Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OMAHA \ DAILY BEE' : WinsDAY , MARCh 7. 189 . n
= "
tccomtem1nton of the Governor In t Fair
' 4 WRY t Pn
"rlenl11 of the Measure rrotcet I ani' Ruc-
ceed In S.crurlnl , Il Unfnrrnco to R
COIIIIUo " 'hen Fair 'rrc"t-
mcnt II ASlurol' ' .
- -
LINCOLN , March [ G.-Speclal ( Telegram.- )
- The recommendaton ot the governor with
reference to the oleomargarine 1JI seems to
bo In 1 fair way to meet with the Approval
ot the senate , although the rlends [ of [ the Industry -
dustry arc by no means out or the dlmcut.
tel which have all along surrounded them.
The bill embodying the recommendatIons or
the governor was road the second time this
Drternoon. Tim senatl Indulged In a sptrHed
little controvery over the qUMton of rerer-
ring It to the committee on agriculture. ,
The frlonllr ot the oleomargarine Industry
have felt that the committee on agriculture I
19 hardly friendly to the measure. 19 chairman -
man II i Senator Sloan , the author of [ the ant-
oleo hiI and Its leading champion. Senator
McKeeby Is for the present acting a sponsor
for the bi recommended by the governor ,
and when I had been read this afternoon he
requested Its reference to the committee on
manufacturer and commerce. President Watson -
son so referred It.
. . . . . I. . , , , , . ,
! n".ln. ! Inn "I nnnn .nlMn,1 f vl"nrnl"
protest and claimed V that " tim , ' - ; ro hie'l'
tem was guilty of an oct or 11Fourtesy to
the committee on ngrlculure , le claimed
that the bill properly belonged to that coin
mittee. Senator Smith retorted that the bill
had nothing to to with the question or agri-
culture ont referred only to an article or
manuracture and commerce. Scntor Mc-
neeby : said the bill halt reference only to
oleomargarine and Imitation butter. I Sloan
would admit that those were the products or
the dairy he would withdraw his request that
the bill be sent to the commltco on manu-
fctures ant commerce.
Sloan moved that the bill be referred to
the committee on agriculture . the reference of
the president pro tem to the contrary not-
withstanding. Caldwell moved as an amend-
snout that the bIll go to the commie on
manufactures ant commerce. Sloan demanded
time yeas and nays and the rote stood on
Caidwell's amendment as folows :
C11weJ , Hahn B\nlcr :
Crn ' . Hllchcock , Smith .
cravrori . JrrrleR. , Hpr"her.
CmRa. McKeeb . Stewart
Dale MeK.son. 'Feat.
Orahum . NO ) ' , Watson-iS.
.Akers . Holhrlc , nnthbun ,
ijiack . Lelir Sloan
flaUer. . Linlsay . Sleurer-H.
Dre..ler , 1'01'0.
Senator Black explained hla' vote by say-
lug that ho was a member or the commitee
on manufactures and ' commerce ant did not I
wish to vote for his own committee.
The committee on manufactures and com-
snerce , which now has charge of the bill . has
for its chairman Senate Holbrook of Dodge
county , n friend of the original bill . but with
a record for fairness that has given him the
confldence of e\'ety aenator on the floor. The
conftcnco 10 nnln ' 1entor .n , , t"n ln foor. Un1hMni
"ii1 ; ; ; ; g ; : ' ; a " ; r DouginsCroas . ' OtJCffCr-
son . Hahn of Adams and Altrs of Scots
'I Illuff. All of the members of the committee
< . are boleved to be friendly to the amend-
ments suggested by the governor.
S UIJ to' the present time the fronds of the
governor's recommendations have outvote
the opponents. Senator Sloan protests how-
ever , that tbe , agricultural commiee would
have taken no advantage of the bill bat I
'beon referred to I , but that It would have reported -
porte 't ' back to the senate as &poedly os
. V pbaeible. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Morning . Given Over to the Third ! oadln&
! &
. or Many lUensurel. '
LINCOLN March G.-Speclal.-Tho ( ) sen-
ate proc tlngs this forenoon consisted mainly
or the vocaIefforts of a number or reading
clerks who exhausted them % e\ves \ with the
blUe on first , second and third reading. The
entire forenoon was taken UIJ with the read.
entro reat-
. of bills. The following bills read
e . ! I' bis. folowing bis were
thl third time and passed :
Senate file No. 173. by Watson , to Igalzo
all the proclamations . acts , doings and proceedings -
ceellngs of the governor of the state of Ne-
braska and \ the proceedings and ordl-
stances passed and approved by the several
clo which tiara heretororo been declared
cites of the first class under chapter 8 of time
laws of 1891. The law referred to was de-
- claret technically unconstitutional by the supreme -
preme court The law has born corrected
and this bill simply legalIzes the acts of the
mayor and councils of such cites performed
under the old law.
Senate file No. 81. by Crawford , providing
that \ bomb heretofore issued or voted by I
any precinct In time state for boring wells to
be used for time purpose of Irrigation are
hereby declared to be legal sand valid and a
len upon all of the taxable property In said
precinct notwithstanding any deCect or Irreg- '
ularly In the submission of the question t
the vote or the people. or the omission to
designate In the propositIon or In the bonds
that the salre waS for Internal Improvements. ,
Senate file No. 45 , by Graham , providing '
that a judgment of time district court or this i
state shall operate as a len upon the real
estate owned by time debtor In the county ,
where such judgment Is rendered from the
date of such rendition , ant that \ other
lands as well as the goods ant batels or
time debtor shall be bound from the time
they shall b seized In execution.
Senate dIe No 14. by Lciir , providing that
\ oaths ant aOrmatona heretofore Ddmln-
fteret , and al acknowledgments beretroro
taken by commissioners of deeds In the legal
form and whlchl have no eertfcato , or the
secretary or sate attached or annexed shall
- - be and they are hereby declared to be legal
and valid and of the same force and elect as
I said certificate was attached.
Senate tile No. 11 , by Wright , tD revise time
Itato banking law. Time now law Is quite
. elaborate but makes but few Important
changes In time old statute. One of the
notable changes Is the one relieving time supreme -
prmo court of time now heavy burden 1m.
poscl1 upon It by reason or tIme Ilresent
law and vesting time execution of ' . the law
In the district courts.
The passage of those bills took up the
forenoon seulon.
After recess time consideration or time
governor's message relating to the eleornar-
arlno bill camD UII as a SIJeclal order , but
lciCeeby requested that the mater go over
Sloan , time author or tIme oleomargarine bill ,
moved that Limo further consideration of time
Inssago bo dispensed with . The senate de.
dined to 'ISIIOSO ot the question In so stem-
mary a manner , and I was therefore made
a special order for tomorrow afernoon at
4 o'elock.
The senate , aCer thus disposing of the
.poclal order , went Into commitee or the
'wholo on the general file . with Graham In
time chair on.1 for three hou\ indulged II
grave debates over a number of prollosed
, la ws. Among the bIlls recomnlelded for
passage were the following :
Senate diem No. 107 , by Sloan providing
that mme justice or the lleace shah have Power
10 Isaue any IUlmOnS to be served beyond
the Imll of the cOllty where Issued .
Bonate tile No. 79 , by Sloan , to legalize and
Jnako valid 1\ orders , judgments decrees
'nd findings that have been made by any
.ourt UI Limo state under the law entitled .
'Decedoieta " passed In 1887. Time bill Is
'mbodletl In the folowing :
. Wlmereas The legislature or the st Lte ot
, nebraska dlti at Its 'i'wenty.flrst se" ton
duly 1111 In not known as chapter 61 ot
the Session of Nebraska of 16S , nnd
" 'horeal. Time lullreme court ot the steele
1las. by its Judgmenl duly PrommOummeed . do.
dared said ICt to be unconstItutional and
Volt ! and unconlttutol.l
" 'lerell. Numerous estates lave been set-
ted mender and by time Ilrovlllons of said act
of the legislature prior to the theme that the
"ame wa declared unconstitutional and
void . unconlttutonal
; Now timerefore . all judgments . orders . decrees -
. - crees and findings that leave been made by
.ny court In tIme state under and by the
. .
WI -
.i. ,
provisions saId nct. pertaining to nnT
estate or any deceased ruJ. be and the
same is I hereby legllted and made valid to
the same extent and to time same Ilrse a"
though said act had net been adjudged un-
constilutlonal \ by the supreme court.
Senate file No. SIt . by Chh\91 , to amend
the insurance laws 10 f to provide \ that
In luch laws , "
nothing 11"1 aha1 bo construed "to
prevent any lumber or persons from makIng -
Ing mutual pledges and giving valid oblige-
lions to each other for their own Insurance
from loss by fre , lghtning , tornal10es. cy-
clones and wlncstorms , hal and death : but
such associations or persons Iha1 In no case
Insure army property Ilot owned by one of
own their nUmber. nbnmber. " and no life except ot their
Senate fe No. lOP , b Sloan very simIlar
In its provisions to senate file No 39. I
provhfes that no probate judge In any civil
mater shall have power or jurisdiction to
Issue any summons to bo served beyond the
lImIt of the county where luued' , wherein
the amount actually Involved does not exceed
hwolvl exceel
Senate file No. 77 , by Sloan , relating to
contracts for the conditIonal sale lease or
hire of railroad \ end street railway equllJ'
ment "nt providing for the filing of such
contracts wih the secretary or stnte.
Senate file No. IGO , by holbrook to create
a board of park commIssioners II cites of
mora than 1.0M and lees than 25.000 Inhab-
Innts where public parks already exist or
may herearer be established , and to provide
for the appointment of steele commission.
The antI-cIgarette bill and the oil In-
specton bIll were not taken \ up when
reached , but were left at the head of the
general \ f ,
After the commIttee rose the bill recommended -
mended by Ooveror Holcomb amending
the ameti-oleomnargarino hi was read the sec-
and tmo olul referred to the commitee on
manuractures and commerce .
Whereupon the senate adjourned.
% % 'ItSoN'S A1'l'01ST.mT COSI'lUl O
SCDlln IcadlCIPU the Judge's Seconll
Nominaton , by thn ( Inventor.
LINCOLN , larch 6.-Special.-Tlme ( ) gee.-
enror this morning sent to the satiate time
nme of John W. Wilson of Keith coulty to
bo commantant of the Soldiers' and Sailors'
home ot rand Island. This Is the second
time that Mr. \Vlison's name has gone to the
senate at the present session . Governor
Holcomb sent In the same nomination early
In January making the oppolntment take \
effect February 1. I was referred to a special
comunmittee . of which Senator Hahn was chaIr-
man. D. A. Scovie , the present commant-
ant claimed to have a grievance ogalnst a
populist newspaper at Grand Islal\ ant the
commltteo delayed action Int Oo\'erlor I
Holcomb wlhtrow W'llson'a nomination.
Later events hove shown a more cordial
fooling between time chief executive ant the
senate and It has been known for two weeks \
that Wilson's nominaton would be promptly
confirmed If returned to the senate.
This morning the governor's communica-
ton was received by the senate almost as
son as I hat been called to order. ACer
the reading of the Joural had been dls-
ponsed with the senate went into execUtive I
Derore the doors were closed Graham paid
a delicate compliment to time newspaper reporters -
porters b- moving that they be permitted to
remain Inside saying that the reporter always -
ways seemed to report the proceedings of time
secret sessions with perfect occuracy. The
motion was seconded by a haIr doze sen-
atora . but the lieutenant governor held that
until the standing rules of the senate were
amended the motion was not In order.
When the doors were closed the go\'ernor's
communication was read. I simply deslg-
natet Mr ' Wilson's appointment to take ef-
feet March .15. McKesson moved ! that time
, laeh . : ,
nommaton ve rerorrea to site , nanUIl um- -
mlteo wih instructions to report Immetl-
Hahn chairman of that committee , pre-
sented a brief verbal report to the effect '
that the committee was glad to report that
Judge ( Wison was In every way qualified for
the post.
McKeeby moved that the appointment be
confirmed and there e.vas no dissent , the vote I
being unanimous.
Ltto Doubt that the Senate 'VI FRvor
, tIme Jle : , uro.
LINCOLN March 0.-Special.-Now ( ) that
time house has passed the beet sugar bounty
bill the final campaign In the senate promises
to bo brief and triumphant No one doubts
the ability of this , ' one of the most popular
measures of the session , to pass the senate.
The small opposItion to the measure that ts
promising to do 'so much for Nebraska is .
however , making n few spasmodic efforts to
create prejudice against It. Yesterday a
roorback of the widest c'aracter was turned
lo6se. I was In the shape of a story to the
elect that time Norfolk sugar factory was
holtlng In reserve 2,000,000 gallons of syrup
and that as soon as the bounty bill became a
law the syrup would be worked up and GO.-
000 drawn out or the treasury.
A little analysis of , these figures will show
their fallacy. In the first place the Oxnarts
last year at their Norfolk factory manufactured -
Lured ant sold 5.600,000 pounds of sugar from
27.000 tons of beets. To secure GO.OOO bounty
from time state treasury the Oxnards would
have to eave on hand after July 1 next
enough syrup from last year's crop to make
9.600.000 punts of sugar. This would re-
quire 60.000 tons of beets. I Is hardly pos-
stblo that after selling the product of 27.000
tons of beets last season the Norfolk factory
would have remalntng the syrup from 10.000
tons In addition. Even I such an amount
should bo on hand It I only fall to Infer that
the Oxnards would prefer to make up the
sugar before July 1 ant receive the federal
bounty or eight-tenths or a cent per pound
bounty instead of'wattng until after July 1
to r celvo I state bounty of but five-eighths
of a cent per pound.
% 'orklng rr Jnvello Only.
LINCOLN , March 6.-Speclal.-Three ( ) of
the Douglas county commlsstoners , Chairman
Wlams ant ! essrs. Jenkins and Livesey ,
WOIO In attendance upon the senate today
urging the rejection of senate file No. 33 , a
bill that cuts off their $ ,800 per annum sa1-
any and places them upon a $3 per dIem
basis. The bill was Introduced early In the
session by Watson ant provides that :
"County commhsloners shal each b allowed -
lowed for nil ' time they shah be necessarIly
employed In the duties of the olce time sum
of $3 per day ant C cents per mie , to be paid
out of time county general fund ; provitied
thot In counties having less than 70,000 In.
imembitants . as shown by the last preceding
census , the cOlnty commisioners shall not
receive compensation for session service for
more than forty days In any one yeor. "
The bill I on general file with but halt a
dozen numbers ahead or it. The Douglas and
I.ancaster county commlsstoners leave joined
farces In oppositon to time bill.
11111tll I.t'iiI : i'tmmdicatioes.
LINCOLN , March G.-Special.-Timo ( ) com-
mttc on publo printing met today during
Limo noon recess. I decided to report favor-
' house roll No. 602 bHarris defining
ably on ro\ 602. b- , -
fining a legal nowsllaper for thee publication
of legal and other 01clal notces In the state
of Nebraslla. 'fhe bill pro\.tde that a legal
newspaper shal leave been puhlshed ot least
fifty-two weeks , and heave a bona Ode clrcula- .
tOI or 200 or muore The provisions of the
act do not apply to paper Ilublshe In
counties wherein the e Is no opposition . or In
counties where no newspaper has been pub
Ishe for a Period or one year prior to the
Ilublcaton 01 such legal or other olclal
notices , The cOlmlteo also recommended
Houso's bill providing for time applntllnt
of a supervisor or Iluble printing.
' \IIH"lnl limo Anl.Oloo I.R\Y.
LINCOLN , March 6-Special.--Senator ( )
McKtoby or Webster county today Intro.
duced senate file 410. which Is to ameld the
ant.oleomargorlne bill al suggested by
Governor Holcomb II his message sent to
the legislature yesterday la the new bill
the Sloan law Is incorporated 11 ful ' , save
the words "Incitation butter" have been
changed te "oleomargarine , " and a new eec-
ton 1 less been added as folowl :
Section 11 . l'rovhled That In
Secton 1. l'rvlded , nothing thIs
act shall be construed to llrevent the mlnu-
mccLure within the state oC oteomar arlne.
tender the relrlctona alil the pro\'lstonl of
the Unlel ( Slates law. for Ihll11elt8 to
Points outside of the state ,
SectIon 1 of time Sloan law Is made sec-
ton 12 of the new bill. .
Coughs , imoarseness , sore throats , eto. ,
quickly relieved by Brown's Droncblal
Trocimes. They surpass all other preparations
In removing hoarseness and os a cough rem-
ey are pre-eminenty the beat.
Reuse Put t Rest the Lion on Orops
Effort to Smother I FtI ! anti Its I'a'eaage
l'rnctieally .1mircd-t'ook Case Com-
Ilromheci anti I.rCrrt11 to R
81'eda' Conmmnitteo.
LINCOLN March 6.-Speclal.-The ( two
measures presented to the house today ,
which excited time widest Interest were
senate flies 17 and 93.
Senate file No. 17 , providing that a landlord - I
lord shell have n len on time crop ant per- I
sand property of n tenant for rent due . was
time occasion of a spirited debate. Cramb
was vigorous In his denuncIatIon or the bill ,
and moved that It be indefinitely postponed
firstly spoke \ In favor oC the measure and
said that It was a law that had been on the
statute bolls ot Iowa and there hal ( been
heord no complaint against it.
"Mr. Chlrman , " said Uothleutner. "a .
question. "
"Wih the permission of [ the gentleman
from Duralo , " replied Miles In the chair.
"Isn't It a fact " Inquired Rothloltner ,
"that renters rrom Iowa come Into Nebraska
naked ? "
The question yet remains unanswered
Johnston ot Douglas mode a vehelent
speech against the bill , and said that It was
a d1grace to time statute or any . Btato ont
that the bill ehoult be prolpt ) executed
without benefit at cer ! . The bill , In com-
mttc or the whole was reommel\e ! ' for
indefinite postponement by a vote or 7 to 9.
Senate file No. 93. by Senator Smitim . pro-
rides for the amicable adjustment or grievances -
ances eli dIsputes that may arise between
employers and ( emploes. The debate on the
bIll was let principally by Durs or Lancaster -
caster and lticketts. The former contended
that It was Impossible to compel a laboring
man to work , whether he wonted to do so
or not and , timerefore It followed that It
would be wrong to attempt to compel an employer -
player to keep a man on his hands whom
he didn't wont to ha\'c around him
Rclets drew a picture In the line or
word painting or the great Pulman strike
of last snmmer. He said furtimer that I
the gentleman from Lancaster did not know \
that there was a demand all over the country
for arbitration he hat not kept abreast of
the times and was not In touch with the
logIc of events.
Johnston of Douglas \ said tlat this bill was
demanded by the worldngmen themselves ,
and they did not car what was time opinion
of the gentleman from Lancaster.
Denetlct congratulated Burns on his
speech . amid sarcastically remarked that the
later was always talking In favor of the
workingen and always voting against
Burns of Lancaster , who had moved t
recommend thee bill for indefinite postpone-
ment , listened to a conciliatory speech by
Speaker Ricimards . and then wlhrew his
motion .
McNi tried to amend by making the bill
apply only to corporations . but this was
omendet to recommit the bill to the com-
mlteo on labor , whlchl nmentment prevailed.
_ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Although os a whole the proceedings of
the morning session were dull enough there'
was a spurt in the first quarter which reminded -
minded one .n . the house could \ bo real
speedy when so disposed. Governor Hol-
comb's special message accompanying the
ant-oleo bill was read , and Miles moved to
refer It to the committee on agriculture.
Chapman amended to refer It , to the com-
mitee on ' miscellaneous subjects \ , 'wlth in- I
struetlons to prepare n bill In accordance
wih the governor's suggestions. The . corn.
mlto on miscellaneous subjects ' does not
contain a single member of the commIttee
on agriculture. Durch wanted to know Ir
the genteman from Saline desired to insult
the committee on agriculture. Sutton of
Douglas salt that the chairman of the com-
mitee 01 agriculture . Sutton of Pawnee.
was a prominent owner or a creamery and
consequently he thought It mould be more
fitting for the new huh to be framed by disInterested -
Interested part ! ! This sl0t brought Sutton
of Pawnee to his legs with an earnest dts-
claimer. He salt that he did not own a
controlling Interest In any creamery In Nebraska -
broska or any other state , but that be nuts
connected with a creamery In Pawnee county
In the capacity of manager and owner of a
small portion of the stock. Harrison said
ho was ( member of the committee on agri-
culture . but ho believed the committee on
miscellaneous subjects would to justice to
the bIll. After a few more growls from other
sources time amendment of Chapman "pre-
valed and the bill goes to the later com-
mit tee.
The public institution appropriation Com-
blnmition . whtch includes Lancter's
binaton. Inclutes : delega-
ton as Its focal point. with ramifcatons
extending to Ileatnice . Nebraska City Kenney -
Ito ) ' , Norfolk Millard . Peru and Hastings .
appears to lack a few votes. This morning
Durh mo\'el to make the bill to appropriate
$80,000 for new buildIngs for tie State university -
veratty a special order for tomorrow at 2 , p.
m. Horst moved to table and his melon
pre\ale by a vote of 13 to 32. This would
seem to Indicate tlat the university skirmishers -
mishers are not pegging eo successfully as
they might wish . Some of the Lancaster people -
pie say that the members do not understand
the matter . but popular opinion seems to lean
to the idea that a majority In the house
unterstand the question at issue completely.
There Is now pending In the senate a bill
for a direct levy for the university , which Is
much more liberal In its provlslon than I
house roll No. 494. In attempting to advance i
the bill the combInation shoved ! its imand. I I
has resolved to push 494 to a "vote at as
early a day a possible and the test on that
measure will show whether or not any oC
the other appropriations cn get through.
When senate file 12 was reoched It was
discovered that In the Iasjage of bouso roll
No 232 the house hat passed a duplicate In
every particular to this bIll ont sent I over
to the senate. Time latter head trained a stm-
liar measure and sent It back Senate file
No. G2 was rocon1mented for Indefnite post-
ponement Another singular porton of time
proceedings today lies In the fact that house
roil No. 232 passed by a vote of 83 to 3.
Today the senate file was snowed under by
a majority almost as large. This acton Is
attributed to time influence of county sheriffs ,
of whom I Is sall a large lobby bas been
busily at work In 1.lncoln during the past
week. Tie hi provided that skilled attendants -
ants should ) Insane
accompany patents 10 the
asylum from the point front which they were
Rent Inltead or sheri Is.
Governor Holcomb's special moslage on
time anti-oleomnarganlime bi wa read the first
timIng this immorning It having ben inmposal-
ble to reach It In the course or yesterday's
business , Miles moved that time message ho
referred to time coimmenittee
tie commitee on agriculture.
Cbapman omendel ! by '
mo\'lng to refer the
message to the commitee on miscellaneous
subjects with instructions to prepare a bill
In cnrormly with the tenor of time mmmessage .
Tie amendment prevailed.
A mosssge was read from the legislature
of South Dakota reciting the passage or 0
resolution providing for the appointment of
three commissioner each by the states of
South Dakota and Nebraska for the purpose
or setting the boundary line between the
states The message was referred to the
commitee on federal relations .
Time speaker then said that the resolution
of Thomas , relating to the employment or
one J. J . Cpok 1 custodiamm was In order.
Thomas moved to correct the record to show
tbat ho hall moved the a1onton ! or his rose-
lution . and I prevailed. -
Speaker Iticimards then moved that
Speker Ichars move a com-
mitee of three bo appointed , of which
Thomaa of lamlol should be chalrnman to
Investigate the claims at J. E. Cook and S.
W. Thornton to be placed upon the pay roil.
Van IQusen amentelt to mske the conm.
mlte comprise one from each of the plt-
cal parties repreented on the floor. The
amendment did not prevail ,
larry amended to make the committee
Timomnas. Van 10usen aud Deck. This
amendment welt by the board . and Rcbards'
10ton WB carried by a strictly party Yote.
The speaker announced that he would now
8' . ue
sign senate file No. 1 9 ltllatng , to supreme
court commissioners , anl lenAte fIle No. 2&9 ,
the bill to take Dat t 'Zoott'u alleged as-
suslns out or 10it eptmnti and try them In
another bailiwick . .
McNit , In the spdkcr ? chaIr , appointed
lB I committee to InvMttato the calms ot
Tornton antI Cook for' positions a emploea
Thomas . ChapmAn and , JUItI.
Durch moved that 1 J\t. roll 4t b made
a special order for toorrow at 2 o'clock
p. m' . This Is the bl\1 \ to laJrprlato $80,000
to the slate unlvenilty a Lincoln.
10rt moved to table time motion , and
Rckets demanded a rl call. The motion
was carried by n veto or 13 to 32.
The following bills , we put upon their
passage and dlsped wefo :
louse roil No. 1. b)1 . \an. to regulate
the conduct ot primary elections In cities of
the metropolitan class and of the frt class
ha\'lng a Population of 10.000 or more and
to requIre the regIstration of voters for that
purpose . Passed 71 to 10.
purpso. 10uso roll No. 332. by Myers to provide
for organizatIon of irrigation districts and
acquiring ot canals partly buIlt . Passed , SO
to 1.
1.10use roll No. 169 , by Chapman , providing
for deciding the merit or nn election con-
test based upon the ground or error In
count. Passed , 71 to 12.
The house took n rees until 2 p. m.
10lso roll No. 531. by Orlfth , allproprl-
sting $25.000 for the payment or incIdental \
expenses Incurret during time Twenty-rourth
session of the legislature , was the last bill
on third reading . ant was disposed or Immediately -
mediately following the noon recess The
bill passed , 87 to 0.
Walt made a statement thot as time 1.000
copies each In three languages of limo gO\-
ernor's message were 10W printed . the cre
tary of state hall requested that llO copies
of each be retaIned by him for distributon
from his office. lie moved that time request
ot the secretary or state be granted , ont the
citation prevailed. I
Time house then went Into commIttee or the ,
whole to consider senate bills on general file. I
senate file 2 ! was first on the list. This Is I
a duplicate oC Imousa . roil G5 , and regulates the ,
. . that
practice or centstry. larrlon .moved
I bo recommened for passage and It pre
vs lied.
Senate file No. 11. providIng for appointment -
mont of bailiffs In district courts , was recom-
mended for pa9snge.
The committee on accounts and expentl-
tunes , by unanimous consent , reported
house roll No. lSp for passage. Time bill provides -
vides for LIme method of purc\lslng \ all man-
nor or supplies for the legislature and regu-
hates the use and care ot the same. Sixty
days prior to limo convening ot the legislature
time Board of Public Lalts old Duldlngs
shal od\rlr In the smlo manner as for
other bids for supplies not to exceed $500
worth of stationery ont other articles. Time ,
person to whom the contract Ii Iarded shall
deliver the gods to the artIer of the board
on or before the first day or the session or the
legislature accompanied by a complete invoice -
voice or bill or the sante which shall be presented -
sented to time commitee on claims. All other
supples shall be purchasell by resolution oC
either branch or the legislature. When there
are sufficient supplies on hant the board shall
order nothln . After adjournment the bout
shal store carpruly all surplus supplies In
the capitol building. No person shal bo
allowed to remove front either branch of the
legislature any supply r'fxturo belonging to I
the state. , 1 I
The house then odjourn ] .
Need for ma Ohnllo " , UO ! rresent " 'alUa- .
Uon JAde Quite A l'pRrent
LINCOLN , March G.S { ( eclal-The ) necee
, , , . . . ; . . :
a ! v fn" n , " " " ; n' .Inl" .nhnnl
lands - seems -t t'b - gn'erdlhy - recognized , - and
yet there Is but Utljlposslblty of the
passage of n law Jrequlrlng such action.
Senator Stewart IntrDduced I bill for this
purpose' on February \21 \ ; but I Is still In the
bant3 of the comml tel ojm school lands and
funds , of which Senator , Rptlbun Is chairman.
The ' session Is drwlhg'sb rapidly to a close
that there seems little likelihood that even
lite Uke\hood e\en
so _ lmlortfn a , _ , - POte In
time for . . , , . .
tme ' " 1 ' " h 11.
Dut fw people real ] ze ! mow rIdiculously
low Is tIme apprabemert on 'the school lands
In some of the counties of thts state. Take
Lancaster county as a 93mple. The state
lands In title county one of the best agricul-
tural counties In Nebraska . ore appraised at
$3.38 per acre This means that the lessees
pay a fraction less than,26 cents per acre for
the use of these lands. In Gage county the
appraisement Is still lower , being but $1.89
per acre , costing the lessee but 1 cents per
acre per annum. In Dawson county the state
owns 19.754 acres , appraised at 72 cents per
acre costing time lessee but little over 4
cents per acre per annum
The following statement showl the inequality -
equality In the appraisement In a few of the
Counties of time state : ,
County No. Acres. Ynlue.
Adams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! , 8tO. $3.6t
100ue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.96 % 1.19
Brown . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . 21.83 0.7&
luralo . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . 8,60 2.C
lurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,080 4.t3
Buler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 6.2
Cans . . . . . . . . . . . . l. ; . . . . .700 7.e8
Coar . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 8,194 , 2.60
Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 2.6
Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.71 3.r,2
1IWr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.754 0.73
Dixon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.20 7.C3
DdK" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a 7.0
DouJI/8 . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 495 8.H
1"lmor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 2.C
lags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,490 1.9
Ooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.10 1.t9
Hul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,62 4.:8
Hamiton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680 2.10
Iarlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.eS 2.59
Jefferson . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 3.80 3.21
Johnso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 7.00
Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1QO 3.38
ladl"n . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 4,927 0.9
prrlck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.001 6.9B
Nemaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4iO 6.70
Nueltls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.40 liO
010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 810 7.0
Iuwneu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IW' 3.2
Platte . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6'0 4. :
Polk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.43t 7.01
Ichunlson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,30 3.2
Saline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 7.0
Sari , ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,6B 3.89
Saunders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.:0 4.3
Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 ' .0
HI nt"l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.080 2.76
Tlmyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.120 2.3
Val" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10.931 0.5
" 'Ishlngton . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . 1.1& 6.n
" 'a'no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.25
'chster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.9(0 1.1
Tonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.120 3.63
Not . Ieady to 1' " , 5b6 Jldlmont of Ulck-
Bat llrotliers
LINCOLN , March 1.-Speclal.-AI ( ) of time
Duckstal Dros. Manufacturing compony's
Insurance cases twenty.llve In number , wblcb
the company won In time Lancaster district
court , were today appealed to the supreme
conrt. The total arnourt Involved Is $40-
78G,55 and costs , oud range ( In omounta
calmet by the comlla\l ! franc $ I,17.41 to
$3,3S.25 eacb. The companies appealing are
the American Fire , , Jmsurnmmc0 company ,
American Ceemtrai American of Phil-
adelphia , Americas . - ( r New York
Atlas , Delaware , . . , .I.'lre Assurance ,
lhlatelphla , Oermamj , ( rant Rapids , 11am.
burg-Dremen. larUord , l lnsuranco Company
North America , London and Lncashire ,
Hanover . Citizens . Trades , State Insurance
cornjlarmy . Sun , L3nos , , U . Penns'lvanla Insurance -
surance commipany Iqhj , ortimern , Manciees-
her , MIlwaukee Mechlj fortherl St. Louis
Insurance company. I.n , ,
"oltcs lturlhli , 'ek"mah.
TEKAMAH , Neb " ' March 0-Speciai.- ( )
The Ilrohlbitonists hit : flelr convention lat
night ont nominated agoo3 strong ticket , as
follows . : Mayor , Jamiet. Foree ; aldermen ,
J. 1. Nesbtt ant (1 . Drooklngs ; clerk .
n. W. Adams ; treasurer , 11. 2.1. lopewel :
Board 01 Education , 1 : 1 Hopewel and Mra. i
S. C. DroolU
The ant.lcenso caucus follows tomorrow
nlgbt. Sentment Is strongly In favor or
Icenalng salons If the disorderly houses can
bJ exterminated .
Mrs. Elizabeth Daley , the aged mother 01
Mrs , C. " ' . Conklng , died suddenly this
morning. She was a wldely.known , respected
Christian lady _ _ _ _ _
lyons Y. II , C. , % . Opens noom
LYONS Ncb , March 6-Spociai.-Tlme ( )
Young Men's Christan asaoclaton formally
opened its rooms lat evening. A large
crowd was present and passed a most enJoyable .
'oyable ' evening. > The association ntmber
over 100 members.
Great preparatIon Is being mode for the
Burt County High school oratorical cen .
rest , to be held here Friday ovenlng. All
the Ilgh school of the county will toke
part )
Testmony in the Ono of Usa .leged Train
Wrecker Introdnood
Lhloln Negro's Attorney . Says the Railroad
Com I > " ) II Atellltnl to Titus
Arohl l'nyimmg time Itemivy Dam-
1'1)lnj ] tl'V1
njes for the Acohlent
LINCOLN March 6.-Speciai ( Telegrnm.- )
The jury which will try George Washington
Davis for his life Is a follows : 11. I' hall ,
farmer [ , residing near Bennet ; C. J. Dale ,
farmer . Waverly : W. J. Lcarltt , school
Icacher , Lincoln ; W. ii. Lane , contractor :
Thomas Mocroft , 'Vnyerly ; J. Darnel , engineer -
gineer : Uobert Anderson , farmer , lenlet : '
J. 'xv DoWlt , retired business man : J. II.
Fisher , carpenter , Panama : E . Daldebock ,
farmer Malcom ; T. O. Hawkins , famer ,
Cheney ; If. E. DIY. carpenter.
Counsel for time ereno created to exclude
all winesses from time cOlrt room except
when on time stand. Owing to time large
number , nearly eighty , the court sold I
would be Imposslblo. A total or 109 talesmcn
were examlnel11n securing the jury , se\'ent-
four being excused for cause , twenty-three
poreamptonily In time box. challenged and twelve landed
In oponlng thee case County Atornoy
Woolh\'arll read both counts or time indict-
enent The first ehnrgos premeditation and
malco aforotleougltt. Time sc co 1cOlnt \
leaves out time cluuge or malco aforethought.
The two counts charge Davis wih removing
a steel rail from time Rock Islall road on
August ! . 1894 , thls cal sing time teath or
Wilam O. Ilanmbcll . engineer C. 1) . Han-
narl1 and Conductor Isaac DePuls. There
were eight others killed and a nlmber or
others injured Time story of the terrible
wreck was then taken 111 In detail .
Attorney Aleschuler mnto the opening
statement for the derenso. lie said he would
show that time Rck Island road hot a gaug
or workmen 01 repairs at or lenr time scone
of time wreck within rorty-elght hours pro-
vlols to time catastropimo . anti that this gang
hlll been drinking eon tantr ant hod left
a crow bar , wrench all other tools Iyln
about. The defense will attempt to show
that Davis was the third man to reach time
wreck . and that ho helped to chop out the
aman Carey and assisted the victims to
the best oC his ability. At this time the
defense refrains from stating lImo business
of Davis In that nelghborhoo1.
Counsel proceeded to roast the Hock \ Island
road ont declared that the prosecution of
this derenllant was In all probability Incited
by the road to relieve It from time liability
of damage suits Instuted by' time surviving
passemiglrs ont Islands or those killed. These
would amount to totween $55.030 and 100000.
Counsel also intimated that the road had
imported witnesses who would swear to
an.thlng required to convict Davis or mur-
l\er \ In the first degree
Two wllesses for 'tho state were ox-
amlned this afternoon , one being
one of the men who first
reached the scene or the wreck Conover.
Ho described the scene , ant told whnt ho
had observed In the actions of Davis. I Is
now thought that the trIal wIll last fully
three weeks. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- -
' v. S Sailer . of Grand bland Getting llm-
lulf OenerU , DislIked.
GRAND ISLAND March G.-peclal.- ( )
W. S. Salter . manager .of the Palmer house
of this ' city , Is having a good deal of trouble
'witim an uncontrollable temper. Two weeks
pgo ho was arrested for assaulting Attorney
, J. H. Wooloy while the latter was leaving
the hotel with his wife and child , leading
1ho latter. l Ho , vas arraigned betoro"Polce
Judge Oarlow , pleaded guilty ant pad his
fine. Saturday he was again arraigned but
the court this time round tat his assault on
a bell boy had been provoked and discharge
For furnishing his paper with n report of
the cases . which report are conceded by all
fair-minded citizens to be uncolored , Salter
tried to throw the reporter of the Independent
out or the house. Thee reporter refused to bo
"thrown" by Salter , but Insisted that he
would walk out peaceably Salter called a
clerk ant two attendants 10 help him throw
time newspaper man out The later still resisted -
slstM and time irate manager wan finally
Induced by the better , reason of his subor-
dtnates to take his hands off the reporter ,
and the later had his way
DlssatufOI with the Provisions of the , \ im1i-
, .
Oleo Ihnlure.
WATERLOO , Neb. . Morch 6.-Special.- ( )
'Vhen It became generally known hero
through the columns of The Daily Dee thot
the oleo bill had been signed by the governor
ant actually become a law , there was dls-
satisfaction expressed on all sides. The
Cormers around here seem to be all or time
oplnton that It will kill the milk industry ,
lImo demand for this article coming entirely
from the oleo factories at South Omaha.
It will work a hardship with a great number -
bar of farmers who have bought their cows
on time installment plan. With buter at ISo
per pound and poor crops last year they
hartly know which way to turn.
Blair Canning Factory I'ceparod to Utlro
lUnch t'rotiuco
DLAIR. Neb. , March 6.-Speclal.-Tho ( )
management of the flair canning factory
at this place has decided to put up cor and
peas this year. While It will not bo a heavy
pack they will contract for 100 acres of peas
antI 100 acres or corn.
- A mon representing time Norfolk sugar
factory has been In town , and several farmers
will raIse beets this year provided the bounty
The Blair State bank officers here say they
have about fifty acres spoken for already
and hOle to controct for more.
'VI Go to Chlca"o al' , Ulclto nil Terrible
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. . March 6.-Spe- (
clal.-Carl ) Holmann , survivor of the Elbe
has received a letter from the German consul ,
Duenz , at Chicgo , to set ( date for time
taking of his testimony In regard to the
sinking of time Elba on January 31. : Hermann
mann has answered that lee would come to
, Chicago at any tIme . Ilro\ldod time tmveln !
, expenses for hlmsel anti n legal adviser
! ant lets loss of time were pld.
! larlot 1 ' lver Scare eli Eikiorm , .
E.KHORN , Neb , March 6.-Special- ( )
I'arents throughout thi beauty entertain
fears that scarlet fever will become epidemic
leone Time scourge prevails to such an ex-
tent at Yutan , a Saunders county hamlet
eighteen malIce 50uthw't or this city , that It
was necessary t close the schools on that
account and to add to time uneainess felt
here several cases of the pestilence ore reo
ported at Valley.
Colonel Livingston started yesterday for
Montana , whoe ho wi write life Insurance.
10 will b gone sIx mnontlms
Mra Drunner of remont I Is here , the
guest of her son , Johl leT . Drunner.
I'rol all Indications now I will b a hard
mater to find five citzns ot Ikhorn who
will stand for election a viage trustees for
the ensuing y-r. Time members of the old
bart heave declared themselves , and will
step down ant out after the Apri election .
Mn and Mrs. herman A. Hansen rejoice
over time arrival at timeir house of a boy
There are an unusual large number or cases
of sickness imm this this .
slcknel II community Iprlng.
Lung fever Is most prevalent.
JnlereSUUI \'or" County Suit.
MCOOI4 JUNCTION , Neb. , March 0.-
( SIJeclal.-About ) one.hal of the citizens of
tlls place will be witnesses In the trial of
Pursel against Reardeox . Thomas Heardeox
II a retired farmer and Peter I'urael 1 a
hors trader . I'ursl claims that Roudeox
has ul1 naughty thllgs about him , and thlt
I will take $ .0 ot Reardeox's wealth to
hell his wounded feelings . The trIal takes
place tomorrow In the district court n York.
Testimony lJlnU the rlJ11 Will Not
8nstlln the ChRrJe or 1tmnriier.
ILA'SMOUTl. Neb , March G.-Spcclal (
Teiogram.-Timo ) JJrosectllon of James Lind.
say of Omaha on the charge ot murder , grow- .
Ins out of the ' prize
Llndsa-Uobblns fght ,
took a somewhat unexpected 1 turn this mnorn-
Ing. The regular panel of jurors al1 special
\'enlre of eIghteen had ben cxhalsttd yesterday -
lay and another venire of eighteen was cale'
for today and the matter ot securing n jury
appeared to be a difcul one . but after . the
forly.nlnth man hall been called both sides
walvcl1 their remaining challenges nni tIme
Jury was thpreby com "I etc.
The Introdlcton or testimony was taken
up at time afternoon session and time state
called ten witnesses to time stand before time
adjommrnnsemmt , So far time testimony Is hot
considered very clantagicmg to time interests of
time accuseml and a cimarge of mncmrdcr with
imarmlly stand , Manshaughier is time severest
ptmcmlsimmmment wlmlcim time evidence will stmstalmm.
Viil Otmnley of Omnalea and Ileesoem amid Itoot
of this cIty are appearing for Lindsay , and
timey are tanking a hard figlet ip time PlaimItIft's
behalf. County Attorney l'olk is being as-
sistel lee tIme prosecution by 11. ii. W'ooley
of Limmcoln , TIme court roonm imas beemm well
filled at itothi of today's sessions , time public
seemmiingly taking a great interest in time
Ehhinmore County Wilt Iltur Serti ttrntcm ,
GENEVA , Nob. , Marcim 5.-Speclal ( Telo.
granm-Thmo ) board of rnmpervisors of Fihinsoro
county mmsct in called session today to consider
time question of aiipropniatimmg ftmnds to aBaist
( lestlttmtn farmers in time inmrcimase of feed atiti
seed grain. After a prolonged discussion
$3,350 was voted front time general and roati
fmmmtds to be apportioned to limo varIous town-
sitlps according to their mmcccl 1mm nmmmounts
rangicmg front $115 tO $225.
Crops were much lighter Inst year Its the
msortim unit of the commnty timmmn in time sotmthm
unit , Time applicant for aid macmat certify to
imis need aced imis word be voucimed for by two
imonorablo citizens of lmis townshIp. 0mm limo
delivery of time seed ho nitmet give a Ironsis-
sony note hearing 10 per cent interest , amid
witlmiem five days after time crop almows itself
above groumni ito must give a chattel inert-
gage on time growing grain. Falling to take
time last step tlmo towrmsimlp board is instrtmcted
to collect by legal process. Time mmiortgagea
cviii be payabie Novememberl , 1895. Coemccrn-
iflft time sufficiency of time atmiount appr piato.l
, ) Ilmiomi differs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sarpy County Fnrmmtrra In Session ,
PAPILLION , Neb. , Marche G.-Speclal.- ( )
Notwithetandimig time drivlmig e.vind wimlcit less
filled time air with dust and made country
travel almost imnpocsibio tlmero was a gooti
attendance at time timird esnesemni sesslomi of time
Sarpy Comely Farnmers' itmstittmte lmero today.
Time enecting was called to order at 2 p. rem.
by lion. C. Ii. ICeycs , vresidoist of time county
institute. Ills address was evehi worded amid
tommded to shoe.v time benefits derived from thee
anmmteal meeting of Sarpy cotenty farmers.
Time program as arranged is an excellent one ,
touclmlng upon alt them imnportzmnt subjects
timat pertain to time welfare of Sarpy county
farmners. The meeting is being imeld in time
opera imouso and is acimeduicd to adjourn
Timursday night.
Cotmtract for Isridgos f&wmmrdecl ,
PLATTSMOUTII , Neb , , Marcim 0.-Special (
Tclegram.-Tlio ) county comnsissloners opened
bids for the county bridges for 1895 at the
court house today , The bidding was quIte
spirited , no less titan twelve proposals being
filed. That of J. H. Sheeley of Lincoln at
$3.14 per lineal foot was found to ho time
lowest , and he was accordingly awarded the
work. Sheeiey lead time contract during 1894
at a rats of $3.80 per foot , and time new
figures will make the coummty quito a saving.
The weddIng of Caries A. hlawhes and
Miss Mary A. Cochran was ceic'brpted today
at the home of the bride's parents , several
miles south of title city.
Cliared antic Assault and flattery.
BEATRICE , March G-Speclah ( Telegram , )
-Justice Enlow Isnued warrants today for the
arrest of William M. Plourd and William
Plourd. fatimer and son , upon an information
cleansing thene witim assault and battery upon
a parts' named Moore. All of time partIes to
the affair live at Odehi , and time trouble arose
over the possession of a vacant lot , Moore do.
manding possession on account of ownershIp
and tIme Plourds retaining time sante on
account of having the grounds leased. The
defendants were brougimt to fleatrico and gave
bonds for their appearance for preliminary
imeanlmmg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IreeI liobshmun hlisetmarged.
BEATRICE , March 6.-Special ( Telegram. )
-Jmmmmnediately upon time prosecution resting
in the case against Fred Iobelman , cimarged
witim being accessory to time crime of bigamy ,
the defendant's attorney alked time court to
imistruct the jury to return a vordIc die-
memissing time defendant , which request was
granted. Mrs. Elliott hlobeintan will he put
cmi trial for bigamy tomimorrow morning.
Io5or .Sehtmyhor Citizen honored.
SCHUYLER , Neb , , March 6.-Specialj- (
Dr , Walter Maxwell , e.'lmo was time director
of the beet sugar expenimnent itation imero
until It was abolished. wIll shortly heave
for time Sandwich Islands to take charge of
limo agnlculturai bureau anti expenimnontal
cetatiocm of the islands. flecemetly hmo' imas
iceen lecturing ire time soutim on scientific ques-
flemnlar 6''oomicnrqm Ecmtertatn.
DUNDAR , Nob. , Marcim 6.-Speciai.-Time ( )
lodge of Modermm Wootlcmsen , No. 2025 , of this
village , lead a grand banquet at their rooms
last evening , Chmoppers hi. M. Doydaton and
C , 0. Ellwamiger of Nebraska City evere pres-
eat and mmiade brilliant addresses. MusIc ,
social conversation and song were time features
of time evcnimig acid tIme general verdict was a
splendid time.
$ time.jPoffI
OWE Ejo"s
Both tim iciethod and resiiltei 'when
Syi'iip of Figs s taken ; it is 1)Ieasault
flhi(1 rOfreSIIiilg tO the taste , aiiel nets ,
gently yet proniptly on the Kidiicys ,
Liver auid Boss'eI , c1eniisc the sys.
thin effectually , dispels colds , head.
aches aiid foyers auid cines habitual
COflStiiatiofl. Syl'1l1) of Figs is tim
( lilly remedy of its kihld cvci' pro.
dticcd , )1eaSiilg to the taste and no-
COJtablo to the toiimac1i , Prompt in
'it.s action ahiti ti'uly beneficial in its
effects , propalcd only from the most
heal thy and agiceablc stibsthnccs , its
inaiiy excujient 1Ilahitics commend it
to all and liavo made it the most
P0PtlIar remedy known.
Syrup of li'igs is for sale in 50
ccitt bottles by all leading drug.
gluts. .Any reliable druggist who
iriny iiot have it on hand will pro.
cure it promptly for any mm who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
StibstittIte ,
L0U13V11.LE. Ar. .ilEW IORX ,
'Iioio tTrp A11llot A1\VY8 \
Loo-A trE1ii1iic llx- :
"Tiit-ee y ears tigo I wins tuiken sIck
wIth time grlit , wlmlelm niTecteel imey kid.
icevs _ so that tIme doctors told nio I lmnd
lit'iglmt's tliaonse nini tiropsy , I lmiul
tltree doctors ( each for one yemtt' ) , and
one Stoliltifli let ) ' wife on the street nisti
told Imer that I e.voulth niovor got vo1l ,
nitd , to ttSil time tm'utim , I never thought I
i'ould , I e.vits so sick ( lent nim' out' sit.
tIug on timu tithei' imltit of tltc i'ooiim couki
sI.o htl $ ' flii'omit. lttat ; clIm3' esime ( 'OlhltI sit
nloitgsitle of inc nimel heat' mmmy lmenvt bunt.
I cotild hot lie tienvim , cent' s'aliI , use ) muy
fnIe'cmds mulvlsetl IflU to tm'y ii lmoltleolmtttltlc'
tltCtOI' ) , e.vlilclm I did , 'J'lmIs tloi'lor w'ntitetl
in. . vlfe to emend hue to aim Iiujueitbio Imos.
tIlted , but slit' e.vonltl lent , miy cit'iito e.'iis '
( lice color of lirit'k ammtl time tmthiimteiit the
01111CC 115 it'lCk ( lust , flitti for iS months I
e.vmtS'iied it ) tw'it't' hmt $ ' mtcitnrmtl size. I
trlt'd es'ei'tlmiimg I tlmuuglmt of , immthetul , I
luctorcd e.e.'ltii it speeicthlst ott time kiti-
iit'yt4 , but ime tlitl mmle Ito gool.
" 4. t Imist , I trIed \\'cil'mtvr'S Safe ( ' , ure ,
timaitlI CiOti , mumcl it ctli't'd imme. 'i'hme flrmtt
hot tie I tmst'tl I itutleeti III ) ' % imliit1 got it
littlu iIilmtei' . I cmsi'tl ou'e.'eit imttleic mimitl
i'Cstiilmthl lmi3' tltltic14. 'l'ite ( ltCtOlS Idol )
inc in tIme uti'eet etmith ciuk e.s'imnt. eeti'ed cisc ,
cuid i : toll thmemme'ett'en'e"et i4mcf Cure.
Tlmcs' ask icon' I tonic It , mued I tell timetmi
scrod or eIght titmoes a 11113' , Timey say I
111tl a illyt4tur3' .
"I hmne.'e hiveti iii this nelglmborlmontl 82
) 'eLtt'S mumtl mutt s'ell kcson'im.Iy frlemmela
. ' ' to ' itimtt vhll
mtt.e scmm'pi'lsetl see mmie 11o5'
vouch for tlmlo tcstimiione. , ' . "
O2 llh'ondwa3' , B1'OuklYii.
New England
Mutual Life
Iiisuraiice Company.
Postoffice Square , - - Boston , Mass.
- -
Statoittciit of B ishsiess for 1894 ,
2et Ledger Assets , .Ian. I , tIll..131,311,861 53
it iccIIi PTS.
i'or l'remltmncs..S 3,079,501 39
1"r itmterest , itemmts and
l'rommt sflil Load. . . . . . . . . 1.121,134 It I
_ _ _ - C
I 4,233.50 5. )
Lca taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,239 51 4,147,431 01
ncsnunsnai mTs.
fleatlm Claims..S 1,416,112 03 .
Mattmred and IlMconttmi- '
UeiI Endownmemits. . . . . . . 211,161 00 ' .
Canrehted anti Surrcn. '
tiered I'olicies. . . . . . . . . . . 601.373 H ?
Distribution of Surphus. , 530,551 6
Total paid to Policy
Ilol1ers S " SC-S 9097 4
' - ' - ' . .
; :
Amount paid for
mtssion to Agents , Sni- 7'
nrics , Medical Fees ,
Advertising , i'nirmttng ,
Stationer ) ' , and a I i ' .
oUter Incidental cx-
ienses at the hionme Of- , '
mice and at Agencies. . . . 543,701 37
Amnount paid tar Accrued
Interest on Invest-
cilonts purcicameed dur-
lag time year. . . . . . . . . . . . 5,012 DO 3,377,631 33
Net Ledger Assets , Dec.
am , 1894. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,154,607 21
Market Value of Seemed-
ties over Ledger Cost , 679,219 68
Interest and Itents nc-
crued lec , 31 , 1994. . . . . . 21,0i2 61
Net ereniilmnLe in couree
of collectiomi. . . . . . . . . . . . . 153,979 22 1,055,221 &
Gross Assets , Dec. 31 ,
1594 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S24,2521828.71
tesorve at Slassacimu-
sette Stameciard 4 cur
cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
flahance of Distributions ,
unpaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116,002 9
Dentim and Oimmdowtnent
Claims approved. . . . . . . . 69,271 00 hLhi7,39) i
Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,033,428.77
Every 1)01109' hns en'horsod ' timereon time cash
surrender ctmmtt patti emp insurance vnttces to wimicie
cite Insured is cnmiclpd by time 5titssactiUetts
Statttle-L1F'1 ICA'l'O niN DOe.VMENT phiciel
are issueti at the omit liCe rate ircmiumn-AN-
NIJAL CASmI diatrthtmtione are unit ! upon 5LIi
l'accmpiehets , rates and values for men ) ' ago seal
on ajiplication to time Company's o6flee , a.
DENJ. F. STEVENS. 'President.
ALFRED I ) . FOSTER , Vice-l'resident ,
S. F. TRULL , Secretary.
wnr. 13. TUItNER , Assistant. Secretary.
321-328 Chamber of Comnierce ,
EasIly , Quickly , Permanently Restored.
Vcaknosa , Naj'youanoaa5
' ' lIability . , and hi thmo train
os.Ihs ftons early errors or
- later cxmeseco : the nesuits of
overwork , c Iclenass worry ,
ctc , Fcmhi stroemgtlm , dovol.
opnmentctnd tone giveim to
- every organ smut mmortioa
, ' _ , e t"- ofthtebo.iy. Simnn'lemis
. riimc \ \ urni metimotiet , fmmeci
, I ate improsement seen.
Failure lrnpotiiimle , 5,000 i'cfertimces. hook ,
. tmxplanatlomireutl hiroots mailed ( aealod free , : '
Is TCI5 055.1' .4
' ,
Weakness emS Sorrel
Svcry cure guarac4oefi _
. . 20 yveirs OIi'ermencu ,
- 5 years in trnah. )
titok Free ,
' 1451 , .to VarmeMn.eIts , ,
r .wrs ,
) imWatencl 0)4 nm.rslncms French
ci ltnnu4y CALTIJOS rce. , sad a
, M E iutiii gemarneemeethat tJtLuos will
' I'l.ehnr5r. . .t F.ntI..ion , ,
'BE otrici : ' . , . . 'rn.tor.e.rleoca.
( , , , tad ) tvmtroeis l.o.I C gun.
\,4 , r. , pay if iaIificd ,
A4rsVON MOtH. . ,
' (841 ( * LIUrtOC Aitst , Ll.t..utt , Obla.
Ute VCatUmoIitod ltecnov-
hrg hiiemisteesIn 300 p. ismok tat a sterna.
.5 , , Iu , II. % Vo'dIry , ha CY. lid St. , N , IC '
Inventor of WomdUurir's i'uoimei 50mw.
AMUI31MEN'rf ,
EMPHE voiu
_ _ _ , _ _ Telephone h531 - _ _ -
% v , J. imuituicss , Manager '
MATIN1III TO-lAY , 2m31)
Aimy seat In time house ,
ToNiali'r 8:15 : ,
Prices , 25.25-SOc.
Saturday Matinee , Little Lord Fontleroy
. . . , . " . , '
- - n--- - - -