- " " , ? " " " " , " , ; . . . , , . - - - " . " " ' " " " " ' : " " ' + PP : . , , , . " . ' . , . _ . 41. " . . " . . , . . , . < . " ) : ' ' ' ' ' ' . . , I. " ( . . - - , . f t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OlrAIIA DAiLY . . JJti t TUESDAY , MA1WII 12 , 18Hi. ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ; n sub ' tut ( tot No. liS , .tn' upon mlt n 01 ltlckottR the honie rpi ' : 'J 1 Prorti : upon IUctotU tht atre Inl , ' Il lve 1 to Il ng1ln. The slme procodlr \ a had upon house rol No 108. Johnsbn's bill . t ' I\jnl : to c"unty attorneys In cltc ! whse Iopulaton ; " ' iO.OOO c"be' House rol No. 19 , by Alan , WIS then reahcL ( Hckets moved that when the corn mittee arose It recommonl the lull back for miee pa ! ! Irose , Howard movel to olnnll by Indennlely po. lponlnl the same , Hho.les wanted to know I this bill was nol one to remove the appointng power of Police awl Fire commltloner from the gov ernnr. Ickcts relilel , anti explaIned the Ilrovlslons ) of the measure. howard saltl he hail been Inrorme1 that the bill hall been - 11 ro \ n In the direct ( Interest or the AmerIcan Protectve association. He 1111 not know this 10 be a lact but hnll been tel 80 Then vote then recurred on 10warl1s amelHI. mont , which fell by the wayside by a bIg nia jorlly a 1\1 Iticketta' motion to recommentl Is . passage prevaied by a corresponding ' Ilouso roll No. 80 , by I'erklns providing f t. for the destruction 01 the Russian thistle . , , was amendell ant 01 existence nnd so \er. , forale1 [ with allusions to buffalo burrs and , ox-e'cd daisies tint I became worthless ns C , nn intelligent measure. The bill as amended , , however , was reconunendotl for passage. t \nssa p I0usn roil No. 20 . hy Ashby , . , providIng for tIme punishment 01 perSons . Sons who maliciously maim or Vonnd : 10meste animals , was recolmendel for in- E definite postponement. Thc commitee of tim wholn then rose and repcrted. The report was adopted , , hut not wIthout a roll cal , lemalllell IIY howard , on . amending the Icport to indefinitely postpone C houM roll No. 139. The nmelllment was los the - followIng being the vote In detail : flee . : Ioward . Scot t lr ( Iowart. . lrkan' . 11011 . Smih , cnnll > hel. Johnston Ho1ernrnmi . aqar. ( Nllnha ) . Hpackman 1cmnncy , MclrlI" . Hulrr. ] ( 1)nqniey , McVlckcr , "nnJousen , ( "lr. Ih.J's , W ' ' t. . 1 . - taslitc . 101rrlR > I , 'tnk Ihmln. t . l"lhleulne. ( herman-2B ; ] Iorit. ' Na's- . , AlIaii . Orllth , l'rrllln9. I' A 1ty. Inll rOI'e , 1'oh1nn. ' Jmacon . I latter . 1tleItt , . i I teelier. I tnrris , Itnptnsofl ) . Inrrl. ] ick. . .Iennu'z. HU dy. lcek. ( Iineitlct , . Johnston flitiSe Jrnelel. , . ( Lnlla9) ) . } cIitcIcedafltZ . lrI' . .ipIle9. HI9S0 . lrculnn. 1nol. , .ltidd ; . thlaeer. Ittii-ti . ( I ) o.lge ) . lnul' . HlU"n 111. 110.1e . Burs T.amhorn , ( Doulla9) ) , ( LsinsU'r ) . innghurMt . Put Ion Olrlsler T.n/hmst. [ 01 Cnrlson , MttIIst'n. ( Pnwnee ) , ( Ghm' . JcFltlden. ' 'lnm ( Ctn.rnan M'NIU. 'ritoinas . Cole . 1orlelc. 'Vnl , , ConAway. iUeycrs. WtIIer. I . Gooley. : M tttc. IlnIL" , : (1n rob . It . " litillOn. Cnln , 'rlh. 1a\'le . Mnnger , Mr. Speaker-58. 11r . OrIon Absent rind not voting- flarry. . volnl- Hlch11lsn , JI.rnari1 . I1nrlooit . SIuiC , ! J.'rnart. . I tarrisoti. ' \'eber. ] Iurke . ilctrte . MInk Grnw ,1'lklnG. lart ( ( .Johnson-IG. ) FrItz , Itt'Inhl1gton. The house then adjourned. TI'fmJ.u'l TOLLS ' 1'UClgU NOT. nut ru. ' Their Jnul"tlon TO\loil Off In I hn i''iatn ' hyatsll. : . . LINCOL.N March 1.-Sp ( cll.-The ) senate put In the afternoon In .Ihe IJans- action 01 routine hjusiiies , pur ant plnlrle. The session was not called to order until 2:30 : o'c10ck , and more than hal nn hour was taken UII In reading tlC jQurna : of Friday's proceedings , and thn a nl'her of petitions against the prpvd law 10 locate the state fair nt Llncln and : agalrt thia prcposed amendment 10 time ol"J\uar- gHlne bill. 'rh ! lieutenant governor arQU teed as the personnel of the committee to jl'cftgale . the conduct : of the ofcers lit the rt ito I'enl- tentary , Sznators Crane cf UJ : la : Steuf"r of Cumlng. Saunders of Knox , Graham 01 Gage and Dale of Harlan. . Thq Henato then took up the bills on ' third rea'dhi : & and passed time folo ! .vlg : ' ' Snate 1 No 39 , amcnrlng' the il\ur- L since laws , sectIon 40 , clm.tptcr 4 : , cf the , Compld SUttmte9. ' . , ' . c Senate ! No. 77 , relating II rltracts for the COlt onal sale , iese 1 'r hire of railroad and street railway e.ulrltll aId roiling stock , and providing car the recording of such cont.acls with the sccr.ittry 01 stat. r Sente file No. 312 , prov\lng iCI' thc Investment - . vestment of sinking fund monlYs 01 lown- ships and counties In grain for [ e. . . . and . Beed for droulh sufferers In lime stale of . Nebraska. , Senate file No. : 35. taking aW'lY from the governor time prlvlegi of Inatl'lg the nelvpapers II which shall t p.lntd pro- poset amendments to the cOi tlnton II.d vesting such privilege with the l rellY of state. lomJc roll No. & :0 , providing for the usa . of surplus precinct bond funds for the pur- chase trite farmcrs. of grain for seed all fed for desti- Dale offered a rosoluton directing the committee on railroads 10 I'etur the anti- pass bill 10 the senate , and further provid- lag that the bill bo engrossed for third read- ing. Watson objected 10 the couslderatoi of the resolution and It went over until to- morrow. ' 'JI senate went Into commit of the whale on bills on general file , with Caldwe1 In tim chair. Wathon's bill provIding that Ihe charges fer a telegraph message of ten words shall not bo more than 2 : cents from any point In , , NebrasU to any other point In No- bra lia was taken np. POlIO movec that the bill be recommitted to the committee on miscellaneous corporations . lithe . said ho could sea nn object In sending the bill back to I i committee room Any mendmcnls necessary Cuhl be made by the ' commltco or the whole. I 101) . replied that lersollaliY ho was against the bill and would If Iho senate desired It , move that : the bill be indefinitely postponed. lie said that there was no necessity for the passage of such n bill. 'fho telegraph com- Ilanlcl lad fUllshed the slate thousands of dolars worth 01 tl'leg\ph messages during the 11ast few months all the tclerplt work of time Senate Hele I commls310n having been done free or charge. I wouhl certainly be on act of Ingratitude for the slate now to turn around and pus tire bill under consider- utlotm. Walson's request the bill was sent back lo the jllelary commmmltteo . FIGhTiNG TiE PAPER PIPES. The clBaleto bill then cuno : up for a lively discussIon Tim bill was IltroduCld by Hahn and Ilrohlbiis the sale or mnnufactnro or cigarettes. I Is Ilullo comprehensIve In spie of its brevity. 'he entire bill Is con- tnlnet In the following paragraph : hereafter no person . lirm . l ! socatQn or I CrIOI'tOJ In the slnt Ihll mannfletuN , sol , Illfor \ stile , give or fnrnlsh tony JelBOn tigttrettcs or tile material for their composition ; that any pcraon hi this state violating the provisions of this /ct shall 116 11et'metl guilty of 1 flhistieneaiior. ( uml shall . upon conviton by any court hl\lnH , , jUII\dlttlon. \ ! 1'1(1 ' f'I' each offense 1100 , or which 5 : G "hal he IHll ' ] 10 the informer. A lengthy debate took Illace over the proll- ositon Ilh'uncell b ) Graham. flu clahurlt thai tlmq bill lS I stood prohibits , the sale of tobao. lie offered an am nlllent which he thought would obvlale the ( Imculty , 10po favored the lull , hut he wanted It fO amended that It would bo efect\l Instead at a dead letter upon the statute books. \lter spolie vigorously In favor of the generl provision of time bill , and told the senate hOW many thousand young men In ; Neblala were rapidly heeollnl Inenlal ; all I'hslcal wrecks b.cnuse of the use 01 clg- arctics. Mel\teby opposed the bill a It stood. He di not IIJ110\0 of cigarette smoklns , hut he did not believe In striking another blow at the business intoltlts of Ncbraska. when by so doing 10 benefit to tIt " PeoPle of the state would accrue. lIe wanted the bill luended 60 to l1ermlt Nebraska firms ta sell the article for Ihlllelt to other atatcs. Uurln ) the d'bate AIcrs brought Into the lento chamber n somali , weazen.laccd holbllck , who , grinning broadly anti puffing VI.Mously . nt a cigarette . wulu d lp the center aisle. Alters itaced : his hand on the boy's head anti , called utcnlon to him a a horrible ex- j 8mple. 'i'lio sergtlt.nt-lrms removed the 101 , The boy nll afterward [ that be had reclved . 25 cells for posing u n horrible example. 'fhe committee rose without final acton on the biL Just before adjouratmient l'opo nlerel a reelution dl - cctlg the attorney general to lake charge at the r.s : of the state ngtlnlt the alleged lureres ( ! at Barret Scott. Dale ! objected and the resolution went over until tomorrow. The senate then ( nlljourned. ittl'OitT ( P TI ItiLiEE' C\I tC WS. Secretary Lutldeim'msliowlum : tf Cash ito- e.l'el 111 l'ul.11 , of II.hur..mrnt , LINCOLN , Inrch l1.-Speciai-Secretary ( ) I.ulhlen's report 01 the doings 01 the Heler commission last week Is : 1INCo.N ! , larch S.-To the Honorable I Senate of the le15Intul of Nebraska : We I beg leave to hnl,1 you our nrh week\ re- von , In conformity ) wIth the resolution passed b l ' your honorable body I.'ehrunry J 'J'hits report ) cOVers the work for the week coding March 7. herewIth you wil unit Iemlzrll cash receipts. names of the Ionors 01 parties to whom donors wished their money cre.lted on our conols sintp relIef books. In connection With the cash receIved this \lel ( conntcton wih we Include the list of names amid cntrlbu- tons received thus far from time "llenn chain letters" started by somebody In Wis- consin. Wih thl ! cash report you wIll tnll a rlnloment of the dlshursements nlso. We nIo Include ( In this report the Hems WI , wele nlo cOllwletl to lmit last Week , vi ? . , the stmipiies J'ocel'ell. s that this Iem ( of PUlp\C8 the report cors two weeks' receipts of supplll. AIlo the report of time distribu- ton of SUp lIles hy cotmntios . giving raIlroad statioti , date ( ousl nee , all the items so staten far a8 practcalde { , and the lumh.r of the car In which they were 8hl"llell This part of the report may scent smll for this wcel \Vo ore plchnsluJ our supplies . Illt while . ' luring this many shlpmcnt wre male [ ( ! week we ha\e dCclde to watt 101 until we hlvt the ofelal nOtc that the supplies have J'llhCI their destnaton before enlel'- tug It In cur rlort to you. \Ye 110 this tl save the senators nnnoanee. 'rime moment AenntOIS sl\e the report Is pllnlll In the ncwlplpera In- divlmimmuls begin writing tn members of the 11\11unI8 heJln'llnl Irglstatnre claiming tl\ have not received the slpples In thIs week's report. Very reo slleclul YOUr . LU'rhh1li ; p. l.tDD N , Secrelat. . c.\sa DONA''INSIO 1 MAIWI 1 TO 7 lN'lt'i4t\'I ' : , mSt3. C. p , Italiret . i'&mighkeeisIe . N. Y. . . . . S 2,0) : ; John tiormuister . 1npmilevIlie , N. 1' . . . . . :1.111 : Viol. C. Sitter . ' . lropsle\'lr . . Y. . . . . . . . . :0 1.0 iiro'i. , "Ish' MIcti. . fretglmt on imtlpl)1iO5 sll1111e8 for II' Clsler ' . clnly llel. . . fr.lslt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 School ctmtiilren pC (1.I'n county . l'eflfl' rll\lron ( . sylvania . Iir W. . , \ . ileer. Callenburg . Il. 'lllla. . . . I . . . . . . . ! . . . . . CalelsIJr/ . . . . . . 3 10 \v. ' \ ' . Thompson . l.'nt Ml.s. , Irr J. L. I . m'owr . Tholpsen. Iaekrnin Mi. . ; . 1. . . . . . . . . . . 9.CO O. 11\\"r. . , d.NI. Lef. Mli's. . hter I > J. I , . 1"1' . .lttekson ! I. . . 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0) mmumIsmiVonvmn's . .ld iiocIc'ti' of I.'oallnel. .111 1.:1.1 NIh. ! . per lon , Henry i4i'rlck . . . . . . . 1Z.S5 D. 1) . MIiIcr's congregation . Brick clmurcli 1'"nns :11ir's conSIlton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2..5 10" l ! Cimapmnan : . Nb. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0) ( ' . 1. : society . ( lInt ; ' . ; . 'J\'nn. . pr flns . Mrori' . . . . . . ln"s. . . , . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . M. ( ) CltIzni and niemitbers ur Nt.nlel society , Cllzen leI : . I. . Imumen. nll . hattie hake , Mimiti. . , 10.8 ; mlmmnolmm Leather company . ChiCago . 11er Uo\emor Iolcomb rOI . . > . ) . . . 111)0. . . . . . . . . . . 1.0) I , . H. H. l'roclor. Vttca , N. Y. tIer G.- eror Toleomh Iroclor . lten . . . . . . . . . . leI . . . ) . . 5.0) J. e. nurr . lluntlngtn , lm. , imor ( iovt'rnor loloolh Iur. . Tultngtn . . . . . . . Il. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.GO I 1.lnlon Bro . & eo . l'ttwtuckvt . n. I , Iler ' Go\el nor Ioloomb lawluclt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 Stnl" ' " Heater cnmnpmny. I'report lit. , per Gui ernor lolcomh romtlny. . . . . . . . ; . . . . 1" . . . . 2.00 Merm ick . \\llsh & Pluips . St. Lomlis . : [ 0. , tier Governor Tolc Ihelp . . . . . Tmls. . . . . . . . . . 61 ' 'PtlleEtIe , inglaecrimig . . ChIcago III. . per 1lo\emor tc Holomb 11"'r . ) . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . SO.87 ' , ' ttt'ln collected In' ( The Jrlrln seven tJlnl culecte < Limo "chaln-Iele" "eheme Inaugurated by "iornu'.stlc' lmigineertng. : " ) 1:1)lnerlnl , . ) oml'Htr ) Summit lqdge Nn. 67. KnIght" or 1.thlns. mm'ion 1.ale. .MInim. , per G3ventr hot- comb . . . . . . . lnn. . . . . . [ . eI . . G3\emn . . . . . . . Tol- . . . 31,0) \Vtttwl.ri : IIIdge 1401100' , , \l teet , "f the \ah'rlno tI.tIed Norwclnn church. 1hinneatutis , ,11 . < , Per I Governor Ioleoml : lnnr . . . . < . tol. . . . 14.00 Mrs. T. . M. ILihhwlmm. Manchester . . alleh. : . per GOI'ero. I.hlwln. Iolromh . . . . . . . . llc . . . . 12.00 CltIzemm or New Orleans Ia. . Pr I harE ) ' Cllzen" , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .0 ( \1'1 locel'ell front "chain leler" . . . . lU 1.'rlrnl. , tit itnymomid , Mo. , per M. . Thomas Morton [ lt . J" . . . . . . . . . . . ler . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 "Cittli. " Stmasbmirg , mim. . mwr I Mrs. Minnie "Cllh. S. Kich. Stllshlrg . . . . . . . Il. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0J Femah ' , CharIty society. , \Vest loxrotm . Jemal' . . Chariy : . . Myra A. Chadis'hck . . . . 2.00 Tolal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . : .21 C.\HI 1)113 tmUItShlMgNTS FOR 'U : 'iVtFK. SupplIes DSIUIHmlENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8)7. ! Traapnrtation . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.07.3) ) Counties < . ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257. ! : Hal rlc" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0) omcc < penses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143.10 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7. 15.31 UH.\NCE con \1''I-E IEN JIU I , 1"llcrs Decline to Say , \nylhtl ( About tisri II'nhR " .rlvOt ut Last Niht LINCOLN , March ll.-Speciai ( Teleiram. ) 1.-Speclal Teleram. . .uu , . . : . u auu" ' , . _ -\'hiat ala tIme Isuranca commIL ' 10 lU- knIght ? " was the Inquiry put to different mem- hers of the commtttee' , ant the universal answer - swer vas : . "Wo cleaned everything up. " Nothing further could be elicited from these secretive gentlemen. save the added Informa- ton that there lad been a big trick among the members on account of some of them havIng - Ing given information to the press. 'he com- mlleJ wilt repot tomorrow , and It Is said that It has agreed to favorably report house roil Nu. 47 , a bUt by hlairgrove , which as effectually knocks ont time valued policy law did the rejectcd b- the cornnmittco as dil one rejectcl ) commite a n few days ag for fiat repeal But the present hou.e has a way of paying slight attention to the report of a commltce .on Important mes- ure . Time house wi turn down house roll No. 417 as effeclualy ns did the committee the bill for stright relE ! . Time claims committee met tonight. hut dll not decide to maIm any report tomorrow. It has been wrestlIng thIs evening with legislative supply bills. Accord- I Ing to one of limo committee . ex-Secretary of Stale Alien appears to have put almost every man to work cleaning up the state housc who applied to him. No price was named bur when the laborer put In his bill Grennc'll. the head janitor , O. Ic I. amid Allen did the ame. The committee has had I number of these worldngmen before It and mad them SWEar 10 their claims A 'reducllon has been made In a number of case . 'rhero 15 50mo tale among the members of time committee about passing I resolution by the house appointing Secretary ul Stale Piper custodian of the great nmount of property In lila shape 01 furniture bought by Alien with : Instrctons to take charge 01 It and lock It : up after amhjoimrnment. As I now staads . no , one Is responsible for these surplus supplies . There are bills In for three lounges. at $20 apiece , but the lounges are not visible J11&luu4 u u.lc ut chnlm' ' . SCIUYI.lm , Neb. , March l1.-Spcial.- ( . ) 'rho theme of 11ev J. T. Knucle"s second scrmOn upon time subject " 'fh Israelites In Egypt , " \IS , expect not work 01 Indlvidulls 10 measure UI' to the standard of eml- nenly slpol'lor workers , but rather such work as ( ail has given Ihem ability to perform Ills text was from Excdtis v , 18 : "Go therefore - fore now and work ; for there shall no straw be of bricks given " you , yet shall ye delvel' the tale 11ev. , . K. Tindail . presiding eider , Is In the ciy and cnducted the Ilualterly , sea- slons 01 this district conference last even- lag anti lod.y. _ _ _ _ _ StIt'ly COUlt ) 1.lclnton. PAPI.LION , Neb , March 1l.-Speeial.- ( ) Judge Ambrose camc down front Omaha this mor Ins and opened the March term of dls- trJct court About ninety cases are schel. ultid to ho disposed of nt IbIs term , seven 01 which are criminal . This Is In unusually 101mg docket for the March term , anti It will undonbtelly mice time best part or two weeks to dispose of thc cases sat for triai \11 1.ln fn\'I.t"tll : Tomnnrrtimv , LINCOLN , larch 1 l.-Special ( Telcgrnm. ) -He\rc entatve Brady anti Senalor Crane , chairmen 01 the house amid senate venlton- tary hlebtatn conmimilttees . this e\'enlng agreed to hold time Ilrellllary l < slon 01 the joint complilee tOlolrow e\nllg. The commlltee will visit the penitentiary WednesJay and tale testhnon ) Time Ideal II\slmcnt Is Dr. Pflce' Dal : . Inl Powilt'r. . 'fhe inevitable llvlJend Is per- 10r. feelon In time ceollng. . - - p , t r"h' lt Fort ( 'milimoimim. FORT CALHOUN , Neb. , March ii- ( Special.- ) . mid Inowlal visited tItle sec- ton of country on Saturday nlglt and con. tnued during Sunday. The snow covered the ground to the depth of about hal an Incl and gllddtnc,1 : the bertl of the larmers. I.'crt . . Calhoun lies nol been "hle,1 by any \.tt. ) bevy rain , . therefore this sntI was ' ' weicoimme visitor. a very wrlcole vblor. Mn. I.wl l.rlor. one of the oldest rosi- lents cf Fort Calhoun , was burled on Wednuiday last In tie Calhoun cemetery , Quite a nlmber of relatives from Omaha amid lalr wefe In attendance at the funeral. She leaves a hu band and two grldehlllren : antt' several brothers earl sisters anti many . rehativem. Fort Calholn has "urlng the hal'l ( lines cre Ihrouah la far ant experienced no set- feling. 'fhe l'oor ban not suffered and the wllnl laborer has found work sumclent to luPl.rt hats faintly. lU lAN AGENCY RESPONSiBLE I Rock Island Wreck nt Lincoln Was Not the BESUIt of Accidolt , WITNESSES \ T ( rY GAINST DAVIS Ulflntlnt " . 'A . At the Irn" of time UI lstl' iii A" . thiie'im lIsttmrbemi Commdi - n a 'cr3' ; 11 < 1 J1 tlrbIII Conl- Unn-IIA 1temtlic.i Conllln , ! Slorlls I.INCO.N , larch 11-Speciat ( Telegram.- ) Testllol ) ' In time Davis Inller trial today was on the general tines of that introduced last week b ) the state' . I nil went to show that the wreck was caused by human ngency Sensational evidence Is expected about Wednesday , when the sate wil atempt to connect the defendant , ) , George 'oshlngton Davis , wlh time wreck 01 the Hock Islall train In August last and time destruction 01 eleven human lives. O. I ) . Hamey was the first witness examined thIs morning. He Is agent 01 the United Slates hixprcss company at Lincoln. He said that the cO\llon of time rails ns ho fOl\l them Indlcaled that they hnd ben tampeell with . W. g. Painter had male nn examination 01 the rails and \IS posItive that they hmami ( becn dis- placed by humnn agency , but would not swear on croos-examnination , that they might nol have been removcll subsequent to the wreck. J. H. 1umlJ corroborated all 01 the preced- lug testitmiony. H. I. . Gardner , a guard at time penitentiary , reached time wreck about nn hour after I happened . and saw nnl tnltw whim the dc- fendant ther . Wlness said that Davis had n wild-eyed look and asked wlucss what would likely be done with the right man should he 0 caught. Gardner had told him thai no punishment , lu his opInion , would bo to erucl for such a pcrson. lie thought , [ rom his deml\or , that the negro was very rest- loss amid nervous , as Ihough unensy In his nilnmi. PrIor to that night witness had never sm 1)avis. On eroas-examnlnation witness sal he saw n number 01 men standing around with no coals en , ns It Was a hot nlghl. Some WEe wcrkiimg others were standing around. Among time latter was Davis ONI OF' DAVIS' STORiES. " ,1111Veras , laborer , sall that ho went to the \\ck ; In a hack I Ih Cha ice Raynmommtl Itad seen DavIs amid asked for his lanter Davis returned with them In the hack and hall said he was riding In the smoltllg car when the wreck occurred Davis had told witness Ihat he luaU brought the lantern f.om Kcame ) ' . I 1" . J. Clmeyney , of the Huh clothing house , ' ) testnet In time afternoon. lIe said the GO- [ enlant had come into the store 10 buy a shirt on time moring after the wre k. The defe.udant said ho hat bean working all night at the wreck wlh Jarr ) ' oole. Ito toll Cimeyney that he would lie 10 have hat a rile and shoot the man who caused the wreck ] , ant that nothing was leo baJ for imlum Davis had salll he came from time wreck on a hand car. Louis Ryan said that he was waling on the Union Pacifc track on time evening 01 August S. and had overtaken n party abonl 300 : feel frol time penitentiary road. The man hnd I crowbar amid what appeared te be a gunny sacl. lie could not swear whether It ' ctawbar. The was n crol or a cnwba. Inn resembled tIme defendant and had a sloW shambling g'alt. The mn had turned off the road and ! moved away to an old house. ThEORY OF THE DEFENSE. George Bets said that he . In company with Attorney Alschuler , had gone to this old house and found a basket , soma chtclien heads and n gunny snck. Court adjourned nt . o'clock , as oIlier witnesses for the state wore not present. It , Is said thnt Halon , the ex-sectitn foreman - man . who was arrested by the Rosk Island ) company for fraudnlety carrying the name 01 his brother on the company's tme books , will be brought back ali subloened for the state 10 deny any Iml'tatons of the defense that the Rock Island wreck Ins cused , by . carelessness the part . of' any or Its em- ployes In allowing the track to get out . of re- hair.The The defense , I Is saId , will accent for the presence or Davis at the wreck on the theory that be was al a chicken stealing expedition with the sack In which he is sup- pose : ! to have carried the monkey i'rench and other tools with which the bolts were drawn. ( ltTl LOUP B.tI'TIS'VS . CELEIII8.'tTEr Old-Time SocIable to Ia held at the Church N't SltnNhy Evonium. NORTH LOUP , Neb. , larch 11.-Speclal. ( ) -One of the most phrasing social events on the b01rd. for. the comlrg week Is an Informal , old-time social , to bo held nt the Baptist church on next Saturday evemming. The peo- plo of Ihls denomination were the first to settle In this beautiful valley . over twenl-two years ngo. during which time but few ! any Interruptons have occurred In the regu- Jar preaching service 0 Sabbath school , the attendance at the Inter alone averaging for a long tme past , over 100 members. A continued cause of congratulation among the people here Is the almost unexampled openness of the winter n ) to date. as nolh- hog could ad well have suited a locality su- ferlng from so great a shortage of rough Iced and grin. There have ben , It Is title . a number 01 light allows but the greatest of them disappeared In a few hours and left the ground In a condition so that time hOles and cattle , which art depending on tht wild or native pasture could get sutclent 10 answer as an excellent substitute for cure and slacliel hay . Few countries can show a reccrd' more favorable than thIs In that ra s ect. There are a mmumnher 01 considerable herds In thIs vicinity now that have nol lund a louthnt of hay nor a pint of any kind of grain all wInter , ret are now looking surprisingly - prisingly well , and , If the open weather con- tnueJ , will go through the whiter without a cent's worth of exrenso save the necessary attendance. ) 'he Coup Valley Dstrict Medical society , of which V. I ) . Haldeman , J. D. , of Onl , Is president , and C. B. Coln , : . D. , 01 this city , Is secrlary , will hold . its ninth regular meetng at SI ltaul , Neb , at the office of Dr ; Grothnn & Grotluumn on Tuesday , March 12. I Afternoon and evening seslons will be held. to which all' regular physicians are In- vitemi . The members of this society make theIr meetngs deeply Interestng 10 the pro. lesslun hy the discussion 01 live nail current topics relating to the various departments or meicl science and Ihey are Jwt nt nil a\'erS3 to wluln , up their meetngslth a hamjuel , at which many viands strictly forbldJen to their cyspeplo patents play an hnportanl Ilart. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Athletic amid ) , I. . , . , ( 'nnl"5t lt 1'OIU. LYONS , Neb. , March 1 1.-Special.-Lyons ( ) laJ heen a scenl of activity for the past ten days. Friday nfernoon was wlnes3ec the foot bal contest between time team of Te- Immnh and the home baum The coirmty seat boys calo out almond but time Lyons team , wi Practice ' during the week nUl try thorn ' again next Friday " Ilernoon at 'eknmnh , Friday evening the Burt county j1blc school contest tool place lt the opera house before about 150 peopie. 'Il crt were three contestants from 'I'ekamnh , three from Oak- land , three from Decatur , three from Lyons and ! two from time county-Iourlcon In all . SiilneyS'iisoim of Tekal h took first Ilrlze In oratory and Jesse \Imier of Decatur got seccnd. Beatrice Coma 01 Lyons received first Ilrlzt In the dramatic 111 Gertrude White of Telanmh cecommtl . Edith White of fecntur secured fiat l > rl1o In the humoroU1 and Doily ! c lulen s.conll. The prizes for the Ill In each dIvision consisted of a set 01 Washlnston Irvlng's works and fIn the second In cach division a set 01 George Imol's \orls. The judges were Profa. W. K. Fowler of hiiair. n. 0. O'Connor of West Point alI ) Mr Stnhl of Bancroft. The Burt County Techeu' association mel here yesterday , The program was carried out In ftmli. About rlghty teachers were Ilrei. cot hurt county Is wide awake In etucl' I10nal Int resl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sour JmicIiu of /nn\ In Stanlon. STANTON , Neb. , March iI.-Spechal.- ( ) Snow began fing here about G o'clock yesterday . terday murnlng ant ! conUI ed until noon , ummelting' almost n fast as I fell. I Is estimated - tmatcd that about lour Inches foil. Miss Mae 1111Is here balding m e'- logs ut the Methodist Episcopal church. 'rte crowds much exceed the capacity of the , church , and the overflow Is beIng entertained -5 lie Baptist church Many Ire being con- vcrtc ! , among ( Iem some gray-'halred vel- crane who have -Li.weit lonl In the lesh , District court Is In sessIon hero anti will continue nil this week , and I Is not hoped ! that the locket can he cleared even In thnl ttmne . Most o. ! tlt tme last week was oc- copIed with Wlnl ease , and there arc two others ) cHI ' como U11. I.INCOI.N l'Ol.iTIISV.tttMlN n ( UI' . Jlhlc"l ' 11 - Toiar , \ntcI11tl.1 : hy ut'l 1.luly , t nlln.AA , LINCOLN . , : JarQh 11.-Spectai ( Telegram. ) -lteptmbiican.Vripiarios wi bt held tomnor- row. The conlp1tng factions appear tonIght eager for the , , f \ ay. Ward meetings are being held ! nil 'over time city. There arc tour candllales for mayor In the field ! , Frnnk Grnhnm of the ThIrd ward , Slate Senator John B. \Vrlght 01 the Fourth , Barr Parker I of the 1.'lth and ! George J.'OOmS 01 time Sixth For city treasurer there are five candidates - dates n. C. Hnzlett , Henry Vlth , Alva ICemm- nard , Mart \lkln mind John C. Stler. There Is hit one candidate for cIty clerIc on the republican slnte , RII he Is time Present In. eumbent , JV. . Bowen. The Secolll warders met at the court house tonight , the Third ward patriots at the \'ind- ser hotel , anti time Iennarll mel etucussed In a vacant room In the \\'ebster block The IUh 1 warders net at the corner 01 Six- teenlh alit ! ha I streets , while the \\'right co- lmotei horts held their final caucus at the LIHle\ hotel.lon. . W. J. Dr'an will reach thIs city March )1 , which Is his blrlhday aimed- versary. In recogniton or the event time Jaclsonlan club hns nrrnngetl to have him lecture on the same evening nt the I unlo opera hauKe , on the timomime "Jefferson Still 1.lvls . " : Ir. Bryan has been Hpealtng on the silver queston In time cast nnd soulh since the ndjurmcnt of congress. I Is understood that a large delegation from Omuha wl bo present. IN'mmS l'INI o 1.\'O I lA I. CONTEST , Al , bhhuul Pro liareit tf BljoY n roast II Ihls l.imit , AShLAND , March 1l.-Special.-Ashiaumd ( ) Is much IntelestCI In the juvenile contest , which takes place In LIvingston's opera , hous" Ilmorrow evening. I promises to be a lively commtcst The 11rogrm Is : Oratorical , gll Brush , "The Irusln ; Armistice ; " Don C Gould "The Iurder 01 CaptaIn Joseph Whlo ; " Charles Stockdale , "TIle Veteran Solller . " . Dramatic , Edgar Clark "The Rile of Jeu- nlo McNEI ; " 1.lbble lenry , ' 'TheVldov's \ LIght ; " Dora Scn\.ooli , "The Ride In time Vui- icy of time Connemnugh ; " Emma Service "How lie Saved St. Michael ; " Grace Will . : "The Legend or Bregond " Time jUllges wIll arrive on the late train tomorrol nernoon ali time cent slants wi not Imow who thcy are until after the decIsIon - cIsIon Is rendered . The program Is largely interspersed with mtslc b ) the leading talent of the city. .Irs. Judd Marsh lot last evening for LIn- coimm where she will be employed In the ca- pac II ) of clerli I time Hoslon store. lion. M. lartl roturnml from hamilton ) esterdn ) ' , where ho hnsecn vlsilng for the last two weeks wIth relatives. L. E. Kerr hnK removed with his famIly to his farm In Donlns count near Omaha. J.v . Andurdon' ! Council Bluffs was In ' D\ ' . amid the city over Sunday , the gueat of \ Irs. Kirkpatrick. Miss Jessie ' , \'hitmoro 01 Omaha was In the city Sunday , visiting her brother Charlcs. W..kel the Rem ze C COllll".lol. I ALBION , Neh. , arch ! 11.-Special.-The ( ) relief committee swooped down on a farmer north of town ) last wcel { , who had been ob- taming his winter's coal from time coummty while ho lied a .Iargo amount of his own purchase - chase stored In' ' the ' cellar. lie was made to reimburse time cbunty for the coal 1 furnislmed. Miss MarIe hahn 01 Omaha Is visiting friends here for a few weeks. William McCord of the opera housl store has purchased an Interest In a store nt hilme Mo. , and will leave soon for that place. Time appointment df F. M. Weizel ns city treasure : , to fill thli vacancy was confirmed by the board of trustee Friday. A car load 01' ' eked oats , pu.chased by one of time grain dealers at thIs place has been returned on account of time large amount of Russian tllste see It contained. I"wf" A811R No Ald. CHAD RON , Neb. , March 11.-Special.- ( ) Dawes county has been one of the fortunate western counties of the state which thave not lied ta organize I relief commission to solcl outside aid for its poor and needy. ' 'hle perhaps therc are a few isolated cases of des- titntion . they have been 01 such a nature that the citizens , ailed by the Red Cross so- ctcty of which Chadron has a most commendable - mendable branch. easily caret ! for. 'P.Je old time minstrels have organlzed under the tithe of J. S. Dahlmnn minstrels and will shortly give an entertainment In this city , followed by n short tour through the Black hulls In the interests 01 the Associated Charities. The organizaton Is named after the popular mayor of this city and will no doubt meet with the success and approval that limo varIed talents of time members de- serve. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "nl'I'Jou News Notes WATERLOO , Neb. . Mnrch 1i.-Special.- ( ) J. G. Herrington , who was kicked by his horst several days ago , Is able to be around again with the assistance of a cane. L. W. Denison shipped a carload or hogs to South Omaha loday. Mrs. K. Jacobson went to Prcmont on bus- Iness thIs nmorning. Rev. I" . F. Cook of LIncoln occupIed t'1 lulplt nt the Christian church Sunday. , Cllon lnliley has moved his sawml to the Iennway farm. Uulon Pacific detcctves have been doing seine work nt Valley , consequently the local coal ealers' busIness has taken n boom. Mrs. J. A. CummIngs was called to Valley on account of he I sickness of her sisler. l'oltel iL Sehrulcti CIty. NEBRASKA CITY , March 11.-Speciai. ( ) -The dcmocrals nominated the following ticket todaym Councilmen , first ward Henry Bourter ; second , John Wale ; third H. N. Shuman ; fourth. J. B. Nortimcutt . Board of Edmueation . D. ' 1' hayden . Fret Heler and C.V. . Wetters . The republican primaries were held this ovenimmg anti the convention wil meet 10. morrow. Staff Captain and Mrs. J. W. Cousins of Omaha concludell a series of meetngs In the interest of the Salvation army nt the Melhodlst EpIscopal church this evening. , The meellngs wcr wel alenlled and the i captain and his wire aronsell considerable Interest - terest In time method 01 the army. Itmitl-S'it'o Urtm'n ' tt II.tl- , hASTINGS , Mam'cimlL-Spachai ( Telcgram. ) -A imotitlon with , over 1.500 signatures attached . taehed was prcsin ! nt tonight's mectng of the city coummcell. , netting for time aUIJpreS- sian 01 houses II ' ill fame and gamblIng jolnls. Time petItlm'Viis $ presented by I com- mnittee of eight gb'tiemen fran the Law anti Order league , Ilalet ) ' fy 11ev. Mr. Hoso. TIme petition alleges that 1co Is on the Increase In the city . It wl'O acted on ul the tmext regular meetlll o 1ho council . Jul\\fer \ ' . 1la. SUTTON , Neb.1 , , Mqrch ll.-Speeiai ( Tele- gram-Mrs. ) Kclar , Wilow 01 the late Cap. taln W. J. Ielarvbo ; was wel known In the national guari * , idled suddenly Sunday morning from the erects of drop3Y. 'I'hls was , first cea , \\thln I the Womcn'a Re- lef Ccps slnc . & I rganlzslon at Sutton. This crdr has c1iirgd if the funeral . . . . , . ' .n- ' . . . - Never lea\o sutJrsrlo cllance In time bal : . Ing. nr. Price's BakIng Powder makes Il pure and sure. - a htlair ( " , ) \rh' ' : IIUIIC8 ltaimtls. BLAIR , Neb. , March 11.-Speeiai ( Tele- graum.-Time ) Ualr CourIer was leased January 1 to Boy Pros and Mooney for I pE-lo or three montha , with privilege 01 buying the plant. Saturday the uslnefl affairs tool a different shape when the liroprietor J , L. Greenlel' Illcoverut that they had made a great many colectons and were preparing to quit. Mooney heft town Saturday. Greenlee hn taken possession anti taken 1'S Mayes as a partner. May s ha been runnllg the 'fole : ram lucre. The' Telegram will cease to exIst and the politics of the Courier wi be changed back to democratic. Minnie Jei was broub't over fram Itrhlng- ton today and turned ovar to the tlmriff. The doctors at Arlington pronounced her insaume. She was taken to the poor farm , whert she will remain until time Inunly bnrll 1"1 be convened to examine her. POPE TALKS ABOUT mRICA I - tntisfel1 with the Oondiion of the Ohurch and Religion in America S TOLL WM NOT SENT IRE TO MEDDlE Ieo Wautelt 8010 Uno Whn Coull llel' : 11m )1(0.11'1 Ir 'hIM Country , of Which Ollltol lie Ilclll , I light I ALBANY , March 11.-An echo of the e : ' cling election of the regcne of the state tint- verslty a year ago , when Archbishop Corr- gan ant ! Bishop : lcQu311 enllea\'oretl to defeat 11ev. Pather Sylvester Malone 01 hrookiymi . has just reachl ) ' mere Irom Itommie. I com I In n hotter wrItten lo n stale ofclnl by Gomi- oral George S. Batchelor of Saratoga . for- lerly mlnhter to Portugal , In which General Dalchelor details a 10st 10toworlhy Inlor- view with the poime. )01Ie. In this interview Iopo Leo Sllolc In ( time most grateful way of the election of Pather MaloM.ls regent. General Iltehelor saw the POPe the last week In Fcbruar , when his holness was represcntel1 us being In feeble henll"l , but says that he scemed nol 10 be en- fcehlc.\ at all. General Batcheler writes that the Pope lcd time con versa lon to America Iml said that his enc'clcal was nt that lmo In the United amI would that day be given States , on sale ; ) ! I\en to the IlIIbhlc. lie said he hImsel hind care- fully revised the nglsh translaticim. The Pope expressed regret ! that certain newspalcrs anti Imblc men In AmerIca hall objected to his endlng a delegate to Wls"1Ing. ton or smlng OUt nn encyclical aa temmdiiug to meddle with the affairs of a lorelgn gO\- ornment or with Insliutons with which lie halt no sympathy. " ' 1'1Is Is nn error said the 1101)e. "I .10 not seol to mcdlle with gO\'ernnents except to admonish my peollle to obey time civi law and to conorm to the authority of [ the laml ) In which they dwell. I sent a legate to America In order that I might he batter Informed - formed as to the character of Amerlcnn In , ellnlon ! and the IlecularleH of the national amid state goverimmueimts amid above all , tI reconcile nny conflict , II there he amy , b ( tween my church and the government of tl Ia mmml . "I consider America essentially a C'lrlstlan countl ) Ielglon Is free The govclnment does not nit 10r does II oppose Ihe labors of the church. 1 nm free to say that time further 1 study the conlilons of this , time more It recommenls Itself 10 my jle lenl I n religion cnlol thrive Oi Its own merits thcn Il IUst stagnate or fall. I tel my people to convert merlcam to the faith hy proving to them hy IIIon3 amid orderly living amid b ) precept and eXlmple that It Is thc true Ielglon ; not 10 seek converts except through means recognized by the laws of the country ald the principles or humnu ammO " ' . divine econom ) General Uatchelor wrItes : "Ills holiness had no critcism to malt on our school s\s- toni it was wIse and flng that the 110j1' lotion should be good cltzcns and It was wIse In that It let all relglon3 nnd creel1s free 10 work out their own course on their own mnerits. "He spoke of sectarian anti parochial ' schools antI 1 assured him that the Presby- terlans. hilethomlists Episcopalans , Balllsls Inll all denomlnalonH ' 1:11 : ! their denomlna- tonl schools amid the Cathnlcs had their shnre of them , but all mu.t bo susllned hy private means. The publc funds raised by taxation Were only for the unIversal CdUC3lOU and had no cre d. This holness said he was satisfied America. " witim time progress of Catholcism III . "When 1 was n nuncio In Brussels fifty years ago , " said the pope to General Datche- 101. "I had a conversation . wih a young priest named Hug"les , who came to see imie. He was a brIght ycung maim made s on religious questions In secular hiaiis . which 1 thought quite extro.dlnary. but whIch he said was tn ( familiarize the people with the Catholic reilglon. At that tme lhere were only three bishops In the Untied States and now there are elg"lty-three arid a cnrdlnal. 'Ve had only one caliege . and now we have loony and 1 have just founded a great university - city \"ashlngton and have given orders that In all their teachIngs my prIests and proleesors shah Inculcate love of country patriotism and obedience 10 law as one of the c1rdlnal dcc- trlnes In your clvl war Catholics fought side by side with Protcstants. "Patriotlsumm has no creed , and 1 nm informed - formed that the liberal party controlng the stale at New York chose one of our priests as a regent of the uliversly , and I nm told that time two senators of that great slate represent Iwo creeds-one n Protestant and one a Catholic of lorelgn origin. how timemi comm 1 complain of the Insliulons of Amcrlc1 ? The more 1 study them the more they please me e. mc."Have 1 IOt conformed my cardinals bIsh- epa and priests to the new Corm of govern- ment In France , and ndmonlshed them to AUS- taln the republic ammO pnrtclpAte ! In the affairs of Ihc nation ? J have admonlshell all my people In AmerIca to refrain from strikes , never to resort to violence 10 redress a grlov- ance but to appeal to time law alit ! the con- sttuton . " ' _ , A monument to enterprise and excellence -tue world wide fame acquired by Dr. Prlee's BakIng Powder. o Ue/\th / or " ( irtmmml nut" l'aU""sol , ShELBY , Nab . March 11.-Simcclal.-Mrs. ( ) Jane Patterson . familiarly known as "Grand. ma , " died Saturday night , aged 89. She has 'rcshtell In Polk county a quarter of a century - tury , and leaves a family of respected anti iwosparons childremm . 'rho funeral was hcld today. HermBn Kunlsman retnred yesterday I from Germany , where he litmus been vIsiing his narents for two months. Ugh taxes and hard times have made 1 radical change In locat politics. The ma- Joriy 01 nominees nt the nonpartsan caucus favor hIgh license . , The prevnling opinion Is that Shelby county will have a saloon this year. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ Y"rl C"nnty'R MIH..I 0",111 HI'IIII"'II , h I nt . YORK . Neb. , March 11.-Speclai ( Tea grm.-No ) more applications by I the farmers of this county for re\e In time way of grain for seed and feet 11I considered , 13 Ihe lmit has arrived . ' 1Iw number 01 applies- lens received as figured up by Relief Agent Smith mire 237. or this &G,2G ; bushels were oats and 10GDt corn. I al npplcalons now on hnml art reccepteti tht cost 10 the county wi not be over $1,000. . - Stoclc Clmlnl I'hronh All lhlgIme . LYONS , Neb. , larch 11.-Spccial.-Con. ( ) sltcrable snow foil here yesterday forenoon , but incited somewhat durIng the day Time moisture will do coed lo the wheat sown A numher 01 farmers report feed fur stock becoming qllto short , but with lair welther and an early lrlnl most or time farmers will got their stock ) through al l'lghl. About the usual Imount of grain anti corn will be sown . this scason. . Ir".hll ( out or l'nmmtm'r . W ASIING'ON , Ilrcl 11.-Secretary rre hnm's physician tonight reports that he I ts out getting at all along dnler. \1) wel and Is prallcaly : lR.tTl 01. IUlTl. : 11 lll S..I\l l"rnn l'metlsimmn Clntulcr ) ' 10.00 Away At time Ago "I Seventy leers , pAnIS , March 1.-Worlh , time falous "iimamm drc8smalter " Is , lead I . Charles Frederick Worlh was born In Bourne , Incolnslrc , England , In 1825. Al time age of 13 he was alllleutClll tl n printer his I'arlnls deBlrln that imtm lt'armm time trale , bitt lie evinced a strommg imcmsthiIty to handling typo nmitl abandoned the primiting omee after im hind served abomtt seven mmmommthms , lie then wemmt to London , nmmd thmromigim time assistance - sistance of a friend secmmretl a hmosltlon in a draper's ( tiny goods ) shop , wimicim IOsitlOim lie heft to enter time etmiploynment of Swami & Edgar , drapers , where lie breamne a favorIte. lie first conceive' , ! of miesigmitmg fasimions timnonglu conversations whim tin. ' buycrs of Swan & Edgar ant ! frcqmiently' muiatlo smigmes- tions which tlm imeads of dopartimments ii'ere not slow to see in a favoraimie ihgimt. Time there lie talketi 'itim the buyers the mmmort , imo resolved to go to l'aris , nut ! soon begamm time Slimily of FremmchmS'imen about 21 years of age Imo \vemmt to Paris anti shortly after his ar- I Ival imi that city seetmret ! a hmosltiomm m'itii ( bagehhim & Co. , ammO 1mm a few years was imlace,1 at time heat ! of a departmnemmt. lum his imew capacity imo lnammgmmrated mnamiy mmcc' departures. \Vlmiio in time eimmploy of ( bagelin & Co. lie received - ceived mmmtxlais for displays at time London omit ! ParIs exposltlomms. Later lie estabiishme.i the firmmm of'orthm & liobcrg , anti in 1S78 fommndetl time famous hiouso ofVortim. . Ills fammie as a tlrc'ssmnnker nbotmmmmiod , amid among time mimany athumiirers of imis skill wits time Ox-Enmpress Emmgoiilo , for wimon't lie mmimmie a great balmy eiegammt tlresses. it has been saul timimI i'iuiie itaris rules tIme woriti of fashion , tIme mmmamm who ruled l'aris-M , W'ertlm-was a Llmmcoimi- simire , hiuiglamid , iamb , so hunt really it was nmm Engiishmmmman who was thmi arbiter of time vorhi's , fasimioim , COLUMBUS , 0. , March 11-11ev. lavhtb liarries , omie of time oldest ammtb best kmmowmm W'elshm mmministcrs of time commmmtm'i' , tiled bore 3'estertlay. lie vas bormi at Caerimmaumtimnn , Sommtlm'aies , in iS2 I. lie imaib ciuimrge of time \'eisim l'resbytenlan cimurelt iii Chicago for muiuietecn years. MILAN , Mardi ll.-Cesar Caimtmm , time imls- torlamm , is dead , aged 01 years. -r ' l'astry , mmmore tush politics , interests time woimmen , Tile ) ' kmmow time best is matte whIm ir. l'nico's BakIng Powder. CAPTAIN ] 3ECK 113 NOT SCAflED. Not iiMtmmricmtl by Titremitq froimm Fiommrtmny .Srttlprt nit \'mimimi'hmegts tmmtl. \Vlillamn hi. fleck , captain iim time Temitim cavalry , actimmg lmmmiiamm agemit. at time \\'Iimmme- lingo agency , is at the Merciuamits , accoin- pamileti by imis wIfe. lie ivas asked last evening abmut the threats that hmavo been mimetic against itlmim by ' time settlers oim time Immiliun iammds , whose temmmmre has recently bocim ticcitiet ! tmnlawfui by time Uimitcm ! States circmmit court of imppemmls , amiti will hmave beemm ortlered to remnovi' . "That is cmi old story , " akl lie ; "so old that I attacim no inmportanco. anti 1mm mlceib mme sigmmiflcanco to it. I imave been on time fromm- tier In tue arimmy for timirty years , ammO I kimoi' jmmst abotmt what it mtieumms. It hmas bucim said that ( ho teummmnts of time Fhotmrmmoy Live Stock comnpammy , wiuiclm iweteumtls to imohtl leascu frommi Intlian : miiottees iii coverall ) ' , are cowboys , bmmt they mtre for the most part Scammdimmaviamis amutl farmers. Sommmo of timeimm have the lammd for grazing hmtmrimoses , limit immost are farmimers , 1mm imli they imave 37,000 acres amid time tenants mmmmmmmber cmbommt 160. "Last Sattmrday I gave time Flotmrnoy colmm- paimy. mmmmder iimstrtmct lemma front the lepart- mmmoumt of time Interior , three days to vacate , I cmii awalttmmg instructiomme fromn time 1)cpart- mmiemit of time hmiterior as to iiow to liroceed with evictioiic. " . .bh1UIi.II , ( .L5 t'1' S.ILT LlKl . l'llimml front S'cil hiurteems iliit , ; Awe ) ' anti s iii ' .mipply tI1 1)emmmemmmta. SALT LAKE , March 11.-This city Is re- joicluig over tue final arrival of natural gas wiuichm imas been mOped from time velis fourteen inilca dintant. The commipieticmm of the first connection was celebrated by time illuminating of the ummain streets with flainbeaux turned on at iuiim pressure from the ummhus at the Teni- pie block. Time supply Is brought to time city by an EnglIsh company and will be connected with the mains of tue ioai gas comnpauiy , which him cnntracteul to supply a number of harge local nianufacturers and city consmmnmere at a price how emmougim to dIs-piaco coal as a fuel. The wells aiready improved bare an aggregate' output of 20,000,000 ftet per day. The supply already available is ample for the entire mbomarn ! of the city for domestic heat anti lIght , with a goomi surplus ( or manmtm- facturlng iumrposes. A formal celebraticmi of tIme new Cmitsrii'ISO is to be held In a few days eluder the auspices of the Salt Lake Cimammmber of Comnimmerce. ( ) .VJ1 F.lJLfJiCi IsItfP.'GS ON , dSOTIIIJ. Joimu : lm , atummmnlrt , Onc.Timmmo Mayor of hmmI'i'tlo , Iomctt1 In tin iVail. BUFFALO , March 11-John 13. Mtmnmuing , duo ruaister , mnade an assignment to John A. Kelmnmetl3' of tIme Niagara bank. Tue assign- mmmemmt ha ascribed to the failure of time Stand. mini Browiiig coi'pammy of ldaitiimmore , whuic'.m company oweil John Ii. Mammnimg : & Semis up. srards of $100,000. Mr. Maumming imas been mnayor of Bmmi'faio and possesses large twoperty himterests In thIs city anti vIcInity , mmpon which during the recent period of depression lie lies ieen mini- able to rcaiize ready cash , lie hmas been hooked upon as one of tIme iiiIti flrmimmciai mmmcmi of Litmftaio. 'l'he assetim wli rxcoeO the hlabiiitiec. The total lisbiiltiea are tmet yet detimmitely known. 'l'lme Imm'eferenees amoummt to $50,000 , Mr. Mmmmmmmhmmg twos president amId a heavy stocicimomtier of the Cmiii & liemmmmtnig Pimeuniatie Itimiltlng Im'umn ccmnhmammy , coim- trolling mm , valuable patent uaed mmu mall ing lii many cities. 'rrev.'morc' celtiammt'tssnlatiomm ! IietIom , LT'h'IC'A , N'V. . , ? thtrch 11.-At time mmntmmmi mneotimmg of tue Travelers' Mutual , Accitlemmt 4'tnoociatIon of Amnerbemi , helm ! lucre today , tue foliowiimg ofiicere vere elected : Pm'e'41t1 'mmt lIi'nry I ) . PIxie ) ' of Utim'a ; ser'rc'tary mcmiii ' ' , ' ' ' , him'c'- tm'casurer , ) lsrmim',1 'I'reveii of I TtK'il - tot-mi , Itimetsi 11.Vihicei' . Cimmirlees .1. hlmmrd aiml Jmlson ( ] 'P. St . 'ells , 7tlotltimis % vL'mo mttiojtel ( emmdorsi mmg t lie 1111 miocv hm'iitl I eg hiofore I itt' Malt' leghmtlatmmre comimwihlng imotelai , tomie- let mmti ; and fitc-ttmnlr's to have tire csmiimem , amid enborsiimg time anmeimmimnemit to time bill municing It COmlmlittlCoEy for c-ad , ttlmd t'v'ry ruttiroutti 1mm liii' state I'm itmo 1,01)0nmtie ) ti''ic- ets , to cnit lint over $0 , these ticitetmt to comitnin stopover jirlvli.ges , ( ) mmlv m Iti"t rhmnirt. itt'Imimiiti'tl , hiAVi'it1ilLt4. Mimes. , March ll.-fn con'e- ( imience ot time vote of time strikers yester- duty to tiec'iuro time big shine imtrlke nit timoro were eroivtlmm htefortm time minor's mmf every far- tory bug befome time tltnt' for cpnImmg today , aiore I immtml i00 of time 701) 'trliwrs uppli''tl ' for their old ititiOmm but up tu m'otvm emily abou 100 imad hiemm renstmm t'i , antI tli ' mtmil- joi'ity of Itmt'i'tm wcm' " femumalo oimeratlves anti mnuc'hmmnr , m'tltcim re At leimmit 'P ) of tIme mttrik- ( 'I'C \'thi iia'u to itav'm ttmwI to mi'c'tmm's t'lfl- jiloynmiumiL Agemmi h'otnuroy of tltti nitrilitirum mmmIti today that. ho reg.u-cls time ritrilmo as it victory for time etrIiCem'i him roves ci wmmy. I lutist 'mI Ii's ( .1 , ileek 1.mC 'fr'mm ) . SAN Fht.NC'ui'O ( , 'tfarc'im ] l--\'miilamu Ii. I lmtzt'i , the I heat mica I nmmi n c'lm a I 'i c'iimm m'gt'i v It hi temhl mig $ i .000 froum I m lii mmliii er-i im-lav Iii New 'it'it , S'IIi imiiVtJ to go immt'k alit ) mitujiti truth. lie tm-Iou to imot lire hits reheius nit imuhleimmi coipims , limit time t'at'C was imemrd this limoi'im I umjr , mcmii I Ii e W'imM I"iflIt imtietl tO I lie cue. lady 01' the Now York oiileei'mt , cc : ; jhk ! ICAR1I : READY TO WEAR. EVERY GA11NT GUARNTF.O. . FIT , FiNiSh , rASlilON , TIlE LisT. Ask your Outfitter for them. DOLLMI9 ABE DOLLARS THESE DAYBI Shirts will fit your U 1)21C " as s'c'1I as your jer$021 , WE WARI/'tNT IT. 'Yomir ettidrosa , amid we'll mmmdl you our Souvenir of Fashions. ' ' comimlete book , tov1 FactorIes U , , V. CLUETT , COON & CO. , Ma1eri. 1)11. ) hAY \VOUU \ ) NOT GIVE UP Declines to Turn Over tlio Lincolit Hooptttl for the Iiiiano to Abbott , - FORMAL DEMAND MEETS ! T REFUSAL ( lni'crmmor ilobetmmmmh , mimiti Ills AimlmnhtitcO 11111 Utmt tO thin , t"t'ittiit mmmiii hub il.teic tgiitmm-himIy Sutm' Omit mm ito- , traimilmmg Order , 1.1 NCOI4N , Ma rch I i.-Spechmml ( Teiegramn. ) -Time first rommmmti In time struggle for imossea- siomm of ( lit' Stiperltmtehmdelmcy of time Limmeola iimsmme asyinumi closed tomboy with Dr. J , 'I' , liai' still Iii tIme riimg anti slightly deflammt , Governor Iloicommili , accommipalmleib by Dr. Luther J. Abbott , rode omit to time asyhummm at. tmoqn , s'hcre they creri' commrteommsly reeeis'et ! by Dr. ha- , amuil ftr mc while after being , se.iteti cliattctl atmommt time weather. Timen 1)r , Abbott lmrescmmteml lr. hay with a couple of comumimunications tisiet ! at tIme exectmtivo 001cc , Umit wrlttemm by Ir. ) Abbott , ' Time first c'as a statemument of Ir. Abbott's imilpOititimmohit ammil all time circmumtammces comm. mmcctotb therewith , vltim aim offer to allow Ir. hay time imospitality of the nsyimuumm tmmmtli sticl time as lie tmmigimt desIre to aldicete for good. Time secoimmi ras mm formmmai deimmanil for iimmhmme- tilte imoSSesi0mm , ammO also for mmli time keys to the lnstitutiomm , Br , hay said In reimly that lie commiti mmot consitier time imraimositlrnm for a mmmommment. Time tlimmo tovimicim lie ivas aitImoluitOt ! smmperlmmteimd. cut lint ! imot expired yet , nuitl womiitl not for a year , as Imo held a couummmmlssiohm tlteml Iii ISOO. ( hider alit ! lmy 'irttie of that ceimmnmIsiomm lie imroposed to reimmain. mlammary , asslalant physician , was thou asiteb by ir , Abbott , wimeumm Ito iroIiosNl to be guitletl by 1mm time ftmtnre. ir. ) Manmry : Imrommmptil' anaweretl by Dr. ! lay. Tlmemt Governor ltolcoummb mimmil Dr. Abbott ttok their heave , ammO caumo back to time city , Ir. Aiilmott says lie is imot prepnrei to state , , , , , what Imis iin of actiomi c'Iii be 1mm tIme fimimmre. It is troll knotvli that lr. tiny contlially itt- . ' .m \ites quo wnrrmnto : irocecdIgs to test time tenabIlity of his imosltiomm. Tlmk , imoivever , will be avoided , if possible , cmiii otimer umrocectiuro hint ] , tliotiglt s'lmat 5110110 it will take is umot very definite at hiresemit , Meantiumme , time doors of limo asyimini are itehit loclmeti , nimd it Is safe to say timat nil smmbeqmiemlt visitors wIll ha stub- jecteil to a ciosL' ammtl immqulsitive scrmutluiy. Lab tonight timere were legal tbtVelopmmletits to tu'ove tlmimt lr , Hay and his legal advisors tb not teei so sccmmro hIm their positIon , 'runty vent before time district court ammO swore out a temmmimorary wrIt of iumjtmnctiomm restraimming ir. Abbott froumm in ammy way atteummptimmg to so- euro posessioim of the oilico to wimlch ito line linen appaimuteil by Govem'umor lloiconmb. Up to 10 o'clock toumigimt time writ had not becim served upon ir. Abbott. FumIrIJur ) 'Is It lglm 1.1. t'mo 'l'icimct. FAhilhiUltY , Nob. , hilarcim 1i.-Spcclal ( Teiegraum.-The ) citlzt'mus high iieense caucus was held this c'remmhimg aummi the fohlowimmg can- tlidatos for CII ) ' oiflccs miommilnuatetl : Mayor , Joseimim Sarbacim ; clink , C. 11. Ioimny ; trees- tirer , L.V. . Goodrich ; ahuienmmmnmm , First ward , ci. C. Parzomus ; Secoimti , Janice \Vimttalmmr. . Pure Blood. It ; lImo cotmmhitlou 111)011 ) vlmIeli good ltm'itltim Is hmt'StIV''d. I t eammumot 1)e ) humtd 111)0mm immmy oliit'r tt'rIlm4. Set1mtti'i's mmnti ( iliUm to couuipoiiitnlno w'ili imut give sti'oimg t1CL''t'S ; Pit I'm ) biotu ! is d 'tummm im mit'd. lh ti- lmmmt'mm Is 'Il I mutt ( 'II 10 m'hmemt mmmii t litimi , ho. I 11)115 ' 1hi mmcmt ei'mdicmt : Ic scrofmuhit , gihmnti. imtmilsIil hot oVeI'i'tmlmmo I hint tired fool- lug , bmmt : Ul these tromubies miimty be ab- S0tmtOl ! ) ' cured by tallihmg Hood's ' SarsaparllHa Ik'ctlms' : I loud's Smmmsmptm'Iiia : : mm1tilei : ' i'Ioim lmeiitlt lulooti. Timimt in ' imml'e , , : givlllg ; - I Ito logical , mimtttim'mil anti thin only m'eimson for limo mmlmpmrmtlim'tl : stmcct'ss of IIotid'.i ' ' coral ho . Get " Smmi'mminil'ilIt : mis ut imgoiit. tmiils' , liutmd'u-i. ! -T 1 am-a ta'itm'ie'mq , mmuihmieIl''c. mOO S h tivn. Alt mlm-tmggists,20c. P Pllrnjc PLJ TAC % $ Co13urners ochei'vj tobacco arewi1linto paj a liRleinore thali ttmhe price cre for the ordinaij frade tobaccos , will jind ih brand 5upeuior to all others BEWARE OF IMTATION& ! ± 3A111H OF BEAUT' ' Balmy blenmtsiw. ' illmmiie , * , roil , nought hinds , anf . ft'mAumo , lair Prei.'mmtm-Ii ' t'u-n1 i"tJAi' , etfci mu .kl mmmrmfy1mtg amid betmmmtif Imig .oap , " 5 % iiI ml. ilarest tim , , .st'tt's , - , ( boItt mumd . ' ' Oni ' _ _ ' m.mtrsm'm ) cccli , , ( , , , ' Iutflti'ies t't'cuim.ti omm hEC t 'mn t e of iuiliimiiitlipmm , , : miii ciojp 4r ' , f mite Hul.I tv'mywiisr- . TeeffiWfl1oLd IBAILEY I- , DElhi 31 , Pxtomi liloir. tUtu miami i'.mntmammm fitS. 'I'd , 105.3 , i-'mmll Set 'F'oihm.3 00 I fIlIvem' hiiimmmam , $ l 00 hue ' . T'ctim. . . . . . 7 itt ) l'uro ( ulII F1iIimOsL.0 'rhilmi l'lato . . , . I U Ut ) (1 old ( 'roi'mi's ' 2dc Ii 30 l'tlmul1sa )1xtrael'mm OOe lli'lttti 'l'uutitcclii ( (3 00 Teeth Out In Diorning , New Tooth Same Day FAfIES A tLi AisOU'1''i1OmCU I mOo i'Oatmmrca amid JLcumuY' , ' ttg lilemtshel , itt lou p. boot : to. ' mm starm' . , iltIi 51. 5'o.lItt41' ' , l'nl v. I4 11. , N , Y. ttivvitttjr ( 'I' ! V4itnm , V's Itt , ' mad li . - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - AMUrnMI'N'P1 _ _ MPiiE 25 , 36(3 1111(1 60 celitli -'l'eieplione 1131 'I'ONIGII'l' , 8:15 : , WILD OATS. Statimmet's S"lnt'adtsy tint ) Saturday' March 1315-A Suthvrn tOo. "