Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    , _ ' , jf" " ' "T < ' t'\1" 1 , ( . ' . , 1- ' " ' JJ1't dl1'I" ' \ ' . . .JfkWllJt . ' " .rn.II . . " . _ , _ * . _ . . . I . . " . . , .y - . . " . " _ . " " < " " , . , - . . . ' - " " "
I ,
' G _ _ _ . . . - a- - ' . [ IlE O.IA1IA JAIJiY . .mJ ! : ' T1IUI41)AY , lUAUOLI ] ' 1 , r 18H . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. - - -
- -
, L Wheat Made a Slruggle to Score Another
A vAnce But l'nied , I
- - I
Corn Va6 Steady for n : Unnlo or 80 nt the
Ollcllnl but SOOI WeAkencl1 ne'
flechIncI-Stocki end
hhoiid .
CHICAGO , March 13.-Whenl ,111 Its best
to core nnolher n \nnce , but , loaded down
by the htnvy Inle9 of the tnlPs of 'llOfS '
on rcalcr nr's bul/e , II fnlshe weak with'
May r c lower. Corn unll oats snl c
alter ; : IIEat , day corn closing * c and i11)
oats % C Iovfr. 1rovlslon : went the other
way , winding tip higher nil aroun .
Wheat started nt n ahllle advance on the
price II closed n reslel lY. 'l'he go\'crn-
menl's Ignres on the mnolnt of wheal In
Carmen halide Illll nol lost its effect on the
crowd , although % ery few took the Wlsh-
InJton estimates serlousl 'ho Liverpool
market /Ive ( n Intmaton or how the !
' was
Unllell Htnle ! AJrlculn\\ \ department
rlurlIJ ] there by IUolln a 11eelne or I. d
In ! the price of futucs. That was tlhs-
coulln ! to the buyers but 1.\11 cables
( Iuotell the wlath r cold nod the mnrltcl
fnn unl hiIher. 1.l110n 1101,1 every-
thln strong. Minneapolis and nlllih re-
today ( with 277 n
lortell 2S clrd } . cOllllrp11 wih 27
week ago . and : : thc week before that.
l'rhnury : western markets received a 10111
of to.OOO bn. , nulnst : l1.tbu. ( ; ) . on WClnes-
( lay oC lu 1celt. . 'he most noxious of
the FhO ts ttJI ) > CRl ell , howevcl' , to JIVI' eo\-
ereil I , 1111 the J1'lerl tendency 01 prices )
% 'IU4 ,1wlwlrl , during the fotofloon. . \ t
WIK : o'clock Nay WIK , Fcllllr lt 'je. ; \ ' . 1
r :
hl,1 , ollenel ) , al (101 lic 10 r'i ; c. nml de-
cihlied 10 t'c ' . :11 recovered again t' mc ,
Ilrevlous to the & ; Uc Illotlton lt tht tmc
Ill ( . 'rib " closing cnhles were II little
mixed ] , Heln and , . \ntwIII are euch a
trul'tlon lower with IIIK elll\nh'll to
le per ho. for ; lllch lutl 1 ( Ilel' hiti. for
the ilty-Ailguit ; tl'rl. 1.I'el1101 hnt Ie-
covered frol Its olnlll welle s nod
closed lIt II Hllht 11lvII1e over 'estenlay :
for futures. 'hl fllalkct hioveer.'LlS
lott1i1 : tlo\n with long wheat seeking a
realization or a Iron there was II I , Hull ,
there \I'IS 10 snl lelell .lell1 from shorts
to talc I nit without ( lelreshng the pIIC's.
Hair an hOI' rrol the close day hall de-
dined to 5I14C , ; , t1lcr , and Inlshe.1 . at M ' , ke.
Corn was Rtcndy for n mInute or o ut
the ollcnln hit soon \\'ukllcJ and , dc.
clineul . Ollonln pries for ; Iay were II
from 4G c to 4G' . ( und those were the hlt
prices realized toda ) ' . About half an hour
from the end of the session the. prIce was
down In . enl . nuil In the next rfeen mln-
uleH anolher ( ' 4c vas locltel off Its vahie.
leavIng I cit 4 ! .c . about 1 o'clocl The
shorts were wanting on the buying side.
They even hll , HOle or the corn they CO\-
ered yesterday for sale again. 'nlo Liver-
. " , nr ! , , ' wn" "nl,1 , ( Inn , hit there was
an - absence of all ' excItement ' ' ' here. ' and (11111-
ness was o general characteristic ot the
trt1e. May closed Lt 4 'Hc.
Oats were fairly ) ' all\o. and through sympathy - .
pathy with wheat und corn suffered a reduction -
pallY In value. Bartlett-Frazier sell
freely and were credited with having weakened .
ened the market to some extent. May
"Iartell at 2 e. sohl down to 1c and
closed , at 2lc.
The provision market was weak at the , ,
openln all strong lt the close. I was
weak on the receIpt or 42.00 lungs al the
yards. anti , strong when the packers began
to take all the offerings. Armour & Co. ,
who were reported to havl hen sellers yes-
tcrdu . were credited wIth largely contributing .
ting by their huylng today to the rise which
' tool plnce. The opening 11rlcc of May pork
was nl\l : SI17I was the closing quo-
tatioul. 1 gaIn or 221c since last night. Lard
closed ilc higher and ( May ribs 7e hl"her.
- . Estimated reeellls for tomorrow : Wheat .
2 ears : corn , 130 cole ; oals. ! o curs ; hogs ,
8.0 head
The Icn < lnJ rUlUreR ranged .s follows :
AitIchcs.J I Open . I hUh. I - Vv. : I - C1o33.
WheatNO. 2
- March. . . . . /l M'l ' / \ ( 54i
Ma\ . . . . O"7 57 50 rl
, Corn July. No.2. . . . . . O73T CiOH : 7 67
, March. . . . 41\ 4n ; ( 441 44\ ( @ ; ;
h May. . . . . 40)4. . 4G 'l 445h@H
, Oala July. No. . . . : . . . . 4 J@401 451 4 ; '
t Miy : . . . . 2J ( 2Oi ' 2 ! 2D4
, h Julie . . . . . 204 21 29G20 20"
Pork .Juhy per . . . bbl . 28) ) ' :8) ) ( 271 :7'
r May. POl . . . 1 .15 1 RO 1 2r 1 72 I
'Llrd.l00 July. . . . Ib8 . . . 1 07" 1 85 1 50 1 B :
1lny. . . . . . . \ I 70 f R : ! 070 I RO
' 3111 % ' . . . . . . 0 R2n 6 02j 0 82\ 0 O24
: Shell RIbs- .
Mny. I . . . . e 70 : \7' ' e 70 6 10
. July. . . . . . I 85 I 171 6 B2H 6 U2"
_ _ _ . _ _ u
: nshi quotntonM . wer I follows :
; FLOUI-Flrm. WI . 2 Srll . r HGrc ( ; No. 3
: sprlnR. nOnlnal ; o. 2 red lWtjCc.
COHN-No. 2. HIU % c ; } 3 i 'clow. 42 Hi
\ OATS-No.2. 29. ; No. 2 whIte . 32\GZ2Vc , No.
I wliltp . 3nHI32t c.
p. . nYI'-No. 2. 52c.
, ' UAI.I Y-N ( 2. 54155c , No. 3. 2tj.c ; No.4.
SZki. ,
FLAX fJ O-No. 1. $ l.4.
TI MOTh Y 8lFD-I ' rluiue . $ : .r. .
PROVISIONS.-MPFS pork per . hIli. . $ . @
PHOVIHION&MIFR . . I.arl.r Ifll . . . $6.6il , ' . $1.3il. Il. . .
RldoR. Inose. ! fo.7. ) Dry , 111 Rhouldcr.- .
bOXI . I . , $1.C2 ' , HHi5 , short clear shIes. boxed . fG. ( )
VI1hillCY-DistIhicrs' finished goods per gal. .
- $18' .
: SUO\ HS-Cul loaf uncha cd.
, The rolowlng were the ccelllS nnd shipments
today : - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
k Arlcl necofjii. 'tlipmcntq ,
_ _ _ _ !
Flour.1'lo. . . . . . . . . . . . . :0.000 IR.OOO
: Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . . 10.IOU 35.000
CorII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.00(1 ( o .uno
I OaIB. bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IflOOO . 22.103
f'o bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.100 4.nOn ) )
: llarley.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.00U lh,000
I On the Pro.lucl o'chaulo 10Iay Inn butler mnr-
- kel wait then : creamel'y , 10lBc ; dilry , Stlt3c.
' ! Eggs , alelly ; 11 IC.
Closing QuotntllA' In Ito Prllcll\1 Coni-
nuipclhtht' , 111 SI'llo. : .
N\V YOltic . March 13.-FIOUf-nccclpI9.
t 1.tO bbIR. ; exports 1 iOO bbls. ; sales 4.0
. kKR. Marllet faIrly active nail held at old
t. prlcea. moth lousiness In flu'lng patcnll 1'els
. f have I'rcscnl nce specialy wel supplied.
r WInter straights $2.35tj2.O ; MInnesota patents .
3.150l8.7 : ; city null patents . $3.t5j'I.15 : wlnler
. pl"'nI9. $ : . ( O 3.15 : cIty iiillls cleats , : .23.:0 : ,
winter $ I,00t2.4d \ ; MInnesota bakers' , 12.000j3 $ to :
. wInter low grade . hl.SOfl2.P1 ; spring low c.U.7
ttl.9O ; fl'rlnl extras . $ I.8(2.25. lto hour < . Orni ;
( 1011.
sal.s. God ) this. ; superhhuit' . $2.70012.0 : fancy . lnn .
l ( J3.15. Buckwheal hour . 1111 ot $ IC0(1G. ( .
r 111'\\'IIMT-Qulel I ot 4911 S30. I.65.
ClN'ttleI ; liIe5. ro Ibls. , 2.0
packs ; ) low wetell , $ .08tI. to ; Brandywlne .
' 2 7MI2. 0.
usr. RYI-Nounina1 . . ; ear Iota , C5c : bat Iall. W
I ltAhtLflY-Stea'hy , : Ni. 2. 700 ; two.rwel , state .
ROqjGlc : Cnnalliin. .
IIClc ( lnn I I I. 70172"0.
lAII.I \ MAIrSloadyle ; or. r0172c ; Cnn.
Illnn w.tcr. CRf 70c ; sh.rO\.I , 73f7 .
" 'II A1'-I"elpls. l5ti0 1m. ; xlllrl. 72.700
. . . bu ; sales . C.05.0 bu. futures , no spot 72.70
mark.t wldklr : No. 2 red I. In eloro nn'l ' the-
4 \ 'ntor . 60e : u Ifa I. C21c , : r. o. h. ! ; 2c Inonl ;
, No. 1 northern , 701 ( Ilell' re < : No. 2 loud .
. T2c. ,1111"1,1. Options opened Irm"r on <
Ihnrp clnlll . In teml'ernlur I II I the nortluyest . hut
lon KU\.O WI ) ' unler ( ort'lgn sellll.ih I
sharp rally following ut noon on Illk ur slrOIKcr
. l'n'llh itiarket 1.11 wheat canto out freely
In .Iho afternoon , hn'uklnl ) the market neatly
I 'I'nl u lusluel . and the 1.1. . was heavy nl o !
net loss ; No.2 rt1. Mnlch closed ol C\ ( : May . '
U\U1C21'c. \ < 0..1 ul CJ c ; Jiuu' . CI & .ICtJGtic .
. rinsed nl CIc : July . CI 7.16aJ62tte , Ios.t ut
1\0 , Miguel . CHHIC2 . c1od 1c 6lc : HOII'
INul'r. GlG2tte. \ "lose,1 ot CH.o , 1eccmber ,
'IH.6H . , ( cl" . ,1 nl CIIc.
WItN-teeehpts . _ C.G 111. : .pol _ . & 9.90 bu :
, 151C14 irs.eoo : hu. futures 121.0) ) bu.
. lall. , .rI0 . rulurs. . . spot ' . Spot
p.- mlrllet Ilul nld wI'uken ; No.2. cc In store !
1111cr mtxet 00c . Opthns hu < 1 , Ioady tie.
c rhino nllul till day . except ' for I PrIer lIt IOCB tc.
' a Ihe oi'euu lug . 'rho sell lag waR 01 IIIk or hol.
IeI 1''I'II'ts ' 11'1 1'1'101 a , 'ahIu.l ne 1) ' the crowds :
closed tfc lower ; May , W 3-hCiSlc . closed 1 Ol
O\.o \ : July , S : .I. closed 3.1&fM\c. , Selitruiub'r .
W & .ICfI51' . clotetl 1 nt t o.
OAIH-Iolelllis. 3110 110 ; ; Ixlorls. none , .nlcR.
ro.ol ) tu. futures . 37.0 bu. biNI. Hlll snorkel
. . dul : No : 33\0 ; No.2 11'lnrll. 34'4c : No.3 ,
& ' No.2 whIte. 370 : No.3 whIte . 36e ; Imcll.
"hle western 3I11I. O\lola ' very 3&10 , Ind
' ) 'lullllhl'I1 wills the \\'nkICf : In other astir-
' bits ; Ilo..t 'o ! lower : March Ios,1 ut 33c ,
ANI closeil al 330 ; May , $3t3he , CIOIN ut
, l 3a.c.IA \ ' < lr ! : shIpping . t5(500 : gel to choice
$ tOC 10I - -Mnrkot weak , state common In choice .
* altI uutile . . (7c , 1584 . tube ; cOst , old 3\(1c ; 1854 .
' hIIliH-Wtt salted New Oulana Mehectetl I . 45
to W Ib > . 51a&c ; luioi ! Ayns . .try 2) to 2t
; lb. . l3(113e ; T.xos. 'try . 21 ) ( 30 Ibs. . 761'vC.
LIA'i1llll-Firius lu'inlock sei. ' .
. I.I'A'I'lll-l"lrm 1111"'k
, .Ayns. light to heu\'y. lCtJlte , . sluelos
I . l \\'OOI.ulol r3 ( ; , Iomcsle ( Ileece . lG(28 : pulled .
1'lO\'ISiONS-lleet. slcn.I1 ; fatally , $ I0.OX
. C : extra . nies . U. . ' 18.S : I"r , hams. 18 10.0 :
' bi.ef . . 8. . , .
( 'lpll I.d. packed ' L00Ul0.00 extra India Incn.
, $1.0fl.0l. Cut tnt5t5 . thus : pkllh'll 1".11. ! .
i . IUe ; Ikklel . fouldfrs. "tl. I.all , sleuln
" .ler 810UI co.1 lt ' 6.u i7.0 : city II
IG.6 1 sales . 15 torcc" : ! lach , n , nomlnali ;
} , $7.10. nominal , , 'nlcd. st.ndn ; contInent ,
$ .40 : S. A. , n.16. l'ort. hhhen ; new suess
$ llcfU.O ; fatally1 1i2.004i1.5O ; her clear ,
$ I2.794fl9.2.
lU"'IJI-l'lltlh : western ijatry . 5613" ,
weStern creamer . IU190 , w..ter r'lor. 7U
Uc ; 1lls. 190 , Iml"lol cr.uml' ) &Uo , state
diUry . 104lBo state creamery , old . l0g15c. .
CAr. ; as\cl \18i ; stat & 1 1'.nol'l\oll. 1Q
Uc ; weslem fltlh , t' ' O outhetn . 12fl12c ; I
te.'Mpts. 1,214 1s : , .
1. . >
. la
t2U I
l1 : ( ! Ifl. : . " , large t2h14c , small , 8O !
hft * , pout skims . > J . full sklm . 1 t2'to.
Tt1.1.OWlimi , city , t1U11Uc : oountry. 4'11
4C. 18 10 ; sisllty .
. 1111)
J'iTflOl.lt1.l-Niuinnl ; unIted closd at
hl.adt " \ bid ; lhl.WI.lla an,1 ! hlahtimors , ' 6.8.
hZt)5I-1'lru1icr , atratncd cmmvl 10 good .
l.C01j1.C. .
TtyItI'nNTNr-.rtrm tHI2 ' .o.
MOLA8SEH-llrm : New OrkSTII . open kettle ,
good In choIce. 3380. . or
fl1C'l.-St'.ody I domestIc , fair to exIts . 4"I
Gc : .lstan , 4ti4ie .
OlLNI1S-Stedy ; CalifornIa , $2.SOGI.7 $ : llnt- :
vans. $3t0'4.00.
vnl. U.COlHo. Iron weak : Scotch , u l0.0Y1M.0O )
American . 13.807012.50. Copper , qIulet ; brO'lo1 '
Nice. . $9.371 U.SOUI2.S. ; e.clmngo Irlc. $ ) . .fl9.b ) . 1.etsd
strong ; lut'keis' Nice. $ ; eChsAhi6C. S3.07l3.l0.
Nn/ , ; Urul , $3..UI 35 ; plates wCflk
SAles on ' chtange . 31 tons July Un at U.U'
fAlc8 ' . March , ! li,0 : 8 Ion MArch . 13.30 ; 3S
tons lIsts wccll , $13.28' 25 tons July . $13.12\ \ .
COTTON ; $3.201' I.UeneralY tentureh.s.
collie traIns , "almhlK Impro\'clcnt. but .Ia"'o '
parceha still oIerN " at old figUreE , rllt critic
\nCeld sll Iluru
22c ; off credo , , 2120 ; prIma yellow , , : or ur'
mir 'elnw. 2U2Co. lomllal ; yellow butter
! nld. . 27U:8c , prime sumlcr white , 2Sfc ,
nomInal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CondItion nf Trltn lnl Quotistlani on
'tnll ( nail Fancy i'roduco.
IJOGS-PCI' doz. . 106111c.
hltT1'ilt-Ctthhed Mock , 6 { ( : common 10 faIr.
100 ; faIr to good country . llc ; choIce to
fancy . 12411,1 , Inlhcl 1 creamery . ISc ; separator
crclllr ) ' . 156l9e.
1.I'Il I'OVLPFItY-llene . iiSc , young roes'
teat I . Go dtsctcs iUSIUlkc'R. . 78c hscny
" 's. 6) ; .Iue , iUS\ , ) . 7'8c ; }
toutS . t : gecse , 79c.
IISHI : IOI1.Tln'-Chlckcns. fair 7 c ;
ch'loc inige , fiSI \ ; choIce snhtthl . iIOo ; turkl ) ' .
r.llr to geed 9'HIIOc ' ; choice hen\ } ' , 10'10Yc ;
choice small . lie : ducks , faIr to good I. 7f80 :
( amy ' . foil lresetl. lues 10(11 : geese , fair tu Kued ,
il c : fancy . full .lreMo.l , IO lie.
U.Ul-IIUI .IIJ 10i per 110 : . . $ .5 ,
"r"on wing teal , Ier , tloz . . $1.2l.50 ; llucks.
iul'ed doz . . . Ioz. canvusbiiell' $4.00
mlx"t l'lr Ioz. $1.008l.2 ; " , ! $10.t
: (0 ; tnahissrln and f.2 " . $2.6013.0 ; small
inliltits . Cue ; itch \ rnblilts . ; 1 : equltrels. 60c.
\1'\-11010" : fat , 70 to 1M I" " , " , art quoted nt
C0G'Sc : lurgc and cunrs'e . 3'j4c. .
CllTlSl-WIseonstn ' lull cicam Young 1tmerl'
Cause . 11 ; twine . 121c ; Nobrnkn anti loseS , full
drain , lIe ; Nebraska anti lowti Part sktnie . i@
FI ; l.Iml'nrger . Xo. I. lie ; brick , No. I , lie ;
H\l.- . No. I. I 150.
1 A y- , t'pland hay ss ; midland . $1.50 ; lowl.111.
$ S ; I'YO AI'IW. 'S.50 ; cnlDr makes the prIce on
hay. 1.Iht iinilts . sell the lost Only lop grades
bring 1111 , pI I. . . . scl
110EOXH-1 CI' doz. . U.
\ : hTAlil.l:0.
lot. POTTOlS-Westtern Mr. stuck , cat ' lots . i5c : small
01.1 ! ! JI'ANS-lanl picked . navy . $ ; 1.lma
beaus . per II , . 5c' .
OXIOXH--On ertiers . $1ldfjt.5O ; per bbl. , $3.
oelrs. $ flCO
C.1lI1Aul-On onlets 21 ' (
t'tr.lmY-Cllornln. : ) cU.0.
H\\'I I.'I' : POTATO : H-ooll stock , $2.C0 ; Ian-
505. $2.ciJlj2.27 ; seal . S2.22.50. . $
1tItT8-l'er bbl . $ .50.
tAHIOT -I'lr bid. , ' 1.5.
tAt'LJ'I.OWI'I-lcl : crate or a doz. and half
or two , oz. . t2.25.
IOHHJIAOHI--Ier < lb. . E1jTc.
I'AItSNII'S--l'cr bId. , .
PAHHNIIH-I'cr bll. $
1ttTAI1ACIAH--l'Cr lb. . 1 0.
l'AltSlEY-l'er doz. luncltes 350.
TIIINIIS-lcr hhl. . $1.85.
Hl'INACiI-i'er bbl. . $3.MalO.
I'I PLANT-Pel ihoz. . 75c.
I1 An -\\'lntlr Nellls. none .
Al'i'l.lS-Clsotce stock $ I.58J5.t0l : box ap-
pies . U.
\le CIANDEmUES-crsey. fancy , $1. 012.0J
per bbl.
OlANOEBl.'lorldus. per box $3.50813i5 ; Call-
tomb Itedlands . $3.75 ; narals $3.85.
I1ANANAS-Cltolce stock . 62.00092.85 per hunch.
$ .00i2.r.
1.IIIONS-Messtnns. : sizes 30 10 3GO. choIce.
$3.50 ; fancy $ .75'4.0.
OYSTFlS-Mellum. per can lCc ; horseshoes
200 ; extra Rlnlllnrds. 21c : extra selects 25e ; com.
puny selects 2(0 ( ; New YOlle counts bc ; bulks ,
stnnlaid user gnl. . $1.30. i
1.108-lxtr ( stacy . ICe ; fancy , lie ; choice 12@ ' '
131 ; CalifornIa . bags . 7c.
15511Cc IIONL'Y-New . 1011 ( . Ito ; dark . lc ; California .
MAPI.J SYRITP-Cnlloa jugs . per do : . , $2 :
u"b ) ' . 5'Kal. cans . $3. \01
NUTS-Almonlls. 15c ; En/-h walnuts soft-
hehlet1 . 12c ; standards , tOe : hittierts . Slile , Br.lzl
nuts Cc.
H.UgH ( KRAUT-Chiolce white. per bbl. . $ : .5O ;
per . halt bbl. . $3.O')63.2. )
MINCFI \'r-Foncy. . In half bbls. . per 11 , .
5\.c \ ; IO./nl. kegs , Cc ; condensld , per case of 3
. loz. p9cgs. . n.50.
CIDESt-Pure juIce per bbl . $5 : halt bbl. . $3.
HID S-No. 1 green hldcs. 31H1c ; No. 2 green
hides . 30 ; No. 1 green 8.1ll,1 hIdes . 5e ; No. 2
green salted hl es. 41c : No. 1 green salted bl < ls.
25 10 40 1 , . . . r.c ; No. 2 green saltt.l hhleR. 2 ; to
40 Ibs. . 40 \ : No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 1 : Ibs. . Sc ; No.
2 veal calt. S 10 15 Ibs. . Co : No. 1 dry hint hl < es ,
Co ; No. 2 dry flInt hIdes . 5c : No. 1 dry salted
hides . C ; part cured bides ' , o per lb. less than
fully cure .
SlSFHt' : < PEI.TBGrccn salted . eaoh. 25fCOo ;
greets snle.l. shearlngs I short woolca early skinsi
ends . 5 83'lSc ; dry shlarlngs ( short wool cd early
RIlns ) . No.1. each 5iIOc ; dry shcorln s ( short
wooled early skins ) . No.2. each 50 ; dry lInt
1ansas and Ncbm.lm butcher wool pelts . per
lb. . actual weight . 58160 ; dry hint Kansas anti
Nebraska munnln wool pelts . per Jb. ) . actual
wolRhl. 4QfCc ; dry flInt . Colorado butcher wool
pelts . Per lb. . actual wCIKht ; 41j6c : dry Slot
Colorado murrain wool pelts . per lb. , actual
Cotolllo murrin pols. POl
" TXLLO\V \ - AND GfEASE-Talo\ . 4c ;
tallow . No. 2. allc ; grease white A. 3tj4c 1 ;
grease whIte B. 30 , grea.e. 'elow. 3c ; grease .
.Iarl ! . 21Hf30 : old butter , 212 c : beeswax prime ,
171200 ; coughs tallow . 2c.
FUnS-Dcnr. black No. 1 large . 120.012.0' :
No. 1 metlltim $5 ; No. 1 small . 98.001310,0) ' ; bear
blncl' YearlIngs , No. 1 large . $ l2.0013i.0O ; No. 1
medIum $0 ; No.1 small . $7 , bear. black. cubs
No. 1 Inrge. 16.00098,00 ; No. 1 medium. S5.0'6.0 ;
No.1 sniall . $ : Lear blnck. Montana and Rocky
mounlaln. No. 1 large iS.0002).00 ' : Na. I medium
Si : No.1 small . ItO : bear . black Montana year-
Ilogs. No.1 large $12 : No.1 medIum $8 , No. 1
small , S5 : boar . black . Montann cubs. No. 1 I
Inrge. $ C.50 ; No. 1 tneIIurn. $4.10 ; No. I sniafl .
$3 : bear , sIlver tIp . No. 1 large . $20 : No. 1
medium $12 ; No. 1 small. $8 : bear silver tip .
) 'oarlngs. No. 1 large ' 1 ; No. 1 medium. $8 .
No. 1 small . S5 ; bear . slIver tip . cubs No. 1
large S6 : No. . 1 medIum . $1.5 : No. 1 small. $3 :
bear brown. No. 1 large 120,008323,00 ' : No. 1
medium. $16 : No. 1 small . $12 : bcar . brown . year-
lIons . No. I largo. $ IO.0012.0O : No. 1 medium , $8 .
No. 1 sisiahi . $ C ; bear . brown cubs. No. 1 large ,
$ : No. 1 medium. $5 : 250. 1 small . $3 ; badger ,
No. 1 large $1.OO(1t ; No. 1 medIum. . COo : No.
small . Wc ; tither . No.1 hargo $8 , No. 1 medIum .
$6 ; No. 1 small . U ; fox sl\'er. as (0 color . according -
coring to beauty . No. 1 large. $0 ; No. 1
mnedhtuns. , t : No. 1 small . $0 ; fox , cross No. I
large $ ; No. 1 I"dlum. $3 ; No. 1 small $2 ;
( ox . red No.1 lauge $1.10 , No.1 medIum $1.25 ;
No.1 small . $ ; fox gr ' . No. large 750 ; No.
1 medium . SOc ; No. 1 small . 40c : tex kIts . No. 1
large f.c , No. 1 medIum . 40c , No. 1 small . 30c ;
lynx. No. 1 large $ : No. 1 medIum $2 ; No. 1
small . $ .t ; marten No. 1 large. $ ; No. 1 mo.
dlurn $1r. ; No.1 small . $ : mInk No.1 large
COGCc ; No. 1 mediUm 40c : No. 1 small. 8c :
mInk dark . No. 1 large. tbo ; No. 1 medium 40c :
Nn. 1 rnth1. 300 : mountain lion. npr'Ict hpn,1
and reel 8mll. , . 1 j large ; $ hl.0013'12.00 dipcifect ; Rkiii ;
86.0051,00 ; No. 1 entaIl . $ : : otter . pale . No. 1
large $7 : No. 1 niedluns. $5 : No. 1 small . 1 ;
raccoon , No.1 large C@700 : No.1 medIum SOc ;
No. 1 small . 35c : raccoon black ns to beauty ,
No. 1 large WCI.0 ; skunk hlack , narrow -
row striped . No.1 large . &Oc ; No.1 medium. 40c ;
No. 1 small . 25c ; 81(1 ( , broad striped No. 1
large . 20. : wolnrlne. No.1 large . 1 ; No. 1
me.Uum. $3 : No. 1 small . $2 ; volt . mountaIn No.
1 large , $3 ; No. 1 snetliuns . U ; No. 1 small . $1.10 ,
welt , I'mlrlc. No.1 large . Cf900 ; No. 1 medIum
Co ; No. 1 small , 40c ; bcavel' 1'1' skin No. 1
large. ' 5.0iC.0 : No 1 medium " .5 ; No. 1
slml , $2 ; ben\el kits , No. 1 large 12 , No. 1
medium , $ .5 ; No. I small , 75 , inustirates . win-
llr. No.1 large . 8'l00 ; No. I ICU U 1. Sc ; No.1
sinail . 70 ; inushitais fall . Nn. I large . H160 , No. I
medium , 7c : No. 1 small . to : muskrat kits . 2i30.
! t. Louis ( btisr.tI Ilrknt .
RT. I.OUf. March I3.-F'LOtJlt-Firm and
hIgher , l'Uti'nil. ' 2.R062.0 ; "XIII fancy , 12.110
2C : : fancy , 43i2.4O ; choice $2.1 l5132.t.
\VltlbA'l'-ltlioughi . . . the iisailci't . o\one' , rc
higher tItan yestenlay'is do"hll. II was by 10
nicorsa slon . 81lcl : oUlnulhlng , buyers : Ilrloos
II'lm,1 at 1.1 I' . dl"1'\111 off 10 I frosts opening : I
later r.nctll .mln ! % $1e for May ont July I
10 below } 'I'I"llo ) ' " final quotatIons ; No 2 red
cash SIc , July , r1,4c ! isi1 .
( XItN-'Wttsk mimsil heavy In sYIflhy wIth
wheat , 00.111 % e IHler yenatorday . the Iollnm
price ot the day ; No 2 mIxed , .2 : 2.10) ' . 421'0 '
bI ! , ; July 43Mc a.kCI.
O\1HW''I ( , wlhoul much demand May . " 1-
lag to 10wI'I : No. : coals , lu'c ; May , 01j3Ic
naked : June Oyo asked .
IYHI : roc IblN ror No.2. east . shlo.
FLAX SII1I-Qulet lt $ .37.
e.O\'I:1 : 51l'l-lst.Ier : ; choIce 15.10138 C.
'i'lMO'l'IIY SIlm-15.25r.6.C.
( NItN 1.lII-l.28i2.20.
COiN 1\.2:1 . .
It.N-I"lrl ; tabt tisick . $ .
IUT'I'lm-Qull ; fancy mlln , : \.E21c \ : sepa.
rotor creamery , 111 : (
CUCIS-W'eak and unchanged : jOe for rruh.
uII !
1. Y-Dul timid easy : I'rlrle. strIctly cirime
$8.75 : fancy timothy , $11.50 .
$ $1O.
WIII1OKY-l.2S for .10111'rs' Inlh.1 goods .
RI : I.TI'-I.'lrl anti In .lrlln,1 nl $2.O7(4. (
l'ItOViShONiO-i'oik . stantloal mess . jobt.irtg .
II0VIHON&IOk. .tlllnni less. Jolhln
611,73. 1.artl pi line S 111 I. $ C . C ; cho'ce , $6.70.
lry salt nwats boxed shulld' . . U. 1' % ; longs .
$ .81. : 111 > 'C ; .hurs. IC.1211' D.loon , hoxell
sliottlilers , $ ; lousgs . $6.31 % i rIbs a.w ; shorts ,
$6.621 , .
II C : I'I"lour. 2.0 Ibl8 ; whett . 3.0 bu. :
C"n. l9,0) hu. ; outs : ) .0) hu.
Hll1'MiN'l'S-Flour , t.O ' bhh' . ; whmt , 1.0
Iu. ; ; corn , hJu. ; ( . 15.0 ha. II I I
\Olt 'Ilrkct. '
i.ONDON March 13.Theroi n good assort.
meat oI'n' al lho wo,1 nucll s.iles today .
I".s b..ds sell sIll Iedl ) ' ut extreme l ur.
Tise Keleml Icman,111 , \'ery active , nnd Alcrl-
' I . The nunther or
con buyers bought lbrlY. " nUlh (
bIles ( tft'i'ed wits 13.184. or whIch 9) ) wer selili.
thrown lor . Huth1 I's. scourt'd . 61dfl2d ;
a1-tuy 41g8tl. , QU''I"l"nd. oooune'l , . G4itutls 1,1 ;
gi'tt8y. 6\JfI8 \ % I. Vlclorla. scoured . 9\1163s Il :
II'Y. . ItitIls Id. South AuslmUa scouted . 1\,11 \ ,
gl' . tIC 'II. Iwun Il\'er. scouted . V % ji
! fU8) ' , 4(143W. \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
UiI.Juluth Whnt itltirket.
Dtl.UTI , March 13.-WIIIIAT-Lower . , No. 1
lird "wh antI March cn.o ; May 62lc : July .
C2u ; No.1 northc' . cash and Maceli . 610 , Iay.
61 % , , : July , 62\o } , Scpt ' mbr. COco ; No. 2 north-
Clle " eai.Ii 1Tte ; No. : 5nc : rejected , 1lie
'ro nnh'e : No.1 hard . G 0 ; No I northern .
GIc . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ilnn'\llols "helU "hii rioct.
MINN1 AI'OI.IS. March : 1.WI IIAT-Closed
lower , March 6'0 ; May , 159b59tc : July . G0I1t
0Je , levtcllr , CSc , tin track . No. 1 bard ,
- . -
elo : , ; o. t nrh rn. 104c , No. 2 northCrn 19'4e .
stlto I . hlht ; ; first patents. In wood * 3.300
a.M : second patents , 12 13.0 : first clears ,
$328 ; low grades , $1.70tl.$0.
81110ul\1\0 Securities lul ) Roil rrlct
( h"IIf ' ere 1.Iht.
NEW : Ol . Starch 13.-The stock malkft
has been rather dull today , and the changes
II prices nt the c0.1 of the lending shares are
AS I rule slight. fpccllAllon Olned firm , and
In the early trailing the active list n'\\ncc'
n traction : Central laclfc sold II 111 per cent
oil n purchase or 10 shares , nntl Great Northern
preferred on A sale or : shares broke 3 percent
cent When the toying orders on tIme board
had been executed the market nn/IC' off . and
Chlcngo Gal was forced down l1 per ' cent by n
pressure to ( I which WIB rcmo\CI before nQon
The raid on the stock weakened the general list
and cnusCI A further reaction . which did not .
howo\'e. exceed n finctlon . There were n few
stocks which did nol share In Ihe IleprNslon ,
nolnlly New l < nllan,1 11 , Slid Canadian PacIfic , hol ,
or which lose 1 per cenl. The mnlkel conlnuCI
heavy uul Itcr midilny. hit lie . movement
ot price was norr"tl the trailing light.
netoro 1 o'clock the downward l.nlcnc was
checked antI n rally was Iel. whIch whit
slight Interruptions . continued to the elope. The
slRhl InlerruplonR. contnlCI conc.
transactloni In Sugar while the largest or any
nharo on the list . were much reduced In \oilme.
situ the luctualons were confined withIn 0 rungs
or 1' , per cent nn advance b lnl recorded on
thc day of % per cent . lcnerll glcctrlc on
pureisase tnainl3' for B , ton necotunt . malIc again
gain lr . H. Per cent closing nt the hIghest INInt
touched. The market was strong nt ho close.
10uchCI. mnrkelIS .lroll copo.
The bond nUlkc ( displayed tunutual actIvIty
tiuring the dny. The .p I'llat\e I..UCR sere In
110mlnl. .llrlntho " . ' ror the Atchison nail , Mis.
soturl . ] al.IR I".tlculnrl' & morlln/eR. the cnmblnCI !
FIIs oC which were $ i6.W ' out or 0 total foe
the da ' or 't.I'2.000. Amoll the Inactive .1 -
cunities ( lucre wlro material reces"lonR.
curlleH Thl I\cllnl 1'ot' " 1..n'lon ' "ulle"rnl says :
' lodn ' . tint
Thl sloclt IIJIICIB were lrrm'gulau' todts9' hil
\\.1 , . wIth it K.H.I lcn.lcnc The new . \merlcln
lonn was nl 5L5 per cent hir'miltfll. ' The buyIng .
% euts Inr"'ly ( noun AmerIca. lIme Ilrchafel R cnl' ) '
WIM Inl the loon here fur sIx ituoultiss , whcI It \ ill
, . ' . AmcrknnR sere
1'oall' negotiable III1rrlc. \ere
geuleri , , ihy neotible hetcr " ) ' . butt dO'III InI'1 the bct.
HI. 1111. I ! "nn.lnl . . Ilcllc anti 11JI Trunks .
1'hl followIng were the closIng ' quotations on
hIss Icailng stocks or ho New York exchange
today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Atchison. . . . . . . : t ; ' ? Northwestern. . . . SA"
Adnities 1xprcss . 143 'N. IV. tdul. . . . . . . lOll :
Alious. . 1' . II . . . . . . : : : : N. Y. ( Plllal. . . ui414
Alit . I . . . 11 N. Y. . . N. 11. : . . . . : ih6
1:111ore , . OhIo . . 12 % OntarIo . W. . . . . IMl
: !
Canada Pacific..4 ! Oregon lusip. . . . . . . 11
Canada S'otttluerii . 41 Ollon Na' . . . . IG
Clntrt l'actttc. . 15 O. : . I. .t U. N. . 4J
ClueS , , Ohio. . . . llt ! 1.lcll" Jul. . . 22
Chlelro : Altous. . . . 141 1' . U. . N . . . . . : I
C. . it. . ' Q. . . . . . 701 ' 't'Ittsbiurg . . . . . 1Gr
Chicago Q. ! . . tis. . . . . . ' /1 l'illiutsats Palace . 153 : %
Chloaao , . Gas IHIcallll. : 1I11nln . . . . . . 1I\
lol.ollalo.1 1.0. . . I. . . . IH\ it . U. W. . . . . . 1l
Colo. Coal .k Iron. . 4 It I. W. rttl. . . . . 4 : :
Cotton OIl Cent. . . 2'2 Hock Ishtutcl. : . . . . rn
Coton ) 01 . Cer\ 1111. l24t , Si. I'assi . . . . . . . Gr %
lelnwalu& lel..I.alk. . . W. . 1579 ( I 110 pfd. . . . . . . 17
I ) . & It. G. Ilf'I. . . : : IU Sl. P. : Ottiahia. . :10 :
U. \ C. P. Co. . . . . I'4 : do We . . . . . . . 10i
Ertti. . . . . . . . . . f tioutluern Pacllc. 17"
re. pfd. . . . . . . ISM SIjar : Hcllcr ) . . . ll
Foil Wayuso . . . ] 'reutti . Coat : . . lrou . IJt
G. Norlhern nfd. . . 100 Texa'l.acllo. . . . H '
' 0. & C. I. IM . . . UO T. & 0 Cent. phI . 74'
llocktusg"'altoy . . 23 % ' Uulon l'acllc. . . . H3I
IllinoIs CcntrI. . 2j : I' Il. S 1xproH. . . . 4U'
St. 1' . & Duluth . 2t ) Sr. St. L. & P . . . . / %
SI.I. I\ T. 1uSd. . . . . . 220 'Iopr . . . 1. . . . . 12 !
Luke ErtocVest 1/ ; lYdia Parjo Ex. . 11:1 :
do 11M. . . . . . 70 % \hlorn habit . 87H
Lake Shore. . . . . 13Wheclll & 1 E. 11\ \
Lend Trust . . . . : I do Ird. . . . . . . R'
I.oIIR\10 , tt N. . 471 , I M & 51. I. . . . . . 21
I . . ! _ N. . & , . . . .13 ! 11 ! Q. n. G. . . . . . . ! Q
Manltattancon. . SOS ( a. ! . . . . . . . . . 2\t
ManhntanCon. . . . 10 N. L. . . . . . . . . 101
'Mtchstgan Cent . 11 % IG. F. . " I. . . . . . 23
MIssouri Paclflo . 10 ! ( do ! ii. . . . . . . :0
Mohlo & Ohuto. . 12 % ! 1 ! . , \ pCd. . . . . . . 2\
Nafhvlo Chal. . G3 IT. A. A. , , N. 1. . Hl
Nattonal Cordage . C" T. Sl I. . & K. C. . 1
Naloll . Corlro. . . . . . II1 I . do p5th. & . . . . . 7
N. J. COntrOl. . . ge1 S. it. R. . . . . . . . . 0"
N. w.prl. Ccllral. . . . . I F1 ( , do Irl. . . . . . 30"
North .tmn. ( ' 0. . . 34 Ant. 'rob. Co. . . . 1:98
Norther Pacific . 2H do pM. ( . . . . . . 16
'No.Pao. P/cilo. . . . lh St. 1' . . J. . . J . . . 101
U. _ 1' . ILkG . . . . : : t -
- bid.
The total eales ot stocks today wer HO.i9
shares . Inclllng , : AmerIcan Sugar . i.IO ( ) : Chl-
ala' o Oat' . 9. ( ' ) : Q.lnnbus . Hollln Vlle ) ' &
Toledo . S.SOO : J1.lllnJ & CnteCeClnJ. 1.RI1 ;
General llectric . 1.11 : Loul"le & Nash\lc.
3.2 : ) ' ) : New Jersey ( 'enOal. 4.10 ; New Ylle Ceo-
( ml . 10,1' ) ; New York & New Isigland . titled rent pall . 5.40' ) : Northw.sllr. 4.10 ; SI.
l'aul 10,100'heeltng ; & I.usko Erie . 3.5)
Now Yurlr IIICY Slariret.
Easy nt Ha per cent ; lat loan . 112 per cent ; I
closed ot II , per ( < nt. ,
cot pmM , t. JCICANTILE ! PAPlIR-371jlis per
STERLING EXCIANGF.Slla.l. wIth actual
business In baniers' hilts at 1IS'J04S5 % for demand -
m/ld antI nl $4.879J4.SS for sixty days : posted
rates / $4.8S4874.'J0 : ommerclnl bills . $4.S6. d.
SILVEII cIut'r1FlcATFs-e1'.tc.
GOVIIN HI.V"1 I N1' BONDS-Steoll , state bonds , .
Inactive ; rnlroud bonds. strong.
Closing quotatIons on bents were I follows :
U. S 48 , reg. . . . . 11l' ' 1) . s1t. G. 7a. . . 1.1 '
U. S. .Is. coup . . . lIOn 0. & 11. G. 4B. . . 81 '
U. S. 5s. reg. . . . . 116 Erie 211R. . . . . . 51"
U. S. 5B.COUp. . . . lC G , 11. & S. A. ila. . . 101
U. S. 45reg. . . . 10 , G. 1 ! . , , 8. A. 78. " lIlt )
(3. S. 4B.COUp. . . 12 % 1..1 T. C. 6a. . . 105 %
'U. 8. 2R. reg. . . . 05 ! do 0. . . . . . . . . 106\
Pacific lB ( or ' 13. 100 M. . K. & T. IBl 4s. 8H
'Ala. Class A. . . 111021 4R. . . . . . 4Uj
'Ala. Class D. . . 15 Mutual Ulion as. . 12
'Ala. Class : C. . . 05 N. J. C. Gon. ( . . 1 H {
'Ala. Curroiscy . . U5 No. Pac. IBlB. . . . l1a
La. New Cou. 4B. 02 % d02ds. . . . . . R : " ,
-Mls80ul L. Ils . . . 100 N. W. Consola. . . . laO % ,
'N. C. hIs. . . . . . . 120" do S. F. Deb. 58. 1111
'N C. la. . ' . . . . . . . DU It. G. West. Isis . 05
S. O. nonlund . . . li Sl P. ConsolR 7s. 124
Teuuui. new aol Os R4 do C. " p. W.58. 110
Tell. 10
'Tenn. nw sol OB 100 10 . 1.1 JI.rou.l. 7U
Teussu. old ( Is. . . . . 10 St. L. & 5. " " Gen.0 . 103
Va. Ceusttunleie. . . . OSi ' Tox. l'ao. 1uts . . . 85
do deferred . . . . / \ do 2ds. . . . . . . 22
Alohlaol 4s. . . . 01 U. P. lat or ' 00. . 1021
do 211 A. . . . . 179 Vest Shore 4. . . . 104H
Cnnnd/ . 211s. . . 1033.4 So. R I. . . . . . . BO
C. P. lIttle or ' 90. 100"
. bId _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Situ Fr.sncl400 IIII' sruoc untatton.
SAN FRANCISCO. Maccit 13.- -The ofcial c103-
Ins rolows QlotaUons : lr mllllJ stocks today wore as
Alta . . . . . . . . . 33 Kentucky Cots . . . . 6
AIphuaCOts. . . . . . 0 MexIcan. . . . . . . . 02
Aliflos. . . . . . . . . 20 Motto. . . . . . . . . . . 27
IJelcluer. . . . . . . . 42' Mount Diablo. . . 10
fleet lt lholcher. . . UI : Navajo . . . . . . . e
Bodlo Cost. . . . . . 125 Occidental Con . . 4
flutlllous. . . . . . . 22 OphtIr. . . . . . . . . . 17C
ltulwcn toui. . . . . 2' Overunan. . . . . . Ie
Call"lolla. . . . . 10 l'utosl. . . . . . . . . . 51
Cltoitar. . . . . . . . . 61 Savage. . . . . . . 30
Contldonco. . . . . . 1110 Scorpion. . . . . . 6
Con. Cal & Va . . 285 SIerra Nevada. . . . 80
Con. Iiuspenitl : . . 2 SI\'or 111. . . . . . 4
COti. Now York. . . 1 SIlver llnr , . . . . 11
Crown PoInt . . . 40 Union Con. . . . . . . 67
Gould & Curry. . . 62 1lnhCon. . . . . . . 0 (
blab & Norcroa9. 07 Yellow Jacket. . . fO
lalo & . . . . . . . . 1
Slver bins . OOH@Olc. Mexican dollars . 4B\ @
4Uo. Drafts , Bight . jOe ; toloraphlo. 12"c.
lostol Stock QuottOI' : .
nOSTON. Maroh 13.-Cal boasts 4495 per cent :
tisuc 10anH. 4161 per cent. Closln : prloeB for
tmo . bondS ald Ilnlnl shares :
A. 'f. & S. P. . . . . au : Wet4tlngh.Eleo. . 32"
Am. & ar. . . . . 0934 W. Etee. : pfti. . . . . 50" )
Am. Sugar phi t. . U3'l Wts. Coulrat . . . . :
Slav State Cas . . . 7 } & ( on. Dloc pftl . . . G.l
ltetlTebophtoutu. . . 1\1 ) Atohl8J 2ds. . . . 17
Itostoui . " Albany. , 200 ( AtchIson 4B. . . . 11.194
Iloston & Mlilo. . 101 Now England h's . 101
10slon ( . . . . . . . 151 Gen ElectrIc Is . . HI"
C. lt. & Q. . . . . . 70" Wla. CooL hits . . 45
. 'ltcltbunir. . . . . . . 8f AtlantIc. . . . . . . . 11 )
( len . Illclrlo. . . . 2Ul 10sl. ' I. . Montana 3594 '
Illinois Steel . . . . 40 Cahtussiet " ) ilecla . 271
1110la CI'ltral. 4 Cesutennial. . . . . . 50
N. Y.1 N. E. . . . . : 71 1'lanklll. . . . . . . 1"
Old Colony. . . . . 17U" Kouraare. . . . . . 7"
Ore' . Short Ltste . . / Oscoola. . . . . . . 20
01 \ubbel. . . . . . . 3Qulnoy. . . . . . . . . lilt
Ullol l.acllc. . . 1 .1'omarack. . . . . . . HO )
W081111. . . . . 02H WolverIne . . . . . . 294
do phi. . . . . . R
New York 1111nl Quotations.
N1W YORIC Marh 13.-Tho rolowlng ar th3
closing mlnlu < IOllloUK :
llnlwer. . . . . . . . . 10 tntarhl ) . . . . . . . 7UU )
eholor. ( . . . . . . . . . 60 ) Ophlr. . . . . . . llO
Crowu Point. . . . . 40 l'lystsouth. . . . . . 20
C"n. Cal . ' Va.UU ( utckHlvor. . . . 21'J
U"allwool. . . . . . 40 do 11C. . . . 100
( otuld .lt Curry. . . /l Sierra Nevll" . . HO
hale & Norcross . 105 Staliar . . . . . 22/
Ilounestaito . . . .17UO ) ) UnIon COIL . . . . . . n5
MexIcan. . . . . . . . 00 Yellow Jacket. . . Ill )
I.nndol look QUOIlUUIS.
LONDON , Murh 13.-4 p. itt . closllj :
( an . b'acllto . . . . . 1 " iiTi'anl coin ' . . . . 5574
ell.l'aciia . . . . . . . . 1" N. . Y. Ctiuutt'at. . . . . 551
Ertu'2tis. : . . . . . . . 10 1.'lmayh.aul"OH
III. Ccuttral. . . . . . 8594 Itoadlog . . . . . . 4
bdexicanontltnary . 1094 Mox. COL new 4u. OU )
! ( xlcanonlnury. 1
B.\t SI.VI H-211 l'cl' oz.
MONI - per ccnl. . .
'flue rate ut discount In the open market for
stuart bills Is 1 pet' cent ; ( h. . months' bills . 1@ '
1 1.10 lr cent. I' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Culfl' itIsirket.
N11\V YOltiC , March l3.-COFFl1I-Optlona
NEW YO\ Mlrch 13.-OFFrl'ptonR
01)55)0(1 hardY steady nt MJ poInts decline :
rltl easIer for wlnt lt SUI'I" ' aol exc"I'1 Oi
lie May DiihliflS WI dull nl 111) ' . closing "ariy
steady at o\lons points let decline : nale.i , 1.010
h'agu. Including ( : MaccIt. $ l5.hOiil&li , Shut ) ' . ' 1.7
6114.1" " ) : June . $ I4.PYij'll,70 : I\le/1er. $ Uo : 1)e.
( , .ml.r , $ . : spot colr" \ 1(10. Irm : No.7.
$ C.i5 ; mlhl . , . quIet ! ; Cor 1'n 1l.SOfihiLtiG.'nre. .
house d.lh.l.rl. loomis New Yok yesterday , S,2 :
liags , New York rock today . $ & 7.1J lags ;
PuttIed Stales stock ' . : U.O bags : nloil ru the
United Siutts. 191,0. tugs : ( ( ,111 , visible supply
for time Unl"t 1101 < . t38.00o bags. against 43.01 .
bags last year ; c ear.1 from itlo. Starch 12. I
13.1 tags , ) cleared from "anlo8 Murch 1. 50 '
bags ; cl"UN \ frosts Sunto. lurch lZ 8. S.
. . . .
Culorldgo. 5.U tags.
hlAVltll . Starch 13.Wl'mMnrket opened
sloldr. unchuntI , ltf decline : al . 1 its. . steady ,
ulchanK"t ; I 3 I' . m. . sl..d ) . unchunll . l :
closed steady . unchanged to 4I net decline.
Sales. 12.0 bog.
HAN'rOS March n.-Qulet : good average , nato-
11.1 ; rPI'lpt" . 3.0 hogs ; stock 21.0 bags .
llAStItt'ItO . , March 23.-Steady ; Upri ad-
vance , wales . I.O tgu.
mo 1 : JANI mO. Mach 13-Weak : No.7.
. ; , 9 8.1CIl fl''elJt. . . ) )
lIly . $18.49 ; exchange ; ' 16.01)0)
bags ; cleared for the 'nlll' States , 3.00Q buss ;
cleuold for IUrOpe C.OOO bugS : stock lZJ.OOO 00\1.
. . . .
' - - - - - -
_ . - Li.
A -
Stockers antI rtc'dots Were in Moro Liberal
% npply
' .
hogs Opcncd rmtl lint Tn"-Rrl' lhe Cline
l'netf'rA ! 8celtll.J Inclined to Hrnr the
' : '
J\lnrlll nJI ( 'tmsrisvorable l Reports
fi't'ln Other 1'0Int8.
W1DNiCSDA' , March 13.
The receIpts today were 1.300 cattle 4,000
hogs nl\ll 2,0 sheh ) , ns against 1,9GG cattle
.11,477 hogs and s.1 shcep on Vs'cdllesday of
last week
The total receipts for tilt week thus far
arc 8.9)0 cattle , J , ' 'OO hogs anti IGSO sheep ,
as against 5,702 mUle , 12,911 hogs antI \ G,2tO
sheep the first half of last sseek The receipts -
ceipts from January 1 to date show n loss
of 40.43t cattle . : , lIG sheep ntHl t\ gaIn of i
30.1GG hogs as compurell with the cor- !
resllIIl1ng perloll of 11 91.
CA'l'T.I - There were forl.lIve fresh
loath of cattle In thc rarll5 , as ngulnsl
" ' lontls ' ' ' While the of-
forl"Heven 'CStCl'llll . -
ferlns of beef cattle were lIght there were
t\ few better thun : ttnythtlng thaI has becn
In the yards In 130llle , ,1a'I' As high liS $5.2.5
\I'US palll for one bunch of stcers. The lie-
I1lIlII(1 ( was fair , antI nbont c'er'lhlngI'ns
taken early In the day al a little stronger
I.rlees. .
Good cows were also stronger nml
In good IIell1l1ml. The common grades of
cows IUIiI cnnncrs wcrc sluw lit only steathy
Stockers stud feeders Wel't In more liberal
SUIII thun on It ! good utiutimy 1I1I's or late.
The SUIIIII In tIm hnmls or speculalors was
Irell , well l'elluct'II , itlill Its therl' was con-
shlcl'II1Jle 111111111' from the cotititry the lIt-
tllaltdvnhi good Cattle In IIrKl 11I1I1IIs were
pretty well cleaned tip antI nt good , strong
Ilrlcell. 00011 to choIce fecllcr are Quotable
nt * . ; J3.ili ; faIr to good $ d.toij3.25 , stud
C01ll11l011 Hl'Ill1es from * 3 down Hepresent-
alive sulcs :
mt:1 S1'mms.
No. A\ ' . PI" No. A1'1' . No A1'1' .
1..1:0 n :17 : 23. . .10 : : ) I l.t . . . . .1173 II 60
2.\l\3.i 37 : 1:1..IOii : 4:10 : ) H..I4GI 4 f.
1..12.10 1 ) 3 75 foil. ) . . 597 ' 4 5) ) 23. . . llli ) 4 iO
1. . 1110 4 II ( ) 10.IIOi 4 Cii 1'.1210 ) 4 1)0 ! )
1..1140 410 ) 41).12il ) I CO 10..130 ; C. :
2. ' . . i50 75 5. . . 897 200 1..1000 21,0
2. . il5 12 ; 1..1) 2O ) I. . 82' ' ) 2.0
4. . 832 I 2.1 1. . 810 201 ) ) I. . SiO 2ir.
1. . . SI ' ) Ii 1. . tlJO ¶ ) 220 ' 1..11\.1 ) 2 75
I. . . 53) 1i : ; . . . . .25) ) 2 20 1..1221) ) 2 i5
1. . no 12. 2. . . iil 22 : 11. . . i92 2:10 :
3. . SIO I 2.j S. . . 813 2 25 4. . $02 ! ' 2 95
1. . . 800 1i 1. : . IC' 225 1..113' 2 01 :
2. . 615 1 40 1. . . 75) 2 2.j 6..851 3 o )
3. .IlI3:1 1 6. ; ! I. . S31) ) 2 25 2.2i 3 IQ
3. . 933 : ] 65 1. . 870 2 25 2. . i2 ; 3 0)
6..1003 1 75 Ia. . 900) 22 : ; 1..10' ) 320i
2. . , iO lr5 4..1107 230 1..90 325
2. . 935 I i5 1..10911 2 25 1. . rCI ' 325
5. . Ito ) ) I is 2. . 721 2 41) ) 2. .1350 ) 3 i5
3. . 900 1 SI 3. .10,6 2 40
3. : . 4C6 2 00 21. . 645 2 40 1. . 130 3 00
2. . .5l5' .1 15 I 1. . 7\01 25 ) 1. . 1'.10 ' 300
3. . ISO 2 Jj 1. . .2' ' ) 50 7. . US 310
S. , . Ci4 2 30 I. . 67i ) 2 75 6..tOI2 4 55
3. . CS3 2 3' ' ) 5. . CEt 200
, lJULI.H.
1..1QoJ.1 12:1 1. ' .101l 235 1. . 9S0 215
I. . 430 t i5 1..J210 2 40 I. . 520 25
I. . 840 2 Oil 1.1310 24 1..10.0 2 75
2..1130 215 1. : . .1540 2 N 1..10'0 300
I..I3C 225 2..Jlil 240 1..1:110 3'0
2..1415 2i 12.\15:0 210 1..19GO 4 W
1 .i \
1..1580 400 ;
" C4IA'IS.
2. . 3iO ) 1 8j ' 1. . 110 300 1. . . 100 350
I. . . 1:00 2 001..2 ) 300 I. . tlQ 375
1. . 2S0 ' 2J.j 11lGO \ ; 3 " ' ) 1. . 120J 4i
I. . 337 2" 1. . . l'O 325 I. . 1'1 ' 4 2:1
2. . . :1:1 2 r.o l''r 20 3i 3. . 125 4i
:1. . 294 2 iO . 1.\ ; . 110 32:1 1. . 1) 4.0
3. . 331 280 .2. . W 3 WI. . ISO 1Q
2. . 203 3 00 ,
STOCldi .s AND 3c1125)EItS.
1. . 430 ' 1 75 2 r.C28 ! 315 C3. . 737 3.1:1
1. . 400 200 2I. . . : 430 3 15 1. . 6iO 3 1.0
1. . 910 10 ,15. . 733 3 20 21. . . 530 3 10
3. . C8' ' , ° _ 10 , . . . " . &CI 3 2. . .0. . 725 , 150
9. . 521 29:1 -7.-801 32:1 3..11113 3 CO
10. . 446 300 119 : ' . . ( i81 3Jj 30. . S60 36:1
1. . 900 300 . S. _ . r07 330 IS. . SOJ 3 f,5
2. . 521 300 ' 4:11..688 33:1 :0. . 735. 3 GO
2.1. 800 300 ,2. i . . . 800 335 10. . . . 90 3 Cj
, ' . , J. : , . , " 'U : 'WESTEUNS , ' . . . . . tie
' . . '
NdL. L' Av. " ' " . _ No _ Av. PI'
1 .laJr..H2o'l2 , 00 , 12 . . 071 $3 50
2 1h'S..I2iO 2:1)0 32 ( codes's. . .1105' 3 90
3 stogs..I5IC 2,0 3 steer : . . .113C. 4 15
1 bull..14 300 6 6Iel'rs..1353 4 15
1 bull..2020 300 3 steers . . . . 1266 4 15
1.'rl' J. Kelsel.
1 bull..IOiO 27:1 5 fec lcr. . . SIC 37 :
II.ow..12 0 27:1 1 ( 1er..145O 37:1
1 tocder..IO 300 ICC reed"rs..l002 3 is
1 cow and calr.IC 00 1 cow and calf. .8251 00
1 cow and calf . 2000 ) 1 .prluger. : . . 25 00
1 sprlngcr. . . . 21 00 1 cow IInd'oalr. r. 00
1 cow antI calr. 22 00
,110GB-Thoro lIt1y.lwo fresh loads as
against fIfty cars yoslerd.I Tim market opened
strung and about Cic hlghcr. the speculators
, especially being KOO" active bu'ers. Toward
the close the packers seemed Inclined to bear
the mnrllot. liS advices front oilier markets dId
slot appear 10 justify nn advance here. III the
enll. howcvcr. lhc ) ' cleared the yards In good
Fhllpe. The qualllY or the hogs was good which
made the sates show up exceedingly well. There
were some \'cry PrIme hogs whIch brou"hl
$ .40. whllo good loads or medium lo hea\'y hOb'S
sold nl ( rosa 4.2:1 to $1.3:1. Lllhl weIgh averagIng ,
agIng under 200 lb. went nt Clom I to $ $1.17 .
The bulk ot all the hogs sold at train $1.1 to
$1.2 . os IIKalnsl :1.8:1 10 I on Wednesday of last
veek Hcprcsenlllllvo sales :
No AV IIh. } ' " . No Av. Sh. Pr.
87..1f'O . . $4 o ) CI..210 80 It 2 '
il..171 1.1 400 ' CI..2.O ; SO 4:0
2..J6I _ ) . . 400 35..313 2(0) 4 : )
i7..1w . . 4 o ) 7..211 . . 4:0 '
21..1iO . . 4 Oi . . . . . . . 42
68. . . . . . ; , . . . 4 05 81. . . . . > 17 ) bO 4 20
101..16.1 . . 401 % 7..2:11. . 4 Cl
4 . . . . 212 . . 410 ' ( . . . . . SO 4 2)
i3..1n 40 t 10 CO..26. . . 42. ;
57 . . . . , .1 .2 120 4'10 74..23 lCO 4i
Si ) . . . . ISO . . 4 10 4' ' ) . . . . 1 40 t z
.6..1 I 80 4 15 43..2.0 ' SO 42 :
F2..195 80. 15 E9..217 . . 4i
12..2 ' . . 15 . . . . . . 8) 42.
7 _ . ' . . . . . 2)5 ) 8' ' ) 4 15 74..2'2 . . 4J .
35..239 80 4 15 3.J.2 40 4 z
iO..H2 40 4 15 FI..233 120 4 25
41..22.1 . . 4 1 ; : 69 . . . . . 258 4J 4 25
46..186 . . 4 15 .O. . . . t 40 4J ;
81..1 9 40 4 15 6 . . . . . 403 . . 4 i'h
. , 'OJ'O . I. H..2.S ; . . 4 2.1
iO..200 . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 . . . 3..2iO . . . 4 2n % -
IOt..151 . . 4 15 9..6 . . 4 7 % !
17..1 1 . . 415 f,8..228 . . 421' .
8C..ISO 40 415 1:1..3.1 . . 43' ' )
90..I&S 40 415 Cl , . . . . 261 . . 432\c
92..1\10 : . . 4 17\ % \ 71..z . . 43 :
92..190 40 4 171,2 15 . . . . . 1)1. . 4 35
il..19:1 4' 4 171 % 71..3J1. . 43d
Cl . . . . .2)2 12) 4 211 ) 65..378 : . . 4 4)
$ . . . . . . EO 4:0 90..4:1'1 SO 4 to
36..222 : . . 4:0
l..UO . . 250 . . . . . 240 . . 3 0'
3. . . . . . sr1o . . 2 i5 1 . . . . . .a' JO . . 350
9 . . . : ; . . 75 . . 200 531 . . . . . Ill . . 390 ' )
110. . . . 92 . . ,360 23..139 . . 300
40 . . . . . 115 . . 370
SII II'-Thcre were only n row sheep hrre
timid Ihe were nol very " "slrnbll' . The markel
was nominally SII'Rly. Fair to choice natives
are quolable al 1 .iS'U4.10 ; faIr 10 good Weuet.'nls
12.fM(3.8 , commOn and stock fhCl'I' 11.10312.5' ,
gOO to choIce 40 to lambs , * 2.7504.75.
CIIICA.o l.lVt fOJlL
' 1-
In Cattle Th.u , Was ti JoaUnuaUon of
1.111' acocelills.
ChICAGO 1I".l'qh . 13.-ln cattle there was n
cllntlnuotlon ot ' AhsI \ receipts tinil c.onUllue"
good demnn' Tlt , .Irmnnd ror clvlco steers for
local and expect utceouist , was lrong. Useful
bulchera' Iocl"i nl..A broughl sll'onser prices.
Several males ) t'iii'd 'l'e1ortoll .t 16 anil 1 better , nn,1 !
tie : bulk ot lht steha sold ot $1.5 The 1011
ot the mn.rk"l was around $6.25 $ , though that
tlguro has notliYet' been reaclued Cholco to
extra holrel'll warp ciaoled nt rrom U.25 to $1.75 ,
with $3 n pof"Ir ; fiitre . Teeaui cattle wew In I
actIve request tlkil" ) IVCI'O ) 'luolcll at ( moist $3 In' '
15 for fed s orle'l and rUlm $2 tD $3.75 for
III r '
'omp roth'e 4teli3IiVess marked Iho course or
prices for hos. . .I'nle. delllnn,1 , wall good fur both
light and heavy' 'grtul\'IO. ' and II rollh..r large bUI"
I'ly Wail ( ettstl'lian1led. Comparatively few
were goo.1 ettcitsgjl to brIng as much its U.t . aflil
still the buIlt sctji8t ltter titan $1.25. tito mlllre
being more limn : 'II..lIel" IIan-ow. l'rlmo heavy
HId lU'Ouad U.5' . .ill the best light bUnts brought
Vury little Chlllllo'O look place In Ihe sheep mnr-
kit l'oor lo choIce gmtiea wcre worth ( roll ) n.n
to $1.0) anti 1 ( funcyrirom U.6 10 14.75. There was
a good tlemnnll iii . that nlllCI' . until the feeling
\U. tirm lIe , teniency $ being slightly urwalll. , II W.'I' allrl1l Ol from 13.5IJ lo $5.W for
Very 'olnmon to choice. Huh'1I ot siieip . Were
m"v n' ( rom 13.15 to st.W alsO laml tat ( rosa
' _ H - - - - . . - -
" . m. ,
* 5 D" $5.40. :
Hecehll : Cattle , 1I.orj head : calves 400 head ;
hogs 43OUO head ; siteep lIfjol I..a .
Hlm.'u ' City Live Stock
KANSAS 'ITY March 13.-CAT'I'I.I -fieceJllls.
4.Ij h.-lid : ohll'lIIClll8. I.COO h. . < . Market sh'Klly
10 SlrOlIK ; ' i'czsts steerC . 12.h.3414.20 ; Texas cows
12.501(3.10 ; beet .lecu. 81.90015.20 : native 1'0\1"
U.c.oq,3.oo ; .tockel'tl antI f.-den. $ $3.WUt.2 i bulls
12.1.0(1 3. CO. .
1I0U&-Hco"lpts. 7.000 heRd ; shipments. t.Yj
hell < . Market stains ; bulk or sliles. S4.1Hn30 :
hffil'lc. I 2'i1t.tQ ; packers I.56t.Z5 ; IIIlxeoJ , ; lIghts $3.bYUUO ; Yorkers 13.JYtl4.H ;
pigs $3.7504.10.
I'I'-Hecptlr. : ; . 1.000 hutiad , Ihlpmenls. 1.:00
head. Market strong , prices ranged ( rosa ' 3.76 lu
, .16. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St , l.nUI" I.ho Itll"I .
UT 1.01718 March 13.-CATTI.E-HeceIJlts.
1.7W head ; shsipntentts I.COt ) head : IIIlIrk,1 strung
and sortie .weJi ID higher , good to choIce native
- - - - - -
steers U SOflS M. . fair to ineittim . tI.o'if1.75'
lights : $ 3.25430,75 : cows , U.00t/3.Ui tt'lers. sz.toif
3.M. . grass r"XAI teertl. S1.5\1(13.M ; fe'l Texas
Steers . U. 40t 1.00 ; cow s . $1.1502. : & .
llOGS--ltcctiiI'ts . Mo ) hrll' } . ohll'moul" . TOO
heu\ : ; market &fllOc lower , top sales , $1.45Iulk $ : ,
' 4.2'fl4.35 ' : IIl1ht. $1.00fl4.t\
SllI1I1'-htceeIpts ' , 2.000 heall ! : shipments , 9' )
len ; tntuke slow ; native , $3.1:11I4.60 : 1'ou.ltv ,
$3.10113.i5. _ _
24cc , \'ork l.Ivo Stock IIInrkrl
NmV YOItl . "Illtch 13.-Iitltll'l7S-flCcelh.ts.
1.30' ) head ; on solo , 38 oirs market t'ted ' PlOW
nail stenil ) ' ; ciosd fictIve nail PIrOfli' atli'e
SteelS , o'er ' to isrhine , * 1.35915.65 ; axest , 2.50fl4l'0 ;
Itttlls , * 2.10331St : dry cows , $ l.S5313.S ) ; expirts
today , 3.5,11) itetul.
tiltlill' ANt ) 1.lhhlS--Itcceiiits , 9,80' ) heal ; on
Pale , 26 cars , or 5.2) ) itr'ol ; niukct , sluY butt firm ,
Sheds , I' ° (8 to fair , * 2.00(34.50 ; hisspbs , couuemnon
to choice' , 88,753(6.00. (
lIOGiO-ltcoeIpIs. 10,11' lien' ; uurtrket 1mm ; In.
fenlor to choice ,
Stock Iii Sight.
flcoril of receIpts of the four prIncIpal mtsftr'
kets for Wednesday , March , 13 , 1855 :
Cattle. hogs. Sheci'
Snuttli 015111)0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30) 4,000 250
( 'Islrago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.000 43.000 hId ,
iautsas CItY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,00' 7.000 1.100
tot. Lotus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700 1.100 2.000
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,0.0 19.500 11,210
l.tvcnlsisei 'l1utnIce't.
il'l7l ) POOl. , Mat cIt ll.WIIIIATSpot , ( IS5ICL
tint st'iitly ; leuttnuil , luisr : No. 2 neil vinter ,
45 97411 ; No. 2 rod sprtmtg , Sit 3d ; No. 1 htsal ,
biianitotia , l3is 3d ; No. I Cnllfornhn , f lt5il. l"U-
ttmrcui ( ) hieflCil stonily , with neal' mstil , lislunt ,31sI-
unite 7ul lower , tlosed steuui' with Al5 II iil ,
Isighter , nnil itthmer Inonthusi ttnchtattgeii Stein 3cc.
teil sy's tii'slng prIces ; hiustutecc sibotit equisily
ulisti lint teil ; Starch , 1 0 % ' ; April , 4s 9)'l ; Ma .
4 , ; 1Ol ; .Itsuue , 4a 10' ; July , 4s lO',3d' August , 4s
lOttil , .
COI1NIthiot quiet ; Astierlcati sutlxetl new , Is
3.1. l'tutttres rlienel qtilei , with titan tsition
1311 lower nail .1 Ittumut is.'sht louis 94' lower ;
istuict siil 1ilorcht 3i1 hIgher sinil oh her itiontits
Si nclsr , fltel , to ' 4il lower ; iluuuiitsti ustuntu t tiiumalIO'
thleth ilnstt'i ; ? iltmrclu , 4s hI : AprIl , 1 s hI ; Slay ,
45 3d ; June , Is 3uii $ ; July , 49 313' ; Attgust , 4tt
l'i.OI.'lt-I'Intn ; iiesnttnd moderate ; St. l.otiis
( tisicy tviuuier , t's Oil.
l'htOVlSiONS-licon. atcoily : demand fair :
( iutnls'rlitstil cut , IS to Ii ) liii' . , Its Gil : sltoit this.
:8 his. , lIp ; hirg clear , lIght , 38 to 41 liii. , lOs ;
lung cleor , hmt'av' , 55 Ii , ' . . , SOs ( .i ; sisort clear
ittchs , llgitt , 18 li's. . 31c 6.1 ; clear hollies. 14 ti )
he lbs. . : ils. l4hmotuIdi'i's' , sqilase. 12 to IS lbs. , 25s.
lhitutss , uultomt CIII , 14 to 16 lbs. , ISs. Ileef. extra
lutiila toot's , G4k' Oil ; lurlslue itiess , 3,45 hI. l'ork ,
lirtmustvi slut-It , flute , 53a Oil ; pnt sac veiit.'rn , sac-
ilitumu , I Cut 1'l. Lail , , ( Illiet tU'ttnC' % vestCt It , Ils
re'litte.i , hum 110115. 35' . Gil ,
( 'I I l0ISl-llrsst ; tlcissaut' tunilerato ; finest
Auncnicait uluite , 43s ; Ilnest Atttes least colored ,
10 $ Cil.
hhu'rrlllt-v'lneeh ttthici1 Siriles , 7s ; gnoil , sop.
t'OTTN Sll1l ) Oll-tlcs'ool mcIittd , us 3d.
l.INsIl1t ) 4)11-lIe.
I ' l''I to 1.13 t 'St-ltesl acl. C3i1.
I1I1I'ltlUlltATOlt ItIS1'-t'oicqttartess. 41d ;
ltiltlittlttrtes's , Sill.
1101'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 lIe.
. Iimiitilsurc Marlcete.
1)AI.TIMOI1II ) , Slarcht h3.-l1.OtIfl-1'Iruu ; vpst.
em sitthieIItte : , 52.81312.10 ; wcstcrmt extra , 12.250
2.10esiesss ; fatttily , (2,658(2,85 ( ; wInter es heat
pahu'stt , * 3.0003.25 ; slirlng patent. * 3.850t3.75 ( sl'e-
ehiul lirastihe itlghter ) ; spring w lu'nt straights. $3.15
@ 3.50 ; rf'eeihtM , 15 , ? ' ) lible , ; sitipunenls , 13,01) ) ' hiiilut.
v1 I iT-Ftms' ; Shot stud sunlIt , GliGl4e ; Slay ,
Gl71OjG2. , ; sisaluter , No , 2 tel , ISrjIlSl3c ; rtCeiIiit4 ,
6UOu ) hum. ; soumthiemms , by lhlmistlile. GoliGle ; soutiti'rsi ,
Os ) erotic , 111lOiGttlc.
( 'OItN-ltslcr ; shot nnil month , 414f(45c : AprIl ,
4S0I0c ; Msmy , SOc asked ; steasster , usiia.ed , 40730
lIe ; recetliiil , 54,700 bit. ; stock. 160,700 bin. ; ttlep ,
:2O0l : ) iu. ; sotutltern wltlie ate. ! yellow , &Oc.
OATS-Flrsn ; No. 2 white , western , 36144337c ;
Ni' . 2 tstixed , 341335c ; receipts , 1,00) bu. ; steak ,
217,0' ) ' bu ,
ItYiC-Inactive ; No. 2 , & 7c ; receipts , 1,00' bu. ;
stock. 26,000 bit.
llA1'-Flnmuer ; heading Itlghuer ; good to choice
thstiatlty , $ l2.roCIll.o' .
ObtAIN ritEIGhIT-Qulet , emigrigestients light ,
C Ottoht Mutrket.
NEW YOlliC , March lI.-COTTON.-TIue
cotton market l'.lerieticCd . another lively
day , tlte motutl sale" nuttisting cup to 243.2' ) baItS. ' ,
sstaktng 4'30.oi)0 bales its tim total transtetinsts :
for two da'e. 'l'ite mat bet all iiay wtts ratlses'
( evem leii , whIt ushers sosneirluat In egislar. At
thu start ( lucre was cistshiieroble sehIhusg on no-
000ttt of dtsapuotsiting cablctt _ 'rIte Itrosuuinestt
et'l Icr. of I Ito mnirsi lug begutut to cover t tei 1'
shuomts laher , hinrticuslns IS' lit the SIi3 Ohttiiflt4 ,
ivluictu cnuceui tltat uttiinth in i.'hi 3 tuotnts higher
I bait .1 itute. 'rite hoyt ng iris. uttc gestesal. I 5)
the hale afternoon , Itowever , a letup hit tlte iiim'-
hng iullou't'tl iimiccs to sag back agaIn , amid at
tlt ulo.'e they were 5817 iiOlnts uni1i' last night.
Spot cotton was steatly iistii uncttnge1. :
NI1IILgANS , March lh.-CO1'rON-Ftt-
tunes , steady ; sales , 2,00' ' ) lales ; Mardi , 85.60
bId ; April , .75lSlil.44 ; 510) ' . 55.10315.51 ; .ltmne , 15.15
05.16 ; July , 5 6iJ..62 ; August. 1.tG'435.G7 ' .Septcmn-
tier. $5.690j5.71 ; October , 15.73335.74 ; Novesuber ,
$5.76435.78 ; Decestiber , 11.80315.82.
Slilwanicee Ilminltets.
SILVt'AUKEII , Stat cli 13.-W'llIIAT-lliglter ;
No. 2 sirlsug. 1713c ; No. 1 northters , 6Gc ; Slay ,
COhN-Steady : No. :1 : , dIe.
OA''S-Lowcr ) ; No. 2 white , 32c ; No. 3 white.
ISAltLllY-Nonilnal ; No. 2 , 1473c ; sample. 5171
flY11-lligher ; No. 1 , & 4t , .
1'ItOVISIONS-liglter. $ I'ns Ic , $11.43. Larl. $6.65.
ItECEII'TS-Flour , 9,660 bbis. ; wheat , 26.0)0 bu. ;
barley , 30,40) ) ) his.
SllI1'MlNTS-FIour , 2,000 bbl. . ; wheat , none ;
barley , 800 bu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'4otv York Lry Goods Market ,
NIStY YOltIC , March 11.-thtseinetus In thuc iou-
luhsig depnrtmuenis of trade conllnucit osi the
satlafacteuty scale of previoums dtuy. , wIth ( Ito
large preference for 'easonahle sliechitlttes , fancy
goods , notions , stIlts , lirltttel fabrics , ilucep goods ,
hosiery , underwear , etc.'itit contsnission house.
tue demand was Irsegular , with dres. goods ,
sIlks , hair cloth and like specialties cossiutiassilltig
Ils'oivn cottons are In Itetter InquIry. with more
businees doIng in a iiinall wily mid itrices eysn-
pathuizlng a'ltht the aulvence In cotton. l'rlnthmig
clothe are steadier , wills sales of 13,000 pieces at
2 7-16c , and snore wanted.
Sugar Market ,
NEW YOfliC , Marcit 13.-SVG AR'-lTaw , firm
faIr refining. 2 11-ICc ; cities , 7,514 bags centrh-
fugal , SC test , at Ic ; 14,00' ' ) lotgs centrifugal , to
go to itostun , P3c. c. and f. ; 04' ' ) tinge molasses
sugar , 2 7-ICc ; reitned , itrm ; No. 0 , 3 5-ICe ; No.
7 , : i 7-16r1i37c : No. 8 , 3 5-lGIu3 ½ c ; No , 9. 3150
3 7-iCc : No. 10 , 3t3433 7-l6c ; No. 11 , 3313 5.1Cc ;
No. 12 , S l.160f3c ; No. 13 , Ic ; ort A , l334334e ;
mould A , 4 3.16434e : stanilitstl A , I l3-113f4c ;
cosi1ctioners' A , 3 l2.1604c ; cult loaf , 4 9-1643
4c ; cruulted. 4 9-1601474c ; powdered , 4 3-h6ijtc ;
granulated , 3 15'16434c ; cubes , 4 3-1631473c.
l'eoniui Markets.
P1OrtIA. March 13.-COl4N-Market firm ; No.
2 , 43c : No. 1 , 42'tc.
OATH-Market lirm ; No. 2 wltlte , 3h',3433IYc ;
No. 3 shtlto , 3O1143203c.
] tvl-Mttrhiet : nominal ; No. 2 , 52114353c.
WliltlCY-Mnuket unit : ilnisisel goods , $1.25.
ltEcEItrS-Whueat. 1,800 bu. ; corn , $5,100 bu. ;
oats. 41.800 bu. ; rye , none ; hiath' ) ' , 5,600 iju ,
ShllI'MIN1'-\'huent , COO bu. ; corn. 1,50) bu. ;
oats , 52,800 bu. ; rye , utosle ; barley , 3,500 ho.
lsiiieuce ( : ly Sisirhiots.
ICANSAS CITY. Starch 13.-WI ! IIAT-Easler ;
No. S Itatil , SIc ; No. 2 whIte , SIc ; rejc'ctetl , 49c.
COIIN-Steady ; No. 2 uttixed , 4I6j4ll1c ; No. 2
white , 42.'Ac. '
oA'rS-steatls' ; No. 2 mIxed. lIe ; No. 2 wltite ,
Ito.1tgC'llPTSVhueot , 2,000 bu. ; corn , 13,000 bu. ;
oatS. 6,00' ) hu.
131 111'MINT-Wlseat , 9,0' ) bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
II Iiuiiteltit Notes ,
BOSTON , March 13.-Clearings , * 14,715,662 ; huh.
astees , $1,108,116.
lAbTIMOILFI , March 33-Chiarlngs , $2,201 67 ;
balances , $77',71i5.
NI7W YOltIC , Marclt 13.-Clearings , $ S6,973,79 ;
balances , $6,184,637.
l'IIILAIllI.l'lIIA , March 13.-Chcarlnge , $11. .
820,311 ; bathitnees , $1,814,585.
s'r. LOttIt4 , Slits cii 13.-C'leanlrugs , $1.1 10,235 ;
balances , $783,005 ; mooney , 5016 Per cent ; New
York exchange , 710 premitins bId ,
\'Al4h II NO'I'ON , March l3.-To.Iaye statetuestt ,
of ( tie ceeudittoa of tlte treasury altows : AvaIl.
aide caslt balance , $183ti0Il13G ; gold reserve ,
( 'IIICAGO , Murcu , ) 13.-Clearlnis , 615.165,100.
New York oxehiazige , SIc ttrt'tiitstfl , , Situ hing cx.
chamtge , piste'l rates , $ lSWSJ4.ti' ) . Money. 404l
ijer cent on call nail 1(16 lir cent on ( line.
ilOSTON , Marcit ll.-'Flto ilireetous of tue
41 ) i5Ci lean I hell 'rl'leliuone cotntptt a y toiliu . iii'-
elareil hite n'gttlar tusurteri' iii'itlcistil of $3 per
shu.ire , lia'able Atrii 15. No extra tllvhili.'itd was
considered ,
N ii'S'OItK , March 13.-Tue thlreeb rs of hlte
W'etesn Union Ttlegrahiht CIttPttflY today for-
molly tieclareil tue , egular qtunrteijy thhi'lilestil
of 111 per cltt , $ tt'tliilti % iit II 15. 'l'miimser
looks wIll close Slit ) cli 20. 1 Ito illvhilemtii calls
( or $1,102,000. Thin earnings Sot' tii , quttrit'r
( March titus'ni'I'H eitiluuiatt'ti ) nero $1 20,00) , Tite
Stock excltatigo liii. lIsted tito ITuihheii Suites 4
per ccitt huonils. ' 11ue' eeIhl hieuicofiiii be qttutt'il
in tite Aiuwcia.ted press bout' lIst ,
Frsltml hihmittuscIttI % fTilrs.
IlIlItI.lN. March 13.-Iltclunnge en London ,
eIght thsm's mtigltt , 2' ) tutam hiS I I org.
I'AlllH. Starchu l3.-Threo hair ccItt renhes ,
hoar CUe ( or ilie itcwtunh. Pxehtuinge out Londjn ,
2Sf 2114o ( or ehteclot.
1ONION , Ma.t'clu -ConsoI for m'n"y , 104 % :
console for account , 101 9-16. ( hilti Is tluijlel
tuilziy at hhtucssos Ayres at 215 ; SluOrhil , 70) ; J.I-
Itoh , 23.2113 ; 141. i'ttersliuig. 10 ; AtIteriut , 77 ;
Itoumue , 105.25'ieima ; , 11)3 , 'fhte amOunt of huh.
lion witltihrutwlt ( loin thu llautk of llnglamiil on
balance today was 1620,00' ) ,
llE.STIflX I'RNSW.\'i.
Vctornits oh thin I.ato % % 'sr Itoitoiniorsul by
time l3eiituruui Orncrmtisteimt.
WASI IING'l'ON , March 13.-Speclal- ( )
I't'nitloitit granted , issue of February 28 , 1195 ;
Nebraska ; Orlglnai-F'ward ileano. 1 helms.
iltgord , liox luttt' . ltelssue-Johttt 11. SIns.
0)0155 , Seward , Seward.
Iowa : Iteissue-Johtti S. W'lttte , I'Ittsburg ,
\'ati hlurems ; Albert 11 , llarnes , Chester ,
llowtirti. Original wlilow , etc.Mary'Ii. .
hIatus , Centerythle , Appanoose ; Mary 'ilusrtin ,
Leon , Iecuttttr.
South * Iakota ; rtenewul-Jeferson W.
Vedder , Hazel. llititiiln , Originuil widows ,
etc.-I6tura 14. bloothi , Custer CIty , Custer ,
Colorado : jncreae-David 11. ShmUtt , Urea.
utiti , I'gow'ers , Reii.sue-Jsaiult Uptton. Pu.
ebb ,
.5 I'I'11IC.1I :3 ( .8) h1l ( r hfLt.4 Ht. Masonic Accident assocIation
aertIntt litmrr , Rrror tronu york county , ITo.
voitied and rolnanded , Opinion by Comtnis'
itloner flagami ,
The Charter antI by-laws of tIu ntIonal
MasonIc Acchilemtt association of lec Molne3
Os. , exatniletl , and itelti : (1) ( ) 'l'hnt time object
of time neec'eiaticn Is to ftinmtiSil its moistheis
tht aulvuatmiges of accident lnstlrane.o. (2) ( )
'I'Ittt : I he assoclittltin ltuiti 1)0 capit'tl flhutl no
capltttl Stuck ; that ( Ito ohtl' itiotteyc Ii. ever
luut are teti'ed From the membersitip fees
itilti tIthes and mlssessiiients 1)01(1 by its inc'n-
1ii' . , (3) ( ) That ( linac tuioneys ole used fur
the lutmniense or paying tls 0t'tittiltg cix-
polIces of the assocIation multi 1,3311187 tIte
weekly or ethot' bciItchlts title to its lneln
11515 , (4) ) Thnt the mussoclttiou : l iulrel it
tfltmtthal ItlStittltiOsl ; that 0111) ' irtemitbers of
the Masonic ( maternity sue ebigiblo to
lilCilllJOrSlilp. (1) ( ) That thte itpso.littii1 does
not bottle i'ohlk's ii. that tm'rrn is generally -
ally tmntlerptootl , hIlt istte. ; to each of 1(54 (
mitetuber a eerttlicne ( of tutemlershihl' . (6) ) Its
hnelubena tire dlyItlttI Into cbussesu ; sccortllng
to the ) tsszard of ( Iso oe4.'iihtttoll ( they ir-
StIe. (7) ( ) TIn , scltemse conteutipltiteti by ( lie
associatIon Is Ilue betL1'lttemut or mt cet'tnin ethiul
ber week for a spceltbetl ( lIne to studs of ht'4
iilettultts as lmlti3P b tcmtipot'uit ll' hlsjtll oil ;
multI it stmcii imtjtit ' bt'O''Cil to be Pcrmttnhleltt
or results in tleitht ( , titeti ( lie Pa9'mtiCIit tO
eliiCt ) lnemttber oi' lii. bemmehlciar3' of a gross
stInt of lflOIle5' .
2. 'use certihleate of mnemnbc'rshlbt PrOyliles :
"ThIs ttssociat iomi tines llit higl'eO tO IflS' tiny
certlllcuito holder ci' ben"tleitry : a gh'eatcr
mmlii ( huh Is l'eOhizceI by said a500i'ilttIOl :
floin Ohio hlsseeshsleiit Of $2 tunic siutil ccl-
lecteil 1111011 mill lilelnilem'S tisspsssthl : lt thte
thtito of the accitlclti. ' ' ' " 1' 0 keep tI1s cc ) tIll-
t'tttt ) In tolee all 5tOSC0SltiCnt3 lilt' titles 1111mM
Itt' mIil vItltIn tltIm't' days of tIlt' date of
tue notice ( roll ) tlsc secretary ctlimtg : tisere-
for. "
, :1. : The buy lutwe of the associatIon ; ) rcs'iilC :
I I tiftirnuat iiiL 0 f t he is mmtulsst t of cat'il IC-
qtiiretl itaS'mluenmt tiflul of the tiite whets ( Ito
sttille Is ( o be 1101(1 ( slsnll lie giVt'hl by tIle
seerottst' to each huernle" Ity bailIng a wm It-
tell or lirlnted notice to hills , , PtstttiC' : pro-
Pith1 , a t It is lst I. g lye hI lOStOlttett uttlil toss is
Ieist tltitty 11509' . lertol' to the mnatut'hty of
sisehs test lIsle hi I. it stil it shiub I 1 lie toil posi In'
tlte d ii t of en cli uteumibter I o Illomullut I ' . ' a '
tite satile to tile st'cretuir' at lii. olilce Its
1)es SIolhse , Its. , oti or before such thin , of
tsututtmrity , if tsn' mslcstbemsbuil full to Pa9
it 119' l'cciilreth la'tstels I. omm or 1''foro tlt a iitt 5'
so Ii XC ( ( It Is ces t lIlt'i : te stitti umtemiubeushtip
shuttil eCaSO to be of nisy force tutU vnbldht'
nustl cztn omsis' be revived by PnYitiestt tliet'6o.
No I ntlessl mu ' ot' hu'tietl ( it of nuty kind slttili
be Paith for or est account of nhi3 11111115' tO-
celved betweemm tIle titut' witch the tleihit _
ilisetit lhIS'uut Cli t becit itse d It , ' itnd I hi c tiitte
wlsen ( Ito Sante is receIved by tlte seci ttit'y
lit his chIco.
4 , ' 'No Sihit shall be brottghit impin ats' tile-
putctI clutlsn before tim 3tItle sltnhl hay , ' heels
stt'bltrnted by ui cotntnittee , asul tIlt' utvits def
of euttelt coils nil t tee sItitI I be II misil : ttstl con-
clttsive 151)011 the chttisnaitt itltib the aseoci-
ttt lost. ' '
3 , . Ohs ( iso hilt of F'ebruat'y , 1801 , the In'ard
of directors 01' tlso assocIatIon mnde : tsi as-
sessuietit of $3 01)011 each of its tuenshers ;
this ttsssststetit sssitttsretb on the 1st. day of
AprIl. utud IlOtice thereof \vast dIlly givcmi to
George F' . thmrr , who was a merstter of the
associntlon , Jltsrt' did not Itas' hI. assess-
mesmt on or prior to April 1. About noomt of
Ainib 27 , 1891 , Ilitrr s'as lojisreil tusil isuulc it.
eltthtn tsgnlmsst tlse utsocltitioli for the weekly
bbmiellts w'Islch ho ahlegel lie 'st. entItled to
be paid as ( Ito result of lii. injtmrv anti Itis
tuettshiershtip. TIme nssoclat loss m'el'thsCi to
p ay thus dams outil Burr brothgltt this stIlt.
rise evidence tended to show tltat on the
2.StIs of April , ISOI , Burr tnihIeb : it letter sit
Yolk , Nob. , directed to the utssoclntiomi at
1)es MoInes : In , , cotstaining StIs check for
$3 , to pay the ahisessulsesIt title April 1 , nitd
that ortllnarlby Such letter wotthib reach ( Iso
assocIation oss the 2iltlt or by thte morsllls
of the 27th of April , On tlse otlset' hasti
there was evidence w'Itielt tetttleil to hiow
tltat tItle chteck was reccl'ei liv the a8socl-
atiosi Os ) ( Iso morning of the 20th of April , or
siot earlIer ( busts tlso afternoon of thO 27tIt
of .Aps'Il. Ohs the trIal ( lie assor'iatlols re-
qtmestetl ( iso distrIct court to Iiistruct the
jtmry tlsttt : ' 'l'inhmitiiT having stet pahti tttsc'h
nsseoshucstt at 01' before mtttunhty , IsIs cer-
tliicsite ceases to be in force and effect
usitll ( lie pa5'suent ttetttall' renciseul the see-
retit'5' : sit huh. 0111cc hIs 1)es Slolneet , sislti
bilalmitiff's certihicate of inesubershtip 05515' ho-
COtUCS valId from the timsie said secretary re-
celvcd such laYt51011t at Ills 0111cc isi Des
Slolnest. If 3 atm ilmsd fromu the evIdence ( bitt
( Iso laO'metlt was recelvetl by ( lie secretary
sit lii. olhice in Des MoInes lrerIoiss to tlte
time that the accIdent ltnipested to thte
plaintIff , thesi the Plalsstlff Is entItled to s'e-
cover ; but if the sztid paymnesst diii not
i'encht the secretutr"s ohhice Isi Des Moisies
until after altb accidemit happened U. tIso
plalntlhf , ( lien the plaintIff Is siot entitled to
recover 1st any sittit whatever. " Tisls Itt-
strtmetlon the court refts.sed. Held : (1) That
it was not for the distrIct coimrt to say
wlsether the evidence establlshteul the fact
that the assesasuesit remitted by Hurt to the
association was received by it prior to the
time lie svas Injured , That was a. questIon
vhich the jsury , and the jtsi'y alotle , Itad a
right to determine. ( .2) ) Burr's failure to
pay the assessment due the 1st day pf April
on or before that date did not otsat Itim
from mctnbershil ) In stsch assocIation , but
suspended Isis rIght to claim isitleriinlty from
tlse assocIation for an Injury receIved aftet'
tlte asscssmtItt ? lecarne dtte and before such
pa9'iuCSit was made. (3) ( ) That the nntssre and
obJeCtS of the assocIation consIdered , thse
retention by tlte assoctathon of ( Iso remit-
ttutce hitade by Burr was utot evidence that
the association waived Burt's default , (4) ( )
That the court erred in refusing to give the
6. On the trial the assocIatIon requested
the court to instruct the Jtsrs' that befot'e
Iltirr cotliti maintain an action 01)01) the
claim Ito must have procured it to have
been arbItrated by a commIttee of arbltra-
tion as provIded by the articles of Incorporation -
ration of such association ; that simch arhi-
tratlon svsts a condItion precedent to the
rIght of Burr to maIntain the stsht. This
instructIon the distt'Ict cotlrt refused , Held :
(1) ( ) 'rhat the ruling of the dIstrict court was
correct. (2) ( ) Whatever may be ( Ito rule else-
\.blerti it is the firmly established uioctrine
here ( hint if parties to a contract agree tlsat
if a ( lIspitte arIses between ( Items that nsmchi
dlspitte shall be submItted to arbltrsution-
refusal to arbItrate or sin arbitration is not
a defense to an actIon brought ott suclm contract -
tract by one of the parties thereto , its the
effect of nuchi agret'lnent Is to oust the
courts of theIr jurlsilhctioti ottO is contrttry
to public policy and therefore voId.
7. home FIre Insurance COIfllOOY ) against
Beats , 60 N.Y. . Itep. , 907. atsii cases tisere
cited , anti Pisenlx Insurance company
ttgaistst flachelder , 32 Neb , , 490 , fohioweul
anti reafllrmeil , Phenlx Ihisurance company
ugaisist Ihaciteider. 19 Nob. , 05.
Western UnIon Telegraphs conspnfls' against
the Call l'ttllisltlllg company , Error from
Lamscastor county. Reversed amiti remanded ,
Ojiifllusi by Consmissloner Irvisle.
Cislef JustIce Norval dissentIng.
A telegt'aph coltipany Is a lunhelIc carrier
of Intelligence , with rights and ditties anutl.
ogous to tlsose of ut publIc carrIer of goods
oi itassengers.
2. 'SectIon 7 , artIcle 11 , of our constitu-
( loll htniltta the Iegishttttsre is tlse regubistioss
of telegraph colflpflhllei4 to that correction
of nhtsses asid preveittiomi of unjust this-
ci'Imnlnat Ion.
3. Not till dIscrImination In rates Is stn-
Jihst , In order to comis.tltsiie ahi itmsjtsiit dill-
ct'Isninatiomt thtere mlsst ho a dIfference in
rates undot' substantially slmohiar condItIonS
nit tt ) servIces.
4. Chapter 8li ; , CompIled Stnttsttus , regti-
bating tebpgrnpls comltanles , proltlblts , fIrst ,
all Ilirthulhity or tliscrlmlniutlOst leti'5'C'Cn lfltt
touts in the handlIng of ltuslness : second ,
all artlnhity or dIn'rlmlmttitlost * in i'utes : for
sltniltsr services ; third oartltsllts' or dlscm'lln-
laotIan nut to terms o pa'lnent or tlelivt'ry ,
anti , fourth , all ( liscrlmninatiois in ( ttvor of
persoss. trattsmiilttlng tilChtatclhes to ( Ito
greitter tllshstnco.
5. bus so ( ttr its tlte act referred to forbiils
tlnjtmst dimicrhmsaimtttlon , anti tilsiogtrtilslg the
penalties iniposteti by time act , it macrely do.
dares princlplc8 recognized by tile comttion
Itisi' .
hi. Ehtbter notIce ( Ito commami law or time
sttitttste a tolegrnlth eoniiatiy rnttst cisitrge
( or its services no smtnro than a reasonuthile
rate ; under 111cc cosulltions it must rentlel'
Its hil'rS'iCei4 to all htttrOilS ; 00 etlimal tersnti ,
nail It nitsst mutt 140 dii'ci'imnlflttte in its rittes
to tllffereitt patrons nit to give tine an undue
preferemice over soaotlser.
7. it III not itn ilnIhImlo itrefer'nce to make
one Patron a less rate thats to ititothuer
wlmeme tbseso exists tlliferemices bus cosuihltlons
affectIstg tile tllhilcsmhty or expotte of ler-
fonmuhmug ( iii' servIces which futm'Iy Justhiles a
difference Ill ruttes.
8.'bere it is sltow'n tlttit a thlfference in
rateS t'xists , bitt tlsut ( there Is aio a siil
iltafltitth tlhfferemlcc ill cosidlihoislt tsfft'cthng
the tiltllethity or expenstu of lierforitsilig ( lit'
services , no cause of action aIls' ) ' , Without
evhilence to show thtt : time dllTerelsce imi
rates is disprotortl0suatc (0 ( tile ( lifereltco In
cnutdhtions. A Jury ettnnat lie oermitted to
ilnil sstt'lt diopropontloms wIthout e'Itleflce.
\VebstPr against Dttvles. hIm mr from
Platte countS' . AlIlrsned. OIlnlon by Coum-
missioner IrvIne.
lYniber gcctioht 21 of tIme Cotle of Clvii Pro-
cedurt' , proylillog "iluat wht'n it cause of
action hits lemi ftsliy banrt'il by I hit ltiwit
of amuy state at' country whterc the thtfelttlamlt
lmtS : prevIoUsly reSIded , moichs liar shall be
the same tiefenite isi this tale as thotmglt It
hail arlsemt under tite jiroi'lslosis of thihM
title , ' ' sin action Is harreti in ( lila stotte w'Isen
, u , , lotenlnnt lsnM resluleil in utnotiter state
for ( lit' fttll ltem'loil of iitnhmttljns ( tittiler the
law's of the tatO , even thtottiot ) the cause of
actiomi uirotte here anti the defendant resIded
here wisen It arose.
/tnterlca makes the finest brand of ciisiuti.
ptsgne. Cook's Extra Iry imperIal , It is
deIicioua fruity and pure ,
. . -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, J . . -
ltlXi'ltif4lJaIon Ave. , Kiutisi CItY , 510.
n , fuihtchltsIltg goods made at the toUosin4
Nebstilka fticorles ( , It you cannot ( In' what
you went , communleato with tIle mantitac.
( users as to what dealers lutintite their goodsi
- - - - - -
--t---1 , tlt7Itl.IP .tXt ) l'hI'I\'l. S
_ , .
- iitfiIiirnw ; -
Msnsttsxturert cut all kinds or cotton & burlq
bags , Cotton flour sacks & twIne a specIalty ,
Si ' ti.419 8 ,
- - - - - -
- - -
tflht.4 ? I'P.I.ST P0(1 ! ) , J'JVI ( , 1'IIST.
--5-- - - , _ . _ , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ s- -
MAtt'Jtactttrers of Preston's California Flake
! 4IclIe tratsd si ( isleing Ilour & yeast , ISO yOU
tips l'rshon's _ be ( dour ?
- -
- -
- - - -
liii hi lI'flfl tis.
C.ur load ihlpmtnts made in our own refnigerato J
eats. Itlime Itlbbon. Flue Export , 'lenni L'xport ,
ttuuii Fansily llxpoit , , it'llvcred to all parts of city.1
- -1
- - -
( ' .1 llf1I43N 1'.It'L'lIl' , ,
CarrIage & Wagon Mtilerc , CarrIages , buggies ,
m.hiaehcns ,1 wagons always on lsnnil , i muds tQ
'ides' . 1113.15 , , Omnrtlta. ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
coi'i.'ii : , SZ'1C1.8 , 11.1 ICI.V(1 l'OPPltfl.
Coffee Itnasters. Spice OmIntlert' , Manttfactueri
( icrmnass lInking l'owder tin' Gcrtnsumi Pry lIoj
' 6aSt. SIt-Il S. 12th street , Osnaima.
- - - - - - - - - -
1,1.0 UU.
s , F , ( 'JL1IAN.
? dsnufacturcr ct Gold Medal Flour.
C. 11. Plack , Manager , OmahS
Fulls ITI/lf 1 : F. I CT ( ) U11S.
- -
Mamusfacturera of parlor furniture , lounges , din.
ing table. & foldIng beds. 25th ave. , lloyd te
iaiderMmts. _ _ _ _
Over otis mIllion dollars go out of Nebraska
every your for iso bitter lsisttrnnce tItan is fur-
lthittei.l by the UnIon Life of Omnalta AgentS
o : _ ! _ in every tonsihoNetiraska ,
JCJI .i.\1) CO.IL.
Domestic & steam coal , We have the best. Of-
flee 1601 Farnani-at , Telephone : OffIce 373. yarsl
17(6. .T _ .A. Doe , gen'Irnanager.
! ltox ll'OUK.S.
- -
Mcnufactunltug & repairing of all kInds of ma
chinery , engines , punitw. elevators , priatin
crosses. hangers , shutittng & couplIngs. 1406-
ltoivas'd.t. , Omaha.
Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , specIals ; tiollei
rrostts & fittings , street IVy car wheels , Archi ,
tectural iron works. OffIce 307 S. Pbhu-st , . Ontaismi.
St'f'r's of ArchItectural Iron Vork. Grnes'a (
I'oundry , Machhsse and Uhackstnhth Svnrk. lIsp
gineers & Contractors for FIreproof flutitlhng ,
0111cc and Works , U. P. fly. & So. 17th Stro ( ,
.1LI .VUl".t Cl' fJ1CIXU C'ltItIILS 1W.
Stanufacturer. ot fluid extracts , ellxirs , syrup
& ivlnes , compressed trlturates , ltypodermio tabs
lets. plhl & scientific medical novelties. Omahi
.414 TT1cRSSl.8 , cor. , UlLlS.
. - - _ _
- - - - - - -
- -
Manufacturer Mattresses , SprIng fled. ; Jobbel
letsthers and Pillows. North 14th and Nlehtolag
Sta , , Omaha
z.l'IUlIT 1IA TCIT , l"IlZlt , S1Ilf VICII.
TIte only perfect protection to property. Exam ,
lute It. Dest thing on earth. Reduce. tnsuranc
rates. 1304 oughas-st.
0 V1i LL F1 Ui'OIfIltS.
Manufacturers & jobbers of the celebrated liuck ,
skin brand Bhhrts , pants , overalls & duck cloths
lag. 11Oi 3-5 Ilmuney-at. Factory East Omaha.
llanutacturers of men's & boys' clotluing , pantj ,
shirts & overalls. 202-212 S.
i'.ij'iii :
Manufacturer. of nil kInds paper boxes , shelf
boxes , sassiple cases , maIling tubes. etc. w.d.
ding cake & fancy camidy boxes , druggist & iewehtl
boxes. 1208.10 Jones-st. , Omaha ,
SJIIIfI' 1.A (110 lt11W.
Exclusive custom alibi tailor. .
1515 Farnom streL'l'elepltOfle908. _
. _
- = I
- - - - - - -
I'.ITlfll'llIlP.i 7'r.5' ( 111(1(1K.
Factory In Louisville , Cass Co Quality of brlc
'jaranteed to be as gociu as any tnap'.ifacture4
utelde el tItI. sute. Olenny liohiss.
R aciway's
Always Rellablo , Purely Ycgetabl3.
l'ertectiy tasteless , elegantly coated. pur
regulate , purIfy , cleanse anti stren1huen , hA
WAY'S I'ILLIO for this cure cC all dIsorder. 0
( its litosnachi , Powell , KIdneys , Illuidder , Na
vous DIsease. , Pizziness , Vertigo. Co.tiyenSg
Pile. .
and All Disorders of the Liver.
Obteerve this ( allowing symptoms. resulting ( romi
dIseases of ( hits digosth'.e uugauusl ConstipatIon. I
siam' lilIes. fullness of blood in tlte bead , act
, , . heartburn. dhsgu
It ) ' Of thu's stotnachm tauaea.
Ut food , fulhitelel of weIght at titut ittonutcim. soul
eruttuthons , sinhhug or hiuttenluig of the heart
rltotting or suffocating sensatIons witea in
lyIng posture. t.lltiuness ( it vIsIon , dots or * s
before the sIglut. fever aitil dull lain in ( lie lies
' cltcisluCy of miersplrathun , yellowness of the ekim
nad eye. , pain sit ( Its side ciiet , Iitnbs.
uddt'n hushes of hieutt , burmdng In the blesh.
A few doses of ltAlWAY'I3 l'ILLS will fei
thus system of all the ahive , muametl .lhsnrolers.
i'ltIClI 250 A ltCJX. 1401,1) ItY lJhtUGahST O
Send to DR. ItAIWAY & CO. , Lock flog *
New York. for Pock of Advice.
V16'RoFMEN '
Eneily , fluickly , Permanently , ,
, , Weaboness , Nervousuep0
Joblhhl , ' , anti all the trala
oyi1 ( coma early errors oi
. : later oxneiscs the results 01
.4 ' '
(4 tr:1y4 overwork. , lcuesv worr
S.-JI't etc. Full strength ,
} . - ? ( s oittittiltitXtil ( onuglvent
, ) evcry tirgttti tinol portIon
4 ( ) fthuliOth ) ' , 810)010,11
ural iiutht'tis ,
1) ) ' atu Improlemneat sees , .
Failure Impact Ible. it.000 retest aces. lloo ;
ezpiamiationaod 1troots maIled ( sesleth ) tics.
' . ' tA ,