_ t ' . . - . _ _ _ _ _ . * . - . . , - - . - * % - , . , _ _ " I - G : ; - - . - TIlE orAnA DAILY nEE : . , . Jj"nIDA , ARCII 15 1 , 180rs. _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ . " - - - = = ! : = - - . - . - - - - - - . - cOnmnCIAL ) AND FINANCIAl4 [ - Wheat : Was stc.w to RcspoDlto the Bullish \ N C\vs. - . CORN WAS SLUGGISH AND DULL All DAY ' It URn "lIrT I.\tllll \ lIe I'on811 to Ihr ) Com. 5)lrRtlrn Clrmncu II "heat J"rly : II t.1 ) y-tocki nUl IIntlg. - ClIC.\O. : Mardi It-Whent "np slow to te51101 < 10 the bulsh news which 1001rd the mnrllet tolkLy . but shorty before the tlosc : I Ftnrtll I ) with 1 rush . cltl ! 11. r . hhher for Iuy. Carl rather reuctulty ; fol. lowe . cosing I.\ higher nnd Iuy onts rnlne,1 , ! ie. Iro\lslons were strong and I made mnrlte,1 , 111vnces. \'heat slnrtNI nl n shnlc , better thun It . , cati ' teadI ' cloFellnst night. Much or the curb' 1Ics rcsulel from 1 Imlsh cstmnle by the Cincinnati PrIce Current. Calculutl ! upon u basIs of 11tjOM ( . hu. 11 farmers' hands , I Indlcatel1 n rClllrlon or the stocks of "hell tu 4OOOOOQ bu. al July 1. 'fhlll will relresnt the visible , the InvIsible , and , In tnct , the total oC tilt the wheat 11 the . : country . nl the rstlntel1 tate of conFump. tel and , 1,1'IS'11 rate of export , according 10 the lutholl ) . retort I 10. . \lnnNlllols and Duluth rccelvM , together 21 car4 , agaInst 31 : 11\1 wcell. Irlnlrr : market receipts all tolll wel e 03.0 hU. , against 31.0 l ) hu. on the corrcFpolullm lay of Inst wcll. 'Vlie export lde from the four Ilrlnelllal Ports llunted 10 I lOQ ( } ) bu. , In.lulln hath 10 ( { wheal un,1 hour. ' ! he foreign IlrlelH iliovcil conslilerabli' Independelico Of elch fhowcll cunsllcrhh' Inlllenlenec < olher. 1.lvel1ul was I d lower hut tlen < ) II the declIne. ' 1he 1'nI18h and French country Ilrlcts and cargoes oft conlt In,1 , on passage Well firm CloSIng ! fluotn lens frol Ilerlin were l 1 murlls higher. 'l'here Berln " . wcrJ nun'I ous $ ; jeports ( rOI Kllnsns , of dain age frol nnlPI thl I'epor 11,1 , thawing . . Ili n letter frul Tlxl 111 the whell II.119 were . being plowcll up Ihere. The Ilrlet gave belnl Uf very little repotie 10 the flods of bullish ' flCVS whIch rbpol were recllvel , , until noon. 'J'he lie\8 tlticttintione. which fur II inot of the for\- noul ructuall1. confle,1 , to a rlge of fll Mc to 56iWJh' ; . broke hounds IbOll ffeen , mm- - 1"s'afi"I : Illlhl > ' In,1 , Hhol II' IIJII ) tl & 7'.c. Thc julcl ' nll\ulc set HhflR to coy- ol'\nl \ vigorously , nod the Ibid was nrm II mIAI tii' M$13. II cot ii the ) mrnlcl WR SIUI18h , an,1 , dull . . 1 gave V'H , % ' little rcstJono I the conipar- atlvo lIrnuiess II wheat early In thc da ' . nlvc gave not a great deal of strength to wheoll ! .lhqlllLyed during the lileI Part of , the session. Hecellts wun \ curs . lfiMtead of 130. lS estImated. , :11) corn opened II from I3c to ' 16e , sold II I'c I and clasl Lit 46.c. . There WI ! I fair general trade 11 the ont niarket all II ! 111 lots and sell\rcd. : howel'cr. 'Jhe strength II carl and , wheat was prllcllJly ) ! : Illueltlll Iii cn'aln" firni- l1cH II ( ) fltii. May stnrlc,1 , nl from 2He 10 2c . Bold tloi'ii to from 2.c to 29'c ' , back price. to 29'c ! ' and closed with sellers II that In provisIons the market opened strong. Pork opened 121..1 uP. rose another 35c In the C01'Sl ot tim ! ess Ion Ild closed with I net gain for the day of 401. Lord was It Its highest polnl about the close ul,1 , left hl/hlst oft wIth a gain of 121c. Hls rose to IGl 1 ovm' the previous 12Jle. price. The coverIng . l/ . Ing af a heavy line of shorts for n proini- heat Ilrvlslll ) lnn was salel to underlie the dttv's dealings . 111 the packers were fl'pe sdlfl4 I near the "m1 Estimated receipts for Friday : Wheat , 17 cars : corn 130 cars ; oats , UO cars ; hogs , 30.0 : hea ! _ The lea < ln futures ranged IS t . laws : Articies. I OIIJn. ' I Jhh.-v I I - \ Vlieat.No. \\'hei.No. March. . . : . rH' M" ; ) 6 ! ' I\ M'y. : ' . . . . lGI' ( ! ( :7" OU 07l ( .Iiily. . . . l 7c:74 : 08(4 ! lOiG7 Gal' Car o. 2. Malch. . . . 4n , .HU H ' .4H .1ay. . . . 4/WUt .e ( , 4GH 4ti1 , July. . . . . . 45H 4GWI' 4 : ) .10GHUH Oath No. 2. . . . . 1ay. . . . . . . 2UCo" ) } . 20 ? 2IP4 ( :9 . 20h June. . . . :1 ) ! ( 21J ( 2U 20Jt July. . . . . . 211 21Hl 277128 . 28 } } ( Pork per bbl . 10'lt POl . . . . . 1 R : ; 12 20 1 65 12 12(4 ( July. . . . . 12071' ( 122. 1200 12 12J Lnll.l00 lba . Mn } . . . . . . . 0 p2(4 0 02(4 0 R2 000 July. . . . . 00 ; } 702' ( 0 0 ; 7 02(4 Short 1Ub- . Mn ) ' . . . . I ; Ri' I ; 15 I Sl l ; 0 ; JtL ( ) . , . . . . . . S . 07 ( . _ _ 0 U7 , r 05 0 U71 : ' e.h quotations were ns follows : FI.IH-I"lrl. uncliange.l . \\'IIgAT-No. 2 sprIng . ! 72JGlY.c : No.3 nom- aol : No. 2 ! .I. re. ' ! COItN-.No. 2. BYc { : No. 3 yellow. 43ll43e. OATSNo.2. 29c ; No.2 whIte 32\4nc : No. a whie , 0lt12c. \ HNo. . 2. t2c. H\ r2c. . . . \-No. . 2 , tlgc ; No. 3. li540 : No. FLAX HrmO-$1.40. TIM01'IY HglI-lrlme. $5.i ; l'IIOVISIONS-Mess 10111 , 1'1 bli. . $2.o@ Z.l2t. Lard per 10 lbs. . $6ii\HtG.S9. \ Short rhs sides ( loose ) . 55.SOP5.S5. Dry sale shoul ( S.S015.5. < era Ihm."I ) . t % U4 ! . e. Shore clear sides ( boxed ) , 'G.l0fH ; 20. VlIIHKY-Distiiiors' fnlshe < goods . ser gal. , ' 1.2 : ½ . The following were the receipts and shlpmenls ( tOday : - Articles. Itecotlits . Shlpmout Flour. b . . . . . = = . . 7.010 - 0,0(11) ( Wheat ; . . . . . . . : H.UIO ( i.ll ! ( orn . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . { 1.UOO ) 50.01)1) ) Oat8. bii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10'1.000 ( 12 .OOO U'c bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.IHIO : .UOI ( honey. bo. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 1 .010 14.000 Oii the Pra.lucl u'LcI1aoo toUiy tHe butter mar- 1.1 W.II fir u : : cr"llcry. : 10tltc ; lmry 81tic. E 18. ( trio ; 1 1 14e. NIV YtilLli UINyU.\ : : \\IUT. ClostnG Qnolltluu ; 01 ; ; - the 1'tncll:1 % COl' 11)1t0 11.1 M"Ile . NIW YORK March H.-Iecellt8. 1.90 bbb. ; exports 9.100 ( bhl ! ; 631es. 32.90 hbls. ( . Including : :00 ely ; UU1tlit generally quiet wih huyell : ! 100 under askinI prIces ; NI'lng Patents. , lull but II Im . . nt . a lloniivancewinter . : ti-ajghts _ . " " .n. " 'nn. ' . . ' . no'.n' . . . . " . . . ' _ . ' . . ' ' . " , " . . . . . . < .u" . I . . . . . fa.Ld a. IUj ; city mill patents $3.9fH,15 : . . .ut..u 1'11. ents. $2.6'l3.i5 ' : city mili . clear . $ .2'3.3 ; winter. Sl.Oi2.4O : Minnesota bakers' . 12.O03 60 ; wInter low Kru.I" $1.82.5 ; cluIng low mde..7 ( 1.50 : spring extraB ( lZ0j'2.Z5. I'e ( lear. lnn $ : ; toileR. COO 1.11. . ; stilerline. * 2.0J2l0 : : Cnnc ) ' , f2 O ( P 11. Hnelwheat hour . .ltiil lit $1.5 : I.G f 1IUCKW1IIAT-luiI nl 49t43e. HUCK\\/m\f-ul 491:3c. CHN MiAl.-Quiet " ; sales. o libls. 2. ( ) ' racks : yellow we l"l. $ .0811.10 ! ; 1lrandywlne . ' 2. i : UO. 1tYl-NominaI . ; ear lets . tile : boat lods , tI Ute. lIAltLlfl'-Ni'g1ected : No 2. iOc : two-rowed , .tate. rmGlc , : CnnnJnn. 70fl2Lc. \ tWDrowel iOI2\tc. HAIII'Y MALT-Steady ; weBlern iO72c : Can. . .Jn w.ter. esONoc : slx.row..I. 73g7rC . \ V1liA'L'-lteee'pti. ' . 19.5'JIn. ' . : " i3i75. 113,20) 13,2) bti : .alej . 6,150.00) ) I" . ftItUlCi4 . 20.0 [ ) bu. 8111t. - llot strong an.1 nervous : No.2 red. II tor" ( lOll .le\tor , 61e ; atloat . 6'.c ; f. n. I. I . 7lc ( 0)101(1 ) : Na. 1 flDrtlLelfl . G2'.e ; No. 3 liani. i2\.e IleJ\n . aleut l , OptIOns 011'1.1 sten.ly.ut soon broke jailer wN.k cnties nncl fn'lgn ( Wiling . quickly rr- .llnl. ' c\'erPI In.1 ( beClte very strong In the afternoon on actIve ' " . ' ' , , ncl\'e ( 'o\'rhll hen' SOIL nt Iho west on strong Ilto ( lel'ln ad\'lc. . n'llorl'.1 crl' ! lomnHe In I"u'.p" nn.1 * lie talk oC Injury to ciiip In , lal KansaH : Nn. 2 veil cll.OI alc higher ( ; . March cIO.1 ul 6lc : lull ) ' . Gl0j6'4e. ( closed . G2'.c ' : Jnne . 61 7.1662'i" . Closed G2'.c ; Jul ' . GBHIC2' c108"d G2e : AUKust. 61 7.16fiG2c. closed 1 62c \ ; Decem- ber . Gll(65e . cl.1 , Gc. COIN--II''lpls. 9)1 1m. : " ' ' 110110. i.8o bu. : mit's . : ) . .OIn. . futures. no ll ) ° t. Spot InactIve ; . N" . % . L'e : sl.anwr nixeil & 07e . 011100 , . e.i ( pel.1 Iln ( on mll re'cetllH ( nnll cent Inuel lId- ' ' one . closing 046n hIKI" . ; 2ilay . M .a'I. cPPI &H.c : Jill ) ' . 50@)1' ; . . close.1 t0c ( : He1j. Lejutier. t.0i15i1Ie ; , lo.1 & ) % ! e. f1Jc Hrl OAJI--ler < IJt. . & .90I. ; 'xl'orls. 203 hu. ; r iales . SO.Cu. . CUllrls nn.1 2) 11. spot. 5P ° L larl.t lnn : No. 2. 321'c : No 2 whlh" . lie ; No a White. 36e : truck . white ITOflhc' . ( ) : whit. . trck. whi. 37Ulr. liIILlS ruled \ ' cry , hIl all .liy Inl closed un.hanl.,1 ) llt 18 'c hllllr ; Mlrdl doo",1 lt 33.c ; . \1111 ciO4 lt i I 54o : Mil' , 33'U33 % , . lu.1 lt r3'.e I , IA Y- . lendr ; hll'lnl. .5C Oc : good . to choice. r (70e. HOPI -Market weak : slnte. comman 10 choIce old 3Q7c : 1034 , HUOc : coast , old , 3tjic : I I I , ( ( the . 11J S-Wcl 111.1 New Orl.ano elecietl . t5 to r1 ) I" ! . M ( ' fCo ; lu < lee A'J . t 'Iry , 2 ) 10 2t Its. . 134t1le : " ' , 'xno , .11) ' . 21 10 a Ib $ . . 7t7jc. ( h.l4.1'1hlit-Viriii ; 1IIIoek ) sole H1lc. AIres . light 10 h\ ' } ' . l6IJISc . ' WOOI.Qul.t ( . : domesto leece , IC62Sc : pulled . 3'ItOVlIIONt-lleef. . 1111. elt llll'fltB. llrjnr ; pickled 1'lle. $ G.Oi6.2 : 1leklelshoulder , . Irmer $ S ( tS.0. 1.1. Irlr : w'oh'r stalin closed at n.i7.10 : ( 'Iy , Sl.62J6.71. \ March closed at II n nominal : : II ' . $ : ! ( nOllnal : r.lnel. hllher ; continent . $ .r : H. A . $ : , 'OlnIlOtInd . * 5.1(4.J .2. l'oik hhher ; : new mess. $13.04JI3 15.1:10 ; lly. 112.Zi4j1.75 : short clear , $ l3.0063h1.tiO. Bt3T'1'141t-Htaiily ; w.ster dairy , H110 : wcs 1' ( ecu cr.aler ) 1(190 : w.ster factory. iI2 : I3glnui. lIe : ImItatIon creamery . Iflc ; stOI" daIry 1017.e : sloh , creamery . ) 01.1. . 10111k' . l'II Ii-I"lnJ : Ilnte large . 101nr. : . 81(12c ; part "kll' . S ( (12c : Putt SIU . , 3(31 ( . c : lull , aLiltiu 1(6J2'4e ( , ! ; : 1(1G1O-1"Irujtr : iulate Ind l.nn'I'h'nnla. l3'c : Ice houhe , w'ster Crcilj . )3t13lc ; l.rell'ls. 11.01\e . 16.011 I.ks. iTAI.I. , . . ! W-Maro ; clciy. ; . tl.c : country . S t'l'1'1t0LliL-Nomlnal : United cllwd al $103 : d. " HOHINlrm.r : draIned , common 10 good . * l.tctrl.03. o. Ct I. 1'U1tl'lNTIN11-Steady git 3C:6"c. NOIUH81H'-1"lnn : New 11 Orluntu , open lettle . . good 10 choice . SlIilSc. .no" 33\c. . ltlC'i-'irm. ; , Iomtl . fair 10 extra . tO ( 'Se ( : Japan . 4\aU . e. UIANIS-Flrmj ; CalIfornOa. 1.10413.f0 ' ; 1.1 a $3.tOZtl.00. MtTALS-l'ilc II'IIl. dul : 8Otch 1. como. 0. Copper . ealerl tirukera' Ilrlcl' $ ) .37t ; ceIangu rice. $9. ) \.5. 1.8.1. ol.n.I ) ' : tngtr' I'rh'e. ' 1 Jlc : tthanl \ 1uriC. $ 3.07tI3.l0. \ TIn , ( Inn ; ot u I. jetutie.I3.12 $13.ilJ15.35 : 4atei . . weak. Il\l r. quiet ; do. . , CN I D O ! - ontnuu dull ; tone lel' , - - ral ) ' tutdy' not mich ) rrellre to sell ; prime crude . 220 ; on crude . 2022o : prlmn yellow . 2e : of summer yellow , 2t26o Mmlnn : yellow butter rratlee. nomInal. 27'28c : prime summer white . 28t9c . . OMAHA , UEFUAL MitIOIcilT . - Condition of Trnlend Quotation ; 01 Staple and Fancy I'rnduce. 1-JflS-Per dax . . Dc. 1lL'T'l'lit-Culled lock , C Illet : common 10 fair 'Ioc ; fall 10 good country . lUi20 ; choice In fan ) ' . 13ilie gathered creamery , 17e : separator cfnm.I' ) ISI19 In't 1011.TIY-Jcns. iUSe : young ro ' ters 6e ; ducks , Sc : tu1key. tIc : heavy tome ie ; geese1 Ic. , I D11r8s1D I UI.TIY-hlckenn. tnlr. 7C ! ; choice large . SiS ( e : choke small , fIOc : IUrke'p , tnlr 10 good lHJOo ; choIce len\ ' ) ' . 101l0\ \ ; choice 'Inl , lie : ducks , fair ta good , 7(8c : tnne . full druFet , lOlfIle ; Re"8e , fair 10 good . H18c : Cnne ) ' . full dressed . bulb . UAIiII1-IIIUO wIng teal per loz. , $ .5 ; green \lng teal bier , doz. . $ b.25J1.J ; .hlck . mixed , .loz . . . 1.2SI.i . . Per b.OOtlh.23 ; canvaabacku' $1.of & .0 ; malnr.b and red henll , sz.totia.oo : small rabbits . tee : Jack rabbits. 7c ; pqlirreis. 600. \'gAI.rholce fnt . iO to ' 0 Ibs. . are quoted nl 6fG' c : large antI coarse . 3U't. CI1IISC-Wleconeln : full crrnm. Young Amerl. cans 13r : twIns . 12'ic ' ; Nehrnska nl Iown. full cream. lie ; Nebr-kn antI Iowa . Part skim" , 7U Fe ; 1.luiubutger No. I , le : brIck ! . No.1 , 11ei ; Swiss , No. I. I I.c. Y-Cpland hay , 13 ; mIdland . $3.10 : lowland . < < S8 ; rye straw $ S , & O : color makes the price on 10) ' . 1.llht hntea sel the best Only lop grades bring toll I.rlre II1mNS-I.r uloz . Ii. \'IX1 flTADhCII. pOTATOIS-Wester stock , car lots , 75e : small loll. SOc. 0.1 [ ! IEA NI-lunl pIcked , navy , $ : I.hna beans . Per lb. . ( % e. 0NION-0n unle , $ l.3OZIi.I0 : per Lbl. . 13. ( ' . \ 11 A 0 I-On orders. 21 q 2\.c. ( r.1t V-Cnlorln. 8 ' ) ( U.0' ) . H\\I'f 10T'TP"Goo.1 stock , ' 2.60 : I'nn. tuIIC . S2llf 2.2 : ' eel , $2.2t.I4. ' alace IJT8-I'r : libi. . U.M. ( ' .1tit0T8-Per hhl ) , . $1.57. ( A111l P1.0'llt-1'er l'rnte ot a deL and halt 01' two ubox. . 42.2. 10181:1.\mm-lc Ih. , 6iic 1'AltNI1'S-l'rr } . , . IAIHNII -lrr tubi. . $2. $ HlITA J' < AH-Per It ) . . 1 e. $ 'AItSi.llY'-l'cr (11 % . hunches , 3Ge. ' 'INIIH-ler hll. $1.50. - SPINACH-Per biil. . 13.5) . FlLtflT1. I'I\HH-Wlnter N..lls. nt-ac. AII'I . S-Cholco lock , U. Gl .OO : box np' plea. $2. Cl tt N Iil 16121 ES-Jersey. fancy , I ii. 500J12.0) ) per bbl. TlOpCAL [ FflUITS. OflNflflEi-l1or&lis ) , Per box $3.50iI1. ; ; Cal , tornla 1t.'ulianlq . $3.75 : fancy eI ujavale. f3.,0. 1t.NANAS-C1iculce , . . . bunch. IANANAH-rholce clock $2.00(2,50 ( per l.l1lONS-1leeljuas : . SIzes MO < lo 361) . choice . 13.W - ! rnoJ3.r.1un p- , m . . ' - MlS'nt.L.\NlOUO. : OYSTI IS-Mllm. per . can . jOe : horscs1ioe 20e : , 'xlln Itanclnll" . lie : extl selects 2c ; company - pany beicete 26c : New York Counts , lIe : bulks . stondajul . . leI gnl , U.30. I.'llJS-I"tra : fincy. IGc ; fancy He : choice l21J lIe : ColCm nla. bags . 7e. nONIY-NeI YOIll. IGc ; dark Hc : California . 151(1Cc. M.1'L11 S'u'ICL'P-C.allon jugs per < 0 % . , $2 : Ilxh ) ' . I'Kal cans . $3. NUTH-Almonds. ICe : Dn/l.h walnuts aor- shelled nuts , Sc. . 12c ; stnllal < s. iSo : Hbel Is. Stge : Brzi RAUIn : hflAiIT-Choice white per bbl. . $ : .GO : per halt lbl. S3.00t3.2. : tNCE MEAT-Fancy . In bait blue. , per lb. . Ittc : 1O . gal. kegs , Go ; condensed . lieI case oC 3 doz. plll . . S2.50. ClDFb1-Puro juice. per bid . fS : half bbl. . $3. hIDES AND TAI.IO\\ . hIDES-No. 1 green hides 3IHHe ( : No. 2 green hidetu . 3c : No. 1 green salted hIdes Sc ; Ireen . green pale,1 hides . Hc ' : No , 1 green Salted hides . 25 to to lbs. . rc : No. : green salteul . hides . 2 < to 40 Ihs. . 4'c : No. I veal calf S ta 15 Ibs. . Se : No. 2 veal calf 8 to 15 Ib" . 5 : No.1 dry flint hIdes 6c ; No. 2 dry flint hl.les. Sc : No. I dry salted 1 hIdes : : part cured hidesl ( per lb. less than fully cured \l SlgEp 1't1.TS-areen ralteul . cnch. 2IGOe : green salted 8henrlnJs ( short woolet earl ) ' Blllno , . pach. 566Jc l ; dry shearlnss ( short woole early shins ) . No. 1. " .h. 51(1 ° c : dry shearlnls < ( short wooled early skIns ) . No.2. each 6c : dry flint Kansls 111 Nebraska butcher woOl pelts . pH lb. . nClual welKht. HIGc ; dry flInt Kansas and Nebraska mOI'ln wool pelts. per lb. , actual we"ht. 403Cc : dry / I t. Colorado butcher web pelts . bier . lb. . actual weight 4JG'4c : dry flint Colorado mUrln wool pelts , per lb. . actual w.lght. 41Cc. TAI.I.O'VND GIEASE-Tolo\ . 1. 4c : tallous' . No.2. 3lic ; grease . white A. 3CJI'c ; grease. white n. 30 : grease . yellow . 3c : grease . dark . 213c : 0111 butter . 22c : beeswax , Irlme. 17620c ; rough tallow. 2c. FURS. FURS-ilcar , hln k. No. 1 large [ . $2O,0O230) : No. 1 medium US ; No. I small. $8.00 $20.0125.0) ; . black yearlIngs . No. 1 large $2.o11.o : No. 1 medium. no ; No. 1 small , $ : boar Llack. cubs . No. 1 large , 16.00600.00 : No. 1 medium , U.Oi6.o ; No. I small . $ ; hear. black . Montana rind Rocky locllY mountaIn. No. 1 large 18.00412).0O : No. I medium $ I : No. 1 small. $0 : bear black Montana ) 'enr- llngs . No. 1 large $2 : No. 1 m.dJum. IS ; No. 1 small . $5 : hear black Montana cubs. No. 1 large 16.60 ; No. 1 me.lum. $4.60 ; No. 1 small. $ : bear slnr tip . No. 1 large $20 : smal. me lum. $2 : No. 1 small. IS : bear. silver tip . yearlings . No. 1 Inrge. $11 : No. 1 medIum $8 : No. 1 small. $5 : bear. silver tip . cubs No. 1 large $ G : No. 1 medIum . U.50 : No.1 emaIl . S3 : bear brown , No. 1 large. $2.o@25.0 ; No. I medium. $ G : No. 1 small . $2 : bear. brown . yeau . , hugs. No. 1 InrKe. 110.001(12.04 : No. ,1 medium . $8. No. 1 small . so : b.nr. brown cubs. No. 1 large $ : No. 1 medium. $5 : No. 1 small . $3 : ladger No.1 large . $1.0115 : No.1 medium. 60e : No. email . We : fisher . No. I large S8No.1 \ medium $ G : No. 1 small . U : Cox. silver . as to color. according - cOlnl lo beauty . No. 1 large . $100 : No. 1 medium fGO : No. 1 emaIl , 120 : Cox. $0 . No. 1 large . $ ; No. 1 medIum . $3 : No. 1 small $2 : fox . red . No. 1 large $ .W : No. 1 smal . . 1 : No.1 small. $ : tox. gray . No. 1 large. 75c No. 1 medium . 5e : No. 1 small. 40c : fox kits. ko . 1 large . Wc : No.1 medium 'Oe : No.1 small. ' ; lynx . No. 1 large , 13 : No. I medIum smal. : No. 1 small. I.W ; marten . Na. 1 large. U : No. 1 me- ilium . $1.Gl : No. 1 small . $ ; mlnll. No. 1 barge 601(67c : No. 1 medium. 49c : Na. 1 small . 3.c : mink dark No.1 large 6c : No.1 medium. .Oc ; No. 1 emaIl . 30c : mountain lion. perfect head and fed , No. I ) ' \ge. $1.00 ( 12.00 : Impedect kirs. 56.001(7.00 ; No. 1 small. $ : : otter . pale No. I large $7 : No. 1 medium f5 ; No. 1 small U ; raccuon No. I large G@7c : No. 1 rnebittm . tee : No. 1 small . 3e : : raccoon . black as to beauty No. I large SOcll$2.00 ) : skunk ! , blfick . cnsed. oar- row striped. No. I large . 500 ; No. 1 m. < llm. . ' ) : No. I stash 2e skunk broach "mol. : : , strlpNI. No 1 lar ! " . 2025c ; wolverine N" 1 large. [ U : No. 1 medium $3 : No. 1 small . $2 : wolf . mauniain No. 1 large S3 : No.1 tnodiuni 12 : No. I small . $ .S0 : wolf , prairie No. 1 laKe , GfOc : No. I medium Ode : No. 1 small . .OC : heaver per .kln. No. 1 large $5.0i6.o ; No. 1 m. < llm. $1.50 : No. 1 small . $2 : beaver kits , No. 1 large $2 : No 1 1.lum. $1.50 ; No. I mali . i : : musllrnles , win. tcr , No. I Inne. SflOo : No. I medium Pc : No. 1 small . 7c ; mu.llatS. fall . No. Illrg , ' . 41(60 : No. 1 medium , ic : No. 1 small . Gc : muskrat kits . 2 ( 3c. STOCKS AD ilOND8. Oenprll Trend or ! p.culaUon In the Dlrec- tOI or II $ her b'rbcea. NIW YOHK. March H.-The general trend o speculation on the Stock exchange today was In UO dIrection ot higher iurbces , . and the great majority ot shares < .al In show"d In advance at the cloe ot business or M lo 3 per c.nt. com- pared with the Inni sales ot ) 'eol.rdl ) ' . There were foreign selling orders In ( lie luvtl l nt the opening. but there was also buying for the Len- don Icconl , nnl this , together wih llhsses hy Ihe local traders hN'e,1 lo sustain the market . ket . Sugar opened at lou ex..lvl < en < of 3 per cent a gain of I her cejit. un,1 made 1 further fllaIC , ) of 1(4 per 1 cent ' thu high poInt being reached : about 2 o'clock. I Around : 10:14 : titers lund I..n Kllxl offerings , Ihe 1\ < . and suspicion was aroused thot built dl'uOA were liquIdating hart ot their holdings with the ( view oC realizing "nnu ot the l'rutls of thu Into lucia ) ' else. Tljis induced Iquliltnl ( on tlue part oC outside huld..s and [ .u.1 10 . h'ar dfnwnstrton against the , Inol. whih broke the share 2 % lIe I' cent to I 9 % . In 1m bust quarter . oC un huur tue buying I lo1m"nl was renewtb. encl n II I ) ' ot II H Cent . folowecl hy n .cae lon oC \ . IWI' c.nt. makIng - Ing a decline of I .1 bier ' " i'iit un hut , day . The coal /torlls were ta\omh\ ofecll-J by repouta 10 the ( effect that Ihe existing dlrCorele" I.tw..n the countuaflies wore In n Call % vuy 10 bu unong..1 wllhln u shout ( line. l'urchases ot New J.sey , C'nUII wer nOlahl 1.lvy , and Ihe shares ad- \ 'jineotl 2Iwr CelIt . 10 6S % , reacting 1 I.el' cent. rulrllg ' II'r , ' eLut , rere.llg . lee ' Cr111. an'l closing nt a r.cOe ' ot % per cent tie : gun on Iho Ia ) ' being H. tIer cent . Delaware ,6i Lcll' IWnlOIL uch'nnce.1 2\ \ ' . per cent and tIM.,1 at the liigiueat . II'lawlre & lu < eon nice II. ( per cent . 1111 huhl all but Ii licE tell of tie hnllrov.ment. Unl'ml el'clrlc WIS actIvely Ild1 in . ilue. ) tue. bating between 290 Iml 2H. . neb . closing ml.l. uiay between the e fgures .t I loss uC . per cent on tin ta ) ' , 'l'iuere was not much trailing In the ' uutuuiibu oC HI. b'aul . which ' nl gralgL'rs outshl. I'lul. wus sold \y the IrhlrKe bjouees In tue mnorjuiog lint gave wa ) \ . Ier c.nl. beIng suoU.lned hy biUrchuluaca h ( lIp hue Im'les out the belief that I Iwr cent dl'hlel'l w"I.1 . bt declared lurlng the aC"ml"l the stock mO\d up Ii ( ( icr ' vent hut I'a.ett'i I , . I'er cent looking n net ON ot M bier . .nt. ' rlie 1t\ement In thus oth.r stocks oC thIs 1"'UI' WW narrow. The general list was In the 10ln sl'll durlnl thus afternoon . except IliaC there was a $ ) 'ullatll'tlc ( reaction with Iho le- dine tn augur alter delivery hour. In the final ( icalimigs. however hue imuuket lost its Iwavlne8s I unit closed . fairly ! I > .I. Iho IJrlnelpai icalna on' ' this d. , } behg threat Norlh.r luiefermeub . 3 pw " ' , 'fl ; WI1elnl k Lake . 1:11 < Pieferred. 23 l'eI e.nt : New lnglln < . 1 % her cent ; I0ltmurl k Ohio 1. ( Iler l'I'nt ; l'onsolhlah'.1 ( Ins . II. ( per Cent and Illlml. Illinois C.nlcnl. Leather preferl . . Lead jlreferf"l ; and Meleln CenlrDI. I tem e'emit , I'I ns w el' "hlaIJI.htd ot H. Ier , cent In iunericumi l2xpreiis Ind 2\ per tent In 1lchlln II'nln uht' conupany l'ref"IlI. The t"llng II bombs luring the ilay was make by eorusiuierutbit' uibmnuitiomu snub . ' hu . 'ol.I"'mbl ( unllolun 11.1 a ( rengtli 'h. A ( cii. 111 dub Ialoa. & 'l'cxiuu l $ ue are uKaln the leaulrra 11 Rt\'I ) ' . ul11 thi . aggregate & 1. were I'S3.O. : of which f 2.r were Althlsn h. The tuuules for the ( lay toted UIJ U.817.OJ. ) In un. Islll ) ' I.uo lulal. 'fhl' principal Id\ance arc : Omlha k I" I..uls bat trusts l'eIIls. H. 1'01 cent : Ohio HOllher 4s . unci 81. luul. Clneln. ( nat. 1II1bt & On.ton 7a. : her , cent . lw. e ln.s : Ht. Joe & Omn.1 Island lila . 7 per cell : 8t. b1iiiil. 10\1 & Ilkola xtenbon. : per cent ; Toledo & Ann . tmbor his . - , Tll.lo Ceuit.Tue AnnIbr trust l'ellts , 2\ ( per "he \ltnl l'ost'a London . cablegram pays : The decrease In tom ln an" bullion I. due to nCI . of 261,000 of the , . hmuipurt ( U61.0 gold durIng ( wk. the d'lal. Icing ( MIO to Cliii ) . ( :0.0 10 the lIlies 1111tU6. . \ 10 IndIa. 210,000 10 hue cajues. 104,006 Cnul 11g3''t. 1112,000 trul AustralIa , U7.0 from Iuumonll and . (6.0 Crom I'arl. Two hundred and tort-two brs 1.1. L'ouiht. The declIne of alhtr deposits represent repayments de.lne dele l. rtlr.srnl rponnentl by ( lie market. Tile Hank ot 'ncllnd declared . dlvldrud vt 44 pmc cent The lank ot France's rate Is , 'own 2 per cent ns Intimated In 101' day's rahle. The Ilrrl'lou change was In Mn ) ' , 18'2. I In beliet'l that the present change In.l- . ecU-i poI"le large kn I operations In 1'atis. The' pellrm.nl was satisfactorily concluded And tIme tone 18 generally good. ConSole end other genernlY < gilt-edged plock" were higher on the pMlee or gl. the issue I ot U.O.O sterling by the government . In deferred annuities for naval "penae , . Amerl- cans were irregular la firm. There \ n n sharp nnl Irelulnr frm. rise In Alchlson hon.l and Central I'Minc sluice. The feature was the gooth buyIng ot both . The C.nlurS8 gOOI blvlnj bth. . market , closed IncN tnln. rrn.hnl the announce- m"nt ot the Mlwallee .Ih blend which Is anx. buds' awal.I , , South I Amerlcon tocks were estImated strong. The . Atcluion chele has been under The total MI.I of slocks 10.11 . ' were 159.12 : phares . Including : American Sugar . $7,701 l : Arner- iran Tobacco . 3.6 ; P. & C. ' . 3.301 ) ; Oenprl % ,1leclrlo. i.8o : Louisville & Na hl'lp. 5,70) ; New .J"e ) ' Cental , lilol ) ; New York Central , " 6,600 ; N. Y. & N l. . third n-copmenl paul 1.10) ) ; Nuurtljwest & . ( ' ) : 81. I'ail. 7,9 Western ; union . 4.0)heelng ; & Lake 1-iIc. : 3.rm. The following were the closing quotations on thn leading stocks ot the New York exchange tOn ) ' : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AtCbiI3Ofl. l . . . . . . 31U : . 1' . U. . . 0 . . . . 0(4 : Allnma l6xurese . . 143 Northwestern . . . 88(4 Alton 1xI'r . . . . 1 : H : N. \ 1,1.1. . . . . . . , . 1:7 : AlolT. txllresa. . . . ill N. V. Cemitral. . . . Itl ) ( lalllar" & ' Ohio 13th N. 5' . , . N. E. . . . 3Ht : Canada Pacific. . . 371k OntarIo & W. . . . lr Canada Southern . tH"lormol ( ImtJ. . . . . II ( Cenlral I'acilbc . . n' O."on Nay . . . II lrnl.aclte. . fibues. . . Ohla. . . . . iok o. S. r . . ' to. N. . 4" (18. a Altomj. . . 140 Puteiilc Mail. . . . 22 C. It. & ( AlIn . . . . . . 11 71l Ilclnc 1. . Mal. . . . . . : Chicago Gas. . . . . ' 1. ( l'IUlburl. . . . . 1M ComoiIdntet1 lan 1112(1 ( Ptiblumunn Palace . 155 (2. . C. . C. "St. 1 . . . . 36(4 1.ldlul. lalnco. . . . . . . 1ll I Colo. Coal 4 , Iron . 4 I. I. V. ' . . . . . . . 1M' Cotton Ott Ccrt. . . sic : \ It. n. W. PItS. . . . . 4 : lelawaru " lhuuut. . 12" ' Hock lalanul. . . . . (12)1 ( lelnwnrl. . 1111. 1MI' ) , I SI 1'.luul . . . . . . I I O.\dl.O. ( tIM.U : II do pfd. . . . . . . li U. I &C. P. Co. . . . . 12(0 ( St. 1' . & Omaha. . . :10(4 : . : rle. . . . . . . . . : ! (10 ICU . . . . . . . :1) J ( 1o 11'1. . . . . . . 10 Southern Pneile. 17(4 Fort Wayno. . . . 154 % SIJur ltolbnerr. . . 11 ) 4' C' . Northern old. . . 109 Tomuil . Coal . 1101. 1374 C. . 4 . 14. I. thu. . . . . hO ) : ) Tuxaq Inile. . . 131 10CIII ! Valley. . . 2'2I ' ' 1'0 Cont. bufd. . 71 lIbliois ( loltr.II. Valey. . 837-4 : Illal I.'eilo. . . 5(4 R\ 111,01" . . Duibutit . . RI' ) ) 11. 5. .xlrfS8. . . 40 8t.I. . T. llr" . . . . . 22(4 W. St. I. . . 1' . . . . 04 Lake lrIo 41 West IU't ' 110 1,1,1. . . . . . . 12" da ptll. . . . . . . . 71 Vt'liq largo l x. . 11 ) : Lake Shore. . . . . . 135 \ \ ' , ' .tnrn Union . 87" Lend Trlqt. . . . 2:5(4 : Whi&'t'ling & L E. . III(4 1' LouIsville . N . . . :1 ! tb 1,1(1. . : . . . . . O , 10ulnvlla..N. . . . . . . 6- ) ( M. . ' ! l. L. . . . . . :5 Mllhntll Coil. . . 41 , n. I , , 16. U. . . . . . 10 % Melllla.C. ( . . . 10 ) 0.1,1. . . . . . . . . :1\ \ ( Miciuian Cent. . . tb(4 ) N. li. . . . . . . . : . 10 ) Ml8Ralrllaellc. 1UJt ) C. . . , , I. . . . . . 2214 MobIle 4 . Ohio. . II do 1'lll. . . . . . 50 Nauiiivilbo Cli1t . . U : : 11. 10 . V. e. . . . . . 21 Nntalal Cordage . 5(4 ! P. A. A. . ' N. 24. . . ll ! (10 VhS. . . . . . . . H' ' 1. SI I , . & ! IC. C. . . 1 N.J. C'mtr.f . S. It. II. . . . . . . 11 ) N. . \ W. Pfl. . . \ . . . 1 14 ! la1.1. . . . . . . . . :11 : North . \1. Co. . . :3' A 1. rob Co. . . . 11 : " Northiermi l'itCli'tc . 214 ute 1 ' M. . . . . . . . 10 Nlrtherllacl\e. / t'I. No.lne.II. . . . 1 , { St. 1. Al. , . 1 . . 101 ) Neiv York .lloloy 7tiriiot. : NnW 101' . Mnreh H.- Iole } ' on enl easy at IWi2 ( per cent : last loan . ' ; closed 1(4 ( ; prime nll.n.ll. paper. 35 , JS(4 l leI cent. HlJ'IIIn 1'XCIA NO t--Firni : wih actual buslnesl II lanliers' lulls . 44.SO1Vcjd.59(4 ( for de. ! muani " nlll I 1.53 for sixty . ! n's. 10RteI uutes . $ .88' i4.Un. COllerrlai hills . 4.8761.S1. ( . HI.ygl rlmlllAfI'HI" G2" . , UOVllltNMlNT J0JSSlrn nnd higher ; .tlte blds. quiet ; railroad bonds . strong. Closing quotations on bonds were os tOlow : U. S 4H. r. . new. I \ ) ' " 1) . ,5 " 11. U. 7s. . . . 114 U. S. Is COuilLieW. 110(41) . 4 11. G. 4' ; . . . . 80(4 U. a. iSa. reg. . . . . In"IJ.\ ( . . . . . . . . 11854 U. S. baeoup. . . . II1i U. I. & S A. Ills. . . 101 U. S. 48. rote. . . . 13' G. 11. , \ H. A. 78. . 10 U. S. 4s.couip. . . . 11 11. . . T. C. lIe. . . . 105 U. S. : a. rer. . . . 1 ) I. do UB. . . . . . . 11)2 ) Pacific Us 01 ' 0 ; . 100 M. g & . lat 49. 811 ! Ala Cnas A. . . . 15 ) d02d 4" . . . . . . 47 Aba Class D. . . . . 105 Muitujal Union Ge . 1 : Ala. Cln8s C. . . . 115 ) 1Illnl . C.Gen.le. . . 11" Ala. Curonc ) . . . . fl No. Pnc. IB . . . . 12" Ln. New Can. 4e . 10 dolda . . . . . . RS" MI8nolrl us. . . . . IOu ) NV. . Con8ala. . . 138(4 N. C. lOs. . . . . . . . 127 do S. 6' . Dob. Os 138k ) N. C. 4a. . . . . . . lOa It. 0. Veat It . 04(4 S. O.nonrund. . . 1 % 51 I' . COllol" 7a. 1:4 Tenn. new sot tie 84 do C. $ ' P. W. Os . 111' Tenn. new eel 0. . 100 St. L. & I.M.Ueis.5 . 711(4 Tejun. old ti'u. . . . . 60 81.L..I.1.nel.5. . . &S.F.Gotl.l. : 71f ! Va. Centuries. . . 58)1 'rex. 1ac. ll ' . . . ! i da.lelerred. . . . II110 'lex. : , la. . . . . . . 2:1 : Atchison 48. . . . Or' ( U. P. l.l or ' 00 . . 10214 d02d A. . . . . . 37(4 W.8t Shore 4s. . . . 1UH Canada So. 20s. . . 17) So. I. I. . . . . . 80 C. P. lats of ' 05 . 100541 San l rl'cI4cD JIIII Mtucc Quotaton , . SAN FRANCISCO. Marh : 14.--Tho otclal e108- tn follows Quotatlon8 : for mlnln ; stocks lay wera as Alta . . . . . . . . . 3 : JustIce. . . . . . . 17 AlphaCan. . . . . . R ! { .ntuek3' Comi . . . r AI es. . . . . . . . . . 21 Mexlean. . . . . . . . 01 < 11 8elcljer. . . . . . . 41 Mono. . . . . . . . . : S lest & De1cher. . 01 Mount Diabbo. . : . . JO DOle ) Cous. . . . . . . 10 Navajo . . . . . . . I iJiulilon. . . . . . . . . 21 Ocldeltal Con. . . 4 ( ( tOwer Con. . . . . 2'Z Oplulr. . . . . . . . 175 Cnl.donla. . . . . J Overman. . . ' . . Ii Challenge Con. . . . 40 1otosl. . . . , . . . 12 Chalcllo Clolar. . . . . . . I S\.alo. . . . . . . 40 Confidence. . . . . . IGO ScorpIon. . . . . . . . 4 Cou. Cat & Va , . . 2il SIerra Ne\.a a. . . 81 Con. Imperial . . : SIlver 11111. . < . . . 4 Con. New York . 1 SlIver King. . . . . 11 ( Crown Point . . . 41 Union Con. . . . . 57 Gould & Cnrr } . . . . l : Ilh Con. . . . . . . 7 Halo & NarerOS8. 100 YehlovJackct. . . l7 Jolla. & . . . . . . . 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Silver bars . UHiG01 ) ( e. Mexican dollara . 48(43 4Ue Draftaetgiit , lOc : telograpiulc 12 ( C. 10ston Stock QuotatIon DOSTON. Mnreh H.-Cal loans 45 per cent : time loan8. 4P05 per cent ClosIng prudes tar stocka. bonds nnd minIng shares : A. 'r. & 8. 1. . . . 3H weBttnch.Eleo.1 .3Iai : : Am. Sular. . . . . . 01 % W. Elec. pfd..50(4wSl Am. Sugar pfd. . . 03Ia. . Central. . . . . : : t Day State Gas . . . 7(4 Alcbl8.'n 2ds. . . . . 17(4 BebbTebophono. . . 71 AtchIson 4. . . . t5J ( Boslon&Albany . 20133.4 New England Os . lOR Ioston & luIflluo. . . 101(4 Gf' Electric tie . . Ii" Jl do pta. . . . . . . 12i7 ! SVIs. Cent. IStlI . . 41 1:7 \Ia. C. H. & Q. . . . . . 70U AtlantIc. . . . . . . 11 ) Flehblr . . . . . . 8Boston. .t Montana 31i' Gen. Electric..29(40-54 BillIe & Doslol. . ! Mexican Ceutrah . lIt Calumet& hiecla . 27r S. Y.1 N. E. . . . . (53(4 ( CentennIal. . . . . . :0 Old Colom. . . . . 180 l FranklIn. . . . . . 11 \ Ore. Short Line . . Hi Kearsnrgo. . . . . . . 774 Rubber. . . . . . . . 31 ( Osceola. . . . . . . . 20 Union l'iuciilo . . . 8 Quincy. . . . . . . 100 WeBt 1.relle. . . . . . . 02(4 .amaruck. . . . . . J0 ) . da " 1\ < . . . . . . 67 ) WoIvL'rino. . . . . . . 294 New York Ilnlnl Qunt"Uol' . NFW YORK. March a.-Tho Colawln era Ih' closIng mhllnl Qlolntola : fluhiver. . . . . . . . 10 ( OnLurto. . . . . . . ilO Cholar. . . . . . . . . CO Ophlr. . . . . . lUG Crown Point. . . . . 40 Plymouth. . . . . : O ) Con. Ca ! . & Va . . 280 Quickeltvcr..3 Dendwood. . . . . 40 do lfd. . . . ,100 Uouild $ . Curry. . 51) Sierra Nuva" . . SI ) Gould. CO : tO ilabo & Norcroes . 100 Standard . . . . . . 22G llonuostak3..1700 . . . Inlal Con. . . . . . 50 10moslaka. ? oxleal. . . . . . . DO ) Yellow Jackat. . ' 10 LOlclol Iook ( Juottitiomis . LONDON Marh 14.-I p. m. closing : Can. l'utcluio . . . . 3804 StPaut co ! . . . O Can.l'nella fro. . . . . . . . . 144 N. Y. Centrat . . . 101 ( ErI02ds. . . . . . UOPonnfylvanta. . . . . IIU Ill. Central. . . . . . B. \ /eadln . . . . . . . 4 Mexicamsordioriry. 03 4 Mex. Cen new 4s. 11971 HAl SILVER-Il 9.16 per oz. MONEY-l per cent. The rate ot dl.eount In Ihe ( open market tar shell and three monlhs' bills is 1't per cent. Wool II1rlle . LONDON . March H.-Ther wns a full at- len nnce nl te : wool auction sales to.lay. The selectIon wn the beet 8 far offered at thIs , sUlles. : The ( .man'l was extremelY active . .s- IIlal ) ' tor < I'relch stuff . North S'lley .ind hnrliiigtcn wools were In strong ibemaaul. , \me. ; Oarllrlen , . , tue , . The iran buyers were among lhl Iurchaael. , number of hales was 1. & 3. oC which ) 610 were witiudruuwn . New South \llel. scoured C1il6 Is H.I : greasy , H 9I. ! 12ueenhland. scoured 6lIbb % il ; greasy , HH'"d. , Victouhiu , scoured , 'GII .Iils ( cl ! : greasy . 5lflls 1..1. ( South Australia . scouirod l ' , IreIW. .Uto 11 : greasy. 3 * ( li1,1. ! New ? " 'uuland. scoured 7 ½ ui0715 ; greasy . 4(46jbOit ( . Cape of Good iOIl and Natal , scoured . Is 2u1 ( : Ire"sy. tdUI i,4u1. 'l."HIIIr "HIIIr Mnrket NEW YOm" , Mnreh 34.-SUGAI6-Ilaw , firm : ) iull $ 24,000 bags centrifugal. 05 lest ' 2 3.1Cc iimiib r treiglit ; ' ictimul , firm ; w . 6 .I. 3 9-ICe ; t'N .31.6C3 7.16 613c No. S. 3 5-163114c ; No. 9 , 3(1,1(3 ( 7.1Cc : No. 10. \IlJoi.I \ ( , : : No. lb. 3(4613 : iGi. ; No. 12 , 3 f G3\c ( , : No. 13. 30 : off A. 3'3.c : mould A. t 3.16i'4fte : hlullard A. 3 13.1U1lc ; confection- 316i.a.e \.IG"f. ; cut loaf 4 9.161(4(1,0 ; , 'n.hed. t 9.IG < ( , c ; low.r.l. ' t 3-16tJ4c ( : granulated . 3 ll-16614c ; cub , . . 4 3.lltthc. 1'llnclll 2401CC 108TON. March . - arlngs , $2.iG4.HG : hal- anees . $1,169,494. NIYOIK. . March 11-ClearIngs , $84,775,874 ; 1.llulcl. U. ' 7,7S8. 1II\\t t.IIIA. March H.-Clearings , .5S. . 816 ; balances , $1,095,200 . IAI18 , Murch 14.-Tiuree per cent I meflteil I05C 27lo for Iho account . txehang" on London , 21 2f 0 for eh.ck. 81' . 1.01118. March I-Clealnss. U.OCO.D24 ; balances . $1.3G. Money . 6f/6 per c < . New York exehnngc , Go l'Imlul hid. WASIINOTON I , March 14.-Today's statement oC tl. . condition oC the t.eaolry shows : Avail. ul.l" cash balance , $ IS2.t&0.2I : gold reserve $ O. , 205,308. CI1'AOO. March 14.-Clearings , $3.H6.0J. ) New York .xchan e. 'Oe premium . Bt.rlnl .x- change . posted $ $4.1b41(1.9O. . Money . tll\ \ . per cent on call anuS hUG per cent on 11. NiIYOltIC , March hl-Tlue ( 'hicago Milwau. lice & fit. I'aul Railway comllnr has declared a " 'Ilen,1 ot 1 per cent on common - stock. a reduction oC 1 per e.nt , and I s.'mni.unnuai dlvi. dend oC 31. her cent on the Ilr.terT' stock , which Is hue usual dividend . 1'Altiit . March I.-The weekly statement ot ho' \ank ot France issued today . shows the . .1" following changes : Notes In circulaton. " crease , hb.0i5.0af ' : treasury zucc000ts. current. In. c.le. .rea.e 7.S:0.0t 1.0' : gold In han < dec eu , , 6,21 OCI ; billie discounted . decrease . 8.:5.0C ; silver In hond , Incr.use. 1,215,0001. . l'oreln 1"I.llcl& .tffslrs. PARIS. ! nrh 14.-Tlue Jank oC France has reduced la ) ate oC discount to 3 per c.nt. I.ONION. March 14.-Thue weeklY stnlemenl ot the \anlt ot I ngllnd Issued tea ) shows hue , ' decrease . 41- followliug chang : Total reserve ttcr.ase. IU M ( : cIrculation decr'l > e. un. ( ) ; bullion de- crease. 119.40 ; other .eeutte . dcrlse. U.4M- 00) : other deposits , 'I.rene. U.6S5O : Iu\l { 0 d"losIS. Inrr'oe. UI3.O ) ; notes reserve . in- crease C.O : go\ernment tuevuriiies. unchanged . Thus proportirsu ot ( lie \ank or ngland' re serve to liability "hleh last work was G.C vcr cent. Is now iO.0 per cenl. The Bank oC l.ing' lant' . rate of dlacouul remaIns unchanged It . I Ve ! ceDt , O lAIA Ll\STOCK ' MARRETS 1 J " Oondltions OOVCI Trade Were Dcoledly in Favor ort'ho f ( o1ng Interests. SPECULATORS' ' p . GS WERE NUMEROUS lncllcr" Ilotlglit , i ! ft of Thrm Stisisoslig Ilt The3' ' % iCteJ ! U.llnc Irsh . tl5l- lu\8 Siiico.i'luey IRI n con J ltRel Snch. TJUHSDAY , March ii. The receipts today were 1.0:9 : cattle , 2,721 hogs und 315 sheel' . ni against lll cnttle . ,32 hogs antI , 342 sheep al Thurl5ll ) oC boat . , far week The receIpts for the week thus aloull 10 G.O : cltte , 1.3 : hogs nl11 ) 2,02 , heeIJ , ns against G,821 cattle . 17,267 hORS nll ! 6,552 sheep for the same IJcrlot last week . Onl' ) thbrty-nine fresh loads of cattle of nit 1 < 118 were report ti In the yaruls thIs hilorn- log , but flillilber few II 1ul among the numl r were n pretty goat beef sleers. The con110lB gu\- erlng trade were decIdedly , ill favor of the selling Illeresl ( . Thc local bU ' \I'S all want- c,1 el tie , 1111 at the same lme cnslNI 111cr- Ilel reported D lecldell advance emi te- Irlble grades. As n result , lee 51cCI'3 Fait IbOll JOe higher uul ) the . larllet WII active itt the advance. Ivt'rytiuing oreret 01 tile market lel wih ) quIte ready snle. W'llibe there was nothing very IJrlle In the 'nrs. there were sOle cattle good enough 10 liming 5.20. Thjb has been U Irent well ! for ctttbe. I OIJele,1 , with nil zttlvance nod prices ha\e gone n little higher cneh day since. Cows 11,1 mlx"1 butchers' stocl were 5571(111 II light H111pl ) , there heln" tInl 1 > ' ulaul eight lands ill Ibis yards. Gooll killing cows were again higher Intuy In S'ml.uth with Iho Ul'tl10e ems beef sl.erR. Eyei'ythllng In that line sltery readily nt Clue 11\llce. Some westerl cows luuchet f3.70. Good . COWl nnl Iiehf4Ci ure selling \tY high . Cotti- mon CUlS ! ld cnller : > < 0 10t 8how any material Iml.rol'el.nt. hut the trade coi'- Inles ( ul lt the low prIces that huve In'e- < \nle of Inle. ) Irreslu receipts of stockers und feeders were laderle nlll there were 10 great lumber of hOh\ovcr. \ 'rhe demund Is very fair for good feedelS. anti evel the light cutle sell goat > ' selh. The markH tills week has howl ome little Improvement ulder tile ) " . Infuelce . i . of " . _ . .Ju lie ' utvunee on beef cattle. 'I"'U'"u. . lrw BTgJns. : No API. No. Av. 11. Na. Av. . Pr. 1. . . .101,0 12 7 ; l : . . \13 \ S 10 21..12.4 $ j 0) ) 1. . UO ) $ Ci )23. . . 1111 4 : IS. . .l2I ) 5 OI ,10. . 892 3 i5 3..15 4 E5 21..12:0 50 ; 4. . 837 .00 ' 19 . . .1072 4 M ' 10. . .1105 GO 9. . 851 .0 21..188. . S ; 1..11 521 ) COW 1. . SIO 1 ( ) 2. . 575 I 73 1. . 910 2 : I. . 800 12 1..910 ' Ii : 1..1210 . 22 : 1..910 13 ; 1..1l0 I 9 , ) 4..10 O 240 1. . ur ) 111) d..10l0 . 190 1. . . ( 2 ( ' 5 I. . 94 ' ) I r.o 2. . 9 : ) 20 3..110 2 i' : I..WJ 1 50 L. . . 920 200 1..13.1 ) 3 UO 2. . 9Z I ro 1..10) ) 20 4..15i : 00 1.103' . ) 15 2..115 20 8. . . 963 3 II ) I. . . 1 r 1. . 82) ) 2 04..1110 . . 3 : 4. . . 92 ( ' I r. ) 1..IO O 2 ( 18. . . MS 3 25 1. . . i0 I r 12. . 7r.t 210 1. . 912 32 : 7. . 951 I iO 2. . . FS5 2 10 \.11 33 10..8'S . I iO 2. . . H" ) 2 20 1.149 : 40 I. . 900 I i5 2..1(0 : 225 10. . 94 3 r.o I..IOW 1 i : . . . : 251. . . . 710 3 i5 4. . . 94 ; 175 , licIrgI S. 1. . ro I : . nr . LGS 240 2. . . 754) 2 10 2. . ' i. 2 20 1. . . . . 2 40 3. . . 793 3 0 . 1" " 60) ( ) 22 : 1. . . (9' ) 2 to ' 1. . ( . 01) 30 , 80 7. . . .1i 2 .5 I ( . . : . t9' . . 2 m 10. . 712 3. 3. . fG 235 1.(1 200 1..lll . 33 : I. . 9 2 35 7./.71 2 sc 2).9.1 ) ( . 3 G 19. . it 2.0 1. . E20 2 i5 2. . .1025 3 50 1. . . 460 240 3.1.S ; 27 : i. . . 923 360 I0ULL . 2. . . 815 20 1.- ' . . ' .1. I.1S. . 40 1. . 92' ' 2 i : 1.1230 : . 20 : 1. . ilO 251 3..13S0 . 300 1..IW 22 : . . . . flO 2 : I. . 500 300 1..121023 , ; 1..102 . 26I I..mo 31 ; 1..IGIO 240 1..ltIO 2 GO 3..330 . 325 1..12r. 2.0 1 . , 52' ' ) 2 i5 1 , . .1910 43 ; : 1. . . 1200 240 ! : . ) -2'1 2 i5 . . . _ d ' ' S'1AGB. 1..lOIt . ) 385 - - J . cLVES. 2. . 2G5 160 24..145 3 ro 2..11 4 r 2. . 355 20 ( -oi1 : . % 1) 350 2. . . 125 4 50 3. . 3S ; 215 L. : ' : 40 3. . Jo 4 5 ro 2..3G 21 . : . :2).0 1..210 4i 2. . 85 2 i L.-J7O 42 I. . 16 5 00 3. . . 3:3 315 1. . : , 4 50 3. . 14) 5 G 0 ,2 " . 35 3 5 O , ' . : ' : . . , STOCItIcIlS A7D " . . . . - F.EUDR71S. . . ' STDC10nS . ' i10.,01ci . ; ) 22' ; . ' :1. ! . . .ND 8 : .E : 11S.u . . ! 2 340 .9. . . 645 275 ' 4. . 264 .3 : I,2 . . sO ' 310 . 0. . . 510 27 : I. . . 500 3 25 22. . . _ C24 3 tO 32 r. I. . 480 2 is 7. . 635 3 2 : i. . , .21 3 . 1. . . 8 : 2 : 2. . 5 : 2 1. . & 2 3 W 3. . 6&G 2 ; I. . . 5i2 3:0 1. . , 930 3 GS 1. . & 5 752l. . . 770 33I 97. . . 545 36 5. . . 54 290 U. . . 44 .33 1..10 3 i5 1. . SiO 30 2. . G2 33 9. . 80S 3 is I. . . .50 : ( ) I. . ilU 335 20 , . . 13 375 1..92 30 12. . r:1 : 3S. 3..1033.00 5..427 3 10 2. . s 340 ' " WES'fEIS. I1)AILO. J. I. ' . o room. No Av. 11. No Av. Pr. I bull..1460 . . $2 75 .24 . sleos..119 U 15 21 heeIS..l3 4 15WYOMING. WYOMING. Ilaxier & Ilord. 23 c. & h. . .1033 3 70 nOGS-Then' were thlrly.seven ( fresh loads oC hogs . against fC-ewo 'estel'day. I came out Inter In the la } ' . however . that the actual re- clpts were much lighter than aliieui-etb emi thu' hka Ther were quito n number ot loads ot sI'cuilatonu' hoge In the ' which tile ' llcllnto' hoJ' yards . buyers would he InclIned to dlsclmlnalo against By some means Ihe owner got these hugs entered on the books as fresh receipts. an.1 they loll I such. The IJnker bought : Ih" ( nest of them supposing that they were getting flesh 110Cc all at the sanue tme tehlnl lhe specululor a hard lesson hy not lJlnl their hog" ' 'h. market opened active and , itro'uger . al os seems as the trade was fairly Under way pricea were fully 5 10 lOc higher Wih such 11:1 : oferings In the ( ace of DI actve demand the yaruls were soon cleare,1 and hue market cloEed early. , HOls n\ergln , under IA ) lbs. brought $ .05 ( 1.39. while good heavy and mIxed loads Hold largely al U.30f4.40. wih Iwo choice heavy lents ILL $1.45. The bulk of the hOi sold nb $4.2\1.35. lS ugalnst 54.151(4.25 ) 'cslenla } ' . Iellehelale "Ies : No. Al' Hh. J'r. No Av. Sh. Pr. . . . 1'1. . . . PI. I. . . .540 . . 8) ) 0) 8 . . . . .219 12 $4 271.4 39..I.t . . $ I &a..l& ' . . S 21. 83..111 . 80 411 85 . . . . . .213 80.30 . . . . . . 80 410 7..201 10 430 33..213 . . . 160 412\2' \ 85..195 50 430 1..I 1 . . .1 13..238 . . t 30 . . . . . . . t 1 .3..2S . . . 20 . . . . . 80 t 20 M..212 . . 41 5..JI 40 t 20 70..2 : SO 435 . . . . . . .0 t 20 . . . . . : . . 43 : 8S..10 240 4 20 " . . . . .293 hO 435 61..2 SO 4 : . . . . . . . . 435 U..20i S t 20 20..3 : . . 43. 3G..2S7 . . 4 20 GO..250 . . t 35 10 . . . . . . 170 . . 422'2 CI : . . . . .230 . . 4 35 S7..179 SO 422\2 \ 2..22. . 435 31 . . . . . 303 . . t 23 " ' 1..242. . 410 iO..I 1 SO 4 2 : ' 6..27 . . t.O : . . . . . : . . 42 ; 4G..375 80..0 i5. . . .1h S. 2 : 61. . . . .229 . . 4 40 ,71..2 1.0 42 : & . . . .20 . . 440 $1 . . . . . Ill .0 425 i9..2IG . . t.O 20..251 .0 42 70. . . . . : 8 4 to . . . . . . . . . 0 . . 4 2 : . . . . . to..5 EG. . . . . :01 . . 4 21(4 & 5. . . " .2& : . . 4 .5 SKIPH AND CULLS. . . . . . a ) 250 ' 1'108. 26. . . . . G9 . 2 to 5..132 . . 373 i. . . . . 81 . . 3 : 31..129 . . 390 : : : . . . . . Ill . . 3.0 88..12 . . 39 ; ShUSi'-Tsi'O ( loads arrIved lota ' ble.1 direct . to Il packer and were not oIfi'reil fOI' all' Fair to choice natives are quotable nt 12.71114 10 ; aIr to Hood w. t.rls. 52.501(3.15 ( : common unit . stock . . . good to choice to 10 100.111 . ) hh""I' $1.51W ; g' lo.lh. lambs , 12. 75 1. 75. : _ _ ( _ VUIAGOI J.t' idrOCI " " - - there Was N04Itt0m1101i1 or Activity In , . } ' 041(10. CIIICAGO MorcU.-There } was no Ibaten.nt ot activity In Ih.t41" lad ! and wills r..lpts still running \.Y "F't' ' prices comjtlmsueil to point 1 upward. T"rc we.e Iwo o three tales today nt 10.2 which b higher by ' lIe than anything - thing bind prevl.i"lY ' 1oll at . "hlrou. . any number of sales . ft l . ' ter ( ban ( $5.i , Ili per. hui'a Ihrl.Courll ! ' , or .iho seers ( wild aho\e H.i : A few rough Ihlnnlsh lois w.nt It Crom $ . \ 10 U. but It waU'In every ordlanr bunch that could nol bl IUI1 .FJ Iler al limIter than $ (1. 'I'her" ices n Ighll.mie In stokers and feeders DI non ; f2. 1 t " ! r. ) 1 l'ilces of hOls ( Yt lsh.l up lOc early. They wt.i-l , advanced ) oftlmn $ .0 to $4.63 tor Irlme , heav . and to fr [ n'l to U.15 for .holec as sorl",1 bight . anl ' ii' r" lurid tilere There was brisk buying I ' paeker Jleuti'y hogs a\'I.agIIK ) over 2 I . sold Illnelvaly II ( run ) U,45 10 $1.15 : 1a "ot trom :0 to Ito IbR. . principallY , II from U.t to U.t5. Inl lighter W.IKhts largely DI from U.3 to $4.43 . 'fhe Ilual. ity few . . was pretty ) good rIll and sales below 14.25 were f.w. In sheep there , activity and strength. Re. , tire still runutog light . while Ihe dexmsuamd c.IIts are sll rnulng Ighl.hle demald ' he . All or today's offerings Is growing . ter. Al tOln } orln. w.rl mrumlutl ) taken , antI II Da good averages as for Irml1t . l"rom 12.75 to $3 Cor any day rl'enl ) 1.75 J or mmon stuff . quotations ranged ulward 10 $4.65 to 1.75 for extra Iomh8 acre salable lt ( ruin $3.50 10 fS.G for cmmon t finucy A lot at fancy she"l brought 15. \roulht 1".lpts ; Catie ( . 0,00) beauS ; ch'es. 40' ) II'ud ; hogs , 38 , ( head , shelp , 1 ( bjead New York UV" Stuck Slarket. NEW Y01K. Mach 14.-1bllI'i110-No freak arilvais : market nominal arab Irm : 1urop < 11 cabie . quote Amtrlenn steers < IUS2 per lb. , . .8rd welghls : refrigerator tiu'ef . 0(1(93c. ( < HIUml AN [ HAMISIeceh't . 3.77 head . ; 1 cars on aile : market slow but /un ; ahe..I. poor to 10. 12.W6'.75 ; latubui , common to Ilrlnw , . 8.10. JOUt1ecellta , .m head : market / Inn nl . . . 14.6054 4.90. U.GtUO. a-1.eelpta. G head : markel steacl ) ' ; \ ' tAL\I . 10r to prime . $4.0O1J4.60. ) lan.al 'Ity Uvo Slock. KANSAS ITY. March l4.-t'ATTLFI-ltccclptP . a.o Ittdj ; abipmeat $ , 2.0 beaU . ark lltron anul ISo lilgilOri Texas deere , $2.71471.COi Texu coap , $2.9153.lS ; beef steers , * 1.00605.70 ; native con-u , $2.S5f4.2t atockesa and feeders , $3.SIU 1.501 bulls , 12.803.10. 1lOGS-Iteceiptp. 700 ) jefldl Iulpnients , 000 lucaul , Mnrket boo hhgherI bulk of slee , 14.34)1f4.35 hu'ai'ie. $4.2514.tOl packers. $4.I5fl4.45l tnleil , 11.251(4.40' lights , 14,10134.20 ; Yolkers , $4.lOttt.35 ; pigs P.tifi4.0 , 811 1bll'-.lteceipts , 10,000 luend l silipmileflts. none. Market stendyl prices lnuigcd from $3GI1(4.50 , Itecoipta mimumi llsIIo4ltlnll ) of .tCk. Omcinl receipts ant disposition of stock as Pllown ti' the Looke of the Union Stock Yards company cC tiio twenly.fotmr hours ending at 3 o'clock p. ni. , riutiCslay. Marels 14 , 1593 : 11CCIIh1'TS. Care hirnul. ( 'attic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1,121 1iC'gs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It 2,145 SliCell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 113 lbs-see and moules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 DISPOSITION. Ibuyer. Cattle. liege. Sheep. Omaha I'ackng ) Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,17 Thin U , 11. llajiliilond Co. , 37 711 . . . . , .idivift flub Comoluany . . . , . , , . , , 160 4 31 343 The CUdah' Packing Co . , . , 119 755 . . . . . , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 (1. Ii Ii. Co. , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . 70 0. I' . ( 'is. , 1ans.'i. , City 57 It. llecker & legen . . . . . . . . . . St. \'anplnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'S . . . . . . . . . . 1 _ . . lli'cker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 J. lubmnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It 1'Iauikington I' . Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' III ) Shippers nuil feeders . . . . . . . . 492 Left uter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10) 50' ) Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,320 3,195 213 .st , I.nitl Its em ? .t'cl ( . ST. YOt'ti ) , March 1 l.-C.T'rl.R-13ccelut : , 2 , 10' ) iuead : sim llliflt3flll ( , (144) luernl ; uiuuitltet nl't hi' . ' lund iii mis ; glIdSI to choice liatlie steers. 14,601(3.50 : fair to nseitiuim , 11.201(1.63 ; llgiui , * 3.401(4.00 : fu'el- era , 13.001(3.60 ; cows. 12.tk44J2.73 ; grass Triuls steers , $3 0011.1.43 ; fed 'rexas steels , 13.401J 1.15 ; grass coos , 51.85612.10. llOUS-ltc'ceiiuls , 4,100 r'uul ; shipments , 1,600 head ; nlarlL't strong nnd t.1310c higher ; top hirhcea , $1.50 ; bulk of sales , $ i.351j4,45 ; mnixeil lots , $4. (0'I ( ( 4. 34. 8lillI1' - ltecliite , 74) ) lucad ; shipments , 100 ILcad ; unum lust tuctis'e aisii struiuug : inutlvo mIxed lolul ut $3.256j4.t0 ; ieu'tarna , $ l.V. i"tiit'c I a : I gilt. Record at receIpts of tile four principal soar- 1(1115 tot' 'l'isui-sday , Maids 15 , 19 : Cattle. lIege. Sheep. South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,059 2,721 145 ( 'iuiu'ago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,000 see 11.9(0 ( l6nnsas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,04)0 ) 700 10 030 HI. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100 4,1s ) 700 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11)19 ) 43,521 22Ofl ( OLTON OLAlliki'I. New York Trndcru'ere I'ropusrcui for mu het'liisn lit I.hvoi'pnl : % 'esteris ) ' . NI1S''Oltb'T , March 14-Tue mnajorit' of local ( railers Caine hnto tue Cotion cacluange this inoruling with their osdeeiu flied to take advass- taltO of an CXlCCiCl decline in the Livel pool nuarket , as a muatulal reauit of tiuc' easier feeling on this sida y&sterda3' . 'ltljo sum priso of every. luOuI' , huowever , bl % ci 11001'its stronger , inuulead of lower. uund a genemuli acraumuljie to cover u1oi cumitl acts wuls the result , 11(1(0110VZi $ II fair buiyer iOU ring i hue uijum suiiug. The advance of I 1 lSe In Cotton gowla repoi ted from Full ltivi'r and tue increased deinnd in suiheiii markets tulso liuW a lendency to strengtluon thue mnaritet. 'l'lie suau ket advanced milne poInts on the iirsut sales anil two points moore on May before noon. In the afternoon tim i"dgc' of till ) strength was somewhat dulled by a lIttle pr saure to lu'alize. which reduced the curly ailvance , buit diit not seriously affect tijo unlleutone of ( hits niarluet. The cloec % i'a.ii steady at iou tudvamsce of 3016 1)Oiluts. Cotton contracts opened stcauly at. an sudvtunco of 4 points ; Itt 11 a. ni. prices ivere I Ponts higher than the opemsing iig'ureul for May , and unchanged for others. At micon ( lji , iuuuket was sicady at an , Ldvmuce of 71(10 poInts. Sales up to 12 noun , 120,00' ) boles , Thu rise sius on luighier caliies , hue iudvnllco Seine ivhc1l' on. iookcd for , ii'hiie a continued absorption of spot stuff at higher prices ( mm day to day caused ( re-u' buyIng 5noernent. whirls was largely as- siuutud by local sliou'ls nd buying for account of Llveriluiel , PrIces eased otT I ) . ahatle after tijO opeuiing , hut ( hue undertone continued streog and tlu feeling decidedly bullish , May options crc ( lie' cenher of attraction and sold 5 PoInts above June. A i'ery s'ieady Llverpout closing catineul renewed strength at noon , lleceipts for tocli' are estimated ILL 15,030 hI lOWS iiuilee. iugaijusu ( 16,155 bales last week , [ (0(1 7,733 bales last year ; fr Clue veek , 1)O0) ) bales , against l16I1S hales inst wcck , coil 69,101 bales last. ) ear. pai , sicady ; tiuiddiiuig , Cc ; net ieceipts. uloije ; go as , 1,963 bales ; exports to Fraflee , 209 bales ; for uariled. 358 bales ; sales , 1,154) tunIcs ; all epianers slack , 154,1133 bales ; total today , net seeehptuu , 18,150 tunIcs ; exporta to Great Ilrhtuuin , 8.223 luaies ; to France. 203 boles ; to thse continent , 10' ) bales ; stock , 910,660 bales. St. 1a'.ik (3 .iar It . ( LirkoI. ST. LOUIS , March 14.-FLOL'It-Firni but oulot ; buines being restricted by recent uud ( 'ancos ; iiltents , 12.801(2.93 ; extra fancy , 12.5501 2.65 ; fancy , $2.li)1(2.40 ; choice , 12.151(2.20. W'IIIIA'j'-Quieter early , prices ranging wiljin ( ao until oIler tlucu cull , ii'iien uun actiVe demand en the part of the shorts stiongthened thje market - ket and sent prces ( l 1140 abvo tiuc battens of the day , clositug above the top and ic over yes- today ; No. 2 red , cash , & 191c bId ; alay , 53401 ICc ; July , 5575c ijeked. CORN-ljnsetUeil , ilrm : May selling ' 4c higher oar ) ' ; late advance inheat estininel trailing , anul the market cioieut (4c above yestei1 : yN ; o. 2 mIxed , cauu-u , 421(42(4c ; 2ihny , 430 bid ; Jtml' . 43c OATS-Speculation was bight and tlse close was fli-ns itt an LudVu'ice over yestemulay ; No. 2 cash , 34)31c asked ; May , 30',4c bid : .June , 3Otc. RYR-Strong ; his demand ; ICc bid for No. 2 , east side , FLAX 51RD-Quiet at $1.37. Cl0'llt SEE1)-Choice , $8.50. TIMO'rIiY siD-p.oj.co. COItN 3h1AL-$2.I0. 1SItAN-Iilghsei' and scarce ; 71c for east track. WIIISKY-i.28 for dlstiiicus' fllsiuulued goods. IIUTTI4IO-Quiet ; fancy 1igin , 201j20t4c ; aep. irnlur creamery , 146015c' . EGGS-Firm anul higher ; ( reals , 10'4o. hAY-Dull ; praIrie , prime to choice , * 8.10119.10 ; prime tImoths' . P.50. LIOAD-1)nll and lower at * 2.02(4. Sl'l-LTl'it-4utet at 42.97(4. l'itOVIIIONS-i'oik ) , alandurd mess , jobbing , $12.23. Lard , prime rteamn , $6.70 ; choice , $5.2I,4. lry salt ineuuts , boxed shuouiulers , $5 ; longs , Ii ; mibs , 36 12(4 ; , sluorts , 16.25. Ilacon , boxed shoulders , $6 : longs , $0.30 ; ilbe , 56.6234 ; shorts , $6.73. 1tl'CfliP'rS-F'iour , 3,00i ) bbis. ; wheat , 3,0)0 ho. ; Cilfl , 13,09) bu. : diets , 10,000 bu. Sliil'i1liNTS-1lour , 31,040) ( ibIs. ; wheat , I4OhO bu. ; corn , 11,04)0 bu. ; oats , 14,000 bu. I.Iverpoot 8Sirucat' . , LIVRITCP Oh , March -W'I3IiT-flpot ate Idy ; demand poor ; No. 2 red winter , Is 9(4l ( ; No. 2 red i.iring , Is hI ; N. I bard , Itn.nituiai , Is hI ; No. 1 California , Is 1',4d. Futures opened firm with near and distant liositions i4fi.'ib loss-er and distant Positions % l lower ; business about ( 'quaily .11.i.iI , , , , ' .A. t.I , I. . ill. % . , . .il A. , 011.1. sf , , . . ' " ' % : . % , ) ; , 4i01. CORN-Spot steady Amouriciun mIxed nev , di , 3d , Fotuires opened steady withu near nnul ilia. tent positions (1d ( lower. closed steady with near position , . unchanged to ud lower and ilisiunt uo- iltions ' ,111 (4il lower ; busIness heaviest on earhy asitionB ; Illarchu , Ii ; lii ; pril , Os 231ul ; May , June. July coil Auguiet , 4s lit. FLOUIC-Fhrm ; denlenil nuoulerate ; fit , 1.ouia ( aflc' winter , Sa Sd , h'ltOVIitlONS-llacon , fIrm ; demand faIr : Corn- berland cut , 28 to 30 Ibis , , 32' . ; iuiiort ribs. 23 Its , , 31s ; king clear ligli ( , 10 to 43 luoulnils. Ida ; long clear heavy , 55 Il's. , lOs Gil ; short clear backs , light , 18 lbs. . lls 6,1 ; short clear nsithliisug heavy , 53 Ii's. ' , Ils ; Clear behiiei' . 14 to 10 lbs. , 34 , Siiouiiulers , square , 12 to 15 lIeu. , lOs. llnnia , short. cut , 14 tO 16 It's ' , , al's ci. ) lee ( , exrut India ( Lucas , GSa 3d ; prime mt'as , 10i 3d. h'ork , hurumno mess , tine wasterms , Shei 9I ; prima mess mneillurn , 485 1kb. Lamd , thin ; prinie westen , 34s Gil ; refined - fined , in pails , 35s Gil. , ( . It F0Sl1-Firmn ; ilemasuil moderate ; flnuit Jtinerleaus wiutle , IDa ; Amos iran cuiioieii. SOC Gd , IIl"rrI:1t-rInist : t , it , , TIs ; good , IOa , TIYII'INTINT-Ils Gil. It0IN-Cornmnos : clocks exhausted , ( N'ri'ON 81:1:1) : OIL-Liverpool roilneil , li , 3d. lNidShIt ( ) Olb-Ihsu , I'l'i'ItOIFUM-Itejlni'il , G51d. 1ttF1tiGIltAT0It liSEF-t"orequarters , 41,4,4) ; hhnilquartera , 41,411 , 1101'S-At Len-ion ( Pacific coast ) , 2 lOs. lliuItttuio'is .llirlcuts. , 31A1Ti3l0fll , iilaiclj I -I'LOUJI-FIm I m coil mincllamlgeil ; si''stcrn superilne , $200012.10' western extra , t2.012.50 ; western fiumily , $ 'L654j.15 ; wimu. ter wheat , liflt'nt , $ J.001m3.25 ; siirlmug latent , 8:1.1,0 : 04 3.75 ( lilul'Clul i bra nuls I ic iler ) ; lfl inu ivhj''a ' sruigisis , * 3.15143.50 ; receipis , 33.257 bIde. ; elulli. ments , l0.2 hills. Wil I4AT-Sie.tily ; spot : imuil niontli , G074,6JGic ; May , 6t382c ; uiteanler , No. 2 red , 571(377 ( ; receipts , 13,101 hiui. ; phslprnentu. , 72,000 ku ; plock , 437,010 liii , ; su.uiuern ( ishieni. by u'uimnlule , GOljG2e ; southern wiseat , on gratIs' , t.8(4PuGl'Ac , CO1tNheirmm , ; shalt niuil ljiillth , 4074 ( ISo : May , 49',461 49'4c ; sienmer mnixeit , 47(4(348c ; receihitut , 51 , . 941 bu ; shipments , 35,419 ku ; souiiern ( white , 5i ) tIle ; aoutiiem n yellow , 41@ 4114e , OAT14-Firni ; Nil , 2 ii'hilie , i'estern , 26(55j37c ( ; No. 2 nuixeil , Z4I,435c. ItYt-Duii ; No. 2 , fi7c. 'I'OleIl ) ( , rain Market , 'l'OLlDO , Starch 14.-"iVi I L'AT-tchve ( a nub hsighuer ; No. 2 , cash and iilaciu , 1Kc ; May , 50751 tOe ; July , 5875c ; August , 5b'Oc. COICN-Sleady and 11cm ; No. 2 mIxed , 45(4c ( ; Ma' , 4Cc. OATS-Steady ; No , 2 Tnlxetl , 31c ; No , 2 while , 33(4c ( , Cl.0\'l.Iit SI1-D-Active anuS lower ; prime , cash and 2tiarciu , $5 55 ; April. $3.50. ItUCiil'l'i4lriour , 503 liiils. ; wheat , 7,520 ho. ; corn , 14.000 ku ; clover seel , 1,104) b3gs. 141 I1PAtF3NTS-Fiour. 3,000 hihils. ; vljiou ( , 35,0(0 ku ; corn , 6,030 ho. ; riuta 100 bu , ; rye , b,000 bu. ; clover soul , 1,033 hugs. lulllwnukee Markets. Mi1\S'Al1K1F. $ iuircbu 14.-W'Il 1AT-Flrm : No. 2 spring , 16(5c ( : No. 1 nortluern , GGc ; Stay , 19'Se. CJitN-htteads' ; No. 3 , 40e , OATS-idii'nuhier ; No , 2 while , 32(4c ( ; No. I % i'llit ( ' . 325561320tc. l1Al6Ll-Nornlnal ; No , 2 , & 2c ; sample , SIOj 13(1 ( c. ItYhl-lllghi and ( Inner ; No. 1 , tIe , l'ltOViHlN-Ilighvr ; mitirk , 811.9' ' ) ; hard. $6.75. 1t14t.131 h-PS-Flour , 4,200 tibIa. ; svheat , 21,50) tiu. ; barie' , 10.400 liu , idlili'MLNTIO-h"Iour. 15,200 Lhli. . Peoria ttbusrhiets , PIOItIA , March 1 1.-COItN-Market pead' ( ; No. 2. 43c : No , 3 , 4254c , OIT1O-Mai-ket quiet ; No. 2 white , 3h(1,413l(4c ( ; No. 3 whIte. 1Oj'Jlc , 1tYF1-Scare. SVIII14IIY-litarke ( flrns ; finished goods , $1.25. 1tC'JII'TS-\'hrat , none ; corn. ) . 'J00 bu. , oats , 30,0.04) ho. roe. notit' ; barley , 3,500 ku tihIll'MIIN'I'H-3Vhit-U ( , none ; coin , 4,100 Lu Oats , 39,600 bu. ; r-e , none , barley , 3,100 bu , Buluths % Vlsrat ( 'tarket. JULU'fhl , March 14.-W'Ilh2AT-No. 1 luarul , o'sphj , ( le ; Mcccli. C2C : MaY , 62(40 ( ; 301) ' , 61150 ; No. I not-them , cash , $20' March , tI.c : May , 62(40 ( ; luuiy , 13(4c ( ; hleptensbcr , do : NC' . 2 nbrtiiemn , cash ISo ; Nc' . 3 , ICCI rejected ' SIc. TO flIrts's : No , I hard , 621c ; No. 1 noet'hern , tIc. Coffee iArhtct , 2417W YORK. Mamcbs -Options s'ad cr100011 uncIsutmsgeil to 10 points nibt-a'uce , sail while gelifrahly firm all day en ( Ia. lUrebc'nii luuing , usa l'ery ipuiet , and Clesed stend' at 11(10 ( points net a'h'nncc ; pulte , 7Sel hesKa , In. eluullrug : Maceli , 411.200115 20 alas' , $14 SOflhl.83 ; .Tuine , $ l4.Pfb4.85 Septemler , III ; o. "lt ( ' . .iff't' , Itlo flrun ; No. 7. 104c ; mild , ste'a4) ' ; Cni4)iuu'a , $ l5.0i1lS.00 ; pales , 04)0 hIntS Interior , l'nilisng , 25(1e ( : 50 tonI' l'alenllinng , 230 ; weu-ehoumpe deliver. lea from New York eeteriluu' , 1,140 bnis ; New Ylrl ( piock i.sla' , 1,1,475 begs ; llniirul Slates etoelc , 2.10,427 hags ; sIlent for the Un lCul Sinls , 1115,0)0 bags ; tOtal viitI.- , for the Unitel , itiatCe , 425.427 l'sgs , against 414,185 l'nga lest sear , IIAVI1U , Mnt'ctt ll-C01"I'UU-Marltet opemscd liullOt , (4f ( 'lc'cliilc' ; St 12 in. let egniar. ltf nil. i-once ; at it I' . In. lmnc'hiangeil , choeci iricgulnr at 1,5f sat ailvuiIic ; anlOs , 17,04)0 liege. 14tNTO8. heidi 14-Quid ; geiI average 81(0(05. liorninal ; rccehpie , 12,0)0 , bags ; steel : , 217,000 bags. 1l.M1ltYltl , March 14.-QuIet ; I.fg. decline to 'hufg. hiigll'r ; piules , 5,00u l'nge. 1110 1111 JANll ItO , iitacls bl.-Qullet : No. 7 Rio , Ill GO ; cxclnuigc ; , S fl-lCd ; receipts. 1,00) bns Cleared for Pnbte.l Stne ( , 5,004) bsg ; cleared for flurnpr' , 1,000 141gB ; Ctflk , 111,000 bags. Oil 'Uar-i't , T.O1-'IOS' , Mcccli 14-'AICt'TTA llNSfllIls 011-STs ; Miurc'hm Chull'rnelts ' ( , Silt valid' , hIs II. l'lTnoLl''M-slot. : ( 1i54'5M5'I. \'I l.M I NU'l'ON , lilai cli lI.-l30lN-liu Ils ; staitic'ul , $1.15 ; good , * t.2O : Fluilitu' , 23'c. TAI1--F'iriml at II. Tl'lt L'IIN l'INL'-Fhm mu ; hard , $1.10 ; putt , $1.50 ; vIrgin , $1 70. S'ANNAli , Maids i-I1t'llth.TS-l'ii ) ill at 33c ; sales , 114 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New York ilry ( hnulI 5lurint : , N131YOlll , March 11-'t'iue snost lurominent feature of t hut' mujarket Ill (110 Iluucil Cl I 00 c-er totie ( ( 'I' COSnie bruwii cotinns , for which soijie ogeluls are , utm-uing luolilen , at (1c , nih atuc' . l'r'r iutl quiai. 1(1cc prices ni-c atmonger. altil oIlers that u-crc acctliteil a vceic age Citulnilt be m eiseuui'd at Ike ( itoh' ( Iglires , ( 'oIui-u'i'ieu H am u ( 'it5i asuiimil ( (0' ( nun-lcd nail securing ssuuiis' lots uut cturm ent en tea. b'rint cloths are alruungut 27.bte. % l hmiiscouhisih' ' , ¶ d lue.tt .1lutrlet , litlNNlIA 1)Ll8 , Iilnrclu I l.-'l I t-IA'l'-Clneel ililsi ; Iiarch , ) 'n'c ; Iituu' , 00(454 ( 60'1c ; .11)19' ) , 61 % c ; Septeinl't'r , t'ic. ! ( ( ( In I lack : No , I iuul : ii , C2e No. S iiortiuerlj , Gl',1c ; No. 2 northern , 1i(3c ) ; IC coiptu' . 231 cais. 1-'louir , ibis ; heat liah'ne ( , in wonil , $3.lOgb.60 ; m0'Ciiuiil 1)liteluiul , 82.73613.00 ; iliaC deal C , $2.25 ; low giiuilee , $ i.74'jIl.S7. 1Ctlmi'ut City llulrkeii . IOANI4AR CITY , March l4.--.VItl1T-Sieni1v ; No. 2 barth. .3c ; No , 2 icil , 1i1(3'4c ; rc'jc'euc'il , 49c. C0ILN'-SteusuI' ; No. 2 smubied , 415641'S cN ; o. 2 ithite , 410t11tc' ( . OATS-Steady ; No. 2 micd , 2'Jc ; No. 2 wiulte , 310. 'i'rlsc , , 3'lieilL .3liuritot. SAN l'ItNClSCO. 2larciu I l.-V'll IIAT-Flu us ; Iecenibcs' , $1 ; May , SIc. COMPLAiN AGAINST POLICE , l'rlet ICartiuhtsslul Siili to hit-re Ilcems 'rt'cati'd Het 1 or 'L'hiutis II Is .ti'ret CII Opptuuiemi : There are IhO new developments in tlu Polish church troubbo at heebey and everything - thing is quiet.Vediuesday afternoon more Colllplahilul si'ero flied against nscmusbers of tim alleged attackiiig PartY Slud they were arrested yesterday , This Illakrsl a totutl of tiuirt'-five lcrcons whio have been placed tinder arrest , all of whom are out au ball in the suns of 1OO0 each , The names of those against wliosn the complaints were illeti W'eulusesilay are : Frank Trawicisi , Peter 1 > iornicltl , Mrs. I'otcr l'ler- nichi , Leo Targucseuski , Veonica Segepamnat , Martin 1)lldcolc , Mrs. Martin 1)udeicgiiea Itajivouski , Ludwig Urcedowski. Mrs. Lou. wig Urcedowski , Andrew lCakow'5l61 Ii itl 4uguet Iiuthn , Tiuo healing ias been set for this lflOriiilg ) ; ut JO o'clock , It is liosSibbe that tIm affair will create 201110 trouble for huclnbers of ( he pollco do- Partmeiut.Vednesubay nsorillog four mmwmn- born of ( ho alleged attacking party vent o the station and gave tlueniselves up to the Police. Shortly after I'riest lCarnllnslCi ias arrested on a warrant. All the msieiu sat In the court room vnitiiig for bolidsineis to bail thorn out. hater they were btkeui Into lisa station and locked up. "When we were taken down stairs , " said one of the four , ' 'we were locked in a ccii , bull. the' PrieSt was allowed to go Into the wonscn's room upstairs and receive visitors. lie was avl- tlentby thought to be better tluaiu we were. \ \ O do not think this Is right and we arc thinkIng of preferring charges before the fire amsd police commissioll agaliust the ofll- cers s'ho made tluis discrilubnatlou. " hI'LATJ1Jlc F01fIW432' . Generally ( 'jollily , wIth SlIght I.oc.ii Snows anti l1'jirnsrr in 24eI.ruukui , WAShINGTON , Marelu 14.-The forecast for FrIday Is ; For Nebraska and Kansas-G eneraliy clouds' , with slight local snows ; varylmlg winds , svltli slightly rising temperature. For Missouri-Light snow ; cast winds ; slight changes In temperature , I"or Iowa-LIght snows ; vnrio1hle winds ; slightly warmer in tbue northern portion. For SOlIth Dakota-Light snows ; partially cloudy weather and warmer ; winds shiftIng to southerly. Local Itecorul , OFFICE OF TIlE WEAThER IIUREAU , OMAHA , Marciu 11.-Onlalun record of tern- peraturo and VRiIlfflhh. compared witlu tim corresponding day of the past four s'ears : 1895. 1894. 1891. 1892 Maximum temperature . , . 17 19 20 31 Minimum tensperature . . . . 0 86 9 24) Average temperature S 48 14 2u ; I'reclpitatloli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .01 .00 Condition of temporattire ttsd precipita- ( Ion at Omaha for tile 11:1) : ' and since Mat'chs 1 , 1895 : . . Normal temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . leilciencY for tile day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Normal preciPItation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 jJcis DeficIency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Inch ) Total preclpltuttiOli since March 1. .29 iilt'bi Deficlellcy since Morals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inc'lu Iteports fromis other Stathomsi at S I' . SI , 1:1 : j : ; STATIONS. 5,4) ; : IITAT ! era a g I sexArutmut. ' ? Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° ' ' .03 Snowing. North . . . . . . . . Ill ' 1' Clouuly. Vuuiemitisuc..4 Ii , I I ) ( : louui1- . Clitcaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lit . 18 ' 1' ( iear. St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 25 ,2t ) CIoii % ) , St. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 .15) ) t3iouutly , Dai'enlort. . . . . . . . . . 21) ) 22 .01 Clouidy. Kansum . . . . . . . . . 20 'r SillWiul , lienver.(1 . . ( 8 . (12 ChIllIly , Salt Laki , City. . . . . . . 31) ) . . . , , . , ' 2iCleutr. ) Itapldeity..4 13 .02 Siuowiisg' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ,1)9 L'llclr. L'istisarck. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2li .1)0 ) h'irtclouiU' : . St. % 'iuuu'cilt . I . ; IS .04) Clear. Cilc'cljuu..5. , (1 ( 01 Milei CIty..I . 4 1-i .00 Cloudy , ! _ . . . . . . :34 : 42 .01 i'urtcliJuldy a ) lelow zero. "T" Indicates ( race of precipitatIon. 1. A , WILIIII , Observer , 5'cal I 115' ( 'it 1,1 RI II IC en mm . ' .hy I.IIi. , SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , Mardi 1-1.-Tue dcclii of Capta I ii il ifi I lu ICeminedy , I iie moth tb-iitibiloii. airs of Corptss Ciirlsti , occurred tlul muorning of heart disease. lie was the ilrlticlval pro. ilsoter and btiilulor or the Sams AntoihIO & /trailsas l'ass railway. . S. 'L'ib II 1tI.tL'l"s' MIS ltii'1' . INSTItUMENTS placcul on record March 14 , 1895 ; 3\'AIIICANTY 1)111111(4. ( Arthur DIsC to 11 (1 'Fish , lot 2 , block I. 3luihiiee solidly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I 125 \s , M Klwlc and wife Cu b"iitz ? illlt'llem' , H 3' ' ) feet lot I , hili'clc 2 , idoujili Uusatuit . . . . 1.0) ) \s , F 'I'hlolulas ( mit vife I' ' , 31 A I iuik ( ' , lot 5 , hiioclc 9 , Iliiuuii's 2I fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,2'30 1.Jmiion ( IlliCit \a u dii ( 'uJInlOull 3' lii I I ermuua Ii ihiiiu'ii. lot 4 , lilotid II , 1st iuld 1' iUtil Oissutiut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \v (1 Slim hver unil i'ifu to Fim at I ij Iii let ciuu ru-lI , hIlt 1 I , iilqclu 12Vi'st Urui , u4'b'b ' . . . . 4,000 Gustav jOnilsteli umuil ivife to S l IlLimusiilrey , 0 14 lot 42 , Nelsiin'us let uuilh. , . 4,04)0 ) 11 ( 'figii tu ) lit Li tlciimtiidt , iv (4 ( lot 3 , block I. Matilcus' eutiully . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(0 I. Sciuroeih'r , lrustee. ot ill lo It 4 $ ean nell , n. lInt ii l'lrt luiiivk 144 , Oiuialiu , property aiIjnlnu ! : saul lililcid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,0' ) ' ( .1 Ii cal ( I 1' 2.tcMuiljon ( Ii J F' helm , lot 11 , hI ck 2 , 1 kiwI ijia ne aulil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3 N Ciiib antI , vhfo to helen hluhier. , i 1,4 bit 13 , lila-k 3 , l'tilb-r & C's 2.1 auil to fiuuutli 0naiua % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640) I. ; A ( Ouilb 01111 wife to hI 16 Suuiugue , II (4 lot 9 , Iiiick 3 , tulumne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610) ( ) Pi'l' CLAIM JICE1)S. J F hi.'iin 11(01 vie to 13 31 80 1.inuesi. lots 1 to 12 , lihicil 1 , lei I. I , 2 1101 3 , hIndu 6 , hots 6 junil 7. block 3 , ltuivliiig ( Ii ) 'dll suili , iot 4 , 1,101-k 2 , limo-laugh tu l's siih'dhi' , b'uI 1. liurdettu Court , hit 13 , block 9. Amniuler h'hue. hot 11 , lilOCIL 27 , S'rt itiui'i till , lot 12 , iii.LiCiO 4 , id.nstls Onluila 151k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . Merchants hank of LIncoln II ) ( I I. idaun- ucla , lot 7 , block 22 ? , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) ) Jacob bdchiuiinet ( 10 ida icaultlng , lot 11 , t'lock II , Alliriglit's A'smlex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ( I II ibroun coil ivhtu lii Colurnliiun ilIvast. mt-nt caimill'lilI ) ' , II iutib a tart hihock I II. Omaha , anil iuruli'rty WljQiflillg adId block 10.0)0 Cuiluniblan lnvl'bolent CilniIany to 1 l0cIutsIer , trustee , 501110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I J A Iilcidhjtne enil wife to sanse , aunle. . . . . , I Il-ibS , iai'i'l ' lt'mnjck Ct gil , trusiecs , to Merchanli bank lit 1ticoin ) , lot 7 , hiluek 227 , limulahla . I Idhuerilt to 11nu.chi i'rat ( , te ' 4 lot 2 , bho'k 51 , South Orllalua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,2)0 ) Total amcuunt of transfer. . . ' , - , - , , , , , - , - - , - - AIIAlIAT ? ; SOUTh OIAllA R0-SU1t of the RepliblicatI CaUCUSCS lfl 'JilteD Wards Last Evening , 7 PREFERENCE tXPRESSED FOR COUNCILMEN Tchcpioiue ) Cnmnlrnlsy ttsisnssnec 'iiat lb . 5.hlt ltcIhlle ( , 115 Mitt eg , ut , 1)oiiiur After .ibri1 - ( ) Ntws frttll the MagIc CIty. The replIblIcrItla lielti CatiCllSCS in tue four ovards of tile city inst isight to IllUO delegates to be 'otcd 511)011 today ut ( lie jlriilbarles fertile tile city convelltioll , lsicIi so ill be held Sat- urda' niterIloon. Ill ( lie First OiaDi there i'aa a iulg crowtl aisd an entlusisiastic Ilseetilig. SbuCeCiies ycro Illulile by nearby every omie preseut , The fight fur the nomiiiisatiois for COtlIlCilillahl was dhlnOilgV. . 13. ICing , M. F. bibancliard allIls , U. Dariliig , , fter Coiltlnlietl ballotimig , illanciluird was ticciarOll the cluolee nisul tbso delegates IiOlllilIatClI were iiustrticted to 'oto for iblancliard in tile Cohlvelltiall. There % 'ilS a luig crowd at Koutsly's : Jun11. Mais' Is-era dcniocrnts siio drIfted in null wanted to have a linild in the proceecllimgg. ljpOil H , Vote 1)11115 1111(011 Jerry I ioward was tuigllifled as tue choIce of tlit' Second u'arb callous for CoIhilcIlilullu. P. J. llarrett buns a sti'oilg following In tills wart ! . 'I'iit' 'Fhhrd wlrii : reptibuicaus eiuulorsed Pat i I ) 'ii ) isd for coti iuellinui II asid II nlssOul the to- ! lowing deicg'utes : ? iiessrs. Mctltiluiti , Itath Ilartbctt Lticky Ibreilnall Sllcl'woofi , , , anti a Ilowley. Tue result ims the Fouurtlu vard could not be beamed last tiigiit. . % 0' i-lu ) clu . 'hui I , This evelibug at the reslilemsee of \rs ! , Robert Mitxsvell , Tirentietli alul I streets , tim ladies of the Prcuutt'terjnn chord ) ss'lil give a. Scotell social fattle belleilt of lbio church , Tile following prcgrani lots liten lircpiretl : Piailo Solo-Scotch overture , Mhs Clay ot Council Bluffs. Vocul Solo-Tue Iiiglubaiitlinauu's Toast , Mrs. - Lnse. Oiiiaisa. II' \oc-ib Solo-Selected , Mr. 11. 1)ilrcn , Olnaha. iteatling-Tiie Ucath ibmidge of tim Tay5 Mrs. \ \ . A. Scilrie. Vocal Sulo-Muld Lalug Sync , Mr. David Sturrock. Song-Corning Tiuro' the Iiye , Miss Ord ilays. l'inuio Solo-i6oonligiit on the 11114)5011 , Iiss Ethel liaIse ) ' . Vocal Solo-My NOIII1Ie's Awa , Miss Mac- 'Keuizle , luetOVcrt Tluou us the Could Biasf1 Messrs. Stuirrock and Cariey. Vocal b'olo-Ilonuio Sweet Bessbe , Mrs , W5 ' rt. Sage. Vocal Solo-Selected , Miss Louise Jalssen. Vocal Solo-Ibbue hells of Scotland , Thonlal Ilroad blurs C , Oius itiua. Scotch Airs ouu the Tlagpipe-J. C. Uticluanan. Sit's. Ames and Mrs. Carloy have charge ot the affair. ( " ( 'hi , ( , I . ii I lii I is ge I Sic i'crowd i'd , One of tlue niatters requiirlng tue attention of the Board of EItlcatlon JtlSt now is thG overcrowded conditIon of the pii : > lic schools. At the last incetliug of tile 1)03rd a report s'as heard froiis a special COmillIttet ) respect- bug rootne Clint might be rented , for It Is tiuouightt the renting 1)iaii ilutlst be executed for ( lie present. Superlmcisdont ( Monroe takes occasion un. . tier the Cim'CIilnSflIlCes ( to emphasize the inadequacy - . adequacy of the present 111gb achtool buillding and a iieu' high school will probably ho i part of the pernsamuent changes nsade. The total seating capacity of tim sclsoola is 2,060. Tim enrollincmst Is 1,975 , but in only' the outside bulldill3s is there any room to spare. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'h'alephuomso liiei 5' II ) ( ' (11150 flOwn , , . April 1 , ( lie Nebraska Telephomie company will reduce the lirice of telephone service In Sotitil Omaha. heretofore the COiOIiSOY has chiarged subscribers In Sotitis Omnaila 5 per mentis for 'phones In business estabuisluments - - 0114)I for those in resiulcmsccs. After April 1 the prices viii be $4 niuti $3 per tnontbu , Lad. night , In spealcing of tim cut , l'resl- dent Yost of tile telephone company said that It nseant nothuIisg moore than that In ( lie past tue 1)001)10 of 5011611 Omaha had paid more for their telephones than those residing in other towns of the 501110 size. Slisgio ( fly . w. M. Itynis , local agent of tim Adams Express - press COtilpafly , has gone to Wiibtewater5 Wls. , to visIt his father , who is quite Ill. Seine of the friends of hue Misses Olga and Emma Stratiurnan surprised them at tilde' home , Twenty-first nntl I streets , \Vednesday' evening. Tim parties omljoycd themselves wIth card playing , dancing anll music. Tluos Present were : harry ChristIe. Dr. Goulding , Francis Wyman , Bert Hawley 011(1 ( the Misseis Alice and Einnsn O'Neiii anti Flora Smith. - . 31 lee ltroult 1)11 Iimiwmuih. Tue stently downfall of SOOSV last night lrevelsted time uutteiidance of as barge an audience at Clue \Vornun's climb roomna as was neoete,1 'n.e nflrnolinii wag fl leetisro lsw Miss Mary If. Krotst of Clue Cbsic'ulgo inter' Ocean ems "Ilawiili and the llawalians. " 'l'hse leetli .r descrilioul the tri' ' to I1twali as one of tise Iflost delhistftsI to b taken on cartil , and drew ut vivid pen lllcturo of the band- locked harbor of honolulu , as it uppecra to tile ( raveler , llordered with droopimsg paitnn wiiicls reach to tlse wiuter's cilge. ifitwail jiccot-uling to iSlIss ICrou ( , is ( lie laraibise o tile eam'tls : the hbm'st Lund last ilsIlIresisiOmI It leaves is that of hbowers , hle1ultiuml In cobor dellghtftll in frugh'ance ltIitl niimmsberleas In variety , Fruit is abundant nib the YCILI' 't'Otifll , nod of far bettel' qualIty tiiun that or Callformsin. A few of ( lie ectilinrlties of time natives of the islalill weru totichicil tlllall , particil- larly their great love ( ot Swlnsmmslmlg , theit' muae.sion tot' riding , their attnc'islllent. tot' dogs jtnul pigs , Wbiicil are always to be foumsid as a jort of tim tulnliiy circle. 'file itecond Ilart of tile lecture was on- tlrely historl'al , and vzts prbcipally devoted to ills emiumueratloli of tIle cuuliseii wiiicbu ltl till to tbso CititibiIIbsnOIht ( ( If thit' republican govem'nmnent , tilts hate revolution , ound t eulogy of J'resident IThit' , whomes tile icc Curer considers a wise hId PatrIotic ruler. I.U..1 J' JUl13 I' ) 1'JI.4. harry , the G.year-oid son of Mr. 0114) Mrs. Jacob Bechtel , 1102 Corby street , tiled yesterday - terday froiss a commiplicution of diseases brougilt 110 by ( ILl attack of scarlet fever. A telegrani was receiveil from Judge Iuinuly at tue federal huiibuling yesterday. usotifybmmg Marshal \\'hito to have tise federal jury report for duty at Llmucoiis next Monday. The wiieeblilell of tile Omaha Turoverein have thorotmgiily reorganized theIr bralicis ot ( ( ID ( Jorinaml Turners' society , anti they will gIve a grant ! reception and entertainment on Otlarchi 26. hazel Dell Tithul , the lmsfant tlatighter of Mr. aiid Mrs. F. A. Tldfi , ulled at 3:3 : ( o'clock 'e.steriIay afternooms. 'Vise funeral will ho heM at tiso reaidence , 1822(4 St. Mary's avtluiIO , at 10 a. mis. toimlorrow , Fire Chief itetlehl rt'qliesta that all apIli. cathons for tue Position of engineer In thttu fire tlepartmoent asiieilibO ) ill No. 13 engirIG liouso ut Fourteeiithi 01111 homey streets this inorolmig at 8 o'clock for examInation , 4 sliecial feature at the Sacugerhund con. cert , arrailged Ijy tile (1 'rmalis of tills city for next Saturday , ovili 1)0 ) Clue retuulitbon of a camupositbomI , the J'nglisii tItle of which is "A $ oiig to Aeglr , " the tousle coil words of which were composeul atltl written by lbs lireselut emnperor of GerfnanV , Tue programn of tile I'coisomlc tuction of tile. Unity club for next Friday evening will be. devoted entirely to the coimiaga question. Me , (1. 16. Magne3P will prezent the argumnent for free coimunge and Prof. Ii. P. I' wbs of the high school will reply. Mr. L. i. Abbott wilt read a paer Oil ° Curtetit Momiry idtaiiularths. " Tise club Imleets In the lecture roomof Unity ciurcii , cormior Seventeoulbi soul Case , and all Its meetings are open to the Public , . w.- - w.A IIPECIAI-TY 010840 MILLET AND CAPIE CLOVER. TIMOThY. 3 _ caI3I:3.LL3D , 1140-144.04 Uaioms Ave. , Kausas CIty , Mu. . . , ' ' I -