Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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' - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE OMAIIA DAILY TIlDE : WEDNSDAY .LI ; , MARCH 13 , i89i. _ 3 '
- - - -
- - - -
coUWIL nLU1 l S.
or1Icz . . 2o. 12 pEAnL STnEE'l'
Dtllnrtd b7 carrier to any tart of the dtr.
11. W. TILTON , Leuee.
TLP11ONrs-4iunea : Omtf. No. 131 night
4IWr. No. tJ.
. "l."OIt "J : : TIO".o
Oranl1 , Council Dlutrs. E. F. Clark , prop.
1.IaYnf neal ! Estate 3gency. r.39 Droatl'vay.
Du. Mncrea IInll Lacy will lecture at the
Women'lI Clirktian nscclnllon hospital
March 11 antI Iii on "Surgical Nunlng. "
I'IIrlm ! Skters Charity club will meet at
Mrs. Clint H'ers this ) afternoon lit 2:30. : Let
each mlmber of Pilgrim Sisters academy be
The regubr council fire of I'otlawattnlnte
tribe No :1 : : will be kindled this ennlng In
their wigwam , 103 Pearl street. All Hetlmen
are reqtintcd 10 be present.
'John Co\'el' plea'lell guilt In police court
yesterday morning to the chrgo at IIteal.
Ing ne\ 11. W. Allen's baptismal suit trolll
the Christian tabernacle antI was stit to the ,
county alI.
The I.atlles' . \ ill society of St. John's En-
gllth Lutheran church will meet at the resl.
dence at Irs. H. J. Meyer , 2212 : ! SIxth a\'e.
flue , on Friday afternoon Insteatl of Thurs.
day afternoon as heretoforl'
9 Bluffs IlIvlslon No. 21 , Uniform Hnnll
lnlghts ot Pythias will entertain the morn-
bers of St. Albnns lodge No. 11 nnll Con-
cordia lodge No. j2 [ this evening nt their
' Iall III the Merriam hlC/cll. A cordial invi-
talloll Is eelllell ( to members 01 both lollges.
iCatherine . wlfo of George ( Berg , died nt
1113 ! IIIIh ; atrct nt 10 o'clC/ck / Iollliay night ! .
She was horll III Siglitliof ( Oerman , In 1825. : :
emigrating to , \erlca , In lS46 . nllli coming to
Council IIInffs In 1881. She ivan the mother
of twelve chlhlren tw of wholll lire sUII
A carl ! \\'nH received nt police heallquarters
yestl'rllay from Sheriff S. W. Seymour of
Crawford county announcing that n general
toro kept by I.ey tires at l\enwool' ' , near
} ) enl ' on. WIIS Imrglarlzetl and then burned
last Satllrttay IIlght. A 1'0wll1'l1 of 5O Is
offered for the capture ot the gUilty parties.
Fred Hlcllelts , Jake Lyons Chris Lavren-
Mn nnd Frcl I Dobson were fined $5.75 each
III police court yesterday for stealing a lot of
oltl traps from a lIecontl.hnnd ( dealer on
Lower 1I'oadway. ) Lyons parents paul his
fine and he wns released , but the other three
- were locked ! up and will \ he given n bread
and wnter diet tor a few days III the hope
of Improving their 1II0rals.
Dill halt , Adolph ltuchwltz Price Gibson
and J. M. Bailey IHuli 5 anti costs n few
day ago for seining Tar fish In a fish pond
; near Cresoent. oWllel1 by J. A. anti Hlchartl
) noC [ of this cll ) ' . They were captllred by M.
A. 1I0ugh and Dell I.'oote after nn exciting
chase to time river. 11 distance of six mites
flail Is to have 11 trial today : , probably , In
the distrIct court on the charge of breaking
Into Wabash freight cnrs.
: We hue onr $300.QOO to lemma upon 1m.
A proved ( Iowa farms. Farmers desiring ! ! : loans
, can save money by dealing direct with us ,
thereby saving agent's commission. Wo do
not loan on wiltl Inui ! ! ; nor In Nebraska.
Lougro & Towhc . 235 Pearl Etreet.
w' ' , \ hltor Fti *
We are not after profit ; Il's your trade
. - . 'WO ' want. See what the C. O. D. grocer can
Save you.
¶ 23 Ibs. fine granulated ! sugar for $ 1.OO ; 32
Ibs. New Orleans sugar for $ l.OO. Large
palls syrup , 40c. Large palls jelly 3c. : !
Ginger snaps , Per tb . 5c. [ XXX crackers
by the box 3 ½ c. Tomatoes , per can , 6 % e.
10-lb. pall white fish . 45c ; 10-lh pall No.
1 mackerel ! 9Sc ; Imported hiohlmnd herring
per Ilcg. ) ! ; . 6Go ; cod fish , per lb. . Gc ; Petti-
john's breakfast food , pel' ) l1g. ) . 9c. 12 Ibs.
ant meal for 25c 7 Ibs. rice for 25c.
A one-burner gasoline stove for $2.00.
A two-burner gasoline stove for $2.50.
Centervllle coal per ) ton only $3.35.
California hams , per lb. , 7c. Dry suit
bacon 6 ½ c. Breallfast bacon , 10 < , . Good
lard 70 per lb. ; pure lard. lOc per lb. Pork
sausage , Sc . Choice roasts and steals , Gc
- pound. , '
Brown'l C. 0 D. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
J'1fl.SOX4 L I'All.I all..U'llS.
F. II. IIlII left yesterday for a trIp to St.
$ , Paul , Neb.
JustIce II. O. Cool Is confined to hIs home
by serious Illness.
Warren and HCb Daily sons of Colonel D.
D. Dally , have returned after a long absence.
M. P. Rae , formerly of tIme Boston store
has taken a good position with John Deno &
1 n. D. Bendrlclls has returned from HiveI'
1 Sioux and Is confined to his home by an
1 attack of the grll ) .
r , Mrs. S. S. WhIting of Lincoln , Neb. . Is the
guest of her sister l\Irs. W. S. Cass , 221
'ashlngton uvcnue.
- Miss Bernice Senvel' of Winthrop . N.
Y. . Is the guest of Irs. O.V. . Cherring-
ton , G23 Sixth avenue.
Reuben Lester Ketchum returned yester-
day from Chicago and resumed hIs Illace as
reporter for the OIobe. ,
Mrs. E. C. Smith left } yesterday for Iowa
City to witness the graduation of her son
Mark from the medical department of the
State university.
Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. Nichols have returned
from Carroll where they went to attend the
unerlll last Sunday of 1\Irs. Nichols' father
John Nestle , n prominent Mason and Odd
Fellow at Carroll.
- - - -
t Whllt Is III n NII1110 ?
EverythIng If applied to a lIardman Piano ,
Bold by Mueller I'ano : and Organ company ,
: 103 MaIn street.
A pleasing entertainment Is to bo given nt
time First Baptist church this evening Mardi :
12. An Interesting program has bean ire-
pared . Admission , Inclnlllng supper IGc.
. Evans l.aul1llry Co , telephone 290. j20 [
Pearl streot. SpeciallY of gonts' fine work ) .
ahirts collars and cuffs.
IOI\t : IIIIt Whret Club UlllcerA.
The Council Bluffs Howlng association helll
Its stoclholdera' annual meEting Monday evo/1.
log In tim league rooms. The attendance was
more than twice as largo as al any meeting
held since the organization was founled , , anti
the reports of time various olllcers showed 1 the
club to be In 11 very prosierdiis cOI\lllllon.
There are now 100 members. forty.llve of
wholll were lit tIme meetln ! : . 'fho association
Is out of debt . anti has 11 balance of $ t30 In
the treasury II has hecollle so popular that
It wns found necessary to limIt time niemuher-
ship , and for that purpose a resolution was i
udopteJ reconllnelllllng to the bo\fIl of direc- :
tore that time Initiation fee bo raised from $10
to $25. This will undoubtedly be done The
following are tIme newly appoInted directors :
E. W. Hurt , )1tesltlent ) ; Thomas C. DawBon ,
vIce President ; mmet Timmiey secretary ; C.
E. Held , treasurer ; II . 7" . Ilnas commolloro ;
A. U. Hoss. vIce comlllOtl\lre \ ; 1warll A.
\\'Ickham. Frank S. l'usey . i. I 1' , Seybert.
Time Oall'melleo Wheel club also heltl 11 lII'et-
Inl ami elected time following olllcers for time
coming year : President I . O. Parsons ; vIce
PreiJemmt , M. O. Van nerHer ; bEcretary , C.
H. Dye ; trcasurer l. I I , . Ihlfluetle ; O. To
Dahl , captain \ Most of time Interest centered
In time election of a captain J. : II. I.'enlon
was a candidate \ for time ( posItion mind Mr.
DUlluetto having \lrOmlfe \ 1 to give hlll1 a $160
blcy lo In caw ot hIs election he made a
brisk run. He only got near enough to time
goal. however , to give DUlluette a nervous
tihoclc from whIch he has not ) 'el recovered
Dr La gel , 01ll6 410 6th _ ave. ; tel. 180.
lit I rtagt' 1.0.1I. ! . .
The following marriage licenses were lesmd
by time county clerIc yesterday :
Name and residence. Age.
lIehllel 1)uchmnianmm. Pottawllttllmle Co. . . 23 : !
Catherine It I : . Spungler , I'ottuwattamle Co , 2t
I. \'Ilklne \ Pottawattamie Co. . . . . . . . . . .
Anna B. 3mmmIth. I'otlnwntlllmle Co. . . . . . . 22 : !
All rew Jorgensen ; . l'ottuwuttnlllie Ca . . . :0 : :
Murle 1"l'ellerlcllson. l'otlllwuttalllle Cc . . 23
11. C. MoMullell. 1)ouglns counly. . Neb. . . . . 39
Ida lIullsell , Douglus county , Neb. . . . . . . . . .
1 > 1. \ ' . Blucl. Omalm . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3t
laJflu S'hleiims Omaha , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lortlmel' 1)unlnp OrUIIe ! , N. Y. . . . , . . . . . . 33
C.111'le : tlichiael Coles 111. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 2S
The Aberlln will open \'ednesJay larch
13 , wjth first class boar atIlt roollls. Soutll-
weat corner Sixth avenue and Seventh street
. lIow Is your cough Take ! Ballard's hoar-
- bD"ud lI\rup. : It la the best ; lit DI Haven'B.
- . t
Deputy SherHf Nick O'Brien ' is Able to Sit
. Up I1t Present
Sheriff IInr.en 1'raIe Chicago ! Officers for
Aimiltiic ( Usm'mm 111m In the WI&Y ot
Looking Up 1,111111'1'"hlllt : ,
the Itobhers.
Deputy Sheriff Nick O'nrlen Is able now
to Sit tip n short \ lime each day , and seems to
be steadily Improving , although he Is not out
of dangrr. The wound has not been draining
ns well as was desired , and yesterday Dr.
Iacrae determined to perform another operation -
atlon to remedy the difficulty. In passing
through the body two of the spinal processes
were broken orr. and the pus has been passing '
Ing through the IJath ) : mude by the ball In
such a way AS to put the spine In danger of
being eaten aWay , In which case death would
follow nt once. All IncIsion was made through
the bc ) nt time left of the spine and It Is
hoped that the Ilr.llllagc will be effected
without any further danger to the spine. The
sick man Is ns nervy as ever , and submits to
the c.1fesslns : ; of 'the scalpel without taking
chlorororm or ether.
Sheriff Hazen says that Inspector Shen
IInll SlIllerlntelldent Frank Murray of the
1'IIIIIertons have done more toward helping
him In this case than nil the rest ot the
ol11l'ers of the country Jut ) logether. They
have spent their tlllle al1d money freely and
he speaks In high terms of their wllllugness
to help ferret out time criminal who Is yet nt
larAc. In an Inttn'lew lu a Chicago paper
pllbllshel\ 11 fl'w days ago Superintendent
Murray Is IIUole1 ! as Fuylng that O'BrIen Is
one or time best hnntls to find criminals In time
west. :11111'1':1) : haa been nequalnted with
him for several 'enrs. ntlll his opinion Is
such a haLtering one that O'Brien ma ) ' well
ha\'o It frnlncli.
'fhe sherIff received allother pllotogrnlJh
yesterday from Inspector Shea of Smllh.
atlas \\11Iml. : the wounded burglar. It Is
better . If anythIng Ihan the one that cam
the tiny before antI If there had been any
doubt or \\'lIIard and Smith beIng the same
men II would b ( ) ' cleared away now.
IIN2i8t : : ) JlJIO\ ! ' \ .
1'hIH is I n 1111 lIa ' .
A day to buy table lInen towels and white
goods-If yams neel or expect to need table
Ilneim our advice , attend this sale tolla ) ' .
roe many gootls-erowtled for room.
62-lllch , bleach Irish table linen , worth
65o . will go today at 48c yard.
68-lnch double satin bleach table damask
worth $1,00 In any house In AmerIca we
will sell today at TIc yard ; na\lllns \ to mutch.
Two-'urd wide double satin bleach tlam-
as1 . worth $1.25. and you will say so when )
you bee It . we will sell today at SOc ! yard ;
napkins to match.
SOc quality j2-lnch [ cream Irish table
lInen we will sell today at 291' yard.
. . We intend . 10 lIIallo this n bIg day at our
linen I I lcpa rtnment.
25c Turl.ey red damask . today 151' yard.
SOc [ 'fllrlley rl'll dllmask. today . 29c yard.
50 10zen all linen Iuel..Hem towels , size
Ii by 31. I limIt G to each customer 9c each.
3G-lnch 25c doled curtaIn swIss , today
12'c ) 'nld.
Cotton twill toweling 3c 'nrd.
All linen crash al rc yard.
j00 [ all linen glass cimeelt . frInged 13-lnch
nalJltns , today. 2'c each
20c cotton hair cloth , lOc 'al'd.
All lining cambrics , 4c yard.
Best qualIty Mono percaline 120 yarl1.
Conic In today. '
Counci Duffs , Ia.
l'r"l"rlnl Grief for Icemen.
I The kick that was reglstercd several days
ago nt the action of _ the Butchers' association
ot this city In decIdIng to buy their Ice of
Omaha merchants In preference to those on
this side of the river Is stIll beIng made ,
and prospects are flattering for the matter
coining imp before the local Board of Health
In tIme course of a few days. I has been
deported that time ice which these dealers are
preparing to rl'e tw butchers comes [ rom
water that 15 contaminated with alt kinds
of filth and Infected with disease germs. I Is
clalmell that the Omaha Hoard of health has
decided I to be nnlt for use there , anti the
dealers aN ther..fore attemptIng to unload I
on time merchants or Council Illuffe. Just how
much truth there Is In all these charges yet
remains to bo seen but there Is a move on
foot ' to demand that the Board or health have
the Ice analyzed , and If It 15 found to bo
Impure that It bo kept l out of the state. I
time leo Is pure It Is likely that time Omaha
Ice merchants will unite with the kickers . and
will urge that the analysis be made. In orJer
that the false charge may I refuted.
Old you ever see a gasolIne stove n blind
man could use ? There Is ammo . and C. O. D.
Drown lies them. A mnn who never saw a ,
gasoline stove ( having been blind for years )
line used one of Ihese stoves constantly eilce
April , 189 I. amid Is alive ) 'et. A lady bought
an unsafe stove used It once , caught lire
( the stove dill-so mild the lady ) anti she dIed .
and Is dead yet. Wouldn't you rather be a
blind man than a dead lady ?
C. O. D. Brown , sale agent for these stoves.
Yes . the Eagle laundry IS "that good
laundry . " and Is located at 72t Droallwa : .
I In 110ubt ! abott this. try It anll be comivlnced.
Uon't fcrget name Ind number. Tel 151.
- - - - -
( 'lsiiiis lie WIK I lehi ' Up.
John Murpimy a YOlng man who Is veIl
Imown In COlncl Bufs , complained to time
polco last evening that ho had been held up
on l\Ialn street. He was passing the Plo-
near ' Implement COlpals ) .stabllshment
near Tenth avenue about 8 o'eloc ! when he
was mel by a bricklayer named John
hughes who puled a dlrll from tile rocket
ali orderctl Ilm : to give up his stuff or have
his heart cut out. Murphy had neither
wealh nor a heart which he wanted to dis-
gorge and he ) 'let for help The noise he
matle attracted the attention of a motor man
who was passing and lie . wih two or three
other men , I'lsh'd to Iurphs rescue.
Hlghes struck out for some other ) place. but
was arrested Ilurlng the evnlng and slated
with the charge of assault wih Intent to
eomUl11 niimrder
Time great aucton sale of mmen's women's
amid chliliren's shoes still goes merrily 01 al
200 BroadwllY , Time Morris : boys hnll a fume
stock anti . as an exalllle of time slmiugimter
$5 shoes hn\'o been sold at $1. Auction ever ) '
afternoon anti evcnlng. I. H. Ilnln , salts-
man ; II. A. Messmo . iirolmrletor
- - - - - -
'I hl , i.miht ' \ ' " , ' , .
This wIlt positively be the last week of our ,
great hal price sale. Come this week anti I
get your frmeH anti Pictures for just hal
lirlce . Open evenhimgs.
II , L. Smih & Co. , 4j [ Ialn Street.
Davis , drug . paint glass mmian 200 1'\ay.
Ily'lXI I his aleimmi ' hi.
Time general taxes becolo tlelllquentprll
1. amid IC the ) are not pall before thaI date
a penaly of 1 per celt a month wi be
charged up against the propert One-hal
lila ) bo patI this mouth . hmoweyer anti ! In
that case the Ia'nlnt of the other half may
110stponed untIl September 30. Special
taxeb , which como due this month need not
he haiti until September , In which event In-
crest ( will bo chargell for avIng ali gradlul
al I tier cent , sewer at 7 , mind sidewalk and
curbing at 8. Time county treaEurer's office
Is beginning to have fr'lluent'Islt from tax.
payers , and the crowd wi go on IncreasIng
daily ultl the close of the moonLit
J. It. McPherson . florIst , cut flowers and
plants. DesIgn w eric a specialty . \Ir or"
lien day 01 night. 1281 E. Pierce , CouncIl
But ! _ _ _ _ _ _
I.Ihr"rII. . . .
The report of tIme lbrarian of the pUblic
library shows thaI time ) lblc appreciates
the advantage of having the place open on
Sunday . DurIng the past month 8.300 per-
eons visIted the library , anll of these 300
were there on the four Sundays In the
mmioutis. The number of books taken were
6.698 , cllslled a follow ! : Philosophy , 97 ;
theology . 15 ; natural Bclence. 3S6 ; Icton ,
3,621 ; poetry and essays 7G ; history and
biography , 575 ; travels , 41j : ! ; magazines , .08.
. - - - -
F. D. & W. - ---F. w :
. , . & . It F. , D. & .
A Week . of Winter Bargail1s
For one week beginning Thursday we will put on sale some extraordinary inducements in different departments
tnents , at prices that are sure to cal the attention of bargain seekers to our store
No lady can afford to overlook the values we arc cffering ; quite a number of different lines \ve have decided
to close entirely , together with some rare offerings in staple and useful Dry Goods '
. - _ - 4
Silks a11d to $4.98 $15.00. includes garments sell from $10.00 I M ! tslitl Dra , verse I BOTS' Fla111tel
st.os ; ! Inclutles all garments from $ . $10,00) ) I .
D.-ess . Goods S $25.00. ets $19.00 worth gives $10.00. you choice of astrlknn acIc- Il l1dervear. . former 2jc. [ good price muslin fOe. drawers , fancy tuckIng . j 'Valsts al1d
. )19S entItles ) ? al to a selection of , . . .00 and G 0 , \ T 118. At 31c ! . a hlf lot of cmbrollNY trlmletl C 1 1 t r t s.
/00 yards fancy stilts . including smirch taf- $7.50 prln.g weight jackets. dravers worth SOc [ to The . : nlso . n line . of lace C
. . muotres , . swivels and All this . , II . trhnmeJ reduced from $1.10.
fete satins habtmtls Al shawls . durIng sale hal price. 88 . a beautiful garment In trimming
. I bellutful Our entire steele of .111 wool shirts and out-
falile . In one lot for : 9c 'arll. , . 011 entre ni -
faile. ) mind make eqtal to goods sold for $1.10 for Alt ' . '
dhmtllrcn's mnusitn underwear at rea
1 .
4Sc includes checllell taITea : elkM , fancy. . SSe cacti Al chlllrel'H . mlsln Ing waits nt : : : c ' worth oubll'
wilE Is sll ! , In various calblnntons anll Che.1111e Covers $1.00 , a II'e enmbroldered trimmed gown dlced pices.
feeLs wOlll bo cheap at 69c. . . lusln of a high grade , worth trlmnlt . [ $1.75. T . ' Chidren ' s waists , all sizes , to close , .I"
CSc . heavy striped taffeta silks . very . . deslr- COc [ . a ROtl muslin $ hemsttch $ ell L. JtOli 1I'IS Ich. :
ahte for waists would he considered cheap BIg hal'gnlns , In three different grades. ) 'OkIH. worth 75c.
nl $1.00. 4-4 frInged covers jOc. [ .
The wo offer our entire stock of Dengallne G-I frInged covers DSc. . . Put up In I huh I If 1ali I one'ponnu paclages at 7 . d . .
anti faile silks . reduced [ rom $1.00 anti $1.25. S.t heavy covers , $1.98. Shirts "r ant 30c per ound. I Vetlt11o.s
SOc Is the price lint on our entIre stock or . .
crepe tlo chine . and fancy black Chinas , . 25c. full sized tucked skirt worth jOc. [ Laces rc-Colorcl ewln" silk yelling anti ' fancy
worth double. Che111.11e $1.00. lace or embroille ' trlnllllt skirts \lng In one lot mind conEllered cheall.
reduced from $1.50 and $1.75 . '
rElucet $1lO 1.71. Ic- lot of high colored veiling wit
S G5c. embroider ) ' trlnllned shIrts former A Special Invitation to examine our new cimeimillo 1I0t. ving wll
Dress Goods Portieies prIce $1.00 , to go at G5c each. . 1)rlces Put on different lines of lace . also 10 chello
Inspect a large line just newly opened to the
25c for 4G-Inch all wool serge never be- At greatly reduced . prices , which . you cnn- H 0 S 1 ery public. at-pet ;
fore henrll , not afford to overtook If Interested i
ot In the history of ilry gooie.
. Iry goo.s '
390 grade includes French whip cords and G I eves
' '
grde '
Boys' and mlses' nil wool hose worth Sveepers
India twilis . and consIdered cheap nl 75c. than double to ni . wol . 12c ' .
more at
cll" c pr pnlr.
[ . B 1 acl.i Goods !
jOc. have sale
wo put on over 100 dIfferent ac . 00 S 33c-Ladles' fine English wool hose both
3301atlles' Elglsh The greatest kId bar
shades of 46-lnch all wool hiemirletta . glove bargaIn ever of-
before a - al . helrleta. never plain and rIbbed . at less thnn half their . ac- fered . - Closing ant this line entire ! . three dUrer-
offered less than 75c.
390. silk and wool mlxture . beautiful et- The largest stock ever shown by us and tual value . , 3" cozel gloves , Including latlle9. men's ent makes Damond . , Crown and Bssel , at
sik beautful mel's SOc ! jc [ anti 71e. !
fects and have always sell for jOc. [ time lowest prices Ask to see time new no v- . 25c-f eay ribbed . and fine Imported hose and chlllr1 ' s. In I a full line of sils , sold ' !
9Sc , imported Bradford tweeds In an enll- cites and weaves In black gods department : whIch \e consider \ cheap . and In alt sizes. from $1.00 to $1..I. now put on salt 10 close
less array of colors IItI effects and have our own Immiportatlon. SOc Is the price ) ut al n big line or our at jOc. [ .
always been retailed at $1.50 . ' fancy latlles' hoe In Isles ald Egyptian ) 'ar Cl .1d '
retaied $150 11 r e11 S
and YI leave theIr real value for you to
Satchels dnd jltllYI . Jewelry
( .
' 0
Cloaks ' '
'i'elescopes t Corsets. Chalco of our entire stock during sate at , ,
Odds and eiitls I In I silks and
. uus n s s an wool I crochet '
Three prices on our entire winter stock. '
. entre . Satchels and , . close durIng sale , Thompson's and La Sprite corseta to close , S ale suah tlIS at 5c each. Their actuai 3
$3.98 Includes garments sold for $ G.OO to Thompsn 5 ald Sprlo Half Price ' will . actua :
rIce leave .
$1.j0. [ halt price. t 2ge , I you find your sIze. \'aluc we wl untold at this time .
401 to 405 Broadway , . .
. . .
.t 'xs7'
f. , D. & w. . F. , D. & w.1 :1 :
Two hundred and eleven books have been
added during the month , 208 of them by pur-
chase maldng the total number now 14,2CC.
Guard rails have been put In front of time
windows for receiving ant delivering books
to prevent the crowding of patrons. The old
magazines have been disposed of as follows :
Christan haute ! ; St. Bernard's hospital , 4Gi ;
Women's Christian association hospital , 10 ;
Jail . 7. _ _ _ _ _
Oas heating stoves for rent 'nd for SOlo : t
Council Bluffs Oas company's office.
Jrcomleld ' 1.lleley.
The trial ot J. C. Mercy the South Omaha
man accused of obtalnrng ' $20 from the Hocl
Island railway by means of false and fraudulent .
ulent time elmecics occupied all of yesterday In
the district court and Judge Thornel gave
the case Into the hands of the jury just be-
fore the hour of evening adjournment. About
9:30 : o'clock the jury came In with \'erdlct
of guilty as charged In the Inllictment but
recommende that the court Impose a light
sentcnce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Evans' Laundry company 620 Pearl. Tel.
290 ; shirts , : collars , cuffs fine worl.
JlsmlM..1 ho .Jlr ) " .
YORK Neb. . March 12.-Special.-Thme ( )
jury In the district court was dismissed yes-
terday by Judg Bates There are enough
equity cases on doclle to carry the term
Into April. The case of Hegler against McCormick -
Cormick Harvestng ! Ichlnc ! company was
trIed yeaterda Tile case of PEarson against
time Wetchester FIre Insurance company ,
whIch was trIed at his Place last Saturday ,
wIll be again taken up today before County
Judge A. C. Montgomery.
Hev. G.V. . Walnwrhht at Blair dressed
the union meeting at the Methodit EpIscopal
church Sunday and left yesterday for Au-
rora .
rora.Mrs. . Tomset of Omaha who has for see
tIme been visiting with hEr brotimers D. J.
and George Coiling , returned home today.
Mrs. Levy and sister . Miss 1lcOnnl : left
today for Waco al which place they will
spend a few days visiting acquaintances.
Miss Minnie : ndwel , who has for the past
year been teaching Iii this county , lef yes.
tellay for ] Kingfisher Old
llrs. : Julia Green , mother of llrs. : W. II. I
lieU of this place died . and her body was
taken to New York for Internment Time remaIns -
maIns were accompanied by 11' . W. E. Del
and lIra. : Scholel of Mhldlelon , N. Y.
MIUV 11:1 : html JIIM lit , 's it Ii limo d.
ASILAn , Neb. , March 12.-Speclal.- ( )
Mad dogs contnue to bE time leading topic of
the town. 'fhlH morning another was kied ,
which malles six 1 < led In the last four weeks ,
besIdes some stock ! bitten by them. The
ann kIlled this morning bit a number of other
dog ! . besides some mich cows , before fits-
pat aimed.
County Superintendent Clark Is today Imohi-
tog teachers' examination . and tomorrow
Superintendent } . ' /rley of Case county will
be In time city . and the mater will be decIded
whether there will be a summer school held
here In July
MIsses : Alml Jorllen , 'Mettle Heasoner anll'
VErJn Opcnhelmel' , who have been vIsiting
In Alva for time past few days , returned homE
Clifton Incl\e ) ' , who had tile arm badly
mnnglel hy I a circular saw , has lneim removed
to Ommmatma where be wns placed In a hospital.
Sunllay his arm was taken off at thE shouller ,
low vItli al the bOio at . saving hits hif. lie Is very
1. U. GLen returned home today frol
a visit over wilter wIth relatives In Iowa.
MIsses Male mid Susie Seabrok or 1.ln-
coin who wee visiting over Sunday wlh
their brother , JV. . Slabroo\I , and famIly , returned -
turned home today.
UII Maim Ih'cl"r.t ) . Iim'miuie
01W . Neb. , March 12.-Elmel' } 'ower was
declared insane by tIme county board Satur-
day amid taken to Norfolk as'lum tOday.
A young man named Stark was under
examilaton by the board today and 11-
asylul dared Insane tomorrow. lie \ I be taken to Norfolk
Snow tell here all day Sunday and covered
the ground an Inch deep. The weather
cleared up toward night amid a great number
at peollle turned out to see the eclIpse ,
Ilter"'UIJ IoveI0Uen8 ! tn the Case ot th
Crummiwt'l ( Simielcie' .
CItESTON . la. . March 12.-Speclal ( Tele-
grnm.-Excttement ) over the forgeries and
suicide at I. , D. Dosser of Cromwell has
not nbated and there are mysteries still
surrounding the affaIr. Some new papers
have come to light to ay. J. Dolns has
discovered fifteen notes forged against hIm
nitd his wife. The amount at Blosser's
forgeries are increasIng and may reach $15.-
000. Great Interest now centers In Blosser's
sate In his blaesmlth hop. anti the people
arE waitIng anxiously for I to be ollened.
I Is I the Impression that thIs safe contaIns
some sensational evidence and that Blos-
sel's prIvate papers may dIsclose the Identity -
tly at his accomplice.
iteprecentatives of Interested Implement
Arias want the safe opened at once but It ts
probable It wl not be opened Intl an ad-
mlnlstrator Is appointed. The safe Is guarded .
ed night and date Prevent any one tam-
perinI with It. f.'rom Saturday night , when
Blosser shot himself . until Monday moring
aiiti during that
the safe was unguarded , 1111
time It 11) ' have been openell.
I appears now that Bosser displayed
consIderable cleverness und origInality In
11sposlng ot notes. lIe woulll Issue Utipil- \
cates . and when a man paid his note Bosser
would give him n duplicate , having sol(1 ( the
orIginal. 'rimere are many theories afoat re-
gardlng the accomplIce . and It Is general ) '
believed that Blossf was helng s'stemnt-
Icaly biaciounlcii ' 1here are rUIOI'S that a
woman Is In the case. Time theory that
Bloeser unit an leC0l111ce Is also gaining
grotuiid hut no clew has heen ohtalned. 1
looks reasonable to suppose that Imlosser
was the \'Ielhn of some one. I he had been
1 clover crimInal when the crisis was cer-
tlin ce\'er would have Ilown . hut Instead he
stubbornly refused aid anti dletl ly his own
hand I looks as If ho was Ileing pressed
all the time for money , amid being unnble to I
escape or meet the demand made upon hIm
he cnded his life.
Bosser was burled today . anti more than
1.0 ' PeoPle attended the funerul.
, \lel1 6tonx Ciy 1110101 Wil Not Ito
( 'onvictemi ' 1mb. Tcrnm .
SIOUX CITY , March 12.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Tho jury In the Strange case Is limit-
tlng ( In its third day sInce It went out . anti
Is allllrenly no nearer u verdIct than ut
Iirst. Time jury Is sold to stand still elht
to four for convietloim Judge Gn'nor , who
hums been out of the cIty since Saturday
night wl\l \ return tomorrow morning anti
wi probably Ilscharge the jtr ) ' then on-
less IIn Igreement , Is rflched In the mean-
Iliac . There hi ito chance tha such un
lgeement wl he reached.
l'roh'eul ditlio 101' ' h.
IOWA CI''Y. la. . Im&rcl , 12.-Speclal ( 'ele.
gram.-Governor Jaclutoh . who Is Just uncle
from u trip lhrough , the south . tolll ' 1he
lee'l lawn City reprsen\atlve \ tonight Ilt
protection Is being I'Qcalcll \ more anti
more In that section ; pattlculurl' In Louis-
lana Inll ( 1lssls811lpl where prominent
delocrt8 are 111\'ocnnJ the clllllac ) ' for
pre ldent ot Seater Allison of Iowa
Crllllnlmr IZerc'ilIc,4 I ' It icw.e ( y .
IWA CITY , In. , M/r I ! , 11.-Spectmml ( 'rele-
grtmm-The ) hOII'OPlllhll lo1lcl1 depart.
menl of the State university ot lowao helll
its annuul cOlmelCfllUlt exercises In the
opera house t0l1Hh tt' A " . itcimotmirly add reHS
on the "I'thlcl : of the Profession" Was HI\'en ,
br Hev. H. N. Watson , . 1 " D. , tn , 1 IJht"el
were gradualed , at whqm"Ilne were women.
Hohllt,1 the 1I'rtrlo : t 1.llllt ( ' 011111) ; ' .
KANS\S CITY 1Ihrch 12.-An exumlna.
lIon or the books or ; the 'Klmll City 111cc-
trio I.lght compnn hts developed the fact
that the conimny hUB heen HYltemutcaly
robbed at companr thousllll dollars IlurJI '
time Ialt few years . 'fhme exact amount cmiii-
not ho toltl until an eJert , who Is now at
WOI lIon the books . mul.cs hits rotiort hut It
Is said to Ilreldy approxlmale $ t.O ) A. J.
Couiter . who hUH hen bookkeeper for the
company blnee l9. . Is accutell at being the
embezzler. lie his not been Ictual ) ' II' .
rested hut II under the IHrvelaleo of the
. o
Amerlcal Surety cOIan ) " . which Is on his
hand. l'oultel' ( Is cmthitaifl ot company U
Third regIment amid swel known In social
cIrcles . lie \\'us Iloln us u "high rutler . "
t.3onvemitlomm Makliit "nr' , , . , .
UOIV.llol Inkll : 'cry . I.r/lr. .
S\I/I' I..AI\ , ltarch 12.-The constitu. ;
tlonal convention made little
tonal cOlvellton lade very lte progress
today . Several papers 01 the leading su\
jects were fulmlltc,1 as a put at u contItu.
thou and referred to proper commIttees. 'J'he
IlrolOllltoll WCIU mostly coplcll ( ruin luwI
ot California . Idaho and Colurudo.
- - -
II""II II : ul/rhoH ; Career
RAN PHANCISC'O , lareh 32-Harry I
Drowne , a notorious water front character I
known ns ' Horse hoe" Drwne , shot nl1
killed his wife today and then killed him-
self. Brwne Is believed to have heen
crazy. Though possessed of over $ IO. ( he
WIS troubled with 11 hallucInation that he
was to soon lose tt mill. A few mInutes be-
tore committing the murder anti suIcide
II'owle killed two canarIes to which he
was greatly aloched , The Browncs made
their money running sailor hoarding hOI es ,
In the ' ' at California.
early Ila's Califoria they were
notorious. Drowne before his marrtape .
was many times Irrested for burgIury anti
Ihbel ' . and served a term In the penlen-
tul'Y for mUllel' . .
Cmahn :1'llcat Society alerting.
The Omaha MedIcal society held its regular
ular monthly meeting last night II the Com-
merclil club toomns. Dr. Id. N. Newbeel\r
mmml Murray D. Wilson ' ' elected to
Ind llurl'a : D.'lson wel' mmmcm- .
. read follows
\ershlp. Papers were . as tolows :
"Some Observations In G.neucolog . . DI'
11. I S. Dley ; "A Case wIth Specinwntt " Dr.
J. g. Smmmnniers . jl' : " 'rentmcnt of Vnolco-
cole " Dr. C. c. Allison : "Plaeenta Prae-
via , ' )1' . A i" , . Parker ; "Slletch of WIlliam
Goodel. MD. , I.I..D. . . Dr. 11.V. . Chase
After the realllng of elch iapr a dI-
emission WIS had on the paper and the merIts -
Its and demerits which It contaIned us seen
by the members of the soelely.
l'r'Jnllty 111 1'"ln.
Too oren go together. Refrain from swear-
log If you arc suffering the tortures of rlmemm-
matlsm , and seek the nll of Ilostetter's
Stomach flitters . which will expel the rheu-
matcIrus from your blood. Kidney and
malarial , ,
complallts , dyspepsia constIpation
neuralgia and hlousness are all relieved ly
thIs sterling amid comprehensive faintly melll-
clue which should' be kept always on Iland
for emergcncles.
Nilnmi Ir.&rrIILI fCHlol amcemhimg.
Pl'f1SDUnO. March : 12.-The bIennial con-
venton of the NatIonal . Fraternal legion Is
In session In this el ) . 'rho order was or-
ganizeti In iialtlimiore thirteen '
ganlzel Illtmore years ago
und the present olcPl'Inchlle : Supreme
comnmantier . Henry Alcl's of Newark N. J. ;
supreme treasurer ' 1homas. I nIl supreme
medial dIrector . J.V. . 1' . Bates of Haiti-
moore The convcntlon wIll adjourn On 1"1'1-
day mornIng. '
10to ) # lt . \ nchorNI Iii ( > gon.
PORTLAND Ore . March 12.-ConRtnhle
F. N. haley has nol yet succeeded In getting -
ting out ot time state with Isaac 1. Iliad.
bury . the colored poltciln who Is wlnted
In Kansas City for pnrtlclpltng In election
frautie. lie stlrtell lust night with his
prisoner. hut was stnppell at Salem. He I
WIH brotighit Ime to this city on I charge
of kidmmnping. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
OhtIahiommt's ; I'lrot HIII In TCII Mont hH.
IgHHY. Okl. . Murch 12.-A hard rain tell
here this evenIng' . the fist 11 ten months ot :
any consequence. \\'ehls and cIsterns were I
11 drY Ind wltel' for man Inll heast was
exceellhIHI hll'ti to obtain , Tht' rIn wi
ho a Hodsenll to crops c ' Jeclally s'licat
whIch Is needing rin . ,
InlI ' I. Carry ) Oakland. " ' .
O\IO.AND , Cnl , March 12.-Yestcllay's
munlelpal elections resulted In the election
or populst John 1. . nl\'le , ma'O' over J.
M. : Nelson , nonpartsln , 'lluhlean { antI
demnoermttIc candidate ! . by SO ) mutualIty. 'rho
popnlHtK also elect the city attorney . twelve
counclhn(1 unll two tchool . 11'ectol's.
Tonic , tie 11Inll \ 111 I I ' 111 ,
OUTJHm , Old. . March 12.-At String-
town Iollhers entered the store kept hy M.
Iounlls , and , loading the safe on a PaIr or
trucks securell al time . \pot. hauled I se\-
oral mIles Into II country Inll blew I open
with d'nllmle. 'lucy . secured about $50.
Sr. .ru"ph ( 'oulh'rh'llr 1llrnled.
ST. JOSgPH , March 12.-The counterfeiters .
ers II'1'estel last week at Forbes ! a" , weru
sentenced In court here ' . ' ' .
tolu ) Joseph 'i'rlp-
Icy received three years In the Pelmitan-
ttimry halt yeurs. mind ilti Freeherl received two amid a
I ) iilalmuuimi's Eirst iemmsi . , .
c llholll'l 1'1101 1''lut IIdllll I 1.
11.:1HY. Old. , March 12.-011Iahonm to
have her first Icglll hangIng tomorrow , when
John , Allhln wi he executed tor time murder -
tier ot Oahe Clark anti his s'ls . Mihilgan
" 111 hil \ 'IctImns' heads . alien with al llgan .
When Baby was sick , W" gave her CBril
\\'len she waa a ChIld , alma cried for Ctrln
When the became . MIss . lbo clung to Ctr
When she bad Cbiitieusho gavotbeui CaitcrI
&o Cilll.cnsho gavotiem Ctrl
I - I
Church Novel amateur n Parlor '
taiurcnts fO' cntmar'I 'I
I I Socials ] olireceipt socials and 01 homes. I 10. by Scnt the PastIlIleS : 1
I H0m Enlertainmant CO" Counci Bluffs , IOtJal
- -
, ; " . - ' , , ? . ' . '
: ' ,1. . , ' '
. . . . , 'f I.l 4'
- - , RESTORED ' 1'0 ' great Vcgotmmbho
: % ' , ' ' , Vegolnb"
, . . . tOI 01 n fntOUirrrlch plYElcal. mviii qulcimhy emim o maim of preecrip. all .
\ \ ) voile or chIs'ae " II tilt ) gemmeratlv wi qUICkl'CIIO , , "Oi al tier-
11 iI-gumu " Such LOSt
gelcrat\o .r , ni , 4
, ' aranlmnqtl
Jnsomula I'mmlmis In the ilacie . , 108t Ilnho
' lnlusll Jlacl'.lCllult fII.SICI8 , ' - , . , ?
. ' , . 1'ei-vc'i ih'LllIt ' ;
. . .t'lmmes ! , Iltll8 to Jnny , l xlauln lirmiltis'lmrlco'plo ! ) ti
. . at
- Commati ttthotm. : J t stO' mmii lObe ly day or Itiglit. VnlcO'IQ nll .
J ! ' a dl'chnr// ' . whlcl t not ! Iia1mlay railS to i3Itrrmmmgmtrrhsme ' qnlck unC
r BEFORE AND A F1tR ni the horrnT 01 Impolelc } ' . ( 'Vt's IuNI : : 1lrmutnrrhlJ , Ild .
AFER 'UI'.UINJceuucstlolver
khllcys mil the urinary organs 01 mill lmjturlLicj _ ll.
' ,
CU11D1NE . O/nID ullwl.uriteo
CUl'IDJSr .trenglhlnsnn,1 r".lorrs " I ni weak orgnu ,
'I'Sto u emtsomi Stiffrrer' . nrim 1101 cnrerl hy Unclnr8 I. " , , 1I5
1ho beetuto
II'a801 :
8ullrlr. ur lot er rent
l"ro"'I" r 1- . CU1'I1)ENE . : Is I tiut' , 0111 ImO\1 rrmr''y ' If "ICHU8e cure wl timely WI per Op'rmitloim < are . trouiiilc'tI ( lIeu lsilnmoml. Wilma
al . A wrItten guirnnt'o gIven antI money relmmrneil I six ltox 01"1101. ( 11'81Imoll
wrltrn II1rnnl.IY1 all m/nl rlllrl'll " doe8 1I0t reel
/ I C
fl. ( I bow , 81x tlrf .o Iy mall . \eli tor 7mmcichrcuhar ! Inl ) 10"18 IIBhlollnls U l'erllucuIcuro '
Address IAVOL flEIICINII co. , P. 0 . Box 2070 , '
JA JIIUCINI 1. 0.10" :0 Bnn Francisco , Cnl. 1' Sllc by .
IrOn SALE UY GOODMAN DRUG CO. . 1110 F'AitN4L ' ' , I'l
. 110 I"AHNAll S'l' , OMAHA , NEB. !
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 4
The Good Samaritan , 20 Years' ' Experience ,
VOMiiN. I'ItOl'IIIiITOR OF 'I liii
' . ' . , ' .
S'Olti.1).3 ilIIlLILtL IIS1'IIN.
8iItY 01' : si IiIICINI ,
. ! I
P4) )
\ :
' - \ " . - C
I' treat tie following Oscuses . :
Calarh of Iho I 11'111. I 'lii ran t alul r.llngs : Ills.
.afl'S lt time iiya I Inll I'al' : . Jls anti A I.oplexy ,
Ik'miit JItit'tit , . 1.lvcl' , .
11IIot IJ caHo. COIIlllnt. Jhhwy Cilml'
1.lalnl. . Ncrvol Jchllb' , aliitmml ) c-
lmrcI4u4Iols , 1.01414 or lIIiLtlhiOII H-II.
limitS 'VcIIncHI , ) JUUlhueHlt It's Iii'
( 'lice St \'UUH' hiUlico . ittmuimmimmttinni . J'lrl'sls.
Ihll I ' Hwcllmr , 14cm ( ill I hi . l"c\'I'r SUI's. 'J'lln.
urN stud 1IHlln II nlu rciicvccl
wlhult thc IUllfe : UI' lmiesvlmsg U
( h'ul' CfhluuI , 'VOIIII crl vllt ; '
dclente orJ'lt relUCI'cc i to
iI'itlttt. IrCIIH ' eurcd s'ttIIlIt
tmiltig. Hllcelul Atentun I'eii
tu IrI'ntsm unc "clcreul ) Jh'en
ofnllhul . 8.u tn 8oeJhH h'lt 101'
II"cneren' UIHcnlc : I 1'llllt onto
' 3thioit 25Icvciir' . ' ' % \ '
, 1holt JUcrclr. 'I'nlo WOI18 removed
Inlwlor or Ples clued Ihrco hours , . 01'10 lilt ) lelurllohls
'unsl wun A 1 , \ l'I'I.I''In :
hug 'iil on sa\'o or ualnl Ifo 111 hundlcts or dollars h ) cull'
' . 1" UII ) l'I'I I : ; it mu h. C'II 1.1 t I su hit uls
a , "rKI" ( mm'ltlioimt iekklmmg II ijii't lou. I
. 1'111'.1"11.
' 1.00 lt I thlll. I I . he' Iii I for ( j ii . 'st Ia ii
i tIm , ii Ic , Nc. . I ( a m' mum c ii , : . 0 : rur mmii 11..101
A I I I corl' Iltll'nco strictly t cotifhlent mi. 1
) Iodlcilo edit I ) ' CXmrCS5 . Addrets uii letters !
. G. ' V. . I/.NII1 , ) : I. n. ,
Enclose IO ( In stamps for reply , I
l'1 R. BA lJIIPIIIPP ) " Aittirumiys-imt-L'imr I
SI'Il & AINIIRI"GE tnrll'lt-lol '
. . , , ; . )
wIiI } t PflhuilimimJUU ) I'ral.tlco In limo HluIO
IIld Federal COUI'W. ltooimimm H-7.8.i , 5iiuar
) :
lilock , luulcl Ulul , lewis . JJ.7.i. : Ihuoar
W1te11 Bl1yi11g
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never be recovered
antI Il'l n calamity to lose several years .
whleh bO many Iowa mind Nebraska peopl
hlve done when they' have bought torelgn
grown , ulaeclmatell fruit bOllht
JmNlmA Y hIItOTIh hiltS ,
\'cre horn on the loads where their nurse _
ry stock Is . growli and yellS or patIent ,
Inlel 'ent IXlll'l'huent ) lnts'e taught them time
iettt varIetIes fom' this climate Ctimmsemtmmently
IhLt' t I lion , ! i' rown tacit , Iii us hmmm Ill ) ' 'luenly t
foi 't trees. ' ' ) ' hiil'
tOllst tn'IH. 't'hey have a very lane stock
for the HII'ln/ ( deliver 1111 every tree hi
warm'anteii true to mimmie . Orchard . Vln'urd ,
Lawn , Iutiling Trees amid Ornlentul stock
Mnlle no Ilstll ( In your 011f11. Hentl us
your list mit 5'ttnt5 for ) .
lst lt wlntA prIces We emma IMaso
\11 In prIces altl Stock . htt'fcrmjmm't'mm , : Council
llrfH ! Blnls , Council Buffl nllllrtmenl
Omaha item' . and prominent iiiisltmemmui men
I Ntii'mmerles O. Address mmix ' mites Iorlh at Council ultra .
1I11NErtAy UnOR. .
CreHeent Iowa ,
0110. P. SANFORD , A. W , HEIMAN ,
I'resldeume. Ca6hter
first ! Nalional Bank
of COUNCIL LUFF3 , lows
CnlUtl : ) , . . S100OO
Plofits , - - . 12OO (
On ) or 'he ' 'dc.t ' Itank " In this .Inlo or Iowa.
\\0 , solIcit ) "ur iu.hl. and collections. Jowa , .
Iny 6 per cent on time depojiti . WI wIll b.
wl b
. .
pleased 10 ee and servo you .
, -
I SpBcial No1ic@s-ouflI @ mufs
CIIMr-rs CI.IANI ; VAUI.Tms te.fleigz ,
CtI Julk . al W. 8. itomer' . . rU llroadwey .
- - - - - - - - -
I.ItUII IIVhTn HAIN 1'01 IuNT N''hl
cour houoe. Apply al lies ! liIce . Cunci Bluff. .
VTil - AN ! ) - GAltlIIN "u\NO FOIL
sale l'wrt clmrmmim street . and Cl easy termite . . OU ) ' .Sl F .
- - - - ' - -
/ \ FlNlIl1iVIlltl' OUTFIT " 01 HAI.I ; I I..AN-
tiau I lruugtmam . I coach , 1 Burley , 1 pimaetwm
8 buggies , I sleighs , 8 sets harness. Pay !
hose . Council liluits . ) C
WNTEI ) , - GOOI ) ChIlL. FOIL ( IhN1Il1At : .
N1'ri . Lirs. It , W. ' ) "IC/n .01 , f mNJIAt I.
_ , . ,0' ,