- , , - . , . . _ ,4 ; - u- . - - , , . " . , . . . . . . . . . . i- ; - - - - - - -r , w----- T - - - . . - ; ' - - . , - " : " ' - - , _ . . . . . . , , , . . . - . - - - - - - - - - - . - : - . I I S 'rUB OMAJIA : DAILY BEE : IV7EDNESDAY : , MARCH 13 , 1S9. ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - CITY COUNCIL ROCEEDINGS ! > Board of Health SoorC3 - n Point as to Future Policy I MAYOR'S ' VETO - READILY : : tJSTAIIIED , . Splrll UrllRto l'ro\'of'11 on the l'ro\lo l. . lion that S0ll10 1I1IInlf'I\I,1 \ Itllllh' ( Other 'l'lmn Ohio City Ulul 11,1 , SOIllO I illelt of 1 onoIl1Y , - The lloarc1 of health [ COred n point nt the council meeting last night , when the mayor's veto of the recent resolution regulating em- ployes anti salaries was su tnllle'l. ' In to- , ! fusing his approval of the measure the mayor 4ahl : J return hl'rewlth without my nppro\'nl , lIolution No r. I , ofInrc'h : Ii , , allthorl7.llIr : the HOllr11 or Hl'nlth , "I"lIl1nnetloll " or nn orcllllnncc rl'ltllllltlri/ th iaini' to ciliphaY certnln dl'slJlIIllrll ol11cf'r.1 11.111 . pay them UpulatcllllmoulltR , I has 0 velndl thllle o- IIHlnn for CVI ral remmns : Sfl'lIolIO : : or the . charter CIlRllllcll Rtates that the Bn\TII ( of Health may (1I11loy Sllrh l'lel'I 8 , hrwpetors , usslstnnts nlll , d\llItieR ns the runlR , Ilro- viIII'd by the counrll mnay permit amid mny Ox thclr eompensatloll , The ClIlIl'tment oC thlll r polutloll Is I a , lIrectlrllatlon , hy the mayor IInll ( l'ouncll ) , of tile 1lUII'era vested 1Iy charter 111 the H(1l1r or HeulthIoreovel' I : , the remo1utton sllltes , In crrl'l'I ( , that an orlI- IIl1nce Is h to he Ilafecl ) el'clltlnJ the offlenl lIamell antI IIxhllt tlw comll'II lItlon , Such 1111 1TIIIIIallee. 11'11'011 11'1 this resolutloll woulll bo unn\'ulllrl for the I'easons stntel , , aJove. ! The effect of this reroluthoti Ir It became n. law , woulel $ he to IlIcrrllse the monthly . DftY roll oC the 1I0al'.1 . of Health. i 11 attempts - ' tempts to cut elf OIIf' ) slll1ltnry In'llcclor ) who hns heell ) re'e1vlnlt I t0 ( ; ! J per 1I10nlll t , a nil tirovhmicH for II cIerle nt PJ ' Iler ) month , II flav- . . lug of IO. hilt the 1Illary of the 11111I. In- \pcetor Is Ihl'rl'n8ecl I : ; Jll'r ' month , limiting 1\ net Illerellsc of $ : ; per , month I woulll IIHgest to the cOllllcll that , nsllle from the CIICt that It hall no lwC ( . ' 111 thlM matter beyond the function or provkhhng I fUllds. I 1)I'lIev , ' time Boal'ct or I l1elllt Is l Wily qunllllell to look after all matters cooling ' wlthlll Its jurlsllll'tlon There hnll heell , 111 the ) \ i t , entln'h' i too much 11011 theM In l'on- tlecloll with the affairs of this haunt ; If 7 mtJ.ttprs coIl 1(1 1)1) ) flI 8 mt.ingeil thllt the h01l1'11 , I coulll net hlll I < 1ll'nlll'lIt1y of I Pal I t lcztl l'lnslll- 'rntlons I helll've IJetter re'U1t14 coul'l ' h : ! IIl1ulne 1 , hut I 110 not think any lit- temillell Interfcr ace 011 the hart : of the mayor IIntl coullI'll would he eOlllluclve to thIs dill ! . S . VIF.WS 010' 'rm COUNCII.'l1m. lS howell haul , that In his opinion the mayor's position was not 11'1'11 laken. The councIl was : getting to he nothing hut a machlno 10 vole ' money , which was expendell hy various boards wIthout any 11efl'reneo to the wishes of the council The rcsolutlon was a step In the right direction IIIIfI the council ought : ; to , S have more Iower , than lie charter allowed It. Thomas sustained the ma > 'or , He salll that the veto was In 1I1reet line with time lureS , - S visions of the charter 'fho Boanl of lIelllth dId hot object to lie ( resolution as a means of retrenchment , hut It did object 10 havlllS : ; time council stop In anll raise the salaries or Its employes and add n clerk , which they : did not neell , uI1l1 call It retrenchment. S Gordon tonic time same view , and lIl1tlell that the board vas willing ; to consiller any sus- : ; . gestlons from time council , hut that they dill not propose to surrender all their authority to the council. SUSTAlNlm THE VETO S City Attorney Connell stated that the councIl hall no authority to Interfere with time nonrll of Health and the veto was sus- abed , Howell , Mercer and Kennarll voting for tIme resolution. Police Judge : : Derla wants IIn assistant clerIc provltled for In the police court. His request will bo considered by the finance S committee. Acting : ; Chief of PolIce Most > 'n was Instructed - S S structed by resolution to order time police to arrest nil garbage haulers , who were foummd : doIng business without a lIeen e. A resolution by Kennard IImltell time ex- S penlItul'es In time sewer maintaining lIeparl- ment to $400 per month , except . In cases oC S'S 'cmergency. Hefcrrcd. 55 The report or the Doard of Equalization was - laid over for one weele According to S the reprtthiPJanS ! ! _ or ssessment for re- paving : 'fenth street from .flap : : ! ! to Williams S .IInll for grading Woolworth nventrJtrom ! . S Second 10 Sixth streets were rejected anmr referred to the city attorney and city engIneer - : gIneer , ' SLIGHT CH'ANG1 OF POLICY. % ' A number or resolutions were Introdnced S which provided for small expcndlturcs In & street repairs , each of which was mallo time t4 subject of I'rolongell ' debale It was con- S tended that such legislation was contrary to the halley which was adopted nt the beginning - gInning of the ycar , which was that no such S expenditures shoulll be malle except by or- dlnallce. 'fhe resolutions were plsscd : , how- ever , after some ohJ ctlon , Time cOll1mltteo on pavIng curbing anti gut- 15 terlng reported arnlnst ; the ordlnnnce provltl- lug for Ilavlng Jackson stret from Thlrly- - sixth to 'I'hlrty-elKhlh with sheet nSllhallull1. _ . Time commIttee helll that the properly owners S 5 , , hall petltloncll for TrInidad sheet asphallum S. and that such material shoulll be used This revived the same old controversy that S has lllayell n part In ncarly every council , nloetln sInce the Sherman 'nvcnuo muss. howell attacked the report , which he charac- ? terlzcll as an atte.mlJt to prevent compctltlon. Snullllers derendell time commlll on timer r ground that the member" lied recommenlled m the only sate method to Ins re time legality of the lax After furlher debate Howell's motion to I t amend time commltlee report III favor of time ' : rdlnanco was carried hy ten votes to six. The , amel1l1jj ( report was then adopted , and t Limo ordinance was subsecluently IlIIsseJ. Yk5 Ordinances were introduced carrying out S time recommmmnemnhattons or time finance committee - tee , relatIve 10 relrenchmcnl. 'rhese were re- ferrell for conshlera tlon. The fcllowlng ordinances werc passel : Prc- vldlng for repairing oC avenworlh street , S from 'rwenty-nlnlh to I.'ortlelh j changIng ! grade of Thlrl > ' -Courth street , from POPIJlelon S I1.venuo to hickory street , and olher streets : locatIng water imymlrammt at 'I'wentfourth IInll Hamilton streets j ordering srllltln : ; ! of alley S between ! Thlrt-rourth mind 'I'hirly-llfth , ami It Jones and I.eavcnworth streets ; establishing ! S crude oC Thirty-Illth a\'cnuc , Crom Poppleton t. to Woolworth uvenncs. . G..lnl m . g 1.111. I 1 . lint I Cmm . . % t That's n ehestnul-a decayed , moth-ellten , prohlHlorlc chestnul-but wo've a chance to t use It lelltlmalel In describing time way that L COOK CLOThiNG COm'AN\"S STOCK f h going. A few of time mmmamiy bargains : r Flmme Prince AlbertJ ! , clay worsteds , $9.00 ; fine frock amid facie suits , $1.50 ; men's all wool $2.0 trousers this week 95c ; men's S spring su1l6 , $2,50. S We'nnt to gel before your eyes 4lat ! CO r par cent IlroOl you save on every article In S the Cook stock , for then we know yomi will j. keel the name of this store III your mulmmd FltFI : happy 'I'houJht March , worth 40c , will \ be f given free with LIttle Queen Irene , worth IT5 50c. SpecIal prlcc for Wednesolay only 25e S Take elevator to fourth floor 4 PEATlllmS'I'ONE IMBY lMlUnAGJ ES. f The name l'ltherslono ; sIgnIfies the beat t when speaking of baby carriages. Bst In . general construction , best In style ammO finish aud best for you In prlcl\ Wo fall timeun ' same as anything ( 'Ise , vl7. : at IJrlces on timeS i S : dry goods le\'el. Take a look at ours before , L buying * 50 eJrrlagrs well finished , with lace , , trImmed IlarJsoll' , $3,50 , 60 carrIages , well I1l1lshclI with plllSh $1,50. S hAYDEN Imos. . TIII UIIClW'1' SotJrihlHX I iIU1'h t Via hook 1,1.\111 I , Shortest Uno In:1 1.nton S " 'IlIIn. , . To all \ points In ICIlllEas , Ohlohom3 , Indian ) Territory , 1'C.U8 ammO all polnls In southern I E Cullforillu. Only one night out to ull points i of T.as , "Tho 'foJus IlInllelIl'n'es Omaha at 0:16 a. 10. , dally except Sunday , Inndlng , . 1146Sullgers nt all Ilolnts III Toxal2 limits In r allvaco of nil oIlier lines. Through tourist : cars via Ft. I Worth und m Paso tu Los An. tolew. : For full IlIlrtleJluu ! , maps , Colden , ste . , call at or address Rock island \ ticket 55 oWco , IGO : ! Farnani st ClIAS. lCENNIWY. N.V. . P. A. . - - - ( J4Ich : ' I Leavas Omaha 445 : p. 10 , today . Arrives ( 'hlraiP 755 : J , m tumimorrow Time J1urlln2tou's ; "Vlstlbuled h'er" does It , S : Tickets 111111 full Information at 132' l ar- lIaw. 13t. 'S _ S i1AYIF.N UItO ! hthhksi t iIlksi I SOME : RARE ! lIAIlOAINS VOlt TO\IOIlIlOW : Just receIved tnrough our eastern agency : 10 pIeces extra heavy striped taffeta silks for fancy waIsts nt 49c n yard , well worth $1,10 ; one waist ler-Rth to n customer only 10 plt'Ces or all black moire silks , In stripes , moire antique , polka dots ; all new gooole , worth $1.00 , $ l.2 : ; and $1.50 per yard , going at ODe a yarcl , Remember these two great bargains Can be hat only (3) ( ) three hours , Wl'tlncsday a. m. from 8:30 : to 11:30. : DON'TI1SS : TillS Cl lANCE . 1mS9 GOOns. New sorts with every sunrlsc , new ele-- sancleJ : ; , new delights for you on the price eille. eille.Well Well worlh your time to give our dress goods asorlment n good look over. Time goods : ; are here anti we are here to show them , and cheerfullY. sG.m ST.\ltTIING PRICES. 3fj.lnch all wool check amid nonltles , 25c. 40.lneh sill and wool , 39c. 40-lneh SilK warp henrlella ( colors only ) , 50e. 4fj-lneh all wool German hcnrlella ( silk finish ) , liOe 40.lneh all wool serge . colors and , black . 25e. A heaullrlll lIui ! ' of nil wool challis , sold last season for rJOe ! , now 2je. , lH.\CI < : nmss : GOOns. Largest nlHI most comple-te stock In the west. 40-lneh all wool nuns' veiling ! . 2ge. 40-ll1ch nil wool black serge : ; , 2e. : 411-lnoll nil 11001 black serge : ; l9c. : li.'lnch ( nil wool storm serge , In lIa\'y and hlaek , worth $1.2Ii , special \\'ednesday sale , o9. 40.lnch hlncl < alapnca , the best volume In time wcst , orlh Glic ; , special \'c'dnesday sale , 29c. CLOUDS OP 1)IYST'i1'it A SUymt IIN- \NO \ FOIl TOE Tearing clo'.I'n walls , $10,000,00 damage ! done 10 Costliest JACKETS , CAI'rS : : AND SUITS , ClosIng thcm oul emi second floor III fOllr lois Lot I , $ Ion ; lot 2 , n .1i0 ; lot 3 , $10,00 ; lot 4 , $12liO The chance or a \lretlme \ xamlno our mackintosllls on second floor : worth $ : ; ,00 , going \\'ednestia a. m for $2,19 ,1I10re moncy savers on onr bargain : ; COllllters Chllllren's hosi ! ' , rlhhed , lie ; ladles' hoe 10e ; linen hmantIkecimicfs , licj ; cheviot outing shIrts , 2ge. It will pay yotm to visit these counlcrs. TA1If.l1 LINEN. The newest designs at 2Sc , 35e , 37c. SOc / , 62c ! tip ( 10 time finest goods made with nap- khlll to match at prices nc\'er dreamed of In the linen trmle LINEN : 'I'OWBIS \Vonderrul variety IIIHI low I'rlcl's. lOc linen towels at lie ; 20c fine fringe towels nt 10e ; extra quality 25c linen towels at Hie ; large ; 10c bath towels at 5cj ; extra large 20c bath lowels at 10e , anti 2c : ; bath towels at Hic hAYDEN DlWS . 111- BRAD SLAUan'.rER'S ACCOUNTS. . \tTtlr or 1I1 ' 1 crill a United StntCi : ltllr- , . I"I " , In IIn I " , 'tu m'it III I Coum rL. 1Iraluer , SIIIghter's : accounts as United States marshal ? C Nebraska are to be settled In time courts At Wllshl1.glon suit has been brought : ; In the l1ame or the people to recover between $1.000 and $5,000 of fees claimed to. . be due time goverllment. On time other hand \Ir : Slaugimter claims the government Is still Indebled to him for fecs. Most : oC this Irouble grows : ; out or modifications - Ions or ruies : for cOlllluetln the business of time 0111cc' some or the changes helng conl1let- Ing In their eITee ! There Is also a dispute concerning time settlement or lIIe account for time 'xecntlon of Dixon , the trooper who mur- dere(1 hlR sergeant. 111. ' . Slaughter said recently : "Tho gO\- elnment now owes me $7,000 , und unless I can secure a salhfactorr blltcmcnt of the account from limo Treasury lIellartment 1 shall begin suIt at an early day. I expended during Ill ) ' tcrm as marshal un average of $ d,000 a year from my own pockel. The department - partment has been asked by mime , through Congressman - gressman 1Ilelklejom ! , tIme and again for Its stalement , and has always rl'fused It may bo that 1 can arrange matters to bring the government Into court at the next term or the federal court here In Lincolll. I shall try and lICi mo" - A 1'E1tSONt LI.Y ( CUXUVCTl Excursion Via time Uurllngtol1 Huuto to mtllforzmttm Leaves Omaha every Thursday morning Through to Los Angeles without change. Most pleasant , econumlcal and comfortable ' way..ojreachmlng : any point In Colorado , Utah or Callror-lIla ; _ Ticket ! , Cull Inf rnru.C. : . . . . ml.strl'ted ! folder nt time 1Iurllnglon's cIty tIcket m'ee ' , 1324 Farnam streel. A l'oIYtv..nla r8. Offered by the Chicago , 1I111\\'uukeo & St. Paul railway , time short line to Chicago. A clean traIn , made up anti started from Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to Ilcstinatlon traIn sel'vlco and Elegant cour- teous omlloyes Bntlro trains lighted by electricity and healed by slealfl , with elcc- trIo light In every bortim 1 < 'InJst dining car fen'lce In the west with meals served "a la carlo " 'I'ho 1"H'er leaves at G p. m. dally from ! Union depot. City Ticket Office , lr.OI Farnam street. C. S. Carrier. city ticket asent. . . Commcrclill Cluh lxl'cUIh'o : CnmmtlIC'f' At the meeting of Ihe ( executIve committeD or time Commercial climb yesterday afternoon . It11S decided to contlnnlJ limo monthly socials and to Rive them on the first Thursday - day evening In each monlh. A resolution eommendlns : ; the Trnvelers' Protective association was pnssed. - - - - - . lIolter iucry \ " 4'nr . Time was when time "glorious climate of Callrornla" dId mint attract tourlsls. But year after year the tide of travel sets In stronger and stronger every fall and whiter toward this Cnvond region. 'rhere Is no cll- mate IIIte It on this continent for a wInter resort , cmiii the usual fine service on the Union l'Jelfili 'Yflem has thIs season been brought to a degree of perfection which leaves nOlhlng to be desired , HAnny P. DEUEL , City Ticket Agent. 1302 'arnam slreet. . . 1.It'UKllllt tn 1'11110 The Northwestern line Cast vesllbule.1 CimI- cage train that gllilos cast from limo Union Depot every atiermmoon at 5li : and Into Chicago nt 8.15 : next mOl'nlnr , with supper und In cnrlo brcal\fust Every part of thl ) lraln Is mOl 1'1' , OIhel' eastern trains at 11 :05 : a , m. and I P. m. cJalh'-good , 100 City ticket olllco , I lOt I'urnnm street a-- J.JI/ fluibJ'iTi.s. Time mectlnl' ' : or time Omaha Teachers association - sedation \\'hlch was 10 have hecn hchl In the city hull today has be'n Ilostponed 10 FrIday l IIftel'lloon \'mmrd was received In Omuha yesterday oC time death or T. E. JIamllton at JIIelbourne i\tlslralla , on JIIarch J. I ! : \ \Ir IIamlllon Willi well l\I1o\\'n In Omaha mill COlllcll ! Dlurr , JC. . Wells or Ihls city lIelng a Iousln : nnd 0. J. Marten of Council lIIurrs : a 60nIII:1w.Irs. \ : : . JIIurlon has been wllh her CII'her ' for the last eighteen months A ecollll lest DC the new lire engine uzms 1I1udo yesterday altcrnooll lit lghlccllth I ! lnll Douglas strcets This was for the hcnellt of some oC time Ilncolu I'lty omelnls , who werl ! expected 10 be imrcCimt All who tip- peal'ell , however , were one or Iwo of the capitol city firemen , The test was Iba same as that lIIad time Irevlou day and about the Eame results were oblalnelI I 1I1cmIJers of time Omaha Poultry Fanelcrs association lIIet nt the Drexel ) lintel Monday imigimt and al1lJolntell \ , H ICeinmetlyV. . F. Ctlllo an , O. A Good In , C. D , filmms , I. I" Hlchards auth I , . P. harrIs a eommlUee to visit 1llIcoln amid confer with the ofilct'rll of time State Poultry Fanciers 1 ! assocIatIon rela- live to holollng the next slate Poultry Fhow In tills city , Time lIext mrelll1l"wlll lIe liehil , ] April I , ut which time' the conllnlltee will rellOrl This e\"enlng the ladles or time Clifton ' 11111 Presbytrlan \ ehnrch will give a slipper ! ut thc rtshll'lIcl of JIll s. Rolomon. I1N2 ; 1I11- tory nnnnc. fnpper will lIC ! served from G to Ii And ! rom1 \ 10 10 o'rloele , Time ladle 111 charGe have adopted a mme ? and novel Idea. 1'hey hc.\'e sent out any uumber of In'lta- lions , on limo back ot each one being tIed 1\ little silk sack , while on the face Is n re- IIUl'st hat t the PartY who receIves It retllrn the sack ! , tlaclnG In time same 1 cent for each year or his . ur her : age p I" " ,1' , MAITTA ) - hinmrs' Stewart , Ml1r\1 11 , lSDS lit 3 I ) . m" , IJarn1' ! 2 : ymirs , 3 111 nths or I1cal'le fo cr , 'uu or lr. alod Mn. James 11. . Mil tland. Fmmmmerui vmivate. Interment - - - Lawn cemetery , NEBRASKA { LUIllER l DEALERS Annual Meeting ofTheirAsfooiation Opened in Omaha Yesterday , SESSION OPENS WITH OFfiCIAL REPORTS Election or ( ) l1IrC'rII1' / \ lIh thrlt c. lC'l'tlOI1 of PrIed 11M l'rl.ldcllt-llI- o\'lIuhlo hoof COl1cl'rt of the COI1- atC'l1ut,1 Order of lIonlIoo" , The fifth IInnllll convention of time Nebraska . braska State Iumbermen's association hal , Its beginning In Patterson hal yesterday , afternoon , with thQ following delegates anti visitors In nttenolance : \1lam Fried , I"relontj ; 3. D. Brewer , Alhlon ; S. D , Ayres , Orll ; Henry Roberta Arlington ; J. C , lela'II ' , I.'rcmontj ; A. I'ow' oil , St. glwarll ; T. H , Dunn , Omahaj ; I" E. Puler , Chicago ; C. O. Slmmmmmmway Lyons ; Frank ldgwny , GenwooI , la j E , J. Tucker , Iowe ; J. S. White , OnmaimmiV. ; . Inloll , Dodce ; I Crichfield , Emwoolt ; Joe A. Mu- leI Valley ; J. Robert Holingworth , DeWlttj ; J. J. Holanll , I.'rlend ; H , C IIoulllhan , SInn- forth ; JQII ) A. Crn\'en , Exeter ; I J. Still , Cairo ; a. c. Delz , Gumbo ; J. C. ilarkhcy , Omaha ; 11. N Jewctt , Omnllallnm ; I < : roler ( , Stullrt1. ; : . Ia Ornuse : ; , uller- Ion ; n I , H I'imehpsVmuimoo ; Louis Brllord , I Omaha ; 1 I ) . lettlbonclllcaIJols : ; W' . C. I Bulard , Omaha ; E. G , Inmllton , Omahn ; H. I IClnnear , Grlllon , lo , ; L. Wentworth , Omaha ; 1' . D , Correll , l'ialmmview ; A. F Iulslng , SI Joseph , \10 : j J. I Chlndler , St. Jcs21 II , : ' 10. ; W. W. Fulnm , illume Springs ; A. O\'erlon , Council Burs , In , ; 11 L. Frees , ArcadIa ; S.V. , IIGhtnerIonroe : ; W. D Crul , Wilbur ; George : ; C. 1Ienjamln , COllncl lufs ; ( leorgo : ; II. Kelly , Omaha ; Fred 1 Gihiumian. : \lnncapolls ; W. E Darnes , St. Louis , \10 : ; C E. Osen , Oaklaumd ; T. J. Per- son Omaha : C. B LInderman. Omaha : \ \ ' . p Norway , ChlplPwa Falls , 'Wls , ; A. : D , : \Iarrlol , Omaha : M. : D , Copellllll , Omaha ; 1 C. Bradford , Omllhll : John : \1 : 'lllan , Omaha ; F' , N Jaynes , Omllhaj ; 'mV. F. SalllJ , Council lurs ; 1 A. 111101' , Nelson : J. S. Clark , Gretnn j John \\'akefleitl , Omllha ; I. E Icemer , 1lncoln ; J. B , Adllms , Blair ; 0 , t. I lcIonahl , Kllnsas City , MoV : ; . II. EllIs . ChlclJo ; W 'V. Cameron , Chester. PIST SESSION PROCEEDINGS , The proceedings or the first sClslon were of a IJrolmlnary nnture Ind consisted largely : ; or the reports or ofcers Ind the alJpolnl- mcnt of commllees , which will rellort at time meetns : ; today The conventon was called to order IJr its presllent , \Ir. : Wiiam Fried of Fre'1Jt ' , who then menu his nnnual afldress In that he COmlJlhnentcd the IIssocllton on time success - cess with which It had wenlhered time financial - cial storm. Some dealers had hl'en forced to go out or llslness , lut on thc whole time lumber business had slood the slr,111 In a manner that slmlte well fcr the energy n\1 perseverance of time tramie The nssoclal n was In good conditon and the 1emborahlp had not materially deerensed. The annual report of Secretary J. C. Cle- land was nlong the sale general hues. I reCerred to the Improved relations betvemm the retailers and the wholesalers and mm.rmmum- facturers , which were more satisfactory luau ever berore On account of the financial depression - pression a suspension of time rlo In : egard to the collectIon of dues was recommenlled. Some reference was mlde to time projected excursion of the lumbermen's association of \llssourl : nnd Kansas , which wl occur next Jammuary The Nebraska dealers have been InvIted to Join und a committee has been np- poInted to consIder the susgcstlon : ; The excursIon - cursIon wl be to Ihe yellow pine regions or Missouri , Arkansas and Texas amid all arrangements have been perfected for an enjoyable - joyable trip < The followIng olllcers were elected to serve untIl the next annual meeting : President , William Fried ; vice president , J. J. Ho\andj ; secretary J. C. Cleland ; treasurer , Louis Bradford ; dIrectors J. D. Brewer , D. Critch- field amid M. IJ Fries IIOO-HOOS GET TOGETHER. ' 'At 8 o'elocle , after three hours or preparatory - tory repose most of the members retur.c " 10 time hall 10 alenl.n .niectidg ( time Cen- - ' .calelt < tl Orier of HODHoo's , nn organiza- ton which In the misty past blossomed from the parent tem of the lumbermcn's associa- tion. The principal object or this strangely named organization Is the absorption oC everythIng pleasant In the lquid state. Inel- dentally It finds time to advocate the preser- vallon of the life , liberty and happiness of Its members These modest undertakings are to be accomplshed by a myslerlous use oC the figure 9 , a black cat and nn Egyptian mUlmy , all or which are contained In nine trunks , whose Iron-bound outsides are prcully pointed to ns a proof of the existence of their conlents. Any able-bodied , healhy American may become a IIoo-IIoo , except an actor or n parson They say they 111lt law the line somewhere. OPl.'ICEnS OJ 111 lOO.HOOS , ehol'n to take The followIng officers were ! charge of the dark doings of tIme order for the night : Uranll snark ( f the umnlversc'Ihliam Eddy Dares , SI , l.uhl senior ho-ho 'Ice- "erent. J. A. Wakl'fitd ; JunIor IIO.hoo , W I mis , Chicag ; boJul , J" E. Fuller , CimI- cage ; scrlvenoto , (1. C BenjamIn , Council Burrs ; bandernalch , LJ I. . Deeml'r , Lincoln ; euslocallon , W , C. DOlarI , Omaha ; gurdon , A. 1) . MarrIott , Omaha ; arknnopl'r , Goulll DicIt , Omummima Sixteen victims received thc degree : ; or the pla.fll kitten. Soma of thcm came to grief , two miyimig , and s\n being horribly mangled , No hints coulll be had as 10 the names of the unforlunles , but thee are the full names of all who paid tIme $9.99 1IIIIIIon fee : Perry Drury Corc\ , Ilalnvlew ; Dennis Preston - ton lenelllek , Omaha ; Fratils Alexander Ewing - ing , Omnha ; Carl 1nlanul'I Ohlsen , Oakland ; Lynn Samuel Atkinson , Colorado SIrlngs ; I d\arll John Tucker , howe , Neb ; Jnmes Washington iCermms I : . Aubur : 1homus lushes : ; Dunn , LlncoimmVhliimmun ; Walnce Cameron : , Chester ; Heubon holmes hhloomuer . Counci lurrSj ; Wiiam Shol rotter < : , Stuart ; Jwln I Oraut lampton , Omaha : Louis l.umbl'rllles Bradorll , Omaha ; Wiiam Fletcher Sapll , Council limiTs ; Jnml's : Benjamin : Adams , Blair ; Law Blank Wl'ntlorth. Omaln , At a laIc hour thIs morln ! ; the Fesslon was still III progress : ; , anll countcse e1lJt > ' bottles In the anlc room3 hero Il'stlmon : to time fact that time mnln object of lImo orgllnlzelon hnll not been negleeled I 1 ht ro'n ; 1 e III'Y 'toirnm. I The cases against ElUl S\llo anti Shnll Abbolul , the Syrian woman anll man who were brought back form Sioux City last ! : \Io.ulay . on the chnrge of stealing $ I&5 from Iho t omna mm's husband , were , lIsmlsOI In police court yesterminy . Time womln left her husband last Tuesllar because bc heat Imer Abboud left on time following da > ' . Time husbaJ1 hl1ledlately I jumped j tn t thc can- clnslon Ihat they had eloped together. At Ihnt lme he claimed that one or the other had stolen $ ; irs ; from him lie hll warrnls Isssued for their arrest emi this ehlrsc : ; , This morning In polec court he said that mme monl'r had been stolen from him , but Ihat , ho Ilml the warrants Issuell because he : . wanted his wie brought hllek. . 1IItSO.'u.I L 1'1 fl.I ( J1.i ( 'IfS. > t.U..I. _ 1.IOU.U'J ' 3. D. Cha'ller ' Is lt the Mcrchanls. lans Derls of 1.lncoln Is at the : \Iuray. H. A. Olson or Soulb' Bend Is lt time Pax- ton. ton.P. Arcade. P.I. : . White or ollno Is stopping at time F. \1. : Hublee of Brolen Bow Is regIstered at the Dellone. MIss Sarh ltyamm of Qulner , 1. Is visitIng lrs , 1' ' S. Coffey and : \1' . E B. ityan In this city . John A. Caste or Hastngs , lenerl attorney for time Nebraska Loan and Trust com pan ) Is lt the Arcade- West Point has sent : two delegates , C. HU\II and D , Grover , 10 the lumhermen's meelng , The : > ' arc lt time Murray. HelJresentutivo Crow , chalrmnn of the house commlteo on aPJrOIJrlalons , was called homo yesterday , to atend his chid , who Is dangerously Ill. At the Mercer : Joe J. hbockstadter Baltimore - more ; II. H Iplman , Clnlon , la ; 11. D I , Pettbone , Minumaimofls ; G. Ii. Crane , N. 0. 801lson , Charles Cark , New York : M J. Cooper , Neola , In , ; hlemmry Harold , S. flees , Plalsmoulh ; John H. Price , Nebraska City ; James Hsle , Des Jolnes ; Mrs. S. S. Hadley , Cedar Rapids ; J. A. David , New York ; M. 1 C. Noye , Chicago ; C. Plsher Venango ; C S. Fossclman , New York : 0. I Swingley , Beatrice - rice ; 1 L. Knappen amid wife , Des \lolnes : ; J. D , AdRns , MinneapolIs ; W. T. Williams , Cedar itapids. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : .brukaIK at time hlotoig. At the Murray-Stumnrt Shears , Lincoln ; H C. Jler , Grllml Islnnll At the Pax Ion-G. D BUlerlleld , Creigh- ton ; P. H. Gllchmrist . Kellrne : L. B Deemer , Lincoln : John Dwyer , Beatrice. , At the Millard-LI ' 11 , . LaGrange . , Fullerton - ton : John : lc\lchlel , North Plale : " ' . I Di North Plale : John Ioherlun , LIncoln ; D. H. Phelps , \'ahoo ; 11. \ . NlomulI , Sehuyle. At time Arcade-Timeotlore Frericks and wIfe 'lalmuge : Robert \'heeler. Arcade : A. 11. Dion , CouncIl Burfs ; A. G. i'mtinor.Nei- son ; A. Mont omsr ' , PI'h : L' . n I.ln- c'rmlln , Adams:511. : G. stiii . Cairo : John 'llnid iibammgim. HllrtlnJton ; Samuel Davle , Wayne ; J. I' . Johmmmm'on . Kellrne > ' , At the Delone-E , W. Alen , Lincoln : Mrs. Nettle Archibald , LIncoln : J.V. , Kerns Auburn ; G. B. Adams , Blair : Oll'n Berg. Blair ; Frank K White Ilatsmouth : 'r. n I'rench , Lincoln : 'V W. Cameron , Chester : J. 11. Brfor 1 , Seward : H , V. Iar- tin , Bal' : 'V , JPreRton , Llnoln : 'r , I Duymmi Lincoln : J. G. Chapin , Lincoln ; Z , K. Donume BIII' , At the Irrehanls-N. P. May . Gnlesburg ; n , C. 10ulahan , Stanforll ; .1 , D Brewer . Albion : George B. 1asln"s , Arcadia ; :1 , L. FerrIs , ArcadiaV. : . \ . Fulam , Blle SprIngs ; ; \V. D Crum. Wilbur ; : Irs , n , A. Hacely. Pander ; J. J. Neff and vife . 1111' ; n : , F. PIY ! Mllnlcto : A. J. Allams , lirmd- slmuis'V. : , S. Avery Granll Island ; J. if. no er8 , Fremont ; Mrs. D. C. Congdon , North Platte. - . . . . . & . & . . _ 5 _ _ ; _ -a T. . . - 4 : * & . . J n fie * - r ; , m the house. How often you hear that old saying ! , J Where else would you expect a person to die ? You 1 J wouldn't expect a sick person to get up and go out " * of doors to die , when there was a nice house , with all & t o the modern conveniences right at hand to die in , t" ei would you ? ' And still there are lots of folks that do t f'c' , . ; f" f die in the house , .before there IS any reason for them 1 " , J to die at all Haven't you seen friends of yours just J " waste right away , almost under your own eyes , when " ei it did seem as if there could have been something J , 1" done to stay the dread disease ? The doctor called it " 1 Consumption , probably. May be it was a hard cold t J.at ; first , and a gradual decline. A good decor says J iLi } Use ' OZnu1ioft - & _ in such a case. Ozomulsion won't bring a man back J . N , " from the cemetery , but it has prevented many a man . , ; f ) md many a woman from going there , Are you on 4 , Iz. your way ? Are you beginning to get tired out ? Getr" t.- " that don't taste good ? $ t" ting so good things any more I Getting worried ? Getting so you cough every day , 1' : . N" J. and lots of nights ? Want to get hungry ? Want to l e ; " have things taste good ? Want to eat ant enjoy It ? , J. i , Try Ozomulskm I costs a dollar to try a bottle J t May be I won It ' help you More likely i wm. You'd c 1 give a dollar to be better , wouldn't you ? And you'd , tt"give rl more than a dollar to get well , probably. 1" , I , TI , / : . , 11WOICI ac 1)/11/1 mimi ! ieatillful 01 OOll/slol J , o Most nil sell Ozonitmi ni druggists sel I o or.UJ.SIO Cures Colds , Coughs , slon-they all vii1 pretty soon-or l I couonmnptiomm , itromicleitls , Astiimua , and ni wi . . , Conmml)101 11ronchila Althma } 'Ol can get it of 1' . A. Ioctm Co. , 41 I ' , t all l' Scrofula . ni llonary COllllnlnta ; I'enrl Street New York , IS3 City. I GCcn 1cblly , I.oas of VlcStl , Al- Penr ' Ci J' r _ ncmla , mind all WastIng - DlseaselM1. . . . "r"r . . , , tf& . &r For Sale by I thl & Co. 'Vhmmm. Z'muumemm. . I5enmcily . . cmmrc , qutciiy , , , , ' , l l'ernuuor.Ll , . lr all mmervous tmmseabu. WCUC 11enu'rLu . ' uj : : i'umiem , lc I"c\u , \YatuInva ' . I.UII "II'II : , mtlgmmtiy 1 . . . oull . , , Iou.ovil dreamnIuamuIolmoinJ watImmgdl.esescuus. .louIevl IrwIlwiell "ni wallllidl.CI. . CIUt cd by ) 'ouIII.1 U' ' ' ' 0" . , ee. , Iummt.imtlis C ( . . oIJllle. 11 mmcrve u"Jc Bud , luolI . bul"r . : MnI" , . Limo m'aiO ammO moth : strummi alii liuomp. . Sut.hi carrmed In , lit , vestmmocket. $1 nerbOXUtor. llycmaitpreu'atmlwitb . , . . a ' 1 m4vttoumgmmaraeteotocuroormcnoyrcfunded. , . rrec mewumemit buoI , pemued piftirm myrmmprer.wlttm te.I , m.m Dir. Im CIT. 1 i't ( . CAV. mantels an'l llnanitairoforonces. , , f'oIaroc.oniuja U , , , , . JlqirimrC et fmtaUom ( , . Sold by our imeentl , oraddruss 7iervim hred Cu , Miusoomo Teomimle , Clmieatu- 6Qld to Omab bj bsrws ZcConnclI , utu. Cu aa Liy Vicker. A 3Ierchant. Vrugglats SAVE DOCTOR BillS Beter Than Blood (1 ( Pupiers ) and ( Nerve Tonis ' Is the New ' Remsdyfol' Dys- Jepsia } and Indigaston , . setter , Because Perfect DII gestion Makes Pure Siood and Strong Nerves. Some IntEl'astng Facts Con- cerning This Remarkable - able Remedy. Not 0 Secret Potent Medicine Whelher we eat to live or lIve to cat , It Is cerlalll Ihat the posscsslon of a healh ) ' stolach anti sound digestion go a long way toward malting life desirable , successful , en- joyable. Beauty In woman , slrcnGlh , menIal - tai capaclr , enllurance In a lan , depe.ul . moro upon vigorous digestion thau upon any other ono Ihlng The (1)'SIq'lc ( Iln Is Irritable , uncerlaln , fearful of time Culure. The dyspeplle woman is I nervous , sallow , subject to headaches amid desll'lllencr , And what Is the cause of these com10n tYjles of len and women 1 Shnilly , umll- geslcll food , 1I0thlns : ; 10re nor less The appetIte being capricIous , not enough food Is eaten und what Is eaten , Inslcad of bl'lng lroperly digested , remains In tIme slomach for hours , I sour , fermenting mass , polson- I Ins : ; time blood , a bource of Irlatoll 10 every nerve and orgau. No womler IJeople suffer from Peer bloOl , shattered nerves , headaches - aches , IJal\latlng hearls , Irritable temlJers anti gloomy , dlsconlenled feelings. . Now , what Is the ratonal cure for this eOml011 condition 1 Is It "blood purifiers" amid "nerve 101ics ? " By no means , because they don't reach the scat or the Irouble Go to the Couulaln heall , the slomach , gel that In good healthy working order , and pure blood , strong : : nerves , bright eyes , clear color \\1 he the natural result. \h > ' nol1 Where does blood , nerve , hone , sinew and flesh come from anyway , I not from the stomach , time food we cat and dI- gest. gest.To To cure digestion , the one timing necessary Is to give the stomach a rest or partial rest hy the dally use for a time of some remedy which will digest food There Is a very excellent preparation or this Illnd , not a murvelous secret patent medicine , but a imicasant harmlcss combina- ton of vegetable essences , fruit salts pure pep51n and Golden Seal , sell by druggists : ; luler name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and nOlhlng to equal It has yet been pro- duced In the whole category of palent mcdl- cines. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is supcrlor to them al , because when these tablets arc used you know what you are taking Into your stomach No secret Is made of .heir composition - sition , and physicians and chemists know that one guam of the digestive principle In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets wl digest 3,000 times Its own weight of wholesome Ceod. Dr. Jennison recommends them highly , not only as a euro for Indigestion , but ale because - cause the > ' Increase lesh by lnieasing IIU. Irltlon. . I I' . lorlndson says 10 Increase flesh , ap- petite , and to secure hcalthy digestion , I have rOln nothing EO safe , so effectual as Sluart's Dyspepsia Tablets. 'Ir. James Denton - ton of Hosston says , "I surrered five years with nervous dyspepsia and catarrh oC stomach - ach , EverythIng I ale seemed to sour on my stomach , could 10t enjoy a meal for fear or the distress aferwards , My druggist advised Stuart's Dyspepsia 'I'lhlets , anl , I can now eat ammytiming I vammt. I have gained In fesh and good spirits , and 1 Imow time tablets did I , and I fhal always keep them within reach. One of the most remarkable cures ever malc hy these tablets was In the case of \Irs. : .Sara 1 kcels , of _ Lynmivilie , ) a" , who hall chronic lyspellsla tar twemmty-nve years and doctors pronounced her case Imicurabie yet she cnlhuslastlcaly writes that the tablets - ' leIs completely and 'permanently cured her. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets save doctors bills because a full sized package costng 1i0 cents at any drug store \I' ! often do more good for a weak stomach than $50,00 worlh of ordinary doc lor's fees. leathered Luxury . A single glance nt Ills COSY citmilr ol/ht to IHt I voice Ill every ole of yotit' til'Ci 1)011014. 'L'Iw comfort lsmu't ci'ym - tnl wII UII Ih'OIII11 Ihoul I IWle Ilul thel'u II I sil/Iu luggels u ; II I I Ii 11 I 1 "Iwll II I solutou" t IH the I cite hIm 1St 8 fi'l ' y . 'i'lme { 'hn I Is m''I'st un\I ( : 111 11 I ( 'oin- IJletll ' Ileased him it'alhmpr , wllh 10 sl/I 01 WOOl allo"u II I flel. ' .1' ito Ullllstet' I ' h I ( ' lozen ' ' ( If tin' Imardt'st ; gOOI 10' I ( ( Ylal's 01 tu' hn'lust servIcett lSU IOI -II'u Xu. 1 ( 'mlel hmmm I I' , not Ihu I shm' 1111 of hiiI I which " bit t1 , " ' iii ' I a Ihe t whole ( Iuleldr "uulII'1 11" all I 1111 e iv nlllH'al'al'U 01 tlu t i i ( 'hlli' m I . ' 1Iw cO"II'llg 1 : I hl:1r : ' 111 1InllI' I I , thick hut pilmmbk' . It Is h 11lllpll l' wlnt Gal lalllol I culls . "lm.llhilile : ) iiuullm4 . " 'J'hmese all II i Ilalt I I t y HIUI I I SII'I : , wih t the I Imea ! d m ; C(1V'i't'l ( ! II I lemt I Ii t' i' , 1111 ti icy UI ! V'I' , ' , ' oh'ljmtllmt'iilmll. I I Ilso I "gl'a I 1'01 i 10'1" dml's I wc II- I II'IUSI' tl IIPlltl 01 i lIme Heat ; ull time wlh 01 Iw ltmmmlm. ' 110 11:11 Ii that thl I ' I'i I thoh I 0 I ! hlOy ( ! ull0st I i i us llil lS If I y 'ou W'II' Irllg I i i Ulol I m Smfut. 'I'hl" hit n feattil'e t 01' omit' OWI , CHAS SHIVEnICK &CO. , fUUNICUr of lIvery Uctcrlrtlol , . 'j'cmmmporary Ioealol. 1206 antI 1208 DUlllnH 5trc t , MILIAml ) 10TI I , II.OCt I NUTS - You mmmo Ium'l I ' , i to OXIIIIIU our uow I 11'0 11111'11 W olcUIIII 111 , IMIII'jUI , RUPTURE PERMANEtITLY CURED , B $ ( ! , , , NO PAYUNTII CURED \E ( tilt YOU to 8,000 PAINS , Wr1toforBakRe1et0uce8 . EXAMINATION FR1E' H/ OperaUon 10 Detention from Business SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE O. E. MILLER CO" , 1 301-308 N , V. Life DId ! . , OMAUA , NEll. r , . _ _ _ _ . . . , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ : , _ _ _ , _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ - - . . / ' - - - - _ , . - . -.l./I' . . BETWEEN 41 TWO FIRES-- t . We sell no boys' stilts at less than One Dolar ) , Unfavorable comments from competitors , who either sell trash t command cxhorbitant about sel or comman. profits . our chidren'ssto:1 ( amounts to iiotliii' , The idea ( that we don't ( cary as line boys' c0th ' s as anyone here is all bosh.Ve \ cheerfully offer a premium for an article of boy's wO.1 th it we coulll not show its artce boys \ equal both in style aul fabric. Everything that was malic } , \ely by the big bugs who led the boys' clothing market of the country--yes ) , e\erythin. ; but the prics ; about $5. 00 is all we ask foi' ( the brst . ' The idea that we don't ( carry s cheap boys' cloth lug here , Icss than $1. 00. true. as anyone is--quite tre Nothing lss $100 But for that dolar YOI ) get a suit that is dependable and trUe to good veai' Thc chea1e ) t wool sui outside here is worth at least s7.Vc'll \ prore it-so can you. Very wel ' -try it You are never too lte to come here We \ carry no suits which we cannot recommend En- trely inconsistent wih 0\1 husinc5s princples. Shoddy stuff looks rgged ( , wears bad. Where \ would our reputation ) come in ? . _ Ou' @ . @ ( t\ - "lM" ; " . , . _ , , . _ , : I " " ' ' J : , ! ' . "J Z ' - I - _ . - - - - - - - - S - _ - - OUR GR6A JARCH SALe OF . : PURNrTUR6. . _ Folding Beds ' This week we are showing an I : Upright 1 ' Folding r ! Bed ' ' . Exactly like cut all quarter- 1- ; II ' ed oak with 11 ench bevel : i : ; mirror ISX40j ; elegantly rri carved ; inside measure me n t ; m./j' ; q 'i ' 4 ft . 2x6 ft 2. It has a first I 1 [ cas woven wire spring , I . ' which is adjustableal has ClamPStO hold bedding in camps place , shed is acu.lly worlh $50 and two rears ago $75.N e bought ' al the ' _ factory had , at less than ' - . - - r cost : to manufacture. : Sale Price only $24.50 ; 'Vo ave solo agents for . time Succcss CombinatIon Fohlng Beti. The \Voi'ld's Faie winncl' . ' 1110 best bed in the world BOSTON * STOR6. f" , W. Cor 16th and Douglas Sts. S - - I 101 TEI irni ii U : rnLJ:1l i o 0 El Li Talnil s. El- RipalS Tabttes. U B LII Carry a vial l in YOur vest pocket D El 0 ElLI , , o and ) 'olr li is mwred agalst Q Q the tortures of dyspepsia and all 0 D D kindred ailmlts. One gives rB j J I 0 . tZf. o 0 o 0 O nlpnn T lm1e . : RoM hy ,11Igll,18 , or . by mat I time I'rlc" WJ renls I boil Is helt lu 'Lime II. . . . . , , panmi Clmenmtcal Company No. 10 1i > rmi' * it. N. Y. U _ _ [ : ' _ D _ ' : OCD Q - - - - - - - - - - - - r--- ; : ' : : " ' : : : " " - " 6456 " 456" To Retail Dealers of Cigars ' 1'0 Introduce OUI' new hr'und 'l56" wihout : expense of at t'lvclng wo will sent yeti time S . Omohn Doly lee for : monlhs Gratis 'Wih each Ihousand cigars pt'clscd. ) . 'PIlesu cigars 111'O wIthout doubt the fInest 35.oO clgat's In time rultt. t OUAII\N'nWU TO In IIIST CLASS A ti'lnl ! ) Ot'del' will corllnce YOI , ' 1'01'1 : :0 : ; nys-2 pOI' cent t.i C l' crishu DUFFY & CO. , Otluhn , Net I . 13 1 ; = 3 ; # ' 8M' I OatatI "I' # 6'r 4 _ _ _ _ . - - - --S---S-- - - - - - - - - - - - S S - - - - - OWERFROMGASOlNE ! , DIOECT rooM THC TANK . . : , , I. " " ' CHEAPER THAN rr'EAM ' S No Bettor . No , Slcaa. , No HIyfleer , , , S S heel Hay Power , ltummulmmgcremmmmmerlcs for - Corn - mmmi , , I'cell , - HOIarutors Mlii" , iimmlin , .tu. , , OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES S S ' Statlonory 110 12011 , I' . or H Portable toW Ii. I' , , J2H . , 10& I ' . S &u foe talulouu , l'rlccl etc.IH'crILlnl work tu L 10De. e " ( HE OTTO CAS ENCINEWORKa . , . . , all . " ' .tnnt IHa. , I.JII.AUJ Il'JIA , 1A. ; Ctlco . Z Lake St" , Omala , 311 SO. lSth St. . . . . . . , . ' , . " . . . S . - 3 - - - - - - - - _ . _ _ _ . _ " " -5-5- , - . - - . . - " . . - , -