Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    I . I T .
. - - 2 ' TilE Ol\rAIIA DAILY B.E1 : , 'TEDNESDAY , MARCH 13 , 1S9. !
r TIght to the ! ! property. They say that they !
pto8ented thIs wopotttOn to the prInt who
! propsiion
had been elected by the congregation and
who had no right In the premises ,
. but he refused to listen and they determined
to take forcible posessOfl.
The other Aide Also clalm a right to the
property. They admit that It belongl to thc
Roman Catholc church. but they uy that
as they paM for It with their money they
ought to have n voIce In sying to
whom the title ! hou1 pnss. 1 Is now
11eedc1 to Vicar General Choka. and they
refute to transfer the dCIll to B hop S nn-
nell. Since the llshop ) did not have
' the deed they claim tht ho rcrused to
: appoint a priest , and that therefore they
, electcl the present priest thcmclvcs. Priest
, armlnskl wu raised to thc prlesthcod by
, Archbishop Vilatte to carryon the services
or thc church , according to the Latin rite .
much a Roman
and they cbll that he Is as I
t Catholic lS l\holl Seanneil.
The Icallrrs of thc ScannelllvlBon seem to
. be Joseph NowickI all Jnch Netzer , with
' lieutenant. PrIest
Adam ! pranowskl as Icntennt.
) { arlinskl anti Joseph Inda I appear to he at
, the head or tM other faction , aOl the priest
. , claims that ho ha been threatened fre-
! , ' qtiently. ThCy desire to 1(111 1 him he says ,
quenty. T1y <
" anti have heM meetings to lay plns for
' doing so , but the bishop has to\ them not
't j . to .10 this He thInks that the whole trouble
)1' ) t1 was caused by Nowiski vljo . he say ! , Is
' continually urging on his countrymen to vlo-
contnualy Illng
I' lenc
I : l'rIct ICurminshi was arrested In the afternoon . !
! I ' noon and charged with shooting with Intent I
to kill.
I' '
I " Allm lnanowskl fell n complaint against
' ' the priest charging hIm with shooting with
'j' I ; Intent to kill ! saver Dargaczevski. The
arrest was made soon afterwards anti Kar-
mlnsld was arraigned before Jllfge nerka ,
who released him on his own recognIzance
to appear al a tIme not sot. Joe lrakowsld
who were mixed
anti Jacob Netzel , two men
up In a slle fight , were arrested and released
on hands ( or iOD each for their appearance
_ In police $ today at 10 o'clock.
- - Late In the afternoon members of the Kar-
mlnskl faction appcarell In police court anti
fed complaints against Jhelr opponents ,
charglni ; hem t with various offenses , from
fhootnl charllm with Intent to kilt down to aasault.
Those for whom warrants were Issued are :
Nick Cherelc , Jacob Netzel , ' August Nelzel ,
Frank Szczpanlck" . Prank Iinjnoskl . Adam
I'rzanolslc rank lUtiwelaki , Joseph Nowis-
clc Nlkodlmls Tar aszewskl , Xawery Tar-
gaszewslcl , John Krystynell , Katy Krystynelc ,
Francis Oorlk , Kaly Szyntanaka , Katy Naw-
racIJlt , John KahauowskY ; John Ienlgar ,
- Anton Zgilnaki . Wallency
Joseph NawrcaJnton Zglnslc. Wallucy
Karb\\'skl , John Kozicki , Tom Cherelc and
Prank ICobUla .
At the conclusion or the fu lade an examI-
nation disclosed a dozcn holes In the wall
naton the door and altar where the bullets
had InlodlllIl themselves Two of the bullets
, nlercell a statue of the Virgin Mary but
none of the altar pleccs were touchel1 Jlllg-
Ing from their positions In the walls some
of the bullets must have passed very close
td time head of the priest ,
"I do not regret It a particle that I shot
Dargaezewsld , " said Priest Karmlnsld yester-
day afternoon when In Jai , .I I were
Placed In the same positIon again I would
, act In the same way , only I thInk that I
would be cooler and shoot with better effect.
' In the church I ' not
When I saw the men was
! frlphtenet1 , but I atmlt I was considerably
excited . and that made me shoot a little
.wldl ) I 5hot at the men's legs every time
, because I did [ not Intend to 111 them , but I
, would do differently the next tme , They deserved -
served to be killed , for they enterei on my
Premises like robbers , with the intention of
. - killing me , and I surely have the right to
protect m'self They Intended to kill mo ,
, for I have received several letters threatenIng .
Ing my lfe , Heretnrore they did not Intend
to murder me In the church for rear or
, desecrating It , or so I have ht.ard that Bishop
Scannel has advised them The lawyers , I
, understand , have also been urging them to .
get posECson of the church by any means. I
"These thing have kept the people , who I
. are poor and ignorant In a continual state of
frenzy , and when their anger cooled oft a lit-
T tIe the man Nowlsld would set It ablaze
again He I the one whom I blame for the
; trouble that occurred ' , today He has been
contnlal ) urging on thepeople to get pos-
. Gesslon of the church and to murder me.
"As to tile property , we have a right to
. bo In possession of I under the Injuncton
, granted by Judge Scott. I will admit that
m I ; II the property of the Roman Catholic
: clureh , but I bas never been deeded to
Bishop Scannell . and therefore he cannot ap-
, point a priest for the congregaton , Conse-
quenty I was elected the priest by the con-
gegaton , I the property Is ever deeded
' tQ the bishop I will be perfectly willing to
, step' down from time psiton , I am , how-
, ever , aB much of a Roman Catholic priest as
, ' the bishop hmhnself. I was ordained by Arch-
bishop Vlale of Wisconsin last August , and
I have papers to show the fact But Bishop
Scannel wants to get possessIon of the
property himself and docs not want the con-
gregaton to have It , 'Vhen the church was
- under the care of priests appointed by him
the congregation was being continually
rbbed , These acts make me almost ashamed
of the fact that I am a Roman Catholic
priest. .
In speaking about the mater Bishop Scan-
nell said : "Al that I know abont the trouble
that occurred today I have learned from the
newspapers I have had no communication
with the pcoplo who made the attack on the
church for a long time and have not advised
them In anything , I do not Intend to take
any acton In the matter. hut as the case
bas been taken Into the curts I will let the
law'erl fight It out without Interference.
! " /ttthiougim , of course the people ought lo
have tried to take possession of the church
by legal means , I am of the opinion that they
bad the right on theIr sIde. The decree de-
Il'crell by Jntg 4mnbrose placed them In
possession of the rOllrty and vacted the
. writ or Inluncto Issued by Judge Scotl. I
. um of the opinion that IhOe who opposed
their entrance to the property are In comiC -
C tempt of curt , I heard that they Intended
I to take an allpol to the sureme ! , court , but
I I : do not know whether they have oven filed
thclr anperaedeas bond I do not believe they
. ] mave. because they are poor ant they will
10t bo able to get anyone to go on the bond
us there Is nothing II their case. As they
would Icllher obI ) the decree or the court
, nor apllrwty tale an appeal , the other rac-
r , ton probably decIded to take the law Into
, their own hands They are a poor anti
" Ignorant Ilcopio and very exclahle ,
"I do not recognize this man Iramlnalt as
a Roman Catholc prJest lie claims to have
been orlalnCI by Archbishop Vilatte. There
I 10 such archbishop In time church There
, i a man In " 'Isconsll by that name who
4 cals himsel . a bishop but wih 10 rIght
. , "No , I 110 not Intend to meddle In time
, . matter. The congregation may fsht , but as .
' the case IR In the courts I Intend to walt
' until I Is settled there. "
m Early last nllht a report was clrculatel1
that time Ioles of South Omaha were going
, . to Sheeley staten to capture the church ,
' and that they would be assisted by some
t , 10113 from Council Bluffs mind the attnclthlR
party ( f 'csterday. I xclemcnt ran hhh and
the followers of Irlest Jarmilski flocked to
' the church he3vly armcd with revolver amid
shmotguims. Sentinels were stationed lt the
rear of time church on time Inside anll swore
to hold possession of the church as long as
, they hall lo enough In their bodies to make
I resistance.
Three olcer were sent to the scene to pre
1 Vent time re.occurrence of time scenC of yes
tlrday. and at 1 o'cloclt time excitement h11
somewhat subalded. Time Ilatel In plaenlon
m : . caimed that It was necessary for them to
ban Ilolce irotectiomm . and Pric'st Jarmlnlld
p claImed that an prganhcII body or the mmssaii-
I ' emits was stationed In I house Imledlately adz -
z joining time church , and It was his opinion
r . that time Intenton of time mOi concealed In time
. house of Cne his bltt'rest enemies waR to
L await an opporturity. when the parties II
. possession were off their guard to make 1
rush alt gain Possession of time disputed prop-
I crt ) At a late hour host nlht the expected
' parties from South Omaha and Counci luIs
, , Ilad not Ilut In theIr appearance . and no signs
of the defeated Illutea could bo Irl In the
. . 1 , 'Iclnly of time church Time men stationed
lr the cinmrch . a the hours roled hy amid no
. . II"UI of the attacking parly ( wa seen , began
fettling lor" cimeeriut anti secure , and frequent -
, f .
quent trips were made to the nelghhorlng
, . asloomis . As the aIlrlt went 1011. 10 rose
. the confidence of time party In roscllon that
' tbe ) ' wouhl bt able to COlli successfully wl h
I' ' any attacking party and tl" they would be
fr : able to retain time advantage which they bad
been successful In holding ) tsterday.
, ' 1 fe ll/ ! engendered between the Iwo
, 4 , factions over the occurrences of yesterday II
' ) WtH , and Bishop Icnuel was roundly
denounced by Iarmlnskt and his followers.
They claim that they are the victims of I
ccnplrlcy whIch , If Il Is successful will do
frllHI them or their rights , and antler the er-
eumstancC they are not wfing that the affairs -
fairs of time church shnl bo administered
without their having / voice In It. armlnskl
said that ho was willing to receive any one
who cale on him for private or buslnln ren-
Ions , hut he would , with his lCe , prevent the
forcible entrance to the church or any body
of men , anti that the lot of Injured woulll
number moro the next time , 8 ho would
shot to ki , lie Intended to protect the
rights of hi followers . anti the scenes of
) sterlay had no terrors for him. With the
assistance of his friends he expected to re-
lain IOSesslon ) of the church until the
supreme court decided otherwise
P. Iargacze\skl , who received bulel
wounds In the legs , was more severely In-
Jurell thnn was nt first supposed. He was
removed to St. Joseph' " 1mopital. where I
was decided that one of his legs would have
to bo ammiputated The InJurell man and
his brother reused to allow the amputation
to bo mnllo last night.
Adam Przanowslc. who acted as one of time
headers or the Scannel faction . spoke as fol-
lows : " : \s soon as Ju.llo . Ambrose delivered
his decree In the case wo waied Until re-
centy for the priest and his congregation to
vacate time premIses or to appeal the case to
the supreme court They have no right
whatever to remain In possession. as the
decree Is against them As they neither ap-
pealell the case nor vacated time church wo I
notified them to leave but no attention was
paid to time notice. Thererore , on Monday
nlrht 10 11etermlnell to take possession , amid
this morning marchell to time church with
that imitentiomi. "
.1U.\T ( Ifl ) l"/ " /I.I AT LOUIS riLLI.
UIstrlc Meetimmig TRrluty Atoltel RII mum
1IJly"hll : 1lmo 1t. ,
LOUISVILLE , Neb. , larch I 2.-Spechal.- ( )
Lotmisvhilo have been dde-
Louisvie peoille ) entertaining -
rates to the district conventon of time Independent -
pendent Order of Odd Fehlowa . which closed
yesterday mornlns In the afternoon a "love
reast" was imeid at which fIfty testified to
the good things received from the order.
Whie time men were tl enJo'lng them-
selves In their lodge rom the Iebeltahs
were preparing n feast of a different sort In
J. , \ . llasimncier's 111 , When the south-
hound Missouri Pacific train arrh'ellhe
visitors from Omaha and other points were
cordially received and marchcd to thc banquet
hal , where covers were lall for slxt ) ' , Twice
were the places filled. lronlt ) at 7:30 : the
evening session ot the conventon was called
to order. The folio \ Ing are some of lie
vIsitng brothers : I' . C. Peterson noble
Ira 01 , llalsmoulh ; It. Dexter district dep-
liLy granll master Ashland : T.V. ,
Shr'oclc , past grand master Baltimore , Md :
G. W. 1'ox ; noble grand . 8prhlGleld : J. p ,
gage , grand , secretary Freinommt ! : . _ G. L.
Loomnis supermor representative i"remonl ;
I.oorls , superIr represenatve ,
Cyrus Alton , district deput EmwoQ :
C. N , Ste\ens. past noble grand , Emwooll :
I p Browmi 3. K Barlter , L. Olsen . 1 B.
Bates , p , C. Hanson , ! S. Drlgls , 0 I
Snyder Joseph I Fctzer I Rclchter , I. B.
Egonberger Ed Stamm , Platsmouth ; W A.
: ller , Alvin Bali , H H , Miller , G W Booze
W E. Miller . Sprlngfc1l ; S. Loring , Bird
Critchfeld , C g , Paddlerord , Emwood : J.
W Stall . J. 1 Stoli . Nehawlm ; J. T , Aught ,
3. W Hanle Ashland : A. Craig. Wahoo : J.
G. ountnln , Merna : 0 II. Beecher , Scanda ,
lCamm ; A. Cimeldon A\oca ,
Thomas W. Shr'ock , worthy past master
has been a membcr of the order for more
than forty ears. He Is still a memher or
Friendship lodge No 7. Baltimore , ! d ,
The local Hebelchs , with visiting sIsters ,
held a meeting In Ilasimneier's opera hall
Rev Dr. Hobbs , a member of the ancIent
school was an Interestng and Interested
spcctator ,
The local lodge has a large new hal well
furnIshed and always In good order.
I was a great meeting and the local lodge
was greatly strengthened and the cause of
Odd Fellowship advanced.
! r , C. 0 McDonald and Miss Zee A
Clifford were married Sunday at noon Rev
Femming or the Baptist church olclatng ,
A convention of the Christian Endeavor
societies of this county will be held here on
Friday and Saturday Qt this week The
local organizatIon Is making arrangements
to entertain all delegates.
Mother : of B l'oncR Chic ExpireS at the
Ago of lid.
DECATUR , Neb. , March 12.-Spcclal.- : ( )
In Nebras1.a and
Plobably the oldest woman NebrasJi
at any rate the oldest Indian womnn , died
at her home on the Omaha reservation Fri-
day at the ripe old ago of 15 years Site
was quite a relic of ancIent times and was
the mother of a noted Ponca chief. She
claimed to have the pleasure of knowing
the great explorers. Lewis alI Cark , per-
sonaly , I Is known positIvely that she had
In her possession pots , urns all cooking
utensis that were used by the Indians at
least seventy.three years ago , They are
quaint looking things antI would be con ld-
cred valuable property In time hand of .some
novelty shops
Site was buried according to white cus-
tom and prominent people from the surround-
hIlt country attcmidcd her funeral The In-
dians' mode and ritual for the burial of their
dead Is indeed pecular , Fire Chief , who died
not long ago was tendered what they con-
sller atm honor His daughter caled the
people tOGether and feasting was indulged In
near the old man's grave 'fhls Is but ono of
their many pecuhiariUcs.
- - - - - -
CJ.NE , 1. GIUI.\l CUl'J'LIU.
ISis -oot So Ho\'orely Crn.bel . RS to Render
Amlutlton ? ctt.ssiry.
LINCOLN , March 12.-Special.--This ( )
morning Clarence H Graham a printer ,
lost his right root whlo ntemptng to cross
In front or a train of cars on time Durlnston
road at Eighth and N strccto Being In a
hurry , ho did not walt until tIme train pulled
out , but crawled between the cars While
so doing the engine let II ) the slack and
Grahum's right foot was caught between
the bumpers and so badly I crushed that am-
putaton was necessary lt time anllo Joint
Graham lu 18 years old , living with hlsl
grandmother at Wghteenth and Wtrieto. .
and ' ut the tmo or the accident was deliver-
lng' time daily editIon of the Dunlap Court
relOrts. His mother came down from
Omaha today In - response - to a telegram.
Nlbrolm ( 'Ily' " H"Ilhlrnl , 1Jclet .
Nr DlASKA CTY , March 12.-Speciai.- ( )
Time republicans this afternoon placed the fol-
lowing ticket In the field : CouncHmen , First
ward , Cal Chapman ; Stcond , F. C. Nicholson ;
Third , William Irower : Fourtim Cbarles G.
Fischer : hoard of Education Anton Ziimm.
merer , E micCaliqni and Il. lI , 'faggart. Time
ticket Is a rood onc.
E I , Nortimcutt , a letter carrier was seriously
bitten by a dog yesterday. Time animal was
Reuben D. Cllrch was adjudged Insane this
aferon by the commissioners of Innnly ,
al1 will be sent to the asylnm at Lincoln
Time young man' insanity partakes of a deep
hatred toward his parents
Time populists have decided not to place a
city ticket before the pcople at time spring
Whlo going down the cellar stairs this
morning , W. II. Walaco mised hIs footing
anti iamtde-d at the botom with a bralcen
Ihouhlcr blade
if. Straw Ihls morning caressed hJs wife
with n coffee pal , IOurlnI the hot liquid down
her hac ) ' . Mn Straw obJecteJ to such
dcmonstratons or afecton amid thC 110100
were called to settle the trouble.
.1. P. Icltey ) today commence suit agalut
H. U. Walace In time county court to recover
time lum of $ lGtiOdue _ ou - a note .
II'nrgllh'ltulInlun ; , ' t ht ( ' .
NOHTI PLATTE . Neb , March 12-(8p- (
clul 'I'oiegrammi.-Time ) efforts of the director
and , stockholders of time North l'lall N4-
tonal banI , whIch has be'n In the handa or
a receiver for several 10uths , have pro'en
unsuccessful . 10 far a concerns reorpanlzlng
anti reopening the bank , Receiver rOolte I .
will commluro tomorrow and Proceed to clce
\P the affairs of the bank af aool l posal-
ble. 1 Is thought that dcposltors will be paid
In ful , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
w "I.rlnD Itrevitie. ,
WATFIOO , Neh" , larch 12-(6peclal ( )
-Alex McDouGal wi rarm C. P. Cay &
Son's ten'mcre btrlp ou Front street tbl4
A lumber of citizens got out wih their
smoked glasses tl see time eclipse , but were
diu II had ,
Mr fO . E. Morgan of Iowa City tl t visiting !
ber alder , Mrs. Ucorge Archer ,
Mcaure Intcnded to Permit the ' on
to Take I Change ofVcnuo .
lolnl ! Out til lntertecmice of the l.rllll"
time whim the .hllrlll Brnlch If Unv-
( rllllt 111 Shows how the BUI
Ir Jlght h Clntrl\enel.
LINCo.N , March 12-Speclol-Oo\'eror ( )
Holcomb declined to attach hIs omelet slgrm-
turo to the change of venue bill so anxiously
desired to fIt the exigencies of the Hol county
case against the alleged murderers of Barret
Scott. and this morning sent to thc senate a
messale In which he giveR at length his rla-
sons for vetoIng time bill. The measure , which
was crowded through both houses under the
whip anti , ! spur of party expediemicy Is known
as Eenate tile No 2&9. 1 provIdes that whenever -
ever In any criminal trial In any county of
the state the attorney general ! Ihal file an
aftlavl to the effect that the state cannot
have a fair and impartial trial ! In the count
where the offense I alleged to have ben coin-
mitted . because of the bias anti preJuJlce of
tl Inhabiants of the county , time trial judge
elmall proceed no further but shall forthwith
enter an order In the case namIng and
designatng another county wihin the judicial
district , wherein such case.sllal be prosecute
and the accused tried In all resplcts as I IndIcted -
dIcted or Inrormed against In the counly 10
deslgnaled ,
1 Is probable that time twcnty.fve repnb-
Ican memhes of limo senute , or at least a
two-thirds majority , will Pass the bill over !
the governors veto. 1IcJcssn of Lancaster i
movel to that erect this Juorlng , anti the
matel' was set as a special order for 1
o'clock tomorrow forenoon
Governor Holcomb bases his objectiumis to
tha III solely upon lgal and objectons
grounds. ACEr reViewing bIeily the purport
of tnues the : bill as it Passed the legislature , he con-
Our consttuton , has wisely provided thnt
tint Ilowel'S of govellent of this state fire
elvlltel ( Into three distnct departments , the
leglslmitlvtj . executive and judicial , anti no
person or collection ot
colecton persons being one oC
these dlpartmcnts , shah exercise any power
properly belongln to exercse the others ,
except as cXllressly Ilrccted or permnitti'd.
By the provisions of this bill I Is made
landatory on the trial judge to order a
change or venue upon the lhlhmmg of an affidavit 1
fidavit ! . ! , , by . time _ attorney . Hlng , as men-
"U"U ill tmie act lmOtvithstn1mUim1g he
I le aC IltWlttstnndlng mummy
be satsled that 1 mit' nnd impartial trial
ta mill pal'tes InterclIld lay tmpartal hal In the
comimity where time offense
? unl' tht was comnuitteti.
' commited.
'lime atorne ' enerat Is not by lmtw save In
exceptional cases , und tlen only IY request ,
malll' the Prosecutor of criminal' cases tried
In the dIstrict courts of the stnte Ils loca-
ton prevents hll frol being familiar with
the state ot the Public mind or of the him
or prejuiice of the citizens of the varlou
counte ! ot thc state. Ills residence and
place of . business , In many Instances , are
llstant ) removed from man ) ' of the coun-
tes of time state He necessarily must de-
penll upon the representations of others In
order to arrive nt any conclusions These
rellresentatons may or may n.t he reliable ,
and would naturally come from those more
or less Interested. However sincere might
be his desire to exercise this right mlght
change of venue on\ where the public interest -
terest demanded , the attorney general might
often thus be mIsled , and It would be Illac-
tug ! upon an executIve olcer a burden anti I
responsibility which properly anti accordimug
1' the spIrit of our consttuton , belongs to
the judiciary . The attorney Is purely un
executive olcer , and yet , by his affidavit
and over the objections of a defendant the
place of trial may he removed to n county
remote from the place of the alleged of-
tense The trial judge although convinced
that a. fair and impartial trial may be hao
In the county In which the offense was com-
mitter case. . has no discretionary power tn the .
. Can I be said that n fair and tmparUal
Itrlal ! can be bad where the defendant , over
his objections , . Is compelled to try his case
In some county remote from hIs home and
among strangers ? .
IR the trial judge who sits In the caRe to
hoW the scales of justice evenly balanced
to do violence to his own convictions ot
truth and rIght by ordering I chanAo or
venue without an investigation and Judicial
ascertainment of the alleged bIas and prej-
udlcc of the citizens of the county where
the offense was committed ?
I seems to mc these questions should be
answered In tha negative.
The act In question Is also slbJcc to 1
graver objection , and , to me an insurmountable -
mountable obstacle , because of Its conflict
I with section 11 , article I , entitled "Bill of I
ltlgiits. " ot the constitution , which pro- i
vldes that "In all crlmlnll prosfcutonR the .
accused shall have the . right to appear and i
defend In person or by cOlnRll , to demand I
the nature and cause of nectmatiomu and to I
have a copy thereof , to meet the witnesses
against him face to face , to have proc ss
to compel the attendance of witnesses In his
hehalf and a SPeedY anti [ public trial 1) ' aim
impartial jury ot the county or district In
which the offense Is aleged to have been
comlitted , "
Thlo Is the supreme fundamcntal law of
the land I has been adopted and ratled
hy the Ileople Time experience ot ages lies
demonstrated Its wisdom The nres sUllrcnH
court of the Unlcd States bas apt ) ' alt ;
"Umloubtedl the provlslol securing to the
accused 1 public trial within the county or
district In which the offense was com-
mited Is of the highest Importance I
prevents the possibility of scathing a de-
fendmt for trial to I remote district at I
11"lnnco from friends amOtH stranrers. nnd
imiiiuil : ) , - pirilciianlmar : ( flj ; prcJtices" i
a Ilersonal or partisan character. "
I la , perhaps , claimed by the advocates
of thlR , measure that the term In the eton -
ton quoted , "or district , " Ii m ant to fIx 1
limit ot territory larger : thamiJ that of a
cOult ' -perhaps of a judicial district limit
such I constrtmctiomi . In my judgmmmeimt , Is
not warranted hy thc language uSII , and ,
happIly for the Jurpo es of determlnlnl this
question , the highest judicial trlnmal of
time state imps upon three different occasions
In the decisions ( of that hot construed this
sectIon of thc constitution , and there Is now
left 1:0 : reel for doubt
In al early decision time BUJlremo court oC
this atnle , In construing Ihls section of thl'
consttton , uses the folowlnA tun/uage :
" ' ' ' ' ' / '
"Of the eimip1o'ett . 11strlct' Is time
only one ns to time ful purpose of which
there can he , In the Ihu s of any , even I
rhadow , of a doubt , hut this , like the word
'connty' II the Rnle ! t'ltEnel , Ii usetl In a
i'emtriotivo , semis , , to lmit an,1 , control thl
exercise . of both legislative and jUllclal
pIel In the punlshmcnt of criminal offend-
ers In Its ordinary Imnln the word 'dis-
ti iet' ts commonly minI , I1rOJerl ' Istll to
11eslnltl niiy one oC time vurlous 11\1810us
or snhlvlslons [ Into whllh th" state Is i dt.
\hlll for Iloltcal or othel' purposes , al1
may refer ( iher to 1 comreRslolal , judl-
clul , sel\torlll , rlllrepentat\'e. school 01'
road ( distrIct rleppntlng always upon the
conneetol wih whlll I i. l : IRe.1 . II the
clause quotcd \'fr' dellly I refers to none
of timm'se , nail IlhOIh not
wih tllse wont 'cotiimty , ' ) ' 11. IY its connec-
ton tle It. tl Intentol u\hlntl' WIS
that they Fhoulll h i lalln In n slmla ! '
seuse , mind as designating Ihe preelsp IIJI'
tinim of territory or divIsion of th , Itale over
ton a eOlrt , at any Ilal'teulal' sltrr
may exercise vower 11 crlmlual ; JflhIttCi' $ ,
exercFIOWII' l leil
exercF \IOWII' \
, \nui such division , hv whatsoe\er name It
mlY be'lmown In lm'glslmmllomm I , is I co.extenal\'e
wih nail jrnetlcnil' Imle.l Imy this ronsti-
' to hint from whte'u I'nst-
tutonal pro'iiiomi whlc' I jury ,
for time lartlcmiiam' tlnn , mummy ' legally he
llrwn , AIII Ihll Is In eltre accord with
OU' constitutIonal s'st"m of district court ,
hr l which onr II IleFlrnet for ell'h orgmmmu-
Ized county havll criminal jurlRdlcton co-
extemmaive thc'rewltim , and nasisteil h '
Ixtanslvc therewih IJsfstpl1 by jurol ,
/1rawn Iii thl malmel' now PI'o\'lllt I ) ' law
from . the whole body or time peole thereof , "
'fhls ccnstruclon of the section /111 I ell has
heen rler.1tet nnll Idherl/1 to by time RU-
preme court of this state the lust decision
lwreon being as late UK time year 1S91. I
is I douhtefs true 15 II'el1ed by time ' lprere
court ot time United States In ) ( on&l'uln 1
consttutonal Irovlslol of another state .
somewhat sImiar to the one II quest 101
that Ileh an uet IR the ole Inllr cnshlfr
allan woull not 11 uneonqliutonal where
1 chanJe of Vlnlp was mnte wlhln the tls _
trlct composed / of two Ir more counties . it
lon110 I
etpritmrimmg that jurors for the trial of erlm-
hml offenocs commlleJ In one c lime coun-
tel of time fcwral nlnlhe.l together for
jllll\nt \ IlnIO PI are Ihoson from oil the
counties : ant , such , I 1111rstunt , Imy 11111-
latlon , mIght bi made time Inw II this state ,
Hut Whf" the Iolnty tl SII/I ! , organized .
hail courts are lipid thlre1n. jurors 11111
slllltlll from the ball ) ' of lim' i'oumuty. then
the tlrm "district" Iq r.tlnllvl whim Iho
oSunis. . anti time eonstrmiotionm civen this ' -
o'unlnli thl construllon Ilvln SII-
ton by time supreme court Is unlloubtedl
tits law.
In considering this alt I imave not relied
emitlrely ' Jmlgnuent. , I rpINl
! ntrel ) upon my own julln1nt. ha\'c
discussed lime 1llnclnlpl Involved wih otllrJ
wbo are learned tn the law In,1 , ,111"
julcmpnt I. ! ntted to Lre1t wll > ht Thei'
oplllonl ha\o 11'nrlalh'tr"1tlpnpl .wtl
11rlrml.1 , me In time \11\1 I ha\P hlrell' '
cnr.lset net c1\t'ussC1 the obl ' r'"rq hpreIn
mnamle with reference to ' nart"ml'ur
Iln -
1'\14 rlCfrenlA II nimy frl' plr-
lnn rr 10 any Jlalttllar rasp J have , c"- '
.q\'orpl only I ' 'Iptho subl.rt
. \ [ 11 \'Ip\ the " ni I
mlsht be applied to ' to
II'P1cd any person or any
. . . . . . _ , _ _ . . _ . . _ H. , _ . _
crlmlnnl ease whllh might arise within the
borders ot our tale In this mege I
have enellayorlt only to ( liseiiss the clrlnnl
principles involved [ ) I understand them.
I regrettim thQre I ! geemlnll ) ' such /
wide ( iivergemm roplnlon \n \ regard to the
merits of thl iii . nm1 yet , after ti'lng I
n mOt thorl I investigation null careful
consideration , hmave no doubt al to my
tiut' . nnI , thin fore for the reasons given
withhold 1I royal ( t tIme bill .
SIL A. IOICO ln. Governor.
" ' , \.UJ ( l'h'.IC \ 1.W STILL UI'I ! :
loU8 Indelnl y . 'eatpomlc' n lun InteldNI
" ' " I Ieiiiti It ,
NCOLN , " ' \rl1rnt 12.-Speclal-The ( )
house made goollro ress today . with the
general appropriation bils , The was anti
means commlteo had made a report con-
sltrably rluctlg salaries and In sOle
cases cutting out departments ni 11 clerk-
ships altogether. When the commltl of
the whole got fairly to work I proceeded to
restore these , In most cases , hack to the
original fglres or 1893. Ouslaughls were
mnlle hr economicaly Inclncl members on
the bill In the war or redUctions , but In
almost every case they were repulsed When
the Industrial Ilomo at Milford was reached
a motion was mate to Increase the salary
or the superlntenllent from $1,20 as recoin-
mended by the report of the commitee , 10
$ iioo. IauII said It was time to cal a hal
on raising salaries. This brought Conawl ) '
to his feet. He said that If n hal was .le-
mandld I shoull have been called long ago.
KauII thought so too , but evidently thought
I was better Into than never. The total net
Increase over the comiuiuuitteo's bill In time
matter of salarie Is $26,271 for the hlennlum.
The change made In the general oppro'
prlatlon bills were nearly al In the lne oC
Increasing the amounts recommended by the
commlltee on finance . ways and mcans The
first move male was to restore pecuulary life
to time Dureau of Industrial Statistics , time
deputy labor commissioner anl [ his assistant.
Six thousanll dollars was appropriated ) for
this lrlose. $100 for the deputy labor
commissioner , $1,000 for a clerk and $300
for IxpClses per annum , An assllnment
clerk was then alilel to the list reported for
the commIssioner oC public lands and bmmlld-
hugs at a salary or $1,000 per anntmmmm Then
the salary of the stenographer oC the an-
premo court was raise rrom $600 to $900
and the two bailiffs from $ S00 to $1,000 each
An Islsllt clerk was given to the clerk of
the BanklnR Board , OleIc Townley at a
salary of $1.000 per , annum.
The heavy majoriy against Halrgrovo's i
bi , hmoue roll No 47 , to repeal the valued
policy law 83 to 6 , proves how hopeless are
any further atempts this winter to assaul
so popular a mea1ure as the present law has
become. The bill had been kept back as
long ns Iosslhle , In the vain hope that some-
thing might eventuate In the way ot over-
turning present opinions 1 Is quie evident
now that the voice or home constituencies
has ! been heard wih tremendous eIect , Even
Halrgrovc , the imitroduecr by request , or the
huh , found himsl at the ) partng of the
\ays , and voted for Intefnle pstponemenl
or time apparent ) very obnoxious measure
In explaining his vote he said ;
I did not believe that the house woull
consent to a full mind fair dlseusslon of I
bull which certnln\ has some merll Those
meris could be 11reserved and the defects
modifed , or comilletel done away wIth II
commitee of thefwhoIe hr amendment But
I observe n dh\lton In the house 10 give
this bill no show \ ' its lfe , Consequpnty ,
I shnl vote for It.IJldelnlte postpalemenl ,
The bill to reimiulrse i the Impeache slate
officials . Allen , Humphrey and Hastngs , and
for the relief Of their attorneys , was swept
out of sIght for this session by Indclnle
Preceding the special order of the day at
10:30 : a. m" , consideration of the appropriation
bls In commlLa of the whole the house , on
reconumendatiomf Qt' standing committees , or-
dered the foliomfimlg'blhls to the general file :
Senate file No. Ig , by Watson , to provide
for the admission tb praclc of attorneys and
cotmnsellors at law
Senate file No 14. by Watson , making I
compulsory for railroads to use automomatic
couplers. l' .
House roil No .022 : , by Conaway . , to provide
agaInst the adul6i ton of Coed
I ,10use roil . NoIG0 : . by Rhodes , providing
for' the punIshment omarrle-men"epresent-
Ing themselves to be unmarIe and making
proposals of marrlagoto unmarried femalesof ,
good charactcr ,
House roll No 674 , by Brady , making
veteran volunteer firemen exempt from grand
and pet Jury service
House roll No 557 , by Becher , making the
first Tuesday In April In each year ali election -
tion day In cites and viages ,
house roll No GIG , by Davies , providing for
the printing and form of election ballots.
House roll No 181 , by Dempsey , to permit
the residents of any precinct to adopt free
rangJ for four months
house roil No 668 , by Dee , to create a joint
commission to investigate public buildings of
the state and to regulate pay and mieage ,
house roll No 615 , by Mies , to provide for
time incorporation of accIdent Insurance
Incorporaton , corn-
House roll No lIST by Thomas , providing
for the cancellation of Insurance polcies ,
House rolls Nos 520 , 613 , 30G and ,17 were
indefinitely pstponed , The Insurance com-
mitee brought In two reports , majority and
mlnorlr , 01 house roll No 17 , ilairgrovc-'s
bill , to repel the \'alued policy law , The
minority report , by Schlckedanlz , recom-
menderl indefinite ] postponement There was
sonic show or a fight 01 behalf of 1alrgrov !
ncketts amid Jenness , but the vote finally
went all one way Alan , Harte , Jenness ,
Johnstol or Douglas , Kaup , Ielcets and
: I , ' , Speaker alone voting against indefinite
pstponement I1lrgrove voted wlh thc ma-
jorl )
The hour having arrIved for time specIal
order of time day. conslteraton of the general
appropriation bills , the house went Into coin-
mltee ot the whale wih Speaker Richards
In the chair as chairman , time moton having
heen lade by Munge to that erec
One of Limo bills , lou o roll No. 631 , the
salary list . was then lalten up and conshl-
ered The salary list oC Limo governor's office
\1 recommended without change , On reach-
imig the adjutant gemmeral's olco Howard
moved to strike tie office out of cxlstence
and voted for I alone
Jenness movel to restore time office of
deputy labor commissioner , which had been
dropped by the comllUcl on ways amid
menns , toether with the salaries , $100 per
annum for time deputy and $1,000 for I I
cleric. ! leNll and Harrison supported / Jeni i
lucas In this movement harrison said that
leo long af time ofce wal provided for br
law he should support I , mcl.ettl spoke ear-
neatly for t o amentment , anl Cole oIl.
liosemi It hy asking to be shown In what ,
lunner I beneJled limo cause or labor i
Harry contributed mimic InCormaton In this
respect. He pointed to the statistical work
or the bureau Inrlng the pat two years.
Burns or Iancaster'as loud In his demands -
mands for the .rFJel\pon \ of .thls olce , and
mimetic a ringing ¶ JI"Ialgn speech trom a I'e-
pUllcan Itandpolil ; .le declared time repub-
lcans swore the I , . ter ! frlenls of labor , and
Casper tacit Issue\lh hll Time later said
that cnllmign : imimIonmbo lade him tired ;
that one I'al'tyj ' : s much labor'o frlcnd al
time other. , I
Crow said Ihat..f alu810n had been made
10 Governor Crounco'a IfssaJe recommend.
lag an nII11roI1rlnton sumclent to Increase
the chhlciency of ' (110' bureuu , ho desired to
say that GovEllor Crolnso had also said
that unless time 1IIIprdprialon was lade the
bureau . . IIHI helH' lie aholshel , Barry
5ho..ell that Gonrnor Crounso had lmrgti a
. UrR\d
large approprlalpq" , The amendment or Jen
incas was cUlrled , ' , Jhq , appropriation of $5,000
for time blennlunlnmade , and tIme labor
bureau : restored t. Ui , positon on the salary
list. i.I " I
Time office of \ tmp jecrotmmry or state was
oIce ofIP fecretary
Ieached , and a ItclWjralher aldCl at a sai-
cry of $ IGOO for , ( hOt biennium , Al assign-
10nt clerk ] wins IIdl011 to time office of the
commisioner or public lands and hUlhlnJo
at a salary or $1.000 'I'he salary or Lime
Ilenographer of tho.Ullreme court was raIsed
rrom $ GOO to $900. Tine clerk or time hanltlng
boar.1 . was given an alslstant at a salary or
'he house Ihen took a recess ,
I.'olowlng the noon recess time hou8e went
into commitee of the whole , continuing comm-
shleraton or time General approllrlaton blue ,
No clHngo was nlule In Limo list of UIn. .
clutrhll nchool at ICearney nltl time /tend.
Inl Ilh'slclan was re3ched. when lila salary
was raised from GOO 10 JSOO oa motion of
SchlclBdlntz ,
The lalary list "f the Insttute for the
Blnd at ' Ncuralk City Wn Incre31ed rrol
UUiJa 'te $ G S' )
Cimeiimitmim "fpre" an amendment that the
c ' 111 tep's rer , 'I t rl" oll"'nclng bu one
mmerctiry or UI 10H1 ! or 'l'r U Irlpton h'
I nenl'J 1 to . In lul' threc s" ( ' . 'ur I'l Nt $ " ' .0) ( )
each tar annum , or a to al nr loprl.lon tf
. . . . . _ _ . _
' S - ' - ' - - - - - -
$12,000 for the biennium Chapman's amend-
meat carried which also included n slen -
rallher at $800 per anmutim 1 reduction of
$100 per annum from the allowance of 1893.
A aecontl assistant physician was alllel [
to the Lincoln hospital for the insane at a
salary of $1.200 per annum , An attempt was
made to Increase time salary of the sUllcrln-
tOlllent of the Industrial school at Geneva
to $2,000 mimi one to reduce I to 1200.
Both failed , anll I remalne1 [ as repurtetl by
time committee at $ ltI00. Thin salary or the
mntron was increased Crom $ GOO to tSOO per
annum The salary of the matron of the
10me for the J'eebll Minded at Beatrice was
also increased te $800 from $600. When the
Illustrlal homo at Mlorl was reached
Thomas moved to Increase the comnmmulttee's
roconlnenraton of $1,200 par Innum for time
Ilperlntcn < ent to $ i,500. The omendment
prevailed .
The appropriation for the unl'ersl ) ' at
Lincoln recommenrle by the commlt ( e was
$175,000. This was amendell to $196,29 on a
showing b ) Muner that this was nuommey to
be dawn from the unh'erslty temporary
ali not from the Ieneral fuml of the Itatl
Barry mo\ell that the stenographer dropped
In the gtmvermmnr'a office by the report or the
commitee , at n salary $1,200 , be reo
storcll , whIch motion pre\aled ,
Judd . movoll un amenllment to the list oC
the In < lSllal school nt Oone\a ( that n faml ) '
manager mmmii two teachers bo nllle1 [ at a
salary of $800 per annum , which prevaied ,
The bill , house rail No G31. was then
recommelHlell for passage . amid the commllee
rose and reported , mind the report was
Senate file No 130. by Watson , a memorial
and jalnt r Eohllon lro\ldlng : for the cedlnl of
go'eriumument land wihin the state , was ordered
to the general file.
The following bills were ordered to the gemi-
crab ! file :
house rolls Nos 582 , 244 , 409 antI 433
house roil No. 3t , to rclmburse Allen ,
lumlhre ) ) ' , Hastngs , et al . Impeachel state
officials , was recommendl.1 for Indefnie post-
Senate file No , 78 , together wih Oonror , .
liolcomub's message accompanying It
at the tme meSSlle slgne the bill .
was read , anti the new bill , lS
preparel by tl committee on n rlcu\ure. I
lall before the house on first renlHng , The
main features of the bill permit oleommiar-
garine 10 he manuraclured for exportation
outside the state I was favorably consIdered
antI ordered by the house to the general le ,
house roll No 443. the genernl Irrigaton
bill , was m8.lo a special order for tomorrow
at 3:30 : p. mum ,
A report of the fsh commission's visit to
time hatcheries oC In lana was rcad . detailing
their obser\atons In that vicinity and wlmmd-
lug lP wih a reuesl for an appropriation oC
$ ! G.OOO for the fish commission of Nebraska.
The house then adjourned
CALL O : ( lbUltChilLL ' 10 l'HOSICUTE.
? tcnmmto'md HelotuUol Asks time Attorney Gen-
, ' In Go to Unit tnlnty.
LINCOLN , March 12.-Spccial.-Severai ( )
matters of more or less moment to the tate
occupied the atenton oC the senate this
rorenoon After recel\lng a number or re-
part from "tanding commltel5 the senate
took up several pieces of busIness unfnished
from yesterday . ant compleled them ,
Pope called UII his resolution offered 'ester-
tlay aferoon directing Attorney General
Churchi to take charge of the trial oC the
men accused or being the I'nchers of Bar-
rel Scott . The resolution was agree to
without dh.lslon ,
Dale cabled UI ) his resolnitIom offered 'ester-
caled U\ resohllo'
day directing the railroad commitee to report -
port at once the ammti-pass bill Introduced by
him on January 8.
Chairman lcKe9 on , from the railroad
commite said In derene that the commlt-
tee was not trying to smother the bill. The
author had never asked the commitee to
consider the bi The commitee was ready
to meet Dale at any tme ,
Dale said that he hoped the senate would
not consldpr that he had acted hasl ) In the
mater , The bill had been lodged with the
railroad commIttee for two months Ho
claimed that he had repeatedly asked the
commIttee for a hearing
lcJe on said that the commiee would
be glad to listen to Dale al noon , whereupon
the resoluton was droPII d.
The go\'ernor's message returning the
change of venue bill without his approval
was read , and McKesson's motion to pass
time bi , time governor's veto not\lthstandlll ,
was made a special order for 1 o'clock to-
lcJeeby undertook to malc tlmo $200,000
relief bill a special order for this evening ,
but the fenate was in no mood for a night
session , anti so changed the inour to 2 o'clock.
After recess time senate went Imuto coun-
mittee of time whole to consider time $200,000
relief bill , Time bill as it passed the house
appropriated $200,000 to be disbursed for
supplies , especially aced grain , by time State
Relief conumnission.
Alcers offered an onmendnnent wlmiclu he
claimed would give to time governor tine right
to appoint a new commission. and 1mm support
of hits amendmmment he related in detail nmany
of time comimltmimut.s thmat mad come to Inimu if
tine incapacity of time iiresent conmmmuissiou.
Tefft and Black defended time commission ,
winilo Noyes sold a few words comnuotmdatory
of time clnairnuan of that body , Time argu-
macnt of the frIends of time commumnlsslon waste
to time tenor tinat no organized body of men
commid do time work pcrlormned by tine conumumis-
aba witimout giving sonic dissatisfactiomm.
Timey claimed thmat upon tine whole the corn-
miiIssion had rendered good service to tine
Furtlnor discussion on Itlcers' amemmdmuemmt
was shut off by MclCeeby , who offered a sub-
atituto for time entire bill. The substitute op.
propriates $200,000 to hue divided enuomug thu
counties of time droutim strickemm dIstrict , imu
ammo county to receive more timaut 4,000. Time
ammiount to be given to caciu coumuty is to be
determlmued by time State Relief coummennissioum
and tlishursetl by time state treasurer to time
count ) ' boards. ThIs imill vas , after sommie
ammueumdmuemut , agreed to and ordered engrossed
for thIrd readln ' .
Thm railroad committee repertemi Dale's
antl.pmss bIll whim the recornnuemndatlon that
it me vlaced on general file. Daie immoved timat
time rules be imuspemutled mumul time bill ordered
engrossed for a limird reading , Time mmmotloim
was defeated hmy a vote of 19 to 9 , after wiuicim
time semnate mncljommrmmecl.
SIIIIILIEF IN Chi/tIitiii 01 ! it IIAUf.
Iofummet Ammmerhcmmim Institution of ltommtrico
I Ii t , Cmi mmci' o f II edt ' 1' reim hi mm.
flEATI1ICII , Nch , , March 12.-Simeclai ( Talc-
grumn-Thmis ) alternoomm time sinerilf toolc
charge of time books , papers , muotes , etc. ,
beiomuging to time defunct American bammlc.
Timimu was done 1mm accordance witim aim order
of time distrIct court , imnada emu account of
certaimi stoclclnr.iders iii time concermm askiimg
for time almpolmmtnlcmut of a receiver. Wimen
Limo bamilt closed its doors iii July , 1893 , tIme
officers went to time euimremmme court mmmd secured -
cured iermmiiasion to close up tIme bamnlt's
affairs witimout ( muir being iilaceii in time
lntmmmtls of a receiver , giving honmi for time i'a'-
macmit of 100 cemuts Oii time doliar of time ce-
tubiisiumemmt'mm inmlebtedmmess. 'Fine timmmo mipeci-
dcii for closing imp time busimucant expired and
aim extensiomi was asked amuti grammteml , amid
how tinat Line time inns agalmm eximircul amid time
creditors are still imimpaid suits are belmmg
canmmmmencemi against time bommulamnen end cer-
taimu stoekhmubdera begin to fear tiney will he
held pem'somially for time immtlebtedmmcss , lmemmce
time request for a receiver.
I I nml 4 rogt , I ity ii eltemi tici.
IIOLIltlIGll , Neb , , March 12-Speciai (
TeIegramn-Mmmrk ) , time l4.yciur-old semi of If.
L. 14111cr , sos kihlcd while jmlayimng
around Limo hiurhimngtomm tracks timis imuornig.
Ito attemu'teml to croes time track betmm'een two
cars. to sviniciu an engine was attacimed. Ills
iieani was cut off amid time holy dragged somnum
dIstance. 'Flue coroner m'iil have a verdict
rendered tommmorrow.
% % iiei , ml in ; 'tmi , 'htmI n I imiti t r her.
BEATILICE , It ! arch 12.-Speciai ( Tele-
grarn.-Timc ) Modermm W'oodmen of Amnerica
camuup of ( mis city imelti an anmniversary social
at time Audltoriumn , at which about 500 people
were In attendance , Arm interesting program
was remtmlered , after whIch light refreshi-
mmuemits were served.
! ' .arfmiit J1 mmmoerama Nummmlinmite ,
NOIIVOLIC , Nelm , , March 12.-Special (
Telegrammi.-At ) time democratic city irlmnaries
last mmhght Ir. A. hear was mmorninatad for
; muayor , 11. Gerche for city treasurer , and
Iermnanm lirunmmnpad for city' clerk.
- -
Prisoners Testily that the Linco'n ' Negro
Told Thom Ho Wreckc the Train ,
1ximevteti to lesttoy tlm Track , l'lmmg time
heck lalumimil 1itpres mimI ( ) itmuiii
ilti mm mirda fmniui l'mtaaetmgcris
iiitl Cmmiiistiy.
LI NCOLN , Maccit 12.-Spcclal ( Telegranm. )
' -The state rested at moon in tinC D.mvls muir-
tIer trial , Somne semmeatlonsi tetlmuuony was
brought in byVarmien himemner , wlmo appearei
whim two eoems'iets in cimarge , George Metz anti
Bob Barrett. Barrett ima been 1mm time PCfl
ommiy a week. lie testified timat wimihe lyimmg
in jail with ba'is tine defeutiant mat ! told hint
that lie anti two oilier macn had wrecked Limo
trtin mind that ime wonulil muever give their
mmamnnes atvay amid tIne could lmamug bun aimmi be
titi'Itncss said ( hunt Iavis imad fmurtimcr
told imimmu that It was mmot their object to
t'reck time train , but to destroy tine track and
flag tlno train aimU get a rtwtmrtl from time
comnupammy anmi pasuengers. but they imad mnamle
a mumfscalculatiomi anti did uuuorc Luau they mmml
immtendetl , Time Jnmry scenic to look with sommue
snnsplclon 0mm ( hula convict evltlemuce. Time tie-
femiso opened this aftcrmuoon.
Sam lnmmmbar , colored , liveti mit tine colored
climb mouse iii time rear of tbe litmicolim hotel at
tIme tlmmmtm thm wreck oecmmrred'as timere emi
tine umiormnlng t'hmemi 1)avinu simowed imp , The hit-
( Cr appeared exccedummgiy muervoims , ammti inc
walkeib frommm roommi tn room , At ( mat timmie mie-
fendnmmt hail said tinat hue tmchlevoti Ime would
strike time flock Isimumumi road for a job omn
mmccoiummt of tIme worl : drnuo by mliii eu tine
pm ecedumug mmigut. lie said Inc believed Ime wins
time only omme eu ( liii train m'hmo inati escaped
ummmlmtmrt. Ihummbar saki Ito imati takemu four or
five drimmium t'Itht ilefemmtiant 0mm that mmiorimimug ,
who inlayed a remnnrlnmbiy poor gnnmmiu of 1)001 ,
altimomugim usually a good PlaYer , \\'hmen Iavls
mcii comae unto time cinmb roonum lie was in imis
shirt sleeves , remnartuing ( hint imo lmai host imi
coat lii time wreck. lIe suiiposetl it was burned
ill ) , amid it immui uuiommey in time imocketmi ,
limo state offered in ovidemnce time mmuonkey
wremmcim , tie , crotibar. amugie bars , plmiclncrs ammd
other iuumplements and Imleces of railroad iron
fomund lmnmmuethlnteiy after tine wreck , Defense
objected to admuieslomm of ebb time articles cx-
cept tine tie anud ivas overruuloni by tine court.
Davis lmatl told Ernst T'rer , a farm hand
emmuluioyed by Fred Lommadabe , a couple of
weeks before tlmc wreck. that ime was tired of
farming amid wouid soon go on a uallroatl ,
On time Sunday precedimmg time wreck witness
amid detemmmlant ilayed qimoits. Dnmrimng tine
gaummo s'itmmoss tried on lavis' coat. Fotnmmd
it too long In tine sleeves amid too wide at time
waist. At this point tine sack coat found In
time weeds near ( lie wreck was buroduceti by
the state. 'm\'hntn fitted on witnieas it was
found too large lii time directions described ,
Tyrer admitted that me liner" tinat Lomnsdabe
w'as out for tIme reward offered by time Rock
Islamud roati for time conviction of time
wrecker , but declared timat inc would get mono
of it.
\'hlle Bob Barrett , one of time convicts
brommgimt iii by tIme warden of time penitentiary ,
was up for cross-exmmmuuinatlomi , Attorney
Adamims of counsel for defense asked : "Iidn't
) 'otm turn state's evidence in tine case in whIch
yomn were sentenced ? "
"Yes , sir , "
" \\'amn't it domme for tine purpoeo of getting
a liglnter sentence ? "
"I thoumglmt I would get it a little easier. "
"Isn't it U muuatter of fact tlnat you mad it
in writing that you were to have one year
only for pig stealing by turnIng state'a ev-
ltbcace ? "
Witness hung his head and finally an-
swercd that lie saw a written statement in
the county attorney's mends , but had not
read It.
"Did Captain Woodward come out to time
penitentiary to see you about your testimony
1mm timis trial ? ' '
"Yes. "
"When ? "
'Last Wednesday. "
"What convereationm did you have with
hlnm about It ? "
"S'eil , lie asked me what Davis had said
to me and I told him , "
For the defense In time afternoon , John
Roberts testified that the misplaced rail was
struclc by the wined of time engine. lied no-
ticeni tinat part of time splices had been bent
vhen time cngiae lied passed over tlmenm ,
Roberts also testified that Inc believed tine
work mad not been properly done by ( lie see-
tion mends. Dr. Iieatomn said tlmat wimen lie had
Passetl over the bridge where tine wreck cc-
cmmrred Auguot 7 there was a sudden jar
wlmiclu startled him , as also time conductor ,
Defendant's counsel asked tIne comurt to allow
t'ime jury to Inspect time scene of tine disaster ,
but time court did not tieclnle tine point at thus
tinne , anti a recess was taken at 3 o'clock to
hermit the defense to get its wltmmesoes to-
gethmer , as tine state reated soomier than lied
been anticipated.
lint Commtcat iu 1(11 time 1'mirtis with time
ltosmmht lii Douht.
LINCOLN , March 12.-Speciai ( Telegram. )
-Tine republican lmrimnaries are over , but so
far as time unimyoralty nommmimmation Is cozmcermued
but little is bmnowim defimuitely. Nomue of the
four candidates can cimuimmi a umiajority in tine
convention wluich immeets tomnorrow. State
Senator Jolmun ii , Wright carries time Fiftin
amid Fourth wards h ) ' toni mumajority. Frank
Graimammm has carried time Fht'st and time Third
anti George Woods tIne Sixth amid Second ,
'l'ime Sevemutim ward , meting givemu Its delega-
tlou to J. C. SLim for city treasurer , remains -
mains tonight nit ummknosm'n quantity in time
muuayoralty fight.
'I'hnere mire 1i delegates In time convemm-
tiomm , requiring 108 votes to mmommiimmate ,
\Vrighmt'a frlemmmia ciaummm tommlglmt tlmat hum Inca
mmlmicty votes to go in 0mm. it Is muntlemmiablo
timat lmis capture of time Fourth tt'amni gives
imimu aim excellent leverage for a lroiltnbie
commmbinatlomm tonmorroms' , 'lime hal itical t'Imaos
wlmii'lm melgmms toniglnt is still further cumimpli-
cated imy tine miplmymmX-lhlcc attitude of time
civic federation. 'l'imis is a comnblmiatiomu of
two social clubs , bmmt it bmrommmises to cut mno
bmnali figure in lmracticai Limicolmu imohltis.
Timere arc oine or two clerk hmore candidates
for muiayor 1mm other parties ivino hunve mmmi eye
on tine Fcderatlomu of Lalor as a ligimt nmlmm ;
rod up for ite endorseenucmmt.
Time imrolmibitionlSts today 'uonuimiated a full
city ticket , hmeadmd by L. 0. Jones for inzmyor.
IhlclmlIm.ItI Ilium ) , hmt ,
LITCIIFIEL1) , Macelm 12-Simeciai-Thmlim ( )
unornlng , while S. 11. Jtobisomm was at won k
iii lila grain elevator , lie plclueti imp mis gmmn
to put it out of mis wily , 'rime Jar 1mm settinug
Nc'cr ate Quaker Oats
ct witlicrcam ? You liiivc
in 3 lb.
_ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ 'S
It down causeti it to explode. The chmnrg
Ilassed tlmromigim his hnml , tanking amputmu.
lion at Limo wrist necessary ,
MANY i'A IMlilt4 illf IlStl'i'iN'i III ) ,
i'alliiro of time ( hmlcagi Steed ( Irnuui b'rnposl.
tkmn Mimcim htegrethi.d ,
NOItTll LOUP , Nob. , March 12.-Special ( , )
-Owing to tine imeavlest Pressure of time aim !
business being over , time iocal commmnuitiec imas
nimitie PUtiie a regulation that hereafter no
ititi will be tllstrltnmteui on any clays other
timali Timestlay amid Friday , vhlch , of epuree ,
indicates that the more serious labors of tiuo
comimmumittee ore over for time seasomi , amid unless
cobb weather intervenes it Is imopeti that tlma
work lacy , after this date , be only nominal.
W'orml linus beemm receivemi fromum time gentle.
macmm at Cimlengo represemuting the hoard of
Trade to Limo effect that they have been as-
tonishueti , umot to aa' overwlmelnmmetl , by time
cnormmuomms tiemumamuds mmuntle upon tiueni for J
graimu , mimi it aecumma timat either they are umti-
willing to nttemumimt to suulmImly an mmmcii to time
farmnlers of a couaty ii'lmichm inas iii IL so little 4
of mivailabie security , or else that they hiave ,
figuratively speaking , bitten off umuore Linen
they can cues' , In aim effusive bnit Ill-con-
ceived attdmliilt to appear gemmorous , At any I
rate thnls decisIon vlii in , a uleep disappoint-
mmuent to nuammy farmers , who hail 'begmumm to
look mit time seeti graimi question as aubstan-
tinIly settled but uiow time problemu Is appar.
eiutiy as far as ever fromu a aolmmtlomi ,
Time smmnw of Simmimla ) ' ( lisalhuearoti rapidly
mmmmnler yesterday's Sumislmitie mmd time groummumi is
agalmu bare. Tine batler portion of time eclipse
conultl umot le satisfactorily observed at this
iloiimt omm accoUmut of time gathering clouds ,
.11 , II I in ii , . r3' Nt ; r run' I y t vu tiled ,
II1IATI1ICII , Macelm 12.-Spccial ( Telegramu , )
-'m'estermlay evemming it was discovered that
time hum jell Inmumntes luau about carved their
mm ) ' to liberty by mmmumumis of a case itmuifo emit !
a inmir of broitenu scissors. Time prisauners mmcmv
all ocelniy tlmelr cells tlnt' anti mmhgimt mum a to-
stIlt of timc attommmpt. Time stone timihls of tluo
oltl trap useti for a jail mire 1mm a crumunubitug
eomuditioiu , ammti limo slmeriff fluids it mmecessary
Lu ) be commsimmmmti ) ' omm tIne alert iii order to
keep time mrisomnors with imiunu ,
ltemttric" ( simildt'rs , rrp'mtnml.
BEATI11CE , Mmmrcb 12.-Special ( Telegram. )
-Time Imolice unmade ii multi mipomi em gamuubhimmg
roonm located iii tine i'nuildoek bioclc at 1
u'lock timis mnuoruhug amuti toolc imu seven sporty
gemitlenunemi , a vart of wimoun mire miumumbered
mummuong time prouninomit bituinmess mmmcmi of time
city. Time lnmmfortmmnates im'cre mit once ar-
rmigmued before l'oiico Jimilgo Colhison , wino
assessed tints zigaimmst ( beam , wimichm imere paid ,
ummiti ml strommmious effort lmas bccmu put fortlm to
lueci ) tine iuuatter qmmiet today ,
- : c----- _
S - - - - - - -
I -i
ft ) ' J
( c
, :
t *
S -5-
" fr.S-
, .
i , , ;
Mr. George tV. Titic
Ilemujaamla , Missotmrj.
Good Advice 5)
Cured of Rheumatism by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
I' , , hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass , :
" I was taken down with rlmeumnaUsom over a
year ago. I wits sick for over sli months.
Often I would have sueim paimus that I c6mW
hardly endure them. A frlemuil caine to mnoanti
advised no to try hood's Sarsaparlila. I took
him at his word mind got mm bottle of It , and since
have taken eight bottles of It.
It Has Cured Mo
When the doctors could do mae ao good what
ever. After being bemneflted so much from this
medicine r ulescribo Hood's Sarsuparill , as (
wen'icrful ntmedlcimue. I also advise ever ) ' one
wino Is troubled witim rimeumatisnn notto be with
nmt Rood's Sarsaparllle. I am a farmer , a
tine mncdlcimne lulls givCmm unmo mmmcli t'mmergy a , . . _ '
$ rcuugtmm to perform my work. " Guonar : Vi ,
tuauv , Bcmmjamin , Missouri.
Hood'o Pills are huammti made , amid perfeci
tim proportiomm anti appearance. 250. a box.
1. - '
:4 : Chronic ,
1crvous ,
. - Private
' : " D1seas
'i'Rlhtr.ihIfN'F ISV MAlL. C < mniuitmmtiomi Free.
We cure Oatarrh , nU cilsoasos of th9
Nosu , Throat , Chest , Stonmacli , Liver ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female -
male Woalcuesces , Lost iVlnnhood , and
vuAK abIN Abimi VICTIMS ro IilIll\'OU
Debmmlty or lxauetlmfl ) , Wmmmtlem V'esttaess , La
ioiuatary Losses , with Early iiecay Ia young
anti mIldie usa ; iCk of vim , vigor mmn'lweakeaetl '
prematurely in proachuinz old uge , All yetld
eadlly to lime iSVl treatment for lou of vinah
power. Cl or o' tiidress meith stamp for etc.
culams , frc bc'ok t.n1 receipts.
Dr , Searics and Searir 1410 Farmilitfi
i Ommm'aimt ; Neb
Teeth Witht Paes !
l"ixtomt hlhmeic.
lOlIm ammO tarmuammm sit
I.Q , . 1C ) $ ,
Fmmhl Set Teulm.1 00 I Silver I'lliitms , . fl 09
JloC' 'i'mm'tli. . . . . . 7 50 I l'mnu'a ( ; oi&i FIiImm'tt2.O
't' mum , . . , . . , , 10 01) ) I ( met 1 Cr t' I 0
1'aimhLmm , Ixtm-mmet'tm tUu I Iitid.o Ttioihm-Iootim Ii 01
Teeth Out In Moi'nlrig ,
No'v Teeth Sarno Day
* - - - - - -
ACE All..tuuU'mtIAu4ma'J
J the l'eutturemi amm'l Itemoos'
Inc Jllownluee.ln h.Q I. ls'el for tm slam' . ,
.1 iIn 11. % % 'u.diry , 127 WtZd HL.N , i' .
loveWr of WdLurr5mi i'motst
0111cc of Auditor of l'ubiio Aceoumulni , Stats
of Nebrmmniima.
Litucolmm , leb. 1 , is hut'reit ) ' certified
thmuit time 1'mtm-eners mmmmd Merehmmmnmts Immeumammee
cjmmnimmmrmy of Liuieoimi , lii time state of Na-
brammita , imamu comumpiied with time insurance
law of this state amid lii authorized jo trammis.
net time bumilmiesa of lire itmurammce in this
btate for time currvmm ( yeur.
t\'Ihmens mmmy imanml amid time seal or Lime audi-
tot of jnmliic ncCOumutm4 time tttiv ammd year
above wm-ittemu. I'UG ENII lOORI
Auditor l'ubhlc , Aceoimn5.
250 , 360
'ipiiE ;
stid 50 ccutt
'relepmuon. 2531----
Matinee . 25c.
Reserved Seat .
j ; 8OUTHRRN Rosa
TONIGHT , 8 15-2cc , 5c SOc.
Matinuco Saturday.
i : ; P