Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1895, Part III, Page 19, Image 19

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    - - - ; . _ ; T - - -i ; - _ - ; - - : ; ; ; - ; - T. . -
. , - THE OMILITADAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MARCh 17 , 189G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to
- - - - - -
rack'ng n Grlzloy in the Gloomy Solitudes
of the DIg nom Mountains
rho lnnet Rn.t the 1IlrMInIn-TIb 0
Ile' ' , Shooterl-'hlll'lrlnJ1 of the
Wheel RII the VII"1 Orlst
of Local SIort.
11FARD a pretty good
btory on "SCIP" Dundy
ti .i a tow days ngo , and as
: . . that genial gentle-
c ; , ' , '
, 'nan ' Is now far away
\ . somewhere upon the I
, iun broad bosom of the bl- ;
' / % - _ -1' lowy Paclnc , 1 feel 11er-
, \ r1 fecly safe In relating
, ' ' ' II here. Judge Dunly ,
' ' _ J , "Sclp's" father , lS
; : ( cveryboly , knows hore-
, ; -11 , ' jif7 . nhout , Is an Inveterate
bear hunter , and every fall makes long ex-
. 'I curabns Into the gloomy solitudes of the Ih
'l. , his favorite
Horn mountains In Quest of Cavorlo
game. Ito generally goes alone , with trusty .
cook and guide only for companionship 11en.
etrntcs IleCI Into those wili tastnesSes
plche , his ten and remains there until sur-
teltCI with the grand sprt or until duty calls
him ) b2ck to civilIzation. Whie "Sclp" Is a
chiI ol the old block and an ardent and suc-
cessCul portstnan he hal tI especial pro-
dleclol for hear. Chicken , geese and ducks ,
iniie 1lover , and , quail furnish all the excitement -
clt Jnent and exhilaration lutidy the younger
cares about aud he studiously eschews the
- pursuit of any of the family carnivora.
A coiilo of years ago. however It occurred
to "Sch' " that to kill a hear and a grizzly
a th1t , would about round off his record ns
a bold and fearless Nlmroll In a way that I
ahouhl ho rounded off. This was In August ,
and the Judge was getting ready for his an-
nual foray aglnsl the king of the Hackles ,
and el ! Ilay after court "Sclp" Informed
pater famia ! that he Intended to accompany
211m New I there I ! anybody 01 earth the
venerable jurist dotes UIIOI It Is his only son .
and of courao hocns delighted over : the pros-
peot of having his company . luring his long
I- anti Ilsome vigil In thi mountains , and .
morcover. ho was particularly 60lclous to
learn whit "Sclp" would do with a grizzly
when he found one , and he congratulate
him upon his resolution to go get one.
In duo course of time father and son found
thenaelvcs comfortably cnscounccl way up
in the tcucbrloul depths c the frowning lUg
Horn range and one fine day "Sclp , " after
carefully Inspecting his 4-9O 'Inchester and
trylnr the edge of his knife . Ect out alone to
nchlevo the vaulting ambition within his
bosom lIe admonlshcd his father not to ho
, , I _ , moaEY It ho did not get In until late he
bad a faIr idea of the topography of the coun-
try , couldn't get lost and would return only
'when Iw. hal slain his bear. The judge was
proud of his boy's courage gave him an
extra pat on the back , and wished hIm luck
S end plenty of it.
S Inlghl his surprIse when abut 3 h o'clock
that afteroon "Sclp" showed \ at camp . a
trlnl' jaIled , hut as fresh as a daisy.
" \Vhit luck ? " asked the father a "Sclp"
threw himself on his bed of spruce boughs.
" \Vehl . sir dad " replied "ScIp " "I halln't
gotten a mite away from camp when I struck
the tri of the biggest bear-Il bet five It
i th : ' hlggest-thero Is In theo mountains ,
anti- " .
"That.s goodi" Interrupted the judge as he
gazed admiringly upon his offspring's 1th-
leto form thinking of course thai he had
klCI a monster. " \Vell ? "
"Ills tracks , " continued "Scip " were
nearly as big as 1 washtub , and I
could follow them almost with one eye tied
behind my back. Well . sir , I followed him
and followed him - "
"Yes' ' Y"9"
- - . -
"Up- th s.clf and hewn that canyon
through gullies and arroyos , over rocks and
logs , for six long hours I tel you , dad , I
had ( a time of It. "
"Well , Well . " 0 trine impatiently , urged
the jUdge. '
. 'Scll" "Vchl. " .wel , what ? " testy rejoined
- . 'I "You kept rlglt ! on after him ? "
"That's what I did , , ( lad. "
"And you didn't get him ? " and there was
. call nce of censure I the judge's tone.
"Nope. "
" 'Vh ) ' ? "
" \Vell . air . I followed him easy ten miles :
then I tiUit . " , .
"Wasn't the tracks getting fresher and
fresher ? "
"That's just what the trouble was dad ,
they wore getting too damn fresh ! "
The wild fowl season now having opened
-4 up In geol s'tpe. the traps will bo given
4 a rest for 'month Sportsmen wi have
no time for anything now but the tingling
sporl3 of the field , and tame pigeons and
clay ones , too , wi be unmolested until thc
wild birds have alt bled themselves away
to their breeding grounds In the tar north.
The bulk of the ducks will be gone by the
mlddlo ot April . then wi gno couple I
of weeks of snipe shooting , al1 after that
begInning with early May . and continuing
until August , a close season wilt Intervene
beforn 1'lere will bo further Inducement to
go aflld . The upland plover come In late
In July anti will furnish the sportsmen with
rare sport until hazy September dawns , when
the chicken will need attention . , The months
at May Juno and July will b largely do-
voted to the trail again and .in fact , 1m ,
Run clubs will continue their regular weekly
shoots until Jack Frost breatheS ; his blight-
) _ ' _ log breath upon the emerald world , and returnIng -
turnIng forth birds once again tempt the 3Inter
Speaking of trap shooting , below I given
j the score ot a match team shot that took
place In this city Just eighteen years ago
the fth of last month. The names are nil
famIliar to the common run of sportsmen
h even to this ilay and no doubt the recalling
( ot this notable event wi awaken not only a
111PP ) but a end train at thought In the
mlnl of more than one of my readers. The
match which was tour single rises at twenty- I ,
ono ) 'ards and five double rises at eighteen
I yards , took 1111 co al the private grounds ot
AI S. I'atrlc ; , } wln W. 1. R. hughes at the
Nebraska National bank and D. / . Sutphen ,
the clrrJsK man oJPMcrl to Zack Taylor
chief clerk at the Paxton hotel , and Al Pat-
Tick the first named team winning by two
birds . The score :
. Z. . Taylor . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011-3
a. I'atrlck . . . . . _
. . . . . . . . . . .
Z. ' .a'lor..1 10 . 10 . It 10-7
. A . B. J'ttrick . . . . . . . . . 10 J 1 1 1 01-7
_ tl P' . Tctll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
( D. C. utihlen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'V , n. S. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
D. C. Stitphien . . . . . . . . . . 10 11 11 11 - -
V. ii. S. llughei . . . . . . . 10 10 1 1 1 1 11-8
Total . . " , . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
John Patrick andl"rod Montmorency made
a drive of something like seventy mlol lat
week . were gone two days and admlnlsten'
graceful quietus to . '
I - seven Illntals.
Attorney Charlie Goes , M. A , hall and W.
C. Ivea wl fol UII their tent and quietly
ateal out to Paxton this week for a whirl
At the mallards and rodhieitls . I
Fi , A. Sheppard O. W. Thompson and
Stoc\r Heth are touting out near Ashland
where they expect soimmo great sport when the
flight sets in .
United States Marshal Bill Lldlarl telo-
gralhct In from Ohalron yesterday for I car-
load . . ,
or shells He rellorh that the geese
began Oylng over out there Thursday o\'en- gtse
log and they haven't caught a glimpse of
the heavens alnce. hut I tel ) you Ul Is a
goose killer from headwaters.
J , J. Ilmln II shooting In the territory
berth of Paton. lie rellrls A big Ight of
malards , wigeon and redheads.
Frank Parmelee and Jim leIner have been
encamp upon the Ilate near Slver City
during the pasl week. ' They had tolerable
god . shooting and will g down again this
J. c. . Read and H. D. Kennedy departed
for the Platte country last I evening , and
Henry Homan and Robert Weil haVt been
cracking away at the geese out at Clarki
: s\ toe several dayl .
\ _
A. another reminder at tbe old days In
ltebralka 1 glean the tolowlni tm Te
- . _ .
Dee's sporting columns of eighteen years ego :
"In Wyoming I Is said that the most ' favorable -
able sign of the enl of the cold weather II
the fact that antelopes are rapidly traveling
eastward. One berd of 800 were seen on
the divide recently. Al the season they
have been on the westward love , anll now
they have turned back. ' When It Is remembered - , .
membered that a mild winter was predicted
when the game In the parks remained about
their old haunts until late , this statement
Is most likely to bo regarded with great allowance -
lowance for guess work. "
Miss Annie Oakley the champion female
"hot at the woril ( . has the sporting editors
acknowledgements for late London and other
Bng\sh papers. "Little Sure Shot" Is filling
an engagement at the Grand theater , Wal-
sail .
W. A. Pn'ton. ii' . 'Il imported a pair of
homing pigeons
The initial number of the Western lame
third . a neat and newsy little monthly Jour-
mini In magazine form devoted to the
cockersof America , and published at Scrlh-
nlr , Nob. . hy J. T. Camp and W. J. ltupert ,
has found its way to the sporting edltor's
desk Its columns are fIlled with mater
calculated to interest the breeder and fancier
of game chlckcns.
Sportsmen of Omaha will undoubtedly , bo
11lease,1 to hear from an old and highly esteemed -
teemed member of the fraternity . "Chet"
llulett . who with his father C. C. Ilulett ,
has been roughing It In the wIlds of Arizona -
zona all winter. Mr. John Petty Is In receipt
of volumInous letter from "Chet , " In which
ho says thai he Is at last almost as good as
a bran new man again and consequonty
halII as the proverbial lark lie has been
hunting incessantly all winter , anti occa-
slonal ) ' has taken his turn at the trail with
hIs Arizona neighbors , and . what's more , has
won first money every time ho has shct
AboUt Apri G Chet ami his father wi leave
their liresent . abode and go to Southern Call-
fornia , where they will remain until May
when they will return to Onialia. Accom-
panying Mr. hlulett's letter wore a lot of
well taken photographs of the scenes about
their encampment. Among them Is one shaw
log time result of an extended hunt anti
hanging from the low branches of mesquite ,
trees are several bear one panther , deer
Jade rabbis , geese , ducks , crane and quail ,
evidencing indIsputably to the ski of lu- i
IoU lero and his genial son and the game i
character of far away Arizona. I
The greatest loss the cattlemen of Montana
have suffered ( luring the past severe winter
was trom the depredations ot wolves . and I
Is Quito likely that the next legislature will
exert itself to brIng about some sort of erec-
tve rlef from the ravages of these bcasts.
The stockmen In western Nebraska also re-
port considerable loss from the sale source
l'altivar , , I I the lal 111)er .
The base bal editor Is indebted to Manager
harry Oatewood for the following personnel
of time St. Joseph ball team. Of course Man-
agoI larry thinks he has the winners , and
while ho may only bo dreaming . I Is very
evident that ho has collected around him a
very likely lot of players.
Slat Lincoln Is a pItcher and lives In Den-
vcr. He Is five feet , ten Inches In stature
weighs 175 and Is but 22 years of I go. Ho
Is yet untried In professional ranks but has
figured creditably In seml-Ilrofesslonal company -
pany In and about his native town for the
anl nat\o
past four years.
John A. Slagle , another pitcher . comes
from Lawrence Ind. Ho stands five feet.
ten and one-half Inches , weighs 180. age 25
and played with Gatewoolls champion leat-
rice team during the season of ' 92. After
disbanding he went to Oskosh , 'Vis. . for the
season of ' 93. was with Easton Pa. . and
Montgomery . Ala. During the season of ' 94
was wIth I3utTaio . N. Y. . and finished the
season with Jacksonville . 1. Ho la a fast.
heady pitcher and one at the best liked men
In the profession.
Tom Ramsey the well known young
pitcher stands five feet nine and one-hal
Inches 19 old fourteen ' .
: was years years ago.
Mike _ Borg pitcher comes from Weir City ,
Kas. le stands six feet , weighs 190 , ag
23 years. He played with Fort Smith , JOII-
In and other strong Independent teams and
Is very fast and gives promise of becoming
: great pitcher _
AI heal pitcher . Is a youngster and last
season was with Clinton , Ia. le comes
highly recommended.
Manager Gatewood , who will play second
lives In this cIty . WhIle he has never figured
very prominently In any of the big leagues .
he Is a natural bl player and once In good
form wi make a "cracker" on the second
Papa Hourko has sent le the roster of his
Dootngton. Ill. . team. hero It Is : A. W.
Colon of Denver , Colo. . last season of Colo-
ralo Springs ; William Connors Doomlng-
ton , catcher ; S. 'V. Lookabaugh last year
ot Omaha pitcher : William Burns , last year
of Jacksonville . Iii. . pitcher ; Patrick Lynch ,
Itock Island second base ; William ( eisa . late
ot Chicago Brands third base ; Frank W1s.
Bloomington , short stop ; Juice Wele of
Jolct , late ot Pennsylvania State league ;
Charles Watters . right nell and change
pitcher ; William A. Itourko ) late of Omaha
manager and first base.
anl Irst
Joe Kehloy's lIttle bilf has reached Its
end . lIe signed with Dallmoro Monday.
Duck Ewing declares that Charlie Abbey Is
the bet fielder In the country Charlie , of
course , cOles from Nebraska . .
Big Jim Davis Kansas City's old third
baseman , wants to put his fist to an Omaha
contract but Omaha Is already long on third
basemen :
The Young Men's Christian nsspclaton
Is , figuring on a now park and bal grounds
out somwhore near twcnty.ehhth and
Dodge street. The Al University club has
secured time old North Twentieth street
grounds ,
1ddie Hutchison wrItes mo that he hasn't
been wel for a couple of weeks. lie has been
troubled with a boil In the very worst place
: boil coull flourish . but ho Is rounding to
all right now and will soon begin to push
out his chest again Old hutch Is proud of
tIme fact that he Is to play first , and he 10'
dares he will stir lP the animals for the
small boys crowded around the cage tram
start to finish .
1 S0 that may old friends . Hen Mulor of
the Clnclnuat Tlmos.Star and larry Weldon
of tlC 1nquirer . are frantic to unload Elton
Chamberlain upon some one. They say be's
sulky anti won't hitch his best for Cimicinnati .
Now I'l tel you what I'l do . gemitlomen .
[ 'I give you "Spud" Famish's note for
$000,000 for Chamberlain anti If ho faces the
right field bleachers with their load oC wooly
cowboys out at the Charles street grounds
tItle spring antI doesn't pitch his beat I'l
see that his grave Is kept green for the bal-
ance of the season . What say you ; Is It
a goT
U St. Joseph drops Teal namsQY there
will b a great scramble Ilong the other
clubs to catch this brilliant young pitcher .
Manager Gatewool should be In no hurry to
part with Itamnsey-St . Joseph Gazette . True :
mite boy , true. Brilliant young pitcher Is
good . Hey there 'om , when cln you vote
Joe Cantlon swears by the horseshoes on
his ahlrt front that ho wi never play
against such len al Charlie Schaeffer and
George Uirichi. Wel , Joe didn't play much
against anybody last year , and It 1 time he
league. was looking for I Job with the Jopln City
"Orasabopper" Ulrich will surely begin the
season of 1895 at third base for the Omaha
teamu and the chances are that "Graaslmoppr"
wi play the bag like the lal 10 Inliana
kept tavern
I Hover , the catcher , come here a babel
wlro fence should b built around every 1-
loon dor II the town. that is . If Manllers
Rowe and MoVlle desire to get any bal
Playing out at hint
Stanl.lm.OJ II I noted Wlnnebago chief
on time reservation up near Vender , Can It
tl Ilollble that Kid Fear baa received an
Jllpontment UII there - ,
The St. Luis Globe-Democrat Is booming
Joseph Wlllh , 1 see . for cIty prosecutor .
That'l all night Mr. Gobe-Democrat. but
Joseph Walsh baa been elected captaIn of
this year's Omaha bal team , and you 'i
consequently have to withdraw Mn Walsh's
nome. Seal
At the Western league meeting the other
day Tony Mulan and his hammer were
awarded to St Paul There Is no use trying
to keep the mater secret hut the Western
magnate have got It In deep for Comiskey.
Mulan ! along with Fred I'feffer , should have
been kicked out of time gale incontinently
' .
years ago
- I
Diy Trafiley . the ple-eaUnf kIng. ranks
Omaha seventh In the coming "champeen-
ship" race. however , when a man reaches
his slxty'elghth birthday he Is liable to cbat-
ton nonsense.
Claude E. Jones . catcher , age 25 , stands
five fet nine and one.hal Inches and weIghs
175. Ho played with a BeatrIce team In ' 92.
catching every game ; season of ' 93 with
Easton , 10. , the pennant winner of PennsylvanIa -
vanIa State league ; season of ' ! t with De
Moines , Ia. , hut was released In August to
cut down expenses. amid Immetlale ! signed
by St. Joseph , and led , the felling In the
Western association last season
Arthur Crighton , catcher I another
Omaha boy , and one well known emi the semiProfessional -
Professional local diamond. He Is a promis-
Ing man , backstops \\1 , throws wel and mes
hla heal weil .
George McVey , first base , stands six fet
one Inch , weighs 190. age 29 year : has been
In the business for a nlnher of years In the
fastest company , and as a fielder and hitter
Is second to none.
rddlo Logime short stal , stands IG : weighs
150 , age 21 : has played with semi-proles-
stonal teams In and around Denver and
Oatowoo,1 says he Is the fastest infielder he
runner. over saw. Is a geol hItter ali speedy base
Pat Zeigler , age 2 ! . weighs 165 : led , the
Virginia league In haling last season , with
a Percentage of 3SGj ; tickling , SG. Home
In Cincinnati , O. I
John McKenzie , middle field , weighs 175
pounds , age 23 : playel In I. 1. league anti
numerous semi-professional teams ; Is a fast
man and a good bitter.
harry howe stands 5-G. weighs 147 age
20 : was with Beatrice In 1592 , St Joe 193.
Kansas City ant Sioux City 1891 He Is I
great fielder ami hitter ant In case ot emergency -
gency can take his turn In the box
C. A. MarcuI , right field , stands G.l.
weighs 17G , age 20 ; lies been with St. Joseph
slnco 189 and Is I prime favorite with the
base bal lublic.
" ' . n. Douglass Is a bIg man , weighing 200
pounds . anti , Is an awful hitter. He will bo
used general utility .
as a utl ) man.
General Frederick amid Judge Lake are
only the possession at suob 'Iches enabled
him to banish all syrnptdmd of the shock
he wu subjected to In 1893. Surely muCh
credit Is due Mr. Fulager for 'the reclama-
ton , The results demon tale him a rea-
senor anti , student In tluJ profession ho Is
pursuing . Would that nitihy There could bo
led to study and define results to owners
anl Ielne resuls
A god clt at the farm 19 the seal brown I
pacer Willie Wnkeman , foaled In 1893 by
Wakeman , by Del Boy eon of Electioneer .
first Iam Wile Wilkes , by' ' beorgo Wilkes :
second dam by Mambrlno Patchen. Not
much Is tam 8ld of him by aHcldants , but one
Is led to infer that ho Is all ols rare breeding .
would 'arrant. Ills mamIeI ' h 1 geol , but he.
was not asked to show usln)1hlns. He will
doubtless ! prove himself at suh a time when
It wi be profitable. The 2- ) r-old Cozwlng
Is a trotter . and thai seon\s his only theme
l II Is all he does while out for work. le
Is a beautifully turned animal In color jet
blnck. anti of supurb breeding . being by n
son of nell Wike ! , and his dam by Ientucky
Prince , who Is the sire of Guy , 2:09 : % . He
Is a great favorite at the farm ) , and well he
may be , _ as ho possesses lan- qualities to
cOlmaml attention.
A 10 lontha old son ot The Conqueror was
shown In harness anti his manner evidences
high race horse qualities. lie has been
named Keystone by the Farni anti the nmo
Is not Inappropriate. Thin 11a\10cks \ contain
n baud of bred mares that are rich and
rare In breeding , anti Mr. Paxton has shown
much care anti Etul- In his selectIons. Al
are In foal to Alerton , 2:0 : , and , The Con-
queror 2tGH. : Their coining 11roluct , will bo
a lot interesting to behohl , and Ilosllbly
among them there may he those that wil
brIng to Keystone the fame of Palo Alto .
The racing contingent , with ! r. Fulager In
charge wilt be taken to Galesburg about
, \prl t for finishing touches Prior to startug
camlilaigning , which will he QuIte extendeti I.
I Is to bo regretted that we have not n
mie track so equIpped that homo stables
mhht llo preparatory work here. ! r. nay-
m0111 will remain at tine farm and devote
binnaclE to tine developing ot the 'oung ones
who have not yet atained racing age , ali
at any tmo visitors can fnd much to Interest -
farm. terest amid admire at ! r. Paxton's molel
With Trotm ' , Rlt l'Rrr.
Ilampton la. , Is to have a hares meet-
lag August 2i to 30.
Monroe Salisbury continues to grin out
thin speed with his fleet performers In the
Golden Gate state. Saturday last at Oakland -
land , AzotC defeated Klamath three heats
In 2:0S : ½ , 2l0V : , 2:10. : This Is very fast
as the track was clew , and still Azote trot-
tell the Irst heat within a quarter ( of I
second of his tecord . Flying Jib beat his
own amid the worl < 's records pacIng thin
niiie . with running intite - In 1f8' : , ' . DI-
recty showed a mIle In 2:12 , and Alx
trotted two mie heats In 2:104 : . 2:11. :
While the ad\ocacy ot longer fasons for
. . - , t ; . , t ; ; , ' - . crn ,
' 14' !
! ' - till
' ,
ill c i i , ' ' I.
not saying a word these days , but they are
wearing [ sniihl@ fully a foot thick now that
spring Is comln' .
Mike Kelly Is deal , rest his royal soul
but thanks to a sufferIng base bal world ,
luclerlno EbrIght still lives.
"I don't want to play In your yard . " sings
Mr. Mauck referring probably to the fact
that ho has caught on with the Yellow Days
at Quincy. '
Money Is tight In other places than Wall
strcet. I has just leaked out that hobby
Langfort has h'pothecated his winter dol-
man to get the stuI to buy a postage stamp
with which to mal a letter to Manager Mc-
Vltle asking It there Is room for him In
Omaha Yes beauty there's plenty of room
out hero especially out beyond Denson.
And stl they my that the new American
association scheme Is not deal yet I that
Is true It needs deodorizIng badly . any-
It has been a case of chase with n goon !
many Western association bal players all
wimiter and no one should be surprised I
some ot them are a little tardy In reporting.
bas been blockaded ,
Advance avenue you
Whoopla ! Here It I at last. Buck CbrlgM
would like 10 trade Mr Bathes for Mr. Don-
lke <
holly . Probably ! Probablyt ! No doubt Mr.
Ebrlghl would also like to trade his yellow
Ilurp for Clint Driggs' Alarnito.
Adam Morrel tells us that Omaha has secured -
cured a much better tcam for ' 95 than the
one she had In ' 9t. Mr. Morrel should get
a move on him anti tel us something we
don't Imow. The next thIng you know . Mr.
Morrol . will bo toiling us that the world do
move.I Is now time for hnltaton base bal scrib-
blurs to announce "thero Is nothing new In
the situation , " then grInd out a column
about It. That's tIne way they prove the
assertion .
Manager nowe has Just signed a new
catcher , his name Is lace , and he comes
tram California. lie Is lean and tall , like 0
telegraph pole , but I cracker , of course ,
Dave says so.
o all the base hal scribes In the country.
Run Mulon ! continues to reel off stuff about
the Cincinnati club's affairs that Is beyond
comparison 1 tel you that boy Mulord IS I
bright onto , anti no wonder , hll ma says he
swallowed a whole cake of sliver soap when
he was onlY three years old. '
At the tock Farni I
With Limo retur Of the pleasant spring !
weather , the troters are receIving their
preparatory work sail stepping through the I
strotehes In a way to delight triners , owners
anti interested lookers on. Dy invitation the
writer , In company wWI Messrs. Duck anti ,
Fowier spent a day at the Paxton Keystone
Stock farm , and where we were royaly enter-
taimned . Mr I"ulager and Assistant Trainer
Raymond were In high spirits. And with
tIne track In flrst.cisss shape each performer
that was brought out under their guidance
did themselves exceeding creilit. The first
to appear were the great mares , Nina Me-
dlul , 2HH. : and Nina Cobb , 2:5 : ' . They
are In tine form have wintered In the best
shape for the and word with "Oo little ! " preparation will bl fit
Mr. Fuiiager thlnkl well of the granddaughter -
daughter of happy Medium , anti lays the
one that beats her when hs asks her to go
some will bo In the )0 iit . ler great virtues -
tues are extreme sliced , strength and constancy -
stancy , and her competitor must make no
mlstlke any hart of the mile. Time next
to receive a morning lesson was the toppy i
little psccr Pinenomni . 2:21'4 : , at : years . wIth
Mr. F . up , and as a companion Air laymonl '
appeared wIth Ule 2.year-old maiden \t-
Ilnt.ln8 , by \\'oodblntm , lam Atlanta , by At-
torn y. son of Harold Atlantaiine . II half
sister to the renowne,1 , Mix , 2:0n. : . . She
possesses characteriltc of thu hatter ; Is a
bit coy yet but with time , under a firm
hand the qualy ahe Inherits wi assert
itself . Mark the iirediction , with proper and lU-
lent care. she'l make a name that will LX-
tell out wol Into the horse world the
tame of the Ieystono turin
The Conqueror , 2:15 : % , never looked the
here before lie la today . Fresh , healthful
and well roundel , his present fora la the
embodiment of power and whoa asked to
etch through the stretches his manner In.
spire confidence . I la an example of the
lost reclaimed , or that blood wIll tell , and ,
the harness horse are 'be\ng \ ioudly vro-
claimed by a number It will \ be noticed that
the managers at extremely Cast horses are
not anxious to force their chnmplons out I '
too early and that they prefer "easy street"
specials without any time limit to cl&
contests EO early In the season. The ea-
son may be lengthened In some q'uarter.
hut not very much In the northwest. The
mdtle ! of June Is as early as the average
horse can be Ilroperly ordered for this cli-
The meeting at St. Joseph Mo. . Septem-
her 9 lo 15 , should be a good one for west-
er horsemen Fourteen atakes are offered
for the most liberal amounts none less
than $2,000. and from that up to UOOO
Which Is the heading sire of pacers ? The
question , If propounded to a dozen dlIerent
horsemen , would be liable to have a dozen
different answers. Sidney might bo named
by some , as he has sired more pacers that
hays secured records of 2:25 : or better than
any other sire. Oambeta Wilkes ether
might say for although he has sired one less
than Sidney at the same age his porCorm-
Brown Hal might bo another choice upon
ers show a much faster average speed ,
tIne ground that he Is the sire of three that
have faster records titan any three pacers
by any other sire. Alcantara Hell Wilkes .
NutwoOl , Onward all might COle In for a
\'oto of superiority In producing speed at tIne
lateral gait. Three thlnfs must be consld-
ered-aga , number oC performers alul average
spoed. I any Indl\ldua sire hall the lead
In each of these particulars ho would he entitled -
titled , to premier Iloslton beyond possibility
of ccvii. There . are twenty sIres that have
ten or more pacers with records of 2:2 : or
better . The youngest of these are Sidney
and Gambola WilIes , each 1 years of ago
the former with twent-two an4 tIne latter
with In the list. When It comes ,
ho\o\'er. to average speed the first position
belongs to Dourbon Wilkes , whose twelve
pacers show ama average of about 2:1 : * .
To the casual student of breeding who docs
hot go Into analytical research tine prom-
Inenco [ of Bourbomi'ilkes as a pacing sire
will be something of a iurprlse.
The Missouri senate has put the screws
tD noel rooms and foreign books by paling
the house bIll prohibitng pool sellIng and
bookmaking except upon race courses durIng
tine racing season.
1 I predicted that I the Omaha Driving
and Park association begin right , get their
buildings , grand , stand track , grounds , etc. ,
In good Ihape to commence with , manage
the business themsE-lves , not lease their tracker
or stablee-fo : tco maw t ao'ss are now 'eatc
to death-they will have 'great success and
money In the treasury al tine timmie. Gen.
orally parties leallng a track care nothing
about the grounds or buildings nor will they
kelp them In shape amid nine times out of
ten the association owning limo greuuitla gets
all hlame from the Iluble far any misman-
agement. Tine track amid stables must be' In
first.clasni shape all the tmo during the tr4lmm.
lug and vacancy 5ason. YoU can't work a
track too much or get It 11 to good shape ,
amid this must bo dOle to' ' geL good tralner
and horses to I'atronlze ' your races .
Regarding the gralli stand , It lust be
situated In the right place . ? It must he com-
fontable Do away with Itlo old prlmllvo
board seats. 'ooplo pay f 'go Inta I grand
stand to see amid be comfortable , especially
the ladle8. The day has gOlu b ) In this city
when the public will go to . a race mcetng
mitt lit on the fence or stand ull to eee per
racing. They want the beater miothting And
that Is what Omlha Is untitled to. Give
good . honest racing Cater to the public and
its comforl , then racing In this city will be
0 granl success a It should be . 0')11 ' meet-
logs , well conducted have always 1'111 , and
now Is the time to make harnll racing
Ilopular II this commumnily. A few of the
associations that own and lanage their
grounds amid meetings themselves , are Cleve-
land , Terre Haute Detroit . Lexington Duf-
falo. Nashville ant Galeuburg and they never
fail to attract great crowds uC [ ICllle , and
never fail to make muommey
The state talr's program for the slIced rlug
Is a splendid ono. alhough there are hardly
classes enoinghi . Still Superintendent Iantow
has worked under disadvantages , anti II to
be congratulated for what ho has accom.
phlshed . A two or three.mle trotting derby
would have boom an Interesting innovation .
it was A decidedly popular event at a number -
ben of meotngs last - season.
T. D. Chandler . trainer and driver , was In
the city a few days ago . lie bad been lt
Fullerton . Neb. . visIting his family. "Chan"
reports his string of twenty.two horses are
well anl . at
wel ant doing nicely. They are present
at Wichita , ICan Fairy Wood , the throe-
mile derby winner , Is coming out right. lie
thinks Mesa . a 2.yenr-oh by Ailmlo , one of .
tine best cols he has ever drlvcn.
Bill ) Paxton , the well known Iccnl breeder , , i ,
has just received n pair of imported prize
carrier pigeons They are intended [ to carry
messages from his office to the term Hilly
lays they aN faster than the teltphcmo.
Cat L , 2-year-oIt1,2:21 : % . by Republican ,
dam by son of MeMahon , has been lenell to
parties In St. Joseph lo. Think he can
beat 2IG : thIs season.
Report Is that Rod Toler goes to Me-
( time this year. I nlowCl to pAce there
Is little doubt but what he will go very faSt
\llll'erhlis uf the Wheel.
n. E. l.'rel@rlckson has been suspended , by
the racing board of the League of American
Wheehncn pending Investigation of his amateur -
teur standling.
, , . D. Barnum malIc 1 fylng business trip
through the state last week and rl'llorts
trade god , lie says thAI the Ironth will
erect the cycle tr.1do but little In Nebraska.
Mr. A. Ii. Perrigo , formerly of this city .
Is no 1' managing a branch of the A. O.
Spaulding C'cl COmllany In Providence ,
H. I.
Mr. Carr , manager of the Western Elec-
trical Supply compan"s cycle department ,
accidentally shot hhnset through the tot
last week ant has sInce beeen laid up for
Ocorge D. Miner , juvenie champion at [
Omaha Iurllg the days of Jack Prince and
tine xposlton , received a new light Sler\l
last week all I Is posslhlo that George may
do some track work the coming season.
There Is more compctton In tine cycle
trade In Omaha this year than ever boforo.
There are now fourteen frms hal1ng
cycles In this city anti , ! several lore to openn
abonl Apri 1. It Is estmatel that there
will be over 300 bicycle sold In Omaha the
coming ) 'eal.
Inquiry at the different cycle houses In
the city shows that 0\01 twice the number
of ladles are looldng at wheels Intenling to
buy this spring , than last year. Cyclists all
\elcomo ) the fair one ali are ever neatly to
take a pleasant spin wIth them to the iJImnits .
' roads amid to
on Dodge street's macadam anl
Nearly every cycle firma In the cIty of any
Importance will have representatives on the
racIng path the COling season Tine Omaha
Bicycle comlln ) ' has already secured a team
of the fastest riders In the city. The West-
Electrical Stnpply comnpamny will have a
er SUIPly COllmny wi 1
coimlile of goon ! mnemn all It Is rumorell that
W. Lyle Dclley & Co. . the Columbia agents ,
vili have ono pf the fastest men In the state
wi theIr wheel , as they give It out cold that
tine tate championships ) will bl won on a
Columbia this year.
Chairman Gideon of the Leage of AmerIcan - !
lean Wbeelmen racing board bas not yet appointed -
pointed an official handicapper for Nebraska.
Mr. Lives , who at present molds the office ,
has not the tmo to devote to the work to
do It justice. A man to properly fill the posi-
tion must atend every race meet ot any Importance -
portance hell In tIne state be well IJOste11n
racing men anti treat them all alike. Last
season Mr. Llvosy had several assistants ,
not being able to hnndlo tine work himself.
. The result
Too mll cooks spoil the broth
was that ) at tinnes tine handicaplllng was
was good and oftener It was very rank. Chief
Counsel Ebersole usually Indorses the caldl-
date and It has nol been learned as yet just
who will be tIne lucky man this season.
What wheel small I buy this year ? Is a
question put 10 old rlleT ever day by
men who arc going to rile bicycles title season -
son and klow but little about them There
are about six Iilerent makes of wheels on .
the marllet today tbat are considered strictly
high grade 'Iz. : Columbia SI"rlng. Mimn-
get' Stearns . Victor and Irowler. ; man
who knew nothing about wheels could bimy
any one of the5e six and have I first class
mount. Mamny wheelmel who have
! '
rIdden for year ) and ' mayo stuck to tine same
mount will tell you that his wheel Is the
emily good make there Is , and that he would
have geol 10 other. Why ? Because ho has not
ridden enough on any other make of wheel
to know whether they ) are as god or better
than his own rnourtt. Ot tbe six wheels men-
tloncd . It Is only ) a matE of taste In choos-
tonel. )
ing . and not a matte of bettOr comnstrmnction
One mannfacturer can buy just as god nmtc
rial as the other amid can secure the services
of Just as good worlunen. So while thlre Is
there Is today In
'as much competition as thle
the manuClcture of cycles , 0 mal to sell his
In the best mterlal
wheels for $100 must put [
alt workmcnshlp that Is obtaInable. Tine
sUbject of tires Is a very important one
Most all of tine manufacturers give you your
choice of any good tire mad ! so they are not
to blame If you choose an Inferior one There
are a lumber of different styles of tires on
the market this season. Among tine most important -
portant are the single tube or Inosepipo the
Inner tube and the clincher. The later will
soon bo a thimng of the past , as It IH bound
to work loose and creep. TIne single tube
has Its geol and bad poimits Its punctures
are easier repaired , anti It Is also easier to
puncture thln an Inner tube tire . \i'hlch takes
a great deal mor time to repair For track
use the single tube tine seems to bo preferred.
The so.calel self-healing and punctureless
tires amount to almost nothing.
The Omaha Wheel club has reduced the
monthly dues from $2 to $1 . anti . as a result
there are now on tile timirty allplcatons ,
which will make tine membership seventy-
one. Dy May 1 the ) ' expect 10 have 100 members -
bore enrolled. Tine club has lint ! new life
put Into It during the past month amid It Is
now emi tine bcom. I Is amusIng to read
tine articles pUblshel hy a local paper to
the erect that the Omlha WIned club was
on its last legs and that thin Nebraska ) di-
vision of the League of American Wheehnen
Intenlls to dlshand. This stuff Is wholly mit-
founded and Is rot of the deepest dye. The
Nebraska divisIon was never In better shape
than I la at tine Ilresent date , as also the
Omaha Wheel club .
ChIef Counsel Bbersole , who represented
time Nebraska division at the nol anal nssemmn
lily of the League at American Winecimnon
meld In New York last month , spoke ) for a
date In the national racing circuit . antI was
given tine assurance that It Omaha would
guarantee a suitable prize list she could have
tine date. I tIme cyclists of Omaha will only
take this UII and IJush I. It will mean I
great deal for tIne city . Over 10 cyclists
follow this circuit Imong them being some
of the fastest men In the world . I/ul I ( would
give tie sport.lovlng publIc at Omahll a
chance to see dine reeling such as tinny never
Haw hetore. Time bicycle Is now taster than
the trotting or pacing horse , and as fast as
the rl\nlnl horse , amid , I Is bounll to be as
much of a magnet anal draw as large crowds .
I not larger than a horse race.
Richard Del , formerly with A. n. I'or-
rJro & Co of this city mow with the Chicago
Till anti Tire company of Chmlcnigo spelt the
greater part of last week In Omaha calling
on his old friemids who were all dolghtd
to see mmii . "Dick" has a great many
friends among the wheehnel of both COUl'
cl Burs and Omaha. ,
The New York correspondent of tim ne-
erlo ( Chicago ) sa's It Is reported on excellent
authority that the ofclal referee 10 be ap
pointed by Chairman Gideon will probably
be Irrcl Jenkins or New Rochnehlc . N , Y. The
office of ololal referee was created ' by the re-
cent assenibly lie will officiate emily at as-
tonal circuit maceta
There will Ilrobably bo a rearrangement
ot the handlcawlng distrIcts , and there wi
be at least two changes In these officials . I
Is und r tool thai F. P. Prlal of The Wined )
( New York ) will have to go
The icon Roads Magazine , heretofore
pUblshed hy the League of Amorlcsn Wheel-
macn has heen dlseontnu a a separate
publication and will be merge In the new
League of American Wheelnen Bulletin , to
be Ilubllbed by Sterlng Eliott at Boston ,
No SUllay races or races In which women
are allowed to comllete will he sanetoncil by
the League of American Wheelmen Iclnl
The national meet at Albur Park wil be
held the second week In July-tl to 13tb.
Tie mother of Frank Leas : bu rec\lvvd
a letter from Tabrlz , In Persia , wrltel \ by a
general In tine Persian army at the rl' uolt
or the crown prInce , In which the Prince
offers lila 8)'mpathy 10 Mrs , Lena and e'-
presses tine hope that her son mar 10 found
A c'cll manufacturer In AustrIa ,11
, male only JOG machines In 188S male 10.(00
In 1S91.
Wels , tim Canadian crock , has MchINl not
10 go to Europe : with harry Wheeler's pari )
George I ) . GIdeon , chaIrman of time national
racing board , Is inn enthusiastic 'achtsman.
Tine American racing men wIne arc at
present invading Mexico will mace In 1all .
Tex , on March 28 at n meet to be heM
under the auspices of the cycling club of that
place. Tine club Inns also arranged , for a cen-
16th tinny , road race , which will bo lel on tine
Class n cyclIsts come tinder tIne Income
tax IO\V Sanmger wih his $750 1 week : Zimmerman -
merman an,1 , his reputell large Income anti
the his run of class 1 mCI , Including 1110
Cabanmnc salll to bo making $5,000 1 ) 'Car.
have yet to make the aCQunlntance of the
single tax amen.
Walter Saunger the ble'clst , announces
that aCer this year ho will become a lrO- !
fesslonal. Sanger believes the League of
American \heolmeu shon"l 11lmlt racing
men to dispose of their Ilrics for cash , In
which event tbero wonld be nn object In rae-
lug. Accorllug to exlstlll rules Sensor
says that mill his wlnntngs mayo been of no
fnancial valium to him , ns he has been com-
Ilclel to retain - all of - them.
Qtmeetlcn's amid . \n1"'rrA.
TEA [ AI Neb. , March 11.-To the
Sporting Editor or The flee : Please answer
hI Sunday's leo the folowing : A , 1 , C ,
anti ) are playIng a game of cassino , 2l
points ; A ninth ( are partners omit ! have 20
Ilolnls : n mil ) have 13 points. When the
cards were all deal out , amid on tine lust trick
A RIII C took In tIne ace of inverts which
hut them out , but 1 ali 1 made cards alit !
spalles , big and little cassino emit ito ( other
three aces. Which wins tine game ? Wllt
Is 1 cake vallner-Fned Fischer l .
Ans-In cassIno you "count out , " that Is.
the party makhlJ his necessary 110lnts first
anti Inonuncng out , winns . hut I Inc nelects
to 10 thil. nlli can1. sllalos , 111 bIg mind
little cnulno docs not put him out , mint ! tine
other shlo scores one ace , all he neele.1 to'
hut him out , there Is 10thinK loft for them to
do but Play It over To avoid just such
contngencies gamblers invariably Illay one
halli for a Rame. Discount cassino , ashlo from
this slngle.hnnll form. Is time omnl' I game to
play for a stake. That is . you make nine
Ilolnls and your opponent two two from nine
leaves seven , 111 so on. Fifteen Is the game
In discount cassino. (2) ( ) A person who walks
for I cake , a pastme Ilollular with our colored -
ored brethren.
VALENTINE , Nob. , March 12.-To the
S ortng Editor of The leo : Please tnform
nine through Sunday's sporting columns the
best time to sow wilt ! ricefal or sllrlng ?
-M. II. G.
E\VING Neh. , March 11-To the Sporting
gllor of The Bee : In cutting cards for
mono ) can n lan cut the botom card-
J. W. Eddclbute.
SIOUX CITY. Mardi ' 11.-To the Sporting
Editor ot The nee : 'Ye have a lot of thoroughbred -
oughbred sportsmen up here tine average of
whom knows about as mneh about huntn !
and game as tine usnal run of macn hut
there are a number of us at lorgerheals
about the power of a quail or chicken to
wihhold their scent. Can you enlghten us ?
-B. I , . Honan.
Ans.-Thls Is a problem that has been
subjected to discussIon ever since I can re-
mnennber but without clearly and satsfacLo-
rly settling time question however. As for
my Indl'llual Ideas , I think tine theory un-
tenable contrary to reason anti not to be
entertained save on the most Indisputable
evIdence. Certainly there Is somethIng abstruse -
struse and mysterious about scent. I Is
an admitted fact that young of tine deer
family cannot b9 trailed by wolves or the
best nosed dogs yet I am unable to offer any
explanation other than tine power Is Inherent
In the fawns A quail flying docs not leave
sufficient scent within the scope of the best
bird dog's smelling mrnwers to enable Inini
to foiiow it , and when it. drops down Into
dense cover and thmemi crouches withn close-
lying feathers tIne finest dogs will often fail
to flint ! it. But tinis I tininli is tine limit of
tue bird's power to wItinhnold its scent.
Frank Forester , in lila "Manuel for Young
Sportsmen , " on page 323 , says : "it. is worthy
of remarlc , that for somime time after quail
have dropped and miquatteti tInny yIeld no
scent whatever , and cannot be poimited even
by the nnost excellent dogs on the best scenting -
ing days. "
Boganiius , in his "Field , Cover and Trap
Shooting , " on page 103 , in reference to tine
Mania question , sa3's : "I do not believe they
1)055053 any such power. "
Franit Schiley. in mis "Annerican Partridge
and l'heasant Shooting , " devotes a half dozen
mnage to the question of wltinhmolding scent.
He , also , is of tine opinionn that tine qimail
canmnot wIthhold its scent. and ativammeos
saline cogemnt , amnl , , in my opinion , conclusive
rcasomns for his belief. On page 83 Inc says :
"I have oftenn observed omn tins snow that
when a Iartnitlgo alights and runs a ( civ feet
or so anti hides under tine snow , tIne dog is
hot apt to miss it , but If it pitches straight
down like a stone into the snow alit ! re-
malmis perfectly quiet at the spot winero it
strikes anti iii covered up by the snow. there
is no scent around that spot , amid thin dog
inn hot alit to lImit ! it. I Imave observed about
tine same result whom quails , badly fnigimt-
macfl , drop in dense cover ,
COUNCIL 1IIdJFFFI. Mnirchi 11.-To thin
Sporting IdItor of TIne lice : Please let mao
know thmronmghi your next issue of TIne Sunn-
tinny lice wlnethior a cocker spaniel will muako
a good dog for hiunntimng ducks , etc.-Fred
Ans.-No. Not for tine sort of duck
lnumntlng we have In this coumitry. Cocker
fanciers mmiay claim tlintt tInny ivill , but they
womi't. They mmnake good woodcock , snIpe amid
timber grouse dogs ,
ALMA. Nob. , Marcln 13.-To tIme Sporting
Ilditor of Thin Ilee : Please answer through
yoimr paper the following : A amid ii arcs mdnny-
lug poker , A deals , B picks up mis Inanti amid
flm.tls lie has only four cards , Can ho ccii for
a new deal or will he have to gIve up his
blind for havIng a foul inand ? (2) ( ) A amid Ii
are piayimng poker , A opens jackpot , II looks
mit Inis inand , finds it strong and raises , A
looks at lila liamnd again anti finals tinat hme
mae no opeiners ; can lie draw hnis mnoney-W.
\\'inaums ,
Ana-l ( ) No , now deal , (2) ( ) Yes , According -
ing to tine rules thioro is a pommalty provided
for faiso opinumng , but it is seitloni enforced ,
I amni not given to tlnrowlpg louquets nit
mmnyselt , yet I take a jumatuilable mirlilo iii the
aokuiowledgmnent of tine receipt of alnitre-
elated cornphumnemnts as per tiio following :
LINCOLN , Marcin 12.-Sa mndy Griswold ,
csq. , Sportimig Editor of The lIce : herewith
fimmti 25 cemmts , for whiichi mnleasu mimaul mine extra
copies of Tine Bee comitairmlmig your article on
"Tue Lmmgemmbeel Marshes , " puinlishietl about
a year ego , If tinis is not enough kindly imi-
farnm mae amid I will send balance. Why donn't
you Inubhishi these articles in book fermi , to-
getiner withi solute of your shooting sketchiesT
lii mmny opinion tine ) ' are far nnimeati of amy-
thilni ; Leihlmmgwell or amy others have donne.
Yours truly , It , M , WIILCII ,
Western Manuacturimmg Company ,
WOOl ) lliVlIit , Nob. , March 11-To the
Suiortumng Editor of Tine liceS'ihi : you inlenise
lot mine know thin greatest number of horses
tinat ever stantetl in thi ierby stakes , lIng.
lamiti-J , P , I ) ,
.Ans.-Thiirty-tour , 1802.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 11.-To time Sport-
imig Editor of The floe : In your tiusetione
anti amiewera miext Sumiday will you give tIne
age of SImortstop and Second liascmnnan Mc-
Ciellami. vhio mniayenl with Omaha three years
ago , I claim that ime is over 40-Omno of
hiuckenino's l'ets.
Amns.-ion't knew McQlehisn's exact ng ,
but I saw lnImn piay with the Tecummmmielsa of
Lontlon , Can , , as long as eighteen years ago ,
FAith3IJil' , Ned , . , March 13.-To the
Sporting hiditor of TIne lice : To decide a
box of cigars will you kimmdly give thin ago of
the famnnous trotting stahiiomm , ( leorge Id ,
Patclien , when lie dIed , anti the place of his
death 7-Western Breeder ,
Amne-Oeorge Id. l'atchiemn dieii in May , 1861 ,
at time age of 15 years , at time old UnIon
course , Long Island ,
SOUTH QMAiIA , March 32-To tine Sport'
immg ilihitor cC Time lIeu ; 1'leaee ist mime know
1mm next Sunday's Lice which is ( lie beat kimul
of nuzzle for a vicious tlog , anti wlmero I
% nnmt jirocure one , I will be under obhigatiomne
for tue imntormnatlomm-14 , 11 , 5 , , Stock Yards
ixchiamngo ,
Anmm-Tbe muzzle of a simot gun , You can
get them mit the Cross Uumi cqnnpauiy's or
l'arnneie's ,
'rHg 1iiiinal xtiis'
l'rcpareci according to tl.c toninunl.i of
lii hIs laboratoy \V.uiiimngton , D. C ,
The meet wonderful therapeutic
discovery since time days ci Jenner.
CP.RfltiRiNl3 , - - lirom tine Pram ,
For lhn.e.neos of tue 11mm anti Neen ou tliteni.
flUDLILLINI1 , . - IIom ihie..4plnniCord ,
For Eiliepsy , l.ocomotor .tainn , etc.
CARII1NI ! , - . - Prom time hicart ,
For lie.ues of time itcact ,
TIISTIN1l , . . - iironn the Testes ,
For time Tctcs ,
O'ARINI3 , - . . hirom tine Ovaries ,
Put Dlscasc of W'onmemi.
Dose , lrop.s , I'rlceTwo Dnitcimma , $ m.o. .
colt s&tn my u. nnt'censrmm.
Send for took.
nfl For Writing a
* mYt
tisamd. or
.nh.ertber. Sn oi , etent ( , . , nmmr o.aer 'I iii :
OmlImi.tu ( ) mmnesEImmmnmm , : eim1i 1' . inmJ .s is
.I'ecmi minmuenntu , foC film to ! % iJ'erit'e ( nw O '
iniako thu iiswI.tbIntCr. , Wewmmm ( imi'E to
th mtr'tpertmn isiimaC 'I , ny maim neoru Alum
ithiIItA , wmre the word lfl Is mint roimd In
U , . iev Tt9t.Auileflt neu.uu tn 10 tte
, "eoni i'ur.m , , nting tis coutuct , ) to ( ii , , html. . ( ( ) t ) CCtn CC lb. '
, , , . ' I ci , , i.niI lul silk nI , , . , . m'am icr , , m Cu cei ,
of tUb Iext 3 , SoIl .1 Uuii ( nquun ! , IiianI
Inm , , , il , rnr ecry , , IiCr totiet , ni.Intr a
ImcuuirtI , . , , d i , iiblp I' , , im mc . , i esn
iiot.ui3 LI ) ntrwAri tiftt 3 UU m . 'not t'iued
wiiii iarsmnn 'cc inn eI , ( , rrumm3 rturtm , , '
meny. iv. , en.l the I" mice Ci. , a.r .mny in , '
nrc , , , t'd , amii , nts etcit u Ii. mtivemm
fttft ) edertiil oar cin'nt litt.tieci % , inignitt ,
, , , , vain iit.tI to n'ii.l ilionney thIs W.t ) to , in II
ui we . .i It unit onn , 'ntt u with )
iii , I iii .tumn or eIlcr I er C It.intmn , % ' or lift
, cntm tot .nie e.r'P ) tn , t , , i'.ctl ; iioin to Ii , , ,' ) mlwnel.uII ( mmcii onnon the bm itttit.
, Itie , .iihi l'ine.t ftIt mini 'r tmn.iit i torius.
inm ( immi mmkt , It , ivo , eiiJ Uno p , In , . e.ctiy 't
ontatm , In i'cutCV , oi'.tei , , nqnrdinmn , In d , , ' , , r
totnnPk emi , 'ici , mvtm.r eonntntmntn.g ni i-cut in , .
, wr ict'tvr.t Iii. U , . m r two or tnui , ' cut md en.
wei-e sionnlm , be iirst nvcmn.t iy , , , , ln'n-ms ( I , , ,
.nmt. ' , ' , , ' , . , titte , t ie , m Oi.Um ) I ' II lxi ; ntmnm
ho uqunily diite.i tetwcn ( ii ? , cnlden , ' , , nd so
on whit It. , , Iin&iit'r riaeq. , o inltttei % nherO
ntn Iio-t , iv.u , tntth or Fouih-yoni hsvc
itiNt , , s stood 't chincn e ify..ti lent % In cmmcscn , ont tpttn.tnennt nO.1 In' , , If ) CII Cant mt.ii , ,
oneot ihntIgirna's. llrrnb.r , ummat fun ito ,
cuia anti u.rrc ( , nwur to . .n-'mmcryou mist unto
llm.i. nu Ix nnontii. , ni , , n intdonr. pirIei , '
.n.m mm you into .uiog ( Inc iIt 3 ( ' ( I % viit SCI OflO
nt tito bmw Tmo , ni1lc. ont , tmdree Of ,
Ilts UI ? wnml be m'rmime.i in tmneam.
nnnntber or mm , . ot'ir en.t e'pcnt to cii wIn
it tv , , oiit nwcrc. ) i.ntmnhn I mn , mam'cr Iii winiI , '
% 0i ntW tit tTCt. Anidru , , , imlt.tu iIUHI- .
it ( I 1.1) ii U EMS' , ( 'hiciwn , I Ii. .
fly purchasing goods made at tine followIng
'ebraske factories. It you cannot find what
1'out want , comrnttmiieate with tine manufac-
tutors as to wlnat dealers lnanndlo tineir goods :
1lmOS , RfJIfL.Il' IVI ) 'I'hP1.VI ,
Minnufacturern of nil kinds of cotton & burlap
u'nga , cotton flonr sack. & twine a cpctaity.
-1' tIC.Gil P. I1uin.t.
.IIU1LIKI-'IST I-'OOI ) , J-.OUIt , 1'1.IST.
Manutacttirers of Preston's California F'iakes ,
mck1o brand sif rqlalmng flour & yeast. Do yoO
jie Preston's beSi flour ?
icieI urixeris.
Car load shipment ! made in our own refrigerator
cars. Blue Ribbon , Elhte Export , \'tonnn hxport ,
ana Famimy Export , delivered to nfl parts of city.
C.iIUnLtGL J-ujrIrs.
Carriage & Wagon Makers. Carriages , buggIes ,
PhmnetOns & wagons always on hanid & made to
irder. 13m3-15 Barney-at. , Omaha.
CO1"l'JCIC , .S1'IUI , ItdJINJ 1'UIl'JJ'fl.
Coffee Iionstere. Epice Grinders , Manufacturers
erman flaking rowder cml German Dry Hop '
Yeast. 314.16 8. 12th street , Omaha ,
pAfjfl ,
S. F , G1I4NN.
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C , z : . Black , i.anager , Omaha.
Itanufactureri of parlor furniture , lounges , din-
lag tabmes & tablIng beds. 28th ave. , B'yd , to
nthmer treete.
Ivs f/JtI NUIC.
Over one millIon dommars ga out of Nebraska
every ) enr for no better Insurance thnan I. fur-
flushed by the Union LIfe oC Omah& . Agent ,
ivanted to every town In Nebrasmun.
pomeetme & steam coal. We have tIne best. Of.
flee 16th Farnain-tit , Tehepmnone : OttIce 313 , yard -
mice. .i. Doe , gen'i manager ,
J1ON mroicc.s ,
Manufacturing & repairing oX aim kinds of ma.
chntnery , engines , ptimnns , elevators , printing
presses , hangers , chattIng & coupmtngi , 1406.5 '
mmoward-st , , Omaha.
Fire hydrant. , water & gas pipe , specials ; boiler
fronts & fittings , street R'i' ear wheels , Archl-
tectural iron works. Office 807 a , 16th-ct , , Omaha ,
? .t't'r'mm of Architectural iron Work. General
Foundry , Machine and lihacksmnitli Work , En-
gineeri & Contractor. for 11'ireproof ilumiding , ,
Offlce anti Works , U , F , It' , a io , 11th eIreet ,
Omaha ,
MtV LJJ".l ( J'I'lJlU.VJ ( JI1i'.Ut8 T.'t.
ifanufacturer , o' fluid extract , , eimzir. , syrup , ,
& wnCN , comnpressen-l tniturates , hnypodermm tablets -
lets , plus & scienitimme medIcal noveltIes , . Omaha.
.lIId i'TItl.1M , C'Ii , CItIlgS ,
L , C DOUP ,
Mamnufscturer Mattresses , Spring lied. ; Jobber
Feathers and I'hilaws. North ltthn and Nicholas
et. . , Otnaha.
Tine only perfect protection to property. Ilcam.
imi. it , lied thing on cam-tIn. Reduce. Itnauramic.
rate , . hZQ4Douglaa..t ,
0 V111t4 1.1 , lt'iJ UTOJtII. ' ,
Manufacturers & jobbers of the c.iebratsc ! heck.
skin bread shmirtn , pants , overall. & duck cloth.
log , 1101.3.0 Zlarney'at , 1"actary Bait Omnilia.
- -
Manufacturers of rnen'u & boys' cloItnlmn , pant
shirt , & overalls. Zo2.2l2 S. lith'it.
- I'.lJ1t1C JIOSJC.'t ,
- -
Manufacturers of hI kind. paper boxes , shelf
buim , e.mmnplv csnsea , mactiling tube , , etO wed.
dung cake a fanicy cetnily boxes , druggist & Jswulr
bQSCS. 110540 , , Oninalia ,
S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -a
Hill It 1' J1 UiiJtlICX ,
, , - - - CO. -
Haclualve custota shun taunts.
liii 1'smtnam street. . Telephone * .
= - _ - - - ; - : : : - - - - : - - : - = - - - = - : _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _
Vactory In Louisville , Casi eo quality of bride
guaranteed to be as gQ(4 as any mapaactus4
uIs1d ( 'I this sats. aIenr Uobhnn.