- - " " "f'--- ' . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . - . ' . : . - _ . , . - , , , , - " . " " , _ " , " , "f'.t I I - - - - - - TIlE ! OAIA DAILY nnE : nIDA Y , MARCh lt , 1805. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ mm t JAIS GONG - AFTER FORMOSA Campaign t Be Removed from the Cold Climate of Manchuria. - , - ISLAND MAY BE CEDED TO JAPAN - VnlerRlnhIdIIIg of ttl I'cnel Nrlofnfonl IN I to that Jfrct : , hut 1114 . JiIkn.In Will NoL Wllt on the Workings or the Comml lon. V - W ASINnTON , March H.-Tho cable re . ; port that a Japanese squadron of sixteen war Ihlp : has descended on the Islanl ot Formosa Is behaved at the Japanese leJaton here to Illlcate the opening ot a spring campaign In warmer southern latitudes. Mr. Matsu , frt secretary ot the legaton , says that as hc was about to leave Yokohama a few weeks ago ' one of his friends , a military olcer , received orders to prepare to 10 to the front , but was notified hot to provide warm clothing such as , the soldiers thus far have needed In the camp I In north China , From this and other dr. er. cumstancP Itla belleveil . that Formosa , which Is the warmest possession of China , will be the acetic of a spring campaign . al least until the treaty ot IJeace Is actually sighed. The Illerstandlng on terms of peace already reachcd contemplates the ceding of Formosa to Japan , but Japan evidently belc\'cs that onsession at the Island will doubly assure the exculon of the ngreement. The cable reports from Berlin , stating that Chlncso envoys have intrigued , with Russia until the czar lies agreed to oppose Japan's designs on : Manchuria Is not credited by ofcials here They say the Chinese envoys were sent out some months ago , when ChIna's war element was uppermost mil - time Intrigues are heglnnlng ) to flHI eXllres- 810n In the cable rel1rts. lint within the last tow weeks time war clement has been displaced - placed , and LI liming Chang has been restoretl to 10wer amt made peace cnvoy This has been followed hY such an understanding on term of peace that there will he ) no occasIon for Husshl opposing n Jallatlse occupation of Manchuria 1.1 IUU CIAtO HMi IHSAl'I'J AJIU , Ni Wlrd or II' 'Invomntl Hltee Ho I.or ) 'oldt ! for Tlot-TRlt , vVASl11NGTO , March H.-Tho where- abouts ot LI lung Chang Chinn's peace envoy , Is n source at much speculaUon ' and no little concern In official erclls here and al the Chinese and Japanese legations. SInce ho left Peking more than two weeks ago , there has been no word , oleial or by press reports , as to his whereabouts. Ills first del.1turl rrom Peking was about three weeks ago , but he was called back hy the emperor I on the recelrt by lnltCl States Minister Denby or the Japanese Lemma of ItaCe as , .1 trnsmi tell by Minister Dnn In Japan. The J terms lero fully agreed 1I1n ItI Prince 11 started to execute the treaty ot ucace. lie went to Tlen-Tsln , where he was to sail for Japan. There had been constant press re- ' ports from 'len-Tsln prIor to that time . hut sInce then there has been absolute silence . 111 noL 1 word has been recelvel as to Li's arrival at Tlen-Tsln or his departure for Japan : or his purlloses. A Shanghai disPatch - ] patch two weeks ago stated that John W Foster had . started for Tlen-Tsln to JoIn LI. , This Is the last official or Inolcal refer- tnc to the subject. Owing to the tre- mendols responsibility Imposed on Prince LI Hung Chang there Is naturally great interest - terest In his movements I Is 1 not doubted that. his mission being of such a humiliating character , telegraphIc communication from Tlen-Tsln , which Is under the control of LI as viceroy or the province , has been Slp- presseil. Information as to his where- abouta b\lng lacking It Is possible that LI Hun ! Chang has already sailed for Japan for the purpose at allowing silence to preserve - serve , as far as possible , the fall or the dignity - nly at himself and China. Word Is ox- pecteil . however , clearing up the mystery of' Ills " "whereahouts Meanwhile there Is a disposition In ofcIal circles to wonder ; - whether thIs Is another stroke ot Chinese diplomacy , _ _ _ _ _ _ . . I1tJiT1NGTON'S , \D"IC TO IOHI , Chairman of the Southern I'nciflc Calls 01 the ! .O\.tu'y , .I the Iltlrllr , , WASINGTON , March 14.-Collis 1 Hunt- ington of thc Southern Pacific railway hal an IntervIew with thc secretary of the Interior - tenor today regarding the Interests of the Paelfo raliroala. The report that secretary Smith Intends to Issue an order directing that no more patents for lands issue to the Union and Central PacIfic roads until there IID bEen a settlement of the Indebtedness to the government by thee companies was one reason for the visit of Mr. Huntington , Upon . . . thIs subject Mr. huntington represented to ' the secretary that the lands had all ben camel In time and In many cases they had ben transferred ( to persons who had oe- cupll ; them for from ten to twenty years lie also ahl that the companies were not seeking patents In Instances where the road had not disposed of the lands , as they be- came taxable as soon as the patents were Isued , The states and counties In which the lands were situated Wlre more interested In securing the ratents , as they became en- titled to the taxes as soon as patents were passed. Further than this , the companies desLred to dispose of the lands to secure the money to meet the paynlnts now about due. Mr luntngton thought that 1 would hinder the company In securIng money on lands If such an order should bo Issued , and repro- edited that nothing ought to be hone by the government to IJrevent the companies from zaisint : funds . Mr ! Huntngton , however , did not can- ldel thIs of so much Importance as he did the question of settlement of the Pacific railroads - roads debt , all he believed the recommella- tons made by the secretary of the Interior wouhtl have great \ellht In the next con- gross , Upon this point Mr Huntngton spoke at some length all declured that It was necessary for some steps to be taken In the next congress He Insstl ( that be fore 183 the government must act or I must lese heavily. lr , Huntngton ex- tressld the ( hope that the report of the sere- tar ) and the commission or railroads would claboralo on the subject or Indebtlless and advls a Just Rnl , equitable plan ot settle- Jilont. SVII' AO.\NST IpOnCT.UtY CAICL.ItILE. Atlmlnlltrator or the tRlatn ; If 101\01. GIUathnr :1"k"l Clalml. WASHINGTON , March 14-Michael J. Colbert as administrator of the estate or the Ilto James W Denver , today brought suit - - against Secretary Carlisle In the supreme , . court of the nstrlet or Columbia , James I 'V. Denver was once governor at Colorado amid the city of Henver was namell after llilfl 'he real defendant Is Charles lrownel and the clalnlnt Qleges that Denver and Irownol were partners and that Denver furlsht:1 : tile money to IJrosecute the cose against Chief laellfeather , The board of clalml awarded a verdict and fixed a tee of $27.f98 , and It Is alleged that no portion has been paid to the lenver ) estate and that Jrownel has dented the right of the estate to any part of the fee , The court Is asked to fix the amount to which the estate Is en- tted , that Secretary Carlisle be requlrcl , to pay Into the court such sums as the court may determine , and that the secretary be enjoined tram 111)'lng any porton to Brownel until further order of the court "ulhl m ! Ih" 1"1' I ' . fro in " .S 1"ln. WASmNGTON , March 14.-Unitetl States , Ilnlster Taylor at Madrid Is meotng with ' success In the Ilrosecuton ot the claims ef AmerIcan merchants against the Spanish gov. crrment for thc refunding or illegal charges collected by the Cuban customs authorities . A cablegram receh'el at the State depart- snout from him today announces that ho has secured the allowance of claims In the cases or the steamship Joseph W , Hawthore , the IhhJS harry and Gramico , Reynolds , Brooks & Co. , the Comas Machine company , the Cot- .toleno ! cases und time Juaragua Mining com. llany Th\ latter case was a protest against taxation on the large AmerIcan Ilnlnl Properties . crtes In Cuba that practically made exporta. ton unprofitable . tur08.rul ) L'roscruttmg AIHla.1 Claim. _ _ _ W ASIINGTON , March 14.-United States I 1lnlster 'ruylor at Madrid Is meetn sue- , cesl In the Ilroseculon of the claims ot I , ' American merchants against the Spanish ' - g9vcrlnent for the refund of tliegitl B/JUthth / colected by the Cubal cUSIUln lalKC . Ilblegram ceh'ed at the State dehartmneat _ ) . . , . _ from him today nnnounces that he hll1 e. cured the allowance or claims In the cases of the ! teamehlS Joseph \V hawthorne the ships Harry and Orace Reynolds crooks & Co" , the Comas rrnchln company , the cot- tolene eaSeS and the JurlguB Mining corn- pan ) ' , The latter case was 1 protest against taxation on the large American mining properties In Cuba that practically made exportation unprotitabhe. I X ( UF A r.osu OFIrtCLAL. CAIIEiIt , Cl\tRln Bheilud , Onl or UtI Odpst Men In tin , 1"\fnuo MarIne , I'RSBe A W11' WASINGTON , March H-Captaln I. O. She/arl , chief ot the revenue cutter service of the Treasury department , died here today from 'neumonia , Captain Shepard was stricken with a congestive chi while at work on the GUt Instant and had been confined . fined to his bed over since Ills illness I ' attributed to his efforts to secure legislation Tor the benefit of the superannuated ofcers at the service . lie leaves n wife ali two chlimhren. Time captain was one of the oldest alll most elclent offIcers In the revenue cuter service. A native at Massachusetts , ho was appointed a third lieutenant In 1865 , was promotel to second lieutenant In 186 , a first lieutenant In 1870 alI a captain In 1878. In December , 1889. Secretary Windom detailed - tailed him as chief of the revenue marine tlvlslol , an ofeo previously held by clvlals only , amid he served there contnuouly ever since. Captain Shepnrl , saw mich hard , active service and had an exceptionally fle record , PrIor to his transfer to Washington , ho commanded the revenue cutter Bear and modI seyer.1 valuable cruises 11 Bering sea and northern Alaskan waters to carry out the POlICY or the government to 1Jrevent and illicit highly sealing. esteemed lie was very well loWI CoI I'I.ni WITh m'l.lSI WOOI.ISS Irutllr.t : nnulutnr.r , , , Sending Out 8nm. pl'i s .I lerl nu-"nto ( oot . WASINGTON , March 14.-lvidently In the expectation that his statement that American cloths were being sold In England below the 11rlce , of correlondimlg English clothes would be challenged , United States Consul Meeker at Bradford has sent a supplementary - plementary report to the Department of State giving particulars of the transactions , with the names of the firms , prIces , etc He RlnlPR that nnp Inrl' Irnlnr/1 , hnl" " In.j selit - - its " traveling " men and , - agents " to - l l7 South America and France with samples of twIst melange flannel ma.Io In New Yorl They expect to take liberal orders at 28 to 30 cents Per 'ard. 'hey arc also showing a line of Algiers cloth lade In the United States , pronounced by the French merchants to be of wonderful value and for which a sale Is expected In time. The New York manufacturers - , facturers have been Informed that If the samples were eXlet large orders might lIe expected : , partcularly lu the English hou3e tr : . as the goods contaIn no shoddy , arc all short wool and are very strong , and arc thus superior to the English goods , which are tender. The consul reports that a lot at Massachusetts blankets sold ' recently In l'ng- land at a very small price because , while handsonwly finished , , they had little wool In them and were too light. IML'OItTS IN lXCI .S OF TIC J XIOlTS. Stntlmlut for time iomitI , 01 I'obrunry and I for the E'lllrlti 1'lrUol or lie Yl'nr. I WASHINGTON , March H.-The monthly ; report of the bureau of statistics Issued today ' shows Imports and exports of merchandise for the month of February and for the last eIght months as follows : Exports during February , $56,308.5t3 ; Imports during the same 'eriod , $58,326,3 ; of the Imports , merchandise to the amount of $27,803.652 was free ( of duty. During February . 189t , the excess or exports over Imports was $11,812- 190 For the eigh months ended February 28 , 1895 , the excess of exports over Imports was $91,961,932 , as against $218.061,83 dur- lag the eight months ended February 28 , 1891.The The gold exports durIng February amounted to IG6t,19t , and the importations to $5.632.- 181 ; for the eight months the exports of gold amounted to 8,30t,761 , and the Imports to $16.025.325. The exportations of silver dur- Inl ! February amounted to $3,071,336 and time Imports to $392,028. Par the eight months the exports exceeded the Imports hy 23,861- 336. 336.Tho The lumber or immigrants arriving In this country during February , 1895 , was 0.608 , as against DG02 during February , 1894. For time lust eIght 10nths the total was 136- 129. as against ID9,120 during the same period last ) 'e.r , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tl 1'OHr lAS NEVE1t StEEN CONI1UU D , Mrlnlo1ysllr ; COloornln the Expected HocuU Ir Consul ' 'Imliamns. I WAShINGTON . March iL-There has been a space of seven days since the cable report - port came from Madrid that a cabinet couri- cl had agreed to ask the recall or United States Consul WIlliams at Ha\'ana. Stal 3 Wiiams \ Since then there has been no official demand for his recall. Mr. Wiiams has stated In Havana that ho had not heard at the contemplated recall , and yet the Spanish officials at Madrid have not denIed time original report that a demand for his recall had been agreed upon. Under these circumstances olelai Intmoto that the return ot President Cleve- laud from his huntng trip and the recovery ' at Secretary Gresham from his attack of the grip will lead to a clearing UI > of the sluatou , as the absence at the two chiefs most concerned wh diplomatic affairs Is regarded as explanatory ot the inaction eo\- erlng seven days since the report first cme from 11adrlJ Spanish officIals here wi sa ) nothing on the subjct , either connrm- lug or denying the report , but It Is belevoj they would take occasion to dismiss the report - port It I were entirely groundle . ( r,111 , for Army . 't , " . W ASIINGTON , March 1I.-Spciril ( 'ele- gram-Second ) Lieutenant Frank S. Co- cheu , Twelrh Infantry , Is transrerred from company I to company D of that regiment . A hoard of survey , consisting of Ileuten- alit Colonel Almon F' , Itockveil . deputy Iocl'II. quartEmaster general ; luJ r J.lmn Simpson 'Iulrtenaaster. anti Captain Carrel I I. i'ot- I Iot- ter . Eighteenth Infantr , will assemble nt lhludelphlu from tme to time for the pur- of ascertaiuimmg and fixing time lingo uscerttlnlng /xln/ ! responsl- bull ) ' for any d.fclencles In or damage to property received at the department durIng the remainder or the present calendar durin/ Agent Hmuitlm'VIll Not lIe UIRtnrbed , WASh I INGTON , March I i-Spectal ( 'ele- /rm.-l ) now leelt probable that Agent Smih of the Ylnllton agency In South Du- Iwta wi bo allowed to hell his 0111cc. The 1lllt'ls nail I numbr of residents have rrlm time to time macle complaints to the Indian oUce us to the unftness of Smith , tnt thus far the olcials or the InterIor dc- pln"ment have taken no cognizance of the ehl1/1 led Iml refuse t take acton look- Ing to his removal , Time mater rests enI trel ) with the president und the secretary of the Interior , multI the Indian office can only 111e I'eeomlenliatons. olee IlUO Now 1'I.tnmder \v . \ AIIINC.'I'ON , March H-Speclal ( Tole. gnamn-l'ostmmiastena were nppolntl'd today all follows . : lowa-Juhle. Black Ulwle ) county , Y. Orth , vice fl. 1 it , Inaegem' , re- slguE.l ; Lester. Lyon county , Ol'a liesurr , / vice I , A. \Vick , rlmovel , : Suiidmimm' Springs , luenl VIsta coult ) ' , J. I " Sllrln/s l ' att } ' . Da VII rcsigmmeti South Dakota- Centcl' Point , 'i'um'mmer connty , Ilent' I ChIIH- temmmiemi vke John lijeIrn t'eSIlwd : Itock- ham. I.'aulk count ) ' , 11 , e. lasmlnn , vice I F. & 'lmoenimig , resigned , ( ' 4'Iirmlemm time itmmi's , 11111.,1 th. HII " IlnIHII' ' WASHNGTON , Marci 14-A large Ial- Inn lug huns In fron of the Iesllencl or Baron Fa'a , the Italian amhassullor , for th ; first tine tola , ) ' , This Is the birthday or the king of 1al' , Inl It was being Stnl l'clcbt'ated by the lmhass ) ' 0111- ! ) ( Ials anti , the Iellresentutve 1nllnl ot- \nshlnton. 'ho observance or the , lay Included u Imnlnet. ( with toasts to FCing lumbert , and Patriotic sIleecimes. l'lnl GI I rl "helr ( 'a in mis ISRI.smS. WAShINGTON , March 1I.-Sp ( clal Tell- ramu-I'ostmnasters ) were AI'am.-I'm.tmlstera commlsslonc(1 ( to- day us follows : NebrskaJruolcox , I. xlnton. lowa-1)aimiei I. Mcmlitster , Iuneotk : John I Pope , Arlor 111 : Hc- I IIUIG , Cuhlwel , I.ewlshurc ; John A. Knott. Selll. SOtth ; Dllota-Joscph HlI- deader , 'lhors n , Hml"rOt IlmMiUlo , ) I'imit tormim. WASINGTON , March H.-Senalor Stew. art received the following dispatch tel a ) ' from the governor of Nevada : "Resolution or legislature enllorslng Sibley and bImetalc Illatorm passed and approved " this day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 'Rlllaln bh"llrt Is Urln . WAShINGTON . March H.-Calltaln L. G. Shepard of the revenue cuter service ot the Treasury department , Is dying ot pneu. monla at his home bere ) AILSA WAS AN EASY WINNER \ - American Yacht Shows Her Admlrablo Qualtios at Mentno , BRITMNIA AND CORSAIR LEF BEHIND : I'rlnee or " 'alt "M on J" rncht , hut ) ll Not Prove a Ila ' ; cot-A Pretty naeo II n Igtt ! ! SoatheuterlT hireeze CANNES , March 14.-Allsa beat her two rivals today In pretty style , the Irlnnnla , with the prince of Wales on board , btlng left far In the rear There was a light southeasterly breeze , which promlsell to Increase as the day wore on , whelm Aisa , Drlannla and CorsaIr started , at 11 o'clock , In the race for the Ogden Ooelet and James Gordon Uennel challenge cup : . 1 ( now heM by Britannia - nia ) , valued 't :10 : gulnCs , for ni yachts over 20ratng. Prom the moment at cross- Ing the line Aisa pulled away from lInt- annie mind In five mInutes hat a long lead. The prince of Wales drove to the quay some time before the race and embanked ' In the launch belongIng to' Mr llchard Winslow , which conveyed him on board Bnitannia . The Ilnt ) ' Included : Ir , and Mrs. lcharll Winslow , the latter wearing a Urltannla ribbon around her sailor's cap , At the start Ais crept un.ler . liritannia's Ice , then reached along prettily and just be- fore thin starting Kun was tired she wore arould , smarty dlshed over the line and was her own length amid son1J daylight aheall when Briannia followed her Mlsa's lead annla. was two minutes ele\el - seconds al Urlt- Time tlnt ! of the yachts at the fnish were : 'lsa , 2n:31 : : ; Brlh\nnla \ , 3 tOG:44. : : DedueUug time tlmmie of alnwlnr. , IIP flrlliiminla. Ih" nl\\ ' cutter Aiisa beat - time prince i ; . r.ies'y \ cht by twel'o minutes correct 1m ! After Aisa crossed the line she waited for Britannia , and when the latter hal nnlshel tim prInce or Wales' cutter was sailed very close to the Aisa all the prince of Wiles raised his yachting cap In the aIr , led three hearty cheers for the boat which had ( given his boat the most severe beating she ever had. Those on board the Aisa returned the cheers and , the victorious cutter then 11ro- eeede 10 the quay where she was welcomed by a large crowd ot people I was rePorted after the race that Ogllen Coelet won $25.000 from Baron lunch on Ailsa's vlclory. itEmtJLTS O : TIlE HUN JNU 'l'tlACli" , Ioney emi Vmtv.mnitcsmttllmiy Dllrlct Jurncu tip hy OUIRller , . SAN FRANCISCO , March 11.-Favorites were ont of form tOditI' , nail not one showe1 undem' the wire In front The first race was declared oft and the others shoved lp a numher. The , lay's Short ended wih a made tp race. Summary : First race five and n half fmirlongs . sell- lug : Contriiution , 102 , GrUln (3 ( to 1) ) , won : Ioyal Contrtmton : . hora t6 ( to 5) ) , second : Cannel , ; , Burnl ( 10 to 1) ) . third. Time : 1:02\ : \ Lonnll B , howard , Iahognn , Sea- spray . I ll ) ' L , Alvance , 1otto , May Day anl , \'urrago also rnn. Second rac" , one-hair mile. 2-ar-old8 : Furrl llnrtrnan . 1t , Carr ( S to 1) ) . won : Leon L , 1 : . Chorn (8 ( to 5) ) , second ; Donna Cnm'lottn. 102 , GIUln (3 ( to 1) ) , thIrd . Time : : 0:4'J4. : Thele a. VIm'gle A , Hurry 0 , llritan- nia , Joan Idaho gelding , ? . Inrlonete , Can :1110 and Nerve 11 ) ' also ran Third race , seven furlongs : Captress , 101. Taylor (2 ( to 1) ) , won : Jack ltlciielleu . 111 , Carl (4 ( to 5) ) , second ; Miss \uth. 10. Grlfn (1 ( to 1) ) , timlrd. Time : 1:7. : . . Seaside , Fbi'- once Dickey , 'awona and lka L also ran. Fourth race , one mile : \Vhlestone , 100 , Chol'l (3 ( to 1) ) , won : ltd 11 Fons. 101. ! Grif- tin ( lii to 1) ) , second ; Flashlght , 91. Isorn (5 ( to I (0 ) thIrd ' 'lmt : 1:40 : % . . Sue Abbot also ran. ran.Fifth race , five furlongs , soiling : Kath- leen 106 , Chorl (4 ( to 1) ) , won ; Centurion , 102 , HennOssy H ( to 5) ) , second ; Chemucl . 98 Hel ) ' (0 ( to 1) ) , third. 'rime : 1:02' : ' E Tlrano Monroe , Mutineer , Yalparalso , Lau- rel all Sissy JupE also ran . NEW ORLEANS , March 11.-Track slo\ HpsuHs : First race nve-elghth of a mile : Minister (1 ( to 2) ) won NelOshor ( ( to 1) ) secoiui . Curious (9 ( to 2) ) thh'.I Time : 1:01\4. : \ Second race , se\'en-elghths of I mile : Pearl ( ( to 1 won , Joco (0 to 1) ) second , Daphne (2 ( to 1 ) thl'd , Time : 1:3 : Third , nice , one mile : Florence P ( I to 1 ) von . Uapldla ( ( I to 1 ) second . Chimes (2 ( to 1) ) thlll Time : 1:4G. : 1 Fourth race three-quarters or a mile : Ben Wilson (15 ( to 1) ) won , FIdget (10 ( to 1) ) sac- amid , Beverly (0 ( to I ) thIrd. ; Time : Il0 : . . ont Fifth rce , tliree-uuartei's of a mile : Herman - man (3 ( to 1) ) won , Lay On (5 ( to 2) ) secant , Fakir I (6 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1 :12 % . ST. LOUIS Mardi 11.-At East St Louis : First race , three-eigiiths of a mile : Miss I.yon I % 'on . Feast second , Ethel I.cah third Time : 0:3H : . Second race , nine-sixteenths of a mile : Northwestern won , lIeperla second Arl- zotm third. Time : OG8 : % . 'rlmird race , seven-eighths or a mile : Uncle John won , Kenwood second , King Crab third 'rime : 1:32 ; % . Fourth race . three-quarters of a mie : Hush won , Golden Crown second , Mar Blossom - som ' thlrt , 'rime : 1:1 : ! . Fifth race , tlve-eigimtiis of a mil : Pat Tucker Wal , Equator secolll , Little ElI third ' 'lml : 1:03b : , YALI - CJI \ OS ' - 'II' TIt,1NiNG TAnl.I : , lenvlest Crew tim J'lvo Yoars-CulllRII Armntroimg'R Now l'urnl , , Arm.troll'l : l'uUI NEW HAVEN , Conn. , larch H.-Candi- date for the 'varsity crew went to the trainIng - lag table toda ) The party includes the rel- milan eight. Captain Armstrong bow ; Hal- com , 2 ; Beard . 3 ; Longacre , 4 ; Cross , G ; Dalor , 6 ; Trealway , 7 ; Miller , 8 ; together wih Judd , Simpson , Coonoy WheelwrIght and Lanlford , The vaccinations have not hIndered timework work of the crew thus far Yesterday Cap taln Armstrong gave the men paIr-oar work and three hours worll In the new barge. This Is the heaviest crew since 1890 , averag- lag 176 pounds Measurements were taken for the new pump which Captain Armstrong Intends to try In the such. The coxswain will work It with his foot , and six gallons 1)01' minute can he pumped out , I will not impede the speed of the shell when working. Hilly imnItIi's Clmlenso I. \oloott , BOSTON , March 14-"Mysteriotms" Diy Smith has sent a letter to fatehmalter ICen- nedy ot the Seaside club of Coney Island stating that he Is willing to meet Joe Wol- coLt In a tweuty-lveround contest at Coney Island , Smih wants to match at 12 pounds. WiIam Daly jr. , at Bostou or AI Smith or Jere Dunn of New York to referee , winner to take all of the purse or gate receipts - ceipts , less $250 to loser. lie asks that the contest be decided by a Imockout and neither , man bo decided a winner U there Is Police Interference or It at time end ot the twenty. fifth round both men arc emi their feet , able , and willing to = TOm ( ( mimI 111 . \Ihlele tl 'I'rnln , LONDON , March H-Owlng to time recent cold wtather the athletes or the Oxford IJnI- , verlt ) . have ben unable to train for the athletc tournament with the Cambridge unl- , , verl ) ' , and that event has been poatponel until July 17. nntl ; % ' IA 1. YEN , onn. March 1I.-\\ ' . 0 Jkkoll ' captain of the Yale athletic teanm lal.1 toia ) ' , relative to tl reportell dell ) ' In the training of the Oxforti.l'amnbrldge nth- I.tlc team , that It mattered , 'ery little to Yale , as In nil pobablt there would . be no telm Imt from the university , shoull a match take place Yale Nlne'l J"lrs : llleh Olln , NEW 1.VE : Conn. , March 11.-Time Yale nine played yesterday for the first iliac. After an hour's general work the 'varsIty team played five Innings agJlnst a lucked nine , All the battery candidates were given a chance. The other positions on lime ' varsity team were filled as follows : Steptionson first base : Headington , second base ; lncke 1 , third base : J. H Quilmliy . short stop ; Streator right field ; Read , center fIeld , and Spear , left field , Stllinn "lr.lhloro U'nt. FOnT WAYNE , Mach 14.-Strathmore , the grft stallion , Is del ) from the effect of a f.l he received about three weeks ago I lie was foaled In 188G and was the moat amed of all hianibletena . J'I\I lullr..1 a liloulim for a .loe ' key , SAN FRANCISCO , March H-Charley Weber , time Jockey , hn signed to rid for E. J. Baldwin at a salary of $500 I month TryIng 1011110 I Wn.tll Match CINCINNATI , March H-Dan McLeod at San Francisco Is here to lake terms wih I I' . . Charles Witmer o't city for I mixed ' " threa-roun(1 wrestln'l "Iratch of Graeco. noman and catch-lh clleh-can for $1,000 a side , to come oft hete within thirty days , Wlllnms nit Out I lrI1' GALESDUno , Iii. ( 'March ' 14.-C. W , \Vil- llama announces tonlgll that forty omit or eIRht-two stakes for the great August trotting meet have filled " , with stakes aggre- gating $ SO He a',1 this Is the largest nmolnt given by fth1l association tl America this ) 'ear , Eight u'11re.l horses are entered . tered A deal for n. I9rrornmnca by Alx doming the second % setk of the meet Is con- summaeI , -I , ( 'ommrmhmig for tmn. " ' 1101100 ( : UI' . LH'ImIOO" lfrqh H.-tn the third round or the cOlr81 , for the Waterloo CUIJ at Alcar near here , today , the winners were : nicoler l\an .ih\ Great , Pair Flor- . alto , Fortuna , I' nventc , 'rliommghtless neaut , Fabulous , 1.'ortune , Mellor Moore and Gal- lant. II the fourth toummti Pnlconer , For- tumna Fn\ente , Thoulhte s lleaumty nml Oal. lent were time wimmnmirs . . IIS .o.UlIOLIW IS .IS .1 RE.SULUTIOS. t'ettliomm nlltlnl time CnnRtlan lorltON SIOnll(1 Into time I.egIimutimrt. , SPRINGFIELD , lii. , Mardi 14.-in the hOlse lepresentat\o Kent saId that n mcmii- her front Chlcalo hal yesterday slipped In n resolulon under the guise of a iletitlon. lie objected ( to such IJrOceedlngs and moved to strike out that portion of time journal Mr. Gibson salll he was the member who was accused or smuggling In the resolution an(1 ( at his request the document Iresented by him was read for Information. 1 Ilroved to be a memorial from the hhh court of the lnde pentelt Order of oresters protesting agalnsl the snpreme court of the lilepemlent Order of Foresters of Canada doing business In Illinois and alalnst the conduct or AHorney General Moionoy In the mamlamus proceed- ) proceel- Ings which resulted In an order comlelng the state Insurnce superintendent to Issue licenses to such rorelln corponatiomms . Accompanying - companying the memorial was I resoluton IJlo\llnl for the appointment of a com- mitten or three to Invesllate the alega- tons made In time memorial. Speaker Meyer , ruled that the document ' presented was t petition and that time resolution would not be considered as being introduced. ST. L'AIJI. wA'rs ' ' ( 1Ih61''t'l1I8 C\I'ITOI. Jealous of ii Move emi time Part of leI Twlim SisoI to Tnkn It from lor , ST. PAUL , Mardi 14.-Althouglm the stale capitol conlnlssloners have contracted for a nel capitol silo In this city , as directed by the state convention , the city of Mimmnrapolis . through Mayor Pratt , the park board and dIE ) ' council today presented to the house of representatives - lentatves a lroiosition that Loring park , a thlrty.lx-aere park In the residence portion of Mimmmieapolis . would be donated to the state for a capitol If the state woull move the capitol and hull there. A lively debate was precipiated on the reference of the proposi- tion . the moton for a special committee beIng - Ing tlken as an attack on the speaker and hl9 composition or the public buildings. Mr. louglas one of the ableat lawyers on the floor . maintaIned that the 11roposliol , ai- I hongh doubtless madt In good faith , hal no legal standing as Loring park hal , been ae- Inlrel for park purposes , and hI read the statute covering the poilt and supreme cOlrt decisIons In support of his P&sitioii. Mr. Gbbs mo\ed to table the wh010 maHer , but the motion was lost as also ! was a moton for a special reference and the speaker sent It to the Judiciary ommlte to determine the legality of the propositon , A simIlar IlrOIJolton was receive 'om Stiwater and laid on the table , Iholo hhnul UopnhlJcal Soimilmmatlonq. InOVIDE CE. n. I. . March It-The delegates to the republican state conventiomm con\enton nominated candidates for state otcers to be chosen.at the April electIon , Hon. Charles Warren Lippit of this city was nomtnatel for governor. For the ' test of the general oleers the present hlnmbents were rlnom- Inate . 'rhe\ are : - Lieutenant governor , Edward l , n. Allen : se1retry of state / , Charles p , boat ; atorn e ) ' general , Edward C. Du- bois , and general treastirem' , Samuel llarl ( . The platform adopted referred briefly to the present state anti national Issues and strongly - ly endorses the proposed amendment to the state consttlon lu'o\ilng for bIennial elections and the apqortionmemit of the cities by wnllls for the election of members to the general assembly ' , PIUVIDENCE , H I. , March 11.-Time Hbode Island democrats held theIr state convention to/lay and ma.le . the following nomInations : For governor , George P. Lit- Li- tefeld of lawtucket : for lieutenant go'- ernor Augnstus S. Miller of ProvIdence ; secretary of state , George \ . Greene of \Yoonsoclet ; , atore ) ' general . George 1. Brown of Ir\'hleICe ; general treasurer , Jolm G. Perry of South Kingston The platform deals almost whol ) ' wih state afalrs _ _ _ _ _ Commmunltte'q Busy lt'lrk. . SALT LAKE , Utah , March 11.-A large numher of propositions were submited to the consttutonal convention today and re- [ erred to ulIIJ'orn'late ) committees. A peti- pet- ton of the woman urrra/Ists was received and rererre.l. Two propositions relatIng to the taxaton of mInes were stmbmnltted . being taken from the laws of Montana , being and Colorado. 'rime commItee > are actively at work but very little result has been shown on the surface. New York 1'.10. Ills 1\lr..t Upon AIJUANY. N Y. , March H-The bills to reorganize the police tepartment of New York City wel'e agreed upon by the Llxow commitee toda ) ' . The Pius are drmiwn so < lS to take from the reform mayor of the city In ) ' powel' of apIJolntment In the matter - ter amid lodge them wIth the part leallers / by retaining the Present heads of the polee all doing away with any specIal reorgani- zaton commltea to be appointed by the ma'or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OI..nmlllrln. Hii I'mmsgcml In 'I.oonrl , JEFFERSON CITY , ! o. . March H-The senate has passed the house bill prohibiting time saID at mutation ' butter. The act pro hlhls the coloring or oleomargarine In Imita- ton ot butter and its fale at any time as D substtute for butter unless Illalnly marleJ as such The penalties rauJe frame fines to ana year's immiprisonimmemit f.a.t If the Jtue I.iiivmi Gene , IIAI1TF'ORD. COln" , March 1l-The senate has repealed the last at the blue laws. I was a statute which provided that a justice of the peace might convIct a person on his personal knowledge wihout corroborative tes- tman ) or tim ofemes of Sabbath breaking , blasllhemlng and drunkelnOss , Cailorn" , tn Vlt" nn \'nIUI surrn ! " , I SAUIEAMENTO , Cal. . March H.-'he , state senate today adopted 1 consttutonnll allndnwnt giving women the might to vote Time amendment has aireall . ) ! hen lc0pted hy this assembly mind w1 now be submltel to the voterl of time state , JII 10 J'revent etL'tmlimmg If femva. SIRNGFml.U , I. , March 14-In the state senate tOday SemjaCbr , ' " Berry's bi to prevent - vent wrongful talcng.on' ws from the wires or neWfl > per prey's ; \ was advanced pe3 < \\lon8 aS3\ \ to the third reading , ' . : \11 . to l'rev8nt"p""IIII , ; Inrsl8 , JfWl.'gRSON CITY ; iMO . March lL-'i'iie senate pashed Senator . ' ? vhiitt's bill this afternoon - noon , whkh Irohlhl8. IhIj .lockimmg of horsch' tails . 'l'iie bill was C\i \ Hie ntld by the 1u- tt mane society of St. , 1.os. " 'om"n $ ufTm'ame ' : l . l'npllaloto. . AI.INY , March W 'fle 15sembly today passell the concurrent rosoluton submitng to a vote ct the peoplPb tI1questbomm ' ! of womsn suffrage hy a vote of 'pQ ' c 31 - I t tO To Dy' . , Or Not to D e , ' that Is the ques' _ _ . ° " ton i whether it Is better to wear that faded , shabby dress and endure the scornful looks / of all your wel-dressed \ neighbors , orto purchase a package of ] )1101d ) Uyes and restore . i..i freshness In another color-making anew net dress for ten cents. Diamond Dyes are made for homo use. Absolutelyrellable. Any color. Sl oyer\hcr a.wr1ea ot 10 . "Iurd . "hie rTllrectl Wu 11CU4lSOx e : C" DlrUlil , Vt FOUND A MOUNTAIN OF GOLD , - Terrible Hardships Endured by Prospectors in the Wilds of Australia , LUCKY MEN ThEN TURNED MURDERERS Jhltdler"1 n Whlie IIm1 ot Nntve % , 'Vho I\I , Stolen Their l'r.uiglomms anti Cluno black to Clvllr'Uon to Al' IOIICO Their Crlmo. VANCOUVEU , D. C" , March H.-Dy the mal steamer Mlowern comes time astonishing story from tim distant gold fields of western , \ustrall , harl ! credible If It had nol been borne out by the arrest or several or the rlngleallers , ot the most terrible tragedy that has yet been enacted In time lawless Cool- ' gardle. Pahulous flails have lately been reported from Ninety Mile 1olnt , Illgcts weighing between fifty ald 150 olnces of Iluro gold being picked UIJ on time surface ot the 1101nd. These stories made mel ma(1 ( wih Ilst for gall , and prospectors II time race for wealh plshed on for hunlreds ef miles II the wideress , far he'ond where whie mal hal , 'vr heemm The ) ' had scarcely enouJh rood soil water to keep them alive . 'hey were brought back raging with fever all placed In the Cooigardio hosllltal , iii- neatly overcrowded with d'lng miners. The fate of these desperate men did nol deter eight new arrivals [ rom forming a symidicate amid with imeavy packs ot provIsions - vIsions , water and rifles sturtel from Ninety Mile Point the I extreme western lmit of Coolgardle , to penetrto Into the Interior. 'rhe ) started Decembel' 1 , or last year , awl lothlnl being heard or timem since , It was smmIlIOseii that they had let death. Dan itobertson one of the symidicate . returned from his caml' , 120 mies from Coolgardle , January 20 , amid confessel , to the polee that after discovering a mountain of gold the party , returning to cammmp rounl that u band of blacks had stolen nil their provisions. The syndicate pursued the blacks to their village and butchered the entre eneamlHnent , shootng the 1en and braInIng the Women and clmildrcmi . The other murderers have hlel arrested The solid hi of quartz which the syndIcate round Is seventy feet high , 250 feet wide at the haso all fifteen feet at the summit , full or gold. The rush Is set- tng In to the scene of . the fimid. i.t I . ' . 1 rIU ) .1' t 7' " I J'ITI. 1'S7' , IlnolR SUllrolo Court 1'miqseR on time S"'Olt Simp I. . " " . MOUNT VERNON Ill. , March li.-Tlmere was fed today In the ofce of the clerk of the supreme court an opinion In the case at Wilam Hlchle against the peOIJle , error rrom Cook count ) . court. This was a suit to teat the conslntonalt ) or what was lown as the sweat shop , or eight-hour uau' executed by the general assemimbly ! at 1893. The act provides for the inspection at factories " sweat shops , etc. One secton of the act made I a misdemeanor for I woman to be employed for more than ellht hours In any anD day Ilchlo was arrested a 11 fined for worilng female cmplo'es inure than eight hours a day and procured a writ or error to time supreme - preme court. The constitutionality of the entre act was attacked . but the supreme conrt holds that section , G Is void vlz : "No remale shal be employed In any factory or workshop more than eight hours In any one day or rorty-elght hours In anyone week. " Tim court holds that a woman has tile same right as a man to make contracts , and that It Is an Infrlngemolt upon her rights guaranteed by time constitution to say that she cannot work as malY hours In the day flii she may be inclined to Time court adds that this opinion Is not to Imply that section [ would be invalid If It was lmied In Its terms to ferlles : who are minors As the general assembly Is now In session , secton 5 wi probahly be replaced with one prohibit- lag the employment or females under 18 years of age more than eight hours In any one day , as the court has Indicated that aueh I section would be legal. O al the labor leglslllon ot recent years , this act Is the only one which has heen sustained even In Part by the supreme court I.'HANKFOHT , Ky" , March 14.-The court of appeals holds valid and payable In gold the $300,000 bonds of tw city of Louisville sold to F'arsomm . I.eeeh & Co. ' MEL\'AUKEE l . llal'ch It-Tho case of the government aalnst Guy ; [ cGllshen was taken under advIsement In the United Unied States court tQla ) ' . Guy cGJashen was nn attorney against whom In,1ctment , ! were round hy I grand ! JUI'Y In Kansas on n charge of subornation of IJIJur ) ' In con- necton wih the tiling of ahieged claims In the Oklahoma land otiice . lie was In'ested and a bond of $1,0 was fnllshed wHh H. g JlcGashen and J. W. Sur1s as sureties , Thl bond \\'al forfeited anti the government seek to collect the amount thereof fmm n , 16. 1 lcGashen , who Is a wealthy cii- zen or Beaver Dam , " 'Is. J. \V. 8nr1s , the other bondsman , Is a resident of Kansas Clt ) ' . DENVER : , March It-The supreme court today handed down an opinion hol1ng that the huh passed by the leglllature for the relief of easter Colorado farmner Is uncon- sltUtolll , I will , thertrore , lot become a imts' . amid the destitute farmers wi huve to hook elsewhere than to the state for seed wih which to malt a fresh start this spring CHICAGO , March 1 1.-Waldock lodge No 16 of UH Knl/htl of Pythlas has nlIaieml , to the courts to prevent the granll lodge of the state or Illinois from taking [ rom I Its churter for refusIng to co 11' with the edict of time order abolsh In/ the use of a ritual In German. / riual FOl'r 'Y A YN1. lad. , March 14.-Tim the circuit court here today Judge O'Hourl ht'l that the state Jaw IU'ohlbltng corpo- ratons from dlschnrgln" elplo'cs because they lre members of labor unIons Is un- consttutonal , 01"A " 'A. m. , March H-The supreme conrt of IllinoiS . , contrary to eXllectatons , dId not render . n leclslon today In the test case Involving the clgimt-iioimr hiuw A do- clslon , however , Is expected wIthin a day 01 two. trOPEKA. , ICan. . March 11.-Time defendants - ; I ants l\nounC'.1 todimy that they hud un- : isied I Introducing evidence In the Himan insurance casa , More than sixty laya have been consumed In tailing testimony In this famous case , alil It Is 3mrobahie that a weel longer will bo required / to comlllete the arh"ment. _ _ _ . _ _ _ When Baby was sick we gave her CrlB Wen she was a Child , she cried for C tr When she became MIs she clang to Clsr When alma bad CImtldj'cn , she gala them Ca'd - -I illlluh1IIIlIII1llhlIIII11TJ111llhEllh1lIlluhIIllhIiJJllhI ] ! llllffluuIlllluhlllTll1llhTllll1llIllhTill1llh1TT111TllJI1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! IIll11F1llIh { Wl1atJs ill a Name ? Sometmes more , sometimes less. There's Ozo- mutsion , for instance , \Vhat's ' Ozomulsion ? That's : trade name for oznized emulsion. \\'hat's ' that ? Thats all : emulsion of pure cod lver oil , ozone and guaiacol ! f Whats it for ? You've got it ; all run dowii-cough- hack-can't -woi't let else - sleep-won't anybody sleep-losing flesh--losing spirit --getting blue-get discouraged about nothing. 'What ' does that amount to ? More blues- o more cough-folks shake their heads--Iook wise-say U Consumption " -doctor comes -more head shakes- more wise looks -you know-ills----pills--bills. Take Ozomulsion il tiizw. That will fool 'em-fool you friends-fool the doctor-fool . One bottle costs frends-fool docor--fool you. botle a dalal Thatl make you feel beter-you'l get hungry ' like to eat , If it don't -you'll lke good things once more , don't buy any more and get your dollar back. \Ve ' have faith in Ozomtlsion --you'l have after you've tried it fairly. OZOULSION i Cures Co " , Coughs , CO/Slllltl ! , lro/rllr.o , .StllI . , : zitmml emil Pulznoiinry COlllllltS ; : I'rofuln , General I'II1- - iJ' , 1.uss of Ilcsll .tllCll , , 11111 n'llstll nlslws , 1 mall ; ; , or it : ; tO : mug ' ' . A. : i Slocimimi store 1t't huM ii : ; mij If I Penn veil nmetl are le.iiitIfmI Street wlmero , Non' , you i ! York can't ? ( ) ZoZtIUlflOh1. ( l1lllhI111I1ll1lluhlllh11llll1 .It ct ) ' it . , ! ; ; ' ; ' . For Sate by Kuhn & Co. - - To Retail Dealers of Cigars : . To intt'oduco out' nc\ bm'immmd .m460tt . wihout expense of [ DC ta\elng wo will send you the , Omaha Daily Bee [ m' a : i 10nths Crats \Viths eneh thousand ' ' . Those . \Vih cigars pII'ohased. ' cgn.s are without doubt the fncst $ : . - .OO ( ) cigars In the mmaarlcot. GUAI/\NTlm TO I ! l'mST CLASS . A trial order vilI comivlimcc ' . or o. wi cOI'lncc you. Terms 30 . ccnt fou' ctsh. 'l'ot'ls :0 dIYs- pet' cns : DUFFY & CO. , Omaha , Neb. ii "CUPIDENE" U 'I'mmlqgrontVegetabie Vitamizerthmo Imnescrlp- VOtiS or dlqemm.qea of Elm , ' gemmerativo . , ras , miclily , ' curo1'omm of aennhmooti all ncr. , Jnsomnlnm sins In time littcic , leroimmmil nhi&Sbmmn , l''m'vommq lebtilty l'bmpies , mifitne sq to Marry , lxi.ammetimmg Irnhii , ' .irlcoeeIe 511d ' . it tOp5 nil ioise'i ( or miglmt. , Pev'gmts qulck Constl1'atloim. , , acts o dl'tcmtmmrge. wliclm If Imot che eI raims to Spermmmittnrrliwi& and Limo horrors of Impotency. ClIPS iJIE cieauimca tholiver , ttmo B EFORE AND A FTEH kidneys and time tmrinmiry organs of all tmnbmurltles. CU1'IDENE , , trengthmeimsammmi restoresmmmnhlweak omgnmis. 'rIms reaon Cuml'erers ale not cimed by Imoctorit lit beciumse nlnet3 ? per Cent . mire tm'omibled smith . ProutntI * i. CU1'IlEEE I tmmm' oniy known remed7 ta cure t Itimout mom op.'natiomm. teEO tt'qmmnmomii. . , ni' . . A written gmmrtrnnt'ogIveti and money rptmmrned I six box. ' ( Ioe not eflect me l'craiaaeutvUrO. 41.00 a box , iz for 5.tXi. by mail. cnd for yam : circular niid testinmommmnta , Address DAVOL MZDICINE CO. , 1' . 0. fox T6 , Samm PrammciscoCnL , ? brsahm bi DIIUG . , 1110 FARNAM ST. , OMA1A , NEIl. 2tSALE - - BY GOODMAN - CO. - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 'THE MORE YOU SAY THE LEES PEOPL2 I REMEMBER. " ONE WORD WITH YOU SAPOLIO Thi. Fzmoi , . Remedy cmmro , quickly permanently allmiervou'.miltemieoe % Vouic ilemoryLmismui irammi l'owor , 'licamiacime , Yakefunesmm , Lu.t V Itahity , milmimtly onuis' ebomm.ovii dreatue , mimipotonc , end watmmmg dmteaes onus. . . , , . ' , . . . oil by a..ullIi'mml crrr. or cCc.e. Ctmmmtalns no om'batos. Isam.crvatonlcandmlood btilhdcr , Itluko thopalo andpuny Strong and pmunim. l6aslycarriatltn ei , . vettocket. , SI PerbexlforS5 ; , Ilmahierc mtmdwlth ) 'I ' , awr.ttengmmarftnmeo , , , tocuroor macnay refunded. Vrlto us , . free intmmemta look , coaled plain wrapperwitim Iciti' I. . DAY , IOh DAY. 2ob C1. O'h PAY. mnonmams aflil ll000m'mrmm refereimees. Norharteforconmimuta. ( foal. Jlemtumre of m1totiofls. Sold by our immients , oraddro5s , 7erve ? 4eed Co. , Masonic 'Sample , Chicago. 6003 in Omaha by Sherman & McQmnineih , Kubi. & Co. and by VIcksra A Uerchant , Druggluti , DOCTOR ' ' SEARLES & SEARLESS Chronic , Ictvolis , PrivathDiseases. Diseases. TIIEATMENT If MAIL. Consultmitlomm [ tree. We euro Catarrh , all diseases of the Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Fe. male Weakuesaos , Lost Manhood , anti ALL PRiVATE DISEASES OF MEN. WEAK MEN AIlD VICTIMS TO lhIIIIVOtIZ Debility or Ethau.IL'in. Waetia Weakmieal , La voluntary LQBep , With Early Decay ma yotmog and middlv aoi ; l.m of vim , vigor nodweakened prematurely 1mm aprroachtng old age. All yelid readily to our new treatment for 10. . of vital power. C& or a' address , ith itamp for cli. culam's , fre. book t.mm'l receipt , . D r aarloc anmi qnm'Ie 1416 Fmsrnarmm a , wuca 'J cuts lJvatiJ1 Ommmmiia : Not , EW PES ALI.AUOUTCUANflINO Ii PSU mIme i'uatur.otminml Sterno- log ilbemishesirm 1W p. lcok foe a etarap. .Johrm 51. V'.dbmmry , ' , 127 SV' , 42d St. , N , Y , thvemutor of Woudburj'a i'acimil boav. WI5 L N DOUGLAS " iSTH1BEST hP "E FITFORAKING. COWOVAN , 1yc" FRtNEH &UAMCLLED CALF. r 43Ftt FINE CALF&IANOAROa I $3.ZPPOLICE,350LES. , ' ' 4eoi32.WORIiNGMN ( 1' ' XTflArIN - . 52.I.ZBOWSCHOO1SIIUE. , d. . . , - 'LADI1. , . ' . * 's. , Over Ono Million People wear the w. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satIsfactory Timey gIve the beat value for the money. They equal cmietom Shoes In style nnd fit. 'Ihmeir weenlnjf qualities are lmnsurpalied. Time prices arc unhform--.stamped on sols. From Sm to $3 saved over other makes , Jfyourdealercannot suppiyyouwecao. Soldbj AW. DowmanCo. . N. l6thSt. cJ , Ca risen , 1218 N. 24th S w. w. Fisher , Parker and Leavenworth St. J.Plewman , 424 S , 13th St. Kelley , StIe'er & Co. Farnrnn and 15th St. T.S. Cressey , 2509 N St. , South Omaha. " 1 Tltrotglt Puhlnunn Sleeping Car I.lios P 1 aiit ysteitti .i. Dully INTO ELOH11)A viii the . . . . 1tit k33TSt111 _ ( III ThiS MOST SUi'IlIfll VV.STI1IIII.iIi ) TIAlNS IN ' V1'ID l ( A p _ _ . -A . . 50 I VP..X J1tLJ .J m , . - _ Tilil WOILD. ONLY ONfl NIdIIT OUT IIBTWP.IIN 3 ( ih1IT % YES'f COAST hOTELS Owned 111111 Operated by the P1./tN' ! ' SYS'FtM. MR. J , H. IlNC , Monagor. _ * - & : -"i . _ _ _ - - _ _ _ . - _ . .v L . . ' Id ' . . . - . . . - ' 4 Vest Pasiiieuugor 'rraIii , . $ . Jc ' : 'E ' Chinrietoiu to I1iorU1 , l. ' ' , . . : : . iii ' . . . ' . , - , . - . . cho . . - . , 5 Iuist Pitseuoiugor Trains . . ' " ' : ' Suvunuuiuli to l'iorld , \Oo'cO" , ' ' - _ . - \ . , A' f . - . . . . ' 44 ' , : 2FastPucuigcr'frnlus , . . ; , ' 1li2 , : Atititita to IiorIdn , _ _ _ _ _ . . - ' 2 Itst l'nstieuuger Traliiii _ 't . _ ii L , .j Moiitgoniery to 1Ioridv . , , , _ _ ' - ; : ; _ . i : , . p lant Steamship Line Hiegnuit Ships flvcry Wcelt Liotwectu i Elcguuut Ship lveryWeok hietweott 4 - - - - - - - - Port 'Funiptz , Key Woitt tund ihIlvulhItlU I I'OilT 'FAMI'A AND MohuiLil , 13 W , WflIiNN , Passonjer Traiflo Manajor , eAvANN.1uI , GA.