\t , City .
CENTRAL : CITY , Neb . , March lG.-Spe. (
clal Telegram.-Tho ) citizens' caucus tonight
nominated the following ticket : Mayor , W.
B. I.etcher : clerk , C. M. C. Endree : treasurer -
urer , I. . O. Comstock : councimen : , First
ward , W. C. Kerr : second ward , O. T
Bishop : thlrl ! ward , C. B. LInd ; members at
th school board , A , B. WIng , W. W. Bur-
roughs , and E. II , Barrett , The ticket Is
considered one or the strongest nominated
In years . The anti-saloon caucus will ba
beld Monday night .
Olceoln Jel'ubtcan Nomimin its.
OSCEOLA Neb. , March 16.-Spoclal.- ( )
The republicans at Osceola had a rousing
mimeeting at the court house , For year the
meetng '
town board has ben about "alf anti alf , "
but time republicans this year prollo to elect
time full ticket . They nominated for memo I
bera . ot the village bard W , O. Cox , Alt
Gerhat , S. O. Pheaent , N. S. l'eteron
and A. 1 Austin. The board wIll M 10\ " -
erned by the lula'ot. . "Shal the vil-
Iag beard ot Osceola grant licenses to S'
100n11" On the Queston ot internal 1m.
provomentt I Wi the sense of tbo l"etn
that no money bo Invested or mused but what
was acttAl- necessary 10 keep the town
property In good repair , togther with the
streets and croulngs.
ni" " ! Trlln'WrrC CM" . Almost Con.
emt".1 at l.tuieoln
LINCOLN , March le.-Speclal ( Tele rnl. )
-Counsel for ( 'me defense in the Davis murder
trial occupied the niornlmmg hiomirs of the
district cotmrt , Judge holmes presiding.
Colonel I'lmllpot spoke for an hour. Ills line
of argummmeimt tended toward the sarcastic ,
ridiculing thmo idea that a herson of so low
aim oder of iumtelhlgence could have so sue-
cesafully pinuimmed so great ii disaster , lIe
was followed by Attorney damns , who spoke
for too hours , dehiverimmg omme of the most
drammiatlc Siuceches ever heard in tIme district
coumrt of Lammeastcr county. Cotmmmty Attorney
\'oodard closeml for the state thmI afternoon
and time case ivihi be given to time jury this
evemuing ,
At 5 o'clock County Attorney \\'oodwnrtl
cioetl for time state. Juitige hiolumues charged
time jury amid timey retired. TIme > ' are still
out cmiii it looks very mmutmch as Ilmotmgim time > '
woomlul fail to agree num a verdict tomilghmt. It
is umot comisitlereil likely timmit a umew ti ml
would ho hunt ! shiotmhtl tIme > ' fall to agree.
At mniulnlgiut the jury was still out amid
gmtvo no sign of roaciming a verdict before
inormming. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'thl 'uto tIrcct o , iIcense ,
TECUMSEII , Neb. , Mcccii 1G.-Spccial (
Telegrammm.-At ) thme commulmmg mmmumnicipal dee-
tiomm in tlmls city the voters will be called
UIomi to'oto direct cmi time Issue of hlccmmse or
110 hicemmac imisteaul of hmnvImmg two tickets.
Thus was decided at a mimes mmmeetimmg of
voters timis evemmiimg. A tlcket was miamneul as
follows : Ii. P.'nrcl for imiayor ; ( ' , eorgo
Scott , clerk ; L. M. Iavis , treasurer ; 11 , W.
llramidomu , Police judge ; \V. L. lmmnlap , city
emigimmeer ; G. U. lloiummett ammul B , V. Grist ,
mmmcmmmbers of school board ; E. Ii. Grist , coumu-
cilmummmmu , First ward ; J , II. Saimders , coummicil-
mmman , Second vardV. ; . 11 , Ctummminimmgs , coummm-
ciimmman , Third tyartl ,
( imriuthuimi 111t1e11OrirK at m.nul uvhlic.
LOUISV1 LLE , Neb. , March 16.-Spcclal.- ( )
Time imiimthm comivemutlon of tIme Chmristlami Endeavor -
deavor societies of Case county closed a very
immtercstimmg sessiomi Imere this muftcriioon , More
thmamm fifty deiegntes were present. Rev. Dr.
1)emmmuy of Asimlanil and l'rof. Iioulgmmmamm of tIme
State ummuiversity were tIme imrimmcipal speakers.
Mr. Fred Tapper amid Miss Nehilo Urwin
were married ' 1'imumrtlimy at tbo Methmotlist
IPlscoPal parumoimage by time juastor , Timey will
reside omm a farmmu mucar here.
At a cltiF.eiia' caucus last imigimt the present -
ent town boarml was renominated. Time ticket
Is gemmerally satisfactory , and probably no
otimer mviii be mmomimmated.
limmocrmtIc , , iiiImicc lit Crete.
CRETE , Neb. , March 16.-Special ( Tele-
granu.-Thmc ) democrats , at their caumctis held
tonight , made time following nominations : For
mnayor , E. V. Itale > ' ; city cleric , Fred French ;
treasurer , S. L. Mains ; police judge , Leo
Ilmuff ; school conmmnlssioncr , C. J , Bowlby ;
city euuineer , Prof. Brown. A city comnmnit-
te was mulso appoimuted to have charge of
party affairs.
Grandnua Brt , one of time oldest settlers
of this hmart of time coummty , was buried from
St. Jaimies' Rommiamm Cathmohlc cimurcim today.
- -S
WYOMING , March 17.-To the Editor of
Time Bee : We caine out of the grasalmopper
invasion with credit to tIme state and honor
to it citizemma. So from tIme depression of a
year or two ago , amid Nebraska coummnmanded
the respect of tIme world. Now , vlmen time
entire country with great liberality respommuied
to vhmat they felt was an urgent necessity
anti to relieve great destitution , amid while
dividing or not dividing time generous dana-
tioims , returned blekerimigs anti scatmulals of
improper distribution anmong the needy , and
charges by some friends of time commission
that many of the supposed destitute were
were really not so , 'until time charitable began
to doubt if they had not been imposed upon.
We are now reaching time crisis. Certainly
to have army of our soil consigned to another
year of barrenness , wimether fromn want of
rain or grain , would be a calamnity. So
thought the Chicago business men , and they
started a niovemrment to prevent it , wlmich at
present looks hike failure. Our legislature
was willing the destitute should have grain if
they would pay for it , and generously donated -
nated tIme power to bond thmeir counties and
still further mortgage their farms.
Why cammnot tIme legislature act favorably
amid promptly ? W > my not amend one of the
relief bills by making the amount $250,000 ?
Then , to lrevent prodigality and for time corn-
plete protection of the taxpayer , thu be die-
tribtitemi by the governor , lieutenant governor
and attorney general , orders to the several
coumnties , also certificates , that timere is not
only aetmmnl need 1mm tIme droutlm-strlcken counties -
ties and tvitimotmt tIme assistance there is fear
tIme land immay not be planted. Timen , it all
time appropriation according to time jmmdgunemit
of smmcim nonpartisan board is not necessary , it
shall be covered iimto time treasmmry , amid tmums
all interests be protected antI tIme state Imave
a little credit because she at least hmelps to
aid her destitute. C. H. VAN WTYCIC.
S .
Credltor OF ft St. , Jouephi Insittuthomi l'iihiic
They Are Getimmig 1.OCC.
ST. JOSEI'II , March 16.-Crcditors of the
John Moran Paclcing company have naked
for a receio'er.
It Is alleged in tIme petition that tle town-
site of St. George , where tIme packing hmouis
is located , was estnbhisimed for time solo pur-
mince of selling time real estu at a lmigim
price , ammd ( lint time packlumg house pnter-
lrise. totvmusito and nil nra snore bubbles.
C. U. France , presldcmut of time State Nn-
tiomial brink , tmnd Joiumm 1)onovan , jr , , are ac-
e'used of owning tIme ithmnt of time conmpammy
all tIme time anti trmunsterrimmg it to Moran
omuly for tIme rmlce of appearmmmmces. 'flue lIe-
tition charges that two of time directors of
tIme lackiflg company were Quieted , so ( lint
Moran , vimen hie bet'amne involved , could
transfer time plant hmmclc to France antI 1)on-
ot'nn. 'flmo tiefemmulants mtre also necuseti of
Imaving the Cimicngo assets of Moran's coin-
putimy trammaferred to tIme State Nmitional bank
( am. time osteumitihule PmmrP of mtecmiring a
claim of $5'OUO ' ) , but in reality for time pmmr-
1)050 of defrauding Mortmn's creditors , 1)1-
rectors in Clmtcago anti Kansas City were
told tlmnt time cmtpacity of time pacltimmg hmommee
wius to 1mm , increased by time imegotintions
with Fu'mtneo ammol Iommovami , but it reatmiteul
iii time commipteto cohhmulise of time concern lii-
stead of an increase Iii its busincss ,
Captain Iamilel 14. VuircIwitim Many Aliases ,
1mm Cost ouly iii Ihimsi on.
BOS'l'ON , March 16.-Time man giving time
name of Colonel Andrew J.Vest of Atlanta ,
Ga. , arrested hum this city yesterday on tIme
charge of passing worthless cimecictu , was
today itlentliled by Chief Inspector Watts
as Daniel S. Ward , a crimimual with a national -
tional reputation. lie ii ; kmmown to tIme po.
lice as Iammlei 13 , Ward , alias Captain Wumrd ,
alias Morgan , alias Miller , and was brmu in
hrmdiana sixty years ugo , In 1884 hum matte-
uueraded aim time captain of the steumer
ichIpee , runnimig betwceim New York anmi
New Oriemumms , anti victimized many busimuess
houses whim worthuioute vaper , iii every imu-
Stalled oijtainiimg cash iii cimammgo su'imen hum
olTereul a cimeck in payment fur tIme goods
received. lie mmext visited Boston , Proy-
idemuce. Chmicmmgo , Cleveland , St. Louis and
l'hilmumielphiia anti worked time same game
but on a smaller scale. lIe acknowledged
lila identity to time immspectorum today ,
Ammmicimo.l , muuI himiveater iurm. ,
KANSAS CITY , Match 16.-A writ of at-
tacimmnent for $5,400 , hroimghmt against time
W'aiter , \Vood hiarvomuter company by tue
lilimmoimu Steel company , wait issued today by
Circuit Judge ZulcCianaiman , anti time writ
tvmte later served by two miopulty simeriffs omm
( lie firma's stock. 'J'imree otimer uttacimmnentmm ,
aggregatimug $38.0)7 ) have also ieemu brought.
Otme is by time National Jiammk of Chmieago for
$ ld,253. one by the hank of Comnmnerce of
Kummeaum City for $ l0tJ0 mmd a third I' > ' Park
hiros. & Co. of I'cummmaylvanhit for i.8hI , 'rime
umimeriff is now itt possei'muion , Time firm Is a
branch of time Chicago concern that recently
went into ( lie hands of a receiver ,
W'emuhtiiy Stock Dmuler Missin ; ,
LIMA , 0. , March 16.-Il , S. Reynolds , a
wealthy stock dealer , is mysteriously males-
log , and time coummnmunIty is greatly excited
over time affair , his wife vent away on a
visit a few days ago , and whesm clue u-c-
t.mrned found time imouse opened and Hey-
noldmm gone , Ills roam was in disorder amid
amneared with blood. ilium private paluems
were strewn over the floor and all the valua-
bIos missing ,
Allogotl Slaycr of' 1Iot Oonuty's Ex-Troa8.
nrcr Mfty 13o Trica In Boyd Coutty.
Attorney ( lemucruot Cimimrclmlll CrcthlleiI by a
Ilmitte Citlzcmi withm mm Sehmeuuc for Tlii
1'tmrpoo-Netv t'imase ut time
ScmmatIommal Aitmuir ,
BUTTE , Nob. , Mardi 16.-Speciai-At. ( )
tormiey General Chtmrcimilh iii an interview
it itimV , P.'llls , county attorimoy , who baa
just returmueci brain hlmmcohmu , states , that in
case the legIslature bail smmccoetletl in passing
time "Barrett Scott bill , " lie womilul not ask
for a cimammgo of vemmome.Vills Is atmthmority
for tIme stateummemut thmat tIme attormucy general
imnml arrived at tIme ccumiclmmsioum timat when the
case ivuis called lie to milti ummove to dismiss
tIme action , nhitl timen imustlttmto mmciv hiroceed-
immgs in lloyd eoummty. 'l'hio theory of the
Prosectmtion Is that slmmce time body was fouimuu.t
cmi time Boyd coummity Itlo of time rIver , this
suppositiomi is that time crimimo was comunuitted
iii lloyd coummuty , ammtl it time ilefeumse wants a
trial iii Itoit county , time > ' will have to shmotv
that the murder was actually comnnuttted In
that county , Time case , if broumgimt to thus
cotmmmt > ' , will work mt great hmartishuip to its
citizemms , as time CXlCiiSCS of time trial Will
have to be borne by this coummmty , which it
is just iuoov utterly ummabie to tb.
AtTumlm-s mit Ashlamml.
AShLAND , Neb. , Marcim 1G.-Speeal.- ( )
A mumeetlmmg of time eltizemus was called for last
evemmimmg for time huumrlrnse of umomnimmating a
ticket for' time people's party , anti reatmiteti let
Ir , A. S. Von Manstelule beimig mmammied for
immmuyor , 3. W. Moomm far trcasmmrer , George
I' . ltatllclcer for city cleric , A. I' . F'owler for
comimicil , Frst ward ; NormimamiVoltermuiycr for
couumcil , Secommil ward ,
Mrs. leila'oodbary amid daughter , Miss
hibbl , retmmrnetl imommmo yestertlay frommu cmi cx-
temmiled visit anmommg relatives iii I'emutmsylvania ,
Misses \'erda Oppemmhmeltmmer antI Nellie
Srarks left last imigimt to visit friends iii
\\'Ihi Brooks. Ernest \\'Iggenhmortm nmmd Harry
Shmedtl camime tlowum fromim time mmmmlvermmity Inst
et'eiiiiig to eluemmul Stmmmday with friemmda amid rcl-
atives in timis city.
Cimarley Ccx left last evemmImmg for cemitral
Ohio to visit relatives for a few weeks.
L. IVolvemm I rettirmmetl today fromn a week's
visit witi trlemmds ammul relatives at hmis old
imommie in Nebraska City.
Mrs. Johium \\'hmiteiock left today for a
i'Isit wltlm relatives at hilyria , Neb ,
0mm tIme mrograun remmulered mit time regular
mneetimig of time Asimlammd lteauiimmg circle last
evening appeared ( lie ammmmoummcemmucnt that all
mnenmbers nmust be welgimeul at time close at the
mmueetimig , 'lime progrmmmn was duly carried out ,
thmoveIghmts ramigimig front 101 to 199 pounds.
To add interest. to time oratorical contest
tlmat takes Place lucre next Fritlay evening ,
there hiss been mu "booby lmrize" put imp for time
omie gettimmg time lotvest mimarks , 'rule prize
will be kept secret till It is won , when an
muitlress will be muode anti tIme iuresentatiomm
mu-made by time winmier of time hmiglmest. PliZe ,
Last night at time regmmlar literary meeting
at tIme 111gb school Charles Wiiiianms , repre-
semmthmmg time class of ' 91 , mantle an address
timat did not appear on time program , and
after a few is'eii chmosen words , calling atton
( Ion to time bare ialls 1mm tIme Iligh schmool
roomu , in beimaif of tIme class of ' 94 , pro-
semmted to thin literary society a large steal
emmgravimug of "Time Fmutimerof Our Country. "
Eimvortlm Lomogima htemiumlimg ttoorni , 4
COZAD , Nob. , March 1G.-Special.- ( )
Pmmblic readlmmg rooms were opemmed lucre this.
week under the auspices of tIme Epwort 4
league. A nice suite of roommms was se
cured in the First National bank bmuilding
furnisimeti and equipped , ammil on Wednesday
ovenimmg time opening was lucId. The rooms ,
ivero crowded uqtli a late hour by time menu- .
bore of time league amid their mmmany friends.
Refreshments were served by the young ladies.
of time league. It is tIme intemmtiomm to open timo.
rooms eacim evemming frommi 7 to 11 o'clock for
yommng omen , all being welcome , where they
tviii flmmd a large variety of , daily papers , magazines -
azines anti books , also gifunes , sucim as chuess
crooloincle anti checkers , thus enabling them tom
ileasantly ilass time evening huours. Time roonma
will be open at certain hours in time afternoon -
noon for young ladles , and it is proposed to
hold religious services for yoummg macn at 4
o'clock each Sunday afternoon , .
Time expenses of conductimmg amid maintain-
log the roommus will be defrayed entirely b >
the league amid its friexmds.
Imiyflom"e Joiiut Itmuidu'tI ,
DECATUR , Neb. , March 16-Speclal.- ( )
Simerilt McGrew of Tekamnahi and Deputy
Simeriff Dillon of this place were out to Soy'
der's yesterday witlm a warramit for his arrest
and seized what property lie lied on imand in
time way of intoxicating liquors. Snyder is
widely known to imavo carried on ami open
bootlegging business for thto east ten years
anti has macdo no secret aboumt It. Ills principal -
cipal business was with time Indiana , timough
doing considerable business witim time whites ,
Time oflicers captured four kegs of beer , three
kegs of wlmisky and one keg of Ammgehlca
wimme. Time old man wa 'ery sick , so timey
were unable to take him. Time court imas do-
clfied to fight thus maim to a finish and hums
will have a imearing in time district court at
Tcltamah time commmiimg sprimig term.
ltmmstlimg for oecl Grmuim ,
BUTTE , Neb. , March 16.-SpecIal- ( )
message was received yestcrmiay from tbs
commimntttee appointed to visit Cimicago for the
purpose of securing seeti grain for Boyd
coummty , announcimig time failure of time plan t
secmmro imeip frommm ( hue Board of Trade. Counti
Clerk Rowland , whmo i one of the comnmitte
imaa imot given up hope of yet sccurimmg seed
amid will solicit aid from time merchants and
bammkerti of Chicago and other cities ott imi (
return trip ,
p WomenL&
and Women only
Jcro most comnpctent to fmmhly appreciate time
runty , Buuc'ctimese , tuul : delicacy of CLJTICURA
bOAl' , anti to dlscou er new muses for it daily ,
l'or ammrmoying irritatlomms , cimaiImme , amid cx-
coriations oftiio iImu ; anti mmmmmcomis imoumihrano or
too free or OffCDSiVO icrahuiratiomu It imas hurOved
iumoit grateful.
In limo PreParation of cmmnittvo 'nashies , salts'
lions , etc. , it is most inlmmalile ; ) sessing , hi
macaims of iti commibimiatlon wills Curscun&
iccmmhiamly pmmrifying , cheansini ; , cmiii sootiuitm
Iropdrtics , It is timus cmablctl to heal mucous.
irritatIons , time cause of mmuammy annoying an4
debhhitatlmug urca1nessC5 , ushuhio it. imparts.
strength to thin mncmmmbruume ,
CUT1CUIIA SOAL' imoisrsses tmmmtiseptio prop. .
cu-ties ammul 1mm callable of destroyimmg iouicroscopio
life in immamiy forums.
1tko nil otimers of limo CuTicthltA flEUEfligS time'
CUImCVumA 110Am' appeals to ( Ito u-efluctl antI guI.
( hated eycrywimcro as tlmo nmost cflcctiie stePs
purifying auth beautifying soap as MCII ems ths
Pur ( ' amud sweetest for iulltt antI mmurcry.
Sale greater titan time combIned sales of all.
othuer skin ammtl comnphexioum soaps. ,
fluid tlmroughuout thua wotid. I'ice 21c , PoTrz
Immuxu ANUCmuiem , Comu'hioiel'ruprtetor. , Beaten
And nervous veaknesses , fluid in Cuticura
Anti-t'ain I'imi.tor imustaat cmiii Cratcfpl relief
as ivell ascomfort , strcngtb , anti ro-
nawed vitality , Odorous vitlm 1a1-
Saul , spicomtnd pine , it La thus i sect ,
( . bseotoIt , and beat Imlaster .e thu
. S world , I'ccuhtarlyadaptetltowotnemi. ,
and children. 'rime first. itud emily ain.kiliiug ,
strongtlseathg plaster. l'zice , 2:0.1 IlVO Lor $1 , .