- - - = - - . , - - - : , . - . . . . . : " - . . ; . . - _ . " _ ' . . . . , . . , . . . . . . " . . . - . . - . . . - . " . : v- , . " . . . ; . . . . - . . . . . " . . , . . _ _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . " " - ' . " ' - - ' - - ' i : ? : : ! : ; 1 . o . - - - - - - _ _ _ TIIEOMAUADAILY . JB1h'lrlUnSDAY , JIAnOI 7 , lS ! . - . . - - .CO nmRC1'L AND ) FINANCIAL Frenoh Bulge in Wheat Took : rlMl : TnmLlo ¶ : ! ( ( ' . YcttTllj1 - - - CORN WAS DULL AbD THE PMCE SUFFERED Trlulel' Jnll So Hleculnton In Their J yC nn,1 Very Jlte In Ther Acton nud IiUidIIS ' 11 ! COISC- Ilucllly SIIio. CtWAOO , March G.-The French bu1e In whenl , which wnl 10lcl'lnl ) 'clienla ) ' nCer- 1001 , took Is tumble tOllay , the prIce for Mny "Ioshll per hu. lower. Corn was nbout ns dull 11 It could he nnl the price sufercd ! 'e l'cllucton. anti oath cosed c lower. } 'ro1810nslllell the monotony or Ipcclln- tye tejectIoii ' . putting on nn n\enrlnce , of iprlglitly firmness. prlhlh' frmncss. 'Vhent started Ilme nnl rather wenk. 'rhlre ! were nUlerOI ! sellers nl ) 'eftcrln1 cosing price I , whIch was &I4o ! for Mn ) ' . but not lany hlrlrl nt o\cr Cl ! / c. For limit nn 2otir the general teluency was Unml the hOlr Ihoenlrl Illllency U\ mngof the fnclltatol' % WIS betwecn 5tc to &Ic l nl1 Clc. Tim wcnlmess wnl n mere contnuaton of the feeling whIch hnd ' ' day afternoon ns the begun 10 ohiPear ' 'estclln ) Ifcrnoon II'lcnl' csMllon or the bullish ad- result or the ( ! hullfh nl- vlcel from 1rance. Liverpool was quoted Jhd lower with hurcrl holding off but there was n renewed 11 % lllcon of crop lamn c In France , traceable In the advices from the continent . The Paris market was quoted about Itcl11y ( and Berlin from ; murk to ' mark higher anti tecon cnhlcgnims ratlitr cnnOnnc,1 the feeling of uncertainty rcelnl concerning the I.'rench ) lro , . whleh the com- : parative firmness of contncllni matl'Ht part\.c ( to indicate . The New York jour- RPleared relatively firmer . than Chicago. Some orders \ sere reported to have been I'e- ccl\l there from rllol.ted . and there wlrc ' ' the contiucot. buying ujtlers hl'I'C ) also ror contnent. The marlwt Ilre tended upward II1rln : the ! { OrelOOn , after having 11 first weal llel , lt the extent oC the rceovel'y ( IIII hot CII ' It Ib.we [ JlC , anti very little could \e old ut thnt. The hhrintiens reCcn'c,1 to wa In anticipation oC Irmnc81 ' VIibho HIl'lly ' , tlnlemenl , anti the effect of tlch R report having heen ( eounted when I was re- celvl the marlcet Inuacllalely began to weaken. In about ten minutes It lropjied I from llc 10 CIIC bid to fiI'c s4lIerH. ThiS 1hIIflCltjOhI ) $ 11Dululh \ recelllis were 227' ' 1InnlllJII cars against 3M cars n year ago. 'rhl totnl 110. pt41iiary market receipts were 316,00 bu. Closing .Pnrls cnble/ wee not encouraging , anti the Ilrllt nnlshcll % weal at 53c. , In the corn pit the traders hind 10 Jecu Intel In their \ c 'el alder ) ' Itlc In their nctlonM and huslnlsl wns , therefore , or the ncton/ slim best kind. 'rhe Ihlpllln I houses re- , ' prtell I better Ilqulr ' from the Ienbonrdl for No. 3 ) 'elow. and some WaS reported 10 I have been worked. The heaviness of the wheat market wn against nay Jeculntve I advance In cern , and siwh fluctuations ns , there were favored 1 slight reduction In prlccR. Corn ollcne,1 nl 4 : e , Hold ns low ni from Hc 10 44c . and 11 high l frm 447c to 45c , UII close nt 1.Ic. iluctuatIons In oats were narrow and influenced - fucnccd entirely hy the course or the other . markets. Sales were few and far between , nil small. May started nt from 2c 10 29c. \ . old itt 2tC own to from 21fc . to 2c , und closed at that price. ' ! 'o ny's nr.lvalnrgrt - Knted 1rnct. 0 cars , 7t or which were graded eon- l'rovls10ns opened rather easy . but did not remnln so. A dOflflflI developed which changed the feeling or weakness into ! one of decided Btrcngth. Shorts were Rupposed to be the heaviest bl'ers , but some was tnlel also for long nccount. The offerings were not very free untIl after Pork jiact ai- vnnced from $10. 2nt the opehln for May to $10.71. At the later Ilrlee there wCle more titan was wanted , and 1 decline to s1o.21,4 occurred , leaving the gain for the day lt 171c ! per bbl. Hbs share with porlt In the Improvement all made n net gain today \ of Ce , but lard showed at the - ; close no chnnge. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 2 cnt : corn , UO cars : oats 17 cars ; hogs , 37.0 hend. The leldlng futures ranged us f lows : Arttcles.I I Open. 1 ltIh. I Low. 1 0013 WheI.No.2 ; Narch . . . 1't ; ! :2 /Hi 11' May. . . . 14G' / H 5hat : : H' IU ' S5 6m@h4 ' ' . ilJt ll . Ctr'YN : 'o : : /4 tG1' J . March . . . 4 : 43Q43 ' 42 tGH 42U $ 1tay . . . 41 44WiNl 4H"M' 44 . 44' , 44l 44et H " ' ct. : : ( ; : : . 2 : : : . J1ay. . : . : : : 20@20 , 21 ' 2B42D :8H 2 [ June . . . . 20 21 2S1 2RJ .2m 27" 2m } 271. P yp ; r ; bi . Mny. . . . . 10 42 10 72 10 42 10 02 } ) Lib 1I May. . . . 1) . . 0 i2 ! 010 0 lD 0 6 . July. . . . . . 006 0 70 0 05 0 07' " ; 8rt't : : . : , lay lbH- . p. . . / 37 I 4n' / 3 ; I 423. - July . . . . _ G 10 I 00 I 4n , _ 6 42H -Cah quotations were as follows : FLOUH-Slen.ly. WILUAT-No. 2 sprIng . & 'a.H'c : No. 3 spring WJln nl : No. 2 rcd ,7tI5Se. COHN-No. 2. 2U1 3c. OAT-No.2.c : No. : white , 3232o : No. lc S whl" , 31 ] YE-N. ! . 2. Lltc. UAIILY-No. 2. 53c : No. 3 , W'ile : No. 4 . Wc. FLAX SFMD-No. 1. SI.40. TIMOTHY SgED-PrlnH' $5.SO. PflOVISIONI3-Mess pork , per bbl. . $1O.tOJ $10.W' 10.G2\f. , \ 'MO 1nrd. . lIeI 1'1 ' \011 \ n. . . SG. . . 2'h. . . . . . IihOI1JItM. . , ' . , - r ; " . ' 'i:7 : IDi7i ' ; u' ; iort' ' ; Ic ; " ' : lcu.b' ; : ' 3 : , ' ' 5.G r.C . \VlllSlY-DIstillers' finished goods . per snl. . ' i.zs. SUOAHSCt loaf , unchanged. 'I'he following "ero the receipl5 and .hlpments ' ! t018) : . Articles. _ Itecehpts. Shipments. - - - - - - - - - - - : Flour. bNf. . . . . . . . . . . . - . . ( 14.000 . ) Wheat bn. . . . . . . . . . . 11.100 . ( ) 2.1,000 , . Coni bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 17.(10 . ( ( ( 7'2.tI0 ) \ . Outs. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Il.00 . ( ) ( ) 17.1t)09 ) lye bli..5,4)4)0 . . . ) ) 17.1.001 4.100 lnrlcy.lm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.OUU _ O.OOO . , Ollho Pro Iuo : , c1onanlo 10Iay , Iho butter iaI kel wnB 111 ; creamery , 1011Bc : aalry , 8G ' . 170. Eggs , steady : 1fi10e. allr. ' . : . N \ YUUIt UINEtAL 11.\nU T. Cloalng Qlotatl018 Ol the Prllull"1 Com- . 10lUtei IUII , Staples , NEW YORK , March G.-I.'I.OUH-lecplltS 1 0- ; ' 0 bbls. : exports ZGWO bids. ; sales . 3 .r pkgs. r Market ) slenly , but Inactive except for city hour. Winter sought , but bids rcfusl , ' 'Vlller ( liahcers' In fair ; denuind. lu'lrlnd sellers are 10fl5c apart on e spring ; city mi l > ten , ' 100f 1.15 : wlnlel' pat- . r enls. l2.8O3.l0 : city mill clears ' 3.3 : : winter , . lrlghls , $ l.704j2.15 ; Mlnlesola Patents , $3.O5tj 860 ; winter extnts . * 1.90412.40 ; :1118011 balels , ' ' 2o(3.G : wllier low grades , I1.0J2JQ : spring low griules S. iSGl.DO ; opl'lnl extras . $1Sd2.31. lye flour , Urm : sales , G ' bhls. ; superfine , $ . : : ' 2.bO& & . fancy , $2.ttfj3.10. $ luckwhl/t hour , Urm ul 13UChS'1tIi/tTfluih : . . lUC\\\'IEAT-Oul :4c. : l'IN It AI.ull : s"le ( H. Ibls. ) 25Q Rlks ; i aclow we5lel. $ ,08(10 ; lirajidywtne . 1.40. , 1tYFi-Nontnai ; car lois , 55ent : hoods , tt0 g ICe. < t5q Ic.JAHII Y-Oul hut firm : No.2 Milwaukee . Gic r 1IAIILUY MAI.T-Nomlflnll ; weslcln , 70tJT2o ; f No. 3 western . GStO. iOUZe WIIMT-HI'celpls. none ; exports . . :0 ho. : .o ( . : .O bu. CUIUrf" unit 1 .0)0 1 1m. slot 1. , hOixit market easy : No : red . In store und elevator - vator , 5b"c : nhtoit . G'\e \ ; r. o. h. . G' c : No. 1 it florthern ' 68io i1ehI'erett I : No. 1 baid , C0c ile- V livereil. : I 1 ( ) : ; i' f r Options opened easter tinIer tuvoi'abie t , veathicr I % vt'st ajiti tllsaphiotnting I I cnties : mUle I 'I I itt : . bi noon on large : : but Icfn : il anti was weak , ' al the nfeluon under , lower hate euMu 111,1 dis- I , tilijiolntitig 11"'u8' In Itroihtret't's \'Ilhl' . chits- e. tog howe ; No. : red , \tatchj closed II 5Se : duy . 5 I-lGtJt'Je. closet ! ul W'e : June , &OIJ t.8o closed nt 58.e ; : Jlly , 5 0 5-lGOJGOc . elo..1 ( - rlc ; AtIiust. MttjGOc ) , . 5.1C1G. , ) : Sell- 591"tC tembr , C 1.IGfG\ \ . closed at GO\"c ' \ : O."emh'r. ' 4 6 c. closed al G24o. 001 N-I"I l.l 8So bu. : exports 36tOO bu. : .0 . aale . , 810.0' ho. futures anti IG.o 16.50 hl. ) 51' t. . . . alII mark.t qul.1 ; No. 2. 4tc In , 'Ie\lo : .tenmer ) 'elow. 40c : Ileuml' , nhed . 49e . Op- - tlori r Cpt'xwd and rentained easy ; r1 : e trifle balance , then or the sold dn ' 'f , closing \.u lower : MUlch closed II HHc ; Mu ) ' . ' , 48"f/ \c , . closed nl 4Sc : July . 4Sti49ic . closed at 4S\c : 'llllmher cln..1 lt'e \ , I OA'1'-lteeehj'tu . 4G.20) tm : exhlolts . noc ; 5alee . liO.OlO 11. futures and 3j1 l'xluls. ) . spot allt market caster : No.2. 1 3'.e : No.2 delIvered . 3\0 : N. 3 , 32c : No. : whIte . 3G ! d.lver : . < " 'hle , 3C\lq \ ; Imck , white w"ler and olale. 37 ( 4lc. O"tOII(1) ' dull nlli easier with 3 , eloslnl \0 10\\11 : March eh.s. 01 3\.c \ : ' \ itrhI . l\ft3 : , ' , closl lt 33\.c \ : :1) . 3\'f3\lc. \ ' \ closed IiA'V-t3teady ; shIpping . 4JtOo ; good to choice 5SI0. IASleo < Ihl\I'lng. 45Lc .od . I01ISI.lln ; state COlmn 10 choice old , 'f7e ' I < ; 1891 , a10 ; l'achhlo coabt . old , 3\.6ie \ : 1804 , 11 > 1R-Slelut. : New Orleans . vet salted , Ie- .ecl.d . , 45 10 G lb. , 51c : luenol Ayres . dry. 20 I tflle bo U . hbe. , 13tI3 .0 : 'rexas . dry . : i 10 S ) . . . r , l.UATIIF.lt.-Qulet' heml"ek sole . iluenos AIres , Ilhl 10 hli'Ot' ) ' welghta , . l4tttJlTe. lucnol ) - 'Pnl" \\.OO.quldi . domestc Itl le. . IGiUc ; Pulled . 1'IIOVISIONS-Iteef. Quiet ; Cuml ) ' . $ I0.OOaIO.25 : extra titsils . S8.2'8.r ; extra 11110 m' . . . . $ IC.Gltf lit' ) . 'ut nicOle. tab ) ; l'lekll' sitouldent . S.5. ( ( J"lt ah'ady : western steam closed II C.i5 : .olea. 250 terea nt $ G.iS : lurch * , ' 10.,1 lt $ a.i5 nomlnah May. G.S5 nomnal ! : reilneth . steady , ContInent , $7.15 : rulh , \ relled. . . : : coin- Jiouflil ' I : l'ork. lIon : good d'mund : new iliess cm 1IlW$21.tO ; ehoil clear . EavOlJI4. ; $ Ut.Ml1t .hol clelr. : : fatnhly . U:0IH.i5 Comly. * hI.8o ( 12,00. ' Ull'I"'I H-Qulel and eBn ; wllem "all' , Hl ISo ; western leumcl . l3hJOJe , western factory nUlSo : } ilgIns. : ; ImItation emller , SUIte ; : . .Ial" Ullo. dairy - , 15O15tc ; 1101" creaznerp , ) P(15c 1 - ClillSn-QuIet ; large. $ Ullc small . SiiUl2c -V l'IUmSE-ulet lage. Pll'c ; .mal. : W.rt . skiti : . . 3(8Io : lull .klm. itfZ5c \ . P\ilc ' 1 EOOSStel ) , state anti l'cnn'llila Z\io \ , . . , . . . " 'e ler fresh h , :3 : ! ctithern , : : CI recejpts , S . 3tgs. r.kls.JO ( ' IN-'Irm ; strained common tl good . 'US TUI'f TIr.rlrm . nt 24tc3o \ , ' 1'.1.1.V--l'lrni : city , 4\(4 e : countrr . " n,1f : + notl-New tnl 1 cloerl Rt $ I.C bi4 ; % ' bln"I.n , lit Ibis. . $000177.10 : \ashinclon , In hull. ' 41 ; relne" New Von ( , $5.10 : Ihlldlphll : ' \ 1(11r c , 'UO ; l'hilladelplila. and ( Bllmor . Ih bulk . U.iS. flIC'I-StCndyl : "om-ste. toll to extra , 4(7 Ge : .fspan . 48t148e. ! t OI NOFt-J.alor : Cahifotnia . $2i8J3.tO : havana . S3.W'UO. { MrA f.5-I'Ig Iron , Quit I Fclch , t . (12 $ .OO' ; ArnerItn . $0.00l2.t0. Copper , jitenilyl : brolu' ' l prIce $0.62 % : exchange COr.r rle $9.318IDi ) . Lead , steady : brolceis' price S3.02e \ : chRnlc Ir'c" ' . U.07'f3.11. Tin , steady : straits . J3.1Qf3.2. l'laten. Qulel. ljtelher , RttnI , ) ' ; .lom'"le. $3.12'4. Hales on 'cinnRe : , 30 tons August tIn , S3 ; : . tons .Inl ) ' . SI : : tons litatchi * 13.10. eo'r = Slll J OI.SIallcr : It Is Mlmo" that sales am ' 'Inl made thaI IC reported woulll .how better Ilrl s ; others claIm that Ie any such . Rles 1\\ ' " been made they have been nl l..nce8IIne ; prIme summer yellow , 260 : ptlmo crude . 2e ; ort critic , . 2I'2Ie : or umme ) ' ,101. 2 ro nominal : yellow butter grades , Z(2c : 1\100 summer whl < : SZc $ nominal . OMAhA OEN l l\L .0tA1tKtT. ( nnlltol of Trlde In.l QuotatIons 01 'nilio RIII I'IICY 1'odlco. tWOS-Per doz , 1311c 1lUT'l'IIt-Culld ptock 'Sc : common to fair , lOc ; fait' 100.1 country t . 1lfl2o : choice 10 ( 'lacy . 13Ic : Ilherc" creamery . Ito : separator creamery . IOH lc. I.n't IOI'I.TIY-lcns , 6\HPc \ ; ) 'ounl roosters . tc : ducks Gc : turkeys , Gc : heavy lams , tc : geese . Cc' 1)ItEb'4ID POUTH\-Chlekens. faIr 6 ; choice large . G'.c ' ; choice sniall , 7tattSc : turkeys fair 10 good . 7/i' ! : choice he\ i\USc c ; choice entail , nHHl ! : , Iulk . fair 10 good . G'tiCI fancy , full .lrossel . 9140lOc . rul "c.l.llO ( : geese fair to good Clic : rnnr ) ' . lull tireed 1ii110c. UAML'-hlhtto WilI teal , per deL . $ h.0 : gten \llg IoU , per tlo * . l.21j l.W : ducks . itiketl cloz. . . , $ . li.r pH $1.lQfiIZ ! : : cnm'I.IJck . $4.0O ? 5.0 ) ; jiutlin ols a hid nil . hcnlh , $2. 1')1 ' ) 3.00 : small raitlts , , . lOc : jack inblitts . : : squIIels. Cc. smll "I\.Chulce : fat iO 10 10' ) his. . are quoted nt C4'e ' : large anti cars < 3tHe. < ClmSI\\'lscol.ln : ( mill clenl , Young AI rl- cans . Uc : 1\11" . 12c \ ; Nehrn.ka amid linen . full crenni . lie : Nebraska and IOWI , part ski iS. 700 So : 1llhlrger. No. I , lIe : brIck , No. I , lie ; Swiss . No. I , I.e. IA Y-l/Innll / hay , 59 : mllanl. t8.M ; lowland , $8 ; I ) c straw . 10. Color 11IeH the juice on hl ) ' . i.ight shades sell the besl. Only lOll grades bring top lrlceR. , 1"'n < l'IuioN's-i'er .Ioz. , 75ci1$1.0O. V IOT" : t.IS. IOTArOIS-\'esl"r .Iocl , car lots . iSc : somali lois SOc. . OI.I llFL'iNS-3tatd picked , navy , S2 : Lima beans . lIeI iii. . te. ONIOH-On LYl' < 1' $1.3003ItO ; 1'11 bbl. . ' 3. , CAlIlifli1-On orders . 2'Ae. ( 'EI JY-Calnrla. ! lcfII.o. , Svii'r POT'rOIi-ad stock S2.50 $ : Ian- sa" 02.liJ2.2 : si'CCI , I2.20j2.l0. fYI2.2 srN f2'2.:0. I1IIETO-I'c'r Ibl. SI..0. CI IOTI-lel 1)1)1. ) , $ .5. ( ' , .t3hlt'I.O\'Ilt-l'er $ ef n doz. . anti bait 0l' two d Icuz. .f . ane hf llO1lS11flAlU5hI-.l'er . . 10IRlmAIIHI-ler lb. . Ctj7c. l'AIISNII'-l'er hhl. $2. lt1'l'AliAii8-.1'er lb. . 1'c. I'A1tSLlV-I'er uloz. bunches . 3Sc. Tt'ItNil'S-l'er bIll. , $1.10. S1'INACIC-l'er bbl. . $3.t00J4.0O. l'IB l'LANT-I'cr tloz. . S3..0G4o. . ' ' . 1.'IUlfS. PflAflS-'jnter . . IrAHS-1'lnl"r Nellis nMe. Al'II.S-Cholco stock . ' littJt.00 ; box all' pies , $2. CINIEHmESercy. fancy ) ' , UIWI Z.00 TnOPICAL FIIUITS. OH.\NOgS-llorldls. per box 03.0003.1 : Call- forla 1"llnd" U.75 : 11'aI8. $ . t3.50i3.ii , Cal. J\N.\NASClolee stock $ Z.oIZ.M ' Iler hunch. ITliONS-Mcsslnas. ! sizes 300 to 3GO. choice $36 : fancy , $3.Th004,00. M1SClLL.'iNEOtJS. ' OYSTrnS-lellum. per cnn . lGc : horseshoes 3Qc : extra standaucle , . Zle : extra elects. 2.c : coin- COl- pony 8elecl8 , 2Gc : New York counts . lIe : bulks -Ianrard. per gal. . $1.70. . 1.10S-Ixlr ( tnle ) ' . IGc : fancy , Hc : choice , 1200 lIe : California , bags . Ic' . lZf 11001Cc. ltONtY-Nev York . IGc : clark Hc : CalIfornia . . :1.\IT.E SYitt'l'-Oalion jugs per doz , $12 ; llxh } ' . 5-guI. cotta $3. $2 NUTS-AhMnls. lc : Jngloh walnuts soft- ( & nUls. 'hehied Sc. . lIe . : standards . 10 : Ihiberts . SG c : Brazil HAUl n JnAUT-Chnlce white , per bbl. , $ . .W : per hal bId. . $ 3.00413.21. . JNC MEAT-Fancy . In half 1jbl. , per lb. . I\c ' : 10-1'1 ) < e/s. Gc : condensed , per case of 3 dciz. idcgs. , $2.50. CIIJUIS-I'ure Juice , per bbl. . $ S : half bbl. . $3. hIDES ANO TALI.OW- . HIDES-No.1 green hides . 34c \ : No. : green lhldes , 30 : No. 1 green salted hlleo. 5c : /reen . J"C Salted hides 4'4c ' : No. I green salted h"le . 2. 10 .0 Ibs. . lc : No. 2 green salted hIdes 25 to 40 Ihs. , H.c : No. 1 veal calf 8 to l5ibs. . Sc ; No. 2 vial calf , S 10 15 Ih9. . G : No. 1 dry glint hides. 6 : No. 2 dry flInt hides , 5c ; No. I dry salted hides ' 5c : part cured hides % e per lb. less titan full ) ' enrcd. RIl gl : pgITS-Oren sal lcd . ench. 250060c : green salted Shelrll19 ( short waded early sltns , . each , 5fIic : dry shenrlngs ( short wooled early skIns ) . No.1 , each . tUbe : dry shearlngs ( short wooled early skins ) . No.2. each 50 : dry flint Knnsas antI Nehrslm butcher wool pelts . per pI. lb. . actual weight , 500Cc : dry flInt 1lnsns aol Nebraska murrain . wet pelts . per lb. , actual wChhl , IG : dry hint . Colomdo butcher wool lels. per lb. , actual weight , HIG'c : dry flint Clorao murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight 400Cc. I , TALLOW AND CREASE-Tnllnw , No. 1. 3c : ' tallow , No. Z , 3e : grease . White A. 3"t.c' ! , grease . white n. 3c ; grease . yellow. 3c : grease dark 2W3c : old butter . 262\.c \ : beeswax , prime Ijl 'c : rough tallow , 2c.FUnS. FUnS. FUnS-neiI. black . No. 1 large . 520.000023,00 : No. 1 medium . Us : No. 1 small . $ .0 20.012.0 : blalt , yearlings. No. 1 large . $2.00 $ flQ.00 li.OO : No. 1 medium . SIO : No. 1 small . $ : bear hlack. cubs , No. 1 large . $ 0.00008.00 ' : No. I medium . $ 3.000(6.04 ( ; No.1 small. $ : bear blnc . Montana nod Rocky mountain No. 1 large . 18.00502).0O ' : No. S medium . S4 : No. 1 email , no : benr . black. Montana ) ' 101 llngs . No. 1 large , S12 ; No. 1 medIum SS ; No. 1 small . $ I : bear , black . Montana cubs No. 1 large " . . I.M" . SG.W . : . No. . . . 1 _ me.llm. . $4.50 . _ _ _ : _ No. 'M. 1 S I 11. ci . , - 'u , . , , Stt,5 , . nu. a uLtrJ4eii ' ; , o. S mulium . S12 ; No. 1 small . $ S : bear . silver tip , yncrilngs . No. 1 Inrge. SI : No. 1 mdlum. S8 ; No. 1 small . S5 ; bear silver tip , cubs , No. 1 large . 'G : No. 1 m"lum. $ .LI : No. 1 small . S3 : bear brown , No. 1 large , $2Q.0 ZOO : No. 1 j I melIum S16 : No. 1 small . S2 : henr. brown ) 'ear1 1 lings. No. 1 large . $ W.o''IZ.O ; No. 1 metlitim $ S. No. 1 small . SC : bear . brown cubs. No. 1 large . $ : No. I m"dlum. Sr : No. 1 small , S3 ; had er. No. 1 large. S1lfl.W : No. 1 medIum . Gc : No. small , toe : usher . No. 1 large . SS : No. 1 mellim . $6 : No. 1 inali. U : ( ox . silver as 10 color ac- coaling 10 beauty No. 1 large . $100 : No. 1 muhium . $ GO ; No. 1 email. $ ZO : Cox , cross , No. I large . S7 ; No. 1 m.lum. S3 : No. 1 email SZ : ( ox . red , No. 1 lar ! $1.tt ) : No. 1 medium. $1.23 : No.1 email . $ : fox gray . No. 1 large . lIe : No. I medium Wc : No. 1 emnuhi. 40c : Cox kits . No. 1 large , too : No.1 medium 40c ; No.1 small. 31c : Irnx. No. 1 large . S3 : No. 1 medium Hmll. $ : No 1 entaIl . SI.W : 111'111 , No. I large , $2 : No. 1 me- uhitim . $ I.r : No.1 small , $ : mink $ No. I large GOIJOIc : No. 1 hoodlum , . lId : No. 1 somali , 33c : mnluik dark No. 1 large . Ce : No. 1 medium , 40c : No. 1 unnaIl . 30c ; monnlaln lion . perfect head ' on,1 , feet No. 1 large $ lL00f'2.0i : Impe' ( oct elclrs . $ G.O 1.O : No. 1 small . S5 : otter , 11,1" . No 1 large . $ : No. 1 1 metihunt. S : : No. 1 small . $4 : Rmll. rncc" > No.1 large . 000j70c : No. 1 m.lul. $ : No. 1 somali , 3c : raccoon IJlac . lS 10 beauty No 1 large , tOcO$2.oo ; skunk . black < 1."d. nnr. row striped. No. 1 large. tee ; No. 1 medium 40c : No. 1 snimull . 2. ; skunk , hron.1 striped No 1 large . ZQf2c : : \oln'rlne. No 1 large $ : No. 1 medium , $ : No. I entail. S2 : wolf . mountain . No. 1 large ' $ : No.1 nw.lum , S2 : No.1 entaIl , 11.50 : wol.ml'le , No. I large , GSIc : No.1 me.lum. tOe : No. I small . be : hnnr , per Fk'n. ' No. 1 large . $500006.00 / : No. I 1lllnr. 14.50 : No. I entaIl. $ : leaver kits . No. 1 large S.W ; No 1 nlrlum , 11. & : No. 1 small . 7.c : muslmlps , win. Icr. No.1 large , StlOe : No.1 1.lur. , ; No.1 SomalI . 7c ; musklals , tall . No. 1 Inrg" , H1Ge : No. 1 Ifleillumn . 7e ; No , 1 entail. G : muskrat kits . 2(30. \11 CJt 01 UnANUE OUO\'E Extent oC time DIsaster Caused by I'rolt tim the Lali ot l'low'rs. A correspondent of the LouIsville . CourIer. Journal draws 0 gloomy Irclure ; at the eon < l. ton of l"lorhl and the wll"Ir"I\1 ruin wrought 'by the winter's cold WO\'P. "On the night oC Decemler 28 1104 " ' " . ZS. I. suys the wrier , "the oul. lool for tile state wns'cr ) ' bright 'rhe outage groves hail fruited more generously than In renr.ren.l ) the growers haul mollletl' about 3.0.0 boxes oC omnG" ut remunerative lrleea ' be.lde. lemons . I'IIH. bananas anti other trap. ICII fruls 'rhiemo were still on time tiers ftuliy 2. W.0J boxes oC ornge . anti theta were hun. < r"a oC acres II vegetables . which gl\'O I'rmls ' , nt soon being J'al ) ' fur the nOllhl'r uumaiketut. hut when tile mOlnlng , of lcct'nubu'r Z dawned till this hud ben swe1 uway Time mom cut y luau fallen hdow the freezing I.ollt Ilrughout time otllo " 0 time night of hue 281h. anti , lie I fruit unit vegetable grwels arose 01 the nh 10 In < 01111' ' " frozen solid and lime groves . anti truck ( itimus I\H(1 I ) ' I tIre . 1 n a few hours fruit worlh s"v"ml 1110ns of dollars hail been lur'.1 in ' ice. < "he 011' of orange gro\'e were staggered hy thIs stupendous loss . but iimey did nol uleMeuir ) Whcn time mercury bl'l n 10 Ilce downwar the first thought oC your IhorouGhhr"1 orange grower Is not oC the fruit out lime live , but of time ties Itself. If time tree : ' Injury he IBeIC I Irle ( oI'C ) cal view whim . a Call fugues "c equlnllly lime sp"lacle ot ) .low. leaves and orl ; . Inrl' to golden boIls oC Ice. to . ut"I' the Ih."mher freeze . time . gl\wer began an eXlmlniton oC their graves and time result was nn announcement thou the trees wpr hut flWrhiiI \ hurt arId would yield l'I"labl ' a halt crop oC vniqgt's this ) ' ( < . ) "hut this cheerful state oC Jllnd of the orunge growers was destined 10 he "cc.'Ie by n can- , tt"n oC hopll.sne" bordering on .le I"lr. 1'01 February 8 the mer once tell I.'ehrul' mercury mar" Cel blow lila trlzlng pont : thrujloul : the entire slat , aol n'mall.d below for 1m" da's. Anti since this l'OHI freeze no Intelligent orange grower clohns flint timers wil lie a C'II oC Clult In : Florli tills n , r. The consensus ot 0(11101 Is that tin last fOceze . was fatal Iu the trecut and Ihut 1 vili bo ) .US before Ihey recover from the blow . wi "The great groves "c Marion , Sumter Orange. Oranje. I.ak. und Ie Ito , . .unlel hue been recently 1'enl ) visited and cal..ful ) examined. In every grO\'O \'Ialo thus IIJurl ) oC time trees have been spilt 10 lime B'Had anti lime all Is exuding . Men who ha\'u 1.1 l"wln. oranges eli their lives uy that when the 1I' ; rtmmuut train a tree after a freeze its dom Is staled. OC Course , here and timers 1 grave . found wimicim IJ'lus of anl 1)rutecIei aUuoUon largely escaped dumage. But such a"VN are 10 few al 10 b Imartily worth uleuton In wlunlng up : , work oC the Cr.'ze. " ' Vr V"ka JIV elapsed an tbe cold . : - - , 'n\'lwecks of the most 1 favorable wellh r-nn,1 un signs of hit . have been shown by tM great majority oC the gto\el OrdlnnrlY itt this season of the year an orange grove 18 Ihs most Iellhl' Cui spot , for Ih" trees nre garbed In an emerald COlt with 80WY blOools for emerl . lut now the grovei fPlr IR black nd bare nA n northern forest In . ' Cor.1 mnkiwinter To Judge h ) their . aNlefrlnee , thiS trees are only t for firewood , anti , dui.y ; the round ' of tIme ox Is heard In many grye ! "As Mlh the orange M with the lemon I groves. ornll /tO\'U. In the last few leaFs much attention his been , le\'ole to lCmon I growing . and there were nmny large grove , In Ihe other I'n of the slnte. This crop hod home f large source of rA\'lle , Last year about zJ. ( boxes of lemons I were shipped , and they broughl fancy prizes becnlFO oC their superior quality antS beCause Ih"y reached the market at a time when but little ' fruit from other l'lne" " cold b had . But Itle lemon I trec9 are all tiend. "Prom the must enact , where are located the great pineapple 1lnnlnllon8. routes time same story of bl hl. IlnCllllle growing had PMlm l IRrlc lrl"11"ns 11 that section o the RII ! anti , a great deal oC money hn.1 been invsied. "In aIIlO 10 the destruction o thc orange and lemon groves nlli pineai'ple plantations , nil the vegetaities were blued. The growing 'eb"ln- hiss have nsstuntei large proportions In Florida , anti when the ( elruRY Irorortons canto there were tolMn < 1 oC acres In bMn ! cucumbers , cb"je. Ics , tomatoes . clc. , which were Oolr- Lshing . nn,1 In n few weeks \ouhl hnonl' nlnn"1 fancy prices In time northern anti western markel8. Now those fields oC Vegetables ionic no IC they hld been .crehe.1 by file. The acreage \'eIIRhll was . larger this ) year titan eve bc' for In time hlsl,1' oC the slate . After the Oe4 c"mher freeze oath , lime , Ieslrlolol of nearly 3.0. ( ) boxes oC oranges 01 time trees there was a rush 10 plant vugI ( ( iIN In order 10 recotmp . Time rnlruls encouraged II ! plantIng oC'IR" - tables iy Curnl"hlll R"r,1 free. In thlR way tIme a"/e " \IIelables whpn the F'eirtmary freeze come wns lu"hnhly :0 I't cent more than ever I.Cor. "Time following Inehllnl , which IR n typo oC ittundretle . will give Polite Idea oC time cnorm"l loss ! nlalNI h ) ' the tleFtrlclrl oC time 'egetnitle " erl' . Near Thluit' . on lime east lRI , therp werp 12.\ 1 crates o h''IS nholt I'Ily , for market. These leans wonll , have . ' ! h.an8 \ hoIn.I ) brought $ : .0 hit for . lime freeze : now they < not I"prsent f IkS'AILA ii1.I STUCK CLIAOIlS . Irnt trcet' " Iteportutot Accumulations at the l'rluiclnl ; l'olltR. N1IYOltlC , March G.-SIII.III Inl and lele- rl.hlc nd\'leel 10 Siratletreet's , cO\crlng' thc princpal points oC necullialon In the United States . Canaltc nail , htmrope . together wih SlP- lilies ufoll for Eurohie from eleven ROI'CS. In. .lcalc time following chnnles In a\llabl. stocks last lllla ) ' . IR compnr"d with thc mreecding Saturday : A\'llhle supplies , United States end ( 'imnnda . east ot Ihe Hoky uumountalnut . wheat Iecrl'no. l.io.O bu : Unle,1 States. Ilclnc coast vltt.at. , Iorl se , 92.0 1m. : tidal Ie- crease whent stocks holh coasts 1 , , 92.000 11. : afloat for and In Iurpt' . wheat , 1.llse. 1.012.- 004 him. , total d"Cr5e' . would's avaliatile , when . : .924OJ 1m. : Unle.1 , wOIlls amllll Clna.la ! , ent "e time Hock ' nmotmnimuins . . . tl ) mountlins. cool Ilcrra. . 71S.0J 11. ; United States 11 < Canada , east nC time Haky 101nllln9. ell . decreimse . 16.0 iju. "lon Ihc more Imllrlnl ; der.IRes oC wheat supplies II the Inle,1 SIII' , last week \\ele IS3O him . II Port hlurun . 40.0 itO nt Ogilens. burg . : .0 bu. met Cle\'cllnd. 21.0 iu al 1011 \ ViiIintn. Corrc"p"ndlnl increases include 10,0 itm. II Chicago prh'ut\ ele\Rlo. i.0 hu. In Mn.nloha. 43,000 hu. II Nwport News , 2.00 liii . II Kansas City , 30,000 him lt Leavenworth. aimS 32.0 bu. each al Oll'eslon and Cincinmiati . < St. Louis ( lanor II \.1 cot ST. LOUIS . March . S. LOUS. G.-WHEAT-Almost com- plplc ; stagnation ruled time greater lint I ot time session . After , , ' 1nl off \'e \ earl ) ' . the market tuivanceul tie . later , 'enken(1 amid declined ' c . closing sellers % c hco'eslerdoy. . No. 2 1.1. Cl9h asked. , 53tC.lc ! ; May , G3c asked , July , 57c COHN-Dul. with but little trading In either eliOt or futures : No.2. cash , 4h0j'4me : hay . 410c bid ; July . 42c al ec. tl'4yc OATS-Lower on call for pot grades : No.2. cnsh , Zfe ! bid ; May , 20Q320ac Isled : June Z\fc \ bId. Za2'le Hn -No. 2. 5ic asked for east side. IAItl.UY-Nornimtnl < 5Ge. ImitAN-Strong : lie bId for east track. 1.'I\X SlmD-ule nt $1.3G CI.O'glt SuEI-lmetler : cimolco $ 8.40. TIJOTHY RlmD- $ .2 : 5.G. lU"vfml-Uul and eno ) ; fancy Elgin , 2 : : gael tl cholcc dairy . lfl3c. gGOSl.wer ; fresh . H\fc. \ i.nAD-Strong II $2.S3. SII ITFn-Iul II $2.950j2.D7t \ . $2.9512.9\ ; CORN MEAL-$2.00002.05. \\'IIISKY-l.28 for tiisliilc'rs' finished goo.I" InOVISIONS-lork. standard mess , $10.75. Iarl , prime steam $ G3 : : . holce . 16.421,4. 10.75 salt meats boxed elmoulders $4.50 : longs . S.25 ) : rllis S .6 : uthoris $5.73. hhacn . boxed shoul els. :5.Z : longs . $5$7i % : ribs SC ; shorts : G.12' < HECEII'R-I''lour. 2.00 bbls. : wheal , 3.00 bu. : corn. 22.0 hu. : oats 15.000 ho. SIIIIENTS-Flour. G.o bbls. : wheat , 1,0 ito. : Corn , 112,000 bu. : oats 7,00 bu nlltmoro . lar keto. BALTIMOnE , March G.-FIOUn-Flrm. unchanged - changed : western superfine . 81.80102.00 : western H.SOi2.o extra , 31.20002,40 : western family , * 2.65002.75 ; . win. Icr patent $ 2.S50(3.1O : spring plenl , $ 3.40003.61 : spring wheat . _ straight , SI r013.2 : Receipts 17.10 bbls. : shipments 57,400 hs. ) : sales , SO hbls. WlnAT-Sleml ) ' : sl'ot and nontlm tO@59/e ; May . GO\H \ Gc : strainer No.2. red . & 0'c : Vc . ceipts . 1.0 Iu. sled < . 50.00 bu. : nlcs . 5.0 bu. : southern wheat , by utammiple. 5100Gb : ooulh ern wheat on grade . 5G'al5 ) .c. COHN-Slen : Sllot 47@Hc : month 47@ 470c : May 4S\HNS\fc \ ; steamer mixed 4@tc ; receipts ; 60,0 bu. : stock , O.OOO ho. : sales. 64.000 bu. : southern whlo nn < yellow corn . 48c. OATS-Steady and firm : No. : whIte . western , 30120Ihe : No. : mixed lie ; stock 2 0.0 hu. IOYU-Quiet and firmer : No. 2. 57@Se : re- ceilits CGG bu. : stock 22.S8t bu. IA Y-1'lrm : good 10 choice tmoth . * 12.5000 13.03. ) OHAIN , FIOEIGIITS-Quiet. Milwaukee Markets. hSIL'i'AUKI0E . Inrch G.-'VHE"T-Less firm : No. : spring . tIc : No. I northern . Gle : May 5Gc. ClN-l'ln and hllhr ; No. 3 . .3c. 0A'rs-hjigimer . : No. : white , lIe : No. 3 whi ! HAHLEY-Qulet and steady : No. 2 , tOe : Eam- pIe , 53'41&5ic. htYFi-Steady : No. I , 53c. h'ROVSlONS-Flrnier. Iork. ' 10.4 : . Lard . C.40. 1nCl I'SFlour. 9.00 bbls. : wheat , : .CO bu. : barley . 7.00 bu. SitII'hIFNTS-Flour . bids. wheat SIIlIIENTS-I'lour , 2.0 lbls. : , none : barley . 5.00 bu . Sugar Market . NEW YORK , March G.-SUOAn-Haw. firm : tales ' . 7.0 bags Cuba centrIfugal , 0 test . at ireakwater nl 27-32c and freight : refined quiet Jut ltn : No. G. 37.1Gc ; No. 7. 3 .13 916c ; No. I. 3 3-1CI3 c ; No. 9. 3'3 G-16c : No 10. 3 1-1C@ I'4c : No. 11 , 313 1-1Ce : No. 12. 2 IS,1Gf3c : No. 3. 2 IS.IGe : nit A. 31t3c ( : 10ull A. ! 4 1-0600 l'c : standard A. 3 h1.16@33c : confectioners' . ( I 1l-l6037c : clt loaf 4 7.160(4c : crushed . 4 5-IG Hc : miowilemeil . 4 1-hC00i'4c : granulated , 3 13-1GI Ic : cubes. 4 1.l64i1'c : 30 bass 10lasses sugar , 80 : e.l. al : : 7-IGc "x.shlp. jlnlOIo\s Wheat Market. INNI "IOIIS. March 6.-Whent closed , easy ; Uarch 5Hc , : SOny b'e : July 5S I@Sc : Sel- ) : ember L5'c. On track : No.1 hard 59\.c ; No. I northern . 5Sc : No. 2 northern . 57c. \ Itecelptut : 10 cam. lel.OUn-Flrm : fIrst patents In wood , S3.2 i.45 : secantS patenis . S2.7(3.O : ( lust cleals , $2.25 ; low grades . $ i.600(1.70. lututh Whelt Itimirket. DULUTh March G.-WHEAT-No. 1 hnrd , : sh , tOe : Mardi . Coo : May . 6l.c : No. 1 north- , rn . cash. tIc : Mardi , We ; lila ) ' . 5"c ; July , COo : ; eptensber toe : No 2 nortiue'rji cash , LGe : No I. tIc : rejected , roe . 'J'o arrive ; No.1 hard , Gc : No. 1 norlhern , tIe. 'uol Mtirkat. ST. LOUIS . March 6.-WOOL-I'alrly active : imedhurn , 10115 < t light line , 711c ; ha\'y tine . 1'9c : coarse , 8 < Ic. STOCKS ANSI 1IINDS. peoll"ton In Securities Waa Largely In the hands or I'rofeuislonmsls ' . NEW YOnK , March 6.-Spec'uiistion on time tock ( exchnngo ho been largelY In hue hands oC hue traders for a long time past with more professional spirit Ihnl ever In its chlr- acler. 'fhe advance In American securities on time London . exchange this morning brought Irlcs , of Inleralonnl slqs 10 figures above those current imere and Ihe nrblrnge houses be- came speculative buyers In the early dealings In title ummarket . which Implrled 10 \ a firma tone Hmol sellIng . howl\er. by time roam tralels SI counteracted Ihe good ) Inlllneo of time for. elgn ; turchuasemu . and 0 reaction set In which lent limo figures down 0 fractIon , except In Ihe case of 1111moro & Ohio. ThIs stock was pressed ,1 for sale on a renewal tsf time rumors Ihat time next < 1'IIIII'IS I , doubt ' \hle some long stuck was brought out , It Is believed that the short interest In this shores \\'US largely 'n ' , cl'euse.l.s a result the utimareut broke 4. per ' cent anti cos"1 lt the lowest point touched . Time stk has been declinIng steadily since J'UIUor 18 . wh1 II sold I G.Ihe \ ) lowest \olnt today ) being 52 * . 1 loss of 12 per cenl. Thus earnings IIVo clam ' h"el decreasing along wih those oC all Ihe other raIlways oC Ihe coun- try , IUII of this fuel gins saute force 10 the " ) ' rlOS which I.h up whenever I raid ott time stork 'a ' conteumupiated. Before noon time general - oral list hail reoHled its tone the industrial group leadIng in , the Imprnmpnt which Col- lowed un.1 whih was clmeccccl about 10 o'clack tIme mal kel 1'lomhlg checld . IIClre 2 o'clock the i'ears began 10 hamler Southern Illwl ) ' lr'Cerr on reports tInt lime Seaboard All 1.lno was limitIng a heavy cut In " / lehlch was Ik'ly to l'f'II.llul\ lale war und time tock broke . 1 % per cent , closIng \ " Per cent ebon ) Iho lowest . Durlns time last hour speculation \IS decidedly wetilt. and time entire lst mo\ . < ownwur1 under the lenlcrshh' , ot N"w Jersey Cenlrll , New York Central and the gllcers , the morkel closing hel \ ' 1'1 11 a IIJorl ) of cases below the closing slleH of ) 'u- INdl ) ' . huger scums most largely trailed In of th" whole .uullet and chlel ) ' on ) time b"ar ' side the lunw'clbns resulting 'n ' u net loss on time day oC 11'11 \ cent , hue last sole ma.l\ being ) wihin \ .1. 1"1 cent oC time lowut ma.lbell' cnsldemhlo hearth room lull In reC.t'le" 10 the ull.rchlng dividend doubls being exl'tessed on this utidu that I would bi at the usual " " , whie out limo olh"r offers 10 I'urchnse the dh'l. < tn.1t 2\ per Cent were made. 1 was ex- pertiti thaI 1 dlreel rs' mectnK to let on lIme 'Iu..ton woull Io held lodl ) but oo\ time ex. , 'ulh'o clmilce nmet an.1 it ' was anmiuncial that they hail not coimsitiered ( lam unIJunc. , , thlt ) ha cousiler"d II. subject of 'livi- < eal. ' 1. dIstIlling reorganization cmmilee lvl was 10 hl\ ' " met tl ) but owing to the death oC a brother ot Chalrmon lurlshol oC time cain- mile a meeting was not held. The prlnch'al losses on time day nol already stated are : New Jefe ) Ceemtral . Hi per cent ; New York Central . H amer cent ; l\noldllee Gas 1 per cent , and _ . . the grangers ' 40lterernt ; Wheeling l Lake 1:110 preferred gllne.1 iIi , per cent' 1'118butS Cincinnati , ( 'Imicago / St. Ilul . I per cent ; I ' lttaiturg . ClnclnnRII Chicago & AI. Louis pre. ferred , 1rer \ Cent and Tohneeo ptterc and Cordage Raanlc.I , 1 per cent 'M bond mnr- let during the day wn" somewlmat mare nnl- mated and prices were fairly \ \ oil hOld unll time last hour . when tinder the Influence of the \ s'qtkness of time shnlc speculation , "rlees trermuieti \1\'clkneS tre1.1.1 tultQn . 0" h\\n1l. 'he ngcegtite saleS \trc . ol.s. TIme , main declne8 nre : Mexican Nntonnl first mimi InnlM & Texls of Texas h. 3 per c"ntIrglnla ; Mllln'l ' generals , 2 . Ier cent : Lrlc' . Mh extenthei 20 her cent : i'eorltt Ot- calur & Ilvttnst'llie hIs anti } . : \nns\le division anti C.lorn'll Midland 1.IR , 2 per cent : Iron Mountain 1st. . 11'11 \ Cent nnd Chicago & Brie IIR al,1 Ieorll & I sler Isle . 1 per cenl. Alh'nncel : VirgInia ! tthtiiafltl Itnmlecl. 2 per cent : St I.oul & San Francisco rancid 4. 1\1 \ Per cent anti Wheeling & Lake Irln 111. Wheeling 11\'lslon. Seattle ' Inke Shore & l n" Nn lets . Bnlimor & Oalo 5s rrglstere.1 and Oregon lrnturovtnient consol 51. 1 per eell : I , ' hllh l Wilkesbarre 5 sold lt 8G , against 92 on January 18. Time livening I'ot's London cablegram sas : AIprlcln8 opened fIrm nolnNy Louisville & N h\II. o time pub0iation In the DaiY News oC I reassuring telegram from AUluot liniment ren.ournJ Irle. reacted , generally on profit taking by ) 'es. gMlrll' terda"s piurcimasers. The close \\01 firmer again. Cnnalan lullee still were \owr nearly one point. Thc American lon was 4' 1'1 cent itremium . I ts leate that gold shlpmenls from ) 'onr II.I ! CRnnot bo long delayed , nnd there Is talk of a trc.h loa being imminent. The mnr. kels ! tlerJly were lnl 'here are tumors oe a fresh iumdia sterling loon. 1lla stllnl In its Wail Rlret re'lew toiay the' Ivenlng Post says : The 1O.pommt decline .n . Inlllor & Ohio wihin n fortnIght suggests IndobteI ) ' .IIC paleR oC Ictlal hohllnls : thollh It Is 1 lel 100. thlt time fail its . , rlCe IOla ) ' Wile affectet IhrlJh Professional hen 1' speculators. The sll\lc \ Jrr".lnnnt the lall/or < l OhIo 15 iiumtliag Its surplus earnings eon.ldomIJI ehort IhHln 11 even oC the surllls , rate oC uii'ltlemmti . II time tiseal ' entiing with lust Jt3m " time company year JI IRml 101 enlinwih eomJal / . paul l per cent on its CO/I1n stoCk , nail left I sll111R bllllCI oC ies titan SI2 ( ) ) . II the calrnl1nr year 1804 . whIch hrlnls retlrs len 11' 10 , untO time cll.an1 net earnings increased 1 $ tOl0.0k < front 1803. On him Ilals a somali , Ielclt wOI11 b" left after time II'nent CI ot IL 4 Per cent uihvidetmd . But this situation Is certainly \ not .1\11111. anti , time Cll\ln ) ' . s for I 18 alalpmenln shn\ IR movln concert mttlvely . The following were the closing Quotntons on the lending stocks of time New York exchange today : Aichmiaomm. . . . . . . 3,1 NorlhwcR\ern. . . RH" ) AIIIIP 1XllfIS. . 142 N. W. vfd . . . . . . lm : iiioum . T. I . .o . . . . 1 : $ N. Y. Central . . . . 'Ir ' Alum. Express . . . 10 % N. Y. . ! eN . 17 . . . . I. ' linitluumore & Ohio ! Ollorlo.1 W. . . . 11 Canada } .aclle. . $004 ! OrJollllll. . . . \ Canada 80nlhlrl. 41 ) Orgol Na\ . . . . Ii C llrall.ncllc. . 1 O. S. 1 & U. N. . . 4 Chl'B. I Ohio . . . l'H ' Plclle Mail. . . . . 21 'Chlcaoo Album . . 107 1' . D. , \ E. . . . . . : ( , ii. & Alol. . . . . 71 ! ' .11Iallrl. 1. . . . . 105 Chlello 1aut. . . . ' 1 I'muiiumman Palace. 10:14 : Coumsolitinted Oas , I8i)4 : ) lteatihmm . . . . . . . 7' ( c. c. C. &SI. f. . . 3'H It. O. W. . . . . . . 14" Colo. Coal & 1101. 4 It. O. W. trd. . . . 4 : Cotton OIl C'rt. . . 22 ( Rock Islaumd . . . . IIH ( elawaro,1 ibid. . 125 " St. Paul . . . l4'4 Dol. , Lnck. & W. . 1l7 % < 0 Ir < . . . . . 11 ! ' D. ' it. o. 1M. . . :14 : ! { SI. 1' . .1. Ommmaima . . 21U I ) . .is C. . . Co. . . . I28 do pta . . . . . . . lOt . : rlc. . . . . . . . . . 508 Soul horn Paelnc. 17' % ' 110 Iffit. . . . . . 1014 RUlr Iethlor ) . . . II11 . ! .Fo.IWn.ne. . . 160 Temimm. ( Seat " Iron . 144 O. Norlhern ufil . . 102 Texas Paciiic. . . . . H ' 'C. . E. I. pr < . . 00 T.IO CoOt . , jfd . 72 llocklngValley . . 10 tlumloms S'aciflc . . . U locklng Contr.il . . 84 U. S Exprs9. . . 40 SI. I' . , . (111Ih. . 20 W. SI. I. & P. . . 04 lf . & T'I ; ; . . 214 ! do I.rd. . . . . . /H Lake Erlo , tc West 35 . WClH Fargo 1x. . 1\3 do pfd . . . . . . . . 70 WcLom Union . 81't Lake Shore. . . . . lall Whoehnl .hc 1 E. 8i ! Load Trumuit. . . . . 204 do p01. . . . . . . . 54 % ! , Lonlsvilie & N. . 482 * 24. & St. L. . . . . . . 25 % Loulevlll . . . . . 0 D. & 1t. 0. . . . . . 2r1 InnhnlaICon. . 107 % O. E. . . . . . . . 21H' 'lCIDIIls,1 C. . . 10 N. L. . . . . . . . . 11' Mlchlral Ccnt. . . 21l C. F. & L. . . . . . . 22 % MIssouri Pacific . l [ ' do ; , fti. . . . . . . . . 11 MobIle &Ohio . II ) 11. &T . C. . . . . . 2 % ' NarihvtiloCimat . 01 T. A. A. & N. 115 . . 1 'Na8hvteChat. 1. National Cortlare . 504 T. SL L. ' K. 0. . 1 Nllonal . Corae. . . . . . . . 8 % dopr . . . . . . 7 N.J. Central. . . . R S. It. R. . . . . . . 0' N. I W pid. . . . . 10U 10 pftl. . . . . . . . 2'1 North Am. Co. . . . :0(4 Am. Tob. Co. . . . Ill \ Norlhcrn l'aetlo. . 2" do p01. . . . . . . 106 % No.Pnc. p01. . . . . 1 5t P. , lii. & 85 . . . 105 . ' ac.lt. . . . . . t . u.1'.n.&o. . . Ie ' l . ' bid. "J . I ' . .m , Time total sales ' 1f ilocks today were J39.i31 tultares . Including . : I Antem'lcnn Sugar 31. 0 ; Bal- tmore & Ohio. 3.40 ljurllngton. 6,70) ) : CIllgo : Oas . 3.ZO : Dslling &Cnttiefeetlirmg . 6,200 ; Oen- Irl Eleclrlc. .OJ LetiisViile & Nashville . 7.Go : New Jersey Inl.ls\lo : Nortimwest0rn , G.30 ; New York Cenlrl : , lti0 ; fit Paul 1,9 : South- er preferred , 4,41 , .b _ Nosy York 3Lnney lJarket NEW YOnK , : tllJ G.-MONgy ON CALL Easy al l002 leF 'len : last ' loan , Z 1'11 cent : eln.et lt : per ccotJ1'i ! PHIm MEnC " IE pAPEn-.15 , per . ' cenl. . 1' STERLING EXt7ifAOl1-About . steady with actual bU9lnls In- bituuker . bills at $4S9100 4.Sn. ! for temant-nd ' $ % ? 4.SS for sixty das ; Ioslcd. rates , $4.80Ui S' and U.S9.4.0 ; corn- merlal blue . $ ' /.8. .J. SIlOViOit-CIORTI'ICATES---GOc .3mi3. ; 0QVIRNMrtNP I5O2DS-Stead'J.stzmto bonds , GQ\I'NMENT HOlDSSten < s Inactrlrod'rdk. . easier. 'Jsllc Closing quotatonSlpn , bonds werel follows : . U. S. 6a. reg. . . . 1.Mt ILklt. G. 4B. . . 81 U. S. 61.coup. . . 11004 Erie 2ds. . . . . . . 5634 U. S. 4s , rag. . . 10 , { ' 0. n. & S. A. ( Is. . la I ) . S. 4s.cOimp. . . . 112 G. Ii. & S. A. 78. . . 100 'U S. 4s.eoll. : . . . IIn. . ic ' ' Or Gs. . . . 103 % 'Pacific rcl. 515 . 100 do Os. . . . - . . . . . 102 [ Ala. Cass A. . . 114 % M. K. , ' T. let 48. 811 % . Ala..Clss B. . . . lOl < 0 2d 4..1. . . . 80l Ala. Claa' C , , . . . 04 % "Mulual Union . 6s. lii ) Ala. Currency. . . 04 % N. J. C. Gen. 5s. . . . 10 11 % La. Now Con. 4B. 12 % No. Pne. lets. : . . 13 'Missouri ( is . . . lot ) ! d02ds. . . . . . 142 % N. C. Os. . . . . . . . 1:6 N. W. Consols. : . . R2j 'N. C. 4a. . . . . . 100 'do S. F. Deb. ls 107 S. O.lonruld. . . 13.4 'It G. West. lets 04 Tenn. new sot Os. 84 SL P. Console 7B. . ' 120 ( Tenn. mw ROt Out. 100 do C. .icP. W. 55. 110 'Teumn old 08 . . . . 10 " St , L. ic f.JI.ren. lB. 7(3 Va. Centuries. . . . . I [ % 'StL.&S.F.GenO 103 'do dcCerre . . . III Tox. Pac. lsta. . . . 85 < AtchIson 4a. . . . 03J do 2ds. . . . . . 22 % " < 02d A. . . . . 11 + 1 % U. P. lets oC ' 90. . . 102 % Canada So. 21Is. . 104 Vent Shore 4s. . . 102\ C. P. lusts oC ' 05. . 100 % So R I. . . . . . 80 ( " D.51t.O . Is. . . 14 S bid. _ _ _ _ _ Boston Stock Quotton I. nOSTON. Mnrch O. - Cal loans . 4@5 per cent : lmo baits . 4'3 per eenl. Cosln prices for slocka , 10nlS and mIning aharsl : A. ' ! ' kS. F. . . . . : : \ . Central. . . . a Am. Sugar. . . . . . IUt 1.Uson J lcc. . . . 12/ Am. Sugar 501. , . 02Gen. . Elee. I'M. . . 00 Bay State Gnus . . . 794 Alchls 2ds. . . . 16 liellToleplione . . 110h Atchison 4B. . . . lOa : lioaion&Ahbany . 20R Now Inland Os. . 107 D0910n ic Maiumo. . . 10 Gemi Elcclrlc 6H. . 87 C. I. . Q. . . . . 70 % Wis. Cent lets . . 40 4/ Fitchburg. . . . . . . 84Alontc. . . . . 1IH. . . . . 10 Gen. Electric . . . . 2U % nOHtn & Montana 30 Mexican C"nlrl. 7 % Bnle , . Boston . . 9 N. Y. & N . E. . . . . 29" ( CaImmnct & ! Ilecho . 292 Old Colony. . . . 17r Cenlennlal. . . . . . 00 10 Ore. Short Liume. . . 4n FranklIn. . . . . . 12 Itubbcr. . . . . . . . ' 3R % Icoarsarge. . . . . . . 8 UnIon PacIfic . . . I Oecooh. . . . . . . . 21 WOltEn : . . . . . . 01n nlncy. . . . . . . . lot < 011. . . . . . . 87 'jaumsarack. . . . . . . 10 W"slngh.EI\c. . 3U" WolverIne. . . . . . 21. W. Elet' . 1)01. . . . . 40' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8'1 ' Lcr.tuol403 l1alnJ 1\00 : ( Quot"tlol SAN 1'IANCSCO. Mnrl O.uTho official clos- Ill QuolntonB tor mining stocks today wore as follows : ! toay wor I ! Aita . . . . . . . . . 32 Justice . . . . . 0 AlpimaCou. . . . . . 0 ICenlucky Con . . . 0 AmuSes . . . . . . . . 31 Lady Wash Comm. . 3 10Ichcr. . . . . . . 41 Mexican. . . . . . . I Icst. Dc10hcr. . Ot Moumo. . . . . . . . , 20 DOlte . Coo . . . . . . HO Mounl Blablo. . . . . 10 Hitlilon. . . . . . . . . 22 NavaJo . . . . . . / Illwcr Con. . . . . 1G . Occhl"nlal Coum . . 4 Cnledonla. . . . . 10 Opiutr. . . . . . . . 180 ' Challenge Con . . . 42 Overmiman . , , . . . 15 Cimoular. . . . . . . . IR pOlosl. . . . . . . . . Hi CouIlitlCiiCo. . : . . . 166 8a\alo. . . . . . . . . 40 . Con . Cal & Vms. . . : tO 8cofllon. . . . . . : Con Imperial . . . : Sierra Nevada . . . 72 Coo Nlw York . . 1 Sliver 11111. . . . . : Crown 1.01It. . . . 47 SlIver King . . . , , 10 Exch"lllr. . . . . . 4 Unlol Con. . . . . . . 63 UOlld & Curry : . . . 1.1 : utah Con. . . . . . . 0 Halo & Norcroumut . 15 Yellow Jaolo\ . . . 67 Silver btrms (10050034o ( . hlexlcandollars , 4BU@ 4iIc. Draf. , sllhl , lqc ; loloralhlo. 12 % 0. Now York \ lnllQuotatonl. . NF.W YORK. Mar le O.-Tho . NFW YORC. : ra.11 - following are lbs closing aiming lu < laUotIH ; lulwcr. . . . . . . . . .I Uumtarmo . . . . . . HOO Cimolor . . . . . . . . iiL45I . Oplmir . . . . . . . 160 Crownlolnl..d 40 ' Plyniomitli. . . ' " . 20 Con. Ca' . & Va. . . 7UJ Qmmicksilvcr. . . , lilt ) ( "I\lwoo.I. . . . . . .40 ) , opr'I. . . . , 10 Gould & Curry . .lr 41 Sierr.i Nevada. . . ' 10 1010 & NorcrofB. ! 'OU' Hlalular . . . . . . . 285 itoumue + utiko : . . . , POl UnIon Coum . . . , , . : 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 41 cxlcan. . . . . ,80. Yellow Jacket. . . 46 LOlloi , Ifk QuotatIons . LONDON , March \ ' 6 " 11. I. closinirt \ Can.I'Icllf ; . . . . it' ' : ' / St. l'iub : coat . . . , . 50 % COli. 1rlo. : . . . . . . . . . . . N , V. Coumtrat . , , . , , , till Erio2da , , . , , . , . , , , ,1 . 54 \ I'eumtluiylvaniut , , . . 5004 Ill. Ceumtral , . , , . . . , , aS(114 _ Standing , , , . , , . , , . 434 l4oxicaumoruiimmary,1jQ4 81cr. Ceum. new 4a. 58 % BAit t4iIA'I4it-4l-bCd per ounce , lilONIO11cr ccitt , Time rate of dIutcou0t in open market for short and three montlmmm' .J is 1 % tier cent , 1 iii plm&t Notes. BOSTON , Mar u"C'iearlngs . , $14,640,218 ; hal. ances , $1,473,210. liU/j'ihIoflI. , Mahm 6.-Clearings , $2,002,123 ; balances , $100,741. NB\ ' YORK , March 6-Clearings , $50,201,836 ; bititLOOds , * 4,0I5,05 l'Ill LAI)5L1'ISIA , March 6.-Clearings , $1,208 , . 115 ; balances , i,841,345 , ST. I.Ot.'IS. March . . 6.-ClearIngs , $3Sr0.541 ; Uni. minces , $114,401 , Money. 5106 3ter Cent. New York exclmminge , 650 tireunum ! bid , \S'A HliiNITON , , larcim 6.-Today's statement of time con.Iitlon of ( ice treasury utimowut : Asahi- abli , ciutlu balance , $ lSl,060Z3'J ; gold reserve , 889,631,0 * CIIICAOO , Marcim 6.-Clearings Sib 583,000. New York cxchmmu.ngo , hoe premium , Sterling cx. chmangtt , actual , $0.87004.8a % , honey rates , 4(9 4 % per cent on call ; tt6 per cent on tiumie. Foreigum I'Iuhmevjmtltflmilrmi. . BIRI.lN. hlarcim 8.-Excltange on lndan , eight days' sight , 20 marks 45 % pfg , I'AltlS , March 6.-Timree per cent rents , , 103C Ste for time account , Exehmange on London , 2Sf 23o for cimccks. LONION Mardi 6.-TIme amount of bullion cmme into t6 tianic , ot England an buience today ii , L6.8XI , Quid is qupied today at flucumos Ayrtts at 2.551 Madrid , 7.00 ; Liabon. 23.201,1 : lIt. Petersburg - burg , ( ' 0 ; Athens , ri ; home , 100.60 ; VIenna , 103. OIAIIA LIVE STOCK IAIlliETS Reccipth for the Day Show an Thoreso All 'Bound ' Over Last Week , BEEF CATTLE WERE A SHADE LOWER Trade lrnggetl but All Were Sold Ilefore time Close-Stockers Iii L'alr Ieummnuitl -Ilogs (1 , , OfT a Nlclcel for thm lny. \VEDNESDAY , Mnrcls C. The receipts today were 1,966 cattle , 6,477 hogs nod $35 sheep , its ngaint 1,327 cattle , 3,377 hogs and 10 sheep \Vednesday of last week. 'rime receipts for the week thus far ore 6,800 cattle , 13,100 hogs and 6,210 BhIOCI ) , at against 2,794 cattle , 11,6S Imogs and 1,020 ShOd ) time lirat half of last wecic. CATTb1.-There were sIxty-nyc loads of cattle of nIl lcllbds In time yards today , as against seventy-three loads yesterday , Right good beef cattle were not very plenti. fill , timutighm. there was seine pretty fnir stuff , Time market was not very active , and Prices on lecf steers % 'ere It little lower. TIme trade was prolonged tlurllmg a good limire mf tue day , hIlt in the cliti cattle wore about nil sold. There were elglmt or ten loads of cows aimd mnlxi'd lititelmer Stocl ( lii the yards , btit very lIttle thmit wits really good , Abotit every- thtiiig in this line utolcl before the ioe , Ti market did not slmow any immaterial change , values remaIning mtbout time Saints us yester- day.The , The offerings of atocicers and feeders were Iargo to whutt thme3' S'u're last week. 'rime high lurices lmroughit by this class of cattle dmurlng , time Itnet 0s'eelc or more lion started up the shippers , nmmd they have beets mu- sackiimg : tIme country for stock cattle niuti feeders , wIth tIme result that thin receipts hutvo been mnaterlally ilmcrensed this week. Quite a good many Imuve been , uhhlmped iii front Iowa , ammcl there 'cme o1ne iimiy fed V0i + terfls 1mm totlay. Time ( leunaifti continues fair , nmmd there ' s'ere quite a good mnmmny buyers lit time yards , but it does not mequire any I great Iluunber of cattle to satisfy thc ( f le'mnumd. Cattle lit lirat lunluls s'ere itbolmt liii Ii cold , nod at abotmt steady prices , but there were a good unmmny still In the hands of speculators , lleltmcsentntive sales : BElly STEISitS. No. I Ar , Pr No , y , Pr. No. Av. rr. it. . . , 422 * 1 05 4. . , . 93 $3 61 1. . . .100) ) $4 0' ' ) 2. , . , 421 3 0. , . . . . . 875 3 75 7. . . .l0S5 4 00 3. . . , $16 3 10 1. , . . 004 3 If 36. , . .1232 4 It ) 1 , , , . gil ) : i to s. . . , in s 2'm. . . .IlSti 4 10 5. . . . SOS 3 ro i , . . , 110 3 76 111. , . .1031 4 15 1. . . . 610 3 rI ) 3 , , , , $03 3 50 4..iOS7 4 21 2l.,1114 : 3 63 1 , , . , 870 4 00 17.bliI 4 23 CO\vS. 2. . . . sro no 5. , , , tb 75 1. . . , 610 10 1 , , , . 154) 04) 8 , , , , 922 75 1. , . , 76' ' ) 200 l..SfO Oo 7. . . . 845 10 3..lObG 1,5 1 . , . . .dll tO 3. . . $20 10 1 , . . . 930 _ 00 32. . . . 925 ° 70 2. . . . 900 10 , , . . ) Oil 1.l000 It 1. . . , 000 35 b.IOCm ) 94 1.il2i ) 7 ; I. . . .iOiO i0 2. , . . 700 00 1. . . . 810 75 2. . . . 775 2. ; s , , , . tpz oo 32. . , , 85.1 SO 1. . , . liSt ) 23 6. . . .lOiG 2 00 2. . . . 933 S 1. . . . 80) 1 : ; 1. . , , 700 O0 2. , . . 933 00 1. . . . SOt ) 1 40 : i , , , . . ' 163 2 05 8. . . , 893 3 00 1. . , . 760 40 1. . , , 870 2 10 10. . , , 014 3 00 1. . . . 780 1 tO 4. , , , 702 2 20 16. . . . 884 00 1. . . . 740 1 Ii ) 1..12S0 " 25 3.,113.'l 05 2. . . . 136) 1 Cl ) 3.lOlO 2. ; 6..litm ) p3 22 , . . . 979 1 64) 1 , , , . Sit ) 23 l..IIC' ' ) 10 1. , . . 87(1 ( 1 60 4 , . , , 862 _ 25 2. , . . 350 1' ' ) 4. . , . III 1 60 1.,120) 2 23 3. , , . CG 15 3. . . . 5t5fi I Cm ) ] . . . .bl40 2 : s : ; 1.h440 23 5. . . . 526 1 63 1. , , , 910 13 1..1370 23 4. . . . 893 7 : ; 2. . . , 910 .15 1. . . .1200 23 5. . . , 772 75 3.lOOi ) 35 4..1062 23 :1 : , . . . 813 75 2. . . . 821 40 1..1020 15 1. . , . 840 75 1l23t3 li ) 4 , . . , 913 40 1. . . .lOSi ) 75 13. . . . 774 4) I..12&'I 4 ; 2..IOlo 75 3. . , , 830 60 2..1200 64 I. . . , b0t ) 75 6. . . .IOl3 10 1. . . .1O ! 73 1. . , , StO ILEIFEBS. 1. , . . COO I 75 3 , , . , 403 2 15 4 , . , , 710 2 33 1. . . . 420 1 75 3 , , . . 693 2 15 3. . 700 2 10 1. . . . 570 1 00 5. . , . 570 2 15 11 , . , , IsO 2 50 1. . . . 510 2 01) 2 , . . . 100 2 15 1. . . . 600 2 00 I , . , . 420 2 00 6. , , . 733 2 20 3. . . . 423 2 75 1. . , . 630 2 00 1. . . . CSO 2 20 1. . . . 910 3 00 9. . . . 196 2 03 3 , . . , 500 2 23 2 , , , , 550 3 44 7. . . . 618 2 05 5 , . . , 640 2 21 1. . . . 860 3 00 1 , . . , 480 2 10 4. . . . 837 2 30 1. . . . 000 3 71 STAGS. 3. . .1033 273 BULLS. 1 , . , .114O 1 23 li..1173 2 20 . 1..1I70 2 to I. , . . 850 1 CS 2.I000 2 20 4..1473 2 51) 2. , , . 880 1 7i l..l430 2 25 1. . , . 700 250 1..e 820 1 76 1 , . . . 880 2 25 l.1400 2 51) 1..1000 1 75 2..1220 2 25 2.1303 2 73 1. , . . 820 2 00 1.,1540 2 25 I.1370 2 75 1. . . , 540 2 00 l..130 2 35 1. , , . 810 2 71 I. , , . 830 2 10 1..1300 2 40 IliIO 281) 2.,1035 2 20 1..IbOO 2 43 I.,1350 2 51) 2,1003 2 20 1.1090 2 15 l..1410 3 10 1. . . , 920 2 20 I..1270 2 50 I..1870 3 30 STOCICERS AND FEEDERS. 1. . . . 340 2 25 7. , . . 468 75 31 , , . . 190 10 1. . . . 880 2 25 4. . . . 770 75 10. . . . 620 15 4. . , . 831 210 3. , , . ito ; SO 2. . . . 660 10 1. . . . 330 2 40 4. , , . 910 81 7. . , , 685 15 5 , . . . 678 40 3. . , . 430 83 9. . , , 715 15 1. . . . 700 50 21. . , . 610 85 7. , , , CCI 15 1 , . , . 200 r,0 5. , . , 553 90 12. , . . 865 15 1. . . . 600 2 50 41. , , . 612 90 7. . . . 810 20 6. . . , 621 50 1. , . . 160 00 17 , . . . Cli 20 1. . , . 750 2 50 20. , . . $40 .00 28. . . . 706 20 1. , . . 410 2 50 9. . . . 682 00 1. . . . 740 20 2. , . . 530 2 50 2. . . . 610 00 20. . . . 977 25 3. . . . 766 3 60 1. . . . 600 00 2. . . . 935 23 I. . , , 470 2 60 2. , . . 42.5 05 32 , . . . 504 tO 1. , , . 490 2 75 9. . . . 422 05 1. . , , 830 61 18. . . . 377 2 75 24. . . . 665 10 WESTERN CATTLE. . COLORADO. No y. Pr. No. As' . Pr. 1 bull. . . . . . . . $20 $1 75 3 bulls..1173 $2 20 1 bull..1400 2 50 3 mixed. . . . . . 780 2 50 3 stags..1033 2 75 11 feeders , . , , 2177 3 33 MONTANA. A. F. Ornetor , 1 steer..1000 3 10 Cl steers..1149 4 10 lii. Barrett. 35 steers..1169 4 23 1 steer..112) 4 25 226 steers..1174 4 10 1 steer. . . . . . . 060 4 10 L. Cartier. 92 steers..1200 4 30 hOGS-There were eigimty-ono fresh bails an , smtie today , as against seventy-one cars yesterday , The quality at tim hogs was not quite as good on an average as yestertiay. Time unnrket was reasonably active , and tue pens vera cleared some time before mIdday , The pricux paid stero mt shade to Sc lower than yesterday's uumarict't , Some of the buyers were figuring their droves dma coating Ic to Ia less than the previous day's purchases. hogs weighing under 200 lbs. sold at train 03.70 to $3.00 , but princhpahly cit from 83.80 to $3.00. Those s'eigiming 200 his , anti above sold mostly at from $3.90 to $1.05. Itepresezmtatlye sales : No As' . ills. Pr. co. Av. Sit , Pr. 43. . . . . . . . 151 40 83 60 48 , , . . . . , . 218 . . . $3 510 37 . . . . ' " , 140 40 63 4. . . . . . . . 285 . . , ItO 13. . . . . . . . 163 , . , 65 10 , . . , , , , 186 . . , 90 00 . . . . , , , , 162 . . . 70 12. . . . . . . . 203 , , , 510 49. . . . . . . . . 143 , . . 70 6 , . , , , , , , 203 , , , 50. 8. . . . . . . . 166 . . . 70 82 , . , . , . , 187 00 90 70 , . . . , , , 143 , . , 70 19. . . . . . . . 214 40 3 9) 79. . . . . . . . 346 . . . 72 98 . , . . , , , 195 40 3 94) 87. . . . . . . . 161 40 76 85 , , , , , , , , 201 80 511 18 . . . , , . , , 189 , . . 7 : ; 10. . . . . . . . 256 . . , 3 115 88 . , , . , , , , 156 80 75 10 , , , , , , , , 210 . . , 115 19. . . . . . . . 249 80 75 41. . . . . . . . 1513 , , , 515 72 . , . . , , , , 182 160 80 75. . . . . . . . 214 120 515 53. . . . . . . . 109 . . . 80 53. . . . . . . . 203 . , 513 Co , . , , , , , , 206 200 80 71 . . , . , . , , 2 40 3 1l5 is , . , , , , , , iss . . , . oo 1(2. ( . . . . . . . 136 , . , 3 05 . . . . . . . . . , . 81) 46 . . , . , , . , 276 80 3 95 16 , , , , , , . , 195 . , So 4 , . . , , . , , ItO . . . 3 515 10 , , , , , , , 1811 , , , 10 83. . . . . . . . 217 160 3 06 22. . . . . . . . 100 , , . 50 80. . . . . . . . 237 , . . 3 05 102. . . . . . . 167 40 80 63 . . . . . , 217 SO 3 513 1. , , , . , , 350 . . . 80 14 , . . , , . , , 204 , , , 3 115 I , . . . , , , , 430 . . . 80 CI. . . . . . . . 2111 . , , 3 $114 99 , , , . . , 190 200 . 824k 70. . . . . . . . 242 , . , 4 00 78. . . . . . . . 178 80 81 70. . . . . . . . 211 , . . I Oil it , , . , , . . 180 , . , 85 70 , , , , , , , , 2051 80 4 00 1(2 ( . , , . . . , 173 40 85 9 , . , . , , , , 232 , , , 4 Oil 53. . . . . . . . 196 80 85 8t , . , , , , , , 217 . . . 4 00 Gd ; , , . , , , , , 174 . . , 85 60 , , . , , , , , 276 12. ) 4 00 Go ' , , . . , 202 80 85 45 , , , , , , 257 . , , 1 0' ' ) 76 , , , , . . , , 180 80 85 77 , , , , , , , 213 . . , 4 00 43. . . . . . . . 173 SO 85 76 , . , . , , , , 244 160 4 Di ) 1,9 , , . , . , . , liii. 40 85 8. . . . . . . . 215 , , , 4 00 nI. , ' , ' . , . 213 . , . 3 83 3 . . , . , , 483 . . , 4 01) 74 , . . . . . , 191 200 83 17 , , . , . . . , 217 . , , 4 00 65 , , . , , , , , 181 , . , 85 ' ; 9 . . , , . . , 212 41) 1 0) 01 , . , , , , , , 181 : . . . 3 85 59 , , , , , . , 216 120 1 Di ) 91 , , , , , , , , l' + 3 240 82 % 75 , . , , , . , , 215 , . . I ( IP,4 53 , , . , , . . , 226 40 140 78..230 40 4 ( .1-I 72 , , , , . , , 13444 fit 4 , , , , , , , , 375 , . . 4 ( ' 3 &l , . , , , , , 1540 1.3) ) 3 110 10 , . , , , , 107 80 4 01 81 . , , , , , , , 1513 . , , 110 41 , , , . , . , 372 20 + ) 4 (6 02 . , , , , 192 , , , Ito 17 . , , , , . . , 293 40 4 01 69 , , , , , 191 , , . Ito 61 , . , , , . , , 103 III ) 1 ( 3 67..152 , , , 3 90 18 . , . , , , . , 243 , , . 4 01 4 ' ' , . . , . . 2:10 : , . , 'Jo . 61 . . . . . . . .277 80 407 % 4 . ' , . ' 251) . . , 90 15 , , , , , , , , 201 , , . 4 10 85 , , . , , , . , 177 , , . ' 0 : . . . . . . . . 80 4 10 20 . . , , , . , 248 FO 90 50 . . . , , , , , 217 . . , 4 10 66 . . . , , , , , 244 320 ItO Cl . , , , , . . , 315 120 4 131,4 104 , . , , , , . 1513 40 540 PIGS. Si. , . . , . , , 68 , , , 1 75 . . . . . . . . , , , 3 25 14 . , . 76 . , , 2 (10 30. . . . . . . . 111 , , , 3 40 1 .130 . . , 230 Il. . . . . . . . Sit , , , 350 lb . . . . . . . . 5,9 , , , 3 0) 29 . , , , , . , . 11 $ , , . 310 3 ' . ' . " , ' 120 , . , 3 25 29 , , . , , . , . 101 , , , 3 10 So' ' . . ' 5u0 , , , 323 78 , , , . , . . . Ill . , , 351) , . . . . . , ( . . , 3 23 46 , . . , . , , , 126 . , . 3 60 IllliilEl'-TIme market was slate nail stt'zmtly. Fair to cimolco natives are nuotaitie at 52.1st ) 4.00 ; fair to good westerims mit 82,50103.85 ; couuuuuuon nd stock sheep , $ l.103.1.O ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , $2.75(94.75. SI , I.ouls I.ivo Stock , lyr. LOUIS. March 6.--CATTL1S-Receipiut , 3yj1) heal' eliipnments. We ) lucati ; maulcet about stead ) ' ; ( air to nmeuhiuin nmcris'e steers. II 5)4111.4 ; good ho choice , 54.7515.23 ; lmt'as'y butchers' coma dressed beef , 84.25001.73 ; cons , II.TtGt.23 ; fed 'Fexas steers , 83.21414.10 ; grass , 82.10003.50 ; con's , JIOtUI-Itceeipte , 0,801 itemS ; simlpnments. 1,100 1mm , ) : market steady ; lmt'avy , * 4.15414.30 ; mIxed. $4.t)0(112 % ; light , 83.750(410 , ibiS E11l'-Itticeilmts , 1Sel load ; siulpmnents , none ; market quIet anti easy ; native ned inixeul sold at * 3.85001.23 ; common stuff , EtC2 % j55 ; spring lanmbs , 8 $ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nose York Litist Stuck Market. NESS' YORK , hiarcit 6.-1iEFSVI4S-Itec'lpts , 1,837 hmea.l ; mfl sale , 33 ears. Market fairly actIve and SOc stronger all around ; native stcwrs , ooor to faIr , $4Zt,5.3O : oxen anti stags , 53.00(94.75 ; bulls , 82.73(94.2.1' dry cows , $ i.IOjl.GS ; Eurs'uean cables quote , kIaericSul ttris set 20I8(11fl8e , thressedi tt'ditillt retrigesator ltct nt $ ° Q0o Esportut tetIa' , 1,180 quarters of beet. Culte , receipts , oci Imuttl. ? ttutlkt a 1111k , slow nutfi Ostrely steady , \'emls , poor to thuii'C , $ ; .citcit western calves , poor to ordinary , 83.005 SIIREI' AND 1..Mb)8-Itccelpt , 5,407 lmrntl ; 3,00' ) on sale. hugutktt nctls'o arni flln5r far grail stock ; shdep , poem Itt good , $2.I5tJl.73 ; mini' , , Coininoti to choice , * 1.501(0.25. ( IlOUS-lleeeipts , 8,352 heud , Market stead et $ . . . l.b0iJl.70. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( IIIICAIJO LIVE STOUt , Ilmuteliora' Stock 0ohlStmon anti SIokers ituiti 1'etiprut Vero in iiitttn,1 , CIlICAqO , litmircum 8.-Time 13,00' ) cAttle receIved today l'rovetl too small a supply for the ery 4030(1 deimmanul that existed , end time nmaiket for sveli fluuisimcd Cattle nsa as high as at Ott ) ' tiin shnco prices began to uumemmtl , hiutclmetet' stock ratiO strong , nntl sales of stockers Oft1 feeders s'eme at fimli prIces. Common steei svere slow and easy at IGo off fyotim 7mioiit1y'g qiuotuttio , . Sales Score at trout $1.30 in $1.51) for l'oor to extra eon's , iiIfeuti urnS lutulL' , at frnuml * 2.51) to 8 1.10 for clockers flOut fCCtimIS aitd at fm'ons $3.75 to $3.00 for mittssel imeet anti simipiiuug steers. The rnumgo of quolotittums for fed 'le'mnuu cattle t'ae from $3.26 $ to si.to : for Cusses amid bulls and at rants * 3.7.5 to $5 fr steerp. Most of t1e cattle offered svero dieposemi of mit ( molts $1.53 tui"$5.G3 for StOols antI at trout $2.51) to $3.1) for cons anti bull , . ' ( 'here was conmpnuntis'c'iy a Cleati ) ' feeli'tg In tlmo imcmg omarket. Aithotugit time rerdihtiut seem mIca hue demimanul stan stinag euioutglm to $ tru'vtnt all ) ' decline , Cnuiiuutoum to hemivy gmottles hehtmg inken at frustum $4.05 to * 1.53 anti light ts cightis at mutt 03.540 to $1.20. S'imiie that was tlte tmunqe of ulmmflhuatlouue for lmmcrchnninitii' im'igs ' , itlnmost the eultirc' IlImpitI ) ' 5505 Weigiicb at fuont 01.15 to SI 53 for aselacrus of u'er 2.1) Ibs , antI at ( coin $4 $ icu Ills for liglmter sseights , There ss'ns a ss'etuker , uarltu't for , t1uep ammul iuimhts ni it coimseqtuence of Imtcreo'tti meceilitu. . 'I'Iic dill's run svn.'s eetluntuteti at lTO'utJ httml , , utnl ahtitotmgiu time deunamitl svnse moc'd , u.lie'ts haul to l.itntlo I'rhres to time extent of fmommm hoc ii , Ito nit nil grnui's below choice , and timero iVilS 5vCnkuies 0 % CII mit tlm ttet , Htuci'p si cud quotel It fiofli 8.1.10 to $4.60 flnti launli' ; cut ( riots $3.25 to $5.40 , Itecellit , , : ( 'little , 18,001) heath ; calves , 300 Imenil ; imogm , , 40,00) imeaul ; slm'vp , I7,00)lccnd. ltuiit'ttit City lts'u hinek , I1ANS,113 Cl'rY , Mrircii O.-CA'rTl.tl-Ibet'eitts ; , 5,500 lucaul ; elm ilmlnent , 1,800 lmentl ; best Si u'atly otimerut wetmit : Tetts steers , 51.5000(23 ( ; 'h'e'ias ci ) " 5 , $315003.04 ; i'ef steenu , 53.500(3.75 ; tmitlt : e cost s , 81.10114,45 ; stockers nmmd feeders , $2.311jl.tO ; bulls , $2,400j13tO. Il0US'-hteceIlml , 10.100 iteatl ; utlulpummenis , 1.00) itecutl ; ummam kit secaic in So Itmwer ; Limiic of salt's , 03.11Oii 3. 10 ; Ime.tvles , $10000 1,23 ; lauclicu ci , $3.510ij4.26 ; lnlxt'tl , 83.90511.10 ; Yoticeui' , $3.OOrijl.S1 ; pigs , $3.15 $ IIEiIl'-1beeipitu , 1,800 imemmui ; iulmipntcuils , 2(0 Imead ; inim bet slu' umumd seenic. S'lsterim l'utcltiiug Interests , CINCh NN.\TI , Marcit 0.-Simeclal ( TeIegu sos- 'Vonmorrusv's l'rice Ctmrrommt ss1ll say : Time nmos'd. lumen t of lungs cnumt inuem4 liitemal , nl I itougim si it it a decreasing I elIlCmmC ) ' , Time stint's ilaci.lug I as itu'en 330.000 hogs for nil htoitlii4 lit tile SVeSt. emummhtamed With 170,000 tile lmrt'eeiiiimgV'Ck , anti 213,01 + ) inst year. i'i'iet"R lma'e tlmmlmnv'tl , umntl lit the close cml a 10 to 13 c'nts her 100 Poimnuis imtgiter titan a Stock ngo for luromincmut utmar- bits. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stocic iii ' . , lglmt , Record of receipts at the four principal markets - kets fot' Vu'edbncsda ) ' , htamelu 6 , ISIS : Caitle. Ilttgc . Sheep. South Onmttlma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,960 6,477 835 Cimiczmgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000 40.000 j7l't ) Itansas City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,300 ioroo 1ieti St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,300 6,800 1,200 . Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03,166 63,777 20,015 Ltverimool hljirkets , LIVERPOOl , , March 6.-V'ItlIAT-Spot ( bun : demmmanti icier ; No , 2 ratS svinter is SIi ; No. 2 mcii string' , Ott 3d : No. 1 imarul Manitoba , Is Stltl ; No. 1 CalifornIa stocks exhausted ; futures opemmeil quiet , btit steady , with clear anti , hie'tmtnt posh' ( ions iCuh lower ; closed qtmiet , hilt stratI ) ' , svhthu near mmd tbislnumt positioums immmcimangt'ii to tl bower ; itusimmess Imeavietit on ummiddlo positions : Mardi , iii Sdiuhi. ; . is SO ; hILt ) ' , iii 8d ; June , 45 8)t1 ; Jtmiy , 4s 'od ; August , 45 'JISt3 , , COISNitmot quiet ; Amnericnmm immixe,1 , new , 4s 1,8,1 : futures opened quiet , but steady. wIth near anti distant lOSitlontt 1 fartimlng tosser ; closed ( millet , whim near Positions 1 rartlming lower utimd distant positions 1512 fnrtiiimmgs iosver ; bUinoss about equally tiislrthiuteti ; March , Is tt1 ; AprIl , 45 Id ; lila ) ' , 4s 1d ; June , 4s 1mi1 ; July , 4s 158d ; August , 4 , . F'LOlJIt-Firrn ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy winter , Os Ski. l'IIOVISIONS-Tlseon , quiet , steady ; denmanib moderate ; Cumberianci cut , 28 to 20 iii , . , 20s 63 : rimort ribs , 28 lbs. , lox ; loimir clear light , IS to 45 lbs. , 24s ; long' clear heavy , 13 lbs. , 2Seu Cml ; idiomS clear backs , light , 18 lbs. , 21s Cii ; short clear mnhtidhing , imeavy , 50 lbs. , ISa ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 It's. , 34s : shoulders , square. 12 to 18 lbs. , Sus Gd ; imansa , short cut , 14 to 16 lbs. , ITs : beef , extra India niece , GIs lid ; Itriune niece , Ils 03 ; pock , priuno mess , tIne western , 52s Cd ; prime mess , lfldtiiunl , bit ; Gil ; lard , quiet ; prime western , lId Gil : refined , in pails , Ils Gd. ChIbOESlO-Firm ; ilenmanti ummotlemate ; fine.t American white , 4Sn Gil ; American colore'l , She. ittiTTEit-Finest United States , Its ; good , SOs. COTTONSEED OIL-LIverpool refined , lls 510. LINSEED OIL--2ls Iii. jOl3TJtO1A3tJM-1teflmmc'ti , G'III. ItEic'ISIGERATOR IIEEF-Forequarters , 443 ; hindquarters , 5ui. 1101'S-At Loncon ( Pacific coast ) , 2 lOut. Coffee hlarket , NEW YORI , March 6.-COFFEE--OptIons opened steady at unolmnnge.1 prIces to an advance of 5 points ; ruled quiet , but firm ; aellem's scarce and some local demanti ; closed firm at 10010 points net advance ; sales , 8,00) bags , including : March , 811,10 : AprIl , 814.70(914.00 ; May , 814.5505 11.64 ; September , 814.754114.00 ; December , * 14.10 ; spot coffee , Itio , steady : No , 7 , $16.50 : null , steady ; Cordos'a , * 18.754119.140 ; sales , 1,000 itags Rio No. 7 at $15.75 , c. anti f , : 1.001) bags Sa'ttos , Pbs. 5 and 7 , also 100 bags lilaracalbo , 600 ijag Central Ammuerican , 504) bags liucaranmanga and ISO pkgs. .Jonmaica , p. t , W'nreimouse deliveries from New York yesterday , 8,820 bags ; New York stock today , 3)9,890 bags ; United Stales stock. 165,815 bags ; aiioat for time Unileil States , 240,01)0 bags ; total 'Isiitle for time United States , 400,811 itui , against 147,618 bags last ) oar. SANTOS , March 6.-Market quIet ; grout aver. ago ilantoe , nominal ; receitts , 5,000 bogs ; stock , 259,000 bags. IIAMHIJRG , ilinreb 6.-Market dull ; 1 , pfg Out' dine to ' 4 tfg advance ; sales , 2)OlJi ) ) tugs. Rio 3)10 JANIOI1tO , Marcim 6.-Market firm ; No. 7 Itin , $17.51) ; exchange , 9 9.lGml ; receipts , 4,000 lug's ; cleared for time United States , 5,000 bags ; cleared for Europe , none ; stock , 151,000 bags , ltA.\'ItE. litarcim 6.-COFFIIE-Market opened quiet at advance ; at 12 1mm. , irregmmhtmr at 1(9 % f decline ; at : t i , . nm. , Irregular cit 4f ticciino ; closed irregular at , tf net decline ; sale. ' , 27,000 bags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C 000(111 .Olctrkct. NE\V ORLEANS , March 6.-COTTON-Futures , steady ; sales , 50,700 bales ; Mtirclm , $535035.12 ; April , 85.25405.26 ; 3tay , $5.32(9Sd.33 ; , Immute , $11805 5.39 ; July , * 5.41005.45 ; August , * 5.4315.10 ; fieptens- lti'r , * 5.11035,54 ; Octoier , $556055.57 ; Noveummiser , 85.83005.61 ; 1)eceutmber , 85.62035.01. NEW YOItlc , March 6.-Time cotton manteL hiss been a reveitmilon todmmy , opening at ito advance of -tolnis ; prices steadily advanced till time gain svits 510112 IloInts , with time cturnmnerm tmmontims showicmg the most strength. Just lseftre ( lie close time market receuieul 2 or 3 piminin , but flnisht'd steady at a net gttia of' 7018 iointm + . Totai uncles , 151,5)0 ) bales , hliihmliiumg , 5 11-ICc ; umet recdiltiut , none ; gross , 8,001 bales ; forwartheml , 2,175 bales ; sales , ltd bales , till u'tinmmers : ; stock , 186,421 hales ; total today , imet receipts , 15,086 bales ; expormut to Great Britain , 1,884 bales ; to the continent , 6,815 bales ; stock , 057,121) bales , Toi do ( iniiim hilmirkot. TOLEDO , March 6.-W11IIAT-Loiver and wealt ; No. 2 citsim nad March , I51c ; Slay , & % 55iAe ; July , 50c , COJIN-luil but stead ) ' ; No , 2 unixeil , 43c ; May , 44o ; No. 3 itmixed , 42c ; No. 3 ) 'eiltnY , 43c. OATS-Negleeiel ; No. 2 mixed , 3140 ; No. S wlmlte , 33o aelced , IOYI4-Itmll ; enaic , SIc. CImO'flhl HEiSi-litgimem and steady ; prime cash , $5.55 ; hiareim , 83.80. RlJFih1"i'ti.-\'iceat ( , 13,000 bu. ; coin , 20,500 Lu , ; clover soetl , 033 lungs , SIlil'MENTS-Fiour , 3,504) lOuIs , ; wheat , 15,01)0 liii , ; cturo , 18,100 bu. ; rye , 11,000 bu. ; clover seed , 168 bags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'corln , Simirhccts. PEORIA , Macelm 6.-COIIN-Steatly ; No. 2 , 41t'.o ; No. 3 , 4l'hc , OATS-Firm ; No. 2 white , Il(93ic ; No. 3 white , 300331c , ltYE-Noominnl ; No. 2 , rdc. W'hIililcY-Flmun ; spirIts , HIS ; basis ( or finhitim. log goetis , $1.25. ItIC'i4ll'Tb'-Wlmeat , 12,110 bit , ; corn , 24,700 l.u , ; oats , 33.OO itu. ; rye , G01) leu , ; barley , 7,0(0 itu. HIiIi'MI4N'i'14-Wlueut , none ; corn , 22,100 liti oats , 44,0(0 bu , ; zp , none ; bailey , 3,500 bu , b0umiamis ( , ity 'thuim'kels. ' KANSAS CITY. Macelm 6.-WIII1AT-Sieimdy ; No. 2 harul. & 2c : No. 2 red , & 2c ; cejtctcml , 41c. COIIN-No , 2 mixed , ltrucm , b0404Qe ; 2,0. 2 wicite , miser , IObitiiie , OATH-Active , weak ; No , 2 mixed , 284cm ; 2,0. 2 JiPTS.\vhceat : : , 3,000 ho , ; corn , 22,100 Lu. ; OaiiTh4iviteat ; ? ! , zoolo Lu. ; corn , 12,000 bu , oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oil lilmi raid. LONDON , March 6.-SlOT I'i1TItOLBUM-&i ICU'5"jA LINS1BD-Ibtot , ITs ; simiittnenis , , . ( , Maceli 6.-ROSiN-Firm ; strained , $1.15 ; good , $1P ) ; spirits , steady at 32'c. 'I'Ahl-FIrm at $1. TlJlII'JONTONI'3-Fimm ; luarti , $1.10 ; ot , $1.50 $ ; vitgin , fl.70. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mimy lruiict this Imiekcri for ( cuispirutcy , ICANSAS CITY , Marcim 6.-Wlmon the gmancl jury Is again convened time ltetahl liutclmere assocIatIon , It lie said , will ems- deuvor to have hue olilcers of the live uack- lug hmoilars In tile city hiuilcted for coin- bhumliug to control anti itmaniptiltite time price of une'flts sold to tile retail butchers. A commIttee apolnteti for ( lie purpose lmas beeus collectiumg evidence for a long tIme , _ _ - - - - _ - ' 8PECIALTY CA1& FtLLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMO7HY. - . ciAve. Ave. , Kaaus CitT : T.-2--- , . _ a _ 1) ' arti imocs' claims to have secured clocument9 tlmmtt vllI surely lend to the packers being Intllc'tetl , Thl Is anotluer 1)humoof n. ion Standing fight between local butchcr an packets , S - - I'ntier , ti'lmaiiy to t'Otitft tO Trial , CINCiNNATI , March 6-lnvcmstfgatOs ( 81u0w3 that Pather O'Cratiy * Is recovering , ( Ptosemcutor Swartz utiuit Jtimign'Ilson ad. hiOlhliCo' thoU lie will ho tried SOOn for thu " uimurder of Maryflhlmartin , ' 11183 IShAi.1"s' hI.ititlilT , iNSTRt1MiNTS placed on recOrd March fl 1595 : \VA03I1ANTV lEfllS , Tmchi litilian to Almiro Milian , lot 4 , block 7 , 1'mitieton park..8 5'alntit lull Sevhmgs , itnil inestment eeoc' itany to .lacotj lggoma , lot 19 , hhnck 23 , 'alrnmt 11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 N F lto < tt nail ts'ife to lit Vt' Nennarmi , w 100 test lots 20 nnti . 2 $ , t'loek I ? , Ilammut- coin l'Inc" ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,100 East Ontalta t.und ( 'olilitutno' to titut Aim- immant 15'ali l'later c.alutitano' , lotS 1 , 2. 21. 22 , 23 anti 24 , FiOu.b ( 4 , suui'iis' of lot II , In prolKiseti lilt of bOast Ouumalmn . . . . . , , . , . . , . QUIT C1.AiSt ilSEiil. .1 1) % 'nt'e to S' A I.angss'outlty , lot ii , lteuumintc'n' suislit' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'rnmtk Itmuhl amiti it ife to Oscar Qimick , hots r. anti 6. block 241 , Omtt'miml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I ( 'iuaul's . , Tec'1t to EiltitIu Tuttle , et nl , 5 % 4 let 3 , block 3 , ( 'iCtilt Puncher ititl , . 1.00 P1:141)5. Smc'clni ; nmmmaler to C 10 ii.ttes , n 62 % feet Of W % lot 77. hlttrlmminim's stiti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . b'anme to I. I' l'rentlce , lot 23 , block 5 , hlucntnomttim lurk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7O llalmmt' to 0 ( ' ( Jlpu'mu. lots 16 , 11 antI iS , iiueic 2 , i'intunder's A Il's. nilti to W'ainuut 11(11 ( , bumPs IS 1.5 21 , block 18 , ilmtuumtiei's & Il's. Iligimlamud park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,007 Total nunoimni of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * , - - - Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfci ) ' tcher's Castoria. - Chfldren Cry'loV Pitcher's Castoria PATRONIZE HOME iNDUSTRIES H3t purchasIng good ! mtde : at the following Nebraska factories , It you cannot find 'what you want , communicate with the manufac' turers as to what dealers hmandle their good5 : JLIIS , IIUJtL.il' AND TH'1X12 , - ' _ - - - - _ _ OMAHA BAGGO. Manufacturerr of ciii kinds of cotton & burlap bags , cotton flour sack , & twine a ipecialty. ' ' CIA tlG.ClS S. lltim-st. loll 1&1.4 7CI"A S T 11)01) , P1.0 Ull , ] 'lC. S ST. VIM. PRESTON & CO. Manufacturers of Preston' . California Flake ; I ) Sickle brand , it rsislng flour & yeast , Do yell use Preston's bes'i dour ? Cj .Ii1Ei'RIU1S. $ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - ' OIAHA llREVING ASSOCIATION. Car load shipments made in 'our own refrigeratop ' cars. Blue RIbbon. ElIte Export , Vienna Export nail Family Export , delivered to all parts of city' . CIItICLIOE P4 CTOflILt' , FROST & hARRIS. Carriage A Wagon lilakers. Carriages , buggleg , phaetofls & wagons always on hand & made 03 order. 1111-lb Ilarney-st. , Omaha. CUFFE1 : : ' , .SI'ICLS , .It.1 RIXU 1W ll'1)IfI0. CONSOLIDATED COFFEE CO. , Coffee Roasters , Spice Grinders , lilanufacturer German Baking Powder anti German Dry Uo ' Yeast. 314-16 8. 12th street , Omaha. , ELf ) fIR. i S , : Manufacturer of Gold Medal Floor. } tm C. E. Black , Manager , Omah FUJfNITUIUO .li'.1UTOIt1l8 , ¶ $ ' - _ _ - - - - - - OIAHA UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturer of parlor furniture , lounges , dIn. lag tables & folding beds. 25th ave. , Boyd lOahier streets. INSUIf.l NU10. ' UhilONLIFEINSURANCE CO. ' ' -j Over one millIon dollars go out of Nebmnsk every year for no better insurance than is to nished by the Union Life of Ounalmic. Agen wanted In every town In Nebraska. _ ICJC.IXI ) Go.l-- - -ouii1i O1MIA ICEAD COAL VO. Domestic & team coal. We have the beat , 4 ? . ( Ice 1601 Farnam-at. 'l'eiepimone ; Office 373 , ya 176 $ . 3. A. Doe , gen'l marmmmger. _ IRON IOIfICt. WORKS. Manufacturig & repairing ot all kinds of m chinery , engines , p'mnps , elevators , printin presses. lmatmgeru , , itaftlng & couplings. 1406' howard at , , Omaha. PHOENIX FOUNDRY CO. Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , special ; boiil fronts & SIttings , street IVy car wimeols , Arcii$5 , lecture ! iron works , Office 807 8. hIlt-at. , Omaha , PAX1'ON & YJERLING IRON \VORKS' \ M'f'r's of Arcbmltecturai Iron Work. aeneraj Foundry , MachIne and Blackscnhtiu Work. IOnS gineers & Contractors for FIreproof I1uildlog Oitice and Works , U , I' , Sty , & 60 , lltim 0iru Omaha , 31,8 .V UP. ! CTF1fI.'s'I CII t.hIIti TM , _ _ - - - - - - --------w TIlE MERGER CIIEMICAL COMPANY. Manufacturer , of fluid extract. , ehixles , syrup A wine. , compressed triturates , hypodermie t * lets , pills & scientific medical noveltic , . Omab * - . m . 5hl I'2'lf ICMSIM . , CO TC , Cit KItS , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L , C DOUP. Manufacturer Mattresss. , Spring fled. ; Job Feathers and PIliwe. Nomttm 24th and Nichol Ols. . Omaha. V _ , X1OIIT lI'I 71.'ll , t'IJiJ ( CJCit S'JCIi , AIERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPh. Time only perfect protection to property , Exar4. lime It , Best thing on eartim. Reduce Insuran * mate. . 1204 Ilouglaa.at , -1 ( ) V 1tILL 1",0CTOJtiIM. IHI4PATIIICK-HOCII DRY GOODS C9'J Manufacturer , & jobber. of the celebrated Uuc ) . skin brand shirt. , pants , overall. & duck cloth iutg. 1101.8'S llarney-atFactory _ Bait Omaha. - ' IiATZ-NEVINSC ti 1 Manufacturer , of men's & boys' clothing , pant t shirts & overall. . 202-212 0 , 11th-at , , _ - - - - - - - = ---4 - - - - - J' . J'.Ia'JC JS'iChi. THE OMThAIAPFAfl11CO , Manufacturer. of all kinds paper boxes , hel boxes , ssnmpie cases. mailing tube. . eto w.d , ding cake & fuumcy caimdy bose. , druggist & jewslr isozeut. 1208 10 JOflei-t , , Onmalma , . - - - - - - - - - - - Millit : , , b'JUTOiI.ffN. HJ.I\iIS---EJJRASXASHJRTCO. \ t Ilaciusivut custom aiuirt tailorL' , j 1115 I"amnam street. Telephioa. SOS. ' ' ' = . _ _ . : . ! ; " -S I'I.i - ' fiEii1tY'IoiI ! Oi1A1IA , NEll , Icactory in I4tuisvhile , Case Co QualIty of bri iiUarantee4 to be as gooo as any max'afs.etmir ( tutsid ( ii Umla sat : Usury Uoi1g