Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1895, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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THE OMAhA : \ DAILY BEE : SUlND.AY , AnOn 10 , 1805. 3
_ _ - - _ - _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -
Smooth Sailing for the Twelve-Olub Oraft
Seems at nu End
Dh.tlanod : Cuh ! Alrrllly nlckrrln with .
11'mlu'ra of the " ' ( stern I.fAlue-lect.
lug At : llwAulce Tomorrow win
lu fIR IIII'orllnt One.
, ) MILWAUnWls" L , March . .
cern and representatives of the clubs In lho
Wulern Base Bail assocIatIon will meet II
this city Ionday to prepare n schedule for
the coming seoson There wi also be n
general discussion of rule and agreemenls
, vlereby the assodatlon's Interests arc 10 be
furthered I will bo an important meeting
In many respects , anll reprcpental\'cs ot
J leverol National league clubs will be In at.
lenllance There Ire report that several
league clubs arc clssalsRed and arc looking
ahead 10 I possible fusion with lie Welter
association nxl year , Bll posslbly'beore the
. . . ) . close of the SNIFon To head off any sucl
Jlrojcct league officials wi be In atenllanco
here on Monday , and the association omclals
expect 10 rceive some valuable concessions
n regards ( players for this season ,
Tie mcetn wIl be held at the Planklntou
house , and In ! the evening visiting delegates
wi be given a banquet , Thu following 11ele-
pates wi 110 present : President felt and
Manager W. \ V.'atkins of Indianapols :
ManapIr Jell Bnncs , Treasurer Thomas
Murphy and Hoberl Martin , Minneapolis ;
. % , Manaper Charles Comniskoy , St. Paul : Iresl-
dent Vl11erheck , Detroit : lanA er James !
Iannlng , JlnlS City : Presi lent D.nny Lng , '
Toledo : lresllenl Win mi" , Grand Inplds ;
. President l , It. IWliea and Secretary Engel
of this city.
That St t. Louis , Louisville and perhaps other
ICAgUO cities arc planning 10 get out of the
fell where they are nol welcome Alll are nol
given equal privileges with other clubs , Is ap
parent Whether this feeling of discontent
will be carried 10 the point of a declaration
of war Is another question , The suggestion
about "conceslon8 In regard to ptayor"
means on ahrccaton of tIe present national
- agreement provIsion by which ) lie big league
can draft player from " tile minor , leagues.
and with thai provision out of the way there
" 'oull bo no difference In the relation between
the National leal\e and , Wester association
and the relation that exIsted a few ) 'ear ace
between the National league and the Amerlw
can association. I St Louis , Louisville . and
Pltlsburg wlnt to wihdraw fr'm the National
league tile most natural direction for them 10
turn In order 10 form alliances for a success.
ful organization , Is loward the Western asso.
elation , and the report that league officers
. are 10 attend the meeting at Milwaukee Is
full of sIgnifcance.
InternAtonRI Series of Dames Between Now
York nll 1,01101 1 llnll I lrv.
NEW YOnK March -1Ie cable chess
match between the Manhattan Chess cub
of this city nll the Britsh Chess club of
London optncd this forenoon Dr Ballard
tossed for the ( move , and , wInning , selected
10 play the whites oil thc odd numbered
tables , while London took the move on the ,
even numbered lablcs
When adjournment for lunch was taken
at 2 p. m. fourteen movcs had been madc.
I Not a single piece or yawn had been ex-
changed on the first board , while on the
second hoard only a bishop was exchanged
for a 1 < lght. On board No. 3 the game was
not much developcd and the same applies
.0 the remaining board.
When play ceased al 6:30 : o'cloclt only one
game was finished , Its result being a draw ,
and the otherames were left In such u
doubtful state when play was stopped that !
n decision was considered ImpossIble. When
Lasker was asked at London to adjudicate
upon these games he proposed that the
match be called a draw . as the adjudicating
of the remaining guinea could not be satisfactory -
factor to either club. The proposition was
' accepted and the match declared drawn.
anl Irwn.
Hundreds of chess player from nil parts of
the country - were Dresenl nt the Manhattan
club through the - dny , The arrangements
were excellently carried out and the whole
, , r event went oft In the best possible and
agreeable manner.
The only game whIch was finished was
that between D. C Baird all 1ls , The
game In detail was as follows :
Fourth tlhle , my lopez Mills playing
white and Baird black : I , pl 4111 4 : _ . l < k3 1
It qb3 : 3. bItt I pr 3 : 4 , b r 4 kt I b 3 ; I L ,
caMlesbk26ktb3flq37pq4GxG ; ; :
8 , It x 6 pq 2 ; P. IU I x kt b x l < : 10 , b x b
ch p x b : 11 , I qv cste : 12 , b Ics l kt km ;
1 bl b b3 ; ii , p I Itr 3 kt 1 < : Hi , x Itt b x b2 :
16. kt q 9 kt ; 17 , zlu q kt 4 ; IS , p rib q
r4 : 19. p r3 kr fltx : 20 , p qltH q kt I 3 : 21 , kt I
k3 r It : 22 , Ic 1 r II q5 : 2 Ir < q XII : 21 , r X < b
bj 25 P It 1 < 3 b kt I t ; 23 % I X h-drawn.
A5 regards the play , so little progress
.t was made that little can be said , I.lp-
schultz had In advantage at one time , but
Owen managed to equalize matters later on
Showaler , on the other hand , had a de-
cillell advantage when the game was Btopped
and It looked lS though he would have won
hAd the contest been continued to the end ,
UOlges could not make any headway
against Lococlt , the game being even all
the way through. lullam and Lord only
played a few moves 11 I Jtstulte was made
In calling this game and IL good deal of
time was lost In rectifying II. Ryan sue-
ceedel1 In getting I strong attack on
Cguest , all with his clever play he ought
to have won had the game been finished
The game between Isaacson and Mortimer
was pretty played , each having an at-
tack ready when play ceased , JV , Baird
and Treneharll were veil matched and the
game wus even throughout
gmo > el gave up the exchange In his game
with Blmonpon , and having a leeided advantage -
tage tn position the former might have won.
Deviser hall the best of a game against
Hunter nlt t"loolted upon W sure win.
nor before the time was called.
LNDON , March ! -A large number of
chess amateurs assembled today In the Victoria -
toria hal on the second leer of the Crier-
Ion restaurant which was tastefully deco-
rated with white , and gold. I was the
same ball In which the famous International
tournament In 16 was played , At 3:45 : p.
m. Llslu'r , the referee , drew for the move
nnl , after the names or the players were
exchanged , tt was the opinion of all those
present that the teams were welL matched.
The Players lat down al separate tnbtes
beinG repel oft from the Ilblc , but along
the middle of the hal u table with ten
chess boards were placed so as to give the
spectators a chance 10 follow the progress
of the Humea On these boards the moves
were made simultaneously with those on time
boards of playerl. here , where the spec-
tatorl congregated , the moves were followed
with the greatest possible Interest and
eagerness. The cable Instruments were
placed oPllsle the players al the end of
the hal Among those resent were lalker ,
Gunlll rl ' 'lnlley , 'fetchmann anll MellsI
Attached 10 each player was a teller who I
recorded the 10ves , Sir Georgc Nownes ,
baronet. member of Parliament , the president -
dent of the Irllsh Chess cub , was Present
throughout tile contest and was greatly In.
terest"11 In the play The general opinion
prevailed here thlt tile play of both sides
was very cautious on nil boards , Mich
dlsappolnlment , however , was evinced as
time passed , for It was seen thai the games
conld not possibly be alight out. Secretary
Byrne said all were very well salsle,1 wih
time cabling arrangements , but they can now
see that more time should have been given ,
The experlmenl however was a good one
and will 'ertainlv result In un-
nnl wi ( 'ertalnl' having an In-
nenle Influence for time promotion of other
International matches.
Lasker hail ' \ the following 10 say 10 an
Associated press reporter : " 'he circum.
stances considered , the experIment was
hiGhly salHfactory , Playing was very good
on both sides und the result shows how
- ' . little Ilferlnce there really Is between two
V. teams. It wat.relh' ! great encounter. _ . and
u\raclel worlWlue Ileresl , Tie lrltsll
Chess club had gathered a very strolg
team. Owen hall come specially from Li'
erllol nld MIlls ( rim 1 llnhunh , ulll , 11
there were 10 malY lules Ilt unfnished * ,
n draw waS lhe lest soluton , If there
had been ont or two 10 adjudicate , the ad.
judlcalon would have been done satisfmc- *
torl ) ' to both sidel but under , the circum.
stances the club acted wisely * to call the
math a 11ruw. Al any rate . this la to he
I red letter day In the ilistory of the Hnme. "
I WIS rather u drullte scene when play
was slopped , Sir George Newnes hail
cahlell 10 New York Iusker's'suggeston to
cal lho match I draw und ho sat down '
beside the operator , awaiting the unswer ,
lAsker Gimniiberg and the leading member
of the Hrllsh Chess club were In , 'onvers-
lon wih each olher. Time uasaed und no
reph- Newnls and the rest of time company
were nervously watching the clok lS the
hail , being a licensed Ihlle , Is obliged to
close nt mtlnhht on Sutlrd'lY , At Ur
the mnnultr ot thl hal asked all 10 leave
The officers of the hiritish club requested to
olclr Iriish clurelueltell
' be allowed 10 ItMV until lie answer 10 their
h : . , Query arrived 'he manler , however reo
fled he must close the Jremlses , and that
the electric lights would be switched off at
- . - _ ! '
midnigh Newne and the others showed
the greatest ! anxiety and uneasiness a the
hour opproocbll , I.asker declared he \ou11
have to leave In order to catch I train , but
ho was per5uaded 10 stop n few minutes
loner. Again time manager of lie hal zip-
Jealed to the Ileo\lo to depart , and then , as
the hour struck \ 12. the lights went oUl ,
leaving I the room In tlarkncss1 except for n
fev gas I h ( ! tinder the ce 1 excep
" 'Vei " sall Newnes , "If we must 10 I
II not our fault , " mimI ho rose and donned
his O\'ercoal. As they were leaving the room
the Instrument clicked. Newne and the
other hnled , and the operator read : "Draw
accepted "
"Tl1 them , " cried Newmies , " , ore gl' .
Inl three cheer ! for the : Ianhatan cub , "
and , lifting his hat he ! holtell "Hurrnh , " !
and the company waln\ responded , They
then left nnl were lead down tile stair In
comparative dnrless by waiters holding
lighted tnper An Newnes heft the Criterion
one of tile company asked him whether he
s.ns 8alafell , and he Rnswerel ! : "Yel , entirely .
lreh' snlsled , I has been greal. "
latent At lAr IIstnIctItcccIyes nn Awful
SpL luck.
SAN FRANCISCO , March -Thls was nfl-
other disastrous day for the talent al the
flay District , sIx strong favorites being
bowled over , and only In one Instance did
n favorite secure , the pluce The \rlncl\al
attraction was the b'lng stakes for 2-'enr.
olds al four ' and n hat furlongs , the longest
1I'tUJc ! ! " for . ( lie youngsters : . , this ! . ) : ear"u.I
Gel UIIUIOS ( unto no trOIUle 1 winning
frol Don Cario und Ferris Hartmnn ,
who were favorites In the betlng ,
IltshnrH Phi , who won $15,0 yesterday ,
nHaln asserted himself today ant quit a big
sviminer SUlmalles : ,
1.'lrst l'Ace , six furlongs , selling : Toby , 90 , !
I Isol ( I to 1) ) , won : lallhlel , 97 ( # , Grlln (4
to 1) ) , second : Marietta , 102 . 1urlhiHaml (4 to
1) , third Time : 1:15. : ClaIre , Lord and
Prluco Homa Itso mn
Secoud race , "Cven furlongs , selling , 3-'enr.
011s and upward : 'I'm ix. 93 , Burns (10 ( to 1) ,
won ; 2orblrh , 10' ) , ( rltn U ( to fl , second :
ormnnlle , 91 Cochran to 1)thtrI ) , Tune :
127. " lPirc'nfdlne ( , Hemus , h. \ Ile I" , BUI'-
mlh , Htd Pal also ! n ,
Third race , four nail , a half fU'lons , Fh'
lni tnie ! , 'ear-ohls : Itey del 1111hlo : !
101 , Chorn ( S 10 I ) , won : Don CUlllo , 106 ,
Cllr ( I to I ) . second : Ferris lurtlan , ! t ,
Hellrlrhs ( ( to ii ) , lhlrll Time : O:53. : \ Suf-
frn.e . , er'a filly nlso ran.
Fourth race , seWn furlon " , Heiling , 3- i '
year-olds and u\wlrd : JOck niche leu , 101 ,
Cam (4 ( to 1) I ) , won ; Commission ! I , Iteimi-
rlchs (3 ( 10 ii , second : Hleo , ill , GrlHn (8 tJ
l11 ; thlrl1 Time : l:27'4. : : lnlY , S , 10lasl <
Tigress nllo ran.
Fifth race , hanllap , steeplechase , short
COI'SC Ahout n mie nnl , IL hal : Eli Ken-
( lug , 1W , Ballel ) ' (5 ( to 1) . won : , leslor , 125 ,
Swift (2 ( to 1) . second : 'ooord , 182 , Mc-
Inerny ( S tn I i ) , third. Time : 3:52 : AprIl ,
'fhe Lark , hell flutulaloupe , Mere also ran
Sixth race , mile fluid , n quarter , handllap :
Doclt"tnlllr , 8 ( ocltrn ( S to 1) , won : 1 lr-
tla , 9 ? . Hlta (2 to n , second : Major Mc-
1llglln , 101. Choln (8 ( to I t ) , third , TIme :
2:08 : O'ldond , Clawlus , Imported Doncas-
ter TU ! I. Gnrcla. Niagara alSo rail ,
IlqUIR Ng\T : OHLEA , March 9.-Track lumpy.
First rre , six furlongs : Brevity (2 ( to 1 )
won , Stark (1 : to I ) second , BonnIe D (15 10
1 "Iconl (5
1) lhlr,1. Time : il9 : ( \ .
Second race , five furlongs : Nell Flahertv
(1 to I t ) won , Klnl Craft 12 ( to 1 ) second ,
Goll Dust ( ( to I ) thlr.l , Time : 1:011,4. :
Third race , seven furlongs : Rohert Lula
( I to I won , Ixlon (12 ( to I i ) second , ChImes
(9 ( to 2) third (2 : 1:3\ : \ ,
F lrth raee. lianillean. six furlon :
Beverly (1 - to - 1 won - ; Marshall : , ( to' 21 sPc-
10111 , Iii Ienr ) ' (1 ( to 5) thlrl. Time : 1:1jl
Fifth rnee. one mile : Ell Drown (4 to I )
von . Alhl (2 ( to 1 second , MezzoUnt % (6 ( 10 1) )
third , , Time : 1:48 :
RT. LOUIS , March 8.-East St. Louis re-
suits : First race , 2-yeAr-ohlq. three elthlhs
of I mIle : Miss Lyon won , Ethel 1Iah sec-
end , , Nellie Field thlrl1. Time : 0:1S. :
Second race nlmie-slxteenths of . mIle :
Censor won , Pat Tucker second , Selma
third Time : OlS : ,
ThIrd raeI three-quartlrs or n mile ,
a-year-aPis : N\mehn ivan , Flnlewooll second ,
homey ' T..rawny : thlrl1 Time : 1:22 :
Fourth men. handicap , thirtpen.sixteenths
of I mile : Storelceeper won , San BIns sec-
onr1 , Mohican third TIme : 1:27M. :
Firh rocI five-eighths of a mile : Paulette
won JIm Heal second , E1 Gnrtand thIrd
TIme : ln\ :
ST. 10UIS , March 9.-MadisOn summaries :
First race , fl'e-e1ghithi4 of I mile : La CI-
irate won Montana Dele second , Shy Ellen
lhlrd Time : 1:0r : ,
Second race , nin.-sixteenths . of a mile :
Courtney won , Paddy Flynn second , Harry
\Vorren lhlrd Time : 0:13. : .
Third race , eIe'sn.s1'cteciiths of a mile : !
1nnola won . Katie Mac second , Chance
third Time : 1:11. :
Fourth race , sl > furlongs : Tom T01h
won. Tip second , Impostor ! thlrl Time : 1:20 :
FIfth race , one mite : Pestilence won ,
FIrh Mike second , Pal Woodcock lhtrd.
Time : 1:49. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lilizahiongo to George Goul" fItlntlq .
DENVER , March 9-Charles F Ioecllel ,
whose greYhounds have been noted coursers
tn this region for a decadc , s veal years ago
took n fancy 10 the Rorzols and secured
the thoroughbrCI puppy Wale , \ \ h'ch lie d-
sIred 10 use both u a racer und to attempt
to cross with his I'evhounl stock to improve
coursing quai te , The dog proved to be a
wonderful racer and : 'r , Hoecltel , having
heard a raeerj leal of the dogs owned by
George Gould , Is desirous ot giving them an
Insight Into jack rabbit lrlcl < s , lIe accord-
Iml\ Issues ' the folowll ! chnlenle :
m'VaHitheonl ; thor ullbrcd"Husslan.
wolf hound thai has grown up In Colorado.
'fhls dog Is erter.d tn the coming bench show
, to compete with . George Gould's pall of wolf
hounds. \Vat e Is open to run any wolf dog
In AmerIca for money , marbles or chal < ,
Colorado wolves are barred.
" "C.F..1-1OECKEL. _ . . .
IAI IhvC's Who , \r. In I thriko
BALTIMORE , March ! -I now appears
h\11Iy probable that the BaltImore Base Bali
club , which starts , on its southern lour ! on-
day wi be minus four of Its crack players
-ennings , Ieeler , Ieley and McGraw ,
Manager Hunlon declares he will not recede
from his decision regarding salaries , belev-
Ing he has offered every coat the player
Ing entitled to. The above named young
men seem equally determined tu either se-
cure the advance asked for or nol join the
team Among the local enthusiasts opinion
respecting the merits of the case Is about
equally dtvlded. -
- , \I a 11"'lhlf1 ' 1111 IritftilninVon. : .
MONTE CAnJ.O , March -The prince of
WaleI yacht Drlunnla won the grand prix
de Monte Carlo from Cannes to Monaco
point , a distAnce of about thtrl-one miles ,
defeaUnl COMmlr ValkyrIe I. and Oceta ,
Allsn did no racing , owing to time fact that
the jaws of her gaff broke just before the
start The prize was 10,0 francs ,
Amelia , formerly , Asphodel , now the prop-
erty of I , ' , \V. I" Popham , but formerly belonging -
longing to Prince henry of Battenburg , won
time race for the yachts not exceeding tWty
rating . , passing Monaco point at 3 p. 1
. .lz"lmmona lUl ( lion hrlte Their Trouble.
BALTIMOhtl , March -At the close of
lhe performance a Iernan'l theater 10-
night the legal dllcules that have existed
for some time between Captain Glori and
I'ugiiist Bob FizsImmons were fInally ad-
justed - Under the terms at the settlement
GorI sold out to llzslmmon9 all Interest
In the partnership heretofore existng between -
tween them , and In lhe slake money on the
Corbel tIght now postel In New Yorl
( Boil hall obtaIned , I receIver for the Ihow
In Baltimore . alt the settlement ends this
und all other litIgation between them ,
Wild Stopped Urov"r' Inntng
CAVIl hATTERAS , N C. , March 9-A
northwesl storm begun early this morning
and l'revente,1 any of Captain Donnel's
guests aboard the lghthouse tender Violet
from leaving her , either to 10 ashore on the
cape or to the ' 'blinds" on the reef In I'nm-
Ice sound , where tile dUI'Is lre 11lentful.
'ilie wind shifted to nOrthwelt about 4
o'cloclt this morning and iu'ns blowing a
heavy Hale , hut ut 1 o'clock its force
seemed aboul expended , and the weather Is
clear and cool , _ _ _ _ _ _
l'rlxl Irlhl'rarreltfd In IdRho ,
POCATEI.J.O , Idaho , March -La81 nlghl
Deputy Bherlr Caldwel arrested Pugilist
Thomas Brown , colored , and Joseph : lcCal ,
Referee MclAne" , Hohert Maxlell , colored ,
ali 'red Joselh during time progress of a
prIze lght to I Inlsh for a ' : purae. One
round hud already hCln taught and Irown
hail been knocked under the repel ' 1he
lIve were then arrested , all plaled In jail.
Sheriff Sullivan IU1 the limit II two years
und he l > tllSel to enforce the lass'
rrk , 1e5 , \ rrciti'.l for "hootl" : ( 'rIP. '
SAN FRANCISCO , March 9-I rnk hel ,
the hllurdlst , was one of live culprits who
were In time police court this morning ,
charged with shooting crups They were
arrested In the ( Baldwin hotel bar room ,
' 1he arresting polceman failed to satisfy the
judGe that the men had been gamtliag anti
the charges were dismissed , '
. \lcle the il'isnli 'iiow ,
SIEr.HY , Neb" , Mardi th.-Speclal.-E. ( ) S.
Michel hUI returned from Chicago , where
he has been In attendance at the sixth
annual l\nch Ihow of American dogs lie
had a dog entered , but did not take II because .
cause of "Iekness. Mr. Mitchell has a ken.
nel of St. Derards , all states that ( his dogs
\ \ ' \ be on exhibition - - ul the next show .
011' lisa is Iuby Brother .
WOODLAND , Cal" , March 9-A full
brother to Dggs , the crack 2year.old of
last ) 'tar , was lrn on the Diggs furm near
hero last 'hursday. 'l'bo ) youngster Is
marked just hike DIIg and Is said 10 be a
better age , lookIng colt than - DIJGI WU at that
WArned II Trim of Wreckers' FInnS nnl
Then Took Three shots "t Them.
tUL1)ThI , lnn" , March 9-Somo of the
passengers who came In on lie Northern
Pacific train from the west this morning
were decidedly nervous until they were some
distance this side of KImberly Last night
about 1 o'clock Irs. Ielehnrt , the night
operator al Kimberly , twelve miles this sde
or Ailken , hear three rough looking men
In the staten planning 10 wreck the jasw ) -
ger train thai night al the bridge near
Itlmberly. She at once wired the dispatcher
al Dralnsrd The men heard the instrument
working and jumped 10 the conclusion hal
she was warning the railroad people They
rushed for lhe door of the ( office and tnI'd
to break II In , but were let by the pl'lcky
woman , who fred tour shots throuuh the
door The men took 10 lhelr hiel h , The
railroad officials sent out word for lhl eec-
ton ( men to patrol the track for several
miles , and the train was run very cautiously
through lint tart or the country , but no
trouble was experienced Three men ' : ere
run out of Aiken yesterday and II I be-
hevcd they planned the robbcry.
(1,17 EXUlUS ( ) I' . .VEUIWI .flEUIXtI.
Four Carloads : Arrive In SR"unnh , Where
They \1 T.ko , 1hll' for Jherh" .
VANNAn , Ga" , March 9-Four carloads . ,
loads or colored people or all ages und
shades of color and degrees of intelligence
arrived here by tIme Southern railway last
night , e"peclnF 10 sul for LIberia 1010r.
rois' There was no one to receive them
and no steamer to take them away , but with
the happy conlhlence that la cliitm'netrlstIc
of their race the ) ' will Pllend another night
on board tile trln and look for vessel 10-
morrow , Dispatches 10 ( lie local ps\era \
shy that , a steamer his been cllrterel In
lhlllehlhla nmt thut It sailed Cl'om that
port for Savannah on Tuiursduy , which
ought to bring I here by Sunday or Jonln '
itt the latest , and the pilgrims are receiving
\0 much attention that ! they will Intl It no
barJshln t wal that IOI , 'l'henumbr be-
l\\'eeii-30 and - 4iC About two.thirds are
adtuits , and the 10st oC them young and ro-
bust men and women here and there In the
crowd 11 old 111811 or woman may be found ,
prepared to endure any privation , ns ( hey
feel ( hat they are on the way to \Ion , And
then there are some children , babes and
boys and girls of 8 antI 10 years old anti
younger .
'fhe greatest Impetus has been given , tills
10vement by the famous HI hop Turner of
the African Methodist church who his for
years been advocating In il6 ( paper , the
Voice of Missions , I general migratIon of
the ( colored populntol' ' from the southern
states to LiberIa and Sierra Leone , anti
there Is no doubt of his disinterestedness ,
nor of his IntelHence , In addition to his
diocese In this conntr the four MethodIst
conferences of Africa are under his Jurisdic-
ton , and h.t Is at thlH moment on hits way
to Monrovia , by way of England , to make
his regular biennial pastoral visit. There
Is no man more devoted to the welfare of
his race , there Is none more earnest In hl
zeal to Chrlstanlze the nborl/Inal tribes of
Africa , and his familiarity with conditions ,
both on the , dark continent _ all In tills coun- I ,
try , gives him a right to be heard.
'rho bishop argues that the Introduction of
several hundred thousand negroes or the
better elaf6 Into Africa , with their experience -
ence In agriculture anl the mechanical arts
and their knowlllge of civilizatIon , even
though It be crude and Incomplete , will do
more to rescue the African tribes from bar-
barlsm and Christianize them than can be
b ' of mis-
accomplished by many generations -
sionaries. lIe wants the Alahaml MethodIst
and the Arkansas Baptist , with hIs bible In
one hand and his shovel or hoe In the other ,
to take up a portion of the enormous area I
of productive land ( In LIberia , In the Congo ;
valley and In other portIons of the Atlantic
slolle of Africa and r,115e coffee , caton , cane ,
rtce , tobacco anti other staples and teach
thQ natives how to do It , lIe wanls the
Americanized negroes to go back to what he
calls their "fathcrland" and buid cublns
and churches and school hOuses , and by
their example Instruct thc heathen In the
knowledge of civIlization and the truth of
the gospel. _ _ _ . _ _ _
Kansas City 1'lnole.1 with UAd Cotn.
KANSAS CITY , March 9.-CounterfeIters
have been shoving bad money on the people
of this city at IL gnat , rate during the past
week The bad coins are or the . dcnomlna-
ton or dollars and quarters , and ' are such
good Imitations that they have been accepted -
cepted by some of the banks. The coins
have I coating of silver and are almost up
to the standard welHht
Deputy Marshal Halderman today stated
ho was In possession of the latest chews
showing that parties In this city were ac-
luuly dealing In counterfeit coin and
currency and were sending out their circulars -
anl cr-
culars through the mails from here advertising -
tslng the stuff. They also have so he
contends , 1 scheme by which theh" cappers
distribute cards over the cIty tn time proper
quarters , In which there are no questions
asked , for the purpose of getting the ( ratio
under wa ) " , He Is In possession of some of
the many counterfeit bills that have been
shoved from this cIty lately.
MIY 1evolltonlz the GR ! OU8tness.
NEW YORK , March L-Announcement Is
made of a remarkable discovery of a means
of producing tumalng gas al a cost whIch
may prove to be nol more than 7 cents for
the same amount of light as Is furnished
by 1,0 feet of orlnur ) ' gas At $1,2 Fuc-
tories are already completed and the gas
may be offered for general use withIn I
short time. I Is now used In a house In
this city and has been found In every WAY
practicable. The new lumlnant ts ncetylne ,
the lowest gas In the serIes of hydroearhons ,
which are the foundation or organic chemIstry -
Istry , and enter Into the composition of
many of lie most important products of
coal tar and petroleum. I Is known to
chemists as CH2 and Is prctcalY pure
carbon vapo _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Ob..rTntun8 or lao . \ Irora UorPAU.
LYONS , N J" , March ! -A most interesting -
Ing lot of records of observations of the I ,
aurora borealis , taken at God Haven and
GOlhaab , In southern Greenland , by direc- I
( ion of Prof Paulsen of the Danish meteoro-
logical ser\lce. has been receIved hy Dr
Veeder of this village , from the royal Danish
foreIgn office , through Jon John E. Hely
of the United States legaton at Copen-
hagen , These records are taken In co-opera.
ton wIth the polar expeditions of 1.leulen\
ant Peary , Dr. Hansen and the Jackson
Harmsworth expeditIon. Records have recently -
cenly been received or observations taken
near the magnetic pole at lludson'zz bay by
LIeutenant Comer of' the whaling bark
Canlon _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Oklahoma i.egsiatnre ' Adjuurii'
GUTHRIE , Old 1" March -The Third leg-
Islatve assembly adjourned sine die al 3
o'clock this morning , After midnight the
civil rights bill , which had been twice
Ihlelrled , was brought up and passed ,
The 13111 redistricting the territory
bi redlstrlctnl lerriory
Into legislatIve distrIcts also un sse , !
About lhree-fourths of the representatives
and senatorial districts are republican. Bev-
oral bills regulating insurance companies ,
one cutting telegraph rates and one pro-
hibitng lie free range of cattle In any
county In tile terrItory failed to pas , I
was Impossible to come 10 any agreement
on the bills for a statehood , convention next
summer and they were . all abandoned
IrYln Tllkl U'melnJllm ' In the Sonth
NASJVILI.r March O.-Ex-Congressman
\V , J. Bryan of Nebraska spoke to a large
and enMuslusto audience tonight on bl-
metatsm and wait constantly applalled ,
'File posItion taken was that llmetllsm Is
a necessity anll thnt the United States Is
powerful enough anti large enough to resume -
dune the free anti unlmied coinage of
sliver , rlJurless , of the acton of other na-
( bus. und ( hut , In any event , no change
could make affairs worse than they are now .
The polIcy of the administration anti Mr
Carlisle In reference to bond Issues was
severely crltclsell , The speech wus a
strong presentaton of the case of those
favorIng himetullsm , .
AnnA 14 Too iVnvwterti .
Mrs. Anna Sojka , 1301 South Thiirttenth
street led a complaInt against her daugh-
tel Anna yesterday , anti asked the polce to
arrest her on sight , Mrs Sojlm claIms thai
hEr daughter , who II 15 years old , has become -
come unruly . anti that she Is In the habit
of leaving home without permission and
assocIatIng with people who , idle fears , are
not uroner associates for a girl of leather
age , 11rol'er mother wt make nn "lort 10
have the daughter sent to a reformatory ,
Con"oro.t Whhky Trlst lellh" .
KANSAS CITY , March -'he DIstilling
& Catteeedlng company presented u heed ,
for record today I con\'eYI all lie realty
of the Whllky trust to John McNuia , John
J , ; ltchel anti llward F. I.wrence , re-
cel\ers for the trust appointed by the
United States cIrcUit
1'nltell court of tu northern
dIstrIct of Illinois , January 2 15.15. Time
trust owns two distilleries In thIs % ( Jackon )
county _ _ _ . _ _ _
Toill t'ci'pio of the Moon ' ,
About 8 o'coek : this e\'enlnl wIll occur I
total eclipse of the moon The trouble will
laEt about three hours , and tile almanacs
say that pretty much hue sammie upectaclc ( ,
may be witnessed tomorrow evening An.
other total eclipse ot the moon Is booked for
September 3.
_ _
, n.l& '
Fired a Few Shot t Ft'ig1hten ; Passengers , .
but Did No onl,1amnge , I C
- - . - I
--I 10
Engineer Or.1erell to Rtol' . Jehecn Stock- I
ton AIII 1.01 n.itihi , " ; ' i lnllno : Un- :
COllICI RI.1 Sent I"oynrd1'osso
After the Ti.ree , Mcii ,
STOCKTON , Ca ! , : Match 9.-The traIn
known 1 lie European : Ial was held up al
Castle Switch , about four mIles from lila
city , hate last night. The robbers , of whom
there were three , got nOlhlng
The first news of lh holdup was brought
10 Stockton by n brakeman on lie lraln
lie came on the Oregon express , which
pased through Stockton short ) after the
European Mail and backed Into Stockton
from the scene of robbery. lie said : ll
was 10:20 : o'clock and In the neIghborhood or
Caste Switch hint the train came 10 n stop
I was In one of the rear cars and thinkIng -
Ing II was a holdup got oft Immediately When
I reached ( lie ground I heard several shots anti
Instantly started back to fag the Oregon
express , which I knew would be coming
along soon , I mel the express a short
distance from lie city limits anti came baclt
I 110 not know whether the robbers got any
money or nOl "
The expreES was held unt a posse of
ocers could he forme\ The train pulled
out shortly after mldnlghl with the ( omeers
who Intelled 10 gel oft In the ( neighborhood
ot the robbery amid scour ( lie country for
the robbers. Wor,1 hnl already been received -
celnt by the telegraph' operator that the
robbers , after maltng their attempt , had
Iletached time engine and started toward Lodi
on It all had abandoned It before reaching
that town ,
Full particulars of ( lie robbery were received -
ceived here by telephone shortly after the (
express train had lef The engine of the
mal pul\ into LOl about 1 :05 : II. in. , very
slowly , with no one aboard and registerIng
hut forty pounds of steam George Andrews ,
the engineer of a freight rain lying there
waitIng for the overland to pass , got aboard
and stopped her. A stick of dynamite was
fount on the seat In the cab and II was ap-
11arent there hind been a holdup Lodt
officers took the engine of the freight train
and sent II after the ' train that belonged to
the unmanned en lne. They got bock 10
Lodi with the train al 12:15 : a. m. and I
proceeded norlhward wIth Its own enelne
The story of the holdup us told ( by En-
gineer Ingles of the mal train Is as follows :
"A short dIstance south of Caste Switch
myself and Fireman house were startled by
a man who crawled over the lender , and ,
pointing a pistol al our heads , ordered us
10 stop the traIn lie was masked , I stopped
Ito engine all the fellow then ordered us to
get off , whIch we did Two other masked
men were standIng on lie ground waIting to
receive us They orderci us 10 walk back
to the express car , they telling me to Instruct -
struct the messenger tO t open the door , as
they had dynamite anti would blow up the
car If the door was npl opened , I old lhe
messenger this and he opened time door and
then shut I again , after which he fred two
shots al the ( robbers. ' passenger stuck his
head out of the window land one of the
robbers fred a shot at him The men threal-
enet again 10 blow lJe , car to pieces with
dynamie I I was "Cl opened and the ex-
press messenger lien complell with their
demands TIle men got'slde , taking us
wih them , and ransacked the car. All the
money was In the blgsae land they dId not
, try 10 open it. 'I t I
"They got nothing whatever. After sats-
Inl themselves that ther . was nothing of
value outside of the see and thai hint had
been securely locked they jumped out ot the
car and \ , tat ahead to' the engine again ,
taking UB with them.PReachlng ( the engine
the men uncoupled the engIne from the train
and , fining some shots at . tile passen' ,
to scare \ theIr occupante' , I suppose , pulled ,
the ( throttle all stnTted toward ' IJodi . A
brnltemen was sent back 10 Stockton to fag
the Oregon express which was soon to cOlpe
along and we waited until the engine came
from Lodl , "
Dy midnight plans were made for the pur-
suit of the bandits . 'i posse was gathered
quIckly and the veteran sheriff of the county ,
who was absent al the state capital , was
brought with an additional force of ocers
on a special engine. With ( lie aid of two
bloodhounds belonging to the sheriff the
offiCers are confident of strlkllg lie trail of
the robbers soon.
Th scene of the ijttempteci robbery Is
level and for the most nart under cultIvatIon.
Alongside the track it 18 - swampy luJI."lon anti it I
probable the bandits escaped by a good road ,
especially as they ( hall a horse and buggy.
When the train was stopped and the engIneer
and fireman forced 10 go to the express car
the bandits flrtd repeatedly toward the pas-
senger coach os a warntng to InquisItive
travelers A tromp , who was stealing a ride
on the blind baggage , Is the only person who
can give a description , other than general , of
any of time robbers. He slated that at Loli ,
when Ito train stopped , he saw one of the
robbers wIthout hts mask on The fellow
spoke to lhe tramp and told him If he opened
his heat he would lose I The tramp kepi
stIll , but he noted the robber who had Issued
the waring was about I feel 10 Inches In
height all that he wore a black coat , woolen
shirt and blue necktie. The tramp was
made to walk 10 the express car with tIme
engineer and lie freman , lie heard one of
time robbers say thai they bad a buggy In
which they could rIde off after leaving the
engine. I Is explained that the reason why
tle robbers made no attempt 10 open the
safe was time short time at their dlsposat
The Oregon express was only one hour behInd -
hInd and they had to finish the ( job before
that train approached or run great risk ot
beinG caplured.
A large number ot men are still out
searching for the men who held up the
Southern Pacific mal train lt Castle Switch
last night. Sheriff Cunningham states that
he has every available avenue of escape
guarded anti he believes that thO men will
be captured , There are believed to be tour
of lhem
NOW ' htll In lrldco ( 'omiitrnction
CLE\'ELAND , 0" , March 9.-A brIdge
which Is being built 10 span Clayahoga , .
river at Columbus street , In this cIty , wIll
be unlike anything of ( lie kind ever constructed - '
slructed In this country I Is to he opcr-
uteri by electricIty anti compressell air I
will have I double lnt ( , the hatves meet.
lag lt I common center and locking , The
span will bo 115 t oct long 'fhe material
will be steel throughout and the electric
current , which will operate the dynamos ,
will he obtained from street raIlway wires ,
The new bridge wll.sIpg } In twenty-five
socontlm4 The wl\\vlpg ! drops , anti ,
all auxiliary machinery ! wIll he operated
by coniprepsei air fttftrl"tho brhlJe hOlse ,
electricity while ( lie , bridge proper'wll _ I be Propelled by
hiss tIme Ch ' Ir " hole .
PORTLAND , Ore"l March -When the
habens corpus calc 'rohn \V Brdhury
was clled In the clrlul } - fourl today Drad-
bury was not present Chief of Police Mlnlo
Iwore that llradbury . ' hail been In custdy ,
hut that ( ho was relened ; yesterday Ind he
" ,
hail of his own will ' ! r the jai with Mr
lJlw , agent of I ' the Ilnlas City
election ( mutt cormlsvlon $ , who came
here to SlCUre lrathury , who II
wanled In Ianlal City as I wItness -
ness In election frautipt4es. Judge Hurley
allowed the mater t ? , , est until Monday ,
tumid at that Lime the ( 'thief of police must
answer the petition of Uradhury's wife or
produce ' Urlllbur ) ' , . ' , ,
General :11 , " Iltptl.o,1 Thol ,
ATLANTA , Ga" , 11Imh D-Hunklng Major
General Nelson A. Miles of the United
States army accompanied by his ulde-de-
caml and aptuln IIjglns of the Secontl
United States cnvalry"anll Captain Mans of
the Infantry , slipped quIetly into Fort McPherson -
Pherson last evening , 'l'iiis morning the
major general's salute thirteen gums , was
tIred , at the fort At 10 o'clock time entire
soldiery at the fort was drawn p for reo
vIew amid Inspected by the major gencral ,
and I 2 o'elocl this afternoon the Iroalt
and grass parade grounds were dotted ( by
lonG rows of white tents , time cloth houses
being pitched by company und battalion as
In tme of hostIlity , $
nil hUl Marty's Hucfuor.
SIOUX FALLS , B. D" , March 9-Speclul ( , )
-The council of eccesiastcs hehl here
on \'ednefday to name a 6cceu'or to
11sholl : tart ) chose three candidates :
ather I Helmonll p , JAud , S. \ . Father I
Christie of 1lnneaJ'oll ul1 Dr O'Gorman
ot \'aShlngtonj D , C , Archbishop Ireland
has appointed tev , henry Meqeitig of Weh-
Ittr , H. D" , to admlnlstel' the urfalrl of this
diocese . IlenllnG the appointment of a sue-
cessor to BIshop Mary
101'l1W j'OI.WSTn IEI CIlUmnN ,
\n"tcII Them Out of the Way So She Could
nun Awsy with liar l'ariumonr
PARIS , Tex. , March [ 9-A shocking double
: hlld murder was committed 1 three miles
outhwcsl ! ot Hoxton , fifteen miles southwest
) f bere. Last night : Ir Mollie Caruthers ,
: ho wife of William Carruthiers , a respectable , farmer , went up 10 her room and
ave her three children large quantities ot
morphine 1'h'slclanl were summone1 , but
oullt do nothing for the ( two youngest , one 1
all the other 4 years of age , and al I o'coc1
both were dead The oldest , a girl of H , recovered -
co\'erc anti Is IOW out of clangcr , An In-
vestgalon was begun , and In a few hour
ztrs , Carrulhers and Jim Strange were ar-
rested They were brough hero tonight all
lodged In Jai , After 'Ier arrest lrs , Car-
rulhers admitted she hall given the children
morphine for lie purpose of killing lhem ,
She said I was done to gel them out of
trouble and thai she Intended 10 follow them ,
I was learned later , however , that thb
woman anll Strange hRll plannell to destroy
the chIldren and then leave the country.
. usEr Til UlFIT 11Sr/W. " If .1 TR. ,
IllinoIs Central LCmIIIIOIT , Rltl Othr I.Ikely
tu l'ulllY ' ,
ChICAGO , March -The Illinois Central
nml lurlngton hues In : lssourl 101a ) gave
nolce ( hint ( hey would meet the rates made
by the Chicago Great Western from St
Lotus to points 10 the east This leaves lie
remaining Interests In lint territory no rc-
course bul to follow lie cxample at the liii-
nols Cenlrlund the Iurlhuton ; , 'fhe differ-
encc between Chairman Callwcl nnl time
Alton road regnrdln the nppilcntion of time
Alon ! np\lcnlon
Cal1lan PacifIc Ilfelentlll wi likely no-
maui In statu quo unti after the general
leetnH of the westcr ( hues on Wc.lle".lay
of next weel Time Alon ( has becn waitIng
for the chnlrmul to Ilnl down un olcial
wl'lten opinion , upon the receipt of whih
I announces hint I wi a\llcat to arhlrn-
ton If the opinion If 0111108el \ to the stall It
his taken , as , the ollinion cerlnlnl wi be.
ThE Central lrlc nlsoclltOI arbitration
Iomrltec on IlferenlalR , which began its
Iletnl yesterday , tnlshet its work totlay ,
although no decilion wi be 1111e before
the Iattei' part of lext week nt the curlest ,
Chicago Conrt Icchlcs I Cause or Interest
tn Ticket Irokcrs ,
CHICAGO , : f\rch 8.-Judge Adonis today
decided the case of lulord & :1\ctelzl ,
ticket brokers , agalnsl the ( Chlcno & AlIen
railroad , finding the Issue for the plaintffs
ant Ixlng their Iulages at l0S5i. : hlonl
& Mackenzie were the firm of brokers
who , In 1880 , hat nn omce In this city nod
In S ( . LJuls Iii that year ( hey bough of
the AlLen rend $ , O worth of tickets at (
cents on the dollar , the tickets being good
over the Alton between Jnlsns City amId
Bloomington , thelce east over ( lie Laite
Erie & Western Shortly after time purchase -
chase of lie tIckets a passenger rote war
set In and for t\o ' ( arl the tickets werc
unsalnble In June , ISS ? , after the brokers
had disposeti of about half of the tickets , the
hal Erie & Western , which had fone Into
the hlnds of a receiver reported , that lhl
agreemenl between itself all the Altol , by
which the tickets had been made J00.1 . over
ls lnes cast of Bloomington , bud been abm-
gmtteti , and the tickets , or what was heft
of them In the ( bonds of the ( brokers , became
wO'thless , 'fhe brokers hepan stilt 1Lllnst
the Alon because It was solvent , while the
other road involved In the tramisuetlomi was
iio ( . The defense of the ( Alton was that Iii
the sale of the tIckets It Iltell merely as
the agent of the Lake Eric & \"estern , 111
thai the Inter corpor lon was the one
which Is liable. Judge Adams held In effect
that the tickets were a contract made by
time Alton.
Oregon 'nVIIRtlol CRIC Under . \dvlslcnt.
POlTI.A D , Ore" , March -The hearing I
of the petition of the Oregon Railway and
NavigatIon company 10 have the order appointing -
pointing Edwnrd : lcNel receiver so modl-
liEd ju to relem him from pmiyimig 5600,060 ,
represemitilig funds spent by time Union Pa-
clue receivers before thi system was separated -
arated , was concluded Imi ( lie IJmilted States
district court ( his afternoon. Judge Del-
linger took tue case under advIsement , stating -
ing that he woulti probabhy render a decision -
cision the last of next week ,
The aPplication of ( lie AmerIcan Loan zind
Trust conipany for the appoinmermt. of a re-
celver imidependent ofthe Union I'aclflc interest -
terest for ( lie Oregon Short Line & Utah
Northern Will come up before Judge Gilbert -
bert In the UnIted States circuit court Man-
day , _ _ _ _ _
.tir Line's I'ottttofl to iVnit Three % % 'cett.
ATLANTA , March 9-The hearing of ti
Seaboard Air line's petition for an injumictlon
preventing the Chattanooga & St. Louis railroad -
road from taking any part In time boycott de.
dared agaInst ( lie Seaboard AIr line by tue
Southern Railway and Steamuship association ,
of which time Louisville , Chattanooga & St.
Louis is a member , set for hearIng bef&re
Judge Lumpkin today , was postponed for
three weeks.
floes Into Effect April rurst ,
ATLANTA , Ga. , March 9.-TIme convention
of passenger men and executIve omcers of
( he southern roads adjourned today at noon ,
It was decided that tIme Southern States Pas.
sensor association should go Into effect April
1 instead of March 12 , as originally Intended.
A committee of five 'as appoinett to report
on March 27 on officers , on which date ( lie
new set will be elected.
Veteran 1'aseiiger Agent I'ases itraj' .
MILWAUKEE , WIs , , March 9.-A. V. II ,
Carpenter , tile reIred general passenger anti
ticket agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul , dIed at 11:10 : ( omiighit.
l'tishltitr Sundi.y ! ( efonlli CL St. Lotil.
ST. LOUIS , March 9.-Rev. Dr. Panhthurst
of New York is coming to St. LouIs for the
purpose , it is announced , of engaging In time
work of Sunday reform , in comijunction with
Sara Jomies anti the local clergy. The Sab.
bath assocIation has decidetl tmuian a line of
action. Saai Jones has been nuipealed to to
lend his moral support durimig tile rest of
hmis stay , anti Dr. I'arh'hiurst has comisented
to come In a few days anti deliver a series
of lectures to aid tue work. Attorneys have
been retained to prosecute nh violators of
time imtntues munti ordinances anti the iilana
are complete for an actIve campaign agaltmat
ala , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- -
Itubb'r Factories ittartluig lip.
WOONSOCICET , H. I. , March 9.-The
Alice mills of ( he United States rttmbber
company vIhi start up next Monday iii full ,
after a shut down of one month. It em-
IllOYCS 1,400 lmands. The factory at Mill-
yule , employIng 1,100 operatives , wIll also
resume work March 18.S .
LOUAI JlftIl'I1'II ,
Members of time Onmaima Ttmrnverein are requested -
quested to assemble at Turner bali .ut I
o'clock p. m. totlay , to attemid time funeral of
A. L. Fisher.
A meeIng ( of the Woman's ChrIstian Tom.
penance unIon county executive commmmittee
wIll be hielti Wednesday , March 13 , at the
Noonday Rest , 513 Soutlu Twelfth street , at
4 o'clock.
Rev. CimarlesY. . Savltige will preach at
the People's church ( lila morning and
evenIng. Subjects : "The Work of ( lie llohy
Ghost , " amid "Time Wages of Sin. " people
must come early to get a seat ,
At 7 o'clock yesterday time one-story
frame dlvelhiumg at 2011 South Twentieth
street , owned by 0. F , Davis and occupied
by It. Itammdie , sas tlanmageil by fire to
time amount of $100. Time contents mtuiTeretl
a darminge of $50.
harry Richter , an Insane man , vhmo was
arrested Friday for raising a disturbance ,
wac yesterday placed In time county jail anti
arrangements will iO mantle to take him to
LIncoln , Richter was forimmenhy a merchant
in ( him. . city , lie line been In time state insane
amzyhumn before.
J , ii. McCuiiougim uihi build an atiditiomi to
his residence at Forty-eighth and Dodge
streets at a cost of $1,300 , Aim IncreasIng
number of permits are being taken out for
snialh Improvements to dwellings , hut wlmichi
are taken as an indication tiiat building actiy.
Ity Is reviving ,
Mr , Willard Ii. Moore and Miss Lottie
WaLls , only daughter of Mr. Charles \Vats ,
were married at the resimleimec of the
bride's father , 1821 Cass street , onVedpes -
day at 2:30 : p. mu. lev. ( CV. . Savage 0111.
elated , Mr. and Mrs. Moore ivill mtmake theIr
borne in 1Calimzmaoo , Mich.
hereafter warrants will be issued each
month ( or time arrest of time lewd
women In the city , They will be
formally arrested and fined time amount
( limit they hmave been paying each
mnonthm , heretofore they paid their fines
monthly , but the polmmt was raised by Lawyer
Jlritt ( hint this zimelmod ( was illegal , and his
was sustaIned by Judge Scott , Therefore , to
avoid any possible legal complications , war.
rants will be issued for their arrest ,
Kelley , Stiger & Co.
Exti'eiiie Fnsliioits Iii
Black Fine Wool Crepon ,
Black Fancy Crepon $100.
Black All \\Too1 Plissc Crepon.
Black CrejIoll iii the greatest varieties ,
. Black Fancy \\Teavcs a distinct
' change from the ilast.
Colored Fancy Crepons.
, ,
,1llc bcst French Suitings in the market.
Fine imported Silk and \VooI Novelties.
All Voo1 Suitings only 42c.
Laces aild. Trimmings.
New Medici and Smyrna Laces ,
New Points Bourdon , Venice and
Point dcParis , Louis XIV and
. Chantilly , etc. , etc.
See th'e fine Madras Cloth.
New Ducks , New Diinities , ' -
. French Organdies and Lawns.
Kelley , Stiger & Co. ,
Cor. Fariumm and 15th Sts.
Rules Bequirin Principals to Do More
Work Will Be Euforctd.
Four Teachers Arc Dropped and Four Have
New DutIc Aasigncl to Tlicm-Wlimtt
Schools Are Affected for ( lie
Sake of.Eoonomy.
Acting under time instructions of the Board
of Education tue committee on teachers ,
In conjunctIon with Superintendent Marble ,
has made some changes in time teaching
force in order to enforce time rule that each
prIncipal of schools havIng eight rooms or
lets shall lmavo charge of a room and ( hint
eacim principal of cimoois of between eight
and twelve rooms shah have charge of a
room half a day. Umider time arrangement
coimipieted last evening time princIpals with
olgimt roonis in time building each have a
room , and those with mono than eight and
less titan twelve roomna ( each half time time ,
ono assistant ( eaciming altermmate half days in
two buildings. Time teachers thus relieved
take time new schools , instead of new
teachers , or they take tIme place of teacimers
miot elected , but eppointeti temporarIly. No
one has been dropped , transferred or lowered
in grade because of incompetency or dis-
satisfaction. Sonic of time teimmporary teachers
will be reappointed as soon as new teachers
become necessary. No hinincipal has objected
to teaching , though all regret time cimatmge emi
accouimt. of tIme interruption of time schools ,
The conmmimittco feels tue necessity of saying -
ing all possible expense in tIme interest of ( lie
schools , Time cimamigea are as follows :
At , Omaha View one teacher transferred ;
at Dodge , Cass amid Pacific omm teacher trans.
fanned ; at Lotimrop , Leavenworth , Walnut
Hill anti Lincoln time principal teaches half
a day. Three substitute teachers wkre drop-
Lied , Timis effects a reduction of about $500
a month , Climinges In detail are ,
Miss Zora McKnlglmt , Iotige to Park ; Miss
Edhioimn , Cass to Columbiami ; Miss Lillian
Wilber , l'aclfic to Dupont ; Miss Rmnnia A.
\'room , Onmaima View to Lake ; Miss MInnie
p. linker , L.otimrop to Clifton hill ; Miss Mary
E. White , Leavenworth to Cohumhimmn ; Miss
Elizabeth hiatt , Panic to Lothirop , half.tlay to
ausist principal ; Miss Evelymi hobbs , Walnut
lull and Leavenworth , half time day.
Time temporary teocimers tlropped arc : Mrs.
Marshall ammd Miami O'Connor , Coiummmibian ;
Miss hItmmphmroys , Clifton 11111 ; Miss Myers ,
Lake ; Miss Hiatt , I'ark , half time time.
A school of cighty.flve pupiis at time Du.
pommt bias beeui thlvideti , arid a new school
opened at Limmcoin whmlchm time princIpal in-
structs. As time new pupils enter , otimer
schools may lie required.
Time general teachers' meeting will lie imelmi
rmt-xt Friday at 4:30 : In time school board hail ,
instead of Wedimesday , as at first called ,
IhE.1 TIIL1C Poll 1W4'fl' .
Generally 1air but Colder with. North
WASHINGTON , March 9-The forecaster
( or Sunthity is ;
For Nebraska , Iowa nmmd Kansamz-Gener-
ally ( aIr ; colder ; nortimerly wInds.
For MisnourJ-Fair ; varIable winds , shift-
Imig to northerly ; coluler.
For South Iakota-Local srmowmz , followed
by ( air weather ; coluler , followed by risIng
temlmeratUrc miortimenly wltmds , becoming
Iociui htecor.l ,
OMAhA , March 9.-Omnahia recurd of toni-
iteraturu mmmlii nitimitahl , compared with time
corrcitpuimding day of ( lie ilast four years ;
ISiS. 1594. 1893. 1192
Maximum temperature , . , Ii ? 0 5 26
Mimmimmmuni temperature , . . , 2'J 33 33 19
Average tenmperuuro . , , . , 43 & 2 44 22
l'rcipmtatiomi , . . , . , . . , , , , , . , . , 00 ' .1' .01 , t8
ConditIon of temperature zmtmtl vreciidta.
( ion at Omaima ( or time day amid since March
I , 1195 ;
Normnai temperature , . , , , , , , , . . , , , . , . , , . . . , , , , . , 33
Excess for time ( lay , . , , , . , . . . , , , . , , , , , , , . , . . . . . , 10
Normal precijmltuiotm , , . , , , . , , , , . . , . . . . . Oi imicim
Ieliciency for tIme day , . , . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , 01 inch
Total uirecipituion ( since Mardi 1 , , , .06 Immcit
DeficIency sInce March 1 . . . . . , . . , , , . . , .i2 Inch
Li. A. WELSh , Observer
; ; j - antINiGHT , !
By Wills' Farce Comedy Ex.
travaganza Co.
A flailing , Roaring Red-Hot
Sec CAlIiO1"fA tind the I1IIEIIY GIRLS.
During ( lie play Mr. John B. WIll. and his corn-
mflny of comiiedlans will imitroduce new
songs , dances , speciimiieim rind med.
ieys , coniptisimig lifly miumiibera. '
If you stay away you will kick yourself or chis
aik somebody (1) do it for you.
ACr 1.-Female SemInary , 'i i l
ACT II.-I'ienic Grounds ,
ACT 111.-Interior of Farmer Fairchild's IlomS. ,
PRICES-Matinee : First floor , Plc and 75ol
balcony , Ec amid ( Oc. Evening : First lioor , fOo.
7e and $1.00 ; balcony , 06c and 7c , gallery , ito.
Get your imioney ready , Heats now on sale ,
4ro Good Reserved MatInee Seats at 25c each ,
i : 11.4 fT fl t : 25 ; 350
L4VIrII J _ and 50 c0ut5
Telephone 1531
- \v , J , imuitagus , . _
Matlneo today , 2:30. : Tonlgimt , 8:15 : , _ .
Matinees Wetlneslay and Saturday. f7'
Mamcim 13.15-A hioutimcmn Rose ,
- -
BIcYcL'3S '
402 N. 16t1iSt , , Omesliem , Nob.
Cheap Farm Lands
In Iowa Nebraska , } Camisas , Colorado ami
South Iiakota , for hiomneseekers only ; na
speculators or brokers mmccii apply ; mnako
your watitmi known. Call or atidress ,
nglo.Ain3rlcau Mortgage & Trust Co , '
- ' . = _ C' _ _ " _ " _ _ V. _ . * # # T 4 C - ' - -