.r. ; _ . . _ . , , - s. _ _ I = - - TIlE OMAflA ] DAiLY DEE : : IfJMDAY , MARCh 15 , J89t. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 - ' TIlE OMAHA DAn DEE. COUNCLIa 11LUFI , ' $ . CtF1CE. . - NO. 12 PEA1tL THEE'l - - - - I. Dtll\'crt br tarier to Iny Ilrt of lhe t1 , . 11. W. TILTO , Leuee. T1.TT'ltOtS-Euiinsq offlee. No. < : nlgbt idItor . No. : - - - ' ' . 1."OI . IIR.\ : TJU."S. Ora nIl , Council fl1uft. E. F. Clark prop MRYtl neal slate agency. & 39 roalwY , "lB Bergman will tcrtatn ( the 1l1s of the W. A. 1' . A. : t her home , 61 Stuttsman . street , this evening. O. C. Green , who hn been working for IJ\'hl Irnlley & Co. , took n position ) 'es- tel'lay With Fairbanks , Morse & Co. of Omaha. Mary A. Lyons fe.l information with the city clerlt yesterelny charging Weir nou las wih dlslurblng , the peace by calling her naughty nmc ! . Regular in1etIng Council murs Iolge , No 210 , A. 0 U.V. . , this evening nuslnes of Importnuce. All memhers are requesteel to bo lireant A. : lcllen , recorder. Mary Sorensen has filed n petition In the ( lstrlct court aslling for n divorce frol Jens Sorensen on the ground of drunken- nss , desertion and failure to slpport Julus Peterson , charged with restating nn oncer who was l'ylng to eject him from n snlon building at Cut.of was tried In Jus- tco VI en's court ) 'lstcreIIY , and the case WIS taken under Idvlselent , Fred . G Jar.lnp . was cal1h trying to iet Into Del O. Morgan's ; drug store We.lles- . day night while lit search of n place tr II & ep. lie was lnllly drunk , and . was fined ; 15.TO ; In 1101c ! court yesterday morning. Cnlanthe nssembly , Pythlan SI tehooJ , will hold 1 special meclng nt the resbienco ot Mrs. 0 Younlerman , East Pierce street , Saturday - urday , Morch 1 ( ; , at 2:30 : P. m. All members are requeste' to b" present. Jy order of the O. C. A leethll at time assessors ot Pottawatta- mlo county II to be held today nt the olC ! of the county auditor. The object of the meeting Is maid to he to tul ; over assess- menls , ror the purpose of making nn cqultn- ble nFscesment all over the county. Hev. .1. . \ . Wllams w1 speak on the or "Amusements" ' . subject next Sunday e\'en. log nt the } llpl' ( Day Saints' church. The qll'slons : "Is It right to play cards ? " What kind of theaters shou11 n Christian attend ? " wl be nnswercd. Proper amusements - ments lor the young and time ditty of parents and time church In sUllplylug them wi be consldcred. Maiio Ynncey has flied another information - ton charging George Oliver with time theft of n \\tch. Oliver was arrested on the charge several months age , when It was developed that he pot possession at the timepiece while eeplng ) company with Miss Yancey , and ( that after they "brol of" n dispute arose lS to I :7 : which of them owned it. The case was dls- mlsse(1 ( without trial , and It was supposed nl the time that It had been settled. We have over $ OOOOO to loon upon 1m. ; proved Iowa farms. Farmer desiring loans cnn save money by dealing direct with us , - thereby saving agent's commission. We do not loan on wild Innd . nor In Nebraska. Lugp & Towie 235 Pearl slreet. J'I lSO"AL 1'.1R.1JIC1I'II. Frank flee of Kearney , Neb. . Is In the city visiting his brother . Scott Rice. Mr. and ) rs. A. Poland of Avoca arc In the city for a few ( lays' visit with their cousin , John 'f. lazen and family , on South - Seventh street. Colonel J. J. Stealman returned yesterday from Des ) olnes , where he went to testify before the grand jury with reference to the alleged crooked transactions of W. S. Richmond - mend , In connection with the failure of the Union city. Duldlng and Loan association of that General E. F. Test received a letter yesterday . lcrdny from his old ( friend , George G. Street , of Hochester - , nnnouncing the latter's promo- ton'- to time position of general manager at the blue lne , " Mr. street Is remembered well by most of thee who lived here fifteen years or so ago , when be was connected with I the Union Pacific. - WIlt Is In . Name ' Everthing , If applied to a Hardman Piano sold by Mueller Pane : and Organ company , 103 Main street. AskR. for ltoro 1'lrot floxc. Chief Scanlan , In his annual report to the mayor , asks that the council purchase ten more patrol boxes. The Richmond system , which Is principally In use In this city , Is a combination of fro and police alarm. The Richmond company has now gone out of business , and tile system Is being replaced . , gradually by the Gamewel , which has only fire alarm boxes In this way three boxes , those nt roadwny and Main. Sixth avenue and Twenty-frst. and South First and Knep- per , have been dispense with and , Scanlan claims , the vacancies should bl filled. There are only a few telephones In the Fourth wart that are getatable after 1 o'cloclt an a part of the remainder ( at the ten boxes time chief would scatter around through thai vicinity. The rest would be located so ns to enable time latrolmen to malt their reports 01 night wllhout the necessity of using private tolephones. Now arrangements have to be mafia ( with certain business houses for the use of their telephones after night , which has not IlrO\'et a very satisfactory way at doing lhlngs. Time chief also recommends that the sIze of the force be increased by the addiS - tiers of six men , Instead of cut down , ascertain S certain partIes have demandcd. A OUI.t tmstori. Yesterday we decIded to conlnne our great baif-prico sab for two snore weeks.Vo do lhla In order to meet the demand for frames orler and Illctures at hal price. - II. L. SMITH & CO" , 4 [ Main street. Dr. Laucol , office 40 5th ave. : tel 180. Plait 1.11 Sore I'eor. James Harris , another accomplice of the lIall.Rackwitz outfit In time car burglaries , was on time staml In the district court yesterday - day arid told the came sort of a story us was toll th previous day by Hob I.lmerlck Ho described the crooked transactions ' 10 erookec lransactons very minutely , and left but little .loubl of hail's guilt. 'ho Union PacIfic rCelvershll ) ll some bearing on time case . anti Clerk Stead. mau of time UnieJ States court testleel as to tlU names or the receivers. The records were brought In , and the Immnes of but four coull bo fOln.l . there , Clark , Anderson , Ames and Coutlert. Mink's name for acme f'IS01 or other vas mnleming. DurIng the afternoon soy- oral of link's friends were thlre to prove , I some of them that 111 was lt home nnel In bcd , or else playing high five on the Smmn- tIny night when time burglary Is alleged to have . ben commited , and others thlt hail was suffering frol sore feet , which would have prevelteJ him ) from doing any work so hard U robbing cars , If ho ha(1 ( hal thein . clinatton . The court room was /le wih a lot of I lall's frIends , 10st of whol wl have 10 testy lhls mornIng. A $19,000 slack of clolhlng , furnishing goods anti men' shoes Is 1 big stock , and when It Is 10 be sold for from 25 to 60 per celt of its invoice the event Is as big as time stock . 'fhnl's wbal Marcus la doing. The clothing In time recent lire was covered , end the covering wan not touched : the hau , rur- nlshlng goods and shoes were In tght boxes and lImo boxes were nol soied , And tles ' gees are simply being given away , AnllIrn . 'rmisiIr . A citizens' meeting will bo hell this evening at 8 o'clock Shall , 11 the hal over the Stale Savings bank. The cal for this meeting Is made by , and In time Inlen't of nil wbo realIze - iso the importance or goo municipal go\ rnment , and the 11resencI at hindrances In the way of securIng such governimment. The business of the meeting will be 10 agree upon n Plan of civic organizatIon , which shall be strictly non'l1rUsal. shah favor economy In IHble expenditures , and 0111100 excessive and doubtful taxation , and which shal , a an organization and through its individual mnemn- brl , render sUI110rt und assistance to every public olcer charged with time managemenl ol the city governmtnl , and the ( lforcemtnl of existing laws. All In ' elsUng Al persons S 11IJthy With this 10"ement are InvIted to be pre - emit. Prominent citizens will b present and - take Illt In tlo delboralon > . Price reduced ; Centenle or Walnut Dock D lt Iowa coal , $3.25 : 2.000 lbs. for a ton , deilyered.'rn . Welch , 615 S. Main , Tel. 93. NEWS \ 1ROI ? 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS Fey , E , J , Babcock of St. Paut's ' Episcopat ' Church / Resigns His Ohge. POOR HEALTH GIVEN AS TiE REASON hIr.l " 'nrlt A'Ahlst Or"At 01.1 Told on 11m-St. l'mtiml's end Orate thlrchl : : n ) Be CtimoIIiimittil-lleUs - I 1101mull "cmber ne\ . I . .1. Babcock has resigned his rector- ship of St. Paul's Episcopal church , on ac- count of poor h olh , and the resignatIon has been reluctantly /ccellt'1 by the vestry , who have adopted time folowing reolulon : Hesoh'ce , 'fhul tim nrlptlng the reslgn 101 ur lC\ ' . Emig4no J. Inhcock ns rector at this \"II \ I ii' h , on nccounl or his coil timmtmed Ill health I , the mClbers or thc nsl y 10st Iluly hel I' thllr henrt.1 tctinony to the llon fnlhfulnesl wlh whlc'h he hiI discharged his duties us ali' spim ittmal tnslruetor , lender tules 111uul and pastor tlring 111 > last three years and n hlIc las gone In Int out 1II0ng our Ileolll wlh t Incenslnl ! huh'.try I ' , amid his feqUcnt I antI weleomo visits ha\e brought hope and sun hln ( lu their homes and hmeatts. He ' imtmnself devoted has healls. Proved himsel t ee\flt awl lelf.IIIlng rel.tor nt mill tIIS , lie hns II0la1h111 the Joel falhhll , ably 1111 cam host ly ulc ( I mu mist ered to lie I " \Ir\ual t I needs or our I'arllh ' thl'ough the vUlloU8 01(1 11.1 . snCI'alells of the Ihlrlh With unlulgln , . ell and fidelity. WI hart flOI him us our rector un.1 . h urn his Ixrelelt wife amid tlltthter with Ilnclle and tmn- , ' ' to Almighty felglee Illrlt nnl we earnestly Irn - mighty Clod ( that hcnlh ant strenglh immmty 1m , IcltOII,1 to him Inel that he mummy he pplre,1 for immany yirrs of efulness to his fllll ' amid the chllch. II nccordlce wIth thc ( late suggested by Mr. Ba\cocl , the resignation will take erect Allrl 1. Ills future )1lns ale not announced , but the vestry have tendered him the free occupancy at the rectory until It shal bc needed . by n Slccessor , time chuoslng of whol they will be In no haste to mmmake. :1' . Bubcocl has labored 10st earnestly to build 111 the church her , even et the sacri- flee of healh Is l. Ills posUlon has not been In ali respects nn enviable enc Ills predecessor had gathered about him u large an.1 . cnthublastc folowing , 1111 lany of them seemed unwilng ! to transfer their allegiance to a new spiritual leader , however . over worthy. Whie thee hnve been no church dissensions or disturbances , there has been n ralher discouraging falling off In the number of communicants , and a lesscllug at those who were drawn Into the pews slmly by the popularity nnd eloquence at the preacher. I.lt all churches , St. l'arml's has been afflicted wIth an attack of hard times , amid time contributions have fallen off In nt least as large a degree at the attendance at nubile worship. Some of the prominent members have cut off theIr subscriptions entirely , and this has naturaly crippled the organization badly. The Sunday afternoon services , which were the most largely attended of the whole week , have been dIscontInued , beginning ithm next avc bee"dlscotl . berlnnlg wlh.nex ftmnday. nev. J. I . Simpson Is mentlne as n Possible successor to : . Dabcock. In the event of his being selected for the place St. Paul's and Grace churches wi undoubt. edly . he combined. Some influential members - bers , however , favor shutting time doors or the church for the prcslnt. I Is Irobahlc , that tlere will be too great Interest In the welfare of the organization to submit to thl step being talten. The vestry Is considering a number of measures This Is the third Council Bluffs church to lose its pastor within n monlh , the First two. Ilaptist and time Christan beiig the other JIOSrON STOIIC losros STOHl , , - - Council Ilur , IA. For one week wt offer big inducements to bargain seekers. Every department reprc- sented. QuIte n number of different lines we are going to close out entr ly and have made prices that no lady can afford to over- 1001 ; . look.A A big lot of fancy silks . Including tafetas , suralms molres , faies anc satins , worth from 50c to $1.50 a yard , In one lot nt 29c 1 yard. 'Ve offer our entire stock or faie and ben alne silks at 75c a yard , worlh $1.00 and . . $1.25. 46-ln. all wool serges , good colors , worth 50c. to close at 25e I yard. French whip cords and fine India twis , worth 75c , 100 1 t 39c n ynrd. Three prices on our entire stock of winter coats : $ : .00 to $7.50 garments at $3.98 ; $10,00 to $15,00 garments to go at $4.98 ; $1.00 to $25.00 garments to go lt $ [ ,98. All shawls to gu 11 just . halt price during this sale. price. Satchels and telescopes to close at hal MUSLIN UND1RWFAR. Our muslin underwear stock Is too heavy and must bo reduced at once ; price made to close out quIck. SOc quality tucked skirts at 2rc ; $1.00 skirts , embroidery trimmed , at G5c ; 7Go night gowns reduced . to SOc each ; / powns $1.50 and $1.75 gowns reduced to $1.00 ; n big lot of lace and embroidery trimmed drawers , worth up to $1.25 , to close at 39c. Thompson's and La Sprite corsets , broken sizes , to close 2ge. . Big reductIons In kllIovcs. . 3 : dozen kid gloves In ladles' , gents' and children's , nil sizes and worth from $1.00 to $1.50 . to go at 500 a pall.CARPET CARPET SWEEPERS. To close out : Diamond , 39c ; Crown , SIc ; ssen's at ' 9c. FOWI.R , _ DCK & WALKlm J. H. McPherson , florist , cut fewer and plants. Design work a specialty. Wlrl or- ( leIs day 01 night. 1281 E , Pierce Council fluffs. , \nothlr Chulauelu' , , t'Isii. ltev. T. F. Thlckstun has another plan by which he hopes that a Chautauqua assembly can be secured for Council fluffs thIs sea- son. Grounds on Graham avenue have been offered wIthout cost , nail n lent large enough to seat 3,000 to 4,000 PeOple can he securlll for $200 for the season. 11ev. Wllrl Scott of Chlcavo , formerly or Omaha , who Is time conductor at the Crete assembly , offers to provide an attractive program for $ S00. With time other expenses or enclosing and arranging time rounds , providing seals , ael'erlslnl etc" itis estimated that time total expense will not reach $2,000 for fifteen days enter- tainimienits I Is propose.t . to secure the amount In advance by securing pledges ror ( season tickets before engaging In any con- lraets. To elo this and secure the co.opera- lon Dr ns many persons as possible I Is proposeet thai the price at tickets be lade very low 11robahly ) $ for the season , or Ij cents n day for single atlnmissions The great auction sale uf nnen'mc women's nn.l . clmlidren's shos still goes merriy on lt 200 Broadway. Time Morris boys Imel I Ino slack , amid , 18 an example , of the slaughter , $5 shoes hnvo been sold nt $ Aucton every afternoon nll e'enlnl. H. I Inman , sake- man : 11. A. Mesemnoro 'Y.p tor. 1 The Oberln , strictly . first-class , Cuisine , unexceled , Large , beautiful rooms . Fine ' location. Sixth avenue and Seventh street , Counci lur . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E\'nns' Laundry company 520 Pearl. Tel. 290 : shirts , collars , curs , fine work. ( : Iuncl I IluI i m I"res , The nnnual report at Chief Nicholson of the fire department has ben eOlpletCl and will be Incorporatlll Into the book 11ublshed by the cIty counci each year Summarized , tt Is as folows : Month , No . "Ianns. I.M' . Insurance. Morrh ( from Iltim ) . . . 6 $ 3,06) ) $ 1.t I . .i'mtl . ( . . . . . . . . . . 1 1,01 & , :0 ! \pl . . . . . . . . . . . . J 3 , W 10,00) June . . . , . . . . . . 6 300 .400 Jul ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . 10 I0.bTh 1m,30 Acmgi.mst . . ' . . . . . . . . 13 I.V6 7.10) 5e1.tcmimter . . . . . , . . 4 1 4C 6,40J Ocmober . . . . . . . . 6 1,6 : 2,40 Oethe. NO"I'mhlr . . . . . . . . 10 3,65 CmY2 leeenmter . . . . . . . . 4 1M ) 1 , O January . . . . . . . . . .8 1l0 1 Jor.o Ft4rumLr ) ' . . . . . . . . 19 4I6S 49,6 ; . l'cirlll \0 nh ) . . . . . I 2OJ : .M ' ) - - - - - 'rOIN. . . . . . , ] 03 UIV : 131,115 Yea , lbs Eagle laundry II "lbat good laundry , " and Is I located at 7t Uroadwa If In doubt abet this try It and be convinced . ) I Don't forget name And number 'eI. 157. IOII'1 Are IH'U re. Heal estate men are of the opinion that Council Bluffs Is on time eve of a season of IlrosperU and as an evidence they point to the scarcity of houEel for rent In the cen. ) lral part of the city. There are some houses to rent In tIme outskirts or the city , of the variety that were built a few years ago by the InYslment companie which glutted the market and then fatloJ , but houses located In the central part of tlme city that are UI- occupied and ( for rent are comparatively scnree. The opening of spring Is bringing quite a de mnnd for house of this kind l'ortrAls or I x-4aby4. Postmater Thomas Bowman Is getting up n collection of the portraits of the early cx- P'stmnsters ' of Council Bluffs , and has s far four crayon pictures and several small sized photo/rnphs to show for his pains. "i'eater- day he received the photogrnph of Joseph Ellis Johnson , who has the distinction of being the first man who ever licked n postage stamp as postmaster of Council Bluffs . That was In 1853. The picture from which the crayon portrait Is to be made bears evidence at having been taken from an old fasbloned daguerreotype , and the subject showed , his contempt for the frivolities of civilization by appearing In Imla shirt sleeves. Johnsou also attained some Prominence In this vicinity by running n newspaper nt Crescent City. lie devoted his best energies to booming that town , anti prophesied n number or times through the columns at his paper thnt It had n destiny before I thnt would make all other western cites pale Into InsIgnifcance , Whie CouncIl Burs was yet } { anesvile Evan M. Greene was postmaster. nnel his face shines out from wihin n fine hard wood . frame In the postmaster's omce. lie was the first postmaster In Innesvlle , his commission - aba having been dated In 1818 He served for two ) tars nnel then joined . the Mormons I and went to Utnh. In his time the once was al time corner at Broadway and Ben Ion streets and was made at logs. The man who muncie ! the portrait has tnltcn oft several rough edges rrom :11 Greene's costume which appears to have been several shades sprucer lhan would . have been considered good forum In the early clays , but the original from which the crayon was mace shows that the fall lies with the artist , and not with :11 Greene's tailor. The cllarved portraits of W. W. la'nat1 Phi Armolr arid 'r. I' . Trcynor. all of whom are deceased . , adorn . thc wuls of time oOce , In addition to that ct Greene , and all time other early postmasters , to the number ot about a dozen , wl ! be honored In I like manner ns SOOI as floSsillie. The postmasters who are still living , however , will either hnve to may for their own I\Ortrnls or else walt for future generatIons to honor them , for :11 lowman has given I out cell that he will not pay for any pictures excepting for those who have gone before. Ten UUYI' ( :1'111 : ; ' miIr. ' \e have got to hnve room for new roods ; ha\'o a lot . at goods that are In the wa ) and Intenl , to dispose of them Prices not taken In consideration In thIs sale. Lamps that are worth t3 wil go nl $1 , anll n variety of other mmsrImmi imouselmold articles that will make It a Islrul househo\l nrtces . chance to get goods at prices below mann- factmmrers' costs. Come early and get choice amid n\oll the rush. W. 21 H. MaIn MULLIN. Street , Davis , drug , paint , glass man 200 B'yay. Hen Cln'lun iec1timc. Den F. Clayton , who has been 'mL..dioneml" ns n gubcratorlal possibiiy , Is out with n published card , In which hc emulates the example set some little tme ago by John N. Baldwin of this city , ami1 says he does nol want lho nom Inn lon , He thrown the blame for his being ' 'mentioned" upcn the press , and says that he has written no letters wlh reference to his candidacy excepting those which havt been called out by II'ulrles tram his friends. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cola & Cole will sell the QuIck ) Meal and Reliable gasoline stoves ; time tried and tesle . A two burner stove for 250. You should see their SOc wash boiler and lOc coffee pot. I you want chEap prices on ln- I there. war , go I Gas heating stoves for rent 'nd for sale a' ' ; Counci Bluffs Gas company's omce. Meal tickets rood for 21 meals , only $4 each , at Hotel Inman. . MADE THE PIG3 SQUEAL. Interior or : u\th Onu.hA I'nccing houses Thmrowii un CnnvnR. 'ashlngton hal was densely crowded imp stairs and down stairs last evening to wit- ness the entertainment for the benefit of time Hlnscom Park Methodist Episcopal Sunday school , and It was evident from the start that the audience was highly please wth It I consisted of n pictorial representation of n trip through the mnmmolh "Iaughterlng and packing establshments of South Omaha , tIme very graphic pictures bimmg thrown on a canvass by the aid or n steloptcon , Mr. JOles Doyle , who has charge of the hog product department or Swift and company's packing house , originated the Idea or lus- tralng the various departments 01 the South Omaha meat industries , as they might be termed , and he has certainly made a big success - cess of it. This was the first time these vlew9 were eximihmited . but owing to lhe careful Ilepnratons lade and the skill or the operators at the stereopticon , Messrs. Stevens Dros. , not n hutch occurred In the carrying out of time somewhat extennive pro- gram Quite n unique feature was tIme relstc rendition at the squeal If the dying pigs which was erected hy lhe agency of a phonograph - graph , : . Joel Eaton , manager cf the Ne- braska Phonograph company having gone down to Sonth Omaha and recorded on one of his machlnM time last sounds of the expiring pOlllers , which on an average only lasts e'ghmt seconds , so qUlcllly Is the killing acc : - Il shed. Interspersing the pcturo ! of thc different rols tnsttl for killing and preparing the cat- tie for the markets , were numerous portralls of time employes , and so faithfully were they portrayed that the vast audience went fairly : wild with enlhuslasm ns they recognized the faces presented on the canvss. As A lec- turer . l r. . noYI proved _ , Is:1 10 .b quite nn auept , uemg UOI entertaining anu Ilnor- oils wih his dcecriptlons. 11 Wlima C. Blackburn actEI as general manager at the affair . A very agreeable variety was given to the entertainment by the musical performances or the T. K. quartet , which sang during the evening , among other selections : "The Star Spangled Banner , " ' "Give Me My Own Native " " 'Was ' " Isle , "There n Man or 'fhessaly" and " 'he Vacant Chair , " and was recleJ several tirimems. I The Thompson quartet of South Oaha , comprising , P. G , Hazel , William I. Good- man F. L. I.yman anl ( E. I G. Hozzete , sang n stirring sailor melody entitled "The 'far'a Song" whim great effect , and later on u very Ilrely ) hnmiiaby . , . which called forth enlhuslaslc . ASSAULT ON DR. OLARK. linlok.1 UI the "hlewalk und In FaIling ' , , . I'roal A I . : Dr. Charles F' . Clark , 2913 Walworth avenue - nue , was assaulted last nlvhl about 8:30 : o'cloclt at Thlrtelh and Walnut streeti' . lie was on his way to cal on n patient nt Sheely Station , and us imo was crossing Thrtelh street near n saloon gjl Tmmttio . I laugh saloon Iepper , Jwown ns time "Mayor of SheelY , " strclt Clark In the face and knocled him off time 1lcwnlk , In ( milling his rIght leg was broken hietweemi the knee l and vnkle. lie was PIcked till arid cal nod into I nelh- boring house amid from lucre sent 10 his iioiiie As lon as Tutte saw what ho hal dome ho dIsappeared , and alllough slarchlng arles - ties were on time lookout for him ho had not been fonn.1 . at a Into hour last night. Those who were Ieal by bay that no word passed belween time two men when , time as- saul was made. Tuttle had "ecn crlnllng imeavlly. Friends at ) . Clark's here said limo doctor could not explain why time assault was made , U- II.ILII I)11.Y1t.S . 7'II.IT lP JJ'.l.S IJI./ , Might Inve Mulu isFool of Ilmlll but Illuslcllml , 2ccr . HA VEIUILL , Mass . , March lt.-Wahter Scott hiaie , who figured so Hall /gured prominently In the Parker house war of word yesterday , In which a chalenge 10 a duel with pistols Is Std to have bcen given and accepted , Is Indignant - dignant over the slalement made by Thomas Glro , jr. , thai he ( Hale ) was Intoxlcaled , ) "it I absolutely false that I was intoxl- cated . " said hale , "This can be vouched for by Sidney Young who was with mne. Giroy lhreatenl 10 bring up my record In court next month , but 1 will be ready for Iminim. 1 know a lhlng or two about hll and he had better look out , " Sidney Young , who Is I well known busi- ness man here , said : "Tho denial of the story by Giroy Is no good Bolh parties were heated and the story of the whole ) affair D given by Hale yesterday Is sub- stantaly correct. " TESTING TiE rUCT , I ' 1 LAW . - ( " ' .1 b l Pressman OMe on nt pC Moines with Interesting Fetnrcs , I " I I LEGALITY OF TiE - MEASU , , , , ' QUESTIONED . ; , I'oettitlott ] eellrr thma \ , \1nl ) ' l'rtUlonl , \rO Se\'rr.l Ihl.lrrl NntrR Shorter or the Nuthr It'tulr.l hy the t'rcRent ( \ : . _ I : ImS MOINES , March H.-Speclal ( Tele- grnm.-The ) Presmnn case to test the legal ity of the mulct law petition In this county was resumed In the district court tolay. Wltneuls wee put on the stand to test ! whcther or nol they personally signed or wit- nesseel time signing of their names to lett- Lions. The registration books of various pre- cincts are In evidence ns well as thc Poll- lens timemnselves. The prosecution holds that time petitions are from OO 10 400 names short , and thc defense Insists that the pet- ton contains from 100 to 150 names In excess or the requlrel number. U = . \ SOI.tV l'IN.Nl.l'UO'I U AUIN 1'llelt ) 1Ian flint 'lru'nt Comlmr , , ur Sioux City Fully Itcurgmmimlzr.i. SIOUX CITY , In" , March l-1.--Special.- ( ) The reorganization at thc Fidelity Loan anti Trust company or this cIty Is practically commipleted. When It failed two 10nths ago wih liabilities of nearly $1,000,000 , It was n surprise to financial people ; the countr over for I had bccn regarded ns one of the osolhl concerns . President Joseph Sampson was nameel as receiver anti wenl east nt once to lay before the relesentatvls or creditors nnd stockholders nlan of reor- \lan \ ganization . Time coml1any had sell In Scot. land its debentures , drawing generally 4 Iler cent limterest to the amount of $1,200- 000 , anti In thh counlry It hac placed $2 , - 000.000 more , chiefly In New Englall , draw. lug generally G per cent The examination or the business has convinced , all concerned that the company Is solvent Ind can ay out If given lme to collect Its dues , chleny Interest on farm loans. Accordingly It has been ngreeel that a new company shall be organized - ganized under the name or the Fidelity Com- mutilation company , with tIme same capital as . that of time old compan , $500,000. This wi be exehangec for that ot the ail corn- panV nt par , and an assessment of [ per ccnt will be male to raise funds to meet Inme.lale . expenses. Then the old deben- tlres wil be canceled 1111 a new Issuc made In their place , at the uniform rate of 4 per ) cent Interes , These debentures will be cii- "Ieled Into four series , faing chic In two , four , six and eight years respectively. On this plan the company will be able to con- lnue business anti malIc new loans , whie It wIll give the time needed for n proper lquidaton of the asets. Receiver Snmpson will be al the hcad of the new compan . I Is announced thnl A. S. Gar- retsomi the fnancer or the great railroad syndicate thnt faied In the Union Loan antiTrust - Trust company crash two , years ago for about $7,000,000 , will rellr to Sioux City nnd become president of' the' ' new Live Stock Nalonal bank at the stock ) ards. lie has been In California reorganizing the San Francisco stock yards ( for n year or more , The Ileoillo who arc brlnglnp him back to - - - manage the new banlt are the creditors of the companies he foumicled and they want hIs help In developing time concerns they are reorganizing. For man i years he was n suc- cessrul bank"r before le btan speculating. Mr. Garretson says fe Vas concluded no arrangement as yet for going Into the bonkIng - lug business ' imere but " says he will return Ilcrmnnenly to the city , amid , engage In bush- ' ness. le has confidence In thefuture of the city. The properties1 ot . which he was manager at one time trelrfsentol ( probably $12OOO.qoo , railroads , stpck yards , terminals , trust and banking conc rs. " ! ILO'SI ll'S SAFE . - I'I1 * . .1LY ; OI'ESIUi ; othlng to Clear VII time ; \yslery SUI'rouaul lila' time l'oner'5 Life. CRESTON , Ta. , March 1 i.-Special.---Time ( big safe standing In the office or the late L. D. Dosser , the Cromwell forger and suicide , In which It was hoped there were some letters - ters or explanation or the mystery which sur- ' rounds' the crimInal transactions and the evident blckmal levted upon Bosser , was opened yesterday afternoon by Administrator rank Slcvcns. All hopes or some light being thrown upon the matter were quickly dispelled and time msterlons gloom that sur- rounds the affair grows deeper , and In all probability no light will ever be thrown upon the transaction . Three sealed letters were found In the safe. They were addressed to W. H. Reynolds Mallt manchar and the Creston Nalonal bank. respectively . Not one penny of money was found nor was there a note nmong the contents. V. ' . H. Reynolds received the letter . addressed to him soon after thc safe was opemmcd. ITo wOlll not make tIme contents public , saying that It was private business between him and moser , and would not do thd public any 1001 to Imow of the commtents lie maid howeyer , that Ir the administrator ellslred to see the contents of the letter , he would glaly show II to him. The letters ad- dresse.1 . to the Creston National bank and MarIe Danchard , have not been opened , but they will not throw any lght on the affair. The letters did not appear to hnve been writ- ten hastily , and did not refer to a prearranged - ranged plan of the author to kill lminnself , A8 the days go br It becomes more evident - dent ( that lesser was blackmailed , I Is now positively known that he did not speculate on lhe Board of Trade. Every cne who In any way knows uf Bosser's affairs and Imows of time desire to do right , which tIme lan has always displayed In his transactions - actions , think that he was blaclmaleel out ct his money. The party who held the club OVCI' mosser's head probably lives In Cram- well , but who either he or she Is , will prah- ably never be disclosed I Is evidnt , how- ever . that one cf Blosser's intimate friends - - - - - - knows more that will lead 10 the dhcloslng of the identity of the blncktnle than he has told . and until he chooses to sy mere no clew cnn b obtnlned nosser carrie ' 3,50 life fnsur.nct of which $1,000 was In the Washington LIfe , 1,000 In time New York t.ife and ' 1,80 In tIme . Odd I'ellows' 'cAnnimity. Irs. 10sser \.lll ' . Besides this wi receive all of this amount he was making monthly payments on twenty. eight shares of HOO each or building anti loan association stock 1 Is not known whether he had this stock lu his wife's name or not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CO ' I'I.IC'Tlo : ! IS TIIIIS'i'itANOi : CASE ' Several or Ills VmtiiRSe Ulder Arrest ( hinrgeut critim I'erjtmn'y. hnr't.1,11 ) SIOUX CTY , March 14.-Speclal ( Tele- gran-County ) Attorney 111:1 today swore out warrants for four at the wlnessIs who had swor to statcments In thc course of the Waler Strang trial , that wee proven to be false. The four are Invll Peley , Frank Sumner , Pal Drcnnan and Mike 1'lnnernn. They are charged with perjury , and will be arrested nl onee. The county attorney I Satisfied that tie jury was fixed and that the testimony was fnbrlcate.l . As soon ns these wnrrnnts were Issued , Strange went to the Justices at time peace ant \vnmuteml . them to Issue warrants for him against Ialal nl\l his nsslstRnts In the trial of tIme case , ehargln them wlh con slllracr to accemle , Time justices hnve thus far declined loisit Itmslirutmt'n lrn M..I. DES MOlNlS , : Ilreh 14.-Speelal ( Tele- grnmmi.-Abotmt fifty tnsurunce 1en lucid I l'on"eltol here tocn } ' . They mire state Inel special Igents of c0111nnles formln tue Iowa alliance. Time ohjer of the 111'tn ! waM 10 organize n new state hoarel II. C Stewnrl wns chairman nl'l W' . fl. lngl "eel'tnr ' . The 10rnln session was ICl'U- Illec br n1lre"ss , by lemhers of hit' RI\ " - erln cmunmnittee. uf whllh II. C. Rudy . , malinger of the Conllerlal 01101 Is ehll.- mmmi . The meris of I state ngemmtmi' nBBO- elllon , such ns Is In vogue In Hlnols , were fully sel forth. On 1010l , time chair nil- Ilolnteel 1 cOlmlt ! ! Oi ronstlutol 111 hy.lnwf whllh was nsle.l to report thlg nfb'rmioon. Nutimitmm . .lelnle WIS nccom- huh isimed lo.ln . . nn.1 . the mcetm t g " 1 ccii- tIU ! tomorow , The Inul resul wl vitim- out dOlht , he tie or nnl7nton of nn 10wI held club , 1'0 1 1 o"ec tr nglts In1 oUcers or cOlpanles tioimmg buslne In Iowa. IllrlllII I to " 'r'cu'nmt 'Iar\'ntlll. ! I SIOuX ( 'lTMarch 1-(811eelll ( Telc- grnnm.-.loirmi ) Krieg , aged GI , COl miled sui. cll ! wlh 10rphine tOln ) ' . lie was n Illoncer setler , and whn there were breweries - cries here was n In"lel brewer amid . well oft . ] 1 Jlllunly lost his JIOpCt , anti took his lfe to prevent mctarvuttiomi. Omi ) I. S ollrt.1 I :111 Urnpl'o , ' I ) . " " .1 . CRESTON , II" , : llrch 11.-Simecial ( 'rcle- Rrnm.-\'llnl ) Harlow , colored , dropped demtti here today. lie Immul served live elenl todl } Il hlel Ivc years In the Iegullr 1 ri ) ' . Barrow cnme hlre fr01 01111. mind the rellllS have been selt to that point. . SIWVlEl TUP 1.Uu.a I.IH' STU1)I.VTS. . Lecturer Oi AnAlnmy I"IACA" Stir I , El- hlhltnr a Nulo Ilnuici. PHILADELPHIA , Iarch H.-Prof , Thomas Elldns In his lecture on "Artstc Anatom ' " at the Drexel institute has caused something or n stir by exhlbilng alude mimIc model before n mixed cass composed of YOlug mel and young women students. On last Mondn afternoon Prof. Ealtns delivered one or I series of lectures wih n model Jart ' clothed. A woman art teacher who was \r sell objected to the scanty clothing 01 the model I'rof Ealtns replied ammy young woman who objected to the model might retire. He then removed all of the clothing worn by the model Some or the young women hastily heft the room ' and the' others were apparently very much embJrrasscd. A formal complaint - plaint was made to Prof. 1cAlster of the institute . stitute . Prof. aklns I was seen at his home and asked It he cared to sa ) anything In regard to the occurrcncc. "Why , this Is the first time 1 have hearl of any serious dissatisfaction - satisfaction , " he said , "or that my enga e- ment had been cancelled. 1 expected to go there tomorrow and lecture ns usual As to my exhibiting n nude model , why , 1 always do that when lecturIng. I have nol used a draped model In ten years , and I lectured before n mixed class right along nt time National - 10nal Academy of Design lu New York. There are always some ladles In n class Ite this who are a little sfueamlsh or over-mod- eat , but II Is not always the young and pretty ones. I can assure you 1 only followed out my usual methods and have nothmlmug to say In defense of these methods. Persons In such n class must expect the model In the nude : I Is necessary o to have It so. " . .In.El Too ( iLl ) TO GET M.lnnJEl. lromlnent I'tople In time ( 'ont Country Gore ro rhlcllo to Wed , CHICAGO , March H.-In Waukegan this afternoon lon , J. H. McBride o SpeJale , Waslm , and Mrs. Ellen Curtis Gage , : f. D. , of Salt Lake City , Utah , ware m:1lcd at the home of the latter's brtner , r. O. Matthews. Judge McBrIde Is In his 121 year and his wife Is only n few years his Junior. The groom arrived In Chlcaj illn- day n'nl went at once to the Grand Pael.ic , whee he engaged a room. lie refused to register , saying he elr not want his Chicago - cage frlelds to know he was In tbmi c'ty. Mrs. Gore arrived In Walltegon rrom Salt Lake City Tuesday , and all the nrrnlelcnis were mnde for a hasty wedding. After the ceremony n weddIng luncnr1J was Fen'lel and the newly married COUI'\'J ' \ ' relurneel nt once 10 the city. Tomorrow they will 'eove ' for Wnshlngton. Mrs. McBride 15 lhe wllrw of George Merrill Gage , forlrly of Ihls city , anti has attained ( Nmlnelce In Salt Lake professionally , a ' . c'hh ns , ucaj ! ) ' . Judge McBride , at the I I/e of : I , was n member of the constlltnnal : convention of Oregon and was sean arJrwnrJ elected to time first senate of that state. nnc In 18G5 was np- pointed chief justice ot 1dahI , At pre.t nt he Is counsel to the rccel/Jrs of tha Sur I'En Pacifc railway . One of hl hroth"r3. Gecrge W. McBride , has recen'Jy Icon , eleeiel Lllled States senator from Oregon - - - FOR FIFTEEN . ir -'I2 I DOLLARS . L7 . , ; Sr1. , - : ; , Down ant * 8 Jonthly , you can buy a fine . , , I. ' E'IANo- ' , - I , lu 1 . ,0' , Ol'chcsh'ul ' ' 4' loot 0 Inches , 3 , gt'arll , ImIgh1 : pedids ongl'u\'Cli panciJ ; 'I O'Y Im ' 8 , contlnnols hllh hinges , $18 5 choice of ct'alnint ; 'I ahogony 01' OUlf case , stool \\'alnlt a ndscai'f. . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHY PAY RENT When , iQli can have evel'Y dollar you lUY } right In ynut' house , ant thol'oby muke u suvlngs bank : or your Iilstl'umen ? Cal on omnddrota . A HOSPE ] Tr 113 IIOllll'gt [ , , I . S - , J . Omaha , Neb. - - - SUNDAY CLOSING E\ \ ' YORK Two Tho\saml Prcsvnt nt a Me tlg to rrotcst Against It. DR RAINS FORD ONE OF TIE SPEAKES " "IUI.lllltr If tlrOI'II/ : A Slrhllnt lx. : cle 1.1" Oln of IUR 1'nRnn. for Ollp.hl 1- 8."rrl\1 Utlr Nutnhlp I'r'mst'nt. N'liv' , ' YDm , Inrh H.-Two thomn\l People ' were IlrOll at tie leetng In Cooper 11101 101isht to ( \rote t n/llllsi the SIIIIY ( closing law Mayor Strong , who was expected - pected , was nol Prcscimt. A Inrlng nester , hearing the words : "We deimmaimci a vote emi the Sunday flelols : let I the majority fil. , " adorlel one of the wails. "he spe.lles were : \ ) . W. S. Hailsforl , Dr Johl I lederlhs amid Dr. J. ii. hiyiance . Among limo \roml- ncnl Ileoillo who occupied tluls al the stage were OS\\ mild Olemlorer , l.olls11 1 I I er , Theodore Sutro , Generll Franz Slegd anti Judge LeOlalll liegerlch Some at the orgalizatols rChlresCntL'd tim bodies at the Iretllg \ u'rc : 111hts of I.abor ; Central Labor union No. 75 ; FederatIon or . Labor : Centrnl 'l'tmmvem lcln , \ time Iron foclet ) . lr.V. . S. Hnlnsford of Sl George's chlrcl , said In ) art : ' 'I 1 11 olllOSCl to the II'esenl excise law which closes saloons on SUlda ) I am II favor of ollelll' alools 01 that tiumy for certall hours ; say frol 12 10n to 10. Let ml give SII uf 1) ' reasemms. " lie said he believed the opening or lalools fol cortnln i hours 01 8ullla ) ' wouhl diminish i law breaklimg. The Present law , ne thOI/ht , was Imposslblo of enrorcelent , and . lInt disregard begot a dlsriteeL for law , which was cmii- healh ) for time 11bl0 morals . As to tills cvaslol , he said : " 1 leed not say that this Is lot true or Irish or Geman saloons alone , I Is Ilso true 01 1 large Ilrol1rlol of alI . American Imeonhe. . "Seconll , I am II favor of opening the b\ ' loons on Sunday because I Illnlc slch nctol fairer to the poor ' 111 1\1 to the wcmkirmg classes Personnl ) J believe the vast 111' jorly of lel In every wa ) are 11IIhier antI richter for lot louchlng army I nlcohmoi. 1 hnvl tried both Phaims imiyselt. I was once I moder- I lto clrirml6er. 1 alit now n total nbstalner. I mummy convince 1 ' neighbor of lhls truth , yet ' I cannot force him 10 do It. The only cub t'/e wurlllnglal has Is t he sahoomu lie does hot go there sllly to drink or to smolc. lie goes there 10 meet his friends , antI hc haste 10 go ther to leet them , for he has no hOle In I which they can meet im liii. YOI have no right to close UII the worl < ngmal's club 01 Smmnday . I you do , you 11st close imp the gentlemen's climbs , too , for we do not lecl climbs nearly as IUl 1 ns working people cIa. .1 wish there were olhcr climbs for time wage earners 1 believe tn time there mlst be , but 1 dell with facts. At present there are not. " Dr. Halnsforel said he believed Sune1y sa- lools would clmlnlsh drUlltenless anti would tlllO the saloons out of " 01 tcs. Present laws , hl said , /1\'e opportlnly for blnclt- mal , Dr. nalnsrord left time hal nmld elm cc ra. A hotter from Carl Schurz was teach , In which 1w 11rSueei substantially the sale ar- gument lS hind ) . Itainsford . Dr. John Frethericims ex- Ia'or Oalley hail amid J. Ii. Hyland of St. Iarll's church also spole nesolutons were passed favorlnp the passage by time Present leglslatul'e of 1 bill carrying out the views advanced by Dr. Hains- ford m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE GREATEST PURIFIER s.ses . I FOR THE BLOOD. DUFF V'S PURE MAL WHISKEYS , All D1'UJgitg . A BmoI'S ! Br 1UMo-8ill1Jill Ppenulid crat'ro pRont far N.e-eons or CLcu 1000ho , Clf hlhol.lon , 5ipiessnsss .pdal Of l.nol.Ilo.rMI lal.l o tOt theu B 1 I.m , Gout Kidaey lilsordetS , Acid z " 01810 .tiitcmia. .utnttdot . for iaeiC1i0 , end editor .IOC"o 1roeIQ. Qdcof.t \ : . EiIerVebCsnt. C THE , fRNOID CHEMICAL CO. 151 If. \o ! "r " ' rIO. CHICAGo For sale hy all druggmsts Umalln. Whel1 Buying Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A minute lost can never be recovered , anti It's a calamity to lose several } ' , 'urs. whIch so many lawn nlel Nebraska leolll have done whll they hnve bought foreign Hrown , unncclma tec fruit lrees. lENlmA Y nROTJmnS , TIlE CnISCI N'l' NUHSm Were bol al the lands where their nursery . ry stock Is grown , /nd years or patient , Intclvelt experiment hnvo taught lhem the best varieties for this climate. Consequently their hOle growim stock Is as Iltly as the /rowl forest trees , 'fheY have a very large stock for the 81rll1 delivery , mind every tree Is warranted true tn nucmne Orchard , Vlnynrd , Law , larltlnl Trees nnc Oramenl stoche Make no mmmitahce in l'otmr ormiemmc. lIttimul us your list of cc'ants for hIrlees , We can itknse you in lmrices tutu stock , Itu'erenmt'emt : Council hhlmiffim fiinrlcs , Council Bluffs ieimartmnteimt Onmuaima lice , anti promlument business mcii , Nurrse'ries six nmiiiemi miorthm of Coummeil IhIffs , P. 0. Address , MENIiRAY TlflOS , , Crescent. Iowa , tIlt t , . flAIlliflhIPP ) Attt.rieys.t.t-t.timv , iJi.11u3 it JJnhmmmmum U iJp l'rictieo : tim timim Simmtu imud iedermcl Courts , ( , , 311.78ttm tmmcr hliock , I o 'm ' ii em I 8 I ii mh , I . , nt , , CElt'FI FICATII OF' l'LJIiLICATION. Oiiiceu of Atitilion' of l'ubhlo Accounts , iltttto 01' 1ehiraslcn. Liimcoin , Feb. 1 , ISi--It ins hereby ct'rtlilcd timmit tIm Ehumitnhie , I.tte himmnuraimee COiiiitflY of Nec' Ynrk , In time simile of New ' uric , imas coinimlied with time inmcimrmnnee law of ( imis mitmitu ntnd itt mmutimurizeul to trmmntmmjct time hmtmaliiesi of life insurance iii this state tot' tIme curmemut yemim' . Vitness my innnd mmmiii time seal of the au- thlior of lmmihdlc ntcCOtinttim tine duty minml above wmhtten. RIJGIiNFI ! tlOOlt1 , Atmdltur PublIc Accotmimtmm , I 'Flue nnntmnl meeting of tIme stoclcimaldermm of time Dime SavIngs bank of Omminmima , Net , . , will tue imeil , itt its niflee' , Ill .So. 18th street , oh 'J'uestltty. Ahmril 9 , lb93. at S o'clock i' in , . , tot' thin iimii lOSC of electimug mm hoard of ulirec. lois nmmtl for time trmmiisnctiomt of smicim oilier imUmdlnohs as laity nionerly coimme huefore said maccling , JOhN U. COh'PELYOU , Onutaha , Neb , Marcti 14 , 193. ( 'nmslmfrr. 1t115 M&R - - = = k Heart ' irregular tsctie'n ' ci the he.rt , Functional Derangements of time heart , Causet by the excesave c'e of iohaecol fly's. Itepsia , Ncr ous l'rottratiori , Gencrai iebiiit > ' , $ ic AN IMPOVERiSHED STATI OF TH I3LOOD , Are cured , and uiianv organic diceacs of the hesst , lropiy and tdtiht's Diseaue of time Kid. ticys ate aiicviated by C 'i i. i The flttnct of time .5 heart of ( ho ( lx. l'rtpanctl according to the formula of DR. WM. A. 1IAMNONI ) , 1mm his laboratory at Vashington , 1) , C. Dose , 5 flrops , Price , Two trachtms , $ i.oo. All eluicnly petsons shotmlt.I use Cattline. iold StI.td Dv u. nsVccumsas , Tic' Coiunbiu Cii.'niictti Co. Scnd for Hook. s.d WAsHiNGTON , 0. C , KUhN & CO. , AGRN'rS FOil OMAhIA. Leathered Luxury. A sIngle glnuce nt thIn catty chmnir Otlglmt in ) PilL a voice Ill t'vei'y one of , 'Oili' tit'tjti hones. 'i'll' COliIfOm't iitii't ci'yii- tflhi7.Cti 1111(1 ( ) ) ) ( milititit hmc'h'e imtitl tiit'i'i' iii siiigit' ltthgg't51 ii Is till "imeld In soh ( I t mit' ' it S I I i c' chmeimi 1st s say. 'l'ho t'lhnh ii' is o't'i'mtttifl'th ; that is coin- lk'tt'IY iiieast'ml ill ic'athm't' , 'ithi 110 sigii dl f vtmoni u bo't I lit' i''t' t , llm e ii 1,1 , mtilni en'y it4 1.10051 for : t dozi'im ' 'u rs of t lie imnI rclest - ei''lcc.'t' lIsa mug-IlIac' No. 1 chIlled hum' , ilot tIme stmot't vnti of huh' vhmich uitiickly "hthii'li ill ) " 1111(1 i'uiti the 'hiolo aImlcaL'auice ) 01' tIme clmmi It' . 'Flit' i'c't'iimg is mt hmt'mi' 'l'niit L'itthier thmk'k hait imhlaimle. I t Is fmistcmmenl by w'hmit Gtill lialihiitnhl calls 'pmllulble : iinmlls. ' ' 'l'lm&'st' rile iii realIty smunill simil's , vlthi tilt ) lmc'mul CO''i'i ( lit lt'uithit't , lIon thioy nhi.s'm' . _ Oi'imtitiiemltnml. Iii these "gn'ent coiiifoi't" chiain'uc w'o In- cm'i'nst' time cht'ptlm Of time seat 1111(1 the w'itit it of I lie inm'ins. TIme result In thmnit they i'est tIme 'lmolt. hotly milmuost as mmiuc'lm as If you w'ei'e iylhmg cipoil fl sofu. . Thik Is ; nt fenttthi'e of out' ovu. CHAS SHIVERICK CO. , FURN1TU11LI of livery lcMcriptioml , Tenumporary Location 1206 nistl 1208 flomiglus Strcot. MILLAIII ) lmoThr : ltt.OCmt NOTfl--\'oun are tumviteI to exanmiinmo our now I imo 0 t cii nut mm , , amid driperiecc. : CEO. P. SANFORD , A , W. RIEKMAN , I'restdcnt , .ashler. First Natio nal Bank of COUNO1L. BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , - . $100,000 I'iofits , . - . 12,000 Ons of ( Ito oldest tanks In thme state ot Iowa. ' 0 solicit your business anti collections.V. . cay 6 per cent on time deposits. We will b pleased to 550 cad Nerve YOU. Sp@ciaI @ No1icos-CouoiI Diuffs tnisMN1YS CLEANED : VAULTS eLOANSD mca iluike , at tv. s. homer' . . 538 liroadway. LtnGiI PT1IVATIO DARN FOR ItENT NEAIZ court house. Appiy at flee ofiice , Council hurl. . FIIUIT FAIIM AND GAI1DEN LAND O'OR saio chenmu and on easy terms. Day & lIes , , 33 I'earl street. ouri'r IO1t nALl ; I LAN. dmiu , 1 brotigluam , 1 coach , 1 surrey , 1 pimaeton , ' 25 3 buggIes , a imit'iglms , 5 sets hmarness. Day hose , Couimcil Imluffs. a. FOR GENIIBAts iuouseuoilc. aims , ii. tV. Tilton , 127 liii avenue , Foil ItENT.AN 00.ACE1IIFAICM , a MILES ( mm Council lilufla' court house ; remit only 13cc icr acre. JtiiIiY to Leonntmd 1verett , I'eari street , RAIL\VAY \ rr1\IE \ CARD LeayesThIIJ1ILINGTOH , t. MO , ItiVEItlArrIVj Omimuima UnIon Lepot , iOtm , & Mason Sts.i . Ommtahmco 10ilanit..Denver ; - . . . . . . . . . . . 4:3pmnJ1k. : hills. 2ulotmt. & t'mmget ilnil , Ex,4lOpm : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , 6:45pm. : , Nebmaska Locith ( except Sunday ) . . 7:4pm : 5:1mmmn. : .Lincolmm iocuti ( exccit iiumtuIaii:2Aatm3 ) : 2clpmim..icm.st : Iuiali ( for Limicoin ) iiammy , , . , , . . . . , , _ Loaves CI1ICMJO , 1JU11L1'GTON & Q , Arrives" omimalualunmon I1rpot. 10th & Mtmsonn dims , Oirmatma , 4lsent..Cimicago ; \'etmoute. . . . . . . . . . OtOarni : 9:50am..Cimtcmigo : Express. . . . . . . . . . . 4:11pm 7r.0pm..Cimiceo : and it. I.ouis Express , . 5:00am : hl:3amn..nettle : Junction Local. . . . . . . 6:10pm : . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ztpn : 1..aces ICIilCAUOaUi. & SiI'XlJLiArrtve. Omummajuimmon l.epot , l0lm& Masormtits.i Omaha .T.Chlcago Linltci. ( . . . . . . . . . . 9:30aij : Iiioanm..Chicmcgo : gamuies , ( Ox. Sutm. ) . . . . . G:00pnms : 1.eaVeBICIILC/tUO & ; oltrUWEsT'N1Arrii' OnnaimalUrmion Depot. 10dm & Mason Sts.l Omaha , 4 . . .lastemn lixpruws . , , , , , , , , , , G3O ; 4tOmmm..Vemmtituuied : Llnmited. . . . . . . . . . 9:10am : : & , . . . . . . . . . . , Valley Lucmmi , . , . , , , , , , 10Sopni : & 4tpm..Onimaima Chicago iimjecini . . . . . . . : iiimi iemtVcs CiihCAUO , it , 1. & i''mCk'XC. iAmrmvpns ( ) maiutt Unmion iOict AlflJufl t'.l Ornatma , _ _ _ _ _ _ EAST. JlOtmatnAtittntio ; ; ; ; m0uiehmmy ) , . 6Otbrfl : : . . . . . . . . . . . . Ijsireas . . . . . , , , , , 9:50an : 4:30pm. : . . . .Cimicago'cstibuieih Limimed. , . . 1:0&pi : i1tpnmu.Oicmammoiuma . iIlp.tO ( , C. II. cx , tumm.1l:1Upnt ) : - v1iHt blt.mnt.Ukiumuumna E. 'A'exm.s L's. ( ax. buii.ikJVpnm ) : .C'oioradol.tnnited. . . . . . . . . . . 4O0pp : Leaves I C. , ST. I' . , 1.1. & 0. lArrivea Onuihal Depot hills and WeiiterIit.J,9mnalma ' $ :2miim. : . , N'uimflbia l'arscnger ( icily ) , , , , sijii : 470ntmn , . Hioux'ii ) ' Ex1'res $ (55. t1mmn.,1i:55an GuiQpm . . . . . . l'aui l.mimmmted..lOabmnm _ . : LeavesII. S & MO'AlhiIY. . lArrives Onumaltal1)tpoti5tlmimnti _ \'eiiter(4ts. ( I Ornaha _ S'Imrmm. . . . . . . . i'ibt , Mcii mmmiii Express . . . , , 4iumn : 2:10pm. : ( cx. SatiVyo x , ( ox , Slomu. ) , , 4:5pni : 9Oimn. , . .NorfoiK 1xnuress : ( ox. Sunday ) , .10:30cm : , : . . . . . . . . . . . l'imul Fixitress . . . . . . . . . , l0isani : " " iIeiT1tPThTf""il , lArrmvea Oiimalum4Urmion 1hpom,0ttm & Mason Btsl Omaha , . . .1Ourtsms City Day lIxilmess , , , , TIiiiiiii eJigiti _ . 1' . Tmana. 6fAlaia : E7Vesi 2.lltiL4OUlb I'ACiVJC. Arrives ( ) uuutitul Depot 1tiu anti 'Vebster 'ta. Omaha lv $ ) .mmmm..t. . iiimii , . l0iues3. ) . . . . . . . . . Gt0.mnj : : ? . . . . . . . . . . Louimm gxtress ; . , , . , , , , , 6O5pnm : 5i'tiTn..Ncbrmmiultmc : ' I.ocahex.iin ) . . . . . 5:00am : r-iioii Onuaicaj Ieiot 11th mtnd S'e1aater Ht..JOrnatua i'muumt IAirmited. . . . . . . . . .jjIf' L.aes ci'iTixaiFL(2. iArrive. Ommm.mima1Unloii 1)epot , iittm 4 MusonstiijOmatmaa ' 6:1amn..smoux : City Pascenzer , . . . . 103fpnma ; : ' . . . . . . . . . . . h'aui LimitcO..iSSipns ; ; ' i hJNlON i'Ac1F1c ; iArtfi" OrrtlimmlUnion liupot , iOili & luiutsar , Si..jOmaha. i0I4mn..ictarntoy flsprtss . . . . . . , , , , 1:4spma : st'Opmn..Oc'eiian'l : ' Flyer. . . . . . . . . . . . 53Spitt ; 5liOi'm.iiemttce : 8. Strnimtsi"g hxex eiun ) , $ :5m.mma : 1:30pm . . . , . . , , . , .i' antic . . . . . . . . . . . : " ? ' .lastMitii . , . , . , . , , . . .4lOpua : r ; ; . 'esIWAllAfihl RAnhtVAY ArriVSS ( hmalaliJnion Deiuot , 10111 & Mason Hts , Dinah. IAipm , , , . , St. Louis Cannon Email..i2:5f : Church tLiiJflcijtsforsooIetIhf4 , Parlor Social s HooiLIItfttlIIOiflesScuit ! Pastimes : , Hem Enlertainment Oo , Councfl Bluffs1 Iowa. u -