_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . H-uhIHflhIJ1rnitn "w. " - -V , I i2' ' _ _ . - TIlE OMAhA DAlLY ll.It1I : SUNDAY , 1tr.AROII 17 , 1895. \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , . a'IJE OMAHA SUNDAY 13I& i. _ . - _ - - - - - . . Co nOSIWATl : , rAttor. . . . - - - . - - - - . . - - - - - . - . - 1'UU.ISm . : fl % I:1t. " MOIIINO , - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - TmMsscnn.TON. . , undnYI ) , One Yur..S A' ) 1)nlly flee ( SS IthniL . ) Dnly 1h Wllh'111 ) ' , Uno y.ur. . . . . . . 10 O ) Aly ' 1M , 110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50) , Thr 1'nlll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : " I , Iunt1i . He , . One Yr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 O 8itiltdny 1M. e. On Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ! ( nlltlY I lice 010 UI \ e'C'I ' . o1.FIc1s , Omth . The 1Io Thiflllflg. , Omnh. I nlllh\ . . " Houlh Omaha , HIgr , 111k. . Corner N nnrl :4h m. C , unetI flIuff , . 12 IMII flreeL unel Ilurx. 1 . " 'hleMO Office . 17 ChAlher of Cnmmtrep. New Olc . 31 U. 1 nnll I : ' 'rILun nidI. " 'nlhlnllln. 11 I. ' HlreH , N. w. COllmIIONnCNCr. AU cornmnnfratInii ' rcInttng In t news nn,1 Idl , , Al cnmmlnll"tnl' h"lJ relntn no0le..el : To th" IflltOF. 1 nUSInSI LITlml ' . All busnc ! . . etter nnd remltnncn ( nnll he 1.lle. Al ! I' , letel nee Iuh\.hlo COIIn ) ' , I ; Olnn"n. o nrn. . checks nn.1 . pcndCfflcC ordrre , . 10 be Inll , panIl , In tti nlltr "f Ih ) , ' COIInl ) , "n\I III , . ' 1111 jtii : : PtIthlI4ItING ? coMPA1Y. : II\N\ _ _ 'rl 1m ( e\IIINO . . . . . = - 8TAT1MIT ' 0cmCULATIN. . . aeorge I Tce1ittck. ccrrlr ) ' of The to Iub. 1I1Ifl1 ' . " .Iul ' iIWI'Tfl . 11)'H t"nt IlehlnJ cnll' ! I ) IIng dilly 8\ln. Ihp ! nclll numher of full nn,1m"lel" COli C" . . of Ihp IaIty : 1lnlnl ) I'nnlnl In,1 IUI < ln ) ' ) tQ . prlnl \hJIIII 1nl the ( month of reLrlnr ) ' , 18. . wno R roflowif : - ni 1 . fol"ws . . . . . . . . . . 14 I . . . . . . . . 1 ,7 1 1. . . . . . . . . : 2.U : IC . . . . . . . . U.rrO , . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20..M j . . . . . . . . ( .n. . . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . 20IW 1 . . . . . . . . . U.1. ) & . . . . . . . . .20.012 19. . . . . . . . 19. G G. . . . . , . . . 19DO1 : 20 . . . . . . . . 19.r e 1. . . . . . . . . 1.901 19r'11 1 2t . . . . . . . . . 11,7i9- R. . . . . . . . IOR',9 , 22. . . . . . . . 19.Cil . . . . . . . 19 . 7I3 : 23 . . . . . . . . 10.r0 .10 . . . . . . . . . 1'O.O. ) . 21. . . . . . . . . .430 ; II . . . . . . . . . OrI . ) 2 : . . . . . . . . 19CI t 12. . .j. _ . . . . . . 10SIr % 2G. . , . . . . . . 19.GI 1 1. . . . . . . . . .flo 21. . . . . . . . . . 19.rIR . 1. . . . . . . . 19,110 , : s . . . . . . . . . 19r. : Trlnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &S. & : 7As 'li'tlIe&Ion IlTuo1t nnll icturned , . cOII" " .INlurtoo" . . . . for . . lnl1 . ; . . . . . . . . . . . o . e.020 . No I I " . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , r'Iel lnl"y nvcrage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 19.701 U ' HuIfl(1ft. a1OflC1 Ti. TZSC1T1JC. T7SrnUCl. 1 . i Awnrn In boroni' me no.1 . , uh"rrl"r , < t In 1) ' tnes. enrp Ihls 2.1 day le Mlrch , 1S93. 1 ( Sel ) N 1 1":1" " . otfliY rublic. L 'I'hl' ' SI tltU 111)I'tl(11 ( ) : ) just 10W haH tilt ollool ) ( ) , for 1I'It ) ' 11'111 ) , . hlsllss ) for I fes' WCII'H to collie' . ' . ( hlllgo II 01111'1 ) ) IIH1 Hit thl1 I ; / ( IOPSII' t tlku I 11l1 to t 111,1 Chlclgo iii nil : tiiitle'i ' ' ' coittlttlotis. 1ule' ( Jllll COllllolH. . I 8t'cIn4 that t Iii t Ilpq' Ilce\lt ( Ila : ' 1 I , 10 1lll'l'laldlg ( I 101 (11'lahll' I 1 11'111 I of thl' t I Ilfm'lllle I i cal hl' I IIIOSll'lluII ( t wih. I t - out cllarge't4 of fl'alil :11 favoiltIton. ' 111' l'UII'l'1111 t I I of I .1 a dgo Hollal I fro iii COiigl.t'14 Pre'eIItIttteH : tim tltliigt' [ ' of n COlgI'I'RH 11'111111\11 tw tllgl'l' hOlse . Iii tl I l'al' flll'u wih lor thal OI.fl I hlr. . . . " 101111 con t cii t bit alolg Ihl' t Polls 1IIIS to UU cOllaglom ; . 'I'Iie' olir war 10 g1't Ill of the Poll iltiIt4tlilct. ' II i 10 r Ilt 11(1 I 1110 I I slotl'ool cOIIIIIs. I t 'I'Iio chipI duty of thl IUII'ofls O' of , . . statIstIcs at the' t11\CI'81 ' of Chicago 1 wl Il' tn 1 I'l' a IOPlihitIOii 101' Clii- cage /I'cll'l thOu that of NeW YOII , . " VI 11 t I * i : ; I lollh i t al the \11' , ' 101111 It h ; 10 ito 10itll t tic 11 fIt court hall'R : wiI \ this lalf\lc a rest ; tutu Illu. I'Cl'll 111' I lliigets out of . the polcl' HII'al\ how 11ch the \ enngl'HS' 111 : 1111s to Iltll his . , hloglllhr : II til' cOlgl'csslolal tltreetnry tutu I\\ little , . Il ndlls 10 It after he ICC gets Into ? ! C011g1e55. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i ' 111 IntlliU legislature haH : set thl pil\ ; 'tile only way . to ' br'aktlie . . . Ilcolll Is for 801 ( ' Il Il'III.lslng' legIslative lohy ( to actually 1,1 a Inl II the lelce of Its closing hour. Chicago Is just cOlnwlclng to lcal : ' that I congressional lipIOpritttIOIl for a lCW 11Rlolcu hulhhitig Is 10t the Hal ( r thing aH Ihu lul(1lg ( Itself. 'I'hel'II I : dll'clcc of several years or Iliac. . Tlc IIWHllllelH or New York ! lCI , lllHl to keel ) the GOIl fatally 11'011- : Illt lit their < 'IIIIS even If they have ' to resuscitate the notorious XlcolllH WOnl1 1\1 JII hilcmmllg IIwlI11 to do so. l Is becoming 101l tutu 11101-i' all' l)01t'Iit ) that the l)1t'seIit legislature 1 : hlmt 11101 IIHlng laws that thc people do 10t walt IUII IIJI Ignoring 1)111I1s for l1IHI'I'S that are POllltllr tie- iiimiiiiheL I the house /h'el Itself 111 to cat : ' calls , songs tutu 1'\113' 1\11 or dllOI'dll I wl'l , before thc Iliac for Ilitmil iulJourn- nwnt what fort or I scene II 10 Il ex- Illctcll ) wlll the closIng h01'1 of tlc : Iest4IIi arrIve " 81ssl01 111'1"1" ? , . W1 the partisnits ever Il'l'l that coy- . t1101 111'I'llll \ : ' In llhle olce 11 ( lllllr ( I cilia I itmil 111 1III'II\lslllu. whcthcl' attntliliig to 1'llhl'II. dele , Cl'lt tic 110lllst" ? 10m'lt . ) unl I tll' holiest ) ' l'I'l'O/II1I' 10 party 11\ : 'lw return of I'reshleuit Clevelnuid : ' mtlrl PI''sllclt CII\'I'llld to IVaslu 1 I/l 01 lumen 104 Ihe I IU'lr il I sap- Ilolltlllt or Ille ( lilt of ten or the of. r thee ItCI'CI'1 who have been hllUtentr IUI/hl ) 1'0111 the whl\ house : wllhl ) for hue ' 10 ' ' . I' O'clJalt ) Ilapll'I\ 'rhe 1'1\1101 ( ) of the l'olsttltol of Ne- . hl'lHlm by the 11'I'l'11 11)lllulhl'o II hr far tl' ( lost ImuIortnut 111 fll"I'IChll ) 11)lllltll I tlli I t hlH hlll fl'lullll II I this : statIc lit tWlt ) 3'l'I' . I this 10\11101 ; II rtl1 by tl 11'0111' thc 11'111'11 ) leglslatium-i' wi hi' oln of tl ( ) I'nt laitul. t JII'I'1 Iii Nebu-tuslau's haIti It'mtl hlslor ) PattI Ylulll\'uurl , ni 1'1111111,1 of the 11hltl'III Legioui that II going tl l'O\'IIUtlllz the WII'I hll IHSUIII n : mnmtuilft'sttu Iii whh'h ntmr'ars his ( start. 11) I I I 11 UI'I'll'l t : " " 'I wi 1 < 01111 llul IUW ) who sIll not wlll , , " lInt 11 l'lli II comnniauutler It woull ( Il Utl" - , I'HI Corlllt ) for hll 10 1'lflSI t coum. : Ilndol tl huluust hf. ; 'l'hmoso Illt'IOIH II h'ut'shtht'iut Cievt'hniuh : lire tuow ' recalL lie 010'11:111 1' ( Uohl3'011 l'I'l'al. II' coull Jot IIIII'O\O ) 11) ' or the tinslgimt'ul Lls I\'I'I If li wel'e hHllwll lu til\ 11'1111/0 II the XQ" tt'e'lslol that glt's luluut teut ' thuys to cotushht'r bill ln'l hlu h'l' 11 1 ( 'Ollhl'l' I hi vItItout vt'fet-euiie to the ' ' ' ' . wihout l'fl'I'I'II'O tl thl 1III'\'I'III 111. k " jourl11It of l'ol rss. 'rhl IH."I ! YOtO'H Wl'I' uitsivt'iutly , hut euutional. Wo IlgOllt that the VlEnh'S % l'hILl's. cuss the ' how uiiarmlt ' tI ( UK Illl'StOU I 11111'11 Wll11 should subscribe Ilr""lr II public immi. ) . 'l'hierc set'uuis to be I wltht diver- 11e' 'l'llr IN'II > I whll lh'l'- gllro II Uw WI ) ' " II wlllh the uiaitlt's , or lem1ll'rl 0lhlt'1tt' ) II the or11 or thl' chili. ACl'r Irrh'lll lt t ( h'lllo comm. 'cluslou the WOI1 should ( o1lllto I ' lute U 1'10 mind ( lieu follow Um rule. TWO "l.'ns Ol 1'.tTllTlSl. 1111rlolsI IIH been variously , 11ennc(1 I ns hove of countr , lS willingness to nc' II\e self for the , wltnl'e or the tuition , UI 11.\cll . ( hue CoiulIllOll . good nho\'e the good ut ( the lumdivlthuunh. 1\11' ' one conS cetes lhat patriotism Is n , virtue or which JO cotmll ' 1)rssesseS ) too much. The el'l of pnl'lol1 I ! 11rohlhl , ' her wIth every ! , human heart , hit Is l\'cloJ' intuit ivithiout qtieslloui he cuicotit'- IwlI 111 wlholt 111wslul eICO\ njNl ( bY tluchllJ nml . ( snlllll' , Just n ! It can ho 11nlIC(1 \ , the slllllntol of OIIIOsllj Ilo'I'c ' , 'L'hI'o Is I just at I II'eHcll n. wllusll'clul dClull1 for Inerenseth IISIluctol cnlcl' latt'ih 10 luisplit' time cit l.emI wHh IHltl'lolc , rl'elhlj. 'j'hls Is Ilulfcsl Iii tIme mitmumuer- ! ' OUR his hl'for' our legislative ! hOtll'l' 111\tlJ to ( Ihl' 11Hlllu ' of the lutolul tu g IIIU Illhlc ' I lam ! d I a ! ! . I I I ! inn iii- r\sl , II tl 11Ifl'1'lt 10\'el\IIN II erect IOUII\lts I II I hl'oIH I of I tat ii pt'n ci' aim d iviltIt IH lutlfcRI lit thl' ( agitation for mllllr tlllllI hut tie I1hlc ) Irhooll nll1 Iii otll' lll1Ct0111 hlRt tntol ! I II ll'/l'II , wlh .ullcl' , that ' ' ' . ' mulw exercIses Iii 1IIII' tuclCR wi thin ' alive lie ' ' of youth ( to ( 111111'llllls Iwl\u l'IU1Ishlll tutu alert to deft'uuh hIs cOlmll "s ' Iltersl ! whll'\11 they ( 113' he euiilmiuugeucd. So ole nppu'e- elates so wIl whlt olhll'l whl hn\u fought at tlu ( cull of the Intel hu\'u dOI NO11 a ! those ivini limis' hUll sonic . iuii'flsuL-e of uXllellelce II ( hue same 11. icdloii . clf-sierIIht'e : oil the I hatlllehl , how- e\i. . II 101 the ell ' Ihll or se'lf.saerltlct' t limit the COlltr ' leN I ! 'Ihll 110111. so ofll I I overlooked , titus hl'l 1'lllhlll1lll II a IClClt altce II Public OpInion by Prof. , .1.V r . .lltl.H II' Cm'lwl umuiive'rsity. "l'titPlOtISiii I 11'01'1'1 hard wC'I" , mmmi- . Hcllh wO'I , , " says hl' . "Iii our hmlstorl- cal Rtltcs WC hl\ rend Si o 1\\1 If ' ' ' lii ham tth' mmmiii of the sehf.saci'I- h1\'l' II hattl 1111 tl Helf'lcl'l. . thee' or thut t , soldier thitit t we 10 not mmii- 1111y iissociui t e Ile t Idea . of Ilal'loISI 1 wlh the wO'I , of the citizen In thm' of pe'ttce Bil I 11 lot sure , " lie COl' tunics , "I 111t I Is mint moore dUll'ul 10 hI' 1II'Iole lit out' eve rydny lIfe thnl II1' : tliuie. II tle ( of hate 10Rt sohlh'l'l tire brave. ' 1'huey , Ill'\'U thueuui- seh'll for tw ( 1'llOUllel. 'l'liey IWlw Ilat thu t ( 'yes of Ilh' t I r en mm des maid tl'l' COllt' 'mcn , are ! 11101 tlie'iit. . Iii tmlH of JcIO to ito 111 : ( htity ns 1 cIt Izeut 1 : to hI' thought fmmi timid atult\l to lit tIe . things , 10 hl' a good lel/hhl' us wel nN 10 nHelll : thu' caucus , to take' 1 great ( lea ! of l'olhlu ( wil 10 thought of I'uwnld , ald : tllslH , U good Itlal ? to ux- Ild ) of IOStlll'Ojlll. ) " EV'Py cIt 1711 hns al OPIIO'lllly ' ' ' ' ' of his life' to dlsilluy ) \'all : ) every lIar : Ils Ifl' thIs Sl'COlll kInd or 11tllotsl , whlc 'lllllt\ul ' few nru called 11101 to do ' ' ' Iii the service of their mitnl' duty II sen'lcl tllll 10111'3' . l lectols timid calCISCI COIU not less rlcllellr tlll once n , 'IH' wllu wars In ' not OCUlI OICU II 1 life tlnie. Not that mIlitary traInIng IH ( 'It her umilmnport omit or unnecessary , hut hand In latin ! wlh It should go tmllllg In the dutIes of good ehtlze'ii- shIp. Iii tIme of i'itce we wIsely ' iii'c- pale for ) 1' In order thnt WH' many , be , rolu\.I averted If posslhll. 'l'hie ohject of 1m trlolsl II tmu of . 11 ICe Is to mcmi- der ' ' resort to the kInd of Ilcl 1Inl'CIII n IC. < O.t tie Ihll ImtlloUs:1 delamled In tll of wnl 'ril Iwo kinds of patllotsl Ilst bolh ilL' II/ht togetliei . Only by .ollll ll Iwo cal I hotter iitide'm'sttimahltig or hoth hu ntallul1 lIOTIW'rWI 111' rwt1'r. Time killIng of Italians hr n 11101) In Cololto nnll lie ( she II ) of n BrItIsh suljlc 'by rioters In ew OlllnnA has ngnln hlOIht forivau'd the qimestlomi of Ih\ ( \ ' lIabIlIty of the fi url government for damages 10 IWI'n and roerty of sojourners owliig nllilllce to O\'lln- mentN'lh whol the ( llcd States 118 alll'nhle' iciat louts. \Vasftlngthmt dls- Iltch ) ( says that the unfO'llnntl' Incident lt Wahsenburg , Colo. , many , seriously cmii- hnl'I'ISR tIme State dClnltmeut In Its of- 101'Lto protect A1e'lcun cl1elH In fO'In countrIes. Uefcrunee his heretofore - fore hoen mantle to time talwn h ' fOI'1 ) 1nde tw positIon by our govermtmneilt In conmme'etlomi wIth the )0\'erI01t COIIlcton lynchIng of 1ulnns nt New Orleans four 'cnll ago. The 1llln govellment thcn Ilelllllell ( assm'nncls that the 111. 1111'el's would be 1IIIHheil . and nlBo de- mnnllct 11IlI1It ) for th'lcllll. The I'elll ot our gorernmucuit WIH tlnt e\'el If It lund unth'u jurisdIction over the oh. Icged Im'III'e' It cOlld not /h'l tissue- nlce to ni ) ' fOI'cln IIOWCI' ) thnt : ( lucy I should hI 1IIIshl,1 I was clearly ) olltmi oUt thnt Ihl federal ! ) ove'llwnt hail no lJWe' to bring tie ( ofemlcll 10 Justice . thal IWC' hell ) with the ( state II which time oflnsu'IS com- uiiitteth. As to hllelll ) ' , SCCI'ltI' ' Hnlll' said : "Thu United States his 11Htlcl ' 1'1'0/111111 tl ( 11'11111111 ) or In- dllll ) ' to those 111nn subjects who Iny hn\'u hl'ln ivromigeti by n \ blat ion oC the . l'l/ht : sl'cl'1 to thel hy the treaty with tie ( United Htnll's of I.'eb . l'tmutry : I ( J 1871. " COI/I'I'HI nUIII It III- loll'lntol ) ( ) for 11 Illcllly , which wns : itttlil. I II JI'111111 that tl ( tll tie'- tlni't'il ( lou of t lie ' ' ' ' ( ! I'PII IloRlton til ) O'\I'lml'lt wi 1m ) 1lllel'I'll 10 i)3 ' UI ] Jrcsnl admmiluulstia- tioii. 'l'hl' Hltln lOll Is t hIs : Fort'hgui gui-veil- tel 1"0'1'1)11'1 111- { mull iit'mtl wih state autlol'llll II CI\ll'l of Ih ( ' Ihll 111'1'1'11 to , hit 111t II'pre' ) theIr 11'111111 fU' ( smut isfac- tnl timid 1(11'1'11 to that 1IllIl hlh's. 'l'll . fl'lh'l'tl /0'e'11111 t , hOWI\'II' , whl ( ' directly 11'lllslhl' ) ( ) for Illuwfll treat- inch t of Ihl' t ( 'II1I'IH t or ot lice ennui t vies ' ' ' ' lii thi lluulteth Shttt's , h'IIIC'nrl ) , . II thl Ulll'd Hlnl's hits liD IIIIC.I . to hl'll ) ) th ( ( ' olf'III'I'1 10 jUltl.l 101' 11\\1 to comll'l time stlllH wlhll whom : jm'lsll'tof such oltn IS hilly hI' Clllltl'll I t t to multi Itt' l'IJIII'III' tel for the (1alllll'8 inhilcte'th. 'ril itt- IUllol of ( 'IJI''IHns directed to this tlt-hliuqmu'utcy II the ( i'tht'i'ttl IlwI nl time tlW ( or the Nosy OI'h'IIS ImSSU'I'I' , hail 10 1111'0 ( WIS tnlll of tl I umiatteu- I . Doubt less thin 1'11 of \ . Islalln II (1. millie Ih ( ( ' fl'llell inuthioritit's tl II'II ( wlh otTi'iis's against thl' ( ' ° ' ' ' m ofll- I/allst Il'rsoll : 01' lrolI't or fozelguut'rs t e ' vi ly iesith I mud fl'I'lgII'I'h'IIII'II'lr 1'HIII ) 111 (1011) hISIII'HS ) : ; II I hue I l'nllll i t St a t rim ii' Ill he 11\1 h'll II ( ( the I teltll of til' t mn'xt ( ' ( ) uigrvss , nll I Ii l'II'llllr I 111l'l' that olht to 1'l'I'U the Hl'rllll . 4-tuisld- l'I'\ton oC the Il'lslltvl 1l'luI.tlllt of hut' ' , ( tl' o\II'lnlII 'ril IIUl.tOI oC hue llWl'l' ot tl 11- . tolll O\'I'Ulllt to carry out Its treaty ollJltolt Is I 1'111111) or the gravest ImlorlUc , " ' 0 l'nlot t-e'asomumtbly t'x llcc foreign nations to fulfill their Qllt- . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nlol ! 10 lrolect AIllnn citizens : resident II Ihel If 0\1 govei'uinient is I Ilnhle to protect lucre the ( subjects or such nu I 01 ! . I would l(1 to II be- YOuth flclon that 11 thulmi matter there shollil ( he eomlllel ! reciprocity ; hint ( we MhOlhl ( hI' 11'1)I'lll to give 11 full IM' \1 mill thnl we usl , . 'I'hls flIPttt'eulth3 ) ' 01' goyet'Iiitielit l'allol tb. high ni' thuot-it los hmmise tnl'll ground which I wOlhl salclol the I Idea I lint the I tllnl ( ) ! 111.hlIHII' Is II'ncll'II ' omlllltllt ( , i hit Ihe ivelghut . of 01111101 ) hits hll'l hunt ( 10 tlelt ( C0111 alter time 1'1111t0IH of the ' , ' ' ' the state . nuuil cll'11 0\'ll'11111 to Hllh' 111 this ( Jlllr1Illu hmns , It a 111)'a Il ln'couiit' 1I'II ' e'stiibhlshui'd In the pI'aetlcl of thl' ( guveriumue'uut. ' 1II'I'l' Is I'nol to 110lht whl'lhl' ( \ wl he lll/lll. sluice Ihl' Rtliel wl 11'ohnhlr not hI' 11111:111 ( to u't'hiuulhiilShi 11 ' of the right O' IltHJI ( ' rlcogll1c(1 ( hY the IHtlhllhll1 iliuItlliht' ) , I\NI thol/h t 11 I l'OISIIII1II'l' of aihlut'r- lug to It the O\'I'I'IIllt should hI' 1'1' hlu'I'lsll II Its l'fO'11 10 1II01let A mnerI- cnn clt7llH In fl'l'I/1 couuirles. ( . ' . ' , ' , , ' . .1S TO FflImIGX Jlol,17' ; Hl'III'11 1101 All'I'lcnl COIIIH of II' creasing stiles of woolil ! 1111 ell'llpll or American iimmtumtmfnctiure' Iii saute ltt- rOlll'nl iuitti'k'tS ttI ' ( ' uiCt'i'hitt'i ( h.\ ' the nIl ! , Ih'II'1 of the 1I'ISl'It tnl'lf IIW its 1\1 , ileuice' Ihlt hue ( II'Ollsl' of ( fo'llgl 1 I I' ! la'll ni Ihe ( 1'1'sUI of free IW Inll'l'lnll Is about 10 ) he 1'lal7l'll o Il' of tllsl l'l'III'11 ) COIII 11'01 omum' consul al B111. ford , 1 IJIlnll , who states that iiuier- Ical WOOII'IH ha \'l' hll'l ) 1011 ( Iii II'II'r Inlt of tl t lolh'lnllfal'IIlIj 1'111' I hI I 11/hlll I 111 t lint Itlsh I t I tle'a Ie'rs H'l' SIII II Ill to ( huh ( limit Ihl'I'l' Is Illh ! II hIs eotmuitl-3- high grade loth lS ehl'all timid Chlllll'l' : thnl It can hI' month' 11 Fiumghitmnh. 'I'ho Othl'I' 11110" Is 11'01 tl ' cOlsul lt Xlllch 111 ( refers to thu ( Il' 1'0111101 I ( ) of Allllenl CIIls ) Ilto iiihZe'ihmtuil ly 1 OII'lnn hirmum. I I tip- 1111'1 Imt ito CI'lllls mire' iiitit' II 117l'lllll. time 11ell\l11s of ( limit coumu- liT ( i hl'hlj ) Hllllllell 11'01 Ol'I'\lnl ' . Euug- : hum d. ) ' lice :111 : ( HllgIIl , IlII 0\ mom u - HIIIOltlllcs that tlle II I golll'llll SiVitZl'1'Ittuih timid olhl'l lllls of ( 'Euape for 0calllt mmmliii fnctturet-s. Of course hi' I III'OCI les of fuee' wool Ihll II lIlSl' Ilslalcl ! or the Sll' of A 1lI'la 1 WOOll'll ) timid carpets uhl'olll ) tlo ( \111\ eu tel . of hIatt I 1111 ' . 1\11'3' sllll of Il'ogl'lsi thai ( OUI' manumit- factm'cl'l mumay Illw hllIIOllll/ I 11'IIIICII ( of A I ! I l'I'i1 : I mum I I : mu mid fil 1011ls Into 111011:1 : 111'1\ls suit hl' gu'atifylmug. hit It I ! IIS : , to ove'i'estlmuuttte' tie HlglllcllCC of such ttmttisieh : Ions its Ihnlu ( l''lortel hr thl' COlI111 nt lirmuh- ford nlll Xl'lch , ' 1IIr'III II'ouall : ) ' IlCOlSlllllltul I ( 11 I Illlll I alt lollll I ) Is said lS 10 time ci'CllslulceH tmmmde'r whitl they Wlle uffl'l'tC(1 So I I' Aimte'i- lll umamiufachurem' of WOOII'I cloth . hay- lug I shock 01 hmll whici lie cOlll ( ! wt tlsllsu of lit the h 01 l' lnt'la'l , mummy hl\e Sllt I commslgmiuume'mmt to BI'utfO't wIth orders to soil \ 101 whall'\'l'l' It W0111 IH'II . 0' It 11) ' immtet' hl'll slum- )1.1 sll'cllntl"elllm'o. . II Il ' C\'ll loboll ' of 11'nelcul jlllgl\I1 will Ul 11\1 that out' cloth 1lllfulllt'I'S l'al II'ontlhl ) ) ' COiiiIIt'e' ( wih thosl' ( of Emmg- : Inml Iii lie ( BI'ltlh 1 1 Ila.t , 10' Ammierl- eal svagem4 Is stIll higher thal wnIH Iii EIg1tt , 111holgl tw ( 11flIIll'e II lol so Illt ns fOlllll , . AR 10 (111 ( I ! II Is IllhllIIW thnl sonic gymuhe's of \ fmucture tutu sole Iu Eu- Alullcau laulflctl'I' Ihll tull EI- l'OIH For : I11hll' of years om' mimaumu- fncturcm's ha\e hall 1 luu'It Iu 1'\0111' : ) fl' 1'111111 gmtcs of CIl'ICIII . so ( limit fl'ee wool , which our nmummufmueturcrs hlwl haul ouly for I htthe ( O\ I' two mouths , has 10tllu/ to wih thl' fact ( limit AIUI'lclu ca'pelll'e sob ! In 8117' ( 'rhaulI ( 01' elsewhere lu Europe . ( uIIllslollhl ) ) the cost of lal\u ) till ( lie II'otucls of wool In Iw ( , 'llct Stttt'i ( ; IH less han ( tOlwrl ) ' . hit this 11 largely dime 10 the retltmced lli'lcc of 11'/11 Ielucct . , lahO' Ild that chief faciO' hI II.tlue- tel IISt he still furlhut'r lowered maid hl'ouhtllowl 10 thc l-um'o1)eau Shllllu't ( or below I before \I ( 'ln llJ ( to do Ilch toward 'nlltm'hl ( the markets of EI'GIIU. ) SellIng 1 cOlsIlllUt 01 two of clolh lu Elgluull III au : lolul of CIU'ICUUg lu all l' U'OI ) not ( lxc'cllu ) perhunls , the aUlul1 1II011ct or I Ihllu ' Is'UI' ' fur Iumdt'ed from ie'al fuctol . s-ei'y hHIled . 11'01 1111- 1111 time lllllHl of .thc ( HUllllol'tm'H of time Il'cslut tnIll luw. CLASS T-oA7'W ; The ) of class taxation which was HO C0l10U tulll thc ( 11 ( lie ( IIl'I11 lax bill was 11'llll/ congress hits Ie'fl ) Igllu PrL't'uuttd. I 10W lint ( ( hue bIll hits heel elac'll Into itusv , lS n I'IUSOI ivhiy hue ) ' ' ' cimulil should dt'ehmtre ) tw HIII'I'ICHi' ! Hhoull Ill'l'II'l' the Iucolu tux 10 11'Olsttltolll ( l' ' x- In\tol BtIIUllH ( , In his 11 II\Ut Igllult hue ( IICOIW ( mix . uU\lu Oll ! . of hIs 1I'Iucl\li ) ) llulutl l'lst oil the fueL ( limit ' ' ' stiitglit " 10 dIvide ( lie ' - l'IUI'CHI Sluglt dl\lde II 11111'1 ) fl'll tie I 10wI' 11111 ( ' c11 ! ( luau- cluly NIIal.lu , lu hue immu-ger cIties , om' 10 tl\lle tl ( Ildtle class froth ll w'ulll ) II thl' ( "U10 tllltH : ' 'II . eouimist'I 11 time ( It lice Hlle 11 ; Ilfl'I'I.'t 10 t 111' t 110'1'1111 I I I ci musses which COII' Illn I u u ( 'IUI'llllllllu I of tie t Hlahlf' t , NO thut t I Is 1111lll'II t h ou 11 fll'l ( limit 11111'1' thl h lasv thieve \1 Il roughly umpt'mikiumg , I dass silt I ltieIuui'S ( t'xet't'ditug * 1,000 ) t4utlJ'Ct ) 10 IIXltoU uIII ole wlh lit- l'U111 Ils > Ihul h $ -OOt ( ) l ) 1':1'1111'11 11'01 Ilxulol. t t I I 'lhlH his hll'Illuh I to I Ihlow t I u Hl'l'I'I'ul UI'WHIII"'I'H HIWh liH tl' t Neiv York Stilt into I IIISI of fl'UI' ; Ihut class ii is I Inch lou s 11 II he I l'eo IJ1I'll II 11' Iii this ( it'tmtL'tit I. 11101 , 'I'h ( houh'I' Is Ihlt ii e have I\'II'IIUIHII ( 11 11.11)0ItIUt rUllol' i . 'l'iut' ii iii's t lou Is 101 ( to Iii U iii iVii't hut'r t lit' lux ( fit I Is 11 I class its \1\lhl'l' I Iii hUlulll'l1 111111. 1111) t ' , 10 II to I IIHII'llluut' u t I . a't svt'eii ( 11'1'1011 sllllllr 11 IU I 1'11 I'l I /0 thlollh the whole list II 11X1 ( limit hlt\ ' { ' hl'l'l I I 'rl11 II I hl"It'h'al ; I tll'H I I \1' "hll 1111 ( hunt thl' ( poll tax Is thl' t only ( lime thlt t ( ' 11 l's'Ulle I iii' ( 'hl'gl' II I cia ims I I xu t lou. , \ 1111 I ! I Iu x ivhulehi . I I 11'H iulb 'X'iumllItiuus ( inulil stuIl ' ' ' ' ' In ( 'X'IIIIIIS wOll1 Itllw .i'i-y 11111'1' oC thl' ( 'OIIIUll . 01 ) thit' ( It lice IUIII , Oil i ' II'III'I y ' . t : : i X ( ' / ii i'v \alll ( only by , tl uuk'ut4utIhhiuig ( ( IHI , on m' 1111'1'1111' I I ( Ilxe t : olh' I i ) , ) ' til' ( eimtsm4 t limit II ( m'l . ( unit I I'IOI/h t 0 St''luut' humeri tmluuet's t. hellllsl" , ( Ill I' ( ' Ui'- 1111'1t11 ) ( mixes emily , h i ) ' I\ . I'ohuht' ) whl hll'sl I . II I (1'III'ul' t I mmdt'rt 11 : ; I 1 gs , ( lit r 11110I.t thule' ( . (11) l- til' ( ( ' hiss ( limit ( ' ouisitumit's tort'igii gSI(1i4 , ' Ihlt l'OISUIIS 11 1'1 gl 101111 title imutermaul I mt's'uuliu ( mixes ( (11) ' by ( hit ( ltiS-8 . that 1I1IlIse > him iho- uuut'mttlc 11.tl'h' ( : mncuhloumi'0 . In thin law. 'Inlthl \\'hole tux stem to- : - : ' : ' - - . - - - - - - - - - . : . . ' ' - ' _ . - , : : : clhcl nlil tIl hlrn II thlt we have u 1111 nllll'olmntl\ ! ( Illlln out all ciasqes their hw slutres of time burdemis IIUH'C ! llh' ! ! jie Rhlrl'l hlrllLl1 or ! O\llliii 'rhl' Il to 1 I' tax 11 class Il.glsfatEII , but lit thll ( I dIffers (1'1mi' ( Cttilhaxes hot II Chll'lcle' hut solely ilh'I { ( Tm 1 { ( ' ) "N ISUIurTW : 'rhut t hue'-.i-tpnumisli ! ( 'l'I'llelt I'ICO ' IhIH : the ( HtiIHl 11 of tl ( ImHI'I'lclll : In Cub\ I - lit the extensIve I Cubi : Iflown ; II lxtl'llh' ( 1I'I'IHltOIf. It IH 111hlJ to SimIllt't'Sii 1 the ( tUV4)it. : 1. "llrllloscl ) II HPIII 12,0)0 ( ) imium'e IIl tothii. ' 1:11\1 , wlllh wi I make ( lie $ lHII : force ( lucre : tTtkK ( ) tutu I 1I1I'ni ) HII' hl lel'l 1III'III'lltl'll for lsII Citimi. t lli'uitly 11il feels hint she Im'J Ilotlr l'Ollkl oil her hUIII wih lice ( lhll Klhjl'tR ) whleh unity cost hive IS llIl 1'hlc t 1111 I'X- 111 Il' Its Ilhl ( the hIRI'I'UI'111 II 1HI ( , mimi hI 1'lll'l' limit ( lucre many 10t hI' 1 l'I'IH'tlll II hunt t l'SIHlll'l'I' Hhl' IR Ih' . I'I'mlll'll I I II t u I'mllll ) ( ' htet' resoimm'ce'5 iiuom'c ' ' niuti net ' vigorously tliiuim idic frlllr 11111.t 1111'1Jn'oIHlr thal Ihl' tll hlut'ui. 01 II tIme l'l'ROI'c1 of Ill' ( luusurgemmts lIt tl' I II ImIWI , hUI , nLcolll , . lug tl Sttutt'uui'iitt4 11'01 whll : l'l'l tl hu t u1mstss'lhhusotumces ) , I hit'y 1m \'l' 1 l'IIRhl'I'lhll' ) I fO'CI' nl'llllr emu Ihl' h 111111 , \\1 11'1'hllll ( wih l'ms timid 111ltols of Wi' , III tlit'it' 1 : n large lumhl' of ( 'tihmmmis Iii this l'OIII'r , f1\1 10 lie Ii- 000 ) ) ) . , who 111' 111(1) ( 10 Ju to thl' ( tissist- 11le of til' ( 1'1'\01111011:11 Whl'l'\'I'1 tlr l'll ( limit 11111111111 ) ) ( ' 10 111 SO. 'I'hls wi II 10 IIS ) 111 her of course , hl" ( llttSt' thuls g.1s'rmuumie'mmt 111101 ia'rmmtlt Imodit's of ml'l him lt'mus'e Its shores for thl lam I 111(151' nf .011 hi I ) I II' instm I erect lout . \\'hll mummy I'XIHlllol Ihll mummy simcce'ed /I'tllg IWlr 11'01 thit' I'tilte'l Shithi's wi'II ' t\lr hi' Iuit'IC'llhlJl ( h ) ) ' time II\al s'i'ssehs II Shout ( hut ate 11111hl/ ) I h svtu I yes nlolll u (111. 1 h II HIIIl't Ihll ( th'le COlllllcntol hal 1111 Illnlllllll hllWll1 the' IISI'l'ltl tutu theIr fl'l . llll mimi Hlllthl7cl : Iii thIs ' . ( limit svlthlui ' ' . ' CUII' so thlt wlhll tsve'mihy-fouui hours nrtll any eve'mmt 111\8 IlIacI' oil Ihl' Islald It wl le ImowI to thc ( Il'llll'l'l II'I'e , 'I'hc hISI'/'IIH hl\'l let wll :011 ( stimuli \'leIO'les Iii thll' IICOlltl'I'S wlh Ihl' III\llh forcl'R nlcl till aceouumts l'III'l'Sl'lt ( lucia to ( hl' ( ht'te'iliiluied 111 commhldemut. ' ! hll'I' CCI'IIIII ' Is sllclllt Ilccnl h'l' for tll ( to tht for hide- ' ' ' ' , 1111(1 ' - musstmrtd of the II'lidt'iiP. 1111 ( III Ile ISSI' l ( iut'am'ts- _ 1 'lllall ' of the AIlIIlal I'Ohht' ) ) mind of 11 Ilollh' ) whl Iwow 11 ' - timIng "I tl ( lUll ClllllolS Iumpose'd I ' \111 ) 1101 lice ( 'I hal Klhjl'l'ls. ( hit th\ ) ) ' 1' ( ' lImit I hug IglilSt great Illls ( ( utah II Is hlllr Ilossliult' to seriously hlll\ for theIr SitCe'mO ( . IN7'111.f.C1uAI. : I'UUSUTS AND I,01- pi-rirm- . 'I'hu 1101111llal , , / hlslm'lll. Cesmite' I 'mutt im , dlel1 ( tlW dls ago lt the ( I'llt ' If Pt ' amuh his bug lift' hits Igl' o ! 'lUIS 111 : 101) Ifl' hll Iit'eii t-e'fei-id 10 tumult lue'i ' imilmie mis cxii Ilel llfll'h'd ; lS 11 t 11' eXI Ille 11 lie l'l'lil'I ; ; ( , hlu ) louig'vlty 10 wilh 111 of lmiti1leimul I : I hitl'simlhs ) ! O ofll'l mtttmtIum . Cai.l.tlt WI ! : le''titre'r oil belles- letl'es ( nt o' of the plllClll tumilvet- Hills of Italy bHO'1 lie' was : O , 1111 II Is more ( ItOh i 1t'ulf 1 ct'tmtury since hIs 1011ll'I11I , , work , thl' ( "t'uilve'i'sal ( l1IR' 101 ' : ' WIS tIIilIllshit'(1. I il Iltll'estl to Iltl lie ( . \ hliPlcs \ ) of olhll' ( hlllollllS who hnll'l , II aim Ih'llClt mtge' , lS If hIs laborIous , - alt Immtemise' Illullctlnl 0 < " work Icllr , 1III'IIu ( I cd to lOI lIfe. Balel'of was llst 110 whcI hue tiled and : l wa ) Iollold VOlt Ratike ito ( cele- hinted < 11'111 hlstm'lal ( , who kept 111 hIs wO'I , 1ll0St 10 Ilc ( cud of his lIfe. Sir III'r HawIIROI , time great nltholly ( ( Iii Assyrititi hIstory . WUH 8 : whcl lie died I ! hell tIme ago , 1\11 CurthlH , Ihe ( famumoims slltell ( of Greek luIsory ( tumid , Ilehllolol ' . hum 81 A w1lel' on this slbjlct Hlules that nceO.tl ) to the ( BrItIsh hlSt'IICI sl\llnrd ( : ro III cunt of the authors amid simitesuieti12 I ie't ' Clt of lie clr/ ' - lumen , ar 1ICL' ellt of hue ( hasvyers , tT hit' ! ' Cllt of the ( telchers 1111 ( 24 - Ilr edit of time doctors i'emme'hi thc ' or iO ' . ( doctorl Ilach nu 'elll. 'I'lw I"rclch lilRl'IUel' HluHlll'l ( lImits ! IttlCe't8 lii the ' servIce ' lii "ICl'I'H II Illm'r HU'\'ll'e hllhcl' 11 ( lie lst II bug 1\'ec 10I'tnl : statt's- Iln : tuid H'I'Itstl Ilhl/ low\'cl' . at III IleOd. 'I'hu Ilsl\LCI ( ut't' 1110St iii- 1111'I'nhle of hong-lIved 1'n who dl \01111 twh' tllcltl ( 10 IHhle IllHtOIR , Its political Il'IIIII'I IHhleHls ) ) , It'l of sclcncl l'ntO'I cdl toes , t1ologlal t ! or ' eoinmmmitalems. 'I'hue of . ' h' . Illu' ) 1'0 I I I : 111m' ! 'Ilu InlU . UIIttolt wlo hlR HO I'CI'It gl\el 1'\1111111 of hIs WOnllll'fnl I'lnlt ) amid slllllllllr ( 11lclllhlI1 ( ftueumltlcs. . wi oe- _ ' ' ' ' . Ihi. ( liulsomme ( ' em' to 1\'I'I''holl , I. HhulHlolu was ho\ In 1HU timid Is 10W Iii his Silt Ii yemii' . A I I 11tl I' of l'lglsh : slltplln of Itsll'lol 11'111 to Il ot'togeumarimmmis mil time Slle II 1'1' ( or oIlier 111011'11 'OiuttttIds , l"i'an'e' umd ( ' flit-- l'olll'll'H Pln'l' I UI 011'111) 11'- Ilsh a II'/e list of eiuuliuvuit 111 ot IltcllLlll1 pursuits wlo hlvo dIed wlhll thc lusl tWlnty.l\o (11' thiltty yt'mit's itt 11 111. \'IIlt ( le , nlli this rOlnl'r hlll 11 Ill'OnHllll'l h lilt' 1 tu mmii Ii'r or such 11I , A 1(1) tl CIItllh'II\1 I I I v lug cxii mm u Ill ( ' 5 or IOI/I'I'I I h y m' ( ' Hlslll'c' I . who i wi I Il I R1 on A 11'1 1 Ilxt , POII Leo , who IH 83 , .1\sll I : .31 IO'I , thl' t I \1111'11 Hlla- ti' 11'01 "II'lolt ( , who II I R : 1111 .1 J\SII'1 1'll.llot Ihl' N\II'I'II' commit , who Is 71) ) . I Is I Hlll I thll t t of thl' I ( 'oll'/\ II ( ' 1'111111 I I Iljlllr II'C 0'1'1' . j ( 'llrs II age alil :1"1'1'11 I 1'\ ' O.tollllhIS'hll' I i I I 11' t mud ii lois of ha 1"I'lllh " l'alll'l ) 1'1' 111'1) 11 I I IID i ( If Ich'lll'l't I I I ge. I111 Ihl ( \ HIIII ) thai t I hlil I I wO'I , IH 1 Ilf'll 1(1) ) 't\ \ bug 11 ( ' , 111 I III t 10si ( IIIIHIII' I I I'Xllhtntol ( of 11 I 101)1'\'llr I I of 111'II'cllll t I 1'ln ' Is that I I lucy 1111'I'/lalll ( how to I II'I'l ) \ tl'lll .h j I ' 11 t h 1\'ollll'U ; of thOI' t I Ills I of p , cl\'IIHSlI'SH 1111 1 1I'/I'cl 1 whl'h tllll ( 'tl 11'111 11" , :1\1 I , wdlm' out tl11ljIt ; "li' mum 11111. gl11 Ilh'll'sl.\ ( IHI'SIII h.\ tllll/ 1IIIH'III'llttW ) I ' 1IIIIIui I l'l'sl , I I ) s- 11 Holll' wlhl\rl\\i11 \ ( ! 11'01 I lame to tluuit' 11'01 mill IIIHIIPIS I ( 'I'IH 111 h'II'MII I I 1''gllll 111/WlllY ( / ( 11 , hi' ( II good LOl11tOl I I 1111 l Ow t fail 1111111 t 01 111. I I CII 111111 IIh'I ' l'ljO'll. Aim n utile those who 11' ( ' best lIve 101/1'11 , maid lm ttussle'dgi' how to Ih"o I , wl'l I Is ( It'll vt'tI 11011 I mtli'it tuess of 1111 i i 101'1 thll I I i ( you ii Illrsll'll I 1uo IV'Sli. " 'hl' fll.tl t 110 ( ' 11' . tmttmuly \'I'I' % ' t'ilIfl riugiuug to bail it w\I'I" - ' ' . 1'1' 'l'll 1I10\lClI1'It I 01' tl t II'OII\SI't I l'III\'al I I I of ul I' , " ' . A , 1'1) I ( ' . til' t ( ) mahl SIUII I 1111'lul'I' , to ( 'hl'Io 1 u wi I lii' I'l'ech'cil wih 101111' ( regi'et II tl' h hush- Il'l cl'I'1 or Ihll t city all 1111' . .l \ . l'o is ' II'I'Hlll'l I or thl ! I 11111\1 1'1'1'1 ' 111 Cousuuimem's IHjOcltol of this state ! md lu that ) hlut doute uumiuchu I1J t1at CIlllcl ) dOlI Ut 11ch . - - - . . . , ' . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - nfl ally , one lun to lnl,1 tIle orJullrI\ - ( bit flmil its unoiemmiemtt for Ihl' ( ' ' 1011111 1/10\'elllt 101 111\h'ohl I' or h011 Illustrll ( ! time Rllll/ limit ( they ' nl-t' . Ills chul C of l'IHhllle will iteces' Hlntl' thl' choke or n 1IIclhlenl by tIme Illlherl of the ( norutol 1111 nil tll ) cult hOllc for 11 to H'II' ( onn who ( will mike ( ni Ilch lwlle 1111 Ih'\'lll nl Ilch 1'll'I'J ) ' 10 thl'lt ( Interest as tll' ( Out' who wl 001 retIrele . l'utge humis hll'l 1 1)mogm-e'ssIve 1111 ( 111hlc Illh'Ill cll1l1 1111 ( 01111 wl regret to ( POrt wlh hll , I wns Irl:4llenl : Im'klll of the ( 11" - Ihl/lon ! 'Hh'l who. Whl'l ISI\11 the t other hay thl' Il'IS01 for tll I mulmitki rHln ! off II time Ierllll II hue tend 11\11 the II'ercllhlj \\'l'I'ls , u'epiltah : "iittil hIHhIHR ; Ihnt Is thl' ( (11) rensoum. " 'I'hll IR WOlll'I'f\I ' algumiticant . 101111 nH II titles 11'11 1 railway presIdent. " 'IlI\'l'I' ( , liitlieio ( , nl ' I'ulrolll lul hits hell 11sla'll th ( ( ' 111801 for 1 11 I'l'a 11 1 11In ' tltl' , for the ( \'nlllhll (1\1. the'uuuhs. IIefl11l'I hltl'I'lsl , amid 11\11)1 ' , lug t-ecchverslulps t hicie hits be'emi ttmt oime hi/ 1'1'I'ph'II'shl\s Ihll'l' hlH hl(1 hiI Oll' IISWI'I' : "host lit' 11)1111101 " I est I 1'lslltlul t wal tl' I ( 'atll ( WII'II tlll t ex- llltiluit'l ! \'II' _ ' sholll'UIIII/ In ( lie t'iitltC' 1Ih\'I ' svorhtl . Of course : hhue'te hns hl'CI 10 IIW ho tl' le'glslaIotm ( nol l\el :111. tonu t I 11'/lln tel enforced I I Ilr html 11 II I hI' l'tlll' ( ' for sevt'umth 'IIIH hnck. But thl' ( raliromuds hn\'l' similered svihht mlh'oltls \ Rlflrlll nlolwih 1\'II' ' othut'i' hIShll ! : Intel'l'HI. If tIme mlh\'I ' Il'l hn\'e 111\111 11 the 110lnt whll'l ( lucy 111111 lint theIr W'H II\ lot nil trcllhle In hostile Il llllton ( t lucre' I : Inde'eil hiopt' fet 11 early I'e' i'IvmiI of trospe'rlhy. . . I I t IH Cl'l.tllll.I'lat , to Il hOlll't hunt 'l'miyiImhue ( Ilefalihlolih 1II\tn ox- IllnI'II' , wl not 011' hu hl'ol/hl tn , hIHlc ( ' , lint alsl ( bl' forced 10 utitiha' l'I'Hlllton ( so ( fnl' as lies II his IIOWCI' of tw ( 10nl ' which he cxtrlclell 11'01 hhut' pimbhlc ' ' ' . At thie lImit tl' Ilhlc l'casl' lll' : alu lme that ' ' ' If his ' In tl l'l'IIOI'tR If 111 11111'uhunslon Icslco are /0 hlllnnlc ( hut eonll'nU- t 111 wi be' accessory before tl ( ' l'll hI acellllell ( ( 11 I I I/It ( hl'l' 11111 Ill' . ' 11)101 humid 10 111 ' miht'tots ( I limit hue set'l'ct 11 stout hum his thl whlcl It wi be (11c1I 10 ovt'ucomime. ! I f the I'Cllnl l'clII't ( ) II'o'lS to ( htii-t' hl'1 aim- 10111111 Ihc ! l'lllh should tll' at OICU ( 'oltll'l wih t 1'1'll'well11' . 'I'lI best t hit II t ahou'ume's ( who 11\1 hlln arguing agalumst thc consl1 1 tel Il- Ir of tIme IICOII IIX 1'1 ( ahlllg Is I that. thieve' ssIll hc thlsIdctl ' lll thll'l' wi a 11h'hl'(1 ( Slllll'lI court. imumisuimimehi as the HIII'l'IU COIlt hiI th'hllll 01 mme'mtrhy l'I'I'1'lnl IIICS' 101 t of ( 'oust ltimt loimni lasv limit Ils coml' imp before I , thlr mire quIte justhhle'd In thIs. I Is , hO\\'l'\'CI 1 1'lle of jllleal consll'lclol . to )1'u the valIdIty of C\- Clr 11lltld ( acl of COlg1'1'11 ( lie helllt of the ( tolht'lelc'l' there Is I color of nltholl ' . 'il 111 who ale Ighln the ! Ilcome lax ( law II'nclcal : ' mmckimoss-I- , , edgt' that the odds tlieimm. Iif/ ' mite 1/lllst thll 1e'umllIet's of the 0111'11 Llhol' , Illon IXIH'CHS ! ) g1'atlcatol ( at the fiI' chalce of i'immtcnme'lit of 1 lass' rCIIII'IIg ( limit cOI'le 1111e goods ( shah hl' hl'allcd II such 'l'huo coimemmt ( lout of lalul' llatels ( hint 1IIIIOI.1111l' goods "houll not hu lll'llllll 10 comlll'tu ( wlh the 1Il0lhwil ( of free Illll' Is soutml. ( ¶ I'liei'c Is sumac Il0uht. ( hO\\'I\'II' , whelher tIme 1II111g of II'IHOI uiititht' wm'ls1 10 lilly con- sllll Hale. ule IX t'l In le'fcI'e wll their OllhIRly : liolined. Minneapolis Journai. The UnIted Stales Treasury department haR decided that 1 'cocktail" Is I manu- faclured artcle within he meanln of the tariff act of 1891. Conslmeri or cocktails have IonA suspected thlR. but they haven't saId anything about . It. ( loud Thil ! , 1'.1 I Alon/ KanMs City Star. The era oC the optmisl seems close nt hand. ' 1he wall of discouragement will grow weaker the shadow of Iloom will lIft und the troubles of the business world promIse - Ise 10 become hut a mlnlscenc before many monlhs. . 1.1.ln5 Lu Iii ) St ! . Philadelphia < Press. The Income tax law Is being subjected to 1 mighty legal omhardmenl whIch would shatter u much stronger fabric { that dId nut have the weight of the government behind It. The disposition of the court no doubt Is (0 uphold I revenue law when the govern- ment Is borrowIng money 10 meet current expenses but first of ) I must uphold the constItution of the . United Siaies. The Old HI11 I'e- ( ] nut . UInn < GI"h . The bug steam rlwa ) ' corporations of Connlclcut have ul last heun to "squeal" over the growing competition oC the elec- tries among their routes , and , are 10 appeal to the IpgIslature for protection against parallel electric rOllls , 'he chief hue of 'rolesl , IS I appcun' , goes out from time assumed ground . ( limit the steam corpora- lIons. havln silent Iqist sums of money 10 ! secure tile right of way , erected . expensive depots and Illeil up costly groutids. time permission of I parulel eleclrlo system II unfair 10 them unless time I > hlc necessity demands it. As the con801lluled sear roads have begun an active warfare on the electrics 1 will he interesting 10 note the resul , e . peclal ) ' IC 11 appeal Is taken 10 the courls _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ I'JOl'LR wiND TIIIMIS. The Cubans wi walk Spanish for porno time to comB 1.1 Hung Chang's peacock feather waves trIumphantly over his enemies. The hal Is on its rounds again for means to fit out a polar relief expellon , , I Is suggested that EdItors Dana and Noye settle their tlrerence hy joint debale. The marquis oC Qucensherry la nol disposed 10 areml his rules to fit his Wide epithets. gx-OovHnor Wall Is slid 10 be on a hectur- lag . lour , but his trail Is not marked with . gore. gore.The The decorations of Ihl ( Boslon pule ! library trill cost $50,000 , A French artist will do the worl Congressman Sulzer ot New York his already - ready achieved distinction lS a rusher of red neckties. I Is more than probable the 'enler ot Chlcago'j dlsconlenl will be made glorious hy the son of swirl The refusal or \ ! 1IIIanl legislature 10 pan lie Inlprlze Ighlng bill protects the mnemnbers rrom this annoyance of irosecu- tion. lon A nOleworthy feature or these riotous times I. this numbr of cenlonarluns celebrltng their birthday aimmmtverssries. Tilt latest II i General M. Scott or Minnesota , who la 103 and remi.hmeaieii. The value of the Inslrument designed ! y a Yale \an to measure the rapidity oC amen's thoughts can be delermlnel by applying It to time eonfreumen lrIIJell Illeles on the bleak shares of tile Polomac. Ex-Goverimor Herd oC Wlsconsn : llrBSldl at I meelng lit Vlck.burg recently and rapped his gavel Oi Ihs table utah hy Grant and Pemberlon when they signed time lerms ot ( lie surrender of \lcklurg. The Nawab or ahadur a 111 his wife are 10W In San ranclseo on theIr way around the , , 'ord , and the Irlnce s Is sid 10 be the 1011 magnilcenly atUrrl1 wcnln that ever \Islltd the city of the Golden Osle Hr. Sibley has not a riveted cinch on time sliver party's nominaton , General Coxey la abroad mounled on I gray mare and Is con- Ident the combInatIon or color and vim will convince tIme ErIe statesman he la I bam In P1Ut. , - - . - " - - - - SflCt1l.ifl SflOT'ttr TIll l'tItl'lr SlWUI"ll.IWT. ' .tT : ! I New York Sun : So long its clrRymNI are , permitted to travel lon railroads itt hal i rates , so long must the shorlngc In theIr faro . bo paid b , other trn\'elcr The esmtabhish. : menl ot cut rates for tummy privileged chase ot People ! Is demoralizing , antI the honorable clergy should not only 11roiCII against I , html shaull frmty refuse to take advantage or it. ICtlts City Storm : nshop Amitlre.ws or lie MethodIst church , whose charlo 'nleIs I In the east , Is oNloselt to mlnlsllrs , lsclsslng qles' tOIS ot currency . law , strikes 1111 politics , and imoitis that IC it bee-onieg anl Iloll I ( 'le. necesJry for them 10 do so tile ) ' should bo very consersit- lIve. t the bishop were 10 liaiSe ICnnsns In his nharlo he wOllt hn\'c 10 modify his \'Iews or lie wOlht fluid hiitiselt , variance with he I vast majoriy oC the Pastors \ , Take Iht Methodists out oC Klnsls Nltcs ( and I woul be iiccIdt1ly tale , Cedar naplds nellnhlc l : II n rct"nt sermol nt SI Iouls He\ SRm Jones saul : "I Sam not n democrul , a republican , or n Iioiitilist. \ Whll am 1 I'm n gentleutmnmi. A mll lint ( SIRtHI on time right IIl' . 111nrchns. able' all unbulhthozable , ) ' 01 can'l drive him nor hurt him , lie slnnds true 10 his 101111 tons ( and sqlre over on limo right aide , " You caut't le I mngwllll , Mr Jones , for you " say you "slan square 0\11 on the right sub , while n ml/wlml' stands miowlucre , The long amid time short or It Is , Sainitch . you'rc n hensntolalsl Mlnleallols JOlrlll : Mgr . Snloll Is or / tlmc' OPinion that the United \ States should hnve official relatols wih the vatican. The pcople or this country nre not of such opinion There woul bl no Joulble use for an Amiteri- cnn 11'0) ' nt the vatican , We ha\e ' representative - rescntatv nl the court or llnJ lumbert or Italy. The I'olle rcpresenlx nolhil/ except ana at the ecclesiastIcal or llznlols or time worl , and there would be just ns mUlh rca- son for I" 10 send an atimbassador to the Grand ) 1lln : or Tliibet . the Armcnlal imatri- arch al COlslalUnollle or the nrchbJ hell at York as to send one 10 time vatcRn , Salol has \lch 10 learn abolt Ihls cOlnlr ' reI Law. i.iuirty 111 ilumniiiitty. Chlcnn Tllcsl rnhl. SOmelmeR good \ law IA hR11 111111 policy , The decision of Ihe Illinois Hlprele court IlalhlltOI oum constitutional groiiiids titi' Oi constiltonal10111" IH Inw prescribing tight hOlrs 1 /10111" > legal ! workIng day for womel 1 > u ease In Illnl Perhaps I Is n good law , though we doubt It. Certnlnl \ Is ball plblc poiic- . ) 011) Time Ilrlclllr point II issue I" ) of less iuuportmtnce Ihnl time lell mruncipues which xviii I inevitably l Hprlng from It . 'I'le law de- dared that Ito woman shoull be emplol41 II' ) In n ' or for factory ) . WOrlt5hoil mor titan eight hO\'R dnl ) . Persons who In.1 pr01 II working women from lel to fourteen hours daily for nn eight-hour wage urged Ihll Ihls Inw conUcted with the clau9 In ( lie Hale , 'onstulon , imrotmiblting ( lie dc- : 1)'I\alon of citizens of "lfe , liberty or propert without Ilue . process of iamv ! In Home mmiysterioims way time ' Inw. titseerns In limo law which Ilscerns Ilrohlbls women frol working more titan tight hours U day In factories atm attempt 10 < ell'1'e them of liberty or properl . lhel' abilIty to labor Is 'heir Ilropert Irllel time sUI'n'meour ( ; their right tu sell their Inhor on tummy terms 1 : ono of their lIberties : wherefore If tIme state nlelJls 10 lmit their right 10 sell their labor It deprl\es them of botmm lIberty 111 lrOllcrl ) ' . ' 0 the 11)'man 1 woull s el that Ihls tiepils-atioti-if It be a de- del"'I\uton-lf 1 erivotIomm-vns made II Iue process of law , nR time consttuton imrescribes. : the leAlslalure un,1 goverimor having \ jolnel In It. The goveror ! court In its supreme wiidomn , howe\er , docs not seem 10 hn\e laken Ihls view. Nosy uccellng 19 good law this decision of the IllinoIs Rlilreme court , lei us consider to whlt I may lend. J Of course , further regulation of the sweat HhOI e\l Is made wholly ImJosslhle , for If a womnn many nol be restrained from agreeing 10 work len ' hours she cannot he esloppell from colt- i tmctng 10 work In fetid timid pestilential places , Nor doeR the queslon of sex ma- terlnl ) ' enter into time problem. This sacred 1 rIght of contraIl applies ( quai ) " 10 men ! and wotmmetm The IllinoIs court has Ilrend i , declare,1 , that n man may agree to work antI take In lmnynment "Iruck stare" ol'der ' ' I 11 queslollhle whether \lieI time Fame 'I' , conslruclon of the law a mun would nol be upheld Iw the lupreme court of the state 'I ' oC Illinois In selling himself Into absolute Hlu\en' for the nerlod of his life. : Time was thaC womnn labored In the coalmines ! mineR of Ihat . In Stygian darkness , . 1 timid rough and uncoulh men , cla,1 , In n' ' Hlnle garment , timey worked ns beasts of burden dlgglnA caul-laden carts. The con- science of time J nglsh people was Stirred , anti by law prouiimdtlon of this form of fe- male labor WIS erecled , Hr\l time worship- ful Judges of the IUllrele court or Illinois been In authority In Englan,1 , they would have cried bait. They would have nimsertei that the right of WOlan 10 unsex herself 10 accept hard amid disgraceful terms of employment - ployment , 10 enter Into compettoa with her husband or her father 01' her hmrother WUR Itmallonimbie . anl that u just antI benevolent - lent government should not intervene 10 prevent her selling herself for hire upon such terms us a hard . purchaser might lix. There 11 a ghastly sort of Iron ) In time attempt oC the supreme court 10 explainer or excuse its decision upon time plea that It Is protectIng the rights of weak indt- 1 vldunls with labor to sel Of courRe a judicial tribunal cannot be expected to lake cOAnlzance of the facts thll working people . In 50 Car as they are reJresenleil by lahor organizatIons utI earnest but Inolclal friends of the lahorln6 classes , urged tIme enactment oC the law and that mlionuire firms QUacked \s conHtlutonnll ) ' . These timIngs cannot , perhaps , be brought within i time omclli purview of a court limit Ihe\ ' can and shall be presenled 10 time people. \\hat ! n mockery It Is 10 read that the supreme : court has demolshed this humnne. Ihls cIvilizing law on the plea that II roh the 1 poor oC their right 10 sell their labor as they : sviil. Dives demands protectIon. Time court : accedes 10 his < elll ] . but plead that 1 acts In time interest oC JaZlrlR , We can only deprecate this decision , of the RUIrtml court. In I we discern nolhlng but n setting hack oC time hands oC l'rlre1 on time dial ! of ( into. Time disciple of laissez faire may find comfort In I If the ) ' will. Plollle nol of tIme doclrlnlire type will Ills- co\er that Ilroulh It time svay I ! opened to the most cruel oppressIon of people-amen equaliy with wometm-who work for wages. to depression of ( lie stanilaril of living atuil to time degeneration of time race. There must be new leglslntiotm to correct tIme evIl imifitmemmees of this decision. It stands for ( hanger tiheaci. rIR IUILIXU i'.isioM Sym-aetise l'ost : "Tout think yoit know It all , don't you ? " ' 'lila ? I.orii , itoh t'iit none. rieth , ' ' lhosmm ( Cotiricer Bila-Yotu ought to have spell Jack when im itiOPosel , Stehin ( imieanly-Oit , I've seen him. ( 'iiicmtgo hiecord : "Jock imroe'ih host itiglit .inti sold ns' nnssver mantle Itim time hmatiplest maim in the tent-Id , " l.tlit-lear old , lnek ! It lnks little or imotimluig to make hiiun happy , i'lullndclplmimm Bereril : "Itemeumber. ladies , " said lIme Innnyumnk pitilosophier , "a satin Is like nfl egg. If you keep him in hot svater lie iii bound to become liardeumed , " Lifet "Nay , " saul time yoummg editress , cohilly , to hemtsnuiiie'sS ioser , "ask mime lint to tmrt'ak esery trsuihitlout of my chmosCum coil. log-h cannot rettirit your love-for It is ituiitcconmptumiietl ssiiii stamlilmil I" Chicago Inter Oct'ani.Ienn-l'oor Toumo ! t ovishm I kmmest imnsv to eumro his low pitIrits , EthicI--i\Iiy don't ynum try bmemuklmmg your en- gmiemncnt with him ? lilliiiliniOhiR Joturonlm Vatts-Did yout ever kmmow of auty one dying for love ? I'otls-Onee. I kimew a ( chow svhm starved to death mufter being refused by aim huciresli , letrnit Free i'rcss : "Aimv parlor matches inihy ? " lie asked. as lie oftemeil a iitlmidle' o his wnres. 'Nnt yet , " ammsisiretl the mother of four , hmmtigluters ; "limit we hope to ittahe sumac before spuliig , " amid hme closed time dour oiu ( lie nstoitisiiedmtmatclm ie'iidor , SnmimervIli Joturniti : ilime-Othier youit1 mmmcii send roses to the girl they mire cmigngeh to nh her tilrthilmmy , cs-en If It is itt Fohrtl- ary Domm't you love ate etmoiigli for ( limit ? - f 1Io-Los'e ) 'Oti emioughm ( ! Veal hitlt what ( hiiferenc'emel' it immnki' hmots mnuclm I hove 3ott 1111 I get a bigger salary ? U 'i.mi.ri i.Ii I.O. ' ( SIUC.IIONS , PhiladelphIa Itecord : If you wnmmt to ( nIce out a fire iimsmmrnnct' policy ( hint scill benctlt yotm after demmihi , youi smimist go to church for it. ilostomi Courier : Iltmsv ran a mmmii imoalco nimy hemmdwmuy eating iii a retaitmtmit % sshiemt lie hits 1(1 keep tame' es'e on time trctty ss'mtiter amid time' otlii oh mmis imat ? hlmuriier's Ibizar : " 1 wommlei' why tnxe.9 are grmci-nhly dime 1mm Marcii ? ' tstiml'tiie subur- ilan , "It'S easier to raise the WIittI , ( lien , I , ' stippose. l'umlhimilehphiia Immquttrem : lmmmi front New YolkViiy do ) Oii lmmLvt' so immiutty graveyards - yards lii your toivim ? I'lmil A. lem-Hc- ctttiime nmiy deccmit mnntm ivotthil ratiter die hiero ( bait hise 1mm mnich places as you coimme ( rout. ( 'imiclutimatl Trihmuno : "It secimos , " smidly noumst'd time postage uittinmi ) timmut hind tL'Ott bought lit tIme' corner diug store , ' ' ( lint I ama drlseim fromum imihler topost. " Nosy York \'orld : Mrs. Ilrowmstone-I thimuk ? stmti3'tm itmtii Profesr Inns a beau- tiflmi touch. Mr. htrownstone-t should say he humid ! Seven dollars a lesson. Plmilanleiphula Itecoril : A mmmodern novelist toils its ( lint his hero's prouuil imimirlt ivaS hiunmibled itt time dtist. I le shouldmm't kichc at tiimut , If It % ' : ts time uighit kInd. Detroit Free l'm-ess : Mr. Slowtoco-iVliat stotmlti S'Oti rio if yeti ssere lit lay stioe ? lihissemyI'd lOitit their toes tossaril ( hO front doom' . Clmlcago Trlhumme : Caesar's Wife-You ' 5oct11 ill at ease , ummy lord.Vimnt sexes yommi Caesar-I dreituied lust mmigimt , Corimeila. that tIme Amnericati 1,900 years from uuoa- , miller ( lucy hail got tired of NtitloleOmm Ilonmiparte , imegami prutiting a lot of fake stories about me ! EVE1t THUS. \Vlthu dowmmcast eyes and nmanumer grave Site snakes her way to church , lImit hmuustetms hmonme with bottoming 100kB Nesv fasimloum books to search. U BLASTS PIWM If.tII'.S IIOICN. An oath on time hip is ( lie dovil's door iihate. Time spider probably thInks ( hunt the bee is a fool. Wlmcn time wicked hold omce time dcvii rules time lois-ti. Time man ivlmo stifles his liberality chiokcs his rehigloum. When the devil gees to church lie gemmornhiy dresses 1mm whIte. 'lime noon who rides a hobby will miot behieso that time world is big. 'What time church needs is not better preach. lag , but better practice. A lie knows that it mnust either hiWe or die wimen truth gets emi its track. When a milan gets too great to do small tImings lie bocomnes too small to be great. What a cold chmmrchu mmeeds is mmot a preachier wIth a bigger head , but otto with a warmer heart. A stone thrown etraighit at time devil is pretty zmpt to hit. some politician square In time face. TIme devIl doumt waste any darts on time maui who does all his ivork for tim Lord wIth his hieaci There is something wrong uvItIm time preaching - ing that makes aim uxtrepentant shiner feel 111cc . shoutIng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1lUJI,3rjts. . - - WrItten for Time Sunday lIes. I nmaile umiyselt a sworid no fair. so fair , iVitim rainbows wrtmpIed about it red and Imlue , A golden lIght shone tlmrough It everwhmere , At every breath it brIghter , brighter groW. . Till suddenly a blast of outer uviummi Piety fiercely 1mm at my hmalf.opemm door , And with an envy bitter and unmicutid , 1)asiied nmy ethereal world upon the floor. I caught a flash of red and yellow lIght , It wIts time last , it vanished In time gloom , Amul heft inc nothing to requite , Iii- bubble nmei a buimhie's certain thonuim. ISAIJEL ItICIIliiY. - . :1 : ' CLOTHIERS4.2 : RELIAflLE . Your Mommy's Worth or Your Money I1.t , Under the Hat- It depends a good deal what's under the Hat , as to whether the I-Tat Ioolcs svcll or :1j- ' ) not : . Mr. Arthur , who is in charge 1 ' - - . of our Hat department , has a won- . . , ; cip ; derful faculty of putting men under : the right Iciiid of a FIat. But picic x\ it out youiself , if you want to- . ir.Li . _ hundreds of styles-the whole store . : : : lh before you-but we lay partlcu- I I I I I larstress "Stetson " upon our Special" 4 . : - - - better than a five dollar Hat for T.-ur--try 'r--J ; ; four fifty and tile "Brownitig.Kng , 1 . : Special , " for which many would pay % - - . more than three fifty , because kc it's really worth more , but we can't consistently take more than we ask -three fifty. We guarantee it to ivear and look as vclI as any 1-lat , by giving you another if it don't. There's another thing that looks well under the Hat and that is a Spring Overcoat. Sensible men have discovered their desirability and utility as health preservers and comfort makers as well as a luxurious garmeit for any gentleman to wear , New ones at all prices. every one extra ivell made , fresh from our tailors' hands. BROWNING , IING & Co. , Reliable Chotihiers , S. W. Cur , 15th nuitl 1)ougluts Sts . - - . . . . . ( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' * - - - ; ' s.