- - - . ; . , . . - - - - - - . : : . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S.-- - - - - - - . _ - , 1 I I' p- _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TllE OMAHA DAILY _ _ _ DEE _ _ _ _ SA1DAY _ _ \ _ _ _ _ , _ : lAHOI { _ 10 _ , _ _ 189. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 - - - - - , TIIE O IAIA DAILY BEE COUCIJ BLUFFS. , OFI ICE - . - NO. 12 I'EAUTJ STREE1 ' . - - - tlVfd L , carier to any part of the rl' . I n. W. TILTON , Lcs . 'Cf.Et10NES-Dus'nul cmce. No. UI nIght L iLtOT. No t - _ MlllUI .11 . "TlUll'S. Grand , Council Dlntfs. E. F. Clark prop. MRyt29 Real Estate agency. 139 Broadway. SI. PatrIck cay program wi appear In full Sunday mornIng. Celebraton will bE at Vohany's Ihealer. All Sir Knights of murs dlvllon No. 27 Ire requested , ! 10 meet this cvnIiig 10 confer the Sir Itnlght rank Pigrim Sisters academy ! No 1 wIll meet In regular sesion at 7:30 : p. t. In their rooms In Ih Brown building. Tim Ministerial ! asociaton will meet next Tuesday at 2:30 : p. m. , In the I Jut Pruby- terlan church 10 lake acton II regard 10 Lenten evengelslc services. George Oliver , whom Maggie Yancey charge with stealing her vatcli . was die- charged by Justice Walker yeslcrda . Maggie having cut ! . forgiven him and declined 10 pro e- , s , A. A. 1'beo. : who has been In the city for several days past , received ! word 'cstcrllay that his house , twelve miles north of Coun- ci fluffs . lear honey creek station . Was burned ! down during the preceding night. I was a Iwo.slory structure , Insured ! for siioo ; In the Iotawatamle Parmers' Mutual l'rolectve association. John Murphy has change ! his mind about John I. Hughes' holding tutu II ) a few nights ago on lower Mall streel. When Hughes' ca Was called hy Justice Cook yesterday Murphy was nowhere 10 bo found , and , the case wa diemiseed. The costs were taxed Iii against 1urphy , and the justice says he ' wi collect them from him If there Is any Buch thing among the possitjiilties. We hAve OVlr 300.000 10 bun upon 1m proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans can save money by dealing direct with us , thereby saving ngent's commission. We do not loan on wild lans. nor In Nebraska. Lu/f & Towlc' 235 Ienrl : Itreet. \ht IN II R Name ' Bvc'rythiing. It applied 10 a lard man Piano , I acid by Mueller Iano : and Organ company , I 103 Main street. , Dr. Laugel office 410 5th ave. ; tel. ISO. l'I : ItU' .1. I' .ll.HJlA i'iis. Oeorge F. Hughes and P. n. WInd left yesterday - terday for a business trll ) to Ogden , la. T. S. Campbell . ex-county cleric , wi go Into the stock business In South Omaha soon James Nicol , bailiff In time dlntrlct court , has been cal el to Los Angeles , Cnl , by a telegram nnnouncing the dangerous illness of an aunt. S. C. A. mat clerk nt the Ogden hotel , has returned tram a visit of everal weeks with friends In Detroit , 1lch. , and Cleveland and Youngstown , O. Mrs. ) Mary W. laskel has resigned he position as assistant librarian of the public library to take a place with the Sharpless company. She Is succeeded by Mrs. Clara Alberteon . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Prices Tnlk. The extreme low prices we have put on some lines of mercnldlse has had the do. mired effect and closed them out entirely. STILL 10l TO FOLLOW. A lot of fancy black silks that sold from 7Go ; to $1.00 a yard to cloe at 50c. A lot ot 4G-ln. all wool henrletas and seges that sell from Ic 10 7Gc a yard we offer at 25c a 'ard. 35 tloz. kid gloves In ladies' , genis' and children's ! . gods that sell from $1.00 to $150. anl to close at GOc I pair. A lot of all silk ribbon In satin edge moire and gras grain , width from 5 10 12 , offered otered at 5c ; a yard. Don't fail to see this bargain. Our entire stock ot stamped and em- brollered stand covers , worth from 7Gc to L. . $1.2G , to close at 501 each. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Our muslin undcarwear stock must be reduced - duced ; big reduction on our entire slock. Gel ( muslin gowns reduced to 391 each. $1.00 $1.25 and $1.&O gowns reduced to SSc cache 25c corset covers offered at lOc each. 751 , $1.00 and $1.1 lace and embroidery- trimmed drawers reduced to 39c. 2 doz. Damond carpet sweepers left . the price to close Is 39c each . SPECIAL IlCES ON LADIES' WRAP- PEI1S. . " FOWLER , DICK & WALKER. Council Bluffs , In , Ten Jnys' ' Clearing 5aie . We have got to have room for new goods : have a lot of goods that are In the vay and Intend 10 dispose at theni Prices not taken ' In consideraton In this sale. Lamps that arc worth $3 wi go at $1. and a variety of other useful household articles that will make I a chance to get goods at prices below manu- facturers' costs. Come early and get choice and avoid the rush.V. , 1. MULLIN. 21 Main Street. .1- Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry" and Is located at 724 Broadwa : 1 In ! oubt abet this try It and be COI1ylncel DJn't forget name and number. Tel. 157. J. R. McPherson , florist , cut flowers and plants. Design work a specialty. Wire anl - ders day or night. 1281 E. Pierce , Council DuU" . _ _ _ _ _ _ - Davis , drug. paint , glass man. 200 D'way. 'JJay : hlava . nneo Meot. The committee which was appointed several - * eral , veells ago to make arrangements for a racQ meeting under the auspices of the Gany- suede Wheel club this summer has bee'n corresponding - responding with the executive committee of the League of American Wheelmen for the purpose of making arrangements for the admission - mission of Council Buts Into time national circuit Time application , with the stipulated $10 fee , Is now on tile. and time bard Is to bavo a meeting AIrl 10. to decide upon the claims to eligibility. I Council Bluffs Is admitted to the circuit all the best racing men of the country will be here , but If not the plan of having a meet will probably bo abandone.l. In case the scheme carries tIme motor company , I Is thought , will combine with the wheelmen 10 make a good quarter or half mlo track between Council Bluffs I and Omaha. mufs Cannot bo converted to InferIor brands- branls- the con.umers and admirers at Dr. Prlco's Baking Powder. - 10.01011 CJhlek.n Coop Several farmer arrive In the city yes- terday morning from Mills county looking for traces for a couple of chicken thieves , Thurs- lay night the gang made the rounds ot half a dozen coops and emptied them all , putting their contents into a wagon. One man lost fifty fowls The wagon was tracked to within 1 short distance of this city , where the wheel tracks became 10 numerous that It was lost Throwaway those ohl shoes I will cost moro to get them mended than you will pay for a new pair If you buy them at the great auction sale at 600 Broadway . The sale today will b a corker Price reduced j Centervlfo or Walnut Dock Det Iowa coal , $3.25 ; 2,000 lbs. for a lon , delivered. Wm. Welch , GI5 S. Main , Tel , 93. vana' Laundry company. G20 Pearl. Tel 290j ; shirts , collars . cuts , tine work. AIL rl lo Ltctmmie& . The following marriage licenses were Is- sued by time county clerk yesterday : Name and AIdress. Age. Henry U Mayne , London , Ingland . . . . 32 Marion A. Perry Oshkosh.11. . . . . . . . : E. C. Dllkforl ) , Council Illuffit. . . . . . . . . 1atlda Elan , \Varren , ill . . . . . . . . . . . G There never were such price and such bargains given In Council Bluffs a Marcus , the clothIer Is offering : mow . A $ l9.000OO - , stock of clothing , furnishing gods and shoes Is being wore than slaughtered. Not a thing that Is offered was damaged by the fire . anti the highest Prices ' asked are 60 ler cent below cst.Colo _ _ _ _ Cole & Cole will sell the Quick Meal and RelIable gasoline stove ; time tried and tete ; . A two burner stove for $2.60. You ohould see their SOc walh bier and lOa coffee pot , U you want cheap prices on tin. Ware , go there . _ _ _ _ _ _ to- au heatng ItOVU for rent and for II , at t cl Ihiuas au company's omci. - - - NEWS \ FROI I COUNCiL BLUFFS - GooHJovorm : nt Oub the Outcome of the Oitiz9ns Meeting Last Nlgbt ' - ITS OBJECT A'D ' NECESSITY EXlA ( Nt D M. V. nohrlr anti ! Othrr Ten What May ne ArcIIIINhce Imy the Co-OII'mllon of Cllcnf nl1 01 cliI liemlnl ! - tull ! : lnnlrlt"I Aftmiirs . The Good ! Government club was born anti I . anl christened last evenIng In Delong's hal , about sixty citizens being present. Most of time evening was devoted to talking , for the pur- pos of working time company up to see that time city was beIng Imposed upon and that the government fell many point shy of what a rely good city government shouhl be. 01 time business that was transacted did not take more than five minutes , but the meetng lasted for two hours. W. W. Walace called the meeting 10 or- tIer and announced ! that I. W. Hess had been chosen chairman , amid F. C. Lougec , secr . tary Time gentlemen came 10 tht front , anti time object at time meeting was read out of time dolly papers. Chairman floss thought that the forma- tou of this cub would be welcomll by time city ofcials , who naturally fouOI numerous temlltatons along their pathway to spend the puhlc funds neEdlessly. M [ P. Bohrer was the first speaker , anti time nature of his speech led to the conclusion Ihat his Initals stood for Many Figures , for he went I back 10 tIme tme when he was layo and read a mass of statistics which he had stntstcs 'compled for the occasion lie also tenth the following summary of tIme cost of running the city government for time past few years : P"r time year cnlln Mnrch I , IStS..I O.1r I For , the year ending Mnllh I , IS : ) . . . . . 99l J I'or Ihl year eadimig : llch I , 1S'Jl. . . . . 103. : i 1"0' tOme year lnflng ! Mnrch I , 15'2. . . . 121.122 I.'or . Ih" )111 ' 11 cllln Mulch I , 1\3. . . . . /O.iol 1.01 time year coding lnreh I , lS91. . . . . 111.130 I.'or time ) l' r C"II MUch I , 10 : . . . . . 90.01 The following shows the nmounts paid out by the city for the use of water : I.'ur . th ! year cnilng tnrch I , ISSO..I 2.99 I.'ur II ! ' ) 'l'lr ending :11 Ih J , ISUt ) . . . . . 2 .r ) . Per . time year coding : tlrh I , 18H. . . . . 1.6G3 For time year cOlng March I , 1 ! . . . . . 3i..1 For , time year cn\ln lnrch I , 1893. . . . 23.9 : 'Ul' [ the year I"Ilng March I , 1S91. . . . . 26.12 C. M. han was then Introduced , anti made a rousing "eech , In which lie quoted Mr. thrice , who said that the one conspicuous failure In this country Is our municipal gov- ernnwnte. Every man who owns his little homo Is made to feel the burdens of laxaton , and yet comparatively little attention Is paid to seeing that a geol government Is fur- nished , that time citizens receive a fair value for time price they Ilay. He referreI ( to the system of regulating gamblng and the social evil nol In vogue lS merely a species of I blackmail. An organization like the one proposed - I posed should be formed , antI Its members should be pledged to investigate every piece of legislation , and to divorce goverment troll vice. An organizaton with a fixed pur- pose of this sort would be able to prevent any unworthy candidate from being nomInated - mated for 0111cc Ho told a little Incident of a few days ago , when tIme proprietress of a house of ill fame called at the police staten , reported that one of her 'boarders" hm run oft In her debt , and asked that a police of- fleer bo sent with her to find the girl and bring her back . Her wish was complied wih , anti the girl was brought back by a blue-coated officer to be compelled to liquidate the Indebtedness. This Incident was describe - scribe so graphically that one brother Eome- wher In the outsl\rts of the crowd forgot where he was and remarked In an audible tone that It was a d-1 shame. The speaker exhorted all good citizens to engage In the work of willIng out lunlclpal corruption , with a duo regard for the opinions of their fellows , and to make the organization Inlo- Ilendent In politics . but not neutral Chairman S. D. Wadsworth of the Board of SupervIsors made a short tall , calling attention - ton to the fact that Iotlwatamle county was paying $7GO.000 per annnm for the sake of being governed , tind that more than hal that sum was being pall by the citizens of Council Dur . The citizens owed I to themselves - selves to see bat this large sum was properly laid out. The members of the club would not agree on all points , but there would be enough polnh on whIch they would agree to keep them busy for a year , ot least. Poll- ties must b disregarded. Of course , all the fellows on the winning side would now want I job , anti time number of jobs would be increased - creased so as 10 give It to them. Then the other fellows would male a howl , and next year whoop I up for their sldo , and so It would go on , year after year unless care were constanty taken to keep politics out of the city governmeimt . so tar as possible , and see that time city was run In a purely business manner. General James D. Weaver and James Mc- Caba each made a short talk , after which the following pointed : olces and commiteEs were . op- President , S. D. " 'allswortbj ; vice presidents , J. R. Heed N. P. Dodge , Thomas Ofcer , John fleresjmeimmm . George P. Sanford , John flennett , C. H. Hannon , " ' . C. James , J. J. Stewart , John Belle , J. T. Evans , L. W. Tulleys . John Clausen , A. T. Flckinger , I. W. Ross , 1"lnley Burl , W. S. Mayne , W. J. Jnmeson , L. Everett , E. L. Shugart , F. H. , 11 ! , J. D. Atdns , C. R. Tyler , L. A. Casper , . A. Wood Ii. W. Tilton . II. E. Grlnm , E. E. hart and John p. Weaver : secretary , F. C. I.ougee : treaurer , J. D. Edmunds Executive committee to prepare platform and order of business C. M. HarJ , M. T. Hohrer , , Spencer Smih , S. B. Wadswcrth and W. W. Walace , The meetng adjourned until next Friday evening. when a platform of principles wIll be reported by the conmmitteo. , Whoever has tried Dr. Prlce's Baking Powder Is certain to praise it. Once used always used. used.Jnl'f lor.1 ( hlu.etcr. Another day was taken up with the trial of Di hall for robbing freight cars , and se\- oral more witnesses were summoned by the defence to lroVe that lieU was very good moraly ; that he was too lame to commi burglary on the nigh In question . and that ho had been pllying high five at home at the hour when ho ought , accordIng to time charges ot the state , to have been out break- Ing Into the cars Mr. Klein , employed by a local wholesale liquor dealer , testned that ( ( time wine that was stolen was very much adulterated . , aIput half of It being water The water , I Is found out , has been put In since the barrel was emptied by time occu- pants of time city jai building. Mr. Klein allmlted that the wine wus slronger when he tasted It several months ago , and thought It would b worth from $ Z.25 to $ Z.50 a gal- lon It It were pure. Several ofcers were called upon anti testified that hall's repula- ton for goodness was bad , hut on cross-ex- aminaton by the defense admitted Ihat they hall never known or his being In the IJenl- tentar . hall himself was placed upon the stanch alI ! his attorneys tried 10 get from 11m I statement that he hal been appolnte(1 ( by tIme 1ianawa authorltos to calch the other fel-I lows who were lelnln ! fish contrary to law In view or the fact that hail hhnsel had been arrested for this offence not less tItan a dozen tmes wlhln the Ilst year , the audience had some trouble In btifiing a smile , but the ( ( question was ruled out of order by time court _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "undlY Mtmrmmltmg . Pot of Boston baked beans anti ) loa of brown bread delivered for breakfast 30 cents Order from C. II. RANDLETT SUlday tctuwl UmiImm , The Sunday School ! Workers' union will hold its monthly meetng next Tuesday even- irmg . at 7:30 : o'clock , In the Broadway Methodist - odlst church , Time following program wi be prelented : Music ; prayer , Hev. Stehen Phelps , U. I D , ; music ; itaper. "Winning the Young Men ; " Mrs. I. W , Tleysj ; counterpoint - point discuscion . "Opening Exercises Are Not Attractive . " attack by Mr. J. M. OUTier , de- tense by time superlnlendents present ; paper , "Sunday School Finances , " Mr. II. W. TIlon ; folowl1 bv a general discussion ; question box , opened by 11ev. Mr. hooker ; music ; benediction . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bnedicton.Jckrd 11m , .lb a I'lueh. An entertaining scrap In which Marquis of QU8nsberry rule were nowhere visible took place yesterday afternoon In the yard at the rear of the Mint 81000 OD Droldway. "SuBpener Jack , " a rounder ! who has n other name that anyone knows of , and a , farmer named Shields were the obie putct- pants Jack and I party or friend , had put In' the best part of the afternoon jubilating. The Mint was the lat place visied , Several . drinks were downed ! ) , anti ) all the bystanders were invited 10 come np and imbibe Among them was Shields. The cause of the fight was not In evidence , but a mutual invitation was exlenlet ( to settle the mater right then and theret and they went 1 the back yard. , Jack who Is quite a'tetlo artist , strtmCic Shields and skinned hi face conshlerably. I , Shlehls Inserted one hamn.liko fist In Jack's cheek anti with the olher struck hIm only one ant , which did the business. Jack fell to the ground ) In a dead faint , and was picket up and helped to the Manhattan saloon where he washed ) oU the remnants of the fray UCSIH ) ' "to ! Special Saturday Sale . UN are prices that ought to crowd our store all day long. We arc selling cheaper 1 to Increase our sales . , GO dozen boys' anti girls' fast black bicycle hose , ful regular macic . sizes 5 to S ! , worth lie and 20c , Saturday lOc pair. All our bo's' 2lc quality bicycle fast black host sizes G to 10 , Saturday ISo pair Ladles' : fast black hose , ful regular made , sold last season at 25c , Saturday , ISo pair. Ladies' fast black opera lenKth hose , Saturday - day , 39c paIr will cost you elsewhere GOc. SPECAL CORSET BARGAIN. Fatt black ' 100 corsets Saturlay 79c pair. Dr. Slrong's slanlard , $10 corsets , In white an.1 corn , Saturday 7Dc pair. I.'dles' G. D. I Chicago corset waist , In fast black and white , at $1.00 pair. O. D. Chicago corset waist for young ladies misses antI chidren at SIc 761 , and SOc othe : . try thIs waist and you will wear no VISIT OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT. I.adle all wool stylish cape at ' 150 , ' 2.00 , ' 2.50 , $3JiO and ' 5.00 eacim . MACICINTOSHES , MACKINTOSHES , "IACKINTOSlmS. Saturday misses' ant cimiltlren's mackin- ashes ( , all sizes , ' 198 each. Saturday wo will sell ladles' navy blue serge macklnloshes , le\'er before sell for less than $3.00 , at U.98 eacim Ladies' 'G.OO triple cape lacklnloslls , Sat- unlay $3.98 ealm. I you expect to need a mackintosh I will pay you 10 buy Saturday. SPECIAL NOTICE. Salurday from 7 to 9 p. m. WE will place on our counters 500 dress palerns of half wool ! henrlelas , also fancy mixed novelty goods , In all the new spring shades , 7 yards to each paterl , entire dress Pattern for $1.95. Now , ladles , If you want a nice house gown or street dress lhls Is your chance. Great handkerchief sale 100 dozen genls' hem- stched plain white , also fancy bordered drawn work handkerchiefs , worth 25c. Sat- urday ovenlng only Dc eaclm You will not be dlsppolnted , Come Saturday evening. DENNISON DROS. 1or h.turd"y. " 1 have many bargains for Saturday In frnmes and pictures. Our sale will continue for two weeks moro to enable everyone to get frames and pictures for just hal price. I L. SMITh & CO. , 45 Main St. The Aberln , strictly first-class. Cuisine unexcelled. Beautiful rooms. Sixth avenue and Seventh street , Counci Iliuffa . - - - Meal tckets good for 21 meals , only $ eacII ' , at hotel Inman Assessors ' igea to Obey the , Lw. Tim assessors of most of the townships In Polawalamle county held a meeting yesterday - day afternoon at the county auditor's orce ! for the purpose of arriving at soma agree- mont fS to the assessments to be placed ] on property of various descriptions. They de- clUed to let real property alone. Wih reference - ence to the assessments of money and credits an investigation showed that most of the assessors - sessors had neglected the provisions ' of the law , and had been assessing them at such figures as they saw fit. Five of them assessed - sessed at 100 cents on the dollar , nine at 40. seven at 333fm , One at G and three at 25. The law prescribes 33 % as the basis , and a resolution was passed adopting the law , _ . . Some of the assessors have been In the liablt of charging almost anything for their services , and the Board of Supervisors has been equally free In cutting down their bills. A resolution was passe stating It as the sense of the meeting that Inasmuch as the law prescribes the per diem and salary , It woull seem unfriendly In the board to cut down the assessors' bills. . A resolution was also adopted recommendIng - Ing that a meeting of the assessors be held at the auditor's ames on the second Monday In each January , for the purpose of better acquainting themselves with their duties. The following Is a list ot those ( who were present : T. J. Smith , Doomer ; A. M. Hutch- inson Carson ; D. E. Wightman , Norwalk D. Mcllan. Carson ; W. H. Kleef , Hardin ; Ser n Antonius , Hazel Del ; T. D. Gale Keg I Creek ; W. W Bunker , Layton ; William Steele , Lewis ; George Eichhorn , Lincoln ; J. O. Roberson , Macedonia ; Joseph Hahn , Mm- den ; G. J. Miller , Neoa ] ; A. Dauslan , Pleasant ; H. L. Touts , Rockford ; J. Cark , Silver Creek ; J. F. Stevenson , Valley ; Will- lam Potter . Wavelnnd ; II. \V. Rarey , Wright ; R. V. Churchl , York ; Theodore Rolmhts . Avoca ; G. W. Furrow Carson ; R. J. Morton , hancock ; C. A. Sample , Oakland ; A. C. Ray , Walnut. o A sure compass for the voyage to gooa housekeeping Is Dr. Price's Baldng Powder . Slll'I' l\'G NEGnUI S TU .U'JlC.I. l.utsh Steamer toCmmrry I Load of Two 111rcll ! fur Libart m. PhILADELPhIA , March 15.-The first step toward the emigration of the colored people from the southern sates to Liberia was talw by the departure from this port f r Savannah of the Danish steamer liars. At Savannah the boat will take aboard 200 pa9engers wbo expect to make their homes ( In the ( African re- public. The International Migration society Is back of the movement. The emigration movement to Liberia has been on foot for s vera ) years In time south Agents of the International Migration society have traveled over time south and some at the colored people have taken up wil It en- timusiastically. The Horsa Is 1 fruit steamer and It Is expected she will bring bacl a cargo from Liberia In the lower hold has been placed GOO tons of coal and In the upper are 100 single anl 10ublo , berths built of wood , on each of which Is a comfortable mattress and bed clothes On the ( deck at the steamer have ( been constructed two large stoves to cook tIme emigrants' food during the vo'age. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ neluolI to Cut Smilmerhos. YORK , Neb. , March 15-Speciah-Timo ( ) city council met last night For some time n petition has been clrculaled about this city , anti freely signed , asking that time coun- elI change the cIty into two wards , instead of four as It now Is , In order to Clt down , time expense of the city , and disposing of tour councilumen. The council councimen. counci absolutely refused - fused to 110 this , or to cut down the wage of time mayor. \hl"I , or Flannel C"lle. I One and one-half pints flour , one table- spoonful brown sugar , one teaspoonful salt , two heaping teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder - der , two eggs one and one-hal pints milk. Sift together four , sugar , salt and Iwder ; add beaten eggs and milk , mix into smooth batter that wi run In rather continuous stream from pltclmer. Bake on god hot griddle , a rich brown color , In cakes al large 8 tea saucers. ( ( t Is not In good taste to have griddle cakes larger. ) Serve with maple syrup. - Rluth.h Muflhmi , . One quart four , one-half teaspoonful sugar , one teaspoonful salt , two large teaspoonfuls Royal Baking J'owder , one and one-quarler pints milk . Sift together flour , sugar , salt and powder ; add milk , and mix Into smooth batter a trifle stiffer than for grIddle cakes. - BOYS hOLD UP t IVILLACE Youthful Criminals EscapP fxn the Elor 1 Reform Scbool and ConIt Buglares CITIZENS rNA LY OV.RIAKE ThEM Corrnld In R ! toro 'hl' . .Iall Irokcn Into the 1018 Show EigImmemmd Stanch Thulr CAItnr ( .lItfor Several Uoui J - MARSlAI.LTOWN , la. , March 15.-Two youths , Claude "leaM , late of this city , and lalph lardlng , escaped . from the custcd of the state reform school at EldoraVetinezday afternoon . That night they robbed Whln- nery's store at Union. Al 1:30 : thIs ( morning they were discovered In a general store at Bromley , after having looted a bard ware store there. The boys were besieged In the building by about fifty armed ! villagers and a fight with revolvers ensued In wbloh a man In the crowd wan wounded ( ! In the hip. Omcers here were telegraphed for and at 3 a , m. drove tb Iiromloy where they arrested the young desperadoes without reslstanc They are now In jai lmcre Much exciement exists and further trouble may ensue 1'lLb A'13MIE Tti)1)'S JULJ.INn. Colored I'eol.lo uf OUlnn" " I'rnpott ( to I'roocent. IRuhnl Clark of tlmmhmmmvthhe . OTTUIWA , Ia , Mllrch 15.-Slleclnl ( Tele- gmm.-The colored people of this city propose - pose to take legal steps 10 avenge the mur- tier of \1 Todd . , the negro who vas Rhot by Marshal Clark nt Unlonvle , " 10. , Saturday nlht. Clark clme here anti found his daughter mind Todd 1\111 ama mal 1111 wife , anti hnd Todd arrested . Then , without n requisition , he tool Todd ( 10 Unlonvle , amid I was UI101'Stoo,1 , his tlnu"hter went with him. Todl , feared . to go back , sayimm they IO would kill him In Missouri , and he Wll' Promniseti safety . Saturday nlHht he waR shot by : llrshnl Clark , the oUler alleging Ihnt Todd promised to go away anti never see his dlu"hter again and thnt Toll re- ftmsetl . threntenlng ! shoot iminm The colored Ileotie here claim that the girl ; wns never taken huck to Missouri , anti that the 5to.ry of Clark Is all a hoax , anti I Ihat Todd wits "olherteh' mtmrdereti anl 11QlcI also say the gIrl was not taken back and believe she Is still In the city . Clark Is the same amen who shot PolnlR , I gnm- bier several years ago hut Points lived to murder a colored maim named Graves all afterward dietlatFmclrfield while In . aferward Ilel Fllrfell whie jai. 1)113 IJOJN.S Fnl.\OIER INDiCIEt ) . Grant Jury Gets Arcltho Loan and Jnldln ! . \ < socIRtlonVroeko. . DES MOINES , March 15.-Speclnl ( Tele- gram-Dr. E. C. Spinney , late secretary and manager of the Iowa Deposit and Loan association , was Indicted today for criminal libel , arrested and released on bonds . " ' . S. Richmond , late manager of time Iowa Building and Savings association , was Indicted - Ilcttd on five counts , one for criminal libel , one for conspiracy and three for embezzle- mont lie was also arrested and released on bonds. J. L. Crawford , Iticimmonti's as- slmmtant was also Indicted . conjoInty with him , and arrested amid relOasetl on bmmil. Two others were lndlctpd . but their names are withheld until arr\ts Cln be made. A notorious gambler , ' who Is now out of the city , was also Indiced ; I The Inllctments for 'rlmlnnl libel grew out of an attack made ar State Auditor McCarthy In the Duldln and Loan Record ot Chicago , and 11 Indictment was also returned - turned against C. H'I Cressey , publisher thereof " , Wire Arrl.t.1 for tier JIUmn l. Crime. MANSON , Ia. , March 15.Speclnl ( Tell- grm.-Sherll Miller tme 'up from Hock- well City and arrested Mrk J. n. Julius and took her and imer'timreti little children anl rel to Rockwell City all put them In jail. lrs. Julus Is a hlhly respected lady , and ! stands well In soclety"here. Her husband Is Interested In one of..tbe Ialoons recently closed \ order of Judgq Church who Is now holdIng court at' Hochwel City , anti Inl who I woull appear4 ! Iad undertaken , to inmprison1the family whom ( the heal of thq hous ? capnQt , 'It founl. 1iW.hen , lteps"werQ talen to close his FnloonJIJlu . ) eH'-nq ' his whereabouts arc , not known. , CiRO of In"tult , nt J , , , iimitmnla. INDIA NOLA , Ia. , March 15.-Speclal ( Telegram.-A lay or two ago a man came Into the town of New Virginia , this county , - barefoot and alone and gave every evidence of being Insane. The authorities brought him to this city , and his case Is now being investigated. He gave his name as S. N. InvesUgled. gve Paterson , . and there were no paperK .or memoranmim upon his person indicating where he came from or whiher he was going. One day he says he Is Jesus Christ 'ld , the next day a wandering Indian from the frontier. He Is now In the custody of the sheriff . and If nothing Is learned within a day or so he will be sent to thc hospital ror the Insane. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ After Ills Cre.t OmllHulher'fVcIHh. . lOW CITY , Ia. , March 15.-Speclal ( Tell- gram.-A fortune of 251OO was heft 10 years ago by John Ielselnger or Alsace , Germany , who died In Holland , where he amassed ' his Immense wenlth. One of the 2 claimants Is John Melseinger . a caren- I ter of this city. Papel1 In his hands show' . that the wealthy name alte was his great grmtndfather. lie Is taking legal steps t9 se- - cure his fortune ( CUre Cure for the ( Or1l CRESTON , Ia , March 15.-Specini ( Tele- gram.-Con ) JUdge , In a frenzy at Insanity caused by the grippe , seized a razor lat night and followed up a threat with I desperate attempt to cut the throats of hlR wife three children and hlmselt. His wife was unable to stop him until assistance ar- rived. The combined strength of four men was necessary to prevent him from caring out his threat. Inch all a Jll or :1' " ' In Jown. DES MOINES , March IG.-Snow began falling - Ing last nigh and continues. I lies un pavements. Inch and a hal deep. I Is thawing on the T On ocean : , lake and river the great steamers - ers are Invariably supplied with Dr. Prlco's Baking Powder. . . UI.1'Z tILL l . Uj'.INlJ BY .TUnr Jury nclurnl a Verdict In Favor of Mrs. TImonmmm . It. VI. LEXINGTON , Ky , March 15.-The jury In time celebrated Gratz will case returned a verdict at noon today and sustained the will. This Is a great victory for Mrs. Thomas H. Clay who was beQueathel the largest share of the lrOperty of her mother Mrs. Bernard Gratz. The will was contested by General Joseph O. Shelby , Unied States marshll ot Missouri , a helt-brother at Mrs. Clay , In cooperation - operation with the four chllren ) of Admiral Pierce Crosby , U S. N. ono of whose wives was a sister of Mrs. 'lay. The suit was brilliantly contested anti 'asted ' eighteen days . General Shelby and the Crosby children will . appeal he t case : I " ' I ' Ex Chler J lllnerli.tho Navy nead. NI W YORK , : o'rch"15.-Chler Engineer George Sewal ot th' n&Vy . , retired , Is dead. I : r. Sawal was 7 y mimsbf ' , , age and had an . ' exeel . . nt war ye'Jsibf : 10lh AJon Over ( 'autlous . I3ALTIMORB , March 15.large crowd witnessed the second bout between Sianton Abbott of Providence and Charles GehrlnE of Baltimore. The men sparred cautiously , neither upparenly bent I/n / getting \f a sleeper. During the last three rounds Geh- rinG had a shade the best of it. No decision was rendered. S MINJftS' 1.0I . U. XII iCIti.IR. Jncroloe of Flteol Per Cent for time 101 In time Connelovilo Colin le\lol. MOUNT PLEASANT , Pa , March 15.-Not since the halcyon lays of the old syndicate has the Connelsvile coke region received such pleasant news OR came to the almost 10,000 employes of the Frick and Southwes companies at noon today , when notices were posted at al their ( works stating that an advance In wages averaging about 15 per cent will go Into effect April 1 next. The rate for mInIng per 100 bushels goes from 78 to 90 cents , drawing from 43 100 cents , and so on down thr ugh the different Illnls ot labor. The yard laborer Is the olly peron who gets no advance , his ( Ilay remainIng - rosining at $1.20 per day. I 1 "I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . a a S a a a e a . ROYAL has the highest leavening :9wer : of any powder ex mined , and . is pure and 'ho1csome. No otherpqder ; gave results so satsfactory. I FLOYD DAVIS , M. S. , Ph. D. , r , _ _ I. I Ch 'm1.t ' of Iowa State Board of Health. a e s s a a e ee t Have griddle healed regularly all over , grease I It and lay on mumn rings , half fill them and ' when risen wel up to top ot rings turn over 'I gently with cake turner They shoull not be too brown , just a buff color. When all cooked pull ech open In half. tout dell- cately . butter well , serve on folded napkin , pied high and very hot. . - Itimaks , One and onehal pints flour . one-hal teaspoonful sal , two tablespoonfuls sugar , two teaspoonfuls Royal flaking Powder two tablespoonfuls lard , three eggs , one teaspoon- ful each Royal extract nutmeg and cinnamon , threequarter pint mnilk . Sift together tour , salt , sugar and powder ; rub In lard cold : add mik , beaten eggs and extracts. Mix Into dough soft enough to handle ; flour the I bard , turn out dough , give It quick turn or . "IT. . tD.UJT ,4IL.A'S RVf'flRtIilITl. Members ( f tlf IlnyRl Yacht Slluldrun .mmy trlRlnlR IIA 1fl1 Stmrh.aCsecl . CANNES , "larch 15.-After time race ) t - tera ) the representatives of the AssocIated llress interviewed ! several lrtlltnt yachtsmen - men All the members at the HO'I ! Yacht squall ran agreed that MIca was non - derful boat anti that she was Iuperlol' In all Nlnts to Iritammnimm . ' 'hey were of the olln Ion that "Ir. lerresehof , 'oul unoulle.I ) ' improve on \Islant , but that he would have a difficult task 10 sU'pasl Allen . The British yachtsman said they were nslo/lshed thnt Vigilant would not take Part In time ( I'de races IJrevlous to her retur to the Unle.l States , ns that \oul ! give the Americans the truest compnrlson with Ailsa's forni LONDON , March I5.-The Field , com- meltnj upon the performnncu of : lr. Walker's new cuter , Allen , lars thnt the new Vnlkyrie has n big tack before her. Such n craft ns Alsl would ( mayovomm Amerlcn's cup In 1s3 , mind If \'ulkyrle lroVes superior to her , Vnlknle olght to stand an exceedinily rutty chnnce of Ileent- Ing the cup defender . I "ulk'rle 11rovlt unequal to Alsl endeavor wi he mantle to substitute the latter boat for \'alkyrlc In Amerlcn's cup races. At any rte Ailsa's Ilerformanco will cause misgivings In America . "A gem of purest ray sHene" in time house- hold Is Br Price's Cream laldng l'owder -p 1'1,1 .MU1II'IlI' RUN IS 1'1m iCUC1. . odds-On } -R'orln leRlln omit hr Two 1 : tn I hll.ln J'I ( J'urh.n ! " . SAN JHANCISCO , lnrch 15.-Thn Murphy was a dead one today , amid , although - though a 4 to I favorite , nlo\ell two 12 to 1 shots to 1llsh 11 front of him , Penler 1\1 l'd ) ' were the only favorites to win , In the Irlt race 1.llumco fell amid his jockey , Hobert Kimmime , was prohabl fatally In- jcmred The boy struck his hl'll 111 Is sUlerlnj from concussion of the brain. Summlu'les : First race , lIve furlongs , selling , mnldens : Jnli 1llrtn. lilly , 99. Ucnn ! (3 ! to 1) won ; HOlule , ! to , Plgtot (50 to 1) ) , leoll ; kimmgs- Icy , 91 , Heinrihs (6 ( to 5) ) , third Time : 1:07. : lount Cfrlo . Ontal'lo and Ladnmeo nlso rim mm. Second race , six furlongs , humlcap : I.'errler , 118 . Curl (1 ( to 10) ) , won ; /eleoe , 13 , Grlin ( li to 5) ) , second ; Cuptaln Costor , M , lom ( ( to 1) ) , ihird. Time : 1l3' : ! . quIrt a 11 NetJehnlnezznr also rnn. Third race . one mile , selng : Ilydy . 101 , Grlin (3 ( to 1) ) . won ; Commlslou , lot. Chor \3 ( to 10) ) , second' Mitts Buckley , 87 , 150m ( ( 10 1) ) , third. 'I'Imime ! : 1:12. : ckert , Idaho Chief and Marietta also mu. Fourth mace half I mile , mnllens , 2-year- olis : Marionette , 109 , Chor (5 ( to 1)1 ) won ; lllllox , 109 , Siolne (8 ( to 1) ) , second ; Hell 1lkl. 109 , Cnrr (7 ( to 1)1 ) timlrd Time : 0:49. : Sulrage \'entle , 1"emont , Leon J. , Clllwell and Madamolselle . illly. nlso man. Fifth race . live ftumlongs , selng : Joe Cotton , 107 , Chorn (2 to 1) ) . won ; Major Cook. 100. Grlln (12 ( to 1) , seconl ; Tim Murphy , 122 , Carr ( t to 5)1 ) thIrd. Time : 1:01. : "enns an.l Durmnh also rail NgV O11LEANS inreh 15.-Track , good . Hesuls : First race , six turlormgmt : Prince Imperial ) (9 ( to ( ) won , Gold Dust (6 ( to 1) seeund. Merril (5 ( to 1) ) thlnl. Time : 1:17. : Second race , seven furlongs : Trmp (5 ( to 2) ) wop Mezzotint (0 ( to 1) ) . secomitl Artless (15 ( to 1 ) third. Time : 1:32' : . ( Third race ' six furlongs : HI Ienr ' ( ( to 4) ) won , Hack hall U5 ( to 1) ) second , BIrd Catcher (4 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:18. : Fourth race , the Malola handlcnp. 3- year-olis. one mile anti twenty yards : Ter- rapin ( I to 1 won , Hlpldan ( ( Z to 1 second MIT hnl (9 ( to ( ) third. Time : ltl : % . Fifth rce. lelln , five anti It- half furlongs - ! longs : 1lsa (8 ( to 5) ) womi Fnbla (8 10 1) ) second , . Herkimer ( G to 1 ) third. 'rime : 1l04. : ' ST. LOUIS March 15.-Results at East St Louis : First race , nuime-sixteenths of I mile : Delmar won. Design second , Shenan- dealt Boy third. Time : Or : ! . Second race three-elglmtims of I mile : Es- tele F won , Crnntm second , Miss Ma'me thlrel. TIme : ll7'/ : . Third race , live-eighths of a mile : nol- linger won , Caesar second , Roy third. Time : 1H. : ( Fourth race , threc-Quarters of I mile ; Goitlen Crown won. Bill Barnes second , Golen Lynch third. Time : 1:18. : Fifth race declared oft. Twin ( 'lty ! port. 1'11 Off R 31111. ST. I'AUL . Minn. . larch 15.-The sporting - Ing element of the twin cities held a fstc In resort the Wisconsin-Minne- seance a reort near Wisconsln-lnne- seta lIne which was a tremendous success. Oscar Gardner. the "Omaha Kid , " and Jack Qummlns of St. Paul nt 15 pounds each , 'were"down' for the preliminary event at sIx rounds , Gardner getting the decision aCer a pretty contest. The evening's event was be- tween Eddy SchoenberG of Minneapolis. 120 pounds , all Jimmy Murphy of Kansas Clt . . 128 potmntls I new comer. This was one or the best tights seen In these parts for many n ta ) ' . MurphY knocked his man out In the thirty-third round. - - Grpll tn Grapple \.Ith ( irliTo. LOS ANGELES , lurch 15.-George Green who Is known nIl over the country as young 'torbet Is going to meet 'oung Grllo , the Australian . before the Coney Island cub In New York. Yesterday he received a message - sage from 'V A. Brady , manager for Chnm- plan Corbett . apprising him that a match could be arranged , anti asking him whether he was desirous of golng'agalnst the man whn hesled Jack MeAuhiffe . Green replied hy wire that he would only be too tlad or such an opportunity . amid told Brady to for- warl the ticket at once , which Brady , In hIs message , had offered to do. Trotter. l'ollh flood J'I\uI'.M. CAMBRIDGE CITY , lad . March 15.- Ninety horses were sold here today realz- lag In the aggregate HZO. Those brInging the highest prices were : Guy Wonder . sold 10 Allen V.'imist 'Vlmante , Conn $1,475 ; Taylor ] , sold to J. Munson , Simehhayvihie , Jnd. , $ l,1.iO ; Tunle Moore , s3lth to Marx ) [ Hay , Chicago $ ,0 : Jack . Shepard , sol ) to B O. Miller , Kansas City . $9 ; Holcrlck Hussel , sold to J. Hush , Boston , $ . " mmkey 111 L.tonl" agree on hates ' . CINCINNATI , March 15.-The officials of Oalde and Latonia Jockey clubs have agreed on the following dates : Spring Meetimmg-Latonia begin May Zl Srrlng Meetng-I.atonlal ! Jny 2 anti runs thlrly days. Oak ey follows Imme- Ilatlly and runs thirty days , ending spring meet lag. Fall Meeting-Oakley begins September 1 aemd continues thirty dmmys ImmlUately following - lowing Latonia runs thirty days . ending the Cal meeting . _ _ _ _ _ _ I two 10 complete its smoolhness. Roll them under the hands Into round ( bails size of a small egg ; lay them on grease shallow cake pan , put very close together ; bake In moderately - ately heated oven thirty minutes ; when cold sift sUgar over thmem . J'otatu l'anmmked . Twelve large potatoes , three ' heaping table- spoonfuls flour , one teaspoonful Royal Baking I'owder one.hal teslJooltul salt . one or two eggs , two teacupfuls boiling milk . The 10- taton Ire peeled , washed and grated into a IWo cold water ( which kEeps them white ) , then strain off wiier and pour on being immilk . Itr In eggs , Bal and tour mixed with time baking powder ; If agreeable flavor wih a little fine cholped onion , bake like any . tImer pancakes allowing I little more larder or butter . Serve with stewed or preserved : fruit , especially with huckleberries. ! _ ; : dii1ii = 'l , 1i The Door of Life. ' , ' " .4" . , _ I - Tile fear of pain fliRt the dongcrs of chidbirth fill mony . , . 1 VOI1lflll'S breast with dislJI ' . 4 , ; . . . : : r.- ' In thc oldcn days of leeches , end witchcraft , it was COl sid- i / cred sacriegious to Iccn th l - ; : pains of 10uol Lluerly , an- _ -z- rsthclcs have been used nt , 4 the time of parturtion , and J _ _ _ _ _ how pcoplc ) arc ueginning to / fmt out thot pain Ind dongcr f - w can bc almost whl ' avoitleti. Proper prepartion during 4 gestation wi lac \ both , ns . ) rare IS they used to hc comlon , . There is ' c1l1c1- . . 'lhcrc no rCaSOI why - - ' birth shonld uc fraught with dllgcr and distress. I is n perfccty' ' nltuml function , Imshonll \ bc pcrformcd in 1 natural way withont undne suffelilig. Nltu never ihttCiltlCd that womcn should bc tortured when doing thc one thing which make them "ho1y w01auly. 'I'hc pet'crion of nature's 11ws has brought this sutcrng about , Itla rctur to right living I wil stop it. Nine out of tell womcn are troubled morc or less by weakness \ and diseases peCtIlliti' to thcir SeX. I is so because thc ) ' do not take proper care of them5ch'cs-bl'ause they neglect little ills and little precautions. ' in ' health through her tillie of trial 'ith A woman 111 pcrfccly hearty goes tmc trll wih coniparative easc. ' 1he thing to do thcn , is to mnke all pregnnnt wo- compartvc - strcngthcn thcm gcncm1y and locally. 'I'he mcdicnc is i . Picrcc's Pa'orite Prescription. and tonic to do it with ! Dr. Fm'ortc Prescrption. It is a powcrful invigornt lud lher\'ille. I ! oothcs and strengthcns I ' ' thc nerves and acts directly on the femininc organism in a way whicl . nud of all its functions at fits it for the propcr regular performance a1 is all tiillcS al 'rakcn during gestation it robs chidbirth of its dangers to both mothcr and child , by preparing thc system for delivery thereby shortening labor . lessening pain aiicl abbreviating the pcriod of confineiiieiit. The above brief talk on Womau's leeulnr almcnts Is contnuell In a treatice of 16q pages . i n anti , " whim auti adthrcse' ot mmammmes of testitmtommlal ' mimotogiapims nUl h1es'e scores nl rllroduce"JhotofllhS wih unles eontulull &Iores tesllnonln's hook \ ! , . , , . those cmmrcd. Tcn Cluts (0Inl\9) ( ) wi hrll ! timis scalemi Its 1,11111 eis.'hifli or better still , tIme People's Commmmmmotu Semmsc Mciicai Advlccr bommmmtl in strong Iaver coscm-s , con- . , mind NCermti lmttimtirt't ) % ' iesicle.4 , " treatise taimuimmi all time ummmittcr iii time forcgoimmg Iugt's . "a will e MAlLEt ) EStEE to ammy omme mtcmmtiimmg ceimts 1mm ommc-ccimt stamimps to pay for pack. lug amid postage ommly-commtalmms over 1,000 ' 9 3o0 Iilmum.iratiomme. Over So.ooo colmics sold Z 1mm cloth covers at regular ltlCc of $ h5o. A dress ( witlm m.tnlmmp' anti tlmla Cotmpomm ) for citimer book , Wosan's Dmsvl4sAW. ' MCumctL AssociAtioN , (3 Main Stxcct , hitmiEmlo , N. V. DAVIS' DRUGPAIN T GLASS HOUSE Mixed Paints , Lead , Oil , Varnish , Brushes , Putty and Paper Hangers' Supplies. Window Plato and Art Glass. Buying car lots for cash we can save the consumer and the dealer money In buying of us. Call and see our stock and get prices before buying. Wholesale and retail. 200BROADWAYCOUNCIL BLUFFS COUNCIL IILUFF p - : ; ' - - - , , STEAM DYE WOR K I _ M'ACUAvi,3 ? All kinds of Dyeing and Cleammimmg done in time highest style of the art. Fatlod anti taimmed fabrics nmado - - - : : r _ vtwo _ _ _ now to look , Work as promptly good a _ ' done anti delivereti - in all parts of the country. Send foe U C price list. at : , MAOlL1V. i'ruprIotOc' Dmalway. near' Nortb. western Depot , Council 4b = fllutfs , Iowjm. Tel. 222. DUr9r's FURE MALT WHISKEY. A1 Druggi3t. THE GREAT - : This extraordinary Rejuvenator Is the mash wonderfUl dIscovery of time age. It baa been cudomsed by thmolcadingaclentiiiomen otLutopg and America , Hudyan Os , vego- 1' . ' Iludyan stops (4. ( ' V i' . . Cures . . asroac I.O'X' Am'rza 1AI-IOOD Conitipation , ilizzinoes , Falling Sensations , NeryouaTwltciilimg 01 time "yesnlmd otimerldamta , Strengthens , immvlgorales and tones tie enUro system. Itudymeim cures Debility , Nervousocdi , Emissions , anti tovelopes anti restores weak organs. l'ains itt ( ( me back , locces by day ot nighmtnre mtopped quickly. Ov.'r 2,000 Imrmvato emmdorsem cats , I'rcnmatmmrenesiiineanslmpotcney In time first stage , I t is a ymi.toenofLenilImal weakmuees aid barreumnet.s. 1t.camt be stopped 1mm 20 days by time we of Iludyatm , Time new aiscotcry was made by time Kpcclai. latsoftimoobi fczjnoua 11ut1usu Modicmei Immsti. tote , it ii time atrommgesi vitalizer made. It Is vcrypowerful , but harmless. Solti for 51.00 a paclcngoor is packages for SLOO ( plain ealrti boxes ) , Written guarantee given fur a cure , if yea buy six boxes amid are smot emmtirely cmred , ix more will be sent to you free of all cimargea. Bend for circuiar nod testimonials , Adduces HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITITE ) , 1O3i MARKET ST. , EANCISCOCALIFORNIA. _ When Buying Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A. minute lost can never be mecovered , and it's a calamity to losmi several years , which so ninny Iowa anti Nebraska peomlo have done when time ) ' have iiouglmt foreign grown , unacehimated fruit trees. MIINBItAY IlItOTliEhill , TIlE CRESCENT NUItSERY , \Vere born on the lands wimere thmeir nurse. ry stock Is grown , and years of patient , immtellgent experiment have taught timexn time best varieties ( or this climate , Consequently their home grown stock is as hardy us time forest trees. They lmmmvo a % ery large stocker ( or ( ( me spring delivery anti every tree ii warranted true to nmtmne , Orciuurd , Vinyard , Lawn , Parking Ttee and Ornamental stock Make no mnlstuke itu your orders , Scud mis your list of wuntN for prices , We can Imlase you in lances anti stock. References : Council Bluffs flanks , Council Bluffs Iepartmnent Omnaima Bee , and prominent buinesa omen , NurserIes six miles north of Councii IlIfta , P. 0. Address , IdENIIRAY BROS. , Crescent , Iowa. GIWIPANOLE , M1 0. The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Experience. READER OF IHSEASIIS or MEN AND WOMEN. I'ItOl'IUETOIt Or Tli1 WOItLI'cl IIICRIIAL DISI'E24 SAltY OF MhiIICINE. _ ' ' . i - , t , , : - \ \ 'I , . , , 1 I treat the following Dsoasos : Cmttmmrrim of time ilemimi 'rharomt : amid f.ungs' Is. cascsottimo Ryoanmi i&r , Fits itad ApopoXr , heart ilsetmsc , Liver Comnuiauimt. Kidney Co - Imimililt , Ncrvotu $ DcilIIt ) , Mcsitnl D . presHioli , iorn4 of 315hth100tI * cfti- Sisal Vcnicsaese , Blalicics , hirlghit's JJi. etude , St. Vitus' 1)ammcc , ltiueminmattsmn , Ptmralysi * , -4' Wimito Swelliimg , Semofultm , Fever Sores , 'I' erse timid Elistishie ( IL 1550 renso witliotut time kssltb or ( lravvislg strop (5(1)100(1. S'OIII1llI v1tIs hoc delicate orwnzs reNtored to JsaalIu. Iropsy cured wltIeoqt teappisig. Mpccial Atteuittoue gltc1 to irivsatc iIlu(1 Vessercnl IINeeaNe * ofiihi kisseIN , $ % ( ) to $ oofoifeit for say Veisercal Disease I cmtrmmmot oum without Mercury , 'I'ltlco SVouiims romove4 ' III tmmtoom' three hours , orimu pay. Iicmurrluoida fr. Or l'iics cured , TiiOSli WHO ARE Al'VfIC'l'EI ) S'iil smwo life nmmtl hmindrecls of dollars by call. lug on or mislmmg DR. C. W , PANQIE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. Time otily I'Imy.icimmm , wimo clot tell whmmettells a siersosm witlmc.umtmumkimg , a qtmcstion. Tlito itt ml , iislumucc , seimil rs ( Jiusation llimmnk , No. 1 for , muommNo , 2 for wommien , A Ii correspondence strictly conlimiential , ) iodicimmo bent Imy express. Amiclrcsmi mmii letturl 10 C. V. I'ANJ.E , It ! , D , , 555 BoAowAy. COUNCIL LUPP $ . Enclose IOu In Staimml's for reimly , .2 CEO. P. SANFORD , A. W. IUEKMAN , President. 'aehier First Natlo nal Bank 4 of COUNCiL. ULUFF3 , Iowa. Capital , . - $1OOOOt I'i'estits . . , 12,000 On of the oldest banks in the utah. of Low. We solicit your bu.intu and coiiectIoni. W. pay S per cent on time deposits. We will be pleased to see anti serve you. SociaI Noliccs-Oouncil Diuffs CiLlBNIY8 CLIANID ; VAUITI1 L'LEANJD , 11(1 flurke , &I tV , S. homer' . . ( .35 llroadway , LAItUF ! PI1IVATE hIAltN FOIL 111114T NISAIt court house. ppiy at lice otlie.Councii Itiuffa VitLJlT FItltM Ai4D OAltIiN LAND ItOft ide cheap ammd o emisy terms , Day & lie. . . 3) l'eamj umreei , FINE LiVlltY OUTFIT FOil tAI1 ; 1 LANdau - dau , 1 Umoughamn , 1 coach , 1 surrey , 1 pmaston ) , a buggies , S sleighs , a set. immirneis. Slay Li hlem.i , Council lilutfi. WAHTIlD,000iGlItL , FOR ( IIINEItALi icousiwork. Mrs. ii , W , Tiitoii , 827 ( tim avenue , Felt lINT , AN ( .ACltll PA1tM , 3 MibIlti fiommi Council Bluffs' court houpl rent uniy (300 I.er acre. Aipiy to Leonard 1lve t , I'earl Mirtet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ Fi'itNiSiIEi ) AND pNVUItNhi4hIli ) 1t001153 for remit at 110 1st aVL'ndme ; also 1) ivoms at 112 Broadway , L' . W , Jacksomm. - ,