Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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    r , . ' , 1 V . ' : J' , i ; . . .t It ' , , . .
, TILE oMAhA DAILY nBl : FNnAYAnen 17 , 1S9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .15
Local Jobbing Situation Shows No Very
Marked Improvcment.
ehrnkn Country ; : lll'rchnllt Itcltllrt ( Trade
al Very Slow , with the Corlnlllt1 that
It Will 1I0clllll0 Vnre , Until
n New Crol' Iii I Ur"'I1.
The past week has Been 110 material
change In the local johhlns sItuatlon There
Is a fair huslness 1101ng. cOIIRlller1l1 the
condition or the country . allli that Is about
the beet that can be said or It. 'fhe sormy
weather or the Inst ! few 11)8. whie I hl's
I'roducell a better feeling In the country . has
had the natural result or limiting the volume -
time or huslneRs ) fur the time being. I can
he saId however With every storm or either
rain or snow that the sltuallon In hlllle81
crcleR Is Improved I . Not only IR the future
outlook of trade made but is
outok trde male better. there I
un Immediate Improvement due to the renewed -
. . flowed conndence brought about by every
Increase of moisture In the ground.
Hume or the Jobbing huuses have been
Inquiring of late as to the feeling In the
country UIII one house has received 1 ( ) or
more answerl from merchants In the state ,
W tu the lreRent situation an,1 , the future
ouUook. I II hardly necessary 10 remark
that these allwert Ire not overly ralsur-
Ing. l rum almost nil sections ot the slate
come comlllllnis ; or the continued dry
weather and the luck or moisture In the
ground . nlld Oi ! 1111 nil agree that wllhollt
uhuldnnt rain Ihl Hprlng It will he liiossL-
? , hie ( to 110 any ttttmlng. ] lnee It 11 that
every bushleS mnlln the state Is watching !
tie weather more closely titan ever before.
A great ninny ot the corn'sl'Gndents , take
I hioxtftil view of the situation should tie
dcslred ruin fall occur 'hll'e are * oliie.
however. who IllpCI' lu feel that there will
ho 10 tiiaiiy old accounts to square up that
there vlil not he reul
wi any great amount left to
devote lo l'relllt wnnts. In other worlt ( .
thllt II some or lie less fortunate clons
or the stale It will require lt least one good
crl' to square up ell accounts und plae
the IeoJIt In good Rhul" . lJuln .
The great majorIty or the country merchants -
chants who have VeSItflletl to Inquiries rePort .
' Port lint ( business itt the present time II
Very dull anti hut ( they anticipate that I
must become steadIly wOe until I new
crop II grown. Some or the writers give
the amount ot decrease In their huslness ns
comlmrod wIth 1 year ago. II thos ? sec-
thins ot the state where the crop ' los was
coml.lete Ihe decrease Iii the volume or Imsl-
less lt compared wIth last Yllr Is I i.oine-
. As
thing enormous. an example of what u
( till groWI crop fnluro can ito whel I Sptl
about It out , writer from the burnt dlRtrlct
Ba1 thlt his Hale for the months ot Junu-
airy and I"ehl'uur Inlt Ilnrcgul(11 $278. as
* tgalnst , f3.UO for the corresponding month
t ot one year ago . .
' . Home the writers InclIned
t or WI.lel'S nle Inclned to make
iK lIght ot the situatIon 11 PoSsible anti Ionic
UI the pleasant side. Al an eXl\npl1 or tIlls
0 business mutt lt 'olhuch wrItes : "Ihel'e
Is no doubl us 10 the sliver Inln thIs ea-
1400 . Ind It wi not be either 'l'oP ' or 'demo-
1)01) ' sIlver. I wIlt he hulled from the sol
ut Nebraska us the tillers have the inteill-
gence anti the muscle ' und the wi to exel'-
cso both-no more I'ndlan farming. HUhl-
ness MIll contInue 10 he dul ; yes the ( hilt-
ness wilt contInue 10 Increase unt another
harvest IR gathered and the IIUOI' retnlpr
wl contInue 10 Increase In lennne until
10 wilt outrival Phnmoh's herd or lean ones
all because of the charIty goolll lint have
lofl scattered broadcast over the hIlls and
canyons ot our fair slah The honoHt ah'l. (
cuHurJIl wIll cuss grind hIs tobacco take
his whih-ky Hlrhht. and before he rell'es
to hl roost pray the geol Lti I that he
wi iut It tutu the mlnlls ot benevolent broth-
.e ers and , sisters In the east to send along
another Ilona lon.
Upon the whole there Is not much couso-
laton 10 he drawn from these letters . ex-
edit. perhaps the one Idea that the state Is
( till I ot men ot courage who wIll 10 alt In
their Iower to make the coming season u
and under ' condi-
prosperous one ulller ordinary -
ton ! there need ue no fear or their failure.
The local retail trade or Onmlm hits been
quiet durlnK the period , tinder review. The
weather has not been sulclenty plRRant ;
to attract people out ot doorR and business
could hardly he otherwise Ihan dull with
the crowd ot shoppers ubsent.
I has been nn uneventful week In the
produce distrIct. The market has not shown
any very marked change and the volume
- . ot hulnlss has not heen large. In fact. the
fruit and vegetable trade has been hindered
> by the cold weather. \S'arm weather Is required -
qnlred 10 create a demand for fruit.
The egg market has continued to excite
1 good deal of interest and the tendency ot
prices were downward until the later part '
ot the week. when. owing to the falling off
In the urrl'nls. there was 1 stiffening tn
'Irlces. 'rhe change to colder weather has
had the effect ot cutting down the receipts
ole hal or more and hence the Irmel' teel-
InS on the market. I Is anticipated . how-
ever. that as Boon lS the weather turns
pleasant eggs will come In again as fast I
ever und no permanent Improvement Is
, ; looleed for In tie mUI'leet.
t The receipts ot poultry ot all kinds have
been light and the mnrleet has hen a little
stronger than It was a week ago . In fact
the prices obtaIned have been very satisfactory -
tory to the sellers.
The butter market hal been quiet and
without any material change so far as
_ Ilrlces are concerned. There 19 no large
% production or country butter . but the de-
manll Is limited und there Is not much life
to the trade The Chicago Produce says
that the lroSpects for the future ot the
low grades ot farm butter are not very
brIght. There are substitutes In shape or
cololeno and cotosuet taking the place of
low grades for cooking use . but accordIng to
the above authority the most formIdable
ot ali substitutes for packIng stock has Just
made its appearance In shape ot cocoanut
This cocoanut butter II being manutac-
turer In Chicago nt the rte or G.J ' poulls
per day.Vhiio the manufacturers have
( lullJell as oleomargarIne manufacturers
and taken out lcense accordingly they dId
80 In order to avoid any teelml.l\ \ violation
ot the law. ns they do not hit'lit'vo thou
Ilroruci. ii l purely vegetable 00l1Mund with-
out color . comes withIn the scope of the
Inllrnnl rlVPIIP rnlerlnl
" - There i : ' Is - no n use ( tenying that this product
II n very hue butter. I Is now being roar-
keted'fl-om the fnclor at 12 'ent ( Ir punU .
(111 II Intllulet wholly for cookIng J urioses. )
! 'he nllnufnctut'l are not nlnufucturlng
( lily colored In semblance ot butter. us they
'otili1 have tu ' the 2'cenl tax
woull pty thl : on this
Iml they now have nit the orders they can
liii with the uncolored prollucl. J.ter. however -
ever they expect to Increse the output
or the rnclor } ' lu 2'.00 l.ounLs daily , whh'h
meanK fno tubs Iwr tl } ' . an lflulvnlelt o
fully 2 ; her cent or the ul'omlllnrlno 1110'
.IUll lt I'lI citY lt Ilrelent. . \ ' 4 Ihl' ( ) supply
cljlt fUllllr
ot cO'CiliflUt elf j saId to h. almost Inex.
IIIU8thlt. It may lie 1)181113) . ' RIII that low
grll" , butter his U pretty dangerous coin-
Pt'titor. arid one against Ihll'h I ( lie objee.
1011 whleh have he11I'lgell against 0110.
niurgitrine hIl not stanri.
murj"lrlo wlnol ) lulll.
T. HarrIs has ought out the ( ( lerinan-
IAmerh'au 1IIInt ( a rid wi 1"n1' I. t Non-
; 'p parch Mutu'iironl'ernticeiii Noelle factory
itt lie curlier ot Slxl'lnlh 1111 \\'eush'r
, lnwll , 'rhls new factory wi give em-
1loment 10 h'l or 1\h'e hiulitis. , arid , us
enl ) Nehirasica . boxes unll
( ) Nlhrslm lour. hoxls prInting wi
1e , uscd I will indirectly give tlplcj'lenl ,
to a genIi mIU 111011' . H th . venture ; ' roves
n St'CSI oIlier nrl.les twi 11' 1IIod t the
list of goods munuructulll A 111111' plant
was ollelld not long ago In Ham'l'port nut !
outside or that the nearest tlltor ) ' or tIre
klil Is- IOCati'd Il ( hlqlo. ) HI. l.outl tins
te\'Hal factories or ( tie kind. : tr. ' harris
5tI ) ' M ( hut there Is 1 I.I111 ! demand for Ihl'
HOOIK whleh he wi mlnlflctulo In this
tectol of the country Iwl It he ( 'tIli get ( Inc
( healers to hinintlir' the ) 11rollults ; which he will
put out he ( hal no douhl hul unit h , ' wi
'I able 10 lniil.I up . 1 11 hess thlt t wil hut 1
1111ent to thl ( cl ) . He \1 that he wil ht'
able to turn out goods ot Iho highest
standard and nt the same time meet the
Ilrllel ot eastern ins noted urers. .
'Ihe rummonll ( 'ariiitge ' '
' ( Cnrllugl' company reports
. n large business II Is 11W bail hearing
axl" end rubber tires . The people ot
Omaha who Ire tOld or driving appear In hI
preparing to make thin 1011 or ' this goat ' )
TOfl ( to lie tound In the vicinity ot this
el I ) '
Two extra trn\'elnl men were put on the
rent b ) ' the W. A. 11/ " Soap company 1
few wl.ekK ago antI the l'II'anr 1"1"111 n'
Vlr ) ' good IlaI" . tloulh I II rotllIIII ( to
corer Ilull 1 Ilrgl extent or len lur ) ' II
artier ' to reach the hlen.
'fhe ( ute CitY hunt ) \omIRI ) ' Iraq 111111
( , orisiiit'rab1y space to its t'tabitshuuienit.
which gives it more rOUI for storage I
and nnhlus I 't hinnthit' tire 11111111 with I
. Jrtlllr ense. The company expects to ( 'on _
1t.O ( hitihels of bnrh' ' .
fuml 10,0 hushell honey ( iris "Inr. The
Ot1ha brewers are buying molt ot this
cmlln ) ' anti II addition tn that I hUB
'I'or"et up 0 gnarl trldu In other cities.
\\r. A. Inge , formerly ot tire Puke Soup
( 'oniipan % ' , hoe bandit oUI thf' Inl'rN.t , ot
Jlr. Wrhhl In the "rlht JOlktt 1"1 court.
Jlunor Chicago. Mr. \ rllhl1'11 formerly
with un Onulh Can oonwan ; ! r , Page
hiss already taken 10"0111 " and will iv .
thl .acive ( mnl1ltr ot the I ( OIIUI' , . which
wi requlro his prllflCI In ( 'h II' 1 : his
\ factory .9 . located 11 r arid 71 \\'sl Jackson
street. ) ltlr. Page is tine ,
Lhrrirufeclurers and Comtiinnors hiresiiint M the
! (0111101
ot NfbraRkn , winch hal' hYe'unp. itr"ply
hrouGh h" nanu.tmnl , Ih t " " ; . IIr"1
, , . . _
c t " ' "c. "
merclnl organIzation In the " 'e l. Tim local
members ot that associatIon have heel tnrg-
log very slrnKI ) ' upon him to remain In .
Neblu k8\ but the inducements RPPlrent )
have not teen \ 111.lent to keep him here
The Nebraska ShIrt company of Omaha
wi open up nn olce In Council IUIR to
facilitate the hnndlng oC the business In
that city _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hun HYWi IL JtIU.TTICU OV'I.O ( ( ,
TrAde Mll\lon JorrRboul SinoirN Jtnn ,
llnrkld SIgnS or 111110"1111.
The local manager ot the mercantile
agency ot It O. Dln & Co. , speaks quite
hopefully this week when he says :
"The fnrmel II western Nebraska Ire In
better stunts. More lreCIPlaton , line been
recorded In that section than here and the
Winter wheat ot which there Is 1 consider-
abll acreage . never looked better. Plowing
commenced In February . arid though In-
' \ by the t'ohii . .
tlrruph'l\ ) recent ( 'oll wnther. eon-
sldernhle land was turned over Tire PeoPle
are full or hope and I we shnl now have
seasonable Planted rain I large uClea e wilt he
" A citizen who came 10 this state forh'
yer ale said yesterday to mc that In nil
those ) 'enl'/ he had never before seen u total
faiure In SarII and Douglas counties arid
he had conlllence In his trriroessioii that he
woull never rigour Foe Fuch 11 year as 1Et.
I lInt ! the + settlers who have Ialgell
( hi rough .1'uth . , " 'r sII11I' ' I' chintz hUK
Inll frost llRush'rM have not lost heart or
hiolte In Nebraska und It sterns 10 rue theReof
of UI who urn Inure temlel feet olght to pint
our faIth 10 their anti hll un 18)5. )
" 'Ihere was quite a tlrry In grain circles
this week over the wheat nitirket. The gO\-
crnlent estimates show that the constriup-
lon of this eerenl has heit very COnKUI1-
tmt there Is barely enough now In sight to
carry the country ) July J 'I'he corn IUI' .
plus has nol been /0 much reduced and
corn Is comparatively low In Irlce. There
hns been u marked economy In thin tr'e or
t'orrr Il that "ecailtors whu houlht all the
way up to GI cents 10 hold for jf cents a
bushel nice tiadly worsted . for corn Is nearer
45 cents ( hair 75 and the corn demllll wilt
fall off very largely after seedIng time Is
"One or the hrlhtest ( } 'olnA grain men
In Nehlskl. who welt out Ihrol h the
near-hy eounte ! n few days since to rice
how tire local supply Wit holding alit , cx-
rellld surprise tu lInt ! s Ilch ell corn
1111 oats - In the bins and cribs or the fnrm-
el'I : vr ) ' lown he " 1le nI far west ns
York UII ColUlhu ! hml ii stuck 01 hund
apparently ample for local coninimptiuri.
One rarmlr II Buter county hut ! 10.0
hlshell of corn anti In one village 10J
bushels of oats were brought In by farmers
In IL Ingle afternoon 'l'hlK tntlel11lLl1 1'1'1'-
Illcts a. small sowing or whiettt but , 11 very
lure acreage of corn though he thinks
wheat ought to be mmle a principal crop ns
he expects prices tu be higher nl'xt ) 'el\l' .
But the farmers are poor. A bushel of corn
costing from fiO ( to 75 cents nccorlllng 10 10.
cntlon In the state will plnnt live acres
whereas It requltt't bushel arid ' one-hllir ot
wheat to seed IIn acre. until this will cost
from 75 cents to U. Oats seeds about two
bushels to the acre and will cost 10 i cents Pr
hushel. In other wordS the Reed for forty
acres uf corn may cost from $2 to $ :1. : while
the seed for the snme acreage ot wheal will
cost from .10 10 $10 and ot oats nbout $ i2.
Besides . corn Is n sure crop and ordInarily
the more l1tonlnhle crop.
"In an able adilret.e this week nt the Slate
university Itoh \ \ ' . G. \ Vhitrnore. a 111'0-
gressivo. Jl'lletlcul rltrnier tlell\'erell nn ad-
dress of hope and common sense In so a t-
tractive 1wa ) ' lint I wish every IlIsco\ll'-
aged 1I l'lcultul'lRtInri citizen of Nphrnslm
might read Il. 1'he tOlllc was timely . 1'he
Lessons or the Drotitti " and Its p'ruoal
Would l make every marl conUdent of the fUture -
( tire or the slate and thrive asay dull care
bcsl lcB.
"Among the Jobbers there hns been goorl
feeling all week rind In the hardware and
grocery Irlllles u good weele hiui : been ( n-
jo'ed. The failure ot the Omaha Upholster-
1ng company removes another manufnclnr-
Ing industry hut the ollllook Is Improving
and l If we have rains anti an average crop
Nebraska will not only he on her feel IIguln.
but the homeless million ot the Cllllt will
agaIn turn their eyes thllherwlu'll 111111 the
prnirics will once more be alive wllh ureak-
itig plows riot ! picturesqtne with uew Imllt
home We ought not to forget for n moment -
meat thai It we concede thai 21.000 I'II/lre
miles ot our nrea is I arid ala ! unlH'OlIluhle
for farming we still have 3 ( square : mill's
more to farm ILlIII populale ; than the great
rIch elute of lowu. This is I no time 10 be
downheurled. We arc not dead nor even
'fhe bank statements published the past
week continue to reflect depression. hut they
show that we iirtve l'onslderuhle idle money
on hand anxious to be used In trude. Fol- I
lowing are the totuls In round numhers for
the twelve national bankll In Omaha and
South Omaha :
I..onns. 'n.h. Depo.llq.
Omaha NnHonnl. . . I 2..G.000 ( S 1.8Gt.00IJ ' $ 3.13G.0I'0 !
First Nltllonnl. . . . . 2111.000 l.ri71.QlJI 3.r.01.0 )
Merchants Ntttloitti 1.(0).000 ' l.nJ.O )
1' . H. Ntttioniti . . . 820.000 612.000 1.371.1100 :
Nell1''\ NatIonal 7)1).000 83.000 1.33.000
I'nhm trtioiial . . . r.t .OOQ 20.000 ( & 4SO0
Commerellll Nltlonnl 42.000 213.1) WI.OOO
NatIonal 11. ot Corn 612.000 113.000 301.00)
Anwrll"a National . 32 : . I 217.QlJiJ
I'n. Shick Yards N. 723.000 800,00)
Soulh Om. Nat . . . 4GK ( ) 412.QI)0 713.000
Puckers' Nul. . S. O. IG7.000 ri4.000 IGG.J-
- - - -
Total. . . . . . . I0.C32.000 $ t,895,000 ; $14,712,000
The national banks at Lincoln make the
tollowlng showing :
Loans. Cn.- Df'llla. (
AmerIcan Etc. Nnl. $ riG4.00.l $ 123,0)0 ' ) . $ 4r.J.flJ
COIUlllbl1l Nlliiolial. 31.000 122.000 , 2959X ( )
German Natillnal. . . IG'I.O' 4G.00' 17t.0'JO
litttt Natlonul. . . . 1.li3.00 ' 42G.000 1.12.000
- - -
Tolnls. . . . . . . . $2. : a.000 $2t7OOO 2.0i8.000
S1tmlt1on : Hho" I.tttlo l'hnDlo for Either
Good or Ul\d for the \Vook.
The local superintendent for Snow Chllrch
& Co.'s mercantile agency wrItes ot trade :
'J'rUile for the week Just ended has been
dull and lIteless. No features of particular
Import uncI' have appeared to disturb the
quiet that has prevailed for some time Con-
trary to expectatIons March does not appear -
pear to come up to the average. The Increase -
crease over February busIness up to date
III not material. and there IJ3 little Indica-
tion that the month will close much more
activelY than It begun. At the end or last
week there seemed a. little cause to hope
that there would l be some Improvement but
this expectation has not been borne out by
the tacts. The weather has been decidedly
seasonaule. cold and Inclement. This Is a
good Indication , because Reasonable weather
Is always better for trade than nay uther.
A rough March usually means warmer
weather In April. and the opening Jt the
spring trade In Its proper s'ason.
"Uelnllers complain bitterly ot the stagnation -
nation which contInueS to prevail. until yet
there It no apparent reason whY there
should he any decided improvement at this
time. Wholesalers tire _ taking matters us
they eoml' The attitude genl'rall speak-
lag. mlghl beet he charnclerizell by the
terni wllltln . Waiting to see what the
next few weeks will bring In the shape ot
weal her tavoruble to crop conditions.
1\lerchullts In the country lire ordering
very lightly Indeed. and wIll continue tll
do tU 1111t1 there III Bome Indication of u
suf\clent degree or n11ll1ture to warrant 11
good crop. III boots anal shoes dry goods .
groceries and staple goods ot all classes
Ihello cOllllltinns 1I11111y. Jlllrdwnre men are
doing little bllslnells. hut their exinectutions
are not veiY high h. tor the reason that ( It Is
not hellove [ thai there will be much hullll-
Ing this Bl'rlng. Lumber men eeho thlll lIen-
"Collpctlons are poor . and the Ilemunli for
extensions continues These conditions rio
not apply alone 10 locul affairs hut aro'
eIIHllly true ot tile situation throughollt tIne
cOllntr ) ' . 'rho 11011 Is In fairly goon ! cOlu1\
lion at the prent tllne 'fhero Is no cause
for anxiety In the tuture. unlPKS rain ( aIls
ilK. In Ihe meanwhile l'chunls lire keep
lag down eXIenses to the lowest possible
IIgurl' . IInll JlurchRslng only for Iml11t'lInte
nel'dll. This hl'helween ssasons. Ins It were .
anal the future depends on the rise or fail
or the mercury in Ihlll section or the
"ro city that the situation IIC more en.
cournln or more IIIcournglnt thun It has
been In the past tl'W monlhs It nol correct
'fhe IIlluation httrs 1111'relY rell1nlnpd slUr
tlonttr ) ' . and there Is no hang for either
better or worse iAttle II1l1lerlal improve-
men In hits ( pl'cllon ot Ihe country cart he
expect11 until there Is lIonla IlIllication 01'
whllt the next CI'OJi will lie 'I'ho Pllrlng
rains will slUe this question to u great
'I'hel'o Is no reason : wh ) ' trade 8hl1ulll ma.
lerlallr improve or why It Hhoull : oil orc.
Thl uml1 carerul. hnllll-to.mollih buying
that hUll ht'cn chlll'ult"'l"lstic for senile line (
now will l'ontlnue In wholrFnle nllll I't'tull
'I 1' ( ' II's. unll eonsllmtrll will nol 11II1'I'IIRIlr.
more Ihun their needs dictate . . 't few IUI.I
rains In lie lIe.t few wi'des will rio doubt
InJIIHWe affairs localh' al\ll Iw.urJlnio : tl1 ,
IImlnent authorIties thl' gl'lh'I'al IHlilncps' ( '
situation In till' east anti Onl\n'IIIIIII'I'01lr8 In
till' mont ) 'eliteI'll lire gendintuily righting
Iheanst'h'e. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I.CI'OO . 'Iarrh IGAI Iho wad uu'lInn
aalu todny 1.fJil' ( 'alt s wrr ( IITereI I. "t wleh ; ,
31) bales W\ ' wlllllll'lwn. 'there ins s I ; , . I I
, ssirtniivint . The en r rnrIanit'i' "aa loru s nil . ihi. '
hnlthiln : Iorlol l'iie.s nllnu. ' Ionr.l. 1'11. ' tlll'j
, lIn"1I1 I..u\ht ufrnll , : . tr 11111 I . \ ru'n boris
I.UII'hu.I'11 n t."II.hlr. . 11Q1t:1.1I'ln" , . '
.inJ . era . llrSIIII : 1111' 1.11..1' 1111111. II 1"1' a'w"
Inl . N"ollIlh \ ' . " ' " , 'our.I. .J61. : ,1 ;
IrM. 3i4ff6id. \ Quenisialntt . 'ntiic4. UrH ! ,
Is 1'.1 I , 1:11'0 ) ' . 4".11",1..111..1.1. . ' ' 0111',1. , , . ; . tt I
ttlll mit : . . ' ) ' . 3'0ll9'/l. $ Ith.Irulll. ( . ,
"uII' I. 7MI. k.I . : . " ) ' , 4\(1..1. ( New Z.irtnni
Kr'u8) MI oI. I"'I' I itt n'.1 ( ' I l..i.i \11.1 ? . .I..I. I
0"1. 'PIti' 2t.t 1 ; JUUO ) ' 4'.1t. ( . 'I. ' 'Jim' )11I' ) '
lllrtw rOI' Ih , , olt0'11' 82.71 IO1nl " ; II I'n' I ! b
lor Ih'SI w.'I , ' . 8U1oNi , : 'uh"
- - - - -
1:11'0 , ' i I 1I..llIr'II'11 10lhtll - ' Inn , .
WASIII\Ul'ON' , March Jlj - -The lnresIhent
, urll'Cd lu hits ( city Iblll jlft'rnoon III hits return -
turn train his duck thUQtlng exliPciiiua
Discouraged by Disappointing Oablcs '
Wheat Went Back on the DuBs.
Offerings " 'cre 1.lght. Jloth IIr Cniiin nllli
r\lhll'/I , amid tin . Uemnn.1'nll of a
CorresunJirdlnng CI..rnrler-
S lIe kll anal 1111I1111.
CHICAGO Mnrch tG.-Dl9rOnraf'11 by Ills.
appointing cnblri the smaller week's l'ar- I
ances and IIheral realizing wheat went
hack on the bulls today anti hogan wearily
relraclllg Its stehis flnishilog 'hc ! lower for
Mn ) ' . Cacti und oats lost iO . Provisions
finished h"her fill' hark lower for lard und
rib unchanged.
The early cablegrams from 1.I\'erpool and
Paris quoted rRther easier wheat markets
and ! the Rhlllll1enls or wheal anal Hour front
holll coasts of this country were IIhullt roOJ.-
1) ' ) Pu smaller than 011 the weelt before.
Those were the 1110llt Influel1l1nl factors at
lie ( opening IIn,1 , cOIIequenll price started
at u decline or IIhout Hc COIIII'Rl'e" with
'Csterdll"S elulling. \\'lIh the exception or
the cables ullIl the weele's elenranl'e . there
\1'119 notitirig el 1rie beurlsh In the day's newII.
1'here were nUIl1e1'ous IIISPlilchl'S from the
110uthwesl pointing to the lroll'lhlllt of In-
Jury to the winter wheat riot ! the scarcity or
the article In the counlr } ' . Tire receipts lit
MlnnellllOlis unit " Dlllllih oven 37 entre
against t17 : 11 your ugo. 1'rlll1nl' roar kel ' ' -
cellts were 301.000 btn today . IIl1'ulnsl :1Ir.IW : ) )
1in. 11 year ntgo May wheal opened lit from
mc down to fiG fC. rind ranged between 50c
as Its bottom edge 1111 to r.7\t' \ " ilK th\ taIlor
the raUge. It closed lit the UII'elt point or
pl'1ctlcIIII " ( . the latest trolllnll' 11I'lce being
al from r.6''e . to 56c. The IIhsence uf ex-
html dell1nnd at the seaboard or \lr I'nll'I of
rounl1 lots of winter wheat here were the
chler depressing elemenls In the sItuatIon ut
the dose. arid n mark decllno lit lIerllu and
15 centime at Purlt Wel'e eonlrllJutUl'
cn IIses.
The corn trallel's had another llll"S 'awn-
InA' eXIerlence. Uuslnells In the pit waK of
the sniirilleet rind In the cnsh cro\\11 n
leUceful ) Iuletnes pre\'nlled. Offerings were
ilg'Iit . both or cushLnll tititree and the de-
l11"nll was or u corresponding charllcler.
III lie futures 11 ruther henvler tone pro-
vallell thnll was the caRe In the cash mur-
heel 'I'he "IenlnA''all lit from 4Gt5c tl from
16\1.1' \ 10 4GI.e. It drollped 10 61J. recovered
to - IGc and closed nt ( rom -I6c to 46c. The
eiuy feeling In wheat and rather liberal cc-
inflates ( ci' Monday's receipts caused the
Oats rl'malnell very dm11. llIctuullnns
were vl'r ) ' narrow amid prillchlall ) cnsler.
MIL started lit 2 ) iC . sePt lit Irom 29c to
29c ( nail ) closed thne. 1'OlIIl"s arrivals ug-
Ireguted Wi cllrs.
'I'he changes III the IIrovllllon mal'lwt today
were IhlC to l1Ianlpulation. It was subject
to BlIllllell chanl'l'lI ur Iulte considerable
rnngt The opening In pori waR at un adVance -
Vance on 'esterdaY'1I closlnlr Price or fl'OlI1
2".c to 7'A4c 111'1' barrel hilt on any attempt
or IIn mUshIer 10 dispose ot any the price
\\'as dropped arid Hlmllurl with I1ltemt"
10 hu ) . The rinlinig cnnllltlun was toward a
decline hut the mantel \\'ns given a strong
closing. Thc changes since yesterday . are
cI08Int He In ixirk 5e decline In lard and ribs
are left unehangell.
E"llIl1uted : recelilis for \ 1\lonlla ; : W heat 25
cars ; corn 25 cars ; oatil. : )11\ curs : liege .
35.000 ; heat
'rhe leading futures tanlcd itS follows :
Artlcle. I Ot.Otm , 1 lIiir. - I \ , ' . I Cion
WitetntNo , ; . 2
1IIarch. . . . ( 55 j. i Ii Ii
111'1i'J'WH ' 7r.o oCtat
Jul ) . . . . . . 67'l 5S15I43. ( 7H jj
Com No. 2. .
March. . . . 4H. 4" 441i 41'1i@I\
Mny. . . . . 4034 4tH ( 46 4tIti4Ltil !
Jltly. . . . . 4U 4U\HU \ 41iH 4536lO
Oats No. : . .
May. . . . . I\I ( ' 20 211j ! 91f
Jltlte. . . . . 21II ! :111M 290 { 2H4
Jltly. . . . . 2Si1 211 2SilI ! ! ' 280t34
I'orlt per bbl
Ma ) . . . . . . . 12 03 12124 11 75 12011 (
July. . . . . 12 171 1217" 11 H7U 1t 12i
Lurd.IOO lbs
Ma ) . . . . . 11 I 1121i 11112H 11 HO 0 ( i07L
.Jtili' . . . . . 7 021i 7 O : U 112" ( Ul7 (
Short RI bs- . .
Itlay . . . . II 07" 0 Oll Ii S2 I 112
_ Jltly. . . . . . . ( 10 _ _ _ (3 ( _ 10 It 90 60 ;
Cash quotatIons were nK foniows : :
1.1.0UH-Wlnll'r ( latents $ $2.0,2. : whaler
alrn.lg:1Is. : $2.351r2.C ) : hnller . $ l.7Xr2.2 ' ; : s"rln
1"lelll $3.10i3.r.o : spring slral ht" . $2. thu 2.85.
. WIUAT-No. 2 p"rlll . aJGOy'c ; Nil. 3 " "III-III .
nominal : No. 2 ret ! . 1c. .
eOIlN-No. 2 . .1if4H.e. .
OA'1'S-No 2 . 2ge : No. 2 whll" " . 827j12'c ' : Xo.
2 whine . 32U32\,1'
ItYI - NII. 2. 5 ! % .1' .
BAfiLI Y-No. 2. 5iJ8e I ; Nu. 3. 52',1j. , No. '
1 . nomlnnl.
FI.AX SEfl-o. 1. $1.4\
TIMO'rIlY HlmD-1'rlml' . $ 5.77.
1'ItOVIHJONSMl"pOi . k. per hhl. $11. 87tHJ'
12.00. Lard per lii ) Iha. . S6.7fIG.ii\iI. \ Bhllrl ribs
.IJI 9. 100' , $5.S0@.b Dry walle" nihnoultl.m-s.
boxed $4.75f14.8ishort \ , clear sides boxed . $ G.2
'VIIIHKY-DI.tllI'l's' , nnl.he,1 gotkIe per gal. .
SliGARR-Cltt loaf unicltanigai .
The tollowlllg were the receipts and shlJlmenls
today :
- Articles. Iteeolllis. Shlplllellls. .
- - - - - - - - -
Floltr. bbls. . . . . . . . . . . 7.0nO 4.000
Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . . III.UlIU ( ( 23.00U
Corll. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . ( . 2I.Oll :
OUIs. bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.t.001l 101l.0UO
Rye bu. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 2.UOU a.uou ,
I3arley . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0UU 8.000
.On the Produce e'Cchano ( today Inn butter mar-
Set wall 111'.11 : creanrtery . lU@llIe ; daIry , l@llJo.
Ens quiets : lHr l : { . .
NEW YUltlt U l5NnItsti . 1IIAUltP.T.
Clollng guotKtlol1s arm tine I'rlnullat Commodities -
modities nuel Stnl.le.
N R1V YOUK. Mnl'ch IG.-l-'I.OI'U-ltt'l't'IIII. .
16.400 bbl. : exports G.800 bbis. : s.iks . 3.000 Ikl .
Market helll firnni but Jemun,1 18 IIKhl. City mill
Itatents . $3.90r4.15 ; winter patents ' 2.tO(3.l ) : cll ) '
mill c I. r. . $ . : 3.30 , whiter straIght , . 12.158) )
2.80 : Minnesota patents , $3.ttj3.7 ; 'Inl.r extras
I.90lfi2.4Q : MlnnellQIIL halters . S . .I3.GI ( : wlnu'r
low gnt.tJf's. $ ; ollrlug low grades . $1.70'
1.90 : all1nll' exnras I.R413.S . H ! ' 110u , . jUlpI ,
sales . 10 bhl. : supenninti' $2..S00f2.J5 : tanc ) ' . $3.1 )
41'3.15. lJuckwhent UIIIII' dull $ 1 I.GO.
lICKWHIAT-DIlIl. 49ij31' .
CORN MI'\I.-OolI : yellow " .I h'rn. $1.08fil.1Q :
braninlywlne $3.811.
HYI'-NoIIIIIHlI : : rill' lois ' 87e : boat lon l. . : . 1/.6. ' .
lb \ 1I.\I1I.I'\-HIt' , No 2 Mllwnuk..t' . 65e dirn-
1I"f'rl'll , 11\0'1'\\11 : state , MU6Il' : Cnirnads , . 701 ;
72lh" -
IIAHI.IJ" MAI.T..Flrllll ' held : w"Klen. 70f173c :
No , I W.I.II. , G070c ' ) , eix'roweni 73'Lte.
\\,111'\1'-111'11.18. . GO.WI hll' ; f'xllllrt. , H.Ot )
mu ; sales , 1.1) .o.QlII hll. , tullll" : non ' "Iul. 141'01
Inllrlll" , ' , No.2 1',1. In I Hilln' 111111 I'I'lIlol" . GI I . . t. :
urinal G3 , : afloat 63hi' : No. I nllrtlwln. 7)1' .1.
1I1'1'1'l..1. No. I liaril 731' iiciivere.1 Options
"I " 'IIl"I'l'Rlwr IIn.le , e'lnllm.l I nun minute n. , , . . . .
suit I rig t"m diet , ltnnol Ii ii nnc " 't'rkiy 1'.110110. fOJ- .1
" 1/:11 et I liar , . II lieI 'lIlht I' west an nil 1 I\'l'nl"'I'
caiik' . . 'l'ul\'llnl nllOI1 Ihen' nine II 1'1'11111 mil I I ) ' .
Prices chuni nig ( aIr ly ull'.III ' ul II Iit'l los . lit 0.t ; . :
the 2 red , Mauh closed nt el'r , , Ma ) . tl I-IGi
C21' . 111".1 lit t21' : Jllm' . GI'J".QrG21' ' ' . l'IIIspII nl 02. ' ;
JIII tl JJ.IG 162'.e. ' ( ' \1".1 . III G31,0'UKuol. ; . 62it
G3\ \ , . ' , ell',1 III 1:2\ : \ , . ' , "IIIt'IIIt."r.31.it2 . . . .
t'l'jseti ul I C23e : 1I'r'lIItJ"1 I l'108"II III CI .r.
"OIlN-l1f'\'IIII. . 33.b"1 ) Iou. ; center (5 ( , 9. jI ) 111I. :
sa" . 83,010 bu. ( Ut ores unJ : " ,0P ) nun 01" ) ; . i1pnt
it ' ady : Nnt 2 . tl'le ' III'ulor I ( , Ole 111111l1t ;
Kh' . , 111 ' " ' nnil 8eI . r J ) .c. 0111llln9 ' rult'lt .1I'adr but
'Iukl ; rOlUtt Inlll if IIshll'I' , . 'chinrs ; el ; 8..1.e
hlh'r. 1111) . 't15) ' ' 13.IC , ' . dIlM"1 III 5ic " , Jul ) ' .
: n ) 5.iGii701t' . d"o.,1 at 0)'t' ) , $ "I'II'lI.I"1 ' . clt.tu'l ul
W " ,
O.\1'H-lIe'IJlt. . (3.1'.11) iu ; p\rKlllo. is I ) "u. :
rithcs . ) ) 1111. futures until 27.IHI "It. 01"1. HIPlI
IlulI * , N. . Z. 23.e , No Z. nit'hi " 'icti. ; I'c , No. 3.
32 ; l' , N.IlIt , . . 3Hrm. ; .1"1.3 ii hut' . SGI'2C ,
Imel white ivestera i'J 'h' I .'n I ) . i ' Ilul.'I. 11.
fll.t rain. ut Jill ) ' " .1lnt ( iiniq Fe"l1I In".t" ,
1:1111I'loor.1 , tOt. ! hhllI'r : Iitnnrcln . 1'1,1..1 nit 31" ;
\IU'U t'lncII ILl 33"c ; 111) vlonti III 3J } . , ' : .Jul ) .
a3.e 1'1".1 nt :31,1' : ! .
IIAY I -jillel : shIPllln . 8355v ; giit1 , 1 III chole" .
GOOf ) ;
JII' I I $ - lIulI , t"tl' cinnamon ' < , ' 11(41' . tOni , 3137c .
IJII. 41,101' , ; COast ul ) . 3\"i'7 \ , ISII. ! ; G1rll .
III1JI:6-\o'11I I I I : , 11 ' 1 5t , ; n n'.l New 0 ; I eniis : E"-
10"1..1. 4' I" CS III" , 'HHI' ' ; Jlurnll8 , ' .n's dry . :3
10 ' 21 hIts J3I1h. : ' ' ( 'tIII 11'1' . :1 I. 30 ib' . . . 78)
; \:1' .
\TllrIt-I'rl1l : ; 1l\'lIIluk role . Jucn.stni' .
Ihl , 10 II\'I' ) ' iitgins . IG'i1IS , ' .
\\'IIII.-l'leal' ' ) ; lIIIII.sllc mle' e . ICt : l' ; pulll'
l fJ : c
.iI.\'UHON- . h'l"I ) : ( latin ) . 'IMt'Jft
l..0 I : .111'1I In , " ' . . $7.5\ . . JI..r htannn' . I .IO.
'kd. $ .r.ov 10.0) I ; vity , ulln indIa 11I1'.1. $ IC 00"
Ib.f ) . e' .iL 1n.'at8. 1.11'11I ; ph'klt'.1 1..llleo. I ' I GfG' . . .
Pink ie.i .4nttu iii ' ' . . 5c ; 1I11'llh'll iii Irs . GfIG'.j \
I.llnl. I 11111 el. , . .tl'rn alr n , nil ! c'luhI' III i 51 O ( insenl ' .
. ' , h' " . : : r.i ) I i"t . . ' . s III $ G.'J . ; I'll I ) ' III iH I . . Ithan I'h.
$7. 11 111I(11'Aln ' \ : ! ' . $7. 10 . IlCoII1111. , t III1lI. rnnr'i.n' ,
I' ' : r'in.nnt $7.I it ) ; H. A. . $7.73 ; l'IIIlIllInn < . r.1 ( fr.l' .
i'nnrk III III , lIew fliers 113.5104 ' ' I3..e ; r/tI1lIl ) ' , 112.2 ;
8) r 12.75 I : 011101'1 ticar $ I.ut/ ' I m.
IIlUj'flIIFIIIII I I : ( : ii "OINU dint ) ' , (01 ; lh' ; wt't
1'1'11 C"'UII"'I' ' . llf I 1) . " ' r"cl..r ) ' , IOn 12' , 1lglnu. :
Ic. I ' : IIIIHall" I " en " " muir ' ) ' . hni lle ; hlall i .1.lhr. 10fJ
17' ' ; , : stale , 'HUn1 ' ) . . .lni . Utjl lIe.
( 'htRilt4l1.Ouit'i t : 011.1. . laige . 81iltp' ! ; annsii ;
01)11" ; I"rl ,11110. ! 'jIjOtc ' . full .kllll. . 11 , ( : ' .
1'Otlll-\\"l..k ; ; IIII" 111111 I''nllo ) Imnlu. 1111 lIe :
tYrl'ICI ( ! ! resin. ! : hlt'1t ' : sitnnlttrmn . U\.2ti )4c ; Ie.
reti't ' $ . ' . . _ 61,1'1. , ' ,
1'01'A'1'01 - . ' ' .Ift' ' ) ' . lI.r.lO : N'w
Viol. ( fI.S7fj'I ; MIIIII" . (2lIOJI.7I ( ; swceis . * 1.i3
\I.I.o\\-I"lnrwr ; I' 1t171.c ; ( 01:1' \ ) . f'.81 iS7c.
1t1':1I" I I nil : ci nit Inn ti . C > 1I1111011 10 good 1. \.lO
V 1.1:7.
1'l'HI'IN'J'ISI : : 1'11'11I , 3j10tJ7n. ' .
iilhi-54ieninlr . ' \"I \ otlr. t.llr3 1 , extr.r . (
C' , < . JDIJt. . 4'tiS'n'
) IOJ.\S : - liimniy Iwl.\ New Orleans open
isitln' . II11.,1. I . . . . 3.1l3' .
OIt.UI' : 1"11'I11. l..iilftnrnitn . S.rJti3. $ . II"
.II" : . t 3 5ti5 ' 4..0 .
1'1:1'1:1.11.1. ! . 21 : , 111'11:11 , t'lIl1ell .IClS a II U. 1.
\\/\-h'n"on. b'l . S. ndmtin'ni'rton % : . lilk
$4 ' r.o. "tnlnll' ' : reflne.1. JieN'olk. . $6. . . . 1'1,1111-
t..llhlll , antI 1Il1l1lmorl' : $6.0 : l'hllndl'llhlll anti
IInllllll"I'I' . In hulk H.M. $
ztiSTIg -l'l : trim , \\cn.14. Scoiht $ I.fl0a2).00 '
. 'tn'rlrRn , U.r"fll2.M.I1' ' ' . r. iiientdy . broker
"riel' $9.37I . l.eatl fiIfli'l hrohn Irlct' . U
Tin 1lnle. 111111. I 't '
( l'UTTONIII U Olt.-hiaprtetl that II , lp mker.1
hate bought I.lemt.I.III lately fr future
Wants . but .lrl1lall.1 h" III.t been rl'rtccle.1 In
I'rlre'p. , . ' little exert . . .mnn'I'rlme ; erode .
22c ; oft rnlill' . 20f12lC5lMtno ) .umllll'r ) 'elitlW .
2Ge ; oft umll1l'r ) 'ello2.fi211e. . nominal : Vt.lloiv
hull'r griules . 2P4it2St : l1Tltne slimmer white .
lIt ! . lIomln/ll.
L ,
IUIAUA IHSIUt.1. : . IAIt1C1t'1.
Cmulllion of Trl\do - RIIII ( UnntRtlnn , on
'Ill\pln and l'iil't. : \ I'roiknco.
IX10 - . I'er tit " ? . 1'1 ' . :
lIUTTlm-Cullrol tockj GRId ; common 10 tl1lr.
lOot ; fair to good OUI'IIl' . ii8)I2c : choice to
fancy . 131l1r.e gathered creamer ) ' . lie ; eel'nrnlor
creamery . ISInc. 1
1.1\1' : l'Ot'I.Tn\-lIen . 7t1 e : 'ounK roo.
leflt. 61' , , lurks. 8e : turksyri . 04J9e ; he\ ' ) ' tents
7c : geese . Se.
JllnKRIt I'Ot'I.TltY"hlrkon. . fair 7'"e :
ciiolr'n' large , ( ( ( Slur ! : choice enmail 9HOc ! , lurkl' ) " ! ,
fair 10 good. 8I,4Jl0e \ ; choIce hen ) ' . 1011101 :
rholcl' munch . lIiI2c : ducks . fair Ion gnotl . 7nS. :
fancy . rllll droser' . I. lOifIlt' ; ar-se . lair to 0",1.
il8e ( ; fancy . full tiressetI 1011 lIe
UA1I1I-lIlul' : wing lI'nl. Ier .Iox. . $ 1.50 :
g reni "llIg tcil lIce doz . U.2. 1I.rrl ; , IIICk . ,
raised I IInz. . I.00l1.2.i ; enn'uslonc1 . t1oo ; '
r..llo ; ntntllaris anti reti 1 haitls , $2.)113.0 ' : smnll
rabbits COCt : Jark rahinits TIe ; equirni'is . 6 ) e.
AL-l1lolee tot 70 In lIlt Ills. , are I'(1I01"t al
C(16'.c , large nnll coarse . 3i14c. :
CIIP.ISI . - " 'I.e"n.ln rllll eeOI11. Young Amerl.
cnnLq . 131' : twine . 12e \ ; Nehrnalul mimi , I \\\'n. filII
rreUIl1. lie ; anti . 1"\10. hart ' i'ktmiis . 7f"
Fe ; Llnibtlrgt'r . No.1. lie , brick , Nil 1. lIe :
1I\\'lo . No . I. n 1.0. ,
Y-U..lnnlt litny . S : i : II1ldlnnll. U M ; lowland
$8 ; rye ritnto % ' . $5.rol : color IIInke Ih"ll'lee on
hay. 1.Ihl .hnMs sell the Oat ) ' tOl' grades
bring top ' PriceS. "
I'IOIOlIcI-l : er , thai . U.
vie : I7TAIfldS.
I'OTATOI'S-\\'eslern : slock. car 10\8. 7c ; small
101. . Ioi .
OI.U 11\\ S-1Innd licked . 1111$2 : 1.lma
b"'lI1s. Ier IIJ. . Lle.
ONIONH-On or.lers. l. : ) 1I.M : her bbl. . $ 3.
l'AIlIt.OIOn : orthers 21n.$125'c , .
( 'I'\-I'nllr"nln. 8e\/I. .
as'nn'i' I : l'TA5'O1H-Ool ( stock $2.M ; J\nn.
ens. : . 12.0)012.25 ! ) , . ,0'eti. , _ _ J.2i1l2. .
" " " ' " - ' " " ' ( InS . I. " ) .
l'AIIIIOTH-l'err inhr . $1.1.
CAt'l.n'I.OWIJH-Per crate or a 'lox and half
or two , Ioz. $2.2
1I0ltHI:1t.\JSH-t'er : 110. G0t'7c.
I'A 1tS II'fI-I'N' .
- hI" . S2.
HP'1'A IIAO.\H-I'.r lb. . 1e. .
I'\IIHI.E\-Pt'r Ioz. hunches. 3c
TI'IINII'H-I'l'r ItIti . . $1.00.
SPINACH-Per bId . hIt ) .
I'P.A IIR-Wlllier NeliIs . inane .
AI'I'I.IS-Choleu slocl ; . * 4,75037,00 ; box nip-
files ' $2.
CII.\NIIIIUUr.S-.r..rscy. ranC1. . [ , ) t2.0)
per IJhl.
OJt.\NOJ R-l"lol'hlns. 1"1' box , U.r.o 3.7i : Cull-
tornln htetlhinnids n.75 ; faiicy nll\'ltl $3.8) , ) .
lIANANAS-l.'hnlre stock $2.0iIt12.51) ) ocr hunch.
LRMONH-1nlest.inas. sizes :100 10 86) ) . choice
U. U ; fancy . U.7fIVn
OYiiTflltS-Medium . per caum ICc : iirriesltoee .
2Qe : extra 8111111lnI' 21c : f'xll'l1 decill. 25c , COlli'
Jlnn aelccts. 26c ; New York counts. be : bulks
standard per giti . $1.30.
F'IGS-lxtrnt fancy lGe ; fancy . Hc : choice 1211
lIe ; enllforl1ln. bugs . 7c.
HONIYNI'w'Ullc. . ICc : dark . lie : Califounla
MAI'I.E R\'l1l'P-Gallon jugs . per In. . $12 ;
hiItty. O'gnl. cans . $ 3.
NI'TfI-Allllllnds. tIc ; t7iiglsli ) wnlnul . aotl.
shelled l2o , nitnntthnrds JOe : illinert Sin9c ' : Brazil
flirts Sr.
8AUE1t t'UA tlT-holce white. per hbl. . 55.50 :
per half bun . 5t.00013.23. '
MINC\ MIA1.-'nllc . In ha'C ' hhls. per Ih. I
0c ! : 10-lnl. Itegs . Gc ; eo.llells.'d. per case or 3 !
loz. p1118. 250.
CIJI U-Pur. itnice . npr,1,1.1. ) . $5 , halt bbl. . $1.
\'jit"'i'\J.I.O\\ \ .
1I1111fI-Na. 1 green . hides , 31G/4c ' / ; Nn. 2 green
hilnit's 3e : Nil. 1 1:1''en .nl\,1 hid. . . Sn' : Nn. 2
lT'el'lll sailed hhle. 41..e : Nit 1 green pnll"1 . ( hides .
2 ' 10 40 ills. . re : Nil. 2.f"1n salted ititles 25 10
4' ) ' lie . 4\e : No. I Seal calt. 8 10 17 Ihs. . Sc ; N" .
2 veal calf 8 10 15 ) Ih" 1 0- , ; No. 1 dry 11I111 itlties .
Ce : No. 2 dry flint hIftfs ? , ' ic . : Nn. I niry anl\el
hl ll' ' , c ; part cured lldfs 'e 1'1'1' lb. less titan
fully rur.'II. "
HHEIJI' pgl.TR-Gre "sallod. :
- n . cacti 2iGOc :
green snl\,1 .hl'arllll ( oh"tl woolNt enrl ' skins , .
eticir M115c : IIry slnenrllriqs ( short wool..J early
skins ) . Nil. I. . 'aelr . [ 03i0 , . dry sitearlhnics ( short
woolet early "klnp ) . No : ; 2. each c ; tll' flint
Kansas and N'loraskn ult1ler ' , wool 1'1'118.
ii , . actual weigint . lOjGcnir ; ) ' hint Kansas anti
NI'hra.kllIIurmln ovpo.jiehts. ! per Ih. . actual
oeigIit. 411f.c , dry 111111 ) : , 'Iomllo butcher wool
Jclls. p..r lb. . actual , ' c FaJnt. 4116'4.c : dr ) ' flInt
l'llorntio IIIUrl'llJtI wOHI 4'1'lla. per lb. . actual
werglnt . .4fIGe.
TAI.I.OANI GfiHAt1ITallo ( . Nil. 1. 4c :
tallow . 27n ) . 2. 3'.e : Ifrea..l white A. 3 a H.c :
grease . white 11. 30 : : rt.sdyc.iiow . 3k' ; grease
thank 2'.O03e : 01 hutler. 2j2e \ ; beesivax prIme .
17fj20e : rough tallow . 2cr ; . '
t.'UnS-Deor , hlnek , No. 1 large $20.M' ( 2i.0) ;
No. 1 meJhulI. S15 ; Nil. 1 .sntiahl . S8.0Jfil0.00 ; hear
I black yearlings. No. I large. SIZ.OOfj'Ii.M : No I
nienhium $10 : No. 1 small 17 : hear lnlat'k cuhs.
No. 1 IIII' ' . S6.ooIil8.00 ; No. 1 medhnirn 55.00736.0) :
No. 1 amnII. U : bear black Mnnlnna Ulllt nncky
IIIl1unlnlll. No. 1 large . 15.007321.0) ' : No IIII"dlulII ,
$14 : No.1 small $10 : lpnI' . hlacl' . Menlnna year-
lings. No.1 large $12 : No. t inetiIuni $0 : No.1
omnll. $ : : b'nr. blllrie. MOlllnna cuia . No 1
large $6.i0 : No. 1 ntiedium Uf.O : No. 1 small.
$3 ; hear' silver tIn , . No. I large $20 : No. 1
medium $12 : No. 1 IImnll. $8 : h nr. silver tIp
'purlll1gs. No. 1 lurle. SII : No. 1 medium $ S :
No. 1 entaIl S. : hear , silver tin . cube No. I
large ' . $ G : No. I IIIC.\lulII. $ . : : Nil. 1 plI\lI. $3 :
bear brown No. I large . ' 2'.00' ' } 2.00 : No. I
nelllulII. $1G : No.1 small $12 : Itar brown ) .ar _
IIn19. No. 1 large. $10.00\112.00 : No.1 nietllum $8 .
No. 1 small $ G : hear browlI. cubs . Nn. I large
$1 ; No. 1 nwdlum. $ ri : NOI. 1 snnnlI $3 ; Inailger
Nil. I large . SI.IIljl.GO ) : No. 1 medium Ole ' : No.
small SOn : fisher No. 1 large . f8 : No. 1 medIum ,
SC : No. 1 small $4 ; fox . silver . ns to color nc-
cording 10 beau I ) ' . No. 1 large . $1'JO : No. I
medium. SGO : No. 1 8111nll. $20 : fox cross . No. 1
large $7 : No. I menliunt . $3 : No. 1 small S2 :
fox , red . No. 1 large . I.W : No. I medium $ t.25 ;
No. 1 smull. I ; fox gray No. S large . lIe : No.
t medlul1I. mc : No. 1 entail 40c : fox kits . No. I
large , SOn : No. 1 medium 400 : Nn. 1 small lOc :
I'nx. No. 1 lal'lI' $3 : No. I l1Ieelhtln. 12 : No 1
small I.r.o : marten , No. t large U : No. I ntis-
nlinnnii SI.f.o ; No. I amall. I , mllile. No.1 large ,
GO@G ; No. 1 medIum 4'e ' : No. 1 saraH 35c :
mink. dank Nil. 1 large . 61.e : Nil I niedltnm 40c ;
Ne. I HI1IIIII. lOc : Jllounlaln lion perfect hrail
antI feet No. 1 Inre. SU.OOIfrIZ.OO : inipenfect skins
56.00737.00 : No. t small $5 : otter , pale. No. I
large . $1 : No. 1 rnenllum $ 5 : No. 1 Hmall. I :
raccoon No. I lare. 60737)o : No. I medluni 600 ;
No. 1 entaIl lIe ; raccoon black as tll beauty
No. 1 large . GOe @ $2.00 : .kunk. black cased nar
nl\v strll.I. Nil. I large . bOo : No.1 medium 40e :
No. 1 small 2c : pkllnk. broad itiripeti No. 1
large , 20fi2c1'01 ; , 'erl n. . No. 1 largp. U : No. I
mnt'nlium $3 ; No. 1 small $2l'olr. : . mountain No.
1 large . S3 : Nil. 1 mplIum. , 12 : No. I small $1.00 :
wolf Ilrulrh' . No. I large C : : ' ) e : No. 1 mcdlum.
GOe : No. 1 small 40c ; beaver . nor skin No. 1
InrHl' .00'ii6.00 ; No 1 medium , $4.50 : No 1
sl1lllll. S2 : beater kIts . No I Inrll' $3 ; No. t
IIII'dllll1l. I.M : No. 1 email 7c : l1Iuslcmles. , win.
ler ( , No I large , 81ill0c : No. 1 nntedluni ge : No. 1
smnrahl 7c : rutnekiats ' tnll. Nil. I large , 4(1Ce : Nn. 1
rnedtunn 7e : No. I small Ce : lIIu.krlll ltils . 2738c.
Share SIpculnUun11 - : Fairly Acttvu tel'
'lI.nrd"1 . RIIII nrn"r"tl11'oIrllll ) .
Ng'Ollii. . .IlIrrh 16.-1'111' sitar ' , ' eltecala-
UIIII W.1K rulrl ) ' met lv" for Itn t Ui . tIn ) ' 111111 general I ) '
" In 1011. . t hi" IlIIpm'plllenl i heinli' nnlnl )
111" 10 pur.IU."s for Ihe .h /II'l"lIlIl. . although
titem'e \V'm h01ll1' nlillOI'S Ih.,1 ItPlm radars m were
bin ) Inig. 1.1l1111ulI Iron rn's a eec 1I1"ln III the I niar'
kt't 1 nnar seller ' n'hienh ' ' ' ) how
' p. 1'1111'11) "t 141. l'nrtnh oo'iiici
n''n'r. , " ' ' " \ eti , n'irrnirg local PIII'PO/I. IInll glint
i 1'1' I ' ' rl'lIl nil U" 1111) Th ' marll.1 IIJI"m',1 In
gttitnl I tone , . 1111.1'l'hll ' Ih'm t on "I I' nln'Cl Pies fill
" " 11" chain . 's Ih" t reniti . ) or its I'rlrell8 ( Ino..I\ '
III lire IItCI'UIIII ( lit hheher ) iigurn' . In tit' lah'
,1,11111:9 I Ih'I''aJl i pOllle l'rull I I zing . hUI the ann r -
111'1 1'111..1 rlllrl y "Irnlt ) . lit II ItT Cit ) ' o'Iwrul tti'
"un < ' " ion Ih , ' .Ia ) .t 14,73 I' . I.el' I'll i t. lIa I y Rlatl' (
UUtl Is dllwl1 Tj per tent , I'nlldll I'\cltk .
111'1' 'Ani ; 14111111' un,1 111'.1,11111 , . tL. ; Jar 1'111 : 01'1
NO'I\'III.I : I 1"1' l'I'ItI. on'l I } . few other .halr' n " II
RIII/lII true \Ill. I . 'l'hll 12 qnlj'itg l .llIrltll tin , ' wl'"I ,
lies been mId IL'.J by I4nfr.nsnI : tnci I vii ) ' . InlIt '
Iht' sante 1111I1' I Iho rti IJJlbtloll IluII itt' 1 , " i "I' " )
1I''luI8r. 1I11'II11'nill of 1' . .elllnll ' grail Inter'
cHI Ilal' hneen nomle.1 lUll Ihe six In ) . . 'h1el
" "Hlnr.1':111'11 : . here I\I''eUlI:1I IIr line JI".t'IH .t
! ntii nrlia tinnr . \ \ 'Ii.ii era I'nlol1. , ill I'"ul IIl1'l Nsa
\1111 [ " ' 1111'111 t r"IIII"tnf.rtsJ' ; oct 011 ni lI'id"l,1 I ,
" 1l1eotloll . III I tint' cast's ot tHe ' I .utn , I lIul I New
3'nni't : 1'111111 n I Ih ( , ' re"ulIlI ( " .J' . ' III nintin lit nn nil i'ern'
los.i. etl t..I' wllh tints lelj'.1 riFlut' SI fl'rl'l was III I I , .
wllh I Ulllt" nil , III tine 'I\rlll\I ; I. h" Inlen. ( which (
lu cein t'ose tins r"rl'.IOllwell c"rl''I'tl . at
lint ( I.IIInl . ! dl-eIUIIIII'.n , I'NI hut 11111. ' chT-i't ant
I . utah lt'I . Ihe i 1I1111"is 141\ lilt as u.1I1I1 ; d. .
( ' 0110(91 . lire rulu' ' _
'J'hr 1".lr Inlde'r / ' 'rD1 nullllllnln ! 1'1 I
in m et sit . "w\nl \ I' i It . 'IUI-.ze or ' 1'01 , , ' , 'ht. 1 I. ' .
t'n'tved , rl'Ol Ih , aulIr te.Ut' . 1\1)111' ; I..k " itt'
hail In . i" , nl .t nor 11\ IItl.o1IJ ninre4dIr " .nles . .1
Ihp ii't't'it 'a'hll1l : SIn 701 situ . I 's. 'rhl' < 1f.l/'lh
"r irtnrta ( I . c".t'I' n .ulI..1 III 11I"IIlnIh' i .or Is I
t".1I1 . .11. I. 171 ! ' t . . cttytj h'II" . whleh t'n \ IIlunl I
Itt , 1'141. ' ( . . II \ ' \ < ' 11.1. nil : nd i'turee IIr"r \ < 1.111.
Inllhl.r" 111011 r"intne , .t tile Itruilis ulIl I this \I'lu\lll\ '
11lII.d III a 1"1\1 "U , 1\1 III % . . 'fh' sti.'Itni h
IIr I iii' , .ultD" IUIII 1111IIn nuiai kt'i. 1..1'.10 n IIr ) I nit.
111'1I",1 1"1' 1'01'10. Ih- t r"'lIutt..1I ' t I lit n h' i ' .
t tn tot rants cna i 1"1 lil ; < II"I1" : 111".I . ' " ' ! ' lit Itll
'un"'lIwnl ' ie'In I : ) ; I " 'h"11 by line "lhl11elto , ( 11.11
. antis is , ' r , ' p' i I fn.1uro at 0 Ins I Iuuit'nv''ll
"I'N'uIIII ; , , . I111"ul1\)11 i''llrl < 1"\1'1\1 n ) 01515
10111.1..1) h"'o,1 tInt ! 11"1'1'1" ? . ' . sit en t.iig ) I.
II" I n , 'nor ur the mIlan I. i a. 10 Iho ( l.r..hal l' action
Ion nIne 1111'1 1.01'1. . Ins e"'I"/lII' flU'sI ' in , . s . . .t
n hi's IllIn' lIIIP'III'C.1 .r Ire m % 1'.n' i ' ' ' II' i : iret "I.
I.dnl 9\ \ . . 03L arid it54 , the stecOt tar' IcIng t.
t'A.ii'ltinqnI. , innd n'euosen ing It' .nj7. N'ii
Inglit.t.i . on go'si hlt'Iflg nu'veI op fno.nn 2i.I no
4i . ierg Pitt ' : n p"r rs'tnt of lit" I mn'.n : ' nit at.
'i'hi.'n e have i''ii nit' dent-I Illinois I ii iii 5 nlt'k
nund m Inc flIdtVt'nlis'ti I i li..n cii is t1rarege' u iircrsnI
I in , I ho 1,0 n I'll' I ; tec'u i.i n ni a lu relta.- ' . . .
'lint' m n ants t.l&'ni ltel al t in I Inc hi ttl it. ' a tna i'ai
in in nht Ii'ti e I i-err ' .s i I SI" ) ' nIelilt t rr ni itavts nan's
n''t aide lenin os't'nui'nt. ois'lnig to i he strcetrs.
fttl . .Ittst Ia 10 i.n'hni ; , it.ut e.libniti' ( et l.nic.'s . f
I bItt P'lattnI't. I I r ( hintg 'u .1 e ) . inns tin. ' I attn'r Inn
( tics i' of tlnt' nt'ares , ceiling ill , :
J't' L'eiut t'i Ii t4ni , ) , , till hut ( i or ceit
of t Ito alvin itce , 'l'it 1.S4nd , , of f in's rnit'l u.n t' . . it's
u'ar ) k ; nut ; 'ci nit ia ilittt'i , ' ' ( In ( V itic'tt Is n e
gni'd.'l us irit CtI'IIA lital i : . n'i.a' t ii nu.s. . ' '
hunt itt au , ' . ' I' 1 1 ti 51Cr' ' ; f .1 as loon
.I"re. ' ) ' ( 'cute I JlIn'ls'sl It' . ' t ' ( I ( te n tin . . I
lcetht fm. ' ' t i' it " ' . ' I ' non" " '
' ( In' . itn'.l " 't ' ' ' " I ' . ' I '
1r ' I , i' I f Ii
"a I 'I I' . ' I , , tI'I- ,
( lii' annual statement It ) ' tcann of no quorirm ntt
the -itmuntial nnisn'ttng eallel for Friday. The stuck
Cltsuesi I h't'r cent flbOVt' the lowest point tnucle.I.
The ittntl nittinket wits etI0'c. totla ) ' , the total
tales being 8063,00) . The distiling was at tIme's
irregular , l'ut the ciqIn ir..ilng was mittirked
19' t'nsi&ienthte shrengtht tnt the' actIve issune's.
(1 ove'rnniient lsnn4 were In reOult'tnt thnsunghottt
thus week nnot sales were mask' nnioinnthng to
1379.800. The new Is were trtutieil In frrely
at from tl9i to 120 , wltlr ( Itt' final tn'sns.octhomts lit
hi $ ' ( .
The following were the closnog : quohsitlt'n , cut
thur. leading stocks of the Now York exchange
today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Atcirittori. . . . . . . . . . . : i ( Ii. 1' . . 1) . k (1 . . . . . . 'I
Adannna Exltre.ti l'ti gortliwostero. . . . .
Aihon , 'F , It . . . . . . 5114 24. V. lifti . . . . . . . . .
Aur. 73xpress III N. \ ' . Ccnirl . . . . . .
Ilnittnnoro & OhIO , 13 N. V. &
Caniad'i l'.tcitie , : l7 $ flntan'lo & W. . . . . . .
Caiiasha Sotithintir. , 15,4 Otn'gon itrip. . . . . . . . II )
Ce'titrtil Pacitte. 1741retroui ( Nay , . . . . . . IS
CItes. In Ohio . . . . . . lilt5 1) , I. , , l tJ , N. . 4t
Chult'titIO Altoni. . . . . 1.lit I i'tneinic Mail. . . . . . 22
C. , 11. , I Q. . . . . . . . 7ti ) I' . I ) . & I. . . . . . . . . . P
Clnicago lati. . . . . . ' 1018 l'ittabtnr , . . . . . . . . . . ISP
Conrsolldatto.i Gas. 1:1211 : i'nihironn ! I'aiace. , 1S
C. . C. , C. &St. li 3iit'lt.itsllnq. ( ' . . . . . . . . . . .
0010. Co0i lrni , , It. (3. IS' . . . . . . . . . . . . I ( lO
Cotton Oil Cert 2 P.4 II. (3.V' , t'f.i. . . . . . . 4m :
1)eian'anl Iluti. , 1'2lt1 ( hoclt Isltid. : ) . . . . . . 0210
lId. . Lack. ,0 V. 1SIl ) . St. l'anrl . . . . . . . . . . .
U. & It (1. hf. . . . . . : i4 do hiftI. . . . . . . . . . . I 17
I ) , .t C. F. Co. . . . . . . I I 4 St. 1' . , ' . Oimthra. . . , : ; n'
gria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704 thu nit. : . . . . . . . . . . . lop
rho itt. . . . . . . . . . . III Sotrthrc'rri Prcitle I 704
Fon'tV.iytuo. . . . . . . . 1.5404 SnIgar lL' flmnerv. , , , lt7j
1 ; , Nortterii ) uI. , 1112 Teunui. Coal & Iron I 44
I : . , ' F , I. tftl. . . . . ss4 Te'cn' . I''ielhle. . . . . .
Iiockitig Valley . . 2' . 14 T. & 0 rout , lit. 7P
II lhuoiti ( 'etitral . . , ) l t litton 1'tci , lie 14 l
St. I' . .t Itillithn . , , 21) ' ti S. IpreMs . . . . . . 40
lO , & P. i'tI . . . . . . . . 24 V.St. l. ) I' . . . . . .
Lake Erie & West III .ini 'pftI. . . . . . . . . . . .
thu 1,1,1. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 S'cllti argo } x 111:1 :
Lakut Shornn. . . . . . . . lPtfl5 iVn'tornt liiitoit . .
i.ettl : Truitil . . . . . . . Phi Wineelinig & I. i : , 11115
LouIsville Ic N 37i ! rio nit.i. . . . . . . . . . . 8111.4
I , . .t N. A. . . . . . . . . . 004 ) l t _ ) i. l . . . . . . . . . . 25
? .Innh.nttiuiCoii : . , , , , lOIS I ) . , ¼ It. U. . . . . . . . . 104
) icniioltiti It U. . . . . . 1 I ) (0. I" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: .iiciiIgaui Ccitt . It 14 N. li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111(4 (
) Iisqt(1r1 l'tnclhlc 2(1 ( 0. i" . & I. . . . . . . . . . . .
Ittiiilo ! In OInIO . 1 2 ( s do ltfnt. . . . . . . . . . . 5(1
NtlrviIlo : Chat . , tlt : II , . ' 1' . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
b'ittotial : Cordage , 514 ' 1' . A. A. & N. .t. . , 1)4
do ptd. . . . . . . . . . . 1400 V St. h. : ' K. C. . , , 3
N , .1. Cn' . . . . . . 01.t dolirl. . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7 , . . , . , W. nifi. . . . . . . . 114 8 , IL. 11. . . . . . . . . . . . lO' (
Nttrtlr . ' , nt , (70 . . . 2i ( IL ) ilist. . . . . . . . . . . . : t2tt
Nortlnerir I'actfio , , ) L ( Alni. 'l'iti. Co. . . . . . Illi
No.t'an'nfi. . . . . . . 14's ' nb nit Inp
The total sate's of tisciL to itt ) ' werl )
Ruames , inirluci hg : niericinni ( 'tnt ( 'In Oil , 2.65) ) ;
. \ nni"n'leani Sthgar. 10,045) ; Artiert ann Tstltitr'eut , 3,3 I' )
! i ) i'tu1t ( . las 1SX ; Istiillrig ) ' ( nttiere.'diri'i ,
i , 40) ; ( isnu'nni flh'ci rhe. 37551 ; Ktn liars & T''Xtls
Itrefen'i , 2,05) ; New Jersey 1' nrtn'al. 3,2.JO ; New
% 'ntm-It t'etitnnl. 4,8Ot ) ; New 'ork .0 N.'w iuiglanti.
titirti nMstit'sniuc'rlt lit I. . 4 7(0 : Ll . I 'in UI , till I ;
iOtnnthprn , 2,101 ; t0outiien'n Itreferreci , 1.300 ; Wheel'
Irig & I.alct' RrIe , 1,50' ) .
Now ' , nrk .1urnuy tItirhiet.
NI7' i'OIIR , MaccOn 1G.-atONIlY ON CtL1-
Ntsitiiniahiy 1' Iter ccItt.
l'ltlMg 2.Imlt1'\Ni'il.l I'AIIlt-3 : ° 5cj51 per
S'l'lltI.1NG 17XCh1.NGli-QtnIet , itut fin itu. wiiln
IletutLi ) usness : lIt tttnnhci'rs' inhilti ntt $1.t'J141h1.8'104
fttr denuianti oniti at $ t.80731.SS' . rttr sixho' ninyat ,
Ittesttoi nntes. $ l.184l.50 ; comnitencial bIts , 51.t7
( jj 4.S7. , .
Sh1's'fll ( CIltThI'ICATIS-Ole ; no salt's.
hi'olt S11't'EII-Gi'iLe' .
? .t1..xjr.N : 1)OII.A11S-i004e.
( IOln't'IINMRNT 1iONtt0-I'Irnn ; state itttnitl ,
tltr II naIl rttnai It.nnis , stnng.
Closing qUotatiotiu Ott tsontis seers as follows :
11. S. 45. ri'g. . mow. I 1)134 ) I ) . 0 , It , U. 7s. . . . . . 1 1 10 *
(7. 5. 'is 'ounlt. nI010' 1 1 1)141 I ) . , it. a. Its. . . . . . 8ili (
U. S. Its. icy. . . . . . I I 004' ' I'rlnt 2ttti. . . . . . . . . . . 55)4 )
U. S. iS'scounp. . . . . . I lP ) ( U. It. , cc S. A. lbs 301
U. S. 4areg. . . . . . 111 0 , Ii. , ts , A. 7a , . . lilt )
I , , S. 4s.cotip. . . . . . 1121.4 Ii. .l 'r. u. s . . . . . 1OPt
U. S. 2s. ro . . . . . . . itS do ( ins. . . . . . . . . . . . 1OI !
IacitiC ( is of ' 1)5 ) , it ) ) ) N. IC. & 'I' . 1st 4's 8314
Ala. Class A. . . . . . 1(11 ( nb 2. Is . . . . . . . . . . ' 18
Ala. Class 11. . . . . . . 305 ) huntuil Unlonn Os. I 12
Ala. Class C. . . . . . . 05 N. .1. 0. (7eii , S's 81 1(4 (
Ala. thnrrcncy. . . . . 03 No. I'ac. 1sia . . . . . . 112 (
La. New Con. is Oi)4 do2tl . . . . . . . . . .
? tlhsnaotiri ii' . . . . . . . loll N. W. Contiol's. . . . . 1394
N , C. Os. . . . . . . . . . . . 127 do S. F. Deb. Sti , 301) )
N. C. 4'i. . . . . . . . . . . . 101 It. (1.'tttt. . lutist 01104
S. C. niouifnintt I 04 St. 1. Consolin is . I : itt r
Tenri. niewjiet Os 8l do C. It 1. IV. Oti 101)
Temiti. nun' set bus liii ) Sn. L. & h.M.4en , 5 77
'rotimr of. os. . . . . . . ill ) St. L. .lt S.i" . GinO , 10:354 :
Va. Centilrloi. . . . . 5I04 Tt' . 1'.tc. l'sts. . . . . lid
do uioferred 504k (10 2ti't. . . . . . . . . . . 2:010 :
Aiclttsioir 'Is. . . . . . . 01)4 U. I' . l'01i or 'lid 103
Uo2d A. . . . . . . . . . ItOO'eSt Sitoro 4s. . . . . 101
Canlatlil SO. :2.ts. : . , 100 So , IL 11. . . . . . . . . . . 801
0. 1' . lattior " 35 lOO4n
mroatoni Stock ( ) ( tottitloiii.
bOSTON , ! tlart'it 101.-Call loans , 4 nar cetit ;
tinnrc baits. 411P per cCitt. Cioting prices for
stocks. bonOs nut. nnioing tilnarost
A. ' .1' . &S. l' : t30 W. 171cc. n'i ' . . . 'LIJ5I5 } I ( ij
Atti. Sugar. . . . . . . . . (1714 VIs. Ct'ittral. . . . . . . :104 :
, % rii. Sugar oft ! . . , ui : tjenn. 171cc , oft..04(007
lOi * ' State Gas Ifli Atclrtttti 2de , . , , 17)4 )
leiIToIenultomte 109 Atelnisoti Its. . . . . . .
11081011 , It Albany 2(17 ( Non' Eniglarol Os , 30014
Boston &Mainie 1011 Get , . Electric Pa . . , 1370 ,
dopfd. . . . . . . . . . . . 151 OVis. Cent. isis. . . . .14)4
'C. H. & Q. . . . . . . . . . . 71)04 ) Atlnumitic. . . . . . . . . . . . ti
i'itciibttrtc. . . . . . . . . . 81 iloMtnut . ) c Montana ; ntj ;
Gent. lOlectrlc..20(4t Ihutto & lIo'itoti. . , I )
Mexican Cenntr.rI , 710 Caltunnet .lc Ilecla 2711
N. V. & N. IC. . . . . . . 34 Cenitenttial. . . . . . . . Si )
Old Colou' . . . . . . . . 1711(4 ( Fn'ntikllii. : . . . . . . . . . . 11)4
Ore. Shnort Limo , 414 lCoan'rnn'go. . . . . . . . . . 7)4
ittnijber. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41) ( isceola. . . . . . . . . . . . 21)
Unileti l'aciilc. . . . . 5,18 , Qut iric' . . . . . . . . . . . . Into
SS'ostlOnil . . . . . . . . . . ( II 'luinitirack. . . . . . . . . . 138
do pitt. . . . . . . . . . . . 57 'o1vcritte. . . . . . . . . . 254
tVetntiurtrliElec. . . . :13 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
San lrrntrtciico MinIng ttitcsc'c ( uotatIoa' .
SAN FRANCISCO , 2tztroh 10.Tito orhiclal cbs-
lug uotattonis for rmiiruitt sto1c8 today were as
follows :
AIta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Justice. . . . . . . . . . . 17
AlpltaCoit. . . . . . . . . . 81 ICentiuciny Cent 4
Anfieti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Stexlearn. . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Ocloiter. . . . . . . . . . . 42 Mount fliablo. . . . . . II )
Ucst & llolchor , . , , 87 Navalu . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Liodio Corn. . . . . . . . . . Ill ) Ocetcheirtal Con , 5
Ii ulliotu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Opir Ir. . . . . . . . . . . 1711
Iittio't' Con. . . . . . . . . 22 Overfish. . . . . . . . . . . 14
( 'aneclontia. . . . . . . . . . In ) I'otost. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Clrallonge Corn. . . . . : ts Savago. . . . . . . . . . . . : ott
Chtonnir. : . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 ScorpIon. . . . . . . . . . . Ii
Confidence . . . . . . . . . 185 Sierra Nevada , , . . , Si )
Con. CnI : , lt Vi . . . , , 2131) SIlver 11111. . . . . . . . . 4
COn. lOew York 1 Union Cons. . . . . . . . . 114
Crown Point . . . . . . 41 lhialnCon. . . . . . . . . . U
Gould , tt Curry . , , , 40 Yellow Jacket , 01
Halo , tt Nororoans 103 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Silver bu's , ( lIS4hil54c. Mexicatn dollars , 110(403 (
Sic. Drafts , sight , 704c ; telographnic , iOn
Now York Itthiting Jnrolatlomom.
NIOW YORK , Marohi 15.-Tue followltn ara ( its
oionniniminlnig qnnolationns * :
lititwur. . . . . . . . . . . . 114 tlrtarlo. . . . . . . . . . 7.50
Cluobor , . . ' . . . . . , : . , , 41) ( ) plntr. . . . . . . . . . . . I 1:0
Croicni I'oinrt. . . . . . . : so i'iyniuoutlin. . . . . . 21)
con , . , It Vtt. . . . 231) Qtilckslli'ntr..2I'
Deadwood. . . . . . . . . 40 rio . , . , . . . .
Goniitlt Curn's' . . . : su Sierr.i Novinuti. . . , 71)
nlalo.&Nororosa , . Ito Startdar.i . . . . . . . . . 225
hiornestako. . . . . . . 1700 Union Cot ) . . . . . . . . . tat
Mexican. . . . . . . . . . . . 14th Yeltow )
Loutdonr Stock ( , juoinlonn ,
LONDON. Man'chn 101.-I p ma. clotilnir :
Cant , l'aeihie , . , , , , , : iSti St. Puil coal . . . . . 564
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8)4 N. Y. Central. . . . . tltl)4
l0rio2dtn. . . . . . . . . . . . ItO i'ontneyli'aaia . ( ii (4
Ill , CemitrL. . . . . . . . III ) ( . . . . . . . . . . .
ItIexicainordlttay 10114 Max , Ccci , nn'so' is 15 01
hi'tfl SiLV17)-2S' ) pen' ounce.
2.lCN1i1'-.l Isn't' cn'ot.
Thib rttte itt dictuitI in tine n'iseri niankn't for
short anti three mtuontlts 1,111. , Ins I1 nl"r runt.
J'nhliwturmiue. . .Slturketn' .
Ml L'AI'ICflg. ! titnru'l , 1G.-W'I I UAT-\S't'ait anti
It.wn'r ; No. 2. enmInig , 57'n ; : O'tn , 1 non tiuernr , COlIC ;
May , * ' , ,
COIIN-i4tcant ) ' : N" . I ,
O1'7'-lin'nn ; No. 2 i'Iiiiu' , 32t.c ; No. 3 tvhihie ,
I r. It 1,17 S'-7'1onuu I itt. I ; No. 2 , 525'e ; inn ruple , 5 (
it5'17--lhlnltn'r ; Ntn I. lute.
I 'JIOVISiON--liiwo'i' ; Inn In , $11.70 ; l.nrni , $0.7Q.
) Ilc'iIi'8l"lourr' : . 5,30) hints. ; witn'at , 20,130
Itu. : t'rsrlt'y , 15,200 litu.
13IiiI'.IUN'i'3-"iotnr , 1,100 lnblin. ; marIe ) ' , 10,800
Non' 'nrk I I I' ) ' ( 4 Iliurkot ,
N i0\S' Vol t tO . N a neil 10A tile ( I hItS ntiail U mu
t'Iegrnnplr ipr'tlrrnn I ha' nln'mintn intl t ( t'oiii nIIis4loni nnt'r-
c'hantta s'en I' conhiii'ni Inn Itt oU'ni Cal hunts. or oi'ltiein
fa In' cntgttgn'nnt'ni s o'L'I't' irtnulc' : at 14e asivr ; nice.
Sc'nsnniuihs' snss't'Ittlthes overt' In renusat , n'lnect'ttl ) '
it t't'ss go tuis , sh u.s. II rim' c'lnl Its ann. ilOttiltak.
I lrui'a clnh i 0 , tnuns'ever , art' ntt'rblrig lIt I em , I toni
utiti I lie nI t'nrnantd 51101(5 I npro * enitso 0 Ut i hn 8th'
i'aneesl inrIc. . I 'ritni i it ii Clint u tel . hut fir mn
an 2 7-lOt' . $ ale. of ( Its anich , 211,100 mnleeea.
gt'ntn luni'u atlvunio'u'tl UIo.idtnln , 1. , 1) . Lirowin
rottunis (1n. ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I liurnineinmi iitlc ,
NiIi'OItiC. . ftinn''in IO.-'Fiic i'utn ( if $2,000 0.10
oi'rs to lii ' 1 m'snttvft'ri e I ( rvnii ( lie delno'ni tar ) ' mm niLe
( ' 1 flit' ub-In't'artnr' .
ilOlOTol. . illtireli 16.-ClearIngs , 5l5.212.5d3 ; l'iti'
nineco , $1 052. 11 ' ) , iCor ( Its week : Cletnn'Intgs Sb I-
01.4 , I' 5 ; innInnit'en. , $ ) ,226lili.
iI. I'l'i P1011fl , Man , 'hr i6.-'leariuigs. $ t.8G.C0n.
iilaneea , $08kn7. I"sii' Itto n e.'l , ; t'ic'un ing , 411. '
G2'GI5 : l'tlmnrea : , II .683.171.
Nli' YOltl. Itliorcln -'leamtnrgs , (59,743. $13 $ :
it I Ii. use. ' . . G,61 0,461. Vt tr I it. ' wet'hi : t'ln'rrIntin : ,
t51Gwn ; . ill ; ittliunCt'e. $3&RiZ,401.
i'll I hAiI7iitiIiA . Linrt'tr 1O.-'Ir , . , Inca. $ tt , '
0C.tJ I ; I aenres , Si .912 COn. her lite n e'It : ( 'letit -
liigtl , 8)t ) 1711. 121 : lsnnnnnlt'n's $ 59ln7i'JIO ,
S.Iii INI'i'N ( , lslurt'in iO.-T.stay's slait'nins'mii
tr tin. . ( 'Olidititti of tire ( rn'asnnn'r'rihnoio's oval
t'tali Iniatict' , Snti,2Gl,6T6 : gnSll reserve. 5:5,143,017. :
n't'I' . I , Ot ' I i4 , ILl tIn tin ) C8 i vnsrinnge , $ 1,0 I ( .522.
Nn : 's'OltiO , ! .lnrcln : iL-i'ltt' exhorts froit N'w
Vol I , ( n.y rue wen'k ntniroUflti to 1146,051 Iii god
taRl $ Il.S7 hr mlii er 'i'ite lnntptnia fur iit' ot it k
tY.n , . . . liolti , 11.1(5.855. tuner , 517.601 : dry gole ,
flh77 , 118 , gt'inel nit rnrertltanithlsn' , $ S,76,069.
u'hiin'AU ( , ) , lntrct. 15.'ietnrniga 811.11700 ,
toitI fttr the it'ek. 5lVti.00) $ : tctrIe'sln.nnjiug * * 'eck
1al ) 'enr. 77,032 Oto. Nt'w ) 'r.nk c'xt'hutnian' . 700
ltrezlitunnn , sterling sclnnnngs. l.iIsni ri.te , t So
kJ'l.hut ( . 51..ri. ' ' . 473(4 ( lit'i. tent cii call inn. luG
i.e. ' ( ' : un ( inure.
Va re i' Inn . It cia I Is oh. ' . ,
1.ONlON. .1ntn'rin lG.-Cuiiwls. ) C4' , C.JnCUle ,
it t.e , ni nut , I tti3. .
I : ; h0i.II' . Stiti'chn -lx'iiango cii Inidrn ,
nltt : dJ's etglii , 2) , ha. 4414rg.
i.ONPN. Martin 10.'I'ine nt ntiotr nn I nif Ittil I inn
nmnis iiit.t I he lln rt k of I : nrts niti vii 153 loner hitt ny
Is uIitt' ) .
1 ' ' ( lilti 2.Intit'ht 13 , 'rlnrc" her "CIII renhl . , lIlt
8' ) ftc' tine ltC' unt I. I srn'u I , 8 e till Leuutiunn , 2 (
2um f tn rhl''lL.
lONiltN. l4arc' t 10. 'fleiti on nmuot"tl ill $ '
in ) ' ci. I u.tu ) ' at 252. OIdriti , .00 , 1.151. ) 5 , 25 5
s't i''t"n'tnuI , 10' Athnenne , 7 ; , 1uane , his ,
, , .L1a , 503.
GO2dIy Number of' Cattle Of1'orhig Con-
sstel cf' Beef teort ,
In 'tltlitioni to l'rices Ili'ing hi iglien' ( lie'
Ienutsin.l W'titi Ex'sIleInt-4,3ntilt3' ) .t * er-
nrgel VCit' , ( bia'lr t ho 8anrno
mn Frlliry ,
Tlic' receipts tociiiy nero 1.710 cattle' , i.P0)
hogs antI no rihto'ei ) , fln rigtiitist $13 entItle' .
:1,13)1 : ) hogs auisi 3t72 suiecli oni . .iomalay Of
limit week. 'tue receipts totitty overe large
( on the inst dii5' of ( Itt' s'eek. The 1'Cceilitt !
front Jniniuau'3' to date shinos' it loss of I 3,397
entti rtmtd t,553 riheeli amid ii gainr of i0. 139
1tobs , itS colnpar'eut w'Ithr tile corresinalitl inig
lien'lud of ittet yciul' .
VI1IIls' llt''lIlI'TH.
( , 'ttti' . iitig.i 8hns't'p.
lbec.lltt S thu it. * * t'CiL . . . . . . . . . . 7. 57.1 1 5 , 40 I 2 , 132
lts't'i.Lrtn. , iin"t ii'es'k . . , . . . , . . 8,604 20,011 7,181
Knntin' * u'echi I 0) I . . . . . . , . , . . , , II , 'dl 2.'n I 7
Sift , ' tvecl 18:1.1. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,176 15,372 7,173
Scruits we's'k 1102. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,008 40,51) 3,5s (
CATTL.R-'I'Itere won't' iifty-ilve ( resin loiiuls
of cttttle Int tite vnrtls tnnia' , Its ingtiintst
forty iotinisn yestertIti' . W'hnile a large itro.
portIon of the rattle here yesterday wcr'
stockers ninsi ( coolers , it go7thiy iirniiltt'r of
todii3"s offerinigs vpnishrited of beef steers.
Nut only ovtns tii lit'niportloin of fitt steers
larger today , hut threh' were' loon' gootl
cttttie than lnao't' beeni scent Intro mt tnianty nt
lenin day. One bttmit'ht ltl'niuigiit $5.51) ) , tIre
' 'hiiio tithierti eid at
highiest itrice lIlilti 5'ct ,
55.411 , $5..iS , 15.23 a niti ott tlo'mi to $5 iinitl
heicsw. Sorno 1,0X-lb. cntttte solti at $1.00
Oo'hmicii had been oI'feretI in the courniny its
lots' nc SI. TIne tlernatui wits good itnitl
tine otlerinigs % ver , ' all tnil6eni ettrlv iii thte
thity. Snlesrut'li geiiu'rntiiy o'o're' entlinig thie
lii a niL e I ii Igher in gut I Ii today , inn ft : Ct I inc in ti-
'Itnret Inns beehi so rnipld tIde o'eelc ( tint it
! ia'enr rio ones' rniattcn' to keep inict. 'Ithi
Ieshn'abhe fttt cows nnni hrelft'rs nero lit
itiotleratni sinpllly niginini t : da3' , iii hod tliturt'
overt' Ilot oriotighi to iniilce : a s'er ) ' stronig
( ( 'St of tire iiiarket. Corminnomi rittitT , mutters ,
etc. , n''oiaimi iuhtotlt nitetody , thu. ' tnsnsn'ket ott
tlitt t citiss of stun iT lieiiig ma t hten' ( ( tIlet.
, ts itsttitl on tIn' lust tlii' of tine' oveek , ( Irene
oo'ite mitt great uis'ti'it ) ' In tlte feetiei' uriarket.
Tine fm'euii receipts were not large mnmmi ( lie
offeninugni ntli niiet o'ithi ( Itlite retotl' sole.
Feettertt hnt'e sltooo'ni a good den ! of Ito'
1troennen1t tIthe oo'tmek umttln'r ( lie IhuiltIence
of tin' iitl'niice on : beef muttle. himIa'escnttn'
tl'e sales ;
IllUl' STUnSItS ,
Nsa , % % ' , l'r , Nt. . . * ' . Pm' . Nit. A : ' . l'r.
I. . . 53J ) $1 10 14. . . . ill ) SI 15 2. . . .hiSt $3 ttI
1. . . , 874) l 10 IS. . . .10't 4 07 16 . . . .1' .71 5 04
1. . . . 70 3 65 . . . . ) 4 tI ) (3..11)3 . 0 tn )
1 . . , I I 4 1 : t 7s ,7 , , . , I lt ) 4 65 . . . . . , : 5 Oh
3. , . . 843 3 71 ' 1. . . . till 65 . . , . ) 5 0)
I . . . .117 * ) : i 75 41. . , .1111 4 0' ,0).1' ) 'tS Ii 25
0. . . . 016 3 ; ; 19. . . .133 4 75 16..1311 5 II )
10. . . . SOt : : tilt 20.i 4 ) . . . .I:7' : .2 7 35
, , , , ? ) 4 tO ) 'JI.h 15l .5 i..127) I 85
I . . . , ) I 00 70 , . . .ltl0 ) 0) Ii. . . .10)1 ) I' , 50
7. ' . ' 945 4 0 ) II..l" 4 83 35. . . .RG. ) S 14
1. . . . 60' ' ) 1 (5) ( 1 . . , . ltS4 , 27 1. . . .1110 2 9)
0 , . . . 575 1 15 I. . . . .ti . . Ii II. . . , Silt 3 041
I . . , . lttt 1 4 I 4. . . . 70' , ' : , as : ' . . . . , ; : t.i : i nut
1. . . . 06) ) 1 75 . , , , ) : . 3 ; - . . . . 1057 3 1)
2. . . .1035 1 75 10 , , , , IS. 2 15 2. . . ill. I 2' )
1. . . .I05) ) I 75 1..il7t ) 2 2.0 2. . , .i09) ) 3 3)
0. . . . 035 1 Pb 1. . .110. ) 5 I. . . .151' ) I 41
1. . . . 74i ) I nt ) , . . , ( ) . 75 1. . , .1l3' ) P 75
S. . . .1031 2 1' ' ) 3. . . . 857 75 2. ! . . . , lllS 3 75
5. . . . 076 2 iS 1. . . . 72' ) 2 75 2. . . .I0l ) I 015
:1. : . . . ( t73 2 24
I I ll'CIIS' .
1. . . , 110 2 0) 1. . . . 510 1 25 1. . . . 70' ) 2
1. . . . I'.iO 2 15 1. . . . 'JO 2 17 1 , . . . 41) 2 1)
I. . . . 101) 2 25 801 : : 75 1. . . . S ) 2 65
2. . . .1)05 ) 2 05 2. . , .ilI ) 2 5' ' ) I . . . , i 16) 1 0' ' )
I . . . . ltii'n ' 2 st I . . . . 0' ' ) ' ) 2 1' ' , . , . ' 3 I I 17
I. . , .11770 2 35 1..1120 2 77 l.tO.Y . ) 3 27
i..l3't.i : 2 45 . . . . 1117 2 71 . . . . ; ) I 4' ' )
2..1005 2 40 1. . . .1flI ( ) 2 'I 2. . . , It2 . :1 : ) t )
1. . . . : ni'i ' 2 iS 1. . . .1(3' ( ) 2 75 2 . . . . . . .i . 1 75
2. . . .li' ' ) ) 2 . 0) )
2.liS 375
I. . . . Ii. 2 8. ) 3. . , . 12 ; I (5. ( . . . . . 147 2 itO
2. . . . 10 ) $ . . , . :122 : 3 1) ) ) " . . . . Ill 4 55)
: t. . . . 173 2 25 4. . . . 100 3 25 1 . . . . 1'l ' 4 04
2. . . , IS' ' ) 2 5t ) 2. . . , 10) : su- i. . . . 17) 1 0)
I. , . . II' ' ) I 0. ) 2. . . , 85 71 It )
S'i'OCllitS AN ! ) l"fllDl7ltS ,
1. . . . 03' ' ) 2 0' ) 1' . . . . 753 3 0' ) 19. . . . 08) 1 33
l..lhOt ) 3 04) 11. . . , 43 : . . . . 064 3 Ii
6. , . 87' ' ) 1 "I' ) 6 , . , . 823 3 2 it. : . . . eis : :1 : t.t
3 , . , , 41.1 3 0) ) 6. , . , 710 3 23 20. , . , II ) I 6' )
1. . . . COt ) 5 Il ) 1. . . . 574) ) : : 27
11OGS-'l'ltere was a gout ! liberal n'nnii of
Itogs hlerni today. roe cornlmn'etl s'ltli lreo'ious
tia's' receipts. Tinere oo'ere hifty-thiI'ee fresh
loathe in the yards , ligniint thir'ty-nuirte cars
yesterday. The hogs tiveragetl up imr iwini
of qtialIiy o'er ) ' much the came as yesterday.
That trade , after the market lund fitIrl'
openied , was quite nnctive , rind the 'iens ' so'ero
cleared Iii good season. Tins prices paid
oo'ere uboort the saline as yesterday , though
the ntveragc OVitS U trhlie lower' , malcinig ( lie
niat'ket barely steindy. At the sanno time
the cIoe was a little stronger thiant the
opening. Sonte pretty good hie'avy hogs
lin'ouglrt $4.50 , the toll for ( lie di9' . 'Fun
bulk of ( lie sales were at , $4.3Ii'4.i0 , nis
agaInst 1 l.:107'1.45 : yesterday. Tittl nntntrket
this oveek hitne scored a decIded indenture ,
At ( liioientiutg of the os'eelc hogs sold itt
* 3.901(1.25 , wfthi the Inulk at 84.QSt(4.lO. In
nudihition to prices being irigiter' . there has
hicont it good demand anti an actIve m'arlcet
ott every day of the wenic. 1u'prcseittattve (
sales :
No At' . Sb. Pr. No Ao' . SIn. rr.
' ) . . . . . . . . , , , 14 15 71 . . . . . . . .216 . . . SI 4)
7 , . . . , . . .lt' .1 lOt ) 4 1 : ; 84 . . . . . . . .214 . . . 4 4' ' )
. . . . . . . . ) . . . 4 1714 52 . . . . . . .2lt . . . 4 4)
66 , , . , , , 161) . St ) 4 2t ) 75 , . , . . , , 221 43 4 1)
35..0 . . , 4 2' ' ) 87 . . . . . . .Ill S. 4 4)
. . . . . . . . 4' ) 4 2.5 67 . . . . . . .227 , . . 4 1)
56 . . , . , , , 19' ) ' 40 4 2.7 . . . . . . . . ) II ) 4 4.
. . . . . . . . . . , 4 3' ' ) ItS ) , , , , . , . . 2513 00 4 4)
72 . . , . . , . . 175 . . , 4 3' ' ) 6'.2)5 5) ) 4 40
00 . . , , , , . . 187 . . . 4 31) 8' ) . , , . . . , , 2t )2 ) , . . I 4) )
73 , . . , , , , , 213 . . , . 4 It ) hit . . . . . . . .22t , , . 4 4t )
97..8 4' ' ) 4 Inn r'u , . , , . , , . 102 , , , 4 4)
. . . . . . . . . ; . . , 4 55 CO..253 1(0 4 1(1
52.)3 . . . . 4 35 CI . . , , . , . . 232 00 4 4)
67 . . , . , , . , I' .15 4) ) ) 4 35 6 $ . . . . . . . .223 Si ) 4 4)
71 . . . . . . . .III 24. 4 2-7 74. . . . . . . . 247 . . , 4 4) )
11 . . . . . . . . 23) . . . I 3' . o- ; , . . , . , . . 211 5) ) 4 l20
84..2 $ 1(4 4 3 . . . . . . . . . , . 4 II
92 . . , , , . . . I'll ' 40 4 25 rI..2 12. , . 4 17
. . . . . . . . ; 0) 4 II . . . . . . . . , , . 143
. . . . . . . . 40 4 35 ' . . . . . . . .200 . . . 4 13
( I . . , . , . . , i' .16 . . . 4 33 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 43
7:1..2,2) : I' ) ) 4 25 ' ; t ) . . . . . . . . 261 II ) 4 43
. . . . . . . . 4) 4 : ts 07 . . . , , . . . ,2 Zr , . . 1 47 .
. . . . . . . . 4. 4 : ; . , . . . . . . . .261 11) ) 4 0) )
. . . . . . . . ' ) 4' ' ) 4 : :7o ( :9 . . , , . . , . 25' ) , , . 0)
30 . . . , , . . . I'll ' , , . 140
Is . , ' , , , . . ill . . , : i 7s 112..156 0) 4 it )
I ; ' . , . ' ' . ' III . , . 3 IC ) .5' ' ) . . . . . . . . iii . , , 4 1)
lT.1" I , , . 4 0' )
SIIEEP-Tltere oere no ehiccp hnet'e tcn
tittike II tunirket , Qtiobtttonis are only liotol.
minI. FaIr to ciiolct' Ittiti't's uric ( lUOifllltn
itt * 3,00711.25 ; fuulr to need isesteros at * 2.75
0,4.00 ; t'ommuni anti nstoclc sheep , $2.06ts'.77 ;
good to r'htoice 10 to 100-lit Itninib' . ' , $ 2.7di 1.75.
CIIIC(0 Li17 a'l'OClt ,
All OfferIntnn U era Tnnhteni inns ( ira ilasis. of
Erhtn"s ( hIinn.nilloin , .
Cl I hL'AOO , Ma i cOn 1G-'l'ia' cnile utnat lust tons
wlihorut noi.'wortIt' citailge. it * 1115 mUm I i.aUts
I hci c' tin s I II i Ic tnt al tract in ttentlcnnr of htu 'err.
All tine offerings * * 'en nt talcni on a hanla of J"ri'
tint ) ' it littttt t lenin. , Nu'x t a , 'cli'e n n'c.'hltts tun no OX.
! to shuntly lilt ifl&1LttCt' liii ( In' tteu'n'k'tn sehilttg ,
ItO I tilt' ) ' II ri nutt I ilt'l ) ' tnt irtt'C n'xi''sslit' , I'll 1(1S
stild fnntmin 5.1.10 to $0.35 , t'oovs tin. hulls molt : 81.0I )
Ic ) 11.50 anti 'i'eauniiin lIeu. . $2.75 to 85 ,
In mugs tire tt.etrhtig o'iue fall ly acii * 1' utuiti
stOtut ) ' , ttUt hinter' , Inn n'n'eInnnnne inn this ltreal hi
miunrk. a wnoiker ( snObtig ha 'I ' ptsnst.n'nnsittiu if ( inC
111111 lt I. 8niis of intrvi' hutign. am e general I y at
frunnun 14.10 to 51,65 noti iiuiint welghihn. scent lorgely
lit fn'cuntn S I. 40 ( ( , 8 4.1.0 ,
9'Inu't a ivern' iauyt'rti .tf riuneenu tnnt y a t flu II Iricn'e ,
sales utuaktntg ( tnt U lttn.nis of front ' $271 In. $4 Ti ,
for Inter 3 5' ( ' 5 I i to bttet'p mud mt fu on U 1.1,5. I q $1.60
( or Innniibs.
I tn'ct'ipt Ii : ( 'In it I. ' . 500 htn'anl ; cal I've , ' ) O0 heath ,
lags , 15.00' ) Itn'ii ; siten'iu , 2,00. ) lte.tI. :
S I. iui in nun I .1 ye s ( uu.'ii.
' . ' . ( ' ' ' . ' 10) )
sr. I.OL'1i4 , Mar.11 13.-'A'i'TLI7.--ltco'slltts ,
lutunl ; sintiuuiit'Jnttl , 13nt ) mouth ; nniai itet. $110115 , hut
liii ) ' LI netnii lra.he , itwinig no ligint n'tn'uii ; ) ' ; gntr.ti
ho cinttt'n siriltlttung untO lies. 14,0)01 ) 3.t1i ; lair to
nuie,1.unn , , t125ti4.7I ; ilgint , 53.607 * $ . 'JJ ; ( e''dn'ms , $104
8)4.00. ( 'na's. 12 (80t3.tI'J ; gas icxtus tsiet'rl. * 200
( u'I.l' ) ; roll's. ; 17103275 ; Ott ! 'I'exns sneers , 53.51)73
4.00 ,
1 10013--I tu'ccilitu' , 2 , 10.1 twirl ; hi itinnt'ntt a , 3 , lI )
li'nuh ; nuuarkt't Sit'nunl ) : belnv ) ' , 81,478) 4.0) ) ; misc. ,
$ l.2iu4.I'n ' : IlgIni , 84.10411.412.
* 4 I I fl 1:11 : ( rtn'i itl , 4tX Inenuti ; i'luiptic'nii ; e , unarm' :
nririuu't ; un ro miii g.ut,1 n'tleilu in nlennnannii ; IItlii : us
ninixol iota. 83.25731.25 ; lannnlsl5')41'4,00. )
lOnlIugtI'I I It ) ' 1.lvtu Itnii'k. '
I.tNi4AS ( 'i'l'V. Itlanclu IG.-C'T'i'ItI--Ilr'
cdliii. . 2,0) ) Into. ; shthunnint'nune , 1tX hiettt.1 ; uritrilust
$ t I Ott5 fnr gtttd ; , lni' nun $ ssir snuti , ; 'i'cznit.
stool. . $3.Glbi.21 ; 'I'usXtiti l'UtiS , * 1,55733.10 , itoef
sicen' , $ i,706t5.bO ; malice roics. 115551' . 00.
stockers timid fn'e.It'mri , 83 'ISOrI 2) : ( suIts , $ ) .5503 1.23
I I (12(18-I it''t'titt $ , 0,51 5 lucad ' slu I Inniusni is. 40)
Inca. . loan ket int'cut stg'jd' ; hulk of tnIee , 1.351J
4,03 , ht'ta'to"n , 81'Jti,4.57' , ; 1na'kusnni , $4.35(4 i,5 ,
iniseth , 84 25(14.55 ; higiutn' , 51. lOti 4.2' ; i'oiiutsna. 14,21)
4 41n ; ligs. 53,5(541 ( 4 2' ) .
Hi I l13i ' - lte'etntg , 2OA ) bucittl : xml ltnnennt C , fI0
itt au , nnarlet ndt'ad ) ' ; jurivss renged Outrun $2.85
It ) $4 35 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
siol'li inn . , IgnlL.
11l'nru ) of necn'lI'I , ( 'C bIun foun' prneitinI trsiictni :
for Euturda ) , Nnnrrii It ; , 11 * ;
.Cn.ttIe , lloe. $110811.
Stiutil ( 'itnituita. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.116 II'S ) .
I'iIIig. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4(5' ( ' ) 11,00) 2,001
lliiussnt4 City . . . . . . . . . . . . 104)1 .O)0 ) 5,50t )
1't iAuinl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It ) ) 5,180 000
. -
'j'uols . . . . . . . . . . 4.tlG G1lL0 4tj (
l'u'itni ( .In4it 3lsr.'t ,
i"Ai.I , ltlViIt : , ? .la. . , Miunein 15.-Tinu hunt
I clt..t in rita n i t int'gait ( Ito n us It titni I , to din buyers
offering ! ' . , e' tifltl flat lery ntixlotns to t.uty , Mano.
fnoetitrc'rs ule'cllni'sI to sell Itt that PrIce. Tira cut-
tttfl man kt't ativut nin'e'tI stetuti ii ' it fld ulecitledly 5(1(1
Innint'tliatel ) ' the' r'ffet't was felt ins the cloth msn' .
kr'S. IS'hateo'er the' caitse of Stun' nnii'nnee in eel-
toni , tsln ) ers ' * 'lslutnti' belte''esi thot cloth o'ns as
heio' as It wntunltt ge't. 'lucy began ealiinig fsr
gtss.Ii rut 2 7-16c nnti thue' derutinti was fairly well
ntte't , A few of ( lie ntnnnfnictntrert. flrt' insellnet
( s haiti utIt for ntn flti'flee' , iturt tnost of theta
lult't sitoa'i a ultslstnaitlnsn to sell .tIe to lit
nittitle turning the' mmcxl two or tlnree nionthus.
There' tuti. ' Iscen nulnutsat no ( nitling On regular CI
squnino's , Thus luucrtnir' lus"cni ltlnntsst cxelinst'e-
I ) ' for rititla , Time nnarkt' ( is huts ' Pttiil5' nit 2 7-iCe'
is ltii mro clunnee' of u uhru'p fur the Isresent iuut.i
strutiuromtse tnt an nitlinnit e. The total SIlO.
it Cti , ' larger tittifl tilt' i'ro'llnrtion ,
it't'riiini % % ntrkris ,
llvhltl'tOl , , March iG.iIO u. iii , i'losIngl
\1' I I i.vr $ nsttt , ci Call ) ' ; nlenttanstl % .unnw ; No. 2 nest
ivinrtu r , IA 1(11 ; No. 5 n't'l , spring , l's l'ttI ' , No , ]
hI ni , 7lttti Iu4i , Os 3'1oi ; Nts , I I 'ci I fnn lilti , Os I 1.4 ,
l"nm ( trees elo'sesl nrtet . ntat r atiti nh let ti it I ltsuiii itinne
II it 1(1 * , tn , inins.nut"au utiattr t t'tlurttil ) ' ti1.ui ri.untod.
2.ttin'clu , 4. Ir4ti ) : .iu it , Os Mflls 101 : July ,
4e lOut , .utcttst. 1 lO04ui.
I 'ttlhN. i'ltstm $ , stn'a.iy ; , ntierica.n nilsed nsen' , 4 *
3.1. i 'iItui" .i ( 'ituql ti , jsriet tiit h nit-ar tsnel ( Items ' tl
ioui er tu tush ut sin ntr lutiSt I ittni * ' :8) i4. hstwtr. I mind.
iie"s Ireni lest cmi ttu'nrt-0) Itosinlon , . nti ruatat d.c. .
tent lstittttfli. Man cIt 1 * $ i ; .itrIl. May , .itnite' ,
Jtthis' multi .tngti't , Its 5th.
F I . ( ) t' I Il"t , tnt : ti.'unirutsl : tstcslrtite ; St. bouts
fomsc' 51 Inter. 4te ,
l'lUVILUNiO-'Iliteoli , flint : ( 'ulntberl.inti cut it
t' ' , 31) hId , . 12e Ci : short vhs , 25 hits. , 5t ,
ltsng eiti' . Ilht. ) 33 ii 47 lIt. 3s
ittiug t'laiu' , int' 1 % ) ' , hIts , , Ots' situsit
euoir ) hicks , light , 1 * Uts . ti uttit stiast
t'lt't I' nunth.hies ) , is8 I' ' . ' , 1.5 I i's. , ScSi Gd ; cit'nr h'eI I ic I.
i I t tt 1 Ii ltts. , 34. 6th. $ htoultters , uititnntn t' , I 2 lii 1)
his. . 7tls , I tunis , , .hrtrt curt , II I. , 16 Its. , 4'l't ' ,
ilcef , extttt India mit'ta , GSs It. : lnrltiie ntit'ss , t.i't
LII , i 'tu It , Itrinlie naves , hint' ot u'sslen Ii. 73.4 0.1 ; mite-
.tinunii , 5t , , l.inth , , Iii lii. luttnitut ItOtutenIt , lOst ; me.
ttmtn"l , III Ittitis , 254 6.1
I 'I I I'll 81 -i'irurr 3 : ulenniti I rtuittic'ntte ; finest
, ' tlin'ri'ari % lit ( C , 49s ; lineaL ( ttuut'n'It'ttui ettltsn e..t ,
( , ( ) T1'ON1"1311) Oh i-iil'enit.utii r't'flne'd , IT. .
llNi4illl : : Oll.-4i" .
I ' I : 'n'Iti ii (161 ' Itt - I tellnI.i , Otfuti.
I I 10 Fl I I ( I I 3 I I , l'I' ( 1 I I 111111'i"ctrcnunartt'rs , 4ul ( ;
iuiitsltiultin ten" , 8'l.
lioli'S--At l.'ui.snn ( i'nciitc coast ) , 2 los ,
I Itt ttnt , .OIunrk't ,
NIo1hti.i.Ni4 : , lttnrchi 13.-rOT'1'ON-Itt.
tInt , " , ii , rut : Ptnt'cut , is.s's nshl : , tsruI , $5IiGi'5Tll
'it , ) ' , $7.701..1 : .1 tIlts' , ( ISISu 3.53 ; .1 tuly , 55S13)
S SO ; .uugtnsh. 85.527(553 ; 8'lttetlihtr , $ )
Oetusttec , hI.t''J : ; Novenntser , iO.tt21'ti.03 ; ; te-
etier. 13 0141605.
Nh.l' : \ ' ouiio. slstreir lG.-i'ie eottuun nuienket
umusnIC t.suu. tutirpriutinig i tint. tutha' , i'lunt taltlirl
I n .u'les ii . 'i , ' iuuintlt' nu 0 uiui tidvaluce tif 101115 lstiuits.
'i'itis a i. f.tiI.ii 'ti ltii It ) ' nt ftnrtti.'n' Iuniltnh'cmnteflt
titit I I Itnu ntsivnitut'u' ttf I ) ltoiuttd 'sl'nu'I n-u'com'ttetl ,
'Flicit t'rnnt , ' Ii nin't'lfiu' of uutsttut P li.tltnt . , ( its
iltiLi kt't vhttslnug nit ti tin'1 nsio'autce or 1)7(15 luotutui
out futut ut's , o * lull. ' chest eoi i uun lists Itutlm ) a'd till
I-hOe , 'tI titil mug ttpittlisl.'l utr'o ntttv I ilittti nit 6'/tC.
'l'lnt. eltie ! init'enittvc' tu hilghrt' Itt let's ti ant tins ,
stint n tttl i'ni net' lit I.'t'i ( itus 'I ' (11th u cc lull 0 * i'll , iti
Iii isp it vs 1 rnn , thus' uiutprsuveuitt'mnt udtu'ouitl being
utti i ( 'It'll I s fnsiui Idit Iut'in'stor thIS I tr'ath' month.
I ionic I ltd t' it.ish iut'cntuue lun igiter tnwinig tnt a
lnt't t sr dcitutt ad fr. tutu ( 'Itina null In tuuitiCiutti ( tout
of nra u'nu iv , t'tllt'mrtt'nt oh' ( Inc w tic. 17'ntintntn'st
ranige fuinui I 18,15)1) ) to i)0.55) ) itttles. I It" I , % * 'er ci ) I-
rants' leiiua' nuuual. my Neto' On lCtuuu't. ihn , ' e'ttiirrtutt"l
n u'eol lute ii t I httt ( mu'n t Itehi 17 mnlat'el nu t 45.11) ) Insles.
at tultltliuti , Gc : nut m ectultts. 70) tenies ; gruns'i ,
5.725 lttuht'us ; ' * itlr hM It ) Oh tea t I tritalni , I , ' , n78 iutnietu ;
itt l"r'tiuuc'e , lit ) n'nuu ' " . ; to I tte cenut Ittent I , 446 Itch's ;
ftirortui'stel. 1.016 intuIt's ; ustiet , 1,020 lunit s ; usitlur'
nero. , 21 luitles ; stork , 19 I , (02 ( tt.iit''t. Ttntttl to12si ) '
II lid i' itni : 'ci ru't I'CCt'i lOtS , 12,772 inlets
muri a it ( I rei I I lii nitin. 4.67 * italt's ; ttl l"n uiltee ,
0li S latin's ; to i lie c'tflh iuteutt , 22 SiC iutles ; tock.
:520.121 : l'n , ti. . Tuttal slrtc. ' bOs'i.ti'nutltt'r 1 ; Net
r'u't-t.Iltn in , 7t)57,771' ) , I 'tiles ; t'xpoI'ts 1' ' ) 1) neat ibritutni ) ,
2,757 51 ; itoh's : I , , l"unttuc'e , r.6tl78 iuihs'a : ; to thus
u'ouitittt'ntt , I .516.5 16 1 en let' .
Sn lori ; 4 ( in.unnn'sui Mturkist.
S'l' , 1,01' Itt , SIarcin l6-Fl.Ot'lt'--Qulet , steady
auttl tuta'itiigt'th : ,
5 , ' I I U.'i'-8tttin I eti * i'enk antI shel int.l , c (111
ltea' ) ' nuhTerlntg'n itu'cttntut' Intrutmng inntd I allied % e , cgr : ! nr oveitltenu cci , dccl ut Ing 7e aurd o'lttstluig
04e itt'hnw ) 'estertiu ) ' ; Nnt. 2 ned , casnin , 0'ji.e ;
55'sc ; . .ltniy.57tlt. .
I 't ) i IN-I ) tuh I , a cal nimul aluuggit'hi ; after dccl hut'
ittg u ; . ilu' nuttnrttt't m'aillel tur e'nliltlttlt ) ' oo'itlt thus'
it'nnp.tnn m 7' LI. in uuce l's ti heat. but m't'ncte'i , , clnia'
log " 51115e unuitter' 7 rtl'Itt.i ) ' ; No , 2 mitixetl , cantit ,
1210 ' : ) lay , 42)e. -
O.'l't4-Iun Ii. usts' i ) ' . io'ltlattit 01101 uuhtle clrange I
Nt , , 2 c.inslu , 3t5 t' , . ; , SiLl ) . 30'c ) muiits.'tI ; June , 800'ti ,
11'l')7-ltnli ) auth nieght'cI"tI ; Nt' . 2 , cast. aide
57k' oIl t'u' , ' .t tu tii nutn inltls .
lIltN-lltill ; 71r.t , inst track.
CCilN 21Il'LLr-t2.157h2.25.
l1'n.X ) , 'li7l-ttntt't tnt $1.37.
Cl.Otn : 510111) - ins v.'n' it 0 50.3573 8 , 42.
1 1 PlO'ilI 5' $ ii115,2303 5.60.
I 1 1"1"l'13 I ( -I ) uil ; l'gl : ; a ItInuc ) ' , 2')7(20Oic ' ( ; se'
Itrahol' ( 'I t'rnluery : , I lOT'sc.
l'lOS-Fim'umi unntl Iutgiueu' ; fresh , lIe.
) .i. % l1-Iiirtnng unitl httgtner at $2. ) . .
$ l'10I.1'l7ltiuit'.rtI ) ' at (2,9714.
I 'itOVlSlONS-Pnr'k , t'tanstilil sI ttit'ris , jobbing ,
I II. 1 2' 1. hunt 1 , mtri mite etenhit , tICS ; cluttce' , $0.75.
htrculI'1'13-Fltnur. lttOO ltlthti , ; ovitent , 12,00)
ku : , 'oi'n. 11,0413 itu. ; otuts , 27,05) ) liu ,
$ lthi'AIlN'i'-Flosnr , 7.00' ) ljttlt' , ; oo'lneal , 19,00)
hsu . ; corni , rIG ) ) bum. ; ttn : is , 6,0) ) ) Itu ,
It it It I inert , .51 rtrk't a.
) : A lTi MOItlO , 2sttcln Ih-Ff.017fl-llruii , un.
elm mmccl ; Si''nstt'r Ii tan tn'i ( lute , 2 lii ; westerns
eXintu , 12,258)2 r.o ; t'st'rii farnitly , 12,656)2.65 ) ; win-
i un' 00 bent , latent , $ Is87jl.2) : ; n'trliig no tent , $3.C0
7(8,75 ; ( t'lut'Clti I htn'nttthts It iginen' ) ; tnntri rIg te : it'at
str'iilgluts. $ ) ; n t'celtns , 12,018 ( thIs. ; itillin.
ruut'iits. , 1,10. )' e. , silt'ns , 3 .214 ) ll.hs ,
5.iu I1'-Qulet inns , ) einus ; n'ld'nt nuei nutontl , ,
Ci55TOb'entril ; , 6l'Oj'Oie : 1Iut' , 4121162c ;
steamluer No. I r.'sl , 500f50'1e ; rt'et'imuts. 3,950 Itu , ;
, ; tt nd. , 'I 34 76 ; lan. ; nanh's , 9'Oo. ' ) lam , ; saint hum
wh'iu ( , ny nsanutntle , 6073Gb ; s 'u'ntiielni wlrusat on
grutit' , 0S15416lic ,
L'OltN-icnti ) ' ; spot rnn'l macnt In ,
i.rul , 45Qj 4'J04c ; MLII' , 4940j5tc ;'aun'r niixetl ,
48'15f180c : reco'inttn. , 74,123 , 1w. ; stunek , 1.43,205 bun , ;
suites , 4.01) ) ) liLt. ; sotntlien'ni wlrlto rot nr , SOn ; south-
cmi 8'nhitnw , PIt' ,
O.'i'0-ueitti ) ' : N'ts , 2 islulto n'estt'rni , 261403370 ;
Nn , 2 nttlxc'tI , 33u503350 ; receIpt. , 5.313 bu. ; stock ,
216.78 ; bum.
115'13-1)tnhl : No. 2 , 57(103'S ( ' ; " ; rec Iittt' , 200 be , ;
siticiL , 25.crt ) tu ,
I IA\--I'ln nit ; guod tt ) choice tintiothl ) ' , 112.009
it.rtU. :
( ill/tiN ) illflhiTS-Qtuiet , unichnanget ) .
lnt"l"l'lOIt-Htetitlo' ; ( amity cru'rnner : ) ' , 230 ; fancy
I miii nut lout cru'nnien ; 7' , 1 Cc ; fntnicy en 'utnlter ) ' ladle ,
I4c : couch ltn.llt' , hOStile ; slave ltttCkCh , SC ,
1'lUlO-S'ead ) ' ; treat , , )3n ,
CotTo .ttnurkot.
NI3W 'I'OlllI , Mareti )6.-COFP1U-Optlons
nisetteul ultt'nttl ) ' Unit ) , utitcituiugt'nl , rulc'nl 'told Our-
ing I iso KCtsttiuii ltUt fInally uthnowenI a little
stretsgthr anal ehou'cni unleauiy mt r.Og'lo In'tlnts net
atht'nnrn' . Hilt's. 2,250 b.igss , inic'ltthiuug : 2liu'ch ,
$15.21) ; May , $14.10 ; Juttit , * 14,80. Spot , illo , quiet ;
No. 7 , $1671. Mild , ujute ( ; ( 'trlo'a , hlSl'I.00 ,
\\'nireltotiou' nio'hi'erles ( nunut Now I'd Ic ) 'eaterltay ,
10,310 tigti : ; Neii' 'talt steel ; ttt.Iny , 152,1Y ( ) bage ;
tnnihteh iOinntes situ'k , 201,058 bags ; nihoat fur the
Pniltetl % tatee , 24.0' ) . btge ; tntinl vl ° lttle for blue
1.'nitetl Stuti's , 411,01) huge , against 412,478 bags ,
host year. I
lidtMIlt'ItCi , March 10.-QInici , ! 44J ' .nfg declia.
Stuics , 6,0. ) itags.
I1A\11l6 , MaucIn 18.-ntn'ncl ujulet , unchunungesl
to )4t atlt'nnntce ; nit 13 ncr , cInsOd unuiet , ' 4f rich.
t'ansi'e , Snrletd. 9,0)5) longs ; ? llttnclt , 93.50 ; April ,
I'm .75' Alas' . 91.0) ; Jrunue , t4 27 : Jul' , ( ; August4
84.70 ; Seiuie' . , 00,73 ; ( ) ctnber , 2,3,0) ) ; Not'em'
tier , ltL7l ; ln'cniitrhnt'r. 12 75 : Jnuuunur' , , ltl.7I.
lilt ) 1 nIl .li.Ni'Ih ItO , STimuli 1O-Qiuiet ; cx.
clnnii1t' , 8 'J IOI ; n ti. n'lnttut. ntomte ; mIt-tm uti for Itno ' 1
i'ntitetl Shtat's , I 1,000 bag. ; cleared for lOUflulse ,
t,0L0 lags : enttt'k , tilOl ) hangu.
SATth4. Itiniucir 1O.-OJuit'l ; good irvt'nngts Sari-
Itsa , 10.00 ; ut'ccilitut , 12,001) bugs ; stOck , 214,030
tt.rg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'J'oitstioi.rnuIm Mnirket ,
TOtl7IU. thus'elr 1r-\s'1u'L'r-'tive , IowL'r ;
No. 2 , rnnsln nsuncl MantIs , lie ; Inlay , 5Ke ; July ,
5574t' ; , 'nUgusl , t.itc.
( 'OIN-14euiI ( ) ' ; No , 2 nnla'.h , 4'e ; No. 3 ittixed ,
41n' .
U.'n'i't4-'iuhi ; No. 2 ncttx."i , 31e ; Ntt. 2 white , '
3.iit' ,
Itvu'-stt'zndy : : t'nnlt. ii'Oe ' ,
( 'It'\'i I I 14 11 I i-I ) ul I , . 'u sis'r ; in nit' , resin itnid
Multi , . $ .52i ( ; AInI'll , 15 52.
lth7ClIiI"J'-'d'int'at , 81,818) Inn. ; con ii , 13,000 ho. ;
itt , Os , Isu , ; c'Invt'r . ' ' , ' , 7.5 lii ann ,
8 I I I I ' ? tt I Nl-'Fluuur , 8,0' ) . lthlst , ; wius'a t , 43,003
Ion , ; ( 'tins , , 13,10) iutn ; n'7'is , 1,003 liii , ; u. hti'er seed ,
721 Ittuge. , ' .
) 'unilr $ Mnrrkrt ,
Nl' "s"JhllO , siareiu lC.-iOI'lAh-htuw , riteudy4
fair iu'ttmtlutg , 2 11.10' ; ci'ntnlfutglti , 'JO nest , 3cm ' 5
sihe's , 2.50) bngs ( 'iii'ti ' , ( ' utnd 1 , niiorr ) : , 80 test , nit
2l'u. : 1,1.04) . htttgnt nintIlasnicul inlugint' , ( ' uni'i ' f , ailoat.
0. ) hrsl , nut 1e' . IIi'lilit'tI , stn'ti.iy ; . Ntn. 6 , 3 9.110)
'Jh..c ; N" . 7 , ; irt7u'J Il-ICe : Nut 8 , .2 ; No. Ii.
3145f ) 7.3Cr Nun , II : n 31Gt73'u ; No. Il. S ) .hilJ.
304c ; I'ni , II. Ic ; off A , 3).QuI'c ; nrauuld it , 4 2l
II l.s' ) : stantiuu'ih 't , I l3lbi Ic , e'ouuf.'oioiuera' ( A ,
a 7.lG41lc ; n'U ( lint. 4 s-lOp Ibu ; i'runsinetl , 4 0.1658 '
l3u ; ltownler.l . , I Z.1G731 % ' ; guattuiato'd , 3 l5'jGtj
4'it' ' ; t'unba , 4 8.1611 4l'u. ' .
IGnnns'in' : . t'lhy 81irkits , ,
Ilo'i4/uf0 CITY. ? .iar.'hn lG.-WJI1AT-o lumen '
Ntt. 4 lain i , 54'7l51(1i' ' ( ; Ni , . 2 gal , 5I4171'cl ris
jt'stetI , 01:4 , ' .
(3)itN-Nu , 2 mniixeti cnuier , 40)c ) ; Nu , 2 white ,
iinnnn , 4)e.
( Mi's-Iluhi ; No. 2 nnulst'ni , Sb/ijlSo ; No. S thtite ,
31 e.
1ti0'i0ll"i'--i'hnmat , 6,0' ) ' ) han. ; cci it , 10,00) ItO , I
otnis. 14(51' ( ) lan ,
8iiII'MiN'i'-WiInut , 17.00) bu. ; c.jnn an' ) vats ,
nouns' . .
1)11 tlsrKti ,
5'II.8IINOTIN. tnltnreii IIOSIN-l"iinns ;
nntminlnnt'tl. 11.15 , gutod , 51.20
Hl'hlti'i'--i"luuu. . 'Ok' .
TA1.IeIrnt : Si.
'F U I t i'iN'i'l N Ii'i I : run ; Ititi 0 , 51. 10 ; soft , 81.5)1
vinstir. $1.70.
HA S'J % 10N. Ii , 1.Iarehnho.-Hi'lil'rH'-Firnin ( ; 38c ,
ihiulmul In % ' , 'hneat 5Inrkoi ; ,
1)UIll'i'it. 2.Iumutr , . 1.inirehn 16.-Vu'Il 1AT-No. $
inarui. i's.iu iuntl Munch , , (2c' ; May , 61'&e & , .Iuiy ,
GlOac , Nit , I ncuntlneu In. ouch nntnti Man cm , OiV1c'
May f214e. Jul ) ' . 62o' ; t8t'itlemriber , 7)e ) : No. I
nnt'rtflenn. , .tstn , 1S'i' ; Nu , 3. 007'.t' . nejeeleci , 05cc'
'i'il mm Ir : Nit , 1 barth , G'27c ; No. i niuuiinsnn ,
CI (4u' ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l Inilucnipuille % 4 InpUt markt't ,
8IiNNl'AI'OI,114. March , lG"-Wit.oit 'ioaed cost ;
MntrL'it , elk' Itid , May. 05r. 4lnrjl , Gte ; July C0
8n600c , $ , 5tie ( in tInICkI Ntm. 1 ( lard ,
Cl0s' , Na. I Itttrtlii'i mu , G0c , No. ii niorthernt , ( .SY.c.
- : : : TJ
T. c&z4LELID : : ,
21001k ? . ISinion Are , g50s
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