Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    rTw1 , . LLJ,4u4 ' - - - - - : - ' . . . w ' : V V V V V V ' , ,
I : G TilE OMAI1.A. JJAIJ.lY flJE : :1\I.UNDAY : \ l\lAUOJI { 11 1895k
- - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ V V n _ , - , ! V _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .l
: NG - ithiifr' ; I
:4 : in
; '
't' Fremont's ' City Autiioritics Made Doren1-
: anll in flU Injuncton ! ProcoDllng ,
I - -
, J'lnn to 11111 nit 1leclrln : Jjht l'lnnt . for
the 1'ttpItc Cotii1rtttct by tb l'rh.\to ,
, 1'lhlc CUlhnlfl 1r tlO
, : ( ; Oflltul - CI O ' 'nl'fl
. 'r Ullcr ' : lcitiit. i .
t FnmtOXT , Xc.l. , Mreh 1O.-SpcdaL- ( )
. V r The I'remont Ons nOI I leclrlr I.lglt com-
! I pnl : ) ' Is nnturnly opposed to the ( project
k lmier wny ; for a \unlclpal electrIc light
t - llaflt. The city Is nllvrlltng for Iteh for
" the neeton ald Installation or : lighting
! Jlnnl ) to cost somlhllg lke $8OOQ. ' ) The
L company , by Is l1reshlent , C. Chrl ten en ,
nnd through its oUorne , 1'1. F. Gray , hast
V )
[ t tiled n petIton In 11strlct court for an injunction -
' junction to restnln the city. le mayor
: 'I , Inll counci nmI nonnl or t'uliicVorhs )
' . from letting conlllct , or prorel\ng with
1 ! the worll The petition Is very volullnou ,
f. Inel % beta forth 11 number rr reusons why
l the petitioner thinks the \r3rer for an In-
Vt . The nrgu-
.t Junctlol Ol1ht to lIe rlntce1
j1 mCnts on the petition were 11enr.l by judge
. SIIh'au ) 'eslellay afternoon , B. 1.\ Gray
appearing for thc \ettonrr , 111 City Attorney -
I torney Dol73I , asslstct I ) ' J. I. l rlc , for
I the ( city. 'fho case was taken tiniEr . ad-
l vls . m ) .
The matrimonial Ilrooe8810n Is ll mo\-
; Ing. County Judge , 11lnlecle : yhlerlny
. rrnlt1 ! .nn.'rlnlP Irr" , , tn'Ihell J. F.
. n.-- . -.0- n. _ " _ _ - -
If i' Moeler nlll Iss Wihelmila .1. II. Orlns-
mnnn. hath or Dotle , and Vaclav 1.'rlt or
I' ' Lttcir ) . f. i n. . anti : lss glle Ihotall ,
j / or 1)o1ge. , . ,
I . A nol phas calC tip In tM cut - r ditch
l case YI' tellar , 0111 us a result tlrre ; arC
, sevcrnl 1111 ( ) litigants connected \Ith the
, ( ma\tcr. WI linger , Nicholas Iergcrs and
V Michael Orogan tiled a 11otton to luter-
l Vent ? . anti the petion In intervention
r ! ' allVPl. Then the case was argued before
the court hy Judge : Iax\el ant J. E.
'V. I . Frlclt fur the rtitioners. anti C. 101en- I
I bedt and George I. loomIs for the Board
I. of Supervisors. The pettoners arc against
. the cut-oI ditch , amI Fn ) ' that ( con lructet It
, / will work grciit injury to them by reason or
wi freut
' . diverting the course of the Ia\hlle , which
j flows acre s or nenr their lands.
, A lflOlctatO sized audience attended an
, t cntCtalnmcnt at the Love last nIght , given
, for the henelt or Mr. Tremulnl , a histrionic
f artist who has successfully managed plays
; . for societies here. There were I number
. or gooll featurca.
Iii the celebrated cow case or Wheeler
: against WilcoxVhcclcr's motion for a new
trial has been overruled.
' Emi lioffineister . the photographer , 18
, packing UI > his goods , preparatory to movIng -
. tog to Iacon , : \s , . . where he wl engage
; 1 In business.
, I Is ball that Pror. n. A. heritage , musl-
, cal dllcctor or the Fremont Normal school ,
, : vIlt build a new conservatory of musIc In
) connection with that Institution. Several
. , , connecton capitalists arc Interested In the
. project.
- : Upon receipt or the news here that the
, , members or the supreme court at Lincoln
hal nslel Governor Io\omb to commute
: the sentence or Charles Carleton to Imprisonment -
, prisonment for life . and that he would
S probably do so upon petition ProPerly signed ,
, Sheriff ! llten communicated the Inrorma-
lon to Carleton The condemned man seemed
, great ) ' cheered over the prespect There
that the
seems to be a general feeling hero
4 ? death sentence should be commuted , and a
petition 10 the governor will doubtless re-
ceive the sIgnatures or a majority or cit-
' zens
zens.The Young Pc plo's Society or Christian
V Endeavor or the Presbyterian church wl
. give a concert at the church Monday evening ,
V the object being to provide i scholarship In
n mission school. Au elaborate musical pro-
gram has been arranged , In which some of
: V' the best talent In the country wl appear.
, On Tues.lay . evening the King's Daughters
V will glvo a musical and dramatic entertainment -
; V ment at time . Woman's Christian TenI2rnce !
i union temple A good pro rll has been
arranged . and there will doubtless be a large
" athmdanco.
V The 'Vebster hall association Is a new
1 corporation which fed articles with the
county clerk yesterday. The capital stock
Is $2,500 , divided Into shares or $5 cccli and
t the Incorl10rtors are John WIlson , F. C.
V Scott J. M Crulckshanll , T. J , Chlpln ,
James lar\le , O. C. Crnlclcshnlk , \V. G.
, . McCreath J. R. CanUn and JaimiesFer. -
guson. The association owns and malntlins
\ 1 hall In Webster townshIp , and has a splendId -
V : dId library or se\erl hundred good boolls.
: Mrs. D. M. Welz yesterday received
V from tlis Masonic Benevolent association the
: t sum or $3000 , the amount or Insurance car-
V ned by her late husband In that association .
, The meeting or the Current Topics club
for tomorrow evelBng has been postponed one
, week , owing to a concert to hc hell at 'the
, 'Voman's ple.Frank Christian Telleralce union tem-
, , Frank luloclc , who travels for a bIg eastern -
V ern furniture company , has returned home
: from an extended trIp on the Pacific coast ,
V ali reports a geol trade there.
, The pcople of Cedar Bluffs , the first staten
e. out oC remont on the Lincoln line , have
; written the kind hearted people of Boston
V , , who wlsl ! 10 senc them supplies that they
, can take care er themselves , and advising
: ' ' that the supplies ho sent further west.
, Dr. I. . J. , \bbott went to Lincoln yesterday
to assurno his duties as superintendent or the
: t hospital for Insane . He does not anticipate
that Dr. lay wi mnle n fght to retain
, the position. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: - 8MAI.L JUIAUW U1' : FOR SLAtElt.
york County .lllr ) % \lrlh I'cter Plrsol
: , ' 'ITI11yI'ho Uollrs for itmilmn. -
J YOHK , Neb. . March I0.-Special-In ( ) the
district court the case eC Peter Pursel against
V Thomu RairdomiVfl5 Inlshec and submitted
, to the jury . The clng arguments lasted
the greater Part I or time day. Fully 300 per-
: : Sons Were present at the close , the greater
: part ot \hom were from the vicinity or
' McCool Junction , from which place the participants -
! . tcpnnts In the controversy lieu . The case
'V Involved a number or old ( pelntl or law , I
' was an action for dnmages ( $ ,500) ) for sian-
* . der. The jur ) ' . after beIng cut all night .
awarded the plaintiff $25 damufcs ,
, The case or Pearson Against the \\'estclmes-
ter l"lrl Insurance cOlpany was tried In
, the county court but al time evidence not
being II was contnuell ti next 'uesdl ) ' .
V J'elr80n , who some tme ago was rUlnlng a
"Haeket" store nt this place , wns burned out
In April . all the Insurance company refused
V to pay I time lops.
V The annual meetng of the York County
Bible society was hell last evening at the
V Methodist El)11COpaI chtmrcm ) . Some good ad.
dresses were mmmade . Coed luslo was Jur-
zmisime&l . '
: ' The Baptist Young People's union hell a
, pleasant social as wel as IJslnez meetng
lt the residence or ii. M. Burke lat evenIng
I.igImt rerrehmenls were Indulgd In amid
1 geol tm& Is reported by ni who attended.
S. O. 10rrllI at this Illnce met wih a
V wry serious accident 'esterday. Whie
walking In front oC time blacksmih shop oft
t N. F. Tlllel a large sIgn , welhlnl about
20 110U 11 fel and struck ! r. 10rrlson
, across time back. At last reports he was 1m-
V Mrs. Oeorge 10lllns was "at home" to
, V about thirty or her rrlells Friday , Dller
was t-rvfd at G:30. : TIme rooms er time house ,
were beautifully decorated. The greater
V part ef the evening was sllelt In playllg
cards. The five or the
hlll Ivo 11rlzes evelllg
( were awarded tQ Miss Lile Cook and Mr.
James Ferguson .
York city council met lut evening . Mayor
4 J , M. Dlvls presided . ant all or time coulcl-
11en were Imresent . Bilis were read and ap-
Ilovell. On I motion a warrant eC $15.95
was voted to be dran on the city treasurer ,
to derry the expense or lentllg a \oman' '
; named Kline 10 aerimmaimy Boards or regs- !
tration . etc. for the coming election were apPointed -
: Pointed for the dlCerent wards
- - ' - -
Ve"h nf is 11110 ) Cunni , I'lotmcr.
NORTH ImND , Neb , March 10-Slleclal ( )
V -Death hn Invaded the home
- again ! oC
ono gt the old pIoneers , Jlmes Ferguson
\1'hC' ( : mlmIdent last ' ' night tram -n,1
Mr. l" ' rs'acl t llel In D:1ce : c uft71
\1.m' ' ) ' 11'3 years ego , coining direct fl'm
fA.SO\ Scetinnd. Mr. Ferguwn has Re-
cllulnlell c1'iite I large bOdy of land by
hUll work , /ld bal just returned Irom
quite sin extended trip to his out hOle In
Icot\l : , _ _ _ _
( HAW rS'ASl - C1JZJ : S : UITJ I : ,
llnloll'nl l-Rllhintu Chlscn Irrc'llrctvo
fr l'ollcllI1tOI8. .
OnAND ISI.ANO , March 10.-Srcclal.- ( )
What was lmerlmnp.s the largest nmass canyon-
ton cr the citizens or this city WAS hChl
iat nlgllt at the ely hal and adjourned
10 the Dalonbach opera house , time former
btmildimig not giving time neecERary room.
Seth I' . : Iohl ) ' . editor 01 the Hepublean , was ,
selected chairman anti . Wilam Corelus ns I
secretary. Iloim . W. 1.ThoIP50I , "the Illa (
Allnl , " WM Ilomlnated as mayor by ncclamna- :
ton : 1. T. Gariow Iiolce judge ; W R.
King , treasurer ant Charles II. leuch , city
clerk. John Alexatmdcr . Joseph Woohten-
helm and : usury Vieregg were nomlnate
:1 < Il Vlerelfre
by ncclnmaton rO\ councilmen-at-large. The I
only tme balloting was' had was for the
fourth camlhlnlo for cauimcilmnnim-at : - lumrge. Bll
Schoroup , Wllal Cash 111 A. 13. arrlot
were placed In nommminatiuim. 8chorouI' received -
ceh'ell 215 votes , Cash 12S . and Harrlot G I.
There were twenty-five scaterllg voles ,
makln n total vote cast or 432 , nnll quite
a nllber .111 not vole. The Itemlnce was
about 62g. A motion havlnJ beel carried
that the one rceiving the highest numher oC
VoLt's caRt be declared the choice . or the
convention , : Ir , Schoronp was that
choie , Louis Vel , I. . I. ' . I.'arluworth and
U , C Howard were Illaceel In nomlnaten
as lemhers or the Board of Education to
serve three ) 'ears ,
'fhprc mire nclher republicans nor demo
crat on the Icllet They are all citizens or
Grand Island , from the moor to time last
mflOtfliei' or time Board or gtucaton , amid I Is
the general oplnlen that with time possible
oxcention or anI counciman all will be
excenton . Iesohltonsopprovlng the action of
time council II rellcln expenses amid recom-
Iclllnl n contluld wntchrulness to the
end that the greatest 118slbie economy wOllt
be Insttutcd without cripplng the city were
adolmtcd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
II SVlr.I . 1 illS U\ : n\ 01n. .
Smmimmmtim'r ( 'IUlty 1'lrllr CnlHruotl1 1
Htlr"Jo 1".11 tn Use In I rrl ! , " "I !
ASIAXD , Neh. . larch 10.-SI1eclal.- ( ) ,
\ \ ' . O. Bryan lving about seven miles west '
oC this city , Is hare at work on an cxperl- 'I
1.'Ut that Is bell carefully watched by all
Chl80S oC citizens II these parts. In the
nortbwlst put or the Carl on which Mr.
Brran lives Is a draw , In which a nnmber
of springs gush forth and Uow In abuntance
across his ( aria to the soutimeast lie Is now
constrnctng 0 darn across the mouth or the
hollow In which the springs are . localed.
The dam wi have sulcleni capacity to hold
the ralnral beside , nod by moamu . or two
flumes ho wi be enabled to conduct a supply
oC waler to all parts or his rarm sllclent
to Ilsure n crop. Mr. Bryan has provided a
sareEJre that alswers a double purpose.
lie has dug a dich near the top or the
dam , on each side , leading omit across the
brow ef the his , and In these dlches he
Iltends time surplus water to run , thus pro-
vlng a safeguard against time damn washing
out , ant at time same time leading the water
to a poInt that wi distribute It elunly over
the lower parts oC the farm.
The. infant child or Luke Tarpcnlng , living
three wiles west or Ashland , died yesterday
and was buried todny. Rev . O. II. Derry
cOltucled the services
Irs. C. Thompson , who was visiting her
son , Charles In Omaha , last week , returned '
home today. -
S. L. Oraham left yesterday with hIs
hOlsehold goods and necessary farm iniple-
ments . for ida farm 11 southwest Sarpy
county , where he wi farl this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Brush or Cerewo spent
the later part oC the week In the city visit-
Ing lt the home of their brothers , Hobart
and Roy Drush
Much Neetiod MoIsture Covers -he Ground
In the Wlntli' " "ho.t Belt
VALENTINE , Neb . March 10.-Speclnl (
Telegram.-About ) 10 lost night snow commenced -
menced failing whIch lasted until G this morn-
log . durIng which time eleven Inches fell.
There was no wind and ful ) ' one-hal the
snow has incited without drifting th least.
Mercury Is 22 above tonight , and Indicaton ,
are for more snow. This Is placing the soil
In splendid condition for sprIng work. The
town was rul or farmers all day yesterday
making Inquiries about seed grain , particularly -
larly wheat , but as yet no one Is In position
to enlighten thel , although the grain Is now
neeJed daily.
WEST PONT , Neb. , March 10.-Speclal. ( )
-A heavy snow has been falling without
Intermission sInce 4 o'clock this morning.
The ground Is now covered to a depth of
four Inches. The prospects are for an all day
S sno\\
FREMONT , Neb. , March 10.-Speclah.- ( )
Quito a heavy fall ot damp snow was wel-
comed here this morlr . Only one complaint -
plaint Is heard , and that Is there was not
NEBRASKA CITY , larch 10.-Speclal.- ( )
ThIs morning began whim a light snow fall
all a moderate cold wave chased balmy
spring back Into her imehl.
WATEH.OO , Neb. , March 10.-Speciah.- ( )
LIght snow has been falling hero al dny. At
2 o'clocl this afernoen the ground was
\\'It"rllo'l I.ocmit Kmoctlom , .
WATFitLOO . Neb. . March l0.-Speclai.- ( )
At a caucus held here tonight time following
five were nominated for village trustees for
Limo ensuing year : J. C. RobInson , J. S. Nes-
bit , L.V. . Denton , T. D. Todd and J. II.
Pedersen , I was hoped by nominatng these ,
entelen to stop the threatened fight hut
today It Is hlntc.l thlt there will be I
live more nomlnatell by petition , and that
the merry war wi go on.
Senator and Mrs. Noyes will spend Stun-
day ! at home
his ii. newly F. Deli acquired intends home building , an addition to
! rs. Penrl Denton returned heme tonllhi
after In extended visit with relatives In
The Waterloo Base Ball club Is maiming
great PreParations for the comIng season I
has leased I block amid Intelds nicking I Into
a hal park This club did good execution
last year a \I wi b , ' rememberetl by a
number er crack Nebraska teams with sor-
row.Irs. . S.V. . 10),1 , oC Fremont and Miss
Jlnnet lloyd er Omaha are guests ef He\
1rs , S. H. Boyd.
Mr4. J. n. Watts Is confnell to her bell
wih bronchmitls. I was feared this merlng
she wctmld muumiTocate before
wcull silecate asslslnlce ( could
he giveum. Al I > rlsent blue Is rlstlg much
Charles Nlel Is dIstributing the seed sent
out by Conlressmal Mercer.
Farm 10111 In this vicinity I at I premium ,
several cholco pieces having chanlel halll
lt ( toni $110 to $125 per I acre. There wilt
have t be gilt-edged corn grown on thl
Llnll to t pay nn ! on the imiveetmuent .
: e\eral rarmers h'VO ' 1111 to IIve away al
account or hIgh rent Ilemnnds.
' Born , to Mr. and Mrs. J. ii. McLenigiman .
'near Valley . I ton'\olld boy
Mru.weibei or Papihiloim . who lies been
visitng ler dmmugimter . Mrs. John Seefus reo
turned hOl6 this Imuorning.
' 1',11011 % lend ( ; IIel.h I I : I' tn Them ,
NEDIASI A CITY , March 10.-Speclal.- ( )
Jay Burns of Ommiahma superitmtemmdeimt or
Good Cltzenbhlp brunch or the Nebraska
Christian I ndla\'or union , delivered In interesting _
terestng address at the Congregational
church timis afteriuoomi. His subject was :
"Our CIvic Hesonslbltes. "
Martn Ole"on , a parltng heuse cmmmiloSe
met with a serIous Icchlent yesterday , In
atemptng 10 get on limo elevator ha fell
dowl time shaft. a 11shuco or about fifteen
feet. lie was badly bruised ant shaken up.
The republican Irlmarles , wi be hel tomorrow -
morrow and the cenvelton Tuesdny. The
delocrats held their rlmorles I yesterday
and wi nenlnate ! tomumorrov verthlng
points to a very quiet election next month.
Ie\ ' . Mr. Jehnfon , Omaha's "boy preacher , "
coell a successful series or re1'1 I meet-
logs it time Baptist church Friday night.
Twenty-seven converts were baptized during
the two weeks' cenlnuance of the meet-
Ings.11s. . Minerva Wright says she Is tired oC
her husband , Wiiam , and usks time dis-
trict court 10 sever the matrimonial knot.
The funeral of the late Mrs. S. J. Ien-
- - - - -
nety , who died audllenl at Ironwooti . Mlch"I
Thlursd3y , Wne held In tble ely this after. '
Imooui ,
hlorAc'atsoa yesterday swore Omit n
wnrunt for the arrest or W. II. Wolnce ,
chaRing hlummvitim disposing of mortgaged
property , Wnlnce gav" ball , and wi ha\'o
a bearing Saturdas- .
Jonl College iterni.
CRETE Neb . , March , l0.-Specimil.-llCv. ( )
) tr. Alien or Atchison , ' 'bo gave the coleg"
lecture on Wethesdai evening , amid hIs
eethnnble wife , remained 89 RUels or tufter-
emit mtmbErs or the faculty until Friday
e\nlng. in Thursllay Mrs. Thompson ,
principal or the indies departnmc'nt. gave I
very delightful tea In their honor. Presllent
and Mrs. Perry , I'rof. and Mrs. Jiiison .
Iror. Iono and Mr. n. D. Morgan were
member or the commipany
Three prizes hnvo been announced 10 In-
cite members of the cadets to IncreoC
effort. They nr ! : A fell medal to the best
all ronlel soldier , taking Into eonshlerAton
also the ) ar's record for mllnry benrlnR
and discipline ; a gold metal ) to the cadet most
profclent In time manual oC arms : a gold
medal for time best Inrksman , competition
for each to le open for every member of the
batnlol. A prize . for the best drilled com-
pany may yet ho arrnnleel ,
Time college Young Ien's ChristAn nssocln-
tiarm Is giving a course of Chautaulno lectures -
lures on sociology , written by Prof A. W.
Smal er Chicago unlverl ) ' . Great Inlerest
\Ias shown by citizens or Crete amid shlients
II the two lectures already givemm antI thc
four yet to bo given will 10 oubl cnl out
still .
stl larger auuiiences
Time class In elective Hebrew has fnlsheel
reading : time first eight chapters of time hook
of OensI5-a very creditable record for
beg lnners.
The schedule or studies for the spring term
Is nlread Postel
Time entire shllcnl body and n large number -
bar or towns people wlltcnt the state con-
test al Ilncoln on the Hah Inst. , anti encourage -
courage Doane's orator , Mr. Ira W. lenab'
by theIr entlmuusiasmn
, \rrllJll ! i 10 C hnugo ( ommmlmla mm mum ii t . I
GHANn lSI.ANO , March 10.-Slleclnt- ( ) !
1 T. Barber , 11reldenl of the advisory board
er the Nebraska Soldiers' hOle , Is In the
city , anti Is trying to get the members of
the advIser board together for tomorrow
for 1 special meeting for the trnnscten
oC some business In conncton wih the
Incoming or Judge Wison lS cOllnnllont
of the home The hatter Is here amid ex-
poets to take charge of the Institution about
the Hith Insl. Mart howe of Lincoln Is
also In the city with n bon , for S26.000 IS
adjutnnt He - wi , howcver , mint assume
time duties ef atjutant unti A\rl 1 The
securities on his bond are : James F. Bishop ,
S:1Iuel : S. Giflin . Hchnrd Flrnl und S. : .
howe all or the vicinity or Lincoln , and
the baud has been approved.
( : olnlhn l'C r,4 "nnt I Xoll' '
COLUMBUS . , Neb. , March l0.-Special.- ( )
Adolph Jaeggl started for New Orleans Mon-
lay , and may possibly go on to South Amer-
Ica.Ouy C. Darnum , Jr. , or Balerman , Idaho ,
Is visitng his parents Ieal time city.
The county commissioners will meel II
thIs city Tueselar. Some plans wIll be pro-
posed providing for those who are unable
to purchase grain seeds.
Irs. S. I. McCoy returned this week
from Ohio where she was called by the
sickness of her rather.
Lute North has been confined to the heus
by sickness for several days.
Prairie schooners are seen nearly every
day wending their way westward.
Dnnlmr'A Yonl : ClmrltIsmg : .
DUNDAR , Neb. . March 10.-Speclal.- ( )
The Young People's ] Christian union ot the ,
United Presbyterian church or this place I ,
held theIr annual meeting Friday evening
ant elected olcers for the coming rear.
J. M. McAllister . president : Miss FannIe
M. Williams , vIce president ; Mrs. David
Scott , secretary : Mrs. Hattie Promllt ,
secretary. treasurer ; I S. 'estbroell , corresponding
H. S. Westbrooic a member er the United
Presbyterian Slbboth school oC this place
completed five years or uninterrupted nt . ,
temlance today wih nelhcr an absent er
tardy mark. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
york COllryS ocd Oraln.
M'COOL JUNCTION . Neb. , llrch 10.-
( Speclal.-Yesterday ) was the last day on
which farmers or this county could make
application for seed and grain for reed. T.
\V. Smith county Igent. informs your cor-
respofent that only. $5,500 oC thc $10,000 set
aside for this purpose will be used , and that
200 applications were made , asking for 8,000
bushels of corn and ,000 bushels or eats.
Farmers getting grain give secured notes
bearing Interest , duo March 1. 1896. Nearly
every bnshel oC grin needed will be pur-
chased by the county of York county Carm- .
ers , whe have . graIn on hand for sale.
V Sr. .Cllnlos lutel liurned
WYMORE , Neb. . March 10.-Special ( TeIe
gram.-The ) St. Charles hotel , tegether wIth
most or the contents , was destroyed by fire
this mornln Prompt wok by the firemen
saV'J adjoining buildings . alhougb a strong
wind wa blowing at the time. Loss not
kuowum. V
Hnrt In aim lic\'IIor.
GRAND ISLAND March 10.-SpeclaJ.- ( )
While at Minton & Woodward's wholesale
house yesterday , the young son ot'Mr. James
Reblnson got his root caufht In the ele
vator n1 ! had It disjointed and severely
crushed and cut about . the ankle.
' 1 ho 1Iodorl Way
Commends itself to time well informed to do
pleasantly and effectually what wal formerly
done In the crudest manner and disagreeably
ns well. To cleanse time system amid break
up colds , headaches and favors without unpleasant -
pleasant after erects , use time delightful
liquid laxative - remedy . Syrup ot Figs
Receiver ror time ( 'oturmilo Slllrlty ( 'oIIIUlr
DENVER Mnrch 10.-Judge Palmer has
appointed F. G. Patersen receiver oC thc
Colorado Security company , on application
or H. C. Wilson . who his brought serious
charges oC fraud anti mismanagement
against President Aldrich
11 , t'JlCJ i.'O1tIW4tT.
I'alr anti Cloarlnl II lolthoast Nebraska ,
with tollh Wlld5.
WAShINGTON , March . 10.-The forecast
for Monday Is :
For Nebrasica-Fair : clearing In the ex-
tl'eme sOltheast portion ; warmer ; south
Wi mid a.
For Iowa-I alr In the nerther portonj ;
local snows . followed . by fair In the soutiu-
er 1lllen . ; warmer ; winds IhlWng to
For 1'm1isoumri-flain or snow , followed by
fair In northwlst Portion ; northeast winds ;
\vmm rifler.
Fur ICammsas-Ligimt local snows , tolOWPel
bv fair weather ; east . shifting to south i '
wintla : Inll vimruimer.
For South Daltota-Falr amid
\or warmer ;
south Wilds ,
J.ucmmi liecormi .
OMAhA , Jlnreh 10.-0malm rlcoll or tem-
peratllo alel rainfall . cemparcd wih the
eorrespondllg UI ) ' et the Illst ) tour years :
l&f5. ! 1&91 1&93 1&92
Maximum temperature . . - 22''G2 _ Chi ---69
Mimuirnum tumumperature . . 17 40 40 19
Average IClfertulo . . . 20 Cl 52 39
Avra Precllllllon . . . . . . . . .16 .11 ( ) ,0 . ( )
ConUton , or temperature 1111 preelplta.
tOI nt Omllm tor the day amid since . March
1. 1&95 :
Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
lehicicncy for tin' ulay . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Normal 11recllllRlon tl . . . . . . . . . . .01 . Inch
Nxcess for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch
Total preciPitation since Jlarch I..2 . Inch
nelcleney since March 1 . . . . . . , ,1 Inch
Itelmurts rrOI other Shlt.1 lit K t' . M .
t I :
i g . :
C = -
6TATION8 " 5 ' l F tUTS or
B . _ g " : . WtATUKI.
a " &
_ _ : 17 !
- - - - - - - -
Omumaha. . . . . . . . . . . : : 2 : .10 L'Iuumdy.
Norid'iate. . . . . . : : I ( T Cowl ) ' .
Valemmumuu . . . . . . . . 21 ! 3l , Oi Ciuumdy.
Cullalo . . . . . . . . . : : 21 .on ( C' " .
SI. Llis. , , , , . . . . 31 H .02 Clouel .
St. Paui. . . . , . . . . . . . . 24 i 21 .00 Cl'ar. )
Uzuvemiport . . . . . . 24 : O ( . \I l'Url'leudy ;
iCUmmamm City. . . . . . . ao ilm . ( iO Cloudy .
Jlulnl Cly. 31
iitimmver . . . . . . . . atm 40 T Coudy. tluar.
SnitLakoCImy. . . . . a' so .00 i'.irtclotmdy ,
. " I : 61 Iarl
ltaidClty. ; , . . . . , . . : K ) 32 .Ollurlcouly.
IU'III ' r' . . . . . . . . . 4 U ' 1' CiOumtiy.
Iflmmmmmauek . . , . . . . . , . : b 21 .00 ( Moor .
61. Vluuoll . . . . . 20 : B 'r Ot'ar.
Cbeyeulo , . . . . . . . : I I .ou I'lloloudy
Ntul City. . . . . ' ' ' 34 31 .ou C"ar.
( : . . . . . . . . tO I' .00 Fog.
'T' indicates trace of precipitation.
1 \\'BLSiI . Observer.
l'n' '
Wnl Street Bq , JS Peel the Genial In-
fhlonco of F , ' 3pOCtVQ Prosperity ,
Ii f.r
: llnlrncturcrsi I 11,1 : er(11118 hopeful
trom lcsIre'fliih'liccmssiso Time ) ' 'tnlT
Thhl A Arc oiltlUeU'r Sluice
CoIIJ ' : Welt AWI ) ' ,
, -
NEW YOUr . Mnrch I'J.-Henry Claws ,
leall er the banking house oC henry Clews
& Co. , \ rites or the $ lualon In Wnl street :
Affairs II \ \ 'rmhl street have taken 01 I
more cheerful aspect. Time dlssolutol or
COllreps his remoVed the Political I restraints
thlt havc hell hath II\estlent amid f1ecull-
five ollentols In check for time Inst three -
10nths , mind It Is felt that therc 15 now -I I
clear outlook for IIU ) ' 10nths nlwRI"
wlhout time possibilty ; or 11 legislative '
rleals ralellnllel to obstruct the even 10w
of buisiumess . 'I'hmls Ihnlfc has the more eC-
feet because It Is lecel\'cl tll the Same
caU80 Is Ilfu8ln R 10re hopeful bile Into
I1ICllto nnt IItu8triai cliches amid 18 ug-
grating the Ilrolnhlt ) of u hellhier trade
thll 811'ln thll has leIl experienced for
the In81 four 11801 , : Iel hn\e blcole ! o
wearied of the Past two ) 'CI18 of wory ,
atmaliense , nPI'leht'lslol amid ac1ml loss timid
they mute not disposed to prolong their
11es81nlFI , but rather to 1IIIulle 11 more
ollmlstc vlew8 , If It be only ' for time luxury
bf 1 ehllAe flol the blues to hOl1e. 111
the ' I < asol Ullt , even If their hopes should
be 11 ' nllolltell , they wi be In no worse
case lmn Ir the ) ' hll contnuell to nurse
their fears , all , woul nt Icnst have time mid-
\ 'aimtmmge of ( happier frame of fecl-
II ! At time sammie tme , its u mutter
ef cool hUllness clieulliol , the street
his reached I very decided con-
victioim that better husiless cOlellels leery
very close nhnl , They see time country
ful or wants . wih slocll of goods Ilelleh'el
te the lowest iiu4mmt. wih prices eC goods
tower than nt any tiiiie for twenty-live
lme tWlnty-I\'c
'I'lrs. with nil Sorts or entellrl8e lefeIcII
antI the IHUCCS8 of walh mlllll hch ! 11
Huslen8e , Inc Shiny "ln discover , mme sulclelt
len801 wi1 this "lnle of stngmmammcy Ihoull
hue lueh 101 gel staAIHlc ul'guc
Iml Ihere II imo luck of call1al 111 no
ohstlllc 10 credit to wlrrnt n contnua lce
of the last two renrg' alllysl8 of trmmuie , .
111 that tl fears Ilcllentll to time the-
ranged conllon of thc juble IIICl8 have
new cpasec to exercise ni ) ' tcregsll effect
Ul101 buslne"s commildence. ' \01 street I !
thus comln nt last to 1II1Ie the ozone or
hope , nuc wc n1I ) ' comm witness the ex-
hllrntlg ! erects or thIs healthier ntmos-
Very 11wh oC this imimprovemnent Is cue to
the succe8sful worltug of the Illals of the
balm S3'mflhlcnto. Time treasury situation Is
10 loner I moler of mentel ; Its dangers
nre regarded a8 liermammemitl removed , nlll
rln''lt permanelt reme\I'
time whole brood of IPIH'ehen81011 COIIlctll
with the "cndless chain" derangements Is
r1 te be I laler of the past.
The mystilcalen growIng out ot large
Ion"en sales or stocks on our market for
nearly ) two weeks past has been explained
In u way to remove the eloubts , felt 11 some
qtmarters . that the syndicate mlht Incounter
ohstncles In the execution or their program.
I now appears that those sales , instead of
being an expression of Emighisim distrust or
meaning that little value was placed upon
the syumlicnte's Interventon , were not sales
at ni by Emigiish' holders of our securities ,
hut hy the Lenten agents of New York
"lmeutr" operators , This discovery rcmoved
the mI8lvlngs about the effect ef the syndicate -
cnte operations oWl has ; increased confi-
011erntons cOII-
deuce that the great bankers will conduct
cence great wl
their operations' to { safe issue without any
lstlbanc m to tire Interests centering ut thc
Stock exchan I Tn the meantme the
busiless of th ' , , rtlrMlls begins to show I
gm'ntifying degr ( c oflm110Vement. ! especially
the lines dome n souuthcrn ! and southwest-
01'ii tramc. The ilexpecte"I' favorable
character of the Pennsylvania railroad hums
also predueed jV favorable Impression.
The market is , aPthe moment. subject 10
ulusualIvel , : 1 t/clts from the suh.ect . "
tIle slnlfcancQ et . 'vhlch It ts 1 not "llcult
to divine. I 'lrtnlnly cnnmmot bc dime to
' In the situation reall' favor-
any change the siuaton real ra\or-
hug I bearish policY. On the contrary , the
factors affectingit'altmcs are dl-tnlv turn-
lag In favor or the pposlte side. Time feeling -
Ing Is better imimul the facts are better . anti
it nends no ! peclnl keenness of sight to
pcrcflve that the ' 111e has c)10m,1 ) In favor
of 'o ' iiuoverbt 1 ices , . A'mj'tp _ thnt.nct
' ' . , ' tixlatiAtlfit1.oT ' tiieThre-
1s'to' be toun.l..n 'explalntcW.oI 'rc-
tent ns aggressiveness of the "benr8. " They
are In a largely oversold position : they read
time handwriting on the wnl : amid are mak-
ing n' great show of Sllhl . both In New
York and Lonllon. In order to conceal their
buying to cover "short" contracts. Times
have been when they weuld-havc been made
to'11) ' heavily for their I'merlt\ Dut. In
these conservatve days . they may escape
scbt Crec.
With the adjournment oC congress the
turn for the better Is Ine\lnbll und each
tIny hereafter should demonstrate that tact
The unsettled conditIon of the business Interests -
terlsts unsettlt country for I prolonged pe-
nod past II clearly traceable to Washing-
ten. Now that congress his adjourned , that
pernicious and prostrating influence no
longer cxlst8. Our troubles , therefore are
now all behind us amid have been thor-
ouhly lscounted. 'Ye have good reason to
look forward to the prospect or food crops
and a general Improvement tn business nC-
rnlrs. The principal argument . which the
hears have used effectively ns 1 weapon ,
has been the low price of coton , I I mistake -
tulle not I wi not bl long before these
people viil Itmtt the falsity of theIr pa-
altion , al wl I think II wi be seen demonstrated -
slton that the low price of cotton will bc
the basis for nn Impetls In the manufnc-
ture of goods for export Ilt will lc , 1 sur-
price to gools countn' international bimet-
allisni Is likely to loom up as I factor In
n\sm or higher prIces anti increased uctv-
Ity In grain , cotton and also securitIes.
The urrcnt In favor or international bi-
metalhismu hlls raIl to become lS strong
throughout Etirope ns It Is In this country .
and under such I pressure a mutual nr-
rangement for international coinage would
appear Inngement be almost Inevitable. Within ten
IPl1ear or Eu-
years the Increuse of indebtedness -
ropean nations his aggregated $ : , GO.O,01.
During thIs perlol , with the exception or
the past year the handed indebtedness , oC
this .enr\ \ Inq been on the liquidating
side : therefore instead or Europe being
alarmed Ibout the Infnclal arnlls of this
country we have greater reasons to hnve
tiimtt npnrehenslon for their tuture condIton ,
especiuuhly when our marvelously superIor
resources and greater earnIng power are
resourcls whim those or other nationS ,
As to questions at currency , hIghly important -
portant ( is they are. yet they have for u
time ceased to rank among the mal erR
tme coasec immediate course oC 'Wnl
street . 'he were too large . too compl-
/treet. , and too breael In time Issues thpy
Involved to he disposed ot In three months
Invol\ed u congress ns the one that hall11c
them , and possIbly by any olher. They
are new relegated for the con81lelten , Q
the people . all will receive the most serious
attention preparatory to the next nutonnl
elections . Whatever lay bm the conclusions
reached hy 1'lhle ' opinion , they are lure
to reflect the ClltoUS common sense of
time nation , anel wc may thereero reasonably -
ably nnton thut the final settlement will 1e
a soUnd flume In the meanttmne we have to
deal with matters or IJraetcal meantle tipsiness , and ,
relieved of the ! vexntous theoretic contentions -
tentions , the nn lon will I'etur to its work
oC prolluclng a e1merchantng with Ienewlel
confidence . all frcsh vigor. AlreOly there
Is unmlstalluhlf , Ellpnce In 011 lecnl mnr-
hats nf premiarati0nfor nn Increaseel spring
business. Time Ct ' 1s flung imp with buyers
from the Inlerlor , thel'e Is ne longer the
dullous ) hlPlng'qlolt Prices that has lire-
s'uulied for time lalt ' two ) 'enI8. Inll manu-
\lleel heghttb , 'express Illrlso at the
increasing ollMI lor gonels. 'fo lY view
the signs of this hour mean Iothln/ less
Ilgns o anti fall
than a good eld-rashiencil spring all tal
trmmmle. ! .
lWNI > \ OVlii'i'ETY 1 ( IN lot' , DON .
; ' 111 "
' l'umciIit " cchitulmso lepresscs All
l'ulnllhl 1'I ! lt" Co1hl180 rl's801 I
% mimeririlmit . ' llhlw"v " ccuirltlt , .
LONDON , Marcha10.Time money mnrlet
last welk reial.4tnto its former petherlc !
condition. 'fhQ Itotimseiulld' Chiian issue
wns ( silly covqju.t1.witimlfl two hours. Any
amount oC COVa.Wltbln \ lt 1 1-10 per
cent. 'fhe Cmi.l n Pacific colapse had 1
demoralizing effect . , nnc throve . all huslnpss
II the Ilreclon of g11.cgeel securities ant
time mauling Ilrl et , where anether boom
seems to have , been comnmemmceul Ju'lng
orders I > ourell. in from the contnentI anti ,
Immense blocks , the shares of 10lth
African ventures were easily plaeetl by s'n-
dlcltes In 1arls at a nrollt. Foraign ito-
cUllles remalnec fairly firm In tunticipa-
lion eC time leth8rll\ls earrYIIg through
ton cOI\eulon Into 3i4 \ per rents or (21,0,00
or Ituseimmmm 45. HQme raiway securIties
1us911n Ilulel. time tra1c rellol'IH ) and
10anl or 'I'rmiuhe rtturs helng unpromising.
Mexican anti all Seuth Alerican securities .
exCehit C'imiiimiuuul wpre weak. Canlelan Pa-
cilia fell ten Iommta. ( Inc although the rumor
thnt time DominIon was ulnut to Issue a
new loan wits ulenied Canadian 3 per cents
remalntd very weumk. AIrlcal railroad 8e-
curitie . influenced by time Clnnelal Iacilo
collapse . were also In the worst condition.
Heavy "lh'8 from Walll.ept and rumors or
redlrEel , dividends depressed the market V all
J'rll' I"lll nt lImummlmester .
MANCII S'I n. March 10.-There was
considerable Increase In the activity last
week. the stiffness In the prices oC cotton
Inducln" holders of dlscrctunlr ) ' orders t
fill them In the best possible mnnner. Prices
generally imttrtlenetl. ( BIslnre9 wits well illS-
trlbutNI over Indian , Chinese end Corenn
markets and there were moderate Pales to
SOllth America and the othrr minor moult'-
kets. The hem Inrke continued fair
Yarns were 111. wIth conllcrlblc forward
btusiness. Strikes are now considered Improbable - .
probable Owing to the wlnt oC unity
among tile master spimmners. Time continental
trade 15 active anti health ) ' .
StTtJhIltrS , ( ILOSINO ( llt.tlN I'llIOh. ,
l'lntlrl8 or the IRY'S TrRelnA In CcrcRlsRt
( : li lea an.
ChICAGO , March 9.-The 1al'ket news
today was almost ecllsl'ely amid somewhat
emmtimtusiasticnhl \ bulsh Inil May wheat
closed with % e galmi. Corn Ralnell 'c and .
lower. oats = c , but pro\1910ns fnlshe slightly
In wheat the most prominent feature of
the early news was the Michigan crom re-
Port Time total of Ilst 'ear's whent cr01) ,
which . was 21,627,0 bu , for the state , his
nlreat ) been used ) , amid therefore there 19
no wheat In Micimiguumi now , but represents
surplus age rlom ) re\loI9 cr011S. ' 1he
weather was cold , and , mutter 1 spell or mid
weather amid maIn , It hind tumet cold enough
since the day before to convert the 1111
, \d incIted Bnow In the wheat lehls Into
sheets ot Ice. Time weelt's exports of whent
amid flour from baUm coasts nlelntell to
3,2210 1m , . eOIIII'e.l with : ,6 UO bti. I
week umgo . and 2iuSl,000 bu , n your ago. ' 1he
l1rhnlr ' Ilrlel rccehJts were : JIt'l hU ,
UIItl8t 21lo him Ilst wee II. The Liverpool
iimmum'ket wns 'llotell 1\1 , with an UI.WIII
lelllene ) ' . A . ll81mtch wine received stmttluig
thll Ncivport News had shipped 8.0 bids
of flour 111 I.O bu. oC wheat 11 twent-
( omit' hOlrs 1111hlt freight enlgelents hail
been luce fOI' time shlpl nt of Wl0 bu. of
whel during the memmmmuuiudey of the month ot
Inl'ch. Shorts becule bl 'ers mind the market -
hat wound ) up mttuommg . : IIY o\cnec ' ,41
hhhcl. lt &lc , and ( lid not get below 514e ,
closing met SIc.
The day's business II corn was Hood In
nl0lnt 11)"s Inll .genernl ) ' on the iii' grlle tn
Limo Ilter of Pmices. ' 1he carload 111IIIl
wns 111 Ind Illde I slmllr 1.lvalce to thlt
lule 1\ \ the li I t , amid mull bough the demanc
cale chlel ) ' 1om the elevator Peolile the
thlollh billed Ilrllet being COllmrltvely
sluel , Ncw York advised Iccel1wnces oC
rumble ofl't'rs Ille 1111 thlle ) ' ( strIIY amid
Ila : t Ilrket was quoted 1\1 In commHCltiemuce.
The export Clelllnel'S ( coin the fuur lmrimm-
clpal Atlantic harts We'e Veu'y light , hut 237.-
00 ho. WIS reported cleared ) rrol NIW)1rt )
News. Ju ' ollened ut rrom I : c to 4" 4c.
sold up 10 .l5ie : , timid clesed with ; sellers nl
tl him tter Ilgure.
'foeln ) Igule. hulsh feeling In whelt a 11
COI nlso look I hohl al ells , anti for I
bl'lef pel'le.1 . conslderlhle activity wits lie-
tlcemiluie. This , however WIS cut short by
limo closll bell before IUY slleclal fnloll
coul mnaterinhize. Prices followed those ot
corn , ollenlng Ibout ! lent ) . . selling tip ! ant
resting nt the top prices of the da ) ' . May
beluig ' ! ; and ' , to 29c.
unl 29\e.
The 111\'lslon marllet lost n trifle of the
buhhisim feelimig whIch was so promlnenl theca
bulllh reelnA
dim ) ' before. Pork epeneel with a drop from
$ " . 15 It closed yesterday , to $10.t'I. and
sold ni low lS S0.82ACcrwllt \ , the
" "
strength In wheat and corn gave a "bracer
umuder whIch Its Iplrl5 ant rose. 'he price nd-
unler Ie SI0.97 % . timid It closed at $10.9i
sellers , a decline oC Ic for the .Iny. Lard
multI ribs dropped 2c on vestem'dmuy's , clos-
lug values. Blllwln und . aumiVohft were
the most prminent buyers unI the CUlah '
Paclelng company the best seller.
Estimated receipts for Monday " 'helt.
30 : cars ; corn 185 cars ; eats , 12 cars ; hogs ,
.O head.
TIme leading futures ranged . , . follows :
AIUclos. I Opmi , I iIlli. I Low I Clou. . _
\holl.No. . . : 62 ! { 12H 12 } ; 52 } '
May . . . . 1 ( 61 54. ( ! i
July. . . . . 6&t34 C 55 } @ ) CO
Carl No. : .
March . . . 43 H 43i. H
May . . . . . 45l 4l { 4lH 4l {
Jul ' . . . . . 45 4I ; ! 45 .15 & @x
Cats No. 2. . . .
Ma ) . . . . . . 2UMIH . 9 % 29Wii ! 2Di
June. . . . . 20 ( : \ ! ! { 21f 21\ \ (
July. . . . . 27' 2n { 27.4 271
Pork per bbl
t1ay. . . . bil . . 10 R ; 10 07V 10 H2H } 1005
Iale.IOOIIs . . . . . ( I GO G 15 0 GO G 12 (
Julv. , . . . . . I 72l : . ' G7 07- ! 675
Short RIbS-
May Rls- . . . 5 57h : GO 5/7 ! ! I 00 (
Jumly . . . . . . . _ p 72VQl2l _ 570 572i !
Cash quotations were 08 follows :
FLOUR-Winter patents $2.54O2,75 : sprIng pat-
eats , $3.m0i3. , ) : bakcrs' . $ i.712.0O : winter
IO(3. 5 $1.7i,2.00
slrl hls. $2.35tf2.6 : spring siraighis. $2.1Oi12.73.
WhEAT-No. 2 8prln 51j59c ; No. 3 sprIng
nominal : No. 2 J'OI , a2jI3'c.
COHN-No.2. He : r2Wi yellow . 431.
OATH-No.2. 2Sic ; No. 2 whIte . OFtJ32c \ :
No. 3 whIte , 31'f311 C.
Rn -No. 2 , 5u ½ c.
hiAh1L1Y-No. 2 , 5354c : No. 3 , 53fj53'c'No. ; 4.
nominal . IID-No. 1. $1.n.
TllOTIY SEFD-Prlme. $5.I.
lIOYISINSleos pOII , per bbl" 51O.SOfJhl.CO.
Iuld. per 10 Ibs. . 56.52 % . Short rils , skies .
loose , I5.45fj5.5. Dry salted siuoulders h'l"ld ' ,
$ l.C2mST4,5 : short clear skIes boxed , $ : .70f .75.
WHISKY-Dlsll"rs' finished goods per sal. .
The tolowlng were the receipts and shipments
tOday :
ArtIcles. Hccelpts. Shlpmenls.
- - - - - - - - - - -
'lolr. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 10.000
Wheat . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . ! .OUI 10,000
( 01li . bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 4.000
Oats . bum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,000 120.000
R'o bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.noo 1.000
iflmrley.bu.- : . . . . . . . . ! OOO HOOO
On tIme Produce e'ehan e 19dny butler was net
quoted. Eggs , stend ) ' . tmmmcimanged : 14Gt143e.
N \ YOltt Ol'NiiAL 1IAIIU T.
Closing Qlotltlons on the principal Com-
Inollto"11 Mllllos ,
NgV YORK , March 9.-FLOUR-Recolpls. 19-
90 Lbls. ; Ixporlo , 4.30 bIds . ; sales , 7,30 pkgs.
Market firma , with fair demand tor low grade
wilters : others quiet City mill patents , U.o@
US ; winter patents , $2.SOfJa.31 ; city mill clea.s ,
$3.3 : winter strlghtB , $ .70 ; Minnesota patents ,
$3.Oafj3.SO ; wInter $ i.110112.40 . : Minnesota lal < rs' .
$2.0q3.C : winter low grade , U.EOi2.5 : spring
low grades , $1if1i.90 ; spring extras . $ i.S5ij2.11.
Rye 10ur , lnn ; saleo 30 biis. : superfine , 2.70@
2.91 : fancy , $2.90tJ3.15. Ducllwheat : four , dull al
D.GOlul.7O. -
$ BUCKWHEAT-QuIet lt 49tS3c.
COHN lr AI.ful ; yellow western , $1.OStJl.10 :
Bmnd'wh1 $2.90.
ltYg-Noniinai rG : car lots , &e : boat loathe , r :
HAnlBY-Stead : No. 2 , 70e : two-rwoll. state ,
couiclo : Canadian. 70@7 e.
JAILEY alAmr-stoady ; w"oter. 7072o ; Can-
aelun w".ler 68@70e ; olx-mwcll , 731i75e.
lViiflA'i'-iteceiiits. 10ne : expomts . 95,500 hu. :
sales , 1,345.000 bu. futures amId 112,0)0 1m. > .pot .
Spot mal kct .trn ; No. 2 veil , In Eore nn.1 . elevator -
Spt ' nIlont 60'.e r. . b. 6l'e uuttormt
\Itor. 'e ; II0uI , : o. I. , 61,0 nloat ;
No. 1 norther r.o delivered ; No. 1 lUll , 69c
, hehli'em'Cth. OptIons ruled higher II opening 01
Iirun cables , a big decrease In hrugllsIm fnmmners
deitverleui ( or time week , liumlilsim Zmlicimlguun uttmute
report anti deiti'erlng. 'rrnthlng mostly local :
cioseil % tJ(4o imigimer ; No. 2 reil , Muurclm , closed
at 593cc ; ala ) ' , D ½ 1m600 , clotted at & 9c ; June
closed mit &Jc ; July , 5914160 11-iCc , closed at Coo :
August closetl mit Coo ; September closed mit 60c ;
hect'mlmer , 62tiCl 15-ICc , closed at 62)c ,
COitN.-Itecelmits , 'J.SO ) bu , ; exports , 1,100 ho. ;
sales , 5ooe bu. futures anti 6,000 ha. spot ,
Itpot mumarluet strong ; No. 2 , ChILe in elevator ;
mtteamner yellow , 51c. Opttone ruled Imigluer on
expectation of a bmmiileiu crop uVeport 2mlondumy amid
s'mpumtiIy with wlmeat , closing ' ,4Jlc higher ;
amity , 494150c , cloued at & 1e ; July , 43tjIOc ,
clomtt'ii at flOe ,
OATS-ltecelpts , 61,100 bu , ; exports , 1,500 li , ;
salon , 23,000 ito , futures anti. COCCI hu. spIt.
Soot mnamket drum ; No. 2 , 234113Gc ! ; No. 2 , ie.
llverctl , 14'c ; No. 3 , 32c ; No , 2 wimlte , lie ; No.
3 wimlte , 1c ; track , wimIte , 374141c. Opti
imighmer whim corn , closing at 5jo net mmds'munt'o ;
Mtmrchm closed at 23e ; April closed at 33o ; May ,
33tia3e , ciObeii rut 33e ,
hiAY.-Steail ) ' ; mulmlpplmig , 454153o ; good to clmolce ,
& 3t70e.
hOPS-Market weak ; state , coniman to choice ,
old. Bile ; 1834 , 44110c ; coast , old , 3'417e { ; 1t91 ,
liiiCS-Wt't alte4 New Orleans seiecled , 45
to 50 11)11. , 5'fiCe ; Buenos Ayren , thy , 20 to 24
lbs. , l3U13c ; 'leMma , dry , 24 tim 30 itis , , 7411te.
Ll3.TimCit-Flrmmm : hmenmioek sole , J3uenuu Ayres ,
lIght to iit'iul' ) ' welglmts , 14'A1117c' ,
'OOh-Stermtiy ; domnestle ileece , i6lj2Sc ; pulled ,
l'iIOVISiONS-lleet , itteatly : ( mmmii ) ' , $10O3t' '
12.50 ; exum'um , mess , $7rOfiS.50 : hoer Imumnia , $ ms : re.
cehilis imeef. packed , 18.004110.00 ; city oira lodma
mnce , $ mcootths.flo , Cuut mncuums , steady ; Iilckletl
bellies , $3tOtut.OO ; utickied almomuimlers , $ I.04J 1,73 ;
mdekleil ltumm , $5.00ft5.&O. $ Inrd , easy ; wisiern
utteani closed lit $0 1.0 , nonmInmu ; sales ciuy at
* ( .a7tjs.tO ; Vmmle , 100 tiercee , option sales ,
Jmimmmclu closeit mit $6.50 , nonmlnal ; rehiumed , steady :
contInent , $7.20 ; compound , $5. l'ork , ijmitet but
finn : new nues , iil.75lli.25 ; ( emil ) ' , $ ll.5911i2.SO ;
bliort clear , $ i3,00ujilil.
iiUT'i'l'ilt-W'emml"r : western dairy , ifJi2 ½ c ;
vcstermi creamer ) ' , 144jlSc ; u'estern factory , 741
lie ; Elgtne , 19o ; imitation creamuiery , 94114c ;
btais dairy , ii41ltc ; slate creamery , 1341l9c ,
ChiilSki-Qulet : : ; suite , large , tt41lhc ; email , O4 !
4112cm part m4mlmnmu , 3tS'.tc ; full m'khmums , 1'ii2'c.
1C1aH-I.oyer ; uttuto mitmil I'ommmms'i'mtntum , ISo ;
western fresh , lS'4c ; soutluern , 144115 ½ e ; me-
celpts , 6.4 pkgL
'I'AiL.OW-Fmum ; city , 4llc ; country , 43cc ,
h'i'FItOtkiuJM-NOflImiai United clos'd at
3i,0P } bid ; refined. New 'i ork , 16.60 ; I'bmilatieiphlut
mind iiaittnmome , losa ; l'lthladeimthla und himiulmore ,
1mm bulk $4.01 ; Wasimlnmmton , tibis. , $7 , nomnlnulu
Vamtmimmgtoji , ii ; bulk , $1.50 , nominal ,
IIOSIN-1'lrma ; strained , colimmnon to good , $1.53
Tt'1tl'lNTlNl7-11rnm. 36 $ ) 36 ½ e.
itiCki-Qulet ; tionmestlo , fair to extra , lm4c' .
Mott4mV4lHFirm : New OrImans , emien lettle ,
g.V)04 Co elmoice , Z3tjlSc ,
( . .I1AN(3 1-QuIet ; CalIfornia , 12.77413.23 ;
weak ; Seotcim , 319.004120.00 ;
Mnerican , $14.50. Collier. ilull ; brokers' prIme.
$ h.40. bead , uvealmer ; brokers' price , Li III ; luates ,
"covroNloirl : : ) 051.-QuIet ; primne crude , lIe ;
off crude. 2Otmllc ; itrlmne yellow. Icc ; off euumimmmer
yciluy , 250(2Cc , emomimlmmaim yellow. butter grades.
lltJISc ; irimutu sum(1mumer wlmite , 254120c. rmoauinal.
lit , fouis ( lcmut'r'ii .iiierkete.
ST. 1.01718. Msrcit L.-l'i.OLIII-Flrni but quIet ;
liatcntM. 12.00412.70 ; exermi func ) ' , 2.404$2.45 fancy ,
32.10102.50 ; choice , $ ibOlil.ttO.
i'li1JAT-Opened firma itt % o advance , but alter
( 'eCu' btm9'ers WSi'C puiCplietl tim mtuikrt cisseti oft
* 511140 , teame dtmii tot a tune , tlut'fl tiimiitihi A
Sumtlden slmerp .lemrutl nOvafleeth 1(0 , minutiae ( it
the top , VIih cellars "ho shine yesiettla ) ' ; No , 2
red , cash , 53C33'40m itituy , July , E.3'C
( 'OhiN-luhl ; firm early for ftutuires. latOr out
advanced vltlm Wiment umnti closed 14fiP.10 fl''t'
) 'estcpistys elose spot firm Coil 1uIheu' on cmiii ,
No. 2 mIxed , cat'ii , 41',4c ; May , 42'tl2e ; Jul19' ,
43'e ,
OATS-Ath'anm'e In other cereals iihpeti eels.
iihiieh closed 1tim an nlimu000 of ' 5( ( ½ o flier
yesterday ; No. 2 , cash , 30c ; Mn ) ' , 0c ; , tumac ,
ltyli-lumll : No. 2 offered , eniit Ith' , mit 37e.
ItIM.111i'T8-Floumr , OCt00 iiis. ; wlmCnt , 7,0tO be. i
corn , 26.000 iii. ; oats , 20.011' ) tnt.
ioitIl'2d1NTmO-lloiir : , 7,000 Iti'1s , nVhicat , 5,000
liii , coin , 1,000 itmi , : oats , 11,000 him.
htVi1-timil ; No. C orrereti , cast side , SOC.
IuitAN-iulhl . : 71o asked for tast track ,
lV.l.x i0il1i-Qtmiet , $1.10.
CiOiitt SiIlIi-iiighmerl choice , $ S.4331q.&O.
T1MOT1tY Sil7I-$5.2Ifl&CO
liA'-iumll , steady ; prime 1)rahm Ic , * 5 ; ( tIne ) '
timntthy , * 11,50.
iiu'rrI7lt-Dumhl anti easy : fney UlgIne , 2l)0
separator CreanmOr ) ' . ltflISc ; good to choice dalr3' ,
iiOS-hMwer : fresh , 10'c' .
l.iVAi1iiglmer smith mmctlu'e , $ I.lI412.Shu.
t41'mi.Tlht-Ver : : ) ' quiet , $2.9T4.
( 'OlIN ! mlIII-$2.00412.O5.
W'iiiSl'-i,20 far distillers' fltmI1u'ti gon,1.
l'ito\'ISiflNtO-i'otk , sinnilird mn"ss , jobbing ,
$11.50. iertl , ItrImmue sleani , $0.400.P ) . Dry salt
uImNitl' , i'oxetl elinumhlers , $4.79 ; bags , $5.B'V ; tilts.
13.791 homts , l5.Si'4. itacomi , bO\Ptt pliotuitlertt.
$3,2I415.37,4 ; begs , $6 $ ; ribs , 16.121,4 ; lmot Is , $6.25.
OalAll.i ( Il1NEllAbii.tillttfl' .
Coiutlltion of Trade mmmiii ( lmmolmtthnum ( on
Stuipia mind I'miiiey I'ruuhim'o ,
IN1CIS-l'er tloz. , lifJhIc ,
lltlTl'iMt-C'umhlcui stoCk , 61ScI commmmofl to fair.
lIe ; fair to good cotmmmtmy , ll41lIc ; choice to
fiumO ) ' , Ilfilfic : gathered creamumer' , lSc ; separator
Crcmmnmf'r ) ' , 1MIIc.
l1'l3 i'OtJl.TIt'-iien. , 6t41ic ; ) 'OumnS toCstCrs ,
Sc ; ducks , Cc ; ttmmkeys , Cc ; hmeas'y tommie. Sc ;
geese , Cc.
lltiiglt I'OUijl'ht'-Clmlcleenuq , feir , C'o ' ;
eltolce mice , Te ; cimoit'e summail , 7mpSc ; ttmiheP ,
fair to good , i07ttc ; choice lmOa't' ) ' , 5179c ; cluoico
smimahla41ioc ; dtiVcks , faim' to gooti , Cj7c ; fuOk' ) ' ,
tmli dmessotl , 9(41iOe ( : geese , fair to good , CtflC
( umimcy , ftmhi ilrettei , utIAglUe.
fl\a117-iilume uvumig teumi , mter doz. , $ t.t'O
green i\'ing taI , mem' tIz. , li.2PJ1.tiO ; ilucks ,
malied uo'm' doz. , $ i.o)41l.2. ) ; eanvnlaCh.t. I I004l'
5.00 ; imunhlarfi'u mimid ml lmemmti , $2.I4)3.00' ) small
rabbits , floe ; jack matjtit , TIc ; sqimurmeis , GC.
\14A1.-timoicc fat , 70 to 100 lbs. , are qtmotcd mit
CffG'.4e ; large anti roam so , 3414c.
Cl I ll7ii-lS'isccinslmm , ( till emeamu , Young Amen.
( 'aims. lIe ; twins , lI'mt' ' ; Nt'bnmmsma niml htw'n , full
cream , lie ; Nebnmktt nod butt , Pant sltiutitt. 141
Sc ; Lhlmmburgtur , No. 1 , lIe ; brick , No. 1 , lIe ;
Sales. No. I. iSc.
i1A'-1jlii.tmmtl ha ) ' , $9 ; unhilland , $9.50 $ ; lowland.
OS ; myc sIrtiw , 35,50 ; cc.ior ummiuic' time price on
hun ) ' . iIgimt shumtlcs sell time best. Out ) ' 100 guides
bm Ing tttlm itnlc'Cs.
1'1UlONi-l'em' , loz , , llefj $1.00.
I'OTA'I'OCS-VW'etterim atari ; , car lots , ISo ; email
lois , SQ. .
01.1) lI11.NS'-hTuund picked , mmev' , $2 ; Lluna
beans , Per lb. . So.
oNmoNH-oa omtlem's , 31.10411.50 ; per bid. , $3.
C. % hlliAi1-On ( ordem s , 2ic' .
( 'kiI.t'M-Cimltfotimtmi , 'JOctjll.OO.
S\\'fl1T i'O1''i'Og-nooti stock , 12.20 : Kmmmm-
ens , 12.0(1232.23 ; , 'eetm , $2.2412.51.
1ifll'i'0-i'er bId. , $1.30.
CAhtitOl'S- bIt ) . , ; 1.5' ' .
( 'AtJLII'LO\VIMS-l'er crate of a doz. amid imutit
or two ilos. , $2.25.
ItOlti4hilt1)ISiI-i'er lb. , 6f7c.
S'AItSNIPH"-i'er 1(1,1. .
" - ( , 32.
RUTA1iAG.S-i''r lb. , PJc.
1'A1tS1.1Y-i'er doz , ljuuncluc , SIc.
Tl'itNll'8-t'er ( . . '
- mid. , $1.50.
Si'INACif-l'm' bbi. , $3.t)414.0O. )
i-it : I'LANT-l'er doz. , lIe ,
PhD i'rS.
Pi4AltS-'ft'inter Neliis , mueme.
Al'I'LFM3-Clmoice stock. 31.75115.00 : box tip.
ales , 52.
. cluANnrnutINs-Jersey , fancy , $1i..3i2.00
per LIII ! ,
OISANGRS-F'lom'idms ; , per box. 11.50413.75 ; Call.
fOEflin Itetlianils , 31.15 ; nnl'als. $3.50.
I1ANANAS-Ciuolc'e siock , 32.00432.50 per bumncim.
Ll2ttONS-Messlnas , cIrca 30I ) to 200 , choice ,
$3.50 ; fancy , 33.734.00.
oat , ut Ltyl s'soci ait lLl IllS ,
Trailing In Cattio 'as Strong miimd FaIrly
AettYc Saturday.
Saturday , March 9.
The receipts today were 845 cattle. 3,891
hogs and 280 shed ) , as agaimist 1,930 cattle ,
5,813 imogs amid 214 sheep on Saturday of last
Cathie. hogs. Sheep.
Receipts thIs week. . . . . . . . . . 0C.S6 IG,0t3 7,131
Iteceipte last s'eek. . . . . . . . . . 5,381 33.113 3OIS
Same week 1504. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14S30 33,80) 5,537
CATTLE-Tile receipts of cattle today
were twamity-clght freith loads , agalmist thirty-
five yesterday. There was us little of every.
timing in time yards , but not much of an'-
timlmig. In time way of beef steers there Ivere
seIne right good cattle. One bunch of corn-
fed cattle sold to a shipper at $5 , while
Some good wheat-fed steers brought $1.75. It
Was a good , strong amid fairly active mar-
ket. In some cases salesmen were callimmg
time manicet lOc to h5c higher on time most de-
sirabie cattle. Such cattle as the ruackers
wanted changed hands quickly. It Is not time
best heavy cattle , however , that are time
most attractive to the packers. Tidy little
cattle , that can be sold at less money , are
In better demammd than time heavy catule.
There were seven or eight ioad of cows
and mixed butchers' stock in ( lie yards.
Of thuls number about timree loads consisted
of fair killing cows anti time balance was
made up largejy ol cammners. Good CoWS
were steady , but the market on cauimiers to
say the least , was "mean. " For some tinme
back there has been amm active demand for
eminmiers , and imrices imave beemi hugh. Time
sItuation has changed all of a sudden , nud ,
instead 01' beIng strong , tIme mnau'hcet lit as
low as It has been ammy timne vltiiiii time last
few mouths.
Saturday Is usually an off day in time
feeder market , but still there were sumac
buyers in from the commntry today , amud rtev-
erul bmmnchea verC w'ehghed up. 'l'here were
very few cattle iii flm'itt hammds , anti v/lint
few there were sold at iubotmt Stead ) ' PriceS ,
Speculators have quite IL good marimmy 0mm
hand , but they are not experiemmeing any
dlihIcuity in unloamiing them om time country ,
there being a ( air tlemand for good cattle.
hOGS-There were litty-two fresh loads of
hogs 1mm the yam'tls this morning , as against
sixty-three lonubt yestemilay. 'l'ime average
quality of time hogs was about limo samno its
yesterday witim time exception that there vere
not so many toppy loads today. TIme market
opemmeul at about steady prices and the hirat
thirty loads tilat chumngeth iiands tolml on that
basl. 'I'heum came reports of time lower provision -
vision market in Chicago , multi under ( hunt In.
Iluence mind tIme extremely ileamtnmit wemttimcr
time hnmyers climbed upon time fences anmi con-
eluded timat they did not , vnnt time hogs as
badly tue they thought timey thlul iii time niormm-
lug. Time trmule became very slow ummmti wait
mm. drag until the close. 1mm the emmti time
buyers got time remaining hogs Sc lower.
SlI1illl'-A ( civ uilmeep were received mind sold
at about steady itrices. L'air to clmotee natli'Cs
mire quotable at from $2.75 to $1 , conmmaoum to goat !
it'estermls at fionu $2.50 to $3.83 , Comulmoui antI stock
etmeep ( morn $1.50 to $2.S0 , good to chmoice 40 to lambs from $2.75 to ; u.75.
ClllCitO ( ) LIVII s'tOcilt.
Timero SVmiS Oumiy is Llmnltemt It'imimmmmd for
Live Stock.
CIIICJSGO , Mmtrcii 9.-ho cattle lodny' receipts
item about 1,000 Imead antI ( or the iseek time total
is about 45,424 lmt'uud , There was only a llmnlteil
ilounmind , but It did not need to be very cu.
sltlt'rablo to take care of so mnnll a supply.
Hales were on mm basis of from $3.75 to $6.10 for
coimmuflbn to futmmcy , lm'essetl beef amid eltipiming
steers , ( toni $2.50 to 34.50 for stockers mmmii ( t'eilemmm
timid mmt ( rommi $1.0) to toOl for cots's mmntl itmlis ,
T'xas catulo wire ( htiOttd at ( moam 13 to $3.50 $ ( or
bmmlimm mind mit ( roam 33.15 to $1 ( fir Steers.
Time receipts 'tf liege were ( .StlIuIattVtI at 23,000
heath , malthmlg 2)5l3S imu'atl for tlmluu s'c'ehu , which
is utbout 2.00' ' ) ltemmtl mumoro I lunmi ( or 1mm itt tt'eek ,
' I tlmougim thin ( resim and imuie imogs caummlilmietj , Iltl
net ececd 26,00' ' ) head , eaiu'mm multI ant lie tumaile
t'xeciIt at titmaled prIces. 'l'lmu opemiing ti'uuum ahUt
lilmi , ) 'eutter'hay's closet hitmt time mnam'ket mtoomm
sagged , minil biter Suit' So lower ,
'l'lmo dme'i ) imitmiluet lemma without Important
cimmmmige , 'theme l'uiS mmcl mumuctm demand , limit re-
Cpitihmu ltert , few ummmti ivere cash ) ' ilmemiouteml of at
yesterthay'tt ( iUttittlOmmt , sale , , mumakimig on um haumim ,
of fromum * 2.50 to 31,50 ( or plar to cijolen sheep
minI at ( toni $3.23 mu * for Itmmnba , iteceipta
were about SOt ) lmt'atI. umflti tlt toial for this week
% V(5 ssoeJ lmeuil , agmiimmst 50,5(4 head last veelt
antI 52.525 ltenl a emmr mmgo.
itecehlds ; Cattle , 1,00) husuul ; calves , 500 imemtd ;
liege , 23,000 imemmil ; sheep , 800 huend.
1uummmtus C ity bite Stock.
KANSAS CI'I'Y , Mumrctm 9-CA'l"FLfl-lleeeiiute ,
1,000 iteati : shmlpmrmtntt , 1,500 head : market suronu
(0 ( 1013 hiighmt'r : 'J't'xmms steers , l3.2tl.23 ; 'fexime
COWS , 121.0413.10 ; beet steers. $3.504j5.Ll : muatlve
cows , 82.00411 2 ; stockers and feeders , $2.00lii.50 $ ;
bulls , 82.10411.03 ,
itOa-it'cehttm , , 5,200 imeimil ; shipments. 1,200
Imeati ; mamkt't steady ; hulk of iemlcs. 11,10411.2) ;
hicavlt's , $1.Oti4.25 : hnckt'ra , 11.10411.25 : mumixeil ,
33.9041 1.15 ' ligiiimV $3.S41 100 ; Yorkers , 3.tIOijt.00 ;
SI IllCi'-itectitItlt. 500 heat ! ; mmbmlpmemmts , 1,00' )
imeatI ; mnmtrket steatly.
151 , I.utmhs 1ieu I'iuck ,
lIT. LOUIO , Mareii 9-C'A'rrLll-blect'ipts , 400
imt'ait : shipunemmts , 1,710 head , The sUl'i'l3' was tea
miuruger to tmiulme a mnarket tint ! only a zetaii tmude
. , pVaa done at lm'evloUs , muouallone ,
hiOGS-itecehItiC , l,4t ) head : stihiImleatm , 2,530
imeitui' market lt'nk numml 50(100 lower' heavy ,
$ i.200'e4.40 ; mnlxed , B.00 tI.iO ; 111111 , 13.90414.20 ,
141 1 ClIi'-iteCeiitt mm , 20' ) head ; lmihtzimvmmis , 410
heath ; miuunket fox' best grades uirmu ; couninon : faIr native mixed , 13.00413.45 ; medium ,
$3.SO3.00 ; top grades , 34.25415.10.
Stock 1mm mltgImL ,
itecard of receilits at time four principal niar.
1cet for Saturday , Marclm 5 , 15)3 :
Cattle. liege. Slicer.
I4outim Oummalimi , , , , . , , . , , . . . , . , , , 145 2,5)1 2'tO
( Mmiago . , , , , . , . , , , , . , , , . , , . , . . 1,000 23.010 ItO City , . , , , , , , , . , . , . . . . . 1,610 5,210 ItO )
HI , bouls . . . . , , , . , , , , . , , . . , , , . . 4t 2,40' 200
Tut&li . . . , . , , , , . , , , . , . , , , , , , 3,115 33,41 2lt
O\IA11A \ COST 1I1iI i Ti1ll \
Young Eng1ishinan Who Thiut Up Sevra1
Bills on tt Legacy.
Icttct of Imitrotineilon fm'omui a * leuuuhter o
l'mtrllmtmmment ( ipemmemi limo % 'ny to
Fasot iii ' 1'iui CIty-host' lie
ilatio ( , 'rcthitors.
Jiust two weeks ago Saturday * youn
Rmmglishmumuen walkeil ilhto the ofllcD
of WiimdsOr , Kemip & Co. , itt SCV
cmmteemmthm Street 811(1 CapItol avenue ,
amid fllimioUtlced imhnimtcl. as Mr. Sydiio
hitmmnimreys. , lie caliemi ( or Horace C. I'Jun-
kett , a niemimber of the flrmi. Altiouigii iii tite
uirun , Mr. Phtmnkctt is a immemmiber of l'zmullnmeiit.
fromim Sommthi Itubllum , anti coumsequmc'mmtly liven its
England , coiuilimg to this country memul tht9
CII ) ' only omice a year , \'hmemi thus iiiformmma- , j
tiomu u'ns givemi to Mr. lliihiihilmrt'ys hum ap
liearthl to be immiueii thlsaimlmoihuteil ammil down.
cast , amid said that lie imad confidently cx-
liected to see hub , as lie imatl a letter of in.
trotluuctiomm to hmimmi , As itooli as lie Imeard timls
Frammic A. Kciuii ; , amiotimc'm' Imiclimber of tmC firm ,
voltmmmteeretl to tb nil that hue cutihul for Mr.
lltimmupiire'S , wito Imamuticil thmt' hotter of immtto-
duictiomi over to huh , It lnitpom'tetl to bs
i'm'ittemi by time brother of time bearer , licmmry' ,
11,110'u'ttto mms if lie i are a greet ( riemul of
tI r. I'iimlmkett , 'uutl nshctl time latter to tie
all that hue rotihmi for time brother. hitmmmmuhmrcya
also S'imul'eii us letter from time court of elman. .
ct'ry of lmughmmmmul , which imidleateti timmut a legacy -
acy of 1,840 haul beemi left imhmum by uimt
father , amid thmut : this ciumlmmi hind beeui nhiowed
All ( huts appeared Very straight to Mr. lCenmis
amId im welcommieth lltiummpimrcys imeartihy. Mr. _
llmmmnphmreys timemm told Imlimi lvii ) ' mo haul coin
to Omummulma ,
STORY lIE TOld ) ,
lie said that his mactimer was living In
llm'Igimtoim , amid limit ut brother liroth mit. iiexiey5
iCeumt , botim of wimomu were ii'ehl acqittinteml :
lvit.i I'liu imkctt. \\'hm cut qtmm'st iomietl lie salt ) .
tiumut Imo lied become emmgagcil to a wommmam
i'imomuu lie : ufterwartl discovered was not mis
cimmusto auuul inure as lie mit'mtlred hits ii'ifo to
hC ) , Ait scan as hue immado this mllscovtry ho 4
mieciuled tiuimt hue coumld hot miiarry hmmir , mind th
ivomimmuli , in etounol'miy hmearlimg of this decision ,
imistittuted breach of Imh'UlimiSu2 pm'ueeedlngs. To
escape tiio service of time Imuupermi me hind comate
to ( hits coummtry , amid imamh hu'emi givemm a letter
of ilmtrothtmctioim to Mr. Plmmmmkctt. lie mcliii hem
intemmiled to remain iii this city anti emmgago
in time real estate busimmess , amid in stmptort of
tlIs ; atmutcimmemit lie shmoweml a earth Ivimicit ima
haul recemmth' hind primiteul , html lie imati to
fit imp aim cilice , antI hue Was omit of lmmoney' .
As ho expected to receive a legacy in a few
days , lie asked Mr. Kemp to atlvmunce 9mimm
$50 emu his imoto for ten mlmmys , Mr. ICCmD
was peu'fectiy sathsfltl with imis story an l
conscuited , In fact , ' lie indorsed a note for
$100 , mIne imi thirty ( lays.
A week ago last \'t'ctlmmcsday time cxlicctc4 I
legacy immi umot arrived , amud Mr. Ihtmmiiplurey
mmtueded lucre flIOflOY. lie therefore asked Mr.
Kemmip to accOmmlhllotlmtto Imimim With $50 mmiore
Agaimm Mr. Kemp coimmentetl , 0mm bust Satur.
day time legacy vas still deha'emi , numd , as Mr.
liiimiiiiml'el'it needed to puit imiore ftmrmiitnro im
his 0111cc' , lie asked for $50 mumore. Mr. lItibn.
phmreys was intoxicated , amid , after cahlimmg himm
tloi'mi for thus , Mr. hCemnhl signed ammotimer mmota
for $50 , butt tolti iiimm that lie heed not apply
( or nil ) ' miorc. Mr. Ilummnplmreys mmeveu' tilt , al1
simice timat tlrmio ltlr. Kemmmp lmumt not seemm him ,
AbOtit time timime that lie paid his first visit
to time olhice \'limthtor , lCeilui ) & Co. Mr.
Ilummmplureys opened a small accoummt ii'tth tha
First National bammk , Jsrnmcul with imIs letter
of introductiomi to Mr. Pltmhmkott , Ime iuiatle a.
\'Cry favorable iimiprcsilon tiOfl Cashier Davis ,
amId wimemi lie wuuumteui a room in time bulldltmg
for amm olflce , roommi 201 was vacated for imlmn
ammd me lens placed 1mm possession. Wimat added
considerably to time favorable imapresslomi made
11'flS time fact that. ho placed imi thmo imammda of
time baimic drafts to time anmoumuit of hula legac
for collection. In case that time court diii not
Imommor themim , lie said that his brother woih4
do so , so that there would bo umO' trouble
about timem. As soon as me got time rooxm
Mr. H'.umphmreys vemmt around to fuurnitutq" " "
stores ammul placed orders for carpets and fur.
imitumro , bmmt , although lie hind hits mmanie palnte )
on time door , time room is mis bare as when
tonic iossession ,
- - -
Mr. lltmmphreys i'as miov rently for opera.
tioims , anti he immediately set to vorhc , armem )
witiu a imeat business card bearimmg time Icgen
"S. Ilumpimreys , Real Ustumte Agent , Roan's
201 , FIrst National Bank Building. " One as-
tabhishmunent that lie visited was time tailoring
mdmop of Svanson & Co. , at 217 Soutiu Four.
teentli street , This was tii'o veelcs ago , anti
lie ordered a pair of trotusermu , Wimemi lie re.
calved them he paid by cimeck. Thus cimeolC
ivent through time bamik all rigimt , and whi i'e
lie caine Imu a week later and ordered a suit
hue was accommodated , On receiving time sullen
on last Saturday imo paid $1 iii money and
$34 by check , ismicii was takemm without sus
iliciomi , 0mm last Tuiesulay thu clmec was to
turned , With time statement that Mr. hum. .
ilimrey imad no mnommey iii time bamik , but M4.
ilumliplmreys IVOS by thus time 'gone.
lie worked Smith & Wilhiamnut , tIme ftmrnish-
era , iii time same vay. ITo was at timeir etors
several times and mnatlo ptmrclmases , whiicis
vere paid for by cheek. T'lme clmecks were In
eaclu case hmonoreui by time bammhc. On last Sat.
urday lie entered agaimi mmmmtl bought $8 worth's
of goods , amid in paymneumt offered a $20 chiecir ,
lie received lila ehmammge and miepartet . On
Tuesday time chmeelc s'as rettmrmied as worthless -
less , bmmt Mr. llumumiphmreya cotmhtl not be found ,
Mr. 1lumnmmhmrcys , however , did imot confine
hmiit olmoratiomm3 to reputable business houses.
Omi Sunday m1giit lie toahc 1mm tie forbidden
pleasures offered by time city. lie went to
Nellie Klmmg'a house of lrostitUtiOml and got
drumik on time proceeds of a $20 chmecic which
ho passed on time landlady. Later in the
ovemmlmmg hue took one of time imimiiates of th6 / '
estalilishmmmmemmt omit riding , mmml at time emit . of
time nub refused to lCY time hmaekmmuan. lie got
iuito a fight ammd received a black eye , lie was
arrested , antI tie mmext mnornimmg was fIlmed $
miamI coats , time bill being paid by Iienry
Garter , tue saloon keeper , wIth wimoni hum usa
become acquainted. Strange to say , hum. .
phmreya repaid to Oerter time amount of iuI
fine , but left beiminmi a remnembramice in tli a
imimape of a $5 check.
So far as Is known , timis wums tIme exton
or hula operations. Oil last Monday afternoon4
wimemi sumac of imis victims tuimmmhheml to the
scheme , it visit was paid to miim imotel , tim6
State , wbmoro It wan foummmd timmut he imaml loft ,
bag mind baggage.
Some of lila friends are still of time opintors
tlmumt limmmmipimreys is an immnocommt llmmgiishmnan4
amid is iii Imhlimig fromn muimamne of time episode
WhiiC'im took Imirn into police court.
it Itctv A.ivuumtmim'us.
Offered imy time Cimicago , Milwaukee & t. I
Paul raIlway , time short himmo to ChIcago , .M
denim train , mactIe up amid started ( ron's
Olnaima , Ilaggage checked from resltena to
destimmtttlon. Iliegamit traimm service antI cour ? 4
teous einployes. Entire trains iighmteul bZ
ohectritdty amid imemuted by stemimn. with alec-
trio hlgimt In every berth. Finest dlniumg car
service in time svest , witim mmmeahs served "a Ia
carte , " Time Flyer leaves at C p. m , daihy
fruni Uumlon depot ,
City TIcket Office , 1501 Farnaun street , ci ,
S. Carrier , city tIcket agent , '
. p
1 % mm ii mitt I lbs ii I hi I I out o t em a wiN ( Jjmcmmed ,
NEW 'OltK , March 10.-Time eximibitiom's
of gowmma of every ( umsimiomi mind date , an-
dent ammil modern , opened lmuitt ni0iut at them
tlauhion Stlummre garuieii anti i'ill be con-
tirmuemi ummtll time iStim , 'I'imo Idemt emanated
froun itonmo or lime ladies of time Voting Wo.-
, mlcbm'e Cimrlu'tlmtim mmsmtoctmmtion amtl lit. James
mmiitetion. After inst year's exhilbillon time
projectors immlmmietllmttely strmrteti It amiew. anti
( ledideil to mnmulme time eximilmition a ( eatutre In
New 'ork's unumual itimow. 'lime gurtiun wa
well tilled mmd interest ha time eximlbitioms
Ivuts keemm ,
For Iouk I n g I im I ft I 'oclmct e.
C. Joimnuton was mmrremttetl last nigimi anti
booked as a auspicioua character , Peter
higher antI Joe 1)oeiger are time c0mmlalnhrqq
wtlmmettemm and say that Joimhiion Was Seem's
iti'arcimimmg time Pockets of lodgers in a iodg.
lug imoutto at GIG Hiutii Hixtecultim street , 'L'hm
lmoiice say timut Johmmmson Is mum old tinie cr001
and has dorms time for iiis misdeeds in tan
years , but ( or timree or four years lie ham
been otm his good hteimuuvior lunmi has given
timemn mio trouble umutii last nlgimt ,
- - V
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'stow 'no- 1bet , " * bicti 'Contains some of the b:3tj amid Atherlca ; but whIle luey bope to make I iii.'FtItTEIt KIfQ ,
- _ .
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