. . . - , . . , THE OMAHA DAlix BEE. . . . ! EsreAJH.JISIIED JUNE ! ) 17 , 1871. OLAJIA , 1\TEDESDAY ) : MORNING \ ' , } \LAUOI \ 13 , 1S { . SNILE . COpy FIVE CEN'IS. . ii\'IOB \ ' HELD ) FULL S\YY ' , - Bloody Riot Growing Ont , of the Screw- men's ' Strike at New Orleans. - RIOTRS POSSESSED PLENTY OF ARMS Negro Workmen Sbot Down ps They Attempted - tempted t Escape from the Orowl FIVE OF ThEM KNOWN TO BE KILLED ; Sccoml Disturbance Started il the Old I 1 Trench Market Place . - : POLICE UNABLE TO - AFFORD , PROTECTION I 1u'I / , \ccolpl"II.1 'I'helr l'lrpu o II nrhlnOI the "Jroc VIw 'ero " 'orldll the Ilu'ri Quht ) ' IIprsn -Sonic of the f.utIuirM Heco/u"el. . . NEW Om.EANS , larch 12.-The thick fog early thIs mornIng was the veil behind which teslerte ) white levee laborers gathered , and which they penetrated with' WInchester rifle bnls aimed at the colored non.unlon worle- men on the ships loallng at the docks. The attack was made nt poInts several miles apart just heforc the arrival of the police , and , . as a result , there are haU I dozen corpses I and a dozen or so wouuded men The police ' saw the attack , but 10 arrests were made , they claiming they were too few to cope with the unexpected outhreale. The day before the mayor sall all was quiet and the gov- crnor saw no grounds for Interference , hut today the business men are denouncing both. The militia Is In readiness to move , an appeal to the federal government has virtually bee ! made , and even : the ( foreIgn consuls have dc- chled to join In the 10\'e for peace at any 11rlce. The causes whIch led to the trou- 4 tiles have heen , ot long standing , and grew I out of thc nterpt or ! ship agenls and others Interested to reduce rates. The whIte screw- I men calm ] that the colored men , who were gIven n share of the work under nn agree- . ' mont , made secret cuts and violated ] the agrcement In order to obtain more work all gradually crowd the white men off. The white associations then sever d all ties with the blacks and refused to worle with thom or for the men who employed them. The white 'longshoremen joIned the screwmen In this. Since then the steamship lines have been gradually goIng over to the negroes. Lately the whie screwmen quit work on the lines still loyal to them , stating they would not work until the whole affair was straigilt- ered out. Several more lines then tool on negro laborers from necessity. RETALIATION ON VEDOUES. 'fhe white nnlon fnaly determined to relaI- late upon the stevedores by offering to reduce rates ant deal with the ships direct. Ships In haste' accepted the offer . but the agents stood by the stevedores. TIn ? later offered to pay more than the screwmen asked , but t the screwmen refuse to teal with them 1 , 1 . 'fhe agents offered to pay the screwmen theIr ! wages and place the stevedores over them ' as superibtendents , but the screwmen again declined. Then the stevedores began Im- porting colored screwmen from Galveston , and the whites , growIng desperate , broke loose In rIots. Tile dead are : : W'ILLIAM CAlBELL , colored screwman , shot lit Philps street. JULES CAIICE CitA1tABF ; shoemaker , , a shot In front ot Lyon' clothing store. 7 UNKNOWN , shot In the vIcinity of the ' . Cromwel line. ' - - - NEGlO , In same vicinity , not yet Ident- fed.LEONAHD LEONAHD IALI.AHD , colored scaleman , shot over the right e'e. The Injured are : James A. Bane , white , purser steamshIp EngIneer , shot In the 'head twIce , arm once. dangerous. Henry lrown , colored screwman , shot fve times , both arms and both legs : will recover. Tim Persten , colored coal wheeler , shot seven times , both legs , thigh and heml : niay recover Lunls Cast , colored , emplo'e sugar refn- cry , shot In the hiP : will recover - . Diy Wiiams , colored screwman , shot In the leg : wi recover. Frank Ighthll , colored , shot In tile leg : dangerous. . Hobert Brooks , white , longshoreman , shot In the rIght leg below the knee. Two negroes , names unknown , jumped IntQ tile rIver antI I Is supposed were drowned PHECEDNG 'rE mOT. , After 6 o'elock last evenilig though i there was Intense oxclement along tim levee and many drunken men were pres- though there was Intense excitement along tile levee and many drunleen men were pres- ent , there were no deeds ot violence. The Ilolce were massed In the Sixth Precinct _ Ilolce staten , nnll hall remained there all nlht under command of Acting Chief ot } 'olcC ! John Journee. lverytlliflg I was re- Ilorted 'ulet , al\l they were hopeful that everything WOUlll remain so , when ! there came a message that n dozen men had been killed In front pf Jacleson's square , and that a terrible riot was In progreie Tile IIIlco were at once hustled Into the iatrol wagons which were at the stnton and were hurrle 1 ' away to tile sreno of the trouble. 'rhey hal barely arrived when Sergeant Richard Walsh , In conlland at the precnct , heard n volley ot shots from the direction ot the levee In front of the statioii 'fhe moring was ex- cCptonaly foggy , ali whel Sergeant Walsh b' heard the shoothll he roshed to the scenl Among tile trelght rr on the levee , b I - - tween Jhlhl anti FIrst streets , ho found n crowd of negroes , 'hc ) ' surrounded theIr wounded comanlon. 'fho man's he:11 : rae covered wih blood Ho was allot In the mouth 'rhe negro , who was unllo\n , was taken to the statIon. 'l'hoae who were about declare he was crossIng the levee , when ! 1 melb came along and fred n volley Into them , kiing hIm Instlnty , When the ne- gro's body vas movll tile sergeant 111 1 'Hlua.l went UII tile levee I 1111 found a mol ot 2GO men , JrmNl with WInchester rules and other guiis. They marcheJ along the levee UII to Wghth street , Cliii then back on Tehouillonlli street to Jaelson , and then dI31Ier8"II , according 10 wlat seemed lIre- arranged Piauls . , \ Wuhlnton street they were uccoate.I . by Ser eant WalHh , who I'coog. nl ell most at tile mono Among the leaders vas 4 nian from duwul toin Ilmed Walter Wal 1an tlln Wller Owens. ThU mol was fully 250 strong end nrlcl , with shotjunl 01,1 , Winchester riles , They WHO sober III letll with delIberatIon , -4 . - On tC levee Port'urtlen Icubben was seen. lie echroll he lund been 111 till Iligilt anti reported , the occurrence . Ho said all the men were tlom down town , and dId not helong to the ser.'w men. Al 8:30 : o\olythlng was apparently quIet wIth wry few wcupons In sIght. All no- groel hUll left the lone , fluid nut one could be seen uu\hcre. The mob deposited their lbotrun old riles II tll bar rooms In the vicInhly. I RiOT IN Tim l nENl'l IAmm' . - ' Whie this Was going on thc vicinity of thl 1I'clch Ilrh t wee In cxclteuneut. A I \Iootl ) riot hal cocurrll Ihere. l our le- I shot cud Carrlbean ; srocl bail been , lul one Carlbean _ _ hl' ' ' - , , " j " rJ1 jl . " . killed 1 , The trouble occurred on the love , at the hnllng ot the Harrison lIne of steam- ships opposIte Jackson Slluare. In the fog which prevailed . a mob of 100 armed men got through the guards of PolIce anti opened fre on the u ' Lrnes who were at work They fed In terror , some jumping Into the river. Those who ran across the levee Il the dl- recton of the Slluare were subjected to n lenllly voley , The shots seemed to come from the areaway . wlnllows anti gallerIes along the street . Look where they would , the negroes - groes saw pistol , and heard the reports as the revolver were dlschorgell. Each man then ran In n different dIrection , and the poor creatures seemed panIc slrlcken Thole In the crowd of whites who were not armed with revolvers picked tip stones , sUcks antI other Improvised weapons anti attacked the crowll ot negroes. Bven tie most venturesome of the blacks coulll not stand this and they led , Those seen ly n reporter MY that It Is Inposlhld to state how many were shot The ' did not see anybody fal , hut leow from the yells and crIes that some ot Ih\lr comrades hall been hit. H was certain that one negro was killed outright and a number hall been wounded , ' several fatnl ! , For many mInutes the fir- lug contnued on the river front and the poll ! sl'emel , powerless to muleI any move against the marauders , thcush It Is saId that there was n much larger force on the rIver front tI1 that of yesterday . The rioter were given full sway , and they exercised ) It wlhout stint. Not untIl every negro hall fed trom the river front 11(1 ( ( the white meu I desist I was also found that Joe Collins , ! Tom Collins and one uuknown negro lund heen killed nll two unknown negl Des wounded. They were taken to the charity ilosltital . HOUl FOI SHOOTING WELL CHOSgN. The time of the shooting seemed to have been Ixel for the hour just Ilrrcedlng ) the beginning of the workIng day As a usual thing the stevedores all 'Icngshorcmen begin work at 7 o'clocle and It was just before this hal I that the firing began H seems to I have been total ' unexpected , for the negroes were on the levee In large numbers Tile iioor . blcs ] evidently believed that there was ; a sufficient polce force al the river front 10 protect them and that the protec- ton would be accorded 1m ) . Ahont the noard at TraIl tnc riot was dIs- cussed with less passIon than at the Cotton excilnuge. Tile members of the trade hOly are not so dIrectly interested al the melb ri I of the Colon exchange , but In n certain sense have been generally more clearly I Identified with the 11eoll1e The riot was condemned In InmelSlred terms , whie there could he heard talk of calling n meetng to I 'oice the opinion ot that body. Among I he general merchants ito riot was dlscussell and , while the I killing - ; - ( the negroes was condemned , It was conceded generally that the shill agents were largely responsible for the trouble by encouraging negro screw men to take places of the white men. 1 was regarded that such notion was lke throwing n spark Into a powder magazine and was certainly the most ill nd\lse I thing which could have happene'1 ' Men who were disinterested - interested condemlll the ship agents and hehl Ihem 10 be largely responsIble for the terrible occurrences. At 1:30 : o'cloce ] Captain Wools of the Britsh steamer Engineer called upon the British consul and reported to hIm that the pursel' of his vessel ] , Mr. Hahn , had been shot and dangerously wounded by the moh When asked hy nn Associated press reporter what steps would be taken In the mater the British consul declined to nay , replyIng that he would have to lay the maier before his government before he would be able to give out any statement lIe intimated , however that he thought that the maier would be a serious one , as from all accounts the shoot- lug or Blln was deliberate. ' The presIdent of the Maritime exchange I has telegraphed to Governor Foster , i asking that troops be ordered out and stating 'that nn officer ot the BritIsh steamer had been shot and that international coinplica- tons may arise. The hand jury Is InvesU- gatn the levee riots. Coroner Iayle has , been sununoned ns a winess , The police have made no arrests. Judge Iolse has Instructed - structed the grand jury to investigate antI indict city officers who have been derelict at theh' duty. The WashIngton artillery . has been ordered to report for duty. WOUNDED AT TIE HOSPITAI 'fhero were eIght negroes who went to the Charity hospltnl thIs morning after being fred upon hy the whle $ all colored screw- men at the head of St. Ann street to have their wounds attended to. Several only received - ceived slight wounds . which were promptly dressed and they left at once for their homcs. One at these was Robert AI.en , residIng - sIding on South Rampart street , near the llnols Central roall. lie received four wounds , the bullets beIng of small caliber. Two were In the forehead over the right and left eyes , one In the left arm and two In tile rIght arm. To 0 a reporter the wounded man stated that he was talking to the purser of the steamshhl Engineer , J. B. laln , when without a warning a number ot shots were fred at him the shooter being about seventy feet away The fog was so thick he could not identIfy any of those who dId the shootIng - Ing Before ho could male a single move he was shot five dmes , Purser 10ln was shot nt the same lme , lie ImmediatelY ran on board tile vessel willie the purser fell where II WIS shot. Allcn stated that when the firing began there were a number ot polcemen between the rioters and iuiinteif and Purser ibm , and they Immediately fell on their stomachs behind the colon hales ' officer declared he had When questioned every ofcer not heen detailed to the levee until after 8 o'clocl Although looking like a target , Aiticen's Injuries arc not such as 10 confine him to his bell and he was walking home when met hy the rcporter. Leonard Melard , n scale hand In the employ ot J. E Delaney and residing at the corer at lenvle anl nela streets , was at noon 1)lnp wih a bullet In hIs brain In the Charity hospital and slowly dying. Costa , 42 years old , resIding on Johnson I betwcen Mnrlgnh and Elysian , was also In Ihe same ward wih Melard . lie was shot \i'llIiO on the ban'uete ot Front and St. Peters streeta. lie was not working and does not Imow why he was shot. The \I'ounll Is In his right arm. and , nlhough painful , Is not danuerous. There wcro not more than twenty In the gang who shot him , hilt It would be Impossible to l ently tiieun ho says . owing to tile great fog. They had IIIstol8 ) , Wlnch'sters anll shot guuis Jim Preston was also on the Harrison Lane I whart. ills entre back was literally per- toraled with sniall bullets , about 22 calber , i Pretou likewise statell that there was n great moh ot armed men , Ills wounds are very paInful ) onll may result fatally. len 1) lrown , aged 31 years , presented n pitiful sh ht. lie was shot five tles , and were I hot th1t ( he Is n Iln ot very powertul con- stuton , he would not ha\e sun'I\'ecl lan ' minutes. lie has two gaping wounls In his right breast , mallo hy large hals , two In his right hIp all ono which crashed through his right arm , . \lhoulh so badly hurt , he Is malelng I brave fight for lIfe. Ills woundl are dangcTous None of the wounded men I ou\l Identify their assaIlants , owing to the numbel' In the mob and the foggy w'eatlier MAYOR 'rAKI IT COOI.Y. Mayor Fitzpatrick was seen at the city hal this afternoon . "There Is nothing the matter that I Cn see , " said hue "I have beui all over the levee this morning , and e\'cr.thlng Is qulot. 'fho men are working nnl everythIng Is going on IS usual. " "But do ) 'OU think the lllce ) can cope With the sItuation ? " was Islr. "What rluaton Z" coolly nleell the mayor Considering tile fact that all the lelHI'apors In the ( cty Were getting out extrs , anti all the prolinent huslnet 111en discussing the affair , this seenit'd ralho' In the nature of scell'l 1 "facet' . . all the reporter rCIII ( I : "The riot nn the leyee thiN mornlnu. " , "Oh , that . Is over long : ! N , " replll tile : ' , pus ! I la ' "Uo ) ' 01 think the mntlr will elll itcro7" "I see n renE'n why It houh not , " re- p\.1 the ninyor . plcsaltly ! . "Thcl ) 'OU see no necessity for tile mlitu to \ \ ordered out ? " was the next question . "Nouto whatevr , " "rono " ) ( you think tile rIot would have been Ne\'tntcl It ) ' 01 hnd cmpl d with the sttllShhl ug lt'u r4'Ulst for . IJoll ( men 1" "I III not wee 111) necsil ) for them , ant 1 tie not thlll , they would ha\'c hc'lel hint- tern t1) ' . A force ot men e.lell cut , at thlt time would have shlilly peclpl.ted luhtlts. I ( Continued on 1.'lh JJse , ) h , _ .bo < . 1 . ' _ ; . FIRED AT AN A \ llnCAN SIP Speed of the Merchantman and Poor Marks- manship Saved ner Prom Damage OUTR/GE ON OUR FLAG BY A SPANIARD Sl1nhh Hnrl < lltno OI the Cuhan CI t Uh'lR ChRAc to lie ) Inl Steamer Ahil- Inn nmt Tries 1h'r ilct to lilt lr wlh Shot - . . NFvoiu : , March 12-The AmerIcan mal stealship AIlancl , while proceeding tlon ; Colon to New York on the morning ot the Gth Inst. sighted a barleentne steamer Iller the land oft Cape 1110) ' , the easter cdce of Cuba , which headed directly toward her. At 7 o'clock , when about two unl one.hal 110 distant , she hoisted t1 Spanish fag , whIch Was saluted by the hoIstng of the American ensign und dipping I , which act at courtesy was answered b ) the SpanIard. At 7:15 : she frell n blank cartridge to leeward , which was soon followed by anotiuer The MacrI- can ensign was again hoisted and dippel . , but the ( course anti speed ot the shIp was I not changel , as no hosle demonstration was I anticipated , as the Alanca was more than i six mies off the land at the tIme. The Spanish man.of.war was not satIsfied , how- ever , wllhcn the double salute to her fag , but proceeded to chase the American at her full speed , judging from toe smolee that came from her funnel anJ . seeing that the Allanca was drawIng away she came to , bringing her gun 10 bear and fred a so\d shot , which struck ] the water less than an eighth of n mlo awny from the Alanca all directly In line. This was followed by two more sold shots , which fortunately did not reach their mark ! , though they struck the water II plall sight of the I ship. At each shot however. the Spanish ship 'awed to get the range 01 the American shIll before firing on her plainly showIng the Intention to hit her If she could , Captain Crossman ot the Alanca , knowIng he was more than two leagues from land and al the high seas , ( hill hot Ionslder It his duty to detaIn his ship to fnd ( out the reason for such al outrage even for so summary a demand , anll so ordered fu\ stoma and gradu- ally drew out or range. Tile chase was kept lp for more than tweruty-tive miles , however , before It was nbamloned. H the Spaniard had more speed or her gunners had been better marmnel ! no doubt the inciiieiitVOiull ( not have ended so fortunately for the Amrrl- can. Captain Crossman was unable to pet the name of the Spanish gunboat. "We were six miles oil the shore on the high seas , " he said , "ond I do not think we were responsible - hIe to the Cubans or anybody es ! for being II these waters The shots were fred doubtless - loss by some conceited Spaniard , who has an Idea that he can stop anythIng that floats. However , he was dIsappointed , as It never occurred to me for n moment 10 lay low. "It Is customary fcr lS to run within half a mile ot lie ( Cuban coast and tiia ! time sva were further away from It than ever , and I really cannot tel why the shots werE fired . " In answer to a question IS to whether or not the shots might have been fred by the gunbol : with the Idea that hIs boat belongs to the revolutionists. In Cuba the captain smiled : "They might have been practicing on us , " was the response. The AJlanc has been running between this ! port and Colon torn n number of years , making one trip each month. She leaves here on the 2Gth cay of each month and starts on her return trip on the fth of Ihe followIng month , She carries the United States mal and has passenger accommodations for 150 cabin passengers. Including - cluding the officers , she carries a crew or sixty men HEPOUTED TO STATE DEPAHT ! NT. ImmedIately after the steamer AInca rechell her pier this afternoon Captain J. A. Crosman sent the following to the secretary - rotary of state at Washington : COIAYMIIIAN LINE STEAMER ALI I- ANCA. 118H 43 , NOHTH R1V8n , NE\V YOItK : March . 12.-.lion."tValter Q. Gre ham , Secretary of State W'ashiington : Siu'-The Amel'lcan mal steamer Alanea , under my comma nIl. whie on her homewarli hounll voyage from Colon , H. C . to New Yor ! < . wnR , on the morning of larch 8 , off the ! coast of Cuba At G:30 : o'clocl a barlecnlne rigged steamer was sIghted under the hand anti steaming directly toward us At 7:15 : she set her colors , proving to he a Spanish guuiboat. I Immellntely ordered the AmerIcan - Ican ensign holstell on the Allancn anti sa- lutcd the Spaniard , whIch salute was duly returned by her. I then saluted once more anti HUJposed the mater wal nt nn en.l. nut about five minutes Inter the Spaniard : limed a blank ] cartridge and a few nioments / later another . followed shortly afterward by three sold shots , all of % vhlcii fel short of the Ahilminca . but showing very conclusively - sively lint the Spaniard was tiring at ire I. being fully sIx miles off shore lmr ! on the high seus , paid no further attention. but kept my course. 'fhe Bpanlunl kept up the ehas . although gradually dropping astern , for flly twent ' -lvp miles. I desIre to know I Chic Spaniard has any rIght to lire I on my ship S'ttii the possible chance of endangerIng - dangerIng the lIves of the passengers aud crew under my chane. 01 to compel me to heave to , nil he probably Intendell I respectful - pectftuhiy ask for informatIon on that subJect - Ject as I dir not amid do not , propose to heave to , therehy hosing tme on lY voage , to ohl/e the Spllsh : gunboats 01' any uthers except In case of dlsh'ess Hepeet- ( till ) ' , J. A. GROSSMAN , Conimtuiitler . OFFICIALS DECLINE TO TALK WASHINGTN , March 12-No report his reached the State department ot the pursuit and firing nt tile merchant ship Alanca off the Cuban coast by a Spanish war vessel , nod In the absence of u definite and properly sulstantated statement ot the tact the 0111- dale ! positIvely declIne to pass judgment In the uiiatter. The questons Involve are these touchIng the right of search at lace- chant vessels upon the high seas , and on this subject there Is anti always was I great dlf- terence of opinion and Practice among na- tiouts. The records at the State department , however , show thll several rules limIting the search right have been clearly laid down hy our own courts and have been accepted for Chic gUllanco of our gO\'rment In deal- log wih these tiuestlouus. In the first place . the right ot search Is a strictly helgerent right , whleh means thlt I cannot usual ) b used In tmeR ot leace . In the present case there has been no deelarltou ot war by Sham , no recognItion ot the belligerency of tile Insurgents , and no notice to our govern- ment at the existence ot a blockade at the Cuban harts hy the Silanish naval vessels Conse\uenty \ our merchlnt ships are not bound to know that there la a state at war Inll there are heilgerent Spain has always strenuously resisted any recogniion ot tile lellgercncy at the Cubans whenever thNe has h-cn an ) ' uprising , yet It Is said she has perslstell In assertIng rlghta that could only be recogmuizeil after such an admission , und that this rIght of search Is one of thel , I Is admItted here the Spanhh cruiser hall the right to satisfy hereel as to tile nationality ot the sleamshh' , unll according to the prInciples - ciples at the international law shl might have slgnalel , and even hnve safely gone so tar as to fire 1 elIot across the bows of the stlam- Ihlll , but furthlr than this the ( cruIser , I Is said , was not justlne In going So In the Illcsent Instance several facts lust b l n ebtab- Ished as 1 haHlt cf complaInt 1 must be shown that tile steamship was aClualy oulslde ot the shore lmit of six nlIie . smith then I must be made clear the shots were actually fre'l ' at the shill antI not across lice bows , and on this rolnt tMre might natn- rally be a (11lerence of opinion al the part of these on hoard Ih ( ( ItlalShll1 anl those ( on the orulser. Shoull those I'olnls )9 stah- Ishfll II the alrlatve It would seem the Unlte States had a right to expect un apology tram the Spanish government for the conduct ot the commamlcr of the cruIser , however . the olcers at the State department feel the captall of' the AmerIcan stelmshl ) acted very Injudleleusly In usellihY ] eumilmirigering lIlt ( ) Ins et hIs ship's compan anti the pas. scuigers of the stcamshhl I ht nl1 no contraband - I band goods aboard , for hIs Ilroll t would have bee just at effective hal hc quIetly IUU' mied to search , , " . , rit'isin J ) I'U/WI - C.ISP JS , ' l.am" , Ten 'Jhtnusanti : lohlar4 - .Ulmonr nm1 Attor- il'3s' l'cR for tln' ' 'Vt ( SALT LAKE , March 12.Speelal Tele- . grnm.-The ) fnmous IrvIne divorce dise , with Its attending heart burnIngs , Incrlmlnalons anti sensatIonal disclosures Is nov n thIng of the past , Irs. Irvine 11\lnp secured a deree ot dIvorce from her husbantl , W. II. IrvIne before InA.Tho judge : lerrlt In chambers Int c'ven- TIme decree was securcllurn n slpp1ementnl cross complaint . In which Mrs IrvIne aleet that site was marrIed to Irvine nt MarIon , Ind. , In May , IS83 , and that he Ilesertul herat nt Omaha , In Noveunh.rer 1892. She PraYeti for alimony In the sum of $10,000 , wIth $2.000 nddltolal as attorneys tees , together with the costs ot the suit. Wih regard to Plossle , their 10' 'ear'011 daughter Irs. Irvin asked that Cite ehlil 0 allowed to choose whIch ot her Parents she desIred to reside wih , mIl that IrvIne be required to clothe and educate her lrs. Irvine and her brother , W C. Smih , togeth with John A Marshall , Jrs , Irvlne's attorney . reached Cite judge's chamber at 7 o'clock and a few minutes later JUdge Powers - ers , counsel for Irvine , put In nppearance. After a brief conference wlh Judge Powers , larshnl fUel I a supplementnl cross complaint , I to which judge Powers cottented Judge Powers then stated that ( he \\011. file an nn- swc tomorrow , denyIng the allegatIons of the supplemental cross complaint , after which Irs. Ir\'lle and Mr. Smith were sworn , Irs. IrvIne testified that she was married to Irvine In May , 1883 , and that he deserted her In Noveunbcr , 1S2 , since which ( into ho had refused to live with her. W. C. Smith , Irs. Irvlnc's brother , cor- robortcd this testImony , and the decree was grunted upon ito ( grounds alleged. Jllge Powers then welt lP to the Alta club , where IrvIne was awaIting him , nnd a fo\ minutes late ' ho returnell Iml hamled : lalshal two checks upon the Bank ot Com- merce sIgned by Irvine , 01 for $10,000 and the other for $2,000 Marshall endorsed the $10,000 check /ud hallle < I to lrs. Irvine , but kept the $2.000 one to distribute among the attorneys who represented Mrs. Irvine Ullon Chic orIginal hearIng ot the case Thus emlel , the most sensational divorce case ever flied , In the courts at Utah terrl- lory. Mrs. Irvine and brother wi leave the city for Marion , 1nd" , this evening. . Tfl.V.l.S ' ( J.ITTI.Ul > .V ] ,10. TilE J'L.t Hesnlutuns EudorsluJ the Il.ht Inspecton . , H"ruh.tnl FORT WORTh , MardI 12.-The nineteenth meeting of the Northwest Temst Cattle as- soclaton convened at 10 o'clock this mor- Ing I Is the ( largest gathering at stoclemen ever held In Texas. Five hundred ali twenty came In on one train lat night nnd 4(0 on another this mornilg , I , s cstmated that 5,000 arc now In the ciy , Large delegations arc here from St. Lotuis Kansas City , Clii- dingo and Omaha The meetng will con- tnue two da ) 's. The cOI'enton was welcomems by Mayor Paddock and George 13. Lo\'lng. PresIdent A. P. Bush Is presiding and J. C. LovIng Is slcretary. Cattlemen from all states between the gulf and Canada line are on hand. 8x- Governor George W. Baxter ot Wyoming and , party arM among the latest arrIvals Dusl- ness began at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The folloWIng resolutols wi be adopted : Resolved , That we . as producers and dealers In live stock In the state of Texas , thorough ] . heartiy and unevaslve ! " vithi- out any rescrvaton , commend anti support tile Present ( , rigId method of cattle and meat inspection . which we believe Is thoroughly enforced hr the Igents or the hureau of animal Industry of the U.lt , States Department - partment of AgrIculture. J . 8econI1) ' . Heslved. That Wl leRolvupon the continuation of t lie skla governmental inspection , tagging anti certificatIon of al domestic animals Intended 'for Interstate or export trade , to the emi that the whole world may be guaranteed that the domestic animals of the United States are free at this time from all infectious , contagious or communicable - municable dIseases Thirdly , Resolved , That we demand of our rc ' rleetve representatives In congress that I the ) ' palS legislatIon ] requiring rigid Inspec- tion und ertlncnton by foreign govern- ton ! of edible commodities exported h ) Ufem ( wines , liquors , etc" , inclusive ) to the Unied Stales as they I'equlre from the gov- nment of this republic as to the whole- someness and healhfulness of AmerIcan cattle , swIne and other products In whatsoever - ever shape they may \ le exportcd. Fourth r. Resolved , That the president anti seCretary of this meeting he and are hereby requested to furnish these resolu- tions to our county papers , ant also send crtnell tons copies of the sme to the Depart- mcnt of Agriculture And further he I , Resolved That It Is the sentment ot the meeting whIch passes these resolutions that these demblls are nontlnr- titian , ant arc .ade with the request that there vIhl be . general concurrence of expression - pression on the part or all the producers and dealers In live stock by counties throughout the country. - I l tWJSU1 .JST . . ( Lr2'ING JI T1'EI , ' . ' I i'x-t'rcsldout Is Mtucii Stronger Afcr R Ouod Night's Io t. INDIANAPOLIS , March 12.-Denjamln harrison Is In a much Improved condition this morning , He spent n great part ot yesterday out ot bed and obtained a good night's rest last nIght. He tel much stronger thIs morning and would have come down to breakfast , but his family thought that he had better remain ' In his room on account of the damp weather. Since Mr Harrlon has been ill there have been many callers at the house Inquiring after his health . No one has been alowed 10 see hIm hut his most intimate friends , amid all InquirIes have heen answered by his daugh- ter Mrs. McKee . Dr. Jameson , WhO bas been atellln ! Mr. Harrison , reports that his patent Is entirely out ot danger anti that he will be able to he out agaIn In a few days _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ , I' 7'll J/IT ( "T7'CU.1UJ' TlWI. ( u\'oruor's irlvtitoSot'rotiury 1ln ! "t Ills . 10mo In Inlan"UI ( INDIANAPOLIS , March I a-As a result ot last night's legislative fght Myron n. I icIng , the governor's Ilrlvale secretary , lies at home today In a serious condItion and his friends are much alarmed about hl1. LegislatIve hail In the capitol had a very disheveled and Ilsmante.1 appearance tOday There was a broken door , tIed across by ropes , anti broken chaIrs were also to be seeui Very few ot the members who par- tcipated In the riot were .bout the hail. Speaker Minnie toJay disclaimed all respon- sibiiy for the wild scene whIch occurred under hIs gavel lie sal : "I had no part In the Ilscusslon , Thin members who decIded on tile plan kept It O\oy from me because they lenew I would not approve at I , r dil not order tie door locked. . " Olclr , of a ohinct 1"lk 4SrrCslctl ( . ItOKI"lgl.n , 10 , . 1larch 12.-'fhe am. core of the hank of Brokleld , which cosell ] Its 1100rs early In Janunr , are Inder arrest on I state warrant sworn , out hy six or the ( lelsltort of the ( hfIICt hunk , They g/vo bonll hnlellatly amid were rehearsed , 'he ohilcers of the bunk ure : John I.'ord , cashIer - Oleers ; , I , luffaleer I , 11tslleot ; J. W , hiufT- nker , director , anl 1. i , ' W. UUffaker , book- keEper. 'l'iuey are charged wIth receiving ! depoals when the ) ' knew the ( bank wus In a faiing condItIon. ) 11 prelminary trial II Iet for Frlll ) p lolJ > d I hi 1111IhLr.'nl. ' . 1iih1ltY. Okl" : arch 12-Dellut Pnlel States tarshal John H. Hammer , jr. , ot I thIs cIty , who wcnt Into Ihe Creek county utter a horse thief , was sUrlJrlsed h ) ' Juke I Morton . 11 lummlngs anll Marion ) Ihebe , ciuthtivs , arid robbed at hil urine , muioney , outaws afidho . lie ha8tenel \ the next town ali got assistance alll today arrested the t men aft er I hurl ( Ighi t. In I . which 11 l'umllnls was hull ' " woun'ied ' . II'cmIU of oit'iiui sei ! - , lit'rs . lar'iu Its Soutiiammiptomi A C Nol York - rrlvetl-hierilmu , trol At I.ondon-Arrlvl-lrllsh princess , from Ihl1delphla , \t 1lnrpool-Arrlnd-L1urenlal , train PortIa lid . At SOltham ton- Arrived-l'enimisylvauiia , from Phiadelphia for Antwerp At San Francisco-Departed-AustralIa , for Honolulu , _ . . , - - . . FOUR lHDERERS ShOT DOWN Boy Who Was in the Wagon with Them Killed by the Voloy , BLOOrlJUNDS USE TO TRAIL ThEM COlfA (1 tl TheIr trllf : nml Ye're 1111 'l'akcn to .JnU Wht'n 111111-lnlnl IrlllllR of the I : lurt.'rl1 trliillIg . haul . wlr to 111\0 IcH'It' . ' \ 'ALSENflt1htG , ( . , Iarch 12-Two or three lays ago Dqnt ' Shell I 1lxon was bntutntliy mnurderetl this b ' se\'eral hrulal murlered nt place ' by se\'erl I ItalIan coal mIners. After poundIng the i deputy's hcad Ilto I Pulp the body was iiitl- ln arid not found Intl yesterday moring , when alarm ' unit blood- a general was given nlll blool. hounlls halt UIon the murderers' trai , II a very few 10ments the ( welJrlnel dogs sac- eetlcd In rUlnln , down four mel who no- Imowledgel' having continn it ted the crime Ind endeavored to IlY It on each othcr. Late thIs afternoon an Infuest was held , at whIch the guIlt of tour 1alnns wns Illalnl Itroven , Ilxon I being n pOI'ular IIU , the feeIng nmong other miners nlll citIzens In lenerl grew to fever heat , and nt the close of the coroner's Inquest , ns Chic prlsoilers were hllng larchell to jai , a mob made n rush for them , armd before the sheriff and his deputIes Ctu1 raise n hall to hirotect them , tila boil e3 I of the fear Italians all another whie lan i wore rIddled with bullets , At this juncture' ' a general riot started , 100 or more 1alan minors seeIng theIr counntrynien lying nround dead , became frenzied , swearing they wi have wngennce before morning. 10th foe- tons began arming themselvs , amid , at last accounts were expected to come toether at an ) mument. The teegrph operator at 'alsenburg has aballoned his post , leaving no wa ) to secure further Informllon except as It Is broughl Into surrounding towns hy people who are fleeing from the scenic of . trouble or deput ) sheriffs seeking ] assistance UBPOHT THAT ALI WlmE ICILLED. IUI no. Colo. , : llrch 12-A special to the Chiefain from W'aiscuiburg a sml1 lo\n fry.slx mIles south of h'umebho sU 'S : A mob In ambush lt 7:30 : this evenIng fired ou a wagon ccntalnlng nine Ialan ! who arc charged with fatally beating A. J. 1xon ! , a saloon keeper at Rouse , a coal miiinning camp sIx miles from 'Yalscnburg , Sunday last. Four of tine la1ans and the wagon driver were killed. The prisoners who hall been lodged In the Walsenburp jai were taleen to the coroner's Inquest at House At the conclusion - clusion at the session or the day the prisoners - oners were loaded Into a wagon fluid started hack to tile jaIl. At Bear creek , a region where thcre Is much underbrush , half a Ilb from Wnlsenburg , the oracle ot a dozen rIles , presumlbly In the hands ot miners rang out. Four of the prIsoners , whew names cannot he learned on account ot the exciement , were Instantly killed. Joe "tVclby a young American boy who was drivIng the wagon , was also killed. The ofcers returned the fire , whIch lasted several mInutes , The most Intense excitement reigns " 'aIenburg enl Rouse are hell elf the mnln line of the raIlroad , and attempts to secure further detaIls have failed because the telegraph offices arc closed at night. The war" of the mob WIS , donc to avenge a pe- culiarly brutal criune At 7 o'clocle Monday - day mornimig , two men , enroute to work at House , discovered A. J. HIxon , proprIetor of n saloon , In a dying condition about an eIghth of a mile from his place of business ! I. Hixon had been struck on the hack ot the head wih n blunt weapon and was unconscious. He expired within an hour. Some len days sInce T. J. Brewer , pit boss of the House mIne , Imported a trained blood- hound , which was promptly sumnunnoned. The animal rushed away ou thc trail , and , wIthin ten mInutes seized a table leg In the rear of a saloon half a mile dIstant ( On examIna- ton blood was discovered on this leg. The dog then proceedel to the saloon door and two men , Lorenz Danlno and Johato An- lonlo , who were discovered therein , were ar- rested. Two more men , Pete Rosetta anti rank Anreco , were arrested In a cabin near by. by.ONE ONE OF ThEM CONFESSED. AdmissIons of knowledge of the murder were secured trom two of them hnledl- I ately on their arrest , and later they dl- : vulged the names at seven others who were with them , and chargell Iorenzo Danlno with the murder. Two of tIle Parties had started south. 'fhe ofcers were quIckly In the saddle , and the entire nIne were under arrest at 4 ) m. The names of the aldl- tonal five are : Pete Jacoblnl , Francisco Honeetlo ! , one Corporaln , one Nljo anti one Nlcholal , whose Christan names are un- known. Threats at Iynchln Danlno were Indulged - dulged In during the day , and quite a num- her of men were scattered along the route to Wnuisoniburg hut I was thought there was scarcely a possibility that vIolence would ho attempted. Ilxon was rather popular with the American miners , and general In- dignaton iirevaIls. lie was nn Arkansan , late ot Texas , was 36 or 37 years ot age lie Is supposel1 to have retured from 'Vnl- senhurg on horsehacle about 10 p. m and to have been attacked unawares. The Inconlvo of the murder Is a 11roblem , as Hxon was not of an aggressIve or quarrelsome dIsposi- than . . ton. PUEBLO , COlD" , March 12-A special to the ChIeftain , from Trinidad , In regard to the 10h at House gives more detais at the OCCUr- renee , obtaIned by messenger. The waKen was let at Bear creek hy a party ot seven mcn mounted on horseback , They cO/mnanded / Deputy Sheri arford , who hind charge of tim prisoners , to throw up his hands , 'rhls ho did , hut the drIver , Wel by , eIther ba- care excited , or Ills horses become unman- nigeable amid a volley from tie party 1 < 1 ell hIm Sheriff O'Maihey , who was on his way to meet the pl'lsoners , found one ot them ( shot In the hrest , lie was wOUlled ( hy a hone- lan , who shot hIm whie he lay on the gronund ro trace ot the other three pets- oners can be found . and It Is supposed from the treatment accorded the other men that they were speedily - kIlled p , ! 1'I.tor 11lI ' Oforll , 'lnnIY , I SACHAIN'O , Cal " March 12-Tinro was a senHatol In the senate today when Senator Uggy made charges of l1elptet bribery and corruption. A bill repealng a law malelng I cents the maxlmul fare to he charged hr i San FrancIsco street railroads was UII for consl.lerUon . , UIRgy of San FrancIsco IlenouncC the hi as In the lui. terest ot the street mlwar comhlne lie saId In ) ' one who would vote for the repeal , ot the ( Ilresent law was a hlrelnj of Chic I Southern Paele , Arms of San Francisco , delantell un Ipologv , Higgy slated that this week ho Wil offered $10 ( ) to IHal1 In with the combinatIon on water , gas , lele. phonp anti other his , and that ( the railroad mone was promlHed him when he readIed Ban Francisco. 'File statement created n terrific row ' 1he amendment was adopted b ) I vote ot 2 to 10. ( 'elobniut ing I' UaUrn\1 Oppnl r PhOENIX , ArIz. , March 12-\1 tiny the ( people ! here have heen celebratIng the cl'en- hog of lie Santa I.'e com\an "s ' new railroad connectng the northern and "outher sec- ( bus of Arizona , tile Hxt ) "lle pap between \ .AI h Fork anti Phoenix having lt lat been completccl leolle came from all parts of the terrier } ' , 'I'he fc' tv\les began ) \\\h / street ) II'III"t 10 o'clock this morning 'fhe city was IJedelee.l . wlh buulllng , evergreens elY111 mid lloiveme . At the ( formal ceremonies l& ' lowel8. a\lresses were 11'lven'd 1' ( los' . ernor Uughe , Chl'f Justice Huker anti lion . H. 0. I ulph ) . h'iirhii i , .1 1'11 ' I IUUII , Sioux FALI.S. . a , ) , Iarch i2.-Spe. ( clni.-itepreseuitnitbve ) Uall at Deli J.'ourch arrived here last nlht ; f route homo from l'Ierre Ue hul wih him I p/rdun sIgned br Governor Sheldon fur n P. Flood , ser\- Ing a two all a half years' sentence In the ' fOI' cenbezziluig countunds ( J2nlenlal ) em' embezzllg county while treasurer at Mends coUmity. He hud ller'cl I eighteen months ot his term. - , " .11:1IW1H'TS llI' UI'I.1 i'1lIhZc CI , , Illh'hllll CimtnuntunlotiSe'ruico , Irllr OI a Ill lot Irl..to nt lriltiunore. I3ALTI MORE , larch 12.-A resolulol of- tered al he I : letho.lst conference today which characterIzed as ulchrbtanlee the USI ot Individual CUllS at the Jori1'eu . SIPller brought to their feet a large porlol of the 11elegates. le\ ' . Dr. Ichard Harcourt , pastor of Grace churlh , iiaitlnnore . \ \ hlcl recently adopted 1II1vl11al cups , saul : " 1 wou11 lIke to kioI In what partcular the use of mdi- \hlual CUIs COlnCtS with the bible or the " Metluothist dIscIplIne ' : lethollst llsclplne' . "I thlnle there Is 10 authorIty for their use In eIther . " the bishop nnswerC1 "Jesus lhrbl said CUI1 , not CI ) . that ( Is lY con- \'Ictol , " ( \llplnUH while nil eyes centerct ngln on lr hiarcourt ) . " " 'el. as to that. " Dr. Harcourt relllt , "I thInk I cal say tlterC' Is scriptural all- thorl ) for the men ot Ilul\\lual C111S , Christ sahl : 'Thls cup 11\111 amolg ) 'ou ' As to the flied Pun C , \hnt Is there II I It agallst 111. I " vldunul I clllS' llrews "You announcell. cal reall the C ihiscipll lie , " Ill shop . A ii- "But 1 1m Ialln [ for 'Ol as the reshlent or this confcrelce to read I , " Dr. Harcourt said. sall .Ieelne to 110 I. " the bIshop nns\erel1 "There was n tme , " ir Halcourt re- slmell , "when It was s:11 e\'erythllg hall to go cleaui.sluaven , like the ( blsholl of this (0h1 ferenice-\vheul there si-as rio dippIng of mouvm- Cache into tine clIp wltin lieriituis tobacco juice on It ; iu'hneni Chtero was iio offeuiso through simfferhntg fm'onii tine grill nfti r lens-hung tile inanidherchilef at Inoune. ( Groans. ) I tell ) 'uui , Mr. l'reslilent , ( inmit fronui these causes , fronu thno tntbio of Cite Lortl anti ! his coinmniunulon , I have titlniiluilsttiretl slops. " ( Gronuis followed " " and cries of anti excituinations of "Olt" ' 'Stop. " ) Dr. hharcolmrt contiuiuueti : ' 'if there ivere not so mnanmy lathes htmosenit I unilghnt give yout bretitreui seine facts ( groanis and calls to order ) , buut I refralui. " 'l'huo binthiop calleti ir. ) iiturcouurt to order , auid ir. ilarcourt ttalti : ' 'Certainly , bishop , I stulil I wouihti refrain because of tile lires- ence in ( Ills conigregationi of hatlit's from glv- Ing fmnrtincr ltmiPleiisilnit fact which are apropos iii ftnhl d isciusslomi of t ii Is tluiestloli. ' ' FInally tile mmiatter was haIti ouu time ( able , 70 to 00. Latin' tile following resoltitiomi WiiS U nmumiinniounsly atiopted ltemiols'etl , 'l'hnnutVc iiert'ii' declare' ( lint CIII' neloui ( tnukeni tItle mnornilng with ri'feremice to tim e ilCe 0 1 mIld i s' Id thu connuiiuniiidu cups I a ho t to lie cotO' I l'llei itS l C huer ii ltPmu\'i nig or coil ti eunni ng ( hlii4 inmnovnu t ion. Tine coutferenuco rejecteli a ProPositiorl to admit wonnemi to Cite general canfereuice , 115 to cVhneni : ; nuflirnniatlve votes were rc- corded time ladies applauded. SIv I'EIMXS II UI r .1 r a .VIUI. 1rty Thtoimsaniti ( Collar itituze nit % 'tiupt.tI , % 'l seuliM Itu. W'AIJPON'is. . , March 12.-A destructive fire occurred at tide place thIs niornhnig. During - ing its progress'six persons were Injunreti , one fatally. 'Fine pecunIary loss aggregates $40- 000. DurIng tilt ? progress of tine fire tinere was a panIc whldhl followed an explosion of hot air i ii tht hilt t erfi eld laulld In g , w'lu 1dm cauisctl tim walls to collapse anal crush a mitnmber of people. There were nnianiy spectators , 1105w- e\'e , ' , ivhm svero catnghmt uunndem' tlto walls , and sIx of them srere badly injiured. ThIero ss'ere also nnanny others who received severe burns amid scratches by flying debrIs. They are mull doing sveii at present , with time excep- Clan of John Melkiejolin , svhto was hurt in- ternahly arid itls head cut opeui. lIe cannot - not recover. 'rho losses are covered by insurance. Tim buslnemin portion of ( lie city is prctlcally wiped out. LYNN , Mass , March 12.-The morocco factory of Kelly & Green was destroyed by fire last nIght. Loss , $60,000 ; partially In- suired. p ( Jl ( lOuT TJI'O OLI-T1.1IR CJWOKS. nuurghnrs itrrestotl at Sit. Lottie I'rovotl to lie i1cti of lilnuiuy Aliases , ST. LOUIS , March 12.-James Wesley amid James Mmmrray , wIno ss'ere ntrresteni here on suspicion of hieing safe blowers , arc two of the muost daring crooks of tine day. Time initials "J. Vt' . " tattooed on tile left arm of Wesley led to hIs itiemmtlflcation. lie Is Jack \Velsb. alIas Walsh , alias JolIn W'arti , alias Johnn Wunitney , alias Warne , alias Wesley , and has spent over fifteenu years in time penitentiary. Murray was identIfied by means of the Initials ' 'J. M. " on ills rIghtt arm. He is John McManus , alias "Kid , " alias 1I. C. Morrison , alIas Joseph Murray. They arc saiti to be guilty of robberies coIn- naitted In nearly every big city in the coumi- try. Both men were , before they camne to St. Louis , niemnbers of a gang of sate blowers whose hleadquarters were located in Saui Francisco - cisco , Wlllcli city thley left several years ago , accordhnig to a letter from tine chIef of polIce of that city , Tiuey atinnltted their identity when Chief of Detectives Desmuond revealed timat he knew wiinit hue was talkhmig about. ( ii TI' IS L1F1' TO IJOLI ) i hi U Cit. Ciuui NeIther ( let 'ihInir ultinioy Fromii ( 'otlInt & Stmuimton or l'rosecutn Iritnitmtihiy SANTA CI1UZ , Cal. , March 12.-The grand jum'y'tn report attriblutems ( lie action of the city coumicil In Cunning over certitln bonds to Coilla & Stnontomi svitiiout rettiirinng a citHim deposit to ignorance luistead of crini- mcmi iuitcnt , 'rue jury megartle Coihin & Stanntoui ats linuving Chic cuinniuial initenit , tluouugii they have Incliged thiennselveti abount with technicalitIes ito that thmey cannot be criminally prosecuted. 'FIle city of Stinitmi Cruz sold $3r0,000 worth of Itonds to Collini & Stanton , a Neus' York 11mm. 'l'lle until some tIme often' made mi IiropsitIomi ( lint the debt be refunded and ( limit lommger Chine ijontie. bearing it lower rate of Interest , be lssunetl , 'l'hiis offer wniil accepted outti thu' mle\v bonds were Issued anti ( unruled over to it. representative of the New York hirru , the 1)1(1 ( itondit not being surrendered or proper securIty demantled for the miew fluids. In Ocoher ( Collin & Stnuntulu faIled , anti It syria founitl Clint the ) ' lund ii'potiiecmtted hue muess' bouids In vnurloumns eastern banuhc. Tine city nosy linus out two acts of bntia , each throwIng - Ing Interest. _ _ _ _ p- _ _ _ _ - , ' , l CIJilS J'IGJI'J' i'O1t C.lS'I' Tif.l II t'limllhetitIOti of Hail FriluicisnIt iiotisP Iteun. titirt lh'llluccti Erelgiies Nece'niaru' , . KANSAS CITY , Maceli 12.-Iciutmerus City indlceus are In trOllblo rdgmtmthlng timeIr bnuttl. , iess on tim coast , owing to tine comelpetition or pacliluig houses recently estaitlielmeel in Sati Frauiclsco. 'l'hle lcanmioit City lhurenui of 'i'm'unsportntiuui , says me local paper , Is now preparing a iietltion for cutt of freight rntejt from tiils city svcst In order ( hint tiucir cnmpetltloui mnay hi unore easily mnet svhuicll s'Ill lie puesenteti tn tile trnnsconttiunt'uitui ( n'eiglmt btntttl at its ( 'illcnigo nneetiuigVIma ( It sviil be nicked to gIant has riot yet beeti decideth by thte liackei'S , litmt tue cut sviil hitive (0 be nniateuittl Iii artier tu give the lcmiumsus City Packets it filir oltpoutunIty to rotmuin tIm greater tullare of their litittint's In California , Oregon find Wtislningtonm , 5011111 Onminita packers now muintice ahulpuimenia (0 ( I he Pacific comuitt ulliler tiuc litinie rates that nuft'ect } nimhl'tts City heel svlil join Ill the ie. quest for' tIle reductIon. 11.2 JII J.OC.ZTJI ) T.l l'i.Oit IX .111i.VIGO , hihilttf of l'olloo ol ihilyalia , CllhI , I'ttr- tm Itt 110th I lIft I t fou'ttt it t ltui , JACKSON\'ILLE , Fin. , Mmtrch ; 12.-A 'I'amnpa slieclul to the CitIzen says ; W , II. 'rmt'ior , the defaultIng South Iakota trertit- urer , wait arrested last Suntlay iui Mexico by Pinkerton ogeuts. 'l'tt'lOr , lmntier thu nntimi of Mason , arid ii cpunpn.ouiloii callIng lmimiisei ( lthiellitt , italtttt'tl thmuougli hIde seventil sveek'ts airo , 'i'iIt'y svemit to liavunia ninth tine elliot of liohico of ( lint city SVilH Paid $2OY ( ) to iocata 'iJuyhor , which lie tilti on mu stemet' liountt.i for \'eitt C'l'liZ , Mex. Nesys hue he received of tIle arrest iui Mexico , ai ut lit , r lnitI Iy I U nt eu SIOUX I"ALfS , S. 1) . , MardI i2.-Ste. ( eiai.-Mms. ) I ) . i. \\'murd , wife of lImo lhmiutiitt ( simile uniimtalonrmry ( or thus state , cattle near being burned to deathu Snind.iy uilght. 11cr i.1'eai'.Oiul chIld ivims temichltmg ( or a brink tutu tipped over a large parlor lanihi , 'I'hie chmlltl esditiled to aulotluer room , but Ml's , W'artl'it clothing caugiut lire' , She lmtid tIlt ? vrcsenice of muitmil to lie driwmi anti u-oil on ( lIlt Iloor , anti In thuat Wa ) ' t'xtuiguIsiltrI the homes. Gild WUC badly hluml'nei about ili humus anti ( ace , 'rho draperies In tIle roonq swore deatmayed. BirrLi AFTER IIASS Riot , in anti About St. Paul's ' Polish OntholiD Church Yoster3ay Mornhhg , PRIEST FIRES I3ULLEIS FROM IIIE ALTAR Defending Huinsof Agtiiiis a Mob that Sought to Drive Hhn Out. W3UNDS TWO OF IUS AS.\IANTS One ef Itis Supporters Throwlh from Church Stops with Brttterctl Head , O ONE TIIOUGIIT TO BE FATALLY hURT CIII ll I hut lttu ii f t It P 1.tillg h'retmtiI I lb g Strife Ill t II Ii ( 'niigregmi ( Itu a - I ) i'turl er ( J It elicit it ) ' thma i'tiIIei'-I'rlest milid ( ) tlierit Arrcttteti-h.thn'r ) 1)utiiils , Imitcrmccinio : anti religious war 'Is ngtului ranipanit ill Shmeeiey , growilig OmIt of ChG l'olIsll cimurchu trouubles. A battle wns foughm ) CC ( erihmui' 1110 runing In CIte cimuncim buu ihdlmng munt about the chlurcit grotnuitia with revolvers , clubs mind mitommes , timid u'imeut time heat of thin entcounmter Itati passed Cuvo macmu were carried CIT tIme fielti , svotnuntletl by binlietni , si'ltllo another Piati until ii badly battered Ileilil. Othmcr eonnibatnnmtnu ss'orc uiiure or less thlsflgturcti , buut rmonie of titenu ss'ore seriously' injtured. his'cn tufter tIme mmiii battle was over tunid tufter a platoon of hiollCe Itati or- riveti to put mini end to Cue iiglmt Iuidlvinlual eniconuniters occumrreti. Time trouble started after mass imnuti been celebrated ill tile clltmrclu , anal at about 9 o'clock , Altimonughi Judge Anmibrose's decision iii thin case is regarded as a vIctory for Ihishiop Scammtuell uumitl ills stnpporters , tIme opitositlon anti tine losers of ( ito stilt stIll retatml Ilosses- siotu of tIme chlunrchi btmlldhmmgs mliii groumlitla nuiui Itoiti servIces nuhone. It is cltilumied Clint as Soorl mis ( lie ilecirtioni swims remitiereti ilishiop Scanimiell's supporters , or tIme ( rune itonnan Catimolics , as ( lucy call themselves , gave notice to tim priest , Stevemi Karmuiirisirl , amid itis coni- gregatloni to vacate. 'i'iney retnmreti to tb this anti it sync tieterrninietl at a mneetiuig of Scan- neil's supporters Co take forcihde possessIon , FIGII'F IN TIlE ChitJhtCiI. Yesterday moruIng tIme forces began Ca mnn'clt tosvard time chmurchl , gtltitt3riiig fromn varloums tiircctionis , arluneli with mevois'ers and clubs. Tine attack was a complete surprise amid conisoquenltly tile only itei'soiis Ili thin building swore Priest Karinimiskl anal five altar boys. As soon as tIle lriest iiotictid time bands coming lie closed arid bolted the doors , - . of the rear part of time cimurch lit sviiIchi his Ilvluig apartaiemmts are situated .4 anti winere lte was at time tinmie. lie then overhauled IllS arsenal and picireti out two revolvers. With one in each hand lie opened tine door leading lute tine church , with the Intelitloni of closimug time front doom's of tine edifice If possible , buit lie ss'as too late , Thin invaders swore already half way up the alsin svItim Joseph Nowiskl at Clue head , carrying a.4 drasrui revolver iii mile itanti. As son.as the itriest appeared ins tine doorway Nowiski leveled ills revolver at bins anti ordered him to throw up hut hands , Prlet icarmnlnshtl was preparhnig to silOOt svhten Nowiskl opened fire , the bullet striking tlio wall of time bumiitiing about a foot above Cite lnlest's head. Tins latter ' thleui openeti fire , anti time attacicinig party somigimt shelter beillnd the pews. Nowlski dodged behiuid tile stove. The iuivauiers fired at time priest from their shneh ers , hint Cbs dozen or moore luots wlllcim tlly sent went wide of the unnirk. As soon ant Chin priest fired tile eleven loads In lmi two revolvers , hits assailalitts retreated in haste , heaving time wounded behind , Thin latter swore tsvo in nuunniber. F. Dargaczowskl svami shot In. time leg , one bullet going thnrougil tine left. bone , aumd anotimer bullet stm'iklmig hilnil in thin nummkle , The otiner svounded man was John Kozicknm , who received a flesil svomunid in tiio rigilt leg above thin kuiee. The formnuer was J Itosewater su'hnihe Cite Inttou' atCemideti by lr , , want sound enoughm to still remain on the battlefield. SOUNDED TIlE TOCSIN. Altltonngh tim attack was a surprise Co the priest , sometilluig of tile kind had been cx- liected for imriie tune , and Inc 115(1 ( arranged & signal to call his supporters around lthmn ivhon It shtoultl occur. TItUs signal was tue rInging of ( ho cliurcim bells , Ills oppo- nouits knesy tills , anti when tine attack was unatlo mcmi pulled the ropes of time hells outsIde and had tied them to a feunce. Priest ICarniinislci discovered title , and after' closing tIle doors of ( Ito dhlmnrchm lie sent one of the boys Into tilt ? tosser arId soonu time danger slgnmtti 5-as sommnndeti , As soon tie It. swus hearth ltI.s sumpiortera began to rally , conning Co time side door of tine churcin aultl be- log atimltteli witimln. On thlehr way to time hiuuiitlinig titey were imict by tile others V. ' it Im clubs amid rocks , ho t , miotlt I nm g tiau nIt cd , ' 1 thICy arrive-ti at Cite rallying inlace. Thin ltttntckimtg iturty decitieti that this wounid mayo to be uttoiipeth auitl mantle a nunithn for' time door , Jo- sepli Imida , silto , next to tile priest , Is tut tile 4 head of ( ito faction which has jinecesulon of the clturch. was idatloned on tlto steps as a gimarli anti bravely hue maci tIle oumsiammghit , liut lluilnhjermt were too IliliclI for 11mm aultl ito was tiowneth , lila Ileati Wail htaitcretl svitlm tine I blouve of clubs mintl rocks nunfi lie hIss mi ( leep 4 anti long SushI emi itis foreileati which was ninutie by a kuilte. Ills tiefense , ilowever , gavq tlniiu to tile attacked to chose ahud lock the ' doors of ChIc chiurCil , arId time enenniy was again milked. iuitlu ss'ams carried to hula llonie. WIllIe his InjurIes arc ec'vere , they are riot daungerous. RIOT CALL SENT IN. - Ant soomi as Chic bells romg mm i'iot call was edit to time itohice station and a platoon of sIx policeumien arrived. Tlmey cleared tIme grotnmidit , keeItinih all persons outside of tine fence , 'l'imo orbglmial ranks of tIle mmtiiucklng party hind been aulihilenteti liy the arrival of us'onuen , suho , by s'olces auut.i ate- lions , apiharenitl ) ' timirsteti for ChIC gore 4 of ( lInt ohitilte ) partY niore savagl ) ' tlmsnm thin utica. An sooui as tlloy web soniiewilat quieted dowui tile Itriest's snuitltorterul In time elmurcim were oruhertsl outside , So long sit they kept In a body iltey ss'ere sate , but If one liccauniti Isohiuteni a tiozeui of Chic assaIlants , nin and sVOhliell , sweat after mIni. "V1t fou'mer imseti clubs whierlevem' aumd witerever tiusy imati lull citPttrtuhiity , svinilo the other sitlo thirow tin calls , recite , expletIves amnll annytlllhng else tilat Collill be found. ill Clts lIttle skIrIlilelles uscy- oral of the rnienliers of until hiies were woumitleti. limit nouio of Curb 1Jan11) ' . The crowds uveru gIanluauly IiIeberzetl by time itohice and except for an occaontaI phy. Ideal enncounmter eveeythllng uvas qtllet a nioomi. More trouble Is expected In tine fnlturo as both sides aie tiotejIllIned to net itaseasslon of time cimurcim. Any Iroublo lltat hltU occur swill be pltclletl battle , as tue pam ties now in poaieisiofl of tIle chlurdbl say timat time ) ' will lie on ( lie lookout ilereafter uinmti ss'iil not again be taken by surpriec , Ci4AIMii OF' EACh 511)11. Tine parties imialcillh' tile attack cialun to 11050 Cite right on their sIde , They say that Judge Aunibrose tlecidefi Cite ihrapurt' hielonged to the Itonmiall Catholic church , anti. if so , the tltha Is vested In P1511011 ScahihielI , It thl is ( lie case , then time Ulsitol' line tins rower to ailitoitmI a prIest to carry on a'rvlos , They chaIunm that the Present eonmgreatiomi is not Ilcimarm Cvtltohio aumti ttierUorc it has no -