Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    . . . . . . . , .
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' 2 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , TIlE OMAILA _ DAILY _ ] - IJ - - : SATUUDAY _ - , MAlCII . _ 16 , 1sn . _ _ _
, - ' ! Ion $ for Belng live Block In the BIAte or
Nebruka , 72 10 18.
Houo roll No. 67 , by Chace ) , providing ! for
4 10UBO cxtermlnton or the tlulan thiste % arnl !
t to prescribe the dutes or the overser ot
, roads In relation Ibereto , 8t to O.
4 Whtn lCDnp'a name wu called on the vote
on house roll No 0. the bill to "regubte"
South Omaha commision men , he Mid : "In
r talking wllh some ot the heavy shipper ot
tny county I have discovered that they
I are opposed to this bill. But as I understand
hero ts n movernnt In the house to down
Omaha I will vole yea. "
The governor announce ! that he had sIgne
house roll No 27 , providIng for fIne and , Im-
prsonment ot persons unlawfully wearIng
the firemen's national button ; No. 630 , authorizing -
thorlzlng county commIssioner to use the
surplus or precInct bond funds for the pur-
mae or rociiring seed grain , and senate me !
No 16 , making It the duty or district courts I
to appoint a competent number or bailiffs
to wait on the grand Jury , with an allowance
or $2 n lay ,
House rcl No 139 , by Alhn , to provide for
the appointment or fire and polce commls-
slonprl In Omaha , was , after a call or the
house and continued disorder , put upon Its
passage , and failed to pas with the emergency -
gency clause , by a vote or 28 to only CG.
two less than the required number. The
bill was then put upon Its pasmge without
the clause and pa.ssd.
House rol 2GI , by Harrison , providing that
cblms against cities of the first cia ! ! having
, less than 26,000 and more than 8,000 Inhab-
Iant shall ho present.1 In writing with n
full account of the Items verified , was
pas .
Previous to adjournment quite I number
asked to be excused , and ( the point was raised
that they were attempting to dodge tomor-
row's debate on the age or consent bill , which
ha been made a special order for 10 o'clock
a. m. Many 'valed thcl"elves of the excuse
granted hefore the attempted hegira could ba
choked off by adJournmeul
Fast rrlend -thc Intelligent public and
the manufaclurers of Dr Prlce'l Baking !
Arrangements have been made to start anew
new morning paper In Birmingham , Aln.
Governor Marvin of Delaware. who has
been dangerously sick , was some better yes-
Douglas Henderson and Frank Jelry were
sentenced to be hanged May 31 , at Iurphys-
bore , Ill.
George M. Vannorl , ex-commIssioner or
public worlcs In New York , died yesterday
at Nynek.
The cotton planters or Georgia have called
n meeting to devise means of cutting down
the cotton acreago.
The supreme court or New York has
handed down n decIsion granting a new trial
to Erstus Wllm.
. William ogarty or Monroe , 0. . fatally In-
jured an old mali named John Evans by hit-
tng him on the head.
The Merchauts exchange has no record or
any such Suit ) ns the Yoleman , reportE lost
on the California coast.
Mrs. Perry Randall and daughter ,
Mabel , were 1 < lled by West Shore tralu at
Weedeport. N. y" , 'esterday.
, Janie A. Doherty , n 17-year.old boy , has
confessed that he set fire to St Peter's Cath-
( ole church In Boston. March 6.
The firm of Cashman Bros. & Co. of Dos-
ton , mnnufacturers of window shades , have
assigned. Liabiiies , $1OO00.
Tlio United States grand jury nt Lynchburg -
; burg Va. , has Indicted W. G. unmoor and
R. H. Pennell . defaulting bank omcials.
Ilgltmate children of George Die. who
left a fortune at Athens , Ga. , have just been
, awarded his estate aCer a long legal contest
'he 100th anniversary of Ihe lassachu ,
sets Charity Mechanics association was cel-
; obratd yesterday at Mechanics building ,
Dos ton.
A syndicate of New York parpes are ne- ,
gotatng for most of the mineral . lands In' '
Harlan , Pcrry , Leslie . Letcher , Knott and
Elott counties , Kentuclcy.
. . Rov. Malone editor of the Colorado
. Catholic . lectured last nIght before the Chi-
cage Single Tax cub on "The Catholic
; Church and the SIngle Tax "
The New York supreme court bas handed
' down an opinion ordering the Now York
r police commission to reInstate Captain Cross
and Wardman George Smith.
. The Texas senate has passed the bill to
authorize the Houston & Texas Central road
: to acquire four other roads , In dIrect opposi-
ton to the recommedatons of the governor.
The acton of Bishop Horstman In ex-
; communicating Rev. A. F. Kolazewskl , n
3 Polish Catholic priest , has been confirmed by
: the pope. : ho priest Is now the bead of an
Independent Catholic church
Judge Brantpy of the United States court ,
In the case growing out of the seizure or the
, schooner Caroline , has decided that so much
of the South Carolina dispensary law ns interferes -
' . terrorcs With Interstate Is
wih commerce uncoit-
s stitutional .
t Three hunters name Ed Duly , John
r Hnnsm all another , name unknown were
- found dead In their cabin lar ' Chhlpowa
Falls . , Wls They had been poisoning wolves
and indigatlons to show
Inllcatons go they accidentally
got Rome of the Ilolsbn In theIr fopd.
T " - top.
: Queen Victoria arrIved at Nice yesterday
and wan escorted to the hotel by a detach-
mont .f troops.
"rho Brazilian government has decided to
devote the proceeds or the new loan to talt-
fig up the paper currency.
Ex-Manager Coolt of the Commercial hank
of St. Johns has been arrested Grave
charges of fraud have been eferred alnst
him. . }
' I Information by way of st. Petersburg I
to the elect no armistice wi precede the
signing oC a treaty of peace between ChIna
and Japan :
Italy has set ' special envoy to Vene-
zueha to explain the recent expression In the
green book which caused the government of
tat country to give the italian minister Ills
I tIP I f QS
owI E1VJO'vs
ii Both the ENJOYS whcn
Syrup of Figs ia taken j it fa pleasant
: and refrcshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidnoya ,
Liver 1\1 ( Bowels . , cll'lnscs the 8ya-
\m effectually , dispels colds , head-
aches and fOVC1'S and CUIC habitual
constipation Syrup of Figs is the
only rOledy of its kind over pro.
duced , pleasing to the taste and ao-
ceptable to the Itonllch , prompt in
its action and tllly beneficial in it ;
effects , Ilrcllu'od only from the most
, Jealthy mil agreeable 8ubstmwes , its
, J1nvoxcolcnt qualities commend it
to all nnd have made i the most
popular remedy known ,
t Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
J pent bottles by aU lending drug.
, : . . gitt. Any relable dltgrtt who
may not have it on baud wi pro-
; , . euro it prompty for my one who
' wi8hca 'vubstitute to try . it. Do not acceptany
BAN ' ' .
: lUISVIL I. ' CAt ORK . N.r.
' ,
Rub for the Appointment of the Arbitrary
Committee Has Bon Adopt.cd1
% 'ntoii' ' Hill tl Alol h the 1)eath 1' lnl ) , '
Hurll , SqUCeZt'I 1'hruIgh-I : cIceb3' "
U lvt Hill Curries u lUg 1inJorly
-LiiIcOhII'13 CI , A 8VMur.
LINCOLN , larch 16.-Special.--With ( ) but
seven da's of its legal existence yet remain-
Ing and wIth nearly 200 bIlls on general file
and more stl In the committee roomsthe senate -
ate has at last reached the point In Its rnp-
hl ) ' wasting life where a sifting committee
seems to bo absolntely necessary to prevent
confusion nml even demoralization. An at-
tempt was made last Friday to secure the IP-
"ointment of a sifting committee , but the ob-
Jeclon oC MclCeeby and other leading relJb-
Icans was strong enough to lay the mater
over for a week. Wednesday night the stand-
lug committee on rules met at the Lincoln
hotel and decided to provide for a sifting
committee In the standing rules of the scn-
ate. The rnle was agreed Illn lat night , ns
stated 1 In The lice this mornIng , and was today .
day adoptel. , I Provides as follows :
Rule t3. A sitting committee of nIne
members shall be . appointed by the prest-
lelt , whoRe lInt ) I shall he to have charge
of the bills on general flue anti report such
bills as are deemed meat Importnnt for
consideration : und bils HO ported and
recolulnded ClInt ! take precedelce II COI-
Rldernton of bils now before the senate ,
except the general und salary appropriation
bhlI : antI claim bills , which shall be subject -
ject to special order nt any time.
The rule as adopted gives the sifting committee -
mittee almost absolute power of life or death I
over every bi on general flue. Its authority
Is practically autocratic and its diction supreme -
preme ns long as It lies the vote or seventeen
senators behind It.
There will be al Immpnse amount or wcrlc
for the couiniittee. I wi be Impossible to
consIder In committee or the whole more
than twenty or thirty bills. There arc nearly
ten times that number , with authors anxious
for their fate Among the bills that are
tolerably fure or running the gauntlet are
the beet sugar bis , the Lincoln charter , the
blaulIt ballot hills , Telts good roads bill
and the Omaha chartpl The rate of the oleo-
margarine bill Is still In doubt Among the long
list of bIlls almost certain to be killed by the
sifting committee are the "ant-monollly"
bills . some thirty or forty In number , all the
hls cutting ( heWn the rees of clerIcs of the
district courts , the county commissioner bills ,
al of the miscelaneous bills covering such
subjects as "decedents estates " "Code of
Civil Procedure , " etc.
The final vote on Watn's bill to abolish
the death penalty In Nebraska came durIng
the forenoon and the measure was given the
required constitutional sanction of seventeen
votes and ( no more. The opponents of the
bill had confidently expected to the
hilt at the last moment. They had made a
careful canvass of the senate several tImes
ever and their most careful estimates showed
but sixteen votes In favor of the bill. Con-
sequenty they were just a little surprised
nt the vote this forenoon. When the vote
was called the result showed eighteen senators -
ators In favor or the bl But 11el'e were
several changes. Before the result had
ben announced Campbell and Lelir . who had
voted tn the affirmative . changed their votes
to the negative . thus leavIng but sixteen
votes In favor of the bill . one short of a bare
majority. Jut when the opponents of the
bill had began to think of congratulating ;
themselves , Jefries , who had originally voted
agaInst the bill. swung over to the opposite
side and saved the bill. I had been be-
tiered all along that tathbun was against
the bill and his support of the measure was
a surprlso. The pponets of the bill had
false conldenty' relied upon the tstance of I
Saunders , and his vote was also n disagreeable - :
able surprise. The vote by which the bill
finally passed was as follows :
. Yeas- -
Akers. hitchcock , htathbun .
llauer JelTries , Saunde .
Czali' . Llntlsay Sprecher
Crawrord , McKeety . Stewart .
Crs3 , McKesson " 'ltI1-1.
Graham , Pope
iiiact. Hahn. Sloan
Uressler . Holbrook ' Steufer.
111.lw"l. . Mitchell . Tel'tt.
Campbell , LhT. WrIglt-14.
Dale , Noyes .
The bill not only abolishes capital punlsh-
mont , but adds to the present law two pro-
visions which recite that "It In1 person shall
aid , abet or procure any other person to commit -
mit any felony every person so offending
shiahl . upon conviction thereof , be unprlsoned
In the state penlenlary for any time be-
twe'n the respective perIods for which the
prIncipal offenders could be ImprIsoned for
the principal offense ; or , I such principal
offender would on conviction be Imprisoned
for life , then such alder , abettor or procurer
Ehnl bs Imprisoned for life , the Bare as the
prlncical offender would be "
The folowing provision Is also added :
U any person shall purposely und of deliberate -
liberate und iltemeditated mllce , O' tn the
perpetraton 01 nHempt to perpetrate any
rare ai'14011 . robber 0' burglary , or by administering -
ministering 110lson , or causing the same to
be done , kilt another ; 01' If any person ly
wilful and corrupt perjury , or by suborna-
ton ( uf the same , hll Ilurposely procure
the oOlwlcton oC murder II the frt degree
or any Innocent person , every person so
ofcndlng shall be deemed guity of murder
In the first degree und upon conviction
' U/lon /
thereof shall be' Imprisoned In the Ilentten-
lar ) ' during life .
The first thing the senate did after the noon
recess was to llS the JcKeeby substitute
for the house relief blil . appropriating $200.-
000 out of the tate treasury with which to
purcbase grain for seed antI feel for desti.
tute farmers In the drouth district of the
No hilt that bas passed the senate has Dc-
caslonel more feeling than this measure.
The bill , as It was passed hy the house , ap-
proprlatell $200,000 to be .expended by the
State Helef commission 'fho commission
was authorized to reserve ,000 of the amount
for expenses. This bill $ passe the house ,
but the opposltcn was strong enough to prevent -
vent the addition of the emergency clanse
Tim bi received hut 1 cool reception when
It nrrl'l In the senate i came UII for con-
shlerton In cOllltee of the whole early In
the iveek and lcKeeby prnented the snh-
stitute. whIch was izassed today The suh-
sttute provides that ; 200,000 shall be taken
from the Itate treasury and distrIbuted among
the se\'eral counties In the dronth district ,
No county Is to receive more than 4000.
'he State HeleC commission bas no hart In
the distribution of the funds , but I Is authorized -
thorized to designate the amount that each
county shah receive
The bill passed the senate by a vote of 29
to 1 , with two senators absent On the orlg-
: nal roll cal Cross , HItchcock , Lindsay ,
SloRn and Stenrer voted no Hut aCer the
roll cal had been completed all of thee len-
ntors changed , their " 9tts to the afrmatre
except Cros In explaining their votes
Sloan and , Lindsay stated ( lint thoy' were not
altogether satisfied wih the Irovlslons of the
bi , hnt In order to send the measure back
to Ito house with the weight of as lane a
majority as 110sslblo they would change their
votes to aye HItchcock and Steuf changed
theIr vote for the same reason . Cross said
that he had voted uo aCer careful delbera-
ton and could see no reason for changing
his vote
The huh Introduced In the senate early In !
the session by McKesson of Lancaster , pro-
viding that the city ot LIncoln shall have a
city assessor. was passed hy the senate today -
day , The bi Novldes that cites or the first :
class iiavltig hess than 100,000 and more than
25,000 Inhabitants shall constitute one precinct -
duct for Ilurposes of assessment The city
assenor provided by the law Is to be elected
and Is to receive the sum of $3,600 per an-
hum out of which sum be Is required to pay
his deputies. The bill was introduced January -
ary 18 and reported back from the Judiciary
commitee on February 2 with Q favorable
recommondation. On February 2 : the senate
on motion or McKesson ordered the bill cii-
grossed for third reading. I has never ben
considered In committee of the whole , the
Iwnlte being pErfecty willing to assent to I
without discussion .
Late In tu afternoon 'Feift endeavored to
cal up his bill providing for the ( appoint.
meat of I lullen'lsor of public bulidings . Dy
A little adroit maneuverIng Sllrecner BUe
ceedcII In attaching to TofU's motion an
amendment providing for the immediate consideration -
slernton also or his bill to abolish the office
of county attorney and to provIde instead tt
return or the old system or district attorneys.
Senator Teitt's bill was easily Ilsllose , ! of
I provides for the appointment or n
"clerk" for the Slate hoard or Publc 1.IHls
and Ullllngs at a salary of $1,000 per an-
nitni The huh provides that the "clerk"
shall he a Practical . carpenter and mechanic ,
and I Is made hIs duty to visit all Insttu-
tons 1111 do nil repair work deemed necca-
sar ) The committee on ImbUe lands ( ali
buildings also recommended that all carpenter -
penter clplo'e(1 ( at the state institutions
be dispensetl with . Tert claims that the
state Is now paying $2,700 per year for carpenters -
penters , who , In addition , waste large tums
of money appropriated for repairs. his bill
was recommended for passage .
Sprecher's huh gave the senate more
trouble At fIrst an attempt was made to
postpone It indefinitely , but I had , too lany
frlcnds. After a lengthy dlscnslon It was
amended , In some particulars and recom-
mended for l1a8age , There lre grave doubts
In the minds of several senators as to the
wisdom or the senate's action In agreeing tl
pass the bill. A number or senators were ab-
sent and It Is believed that there wilt be considerable - i
siderable difficulty In securing a majority for
the bill when It Is placed on its final pusae.
Under Ito bill the expense or the district attorneys -
toreys will bo borne by the state. Each
county will b entitled to n deputy. No'es
succeeded In delayIng action on the recom-
< ncton
mendaton oC the commltee or ito ( whole ttn-
t tomorrow.
Just before adjournment WrIght endenv-
ored to have his bill reqnlrlng fire Insur-
alice companies to pay Into the state treasury '
1 per cent or the gross premIums collected
In this stnte made n Rlleclal order for tomorrow - I
morrow , bnt hIs motion was leaded down
wih so many amendments that the whole
batch was laid upon the table.
Cal wel then endeavored to secure n night
session for this evening but the senate was
In no good mood for after dinner work and
S ( adjourned. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
U01orh from 1hl ) TOWil Show lnch
Moisture lurlul the Pist'ook
JUNrATA , Neb. , March 11.--Speclal.-A ( )
blizzard prevailed here nearly nil day ytster-
day , and the heavy fall of snow continued
today More snow has flen than at any
other tme the past winter Much or It has
incited , and wi do much good to small graIn
and the ground generaly ,
EXETER , Neb. , March 1.-Special.--- ( )
There Is much snow on the ground at this
place nol the result or the storm that began
Weduesra ) ' and continued until Thursday
nIght. !
COLUMBUS . Neb . March 15.-Special.- ( )
A lLlit snow has been falling all day
NORTh ! LOUP ! , : eh" , March 16.-Specla1) ( )
-The mercury went down to several degree
helow . zero yesterday morning and n lght
snow continued ( to fall durIng the dar , especI-
ally In the afternoon , but as there was no
wind the westehr was not at all s \'ere.
FT. CALHOUN , Neh. , arch 15.-Speclal. ( )
-A cold wave passed over this section of country - I
tr ) causIng the temperature to tail far below
the freezing point Thursday snow fell to
the ( depth of two Inches.
WATEHLOO , Neb. , March 16.-Sp ( ( clal.- )
The heavIest snow or the season fell last
night completely covering the ground.
LOUISVILLE . Neb. , March -Speclal. ( )
-A light snow has beau failing all night and
this .morning finds the ground completely i
covered , there beIng about two Inches.
There was no wind to cause drifting.
'ro :1\\G : i 1'1 Eis.tIM'S ESTE
Wife of the late 1.\lcoll Citizen AppDlntbd
LINCOLN , March 15.-Speclnl ( Tele-
gram.-Mrs. ) Mary Fitzgerald has been appointed -
poInted admlnlstratrlJ of the estate of John
Fitzgerald 1 and her origInal bond reduced
from $500,000 to $300,000. The Cagney will
contest , with which Mrs. Fitzgerald Is con-
nected , Is not ended. Today attorneys pet- !
toned the distrIct court to reinstate the case
and set aside the order of dIsmissal niade by
stipulation of lie contestants The petitionIng -
Ing lawyers claim that they have a contract
and assignment with and from the contest-
ants John J , Cagnpy , Catherine McEnteo
Marlata Cagney and a C. McEnfee , by
which they were authorIzed to prosecute the
11 contest to final judgment. They say
they had no notice of final settlement of the
case by stipulation until March 8. They re-
fused to concur In the arrangement and
served notice on Mrs Fitzgerald's attorneys
accorllng- . Bat the contestants are said
to have settled the mater with Mrs. Fitz-
gerald , IgnorIng their contract right and not
showing the same In courl I Is also al-
leged that the heirs at law received some
valuable consideration from Mrs FItzgerald
for making the stipulation.
Expected Oulcome of the Investigation of
cite , \rnlrA nt Iho I'cmihteiit'tiry.
I.INCOLN. Mardi 16.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Tho ) house committee on state peni-
tentary dId not hold its expected session
this evening. Negotiations are now In pro-
gross for n Joint session of the house and
senate committee , as agreed upon at the Ltl-
coIn hotel meeting one night last week. That
0 strong movement Is under way IntendcII to
oust W. I Dorgan from the control of the
prison contract Is now well understood. The
Board of Public Lands and Buildings ts ptay-
lag a strong game although I has not yet
exposed its hand. No little assistance Is expected - I .
poeted from the investigating committee ,
now at work at the state penitentiary. I
seems to bo pretty well understood that this
commIttee 13 to brIng a report strongly reI-
ommondlng state control oC the penitentiary ,
and It Is because of the part that this report
Is expected to play In the program . that the
eOlullteo will hnsten Its work.
WHu nr n i'loneor Found feziul
SPINGVIEW , Neb. , March 15.-Special (
Telegram.-lrs. ) Meal Holpl was found
dead In her vllck near Droclcsburg , thIrty
mtes from this place , yrsterday Mr. 10len ,
her hnsband , was sent to the asylum at Norfolk .
folk some eighteen months ago : lr. and
: Irs , 10iten were old setters of thIs county
and kept a cattle ranch on the Keya Paha
rIver , havIng quite a Ing bunch or stock
'fhey have no faintly. County Coroner Web
ster started for the ranch tOday.
heath of Mis. Louis ( 'hark.
COLUMBUS , Neb , March 16-Sppclal.- ( )
Mrs Louisa Dauer Clark , wife or Dr. T. R.
Clark , died Monday night after an illness
of four days , and was burled from the German
Lutheran church this afternoon . Mrs. Carl ;
was a hIghly accomplished woman and made
friends wherever she was known ,
. JtiU nla-cI'e Vork let"rrll.
HASTINGS ! , March -Speclal ( Telegram )
-l raillt Corbett , who IR under sentence for
ono year In the penitentiary for stealing ,
today tried to break Jai by drilling through
the west wal or his cell In the county Jai ,
but was caught In the ( act
'hlch hotels are the most popular Those
which use Dr Price's lIcking Powder In the
food. '
Exeter Notes fI11 1'.r''Jlb.
EXB1'EH , Neb. , March 15-Speclal-The ( )
Baptist social at the residence of GeorgI n ,
Lee , Thursday night , was a tlccess In every
sense of the word In SpUD of the snow
storm a large number were out
Pastor Huest , ' congregation stole a march
on him Thursday night by walkIng In on
hlmsel and family without givIng them a
mlnuto's notice . Everyone took a package
ot some household miecessary . hiesides these
necessaries they came loaded with every-
thing that was needed to prepare a fine sup
per , Everybody went In for ' 1 good time , and
for over two hours such good old.ralhloned
gaines 1 blind-much's bur and grunt were
Induhell : In by all . young and old. The oldest -
est cItizens said It reminded them of Ne.
laska pioneer days.
Will WIlams , who Is teaching a dIstrict
achool four mies south ot town treated his
Patrons to a fine exhibition and entertainment -
ment Tuesday oveing . 'fhe principal part :
of ( ha evening's program Wi the renderlnl
of "Ten Nights In a liar itooni" by hlle1
and school , which would have done gieat :
credit to some much larger tntitutoue ! .
Mr and Mr. J. N. Cox and C. F . Walker
went to Beatrice on business lat Tuesday ,
All the TdtInoi y in the TraIn Wrecking
t J'ie Submitted ,
Clnnetng 1.1 tntrfflt of Several
SmoothNI'\ hy the I.R""rf Toward
time Clo" " fr the hIny-4trgmtmuoltts
to. nt Ithtidn 'railay .
LINCOLN , March 16.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-The Davis murder trial was ready for nr-
ument nt noon today. lan dozen wit-
nesses were Jut on hy the state this mont-
lug In rebuttal . Their testimony was ot
nn unImportant nature. The state will make
Iwo arguments and the defense five. I Is
not thought that the case will be gl\en to
the Jury before tomorrow.
The state Introduced an almanac , which
shows that the sun ret at 7:07 : on the nIght
before the Hoclt Island wreck. The date In
the n\nanac Is supposed to show that Mrs.
Irlppln must have been mistaken when she
sid that Davis was nt her office after snn- I
down . ir 1"lppln , recalled by the state , denied -
nied that he hall told Chief or Police Cooper
that he was unacquainted with Davis , but
thought he bad seen him somnowhere , lIe
sahl he hall caileti at the station the morn-
calel stnton
lag after DavIs' arrest and had asked to see
the man . ' 'e told tQ come to the grating
or the woman's cel , where the prisoner
was confimieti. The chler hal asked I he
knew Davis , amid he hail ans\erCI : "I do "
The chief had then asked Davis I bo Imew I .
witness all the prisoner hal mumbled that
the winess was Dr. Flipper or Flippin. Chief I
Cooper , recalled . swore thnt the ( doctor had
told him hat ! he ins not acquainted \ylt1
somewhere the defendant , but might have seen Iln
J. V. Wolf had examined . the track and
spike holes yesterday anti ws of the opInion
that the splces were , nearly ; straight
\ % ' \llm Lawlor nnll Charles Homan , the
former manager or the gas works of the city
of Lincoln , had examined the track yesterday
and found no slanting holes In the ties.
slantnl les.
Many ClUes of the : lnto Prepare for he I
Spring hli.cthtpiii .
LINCOLN , March 15-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-The democrats held their city convention to-
night at the ( court iiOhe and nominated the
following ticket : Mayor , Judge J. H. Droady ;
treasurer . IV. . lomerne jelly ; clerk , W. G.
Chamberlain ; , memlers oC the excise board
A. F. Hargrea\os , T. E. Cochran ; cemetery
trustee , John 1clanlgalj ; councilmen , First
ward , James O'Shea : Second , Hans Derks ;
Third , II. Schalerj ; Fourth . Ezra S. hawley ;
Fifth , \ \ 'fhiiatii9tinpn : Sixth , C. S" . Jones :
Seventh , II. l 1ea\ltt , '
This populists bold I small meeting at the
Lindel , hut , toc4i' DO definite actimi , aside
from commeldlng the ticket lllaced"ln 10m-
Inaton by th' d'ernbcrats. I Is gh'en out
that the Civic' F < l & 'raton and populists will
cndorsJ the n'oD11naton made tonight , although -
though In son p' qulirters there Is a strong
pressure brought tot bear to influence layer
Weir to nIce "he fIeld Independent ) ' . This
move , If carniid out , would doubtless result
In the elect n of the entire republican
ticket . headol by F.ank Graham for mayor
The Evening News 'of this city has already
bolted the republican nomination , and came
out thIs afternoon advocating the nomination
of Judge Broady. , t
YOm : . Neb . , March 15.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Tho ) result 'of the republican caucus
held here tonight was the nomination for
councilmen as follows : FIrst ward , N. A
Dean : Second , orge R. teaa : Third , W. A.
Miller ; Fourth ' E' ; Ttlesinger Delegates for
the ( caucus to ye Ked ! for the nomlnalon ( of
mayor Mondayt nlgbt\were. also elected ,
'HASTINGS Wancff'zlS.-Speciai ( , tI1eiegrani , . )
.TliJ . 'repblcalf city , convention vaa' hel
this evening In the ( court house and' * everything -
thing went oil smoothly. 'V. R Burton was
made chaIrman , , nnd Fred Renner and George
James secretaries. Fref Rohrer , the present
police judg was renomInated. The nomInees -
Inees for school board , are : I. W.
Cramer , First 'ward ; H. C. Kerr.
Second : C. L. Stone , Third : , John A. :
Caste , Fourth ; ward eommlteemOn , E. p
Nellie , Dr Morl , George Miller . llrst'Judge :
'Fle llng. WI Dutton , H. C. Kerr : ' Secnd :
David Dalosp , Drown , Lafid ThIrd ; JUCb
Fishier , C' . K. Lawson Curt Alexander Fourth
ward. Judge Fleming was elected chairman
of the city republican central committee for
the next year
COLUMBUS Neb. , March 15.-(8peclal (
Teiegram.-The ) republcan city convention
met last evenIng at the council cllambor and
made the following noinatons : Mayor W ,
A. MeAlsterj ; clerk , Clarence Sheldon : treas-
urer , Henry Ragatz : city engineer . A. G.
Arnold : counciimen . First ward J , II. Galley :
Second , Hugh Hughes ; Third , M. Whlmeyerj ;
school board , John Wiggins , E. Pohl and
Carl ! Krnmer. A ' crowded house , composed of
citizens who are dissatisfied with the city
pulcs ! , assemble _ at _ Fitzpatrick's , hal ! last
evening and nomlnatel the following ticket :
Mayor , Oof Johnson : treasurer , Daniel
Schramj ; clerk . Edward Early : councilmen ,
First ward H. J. Spoerry ; Second , L. i
Weaver : Third S. C Gray : school board !
Henry Ioekenberger , H. hi. Henry and J.
C. SwartsleY.
STANTON , Neb. . March 15.-Speclal.- ( )
The law and order party met at the cIty hal
last evening and placed In nomination tie Col-
lowIng ticket : Mayor , Samuel Ghr : clerIc ,
George E. Pugh : treasurer , L. J. ! Horton j
city engimieer , W C. Vaughan : councilmen ,
First enJneer Hchard Durtwlste jr ; Second
ward , F. S. CarrIer. A F l'noa was elected
The . "people's" arty will haiti their con-
venton thIs evening.
FAnBUHY , Neh. , March 15.-Speclal.- ( )
A citizens party caucus was held last night
at which the following nomlnntons were
made : Mayor C. D. I.ntton j aldermcn , Firat
ward , W W , lnaus I : second H , n. Gahagan ;
cIty clerk , C. H. Denny ; treasurer . I. F.
1010. Hesolutons were adopted sImilar to
those of the high license caucus Monday , fa-
faring the issuance or saloon licenses , but I
Is unlerstood that all the candidates noml-
nnted are anti-license.
AUHOI , March 15.-Speclal.-The ( ) Ii-
cmse conventon to select candidates for ( city
officers was held last night ant , turned ant to
be a B. & M. affair . 'he railroad employee
turned out enmasse , bealed , by Superintendent
Englsh , and captured 'the cOlvenlon , They
nominated for mayor I. N , Jones , superintendent -
tendent or the titnoje Yirds , lie was a can-
dIdate bef re t , fo ton\nton last year
and failed to llrrflomlnaton , baited the
ticket and transferred the rairoad vote to
A. I. Bshop , tiif.teuReriimice candidate , and
oloctet him 'hp iliniulce I or the ( city tIcket
Is as folows : , ClerbGlay ) Jonca ; treasurer ,
J. Pusey ChtapmiiJi : pity engineer , n. I D.
Parks : police Juqj ! , ' . ( ln S. Mnsser ; coun-
oilmen , First ward M1 b 1 > 011 : Seeneifi C , G.
Slcnner cimen ; Thlnl , 1. I F nlltz ) anti I" Ii. I Newlon
AShLAND , NIanclt 15.-Spccln\- ( )
Ashland Is prellarIIJqr ) a warm time at the
coming sprIng ek.'tIr. Dr. Mansfe1lc nail .
David Baker are calldatos , for mayor , H.
n. Pine. tile Present city clerk , will probably
ho re-electell ande-i'ttIco ) of treasurer will
be refilled by RichianitM , Scott . The quel-
ton of school bOIY\s ( fpr un addition to the
Hgh school bulll\lglwl ' gover the elec-
Uon T
tioti.NEUItASKi CD' % ' , \el. , March 16-Spo- (
elal.-In ) spie ot " tit.jiIjuls the independents
met last e\cnlng-H"tplaced In nomination
( liii following city tchet : Connellncn , First
wall , J. n. Su'olle ' Socon\l. \ ( W Bitter ;
'fh'rd , I'o'cce KUlitz ! ) : Fourth , J. B. North.
cutt . 'fhe ledders , of , the party say they lad
nothing to do ui flIt the ! trlet : and will reo
Iludlate it.
John Wall , demccrallc nlmlnee fur eoun-
cll11 frul t he Second ward , rcfubPs to
1111to thl ( race.
EXETER , Net , . r1rch l-Srzcciai-'flme ( )
high lIcence leollo have lint n , H : Cramie , S.
U , Larimiier. A. e Coolius J. A. Nyc antI
A. B. Iflcdlct In ( Ito field to champion their
principles , ittid ( lie - iintiiieexso : ticket \ n ,
W. Paten , C. U. Wllhrandt , n. I. WI-
Ihania , U. S. landal amid W. S. mml k.
lanu berth work wilt be dune on Inth ities .
' 1 H MO:1' , rLm'h ) 15.-Spllal-Th ( )
ward caucuses Ilf bc\h \ 11lleal itarties are tG
be held lomight 111 I .here I' t IsUJI al tnt
of hulonlwlq ; I'fhlljon' by plrauts r1r
n'Jlalon : , Ti" dFlotrJlj a-o Gelln
strrel up a 1'1' ' . anti alt talking ) of W. n ,
nJ ) fur city de"1 and he I . I. Bhmrk Hr . in
lrcuurp : . : J n.orratic can ] data fur the (
Spring Medicine I
At this season , mole cmplmtcnl ) Hum nl Rn ) other ,
wo Bhoull" hulll for the fnturo.
'Vlen Nature gives vitality to feld Rll wood , there
fhouh he the harmony of renowcd le and energy In our
physical systems.
lut , on the contrl' ) wo fnd out'dclves wonk , dul ,
tired. This is because in the winter we have hoon
housed-up In 110t'ly ventntell offices , homos anti shops ,
0111' blood has become thin anti Impme , ondls unequol to
tim domoll . of the body for more life , more vigor , more , 10re sh'ngth.
Nlttull'C Impcrotvely cries for help I
'Vhoro Is It to he found ?
Logicaly enough , In u good Spring Medicine , like
Hood's Snrsopariu , the great blood purifier.
This Irepnrton JIlts 1I'o\'en In many yean of test
that It supplies the demand os nothing else eRn.
- -
Hood's Sarsaparilla I.
The statements in the testimonial below
are familiar facts to the immediate friends
of Mr. Oeo. A. Zirkle , school teacher , at
Mt. Ioreb , Tcnn , very well known
throughout lie county , where ho was
born ant has always lived. I Illustrates
the wonderful at Hood's
power Barsapn-
ria over nl dlsense or the blood. Read it :
I I beleve in Hood's Sarsaparlila. I wi
tel you why. I have suffered from inherited -
herited scrofula tram childhood , When 37
years of age , my eye became
Strangely Affected.
I could not read after sunset , and when I
would close my eyes I could not open
them ; but on "hlchever Bldo lay , on that
side I could open my eye. This condition
continued about two years , and was sac-
cceded by an intolerable itching all over
my body and limbs. I hRd to have } my
little boys take shoe brushes and scratch
me. I was dreadrnl. I continued n
month and was followed immedlately by n
tumor in thc rIght side or my neck as large
a a small egg. I took physicians' prescriptions -
scriptions tIll I lost hope. In the mean-
time the tumor changed its place to the
So ca ) to take anti so readily assimilated , the lu1-
f'lng , ylnlzing flInt enriching elements ot Hood's Snl-
salarilla-cohnbiited " front Nnhu'c's own Etot'ehotso of
vegeh\hlo rCIH'I1eB for Immnn . ills , pnss into the stomndl
aunt arc then silently but ccl'tnilily taken up hr the blood
IHl cnt to every organ multi tissue of the body .
The effect Is often mnglcnl
The wctlme . ! is SOOl llri\en oft , that tired feeling
disappears , the nC'\es nre built Ul , the stollch I'StUCB
It tasks cyen greedily , the appetite becomes ns I sharp
as n whetstone , " the whole man feels I ns i mUle nnew. "
The wonderful cures of SClfulo , SuIt Uheum , and
i other dreadful diseases prove thc great curative , blood (
1uri'ing powels of Hood'A SarMplwin , )
You undoubtedly need n good Spring Mcdleiiio.
Tae the great blood purifier , j
immediate front ot my neck , and fire
others formed and broke.
U Finally , three years ago , another largo
tumor seated Itself on the point of my col-
Ian bone and in six months another hal
way back on the bone Both or them soon
began to discharge and continued to do so
till about seven months ago I tried everything -
thing , including procriptions. I was often
so weak that 1 could scarcely walk and my
mind was soconfusel that I could scarcely
attend to my business ( school teaching ) .
I was utterly discouraged. And now my
Is the Only
story draws to a close. I began tim use at
Hood's Srsaparlan IUD hess than a year
ago , and took flvobottles . When I began
I had no faith in it. In 3 months both
sores on my shoulder was healed I
was cured at catnrrhj ; and scrofulous
habit has steadily grown less appnrcnt. I
weigh more than I ever dId in my life and
am in the bet or health considering t '
constitution . Do you wonder I believe in
Hood's Sarsaparia 9 I recommend i ever-
\vhere. " G. A. ZIKLE , Mt. 10rebl Tenn.
True Blood Purifier '
Remember , I is NotVhat \Ve Say , but What Hood's rsapari11a Docs , .
that TellstheStory. _ _ _ HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES.
- - - - - - - - - - -
mayoralty has yet appeared. The saloon
keepers are doing a deal of conferring together -
gether today , and It may be they are tryIng
to set imp thin pins so that a city council
favorable to a reductIon of the saloon . occupation -
cupaton tax ma ) be elected , but they cannot
lNDANOLA , Neb. . March 15.-Speclal (
Telegrarn.-At the citizens' caucus held this
evening the ( following city ticket was nom.
Inat : Mayor , William Wadswortb ; clerk ,
J , A. Hammond : treasurer. .1. J. Wilson :
engineer E. S. Hill ; councilmen , First ward ,
Laton Duckworth : Second ward , C. 13. Hoag
DEA''nCE. March 15.-Speclal ( Tele
grnm.-The ) republican city convention held
tonIght ! was one of the most In-
t erecting held In Beatrice for ) 'ears ,
There was n hot contest for mayor ,
treasurer and polee Judge The nom-
Inatons are : Mayer , J. S. Grable ; treasurer
Waler Scott : cleric J. T. Phillips : police
judge W. H. Glsple : cuncimen , M. L.
Arnold FIrst ward : D. I fligole Second ;
T. 1 Thaniaa . Third ; J. 1 Saunders FOurth ;
n , 1. lleileliinger . Flb : W. O. Worslck ,
811t11 : Board or I dncaton , H. C. Carrion , L.
:1 Pemb' rton and A. I Kid'
lclru1k Soldiers' Uumo nt Grand l4iamaci
In ' n New ( 'onmucandant.
GRAND ISLAND Neb. , March 15.-Spe- (
clal.-'hls ) afternoon the management of the
Nebraska Soldiers' Home was transferred , .
from the hands of Colonel 0 , A. Scovie to.
Colonel John W. \\ilson. Mr. Scovie re-
tires with the cenfdepce and good will of
every Inmate of the home : and citizens of the
city , and Ito now commandant enters with u
welcnme from all. Adjutant Walker wii
serve till about the end of the month , and In
about a \ celt will Inllatl Murt Howe or Lln-
coIn into tile duties of that ofce , Mrs.
hannah Zimumer the neur matron of Perkins
commnty I. expected to arrive tonight . and
trs. Myers will return to her home at
hlromfieid. lr Sadler of Alma will arrive In
about a week and Dr 3. .Janss of this city
will retire as surgeon or the ( Ilome , 'he
advisory board Is In session approving the
appointments and looking after routine husl-
nes !
Arral111 for Irrigation.
NORTH LOUP , Neb. . larch 15.-Speclal. ( )
-The surveying of the laterals for the dis-
tributon or irrigatIon water I beIng carried
on br the company's local engineer , and I
Is Intended that ly tl ( time the ground
again thaw to have affairs In shape to put
1 large amonnt of land Into n condition that
It has not IJeen In since the begInnIng of the
Ilrouth last Knmmer As thE village board
f.'IM that I has no legal : right 10 malte any
arramements for that purpose , individuals In
tl village will combne ! for the purpose of
building theIr own laterals.
1"llml ! for t. Is oot tim g 110 I a II oem le.
cot.tTMnus , Nob. . March l5.-Siioclal- ( )
Jnllge Hndson fined Bdward Frazier $25 and
costs yesterday for Ihootng Into the house
or Hattie \\'nlght. She shot twIce , one shot
taking effect In the right arm , causing an
ugly wound. The man was taken to the hos.
( lal for treatment ,
Jt nun . Il j f 11 t ' ; ( ' 0111 lee.
LINCOLN . March 11.-Speciai ( Tele-
gram-I.leutenlt ) : Governor Moore Is takIng
hIs own time In moldn up ( lie sifting com-
mitee , lie had not tonight fully made up
the list of nine lembers provided hy the now
rl ( . anti , may nut annonnee the committee
nnll Monday.
- - - - - - - - - -
na.t& Jrclll.
One pint rye four , one-hal Pint corn meal ,
one.llal Illntour. . one teaspoonful sugar one
spoonful sal , two teaspoonfuls Ioyal
Baking Powder , one tablespoonful lard , three
Iurtru pint 11 , . Sir together rye flour ,
corn musal . flour , sugar , salt , and Ilow.ler :
rnb In lard old ; add mik : mix Into smoolh
bailer 8 for cake : pour Into well greased
11 , bake In moderate oven fortyfve mlnutl'
Protect loaf with - paper , . first twenty enitiutes
( 'urti fu".I , Iicii' ( it'I4lI.
One and onehalf lllntl corn meal , onehalf
Illutour , Quo tableJoonful sugar. one tea-
ItlOnfullwl. two heapimig teaspoonfuls Ioyal
ii.iking : izi'ivder 011 latiiebpoonfui lard , one
1m I olw-quarter hints milk , two eggs Sift
tag'lier ( corn meal , flour , sugar , salt , and
liow'dcr rub In lard cold , add eggJ ( beaten )
Coin in the Express Safes Melted by the In-
tense Heat.
l'rmpt Application of the All Brakes by
the Engineer 'hen 10 Saw the
Danger Saved the LIves of
the 1'issengcrs.
TERRE HAUTE , In' , March 15.-The
Vandala west bound passenger train No. 7.
with sIx coaches was wrecked at the east
yards near the fair grounds at 1:30 o'cloclt
this mornIng. The express and baggage cars
were crushed t splinters , but the passengers
miraculously escaped 1'lth slight bruses ,
The train was ten minutes late and was run-
nIng at a high rate of speed when the head-
lIght threw its lght Into the yards and It
was found that a switch engIne and two
cabooses were standing on the maIn line.
Engineer Pat Daily reversed the engine and
applied the air bralles. This no doubt
prevented 1 disastrous wreck. The traIn
stopped so suddenly that the passengers were
thrown from their seats Then there was
a rush from the cars.
hi'uhhylOO yards from where the smashup
cccurre are the two engInes , inc pony
switch englno reared high In the air and
leanIng against the big Peunsylvanla mogul.
The cab and tender of the yard engine are
crushe lint and one of the cabooses In on top
of the entre heap No. 7 was going at such
a rate of speed that she seemed to pitch the
smaler engine clear off the track and carry
It along . Far to the front of ODe of the
smashed cars , covered by trunks , twisted
reels , bicycles. etc. , could be seen a email
fame , In less than 1 mInute It was burn-
imig fIercely , and as there was no way of get-
sing at it tue paeengers could do nothing
but stand by and watch it rapidly lick up
( ito wreck.
The passengers wore brought to Terre
Haute at about 3 o'clock and vresented a
sorry eight , torn dresses , EiiaiiOhe5s hints ,
bruised heads , scratched hands anti clothes
bespattered with ciii marked ( item appear-
ance. Adolph Giigg , M. C , Iliggimi.s and
Wig Sage % i crc on the traimi , Titey were
badly shaken up , but. J , D , Jiarly of Terre
Haute bears ( lit' worst marIe ,
An oflic'ial account of the wreck rendered
to the otficIala showed that the htijtmretl are ;
Enginect' Daily , shihtiy bruIsed and cut
in hip.
Firenian Ilamiley , slightly cut imi face ,
Ilaggagemaster E. it. Storms , back
Contluctor S. Rahmm , left. wrist sprained an'
bruised on limp ,
w. 1' , Kitt of the "Inch hearts" company
lied hihi wrist sprained ,
A lamp fell on 1itt's head , making a cut
which is not serious. The train was the.
layed three hours and fifty minutes , The
paeengera all went forward iii tini regular
cars.The locomotIve broke a driving wheel near
Beachrilhe. No other damage ias done aim'
no one injured. An auxiiimtry car from Len-
don went to the scene amid had the track
cleared by 1 o'clock.
Two Adams Bxpress sates were rescued
and the milk ; mix into a moderately stiff
batter ; iour fromn bowl Imito shahiow cake
pan. Like itt rathier hot oven thirty rnimt-
utea ,
Gohilem , , Jolmnmmy Cake.
Cook in steatoer amid jiuip floe one fine-
grain squash ( Hubbard is beat ) , thicken one
pimit. sweet milk wttlm the squazim pulp ummtll
( lie consistemicy of rich cream , sweeten lightly
uvithi white sugar , 'rake three harts Intlian
mneal , omie hart best flour , time quantity being
suflicient to mualce usual Johtnmmy esice batter ,
Add about two teaspoonfuls ] toyol ILiking
Powder , one-halt tei&cupfui raisins , one tea.
cupful currants , one iitncli salt. A hittia
good butter worked In- when pulping ( be
5iUaShi ituproves the cake ,
I' We have uited Hood's Sarsaparlhltu for
our little boy , who had a running sore on
ono of his limbs , lie had suffered from
it for one and a hiatt years. lie took
7 bottles of hood's Sarsaparilia , the sore
is healed and ho Is well. Hood's I3nrsapa-
nllia cleansed his blood and cared hi * , "
E. B , JonzrsoN , Bridgewater , Iowa.
Scrofuin Eradicated.
III was a greatufferer with blood trou-
blo. I havotaken several bottles of Hood's
Bareaparilimu and find it the best sncdlclno
I over saw for scrofulmi humors and blood
polsoli. It strengthens the system and
drives away that tired feeilmmg. No one
knows thogood hood Sarsapariiia will do
until It has been faithfully tried , " LAUut
M. LAWTON , Spraguerhile , New York ,
Sorats On Neck and Arms.
'I Last spring I had sores come on my
neck and anita , owing to bad deed and a
run down system. My physician told mete
to get Hood's Eareaparilla and take it to
purify toy blood. Alter taking three betties -
ties I vas cured. It is an excellent spring
medicine. " rIns. ANNA DrrzLEn , New ,
Danville , Pennsylvania ,
from the ruins of the burning cars this morn.
imig almost at a white heat. TIme comitenti
are not known outside of New York and St
Louis , but will probably be as high as $100 , .
000. The New York and St. Louis carrie.
New York business after ( lie close of tin
day's business and is usually a very vain.
able box. In ( lila safe the heat had melted
( lie coin insIde so that some of it escaped
The safes will not ho opened until they reach
NEW YORK , March 15.-President Welt
of the Adams Express company today said
lie thought ( lie loss sustained by lila com
pany in the wreck at Terre Haute title morn
ins would approximate $100,000. "All thi
waybhils and ( lime contents of two safes wert
destroyed by fire , " lie continued , "and am
accurate estimate cannot be made until wi
hear from all points from which ahmipnienti
were made. The principal loss , however , wit
be in coin and bonds , as our line carried i
great portion of ( be banking business betweem
St. Louis and the Atlantic coast. "
MOIJ I1'.4 rliTJN TOIl 2'1IEiL
Judge Considered It Advlsablo to I'ostpomii
a Murder TrIal.
PARIS , Tex. , March IL-The examinini
trial of Mrs. Caruthers and Jim Strange tom
poisoning tim children of ( lie former on Fri.
day brought together a large crowd , Mrs
Carutiters was taken to Roxton , ( ho scent
of ( lie murder , yesterday morning , but timen
was so niuchi excitement that Judge Amonettt
pcstponed ( lie hearing until Monday and
transferred it to this city , Some letter.
found on Strange , addressed t Mrs. N , A
Doty , under which namne lie addressed coT.
respondence toMrs , Caruthers , were openol
Dy tHe court. They contained nothing to Im'
phictae Strange , but showed tier infidelity amid
her moral obiiquIty. It Is clear from ( helm
contents that ho not emily won Mrs.
Carutlmer's affections but that lie evidemitly
imtende& , to debauch her 14-year-old daughter ,
who 'was saved from death by ( lie timely an-
rival of asaistance.
JEUILIRT ) 4a.1I.2' M'GILTZN , -
( 'arsium Catm ho Coimipriiiy Viri a ettiil
Against ii ' ( cbrmisks Slit , , .
CLEVELAND , Marcim i5.-In thzo United
States court today ( lie jury in ( lie bug and
bitterly conteattd case of ( lie Kit Careoc
Cattle company against B , iii. McGihlin and
others brought in a verdict agaimiet ( lie do.
fendants. It aggregates $82,471.73 ,
Terrible Case of Ija1irmiviy ,
LINCOLN , Mardi iO-Spccial ( Telc'gratn.j
-A horrible story of depravity was developed
in police court circles today , Matron Evaeim
anti Ofilcer hlently went to 1.loll lciitg'a llaco
23'JI Southi Tenth stree ( , and removed , on a
isarrant iistictl out of ( liii eoumity court , lies
two little daughters , ageii 13 antI 6 years ,
Tizi , eider hatl already hicen inducted into a
life of eliamne by lien mother , who is a pros-
titmau well icnowmi to the Police , Matron
Evans learned from the eldest girl a tale be-
) 'ond credence of her ammiterings as a result
of liar unnatural mother's depravity. Sue
will be sent to the Girls' Industrial ecltool at
Geneva , and tIme younger omie to time Iiomiie for
the FrIendless.
Evidence itt 'IImtiir I'ookot ,
.7 , J. Gratnm , a resubmit of Sotittm Otnaima ,
reported to the pollee last nighmt that ills
room hiati been robied , Simortiy titter hit
report was made Cliniti Andersun and It ,
Neilitomi were amreszed ( as suspects , amid on
helmig settrchied ( hit stolen itroperty was
found imi ( heir lOCeesiomi ,
I find the ROYAL BAICING POWDER superior to all the others in every
rcslect. It is purest and stiongcst.
Consu1tin Chemist , Chicago Board of Health.
itiglishi iliseults ,
One and one-half pints flour , one coffee-
CUifUi corn stanch , three tablespoonfuls sugar ,
large hiimiclm salt , two teaspoormtuis Royal hiak.
iiig powder , three tablespoonfuls lard , one
egg , one-half pint smilhle , one-half cup currants ,
one tablespoonful coriander seed ( if desired ) ,
Sift together flour , conim starchi , sugar , salt
amid liowder ; rub 1mm lard colil ; add eggs ,
beateti , milk , currants ( well washed ) , vlvked
and dried , and coriander seeds ! mix into
ammiooth dough , soft enough to itandle , Flour
the board , turn out dough , roll to one-bait
Inch thtickmies , ct with roummd eutter , lay
thmetii on greased baking tin , bake in rather
hot oven twenty mnitiutee. Rub over vItIi
little butter on clean piece et linen when
taken tram oves'-
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