, ' _ " , : . . . . . . piniv j " ' .t' . d. . I' . . , < . . , l ' OIAILAILY JUjE ) WBDNESDAY AUCII 1:3 : 1895. 7 ' I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TILE ) OIAIL\ : ] ) : , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : -PEQlIU NOTIB8. .Ad"rtl"emenu for theAo 10lnnlUI nl bo takeI until 12131 p. m. for the "vlll ! nnll unti 8 p. m. for tim anorlll Rnl .Sunday edit Inn. Adtul uA , 11 rqllAln ! R numhfred x dllclt , cnn hRvo nnA"erA "hr""oll to R ) nlllhlr,1 IIU"r II enro of ' ho Heo. tfl . MUI : , 81 Rd"re 8cd111 bo 111"0101 11"1 ) N81ItnUII of the eheele 011. . JIztcft , I 1.2c R uorl , lnt InArtlol , , 10 R won ! iieriiitter. : Ithll1 ! taken for Ius tll 2Go tor Ur8L lissertlon. 'J hl'"o Ilhl'rl8cmeniA lrlll mUAL lUl conccu- tvtIy. - 'SlTUATIN-U WANTED. EMII.OYMINT : Il COM1'IT1T RTI NOOI\ . I.her ! anti "oollkccper. AdIres J ! 67. Jc ' . < A-M151 1& ' ; .ot'Nu MNVANTS POSITIN AS I . j'O'NO or _ collector. IC 1 , flee. A-M'.12' A MItILT : A011 I.AUY . 'VOP.I ) T\J che , rf a home nn.1 IMolsl with fuml ) ' eW- ' , tog. AdtIre M I 2. Ike. , \6H.I' \VANT1D. SI1'\ATIN Il Uny ooons ( ssilrssstn I : 1 'rnrR' eXIerlence ; , ! : 10 o"jctln 10 cunlr ) ' Inwn : nrl.cA" r 'mlen.llton" ' . Adilreszs box 70. Hllril' "nie ) ' . : ln , . - ' A-M23 . . I. : ' I ) XIIT MAIn ! STI'NOIAII : J ANt ) Irkkeeier , dIre pottton. Alldrr'A Ie 3 1. lien I"nlkeeler , U' olc.:1 : : ; ANTED-MALE HEL1. CHAN I'JECIU.ES. &C , 101 ! OUOTAS. U-1SMI2 CIAf SAT.lSMANVNTlD. : . 'TI FXI'i. rlrnre nnll fletiUcIntftnce. ror nolhern lnn'A. nn.1 , oulher ne'unlnlnnce. Nehrslt. Address 1' . O. hnx ! 79. - . Josrllh. - Mo. I-M3 : ' 21 WAN1'1II ) . A IUSTIUm A(11P POf A ; nn cl : ot InAUnner ; monthly .1nes $ .0 ; " .hl ! ) ' . nfer triul nol 10 execc.1 $7.P ) ; ehnnce for Iromn"on ; Iln not "I'I'\ ' ' tIlSlCs'3 you can nerisse one sni'rnIer , iwr , In\ ' . Mutln' ! ' Ilne- fclnl swRoclallon . lehlo Irr , I.'n. . B-:1&21 I' WANTI ) . ILL1M1N. HAI.AfY on (0:1- . . , thn tmlle inli..1on . 10 Inlroluee lur goods II : 11.lon. ons . I'erlaneni l.o"ll < n ; staple InrI.u"ml ; \ : work. AIIIrCSM . wlh etemi ) . 1lng Mtg C' . C H. Illrrs" . mI. HI" I 13" - ANTED-FEMALE HELP. LAnms WANTINO T IST.CI , SS (111tI. en ! ! $ cindlnavlan Y. \V. home olilce. 161S Cnp- . Ito ! nxenUe. , M-1 IS" Thiis TO DO PANCY WORK A' hOME. flelosy Needlewoik Co. , lioliny . Mtch. Delu < : i31 2' J - WANFIM A CATAIg IN1'1 ILlom'T MTD- ! ; dl. nell lsil' ' full of hl"lne"s * anti willIng II . , In'\ ful . work to secure zol'anceluent. J C6 HI'e. C-1 6.1 \VNTIhD , FIItST CI.ASS (11111. VOlt O S. WT In n sIn1 ! raml ' . Must he 1",1 conk come wel rrcolmrl1lr.1 nn\ speak . - ( herman. , ' \1'1.1) ' nt 2GOS halt llwar'l c-lh.1 St. : I' FOR UENT-HOUSES. nouses. i. K. 1)AELINO. IAICEI flLOC - ' ; 1-9'1 11OUt4l $ IN ALT , TAITS 0 1'lm CIT\ 'I'IIE O. F' . Davis company. 10 : Faruarn. D-hGI hOUSES ; IWNAWA & CO. . 10S N. WfI RT D-'G1 ' irOlt IIFhNT-6.ltOOM COTAm . IN OOOD 11 - I pair. city water. $10.00 per month to 1001 Imr- tics. 119 N. \ 37h. I block from 1.'nrnl car line. Isiquiro nl SLoetZel'B 810\'e More. next II post- In'ulle ofce. I- jl. hOUSES . WALIACL' UnOWN l.J. . IG & 1)oug. , D-913 FOR fliN'l'-2113 CAPITO A "PNI'E. 1 room8. modern. The O. F. Davis company. D-91 1OflFflN 7nO'OM hOUSE . NEAR I'AIIICAP- : . - ' " . D-MS96 1y = "leel. TWO DETACIED EGIIT.TtOOM ! HOUSES. with ham. 21U and 2t6 California slrect. 1n quire 301 N. 22d. < D-25 , - LAlOn : LIST hOUSES. WEAD. 16TH & DOUO. D-m.A3 : nOUS1S FOIl ItENT $ IS TO $10. FIDCI.ITY Trust Co. . li02 Farnam. i-MI33 :1 : GIOO : [ hOUSE : ALT , MODERN CON- veliences ; pleasant ! ) ' locnlell ; 'Iod lawn ele I 721 S. 311h : , key nt 7 : . . Will itrowne. jr. D-M332 U' TWO FLATS STeA . 702 NO. 11Th. . - . - IGTI.D3131' , TEN.I100M nmCR MOUSE. thAT ! ! . LAUN- I dry . furnace : not basement 1 > la' . Keys l\l. ' . . D.-M381 11' jolling. 601 Capitol nvenue. D:3811 .Fi.j NT-9.IOO : FUiNISIED hOUSE. F. K. Darling. Darker block. 0-411 1 7.nOOt COTTAGE MODERN. :013 LEAVEN- worlh. 0-431-16' G.lOO ; ! HOUSE. 830 S. 2IT ST. D-14Sl 13' - 1URNIHED HOUSES. Fai IrN-9-IOOI FURNISHED hOUSE. I' . K. ] ) nrllng. Masker bloclc 349 : OR RENT-FURNiSHED ROOMS. JLAS NT ItOOM. 1919 DODGE. I9 6 V11RY IJSIAU.N I'nONT flOOM WITH AN : olco\'r. 212 S. 25th 8t. E-433 ' -P' . FUlNIHll1 100M. IATI : S.o : ' VEIl moistli. 191 Fnrnnm. E-M112 13' l lON'l ItOOMVITII ALCO"E. 01 S. 2H avenue. 1 - : 31 11' _ _ r 1\'elUt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a'U1NISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. l'lONT nOOlS & 10AHD CIOAI > . F-79I-M20 2310 Douglas , 1"-79:120 TIm 11TAUE. 18H AND DODGE. BOOIS and boarl. ' -IG.15' iii-1ix 1"UnNISmD : Io its. WITI GOOD - - board nd' . ; rates reasonable. The 1lo F-M1IT . 2020 AI' lIar- nee SUTAI.n FOI TWO WIT1 OAHD. TermD seasonable vlensall location. 2.10 1'--36HI. Ioce. ! I'UINIRICI nee : . WiTH . OR WIThOUT boar'l. en ' ! So. 17h SI. . four blocks from IGth and I'allam. 1.-387-1' l'UmISI100M ! WITH HOAl ! ; 1tEFEI1- esters : 2:13 Farnam. F-M437-hG' - - - - - - - ImOS1' 100MS. "IIIT'I 1"OI TIIREII gents or ( couple ; oilier ' 10UIS : superIor board , 181 Chicago. 1'-lllOO 21' - - - - - FOIl I6IINT. JUINIflm FRONT . 100 : . with . board. 2019 Calltornla. . . 1.-IJ3 IS' - - ' - - - UNFURNISHEDRUOMSTO1tENT . 6 UNFUItNISIIIID CIIAMJIEFIS FOIS hOUSE. , I U1UtISII : CIAIIJPBS POI J0ISI keeping 10 man nol wlCe. 313 N. 11th. M-312 3Omia 1 , : ; ' ' : N\\-OiTU' \ sTnijr. - . (1-li31T' ; : O ) ! nBNT- 'rORE AND OFFICEd VO1t1UN'l'-T1thi 4.S'I'OitY Ill'li IUlVI-O. 016 Fnrlnm str < el. 'I'IsIs hllllll : i.5s n Ure- ; . rot enwnl 1.'s mlnl. , 'olllele slenm heat. Ing UXlres : wiier (1 nil luor > ! as. < c. J\P' ply ' nt Ihl _ oleo or ' 'hQ lie" , 1-10 ( ' FOR mNT : - SI'0ltU4 , COlt . :3 & l.hIA\'lhN. li'ol. wlllh tHe , \ good \USIIII loc.ttlon. 114Uh e 313 So. 10lh St. 1- = 34-1 : ' ' - _ , _ _ _ I AGENTS \VANTED. LAY AOI'l' : IN r\Y ' TOWN 1'lm.\ ' . ncnet busincs : hn"o nol Pace 10 explain ; II' ve3tlgate. Iiavey'4 $ MC ! CO. . 18 J-7 P" lh 7.ll Hr. .m.N' : M4t.U ( lit 11 : IAID. WI''I : ' 10 US . qukl , ; we have somelhln of great Imll.tlnca 5 to far to ) ' 0hlnnl : , new line ; hlg 101" ) ' In I : wrle qnlrle or you tony he too late : tb'n't ( nil to \I'te halls ) ' SUIU ! : just cent your \ ' u.Ilr. , on Im11al 1 we wil 8U/I > o ) ' 01 ; ho quick or you ia ) ' los" I : ' 5 01 Imtunl ! ) ' : $ : .0 n Ilal' In I cure Bnlel1.rlse Supply ) Co. . < "I'urtn.1 it. Au7usln JII. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ , _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ J- \3j3 \ : J' AGENTS \ \ S1'1:10 : HIIr , ImAny : , \D novelty .hms. Big monl ) ' . \'al ) Schreier. liii. wnukee.Is. . J-9,1 ! : ' WANT I : ! AGENTS : TO Imll TilE LATEST : Illr"H.1sh wl8hcr : wi wash nnl dry 1 ,11.t. " for un ordInary rausil \ I' Iwo mtnulr : - 1011.1 ( Onll'"lol ' : Igenls .mlle . ( rolls $ . ) 10 $ H. . . 0 per 010) ' ; wrln f.r I'rlcl ! ILt nn.1 term' ' Fhi. . Alj. thu.le hanger Mrs. Co. . Knnca City , Itsn . J- ISi 13' - - - - - O N'rl : ' : .0 1'0 $ : O A n.Y l'AN I MADE . lh1 the N'I lIons Vs ) ' Iflglhlfl : valest nrlel to .el 01st. iurlnlon.I Cu , Des Moines. In. . ' J-MI U' - - - - - - - - - ONTNTI I TO Sell TIlE I'llOTO-IT p"det vasssern : .elM Ihrl ; i'roIiia Immens' . - Adhit'es the I'hotu-I 341g. Co. , X I ! . rA .tI'.S ( . . . . \Is J-I.1 n' LA1) AiIh2'1'S : Illlm IN1lmOAIUI'N1' : ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r\IY . ah"lj I'rol. , catalogue f.e" . Mrs . N. I Little Mr ! Cu. , ChIcago . ill.J11723 J- ) : : 11' - - - - - STORAG . , - - - - - - - - - UEST STORAGE hltlILtING IN oMAhA , U. 11. 1111JINO 01AIA DES bonded waiehoUiC. 10u.eho"l coodi , tostd . bnde Loweit _ retesi. 1013.1013 I , 1.eayenwnrth. . 11-177 < . ! ! BTO 'AOt. l'IANK CVEItS . UI IA11NEY ' - - lAilill' W AN' ED-'O BUY. - - - - - - WANTI' ) IGU NT , l'ltl'I'T1.01 (1.1.\1 . 1.11 and C&sl1. V. 0. \ u < - IGb and I.Iu\laa : ' r- FOR SALE-J . L71tNITUR1 - - - volt B .I - n : \OI''U 01" . 'I'INI1lle. 5- only t IWo mOlths , for ' : J U. 0-3CHt' 1Ic oU"e. . - d " " " ' - POR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS roIl SALE A NO. 1 2ND tAND GtOnSD power ItM1 holler , lS god lS new. A.IMen fwer . 1. O. ID CJ Q-21.1 - VEOMAN PIANO , III1IDUU'OItTOItGANS. Wobrldlo flrot. ! . In Bo. 17th. Q-9H rT SAT.T : . ONE trAVY MASTER STEEl , eh" . . with MUler time lOCK : one large nre And burglar proof 1lrhol cafe with Sergeant time lock Addres Hanker . J 33 , thl , 0111cC. - < Q-3.1 SMOU : UOUSJ FOIt IlrES. 13 DQUOIAS. Q-786 MU 100 AND CICKENFI NC : : hAlt ! ' WOO ! ) _ ! \lckel. ! ! ! : C. It. Lee 931Iougln. Q-9' 1.'OI HALE 2 FlmSI YOUNG 101.511:11 : cowe. Call afternoon yard 11th and Q-493.IZ' Ilurt .1. 9 /1 1.EhilOItN : lOTI n $ . FIIIST. CIAR chow T.IOIOtN ; "Inner : the.II'r. . ' Turner 12Z6 S. 21h fln'el. Q-M'3) 11' MI5CELLAN EOUa. hAVANA FRECKLES. 1404 DOUGLAS IAVANA FI'CKLIS. 104 UOUOLAS.lil' } 1112 I'ItOF' . flISO1"I ! ; A1It'SE1IEiT CII1CI'i'I' . i101 AMlSI : . 11seriIanS' ) ' , , . ; best chow tOlvni II north- % SUt ; geol companies pharlng term . 10.1 cOIanles 11-11713 l : ' CLAIRVOYANTS 11118. 011. 11. WAIII1IIN . CLAtVOY\NT. 1111 : IS. DI. 1. WAllm. liable buIne Il'lum : ill year al 19 N. SD 16111. 'rilE GI1EATI7T CLAIRVOYANT OF TiE 'rl GlATJT kite. Madame itomain. hnl returne by request Ild can lie consulted 01 nit ntaln or tile. Those wishing correct advice on businesa love merrinIe . sllvorce . Inw.utA. < 01 . . cal aafeiy . rely on the mn nme. She removes e\1 in- I1Siencc ' . s-eunitcs < coupl" and causes speedy unle" . nod hAp"y marriage with the one you lovp. She makes n success where other fall . Alt . . In trouble call end receive prompt ben.n. touhle . to cnl Ietrr with Itamp nnswered promptly. _ 221" N. 16th street , nnt B-:17C A. .1 ' M. I3SAGE. BATHS. ETC. MAIAM P111Th ! . 103 S. I1H. 2 1"I.OOI. 100M : > : : ITI. . 3 : niagnetlc . vapor , alcohol . steam . ' alll.hurine . 1'-MI.IC' nnd .en bathe : NI1ViiV - Fl'I'TEfl : IIATII p.\m.ols : TL'It1 . Ish ansi electric baths \ for lastleS nlli genile- Soulh IMh street men . Madame howell . 320 len. 2 < Uoor. M1 < n10 Howel. T-M310 AS' : ASSAO . -MADA1m llEItNAhtD. T-M37S lilt OODGE AS' I , TURKISH BATHS. TumCISU DATIIB ; ONLY itACn IN CITY exclusively for ladles : Suite 101-110 Dee Ilg. 097 PERSON AL. D. IIAAS I LOlST. PLANTS. CUT hi.O WEltS. llanquet . hnli . lesllence and grave decorations. InnQuet. hnl. < 1813 "Ilton Blleet. Telephone 76. U-9g M.SSAUR m.ECTnO TIEIMAL IIATIIS . chlropodlsl. Mine. l'ost 319 S 1Ih st.U93 TilIl 1'/.1.1 : UPI IY COISI T. MADE TO TIH order frol measure. 1909 Fnlnam sticet.U1MS U-1MS ) SMOKE 1IOUSII. FINE ImygS c1O.1ts. llm 10USI \gS _ ? \\\S. \ \ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ - { ! VIA \.1 CO. . 316 Dm Ur.1)O. : IE.\.TI BOOK free : home treatment : lady nlen < anl. U-IO - - - - - - - - - - - - 1l'Y CUr.TIIp : EVI.Y I.Any WITH facial hair cnn have II , dr"troe tor"\'lr. Ilal facnl < nlleed by lisa ELECTRIC NIEII Moles \arls. wen" . red nose birth ! tattoos . Jwder ansi elndrr marks . freckles black Isemls liver spot . . pl"lr. r.nd alt facial hlrll.hes re- , < moved. hlt-shinpe'I nnse nnl Irolrcllg ears rrledlr l.shnpl.1 ; veloled ; hair scall ansi chin treated : < fat Iclluce ( : nervous and r tale cli- enses cured by the < Curpathlc In.llulr.01 S. 1lh st. , near Dod e. U-622 "I ' 6 ELEGANTLY 1 INTBIUD CAINET 1IOTOS. 99 CentS for 10 days only. It Cownn's. 531 1 hiroadway Council hllsiffs. IJ-M270 STOIICKEII'S SMOKE 10USE. HOt DOUOIAS. U-7SG MU FOlt FII1ST CLASS PIANO TUNING IIAVII 1 "I I'OI ] IST 1IANO Tt : , Merriam . at Woodbrldge Uros. . 11 80. U-163-31 11th st. ! CURE FOIl LADIES. 1816 ChICAGO U-IC6-31' ST. WALL PAPER CLEANED. 2'j4c RQ. YD. NO muss . No. 1 job. n. Bechtel 1802 Coby St. U-396-15 - - hIRING THIS AD. WITh YOU FOIL A FlEE lest. today only : Napoleon nml Cromwell "ere truly great generals but were not gifted with Ihe spiritual "ower which Is lOSseSSed by Imf. Jogg1 : I con.ulnlon with tile "rres"r will prove the truth ot this nsserton ; he wi tell you your greatest d leslre nnll re\'NII 10 you your pnst.-vlleh : will comlnce you that he can foretell your future. 403 N. 1lh trer ! , U-MIll II' U-:1537 ] MONEY TOLOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANThONY LOAN & TRUST CO..31 N. Y. LIFE loans nt low rates for choice security II No' brnska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property W-IOI LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or INSUlANCE . Chesne . Kansas City Mo . W-102 MONEY T LOAN ON IMPROVED OIAIA rnl ! estate. Brennan . Love & Co. . nxron Llk. \-103 tIONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST nATES. TIlE \INEY Davis Co. . 150 I'arnnm st. ' TI VERY LOW I1ATESMAIE ON GOOD I.OANS. - - J. - " ' . Squire - 24S Dee bldg. - , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' _ -10 _ : . CITY LOANS C. A STARR . 615 N. y LIFE. _ ' " -106 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OIIAIIA IMllO"ED OMAIA prol > erly. Fidelity Trust company ] 0 I nram - LOANS ON UIPlO\'lm & UNIMPROVED CITY propel I ) ' . , . 1.'urnlm Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnani W-103 MONEY 'ro LOAN ON OMAHA REAL. ESTATE IDAI EST\1C al 6 per ccnl. W. U. MelkIe. Il Nat ml bldg. 'v-Ill CiTY I.OANS. 15)0.0 TO * 10.000.00 AT I.OWISl' rtes Powell I l'olter hat floor N. Y. I. bldg. W-11 INVES1OI8 IHIECOIY CO. . 10 WAIL ST . N. Y. compile and sell names ot Inn lEe < eastern In\'rslor who have money to Invtst Full particulars upon ! CUesl W-11910 MW $1,104 FOL OOOD LOANS. I. . D. Wr-D. 1611 and Douglu" W-516'1 , MONEY TO LOAI-CHATTEL' . MONEY TO LOAN ON FUI1NITUItE . PIANO . h'rses.ngon. ' . . clc. . at lowest rates In city ; 11 ( removal or , oods ; sllcty cOlfdental ; you amount. an laY the loa I oil al any time or In any amount.OMAIhA . MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30G So. IClh al. al.XI MONEY TO LOAN ON ' ' ' 10NI'Y I'UnNI''Um . L'IANOS . lIANOS ansI al 1IIls , or seclrl ) . I.'rpl 'rersy. rOJm 430. nn"g" bloclc X-I IINI Y ' 10 LOAN ON 1IOUSIhIIOID FUIINI. 10USI 1011.'UINI. luru. planes horses . wagons . or any kind ot chattel Eecurly nl lo\est possible rUle , . which ) 'Ul can pay hack at any tliit . nn,1 , In any nlolnl , Fl Dlii : , ITY LOAN OUAn.\TJ CO" . 1001 4. WIIIII hloeic - . X-Il3 J. hi. IIA000CIC. . 110011 427. nUIOC IlOCK. X-II - - - - ' - ' - - BU.UIESS - CHANCES , PO YOU WANT AlIONEY % \ am 1 TIlE 1 ,1.01 IClneloscolO ( eight maclilac . ) . took In IS 1) In Ir.s than Ilee ntonths. 11" " ' terms nln. Edison Kllelo.coll Co. . 109 S. IClh ci. . Osnalgi , Nets. V-MIll , CUlAN I.'lECKI.ES. IES' IN Tim wom.D. Y-1bG 113 - - - ONIWAT : , 11 : IAN Dl SE STOCIC-\ . I I.rul.e1110 12.SCO-ror sale by leeeiver nl once , < Address A. J. McConaulhe . receiver , \uror. Net' , . , ) Y-323.:1 - - - - - - - - - - - - ' pen SALU--DItUG STOCK. IN"OICI 52.500.00 ' . nod ! 5l19'sician's tiractice. S2.O.0 I r'ar. Iur- chaser Ilnl he h German Iocnlol II a hna ( erlnn tnlulnA tommunl ) Atdl" . Ilex 47 , . ' out h Y-3b3-1 _ _ _ : QI ! _ ! _ NIL. _ : 12.00 H'OCK 01' lIAlll'Allli 1 : "CNI IIC. Neh. , wIl so nl / .nerlnco ror cash. AIMre" J. O. Green iltromibuig . Neli. Y-MU5-13' ! i . \ i : l.w l'A'SINQ lIi.1.INIllY ! : I'SI. ! len wst of Chicago. Address box 1515 . Sioux . City , la. - Y-I S7' ONE 0' TIlE lIES ? SALOONS IN OM.\IA for sale : snap fur saloon snail. . \dJrtS I 4. lIce. \-MEG 17' I > , \ITNCn WANTED IN neAl WiT.\'O. IN. lunince. ( oUeelunM. Cte. . wel : o.taIJlshe.l. Ad- dice bOX 21) ' ttllerilall.'l.o. . V-MIll II' 1 FOR EXCHANGE WA T'r Tn uc-\ CLEAT LOT IN Ue' * er for ht0ro or bIcycle . Address . J G. lIce . Z-3 : CLEAN STOCK OENI l.1lmm. . WILL Ink , , good real estate and souse lonl ' . Ad. - dress _ box , _ 7 _ : . Fraliltt.Ind. n _ . : _ _ - . ] < WANTCD-A 10lSn IN IXCIArOE : FOIl I'lula or 01 gan. A. 1Iope , jr. , 1113 houglas. . Z-11002 Z-1tlit All XThOOD l'IIAETON 1.01 A DIYINI 101SE. _ _ AIJre5 ! lIce J Cl. 16-11141 - - - - 1'0' lhXCIIANfll.1. J011 ' ON Om/OI AVE. flue for smatter place farther out ; 16 11uuuri farm for outsids lots : 16) . ImisrOved. Dixon cunl ) ' . for houst alt lot ; 1'01 rentIng pr arty dents town for western land S and cash : B/e * vacant lots al ti usual I.rlce. Davenport & Waterman. S : N. 1. ' . I.lrl lidg.ZISn Z-ISn 1 \\\NTI ) . A IIICYCI.I1 . IN TlAI : FOIl I PIano or orGnl1 A. lu.I' ' Jr. , ISI 10uGla. . 16-11120 1 - - - - - - - NICE 101m NEAR IANtK' : I'\ll FOIl town tUI I lak 1' . D. \'etU. IGII a,1 Z-l. Douglas " . FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. } 'AnM LANDS. c F. IIA11RISON. 911 N. Y. 1 1E)1 0 A , EXChANGES AND SAIES : CITY I'JOlElTY , EXCIANOS . merchnnlls. . aonln Uros. 210 N. Y. I. 111.-lI ? l 1 FINE OAI1IEN I.AND. r MI. FROM I' . 0. , $0 OAIWJN ItO N. Y. L Li 1. 1113-Ill AI3STI1ACTS. Tim HYlON IEEl COI'ANY. 1 IAIOINS. . 10UmS. ; I.OTS AND I'AT IS : sale or Inde. I" . Ie. Darling . EIer hl ck. Dnrlnl. . - \ DAItGAINS . SAIE Oil TnAJ IN CITY h'Itt' . eUI.s and ( arms . Jno. N. Freezer : , opp. 1' . o. < nn-MI l'AIM I'On SALE : I CAN ol.nm FOR A lImited " 'nl. aol nt nn directive \1ce. I choice Improved 4aere faint . locnle In Sarpy ( ounl ) ' . 7eIraska near Io Inlte station and the new fort ; IhlA Is strictly lecon.1 Lench Innd. ant , Ihe 1f.llrO\'elenls are ot 1 Ked order : $ : ) .OJ cash wi buy the equity In this farm ; no tinde on"Ilerrl' ' \\'nlfr n. Clnrlt , IIS lnre II. . Omaha. Neb. Im- 1318 n 5 1. n. COLI ) CO. , lo N. 11Th. AlIBS. 10 acres on electrIc motor line. only ZOl.03 per ncre. I roms $ Ilo.M. sEoul 1101113 casts $ . balance US.O per month \lhnU Interest. G rooms . brick large lot . 8th anl Lea\'enworlh. ' 1.60.0 ; your o\'n term " . < "Al\NT I.OTS 11th and Ilrlstol . ' 1.0.0. 2th and Spiulding . $10.0. 34h antI howard . S. \ \ ' . cor U2x132. $ .11.0. louses fet renl ; largest list In Omaha. le" t"er.0 ' & never offer anything but genuine IMI'S 1. E. Cole Co. , 106 N. IW street. ; 1113-56 ei POI S.tIr. . WT I.I , IQUII'I'130 STOCK FA11M . 3,70 acres . or \1 rh'er1 I r ) ' . Neb ' ; 72) acres under cull\'nton : balance fenced ns 1""IUre ant hay niesolows ; geol l"II1Inj . feed yatds . ele. " 'nlue . $37.2 ; small n.h pn'lrnll half left 01 mortgage ; balance city Iroperl Address 8)3 Cooper buIlding . Denver , Cola. < < tl'fiW 16' \ANTII. 10UHI : Fan CASh. \\'nnlc.l. ( arm rOI' cn"h. . " 'anlld. farm near iloston. \Vnntml . ncr"ne for farm. \ . " ' "nle , 10.f1J , house for t"rm. " 'nnl. < . lot fur acreage. . " ' "nlo < . farm fet Ihl t Co. ( arm. " 'aliell. to borrow $ l.)04. " WnnteI II 10ln nut $60) . "nnlell. , to loan out 81.000. " ' "nl d. Url\'er for Omahn property. W'atitel. house ant , cash for G acres. " 'untCI. farm for stierehandtse. \S'nflteI , furm for harll"re antI ash. \ ' , inerchasshise for clear lois \'anlel lerch\II" : " clllr . e. 1' l1srricon . Ill N. Y. 1.ICe. lIE-Ill-lI' DhiAUTltLJI , UAS'r I.'nOT GI3OI1GIA A\'n. I AUTI.'UI IAS'r : OI-IOA lot . $2. : I house nn.1 . lot tor $3 > 111 cash "al. mOllhl ) C.rnm hou.o 29th aol Grunt $1,010. Elegant sightly 7'101 house just oil Lowe n"t. u.r.'J ' ; el"y terms. ' . . Wea 16 and , . . 1311-411-Il I' 1. \ < . nn < DJugln. -\-I - , - - - , , - - , - - - - - - - 4FIIET ON Q STREET HOUTI OM.1"\ . with two cottages lente.1 nl 514.00 per titontit ! for exchange rnr ISroIlortI. ! In HI. 1.ul. Address - dress I. ' . J. II. . 109 Wallul street. Ht. Louis. htil-A1122 13 - Im-:1:2 . BICYCLES. M. O. DAXON 402 N. 16Th ! . 119 VICTOR BICYCLES. TIlE FINEST 0' ALL ble'cles. Omaha Bicycle ! Co. . 323 N. 161h slreel. 120 STlmLINO IJICVCI.12S . DUl " LIKE A wnlch. western ElectrIcal Supply Co..4 8,15th. 837 A. I. . DEAE & CO. . WIOJSALE AND 10- - tall bicycles 116 Farnnm Elreet 121 \\'ILL IAINUJt & 11110. . 120 N. 15TH STIEET ; only rIdIng .chool II tle city. In 'COLUMllIA" I&9 : FINEST I XAIPIE OF light and high gr.ide . bicycle construction. \Vm Lyle Dickey & Co. . U03 Douglas st. . asenls. 919 UNDERTAKERSANDEMBALMERS SWANSON VALIIIN . 1701 COIlING TEl. . 1060. 031- 11. I { . 1IUUIU3T . FUNERAL DIHECTOlt AND embalnier 1618 Chicago st. . telephone 90. 03 M. 0. MAUL UNIEH1'AlEI ASU ! El1AI.U- Cr . lU1 Fnrnm st. . telephone 22 : 085 C. W. IJAKI6I1 UNDI61ITAI6EII . G1 S. 16TI 9S6 ST. BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. , 110W TO GET A HOlt OIl SECURE GOOD I0W : 01 savings. Apply to Omaha 1 & D. As'n. 11 ( Dee Lldg. O. W. Nntilger , See 9S BIAIES IN MUTUAL 1 & U , ASS'N PAY G. 7. 8 per cent when 1. 2. 3 years old. always redeemable. 1104 Fnrn"m st. . Nattinger . See. OSS ) , - . , ' , % T. I 1. T. MOUNT lAS IUIMOVEDIIIS COAL ofce to 20 S. 161h sl. , Drown bloclc 1)6 PRICE REDUCED : SHERIDAN , DEST WYO- Ilng coal : nut $ .6 ; lump. $5.5 ; 2.000 for a Ion delivered. IGD Faram street In MEDICAL. SYPhILIS TREATED : NO CURE . NO rAY : cases on payments : consultation free : S II 10 a. m. , 1 to 3. 1 10 D p. m. 210 CuminI at. . Omnhn. 11-702-1123' nOTELS. hOTEL DAIEI. 1311 AND JONES STS. 75 roms nt $ .5 per day. Go rooms al $ .0 per 11) ' . Special rates to commercial trnvelerA. .oom and lard ly week or month. Frank IIIUe . manager. 9S9 AETNA MOUSE ( EUlOIEAN ) N. W. COlt. 1lh and Do"ge. Rooms ly day or weck. 900 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. c. 0. MOltLI , . PAPER hANGING. HOUSE . sign paInting . brick woik plastering : oil. n. I. Barker Llk. : lei. 13. : shop 21 Izud : lei. 408 m ' - e'rOVE REPAiRS . STOVE REPAIRS FO1t4000 DIFFERENT makes ot SI0'C1nler : alachmenls anl con. nections . 12)7 . nectons a speelnlj. Douglas st Omaha Sto , ' " Repair Work , n EL CT1Ul.L UpFLIS m.rTlrC.\ 1' : GNgmtS AND COSTBAC- lors rOI' electric light and molar Ilalls und oil kinds or electrical constniction. " 'eolerl 131cc- ttl.'al Supply Co. . 41S anti i2' ' S. 151h 8t. 99 - CESSPOOL CLEANER. C13881'OOLS CLEANED. ANTI.MONOI'OIX prices , John Nehoon 41 S. 14th. Telephone , 1173. 113 AI' MATH.MATHIAL I , STRUMENIS AI\'A . . ( llt''S'llIt . I NmNI NIR' ANI AR- cisltecta' supplies . 31S H. ISlh street Ositaha 1149) c0NTRACrORS. III1IC'K WOIt : SII WAIKS. cmIAn HIC ! loor" . etc. :01 S. 1611 sired ! ; tel. 4 ) A. ICiewIl. M5 > All HORTHNj A.J ' : EWRITING VAN IIANTSOICIIOOL 0' SHORT HAND. N. Y. 1le. Omahn. AsIc for circular 13 LC&3T. LOST-nl.ACt HlANIEI ( , I'UPI'V , FEMALE . little bit of whIte on lower lip , .horl Pill. 1.IIJerl re\nnl fur relur to the 11.tusn lie Co. . U0 lurne ) St. Lost-M483 13 I.OS1' SCAr MUF1" \'hIl1.Ib S10111Nf. 1112- tUln to Mudtsol hotel und receIve rowsrd , rew.lrt 610.1 LOST. FROM 1 > VENlOIT AND 3m S'lel T. ulllerblzr.1 lIver an,1 white . poInter dug. Ite- - turn I'nrmclee Gun dole 11126 16' MUSIC , AWi' ANi LANGUAGE. C. F. OlILh.IINflIICIC. DANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher , ni Can , .1. PI - - - - BUSINESS NOTICES 1.\II"OID 11110lS IESILVElED ! 11 r'zs6. DZNTAL COLLEGE , OMAHA COLLO 1PNTAI , StbltOERY : . FREE Intrmar ) ' : dentistry al cO.I. 161h 6 Cop. 1m n'e. WANTED-TO BORB W . 1 WII. hAY 1 IIT 1O.IAIS PElt MONTH for the use of ISo for atx.ut one rear. heal estate security . J 61. Uee. 4n.I : ' DUESBMAK1NG. DICSSIAICNO IN FAMILIES. 4316 GRANT 51 . 16 U' DI SSM KINO IN FAllnIS , L C. 01,11. & - \'d. . U : I.eavsnvorth. . 481-li' = r- - " - - EMPLOYMJN l' OFFIOE. wn . 'UlNISI FJIIST-CLASS MALE al FE. male help free at charge : hotels a specIally , City Emplomcnt Uureau , 12 ( Farnam . ) ) ) Furam.i U' DENTIBTS. lIlt. I'AUL. DENTIST. % 0 BUIlT ST. 1 : PROFESSIONAL. 1)11. A. tlIihl'MAN. COlt. 161'lL 8e 15 CHICAGO AU' LOCOI : , ( Epilepsy And all diases of the SPINAf CORD 14F1 FInd redy amelioration from the oae of Te'T I I . , The t3zttnct of the Dxrct If rl e d U Ill.n \ 51lnal . Cord of _ the Ox. Prepared : under the formula of . I .1 DR. ' % "M , A1IiAMMOND , ; .rD In his laboratory nW.1hlnglon , D. C. DOe , 5 drcps. Pried . : 't\o dracliml . $ .00. , roA SALE s\ ALL ORUGGISTS . COLUlU31A Cl'llr10AL cO WASHINGTON D. C , end for Book . las KUHN & CO. , AGENTS POll OMAIIA. - ' . & Yale's LaFreckla. Death to Fl'Oe1dos , I'1rne. I\I. Yale was recently asked the question "which of her discoveries she considered the mostonderu ! " Her re- ply was as folows : La Freckla , because it unmasked my own face from a filthy mass of freckles and gave me the ' beautiful rose lebf complexion which you see "ant which has been admired by the people of every nation. . Befor 1 discovered - covered La FieckIa I was a freckled face . individual dis- gusted with mY pwn appear- ance. Today I am the envy of every woman who looks at my skin. , La Freckla wiremove any case of freckles in existence s.n and leave the skin as transparent . - parent as crystal One or two applications rem ves tan _ and sunburn. I ta'es from three to nine days to destroy every trace of freckles. It is the only remedy : _ _ . : ; 1 to the world that do this Now is the lime to use La Frecka : , as it strengthens the skin , removes and prevents freckles and sun- burn. Si per bottle. Sold by all druggists or 1IMI2. . M. YALE Temple or Beauty , HG State-st. . Chicago. A BrooIO'S BrO - ] . O-lf6r. Rpendld "ral ' . r DecaL fcc Nrroul or Zc' . H.od.ho. , DraIn EJbs\st nl Slerple,10tei . B ' ; f : . or flout qeneral , Ittdney Nei"nlgIetslo liscrders I , , Soc i1 'il's D"s ? ' " "Pdl . ADml" . lldol , for Yo1U' : ' , , . . . . . I13r oDd ot'her olceo. . Price . 10. 211 and 10 t-tar. C TiE ,4im010 CHEMICAL CO. 177 ; ; 161 $ . \"C"'r" t. IIfAr : For sale by nn druggiStS. limalla. DUFF ' 'S IJn Mil T WUiSK Y . All D1'Upgist9. RAIL \ A Y T1'IE ' CARD ) Iavcs I1UI1LINGTON & MO. mVEJ.I\rlv s Omlll UnIon Depot 10Ih _ & MISOI Ilw.1 ( Jm.iiia 10ISam. : . . . . . . . .Denver J3Iiress. . . . . . . . . O' .9J.m 4:3.pmn.hhhic. : 11111 . Mont. & Puget Sad . . 4pm.III. : . . . . . . .Uenver $ Express. , Ind. . . . Ex.4:01Im . . : ; 6Ipm.Nchlnskn ; Local ( except , Sunday ) . 74pm ; 24.pm..I"lot ' : ; H.um.I.lnculn Mali Local ( for ( Lincoln exceJI ) Sunday Ual ) . . ) . . ,11Ilam . . : . . . Leaves ICIIICAQO . hiU1i1hN'1'ON & Q.lArrlves \CICAOO. \ Q./AIIles / OniishtahUnion Icpot. 10lh & Mason Sts.l Omaha : : : : : . . . . . Vetioule. . . . . . . 05am ; ; SOal. . . ; Express . . . . . . 4:11pm ; 11:39am 7:50pm. ; : : ; ; Clilcogo . , . , .I' acilia mini junction St. loUis Local. Express. . . . . : : 6:10pm ; : : . . . . . . . . .Flt ! . . . . . . . . 2:4'ipm : ' e LItICAU6'11hL. & dTh'AULlArri i' AI..IArlr _ Omaha _ IcU hcpot . t. 10th' A 1huson iSis. I ( inmaima 6pm. ' : . ! . . . .Chicgo . Itmlled. : . . . 930.m ; 11:10am ; . . . Chicago Exprea I ( ex. Sun. ) . . . 6Wpm ; Leaves [ ChiCAGO & : lq tn\ ' : : i omnaisalUnlonDepot . 19tb & , AIama 515.1 Omaha _ IlTfl1am" : : . " . . ' , 191 expres. . . . . . . . 6:3 : > 4Opm. ; ( . . . . . . "eslhlied 'LImited. . . . . . . . IOam : 6fS.m. ; . . . . Mo. Vale ' ' Local..10:33pm : 1:41pm..Omaha : Ctiicaj13pecial. , . . . 2Ipm : Leaves . I CIIICAIiO 1. l.i 1V.Chi.C. 1Arrivea OnahalUnlun I Dc5.ct. IGI' . & : Mn9"n tH. . Omaha ' . l 1345'l " 11:00am : , . Atlantle l3xpie : ' Ie . ) . Gu3pma ; 6:25pm..Night : ' . Express. > HUlday . . . . . . 6u5pl :5..m : , . . . . . . . 430pm..Chlello ; Veetibuled Ltnilieii. . . 1:0 : Ve8lLulo 1.lmlrd. 111 1,1.01Iaholl ? I'lxp.toC. . ' < I. I ex. bun.hl .3'pm ' ) 'is' " Vh3S'i' bl5.imOklulsoxiia : ce ' L'eu ) x. ccx . t3unl2Spm ) ; fx. blCm.Oklahora : : . t I j3tted. _ : . . lun.l.n : opm Leaves ' ' c. . HT. 1 . 1\ . & C' . . iArrIres Omaha I Depot llh aral WeL.ler Sis. I Omaha ' 2i:23amnNebroslta : ' , \ ' ( daiIy6l3pn ) ' - ; Nc\r8ka " daly-Su"i 430pl..610ux ; CI 121cc ' ' \ teX Sun.l1ilam ; : . . . . . . ) ' JI'rl' inhltCd. . . . . . .IO33um ; " - . . ave -I" . , 12. & : ; \'ALLEY ; /Arrh'es Omnhol Iepot 15th and . W ! .ler 14(1. / I Omaha 210pm. . . . . last llahI mmmiii' lhxpresi. . . . tb'II" : 2Itprnex. : ( Rnl.1 Wyo ix : ( eX. Mon. ) . 4:3.pm : OOluna ; , . .N orfolk ExIiee5 ( ox tIundyl0:30n : OOSal.Nortoll Cxpes Sunday.IO:30dl 6:10pm. : - . . . . . .Ht.h'aul _ hixpreas.10Msiu - - - : - 'I'e"-I- 1' . c. : ST''J't C. -1- iAativca Omaha UnIon Depor. JOlts t Mason BI. . Omaha "ITlOiin..Kuneas City - D.iy -1 lixprese. . . Gpil : 8I.p. : : . 5C ! igtI6xvlU. _ _ _ I' . Trans. 6cal : Z.eaves I MhSOUIII I'ACIFIC. IAriia iTc. x.a\'es \ 1Ai OmnaIial DeNt Ilthiantl 'eL.ler 'its . I Omaha 53:4Qatn..1. louis Express. . . . . . Go : U:39pmn..SI. ; Louis Exirea . . . . . . . 6:0'pnl _ 5:10pm..Nebraska ! : Local _ ( . . Sun ) . : . 9:00am : ; ' 1U\1 I . SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. J irlve OniaiijDepot _ 15th 'tad \ \eb.ter. SI. . Omaha .2' : . . . . . . ! 1all Limited..10:53am Lves ' sioux CiTY .le - FACIFIC. lArrlves I'H"w . I Union Depot. 10th & II 'IC _ . [ ; . lam . . . . . Sioux City 1'asener . . . . .10pm : . : "r. . . . .11. Paul Limie" . . . . . .U:3IJ1 : ' . v-e. UNION l'ACII"IC. - ' ' J.eavcs ACIJC.Arrh'U' , ACIJC. Olr.lha Union Depot. 10lh & Mason 815.1 / Omaha : ; . ; : : . . . .Keulney J.uu. : . : . . : 3Uvm . : 1:00pm..Overhand : J.\ \ rer. . . . . . . . 63pm ; Zimm.Uea'tce : & Strom.ii'g Ux.ez. Sun ) . IUpn : , Tfm. ZI1Iun.IIa'lce . . . . . . & aclllo Express . . " . . lun . , . .Ur.,1nl : 'I'I = . . . . .Vast Aal. . : = . : [ . -W AI.11AIL' \ ' A Y. - -/Arrl1. . Ut'.uhalUnlon 1.pot. 10lh & Mesa 811 / I Omaxia I 1Lom..St. ; Lou ! . Cannel T..U ; PII IF TiE SnORT - lINE GOES Ohange it Would OI\SO iu Trafc nand1ng in Northwest. the Northwest EFFrCT IT \YILI hAVE ON U , P. EARNINGS LIkelihood of thin Short 1.lno I"'hl ! to hold th Sack I n Il'rlo 1ceth'u II A""OIIIII-IOII'lhll/ ; time Items ilhtistloncil for 1cd"lrl. I Is remarkable how differently ofcials and heads of lleitartl nts about the Union Paclnc hendQuart look nt the case now before Jtitlgo Gilbert of the Ninth circuit , looking 10 the appointment of a separate receIver for the Oregon Short I.Ine & Uah Northern. Whlo In all cases they are earnestly hOlltlg that Judge Gilbert will look at the later from n Purely judicial stamlolnl ] , they arc afraid that local sentiment . will Ilavo a great deal to do In determinIng the question . In Utah the sentiment Is very strong for a separate receIver , but the Iormou Influence with but few exceptions , Is favorable 10 the present rccolvers In l'ortant , howevcr , the , stronge feeling Is Iloticcable . for the very gaod reason thaI the citzens or PartaUl hopa through a separate receiver 10 enjoy another headquarters buIlding . although time Salt Lake Innuenco Is nat 10 he o\erlookl . When asked \ \ hat effect the Short line she- fccton would have In the shop forces Mr. McConnell ! . superlnlendent of motve power and machinery confessed that II would nol hl\'u atiy great cited on time present force , ns the shops were now running wil as few len ns possible to Iteell up general repairs. 10 stnteJ that the clerical force was also down to tim minimum , but as for the audit- 11f departitient . there would be the greatest reduction . ns the "Short I.lne" tesl\ . so- called . wall b tllsconttnued . lie was hope- liii . however , that JUdge GIlbert would not grant the application . In vIew of time Ight ( being made against It by the senior mortgage - gage hol ers. " 8holh the jtmdgo j . howe\'er. heist that he hnll junisdletlomi . and nnaly appoInt a separate - nrate receiver time Union Paclne would have to male the best or the sItuatIon Inlt uro- ceell to develop Its local business. There Is D gainsaying the fact that It Is the traIls- contnental Ino lIar excellence . ali It will always hall thIs reputation. I the Short Ilno goes out and decides to farm omit its huslness to the highest bidder. then the Union Pacific will probably maIm arrange- lents wRIt time Southern Paclne to handle its Portand business via Sacramento bust- ness which the Southern Paclne woulll be glad to get I take It. There arc many con- tngencles that could arise In the event of the Short Line leaving the UnIon Pacific . and of course everything lookIng to traffic arrangements Is purely speculative ! at this tlimic. . EFFECT ON BUU ING1ON. "Tho Burlington . which Is now handlng consllerblo Sound business. giving II 10 the Northern Pacile at Ilihhlmigs. would continue to bo a strong competitor of the Short Line , just ns Il Is now or time Union l'aclihc. 'rhls business . In time nature of things would hardly be diverted to the Short Line Wllh time Union Pacific and the Southern Pacific led up the Short Line would have to hook to the Rio Grande " 'ester for any business originating In the territory or the Hock Island . land time latter road being an ally of the lo Grande Western. Naturahiy . this would cut up the business considerably , and busl- ness which the Short Line now gets for nothing would have 10 be paid for at good rates. "Howevcr we are hopeful that Judge Gilbert . bert wi rise above local feeling and render a decision against the segregation of the property. " There are 128 engines credited to time Short ' Line and thirty-five ta the Utah Narlhern. Nearlynl the work for the Shorl Line In the way of repaIr has been done for the past sIx months lt Pocatello . where a force of some 400 shop men arc employed OperatIng officials along then have rO ceh'cd orders 10 have all cars and engines belonging to the Short Line returned to the mpany's shops at Pacatelo as soon as con- veniobs. . , I large number or"lhu ti.ieRsed ! on the main line are Short Line power upon which the receivers ha\e ben paying rent under orders or Jndge Sanborn . who has declared separate accounts must be kept of the varlpus division earnings and cxpeqdltures. The Short Line on the other hand , has also hail In use a large amount or ejulpment belonging to the main line . and It has been paying interest en the same A fast as possible the changes wl be ladQ In order that nit Short Line equIpment r/ay / bo on the cOIllany's tracks should a separate receiver - ceiver be nppolnted. - nEACING FOIl TiE PLUM. I n list of the men mentoned for the Short Ilne receivership could have been tabu. lated It Would have been shown 10 contain time names of at least a dozen lndlyidtmais some with good railroad records others vltii no record al all as managers of ralroalI properties. The nrst name menloned was thai of G. 'V Ilistine . who made an examlu lon or lhe Short Line property for time Amer- lean Loan and Trust company , upon whose findings the petition for a separate receiver was comumeticed . lOut Mr. Istlne Is said to have refused to be considered as a eandl- date for tile good reason that his present position yields hhn $ 15,000 l n year. Then came Edward 1lcNeihl . who stands about as mich iiow . In the opInion of th050 who onght 10 know , as Moses of ancient time. Ianl Morton whose contract wih time Colo- ratio Coal anll Iron company Is about expiring : also joined the ranks of time Broilers after limo receivership. Then came J. M. Ilgan . late chairman of the General lanagers' as- soclatlon . hut Egan 11romply denied he had his lightning rod erected ! In that directiomi . amId now , latest of nil the tallIed of men. Is Bob Baxter. I Daxtor Is Ullllointel ] he will be decidedly acceptable 10 tie UnIon Pacific people , alld then will come a Bquarlng of BEFGRE I hundreds n CoUld lost horrlblo . get 1 tied or relief dolar blood spent from tying vaious remedies Ind hYRlclaus. l My fimiger uaihscttmo on 1111Y halrcamoout , lel" - Ingernalsc"mo lug I" perfectly bald. lileu went to HOT SPRINGS but , very soon became disgusted , and decided to try 8.8.8. The elf.ct was truly wondetfnl. 1 . commenced 10 recover after taking tbo first bolo tb , anti by tile time I Ilad taken Igelvo bottles . I cured was ( Yr : \ . \ when 1 cured- the world. rnownell 10 t . Bprlng had ( ailed. auSeatS S WM.S. Bbroveport LOOMIS , La , . , . Ourliookomitboflleease ald ' .lrelmenL amailed Iree losny address. SWIFT 81' OIIO CO. . Atlanta , Oa F 'E : r Luwym's atid solicitors. SU S & Co , nOD ; lldll , OMAhA , Neb . Advice FREF. on their tongues When h'uggists are ns1w for u thoroughly reliable lnimcnt for ! nl 01 1CIHt. they il\aliuhly fnd rexican Mustang . Liniment tigh on , the end of thoi accounts between himself lli' Mr. MeNeihl . I " ' 1 bo a Oraeeo.Homan bout , and will attract the attention of the northl st. nULUOAUS ELECT Tlrn 0II'ICIU\9 , I'ractlemIly No ChAnlo M"to In this Hlr08. orate of \eAt"rn h.Inoa KANSAS CiTY . March 12. - The stockholders - holders 01 the Itnnss CIty & Atlantic Rail- 9'n3' company at ( meetlg Itch In Kansas City , Itan. , elected the following directors : Theolloro C. Ihates . Stphel : f , Crosby , l ran. cs Amory antI Fl. W. IurMte of 10stol : Stephen Salshur ) ' , Worcester : T. At\nter hiarnes . NeW haven : Ii. R. Ballard , 1011s. toll , : ! ass. : Arthur C. Paine Porta nIl , Mo. : W. P. Barns , Bnlllorl : W. S. Wolcol , Utica , N. Y. : Webster Wihers , Wllol J. 10hnls nl Thomas n. Morrow of Kansas City. The directors elected Ihese omcere : Theodore C. Bales of 10stol , prls\leut : Stcllhen :1. Crosby or Bostan , vIce Iresldent : Francis Alnory or 10ston , Irasur Arlhur C. Paine of Boehm , secretary : Websler Wihers. manallg director RIII nSRlslal1 trcasurer. Neither : Ir. Bates nor Mr. AlImony were Itr0000t , as they were 11etnilCl ( nt their homcs by IhimlesiS . ST. JOSEPH , March 12.-Time annual meel. InF of the directors of thIn hannibal & St. Joseph anll the Kansas Ciy , SI. JOSlllh & Council lurs rnlwnys and their branches , leased I and 01- crated lilIes . took 111nco at the Cotil Ilan8 office here 101Ia ) The election or ofclrs for time ensuing year m-estilto'i In tIme selection of : Prc\lent , C. B. 1lrllns , hlur- II ton'Ico ; presllommt J. C. P&'mtsiey , 01st- cage ; seconmi ] vice president , . ( bongo ii. liar- ! ris . ChlcaFo : treasurer , J. C. PI'nsle ) ' . Cimi- cage ; secretary , 'ISV . J. Iamhtl ' ] 10ston ; general andlor , C. I. Stlrgls % Chicago : Innl comil- mlloncr. George N. Mills . SI. Joselh. , ST. LOUIS Iareh 12.-1n the absence or President Gaorgo J. Ooull af tile : lsoul paclnc and Iron Iauntaln roads Vice Pre9 IlIelitVarner presldel nt the anlunl meetng of stackholders heM here tall a ) ' . Thl 1110111- bels of the ell board : of directors of time Missouri - souII Pacific were re.electell as follows : Ororge J. iouitl ( Hussel Sage , IM\ln Gould , Louis Plzgcrall , J.P. 1uln. J. ( . Moore . howard Goull , Saluel Sloan Thomas T llckert . D. U. Parnily S. It. 1. Carl , . I ) . K I.'erguson and C. G. \'arner. The following b01nl was elected for the 1101 : loultnll : George J. Gotmlti HUMel Sage Snmuel Simetlmar John T. Ferry , lenr ) ' I W'hieiami A. I , . hopkins , D. I 1) ) . l'arnily , H. : J. Lackland . S. I. 11. Clark n. M. Galo\ar , 10wnrii : Gomihil . C. G. Warner mmlld D. IC. Perguson. There Is but one change In the Iron Mountain olirectora H. M. Galola ' being elected to succeed Victor ? orawctz. ! lesld s the election Ind tIme reading of re- ports no business or public tllerest was lransacled. ( iO'liltNMI12oT A :1 CUIITY hlOl.i)1iI ! Geloml Cowimt's U" "on's for ' \I'\cnrlnf In limo hort Ill" ( ne. POI1TLANI Orc . : I arch 12.-n the Ore- gen Short Llno hliepemlcnt receh'crshp case today Jndge A. 11. Taimner one or time special counsel for the gbvernlliemlt . argued for the dismissal or the case ns Prayed In : ! r. Plerco's moton or yesterday . ems the grounds or limo Insurclenc ) or the aliega- lens In the comillalnt and thnt the court here Is not time proper trlbuual to dlchlo time question. At time conclusion or JUllgo Tasi- ner's arglment cx.Senator Sanders askcli I It wOlhl embarrass counsel for time goi'ern. menl 10 state what Intercsl the ro\ermenl hld In the lne rrom Ogden 10 Garnisoti or In the line from Granger to Huntington. Generl Cowin repled that In the consohl- daton agrlelent the Oregon Short 1.lnL was recognized as a part or tIme Union Pacific : that company owns a large part or time stock and a largo amount or time bonds of thesL auxiliary roads and the government clnlls a Ben on Ihls stock and Ihese bonds. lie said the receivers were operating the Short Line In connection with the Union Pacific and that I such operation 11 i wrong It can bo shown and on such showIng limo order can be chance without a change of the re- ceivera lie saId tL was impracticable thai every time some junior security holder should become dissatisfied with some order of the court ho should petition for a change or receivers. Ex.Senator Dolph continued his argument against a motion for dismissal and change of vcnue. In regard to the matter of primary ) jurisdiction , ho said the Dillon bill . under which the Union Pacific receivers were appointed - pointed separate receivers of the Short Line was flied in the district clrt of Wyoming. I the derense'B theory or jurisdiction Is con- reel , the Dion bill . he said should have been In Nebraska instead . brought ofVyo. I mlng The receIvers' were nol appointed as : Bye receivers or tile Short Line but wcre dummy receivers 10 prevent time appointment or any others and to secure the control and operation of the Orelon Short Line and Utah Northern to the Union Pacific. ' lie said the present receivers were cndeavorlng to serve two masters using their own Judgnlmt : S to which wi be the favored one l'rniioso to Huld limo nl1 , \nY\I3. PERRY Olti. , March 2-0. ] . C. Jones president or tile proposed Oklahoma Central I'alrad. . declared today that In spite or time presldcnt.s veto n corps of surveyors wi be pnl In the held Immedlalely to locate tile lIne from Sapuipa I. T. ' , 10 Oltlnhoma City. President Cleveland . JURI before congresa adjotmrlmed . vetoed the hi granting the projectors - jectors or time road authorIty 10 build In the i territory. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tnrt hJ sims Illrolll lnllll < PUEBLO . . Colo. . March 12-Carhyc & Dt- mar. railroad contractors . will ship their outfit from here In the morning to COmmence - mence the construction of the extension or tile Kansas City . Fort Scol & Mllphls lisle . beginning just ncross the Irlanss line fl'om MissourI . ' 'lls lnn his 1 coma- tract lu buIld eighty mlcs - or road. ' ho 1ndnrl Wny Commen Isel to the well informed to 110 pleasantly and efcctualy what was rormerly lone In tile crudest manner and dlsagrleably as vehi. To cleanse time system and break up colds headaches and fevers 'withomit un- plearnt after effects , usa limo delghtul liquid laxative reled ) , Syrup or Pigs. 1112.0 TJI16U FOIl ICUASD. J'R.ITlRI rOllW..ST. IOC/i SIO\n , 1'010\01 by Clearll ! Inll . ( 'ni mier \ emit Imcr II : nhrlll/ . \VASII INGTON' . Mnl'chl 12.-Tue forecst 101' Wcdnes.lay Is : FOI' Nebraska and JCmmneas-Local snows followed ly clearing wealhcr : colder ; norlh WhHS. ] For Missouri-Threatening weather arid rll or snow : whlls shlfnJ to norlherly and cohler : Ilrohahly is. cold wave In the norlhwcst Portion . IrOI' Iowa-I.lghl snOW/ : north winds : cohler and ' culll . prohlbl ) a vttve For Soulh akola-I.hht snow followed by fall wentler : norlh whus ] ; colder him Ihe ' ' . eastern iiOl'tlOhI pOlton.J"al 10111. , OFFICE OF TiE WIMTI n BUREAU . OlAIA , Mardi 12.-0mnhl record ur lem- IlerlUre anti rmtinfaii . cUlpare with time corresponding day or the Imast four years ; cor'resllondlnt IIMt 1&91 189 1n Maximum temperature . . : tl 7Q G2 r.s liimiimmlni ternierature ' . . 2'j 31 It : , Average tenmic'rattmro ) . . . . 3t fl $ 4 11 Preclplnlon Average . . . . . . . . , 'r .0 .00 ,0 COIIIIOI or temper lure Iambi pm'ectriita- lon nl Omaha for . the day and shine .lmtreha I.m I : Normal tempcrnturo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . hehiciency rDr tile thty. : . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Normal PreciPitation . . . . , . . . . . .01 jnch DelrIeney for tile clay . . . . . . . .01 . . Tneh Total precipitation since March I..1 . . Inch ] olclcncy sInce March 1. . . . . . . . .19 Inch JIIor' from ( ) timer tlatlll at I J' . .91. . iI . ' . . 3 . ; ' - tc , O ; 8I'ATtONS. " e 0 STAT5 or BrTIOXS. "i ga - WU1'UI. BTT . : I c "d 0 . 0 I' ' : at' . : I 1 - - - - - - - - - - - . Omnhl. . . . . . . . 31 33 T Cloll ) ' . Norlh Ilalo. . . . . 2H 32 : ' 1' Cloluly. Vialomitimmo..I IH 20 .Ol 910wlul. utlc. . . . . . . . . . ! nkulo . . . . . I\ 30 .01 I Clomty. Sm . I.UIII. . . . . . . . U 48 .04 hlmuismlmmg' . It . i'aua..t . . . . 28 Tlartdolll . IJavcnport. . . . . . . . 36 : its 'J' Cloud . ) Inllll , . . . . 40 ( 46 .00 Clu usily . Ucnn.r. CIY . . . . . . . . 4H t2 .00 Clomoly Fail Lake City . . , . , 451 50 .1)1) Chommmiy. fall. Oly. OIly..4 ( 1'J .011 SnowIng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , o4 (2lutuly , iluiemma..4 . 1(1 .1)1) Clotmdy , It. VimacemmI . . . . . . . . 'I II zero .00 Clear. Ctleyemino , , . , , , , . , . . , . 28 .14 .0(5 ( l'artchosidy. MIles City. . . . . . . . . . . 14 10 'F Ciomutly. UlsVeetOms. . . . . . . . . . . 0) 1)4 ) .01 Foggy , . llelow . zero , , "F. Indicalems trace of precIpitation. h. A. W121.SIi , Observer , Captain Sweetley , U , 13. A. , San 1)iego , Cai , , 155i "Bhiloii'a Catarnil Remedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that wcuitl do inc auy good. " Price SOc. STRIKEVkISVON \ \ IN \YEEI \ ( River Opemtora arni Many Outside FirmN Concede the Columbus Scilo , MINERS ARE JUBILANT OVER TIlE VICTORY Sitecmm Timomismasisl Isleit In ( Iso I'Itslmmrg ( 1)Istrlct hack at W'nrk at tim % 'agcs 'l'lme3' leIIsaImsiel W'imct , Tlmey 'cmmt Otmt. PITTSIIU11G , Marcia 12.-Tue IllinOIs of th. Plttsburg district cialmn that victory Io theirs ; that they have won time strike for lmtgher \vages and they trouiamce figures to lrovo their chalmnsVitim the caisttmmiation of the river operators to time demnanmis for 6 cents Per ton , 8,000 snlncra went hack to work at 11111011 vagrs , hilt in limo rush of a rosutni- tlomi of work tlmeso S.000 moo 9ere not suf. flcient nttmi 2,000 mnnmtrs ! from the raihos'ay mines have imeen ftirnished ovork. liosidee timis there are 6,00G lUCU mit work at time union rates in tue railroad ulimlrs , according to the figures of time niiners' oiilcimihs. Thus 1G,000 lIlCfl out of a toinl of 22,000 in the district are 110w at vork mit time 69-cent rate anti tile mimmors ciaimii timat time battle is won : that time remnallilmig operators cannot affortl to keep their mimIcs choctl nnsl lot trade go to coin- Petitors. Time strike isa not yet a m'eeic out ImlIul tite tubers feel that timeir bold , decisive 0011011 imas 9VOll for tiicmmi time victory. The tlelllfliltl for coal is gooti alIt ! thme visible supply is very mthort , Lake simiimuciits 'iIl begin next nIomit Im a huh I imi' operators are I mi Imo comi- dillon to libel time antlers wimiril tile opening of time lake tmade will bring them.V. . 11. \\'ihson , time gemioral Dialler io'onkinan of the hlltlcpcrlslemmt Order of Hnlglits of Labor , time floor labor orgaimiratlon , Is ill thme city and l.a jmibliant , at time ProsPect of time lmlimiers , lie feels that time fIrst fight of the new order vIll be a 9vlmmnlmlg one and If sitcit groves time case it. will gIve It a big boomll. - - Time onhy way to cure catnrnhi is to llUnitl thii blood. hoLd's Sarsaparhlhx pmlrlfies tha blood aIld tones tmii tue o'lmoi systenm , CONTESIING THE WILL. t'rocray of Fmithier I19'nml time t'nuo of a i.omt ihnttie , A comltost over time ivili of time late Fatimer James M. Ryan Is in progress before a Jury ill Judge hCeysor's comlrt room. The will comitaimls a bequest of' $ S,000 to Mary Lamnis , a sister of the deceaseul , time balance of limo estate to go to lhlsimop hileimarul Scannoii , Omi Atmgmist 16 , 1S94. Jtidgo Ilaxter admitted ' tIme imletrulnemmt to probttu : , bmmt iIzzie 1ytiohi and Maggie hours. imioces of the late clergy- Imlail , tmllt'go that Fatimer ilyall ivilOhi lIe iitnde this Ivili o'as luot of somanti ImlIlId and timat tmrtimmo imiflumenco was broughmt to bear upon imlln. Time test imnony yesterday went to shioii' thmat at time timm'mo thus ) i'iil WItS signeul Father hiyall Was in a feeble commditiomi , and that , willie lie o'as a highly edmmcatcml 111011 , hue nmereiy Islit his Illanic to the imiatrtmmmtent , instead - stead of writing imis namno. MARTIN1S SECOND REMOVAL. l'ostmunstcr Iismnisaes mi Registry Cleric "for Cntiqu'-usamloVs'r's Ciimimioru. Postmllaster Martin made Isis second removal yesterday.V. . ii. Gardimmer , for several years employed as nighut clcnic in time registry tIe- partmllemlt , was "diSImlisSect for catmse. " Gardlner is a Gruihul Army man , and is incapacitated to a degree by age amid in- firmuity. It i umlderstood timls is time "cause" for Imis remnoval. Ills smmccestor Imas not been cimoSell yet , buit will be nanied from aitong thuoso in limb in time classified service. Mr. Mam'tin has been imnportmmnecl by iiiem- hers of his party to remove Deputy Postlmlas- tor Wood alld nploint Cilarics Colmmloyer to tiso place. It. is mmot probable , imowevcr , Uoat such a change will be made , ; . 4xJ.i3i116xrs. : . _ ' For the coming tlmree mlighmts at the Empire , conlinencing witha time niatlnec today , 'A Southern Rose" will be iiroduced. This 'pro- duetiomi will be staged In tile same umrtistio marIner that. iuas characterized tue othler plays presented by Barnes and Marvin's players. The usual scale or 25 cemits ( or any scat in thle house will be its force at the muatinco tcdoy.'C -'C lines Not Credit time Jtepnrts. City Comptroller Olsen timimik.s timat the teiegrnphm reports regardillg the recent 4 eantisqmmakes in Mexico munat have been written on timis side of time limmo. It was re- inteth imow tile immliarninatory gases itud burned -4 III ) all vegetatiomi on than sides of Mount Orizaba amid time fiowimlg lava mnenaccd time safety of thue dwellers In time valley. Mr. 011011 iaad a little experience wRit the earth. 4 qmmnttos in that vicinity ( hIring lals recemit Mexican trip nmmul says timat while they may be alarmning to a mlovico they arc scarcely noticed hay tile inimahsitants wimo lmavo become 4 accustomed to their occurrence. Mommiit Orizaba is situated about mnidway betweell time City of Mexico and Vera Crux ' and rises mucaniy 19,000 feet mmtmove lho level of time sea , \Viiero It was cinimmiemi thmat time vegotatiomt laud beemi destroyed time mnoumttain was covered with snow amId Ice that luaU lInen accmmlmluiating for utges amId Imlust Imave been hutmmmdreds of feet timlek lml Places. .1 oh mi I.os L simS I Ii 0 Heal , Johin Laiser , wise llvzs at 01 North Six- teentit street , elltered vohlce court yesterday with , limo imitontlon of getting a warrant agtimmst : Henry Nortson. hiving at 1811 South Nimicteemitim strott , but hue svent ais'ay with dlsappoimmtmnertt 1mm lmla breast. lie claims timmut imo ( orinemi a Partner3huip vithm Nortison to buy and sell ssmshcnders mummul pill In $50 to start the cornlmany. lie 13'im that Nortsomi bought time suspemldors , but refmi.cs either to give any part of 1110111 to isimmi or to return limo &O. l'roaecutor Siuoemmlallcr could give isbn no no. lief , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ First Jmmtmimmi m'y Hstmimls Ness' 1)reses , 'Fimo First Infantry bamisl , Nebraska Na- tiommal Gmmardmi , comuiposed of rnemnbern of time Musical Protective uhlioml of Omnaiia , received mlOlmlmh Dcii' tililfornls of bright blue yesterday ammd cehebrated tue ovemit by serenading The lieu w'itim a discourse of mtcehierut Inusic , i'iuo band Is uumv timidur time ieatlenmshmlp of Prof. liernlami Scimummle. Drumn Major Fah- ictt iviehuls tile baton. Tile twcmaty-two mimeni- hers reorganized ( or is concert tour Augtlst 1-1 inst umhiul Lure unuler the imlallagornent of Julius , Meyer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - tom'ereig&i tms smip lum eleahnn. Tue sovereign caimip of the Wootlrnerl of time \Vorbl consened ill tiuis city at time' office of Bovereigit Commimnandar hoot yesterday , mu f to race mm. Time sessioll soul last three days , Ytstet' . slay'S lneetlrmg ivas devoted to routine syork , Oliicora trill be ehecteth 'Fbhursday mind the 031111) svlii be ententaimied imy time local branchmes of time order Timtmraday night , , _ _ -p Olarnhmigs' LIcsiices , , TIme roibow'ing mtaarnimigo licenses were is. sueth yestermiay : Nanie flllil Address. Age , iiennilc Mostcmtsen , Omnahmmt . , . , , , , . , , . , , . , . . 37 Cisnistiune Anll'L'mtmScml ( , Ornuismt , . , , . , , . , , . . , h1 Juusmmcme 'b. Smilmiser , Omimaimmt , . . . , , . , . , . . , . . . , . 30 Isohut Gooduhi , Ommmutimmi , . , . . , , . , , , , . , , , . , . . . , , , 13 'I'll 16 Iii6Ah.'I''a' iitItitl6'V , INSTIIUMINTS lliacoml On record March 2 , 1St1 ; WAIIiIANTY 013131)5. I 1. Jonas summI svle to II 13 Josh , , undIv i kit 4 , biock II Ommsalsmt Vhw..I 157 (1 ii Filrhaett email idle to III J hiamrlghmt , H ' 4 lot 6 , Each 3 , itelht'etlcme . . , , , . , . . , . , , , 220 A 1' FuIk omitl svlle lo 0 I ) 1)erriag , lot 8 , block 4) , Aibrigimt'S Choir. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . 4,000 tv 12 l'eer ci ssl to 24 ' 1' 1titlnmmm , so ( w of Ilikhrmm river ) , 4.14.10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,150 II ( I ltos mitsui wife to 17 hI ltr'omit , 0 lot 12. linel : 11 , l'lmm hnvlcw multi. . . . . . . . . 1,000 1 ! 13 ( ) a'e 1' , C lb Cure , iot'i U to io . , block 6. ICilby Place . . , , . . , . , , , , , , , , . . . , , , , , . . , . , S. , , I QIJIT CZAIM 1)16131)8 , (3 ( 3. Redmnamm st md It ) l'aul llultsnberg , ionS In sir comimer 10-hO-IL. . . , , , , . . , . . , , , . , , 50 s , i burr tc Vliiiummu Cmuok , 51W ( w of Elkisommi rIver ) , 3-14-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W'iiliamma ( 'rook to V 11 lyef , C 00 4.11.14 1,000 1)31111)8. 81,00101 nlaster tO Jolst hCIn , lots 7 antI 3 , block 0 , Myers , It & ' 3"ui pUd , , , , , , , . . , , , , , , . 600 'total atmiount of rs , . , , , , , , , , , , , ,410,113