i ! - r ' - ; j--- . - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . - ' - , . , ; ' ; ; - 'T- ' - ; ; -r- : r -r ; : - r- - - - . . - . . x TIlE OMAhA DAilY BIDEt 'n1lUnSDAY , MAROH7 , lsn . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , [ . : IRS PERRINE LOOlillC { IT UP - Seoretary Morton's ' "II1sbrical Affair" Brings Mrs Cleveland's Mother West - SIGNIFICANCE OF TilE OMAHA VISIT - " BRltl to no J.ooklntll' / J"hf'nco : ! 'hlch Can fin Uftf'll to MRIo Hf'cretln Morton - ton SIR"I tllllln the CItrIVt 111\11 H\\'I\II" 11111 'orls I - I There Is nn Interesting rumor I Ising rapidly \ ll the wings ot credence In thl cIty tl the effect that the recent \'I\ \ t Mr. and Irs. ' : I H. E. Perrine ot 1Juf1aii N.si. . , wnl ! not , , vholly III the ! Interest of 10llklll ! at. . rcal j estate In which Mrs. ' Ptrrlne Is Interested. : Mrs. Perrine wnsIrs. . Flsom lulrr to l.u . ' I last mnrrlage. She has : the dIstInc ' or : ot being the mother-In.law or Preslle'lt , CleH ! ' p Jnnt ! Benjamin n\HI Johll 11. olsom , antecedents of her dead lIuu11.1 ) and II\.e. \ wise relatives or her dau1.tIrIr ; Grc\'tr . Clevelaud formerly lived In Omaha and acquired - qulred property here. She in said 10 Le proud or her old family name and ever ready to defend it . In nn Interview with .James E. Doy.l , rub- lIshed February 13 , the I'J-pvernor ; bhted . Secretary or Agriculture Morton for his alleged attlllHlo toward Preshlent Cleveland ] b toro the latter 11 ) I1U1I him with II c"hh.et omce In lint Intervl ex-Governor 110yd said , among other tullls : . "In all alhlress delivered before the State historical solety : January 31. 1891 : . Secre- tary Morton uses the following 1\I1guage : : ; I. 'It great estates now contested among numerous helrs-eome of them of the highest - est social and IJoll1lcaJ prominence _ In the ! union ( Mrs. Cleveland-orlglnat ) In Ihe , , prIce ot a corrupt ancestor ( J. B. Folsom ) . In the first territorial legIslature at Nebraska just and good history should show and lIlullllnato the vicious tact. ' ; "Dr. Mihter . . hot long since said to toe , " continued ex-Governor Boyd In that Inter- view , "that he sat upon the plaUorm when this address was being delIvered ( atiti that lie never was so dumbfounded In his lire , for : ho said there was no foundation for such an accusation. Dr. Miller was an omcer or that leglsaturo ] and knew whereof he spol\O. , lie said the olsollls bought and palll for . their property In Omaha the same liS others. 4 till , hy the way this was the paragraph that lIIr. Boyle requested the late ileino- erallc state convention to ask for the ex- ! , punglng ot by a resolution so that It would not be accepted as Napoleon ] I. said or his- tory ns 'A fable agreed on. ' Nearly every ; ld ' settler who was hero In those days as well ns Dr. Miller knows the accusation to bo false , but the day lIIay come when It will 1.10 brought UIJ against lIIr. Cleveland's chll- , dren , and none there will bo who can deny It. " 1 It Is now hinted that ever since the Boyd intervIew was published It has nettled Mrs o1som-Perrlne , and with true womanly Pride , ehe Is said to have determined to fully sltt ' . "he matter and not allow such al- Jeged expressions ot J. Sterling Morton . 10 go unchallenged on the official records for th * sake ot. her daughter , who , as Miss : Fran- ces I"olsom , was proud ot the name and as 'Mrs. Grover Cleveland ] was not content to calmly submit to the alleged charge that a , 'legacy ot corruption had been handed down tQ , her from her rather's relatlve3. WIth the father dead and the president disposed to re- - gard the Interview as a thrust prompted for political reasons , It Is said . somewhat au- y thoritatlvely that n mother was appealed to . with the result that Mrs. Folsom-Perrin ! , who , ; < was' at that time vlEi'tlng her , completed a \ . sojourn of ten weeks and came direct to Omaha via Duffalo lIIr. and Irs. PerrIno , II. . went from here to California , but It Is a ' " , algnlficant fact that Dr. , Miller , collector at .r ' . ' " customs and one of the gentlemen mentioned , In the Boyd Interview , received a telegram ; _ u _ , " ' _ _ " ' _ _ ' _ 00 . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . u _ _ n _ _ . num WU"IIII1IIUII IU LilO errect mat " " 0. , n- rlno would be In Omaha for several days. , , Dr. Miller called upon her at the Paxton and , the Interview lasted for some time A reporter saw' Dr. Miller yesterday : aiM ' he salll that his telegram announcing the comIng : of . .Mrs. Perrino came from Senator Iander- son , who had possIbly learned from Mrs. , ; ) Cleveland that her mother was to visit Omaha , and desired to have some attention r , , bestowed upon her Dr Miller denied - ha.-lpg : conversed with 1\Irs. PerrIne on the Morton-Boyd nffalr and saId that 1\Irs. Per- rine merely came here to "look after some . , p * roperty " Subsequent oInvestlgatlon. revealed - vealed the tact that site had a regular agent here to attend to her realty affairs. and that shi , was In Omaha two days. Federal at- ( aes . arc reticent. , A man well versed In political doIngs and , t a democrat who has not had any ambition for ofllce , stated positively to a reporter that : : Mrs , Perrine made Inquiries about the "state } .c historical society" affair and that she was . on a stili hunt to get all the facts In the . . CIISO. presumably to submit them to the president In which event the democrat p above mentioned anticipated an Interesting dJa19Uo ! between the presIdent and Secre- S . tar ) ' Morton. i At any rate the story Is on the Street and 'f . has created somo\vhat of a gossipy breeze among democrats ot both factions With an hue mother-In-law after his scalp , the JlolI- ' tlelan believe that Mr Morton will be forced , tb Indulge In a large amount or explanation when she returns east wjth the result ot her Investigation. i ' _ _ _ . _ _ _ , . 110)01111 COIII1Jl\rsoil. : I Are the good qualities. possessed by Hood's , 'o' I . Sarsaparilla. Abve all It purPles the blood , . , thus trengthtnlng the nerves ; It regulates the dlgebtlve organs , InvIgorates the kidneys I and , liver , tonca and builds UJI the entire t system , cures scrofula dyspepsia catarrh find rheumatism. Get Hooll's and only hood's . . e. < . . - . 1J00d' Pills cure all liver Ills , biliousness , t : jaundice . Indigestion , sick headache. 25c. r . The showing ot the Now Englalld Mutual LIfe JnRurauce company as showli by their annual statemellt In this Issue , rofieets great cledll on the manngement. . T. S. Clal'l.son , 621 ht Nat Ble. Dldg. IrrIgated agricultural lands California fruit lands , Omaha realty. . A general supper will be given nt Salvation - tion army , 1433 N. 24th st. . Thursday.larch ! 7. Tickets 11c [ ; _ . -a- - . Urnth nf lIrA. : Itroatcli ' Mrs. Jullll P. Broatch , wife ot ex- Jayor % V. I. ; 11rol1tch , died at her ohl home III Canton - ton , 0. , Tuesdu evening. llrli. : IIroatch IUIlI lJeen un Invalid for several months IlIIII 11 few weeks ago she Willi token 10 Chicago , , where 11 'HlrHlcl11 operation was ierormned : , After this her hen Ill ) Improved for 1\ short tInt \ ! , but thin Improvement was or short ll\lratl \ ' n. RenNlon set In al1l1 site 1'lIpldly grew wOI'se. She wnll removed to Canton , the place of her birth. 1\1\11 soon Il1ell. I'UI'- : - rQulHlell by frlenlll ! and relatives 1ntertllent tullell llltlee today the I'emalns being de- posited In the ohl Cllmllr buryIng hround. 1IIrs. I1l'oaleh Willi r ; : , years uf mige ul1l1 . hlld resided III thIn cIty \ mummy years where hue hUll hosts ot frlcl\lls. She wall It vera . oOmlJanlonlllll1l woman u devoted wife und a loving mother. . Jlfllrrhllo I.lcic , . . , } , The following marriage licenses were Issued - ' . sued 'cbtt'rdny ; I Name nllIl AIIIll'css. Age Wlllhllll 11. ifeanlnmiton . Putt Omaha . . . . . : ! 3 1.lzzlo 1\IIIIIIcn , Hellllington , Neb . . . . . . . . 2 ( 1 Mnrlin Jacobsen , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : t ! - .Tenslne Bl'umlt , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2i Henry 1' . HloltenherA' . Omaha . . . . , . . . . . . . 2 : : Margaret : 111m . Omllha. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . I ! JIII1IJ1t , Larsen gilt CIl ) ' , I'\.b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , : Jennlo ' , "ckh , 1I'\nlton ! , Neb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . R. Bulfenl' 1 > Ititisoii , Valley , I'\cb. . . . . . . . . . ; . 2 1 : : 1dithm ! Agee \'ahi'3' , Neb . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . 21 , Charles : . l\1u'ne. Oll1allll.\ . . . . . . 2 i Celia a. JJo\Jth , Omnaha . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . 2 : i - _ . . - . . . hull' ' hlhl. . , Mr. O. 11. : lalr-ol - lrlandal1. ( , Jones & Cm. ) J . ' . ' mllrl'ul ! : ' Nettle 1\1 . c.t thlf vltuMvns 10 :111'1' . Chtids at 811).px City ' 1'Ul'IIIl1reh : n. a S thai home IIf the brlt1r'K parents : llr. ant ' Mrl' ' l. I U . I3ltllll\el' , The marl'lale l'cremOnj Was tll'l'forme l by He\ Mono Dlrllnl oC Ih , . , , FItal 1 COUII'.lia.tIOI . church . . _ oC Sioui t City ' f. MAltRlED , In this city , 6th In8t. . h i , ) ' Rev ' . S. " ' 'mIgh J3ullt' l I ) . I ) . . Cllllrlp" 8. MllYJle and } l1s Cell . lJooth. btb of O:1l1ha. ' _ - IIA YUIN unus. March b"ltl8. An Innovation that will \ be watcllCll with unusual Inttr'st. The Idea Is to let the prices down In every department as well ns at the bargain counterll. verybody welcome ] to examine goods find Jlrlces. WASil IJImss GOODS. 30.lnch ribbed duck suiting cream , tan and blue grounds 16c. Duck Iullings ! , fancy stripes , light and dark colors IOe ynrll. GaIn tea cloth for skirts shirtings , ctc. , perfect . fect washing fabrics . lOc 'arl. 36.lnch wide Morley zephyrs all the fancy stripes , color ! guaranteed fast lOc yarl ! . Garner's yard wide percales great variety 10e. 10e.30.lneh fine printed and plain black sateen , lOc ynrll. The very neatest and newest ginghams ; In small checks or plaids , spring caiontngi ! ! . 10e. WONlHmJ J.OW 1'IlJCgS ON WII1TI GOOnS ) ANI LIN XS. White dotted swls nt 9c , 15c J8c. 2c , lOc . 35e. lOc , 40 [ ; nail , GOc. White swiss with colored dots 2\ : ; \ , 27c. 3mc. Colored swlRsc ! 4c. [ ; W''te ' ' nainsook ] lOco 12'c . 150 anti , 25c. White Jndla linens , 7c. lOch IFI : . 25c. Towels 1c [ ; . lOc . 15c , 1ge and 25c. Extra size Turkish towels at 10c. 1mSS 0001)5. Another lot or the wool moreen skirting ( just received ) worth 75e , for 39c. Another line of those 2.llIch [ ; sIlk wool suiting . ing worth $ l,10 [ ; , for 76c. - Another line or these beautiful check all wool sulllnl's ; worth 48c. for 21c . Our IIna ot silk alllI wool and all wool no\- cIties 39c yard has no equal In Omaha We offer for Thursday our 48-llich storm serge In nnvy and black , regular TOe quality for Oc. We offer for Thursday our 40-lnch all wool storm serge ! ; In black and all colors worth 501' . for 2c. [ ; PI.AIDSI PLAIDS I PI.AIDSI We've got them , and at all prices from 2e [ ; to $1.3:1. : Creponl ! In blacks ] only. 'Vo've got more than all the stores III Omaha combined 48c , 76c , $1.00. $1.25. UI.ACK DRESS GOODS. WI ! offer 25 nieces all wool fancies worth 690 ' for - 30c : ; 25' pIeces 47-lnch all wool serge worth G9c for 3:1c : ; 15 [ ; pieces -IG-Inch all wool henrletta worth G5e for 3ge ; 15 pIeces 40-lnch mire mohair ( figured ) worth h ge. [ ; for 39c. We offer for one day the best German hen- rletta In America worth 85c and $1.00 , for Oc. [ ; BLANKETS AND liED CmIFOHTS. Clearing up odds and elide at prices that must sell them. Blanltets ' 25c. Oc. [ ; G5c. 75c. 98c Jlalr. Good wool IIIlxell blankets ] $1.25. $ l5O : [ ; , $1.7 n pair UI' to good California blankets at 3.7 or extra large size. Large ; size crib blankets 20c each. Good outing flannel at Sc [ ; . New spring and summer flannels at : mc and 40e yard. SPgClA FOR THURSDAY i , 100 dozen elegant stamped linen slJlashers worth 20e to 25c. to be closed out Thursday nt 12'hc SO [ ; dozen stamped linen spashers ] , beauties , to be closed out at 11' [ ; . M-Inch stamped linen dresser scarfs lc [ ; 70-hlch stamped linen dreser scarfs 25c. Lllllcs' : new stock collars 40c. 600 yards jet trimmings 5e a yard. HAYDEN DUOS. -a TilE DUUr.CT SJU1IIt1tN : ! ItoUrE \11\ Hock Isbl6hortoJt Line nod 11ltolt ! Ti ni a. To nil poInts In Kansas Oklahoma , Indian Territory Texas and all points In southern Calltornla. Only ono night out to all points of Texas. "The Texas Limited" leaves Omaha at 6:15 : a. m" , dally except Sunday landing passengers 'at all poInts In Texas 12 hours In advaco of all other lines Through tourist cars via Ft. Worth and Fa Paso to Los An- geles. For Cull particulars maps folders 'ete , . call at or address Rock Island ticket office , 1G02 l"urnam " st. CHAS KENNEDY 0. N. W. P. A. a - A Few stIvantmsmN . Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway the short line to ChIcago A clean train . , made up and started from Omahil. Baggage checked from residence to ,1"otlnotlon. Elegant train service and cour- i. i ii.mpioyes. . - Entire trains lighted by \1 \ electricity and heated by steam with elec- Inc light In every berth Finest dining car service In the west with meals served "a Ja carto. " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. dally ( rein Union depoL I City Ticket omce 1504 Farnam Btreet C. S. Carrier. city ticket agent . l'J""ft"nt to 'rl\lO The Northwestern line Cast vestibuled Chicago - cage train that glides east from the Union Depot every atternon at 5:45 : and Into Chicago at 8:45 : next morning , with supper and la carte breal.tast. Every part of the train Is RIGHT. Other eastern trains at 11:05 : a. m ant 4 p. m. dally-good , too ' City ticket office 1-101 Farnam street. . Why tIme Case Went ( ) ver. The absence of Judge Gilbert of the ll1th United States circuit court In San Francisco Is given as tIme reason for the hearing of the Short Line receivership going over until Mardi 11. The presence ot J. M. Egan In "Portland has also caused renewed interest In the rumor that the former chairman of the General Managers association Is Judge Gil- bert's choice for the receivership of the Short . Line , should such a segregation be decided uJlon. Judge 'itmurston . It Is understood will argue that the court of primary jurisdiction should have been permitted to iass upon this . matter. . - Now CUlllmittec8 to 110 'ormoll. According to the report of the committeD of the Western Trunk Line Passenger asto- elation there arc to be three subcommittees , the western committee with headquarters at Denver the eastern committee with head- quarters at Chicago and the transcontinental commltteo with headquarters at Chicago. , This committee , however , may be merged with the western committee A committee ot five was appointed to draft rules for time government of the subcommittees 10 report next week at a general meeting , 'f ' time LSSO- elation , _ . _ - - - - - - - CONTINENTAL SATURDAYSALE Selling Spring Suits from the Boston Pire at Half Price , FIVE DOllARS FOR A SIO SPRING SUIT Jlo.ft' 1(110 1'l\lItft. .121' , 48c , 44cand 411e- Spring Stylf' Ierly IIIIts for Rllrllll 1\1. UlleO : Overcoats for 1l1O- ! ! l'rolU : time IIOllt1l1l l'lre. To buy a spring suit nt the regular Nice Is generally your hick Isu't It ? It never occurred before In the hIstory of our business that we soul spring suits In the spring for less than the regular prIce , but w 'rc going / to do It this time. . NEW SPItING SUITS HALl PHlCE. Now that's the kltlll Dr a cut that counts I But then you jay : "There's surely something - thing the matter with them , " and so there Is ' . SOltETJJJNG : THE IATTlm WITH THEM. They've been wet some ot thitan They've bel1Jl In smoke , nU' ' of them Th y'vo been through fire . nil or them. Those that were wet are now dry \ . allli the smoke blew oil at the first aJlPToach of pure air allli the fire never burned them. They were In cases . packed read } ' for shipment to the \'arlolls Continentals over the country whell the great firC' broke out In the Continental In Boston , and that fact saved ( them almost entirely from any damage hut they came IIIlller the head or damaged goods and were so allowed for by the Insurance alljusters. It now remains but n question ns to I whether you want to save $5 or $10 on a suit or not , for ns the cost or these goods now stRtllls to us we can and will give you a big benefit . NEXT SATURDAY MORNING Wo place on sale all these damaged by water spring Ioods. They arc almost en- . tlrelv nerrect'and n rood place to Invest your carco ' dollars . for you never heard at new I sprlll1 ! goods being sold at halt price berore.I I Amid they are new , only a little water touched 1 them. Wc'\'e been giving everybody grant ! bar- ( gains this winter ; we controlled the trade by 1 ' start In with a . so Iloing. That's why we 1 ' grand sale next Saturday or spring suits 'and overcoats for ( boys and memi We start In 1 two weelts ahead or the season and to induce YOIl to buy thus early we propose to slaughter ' all time spring stuffs trom hats to overcoats ( at fully halt what 'ou'd have to pay It they I halln't been through the nre. I Whoever heard or slashing new spring I 1 goods before at halt price ? But there's a call for It , You wouldn't buy n spring suit now If we dllln't make an Inducement , and we make it so radIcal that you can't get away tram us. In addition to the spring goods that were wet at the fire we have brought down our stecl ot spring suits carried over anti the style Is just as good as this year's while time goods themselves Oare Jlertect. but we have them on hand anti to close them out we put them all In wtth time wet goods allll let them go lit halt price. When the new spring suits that are not damaged come In you'll pay $10 to $25 for spring snits that we'll sell you Saturday for , $5. : ; $8 , $10 and $12. While for $10 we'll give you your choice of a dozen styles or the best spring overcoats In the house. They'll be $20 to $25 later on. Boys' new spring combination suits with extra pants elastic band , for $2,95. thnt'll cost. you $ G outside at our fire sale. Boys' 2-plece blue and gray suits for $1.9 [ ; . Boys' heavy suIts 2-plece left from the fire sale ot last week will 10 at 95co In tact , an the sults.an overcoats from the .Doston fire will go at almost any price New spring derby hats , some slightly wet , In aB time popular shades and styles will go Saturday for 95c. $1.25 , $1.50 and $1.95. THE CONTINENTAL , Selling Wet SprIng Suits at Half Price . 111\117 Cnb. . Special sale ot baby cabs wIth steel or runeer mires. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. I . THIS 'TIME SMILEY WINS. . - Ueen In th" l oU of t.lttontlon that lies Courts for Ycatp. The long contested case of Connell against Smiley has been decided by the supreme court. The beginning of this litIgatIon dates back some fifteen years and time final decision Is In favor of the defendant. The suit was for the possession of a tract ot land near the Clllr grounds which was originally owned by Smiley. Jl was deeded by him to the Union Stock Yards company with the understanding that time deed should be kept In escro and not recorded as a bona flOe transaction. Ultimately the property came Into the hands of City Attorney Connell , but Smiley refused to give up possession on the ground that the deed to the stock yards company was never recorded and hall no force In law. This view wall sustaIned by the circuit court allli the case was then taken to the supreme court on the ground that the circuit court hall no jurisdiction. The supreme - preme court decided that the case was In the jurisdIction of the lower court which Jlrac- tlcally wins the battle for the dotendant. . Juellt'o Jolly WOO Illi Point. Judge W. R. Kelly oC the Union Pacific returned from Sl. Louis Tuesday where ho was In attendance upon time circuit court of time eighth circuit In relation to matters connected with the Union Pacific. . Probably - ably time most Important. matter before Judge Sanborn was the attempt of time Union Terminal company 'at Kansas City to force a crossing over time Union Pacific tracks although the crossing would have to extend over one of the piers or time 10mw brldo. Judge Kelly succeeded In securing an Injunction - tion against time Terminal company , although not objoctlllg to an overhead crossing whIch could bo made with ease. - - - - - - - - - THEY ALL WANTTIIE PEN lON. - Numerous Wives eli A Sulchlo hAns Up for the 81I "nll. Dr. Stone of time Omnll Army of the lie- public has received lelter from the woman who ciaitha to be tiie.f1nmmt t and legal wife of J. A. Walters the bJI1ler who sulcll1ed In this city 1tew daysl ago. She lives In harrisburg 1'4. , nil : ! > In the letter she makes Inquiries regarlllnglJU1 l discharge papers which Walters ha,1 upon his porsoll. With these she Intends to' . ttT to prove claim for a pension To dot this site will have to prove that site was . tub \ : " legal wife and that she had never beemitdtvorced from \\'alters . This may bo n big jots ns It Is well known that Walters bad marriott several other woinen. Irs. \'nitcrs ! . time first imowever thinks that she stands a pretty good ; show for a Jlenslon. In her letter she says that she was mantled to Walters on JAnuary 12. 18G6. Twelve years ago Walters left her allll started west. Site dill net sea hIm until last Novoimiber At thnt time she ays that ho tolll her that ho hail , married several other , women , but that they would never Hive her any trouble as ho had never been divorced . from her. An extract from time letter reads as follows : "no told me wh n hero how ho had marrlel ether womnen but . he said It don't maUer how many other oneS 1 have married you arc the only one that can get my IJenslon. " She relies on this statement as a basis for her belief that site Is time lawful wire. Yet she will have m great deal of difficult ) . In proving her claim , ns she will have 10 trace UIJ her husbanll's career during time twelve years that he was absent and give Indisputable proofs that he was minter divorced from her. \\'aiters hall given his Illschargo papers to time woman to whom he was married In this city She Immedlatel after her hllsballll'g suicide hunted up her marriage 'tlnc.lte amid the four IIlscharges allll started to apply for a Jlel1slon. Her marriage with Walters however occurred on January 23 , 1894. anti this Ilate barred her train receiving the pell- slon. A recent net of congress provilles that a woman who marries n veteran soldier after Jimmie 1890 , Is net entitled to receive It Jlen- slon after his death. The Omaha Mrs. WalL - . _ _ . _ " L . . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Lu' _ ers , 1I0weyer. acme on to ( lie papers UlIll took hem with her to St I'aiml 1f Mrs \rnhters ! ! the first Is divorced from \\'alters \ , then Mrs. 'alters the second who- J\'er she Is . can come In for the Jlenslon , pl'O- dlled she was married to Waiters baforo lime 1890. If she was divorced , then Mrs. \"alters \ the third stands n show , and so on throagh : the string oC wi Yes. The day before Walters killed hhllileit he \\'roto \ to Mrs. Walters the first atHI tolll her Jt his Intention or committing suicide and " ave her time assurance that she would get a ( , Cmmsioml Some time before the commlsshm Jr the deed the Omaha lIIrs. Wnltors claims that Waiters gave her the dlscllllrge paiers together with the same assurance that she was In line for the Jlenslon. It Is suspected that Walters managed to gather his many wives by promIsing each one that she would get the pension after his deatlm All that have been heard [ rom UI' to date have not expressed any great sorrow at 'Valters' loath and each oC them has been making very pointed InquIries about the Jlenslon Although 'alters swerved somewhat from the conventional In the number ot his vives . he had nn excellent war record. He had ( our honorable discharges toni the arm ) ' . He cnllsted In the Sixteenth Pennsylvania Infantry - fantry on April 28. 18G1. and was discharged - charged on July 27. Collowlng. He re-enllsted with the One Hundred and Thirtieth Pennsylvania - sylvania Infantry on August 4 , 18G2. and re- mnaInedjn the company until February 16. 18G3. On June 27. 1863 , he enlisted In the Twentieth Pennsylvanla\ was disCharged on January G. 18G4. lIe then enlisted with the Twelfth Pennsylvania cavalry on Febru- n"ry 23 , 18G4. and was discharged on July 26. 18G5. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ See annual statement of New J England Mutual ' Life Insurance Ce In today's paper. . . - CANNOT BE F01tC.IL O ANSWER . , Counl.Y"'Attorney IJnldrhlgo'lI Opinion It.- gastilihgtlio Qae..ldu1 ! : , of 1..JnrrA. , 'County 'Attorney'Daldrldge ' said -yesterday that he had merely ' been called upon ) .by the linIrd of FIre and Police Commissioners Tuesday nIght to generally dIscuss the proposed - posed Investigation' to give his opInion upon certaIn questions ot law. The 'members have also Invited him to be In attendance this evenhlg. "Ot , course , I am willing to help them all ' 1 can . but the matter Is now out or , my department - partment , " said Mr Bahrldge. "The result of the proposed Investigation will of course , depend upon time willingness of the members of tile grand jury to testify or give Intorma- tlon regarding time evidence which was gIven before them 1f they decline to do this , I do not think they can be forced to do It by the commissioners or courts. At least this Is my opinion on the question. " . olvull One of Limo l'roh1mn. The attaches or the county jail are jubilant again notwithstanding the mandate of time - county commissioners which ordered the dismissal of one ot the assistant jailers and the appoint- mont of a matron. Jailer Miller did not know which of the asslstanl to recommend for discharge , and the sheriff' ! ottletl time mat- ten satisfactorily to all cone rned by retaining both and paying one out or his own peeltet Ho then turther pleased them all by appointIng - pointing I\1rs MIller the chief jaller's wire , - . as matron. . - 1)11W. DROATCH-Julla F . . wlCe of W. J. roateh oC this cIty . at Canton Ohio , on 1'uesI1I1Y evening . MUl'eh Slim Funeral at Canton , OhIo , on Thursday , March ! 7th. lRONS-MIII'y , lIA'cII 51 [ ; years , wlCe ot I. Irons , sister oC U Ton StanlJ\lI'Y. Funeral from residence 2.08 : ! Howard St. . 'I'hursdIlY March 7th at 2 p m. Interment ut Forest Luwn. Friends ! ama immviteci Chicago IInd Denver papers please copy. LEAVITT-WllIIl\m J. lIf. , aged ; 43 years , ' Tuesday : llnl'ch r ; . Funeral services will he held at the family residence 611 SOllth 'J'went-elA'hth Street at :1 : o'eloelt Fnidmty , MUI'ch 8. Interment at ProBIJeet Hill cem , etery. 'rho frIends or the family arc I'e , sIJeelrull In\'ltell to attend Creston III. , papers olease copy - : . OZON ] . , COD LIVER OIL. GUMACOI : I i . The ( I r\'ellous } , . Power of ConbiQtibQ ) ) ) I I . : It is a well-known fact among scrofula , eczema , and all kinds of produced for a specific purpose. : : chemists that certain curative : \ agents wasting diseases. Their combina ' It is not a nostnumor a cure.all , : : : which have a marked beneficial tioll in Ozomulsion not only retains but a reliable speciti . for all wast- : : effect , when prescribed separately , all their respective virtues in the ing diseases , Consumption , whether : : : often have those same effects very treatment of the distressing ailments of hereditary or accidental origin , : : : : matcrially increased when COhn- referred to above , but , by the pe- scrofula or scrofUlous taint It : : bined with wetl.chosen agents hav- culiar chemical combination ob. can be takcn for any : form of lung : I : : lug a similar therapeutic effect tained , secures effects which are in trout1e , colds , la , grippe , blood- : One of the happiest combinations a marked degree superior to the poisoning , eczema , scrofula , feeble- : : of this character is found in Ozobest produced by separate preness from old age i in weak , ncr- : : f1ULSION. It is composed of a , scription of all of them to the vous conditions arising from over- : : permanent Emulsion of Pure Norsame patient. The Emulsion is work or any other cause i eniac- : : wegian Cod Liver Oil combined perfect , and the chemical combina- iationJ or any wasting disease i : : with Guaiacol , and the entire prep. tion such as to pr duce . in Ozo- ' angular women , puny girls , sickly = : aration charged with ozone. Two mulsion the grandest gerni.decllildrehi . Its effects are immedllte ; : of the ingr dients-Cod Liver Oil straying , blood. purifying and fleshand certain It is acceptable to the : i and Gu.\l . \ col-have long been ac- producing remedy of the age No most delicate stOli1ach , and as harm- : N cel'ted by the medical profession oilier preparation approaches OZOless as pure water. It is the kind : : : as : : ; most effective agents in the treat- mulsion. It is an unique power- physicians prescribe Sold . by all : 1 : ment of all forms of lung disease , ful , positive remed--one that was I irtigg'ists : . , : Thin , pale women Get plump and beautiful 011 OtOlt1ulslon. . : T , . . I . SIOOU.U CO. , I8z PCI.rl Street , New York Oft ) " . : . , . S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KUHN It CO. , 15th and DouJlas ! 'tteets , Omaha. \ . . . . & _ . ' ; u. , ' . , , ' ' _ _ - . i i i _ - - - - I . . - LOOK UP , NOT DOWN - Spring Days Bring Good Cheer to the Weak. - Paine's Celery Compound in Thousands of Homes. On Every Hand Peopc : ore Cettlng Well. The Gl'cnt Spring Rcmn'dy ltil'es One Strong : , ' 4 Now Ordered by Fhysicin.us Every- whore in March "hi ! whnl avail time largest RICh at heaven When 1r"oJlln henllh anti spirits IN I11111ss1 How tasteless Ihen , whttenr comm he given ; 1I1'allh Is time \'Ital l.rlnclllc . or Jllss. ! Wealc , tired out men allll women with nerves " unstrung" allll badly nourished need I'alno's. celery compo\lllll. They are es- Jleclally urged to talto It during these early spring days oC Mnrch and April when the body Is most susceptible to Its strengthlng fimmenco ' _ Ot 'n time n" thousanlls _ . or . . men L _ _ u"nL and women _ _ _ _ _ with _ _ _ , oralll ammo Hanns 111\ any acuvelY engageu . but whose ph'slcal powers are little imsed I who hnaglno themsel\'cs moro dangerousl I sick than they are . time vast majority arc merely reduced III strength and spirits , allll need nothing but vigorous tonlo In the spring to recuperate their tired nerves. They neell nothing so much as 1'alno's celery com- ponnd. It exactly fills their neemi The Innrmatles peculiar to the aged come trom stagnating blood and the tardy scallty production oC nerve force They should take Palne's celery compound-thero Is no time so favorable as March. The rheumatIsm , imetmralgia sleeplessness and lack of strength that Palne's celery com- poullli so rapidly dispels arc thus found to be mere temllerary conditions to which their lime or lito IB liable nnd the cause ot needless - less anxiety. Needless Ie they tlllly perceive time meanIng or these Infilrmatles and take pains at once to correct the beglnlngs or weakness and debility - bility ; as It Is so ellsy to do now In time spring 1'alno's celery compoullll Is time great spring medicine. It Is prescribed by countless Ihyslelnns In cases of rheumatism , neuralgia ] sleeplessness ] and the many other results at starved nerves and depleted blood. In every drug store In time country Palne's celery com pound Is always to be obtained. It Is l the world's great remedy for weall- ness. Its use year by year through so large a part ot the civilized world tells sOlllethlnJ of time good It must be I\ccompllshlng. If men lnd women who feel time effects of two close application to work would use Palne's celery compound , there would be less Insom- ala . less pain In time back oC time neck , fewer days of utter physical exhaustion and incapacity - capacity for anything but lIufferlng. Its ex- t.cnslve use today Is the cause ot a vast alleviation - leviation , ot human misery and desJlalr Its presence In the worlld Is a blessing. It has kept time family circle whole In thousanlls of homes that are happy and grateful today Try It. DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLESI , ' ' ' Chronic , - l ( N Nervous , ' , 'S PrIvate - 'h . . , Diseases , TltEATAIENT BV JU.\U. . ConunItmitioji Wo cure Catarrh , all disolBea : of the Nose , Throat , Chest Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female - male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and ALL PRiVATE DISEASES OF MEN. WEAle MEN ARE VICTIMS TO UEJWOU : : Deblllly or ExhauaUon , Waatmn Weakneu . In 'olunlary Losses , wIth Early . Decay In younc and mmddle .ed ; lack of vim . vigor andwea.kened prematurely In approachlnc old ace All 'elld readily In cur new trutmellt for 1000a of vItal power Ci..6 or 01' addre. . " , ltb clamp for clr- ulars. free book end receipt. . Dr. Searles and Sean i.i . 1416 Oiimmiimmi Fimrnanm ; : Nub -I-i1-NEW - e LFORf4LIFE I' DL E. C. WEST'II ltEBVE Ailfi % ! ElIAlN nEA'rUElI is RaId nndor positive written " suarnaree by outhorl7pd aionta only , to cure Weak Memorv7 I.ooa . of Brain and Nerve > 1'0wor ; Lost NnntiooZi ; 1 ul..kue&s ; Night Losses ; Evil ; DrI'OmB ; Lack of Confidence ; Ner"OU8DPSS ; LnBBltnde' ; sit Drains ; LOBS of Power of time ( Uenel'lltivoOrll him chimer I\OX. CDUBCd hyovor.oxcrthon Yonthful Errurp , or EX OB&I'vO Use of Tambaeco Opium or Liquor which loade to Misory. ConBumnitinim : Inpnnily ald 1)eatli. Hr mail $111 box ; six for $ it : wllh wrlltmllmarantec 10 cure or refurlll motley . Wet'D LiTer 1'111. ? core Sick JJoudal'llC Ililiommenes \ , Liver Complaint ] HOllr h4tomaebm1 D'spepsia and Constipation : G UA IIh NTlmB Issued Duly by Goodman Drug Co. Oma.u. . . " , , ' / , # . : . &i ' - ' : ' / M4AK j : Teeth Without Plates BAILEY , DENTIST , Paxlon 1II0c\t. \ hum Ii and ' : lrna1l5t J. 1'01. 108'S. Full Set Tooths . . . . $5 00 I Sliver 'lIIll1lrs.l 00 Do lit Teetim . . . . . . 7 60 I I'mrj G111' I I' I Thin l'iuto . . , . . . , . . 10 00 I Gold Cl'owlIs-22k , 0 0 I l'aln\(88 \ ( Extrnct'll Wc IlIrllllrc I Tccth-toolh \ au ) Teeth Out In Morning , New Teeth Same Day F - A I , Our record of actual ana unaenlable carte 01 . SYPIULIB J. phenomenal. W. Corgla" 1111 uied' Icines tree and eradicate the I'lIllIOn from Ib . ay.tem In to day. , CUre fj'Ilaranleed. hour , . P:3O : t . .10 ; Werlneida .ud Satur- /a / ! ) ' . . t. p m. TIlE DJNSMOUU REMEDY CO . IU New York LIfe , QuU'La ' : , Hell. - ' ' - ' - : . 4y/J . . , - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 20th Season ENTER Spring ' 95 \Yith this issue we begin moulding human forms with apparel designed and executed for spring and summer , ' 95 \Vhat ' a pity , for the handful 'of clothing consumers - ers who can't be enc'Juragcd to buy honest clothes at honest prices instead of playing IIsucker" to the whiskered schemes of hire , " "bankrupt , " IIhalf price" or other styled catch. penny sales And what a pity for the clothing fraternity. Ugh ! I-low ugly I . ' ' 1'ls certainly none of out' affair If omo purchaser chooses to RUP' pOI 1 , \lnsm'\lpulous institutions , bu If the annie Inl1l\'ill1l31 would tak nllglitcmimnont : wo cheodull.\ ' will extend nn Invitation to call. Our spl'iuJ.r stock Is noltllol' ft'om n 111'0 ( sprinkler' ) or some old roUonell bnnltl'upt , but f'csh , ( f'01ll the loom of the 8\11111101' \ anti ! the hands or the tailor , now to the wOl'hl of style , amid neW to time fmuicy of time o 'e. OUl' prlees 11I'0 uew , l'eglllntCl by the recent free wool I\Ill11lssion to onr ports ( , which ehcapenCll the class of wool (011 ( clothes at'c made or ) to 1 al'llihlJ.r dngt'co. Aul1 i we cnn't ' save you a few tiollat's on n stilt , above all loud mouthed ofl'ot's , wo'l dlsgi'ucofully atop down maul let "Unaco I'olgn. " Unt these dnys wi never como-thank 'on.- : H Spring 'OJ cataoguos arc ready tot' mantling , anti n 0'0' bolero COl' talu 8nmples anti prcos ns well as other pU'chasing lmifom'inntlomm. Sent free to cvei'y out of town apIlicant. - - ' - - - - ' - - - - JDICL1 [ JEIDI0IEI DLJ9. ' 0 D D 0 0 D D Men in a Hurry D ( o Q D often eat food insufficiently or not 0 1. D III properly cooked. Ripans Tabules B o cue dyspepsia and sour stomach LII : _ i B Do and immediately relieves headache. O' o . 0 0 o nlpans Tobules : Sold by druggists . or by moll I O the prce (50 ( cents a box . ) Is sent 10 the HIJns g Chemical Company , No. 10 Spruce St. , New Yori DDLOC t I ID dPlr 1T S6c ; 101 IQ - " , - 'W I ' 9 tI t tI I ' I , ' I 1 Sheriff's L I. I . I I Salest : I" .1 t ' I. 1 Of bo 's' , children's and men's cloth i ng , . I B' fl'om the bankl'upt . stock of Limo , I , . 1' , 1 Western Clothing t I ' I. 4 I- , I Company , . . : I ' , . ' I 1317-1319 Douglas Street. 4 I 'ci ! , - . t 1 i Greatest , Bargains : . I. , . --IN-- , t- Omaha Today : ' , I i j , MEN'S SUITS. I. , I A good suit- I i 'Western's price was $7.50- [ ; I In sacks ony- ] ; $2 . 25 I. I fJ fa8hlonal0 ] cut- . . . . . . . . I pick them out for . . . . J . , , Hegular $8.0 [ ; sults- 1- , I : j Casmilmero Single or double saes- hreastcd- 9 I. , Casslnero ] 5 0 you$2.50 I Can To bring have time Ihem people ' for , In . . . you- . . . . . . . . . . . . ' I. I All time W stern's $10 suits- - and vcil mastic- I , Nicely trlmunuemi - trlmlell wel lale- I Perfect goods In every way- I AU you have to do get one $ 8 . 5 0 I Iii to pay time cashier . . . . . . . , . , . . . I Sacks and trocks- ( In the very latest style- . I Western got $12 for Ihem- . 1 'Vc've At the bunche,1 start , for Ihcl . . . . to . . go- . . . . . . $ 5 a 00 Sacks and Cutaways- I That time Western soul for $15- sell li- : : And even more , In olle lot li6 . 00 I : , Time redlculous price of . . . . . . . . . . . Time best In tIme house i Some III the lot worth up to $ 25- I' . I i Tomorrow You get your for choie . . . . . . $2500 . . . . I I. , 1 fOR AIHAINS 00 TO 'fna I Sh erl ii' s Sak , Douglus .3.7..3.9 St. I I if - - - - - - - _ _ = l'RY A I EXACT SIZE PERFECl:1 : TiE NERCANFILE IS THE FAVORITE TEN CENT CIAI for sale br all 1'Ii'stCIttH Dcaleis. htllfnctul'cl by the F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CICAR co. , { " tctOI' ) ' No , 30J , It Louis , Me . , - ' ' ' -1''em , ' . - - ' ' - - - -