- , [ . " I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rjljrE OMAhA DAILY UEE/'flnlIDAY , AnOII 15 , 1895. ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 SPBG1HL NOT1O8 . . - - Advertl"emrntA for the" rlllllmn" , Ittbe tallrn IInlll12130 1' . m. for thn tlYrnlnlfllnd until It 11. 111. for lao 1I10rnln/ nod blillda1 edillon. Arlhrr , , , h1 rt'ltnutlnl " nhmbered dieck , tan ) Ive nn"wera ndlf' , " ' ) to ft nJlhrrcd Ilter In cure of ' h" flee. . \n- p , er" so ndclrr""c,1 , vII 10 crlered hlmn Ju"tIIuton of the check otily. JIlcI , I I .2t. , I ti Or(1. f1rt Ilurlon , 1e ii Word ' , 'rrRfer. ( Nolhlll t""en for lUl thnn 2le for unit Itlfcertiu. . 'I hrle ertbcmemta mlls inn eOll8eeu' thel , . J - SiTUATIONS - - ANTED. _ IM1'1.OYM4T ! flY COtlGI NT WtIOOflt. pher and boukkeper. Addres J 67 , Uer. A-Mt : : 10' - - - - - WANTICL ) . HITI'ATION ny IRYUOOIS Mlr"lBn ; ; U yenn' epertence : nn uhJectnn In c.tltIry ( town ; ft iLclai renmmenllnton9. Addr" tJ 70 , SIlrlnl Vi1iey. Mlnn . ' A-M1 I I. . ' W\NTI.m , IOHITIN AH CO.II.cCOI : Ol ( lrctonl 10 handle hy uperlencell IAn ( , wIth hor" an,1 , blIIY ; city rCerence AIlt. . K ! ; , lIce omee A-M.19 I. ' - . _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - t3TlVtlV : WOMAN WANTH TO ASHIHT WITH . 1nAIn' txartlIng hous" kllehen. 21 A-i.U' N. 17th. WANTED-MALE 1ELP. q ClAN rItECKL)7S ) . C. 101 DOUUWS. l-ilMU COAH ( BAI.EHMAN WANTI7D.WITtlXPE. : [ rience foil acquaintance , for northetfl Innlna nn,1 Roulhpr NebroRm. ! Addrcss 1 0. box 1179. - _ BI , JORelh Mo. 1- 13W 21 WAN'I'I'DI.N : AND WU'I' : TO T.\KE ChlllO oC ii Mock tarot nrlr cl ) ' ; lalr I'C.tIr - . ' . Write K 7 , i1c eXIII-len e nfli.1 give rcferenee3. Wrle l.e "lc" . II "nc. nno I1-a i-1 ) WAXTI.n , TWO ImlmlT. 1HTII.b1NT m'n 10 toke Inl"I" ; good 1m ) ' . AIIlrlM , K 1 , 13 , ' , 1000 l1-M64 17 - ) \ 1.Cr ) - - - - WANTED-1LALZ , HELl' . LAIIIfiS WANTINO PIST-CLASS nmr.s Wlns cnl Scnndln.1lnn Y. \V. 10me omce. ICI Cap- ltd ftVCOUC. 2.1-311 I. ' - 101 nVenle. 1-1 . LAJU S TO DO FANCY WOItKAT 10 t . Vely Needlewolk Co. . Delta ) ' . Mich. . ' ' 131 :0' WANTI1. I'IIH1' CI.\HS OIt 1.01 O X- eml houscwole 10 I 8111 Caml , Mlsl I gooti eoo1 . eore wel I ! , 'COI1I tli'fldeIl ) nnd * .lleuk Ucrnmn . API.ly nL 2G8 half I"war,1 " HI C-51i1 P C-.U.I' _ ' . ' IS ) GtNIIt.t , 11O1'SI - t WANTI . A Gtl. 'ro 10 nCNtI\r I0CSI : work : f.trnIIY I "C Rlo ; must 1" n good cook , Cnl ! liOI H. I' slr"l , C- I.li $ I WNTI : A VOtING \iIYNO' 1TNISIt : ) , who Is \191 1 In 811nlla11 1llors. ( ) , ror n Bpe- chll l"sUlnl wlh ll t' " city Allrnlaly ( 01 olr new RC'Ial PUhulcat toil ; 1Ingra ph k'M Iy I IQ' ' ] ' ) ot tIi' lusl t'elchralr,1 lulhols nnw I I I v 'II : . Ial or . atldaeesV. . 1' Marshall , 12 Crellhlnn bl ck. C-M . ) I. ' - - FOR : RENT-HOUSES. ItoUsFs. : 1.K. . DAILING. IA1KIm ! Ig 9 f _ ' 1 110U5113 IN AI.r IAHTS 01 TIm CITY. TiE O. I. ' . Davis company . ISO : F'ariiin. D-9C3 JOUII : : mNAWA & CO. . 103 N. I.TJ:9T. . i'oit I , IN 0000 lt7 1'01 ItflNT-G-ltOOM COTTAGn Il. pair. city wnler00 per month 10 good par- tieM , 19 N. 371h , I block hem I.'arnnin car line. lnqulte II Sloelzrl's slove slore , nxt 10 posl. In'ulo . V-nl i : WALLACE UnOWN I3LK. , 10 &Ioug. D-973 FOIt niNT-213 CApiTOr AVENUE. 1 rooms . moaern. The O. 1' ' Davis compnny. I D-9i 10DIN 7.nOO HOUSE , lEAn l'A1K. Ap- ply 1309 8. 28th tleet. D-MS I. _ : _ _ _ _ ' _ TWO Difl'AriIJ7DFtOI1TI1OOM HOUSES , with bain . 211 nod 21G CalIfornia slreel. In- quh'c ; Ol l 22d. D-2 : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LARGE LIST HOUSES. WEAD ISTH & DOUG. D-271.'t3 D-2.\3 HOUSES I'on hUNT . $1& I TO $ IL FIDE.ITY Trust Cu. . 1702 ii'arnam. , 1)-M33 31 TEX.nOOM nrcR HOUSE , ATU. LAUNdry - dry , furnace ; not InMmenl 1Ial Keyg ad- , olnlng , 2GI Capitol nvcnue 111381 I ' ' .ROO ? I COTT\O : UODEUN , 3013 LEA'EN- . worlh. . D-13.-IS' - rt ni'NT. I.rGIT-n001 HOUSE. flAT ! ! . fitnuice , hot and cnll water , gas slave. fur- nlsheo I.r unurnlshed. Oed barn. 1J2 S. : lh ijt. C n. Horlon. D-M4G 20 poll rmNT , J.ATH AT NOITIEAST con ner of me\'ellh end howard sln'els. In good - Condition. leostuhl" terms. IOlllr , ' rom - 311 , FIrst NaU.lal batik buldlnl : , 1M.13 2 6noo : ! flOUSE' : , 8:0 S. :15T ST. D-U551 : 17' - PURNL7HED HOUSES FOR ItflNT-t-flOOM FUINISUED HOUSE. F. K. Darling. tn rileI block. 31Q-9 ] ; } RENT-J'U 1t. LtHED ROOMS. rLEAFI.tNT IIOOM 1921 DODQI2. I -.7 : - - - - - - VWW r)1SlB.lr.I3 1'ItONT1tOO1 WITH AN nlove , 212 13. 2.1h sl. r-I3 v.- FRONT ROOM . WITH ALCOVI 507 8. 2.rn avenue. -M531 19 ' SOUTH PfOJ"l 100 I. lgWI.Y I""INISH D. I $10.00. Single room $0.1) monl : , . 1516 , Ilowarl. , ' I 1-.8IS' _ _ EUh.ISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. . BOAD. FRONT BOOMS & HOAlD CnE.\p. :10 Doulln1 : )120 Till UHI.SlE , Inn AND DODO HOOI : nn.1 bald , _ _ _ _ _ _ - - l'-16U' - - 2ilCELY FUnNISIED nOOMS" WITIT flOOD bnrd : rates reasonable. The Itng 202) lIar- . ' ' ney. F'-M171 AI' MOOt StirrAlIr.u VOlt TWO. WITH HOARD. Termn l'euI(1oble. pleasant location . 2510 . lolge. 1.-:0 > . 1'UINIHH : n noou. \'ITH on WITHOUT banl , , GIG Si ) . 1lh SI. . four blocks ! from ISlh - an.1 I'arnam. ' al,1 l'aln"n. F-87-t' FURNIHl' : : ROOM \'ITI DO.\I : URII7R- _ enct" ; 2.IJ Farnam. _ _ _ _ Y = IJ7.16 : 1'10N" IIOOMS , IUTA m.I' : 1'01 TIml ! : Ielts or coupe ! ; other roms , sup rlor toaiti. . ? ' lt Chlcngo. I.-MI : S' - - - - - - - - - - - - VOlt RINT. PURNISIIRD PIONT ( nee r. wlh ( hoard. 2019 C4lilrornla. I"-MS03 U' 1 - - - - - UNFURNISHED lOOMS TO RENT l UNI"UINISlm ! ! Cl.UImlf FOR 10u m. ket1)lflg tO flUlti fl1 wife. 313N _ E'h ' M-3IZ : ! " : _ ! : a ROOMS , 161 I.I\\ENwonTl STIIUE'1' o - 13,1' . POR RENT-STORE AND OFFICES 1'01 ItN'1'-TIIU ! : Hi01Y ltel nUI.UINO. 91G I"\lom , 5tret . This 111lng , has a Ih e- Proof cement b'aemell. cOlplele alenl he.Lt. tnt ! 1 > llre ; water co all floors . IIS , clc. \p. . _ Ny ! : _ _ ntItoolllce _ _ ot The lIe- , I-nO Fil T- STOI1HS. Colt. 2 & LHAVHN. wo , Iii HI. A good hUllness location , lncILiIIe 313 Ho. 10lh HI. lon 3 Inllule : FOn Imn 'rUt-H'COI\ : llSiMINT : : J.\HI' " Ir"le htur' ? blllnl nl ( I.'alnum Ilreet. . In frsl.daos eonlltiin . Suitable tar ony kiwI o 119Ine. lullll. IlrlUllo room _ 31. FIit 1-MIll Nalionni 27 I t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r-:51 _ , _ 2 AGENTS WANTED. - LADAGIN1' IN VIY 'rOWN. 11:111.\ : . Denel bU3lneul have not p.1re lu OXIIIII ; In- T.1 I : a Ie. lawle ) . lrg. sp'r" . lI fro. 1:1 , St. : : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ , )1 AOHN' . : 1.1 ' : O I"I'MAI.I , WI'I ! : 'JU U . ' . quIck ; we 1110 10lflllnl IC grl'at 111"'rllle" ' : to uy 10 ) 'OU I brn,1 neW lInes ; bIl 10Ie ) ' In I , write qlld : fl' )01 ( i fliny . I" too IIte , ,11'1 Cnl 10 wcIt . 1'(11) ' lure ; just Belll ) ' 111 lInes , .n 1'oilal , ; wo wIll mirpi lee you : b" quIck or ) 0'1 Inn ) I.so the opirtuinity , ) . . : d. & In I sure . EntelNtse nUI'I'I Co" "I'a.'lmcul I , Atictita. Me. . . J-d373 2) ' - - - - - - - - - - AO NT-S.0 TO J ( ) A DAY ( \N I' : M.\II'1 eII log Iht' I "Xo lurl I l'I'lnl I I , " " 101.s1 Irld" . U. 1,1 oUI. Purlntun l 'o . . [ \ MOIn" ' " . In _ J-Mrt I. ' N'I'HW \N-1 \ : D 'r Ht.i- Ti1I -1 10TOiI' : 1 > "k"1 " ' 31Im I rel ltC'lt : Irtita Immense. 11'11 . . .drlr , ' , , the l'hulo-1 Mfg Co. , 12 1. ( 'rnso' . WI : J-MC3 U' _ _ _ _ J-lUG _ L - - - - - - - - - W A TED-'rO RENT. VANT1)-Tt ! ) 11NT--I IIV ItISI'O'lBI1lLfl - I'AIt- I ) ' wlh rlul : I I ( .111 h' I , a len'f"m i ii- la ) Jl , ebb " CII ' parIieuluI5. I , S. I. . cl e. - - , . K-r.-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V1RTI.ASS no.\ no . \NO IIHI 011 fl'IT of " ' 11. " 'I'UttUIIy In.lleo. ( or hUII"ncl ll'IT \ Ie. wlh lIhole $ C UId.r. . . " wlallng ' tC118. lu.e - , h"wer S. nh. r-- I 'llnl i T } 1-ii ( , . A 'J\o 011 T1IflIR. 01 'l'Ui horse 1"er \ ' rll" 1010r or .1'm s'nlne. ! nnll to buy Icu \r".m lu1. 8114 VOfl . 42 lnad\n ' , Council 1iiulT. K -MITG 11 L _ - - _ _ - - _ - - - - _ _ _ 1 S'.OU.AOf. . VEST BTOI1AUU UU1I.DINQ IN tI1t.I1A : U. S. foY. IJn" , ' , .a'hous" ileu..lI ( I > : ' ,1. u ' . 1 13 1015 . , _ .W01 r4ti's. 10,13 I.eavenwlrh Mn . , TOlt.'tXIfl1 _ 1I Af' WI.II. 1:1 llN- - \ Iy - L - - - - -y ' ' WAN'rED-TO BU' . ' : 1S1 ST 1'1tJI'Hir'i 1.'n ( IJ-7A2t ' , lanl Ill c3ll. 11" " n. W 'iaU . lGtIt nn.t ( .1.\1 , 1 .1. I , . , , , . FOR BALE-FURNITURE ron fAI.r.U5 WORTH OF FURNITURE olJ used gIve monthi for $ J 4. O-3G3.1t' Itea omce. l'on , SALE- 15CELLAt EOUS roll SAI.I A _ 5i.IIOflS3 I.ower dccl 1 boler , I led as , new . / \.IM" ! I' . . . O. Uox G _ Q-32.J - \ ' M l'IANUS , UnVUIPOIT : OIIOANS. WtodtrI.lge 1t.os. 17 80. 17th Q-991 - - - 9 KLO tN too m n ! FIRST. cll" show birds ; wlnneu ; chenp 1)r. Tlrner , 12 : S. 21h 'Ireel. Q- I5 15' Siw ( 'AilEs I."n ! Jg\\'I I.'m ! ' , DIt oIST chnM : .lnl Iron RIC" ; ch.nl" cnn I" seen al lhelman & McConnel's 113 Dodge . - l. } . . Q-.t. rmn RAT.R. ONE Jm.\ " MASTER STflt7l. chest wil IUler time lOCK ; ono Inrle tile no burglar proC Ilrllld paCe with arleanl time lock . Aodreu hanker J 39. thk ( ItilCe. . Q-322.1 ? _ _ Q-2.17 100 AND ChICKEN FIXCI , hARD WOO ! plcket. C. It. Lee , O1 _ Iouglas Q-m SMOKE hOUSE FOII1'I1'H. tJ DOUGLAS. Q-6 2.110 MI5CELLANEOUS. hAVANA FIECIU.c : 10t DOUGLAS , - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11-711 MI9 1ItO [ $ . ISIOP'S A2.ttfllfl..IHNT CtCUIT , S\erldon. : 'V'o. ; best show 10wn In north- w"l ; IPOtl companies shnrlng tern1 . f It-M33 I : : , ' CLAIRVOYANTS MnR. 11. 11. wmtEN , cr.AIVOYNT. RH- lIable buslnes melul ; 71b year al 11 N. 8-096 16th. : ) - - u.rSTCIAntVo NT- 01" - TIlE Ige , Madame Iolnln , lIes returned by request In,1 cnn be consulted on nil alalra oC lCe , Those wishing correct n vle on uslness. love. mnrrlnl' ' corrcl , law.nll < , cIC. . en HCely . rely on the mAdame. She remo\'e. evil In. t1'iencee. runlles couples and causes speedy ( and happy marriage with the one ) 'ou lovp. She msks n sue , . . " where others fall. 1 In I trouble al end receive PtomPt Ienen HourA 9 10 9. r.et"I' wIt sIamI alsw"red IrompU , 32l4 N. 16th .Ireel , n 7G7'1 ' IIAVI ( . : YOl' IiVlflt TllOlCil1'1' ; 01" " YO.1 VP- 1'YOI : 'loGI1' . It ' 7 tlireVnuld ) 'UI like I" have I rc\'eolel.7 r and me' render ft ) nflUIt the grnttest mind nno .111. . "moll Ire ( . . .TAJI. Ir"Ilest . " wunler oC 1.nl' helpel Ihnn- With his power bt has 1"lpe" \'lh hil nplrllull Iurdefl " \11 , " ' . . ' ' ' theIr ( anI ! oC I.eui.1 In OVCI't'OlflI hlde ovel'"n " sanlll , their ' hrnrl' ( .leelre. nlnl lh.s a't ntlin you , , ( ( nil be conVinced. 43 North hilt st. _ _ 8-2.t5t _ 13 : ' - - : ' . . : ! on I A I'mm lIltING " iH--\\.jIIY IN . 10lny . , \ ; NUI"I.m Inll CnJ\v"l were , wIli ' ' . . hut Vere not glft'it \Ih gencr.iIa ttuly g.'at I\I"II \ lul' 11"11 lenerII" Wcf' . . , I ' ruC. the " 1.lrIIIAI IWN ) whlc : , II I.osse' ' 1 hy .lagga ; a e.neultatloll with the lroes.r wi JOJIII .n"II"Unn nc.rtlOfl ; he v III tell I""v ' I hi' I IC thl. a".rUon wil lel , ( . - . . nnll revenl 10 yetI yeti ) 'llr"II.1 .Ielhe ' ( ' . whleh vIiI convInce 9'nhI that he your I".t. \ can Corclel . your wi . convln.e II I - Wi\ : ? : , - - -D SSAG.'l : . .ET\ . ! A1)'tM SMITh . .Q2 S. 11Th. 2D 1I.oon. IOO I M.\.Ut ; malnel" : . \'alor. alcutiot . sl"1 1 giilptitlrtflo , . T-MIIG-IG and sea b\hs _ _ - NJVI.\ 1' 'I"II'I.j BATH l\IIOlS ; ' 'I" . . Isl nlli . ! electric halhs ( iii' ladles nnllcnle. 1lh tl eel , I en . Maoame Huwel , 32) South ; sl ' . ' 2. 0 liool' . 'rlo A. MSSAGlI-MADAME - HHI1NARD , 21 1)01)1712 streel. : - : AS' TURKISH BATHS. TUI1KISII IJATIIS ; ONI.Y1'I.ACl1 IN CITY exclusively for ladles Suite 10U Bee bldg. I - - ' - - - - - - - - - PERSONAL. - - - - U. 1\.S , FLORIST.1'I.ANTS. CUT F1.OWEHS. lau'uei , hal , resIdence nnl , grave decoratlone. ISJ3 Vlnlnn street. Tel'phono 776. tJ-t9t I M.SSAOt'2. ELF.c'rno T11 I.BATHS , TIIm \ M.\S8AGF icTno chiropodist. 1 me , 10sl , 319H : S. 151h st U-9 , I , Till m I.I.e ' . coiim' . 1A < E TO order from measure. 19)9 ) 1n110l street. - U-IO ) SMOKE ii jSFiNI : Imy WES1' CIGAHS. : USG ? I' \IA VI CO. , 121611F.E : DLDG. ; Im\Cl noel free : home Irealnenl : lady attendant. U-IO a --L -Fi junN T IOTOS. GL 99 cents for II ( laYS onlY. at Cowan' [ 1 II'oldwny. Cunel fluffs. U-:12.1 STOECKEn'S SMOKE 10USE 10 DOUm.AS. U-78G IU9 VOlt FIRST CLASS PIANO TUNING HAVE PIs'r . \'oobridgo Dros. . 11 80. 17h It. - U-I6-31 CURE FOR LADISS. 1816 CIUCAGO ST. ' U-166-31' \\'ALL pApE11 CLEANED. 2 ½ c SQ. YD. NO musa. No 1 Job. H. l3echtel. 18 ( Corby SI. U-3 - 6-l WANTED , Till ADDRESS OF' NAl'OLI ON ItIChar,1 by his brother : last heard "C nl 1012 C.tptt.iI < 11 . Oninha. Neb. . In 1.S6. Joseph E Wehnr < . Lynn Mns UMl I. ' - - - - - - - - - $ .0 WOITH O' CHOCFIFLOWER ! SI"OS for rc : on 1'Ce111L of lOc 1 will mall . po3tpald. 1 0" sweet peas. best mixed . I. pps. oC ihower . Ius. < PIS. seed. . . oC the following : Jesl puns . poppy. 1011) p'llnln phlox tnlgtionette' , vel"na , , : \Inl pinks nnl 8 other choice 1'1. .1. It. Long- . Iiti1 . 2J2 North 191h .Irl"l , I'Iilla.leIph.ha. . l'a. p. O. 1x , No. 2. U-2.H1 I. ' MONEY TO LOAN-itJAL ESTATE. AN''I0NY LOAN & TRUST CO.,313 N. Y. LIVL' , loans nt low rles for choice security . . In ! Ne- rallc and lawn farms or Omaha city lroporty. W-I01 Ll'U INSURANCE IOLICmS I.OANlm ON VI bought. I' 0. Chesnoy Kansas City , Mo S-1O2 3tNI Y TO LAN ON r l'nOVED OMAHA real estate. 110nnnn. Love & Co" , I'aXlon W-103 hilt. MONEY TO LOAN AT r.OWEST I1ATHS. TIll O. F. Davis Co. , 1 1.'llam R\'r . ' TiE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vimy LOW lATe : : I Am ON GOOD LOANS. J. " ' . Squire . :1 Bee bldg. 1 W-II. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CITY LOANS. C. A. ST\ltt. 113 N. y LIFE. W-106 IomY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAhA ploporty. Fidelity Trust company l c W-I I.'arnnm 3 LOANS ON l2.1I'ROVIM \ . \ tNllfOVI10 ; CITY pnpertyV. . I"lnnm Smith & Co. , 132 f'arar : ONE\ TO LOAN ON 031IA EllA CS1'ATk : al 0 per cenl. W. D. llelkl" , , ht . Nat , ilk bldg. W-I ) CiTY LO.\N : IW.OO ' 10 $ . .0.0).0) AT 1.0WrSC rates. Puwel & I'oler. bl door . N. Y. I , . bldg. 'v-Ill INVISTUIS' 111Crny CO" 10 \'AI.b ST. , N Y. cmpie al < cell names oC bona ! enslen investors who Iiavo money lu invest FiI partculols - upon request. - \ - ! : 2.1212' $2.10. ) -I I"OIt (700 ! LOANS. F. 0. W : ) , M " ( nil I . lga. ! W-IO.1 MONBY 'EO LUAN-UHATThI3. . . 2.toNi12Y ' 10 LOAN ON -i it . . l'IAN - ( ) $ horse , , wUGuns , e1C. , Il loweol rates In city ; no relomi of Gels , : .UleUy ponllentll ; you amcunl. cn liii ? the loan oft II l.y thus UI' Ill any amount.OMAHA tIOlTGAGL 10N CU . lu12 , So. l'lh al. al.X . X 1 1IXU\ ION ON IIOLJSLI1IOLI ) PUIIN1. 10UHrIOLU 1'lJI- lure. pianos , hO\es , wugona or any kind of chnlel " "Cl ity II lowest 'ushlle roles , which you cnn II' hick nl nn ) ' ( hue ant , 11 ony omount. 1"ill'iiTY I.OAN GUtItAN'tlH CO. , 10m t , Wlhn.1 1,1k. , X-13 .1 , 1) . hADDOCK ; OM- 427 . - 1l.tMai7tIl.Oeg X-IU , 2.IONIIY TO IAIAN ON F1'IlNrFIIli : . ANt A1NI'Y > I'I'INI'1NU 1,1,110. 1"1',1 Terry . tO lal o hlocl { . _ X-lh2 - - - - - - - - ' - - BUSINESS CH iNC-ES.u-- ji YOI vAN'r . \ 2.IONUY - . Ijl Till 1:01.1 : Kioet.'ceope t eight luchlr.I , took In I (0.0 t . 11 ices than tine , monlh. I.'or lemma "Ilon 01 1'I.rll : l"neto'I'O Co. . 109 S. 16th ( 1. IGII .1. Omaha ' , Nel. _ _ _ _ \-)16.1 CUlAN F1IECKI.178. 1,1' : IN Till VOItl.I ) . YMI' o EN 1m. A p 3i-ITOI . I'-A I' . praised . value $2.bOO-fur sIde by receiver al on e. . \.llr"1 A. J. : CCUIOUihr ) ' . receiver Aurnl. Neb. ' -323-21 : - 1'UI.ii . : vl ' STOCK. IN\'OICI $20.0 and Ilh ) .llnll' " pra'lIce , $ : . ! o a year . l'ur- els"r must tsr , ( leimnaii . J.clon ) In a line , ( "llal rlrlll ; COIIUIIddre. . Ilex I. S.llh Untaltu . Neb. \-IS' VOI SAlIilST ; : : : 1.INO ) t.I.IN IY 111381- IlS" "t.1 oC ChlcaJoo"reu box 9:3 : , nloux City . 1 : - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Y-4t8.11' ONU ; - 1115T -I LOONS IN OMAHA N vale ; 1101 Cur . .tioon 101lole. . K ji 1 ' ' , V -3Ij 6 17' 1'\itTNIlt . \NTIf IN 1 AI. ISl'.n : : , IN. l , collections. 'Ir. . " 01 e.lsllohe.1 Ad- dress WX :1 Hlerloln , W'o. -M1 IS' - - - - - - - - - - - - - GOOf l'AnNO . \ \I"TI.C ( INSURANCE : i.tilt'ii for lale lrlieilll " Fur particulars write I l haIler , ( .lanl. ICn.31& 11' ItIt a . : \ III12NT ; SAI.0021 ANI ) 1"12C. , 111" ( heW lu'r hon. . In . . . \ ANt 1' J. " /uaw. 0.1 , Itt , . \-A17 21' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.iANAltlti 'CO I1ANIl.l'i A Rl''N , a12NC' or bl'IILh Iu.hl"s for a rexuiar mimanutactur- tt1 log h , u. IL'II In'ul n small ralh ( -plnl In mneieiiimn.llca I' . .1en'I.,1 Itt Itia h'nqlrltt ; : tnt please - tiustnesa , , nllll 1& idea 1u.ll. uperhmre AIOUnl it , Iltitle ) he can In\PsI nn,1 references : ( dr . .ttami sum ) C'lltllhstOIt ( 1'1 bullubis Isity . > :1 nl' J ac . 14l' _ ! " lIce. - . 11it . 11"'OL 1. n : S0).000tt $ ( ,0N1 WANT I to , Im''ol II C good VI'lnl bUllle8 ad , c. > I' 11 , Zite. Y-U57 _ 11' 1'here's Work bn Hand Hard when YQU try to wash without P Ifrline , Your -'I ( lne ' ' . . - ) it ' I \ , % hands how the hard I work ' . . your clothes , / . chow 1. the wear. : Peallinc is harm- " less td the hands or } / bric : It the - t f'bric ; saves ' , Ll Rub , Rub , Rub that " / wears i it saves the work , \ \ \ \ . / that tires : I is cheap , safe . and convelent. [ Get the best , l when I you get something to wash J } } with. Soap has been but I " - Pearlne is ' = ' Spare Pearlne Spoil the Wash - - . _ _ 11 25 Soi W BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued. WANTIA PAnTY TO 1NV1IST $12,0'O.Od TO $ S.I ) ( . ) II ' water 1111 light plant Ihnl wil II ) ' 10",1 returns. I.'or 113rlellar8 , Light K G , cal' " \ : . ; Ii' FOR EXCHANGE WANTI ) TO TI1AIFi-A CLEAI LOT IN lel'rr for horse or ble1cle. , \odresl J & , lice. Z-9. Ct.HAN f'O K OgNI.m.lJSI . WI.I , take good real , estate nnll Imo money. Ad. dress 1"00 I"J 72 , FrnIIICol. hid Z-491.l' - - - - - - - - V.NT17D-A 10lSE IN 1.XCIAXGE : FOR Idaho or orgal A. 10" . jr. , 153 loUghas. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIJ2 - Alt - WANTI' ) , A mC Cr.E. IN TIA1 Foil A piano or organ , A. 10.pe. Jr. . 1513 Douglas. / - . 1.2J I' NICg 1102.112 NBAI1 lANSCO I p.\HK VOlt down town 101 1' ' . D. \'ead . , IGlh and Domiglna. Z-tl7-I4 Z-\-\ I lA\ A noon SACt : 1"AltM WELL 12.1- I Ilro'eI. ! near one oC tile hesl towns In Nrh. . 10 ewhi.tnge for a good \a'lnK 11"lne" " ; gre- cerles preferred. , Owners enl ' . flx 706 . Otmmaha. . ' Z- I.ll - - - - - - - - - GOOD It SIrNi 1101FnTY. F1I1ST-CT.\SS repair. heat lown I"wn C'r cumuli rentaurnnl or notion blSlle"s In goo.l H I iv. ' mown , or each aIm , ! 10 , good team. A.hlres' K 10 , Pee ollice. Z- I.G2 Ii' - FOR BALE-REAL ESTATE. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FAItH LANDS. C. F. IIAILIIISON . 912 N. Y. L. Im- 1303 M' BAI0.\IWJ , liUstS , J.C'I' ANU FAUltS ; cab or tt ale. I' . K 1u'lng , , ; ! ! er blode. l-1l3 E-1 CANGS : AND SU.CS ; CITY PlOPlmTY , ( nuns. merchandise. Ourln Urea. 2JO HE-l N. y L. - - - - - - - FAlM ; FOIl SALI : I CAN UI'I.'gl VOlt A limited t1e , and nl nn attractive ] , ice , a choice Improved 40-acre Corm located In larpy cOln I ) " , Nebraska. near I.a Platte sIn lon amid tIme new fort ; this Is strictly second bench land and the improvements are oC n good oHler ; $ ,2.0 , ) cash wi buy the equity In Ihls (1"0 " : ( IrmleA considered. \'aiter O. Clark . . _ 12.is larne ) ' sl . Oniahma Neb. 111-2.1318 a. Volt S.LI'lI.t. : CQUII'I'112D : STOCK FAult 3 , nl acres Oi Wood river valley . Neb ; 720 balance fenced as acres under cultivation : bliance pasture nnd hay meadows : good 111lllls , feel yards . etc Value . $7.20 : entaIl cosh payment : half left on mortgage ' : bolanc" city properly. Address SOT Cooper building . Deliver . Colo. Ill-MIT ! IS' DEAUTIFUL EAST FnONT GEORGIA AYE 101 , 12.1)0 ) house and lot for 6327-11)0 cosh hal. tnonthmiy . $ : ) 6-roomu house 29th : mind Grant. $ ,0.0. Bleganl s'ghlyroom house just ar Lowe are. 12.500 : easy lerms I' D Wead 10 and Douglas. RE-l-H A HOME FOR YOUR WIFE , . A PERFECT LITTLE GEM. MODERN SIX-ROOM COTTAGE . JUST BEING FINISHED. FIRST CLASS NEIGIIHORIIOOD . WITHIN WAL lNG DISTANCE OF BUSINESS - . ' , CLOSE TO CAr LINE- CONVENIENT TO SCIOOL , WILL TAKE CHEAP T.OTS rAnT OF FIRST 1'AYlI lINT. FIDELITY TRUST CO , eor.E AGENTS 17J2 FAnNA ST. RE59 22 VOlt SAI.I on EXChANGE. WEI.L 1M , pro\ 1 farm In Nobles county . litton. : alto one In Cedar county , Neb. ' \'H take In r.AY , bent general merchandIse , hardware . or will take lmorsea nt their vaimme. For particulars correspomid with E. L. Dimick llartington . Nob. In-M 21) FINE GA1OEN LAND. 6 Mr. l'HOl P.o. , $ O per ado 940 N. Y. L. bid ; . RE992 ADSTRACTS. TILE BYRON lOBED COMPANY. rElG Polo SALE FINE IMPnOVE1 miIATED lane , 1 : mies frm Onialma nl the relnrknlp loIlrle oC from JS I ) to $ ' ) .00 pCI acre In- clnlln , permanent water rigimt. . For full par-I tclllr" write or ca11 on J , A Lvgren , 58 , lrown block , Omaha. 1011-573 15' I LIAIIGAINB . HALl 01 'rnAII' : IN CITY I'IU.iP. cities and Clrl" . Jno N. 'rener , opp. I' . O. nl - 81 - - - - - - - - - " WANTED Ir\cr NEAR PAnKo 'Vnnled. hOI"e ( nol 101 ) for . cash. \'unti'1. nrlel ; " ( or improved property. 'Vnnlel. , Iota nnt ! cash for grocery stock. \\'Alte.l. re.\lence Cur trackage. Wanted. $ , ro ) luan. .elrly $ ' . .O'nile. . " 'nnled. 10 borrow 11.000. securIty worth $3,0. \tnt8l , 10 loan out 112) ' ) . G per cenl. \'nnleil. , 10 loan out $ .010 , 7 leI cenl. 'Vlnl.I , farm In HlnnderK Co. ' \'unlcl. farm near Omaha. ' \ ' iinh'il. , ( .10 In Snrp ) ' Co. \Vmtnmutl. 2) ' ) acres I.tlm land. " 'lnteI , acreage ( or Olne Co. farm . C. F. Inrn'n nrn'oJo , 91 N Y. I.ICe. R1I-1161.Ii' TWO NICn LOTS IN WIST EN ! ) . lIMr 3'lh aIlS [ .II ' : 1 Ifll bargain It taken qukk. , \IIoress K 12. lice ulhlce. olce.ImI5 : IS' G.\mmNIUI. : ATI.mTION : 1 hAVE A I'allrul Iflut't er InUI ! close to I'a'ell street In Wt l 011 ; wil Hel II nerts :1"11' : 10 I.mll HIn who will put my other I"d Into slimahl fruit and cultivate II for me. AIIII"9 1111 . . I frui . box clll\'ule , . RtI-2.1570 I. ' 'J Him ! ! 10N : Y IN 1' , 21 ACI':8 Till lintel. IdJulnlni city close tu new Elmwo",1 park.'est Omaha ; owner nonresident : ml.1 . , ' 1 ; c.mil for price. hicks , : J N. Y. UCI hlide. 1111-769 U' IIFIVU1OAL : hiOlYi4hIiO TO mN1' NEAR HANS- S.IIAr. 10UlgS N1AI com ! ( rk. hicks . 306 N. \ ' . Life.11912Mull ' HE157 IS' BiC YCLES. i- : O. DAXON 403 N. 15Th . m V6lc \ : : TliI 1"INWI' OF ALL. le'clu. Oll 1Ieycio Co. , 3 : N. 1lh alreel. - _ _ _ _ _ 1 : iPi IIICYCI.E $ . nUH.T i watcb. Western Electrical Supply . LI Sth , 83 ? s A. r. DEANE & C. WlO.SALE AND 1W. . tail bicycles , 11 l'ornal .Ireet. 11 \.l1.I4 IAnNU ) & tub. . 10 N. UTU BTlEI : ; onlY riding , ehol In the city. I : "COI.U 1IA" 185 FINEST EXAMl'L 01' light Ino 11,1 grate bled onll . Wm. Lyle VlckLY . . Co. . uo ) Douglas .1" , agent 1119 , , 'Ul'DERTAKERSAND EMBALMERS HWASON VAI4BN. ml CU31NG , ' 'EL 931 106 IL. I , . IJUIIKUT. l'UNElAL VIEl'1 MI embelmer . IlS Chicago II . telephone 8. 9S3 Id. O. MAUL , UNIITAIU:1 AND E3lALA. n. 11 l'amam IL. telephone W 105 C. W. 1\KEI. UNDEIITAKLII1. GU I. 16'11 t6 t' BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION JOW TO GET A 10Ar Ol IECUIU GOOD Interest on aavlnKI. Apply 10 Omaha 1 & U. ) & I As'n 10 lIre bldg. O. W. Naltiager . See 917 _ _ e SIAIES IN llTUAL 1 & D. AS'N PAT G. 7. 1 I"r rent when I. J. a years old , alwaa re,1tmmuabl. . 1 l Farnam , t. , Naitlager . le HOTELS. IOTEL flAnKER . 13H AND JONES 5TS. 75 rooms al $1.10 per dny. t rooms al $ .0 per dab' . Special rates 10 commercial tm\'ele IMm nail board by week or month , Frank Ilihdlhcti , manager . 9S9 AITNA IOUS mUIO.I'N } N W COn 1lh and DoJg" 100ml by day or \\cl 93-3 - : LCST. I.OST. ImT\mN Tim KAInACI BLOCH : nl,1 the 11.lntke. n pmtlr oC geld 1nlnlrd nose " 11'eIAce . Return caIne 10 Dr. lllmirt , Knr- - _ hch hloclcmmntl get I eworll. l.osl-39 I I LOST CUlT l iiTN , IINOI1AVIII ) l'OIOT- i me-noll ; small reward. Adoress \gt C. K. 2019 Ilarno' . I.osl-M5 11' COAL. 1) . ' 1' . MOUNT hAS IEltvno IllS COAL omce to 20 S. lath eL. Brown block. I9 ' _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ - - P1010112 IEDUCED : 81ElOAN , RUST WYO- ming coath ' : nut . * 4.53 : hump $ : ,5'1 ' ; 2.00 for n Ion delivered. 161 : Farnam street In EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. WI I'L'ItNISII FI1tST-C1ASS MALE OP. PR- I'UINISI 1IST-CI'SS : AI. Oi I'F- manic itch ' free oC charge ' : hotels . cpeciahty. ( ) ' 1 1"lo)1t'nl , Bureau , 12'H ' Farnamu. . , Tele- I.hone . 1401. _ _ : : ' - - - CARPENTERS AND EUIIDERS. c c. 110nHl.I" , lAIEI lAXGING , 10USI , sign painting . brick work plastering : ott. It. 1. Hurkec blk. : lei . : : shop :1 Izaro : leI. 3 108. MATHEMATHIAL IN STRUMEN1 AIA J. GIt'\'fllt , I'GNI EnS' AND AH- chltecls' Sulplios. 318 S. 151h street Omaha. 2.119) CONTRACTORS. , lUCK wonK ; SIDII\VAIKS CEI.I.\1 100rs , elc. 311 I 10lh sfre.\ ; leI. 40. A. l0iewlt. . - 2.11)1 ) Alt ShORTHAND A.D TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SChOOL Ol SHORT HAND. N. Y. I.Ce ! Omnho. Ask Cbr clrcllar , 123 ZIrICAL , SYPHILIS 'n8ATED NO CURE , l0 PAY : cases on payments : "QnuIalol free : S 10 10 a. m. . 1 to 3. 1 to 9 p. m ; ElI Cumlng 51. . Omaha. . . : 1- 2-31:0' ELECTRICA'L SUPPLIES : I L CnCAL ENOI2j2EflS AND COXTRAC- lors for electric light andmolor 1Inus and all kinds oC electrical conslrcton , Western Elec- trical Supply Co. . U8 and f20 S. 151h sl. 993 S'.OV. RE : A.Rf STOVE nEpAln FOIl 40.000 DiFFERENT makosur aloVs : . wnle.nlnchmenl.s and ooh- neclons n rpecinlty. mr Douglas sl. Omaha Stove RepaIr Works 92 MUSIO. A ' AND LANGUAGE. c. F. GELLENBECK. BANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher 191 Case al. 9H - BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS IESILVEnED. 719 N. 16. 13 DENTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL SUnGERY FREE Inlrmary : dentistry al cost. IGlb & Cap. ave DRESSMAKING , DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. mG GIANT sl. UG 3' DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES . L C. 05.2.1. sted. 19 : Leavenworth. 487-1' C.-- _ _ _ - CESSPOOL CLEA ER. CESSI'OOLS CI.EANED. ANTI.MONOPOLY prices. John Nelson U9 R. 11h , Telephone 3173. ! 18 AI' PROFESSIONAL. TIlL A. SIIIi'lIAN. con. 16Th ! & CIICAOI ) . 1152 A12. DENTISTS. on PAUL. DENTIST. 20 BURT ST 154 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. Ofco at Auditor ot Public Accounts , State uC Nebraska. Nebrslm. Lincoln Feh 1. 189-I Is hereby certified that the Iowa Life Insurance company ot Sioux City , In tile state ot low . has comple with the Insurnce law ot this state and Is authorized to transact the business < lila Insurnce II this state for the current 'ear. \Vltness my hand and the seal ot the auditor - ditor at public accounts the lay and rear above writteli. EUGENI MOOR . AudItor Public Accounts. : . 'E : ' Ltiwyci's and solicitors. SUES & Co. , Boo : uI11n ; OMAHA , Neb. Advice F11EI. teeth Without Plates 1ir # I I BAILEY , \ - , z n. . , , DENTST , , ii " . Pax Ion Joek. , l 10lh ald 'anlam Sti. idtm:1 : : 'o' . IOS : FI1 ! ! Set Tcetht.$2. 00 I Silver l'1lngR . . . $1 00 lIes tT'etl. . . . 7 60 ' .I'ul Got f'IIId fLUO Thin l'lntu . . . . .10 002J ( buS Crowmls-25C. $0 0 Palllas [ Hxtract'gi 60u. Irllgo TOJlh-IOolh I OJ Teeth Out In Morning , New 'eth , Same Day I , BATH OFBEAUTY ' : . I , . Daly Ile/uhe..llln"le. . ted , rough lamed , and . . rulu" hlr Irc\'culed by (30T1. ( .I1 . gtc1a& SoAr. bual ceclvs skiD & , c { rCU " ; . beault'IDI soap , , : ' T ll ' w.1 Ill .li4rL'II ant IWlleol ot toilet AIl ior.cry soap. , Only \ , W" . I'ur ror pi mIl , becAuB olly pre. mvimiimo oC Inhll.illnmahiou antI do . \ntho 10111111llou , 0og. ,1" " . ( t01 1ij'e. : , 101 < Crlid5Wlldil' 11 . , 1 Il 1' 011 . ' ' f' their tongues When truggist uro asked for 0 tholoughly relnblo ) lniment for man ot' beast they iuval'iably find flexian Mustang Liniment tonguc2 tight ; on the end of their 11 VE PICKED A RECEIVER Pettion in the Short Line Case Put John M Eagan in Training THURSTON ARGUES fOR THE DEMURRER Oregon AIHI 1llho Courts Jn , 0 1're , Inutly COlcll' " I'rltmiary , lurl dllll 10 the " ' ) 'olin/ Commits In 11:111 wih the 1todc. , l'OlTI.AD. Ore. , March l1.-cnator John M. Thurslan today nrguCI In favor of the demurrer to the A\erlcan l.aalon < Trust compan ) petition nllnst the Oregon Short LIne and Utah Northern lalwllY COI- pan ) ' . lie said the first \ortgages on the original Oregon Short LIne alill Utah North- er were fut lels on the properties , and that any suteQuent \orlgnlP wns subJeCI to these IIrlor lions. Ito said juUclal pro- priety , which the rlclors of Ulon , trustee , hall no right 10 dloregarl , required that when the foreclosure suit was bOlght It he commence In till Eghlh circuit , which hal , primary jurisdiction. lie Inhl In these pro. ceelngs the counsel for complainant hal . referred time and ngnln by Innuendo , rather . than by Illnln speakIng 10 errors In time order made by the federal courts tram the beglnnln/ ; ot the Ames suit down 10 ( bate. lie sal1 he should never slalli nlli crltclse the actions I ot the federal court of hil couutry. lit said that In the Dilon case the courts 01 [ the Oregon and ! Idaho district conccdtl by their orders that the \ \ 'yolincurt was the one of Irlmnry Jurisdiction , anti concllol 10 It the right to prllarl ' malIc alY order In thC caso. lie paid his respects 10 Mr , Store "s ' StateliieIlt made that tile loan nli trust comllany ( hill not ask for the appoint'L mont at its receiver , hut for tIme appolnlment L ot n proper court's receiver and saId the S pellaners had plclle n receiver Imanll I John ! . I2agamh chairman ot the letters I Iunagers' association . during the great strile last summer : had hronght him clear ncross the continent : he hind snt In the court room I coulnenl < during all ot the argumliemit . anti sat there today as "petitioner's exhibit A" In the case . , . , . . . . . . . . " . , . , . . . " . . " . . " . . . . . , . . .v. . . . . . v..u. . . . . . . Spanish lnl"Ier 1eloc"lh" ; to Cnb.\ for Ills bldu oC Iho . \lnnel Story CHICAGO March H-The Wcster Pas- sen/er men contnlell their meeting today hit nothIng was done. The situation Is becoming nhlost a hOlleless mUlle , and whie a majorIty - Ity of the lilies arc hopeul that the commit- Ice agreement will soon be put iltto operation . II ' are not selng any date for It , Comi- trary 10 the program . tIme Wahash-Alton fght did not cOle lP nll the Particular skein which the lines are trying to unravel Is that ot the St. l'aui-Mlnnenpoils rate I sheet. The Omaha road refuses flatly to ni 0 I rates demande by the Chicago Great Wester to he shown In the sheet anti the Great Western wi do nothing until the Omaha backs down. That was the slualon vlteii the and It remained whel Ineetliig opened meetlopelled nnt 10 untIl the close Neither side gave way an Inch and 10lhing was done. Later In the day an Informal meetng of the transcontinental lutes was held to discuss the boundaries ot theIr suhcommlteees. I amounted to nOlhlng more than a lscusslon. The general meeting ot the western freight agents cleared UI' Its docket today and the western and northwestern lines began their meeting. The western lines refused an appl- caton for an advance In lumber rates from points 01 the Ohio rIver to points on the MIssouri river and referred the matter to n committee at the St. Louis lines. A rate ot 22Y cents on agricultural Implements was made from MIssissippi river poInts to Mis- sOlrl river points and 3D cents from Chicago to MissourI river polnls. The last thIng on tha docket WaS nn applicatIon for a redlc- lon In rates for spikes bolts , etc. . from Kansas City to St. Paul and Minneapolis. I was refused and the meeting adjoured , Tint western and northwester lIlIes de cldell to apply tIme same rates to Chicago from Duluth as from St. Paul on easter slhlpments and refused a application for n reduced rate on wire and nails from Chicago to St. Paul. I was decided to make no change In the rate on flour from MInneapolIs to lowe points. TI matter of proportional rates on lumber shipments originating In Pacific coast terrItory . from St. Paul to ChI- cage was , referred to a comnmltteo. After granting a rate ot 20 cents to St. Paul , and 25 cents to Duluth on car loads of furniture minimum weight 2.000 poun < s , from Fond du Lac the meeting adjourned. Its docket wIll ho fnlshe < tomorrow Earnings ot the Atchison system. all lines , for the first week ot ! arch , were $737.687 , an Increase ot $20,970 over the saints week ot last year. Earlings ot the SI. Louis & San FrancIsco were. for time ' week $11.772. a dl- crease ot $3,017. The earnings ot the Atan- tic & Pacific were 66006. an Increase ot $ i.l47. Earnings ot the Colorado Midland were $25.484 an Increase ot 1121. Earn- Ings ot the Atchison system proper. exclusive or lines reported above were $531.425. an increase - crease ot $21,719. All the above are approxi- mated gross earnings. The railroad claim agents spent most ot the cay considering changes In theIr h-Iawe. Several minor changes were made. The following - lowing otcera were elected : President John T. Denniston l'ltshurg : vice president , W. A. Eldredge , Memphis : second vice presi- dent , A. T. Drew , St. LuIs ; secretary and treasurer S. A. 1ehorter. I'imlladelphila. Time next \oetn ! ot tile assocIatIon will be held 111 New York early In August. t'IIIISIDIINT l'IHIUNS ANU illS P.tltTY. Urlef Stacy In OmmthlsYeaterday Enrouto to Lho NurlhwoJt. President C. E. Perkins of tile Durlngtou syslem arrived In Omnha yesterday hy special Iraln. composed ot private cars JDO and 200 , accompanied by tile general so- lcitor ot the company , J. W. lythe , General Freight Agent howard Elliott ot the Ilurilng- ton lines In MissourI , Miss Perkins ot Bnr- Ington and her friends Miss Carr anti MIss Dallon ot Boston . ' 'hl party ot officials left at 12:30 : for the uorlhwest on n tour ot inspection - spection . General Manager loldrcgo accom- panying the party In his private car 31 , which was attached here. A short slop wIll be made nt Baveloclt and at LIncoln , and then the big gnus ot tile Burlington will go to Deadwood Sheridan - dan 1111 on to the terminus ot the road at Bilngs , PresIdent Perkins was seen yesterday by n representalvo of Tle Bee but was de- chiledly averse 10 being interviewed lroba- bly on the theory that the least saId the soonest mended . for a short talk which Mr. Perkins had with a newspaper , lan In Den- vel tile last lme he wns on his weslern lour caused the Burlington stocks 10 drop thr03 points , and the memory ot thaI talk was undoubtedly uPllermost II tile mInd ot tile president when Ie was addressed by The leo man. lie began hy sn'lng that this was his first visit welt In three or four [ months and that ho alm1.11 1 to keel In touch with time property by going over It three or four times a year. " 'her" Is absolutely nothing slnllcant : In my visit at tIlls tIme , " said lie "any more than I desIre 10 see the condition at the IlropEly and how I Is coming out ot the winter season. which Is particularly hard on rolnl stack , " Asked I lie would give a reason for the great falling of In the receipts ot the company - pany during tIme first Ihreo we'ks In ehru- ary aa Indicated by the authorized stale- ment ot th11 auditor , bo was kind enough to say 10 the nespal moan thaI ho knew the reason quito a well lS Iho IJresldent ot the conipalmy. "Uad busIness : that II the only reason . " 'h ) ' , we have not had a carload ot corn acres the 1lsllpI'1 rIver In six monlhs Tbat's the reason for the had showIng. LIIN west ot the Missouri rh'er have been bandlcal.ped. " , \hen aslted J ho had hopes for better tImes Mr. PerkIns hecame somewhat facetious . lou8. and rcmarke that hope was the only thing left. "if tile west has good crops thla year everything will take all upward lull ! . but all Is dependent upon thl han'est. With good crops we have ltte fear ot the oUleomo , hut with another faIlure , wel , no mal can tel what wIll hUPIen. ) " opens II Market for 1'01"100' Effective & Monday , the Oregon flail- way & Navigation company hut In I rate of 60 cents per 10 pOlnta on potatoes . CAr loads , mllimlm 30,000 pounds , from Trout- Ilalo anti all points on the NavigatIon com. any' , line cut to Omaima . Council Bluffs , SI. Joe . Le\elworlh. Kansas , City and , all Points In InnMs and Nebraska on the Union Inclfo aysllm and the St. Joe and Grnn,1 Island roall A few days before the came rate front the sOlnl country was made ni" plrhle to SI. Paul Rnll MlnnlR\ols , This rldlolon elicIts 1f large IRrket for east- ern Oregon anti , Wnshllllon grown I10tnlols which hlreloforo have been shut out of [ time \Rrllets af the Missouri river. The Norlhorn InclOo also made the Mie rates an potatoes effective last Monday front 110lnts on the ( ncnlle 11vlslon of tim counpany Spokane . Genesee al1 sImilar Iolnls to Sioux Clly. ' . "ILS : UI A 'i 'aMI' 2il.i1'I'Eih. tIIW/Y ! . lol SNII Iho Pootgear ntm lit WIY In Itililtigs. \Vediiesday larnlnl n voinan'e slipper , size No.4. baterel , bruised anti somewhat wori . arrived In this city , ha\lnl left l'hlcalo thlrly hours before , blell over the Burlington roati. The article of [ footgear [ e,11e on No. 79. known ns time 'slleCl.ll fast freight. " At- Inche,1 , 10 It wcre lan ) ' tags anti noles , whIch hehl(1 10 tell tIle tary of time lerect work- log of the west baunl freight s 'sllm , This slipper , [ rol nn luknowl root , started 01 ls wesler journey tram larlem , N. Y. . I.'cbrlary 28. I goes frol Omaha 10 111. In/s , Mont. . with n re'l"est ' Ihat I be rl tlrlell to Chicago This Is the record of [ the slIpper np to date : Tar I-Hetlr to Harlem RIver staten ( 11 dil tllmie. I start on eastern trIp this n. m. , 2 , :8. ' 9 [ 15 , Semi le vest , hut return me In tllmlo for vacation . tlo or mcatan SIRSan. Tag 2-Tho Iar m hUsler dan't let an ) ' corns grow oil iite. 3-lrovllelcl. H , Worcester dl. \Islan. 3 , 1 Tag . i-I'awtucket and Marlboro 3 , 1. Tnt 5-Sloughton 11\'lslol , 3 , 5. Tag G-Boston. 3. 5 , Return to Boston if I not called [ or. Too large far lS , Try Chi- cago. Tn/ -0 oed Ihlng t : 11sh ) ) 1 I t aloitg. Tag I-Wcnt astray hit not tar. Chlck mo nlotig. I am only tG 1'lg 9-larch 6. one so sewed cnn't peg out In Chicago. 'rng 'O-Beware ' ot Chlcnla ahermel who lax bicycles $2. The)1 boodle you although 'ol're well heelell. ) TII 11-l'oor thing . you've been wel foatll , Don't kIck ill the Whlly City. 'fug 12- larch 7 , we start for Chicago : hit , for llenven's sallo don't let any of the natives . lves hut their foot Into it. Tag 13-Chlcago. 3. ! Inspecte.1 hy C. J. A. . Ilspector I'ellitsylvania ralronYal are wel soled . but 10 Jm n ChIcago oat In would SPlit It. SII > -her to Omnha. Ilelght amcinls ot the lennsyl\nla railroad tag I along wcst. Have oren hear" " thera were anly two feet 10 the yard east at tIme IItson ! river. and this proves it. I certainly was no i "Trilby" foot that wore it. I Is too large for anything cast of the MississippI river. Let 'er go to Omaha. Next ! Tag 11-0mahn. llarch 13. Inspected by G. H. Crlsl. You fall to state I ra , heIght all color of hair anti e 'es or the original werer. They have good , loaldl/ girls In loStOl , but they IUSt certaInly have large teet. This Is prcsume,1 , 10 be ole of tile slippers thrown after Counl tIe Cnslelan during the wedding I have nol bee ell , nor have I been watered so Cnr. Please see that herearer I mn attended to , ntl chnrgo expense toV. . J. Ilryatm wauld-be seualor tram Nehraslm. ThlH ) shoe was evidently raised In AllIance . as II hooks like unto u haysecd. I your shortage has been filled , send me to BillIngs . all then to ChIcago over the Northern l'mclllc there to be tUrlet over to tile "Q" omclals. I leave for the west tills ii. m" , 3. 13. ' 95. [ 'I.\N NOT OFIeIC1.tLl.T l'tJIlLISiilH ) , PrelhlelL ICing IR :0 ( boil 'Vor,1 for tile . \tchlsol UCOcIUhnUnl r-chcmtie. rEW YORK , March H-Regardlng a dispatch - patch from London published here today purportIng to rive the basis of the guarantee syndicate plan for the reorganization at the AtchIson President King of the Un Ian Trust company , who Is chaIrman of the Joint reorganization - organization committee ot tile Atchison com- pnny , said this afternoon : "No ofcal plait has yet been published and 10 one has authority eIther In London or here to maim public any part of a reorganizaton 11101 Int It hns receiver my slgnnture. There- fore It Is entirely unlikely that any details ot the plans have been given out lit London. A meeting ot the reorganization cammlt- tee will he held In this city next week at which the plan may bo finally adopted for publication. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No Joe Ready to 11.IIo VI' Unsllc" . CHICAGO , March H.-The general managers - agers ot the westen roads , who have for fJevCral days bem meeting at the office of Tramc Manager BIrd ot tile Milwaukee & St Paul , have reached no decision 011 the divisIon - Ion ot relght trailic which was tIle question they let 10 canslder. None of the roads are dlPOEd to give UI > any sharI ot theIr tramc and several of the strong lines are standIng out for a new deal which wi enable them 10 keep all they gel. 'I'hicro I no inintediato prospect of any definite ell to the canterenc ? . Cut Hlto WIll 1111,1 Tilt tIme J 71h. LOS ANGELES , Cal. , March H.-The local officials ot the Santa Fe have received word tram hadQuarlers that tile cult rate of $2.50 oIl second class eastbound passenger business would he In force until the 17h instant , In- stead ot the Hlh , IS originally intended nlUway Notet George McNult of Iho "Knty" was In the cIty 'esterday. On and after next Sunday trains 43 and 41 emi the lurlnllon wi run no further than Granl1 hland , tile navenna end or the run being lscontnued , George need , the railroad pamphlet Ils- Irlhulor antI n character 01 rllro . d rotc . C.10 back [ rom KanSas City Wedne9lar evening where ho spent several das. Phi i' . Hitchcock ot the Delaware , J.aclen- wanna & " 'csler railway , accompallp,1 hy a ple'ant frhtrmd was II town WplneJay elruulo front the coast to his hed'1uartert ' In Chicago. J. H. Buchanan ot the Elkliorn . J. Francis of the lurlnglou anti B. Ii. 1.)10 uf tile Union Pacifc are In Chicago II . Ilenllanoe Ipon Passenger the association meetIng ot , tim Wester LIles Wednesla [ there was snow over Iht entIre Iurlnglon syslem we ! ot the ! lssourl river , ' a light snow being reported over the eastern portion , hleavier In the west and nonthiweiot Ill the lulls cauntry II tome places the titer- lometer reglterel\ \ degrees below The Mlsfourl Pacific has succeetletl In capturing lule a plum In time way ot freight [ transportation . 1 will have ten carloads ot househohl goods , and live stock , ancl oln con of passengers trom Wnshlnglou couiimty . Kansas 10 Edmonton , Alberta county , Britsh ColumbIa via St. Josel'h ' , during the pres(11 tveek This emlJrant movcment Is made up ot French Canadl.ls. enrouto 10 JoIn their brethren In tile Queen's donllillons George H. leaaord , general passenger agent : of the Milwaukee' , has rent out tilt following clrcnir : "Wih sIncere sorrel and regret I leg to nnnallC ) that A , y I Carpenter for many years tile head of the p3SSenler elurtment at this Clllany , died lt his hOle lu MIlwaukee on time night of the 91h Insloll , aged 72 yc'ars altd , \ 4 10nthl , He hall as few faults a any man and more ' " vtrlues than most Imlen Charles Kennedy , general 10rthwCstern pas. sener agent ot the Hock Islomlil [ hu rdtlln frol ChIcago : and hp brings the welcol" In. tormnl 1 that there are much more hlftul ' signa ot busIness iinprovemnetit. "Chlcug Is I assuming ItS 011.1hne apeliaraflee' [ . lt4ilroaml lliefl art. regahmmlng confidence 11111.1 everywiitre one notices a dawning or better days. $ IiiItl men In ChIcago are comllmellelng to ste hglit ahead and in taikllhg to severa' ' proprietors thii'y told me that during the last tweek their reglaters allowed larger hist of arrlvaha than at .tny tinle sInce time \\'onlml's fair. TIis p4saellger busIness is pIckIng up and iiaturtily every one feels that the iidb I about to turn , " 1 110 Moilerit % isy Commends itself to tue svell Informed , to do lmheasantW and effectually what was formerly done in tIme crudest banner anti disagreeably as velh , To cleanse Lila system and break : lit ) colds , headaches and fevers witimout un. pleasant after effeeti , use tIme delightful liquid laxative rainedy , Syrup of 1'igs , _ - - - To llebimhid tls. hurtled Cotton l'tilsec. WACO , Tex , , March 14.-At a meetIng , last night dIrectors were instructed to hICO . cued with the rebuilding of the Texas Cot . toll palace , which was burned last Jsauary , NO ONE ThERE TO TESTIFY Police Investigation Stttrts with an Open Meeting but Without \Vltnesses. \ SEAVLYASKS TUAT SUBPOENAS BE ISSUW llccoguulces I lie htimtrtl's I tiohility to l'orcn ect I 1110113' liti I Sii I 110 ( o in lilillitia ' . % 'i It I he ( 'oilitleretI it t I tu s I I a t bile- litmit ntl' 1tt ( 'seat go I ti t lli I'ii hihic. Time InvestIgation of tile Pollee deimrt. Illent Was formally ntitl Imubhicly tueglIn L ) ) time llosrI of Fire anti i'ollce COhllluleshoners last nigImt , but tllti 110 ! Proceed % 'ery far , COillhillesIOhlei' Siulthl opelmet it Imy l'eaihltig the resohiltiomi P.lslCtl at the inst Imleeting , whtlchi Invited every citIzen wiio hail any cilargc'e to lmtake against outy imtcinbcr of thio ( lepartnlent or ally' inforiiiatbon regarding any erookemlness to ahiljc.tr before the board , either lit llublha or executive SesSboll , Mayor fleniit then invited any one of the flultIlence , tvhichi tvas a little larger titait usuahiy at- tehmtls thmo nteetllmgs of tIle lio.un&1 ott tIme cx- Iiectatloll that sonietIting cacltbng would cccur , to atoll forward. No omie responded , ant ! tue clbrk was asked If Ito Imad any written - ten charges. lie ahmtvereil ( hint ho hmzui 110110 except those imrouglmt ngmiitst ; Cillef Seavey hiy''illiaitt Mtiitslcy , tvhmo alleges that. ( lie chief used dIscourteous laiigungo to him at thto polIce nuetlon smile of tlimctaIlIled hirolt- ery. ( Muillky. however , % ras hint Present to back nit his charges. After it little discus- dolt tit board adjourimed 1111(11 ( ilext Montlay ItIglit. 'rimere tt'ere ito subpoenas Issued for flll one to ltttehld the nucating. alId at the present - ent ( lute tllC boartl 1105 ItO IllttliiOll of lastl- Ins all ) ' for ( lie llext ImleetIng. Time IlIChItbers say tlmat tile ) ' knott' of iio one who himts any infomnmntion to disclose , mtnd tlmey are walt- lug for ( lmose trim either Imave imttormaIoit or htiiot' time naimtos of those vil ( , have to appear , Conllilhssloncr ilartlllaml wislieil it. to ho generally - erally known ( hint tIme board was aimxlous for ) UCil to luIlpear , nIld ( lint they tvould be given oltller it hitlblie or pnivato Ilearing as tlmey , chiose. Ciiief Sea'ey multi lths attorney , Mr. Mahoney - honey , vero prsen ( , and tile latter was asked whether un hail itmy charges to 11111100 or hiati anytlling to say' . lie almaweretl tlint lie had llothmbng to etty , except to tmrgo tIlt ) boarti to lsstmo sthbpoellas eveim to thmozo who tile boarJ lIlIgilt thtliik hind ahlyitiltg ( to say. lie lciiew that ( Ito Public hind receIved a general bnvi- tation thiromlgh tile hircas to testlf before the board , evell in Private , but lIe tliolighmt thlat Q'dll if the board hmai no iiower to compel attenmlamtco emi stibpcenas , they' tvotiid ha re- gardeti nit sepeciai Invitzmiohms. ( Tilose who Immay. atid are roimuited to have 501110 Infomnta- tion , hio t 11011 gim t tvotlitl ml Ii 5 1 % C r ItIchI I flI I to- tlomia , although they woulti not appear volun- tarily. They wouilii at least 1)0 given tint opporttimtity of sitylng timat thiey were sub. Poeliaed. I le tieslreil timat tile rumimors whicit tvere 1101(11mg ( abotlt shiomilul be Put Into shape. No 111311 Is a geol citizen , lie smmW , If lie is itot willing to disclose atmy limforination ( ( mat imo Iila' hiave. Iiartlnamt asked If Imo cottld give the 11311105 of any of time witnesses tvhmo aIpemtrecl before tile grallil jury. and 111)311 vhtoso evidence time report of tile grnimd jury tvas based , In order ( hat they hlllghit be sttbpoenaed , Tile only mtamuo ( list ( ito Iid.ird hiatt was ( lInt of Dolt. nehly. Mahoney answered that im 10110w only of Donnelly , atid of hiinl oimly ( llrough imews. paper reports. lb saul ( list lie Illlght no- lIlcinbol' tim flflIllOS cif some of the grand jury tt'itttesses vlioin imo lioticed In the corn- tiers of tIle cur ( house , litit ito could not ( cli wlletimmtr they lla.l ( ctiflod on time matter or had tiny Inforinathomi to 51cc. Time hlCtV steamer. "lzra MIllard. " was no- celitetl with thmo umiderstandlng that a few nilnor changes would Its lOathe Ill time niechin- cry , and ( lie bill of $4,800 was ordered paid. A liquor license was granted ( o Mrs. Anna Wetzehl at 1214 Farnaln street. Court Officer Boyle was granted five days kayo of absence , _ _ - - - 1i'oranlty and l'nlim , Too often go togethlel' , RefraIn fronu swearing - ing If yotl are suffering the tortures of rheu- matlsrn , and seek Ohio aid of Hosteter's Stomach Biters , which will expel tii thou- matte virus front your blood. KIdney and Inaharlal complaints , dysliepsla. constipation , neuralgia and biliousness ann all relieved by this sterling and comprehenaivo family mcdl- due , which should be kept always on hand for entergencies. . - - licathi or (2. II. % ' . Ilbitluit , Mr. C. H. Williams , corner Pacific Street and Thirtieth avenue , traveling agent for time I'iioetmix Insurance company. died at lnkinighmt Tuesday night. lIe iiecminie sIck with a lmmnlituly of the btulmt while on a trip In Iowmu. but so far rtico'crel ott to hue able C to retUrit itonme only to suffer a fatal re- lapse. lb had remtitlemi in Omnima twelve y'enni. lie lCU't'i3 IL Wife atmil thtiee ulntmgimterru. The funeral will ho hmnltl at the residence Sunday - day afternoon at 2 o'clock. J'RICSON.i I. i:1 : : 11.1(111.4 I'IIS. David Gordon , Glemulo , Wyo. , Is at tIle Del. lone. lion. Church howe is a guest at time Paz. (011. (011.C. . ii. Sharp , Newcastle , ' , Vyo. , Is a Paxton 3 guest. C. I ) . Jacobi , ltcd Wing , Mlnn. , is an Ar- cadi guest , I. H. iiumlllrey , RapId City , S. D. , is at ( ho Paxton. Mark Lit. Coati of Frcimiont has a room at tiio I'axton. Sallitiel lalton and wife of Chmlc''ugo are l'axton guests. George flozal t. Simenanmipahi , In , , Iii regis. tered at time l'axton. ' John C. lulls is regleterer ] at tint flanker front Lexingtomu , Icy. F. W , Barber nnmi wife of Graud Islammil are guests at time 2.Ierchmallts. Judge Samuel Chlapmnan of Piattsinouth was at ( lie Arcade last evenIng. H. II. Knowles 811(1 ( 1" . E. McGInnis of hastIngs , Neli , , are at time Barker. A. fl. McNccr of Illuo 11111 is visiting his lion , Night Cleric MeNcer of the Arcade. (3 , Il. Warml arumi II , G. Spencer tire regIs. tereti at time Borlccr frolil Kansas City , Mu. Robert Foot , llulfaio , Wyo , , 011(1 George 13. illack , Roche SprIngs , Wyo. , are guests at tile Millard. Mr. Chance A. Auttirews , who has been for a nuuiber of years conmiectel witlu thIn Ciii- cage Evening i'oat , Is in time city and pai.I a visit to 'Fhmo Heti. Mr. antI Mrs. C , E. Yost leave today for ( lie east , Mr. Yost going as far as lies- ton. Mrs. Yoat remhtaillhihg Iii Michigan until time return of her IIhIaiJand. Mr. I. J. lrake. Miss MIller and Mrs. F' . I ) , KIrlcitilale left yt'mioniiay ( for the cast , Miss Miller will stop at Chicago to attend ( lie tvctidiimg of a frientl , while Mrs. Kirla'mtdmmii will go to 'l'oletlo. ' 4 it ! , Ii. Cook alIli faimuliy loft yasterulay for St. Iomils , wiiero they wlil iruuitIleiitly ; reside , iii tin ) future , Mr. Cook's hitisliteemi Intereet iii St. Louis hiss gruWhI to uluchi propontlona as to deitiand lila emttiro attention , aiiml tvhlho thuo departure of imliiieelf iuimd fanllly is no- . gre'tted by a ilost of friends. It Is a matter of satisfaction to nil that ilhlanciai Inattora Colltifluta to cull.e lila way. 7'.olirttaitilis ; lit I lie hlolelt , At the I'mixton-V. E. liytes , , liohcirego ; N. II. lint ding , Nobrmtclou City. At tile Arcitic-i. ; Nnuilin , ( ierlevttl E. F' . ViiCmX , ( irailti lslaimd ; Juiiil llnitleutbuugii , I I it 1111mg tuii , At the 1)i'excl-A. I. ( 'mtini.iehI , I"i'emont ; 0. N. flays , lllmtIr ; Ii. I ) , Ihunion , IlustItlEs ; to , ( 'artai' . iJaitotu City. At time Millardii. . Pinti , Cr.ind irianti ; Franlt I' . Ii uianil Nebiasicmt ' ' city' ; . 1 $ , I Iililllihll C ) , i.liloio , ; v. i. 2.Iorpiuy , flu- lielior. , u thiu Iohlone-C. 5 , Clinton , North PliitteVihiicimti : Ehrhuhut. Nt'briisica (2ity ( , iiostetter , Ci'litrll City' ; J. A. llaoeets , O'Neill , At ( lie Merehtants-O. A. Mcneil , Mlndell- .7. 11. ( 'eteranhm ' Grand Island ; II , linde , Nb- iirartt ; A , 'Park , ( lordmln ; F' , J. Snyder , VUhlUm ) , At tile Mercer-J. ' 1' , lienniiitw , New Yonlc I , , O'iliien , A , Koch , l' . ii. incbi luluth ; II. Jiurit'it Shriiivol' , New York ; 13. i4. Iladley , Cetlur ltitpiils ; ii' , ii. 11111 litId tvbfo , Kanmiami 0 Ciby , Mrs. J. 19 , Butler Ieitv'r , ; J. 11. Mc- ( 'oy'lsrormitln : It. .1 , ( "chills St. I.ouls ; J. " . ibetvitt , l'ortiuiid J. Ii , holbrook , ( Iris- vold , in ; ( I \V. iiilewoy , ll'tvltt ; I' , llnzt'l ( 'ilUlnijUsh V , A. i'ipiier , teub Oal. 4 Iti , , Jos' 1,111 IirUtiiIei'n , I'tlit'i5V1L.