Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1895, Part III, Page 19, Image 19

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    . . . _ \tj\Ir"I\ \ \ ! \ ' , ' . . , . . . . .r- . . . , . . . . , , . , , . , ' , . . . , , . . . - - , - - _ _ _
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h- _ - - , m - 'InE OiAqA : DAILY BEE : SUN DAY , : M.l10JII 10 , 1895. _ _ i
M -
. ' totso lud Confusion Pmeding the to
parturt t SC
XI)10rRtonl nnd UIJemUol ! ! of R f.ocomo-
the InIner-vrotn : 5"loon to Btoko-
hub-flow the Fnllncs Rnd
A . L 'urlCel Arc Tfl.IecI.
. . , .MJ -
' , IS' , b C ' WarThnn. )
I . ( Co'rlshtc < : II C nn
t. LONDON , Feb. I 26.-At Inllnight seventy-
Ivo freR wee Ihhtell under the nile
big boIIcr , nll Ihorty after 1 cloud c ) 'clo\
smoke , rolling from the huge stacks , was
floating o\'er the bosom or the hy.
In their varIous homes and hotels 1,000
Ilrospect\'e travelers slept and dreamed ot
their voyage on the morrow
By daybreak the water evaporating Into
steam fnterell through the Illcator ! , ant )
, as early ns f n. m. PeoPle were seen colectns
about the docks , while a fussy little holstns
engine worked away , lifting freight . ( toni the
Iller. At 7 a few easer Ilassengers came lu
; the 811t1)'B ) elite , anxiously Inspecting her , and I
an hour later were going aboanl. -
Ofcul 'n uniform paced the decks , guarded
the gangways to keep Intruders back , and
others or the crew , In citizens' clothes , min.
gled Creely In the crowd , having a sharp eye
for suspicious characters.
4 - Irlnal ) the steam gauge pointer advances
to the 100 marl Noise nll confusIon wa"
wilder. 'he shlp's crew Is busy . Crom Cal
taln to nHnnest sailor , until at 10 o'clock ,
thIrty minutes before salting , the sound of
hurryIng feet Is lost In a deafenIng hum of
human voices. All vIsItors arc now refused
admittance , except , Ilerhaps , a messenger
wlh a bellled letter , package or flowers for
people on hoard.
Tim little holster fairly files about In I
heroic effort to lift everything that Is at loose
ends anti store It away In the ship's hold.
The pier Is Invisible , hurled beneath a multI.
j b. tude or peering peolle. !
' All being really the captain Is nolfed , ant
at his shnalthe frst engineer mills the lever
and starts the little engine whose work It
Is to open the throttle ; the steam shoots
out front tIm big boilers Into the great
cylnterl , screWs begin , to revolve and the
ocean liner , with 1,000 passengers , 2,000 tons !
or coal anti 3,000 pounds oC Ice cream , leaves '
the landing.
hundreds of handkerchiefs flutter ant hundreds -
(1reds or Ileollio say good-bye with eager : , upturned -
' turned faces thattryto _ - smie through tenrs.
vents himself from belns shot b adfrt Into
one of the furnaces. Here I watcbed these
grIm toilers this wild nIght , and I seemed
the more she rolled . Elebd and plunged the
more Curiously they fed the 'urnceJ. What
with the sped of the ship anti the speed ! or
the wind , the draught was terrific ant the
fire boxes seemed capable or consumIng any
amount oC coal that could be thrown into
their rel throals. Though nhsolltely safe ,
the stoke room on a nigh like thIs Is an
awful place for one unused 10 such scenes :
so terrible that a young German , working his
way from New York to Hnmburg , wu driven
AI the sea began to break heavily on the
Illes oC the boat and male her rock like a
frail leaf In a autumn wind , the man was
seen to try 10 make his escape from the
stoke hole. For an hour ho worked In the
same nervous way always looking for a
chance or cscapt At last the ship gave a
roll that cause the furnace aoor to fly open ,
ali with the yell or a demon the green
stoker sprang ulI the steps leading 10 the
engine room here one or Iho ( engineers ,
Seeing the man waR Insane , blokt the way.
The poor fellow paused for I moment , and i
stood shaking like an aspen , while the colt
perspIration relied Iown his face , Two or !
three /len / tried . to hold him but , without
the slightest effort , apparently , ho csl them
err , anti , running out 01 the steerage deck ,
jumped into the sr
All through the night , above the roar 01
the ocean , at regular Intervals ] , came the
sharp whIstle or the head stoker , anti ft
longer Intervals the cry from above : "Al. s
t'ehl. " On SUlliay morning when we awoke ,
tue waves still washing UII the steerage deck
nl11 the great ship rolling front side to side ,
we eouhl hear from the stoke room the same
shrill whistle nli the same cry outside or
'Att's wel " Then , like a hood or sunlight ,
calO Iho sweet strains of the anthem , which
the band always plays 011 Sunday moring
and again the sea ealo up and closed our
windows and shut out the light oC day ant
the sound or the sea drowned all other sounds
anti ( seemed tD suggest "Nenrcr ! y God to
Thee " The waves rolled taek , the sun
shone through the window and the hymn
was heard again
When the reckoning ! was taken we were all
surprIsed ( ! 10 learn than on such a tempestuous
son. this wonderful ship had mate a mile more 1
titan on the previous day on a summer sea.
"Look away , " said the captain , as wo
passe,1 , an ocean steamer that seemed to be
standing still.
"is she at anchor ? " I asked
"No " said the captain , "she's making
twelve knots an hour , and only a few years
ago she was one of tim 'Ocean Greyliounds. ' .
Within the last decade the time between
New York and ( Southampton has been reduced -
duee.1 by nearly two tays , but those who look
for a like reduction within the next len years
wil surely be dlsnppolnted. A ship of 30.000
horse power Is able to make only a Ito
over a tulle an hour more than one of 16000.
It , by nearly doubling the horEepower , and with
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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, - - . STOKERS.
Some are sad wIth the pain of parting ,
, vhle others , like Byron , are sa l because
they leave bohl11 nothing that claims 1 lear
' 'fhlrt-slx stokers take theIr places before
the furnace doors , each with two lire boxes
to Ceed. There are three stole-holcs , twelve
snout In each , mil twelve buckets oC cohl
water with a bottle oC red 'wino In every
llcllet , As the speed Increases the great
ship begins 10 rise anti fall , not with the
swell oC Ito ( sea , for there Is no swell and
JO sea , but with her own powerful exertion.
When the venllators catch the ocean breeze
and begin 10 drlnl In the salt air Ulero Is
rejoicing In the stoke l'oom Unrorlunately
for the slokerK the increaced draught onlY
Increases the Illjelo oC the furnaces , that I
seem famishing for fuel
After four hours In the heat , seml.darlmess
and dust of the Curne room , Ihe stoller :
como out nuuti fresh men with fresh bottles
take their places ' Gradually the speed or Iho
boat Incrla es , The tIres are Canned hy Iho
cvcr.lncreuslng breeze , the furnaces fairly !
roar and the second shIft work harder than
the first , :
I there Is no wind , InsleDI1 oC allowing the
stokers to troll dead , the engineer un watch I
simply turns a lover and ' startn the twelve
large steam Cans , and saves the firemen just
beCoro th bcno buttons are incIted from theIr
cverals ,
'fho steamship stoker ] Is Inferior mental ,
to the locomolvo Ircman , but physically hc
Is thn better man , 'iio amount or skill ro-
qulrell 10 sloko Is nothing comparell to that
or firing n raiway engine. The locomotive
lromnl must use his OWII JIIlglent lt alt
times us to how , when slid where 10 hut In
_ _ _ _ _ u lire. Time ocean stoker simply watts for ,
whistle from the gang boss , when ho opens
his furnace door , hooks , rakes amid replenishes
Ills Ire , and itt another signal closes the
( doors , the lame \llste being a signal to hb I
brother sicker at tIme other end oC tie boiler 1
to fix his Ire , '
The white glare or the furnaces when tIme
fires are being raked Is JO intense that the
place seemS turk when the doors era closll
Auuti ! through that darkness comes the umol..e
of the rattling clnker hooks . tIme roar or the
tres , the squeak oC the steering engine and
the awful sound oC time billows breaking 01
the ship Once above all this din I heard a !
stoker sing :
Oh what care WP ,
'Whelm on the sea ,
For weather fair or fine ?
For tel wu lust
In smoke and lust
lklow the water line.
Then came the shanl whistle anti the song
'U cut short la the stoker bout to hIs work ,
and again the Iwenly.Cuur furnaces threw
their blindIng glare Into our faces ,
Wih oil the apparatus for cooling the
.toke bell , room It Is still I fnt.cla. submarine
One Ilght when the sea vas wlckeJ , nih'
log high and fast from the banks of New-
fqundlant , when the mal swung to anti
fro like 1 great pendulum upside down , I
climbed down 10 the engine rooms. When the
Shill ) shot downward anti the screws wenl out
of the water the mighty engines tow \ie
' dyaitios . lakhlK the liege boat with hH
hUldreds of tons tremble tilt tl Scrowcnt
1wp Into the water again
. Iq the stoke rOOl1 the boilers lay cross
'Is , 01 Ibo Ibll ) , 1\ when she rolls I Is wIth
- tlo * .1 greatest dllcul ) that time stoker lre-
25 per cent more firemen , we can shorten the
time barely a half day then indeed does the
problem become a ' lmeult ono.
The Furst smarek Is 602 feet long 21 feet
wIde and CO feet deep from her hurricane
deck to her keel There arc nine huge
boilers , 15 feel 7 Incites In diameter anti 19
feet long. I requires 1:0 stokers ant trim-
mona anl 300 tons oC coal a day to keep
them hot. . They boll down 100 Ions oC water
every wenty-rour hours There are , ni told ,
It-fvl cnglnes on board time ship. Time
steam that drives time boat paurs through
three lalr oC cylnden , The first are 43
Incites In diameter ammil work at a pressure
equal to elevl'n atmospheres. Th3 next , 61
Incites , working at four atmosllheres The
third are time low vrescure cylinders , 100
inches In 11aleler , with one atmoSIhere pres-
Eure anl ) a Iacuum equal In woriling power
to nn : llolllhcre ,
There are two main shaUs , one 10 each
screw , or 11rollcJler , 20 inches In diameter ,
each H2 fort bug an(1 ( welshing a ton for ovary
foot or steel ] .
There are tw'lvo cnglneers and twelve assistants .
sltants , Over all thest len there Is n chief
elsll'rr , whose 111Ies mire slmlar to those era
1 muler mechanic on a raiway , Ills office
Is a little 11laco fnished In beautiful limum-
garlan alh , supplied wih easy chairs and ser
couches. There Is an indicator which shows
ut oil tImes Limo Ilressuro under which the
vlrtou ! enrlnea are workIng omit ) the speed
01 time bonl.
When we were realy ] 10 go below our guide
presed a hutton , which , he explaIned 10
us , vas a blgnal lu time engineer In charge
to open the door and allow us0 / IlalS
frtm one rOI 10 another , for there are water.
light dorrs helween thm engInes , There au
him mill thirteen alr.lcbt comparlments : , 's that :
I a man.or.war were 10 stave a hol In
one fide o time Ismsrcl , that romparlment
wou\l slim' il ) fill wit bu water , hul0111 done
10 serIous daiuagc' , In fact , a halC dozen
holes nmigiit be slo\ ' ( , In and tlo would COl-
In\o 10 ride the wavts ,
I the 11bmsrrk were tu strike a rock and
cave . In blx ret cl her bottom or keel J alms
wouM thl'l cOle to n t'lt steel plato or
false hulom that would btanl allost any
pressure .
\\'lmen 8 boat with a Ingle liropeller ' hoses
her steering :1111ralls abe Is In great danger -
ger , hut wlh a twil scrlW eIII Ihlre 1
absolutely ito dangrr. 1) ' sImply reversing
aie Irew time .blp may ' bo steered R a row
hat Is guided hy lickIng one car 111 and
movllg lIme other
Time electric light plant alone II oC Inter.
Cat. "llre are Cnul .1yn8mcs and they sup
lily a current for 18QI ) lamps , In addition to
Ihe lm"8 In the faleonl pnd slate roms , all
tie ulgnal lights ore electric , a wel I Lime
lights used In the lcense ant In the supply
The chIef steward h:1 been with tie corn-
Palm ) ' tVenty-sevmt8 ) 'eas , and will ltrcbab'y
Lp thL'rt U long 11 he c.mres 10 remain ,
There arC elhl.ruur other 1tewards who re.
[ frt 11rrcly O1tlr IIY 10 him , The pas.
ngers are divided into three clas.e -Orl
cabin , second cabin pnl steerage . so that
three separate and complete kicheul and
dinIng rooms are kept up , The roQ lur
nlsed for the steerage pasenger 18 better
than one \ouid expect . when we consider
that the company carrie them from New
York to hamburg ant keeps them on bad
seven days for $ l0.
The fee and service In the second cabin
Is bettor than time average $3 a day Amer-
lean hotel In the first cabin saloon It Is Nr-
Cect. Everything abul the shll has 1 mll-
Itnry air. The stewards file In In regular
order , and when I change I mate they all
march out , keeping time to the band , and
making , with their neat nnlorms and snow
white gloves , a goodly sight to see
Each table has its own tattle ste\art , anti
at the elbow or each passenger stands n
whlte.gloved under stewar.I . , who seems per-
Cecty capable or anticipating your'cry
thoughts. I a trop of coffee Is l spilled over
your cutherore you have time to realize I
yourself-bath cup and saucer arc exchanged
for one In perCect trim
The regular dinner consists oC rain seven
to len courses ant Is fit for the eniperor.
The wines nl11 ales arc excellent , and what 1
surprises everyone , they are 40 per cent
cheaper than 1\ New York.
In addition to time regular meals , at 8
o'clock every evening they sere tea In the
main saloon to nil who dare to Indulge In
that atimtmlant. After that , at 9 o'clock , the
band gives a concert In the secom cabin
saloon , which II always attended by many
of time first cabin passengers. There the
people sit about the tables all cat the dainty
lIttle sandwiches , ali some or them drink the
delightful hamburg beer whlo the band
I you are ill and remain In your berth
the room steward will cal a half dozen times
a day to ask what you want tl eat I you
remain on deck the deck stewart wi bring
without extra
you an excellent dinner . any
charge " ,
It was the day after the rough .se when
we were shown threugh the steerage , and the
women and children were still huddled In
their gloomy hunk rooms , recovering slowly
from the seasickness or the previous day.
Cheerless { their surroundings were , they
had the utsCacton oC knowing that the
countess at the lop was as sick ; when she
Wa' sick , as the ) ' .
Forward where the ship's side walls are ,
e1093 together , time sailors sheep , Here , when !
the sea Is rough , one may experience the
sensatIon or riding In the elevator ot a slx
teen-slory building , anti as the bow descends
the sensation of falling. The Occupants oC
this rough quarter arc a rough looking lot ,
but apparently as happy as cowboys. Every
sailor has his regular raten oC rum , while
the stokers , In addition 10 the red wine they
have In th stoke room have klmmel four
tImc3 a day.
lm ! tay
Just back of time sailors are the otores.
In the cell room , where the meats are kept ,
all the pipes are covered with frost. Time
large ships all have Ice machines and male
their own Ice There are also two large
evaporators , so that If the supply oC drink-
Ing ! water should bl lost by a leak , or should
In any way become tmnflt for use . drinking
water could be made from the sea. The
same evaporators could easily supply water
In the sammie way for the boilers should that
supply run Olt ,
Two things I should like to change : The
tons oC wholesome food , delclols meats amid
delicate sweets that are carried mona the
tables and thrown Into the sea , I would gIve
to the poor steeragers. Every day at dinner ,
when the lamps' made the main saloon a
glare oC light , I could see the e per people
peeping In at the windows where the tables
were Crelghted with good things , and It made
me sad. Sometimes a mother would hold
her poor , plnchEd-Caced baby up to the win-
dow , anti I couldn't help wondering what
answer that mother would make If the baby
were to ask why they didn't go In ant cat.
After maltng the steerage happy I should
like to rig n governor to time main shafts , 50
that the screws would not "cup up" so when
out of waler I mentloncd this to my
guide He looked at me steadily Cora
a moment ; then , as he allowed his head to
dip slightly to the starboard , a sunny smIle
broke over his kindly face and he replied :
" Well , somebody . has tried that CY WARMAN already. "
ll ( ' OIIl n.l,1 nINCED.
Saturday Evening Gazelte
Grandma told mo all about it .
Told me so I couldn't doubt it ,
How she danced , my grandma danced .
Long ago.
How she held her pretty head ,
How her dainty skirt she spread .
Smiling little rose I
How she turned her lIttle toes ,
Long ngo
Grandma's hair was bright ant sunny'
DImpled checks , tee , ah ! how funny !
Healy quito a lreUy gIrl ,
Long ago. .
Bless her ! why she wears a cap ,
Grandma does and takes n nail
Every sIngle cimY ; and yet
Grandma danced the minuet ,
Long ago.
Now she sis there rocking , rocking ,
Always knitting grandpa's stocking ;
( Every girl was taught Lo knit
Long ago )
Yet her figure Is BO neat '
I can almost see her now
Bonding to her partner's bow
LonG ago
Grandpa says our modern jumping ,
HoppIng , rushing whirling , imuraping
Would have shocked the gentle folk ,
, Long ago ,
No , they moved with stately grace
Everything l ! proper 1lace ! ;
GllJng slowly forwnrd , then
Slowly curtsYing back again
Long ago - , _ -a- _ _ _
ll 1l.lOlS.
There will bo a convention or the Reformed
Presbyterian churcbes of the world In Scot-
land next year.
The 11ev. Eljah Kellogg , author of "Spu-
Ieus to the . Gadlatoru , " alhough over 80
rera oC age , preaches at Shaflslel , Me .
The loan bureau started last year by St.
Bartholomew church , New' York , has , since
MY , loaned $10,000 , ant In no Instance has
hall to Corecloie a morlgage.
Time papal revenues from France a few
years ago averaged 3,000,000 Cranes In 18:3
the sum was 1,800,000 francs , ant last year It
fell below 1,000,000 francs
The African Methodist Episcopal church
owns church properly to the amount or
$5,000,000 , This ehurcb gave last year for
church and school work I,484,781
In the latter part oC April tIme Jews or
1Itshurg , I'onn , will celebrate ' the twenty-
fifth anniversary or time appointment of time
rabbi. Hev. Ur I.lpplan Mayer oC that city tS a
'fhe famous house at Risienben. - Germany ,
where .ulher was born , has been repaired
and ! restored and newly opened to the public
a few weeks age as a kind or IIUleUm oC
rcles oC the great reformer.
The Iaslor' cOlege In connection with
Spurscon's church has sent out 921 persons
into the mlnlslry-twenly-threo in I time last
year. .or thIs number 100 have dlpd , leaving
:37 still actively working , 650 of ' whom are
Baptst mlnlslers , missionaries or cvango.
Christ church , at Hyo , N y" , on ebruary
28 , celebrated the 200lh anniversary oC the
frt elections oC wardens anti , veslrymen In
tim parish. lilsimop Potter ofliciated
tl 1lsholl Peter ofciated at the
comnmnemmioratiou service , and a hlslorlcal address .
dress was given by Thomas T. Sherman ,
clerk oC tIme vestry .
The beardless priest ts only a mater oC
clflol , there being no edict upon the sub-
Ject. All oC tIme popes frol Adriln VI to
Innocent XII , and aH tIme cardinal and other
church clerics during tIme fame perIod , were
beardless dignitaries . Ignatius Loyola , St
I'rancls Xavier ! , Francis te Sales , Vincent
de Paul anll tIme Cardinals lelarmlno and
Ilhcleu all wore full heards
'fho Evangelist says thai the largest cross
hi time world now stands In Drako's bay ,
North America. Three hunlred ( and four-
teen rear ago the celebrated Sir Francis l ,
Drake lante,1 In this bay , and his chaplain ,
Francis Fletcher by name Ireached time very
first English sermon ever heard In that re-
glen , To commemorate this event ihiSimOi )
Nichols DC California and the late George :
W. Cimiids caused a large atone cross to he :
erected on the eliot , a cliff BlAnding 300 1
feet above the fea Time cross I fifty-seven
( cot high , of blue sandstone ; several of the
stones In It are larger than time largest
stone In the lmyranmiti oC . '
Ilyalhi Ctmoops ' 'hlS
splendid monument can be sen Car and
wl' l and Is literally , a sermon In slono.
- - - - -
Jerry Simpson threatens to wrle a book
'hu subject wi doubtes lie "Tbe 1.3menla.
l\n3 or Jeremiah " S
No wine bas 1 purer boqoet Jhan Cook's
Extra Ury Imperial Cbampagne. I Is Ibe (
pure Juice or the grapes fermented
The Friend Emerson and Holme3 , Lowell , , Lon felow
A l'ort " imo Never ' 'olchell R 1e\ After
time Hrlth of ills Wife- tl I"\Cr8 or
His Itt'immmsrlcnblo-litt of Scc.
DUl 8iht.
( ( oyrlthttl , IS : 1) ' S. B. Mcchtmre. )
Strolling into time Boston office oC the A.
lantc Monthly one m0141i , early In 1863 , I
met Oliver " 'endel Juhn , who hurryIng
up to me In his Impel uBway. said , as he
held out I single sheet or the Louisville .
Journal : "Read that , anti ' tel mo I It's not
time finest thing since war began. Sit down
ant read It heroyou ) nlglit lese It Ie I let
you take it , away. " -
I was "Tho 011 Se ; " by orceytho
Wilson , which hail beep lublsh 11 on January -
1 carriers' atltlless b ' the LouisvIlle
ary as a nl1 ess by I.oulsvlio
Jommrnal. The poem vnsIoig , but fascinated
with I , 1 read It entirely through , anti reo
tlrnlng time paper to Dr . holmes said : "You
are a good judge of versodo you Imow anything -
thing or the author ? "
"Nol much , " he answered , " 1 remember
him as a student at Harvard sOle years
ago. Ills exquisite nianly beauty attracted
mo strongly , but I never got really acquainted -
qualntel with him , for bo was a shy young
Celow , I never tired of looltn nt him. for
he had 1 Corm like I Greciair statue , ' and
such eyes as I never saw In man or woman
Longfellow know him wehi-imail him olrn
at his house-nnd he tolls me that he detected -
tecled then that there was 1 good deal In
him lie sad : to 10 after I hld read this
poem to h1m yesterday : 'Ah , doctor ! I he
lves. ho wi overtop every ono oC us ! I
hear that he lives at New Albany , Ind. , anti
Is In some way connected with Prentice's
After this I rend everything of Willson's
that I found afloat In the newspapers , and
about two years later J made his personal
aequalnlance In 18Gt I had gone to live hI
Cambridge , and there for soma years occu-
pied what was then known as time "Old Cool.
hlge Place , " which stood on Mount Auburn
avenue at the head or Elmwood avenue , anti
thus was directly opposite the residence of
James Russell Lowell. The nearest house to
mlle was also an old fashioned New England -
land mansion , about 600 feet away , but wIth
grounds bordering on my own . tnough scp-
Irted , a part of the way . by a twenty-Coot
lane that let to my stable. The house was
at first unoccupied , but after some months
I Ienrd that It hal been sold to a western
Ienteman , who was coming there to live , to
be near a younger brother then a student
It Harvard lie soon moved Into time house ,
but I law nothing or him for a week or
more , bcitmg at the time unusually occupied
by my own work Indoors
Then early one morlll ; , as I was putting
nmy horse , Jeff , through his customary exercise -
else a stranger appeared allY rear gateway
10 look on at the performance , which con-
slated of a dance around a ring I had con-
struclet near time stablethe dance being lr-
formed by the horse to the music of some
tune either whisted or sung by myself or
some chance visitor. I gave little heed to the
strange gentleman , for the animal was widely
known , and oren attracted spectators , but
when , with lY -year-old boy on his back ,
tie horse had danced to Yankee Doodlee and
time overture to Norma , the stranger said to
me : "May I step Inslto the gate , sir ? "
" " " ' ' ;
I answered ,
"Certainly , ; "come iii '
In. '
My little son was on the horse's back wlh- 'I'
out saddle or bridle , and when the perCorm-
anco was over the gentleman helptd the boy
town from the horse , saying : "You arc a
little man , sir-you ride splendidly , " and then
10 me : "I came here , sir , expressly to male
your acqualhlance. I am your new neigh-
bor. "
"Indeed.1 said . "I am glad to meet you
Pardon me If I ask your name. "
"Wison. . " 'he replied , "Forceythe WII . '
, , "What ! " I exclalm , not the
" 'Boy J3rlttaln-oniy n lad-a fair-haired
boy sixteen , _
In his unlorm , ! I
"The deeply same , " lie onswerci smiling and coloring - ,
I added : "I am delIghted to meet you , !
for now we car shout "Victory ! "
"Unlo God nil praise IIQ ever rendered-
Unto God all praise and glory be ! .
For they strike ! hurrah ! < the foe has just
surrendered ! " : '
( ( t was then early In865 , )
.I gratifies mo exceedingly " lie said ,
"that you can repeat my lines.
"Hepeat them ! " I echoed , "I think ] I could
recite the half or all ) ou'\'e writen , Dut ,
come with mime into time house. I know )01
well now , but I want to' IUow you better. "
"I thank 'ou. " he said , 'but you'l excuse
me for I few hours , I am always engaged
from 10 to 12 In tIme morning , but I wi
come this afternoon , I I will be convenient
to you , "
"Yes . : come whenever you peasoIet ] there
be no ceremony between us.Ve take lunch
at 1 o'clock-coimme then , and Il let you
low lY mother-she Is my housekeeper. "
He came to Juncb , and nit , old ant young ,
were delighted with him. The meal over.
wo atJouflle to my "den , " where , seated
on a lounge , the lIttle circus rider 01 his
lee , anti the two older chidren beside
hll , ho regaled us all with a rare budget
of western stories to which we listened
wIth Intense pleasure , the chidren every
now and then screaming with laughter , At
the end of an hour I said to him : "I've
some proof here that I must send to Welch
& Jgolow this afternoon . You won't mind
I I real1 I ? "
"Not at ' 1 , " he answered , "but I fear
we shah disturb you. I will goI you'l
let le come again soon. "
"No , no , don't go-stay I can read or
write with n crowd about me. "
lie stayed and when dinner was an-
nouncet ho went with ire 10 time dimming
room , and aCer Ihat we all returned to tIme
library , where we thought no inane oC time
till the old clock In tIme hal struck 9 , when
IY mother rose , saying , "It Is the children's
belHhnc , " anti went away with them ,
When they were gone he sal ] to me ,
"You ily. " have 1 most delIghtful little ( ant-
. 1 am ga,1 ] , YOI think so : and It Is true ,
for we love one another Love can make
mummy fort or a hOle delightful. "
"it Is denied to mime-human love , My
treasures are now all In heaven-both wife
and child I have lost within the year , "
"I feel for 'ou-you have domestic tastes ,
and are Cond of ehltren , Make yourself at
home with us ; ycu see lY children already
, "
We you. lall together till after midnight , and
when ho went away I Celt that I hat found
I "pearl or great price , " a treasure worth
more than all the diamonds oC Golconda. lie
came again n little aCer 1100n on the following -
Ing day , anti ( Crom that limo % on he lived at
m ) house quite as lucb aB his own ; and
he won the enthusiastc affection oC the en-
tire household , 'Including time kitchen maid ,
tie gardener , amid even Jeff Davis , who
never approaehe,1 , him without a gentle
whinny and I lifting oC his right forefoot In
request for a imantlshmako
Take ] hun , mill In mmli , he was the most leva-
ble man I ever knew ; and as a mere spei-
men or physical manhood he was a joy to
look at A lIttle above time medium height
he was perfectly proportIoned and or a snewy : ,
sYllatrlcl figure. lila hair was raven
black , wavy anti ! glossy as satin. Ills skin
was a light olive , slightly tinged with ret ,
ali his features were regular somewhat
prominent , and excetngi flexible , showing
an organization or I hlglily sensItive charac.
Ic : , But his eyes wer what rlveted the
observer's attention. Mr. .fAngfelow told
Rue Ihcy were the finest 'type ' or the Oriental ,
but I never raw eyes-ulErn or western-to
compare with them In luminous P9wer. They
wera full , large and dark . ' wlh overhanging
lash el , but for the life oC' ' me I cannot lel precie color. At tunics they seemed a
deep blue , a other tml' an Inlense black ,
anti Ihen they were bails 'oC fires , a. he was
stirred by some siren ! emlition . They spoke
the ready language or a deep , strong , fIery ,
yet chastened , nature as 'It was move by
love , Joy , sorrow or indignation .
lie was at this tme but 28 years of age ,
anti had never read many books ; hut both
l.onJCelll' an,1 , I.ovel tQld 'ht ' lust he astoim.
hued them with the extent :111 accuracy of
his knowlegl : 'he explanation was 'uy-
ho bad I Ilecularl ) olln , rcellve : mind , and
where other men saw Qaly izoiatei . facts , le
- - -
dIscerned eternal principles I " 'U Bi 111
Steele of nn eminent woman "To love her
wu n liberal education"-te halo the love of
Wison was that , anti more I was a never-
endlnl : benediction.
lltiEitSON .
A month or Sl after WI on first came 10
my house , I was seated one afternoon at
my table writng , whie ho nnl1 the chlhlrcn
were stretched together ulon the floor , lookIng .
Ing at thus pictures In n quarto bok whch
he hat bought the day before for in ) - little
( dauighmter when the servant hallell In to
me a carll on which was written "n W.
Emerson. " I jointed : Ir. Emerson , leaving
Wilon Ignorant oC who was our visior ,
I 1usd met : tr. I meron several times
both at his hOlse all at tIme ofce oC the
Atlantic Mormtlmiy , anti so our greeting was
not lt all lormal , After a Cew minutes he
saul "FleM tells le that you have cap-
Lured Jeff Davis and heM him n pisoner ,
Ito says I Is worth time trip to see hum. "
"Well , " I answered , "he Is a pretty good
specimen oC n reconstructed confederate Il
have him brought out amid put through his
exercises "
"Ne\'er miamI I now , " ho said , smiling .
"To bo entirely Crank wlh you , mr mnln
object Is to meet the author or the ' 01
Sergeant. ' Field tells le you can introduce
lime 10 lmimn , ' '
"I Can anti will , Mr Emerson , with much
pleasure Ito's now In lY roe 1 at the .
other cmiii ] of tIme hal : kindly step this \ ) , "
I let him to tIme main entrnnct to time
library , near which Wison lay wih his
back to the door , whIch I opened sW ) ' , with
my finger onimiy . ' , lps to cnJoln silence. Time
children were so engrossed with time pictures
that they did not \ercelve us , and we steed
there for sonic momenls unobserved , Mr.
Emerson's lace wreathed In smmiiles. Scott
time little circus rider hal'llened to look umim ,
nl1 at once he crIed out : "Oh , Mr. Wilson !
There's papa and another genteman laughing
at you. " " ' "
. .
Wisn sprang to his feet his face crlm-
Bon , but with perfect eI'lltssesslon ho heM
out his Iland to the visitor , saying : "It
gives me pleasure to meet you , : Ir. I mer-
son. " ,
ln. Pleasure ] II reciprocal , Mr. " ' \son ,
and the greater for having como upon you In
such clrcumslances-'ou know , the , mal who
loves ehldrel . Is not Car front the 1lngdol or
The Inllrvlew lasted tilt near dark , ant
Mr. Emerson went away entrely forgetful oC
Jeff Davis and his gymnastics .
About this time I was havlng a pleasant
corresllondenco with Colonel John S. Moaby
the partisan leaden who had given the
union forces In Virginia a good teal of an-
noyance. Mosby Is I cultivated man , anti
hIs letters were exceedingly interesting and
wel written , giving me very graphic ImIc-
( urea of time ' war along the Polomac One
morning I received otis from him or five or
six closely written pages detailing his
various encounters with Colonel Charles
Russell Lowell , or whom he spoke with
bight respect , saying he was the only federal -
oral officer who ever gave him serious
trouble. Colonel Lowell was a nephew oC
James Russell Lowell , amid meeting time latter -
ten In Boston 1 few hours after the receipt
of the letter . I mentioned It to him , ant
at his urgent request promised to send It
over to his house on my return to Cam
I was detained In Boston a considerable
time , and whell I got to lY house I found
Lowell extended at full length upon the
lounge In my library , and Wison near br ,
reclining In an oldCashlonet rocltng chair ,
his feet upon the corer of my writing
table , and both so absorbed as scarcely to
observe my entrance Lowell was the first
to speal Assuming an upright attitude , he
said : "Pardon my making so free with I
your sanctum , but thc fact Is , Forceythe
has been on his high Jinks roaming among
the clouds like that old woman who went
up on a broomstick. "
Wison laughed , saying : "I didn't observe
that the trip tool away YOlr breath. "
" \Vell , It did ; your high nghts always do.
But they are always lnterestltmg. You havc
such a charming way oC puling things. nut
now that we'ro back on terra firma , please
let 10 see that letter oC Colonel Mosby's. "
lie read It through atenlvcly , then said :
"Forceythe , you'd like to hear this He was
a glorious Young feliow-hmow many such has
It cost to save the . union. " ,
. !
After rereading the letter he said to me. ,
"Let mo take this. I would like to show I
to his mother and widow , and somnq others ,
of Limo family. " Then acer sOle further
conversation he rose to leave when Wison
said to him "Don't go ; Mr. Longfellow will
bo hero In I few minutes , and ho would like
. "
to see that loter.
"Has be agreed to come ? He's very busy
with the proofs of Dante. "
" 110 has not : but be Is coming. Ho has
just turned from my house Into time avenue ,
ant having passed the lane he will come In
at the front gateway. le'l bo hero wihin
live minutes. "
Lowel resumed his scat , observing Wison
curiously , but saying nolhlng. In 1 few mln-
utea a rap came at the front door and hlr-
rylng. to It I met Mr. I.ongrelow , When
Mr Lowell had given hIm the cuslomary
greeting he turned to Wison , saying , "Now
I.'orceythe , tel me how you Imew he was on
the way lucre. "
"I both saw and Celt him , " saul Mr 'VI-
son , "I wi tel you every stop oC his way ,
and Mr. Longfellow may correct me If I do
not state It accurately. He left his house
about I quarter oC an hour ago , nnd on hlB
doorstep ho thought of me . and decided 10
make mo I visit. That drew my attention
10 him and I observed him walk slowly to
his front gate , and walt there a Cow inn-
ments for a car. He left time car at your
corner and then walked brIskly up the avenue -
flue to my door , where he rappell and was
mel by my hmouselceeper . who told him that
I was probably hcre. 'fhen he walked back
to the avenue , nli was about to turn In
lt the lane when he noticed the horse
Jeff Davis loose upon the lawn , and to avoid
him tool time longer way round by the front
gateway Now , Ir , Longfellow , have I cor-
recl ) descrIbed your Ilnerary , "
"Youm have , " henswerct , "every step or
the way , You say that my thoulht came to
you when I lot out-hol did ) ' 01 know I
was my thought ?
"Just as 1 shouh1 know "erses or yours
without a slgnatumro . hut inure readily , for
your thought II a part oC you And distance
seems to be 10 immipediment. I have recog-
nized the , Ihought oC our friend here when
ho sat In his eh mir and I was a simile away
on Charles river : anll once on Cambrldgo
street , when 1 was walking out from Boston ,
head a sttong , deslra to ( see me and his
tholght caung 10 , zp , very tangibly , "
"It seems' r llarlale ! , " said Mr. Long'Cel-
low , "but 1 suppose It Is entirely natural-
merely tIme uncovering of Ihe Interior senses
\ which l prophe.t . , . hIlshma ! ! . saw anti heart
what passeu 'In flue lellelamler oC time king
oC S'rla. I suppose there Is nothing super-
natural abont it , Does this 'secon(1 ( sight'
give you a , vlsllll' ' or spiritual things ? "
"In other vor.tJtI , " /ald Mr. Lowell , smiling ,
" "
"arc YOI a Spiritualist ?
"That depends , " answered 'Vllson , "upon
what YOI defIne as muiminitualism. ] you ask
mo I I believe the doclrlnes or time sect , or
think its teachings are always \rodlclve oC
good , I sholhl say I did imot J do not
accept instruction In morals , Ilhlosophy or
theology , from spirit tramps , and , of course ,
the door ts open to them as well as to en-
Ightene(1 ( splrlls. But Ir you ask I I Ihlnk
spirits can comluno wlh mortals , I shol11
answer that I tothat 1 know I. for every
day to mo
With it slow and noiseless footstep ,
Cannes a messenger divine
Takes time vacant ( 'hllr beside me .
l.'s her lento hand In mine ;
And she sits antI gazes at 10
\\Ith these deep antI tender ) , eyes ,
Like time stars , 10 sll ant saint like .
lAoklng downward from the skies ,
"Mr. Longfellow , those lines express nn
actual experience with you. "
"fhoy do , " said Mr , Longrelow. "Sho
Is oren with me , I eel her but I seldom
see her She holds me to duty , and restrains -
strains me from harm and e\'I , My test
thoughts oren come front her , "
"That 18 lY experience , " saul Wllon ,
"but my angel comes to me daIly-we are
together ( ruin 10 to 1 every nmmorning. She
has not been long gone from me , and I
GUIIIOS the earthly elements that still clnl
about her render her very tangible to my "
"I whelm It were so with mmmc , " said 'r ,
Longfeiiow. "You Mr Wison ! . have the
clear spiritual vision-In fact you seem to
me more than balf spirIt already , "
"Anti WbY don't you give out some of the
lofty thoughts that are In you ? " asked Mr ,
Lowell , "YoU might ring out a peat ) like
that of the progbet JeremIah , You are pro.
. - - . - - , . . - . < - . . ' - - - < - - - - .
cl8ely my idea of Wlt 110 was before ho
SI\1 the ruin of his coumntry "
"No , no , Mr. Lowell , " said Willson.
"I have nothing to say-mny work Is done
I wrote n little during thC war to Ielp on time
cause oC the union . but now Ivo nothing to
say-my work I done "
Dii. 10ms TIlE SUBJECT OP A lilT 0
Time interview lasted . fully three hours , antI ]
Ineh that was 8ahl I cannot nout' recall , anti !
whlt Is lucre toll I' i . rather the suhslance than
time literal report oC the conversation ,
Our intercourse lasted moro than n year
wih nn cver.growhl' ' ; Inlhnac . 11 ever'u.leep-
enlug affection between \18un nlll myself ,
amid my entire Cnmly , how closely we grew
togtlher may be luslratell by n little met.
deut that ! curr.1 near time cit3st' oC time period ,
Doctor 10hlC9 was an enthusIastic ndmlrer
ot Wison amid cnlt often to see him. Ono
nlernool he cme 10 1) ' hOUH' with Lucy
I.ucom ell a Fouther Indr , who saul ! that
she hall delrel 10 see time lan that hind ( 1m.
\aleI the south ns the nnturalst impales n
ily-becatmse he loved I \r hall ut for
BIt tme challng In the back parlor , when
Doctor holmes said : "If ) ' 01 will excuse
mo. ladles , I wl ruu In to see Wison for a
few mnonmcmmts , "
"Uon't 10 , . doctor , ' ' t said to imlumu . "t'l
8rut for him. I Ihln ! he Is nt home : I ho Is
ho'l he lucre In a rew niomneiits. "
Wih Ihls ho resumcII hh scat , anti I kept
mine , going on wlh the eOn\'erMton. After
a little tmo ir 101les 10ved Inensl ) ' In
his chair nnl1 lahl to me , "Par\1un me , hit
'ou'\'e forgotten about \Viilscmim. We have but
n hi imii. little ' ' 110 to s\enll , a 11 J Walt 10 sea
"I'\'e sent for him , doctor ; he's comlngi ;
he'l he hero tn n few imilnmmtes . "
"Sent for hlml" excnlmcd Ur holmes.
"Your wits are 'anmderirmg-yotm hn\'en't left
your scnt I not Ihat the fact , ladles ? "
Miss l.arcol smied , sa'lnl. "There's some
witchcraft nbout I , doc lor. I've heard some
queer , timings , about Mr \HIKo I. "
dust tlen a rail came at time bade parlor
door , and on m ) going to It 1) ' 10ther said ,
" : tr , Wlson Is In the library ; he says you
wnnl tu see him , " Vu'imenViiison had been
Inlroduce.1 . to the Indies Ur lolles sall :
"Now I want an expimummatiaui. Whnt Is this
Icgenlemalu betweeu you two gentemen ?
Wlson , how did you hallilen to know wo
wanlell you here ? "
Wlon smHel1 nnll said , "I received 1 IUS-
\atch 10 that effect. "
"Amid where were youm ? "
"Nenrly a mile away-Just returning ( rout
the 110ltomce.
"And whal . wnl time dIspatch ? "
"A tap on the shouhlcr-the signal ngreed
upon between us. "
"A telegraph wihout a baler ) ' , or a con-
ducting wire ! " cxclahnel1 the doctor. "This
Is beyond lY piuilosomimy . "
0. 1115VIFE. .
Force'th WI50n was reared at Now Albany -
bany , Ind. , ot which place his father hall
been one oC the earliest settlers. The father
died In 185 , leaving to each oC his Cour
chidren a comn fordable ! competency , Iror-
celh had been eduenled at Anloch anti
Harvard , and was every way fitted . by
natural endowment amid acquired ability to
have performed a brilliant part In life , as he
showed turluE the civil war b ) his Ilocm ,
which sounded through the lorth like the
peals of . n trumpet , but he early married
and early lost n most lovely womal , al,1 ,
her loss strllllled him oC all worldly amhl-
tioim . He never wrote 1 lIne after her death ,
and he told me lhat he conlnued to live
ouly to fit hlmsel 10 join her hum tIme here
after Dy dint oC much persuasion I Indue
him 10 give 10 tIme Alaule Monthly K0l0
verses he had wrllen prior to his wlrc's
death , 111 10 gather up enough for lublca-
lon In a volume , but I levcr was able 10
persuale ] him 10 write anything In addition.
Ills wife ( led October 13 , 1SG4 , he foluwed
her on February 2 , 1861 , In his 30lh ) 'car.
I have known a good 1any men In m )
moro than seventy years , hut ncver omnt
whom I thought so pure , so true , so hmeav-
euly-mlnded as Force'lh Wison ,
( Edmunl Krlle , )
C .
FOUND RELICS 01" " ,1 JI.-O.E . lal ;
Stone of R I'rchlstorlc Monster l'lcllCl VII
In "nlo1 Count" .
NORTH LOU . Neb" , March 9.-Speelal. ( )
-An Intereslng palaeonlologlcal curiosity In
the shape oC a large bemlslhercal bone , evl-
tleimtly a portion oC time head oC
denly 10rlon tle
the humerus or femur , probably the
later , or some Immense animal oC
n past geologIc age , was Count here by a
herd boy rocenl ) and Is now 10 be seen In
the show window of a local merchant. Whlo
such finds may not be said 10 bo especially
frequent , this Is Car from being tIme first lme
that relics of the animal life oC a remote age
lave been brought to light In this locality .
As long ago a the dale of the excavations
mate In the grading oC the Union Pacific rail.
real to this point , about 1882 , sonic iimmmnermse
bones were discovered antI nmammy were at timat
timime sent oft to eastern niuseunis , In fact ,
time forummationa of vimich time surface of Val-
Icy coummty forms a imrt is nielt in animal
remains , being favorably sitmmateJ , geologically
speakIng , so as to expose time remains of time
ancient life mint only of time iost-tertiary
neocene , but also of time inmmimenso nuieumators
' 'new to sgimt ! aiim ? niamimo" timat peopled time
forests and lake beaches of tIme older lion- !
zommim clear down to time CXIOSCt-i surfaces of time
cretmmccous shmores , ammd witimlmm whose tecummimig
"Time cruel shark , time fiercest of tIme deep ,
Before thmo shim of Adiumim , erimnon dyed
Ills imeariy teeth in blood of fishy urey , ' '
amid on wbmosue shores a wondrous but musty Ut-
tony extinct host of strange beings gamumboled
anti disportemi or chased amid slaughtered cacim
other 1mm turn , Anmong time remains vimicim
hmavo been found in this fornation ; , mnany of
timeun iii timis locality , nmay be mi entloned hones
amid teeth of mice , sqtmirrels , 'the hare , hog ,
peccary , wolf , mmumalc ox , deer , hmyeima , iianthmer ,
camel , tapir , tiger , horses , rhminocaros mmd
eheimhiants , all beiuig of coumrse , soiimewiiat
thifferent ( noun existing species , Time hmormme ,
for inatanmce , thmomigit mmcii thmo formmm of time
ficet.footetl beauty of time race track to its
upper portions , had tlmro well iheveiopel toes ,
anti cm vestige of these Is yet fouumti In the
occasiomial cropplmmg out of aim extra little hoof
cmi tIme side of time leg of our mmmodermm horses ,
1mm additIon to time list given above nmay be
nientioneti time oreomiomm , aim ammlnmal hntermne-
diato between tIme deer , camel and luog , hay-
hog sonme of time leading cimarumctenisthcs of
each , anul time mnighmty brommtotheniuin , sec.
ommd lit size omuly to time mastodon , auth whose
massive and coiumnmm 111cc bonmes vore without
any marrow cavity. 'flue remains of time
skeletons of the giamit turtles that swarimmed
Ott time shores of time cretaceous seas may be
readily fouimd iii time gravels or tIme low bimmirs
ulouig time river at ummaimy pohmmtrs Itt Valley
county. and abundantly in time imigum bluffs
north of Elba , time skeletons , isolate-J yerte.
bra amid teeth of fIshes 1mm tIme ( Jhmalle hills
opposite Scotia , and extensive man bc-dim occur -
cur in thmo Turtle creelc cotmntry west of Onti ,
All 1mm all , It Is a lurid teeming with woumtlers ,
timid few realize that thmey are dailY treamhimtm
time surface of a vast cemetery wlmerein are
buried time rcuimainmi of mmmyniads of rcpresomita.
tivea of all Itreviomus species of all luast tiumue.
in tbmo matter of vegetable remains , too , many
interestimug facts have heemm broughut to light ,
Large chunks of stood were takeum frommi a
ivohl iiear thus city whIch svcro fpuim'l ' eigimty
feet below time surface , yet to little were tlmoy
chmtmtmgccl ( rein thueir umatural condition that
portiomms of thmemmi were drleul and used as fuch ,
Thuo so-called "bluff clay , " of wlmlcim time very
nieimfst Portions of time coummtry are formmmed ,
abound whim several species of sheila , of
which a bivalve ( cyremmo Intermmmedia ) smith a
univatve ( umirianla nehirasceumsis ) tire jtrobhhly ,
thmo nmiost comnmumon , 'I'ime decommiposci remains
of thmeite furmmisim time soil with fertihizimmg mima-
terhumi that time castermi fanner caim only oh-
taln by time exrensi'e and laborious iiroceas
of "burning linac. " cud they are found quite
freely intermnlxed witim subsoil ( or lerhmaps
fIfty to 100 feet hum depth , Imi fact , time soil
of thIs cntiro cotnty , as veil as mumucim of time
adjoinmimig territory , is but time smit arid animal
reimmains , timu accumulations of ages , 1mm thu
hottonm of aim ancient lake , and , therefore , we
mmmay hot wonder at time unparalieleul' fertility
of time soil of central NCbraska , whose teem.
ing crops astonish time world In every fruitful
yea : ,
- - -S
A Nmvcmmy iii Vmrnmlng , ,
A big skunk farm has been established in
Tomimpkimms county , New York. which expects
next year to have a stock of 5,000 animmiala ,
Their food consists mostly of milk , water
and bits of macat , wlmila their beds are made
of chestnut leaves mmd dried grass in a iargu
building. 'l'imey are seldom seen duniimg time
day , but come out at mmlghmtfall mmd gamumboi
about time yard. lieglnnuimg witim time ' 'kit-
ten , " ( hey can be easily tanmied , whenm kill-
Immif ( line comes they are imlaced in a tight
box anti chioroformeti , timus ondonImmg theIr
fur free fronmm odor. Besides lme fur , a fat
aiminnal will yield nearly a pint of oil that
Is said to be aim unequalled remedy for stilt
joints , etc.
( eumwmuAstmlaNiA )
InSOflhllifi , Ner'ous Dyspcpsln1 4
I'lclancliollzi ,
Anti the thouand Ills timid follow a
deranged Commdition of tue
Are cucd by
C : ai1.pbi.iiipu ThiS Extract of time
a. & Drain of thoOx ,
l'reparetl under the forimuula of
Dost' , Drops.
Price , Per Pimlal of Tvo lrachnms , $ moo ,
loft SALIc im % ' 51.1. flRL'urmsTs ,
COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO. , Washington , D , C.
Seimti for i'ooic
' , is
] UIIN & CO. , ACihN'rS FOR OMMI , .
_ \
& %
\Veddiiig I
, .
- . ' Underwear
Semit't mmnmnc amid get Matte to Order
p Illustrated Dcriptlyo Lists Pree ,
Foa'ri- & Co. ,
mmri Idhuil Oitg. c. , as uiiLm.ton St. , cmincsao ,
Ii , purchasing goods made at time following
Nebraska factories. It you cannot find what
you want , commumumilcate svith the manufac-
tuners as to 'hmat dealers imanthie their goods :
Jlis , JtIJItL.lz' lND Til'IVE ,
Manufacturere ol all ktnda of cotton & burlap
bags , cotton flour sacks & twine a specialty.
Gi mc-cms n ,
JiIe1l r 11)01) , 1LO lift , I'F115 1' ,
\t14P1flSTON \ & CO.
Manufacturers of Preton's California Plaicci ,
flicicIe brand asiC risimtg iiour & yeast , Io you
use Preston's beam flour ?
11 ii : wiz : iis ,
Car load shipments made tim our own reCrigcrator
cam's. lilue lubborm , Elite Export , Viemina Export ,
and V'amnhiy Export , delivered to nil earth of city.
( J.IICREi ( ; I 1'.ICTWCI 1S ,
Carriage & Wagon Makers. Carringea , buggies ,
plmaetons & wagons always on imand & made to
order. ii3-i5 Ihnrney-st. , Omaha.
COFFJCL' , SI'1CIS , 18.IIC'u' ( I'UIJ'DLIf.
Coffee Roasters , Spice Grinders , Manuracturen.
German Slaking l'owder anti German Dry hop
Yeast. 314-iS S. 11th street , Omaha.
p1ti flU.
3 , F , CILMN ,
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C. 11 flack , Manaaer , Omaha.
Manufacturers of parlor furniture , lounges , din.
lmmg tables & folding beds. Stb nyc. , Boyd to
flaitter streeti.
Ivs UH. I , 'CR ,
Over came mIllion , lolIara go out of Nebraska
every 3ear ( or no better Inamunminco timan Ii fur-
nisimed Sty the Union i.tto of Omaha. AgentS
Wanted In every town in 5ebmasmca.
lUll 4N1) ( JO.IL ,
lonmestle' & steam coal. We have time best. (4.
tic. lGOi Farnam-st. Telephone : Office 373 , nmrd
iC6. J. A. lee , gea'l manager ,
IItON mrous ,
uanuracturlng A repairln of till kinds of ens.
ciutnery , engines , p'rnps , elevators , ' ZIntla I'-
please ! , Imanger. , shafting & couplings , 1406.
( toward at , , Omaha.
Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , specials ; boilee
( rommts & fittIngs , sirect iVy car wheels. Archul.
tectural iron works. Office 30 ? 5. , OmahuL
M't'r's of Arcititectural Iron Work , Oearal
Foundry , Iaciiine nail lilackaniltim Vork. En.
gmneenl & Contractors for Pireproot Buildings ,
Ouiica end V'ork. hi. 1' , amy , & 13o. 17th Sitreet ,
lh1 .VUJ".l C ) I'fJUt.'u'U Ul11ltIS I'S.
Mumimuracturers of fluid extract , , elixir , , syrup , ,
, ' wlrmea , compressth tiltumates , luypotlenmnio tab.
lets , pills & sientiflc medical noveitic. , Omaha.
.11,1 'f'JtL.1 : : s , ( ; ( ) T. , U1CI1Js ,
- - - - - - - - 's
: ,
Manufaciurer Mattrobses , Spring fled ; Jobber
Feathers and I'iliawa. North 14th and Nicimohum ,
6tL , Omaha , '
A'IflITPrI 'J'Jt , ' 1lIt VIU1' ,
This only perfect protection to property. Exam.
in. it. Best thtmmg on earth , Redueci inuranc.
rates. 1301 ,
0 1'lIMi,1. P..iJTOIt(1C8 ,
Slanuiecturer , & jobbers of the celebrated Buck.
skin brand shirts , pants , oreraili & duck cloth.
hag , 1101-34 Factory last Omaha.
1Ai'z-cEY1Ns ( CO.
Manufacturer , of men' , & boys' ciotliIn , pant , ,
ihirts & overalls. 201-li ? S. ,
. . _
- - - - - - _
- - - - - -I
- : :
I , . , J'tI ivis.
Manufacturers of all kinds paper boxes , smIt
hose. , camnjiie cases. loathing tubei , rtu , wed.
dimmg cake ti fancy candy L.oxes , diugist 4 Jewelry
boxes. 1105.10 Jomi's. , ( . , Onnahmit ,
siiiiri' J".llJUhIfs.
, . - - CD ,
Biclusive custom shun tailors ,
1(15 1srnam street , Telephone OQS.
f'ITJtIl'llItI j'4 'J.'u' ( UIUOIC.
I'getony ho Louisvlil , Coca Co Quality of brlcis
fmmarammteed to b * as go a , army toavufnscturs4
outside of this stale , fleary Uoiin.