Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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S - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TITLE OMAhA DAILY BEE : ThURSDAY , rATICrr , 1.t , 1S9. ! '
niB Possession of St. Paul's Church Not at
Present to Bo Disturbed.
Not Tholljhtoy More Yloleoeo Will no
A'uemJltI'CI-\rrr"trll I'Rrllr Itc1eiictL
on tJooct- Further Stntemellts
from IRC'h Sicte.
. -
J\Ilgo \ ] Ambrose . who hearll ) the St. Paul's
Polish church case . and ] who rendered a do-
clslon last ) Saturlay II holellng ) court In I'apll-
lion As soon ns he read the accounts In the
papers yesterday of th riot of Tuesday
ho Immediately telegraphed Judge Duffie
to order the .herHf to llrotect Priest Car-
mlnskl In his p05ses lon of the tlfemlses.
JUdge Uuffie , against the tlrotl'St of Attorney
C. J. , gave the necessary order , and
In the afternoon leputytnhoney : went to
the scene of the trouble. Ills Instructions
were to notify nil partie concerned that \I \
nil the force In Douglas county was requIred ,
Carmlnskl must not be .1Isturhed.
110 found everythIng quIet around the
church. Nobody resllonlled to his knocks at
every door of the edlflce. AccordIng to his
InstructIons frum Judge 1)iIfleTr. , : . : llllhoney
called upon nil of the Dnrgaczewskl syrn-
pnthlzers wholll he could find , nllli IIInong
them W1l8 the brother of Priest Carmlnskl's
victim. ecllng I runs high among them , but
they ovhlcnced no dlsllOsllion to renew hCN-
tllltlcs. They arc rather disposed now to
awaIt the eXlllratlon of the time allowed for
the filing of the superseders' bond on ap-
pool , when they hope to be able to take
Ileaccahlo possession or the church.
J'I am sImply following tim Instructions of
JUdge Ambrose In this matter " said Judge
Dunte. "I know nothing about. the case ntlll
do not care to go Into It. I will preserve
the statu title of affairs until Jude ! Ambrose -
broso returns ; he can then nct as he sees
, ,
Attorney Smyth Is the legal advIser ] oC the
blshop's 113rly. On last ] Satnrd3Y nflrnoGn
some of them visited hid ontce for ndvlce , lie
toM them that ( hey hail a rIght ! under Judge
Alllbrose's decision or last week to the posses-
. slon of the church if I they could get It : for ,
while their opponents had heen granted leave i
to file n sUl1ersedeas bond on aPPeal within
, wenty days , this order dill not act ns a
supersedens . , or In other words dill not legalize .
Ize ICarmlnstI's possessIon of the premises
until the bor.ll was filed. Therefore , If they
could find the church In the possession of no
one and they could enter It ! I. they had a
perfect right to do so. On Monday they told
t Mr. that the would await the departure -
parture oC the sPecIal watchman on the following -
, lowing mornIng and then , after the priest
started for breakfast they would go In anti
, take their long coveted possession. hut
JCarmlnsl l was there with an arsenal to
defend his claims Mr. Smyth warned his
clients to avoid a breach of ( the peace , but
'Ils ' ured them of their right to the property ,
even In the face of Judge Ambroso's order
granting the prlest's party the PrIvilege of I
filing a bond on appeal
Yesterday morning Court OUcer Doye ] went
to Shuceley to serve the warrants that were is-
sud yesterday and returned with two pris-
oners. There was Ito trouble In gettIng
the men , ns they were willing to appear be-
fore the court. Four of tlim came In and
gave them"lvE6 up Their names are Nick ]
Cherak , Jacob Netzel , Adam Przanowskl and
: , Franlc Kobella They were ImmediatelY arraigned -
raigned tn three charges : Flret .
. - wIth assault on PrIest ! Karmlnsl l
. with Intent to do great bodily
Injury : second , assault with the Intent to
- kIll . and third , assault with Intent to wound.
- All pleaded not guiy , and Judge Derke al.
' lowe them ball In the sum of $1.000 each
- The prelImInary hearIng of the case was set
for next Friday morning nt 10 'elock
- I Is the IntentIon of the defendants to
Issue warrants for the arrest of those who
are now In possession of the church I this
, J done they wi have a hearIng at the same
- time that the members of the other factIon
have theirs. A warrnnt was Issued for the
- arrest of Priest Kurmlnsld , and he was
served this morning . The complaInt charges
. him with assault upon Xaver Ihrgnczewskl ,
with Intent to kill. Dargaczewsl 1 Is the man
; who was shot In the leg by the prIest.
I John KowalCnkl , who Is the secretary of
, St. Paul'uu church , was In polIce court ye-
terday and spoke about the trouble 'he
Scannel factIon that male the attack on
the church " "
yesterday , he Enid , "has no
legal rIght whatever to possession of the
property' Judge Ambrose's decree was de-
, I lvered a week ago last Wednesday , and at
the same tIme he gave ns twenty days to
fb a superedeas bond for the purpose of
taldng an allpeal. During those twenty days
. thb InjunctIon granted by Judge Scott ,
Injuncton JUlge Scot pro-
. btttlng the other factIon from taking 110S-
u LesBIan of the church hi In force and their
, endeavor yesterday places them In contempt
of court. As soon ns this matter Is settled
- In the pole court they will be brought bc-
. fo'o the distrIct court to answer to the
.t charge of contempt I did not take any parI
: ' In , the trouble yesterday because I was at
Wo have good reasons to object to flishop
, Scannel taking 110psesslon ) of the property. Dshop
r " 'e purchas , for 2.800 , the land on which ,
the church stands. We were charged $6.GOO
. ' for the church Itself , which , vas built by the
. officials of the Roman CatholIc church , , whIch
t : tinount I am sure , Is consIderably more that
, such a buIldIng would cost. This makes
L . n total expense of 9300. This property was
- , deeded to Vicar General Chuoka In trust , and
, lie appoInted a priest. Toe records of this
¶ t priest show that we pall to him $12,000 ,
; which Itad , been collected from our Ileople.
Since that tme more has beet , collected , the
, total amount being folly $18,000. Alhough ( )
t the church property and the buildIng only
. cost $9,300 , wo stIll have n debt of $9,000.
"When thus St. I'aul's '
' 1,11's Polsh church , \11. '
Incorporated I thought that the articles of
; incorporatIon were nmellment to the articles
or the St . l'aul's church , ThIs new corpora-
t tlon made the mortgage , over which the case
p. In the dIstrict court nr09 I was at that
- tune treabl1rct of the corporation und the
articles provhle1 that all such papers ) should
j he sIgned , by the president and secretary of
I Ule corporation. I did not understand \I'her/
: all , the money . \0 lund colected hal gone Ind
. I cOMequent ) reCuaed to sign the mortgnge.
; I we haU collected $18,000 I dId not see how
mortgage wa needed hllshtop Scannel ,
t who was PresIdent of the corporatIon , IIII not
Igu elh r. It _ , W8S consequently ! Illegal , for
I was signed ly two men who were not
oneers ali who did not even know hew to
sign thrr Iwn 111 m lS. ] I unlelstond Judge
Ambrose's eclslon ] , he cold that the Instlu ,
. mmint wss not legal , but that In equity the
Parties who 10aleI the mooney were entlll'
to theIr pay . Uute did not give the mort.
gage and consequently we ought not to bO
heM for It. "
Dargaczelfkl , the 10n who was shot by
J Ir.est l\arllllkl , Ii at St. Josellh's hospital ) ,
1 . ts badly woundelt. At a consultatIon of
thp lImy5iclamm5 yesterday I was decIded
that It IJS m1eceaory to alllutate the himmub .
but IarlaCZe\\ ; posilrel ) ' refused to allow
othls to 10 done . I will be ultimately neces.
I ary , however . II order to I'reserre the mmtatm's
life. 'he ball went directly through the bone
of the knee .
A l'sw"I . " .
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
. Iaul railway _ time Ihort line to Chlcugo. A
clean trlln , I11e up und Itartol from
Omaha. laggago checked from residence tu
destInatIon. me ant traIn ! fn'lco and cour.
teuus erttployes . 1 ntre trains lIghted by
. electrIcity allJ heated by steam , wih dec.
t , trio liGht lu every berth FIneSt dinIng car
; tn'lcl In thl west with meul served "a la
carte " ' ( lie Flyer leaves at G p. m. daily
; from Union depot
. City Tlk ' ' 'Omee , llOt Flrnam stroet. C.
S. CarJer ! , , city tck ' t . aeent ,
t A lulle.\o \ I'1 be given by the U hop ,
Clrkon Ten of All SaInts church on 1'hur. '
day o\'c/III the 1th Inst. . at 8 o'clolt. ut ,
the reSIdence of ! r. F. I. Loma 2102
l arnal Itrc" , to ( which all ore InvIted. Ad.
lnll\lon. , 25 centm The following wel known '
artists have kIndly offered their lervlces.
: lme. . Muenteferlag. ! u , Allen I' lly . Miss
Johns Mr. Marsbll , Mr. lomer Moore.l'rof.
DUter of Omaha and : . Aaron LYIQI and
' - ' , Lr . l'AUenOD lt CQuol fluffs. t :
Its BalD , ' :11 UOlnantl-laJdel Ilmo . . '
Inr"ln ( 'Ottultcr.
These are not the usual run of odds and
ends. They are all selected mIll remnants
nn.1 mostly In lengths that come In just rIght
for children's school dresses and other pur.
The lot contains a tp1enlld collection of outIng .
Ing flannels , fancy ( flannels . lawns , cheviots ,
shirtngs , percales , cotonalles , zephyr Ring-
hall , cambrics and fln chatbre's , muslns ,
Rtlnes , fancy calIcos and serpentIne and
fancy crapeu. Fine shirtngs for ( boys' waists ,
all at , less thin onHhlrd usual cost.
These goods will be placed on sale Thursday -
day at 8:30 : a. m. , first floor.
The fall of the mercury and fall of prices
have completed a circuit wh A strong current .
rent of trade la our blanket department. In.
dlan wi blankets , 9Se per paIr : CalIfornIa all
wool blankets , $3.50 per pair , assorted colors ;
other blanel from SOc up.
We sell you frame , glass and mat for your
TrIbune plcturo cOllllete , only 25e. This Is
no 400 fn ke.
\ ke.ONlmS cvlm CEASI
Great shirt sate commencing Tltursday 8:30 :
n. m. lerc31t luulI red , $1.00 value , 35c :
the Mascot special value . SOc ; French sateen
36 Inches long worth $1.00 , golu nt Mc ;
Inllras shirt , hOc , regular price $ 125 : new
styles , 76e ; time Manhattan , regular $171
value , nt $1.00. Ths ! sale closes Saturday
night. See 1Cth stre't window.
. l1AYIE 131105.
Trouble Ower tIme UJIII ) of I Wetl-otoui
uf the l uttrtu
DahlIa Mason anti Charles 1.ltleflell arc en-
In In time district court
gagell litigation over
time sum of $18.60. In September 1891 , LIttle- ,
field lured Mason to dig out a well nt his
residence. lie thought Mason tlorouJhly ;
understood his business nod therefore agreeJ
to pa ) ' him $28.60 for the Job. When It was
fnlshCI I.ltefehl found thnt no Improve-
ment was tadd In the water supply , and refused -
fused to pay 'my more than $10 on the con-
tract. Mason : commenced snit ror $18.60 , and
this morning Lltleflehl fell a cross-petItIon
for $50 damages to his water supply ] by reason
of the caving In or the curbing which the plain-
tiff constructed.
10 Wuule Itatllr In I nstlte.
An Inquiry 15 In progress In Judge Scott'
court regarding the sanity of W. E. I Dlnld ( .
Dnl ] e Is under Indictment h ) the grand I
jury for ( entering the barn of Jerome Allen
and carrying off $9 : worth of harness and
tools on December ! , 1891. lIe had previously -
viously been held hy JustIce of the Peace
George J. Smith for the same offense In $ " 00
bonds. lie set up a plea oC insanIty and
three times has been declared to bt of per-
fecty sound mind by time sanIty b03rd. From
the last decision of this body he line lp-
11ealed to a julY In the distrIct court Drs ,
\V. C. Upjohn nnd Detweiler consider him
insane and not responsIble for his acts
tltrn UI.IIIII I I I I Ifferod.
M. 0. Maul has fed an answer In the suit
brought against him by Walter P. Welsh.
The plaintIff worled as a general assistant
In : laul'l undertaking establishment for ll0
days from July , 1892 , to December . 189 He
values his labor nt $ ,550 , which he claIms
Maui has refused to pay. In his nnswer the
deCendant atmlts that the work was per-
formed. but claIms that there was n [ agree-
meat made lS to the compensatIon , and that
the services were not worth time amount demanded -
Urn 111' Tlcherslkll ! Steady to Go to
the Io"ltlln .
Superintendent C. G. Pearse of Deatrlce
will Il prl'Sent't the Omaha-teachers' meet-
lag Friday afternoon tn the Interest of the
annual meetIng of the NatIonal Educational
assoclallon , which wIll be held at Denver
July 5 to 12. An unusual elort Is being
made to secure the attendance of as many as
possible of the Nebraska teachers and SuperIntendent -
Intendent Marble Is particularly desirous that
the majoriy of time Omaha teachers should
avail themselves oC the opportunites thus
offered for acquiring new ideas and an Inter-
change of views with the best Instructors of
the Unied States
The annual meetngs of the associatIon are
considered by superIntendents as one of the
most valuable menns of profit available for
the teachers anti arrangements hn\e been
mull hy which the expenses of the trip are
reduced to a minimum. As most of the
teachers take their vacatIon at that tme , It Is
cxpectel that most of them may be Induced
to combIne profit \\'Ith pleasure and join the
Nebraska excursion The Nebraska headquarters . -
quarters will be at the Albany hotel In
Denver , where aCClmodutlons have been reserved -
served at $2 per day and the raIlroads will
maleo a rate of one fare for the ronnd trip.
A vast uumber of excursions from Denver to
Colorado points of Interest have been arranged -
ranged at low rates.
lv I tIm Iho'OI'U" ' ' " LI at , .
The parliamentary practice depurtment of
the \\'omau's club held Its regular meeting
[ n Moitday : afternoon , with Jr . Henderson
In tim chair. The regular eeeretar being
absent Irs. Hering was appoInted to fill the
vacancy. At the previous meetIng there hal
been a motion IJt before time house for tIme
establshing of un organizaton for the pre-
\enton of cruelty t [ chmIiclreim. Mrs. ender-
son was the originator of the mmmotlon . I
11ro\lte consIderable discussion some think-
log that the parlnmentalY practice depart-
ment s'as going out of its way In taking up
reformatory worle. Others thought that I
was tmncomistittmtional . and that there could
not be an organIzation within an org3nlza-
In. lender50n said that It was not so
much to Corm un organization ns It was to
practce the 110 of /tnly and nt the same
thins give Rome definite aim. Whie mel'
bers wee 11crfeetn themselves In the dry ,
hard technicaliies of parlIamentary practce
they would be doing some good to otlmers
DC'5plto all opposition the motIon wns car-
rlel. Miss McMtmrplty was appointed chair-
man at the temllrary organIzatIon .
At the laH mEetng MIss ! cllur1hy : , beIng
absent Mrs. Co\elo was applnt In her
IlIac\ ) , wih ? lrs , Hering as secretary A
conlnlteo of lhreu was appolnt ) to draw
imp I set of resolutons for the new or-
ganizatiorm . ! 1. Hnlord as chairman , wIth
Mm , Henderon Inll llrs. : Wnlmoner , asked
Ihat ( they be allowed unl n'ext week to make
timely n'lort. MrA lenlern Inde quIte a
pathetlo appeal II behulf of limo lIttle omtes
? [ rs. Anderlon slolte , strongly agaInst al-
101Ing tIme prelarlng , and readIng of long und
elaborate pap"rl , sa'lng It would hnn I ten-
delc ) ' to u1l e It educative , and the Idea
was to mlle It purely r'formatory. tumid a
live , wide awake force In time Womnn' clnb.
'l I : uuml'l' SOIJ'l'ILIhtN IWU'I
\u Hock hl"l I , 6hortelt J.lmmo "ltl Intel ,
' 1 line.
To all points In ICaneas Oltohoma , Indian
'territory . 'l'exaa and all points In southern
Callforimla. Only one nlRht out to all 110lnts
. . "The Texas " ,
of TeIs. 1ho Llmlod" leaves Omnha
at 6:16 : a. m. , daily except Sunday , landing
passengers at all points In Texas 12 hour In
a,1'aeo of all other lines. Through tourist ,
cur \11 Ft. Worth and F Paso to Los An.
geles , For full l1artcular. maps , folders ,
etc. , call ut or address Rock Island tIcket
office . 16Q2 l aral st .
CllA. ICENNEDY G. N. W. r. A.
1'1u51u1I , to TI\IU' \
Tllo Northwester line fait vestbulod Ctti'
cage traIn that glIdes cast from the Union
Depot every afen.wr il 5:45 : and Into
Chicago at S:45 : lext mornIng , with supper
and lu carte breakfast Every part of tb' ; I
train Is itiflhlT. '
Other eastern trolns at 1:05 : n. m. and .
p. mtt. daIly-good , 100.
City ticket ollico . 101 . f'arnam street.
Qtiluis 1
Leaves o 111 a 4:45 : 11. m. today ,
Arrives C1tIcao 7:55 : a. Tm ) , tommiprrOV
The iiurlhtgton'o , " "eltbuled lyer" 1 . does
I. '
Tickets anti full InformatIon at 132t Far-
nam St
. IJ I I.
\'Ih.I.lAuII-Cimariemt l'j agrd 5t years. of
cunIH'8tun of the brain : lllch 12. lb :
1.'lnwral ben'lrN from h\1 \ lute residence ,
N. W. rur . 30th avenue and P.clc street ,
RU'"la ' , March 1 3St5 . at 2 o'clock P. ifl.
IntN'/lmt , Fom'est l.wn cemetery , Rev .
J.v 'I 1 ht Iutel' ohilelatlng . FrIends 1mm-
, ' 1
r , wnes. , II.t Iul Chicago pal'cl'
, " , " . PY. , . -
Mr , Lomnx Wants the San Francisco Rate
Outing Oabnl E'quolched
1:1"0Tlrlecl" : Stl on Sale In the FarVe't ' ,
ni" llelatg : IIIIJIItcll So ni to
'urlt ' \ llnAt time Interests of
time Vnlul l'aclmlc.
There ore surface IndicatIons ] that all Is not
wel with the Weter LInes Passenger ns-
soelnton on the Pacific coast.
Whie Chairman Caldwell ruled against the
" " of San
"elbow" tickets , whIch are purely
ranctsco coinage , and ordered ] that they be
talten off sale . thereb removing the last leg
upon which the Santa l'e stool , there are
now hlcatons that time tickets are still
being \ \ ell and the street eems demornl-
Ized In San Pranclsco. Alhough
there Is little business eust bound ,
tickets mire stIll IJelns scalped ]
antI , Chairman Caimlwell's attention
has been called to the dcnioraltiatlon that Is
saId to exist. ACer InvestIgation , the ehnlr-
man oC tIme \\estern Lines i'assemtger nso-
j > aton hns sent out a telegram to all lInes
'n interest stating that ho found ( lIttle disturbance -
turbance of the existing rates , and that , generally -
cral speakIng , the street was quiet In Sun
Francisco . But Mr. Cahlwel seems to have
used ] 'arl.colorelt spectacles , for one or two
of the roads make specific charges that both
Cast nmmd west bound rates have been anti arc
being manipulated to an extent which Is
liable to produce a rate war of the lIvelIest
proportions If the wholesale scalpIng of tickets -
ets IA not dlscontlnited.
I Is a fact that San Francisco Is the most
uncertaIn atewny In the country RO fur ns
the tleltr't hIAn" . I. ronernN There arc
Ito - many I. - reads " bIdding for - business i - amid ; It Is
so far removed from the headquarters of
eastern trunk lnes that agents do pretty
much In order to
as they please secure
patronage , and a scalp results. For year
San FrancIsco has been the seat of nn Irresponsible -
sponsible cabal arid It hns been hnp08slb1e to
check its demornlzlng Ilraclccs , but Gen-
oral Passenger Agent I.omt : of the UnIon
Pacific has about decdEll to put a stop to
the wholerle scalping ] goIng on by demandIng -
lag ( room the chairman of ( the Western Lnes
Passenger assocIation that protection which a
memberhip In the association Is supposl
to secure.
Wil , Talk Cite lnl 8Itom ,
Superintendent C. A. Goonow of the
: llauleo system and on : ot time
ablest operatIng railroad men In the coun-
try , who Is known ] ns the great exponent of
the staff system In the United States , was In
Omaha ) 'Esterday. : Ir. Goodnow Is a
thlnler and progressive enough to Introduce
on his s ) " tem , wherever possible , the newest
methods devised for the better protection of
life enl 11ropertr wih which he has to de3J
Mr. Goodnow Is to deliver an address beforetime
the Western Railway club In Chicago next
Tuesday afternoon on "The Train Staff Sys.
tell ) . " Ills road was the frbt to put In the
staff system In the Uned States , applying I
to the Savanna bridge which has given such
general satisfaction that the MIlwaukee r03d
contemplates puttIng It In ut the La Crosse
bridge , where traIns of the river divIsIon ,
Southern Minnesota and Dubuque dvlsons ! !
cross Into La Crosse I Is also contemplnted
between Ramsey and Austn , Minn. , where
trains of the Souther MInnesota and Indlann
& Minnesota run over the same piece of
"Ingle track In order to reach the division
terminal track at Austin . It being the
division terminal for five sub.lvlslons
of the Chlc3go. Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway. Remarknble as It may seem , the
only road using the staff system , other than
time MIlwaukee . In the United States , Is the
Chesapeake ' & Ohio , which recently adopt
It on a sIngle ] piece of trnck. including the
Jerry Run tunnel , thrce-fourth of n mIle In
length , where It was Impossible to double
truck the line for n distance of 200 miles.
Other raIlroads are seriously considering the
advisability of putting In the staff system In
order to facIlitate the rnnning of trains all
at the same time surround them with the
absolute guards to pnfety.
N. I' LltJltOI 1'lrthor C'omnplleatod.
MILW AUKEE , March 13.-A new complicatIon -
e1ton In the extremely complicated Northern
Pacilc litigation developed today when the
Northern PacIfic receivers fed a reply to
the Inten'ellng petition of the Chicago &
Norther PacIfic receivers denying the legal-
Iy of the lease or Its assignment under which
the Northern Pacific company operated the
lnes of the Chicago & Northern Pacific road
from April I , 1890 to September 27 , 1893.
The recclvera further developed an Inclna-
ton ( to should all the responsibIlIty on the
Wlfconsln Central Incs , The receivers deny
that there Is any sum whatever due the Wis-
consIn Central receivers or the Chicago &
Northern Pacific receivers The receivers of
the Northern Pacific company further set
forth that they have been unable to determine
whether the Chicago & Northern Pacific lnes
are bclng operated by the Wisconsin Centrul
receivers or by one of the Wlconsln Central
co at pa fl Ic s.
n"trOIIA Apply for ( itmirters
KNOXVILLE , Tenn , larch 13.-Applica-
ton was made today for a charter for the
Ohio River . Knoxville & Tidewater railway
. ) mtd the KnoxvIlle Junetcn TermInal und the
Belt road. The survey for time Belt line will
begin next week .
Hnlwny Nute. .
On and after next Sunday trains 43 and 4
on the Burlngton will run no further than
Grand Island , the lavenna end of the run
Ioln ! ; dIscontInued.
J. n. Duchannn of the EIhorn , J. Francis
of time Burlington anti hi. II. Puyne of the
Union Pacifc are In Chicago In attendance
nl0n the meetng of the \"cster Lines
Inssenger absoclation.
Time Missouri Pacific hns succeeded In
qumlto a plum In time of
rnpturlng . quie way freight
trmmtmepom'tntlott. I will have ten carloads of
househoh Roods amid live stocle , ammO one car
of l'assenRers ' from Washington county ,
lCansas , to Edmonton , Alberta county , BrItIsh
Colummibla ] via St. Joseph , during time present
week ' 1hls cmlgrlnt movemcnt Is mnde up
of I"rench Canndlans , cnroute to Join their
brethren In the qimeen's domnlnions
- -S
10Yll Commi immi m'.sou .
Are the good qualitIes possessed by Hood's
Sarsanarihia. Above all It nuriles the IlrlL
thus 'strengthening tIme nerves ; ; it " regulates i
the digestIve organs , Inviorates the kidneys
and lIver , tonea and ' builds up time entre
system , cures scrofula , dyspepsia catarrh
amid hood's rh2\latsm. Get hood's und only
Hood's Pils cure all lIver ills , biliousness ,
jaundice , IndIgestIon . slcle heullache. 260 ,
To time I > "elln toast Inf . \I " ' 01(1'1 I'ull ts ,
Via the Union Pacific , the World's I'lc
toral himme. Read the tinte . To San Francisco
from Omaha , 61h hours ; to Portland from
Omaha , 65 % hours : first class through Pul-
man cars DIning car service unsurpassed
Free reclning chair cars , Upholstered l'uhI-
man colonist sleepers daIly between Counci
Bluffs , Omaha and San Francisco via C. &
N. W and Union I'aciilo system without
change , connectIng at Cheyenne with slmni- ,
Inr cars for I'ortlmtnd ; ale daily between :
Kansas City und Portand , connection at
Cheyenne wlh simiar cars for San I rau-
Corresponding tIme and service to Colo.
rado , Utah , \"omlng , ldaho 3nd Monana
points. HARny P. DmEL.
City Ticket Agent p , 1302 J'arnom St.
The followIng Ierons procured marriage
leellei ) 'e 'telll ) ' :
Name umtdnduirees . Age.
I'mnk Itlekey . Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Alice Ouge , Omnalta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Anmel hllummm . : tlIhiartl Neb . . . . , 21
Alel : llard Neh. . . . . . .
Bertha Schroeder , lluld { , Nel. . . . . . . 4
Cimarley A. Hcqulst , lontgomcr Co , in . 21
Churlt Jugenle : Johnson , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
George im. Emmuis Douglas count ) . . . . . . 21
1. nnl'i
Susie E , Davis , bougins . county " . . . . . 2
"Drown's Bronchial Troches" are widely
known a an admirable Jled ) ' for bronchItis .
imoarsemiess . coughs and throat troubles , sold
only In boxes.
n \\IF UUS
nllrr nnw" Again.
Pineal butter made bOo per pOln , ] , This
Is the separator ereamty and there Is no
better made Nice cunty butter , 7c , 9c , lie
and 12 % c.
Sugar cured picnIc hmrms. h3e : salt pork ,
6c : bacon , 9c : sngA Ored No.1 hSl3 , 90 :
boneless hnms , Sc : corM beef , 2'c : pickle
pork , 7 % c.
Don't forget t [ callot , our fish counter for
any thinI you wnnt.
You can ! et It hero this weele ,
DOY and chlhren's ] lolothlng. The largest
anti nwt cOlplete line of novelties for little
boys from 3 t [ 7 years. Fancy Junior anti ]
'reefer suits , knee punts suits , all ages . to
15. We eClI you n half wool suit cheaper
titan others sell you 1 110r satinet. They
run front I6c n suit imp. A double sot nn I knee
suit for $1.95. A first class combination stilt , I
2 pairs Imante , $2.25.
I Wt can't rave you from GOe to $1.50 on
every eult In o'/r hbuse wo will refund your
mone ) .Compare our price and quality with
others. . 1IA\'DEN LiltOS
'I nrn thn CIIII'llo Ilto tilts.
LITTLE ROCC ] , Ark. , : I arch 13.-There
' be trouble when Dr. ' populist
tuny troulle Crosby , populst
representative Crom Clehorno county and J.
C. South. delocrnlc representntve from Baxter -
tee , nmeet Time bad feclng arose over n
speech In time house when llr. : South severely
denouncCl the populst pnrty Crosby tool
Umbralo at his rem3rks nnd when ho had
firtisimed , hnnlled llr. : South a note asking
him to select his welpons anti name n place
of mneetlmg . South tore the note Into bits nli
threw It Into Crosby's face. Crosby flushed
with anger anti returnIng to lila desk wrote
nnother note to South demanding satisfactIon .
South Ignored the second nole. Crosby Is now
loklng for Imlmn
1'01111 11m nllt ) .
Tuesday night the jury tn the case of Charle
Sherman , who vas charged wlh robbing
Phiip Kraue of $16 In Albright on time nlgitt
of September . 26 , 189t , brought In a verdict of
glit ) . amid recommendcd the accused to the
mercy of time court.
J.HML Jll "lTl S.
The motor cars carrying the mals are all
being ornamented with Uncle Snm's mono-
Tonight nt Washington hal will be given
a sterloptcon lecture on the workIngs of time
packing houges of South Omnalia
New plnns of assessment have been sub-
mited for the Tenth street repallng nnd for
the grading of Woolworth avenue , from Second
to Sixth streets.
There arc quite a number of smal grnd-
lag Jobs In contcmplnton , which will cause
some activIty In the engineer's department
as soon as the weather will admit of outside
Louis Siegel lost a diamond and a gold
watch , valued together at $100 , from his
room at 1515 California street Inst night.
10 thinks that It was stelen by a room-
Judge Dnndy will not retur from Dead-
wooJ until next week -ccording to time latest
advlees. In the meantme time federal court
at Lincoln Is adjourned from day to day by
Clerk Frank .
I Is rumored at the Commercial club that
thc mnrlct house 'nd canal schemes have
both "gone glimmering" and that the iegis-
latve committee has knocle them out be-
) end resuscItation.
Mba Mary II. lCroub , of the editorIal staff
oC the Inter-Ocean will lectnre In the
\'oman's club room on Thursday evening
March H. SUbject : "hawaII and time
Hawahians. " AdmisIon , 50 cents.
At 1 o'clock this morng ! the memo
hers of tIme 1Iullers and Traders exchange
will meet In their rooms In the Now York
Life building to hear the' report of the
legislative and canal : commIttee Lunch
und cIgars will be iser'ved.
I. L Woolritlgo rwhot ! operates n saloon nt
Forty-fourth and DOge streets , Is a free man
again I . Ho was arest d on the chars . of
Having retailed 'hIquorm'Itimout : first havJlg !
secure time ' f'em
: nEcessary pemit the county .
TueslaY.he . gave the required bond. .
The Current Topic club announces that
tonigh S. I.S'hlcy will take th
corporations' side of a discussion and wIll
answer any que ton that may be asked him
In reference to thc relation of the corpora-
tons to the publc , Major Hnlord will
discus the Chlnese.Jnpanesc war.
There Is considerable kIckIng among a few
officials In the city hal over the actIon of
the counci In orderIng their telephones dis-
contnued , Assistant City Attorney Cornish
will keep his telephone by payIng for It out
of his own pocket , but time other officers
affected wIll probably impose on their more
fortunate neighbors. .
The collections for fees In the plumbing
Inspector's department durIng February
Imoulted to $ 52. They have been turned
over fo the city treasurer. After this the
fees which are duo to time electrIcal department -
ment , but which have not been collected , wIll
be turned over to the treasurer for coliectiomm .
I Is thought that In thIs way time office can
be made more nearly self-supporting.
The balance sheets of the city treasurer
show thnt time tax collections still continuo
to be satisfactory. In February the colcc-
lens amounted to $65,255.30 of which $14-
107.9 was for general anti $51,147.37 for
specIal taxes. The collections during time
same period in 1891 were $60,761.35 , $17,933.55
being general taxes anti $12.830,80 special.
The lgures show that while there has been a
slght fallIng off In the collections 'of ' general
taxes this has been more than offset by
the Increase In the special funds.
Among the ordinances now pending In the
city councIl are those which arc designed to
carry out time recommendations of the finance
commitee In regard to retrenchment. Some
of thesc will be passed without opposItion .
but one or two will encounter the objections
of at least I minority. The ordinance which
lops off the head of the building Inspeetor's
cleric Is opposed by one or two councilmen , on
the gronnd thnt the busy season Is just at
hand all thut the contcmpluted actIon sl0uld
at least be postponed untl the middle of the
sunmmor. The ordlnnnco limitIng time salaries
of the clerks In time Board of Public Worl(1
will also meet wih some opposition .
nRrfn ' Ihon Sale Tomorrow .
No le up In the shoe bargains nt IIYIen ]
Dros. We lead ] In low prices on good shOs ,
! tat , Thumrsday's shoo ! bargains nt Ilay-
len 1.31Ie , ' thC 98e.
Men'a simoes 9Sc.
Chlhlren'A shos 70e.
lnfan\s shcs 2e ,
Good shos nt ICs than It costs to make
them Tomorrow we sel Infants' fine hOc
ShOD nt 25c , sizes 2 to 6.
Chlhlren's $1.25 schoo shoes , 7c , size 9
to 12. $
Ladles' fine LUIlow $ 3.00 don ola button
shoe 9Se. The e are broken sizes , but If
you can get 'our size they are largalns.
Ladles' fine U.OO haml turned patent vamp
buton shoes $1.48.
Ladles' fine $4.0 110nl01n button shoes
$1.98 , all sizes ald C , I and E wldtlms .
len's $2.00 congress and lace shoes , 9Sc.
Men's fM $2 10 satin cal lace and congress .
gress shes $1.r0.
Men's fine ' 5.00 pie to calf bale , $2.10.
hays' $1.50 loco shoes , 95c.
H Ylm nnos. ,
, Shoe Snle.
[ olco , ' "elO Somttis M"ny Cllllrll ( hit to
\ I rle.
JUdge Berkmt started In yesterday wlh
time evident lntentiomt the
. Intenton of ( ug1entn
street cleaning gang and succeeded to a
consIderable degree. Fred Flshlr nml
Charles lsher , 'Iwo vagrants who were
plcte,1 ] up In the burnt dIstrict . were each
given work for fifteen days Fred Is very
wel known to the polIce , hnvlng been ox-
rested a numher of timnes Over a year ago
ho was accused of holding up Willam Dox
and releving him of a valuable dlammmonti.
lie wns arrested , but the state faIled to
convict. Ills partner Charles , Is nn ox-
convict. who bas not yet determined to re-
Chnrles I. O'Del struck a polcemnn II
time burnt district for I nIckel to pay his fare
over the brld e. Time polcemnn hns SUII-
plel , several weary pedCtrlnns In this way ,
amid came to the conclusIon that O'Del henr-
lug of I. used this means to work him for
a drimik Charles was given. work for five
John Doherty also ] drew five Ila's' work .
John elalmHI thnt ho lund been working In a
restaurant for some time amid wcnt down Into
tme cown
the burnt district to spend hIs hanl-earnel
money. ,
John I.ehmnn was nlMcd to the cls
working force for the space oC fifteen days.
A wnrrant has heen Issuell for the arrest
of John Wood for the larceny oC n gun worth
$20 from Franl Parmelee.
Ida L. Smih was fne(1 $5 and costs for
tlieorderl3' comidtmct. Ida went Into her
mother's house cn the botoms about a weel
ago and broke UII several pieces of ftmrmmiture.
Site clnllel ] thnt time Curnluro be-
longed to her and Rhe could therefore do
as site 111eased with it ler mothcr was In
possession of It and Ida did not want her to
Ilwe the use of the property. She had a
baby wIth Imer but refused to leave It In her
muotber's care , so both of them were locked
um it.
Yesterday 1 'oung tramp went to the
.ldence of Mrs. Dawson , at 316 North FIC-
teenth , street. all Isled for something to
eat : rs. Dawson gave hUn a mcal and
the young chap departed. Shortly after he
hud gone Mrs. Dawson missed a ladles' lvcr
\\atch and a gold chahim which had been
lyIng on n table near . by.
11N..VO ' OI > .11 S1' .
Dares & Marvin's Players close n successful -
ful engagement at the Empire whim a matInee
Sunday , March 17 The repertoire for the
, remainder of the week wIll be "A Southern
Hose" tonight and Friday ] evcnlng , Saturday
matnee "A LIttle HeroIne " amid "The Gov-
crness" Saturday nlghland Sunday matnee ,
"Tho Girl I LeCt Dehlnd Mc , " which comes
to Doyd's theater March 19. 20 antI 21. also
Wednesday matinee , Is now more eabor- ]
lately presented than ever betrc , The popularity -
larity of the play Is wonderful. and seems
to contnue to increase. The authors of "The
Girl I Le ! Jehlmt Me" have gone neither
to Englnnd nor the contnent oC Europe for
their cimaracters. They bnye fouml soldIers and
girls , heroes and villains at home to suit
theIr purpose. To mnke the American twang
all 1 , , mor nrommounced. they have laId
hands upon Lo : tile poor 'Indln . nnd made
hIm really and truly the mot notable nov-
cIty In the ptece. There are vast plains , the
camp-fires of the hostile Indians , their weIrd
and terrible songs time massacre threatened
garrison , the swish of the rife bullets , and
finally . the tremendous rescime The whole
story Is worked out In the Blackfoot country -
try , Montana. at an army post. The story
Is Interestng all through and the chapter
of heroics , with time beselgcd stockade , Is
genuinely moving.
p .
TIme I'eOll'i Like It.
One or the best attended all most thor-
oughly enjoyable entertainments given In a
suburban chuch during the winter was that
at the Wesley Methodist church , Walnut Hi ,
Tuesday night The house was filled to the
doors und time progrum fairly ran over and
bulged out with good things furnIshed by
some of the most capable people In the
elt ) . .
city.Time sInging of the Schubert Gee club the
vocal solo by Mr. C. E. Abbott . the songs
by time Lowe Avenue Quartet choir , the recl-
tntons given by Mrs. Eta Mntheson , the
piano work by Mr. Stnmhaugh , the club
swinging by Mr Mytrs , the overture by time
Grant Street orchestra and the pantomime
story by time pupils of the Institute for the
Deaf were all hearty applauded ,
The Gee club was pnrtcunrly ] well received -
ceived , nnd Mrs. latheson practically
"ewned the house , " as she was Limo recipIent
of a double encore. TIme cntertnlnment was
nlrnngco under time supervIsion of J. : .
Gillamm. superintendent of the Walnut Bi
MethodIst chnrch Sunday school , and the
proceeds were for the benefit of the Sunday
sclmool Time people of Walnnt Bi and vi-
clnlty have come to look upon theIr : lthodlst
church folks ns being hummers when It
comes to gettng up first-class entertain-
. _ - -
* * . .o
What is Death ?
Not many folks speak dead languages nowadays 't
and it's very hard to find out Death is very fool-
- ish in some .cases. Lots of folks die every year that
' 3 * could post ne it as well as not if they'd use a little
common scnse. Are you getting all rn down ? Get- *
ting consuIption , are you ? Doctor says you are in a
bad way , does he ? Do you want to die ? If you do ,
' - .don't try our kind of medicine. If you want to live ,
: , take OZOlsiol. I only costs a dollar to try it I
. call't hur you , There's not much in it but cod liver
. . The doctor the
oil and guaiacol decor probably gives you
common cd liver oil now. But this is oZoiiict1. °
: How's that : done ? Thats our secret. Thats what
: helps the cod liver oil and guaiacol to go where it will .0
do the most good Try it I will make you hungry- 0
. will look better to ' eat more-you'll .
o : things wi you-you'l more-you'l .0
.o : . get more flesh on your bones-you'l begin to build up .0
_ o -you 11ay get better right away. If one bottle helps
little ' started in the right direction-
: YOl ever so ltle , you've s
try I' ' 0'
: Druggists sell omulslon ] yours don't , send . to the chemists who make It .
, . .
, . .
' ' , . '
-'J' A. Slocum Cu. .83 Pearl Street w'York L'ity .0
CURtiS Colds , Coughs , Consumption , :0
: , _ OZOMULSION _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ CURIS Uronehl l , Altbma , and 11 1\lmo. '
nary Complaint ; erolula , General Ueblty , Lou of fleh , . ;
0 Aoaemla , and all Wa.tng Diseases . Thin pale women get plump (
bemmulllui Ozomulslon.
and beautful on Ozomullol
0 . , . , . .
_ t. ' J _ *
* " , ( 1 I-W 1 H J
- For Sale by Kuhu & Co.
. .
, i
- - - _ _ _ 3Iz/A _ - - - -
We s l no boys' suits at less than One 1)ollar ) . 'r
U n favorable comments from corn lCtLt0l'5 ) , who either
sell trash or command ! ( exhoL'bitant profts , about our ; 1
children's stock amounts to nothing ' , ii
The idea that we don't cary lS fine boys' clothes as
anyone here is i ? all boshVc \ cheerfully offer a premium
for an article of boy's wear th 1 we could not show its )
equal ( both in style and fabric Everything that was made
lately by the big bugs who lead the boys' clothing market "
of the ' but the about . 00
country--yes , c\erythin prices ; $5.
is all we ask for the brst
The idea that we don'tcary as cheap boys' clothing
as anyone here is-quite true. Nothing less than $1. 00 . \.J \
But for that dollar you get a suit that is dependable and
true to good wcar. The cheapest ) wool suit outsidc ( here is
worth at least $2 Wc'l pro\e ) it-so can you Very well
-try it You are never too Ite I to come here .
We carry 10 suits which wc cannot recommend En-
tirely inconsistent with our businc5s princples ) ) , Shoddy
stuff looks ragged , wears bail.
Where would our rcputation ) come in ?
- .
- - -
What' ! ! the Continental do next ? .
\Vatch tomorrow's paper and see.
t -
, . . ' . '
' ' ; ; ' ; " ' -
' "
" i . , .
" . . .
, . , . . . . ' ' . ' ' . , , .
' " ' ' " ' " -.4. . . I. 1'f"J. . ; ' ;
: . " . ' : ' , " ; , f' . . . . . , ' : . ' " . " , _ . ! " : " < \f/"J. " . . . . " , ' 'f . - :
cO i _ _
- Ripans Tabules.
o Carry a vial ! in your vest pocket 0 f
o and ) your li i ztslred against g
Q the tortures of dyspepsia and all 0
n kindred ai1rnnts . ' Oite gives re- 0
D 'jif : : 0
o IZi H
. H
U. . . 0
- nlpons Tlbnles : Solc by crK or . by mail .
O tt the price ( W renls a , box . ) 1 senl ( te. ' , 1Ie , II.
vans Clmemnmcam Comnpany No. 10 i3jtrmws mt N Y
. ' ' . ' f iJ' ' " ' - ' j- , . ! - : r . ? " , ' " : ( " > " . " " ' ' , . , . " , , ' ; " t. ' " : ; 1 J , ; ; l '
. '
CA'I'OJ . : J r ! . J U1SP If' I \ ) 111'lcu Ie : III ; 1.IIY'1 IWI1 . fl'lel'l ly "ou8anda ( U Irrlllar or : latHes rol IIY rimommtimby ealll . , I I Is itt sale tIi
arid reimmbmo : . nOI'cr fall , i. mmat'ammti'o wil every luttu , Hlru 1 n uay. 'l'hlH ttmed lot mmu Is far superIor ( t
1IIIs II ol'ry botte lire"leIIUIIII3fr 10iI'I' Hlrollh , , olt by all luatitml : dl'll.lil'rco. . 1.Ol
porboutlo. If 'ourdm'mm1st duos tmot mmavu it jmmL , . uIII : will . . . :
IJI'loHlo I ruur : tiUUUi 10t 1:10 I IJnJ .Ol : wo wil lorwmt : yo.m , a 10HIo 1 , cxpr.H
WC5tcru OtlIco . OmubB , NebrulkR ,
, - -
- - =
_ _ _ _ _
rn/WE MuRK _
Our record or actual "na unaenlRble euru or . . -
SYI'UILII reerc t.mmenomnenai Wo fumntsmm all med. . We 10n,1 Ihu mm.rTelou. h"rencl , N
telnet , free and erdlrale thd poison from tIm. ht'me.Iy munloU rca- t'r'nrl
Iltell In $0 days Cure guaranteed. f5 E 10moIf . ( ' . , CltTII will I
noun ' :30 : h 5.50 ; Wetanesdays and Batur- " 111.1..1. , . . , EmIuions . , , I
' WenesdaYI .
days. . . n . m. .1' ( tI' . . . 'n..I..t.u.t. R
dvi ' . m , . ' . .4 11.1'lllt : led vigor .
. , H.or.
REIIIEDY 10 , , .
TiE DNSlOOI RhlEDY 1.0. 'tl ' . ' : d ,
sa New York Life Qmnaia Neb "Hr. i'l .IIH . , fOt'in/s CO , , U
' _ S " 10 - . - wamrso - A5'o. . . U..U : fl. . . 1
----r.- -
. -
"or sale /y nil lh'lt Cuss Deili'i's : . : Inuufncturcdy tIme .
li'iictory Nu. W. , St. Loull , 1o.
, - - - - , - - , . . . . . . . , . - , ' , . - , r , . . . - - - '
. . " i