. : - - - - . - - - - - - - - - , , r . --r--- - - - - - - - - _ - . - - . - - - - - _ , . _ . . . _ _ _ S _ _ _ ( } - Fj'IIE OMAUA DAILY flEEUNDAY - , [ AnCJ 10 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , WIl 'OltLSUDAY Dm COUNCIL BT4UFFS. OFFC , . . NO. U PLARLa STU JT. Delvrc4 by crrier to ay put of the city. n. W. TILTON , Lneo , , om.EtIOXESUuI'nul ofce t . u : nIGht ettor. No. 1 - JIWl JlNTIUN/ Grand , Council fluffs. E. F Clark , prop. Mayl neal Estate agency ! 39 Broadway. . GUt rcnt. 1andsomely furnih cd room for Flnl nvenue. Goo girl for general housework wanted at ! 27 lth < avenue. Mrs. II. W. Titon , ' Regular meeting of St Alban lodge No. 17. Knights of I.thlas , Monday night Work In the third degrce. Let every member be precnt , W F. Paten was arrest1 yesterday afternoon - noon for drunlenness al1 making hhusel a nulsnnco orolli the corner of Iroadway ali Main street. Regular meeting of EcIflor edge No. , ' Mnon9 , 219 , Ancient I'reo anti AccpplNI Monday evening. Viiing brethren corllaly ) lUVttC(1 ( . fly order of the W : I. Th ! annual meetn of , the OnO'medl Wheel - ctiPfor the election of OmCCrl , \,1 : he held Monday e\nlng nt 8:0 : o'cloclt C , he : electon club rooms , , Lunch will bo served after the C. : I. Beebe . charged with cbtnlnlng $325 worth , of farm 'hnillements ) from Deere , Wells . & Co. by means of false pretelts , has taken . a change of venue to Justice Cooll's court , . and 23rll. wi have 1 preliminary hearing on the . 23rll.At At St. Paul's church this afternoon nt the 4 o'clocl servicE the choir will Ling . "Donul Jst. " hy Bennett ; "Deus Miecra- tur , " by Ilawcs , and "Seelt Yo th\ Lord , " by Hohcrts. . There was an tintistilly husy 2ulon of the . , Dr. Long Industrial school yesterday , Ihe attendance - tandance being 101. Ira. W I' . Officer has , been appointed superintendent for the en- . Bulng term. There are three new teachert. Mrs. J. O. Wndsworth , lrs. S. A. Cram and : . Mrs. D. L. Hoss. . GeorgeS Graves , n silk-hatted gambler of spotless wardrobe , was brought In from Greenfeld 'rstenlay by DelJty ) United States Marshal 1\\eg and hound over to the Unied States grand jury on the charge of bootlegging. Ed I Nash , a Clnrlnda bootlegger , was also bound over. I . The case of P. H , FotherlnJhnm against A. Whitelaw and the fIrm of Fowler , Dcit & 'Vnlker was completed yesterday , after a leven-dny siege , anti was submitted to the court. The .rial of cases on the criminal docket will be taken up tomorrow , md : the first case on the assignment Is that of the slate law against V. ' . H. hall. Clam M. Cossley , wife of A.-M. . Cogsley , aged 24 years , died at 12:30 : o'clock yesterday afternoon. She was thc only child of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. hlartwehl. The funeral wi . take place Monday afternoon at 2 o'clocll nt the resIdence , three miles east or the city , on the Keg creek road , and the remains will be burled In the Carl ( cemetery. . , Major W H. Spera , Historian encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion oC this city , Is - In receipt of a request from General Oreely 1 , or the War department at Washington , D. C. , for all remlnlscenl articles read before the . encampment. General Oreely says : "It Is ' . especially Mllred to , obtain all which Is written - ten by participants In the late war , ns It must eventually be of great value to historIcal - Y Ical students. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We lIne over $300.000 to loan upon Improved - , proved Iowa Carms. Farmers desirIng loans un save money by dealing direct with us , thereby saving agent's commissIon. 'Va do slot loan on wild land , nor In Nebraska. Luaea & Towle , 235 Pearl street , . l'lmSUN.I. JlETIU.Y , . - 3. n. Rice has returned from the south. In Rev. IJubuque. J. Y. Aichison Is visiting . relatives t J. C. Dxby has returned from a business p trip to Denlson , 10. O. O. Saunders and daughter are spending j Sunday with relatives In Manihla. , wih rllat\s t.z Mrs. Charles Sitzer of Lincoln Is In the city , the guest of Mrs. P. E. Dunbar. f P. G. Stmson , a brother of Assistant City Engineer Stmson , has returned front a west- era tour. ' . . Miss Delohocltwel , who has ben visiting : : . Mrs. M. C. Van Derveer for the past month , has gone to Orely , Colo. , : nev. C. n. Brewer , now located at Malvlrn , : 11 In the c'ty , anti will occupy his old pulpit J at Fifth Avenue Methodist church today. . The 8-'ear-old son of John Deno was thrown , from a hone on upper Broadway yesterday - - and bruise considerably , but nol seriously : hurt. I. M. Treynor , W. C. Estep , JohnV. . 4 Palmer , Joseph Stevens , Andrew McMian and M. DuqueU vent to Omaha Friday even- , lag ali took the degree of the Mystic Shrine. i : They were accompanied by qulea crowd or fiends from this side of the river. ' - .HI 'or ' 1'11 , - 'Ye are not after profit ; , U's your trade c we want. See what the C. O. D. grocer can save ) 'oU. - 24 Ibs. flue ' granulated sugar for U.OO ; 32 ' Ibs. New Or'eans sugar for $1.00. Large I pals syrup , 40c. Large pals jelly , 32c. - Ginger snaps , per lb. , &c. XXX crackers , - by the box , 3c. ! Tomatoes , per can G I e. . 10-1b. ! pal whIte Bali , 450 ; 10lb. pal No. 1 mackerel , 98c ; imported Holland herring , per IIIH , 65c : cod fish , , per lb. , 60 ; Pett- John's breakfast food. per plg. , 9c. 12 Ibs. - oat meal for 25c. 7 lbs. rice for 25c. A ono.burner gasoline stove for $2.00. I . ; A two.burner gasoline stove for $2.50. Center'/lo coal , per ton , only $3. : . MEAT DEPARTMENT. , . 'alfornia hams , per lb. , 7c. Dry salt bacon , 6 ½ c. lrealcast bacon , 10c. Good . lard , 70 per lb. : pure lard , 100 per lb. Pork - pound asusago , S'4c . Choice roasts and steaks , 60 t - - Drown's C. 0 , D. , Council Bluffs . Iowa More Abolt ! "ooley " Butler , . James , J , Wilson , the wounded Orlswold 4 - bank robber who Is now confined In the county jai hero , has a long anti varied list . or crimes charged up against him Inspector . Shel of the Chicago police , who has Ilent- J - Oed hIs photograph as that at "Spooney" , Butler , a noted crook of I'ltsburg , Pa , . states that Butler was born In Plttsburg , and cornea from good people. his frt crime was robbing the house of Mayor : lcCaln - when he was only 15 years or age lie was sentenced to three anti a hal years for - . this lie wasan associate of "Ed" Coffey , - who killed I polcemal during 1 quarrel ; - - "Paddy" McGraw , who murdered "Tiny" - - Sloan , anti "Jimmy" Kane who killed John F Wright . With Coffey he held up the cashier - of the J'lrt National bank of Allegheny I ' and relieved him of $ SOO To escape from the crowd that pursued them the men . plunged Into the Allegheny river and swam E across to the PIUsburg side. Coffey was - - captured but luter got away , - , 11 , 'RrCUI ' Will Open , The interruption caused to M , Marcus' , . clothing trade by the recent fro will now come to un enl , ns Mr Marcus has adjusted - the Insurance , and Is now repairing his store . anti getting his stock In shape to open up business In n very few Ilays. When ho throws the doors alien again It wl ! bo for ono at the biggest fro sales ever made In Counci Bluffs. Those who want to get cloth- - lag for almost their oWn prices should watch for lila announcement , - illbrriilana % VIiI Celebrate . rrangements are being made for celebratIng - , , lug St Patrick's day next Sunday evening , , . March 17 , with appropriate exercises at Do- r 11:1ey's : opera house under the auspices of the' Ancient Order of hliberniana. The committee on arrangements has engaged Judge M. J. ' Wade of Iowa City for an athiress. .Judgt Wade delivered an address before the con- , gress of religions at the World's fair on the - subject : "The Catholic Church and the Marriage - _ _ _ _ nags hood . " which attracted wide attention. - TbQ subject of his address next Sunday will _ _ _ _ be ; "Tho Poet John Doyle O'Reilly. " The pupils of St I'rancls Xavier's academy wi sing a selection and give 1 Pantomime sketch - with harp uccompanlment The choir of St. _ Xavier's church will also sing 1 number or selections. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Ou beating stoves for rent and for sale t - - - Council Bluffs Gas company's office , r e T ! , Lusel , office no ( th ae , ; tel 1S0. - - NEWS FRO I COUNCIL BLUFFS . . School Elettlon Tomorrow Is i Attracting Considerable Local Intprest. FOUR BOND PfPGSIONS PEDIG JIh School nlAton8 that ' Imt He Settled "y the " 'otcrs-SVunuen to thin Nlm- bel uf Forty lsIled : to TRite I'urt , Tomorrow will occur the annual election at : two members of the school boarl1. One or the novel features will bo the voting of per- haps forty women , that number having reg- Istered previous to the recent city electlqn. Whlt has attracted the attention of the la- ( lies Is the four propositions relating to the issuance of hands aggregating $102,000. They arc not allowed to vote for candidates , but the law confers upon them the right to vote In cases where appropriations arc to be de- cded for or ngalnst Separate boxes will be kept [ for the ladles' votes. The propositions are as 1010ws : First proposition- Shli the Boanl or Directors oC the Inlle- polident Lchool district oC Council Hur , la. , \ be authorized nntl directed to IRSUO bonds oC ! all district ' In the sum oC $0,0 or such [ part thereof us may he nece'sary , the Ilro- ceels ( oC the pall oC which to be used for the pUlole of defraying the eXIIseB or location ! antI erection oC a school house to erecton he usel its 1 high school In said district ! 8ecoIII proposition- Shal pro\oslton- IIRh school building be lo- cated on the present IKh school grounds when brought to ' proper grde ? Third roposltioui- Thlrl rrOIOsllon- Hhal the new school house to be used n8 n high school In said district be luentC within the conFines at thin fohloslngimuned streets In 8/hl district , vlv : Broadway stNet on the north , Sixth Ivnue on the iouith , the east side or Thlrc street on the east and Eighth street on he Wl'St ? Fourth l nroposition- Shnl there be h'leL on the taxable prop- city oC the Independent school district or Counci Uur , In. , I tax or $2 00) school house runt for the IIU11USO oC pa.ln" the interest - " terest ullon the bonded Indebtedness oC said dtstrlct ? The c3uliaies on the republcan ticket are' Del O. Morgan and Dr. J. C. Robertson , whlo the democratic canllidates are O. A. Schoedsack and Hobert Haln. The polling places are as follows : First ward , Wheeler & lernll , 134 East Broadway : Second warl , S North Main street ; 'hlrd ward , 229 Main street ; Fourth ward , Grand livery stable op- posie court house ; Fifth ward , 1702 Tenth avenue : Sixth ward , James Coyles , Broadway . way and Twenty-first street. SOCI\L UAI'I'ElS0S OJ' TIlE WEEK. .url'r ' that Brought People Togothcr During the Ln.t Six DR'S. Yesterday ' afternoon Miss Hazel Hammer celebrated her eleventh birthday by enter- taming her little Crlends. The following are the names or those present : Misses Hazel and Uessle Ham ncr , Maud Trner , Hattie Dean , Fay and Ethel Kendal , Georgia and Helene Dxby , Mignon Maynard , Edna and Lethn Butler , Blanche and Florence nudlo , Llda and Harriet Crlten en , laud Sprague , 1ltte and Bessie , Bono , Grace and Matte Harle , Florence Pippin , Sadie and ? Iad Des- Icy , Bessie Jonas , Diwii Am'iersbn , helen and Edith nunpn , Fay Holenb k ; Masters George and John Wlleelor , Ernie Smith , Wile - lie Madden , Bert Walters , Carence Hayfer ; Mes ames L Hammer , J. Madden , C. May- rard , J. Kaine , O. n. Wheeler , It. II. Sprague , M. IcMaclcn , J. Tu ner. There were many presents received and all had a delightful time. delgbtful tme. A novel entertainment was given at the Christian tabernacle Thursday evening. the occasion being the presentation of the prizes offered , some ' time ago by Hev. E. V. ' . Allen for the best story written In competition for the Church Mirror , prizes of $10 and $6 respectively. Prof. H. W. Sawyer presented . the prizes , and this ceremony ' was followed by , a milkmaid's convention. A bevy of young ladles each dressed In such costumes as milkmaids Invariably wear In picture books , and each armed with a stool and pail , Impersonated the delegates to the convention - venton , the business or which was supposed to be the discussion of maters pertaining to the dairy busIness. But the milkmaids were purely Ideal , and instead ot devoting themselves to their usual business they went through wIth a very pretty drill , which formed a very pleasing feature at the pro- gram. The young ladles taking part were Misses Lila Sweeny , Mary Ferguson , Florence Carley , Carrie Grosvener , laud Grout Mitt- Eiflei Miles , Marc10 Miller , silo 'Valace , Ene Mies Mier Minnie Sanders , Birdie Drown , May Miller , Ida Dempster , Cecil Crocker , Cora Derer , Ella Darl , Christie Dingle , ennlo Bull , Lizzie Worley , Minnie Olt , Mrs. Anderson lrs. Jones. Miss Elfe Miles sang "The' ' Sweetest Story Ever ToM , " anti there was a dialogue by Miss Lucille Norman and Chester Drown. Miss Harriett Drown acted ns chairman - man , Miss May Orosvenor , secretary . , Miss Uessle Rich , , page , and Tom Hal , Mr. Olney. Clarence Allen and 'V , M. Van Arnam as reporters. Since the nnnouncement has been male through tie pal'ers of the names of those whu won the prizes In the Mirror story writing contest It has been discovered that there was a mlstale. As heretofore stated , the first prize belongs to Miss Jessie Wallace , but yesterday Mr. Alien received a note from Mls lichen Aylesworth , who receive the second , stating that she wns not entitled to I" . ali statng enclosing the $5. The story which took first prljo had no title , anti the judges gave I t'ui ; title "Awnkened. " 1 was not accompanied tto the name of the author , and os the slip bearing Miss Aylesworth's name was also unaccompanied by the name of her , story , the natural inference was that they belonged together - gether It Miss "Awakened" will send her addrcsse to Mr. Allen and prove her identity she can claim her $5 reward. Last Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clocl Mr. Franlt Drury , son of Peter Drury , and Miss Alpha Hshton , daughter or Alderman Henry HWaton , were united In the bonds of wedlock at the home or the brldc's parents , 212 Har- 10ny street , Hev , I 1 1lley officiating. About seventy-fve friends of the families alHl been Invited to witness the ceremony , and surrounded the happy couple. The Illeasant parlors were tasteuly decorated with roses , carnations and smilax. At the conclusion or the ceremony the wedded pair were the recipients - lplents of the warmest congratulations from their friends present , after which an elegant lunch was served At 4 o'clock the bride and groom left for their new home , The groom was attended luring the ceremony hy Alfred DarrIngton ns best man , Miss Cora Drury a sister of the groom , olclatng as bridesmaid. The bride was dressed In pale blue , trimmed with cream-colored lace and wore bridal roses and orange blossoms. Miss Drury , the bridesmaid , was gowned In cream-colored silk anti wore Pink roses. The young couple were both born and re1eJ In 10tlwaUamie county , The groom Is the son of one of the most successful and substantial farmers In the county , whie the brldo Is one or the faIrest of Council Bluffs' daughters and a successful teacher , Time Ilresents tendered the newly wedded pair by their friends were many , both elegant anti useful Frank O. Carpenter , the noted correspond- emit , whose interesting letters have been a I feature or The Sunday lee for some mannIs , Is now on I lecture tour of time country and wi bo In this city on the evenlugs of April 10 , 12 all 13 to deliver his interesting lectures - tures on Japan , Corel and China , lie accompanies - companies each talk with a series of sterep- tcon pictures tatteR for him while on his visit to those countries last year by his own photographer as wel ns th6 photographer of the mikado and famous Corean artists . and colored In the far east. Mr , Carpenter being fresh from his travels In the countries which are now most prominent on account of time war . and being 1 most Interesting talker Is attracting large audiences of the best PeoPle In all the cities In which he appears. Mr . and Mrs. J. M , Campbell were plens- auty surprised last Thursday evening at their homo 718 First avenue by about thirty oC their friends . who brought with them refreb\l- meats and all thing necessary to a frBt-clau social tme , Time evening was spent In playIng - Ing Illgh five . A children's party was given last evening In Chambrs' dancing academy. Those receiving - ceiving were Besslo Iheno . Marion Denton , Maud uesley and Georgia llxby , assisted by Ada Daie ) ' . Laura Weaver Edith Sherraden , May WeaVer and Evelyn Thomas. Mesdulel J' . S. TholU A. J' . lancbet John Ileno H. H , Van Brunt , L. C. Besley and E. H , Ben ton actcll a patronesses , The following were present : Maud lcJesn. Sadie Desley , Cora Hitchcock , i'red Test Ned Wlrt , Allen EI. well , Donllne Del , Irving Franey , MaUe 1arl , Claud MaUhll , Alice Miler , Helen Ihixhy , Georgia Bxby , Charlie Mathews , nuth , W114m" , Nellie Denton , Darwin Brad- Icy , George Haworth , Buena Stone , Nellie Jones , Willie Mal1en , : Ia\I1 \ Desley ) Zee Hi , dare Troutman , Edith Thomas , Madgo hal- lenbeck , George lckman , Celia Jackson , Poly Erl , Edith Sherraden , Foiresl Hut her- I forth , Mack and Alt hienchett , George anti Harry Van Brunt , Den Cherrington , Ioy Smith , Chester Daley , George Daley , Roy De\'ol : Axel Meyer . Walter Meyer I , Tiie Bock , Eddie J lock , Luis Dock , Gordon lellelsohn , Paxon Mendelsohn of Omaha ; Annie Martin , Tom Lacey , George Crale , Roy Iheli . Ned Stoddarll , John Lutz , Otto Ban , chard , John Keehine'alter Lutz , Mnull Del , Edna Del , 10rohl larly , Maud Mueller " Daisy Dlm , ltle Beacon , Jessie Jones , hazel and Shirley lore , JO'1 C StoI1ar.l , Jessie More , Ruby Williams , May Crane Ethna Illne. Harry Lyman Maud Bryant , AllDaley. . Marion Benton , Josie lhixby . James Jameson Bessie fleno . Marion Tyler , Ieta Provost , Nellie I ' rlney , Nellie Inworth , May Weaver , lahel Pryor , Phoebe Judson IINrI : O JUOS , MOldl" ' IRrlRhtM leltl 'I I Al A bargain day long to be remembered. I you live 100 miles away It wi pay you to come. Fine wool dress goods al 1 last season's gools Y prices. 38-lnch navy anll black all wool Imported serKe. worth 50c. Monday 35c yard 46-Inch navy and black l Imported all wool serge , Monday , SOc 'nrd , I pieces 50.lnch black gloria silk , Monday hOc yard 1,000 yards 20-lnch white labutal wash silk , Monday 25c yard. Novelty black Imported dress goods nt SOc and 75c yard ; actual value , 75c and $1.25. Our $1.00 quality black satin Duchess , Monday - day 79c yard. yartl 24-lnch black satin rhndnme , Monday flOe 27 -Inch black satin duchess , never sold under yartl . $2.00. $ we will sell Monday al $1.69 SPI C.L LINING SAI.g. 20c cotton hair . cloth Monday ! c yard. _ All our Wc : Mona percalnes , 12c yard. All lIning cambrics , 4c 'ard. :00 l11eces slnndanl dress prints , Monday 314c 'ar.1 . 2c 36-lnch dotted curtain swiss , Monday 12Uo 'ard. 8.1 Loclnvood unbleached sheeting , 121c 'ard. 8-4 I.oclwool bleached sheeting , ISo yanl. Visit our lnen department Montlay. SOc Ilualy Irish table linen , Monday 35c nnl. ) 75c quality bleached table linen , Monday I SOc ynrd. . Our 70.lnch $1.00 bleached table linen goes Monday at 7fc yard. yard. 1,000 yards twill cotton crash , Monday 21c 60 dozen pure linen buck hem towels , size 17)34 , Monday lOc each ; If you want this towel como Monday. Another big embroidery sale Moro than 1,000 yards of Irish point em- broilery , 3 to I Inches wide , worth 15c , 20c and 25c , Monday choice 9c yard. $1.00 amid $1.25 standard makes of corsets In white and black , Monday 76c each. Children's navy blue jackets , age 4 to 12 years . $1.00 each , amid thousands oI other bargains. DENNISON DROS. . Council fluIffs. . iNTI-VICE CHUatDF : 1 : COlmSCED , War Agullit Orullcrlcl and Oa1bln JOUIP Now on In Good EBrICt , For several weeks past there have been frequent occurrences which tended to show that the religious element or the city was meditating a crusade for the purpose of see Ing that the laws regulating the liquor and gambling trades are better enforced. Rev. H. P. Dudley has bem at the head of the movement and has circulated a paper among the sympathizers with the movement. The reult Is that about fifty men have enrolled themselves In the movement The following ' Is a copy of the 11etton and the names or the signers : To the Citizens : 'We the 'undersigned clt- Izen9 of Council Burs , cal a nonpartisan ' citizens' meeting . to be held at the hal on the third floor over the State Savings bank on March 16 , 1S5. to consider means for the enforcement oC existing laws and for the suppression of gambling and kindred vices , and to Corm a permanent nonpartisan or ganlznton for the enforcement oC law and the advancpment of municipal reform. All person In sympathy with such movement are earnestly urged to attend. This Is signed by W. S. Paulson , L. W. : Tuleys , Jacob Sims , V. ' . A. Goehring , 'V , F. Baker , William Vickroy , Charles Swaine , N. P. Dodge , p C. DeVol , F. C. Loulee , J. : M. Oursler , C. J. Eastand , C. T. Officer , F. H. Orcutt , O. D. Wheeler , L. C. Huff . James McCabe , H. Luring , E. L. Shugart , D. L. Harcourt , W. S. Homer , E. C. Cole , C. W. Foster , J. H. Shaver , Ed N. Drown , Charles : I. larl , George P. Sanford , O. Amen , L. T. Murphy , L W. & Henry DeLong , W. H. 1ulln , n. N. Wycoff , W. W. Wallace , H. A. Cole , W. S. Mayne , Ed E. Delknap , T. J. Evans , A. P. Fal ( , C. A. Riley , C. F. Adams , i A. T. Flcldnger , F. H. Pardey , L. Sher- wood , A. J. Faul , Thomas Metcalf , A. A. Hart , J. D Crocllel and J. II. Arthur. To tart mite emtRon. Wo offer some big bargains In wool dress goods. Best quality English cashnieres , "new shades , " usually sold for 25c , now 19c a yard. 100 piece fine French serges and henrlelas , regular SOc quality , now 35c a yard. 76c quality fine India twis and henrleUas , now SOc a yard All wool checked and mixed sultngs , worth lOa a yard , reduced to 26c. Big assortment of silk and wool mixtures at JOe a 'ard. SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF lOC NOV- ELTY DRESS OOODS SILKS . Checked , . Taffeta silk at SOc 1 yard , worth 'Xt 5Sc and 75c we offer an Immense assort- ment "t fancy silk for waists At 650 and 75c a yard two new lines of effects. fancy striped Taffeta In now shaded and shot elects. See the new Taffeta Phase at $1.50 and $1.75 a yard ; no duplicates , only one waist pattern of each. FOWLEII , DICK & WALKER , Boston Store , Council Bluffs , Ia. Did you ever see 1 gasoline stove 1 blind man could use ? There Is one , and C. O. D. Drown has them A man who never saw a gasoline stove ( having been blind for years ) has used one of these stoves constantly since April , 1894 , and Is alive yet. A lady bought an unsafe stove , used It once , caught fire ( the stove did-so did the lady ) and she died , and Is dead yet Wouldn't you rather be a blind lan than a dead lady ? , C. O. D. Drown , sale agent for these stoves , " 'hlro I'.w. , Are frcl A conference of the Church 01 Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints Is to b6 held at Hunt- Ington hal , 40 Broadway , In this city Sun- day anti Monday , March 10 and 1. Three nseetins wi be hell each cay at 10 a. m. and 2 and 7 p. m. The public Is invited to attend. A number of elders frol other places are expected to be Ilresent and take I part In the deliberations . First Presbyterian , corner at Wiow avenue - nue and Seventh street , Hev. Stephen PhelJs , pastor-Preaching by the Pastor at 10:30 : a. m. amid 7:30 : p. m. Second l'resbyterlan-Preachlng , morning , 10:30 : ; evening , 7:30 : , by Hev , lenry Coker Boys especially invited . "Sampson and the h'hihistines. " Congregational , Dr. John ASldn , pastor- Morning subject : "The Pro\ldence of the Unknown. " Evening : "The Symbol and the Reality . " Broadway Methodst ! Episcopal-Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. by Hev , A. E. Griffith , Platform - form mimi.sionary meeting In the evening Interesting addresses und god music are the attractive features. 1 P. Dudley , Pastor , There will be lD services In Llberly hal thl evening Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ oC Later Uay Saints-On Pierce street , three doors west of Glen avenue. Praching at 10:30 : a. m , and 7:30 : p. m. Evening subject , "Can Chrietians Dance ? " T. W. Wiams , GracoCorner of Union and Plerce atreets. Morning lrvlce , 10:30 : a , m. E\'enlng servIce - Ice , 4 P. 1n , These service will b& can ducted by members of St. Andrew's society at Omaha , St. John'a English Lutberan-Jumn' hal , 1 Pearl street , Hev , G. W. Snyder , pastor , Services at 1 a. m. antI 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 9:45 : a. on , Young people's meeting at 6:30 : p. m. Trinity Methodist Episcopal-Fourth ( Met - - - and Ninth a\enue , C1ss , 9:45 : l're3chlnl 10:30 : a. m , ali 7'f : m , Sunday school , 12 m , Junior league , 3:30 : p. m. Epworth league , 6:30 : p. m. The morning rvlce will bo In the Interest Itf 5flulons , Rev , James Sims will occupy tb' ipit . Conrad Hooker , pulor i Young Ien's Christian Association-Time young men will meet In their now hail . room 2 Everett block , Peorl street and Broadway , this afterndbn al 4 o'clock 811 hove an occasion ot reJoicing. There will be short talks npp6 ate to the occasion. Resident and the s&Aner young man wil be equal ) ' welcomeS. "n . . ' ht 1.IAt , Vepk This will poslh'ely60 the last week of our great hal price snle. Come this week anti get your frames and pIctures for just half price. Open Henlngs. n. I. . Smiths & Co. , 45 Main Street Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry " and Is located at 724 Droadway. I In ioubt . about this , try It and bo convinced. Don't forget name and number Tel. 167 Tllllotalco leotn . Mrs Anna : Palmer , national evangelist of the Womnn's Christian Temperance union , Is spending the winter 'ut 1 Iowa , In her own state , where she began her crusade work over twenty years ago. Wherever she goes her bible expositions , mothers' meetings and talks to young girls are invaluable , and leave an inspiration for n hIgher attain- lent of purity and Chrhtke living. ler work Is that oC nn evangelist , antI she receives the hearty co-operation of the pas- tor and Christian workers She has been holding n very successful two weeks' meeting recently In VII ca. n week In Daln , where the pastors were entirely cordial , anti where she spoke In one of the pulpis Sunday , February 24. She Is to speak In the lethodlst Episcopal pulpit at Stuart : I a rcl 10 , and eomluct a union service In the evening , amid for time following three dnys. Arrangements have been made for Mrs. Palmer to come to Coun- ci Bluffs anti conduct n erles 01 gospel tem- Ilernce meetngs for one week , beginning March 17. More extende notice will be given later. low Is your cough ? Take Ballard's hoar- hOUOI syrup , I Is the best ; nt D. E. I laven's. - - la\en's. J. H. McPherson , florist , emit flowers and plants. Design work a specialty , Wire or- tIers day or night. 1281 E. PIerce , ' Council Bluffs. _ _ _ _ _ _ Lily tanmp Aid ocloty The aid society of Lily camp No I , R. N. of A. , was organized ' October 19 , 1894. The object of this society Is to t relieve the slcl or afflicted , as far as possible , and to promote time Interests of Lily camp , socially and intellectually. Up to the Present time the following num- ber of lam Iles have ! been aided : Two Cam- Ies by cash , one falnly by fuel , one fam- Iy bY" clothing thread , needles , etc. , one family by lour and meat , one family by ployment. provisions , others by sewing and finding em- There Is plenty of , this work to be done , nnd the ladles ore ready and wiing to do It. The Oberln will open Wednesday , March 13 , with frst class board antI rooms. Southwest - west corer Sixth avtnue and Seventh street. Davis , drug , paint glqss , man. 200 13'way. . un' , O1f2rI.1 On Tuesday last William J. M. Leavitt . acer an illness IIUr during the greater part oC six years , passed peacefully away nt his residence , 61 South Twenty-eighth street , this city. _ His affliction , a 1nst apparently of a curable nature , steadily grew In propor- tons Cram its inception , defying the most constant care and the highest medical ski obtainable , some the most prominent and experienced east r and western Ihysl- cans having use4 their utmost . . ecorts to arrest the progresS at his subtle malady , spinel , paralysis , which he fnaly. - cumbed. ' . Vtlch I t' , " 1- - - Mr. Lenvlt 'wa bdrn ' at Levant , Me. , June 2. 1851 , the youngest of the four chill- dren of the marriage of George W . Leavitt and Mary D. Hazelon , bath Leavit Englanders ' oC Puritan ' ancestry : His father was n 'prosperous' lumbermnn and operated In the woods of Maue his , PrinciPal place or business being Bangor , where he lived occurred. with his family until - 1865 , when his death I Three years afterward the family removed to Illinois . though they remalnell there but a short time , going to Union countY Iowa , tn 1870. Locating on a farm near dreston , Mr. . envlt , In company with his brother engaged In the business or farming and stock rising until , In 1872. he was deprived of the aid of , his brother hy death. Possessed by nature or an Indomitable will and an energy far In excess or his physical vigor , he entered Into the arduous task or personally attending to every detail or his business , amid great hardships detai In the face of adverse circumstances . antI was well advanced toward success when , In 18. his body overcome by the severe strain Imposed by his exacting wiil . he was forced to lay aside the working tools of' active service but retalnell the super- visIon of his affairs. ' During the early part oC 1891. by the death or nn uncle Dr. W. p Hazelon or Tarrytown , N. Y. , he Inherited an estate or $175.0. to the management or which he turned his attention . and , o disposing or his Iowa Interests , he , finally 'Iehlnl to the solicitations oC his family. sought by travel and the employment oC every Irtknown to medlcnl and surgical science to recuperate his failing health. Though every locality which gave promise of relief wits visited and evem-y precaution relef e\cr precauton which the devotion of his sister Miss Leavitt , who waR constant ) ' at his siue dur- Ing his entire Ihhmmess . and hln mother and sister , Mrs. hayward . who were with him during the past two years , could sUJges\ was taken , he steadily failed day by day , ali came to Omaha In the sprIng of 189 . where. three months ago . he was forced to take to his bed for the last time. lany or the citizens or South Omaha will recall hIm to memory. for In 1887 , attracted by the , str this rapidly growing little city was making he visited the place and made many aCQualnt n esHe remained there but n short perlol , long enouJ11 to acquire an Interest In property and the town's future. I will also be'remembere by many of the earlier citizens that he erected the first house on the hill In the norther part -the locality now known nR the vicinity of localty highland park , where his sister , Ir ! Hayward - ward , with her husband and daulhter , lived a number or years after his return to his Corm In Iowa Mr. I.eavlt possessed nIl time qualities or 1 sturdy and useful citizen . anti was a man of marked ability an.1 . strong personality , independent In his views , zealous In his undertakings , and true In his frlendmtimips. Ills huslnesR acts were charctprlzed by strict integrity , unassalahle reliability anti an Inherent love for the strict letter or time truth. These ennhlpd him to obtain and keep the entire cOlfdenee ot the community In which he was known lie leaves 1 mothlr , 82 years of age , end Io sisters Mrs. Frank Inyward anti Miss Helen I.pavlt who I were present at his death end ( mineral The funeral serviles were attended last Friday nt the flmly residence , Rev Frllay J. Mackay'othlciating , and , the Inter- ml'nt took place ntlPISlect Hill cemetpry. There were present Mr. Frank Hayward , a I brother-lnlnw , Irl. lfl. ; H. 'YatklaH. n niece. end hr husbnnI , anti . Mr. A. M. Preston or Union count , Iowa who hall Cor twenty- five years lu-en Mfclatelas Intimate friend fve counsllor oC the t deceased. anti I large n\lmher of friends ' hd neighbors or the family. _ _ J I _ , ' " _ _ _ , , & . _ 11. S.U 1'LII1T " . , A " 'U11.0 ( J11t1. . Wunders Fur froller Homo While In I "omlunhnlllo Sputa . CIEYENNE , rcIm -Speclnl ( Tele- gramn.-htose nOSSpIIU1 , I young lady or this city , wandoretijjrom her home last night while In I fJ llnmbullto state und wnlke.1 ffeen nmi1t&croSs prairies , clad In her night robes , IIor , sins awakened ler rrlends , who hall 'searched ' since dawn , found her at noon todaydnl/ helpless condition , benulbell with cold ' her clothing torn and her feet lacerated 1w stones nnd gravel. She had evhlenty clmbed through I barbed wire fence during her wanderhimg Ex-Stalmu Trl'lluror of 1S'yommilsmuc Sued , ChEYENNE , March 9.-peclal Tele- gram. ) I.gnl proceedings were commenced today hy Attorney General Fowler against the bondsmen or Otto Gramm , ex-stalo treasurer , to recover $1.0 or state funds which Ornlm had on .lepb1t In time Kent bank when I failed In JuI ) ' , 1593. and which he hus failed to refund . to the state , Memorial Service lt CimIokammmau4 , NEW YOIIIC March 9.-The Order of the Comrades or the Taltefell will hold its annual meeting and memorial service for the dead at Chickamauga Military park on SelJtember 19 and 2. 189\ the time of the dedication. The genera \ commimandirig George I ) . Dolon of St. I.uls , rquelt that all soldiers who served ho miatiomm should al naton address him for Informaton concerning the coming event , and II orter tl encourage I full . attendance on the days or ' the celebration - AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAnA - John Kincaid While . Wnblng Windows Pails and h Scvoro1y Injured. - RAILWAY DETECTIVES ARREST OMAHA LADS Illlblenl City Central Cnn\\1tee t'rc' paring for the Cniivesition-Warml t'rl- , Ilrlll Mardi 1 0itegist tn\1 A p- lmollmtcml-Otlmcr Ncws , John Ilncald , one of time employes at the . Nebraska Telephone company , was yesterday afternoon wnshlng windows on the secoml story of the building occupied hy the tele- phone company nt Twenty-sixth and N streets. While trying to reach the top of n sash he fell from the sill on vlmh he was I standing anti etruck tie sidewalk below , I Bystanders picked hll up anti carried him i to the telephone compan"s omces. A ph- I slclan was called , Au examlnnton showed that no hones were broken , but time bruises arc very severe , amid It Is fearel that Ito has suffered Internal Injuries. Manager 10lam11 wil have Islam taken to a hospital ns soon as the attending ph'slclan thinks It safe I I to snore Islam UelJhlc'n Ciy Contrt Cntuiimiitttmrt. The rlpublcn city central commitee held a meeting nt the Exchange hotel last e\en- Ing. : lr. Dnnchard occupied time chair , lenry C. Murphy was secretary and 1' . J. Johnson treasurer. I was dechlell to have each ward repre sente nt the city conyenton by f2Ven dele- gates. Ward Ilrlmarles for the purpose oC noimmimmating ward councilmen and the dele- gates to the city con\enton will be held on time evening of March I 16 , nt the following places : J'lrst'arll , Pivonka's hal : Second ward , Kommtslcy's hal ; Third ward , Eagle house : Fourth ward , old school hmotmse . The city central cOllltee then nJpolntCI the following to look nIter the registration of voters . : First ward , Urlcl : lcCulouJh amidV. . n. Vanart ; Second ward , Jerry Iownrd and J. : I. Tobias ; Third ward I. Thomas and lugh Henry ; Fourths ward , 1 , ' . .1. Ardt and EtiViener. . The con\enton will be hehl subject to time cal oC the city central committee. They Caught tIme itoys . Yesterday afernoon Detectives . Vlzzard and Miller arrested 1ve. Omaha boys for jumping emi and off trains whie In motion. Wien brought to the police court 'Judge Christmann gave the lads an Immediate trial and sentenced each one to pay a line oC. $2 end costs. The fact developed In tIme test mony that theee boys were In the habit of jumping a train at the Omaha yards and riding down here , and they would hang around here until an Omaha bouml trin cam along and rile back For the last weel the railroad detectives have been try- Ing to break up this practice , and ( the arrest of these lade was the result . At the station the boys gave their names ns George Shep- prd , 61 Pierce street ; George Taylor , Twentieth and Farnani streets ; John Jensen , Fifth street ammO Poppleton avenue ; lax SternsllorC , Sixth nnd Pierce , and George Oergensen , 123 South Twelfths street. Deserted 1 Second Time. Hans Thompson , nn employe of the Cudahy Packing company , Is In hard lucl ( . Some little time ago Thompson had trouble with his wife and Lhe took their only child and went to a small town In Iowa to live. The husband broke up his home and sold his i furniture. After a few weeks of separation the couple united again and Thompson bought a lot of new furniture on the installment plan. Monday evening he retured home and gave his wife time entire weell's wages and told her' to go and pay that amount on the furniture. Mrs. Tbompn left the house and' bas not been seen since . Magic lty ' uos8I ( Waiter Keenan has gone to Hal Springs , Arlt. Ark.Rudolph Rudolph Hartz Is down wih the rheuma- tlsni. . tsm. Charles Johnson has gone to Seward , Neb. , to live. Charles Fowler of the Drovers' Journal has returned from a southlr trip A son was born to Mr and Mrs. A. Paul- son , Delevue avenue , yesterday afternoon. A meeting of the democratic city central . committee has ben celled for Monday eVlnlng. The 'omen's Aid society of the First Methodist church met at lr" . Morse's and sewed for the worthy poor yesterday after. noon. noon.A A men's meeting under the auspices of the Young ! en's christian association will be held at tho'1ethodl t church at 4 o'clocll this afternoon. Secretary Ober or Omaha will address the meeting. He\ J. F. Hess will preach nt the United Preebyterlan , church this forenoon and this evening. The morning topic will be "The Awakening Cal , " and time evening topic "A New Testament Grand . Old Man " 1IOUX VITI' lU.EJ-lTl lW.lD SOld King Bridge Comp"IY luI Arranged to Take limo Llnc. SIOUX CITY , March 9-Speclal ( Tele- grm.-I ) Is announced today that a deal has been practclly closed for the sale or the elevated road to A. M. Jackson oC this city. The road was sold at receiver's sale I short time ago nnd bought In by D. l. Robbins or 1Inneap01s for $5,0. Hob- bins gave an option on I to Jackson , who IR a capitalist 11)1 large real estate owner and he hn' also closed I deal for Its pur- chase at $60 000. He lit supposed to be nmmmk- Ing the deal for the King Bridge company oC Cleveland , which owned the bonds of the road. Thomas McCula or Cherokee , ex-mayor or that place and at preset county atorney there , Is made delandnnt In a damage suit flied today b ) Minnie Arnoldi charging him with seduction . The girl claims site was enticed hy him to her room several months 1 go. McCula II one of the leading men of the plnce. prminent In business anti pol- Itcs , 1 churchman , and engaged to marry Into one of the wealthiest families marr plnce _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fatally Crushed Under I Tree CORNING , Ia. , March -Speclnl ( Tell- gram.-I ) rank Cole , the ' 10-year-old son or Joe L. Cole or Carbon , was instantly killed this morning by being caught under a large tree which his uncle hind cut Time but or the tree was resting on the stump. 'J'he uncle was trimming the branches arid , cut- hug one brnch which supported lime weight lng or the tree It roiled oft the stmp and clught the boy , who was playing around unobsere . _ _ Ills Victory WIl Ir'lr ' , I.EMAHS , Ia. , March 9.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-J. ) I. Lewis or Sunday Sun fame , who has been on trial here ( or time past three da : ' ! for extortion , on I chnnge or ! venue from 'Voodbury county , was IC- quitted today He was hnmedla'ely ' arrest- ed on another Indictment /nd jailed ( . Lewis was convicted anti Htrvell one year In the penltentnry for a Hlmlar offense Home time ago. 'here are still several more Indictments - meats hanging over him. . Girl 8hl"1 on 1 Mlu ( f 'Vur. REATTLIi , 'ash. , March 9.-A ' remarkable - able story Is puhlshed here or a girl who served on the United States coast defense vessel Monterey for 6evcn weeks , disguised as n boy According to time glrl'l story , she was born In St Cloud Mlnn. . fifteen yell' ' ago , amid was named May 'fownsend. Last nlO May the girl married I brick mason named I.ove , but she pined for the sea , anti donning - ning hoy's attire enlisted lB I plumber's ampremmtIce on the Monterey . According to her star ) ' three or limo olcerl knew hl'r sex , also the ) plumher She IIS Ihe Baled to l'ortiand anll then to San ) rnclHo on the Porland , Time plumber Inaly put her nshore , because he thouht her secret woull be discoveremi : Time girl also claims to have been on the 10hican and the lndm.'pcndence , but this Is not believed . S Cuhalt Not Worrying Over limo Trouble IIJSIUnG , March 9.-John O'Nel or Salsburg , who has been workIng for the Pilshurg Bridge company In Cuba , was In the city on his way home. Concemlng time InBurn-ton cl In CUhl , he Bahl : 'fhe people are not worrying over the trouhle ' 1 he 1mm- BUrlCnts have hut little power behind them. The government proposes to quel the up- rising In short order. 'l'hme business interests of the country Ire but slightly affected by the troulle , " , PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN SICK1 What They Know and What They Have Said to the Public. I This Has Boel No Ordinary Testimony-Lot Us Consider for I I a Moment Who These P olle Arc-Powerful Evidence Any lteuon'hn would lenul n sink 1ln tea t n 1IIck IoI.tnr \\ouhllo"t I blllt summit Iltn I the JIA.unrllhlr , Medical ttImsummmy , ttt 1M Ienulnl 1IIIIcA rcstoimsllslllty . ThuAI tell"o 01 thl COl1111ty who mire I oil my \rlln" mu nut emcoumra , glum g Ihl I I I Ick ( 1 mmd nfllietad to lihuICo thmemis'clt-c umsidor time esra of iir. Copelmusiul niii .Simtlummlui limo eltimer commimnlttimig mm slim or lure dollig ii tisity. Ut tlico lucoimle I lucre Imiti not been one tilt' , has t eat i lied , mm ot ammo Ii uuimd rout , bus t live I Ii otmmintI my II 0 Iim vs * mrtmc iii I iii rut I mm msnl lit a ii d lii 1 mild lo thmeir personal expeniemmec. Timl hsm bach no ordlimitry testimnuisy , i.et us commimluier for a mulommiemit viit ) thco 1may10 arc , iVImo mire semite of I ho tvitmsescs whit , have mupprareti reuilmunly 1mm rceelit wecics ? lnt Smilmutay I hue-re tm.s time test hmnummy lit tltcse Ciuiiii , ( ml SaPenilmteImmtt'it mliii of time hung- lisa Coumity .Sclimoitm. i'm ! , 11111 ulecrmitouI IsIs cure of emutruno-lu uti time it oinaclt msmui buwei slim d mmd t Isoti ; mettpio to comm s tit t I ) rs Cope I ii mmd mmli ( I S iuopmmrmi , - Aiming tvltii .Sulienimstcmmtpsmt 11111's ease ts-n Imnhmiteil I lust ( , I Cotility Clerk .illtclsehi or ( 'lay County , Nd , , , iim ( ) toith ttitat lmmti heist utolie hr ImI eeYero cage ot Cmttmmrrlm , ammml fcimil iczmmisumi , Alto that of C. I ? . Ikuyimn , Cii miii t y ( ur 5-cyor , ei mg Is , S ci , . , tm Ito 5 u. I ii iii imis n.eovcry irmn Cmi tmurnhi , heart amiui kid- hey trotiiphr. lint Ii of these county ofllcenti suit-hat-ti thu Isehsie to cmmlsuit Bra Coic- its mmd lulmiL , t imelsu rut , iherore timeims lhmem-o v ro 1'mcImhhsmg Elder TI mmdii I I of (1 rmii ii I * 1 aim ii , a mmii l'ru , f.'scmr Cold , , of Simoiby , Iutvmu , hum is il tt-iuussum praIcti irs , CuIelmtim.i iimh Siseimnmd' , I remut- mum c sit is 5 cu ; tmt mis mu mm ii msvrvotus t rtubi es mu mmmi cmlmsmmmetmiei tlmei mmlmyslclamms to time Puimlic. Iteloro thmt was time sutnloummemit of llgo L'ortnr , an old citizen of Omimahus , win , wims cured of it lrmiclmmul alisnomit ; itiso tiutat of airs. , L F , ih limit , of ConmsciI lihumW. . , wire ne time wcil knotvmi ulatlrymnnss , Both multised CL1IJIISSION.S ( U. t fSiXG 1110 tulLE. Fight 1tahoI in time lnsuuratmco Union that It , Jot ot Settled. ST. LOUIS , Marchm 9.-Time Western Union of Inmmurammce Underwriters held its ilnal sets- slon today mind adjourned to meet at Niagara Falls in September next. While nothmimmg of a positive chmartmcter can be learned , owing to time secretivemmess of time nmembers , it is stmttetl that timere had beemm a bitter uiglmt at every session of time ummion , a flghmt wimicim has not seen its emmtl. TIme trouble grev out of time question of coin- imsissloners. Time mode of Procedure Prior to Marcim I , lSOi , was for local agents to snake thmeir owum termns with time commtpammies timey represented as to comnmlssions. Rates were time sanme , but time coenmisslons varied ac- corthimmg to time iuhltmence ammcl otmsiness en- pacity of Individual ngesmtms. About that time the \Vestermm ummion nasseti a mule that traihic contniissions simotmiti not be imaid In excess of 15 imer cemmt. St. Loulsuims have failed to hive tip to it. Several local agents rermrescmmt botim union and imommusmion commmpa- miles , nmtd time \Vestermm tmmmiomm , It is emmid , Is now trying to force local agents eltimer to conformmm to time rules of pmactlce In regard to the 15 per cent commission or to give up their nonunion companies , time real oh. ject of the resolution being to force time otmtslde companies Into time ummion. One feature - ture of time tight has beems time dIscovery that several of the companies in time ummion imave not tlmemselves hived up to the corn- mission rule. AJIOSG TilE LEGISLATOUS. rmnna for tile New l'iIrt3 Conference , PITTSBURG , March 9.-Time new national party conference , which comivemtes next veek , will immtve under discussion fourteen prommositiomts , as arranged by time committee of 100. The abolition of the ] iqtmor traflic , time free coinage of silver antl time tariff questlomo will likely receive time most attest- tiomm. Secretary Swager says time latters re- ceiveti imidleate timese timrce questions , alomg with the party imanut , s'ihi receive time most attemmtion. 15111 to Cioio harbor Shops out Sunday. JEFFERSON dirt , Mo. , March 9.-Time bill to prohibit time alien ownersimip of hammds In time state was passed by the imouse this morning. Major ] hittinger's bill aimproimm-int- lug $12,000 for stmmttmes of liemiton ammtl Blair , to lie placed iii Memorfmtl hall 1mm Washington - ton , was also passed as was Seimator Lan- castcr'H bill closing au barber simops on Summ- day. 'rime Vote on time latter itrolmosition vas eighty ( or to twenty against. % % 'aidmhmigtou to have mu New C umpitol. OLYMPIA , Wasim. , Marcim 9.-The state legislature has passed a bill appropriating $930,000 for time erection of a. new capitol building. The foundations have already been laid , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ieituware i.cgislatmmrem tIi1 De-udlocked. DOVER , Del. , March 0.-One ballot was taken for Unlteth States senator today , as follows : hliggimme , 7 ; Atldicks , 5 ; Massey , 3 ; Wolcott , 6 ; 'l'ummncll , 3. Semmato Itofmmse oismen time Frmsmmciulio. SACflAMENTO , Cal , , Marcim 9-The senate has refused to pass the woman suffrage bill already patsed by time assembly. S 11111j .Pilf.I GOES TO l'IJE IVIILL , Ltmmbhlltlos , MoStly Secured , Amount to Ilait a MillIon , ELYRIA , 0. , Marclm 0.-A mmotice of time dissolutions of time pnrtmmershmip of G , A. Budtl & Co. wets puliIisimetl imere today , wimicim time attormmey of time firm tatc is virtually an asslgnmenmt , TIme liabilities are given at $250,000 , witim assets of about one-half time amount , 'rime firm Is one of time lmmm-gust hide and pelt commnisntion cmpttniemm iii thu country. 'l'hme i > amtners are II , B , Mussey and 0. A , IhutIth , botim of wimomu live here , Albert Johmmsomm , tIme lmresidc'nmt of time Citizens bammk of Obeihlmm limits hucemi idmiceti iii cimarge or lime llrnmm's ar/airs / , lm. iiuititi , whicH seems imere today , kmmew mmothiismg cilmout time assign- imment , and deimied time meimort. lie said time firm had hiti soimme limirmmmclal trouble re- cemstiy , wimtcim hmnmd beemm $ lxemi tip. Albert 11 , Joimnsoii , president of time Cit. Izemtmu National baitle of Oberilmm , was in Cleveimtmitl toil ii y mm mmd comm ilrnt'd t lie umsslgmi. mnm'mmt of 0 , A. hlmmtlti & Co. lie tsalti lie would take cimarge of time flrmms'mm hum'immcss tumid wind it up. Mr. Johmmson said that imaimer nemmounting to nearly $500,000 wits oumtmmtaimd- I ng , being imeiti by time Na tionstil I its mmk of Comnmuerce of timis city time Flyria . bmtmmk mmimul time ( ) berilnm imulilt. 'rlms ai'em. . hie decimmieui had becim ttimipiy secured amid mmobody would lose anytimlnmg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It rresled ( tsr % 'orkimsg mm Swisuile , PITTSillhitG , Marcim D.-\S' , A , i5rmymler anti harry Stone of lisle city were arrested at liraddock tothay ( or rmmnnhmmg a. swintlllmig game , Timey ativertleed in tinily papers iii I'lttrmburg , I'hiladelpiiia anti other cities under time namne of I. Ciursomi VIhlurtl , imsk- lug for Ialorerm3 to go to California to work in thin gold mmtimmes , wimem-c iimy saiti they wotilmi be imaim.l good wages , I\Plmilcaflt5 s'erc requested to semid 20centim iii buyer or lttamnhts to box 322 lIm-atltlock. 'limo nostmnuster be. cmtmne slimimlciOtmmi at time Iimusmmen'ti mmumnmber of letters that trere conning ( or " \ir , ViIiartl" tumid reported to Constimble Lutz , stimo mmtude time arm-eats svhmen time immen caine to hake their letters away with a grimsuck , Time case has been turned over to time imoliolilce autimoritiemi , - S Comigressmmsan .Joy's liigsgcmmmoimt Amllmoulmm'ot , ST. LOUIS , Maccu 9.-Time engagemnent wits announced totlay of Congremmemisun Cbmarea F' . Joy of time Eleventim district to Mrs. Elizabeth ltyer , widow of Dr. William flyer , it wealtimy anti distinguimihieml imbmymmiclams of Han. VrunclscO , true miieti two yt-urms ago. Mrs. flyer was formerly Miss Fhizabetiu Ida ( Jrm.ummt of Boston. 'rime wetitlitig tviil occur 1mm tIme fall , bhorthy before the time whmeim Mr. Joy will take imis seat In coimgress , p Troupe tlss'lor Arnm4 at Nassau , NEW YOltK , March O.-l'asseongerma by time S'and liner Santiago , wiuicim arrived today from Nassau , report that much excitesnent mrevailed at Santiago (10 Cuba when time msteumottr was there. A large hotly of trool , natrohled time streets , nummirous arrests had been made , and strangers yera smut aiiowed on time streets after dark. Time city was under ommartial law , PCOPlfl t itit humuig trotmimiems to conuht fin tllCInulit anal Sluoparti , lismitilO tiii avuus time evhuiemico of Mrs. Men iludlamiti , isoatamuIstress at tnicmmiI , Neb.j of C. v. 1stor , , ext oh oh 1muhnvictv CemmmoIury , ( ttmmucii hthufli , of i. l .iLtchueiI , Psaplihlon , Nd , . Time-so petimlo 1usd brett treated trilts smmecea for haasmg mmml nitimummmt aiinmummhp. % ' . 'o tvili go bcic mme 1turthmcr , - ' iumt imnIl lmui maid ortlsm , testimmsony of noh tmclmle ? Are tile ) sIsu'nilsg cnurelestv , in ssttlpuhh ? .tre lucy iscoolo tyltt , tYotihti tie- ecivo thin sick ? No , limit Is authority citustigli , I I ltiq C Imo nchghat of mm lhlbte. Omi stick , muitlmonity stomme camm simm or err ham cent- Iimemstilimg time Cope-immimil tusmut Site is.rmi treat. mimesmt to time sick mmmii em flulctrui , . IN ilSl'NT llO.ih14 , A lnuiy of tlnmmtntsmmt 'm'i itec oh thus tlail Treat thesiS , I Mrs. Philip Domison , of Ilozemunmi , Momstana. vife of time lcmithimmg mmierclmmimmt of that tilntrict of country , writes : "I ann one of qtmite a mmusmsber of people of timims far western city vimo Immure tt-ieti time Coimelammul nntl SIicpamti systemn of snail treat- mitemit , auth s'imo , as a result , have hecmt mmmmttio isthmi ) ) ' 1' mi commmimhete restoitttioms to imenltit at a mimes-ely smoimminni expense.iy niimnemtt % -utg a tlistmessiimg chum-mile muifection of limo tim ron t vi tIm I is rca temictl tout I ti cut tam must mmmiii aim ahmmtost eonstmtmst stoppage of time mmos- triis enimnseti chiroimic cmttnsu-im , Time remmse- dies ccitt mime brotmgimt a coussimlete ctmmc , nmmtl Imotim immy hmtmslnmiti amid mmmysolf are thiorought. ly delighted 'ihm ( time treatmsmemst , ' ' . In. TIlE COl'Bl.ANI ) ANt ) SITBI'ARI ) I'lliPE'TRl ) S\'S'J'lti OF MAIli Tllfl.T- MEN'l' YOU MAY hhi C't'RRI ) AT hOME. W'IIITD FOIl IN1rOi1MU'ION. IRS ) , COPELAD & SIIEPARD , ROOMS 311 AND 312 NEW YORK LIFE PUILDINO , OMAHA , NED. ornce llouls-9 to it mm. m. : 2 to 5 p. mm Bvenlngs-\Vetimmcniays anti Saturdays only , C to 8. Sunday , 10 to 12 m. When Buying Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A minute lost cnn nevem be recovered. ammtl it's a cainmity to lose several yenra , whiichm so maumy Iowa and Nebraska peopho have done 'imen timey himmve bought foreign grown , unacchimnatetl fruit trees. MENEItAY I1ilOThIflltS , TilE CRESCENT NUIISERY , tVere bormm on time inittla t-imere their nurse. ry stock is gmowmm , cmiii years of patiemmt , immtchigent experinmemmt hmttve tmttigimt timent time best varieties for timis chhmmmnte. Consecitmenmtly their home grown stock is ann imartly mm time forest trees. 'rimey hmumve it very large slocic ( or time sisring delivery nmmd every tree Ins warrammted true to name , Orcimnrtj , Vinynrd , Lnvnm , Parking Trees and Ornanmmenmtnh stocic 'u1ale no mmtistnke In yotit oruiers , Sentl us your list of wants for isricca. We camm picaso ynul 1mm prIces anti stock. Iteforemmees : CouncIl Bltmffns Jianics , Cotmmmcih lhitmffs Iemmartmmment Onmmahia lice , and lrolmllmmenmt bumsimiess Inca , Nurseries mmix miles northm of Coummicil Biffs , P. 0. Address , MENERAY BROS. , Crescent , Iowa , Special NoIic-OouociI Diuffs.- ChIMNEYS CLEANED ; VAULTS CLIOANL'D , , L'd Burke , at W. 8. iSomer' , . its Iroadway. LARGE I'JUVATIO BASIN x.on flfll4T NEAR court house , Apply at lies oflice , Council Bluffs. FRUIT FAhli AND GAflDiB- LAN ! ) FOT1 sale clmeat and m easy terms. Day & hess , 33 I'carl street , ft FINE LIVEtY 0UTFI'r von CAI.r. ; 1 LANdau - dau , 1 bruughnm , 1 coeds , I sarrey , 1 plmneton , 3 buggies , 5 sleighs , S sets imam-imess. Bay 8i hess , Council lilufis , WANTED , A PAIR OP' GOOD SICONI.iiAND fauna scales. Apply by letter to John Osboin , Underwood , or George 0. Clark , CotmmmcIl Bluffs , ha , LOST , A RMAI.L SlJVlit WATCUuND cimalti , Fitmuier will return seine to lice otItc amid get resvard. lIT , ItEI. ELISII4 5M17'Il 2'JlO.Il.IS , STTh I'rotestamst EPIscopal hiiiil(1l ) of Jmmmisas flIst itt imtilmmn. SAUNA , Kami. , Macelm 9.-Dimmimop Thomas dieti at 9:2.5 : o'clock tonmighmt. During time dna' Ito rallied anti recogmmized imis friends , and strong imopes lycre entertaimted timat Imo would recover , but at 8 o'clock lie had a relapse - lapse , ant ! front timat tlimme lie grew weaker tmntii life became extinct , Itt. 11ev. Eiishn Smnitit Tlmomnms , S.T.D , , Protestant Elmiscoimal bishmop of Kansas , wa born Man-cu 2 , 153 $ . lie graduated fm-oat Yale In 1858 and at l3erlcely Divimmity cimooh , Mid- dietomt , Conmi. , 1mm 1861. At Yale he was a clasamnate of Cimntuncey M. Depew , lie was ortitminetl deacons im Junme , ThOu , anti priest 500mm afterward , In 1861 he was elected nec- tor of ieabtiry imahi , Faribammit , Mlmmn. , anti lm'ofesmmor of old amid new testament ot exegesis there , On time resignatloms and re- nmoval of Dr. Jnmnes b. hireck , Bishop 'rimomans succeeded imisn 1mm time secretarymmimip of time Seabury remission. lie siment time yeax 1169 abm'oad stuulyimmg Seimmitic lammgmmagens anti mmttenidetl lectures on new testnsmmemmt exegesis. 0mm isiS rutmirsm hme was ehectctl rector of St. Mamit's church , Mimtneaiiohlns , Mhnn. , wimers lie remained live ye-tim-s. Osm July 1 , iso ho- dune rector of St. Paul's cimurcim In St. Paul , Minim. lie t'itmm commsecrntetl nmunmlstammt biahmo of Kansans In St. l'nul'et church , St. I'au . Mimmmm , Juicy 4 , h587 antl rectivul , time degree of B.'i'.l ) , ( torn 1 151(5 time sttmne year , Oo time deaths of Jiishmop Vaiii 1mm 181t9 inc became bismol ) of JCnmemnsntss. Ant bittimop of Knmnsntns hc wntH imiositient of tint' college of time Slster or I lethintim ) ' , St. Joimmm's ZtlIhltntiy school anti all time various Episcojmai insUtutlonmu of Kan sans. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lnvemmior or time Mmsriima life 1,1mm , , had. NEW il1tUNSVlCiC , N. J , , Mmmrcis 0.- Dr. A , D , Newell , aged 80 , dietl totimmy from heart disease alter a simort Illness. Dr , Newell years mmgo inmvcimtetl a mnethsotl of con- veyimmg lire ilimesm to vessels and it wait amloptetl hy time govermmmmseimt , being em- plo9-etl until time introduction of time Lyle gums , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Took lilt Troulics ( Jim Iiigiimr , BAN lIEGO , Cal , , Marclm 9.-J , W. Eli- ener , mm. real ctstato tlemuler , wait imrresteth yen. terday , ( : imargtl with attemnmIiemg to mVhl stoma lmroimerty wimlcii inc did not own , by means of a ( omged deotl , lie vmmn aminsltteti to bait totjmty , limit commmmittctl suicide by takln stmycimmnine , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I mu pm mal ii Cam Ft is , I ri-i gull itii ix ne ri , hlemtd. C1IAMIIIN1LAIN , S. I ) , , March 9.-Special ( 'i'elegrammm.-Cuptmtin ) W' , hi. Curtis , Irn-iga. tiers expert , tech kemown throuphmout thus northwest , died at his home In Klnmbahl ot Pneumnomiitt , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE iIEiti.T % ' M/uRUI1T. INSTRUMENTS placed on record March 9 1805 : \VAltIt/uN'FY l)1ilS , U lh Cunalnghmaimm and itushmuntl to Jut 11 iilit : , rm : a fet of , n 100 feet lots 1 and 3 , biock ilt , lianu'conmm i'lmmce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 4,000 .3 A Mi'mcnry awl wife to ' 1' U Noriltrop , lot 17 , hhock ii , Orcimumth 11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 C I , W'i-tgttt to (1 ii i.auubury , w 50 feet let 11 , block 71 , Souttm ( ) mnmaita . , , , , . . . , , . . , . , , . 2,509 Fsunces iintl A I' Itmnartl ; to ii Laumnard , S t4 of e ' 4 50 ste 15-51-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 F' II'ead to I ) ( .J 1)utltI , hot Ii , block 3 , Iie.iforti i'iac.e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii i and A 3.1 Uem-t-niurt ( 10V Uncle-si. part 11)15 1 , 2 sntl 3 , litxk ii , town of Miiimmmtl I liolitla Omumuimu'lutimth company It , it 1.1 Hunt et al , trustees , t"ir.ut . i.tetimodlst Enmecupal cimsmclm , of South ( basins , lots 15 nnmd it , block 121 , loutim ( imniahia . , , , , , , , . , , . . , , , , 1 gtIiI. CLAIM Dihi1)H. Ityron lIe-si et ci to W J Conmmeii , undlv % ( , ( nw O'it.ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,131 iii SS'ttikei' and wife to J S Collins , lot 17 , I'atrick's Samatoga atId , , , , , . , . , , , , . , , . , IihSbH. Sheriff to Louis 34t'ndeisti'ohnn , iots 8 and 9 , I..iock 19 , Kountz'n l'14cu , , . , , , . , . . , . . , , , , . , coo Tvt&l mouot of transfer. , , . , , , S t . . - - - - - - ' - -