Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    . iiiir . , . _ . . . . - . . . . . .
it - . 4- _ _ _ _ _ - . THE OMAhA DAILY Bl 'J 'l'IUnSDAY. 1L\ROII 7. lami. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . j
. , _ 1 . nOSEWATKn Rdlor.
- - -
- .n - -
' , - _ .
r _ -
DAn flee ( Without flundR ) , One 7elr. . . 80
riII1 Ilee fliRt Sunday. One Year. . . . . . . . n 0
2nl1 ( ' .lthl lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60)
! fb , ' onthl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 t
, .hrn ) ' flee Ono Ytar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
I I ttiri1ny . One Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 W
flntunny Ie. Je Ono Yeu. yea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
OmahA. TIIA Ueo flufl4lng . -
Seth Omnhn. Thl Singer l\t. Cmer N anl 2Ub Stl ,
Council 1IttT ! . 12 I'enH Btrcet.
Cunci Ilul Ilarl :
Chicago Ofltc. 317 Chnmher oC Commerce.
- New ! Olce. . llm" 31 1. 1 nn.l 16. TribUne fllJg.
I : WulaInton 107 P Street . N. \V.
7 MI coinnt'inkntton r lntlng to nMVI nnd . .
Al mllcr Ihlul'J be rplnlnl ndtre : To thc l ( lilor.
S Al hu lnps I"tteri nnd remtlnnces soul be
iui1eed , 10 The Upe Iubllhlu" company
Ornahn. flrnft. checks onO po"tolce ! otlers to
bo ina0o pnyn11 . . In the or.lpr n Ihe cmpan ) ' .
- _ 'rl BEl
- -
. t . B'ATJmJN1 OI CmCl.ATJN.
George It. TZctluck . iccreary oC The n"o pub.
! Ttschurt. locrlnr
. Ishlnl ! rmlln ) ' . being , Iuly Iwrn. , says thAI
the nclunl number oC ( tilt nn,1 , cmpleto cotie
of the Inl ) ' Morntng . Inln nl,1 SullRY Iko
Itnte1 during the month oC 1"cbrnAr , 1835. wna
os folowl :
1. . . . . . . . . ' .19S 15. . . . . . . . . U.7S7
I. . . . . . . . . 20,434 16. . . . . . . . . 19cr ,
.J. i . . . . . . . 20.850 .1. . . . . . . . . . : O. :
4 . . . . . . . . 20.190 16. . . . . . . . . U.75
I. . . . . . . . 20.01Z 19. . . . . . . . 19,7FG
G. . . . . . . . 19.901 t ' . . . . . . . . . 19.C'6
. I. . . . . . . . . 1aso ; 21. . . . . . . . . 19.79
. H. . . . . . . . . 19.G9 , ' 22. . . . . . . . . 19.C7
9. . . . . . . . 19,799 21. . . . . . , . . 191
.10. . . . . . . . O.G00 . % j. . . . . . . . : , :
21. . . . . . . . . 1.60 19rG9 2 : . . . . . . . . . .19,61
12. . . . . . . . 19.816 2C. ( . . . . . . . . 19CI
1. . . . . . . . 19.150 27. . . . . . . . 19.5t8
B. . . . . . . . 19.700 28. . . . . . . . . 19,632
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .5:7C :
. tra. . 10iucttonB for unsold and lurnod
A dluclon8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nnl . . . . . . . . . 6.0:0
. NeL sal " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:1,613 :
Dat e ) ' n\'cr e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.101
' .
, .lun < u ) Omnor n. TZSCIIUC1C.
Sworn to l fore me nnll .ul. , rlbc In I ) ' pres.
enco thl" lit day or : lnr h ) , 18. .
( Seal ! ) N. 1' . 111 . Notary Public.
. I Is iltIggesIcti thlt CahilL Cu'cllle :
, wi hc kCllt SO husy chccltn those
twelt ' I'luls that he wi hot have
tlla ' to ' lecola tl'el of his weldlug
jOI'np . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A113 ' one rcaltn the Chll'ao news-
. paler : just now will qllcld ' cOle to
the COUCllSlol that h11yor hopkins' tte-
cslon hot to seek rccectou this spring
" 'ns VL't'Y wlsehy rCchmt.
, , 'ill , ii 1.1. . . . . ti ,1 I. . " . " 4 . , , .1 " . 1t.
. . . ' - . . " . . . J , . . . . .u. . " t.u& . "
thirty-six hiidlctiiieiits. Jletlt hal inns-
41ctou OVer thc bud white men who sell
: worse whisky to good Iutluus It ml ht
. have lalle a record equal to that of the (
tterage federal 1ul jlr ' .
" 'hle rellclln ) thc O'ttllnces fixing
the salaries of thc Board of health cm-
1)IOYeS vhiy not I'lleal the ( ol'tlnlnces
, estlhlshln the , 'urlols InsleclO'shlps
and give lS au entirely new ( lea ! . both
nI to InsllctO'S Ind salaries : ?
'Ve cOlmeud thc Illlin Sllculdn In
, the council fnancc commltec's report
on thc Illc.ton ( ot : tax shirking and un-
'm'\'ntne assessments to the patrIots who
; , are opposing the 11lm for IL sliigle tux
. assessor Ilt revised methods of 11'oP-
k enty valuation.
: I Seems to require un- almost snper-
humln effort for sOle of the ex-con-
; gressnien to break itsvay from t1I vlcln- .
t 1 of WI hln ton. , Perhaps i Is the
. then ht oC their In'obable reception on
? 3 - reaching 10m ! that his destroyed their
' eagerness 'o once more mingle with
, : their former coiistltnciits.
I its . ex-Congressnatu O'Ncl of Mis-
- : 80url Intimates , thc representatives who
I were elected to stay at 1101e last November -
, . . vember are making ' ) to
I'e mlln II'epamtlons go
; to work , we sincerely hOlle they wi
: exercise every IH'l'cauton In order that
: , the novel experience may not lead to
disastrous results upon their , health. t
' .he Union Puclfc ofcnls Prefer to
contnuc to ll ' cmllo 'es by checks
rather ( hiiiii by cnsh nnd take .
lul 1 ( the risk .
of having the checks raised occnslonnll
I by the skillful forges's who have becn
. . , opcrulng along thc hue. 'he fact that
a long hue of railroad dlllosltol'y ) bunks
clepentl on the i)1Y check s 'stel amy
: i have Homethlng to do wih Its populm'-
- t. fly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i _ _ , Is the legislature going to cndorsc the
: . - ' Itnu for the 1lndergnl'leu school oC tig-
ricull'c Inc meehlnlc ants which the
.j , , regents oC the Statc uiii'ers11y IHOlose
: " to stlbslute for the ( II'eselt I'ell\'ntO' ) '
, s ; cepI'tnwn t'l The unh'el'slt cOllllalus 1
L , of cro\\'tlec hulhln s. Abolish thc I
; : \ pl'ellnl'ntor' ( ' school Itt Clct as wel ns In I
t ! ;
' ptii Int some of the Pressure wi bc .
, : . speedily relieved. .
, 4
0 I hiS been u long , long time slnco a '
; . President his heen able to keep his
cabinet Intact Cl'OI the commenc01cnt
, _ to ( hiQ Nll of his tell of o I CI' . 'hen '
" 1'r l'cshlent Clo\cllll selected his Il'cHent
5 : ? udVlsl's , shortly before his last Iniuigu-
. , ; rton , It was unt1'rstoOlthlt ( his choice
, , , WIH Inlhwnclt by thc IHOSllect of holding -
Ing his 111lolntccs ) together for thc whole
I tour Y ars. I this was his expectation
It has btW1 ' ' . ' '
13 I Ih'cII : Illmlllllntetl. The
: dlleul ' of Illntllnlll IL cabinet Is
' 4. Inel'clslng with the ( hI1'I''d \ rtIgiit of
i. : Imblc busIness , Int ( the 1I'sh1'nt ) of thc
l 'futuro who Htrcletli itt lel\lul lie (
: whie house wih thc ( sale clhlnot wih
which ho entol'etl wIll le the exception
, to the iiile
, t .
v ' 1'10 universIty iippt'opnhttlon 100lel'I .
f J object to the refui'enee to thc large eii .
rollHmt nt lie ( State unIversity ns the
L llrlluct ( or iiiushti'ooiti ' , ' '
) mmu'ool II'owth 1'ler
t , llretelt that the utcltlnllc on that II
4 : sttuton Is no 1010 than It Hhoull 10
; : auth ( lint It sIui bo '
, nnt thl wi largely Increased RO
.soon ns 101e ' Is tulllhett to l1o\'llc ) (
. .
; .udtltonnl IlcOllodnton nnl tult-
tlonnl Jlllm's of the faculty . In all
. thesc ; ltc\lslonl ( hwy lJlut to the ( UiiI-
. , "ol'II ' of Mlchlgun unt lie Unh'el'l '
. : f WIcolsln its hlltiutoll : ( wih n larger
: iiuiitber of attidetits ouch. ' ' '
, umlher Illtents CUlI. They forget
, to nwnton ( the fueL lint ( \ lchlglm hits
twice the llIHllton of Nehlslm , Ill
thnt 'WlleOIIII hits half lJnll thc 11011.
, lulol of Nell'ullm , I I .oon ( Is the
: " (111'1' n\teldulCo \ en the Nebraska State
. UUIVcL'stty . ( Iwim ( hero ' '
( \mh'C'llr. t el tWI'O ought to be over !
3,00 slHIluts ( nt MadIson and O\'el'
4OO ( ) itt Ann Arbor. Itai'vnntl ' -
. ' . 11'\I'tl uuh'e1-
6 $ tl ) , wIh her hnlello t'ltlownlntl ( nntl
' . un her techn\nt ; untll'ofosslonul Kehooll
J. ; , nntl wll n CSO ! 11011inton till around
. : 'her , hits only n few 101'0 lum aooo ( )
, . I sttidcuts. ' 1'10 Itl'n thut 2,0 Iloull
- , 10 the (01111 ntelllCO ut t1 State
- university Iu Nebraska Is ' ' .
UUh'OI'II ) 11 1l'ellostel'ous.
The efforts or mcmbers or the Chicago
Board : of 'rralo to assist the destitute .
farmers or the ( Iruth strIcken dIstrIcts
feel t hays been mlllltel'tood by
mnny or those to whol theIr prollosl-
UOI' tins Ilel , ( , nt1l'essct. The Illnn was
hltgurated about two weeks ago by
that organizatIon 1)3 ' thc appointment oC
n cOlmltcc to solIcit fUlls for Invest-
ment Iii Beelt 11111 to bo lonlctl to the
ItOtithi stifferets terms oC
tl'outh SUre1 'S on stIpulated oCI I
rellaylneut when lie ( coming 'cr's crop
shoull be harvested. 'l'ho committee
sent letters to correspoiidents In differ-
ont countes nslchiig for Infollaton re-
sllrtn the neet , or felt 1lln amid m-
Iueslhlg ( thc co-llerton oC men oC Iml-
8tl1lli shlntlnJ ) hi each c011unl ' .
Instel of enterIng Into the spirit oC
the JO\'Clcnt the eoilio ) of several
ClumImtIeS ( . have nllll1enly ) ( proceeded on
the t theory ( limit nil they hind to to to rm-
cUre I free gif oC seed 1ln In simper-
Ihumllncc vas tQ ask for It As 1 imat-
Ul1 constuelce thc eRUlntcs oC
neettelt J1'lln have heen swelled locyomul
mill II'ollol'Uon. ) ( Wo htH'c I on the ( nu-
tholt . of the Broken HoHellullcnn
that seine ot the countIes sent In ulilmil-
clton for n 1 I Ion bushels ot seed
each amid lint ( others ha\'c been conhisir-
IitiVl'l ' ' mmmoi1erite him theIr lie-
1t\el ) 10 10'C lolelto II
mlStiI(10i. \\'ontel' that ulon ) IipllICit- )
tItimms . such lS these the lelbl'r of the (
Huu.t oC 'lrfle cOllltee have felt
( oIHtralnlel ( to Issuc I Il'COIII circular
letter. 'I'hls letter states that thc re-
fll1Ht for seed gnithim Is oC nch l1 nl-
tuttle 111 thc tenor of replIes to the
1I'I\'loul ! Illuh'y Intla Itl 10 much con-
l\lencc In their abIlIty to 5141)1)13' mull
wlntl that ( therc ( Jlr be 1 misalllle- )
hension its to whlt aId cnn be hooked
for f11 them. . I goes on to Sl ' that
the Board or 'l'rade as n corporation cannot -
not appropriate Jone ' for ' this 0' lIke
, 111110Se . , so the ( 1l01lsctl fl111 must he
mlscd ( I ' Ill'onal subscriptIon. Whlt
that ( wi he Is yet ' nimhumovii , lut nt lest
It wi le hut R1nl In cOlll\rlson wih
the leeels oC the nU1 ' tl'outh Il'lc'cn
couiitIo. They . therefore suggest that
too great relnnce Hhoull not hc placed )
( ill IIl' I n I lnl" 1' ,
. . _ _ _ , m.w.m _ _ _
I any countes In Nebraska have
leen Isldn for 1. miion . hushels ) of
sect ! lhl they have ct.tnlnly essayel
to hnilSC ullon ) the ( generoslr' ( of their
( I'lelh ! . The best esthnatel sure
that ole and ouc.haI bushels of
seet gralii are required ' to the
UC1.C. A miion lushelH therefore
would suffice to plant o\'er 60,000
acres , or more lmn 1,000 square
1 I el 'he largest count s In Nebraska ,
with the of ' and Che '
exceptIon Cherry lul Cliey -
enne , have scarce 2,500 square mies , alt
enl ' n comllrut\'cl ' smallmrt of those
sure under cultivation. Time average size
of Nebraska cduntes Is about 8O :
square hubs ; the average of those In
the trouth area Is I little lurger But
In iso purt of the state Is there such ut-
tel' de $ .utol that the whole cultivated
area must be Illlnted ( with borrowed
seeiL What thc farnhers ' 'where
seet. fm'I0' everywhere are
expected to tlo and ouht to do Is to provide -
vIde themselves so far , n possible with
seed nt their own resources and leave
the outside nsslst'l to those who are ;
unable t get seed grain In any other
% ' 0LY. The dIfferent countIes should re-
vIse theIr estliuates ( and the '
esttmntcs nnt put figures
not nt what they would like 10 have , hut
atlmt they cannot get along wihout
I they only Inke their requests rcason-
alhe they will spur on the efforts of the
Board or Trade : commltec to curry out
Its plan ofsoed grain relief :
AGGlEssn'E itGIMflLetNS. .
The Gm'man nlrlrluns are maltng n
most aggressive flgh'to obtain more
protection thun they now enjoy Igulust
foreign cOlpetton , and It appears that
theIr efforts are largely dIrected against
Amcrlcul products. According to 1 report -
port ( coin one of om' consuls time
products of this country steadily grow
In pOlllu'lty with thc COUSIlt' of
Gerlul ' , u fact which the n rlcl1m'-
Ists of lint country fully realIze. lm'-
lug fHcCcetted In 1le'sladlng : . thc gO\-
t'nlent to prohibit the IlpOl.tlton ( of
American cattle , they are now directIng
their atcnton to otll Ilroduc.ts ( of the
Unied Stutes. They . tune agitating for
u hIgher duty on cotton seed oil , In
which they I.O slmiported hy the 01
IIUtufacltrel's , 10 tfat ( thIs Is very
likely to bc conceded to hem ( , and any
lll ' mny develop dClantls ( 'oL' a dlH-
. .
1lllnuUn lI1cy toward otimer articles
llf Anlrlcun ll'otluclon ) Imlorted Into
Uetiiiiuiy. This feelIng of hostIlity
to\\'m'tl thc cOllletton of Alerleln
II'oluctl [ ( ( on the Part of thc ( German
Ilgrlculmlsll II n , mlll' ( sCl'lol1 mat-
ten , especIally In "Iew or the posslblt '
thut It may ( hid 1 favorable response
fl'OI the govenlilihelut. Congl'ess immty-
Ing nlowed the tlfercntnl ( duty of
ono.telth of tL cent emu sugar to ftnnd ,
the GI'I'man ( go\e'nment may feet thnt
It II fully wll'antcl In adoptIng n ( JIg-
crhnlnntng 1I01ey lS to those American
IH'OlllctH . thc ( cOlpctton of which the
aJI'nl.llf of Gel'llU 10st object ) 10.
lit'sidbg . llling lie ( Gel'mnn Ilrlwtl
for our clte , I tLlhI'tlt'H ) ) tlt wo hll\'c
also lost largely . In our wheat trade
wih that cOlnh' ( ' . dime maInly to thc
COlllclton ( of Argenlnu. ( In 1812 Om'-
mlny 1I1Iortett ) ( over (1,000,000 ( tons of
wht'll flol thc United Stnh'H , mut less
than ( 700O tons maui AI'genlna. , : Last
'CII' hilts t count ' eXIIO.tetl to GCllUIY
enl ) ' nbiut hnlf lie ( nlonnt of whelt
sent them In 1812 ) , while Al enthl ex-
11t'ted ) 101'0 thnn lie ( Unlclt States .
In other vords . the Itntlll's ( show a
decline of American exports ot wlwu
to lcl'mnny ( II 1811 lS comllal'ett with '
two years before of 1010 thnn :0 Iler
eeiit lll an Increnso of about 00
ltI cent In time exports of whent fl'Ol
the Argentine Hepuhle to.Ult coumitry.
'l'hiis Is duo to the ( thnt
'lhls ( flct I costs less
to deliver the whent of Argentina In
the Europenim luu'kels IUl I docs to
Ilt Itown thieve the ( grain of our north-
\ vest , , nlt this COI'lllnhla coampeti-
101. thireateuitmg In thou to tlelH'1'u us
of the l U'olIC:1 : lul'lwtl ( for our stil'-
Ilhll ) wheat , Is growllg il'om your to
your. I Is U lutl' which , lllien lu
cOlleclol wih tim hostility of lie (
Igll'lll clement of BI'0110 ) to Amerl-
van ll'lhlctt 1 wortimy of serIous con-
Illell t 101.
I Is to bo l'ItI'I'etl that so fur ' ni
the German urrlcu1urhtl are con-
. . . , . ,
' " J. '
- ; _
rHl.A .
cercI1 they arc not confining their
mo\'ement for more llrtcUon wholY
t thc competIng produc from this
coumntm-y. I they coull have their way
they would treat Limo products or
European countries which find n mar-
Itet In Germnny with less favor than
Is now accorded thmelmI , but In this dl-
rcelon their efforts wi bo fumthie. The
eOllC'clnl nlnngelents which Ocr-
immany has wih Ilssll 1ll other
European countries wi be adhered to ,
nUt It Is because this Is fO that tIme
gorlent Is likely to 10 what It can ,
without , perhaps , goitig fO far ni to
Inyle I wnl' of COllel'cn retnlnton ,
to ( sat Isf3 the agrarIan demimumis. 'I'Ite
resolutIon . . Iii trothuiced In the OelUU' '
coumicil In session nt 11cr-
llumshlauidr3' cntcl Be'-
tl , delnulul limit ( count nhes outsh\\ or
Burolc COIIctlwith ) GelnHm ' he
refused treaty t coushtel lon of the most
favored iiitt lou . lul ( that n CUHl01R
union of II ( I urollenl hUHlllth' ' states !
le e\'entull ' esliublhshiod . Is HI ullnnt
of thc Henthulut oC the ( element COl-
II0Hlug thc ( coummichl. ' [ 'hue nll'l'lnu mugi-
tnton ullll ) : Is replete with Interest
thc ' ' ' of the
10 a I'lculul1 ll'ollcel's
Unied StateH.
7'1W M.NJ'S''O. .
The lunulfesto Issued by the ( Alelenn
Bletnlc leagmie ! , 11ouucln the lL"- )
orgnhilzIutIofl of ' ' for thc
jected O' unlzulon It p't
( mile 111'lle of securIng thc free Ill
UImlilhlItel I cohmummgo of sliver nt thc rat ho
of 1t to 1 , h.\ tIme Pulell HhiteH , wi
hardly : cOllal11 IOl'e than 1 11881nl
itttoiitioii. 'L'he HhnerH of this Imml- .
CeHto lrofeHS ) to hete\'e thut n mujol.I '
or the , 'olcI's of time cOII1' ( ' Ule II favor
of tic POliCY they II\ocute , hit they
will Itsco\'el In due tIme that they are
lalollngiter 1 dcluslon. The Amner-
Ican 11eo111c re111Ue ( lolull ' favorable -
able to both gold amid sliver ni 10nc ' ,
but thcy Imow otmiought to Iwow ( butt the
sl\'el dolar cannot ' le luule the ( equmlva-
lent of the gold tloiiur at the ( rte of 1U
to 1 br the ( lint ot congress.
I Is cnth'el safe to say 1 very large
Injollr of thcm thoroughly umider-
stlUl that If this country ulone should
. . . _ . . . . d
UntlCl' existing contltonH atollt uIl ( ' n'cc
colnue . of shiver It would he enl ' u
\Cl ' brIef time whcn ell would tlsal'
pear from eh'eulaton. : to bc obtaIned
enl ' l' ' ' for It nntl
only pu 'lng a prcmlul I
the country would le on a Rl\ll lmishs. :
'I'iie AlC'lell pcoille have becn Htud ' -
lug this subject ) most earcful ' for several -
oral years , amid them Is not It resusoima-
blc doubt that the II'Olloslton that the
Uuled States shah cuter ulon thc free
UUl unlImited coimmage of sl\"ol without
nil Internatonat ( ljl'eelent hUH been
stcndly losing SI'ounl1 The nSImp-
ton of the authors of time lenuc nlml-
festo , that "the United States hns
pow r enough In the cOmnel'clal world
to alone restore the link between gold
nud sl\'er broken In 1873 , " IH absurd. .
No one country his the uower to do
this , und the United States beIng n
debtor naton to , an eumorimoous ulount
would exert less Infuence 10 such nn
end than Great BrItaIn , or German ; 01
l runce. SOlC of time other views put
forth by the so-called Bh tctale league
are equally l.nd\lstl Iml tuimsoumlil.
There I most favorable ] llomlfp of
another InternnUonni confercnce , from
which there Is reason to , hope for 1lrae.
tcul results beneficial to sl\'t' . But
of course the , extremists who constItute
the lesugute mc unfrientlr to I conCel'-
ence aimd seek to cast dIscredit ullon the
efforts or the hluetalsts of Europe. A
like spirit shown by somc of the free
sl\'t' senatO' , when the Il'oposlton
regarding tJI.ullpolntment or 1 cOUmls ,
sion to zulu Internntonal monctm' con-
fercnee was being considered , elicited I
vigorous ! rebuke from Senator Wolcot
of Uolordo , who w1 not he SU81ectmt
of Ilcldn Interest . In the cause of 11
\cr , und what .he said wl well apply
to the authors of the free sliver munl ,
The republican party Is In' fn\ol of
Intelntonnl free coinage of sl\C'j ; I
Is not In favor of national free colnnc
of sliver. I wi undoubtedly 1l11 '
adhere to this position , for It Is the only
one ( lint Is In time Interest of sound and ]
safe bimnetahiismmm. Time . men who 1ll0poSC
the ' ' . of free sliver '
orgmtiui'i.atioim a sl\'t' pnlt
callIng themselves bhnctalsts are seek
I ti . I" 1,1.111 I th" nnnn4o . 'Ph ol , ' t"I.
. . _ p . - " . . - . - ' - ' . --L.-- I
vouiU : , , not ; give the country ; ; t bimetalhhsmn i , "
hut 811'01 immoimoimienihismmm. ( .
A c0zen capitalists amId heavy real es-
tate OWlcrs IPPCII'Cll before thc senate
coiniitlttoe on citIes Mounhay to reinomm-
commitee clcs loncn 1cmon- .
ttrate 1Jllnst the passngc of the' (
COl'lulntel by the charter commitee (
Int Introduced by the Douglas delega-
ton In both houses. Claiming to rcpre-
scat onefourth of thc tluxpluyiihg realty
of Omahn , these genlemen declare : thnt
several vItal . Imlmdmenls agreed UI01
hy the ( charter commlteo are detrimnetu-
tnl to their Intercsts , mut therefore
should bu taken out of the chatter !
anuemudmneuts. 'I'hey lily Hlcclnl stress 01
lie proPosed cl'enton of IL Hlugle tax
nRSCS801' nut h181st thnt the old f 'ltel
of ll'ccinct ) ISStSSOI'S mUHt not ho tls-
turbed. In the litterOst of thc public
works contletorR nnd ownel'S or corporate -
rate Crnnchlscs , with whom they are
10'0 or less nflntet , these capitalists
also ask for I mitumimbot' of other chnlies
that WC1'O thoroughl dIscussed amid
. nlt
voted down ly the' comimmihhttee.
ThIs Is only t repetItion of thc costly
' which Omnhn hns
oX\el'leuco through
IIHsetl ) et'ei'y twp years slnco Iho ( mello-
Iloltnn charter WIH adopted. 'Vhmy dId
not these ll'ollel't ' ownm'l Intl capitalists -
18t8 maim their ohjectuns before time
charter comimmittee . which Is mltte \ of
ctzens of Ollhl1 who icmiow thc dc-
( eels of our systeiuu of nS8CSSIcnt anti
llxlton anti arc flmlnr wlh ( the relii-
tons ot contractors of lnmbi.hc ! works amid
contractors for wltm' , gas timid electric
lIghts to this cIty , Inltend ( of leeldug to
enforce theIr views u\on 1 legIslative
commlteo of which only ono mCller
COllies fr01 Olllm 1111 whlcll , ballnl
this ( memher kimow's about
, klowl nothing ou
charter aUl tIme leaks amid dl'n wlaclHJ
which lila ( cOllunl ' hns to overcommue ?
Grant that these I Acltemcn tlo rCllesent
. . .
omw-fourthu of all Ule ( '
olcfom'th ni taxpmuyiimg ' property ,
uvhiy Ihouhl lie wIshes of the other
thl'eo.Col'thH ( of time taxpiiyt'uu who eun-
not appear ) It Jlucoll bo IlnOl'et Intl
twlr Intel 8ts sncrllccd ? Why Ihoulll
the heaviest taX11)el's : , who are always
' ' . . _ '
_ "
_ - _ . . _ "
- -
able to get. ciiceIons from our nRe8'
Sons , cunty ( 1\tlF1IonerR lHI councis ,
bc allowed \Q\i1lle t \ the will and
Bubordlnate tIt Iintercts ot lie thou-
Snuts oC hOI\QQ } , n ( ' and lie ( mIddle
class oC Ilrop\Jly"pwncrs ; to theIr own
wi III InteNt ? .c
This Is n rd1ji'c4kmmttivo jo\ernment ,
presumetl to bi . ruled by majorities ; In
other wO'tl ! , n 'Jo\cl'nment bY the Ilco-
PlO amid for tub \co\l . Now , whom
shall the DoullaR ( Iellgnlon represc'mut
In fl'lunllg ti 1ltm1rteu. , time wealhy
OS'i1C\04. ' miummuber less ( Inun
plolert ) owneYI.'ho lIlbel' s lmn
ono htHlrett tutu repl'esent oime-fourthi
! .
of the Itxlln'lh' ' \lollert ) _ , 01' the thou-
Hnnda ot smhmhler taxpayers , who repro- . .
. '
souL thl'el'.Courlh of the ( Ilrollel.t 'g
Docs It stand tl I'enson thnt legislative
rOllltees , who itia0Ohumtel.V Imow imotlu-
tag Il0ut the wnnls of Omnhn In the
Wl ' of munlcll11 l'gulnton fll rc-
ttlclnl , are In better llsllon to tleter-
mine which of the ( ll'oloselt amentllents
Is desIrable ( lion thc chnrtel' commltec
thnt CI'nn1d ! these nlellments after
full 11 clslol or mull thch' . bemuniimgs UIIII
the mllld\nllnchllcl' % _ ? 'I'ho IItrlOlc )
of . elmorter h ' Ic IHln.
ehollllil/ oLin chl imy legisia-
( lye coimuimmit ( ' ted thl'ou h
t\e commi leeH mmmimmihpumbatcd through
(0ittrietors aimth ' ' ' laos
lontmetol's ( . nnl corporate mnitmmngers
Iwen \I.1nll Ilgl.11 to Omnhn dimming
( lit' 1 ten ' ' . It hulls rctiuu'lNi time
tl' i1ist ) 'CI' ! I rett'tl'tl tw
groovthi of this , tleRh' 'e.1 . ' '
. I'o\th cIty destroyed II'ollel't
\uhll . mnttl' us jemmy four hllh'lll thousand .
salt dollu'l for IHu'lts that couht hu\o :
heen secitt'eti I ' eminent elomnln con-
Ilemnaton : fet hnlC the moner , mll
divIded Omahtl frol SOlth Omahl to
the th'\'llelt of both cities. I has
Ilromotllt ) ( tax exelltlHH [ ) ( omit ! tax ( \ : : -
slon immml IndIrectly contrilul'ti towurll
forcimig thmouisammds t of t hrfl ' Ill honeHt
mcn anll \'ol n to have their homes
Hnt savhmigs Ul'I'lfcett nt shierhff's ule.
'I'hls Is hOt ovet'ilnmtoviu ' . 'i'ii '
10t nn o\h'l wn Iletm'c. 'ht
chnrter . mutntlons oC 1S nmil ( l&m )
a\ a setback to Olnhn Imt cannot bc
l'omlltet In iuiilloius. Hat It not heen
for these mutlutol ! eve shoult today
have hat our mnrliet house tumid audI-
toniummuis bud oilmen local ' ' '
tOllllH nll hnlu'o\'l'mlnts I
that \ouhl la\'e : Hthnulatelt : real estate '
values tut givemu ( 'timploymhieflt to thou-
slIls _ : u' _ A that H. : ha\ . ' ! literallY . . 1eeu . . , th'h'en
OH t tne CIQ' 01 slave IHU 1 UO SUl'
ported by chnrll
Arc we to have the cost . eXlI'lencc
repeated this year ? 'l'hnt remains for
the le II1lll'e sumud the tleleguton trom
this county to iunswer.
The retreuchment cOlmlteo of the
cotUlcl remmmIimds us , very much of Artc-
illulSVnrd when hc tecl'ed , he was
wiing to sacrllc all his wlCc's rela-
tons In the Uj : They are ready to
Imock out time hulhln inspector's clerk ,
but retaIn on the , < ' kty pitY roil thc $000
n year sergeant-at.surnms : ! , of 11 counci
whosc dutIes \ tcf formerly performett
by 1 mcmher gl 1 } qllcc forco. They .
want the fire numd polIce commission to
cut down tlmetuetlnry of the assistant
fire cimief wiuorIsks his life ' '
fl'O llskH lfe every tIme
there Is a bhg'lhr 'and lies no night 01
day that he thui ! jcount his own , hut
they are not l yiliI'1g \ to cut down thc
salaries of clt's , , who are drawing time
suue'J1m : ' Is..ho ' slstnnt fl' ' chief nt
their desks In cpmfol.tnh ' oHJ es , , 'lI
I half holdu ' every : uveek nnd Fourth
of .July and OllstmnH most of ! he
yenr. And thnt ; too , when mln or thc
Slle capacity , dolnl work lim.ouir blnls
:11lwln'' : : . urc enl ' too
glad to wok for fl'OI 1 to 25 ' llC' cent
less HUl the ( city Is LJ 'lng.
lie Gcts There Ju.t the Same.
St. Paul Globe.
Now that the overment Is paying the
South Dakota ] and Nebraska ] Indians their
, annuities In cash , Insteall of misfit ciothing
damaged canned goods and diseased live
stock the life of the Indian trader Is becoming -
coming more tolerable hl methods more
simple amid direct white the result so flU
ns the Indian Os concerned , Is just thc
Signs or hotter Times.
- baton Globe.
Vlewcl from every 'possible standpoint I
, seems manifest now that the long extended
depression and dullness has run Its full
length , and that the last vestige or doubt
; as to the future prosperity of our , country
has been removed 10 re-establisim fresh
. hope and conildence. I may almost be
said (0 have been la its way ! blessIng In
. lsgutse. _ 0 _ _
L A l'ass nt too Volstttuttom .
, , ChIcago TlmeB
. The people of New York adopted n con-
stluton In which wasi clause Intended
. to put nn enl to the practice of the no-
ceptance of ralIvny passes by public ciii.
, cals , Now the Now . York . " publc 01 ,
passed i measure Ingeniously - - designed to
defeat the consltuttonal prohibition. Pel"
haps however. the courts wIll hold the expressed -
pressed wil of the people superior . to the
hungl'Y grab of the . legislators
1'lea,111 ho Inby Aot.
Cincinnat 7nqulrer.
When we say that consideration for the
ladles plays a tremendous purl In the omelal
life at Washington we Intend to he taken In
the utmost seriousimess. We know of cases
where eminent men have accepted olelul
positions . that they didn't wnnt to please
their wives anti , of some of them who have
held on , though much Inclne , ! to resIgn .
because their wins have been ntache,1 , to
the gay lire of the caRlal. . Breathe freely ,
though for we shall . 'name no names. "
lieel the fellalory 1.1' '
'iiadron Signal.
The Omaha Dee has come gallantly to the
defense of the depository law for state
and count ( undo . shoWing concluslvey , Ot
the editor of this paper his done , thut the
law Is frmc , ] on just principles and only
requires amendments on minor points.
Where Il has becim Jlonesty obeyed It has
saved people thouRlds of ( loiiam' . I has
nowhcre been responsible for the loss * of pub-
lie fulla , hack It al. title agitation for the
repeal of the laW . i.'tJme imaimkermi' and treas-
urers' comblnnl 1'which ' Intenll to use
lublc funds for lthmeim ' ' own Private proft It
time act Is rcpealml.
- .
Comllil " "lrv , 10UIIUOll
flew'orit $ Tribune
As everybody IlnoMj. Mr' . Depew's experi-
once with newsp"IIr men has been large-
larger we IlresuoI than that of any other
man In the counlry ; I. What he hall to la)1
on the subject at t ( till lre club dinner 114 .
therefore . ot spccimfl' Iq/ / ntercNt. I vas IOt
lall In the way of ihtttery but lS I immatter
of tlmile justice fnd truth. " 1 can say , "
Mr. Depew deciared . .that In my experience
with reporters 1'UhVd ' never been eXlerlence
sen ted except bYllpcaplcly or acclden "
This Is 1 hl'h tiu1 , . pot undeserved praise
of a hard workIng ! class of men to whom the
publc In generhowc almergem- delL than it
Is commonly WI n'.to , aClwowledge. Mr.
Iepow's tcstmon , , Is 1 accord with that 01
11ev. Dr. Newi n Smyth. who recently ,
said that se\'eral e\rs ago he made the
discovery that reporters were not the enemies ,
mles of mankind. and ever since then he
had "foutmd no class of men more Ilulcit
to respond or willing to pa" careful regard
to time courtesies and the conUdence of gen-
lemanly Intercourse. " aen.
Minnapols Tribune : "Wetplng. ( WI re
Jolco to see the cure removed. "
Kanas City Journal : Oooby , congress
-you poor , mIserable wretch '
aohe.Democrat : NothIng In time lIfe or time
dyIng congress becomes It like the leaving It. .
Chicago Post : In the case or congress
and the people thin tolowlnR words or tim
late Mr. Shakespeare tire partcularly lp'
" ' Is OUCh swcet . "
proprlate : "Partng Bich Borro ,
IndianapolIs Journal : The Fifty-third COl'
gress whit pas Into history lS the most
worthless , Incompetent and unllalrlotc con-
gross time country hn ever hmd. Long
may Its record In this regard contInue tin-
broken and unapproached
ChIcago Inter Ocean : The real trouble
with this Ily-lhlr. congrpss was thlt Il
was denmocratlc tn reality as wcl l In pro-
tesslon , and that ( Is precise\ oo'lmy Us do-
limbo Is BO very gratylng [ to the American
people and that standing over its cofn , the
country IB In n mooll to sIng wih unction
the doxology .
ChIcago Tribune : Hut takIng alt things
Into consideration Il Is dlfcult to fnd In
American history a congress which began
with Buch high expectations on the Part of
tIme political organizaton whIch cnlrolc,1 , It
and which after dlslllpolntn , those expecta-
lions as II"nal ) ' . came to an iimghorlous end .
Con It will ress. be known as the Democratic Ca\\lly
St. Panl Pioneer-Press : There has ben
much ItJ e ot congress In the llsl , some of
Il jesting ali \.tmel ; but It has lo be said
In all crlousuess of the body ( which has just
goimo its was that It was the lowest In the
scale within ) hUlan memory , :11 that It w\
hc wel for time future slably ot thIs govermm-
ment . If It shall never havc n Slcccssor that
wi fail as low.
News Two ' today
Indianapols : years ago )
the democrals wore Jubiant and elate. For
time first time In a generate they were In
conlrol of the legIslative a 11 executve
branches of time gO\crnlenl al . the same ttmmme.
They bad such an opportunl ) to show their
Cpacl ) ' for government as sehIom comes In
Limo of peace to a polItical part , and they
have shown it. . Alas they ha\'o shown it.
MInneapolis Journal : Congrfss has ad-
jotmrned and thc farce of democratc rule Is
over. I was over thirty years since lie
Ilcmocratc Inrty had hail full conlrol of the
government whcn tIme late congreSS met , and
It Is likely 10 be thirty years more before It
gets full control again. I wIll not be till
a ne\v generton comes upon the feM of
political nctlomm that canaol remember lhe (
poltcal acton
record of th past two . years
Congressional absentees drew full pay
notwihstanding lhoeoccroU [ proe3lons
of .
I Oscar WIde's ! P 0S ao anL autlmor does
not Uarmolzo wan ne marquIs or Iucens-
berry's rules.
So tar no time cabinet Is concerned . the
symptoms of Caslmlr-lerlerlsl arc confined
to time postofce deparlment.
The marked ring olt [ In war ncws
streiigthens the ImpressIon that tIme Chinese
army finds walking pretty good.
Senator Camdcn asserts "the Lord's prayer
could not IJaS3 the enale without amend-
menl"-unless sprinkled wih sugar.
In the cabin seclude recesses of her prison
home Mrs. Domlnls will have ample time lo
ruminate on time mlEortunes of the thrown.
Congressman 'Vadsworth or New York
graduated from a chtmplon base ball club and
wears a crooked Index linger as an insignia 01
Governor Morlon's lively messages to the
legislature or New York amaze the schemers
and gratify the -rest of mankind in lint
Wih very few exceptions time newspapers
nol a lively movement .or real estate sInce
. the first of March. A goo deal of I. how-
ever . Is In the air.
The death of Grand Duke Alexis recalls his
visit lo this country In the early 70's
and his hunting trip to the plains. Omaha
entertained him for a day In a genuine
\'estern [ fasimloim and he showed himself very
I appreciatIve " of the hospitalty accorded him.
, Elmer Clapsaddle known l the " lermlt of
Six Mile Creek " lives In a cabin alone In
Niagara county New York and over his door
has posted the notice : "People not wanted
here. " This Interestng youth is only 25
years old and , has writen I cranky book
called "Key to time IJible. "
Mme. de Lesseps widow of the tamous pro-
jector or the Suez. and Panama canals , has
followed the example 01 the Duo de Chartres ,
who recently had his son . Henri d'Orleans ,
put under a "conseil judlctare " or guardian.
Her son . a noim.conmmlssioned ofcer In time
cavalry regiment of hasseurs at Vienna , was
hiving the life of a spendthmrift.
The story Is told or the late Prof. Dackle
that when he once put a card on the door of
his lecture room reading "Prot. maclte
wIll meet his classes at 1 p. m. . . some
waggish student obliterated the "c" In
"classes. " Happening lo pass that way time
old professor saw the change. Stepping up
to the , door he obliterated the letter "I , " and
went grimly on his way wihout 0 word.
Captain Auld of the Dallmore police . I son
o Hugh Auid who was the mater of Fred-
erlck Douglass durlilg his days bt slavery
possesses the original bill of sale for Doug-
lass . given by Thomas Auld to Hugh Auld.
It Is dated October 28. 1845 , seven years after
Douglass ran away and the consideration was i
$500. Captain Auld says that this bill was .
executed wIth the Idea that the fugitive .
could be recovered , although at that - time he
. was In England.
The 1'1011101 I'ul In time . 1 rnmy
WAshington , Star.
People who gyrate In miiary circles have
expressed some astonishment at , the conduct
01 two army ofcers who have declined to
accept brevets for services rendered In Indian
campaigns , time general Impression being that
such honor should be accepted wih a display
ot humble gratitude. There Is really nothing
atonlshlng In the declination referred to , the
remarlblc feature ot recently announce bre-
vets helng their alnost unanimous accepl-
ance. In these days the brevet Is really with-
out value for while It confers something of
distncton time merely nominal added rank
cuts imo figure except In on obscure place In
the army register . IUI Is 01 no 'advantage
whalever when ) romotons pre being passe
around. Only the other day a captain who
was outranked by I hundred other waD
causelessly lifted way over tim heads of [
olcer who hall ben breveted more tImes
than that same captain had been under fire .
and who had rendered the country services
mere valuaho than any ever rendered by the
one who was so surprisingly , favored . I is .
therefore , quite reasonable , say that the
brevet Is today absolutely valueless , anti un
less there Is speedy ] reform [ similar announcement .
menl may truthfully be malc as to the lcdnl
01 honor , which was originally Intended us a
larlt ot appreciation for the display of more
than ordinary courage.
E'ubargnoi ( Iii A umerlemin Cattle .
Ios10n At\'frllitr.
There seems to be a /trong ( sentmmt In
many sections , of time country In favor 01
retaliatory actpn by the president The claIm
Is made In a few tariff reform journals thai
German , France and Belgium are lerely
enforcIng a I'rolectve ( tafll and therefore
ought 10t to be imuimloimeml Such a confusion
of terms Is weak end puerile . A special Im'
barge upon American cattle has fe.w If any
point of resemblance lo I protectIve tariff
upon a certain lend of merchandise , as an
emhargo Is not laid for any purposed of reve
nue and apples olly to certain special coun-
tries whIle a protectIve duty yields revenue
and makes no dlslncton lS 10 the lorelgn
country exportng time lrotluct. I lay be
added that under the McKinley protectIve
tariff limo Unite States bud ( no cattle embargoes -
bargoes In France or Germany to fight. I I
the "tarll retorm" law , under which time em-
bargoes are being ralsell by Europe against
American prolucts.
Highest of aU in Leavening Power.-Latest U S. Govlt Report
DeVA1 Baking'
LVV Powder
Got l\l the Vote ! They Wanted Rognrdlm
of Methods Employed.
AU time Trouble ( rein 1tI'eltnl to Murder
Atrlbllell 10 1\1 Inllcnc ( or thl
1\lrl.h ) ' Machile-noll l'mmrties
Arc lllnuitel .
AI.ANY. March G.-Tho report or ( ho
majority of time special commlleo
10 Investigate the Troy elections Is a biter
attack on UnIted States Senator Murllhy.
After asserting that repenting , riot , nsault
and oven murder have been committed , I
says : "It IB the work of a depornto anti
hitherto resistless polItical machlno , so ad-
justed , organIzed and run as to enable Individuals -
dividuals In the name or the deniocrntc
paHy and tn Ilenance or law to overthrow
goverment and thwart the rights or suf-
frago This machlue Is an organIzatIon com-
Posed of protesslonal politIcIans , hnvlng a
recognized . acknowledged and responsible
head , anti operte ! through democrtc elec-
ton ofcers amid other outlaws SUIporle(1 ) ( by
1 polce force and a pol co department obedl-
oat to Its obhigatiomms. This organIzation .
1m own as the ' ' '
'Murph machine , approvcs ,
rewards and protects Its tools and thus IJer-
Iletuntls its oowor The Ilrocess Imo\n ns
repeating Is accomplshell by persons not
entltcd to vote going lhrough the city singly
or In bands votIng In the various districts
on the names 01 legally regIstered volers. A
tcrgeanl or police , an ex-lmrositlent of the
common counci , nn ex-dctecth'c , arc faIr
cxamplcs of the positons of those who escorted -
corted and guarded those crimInals In the
lommlsslon of their crlmcs. In rare Instances -
stances those nhlng the repfaters claimed to
be republicamma . but they are Imown ns
'Murphy republicans , ' a class as much mistrusted -
trusted In theory ns , the Murphy democrats
themselves , They arc on tIme board at po-
lice conunlssloners , on the police force and
In other stntons , anti abject auhmlsslon to
MurlJhy Is time apparent price of lhelr ap-
polnlmenl. Their chief value lIes In their
pretended oflaton with time m'cimtmblicamt
party , for democrats can be found In abundance -
dance to commit crimes ; the need Is to fml
men who will do vie service and nt the
same ( tine . by proesslng republcanim ,
place narly. part or time odium upon the republcan
"Under this machine a Bystem so de-
gradell and roten has been created and fostered -
tered that no person who has not actually
heard the teslmony could believe that n
conllton so alipaling and corrupl could exist
In a civilized and dccent community. The
republican party Is In no way responsible for
this condition , but some individual mcmbers
of that part are responsible Year after
year lurph'lsl has gained strength. One
republican has Rurrendered himsel for ofce :
another tor business advantage ; another
through fear , until scores of prominent re-
puiblicans . who were willing lo trade their
political principles for '
pollcni personal advantage
are now serving as Murphy republicans.
The effect upon the republican party or this
pernicious system Is that large numbers of
apparently respectable men , claiming lo be
republicans , can be put Into Immediate and
determined acton at the bidding of Mr.
Murphy even though such acton be against
republican measures and agaInst the overwhelming -
whelming sentIment or the republican parly.
"In the fall or 189 . alhough the state
gave a majority or over 10.000 against Isaac .
II. Maynard , Troy . In spite of the overwhelming -
whelming and unprecedented popular up-
rising gave Maynard I majority of nearly
Ot0 , the fruds of that election being wllh-
out paralel' even In that corrupt and dc-
graded city.
"In conclusion your commIttee takes the
view that the Troy election corruption Is
due to the disregard of law by the leaders
of the emocIatc party to a dishonest and
Incompetent police force and the subserv-
Iency of many so.caled republicans to the
atrocious service ot the Murphy machine. "
. _ -
Negro ( olonlnton In Itlexico.
his . the negro Moses has arrived here from
Tiahualo. Durango , where he has just lo-
cated JO negro colonists. This (9 ( the first
Immigrton ot the AfrIcan race that ever
entered Ihls republc , qhe colony nol only
has the sympathy of the go\'erment. but
of the business men of the country
SAN ANTONIO Tex . March G-Twent- -
five negro men whom "Pcgle WillIams
took to 1loplll. Mex . lost January palsell
thl'ough today enroute to Alabnma. They
arc on foot and have been on the road
sInce the first weele they struck Mmmimlmnt.
They state they did not like the counlry.
, p
St. Anllntno Ueaehpd Port at 1IAt.
NEW YORK March G.-The long dela'e
and storm tossed little American coasting
steamer City ot St Augustine reached port
yesterday after 1 stormy passage of thlrt-
one dl'I She usuul ) ' takes the run from
Jacksonville to this port In four' and n half
days. She sailed from Jacksonville on Feb-
rary 2 and made good progress up to leh-
ruary 7 off Jjarnegat . when she experienced
1 terrifc gale and was driven 30 miles east
ot Bermuda. On February 18 she reached
Bermuda and sufcient conI was taken on
lo enable her to continue the voyage to this
port. - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ .
President JRuru huB the Grip.
PARIS , March G.-President Iaure Is suffering - .
lerlng trout ltmiluenza.
- .
JlCIIO.N' " ' tJP JIT.Ur. , , '
Donnr News : The Michigan dcntotkts
have 1110ptell the right kind ot 1 platform
It . demands free coinage at 16 10 I , without
waitIng for [ any other nation . They wIlt carry
limo state on hint platform .
Conrler JonrMI : TIlt tousle his brgun.
The Michigan demorato conventon , having
Isomblc4 to nominate cI0111atel for Judge
anti , umitiverolty regents . adopted a resolution
tr immediate unlImIted
( unlhnlcl coinage of silver at
lo to 1 , In.epenllrnty ot anybody or anything.
It is n great pIty that the free slvcrlos can-
nol try theIr Itlo experiment wlhoul bring-
Inr rlI1ter upon anybody but themselves .
ChIcago Tribune : Time MIchigan democrats
Iavn repudlatl1 Cleveland and 0110rsell
Weaver. : They held I state convention Thursday -
day to nominate a Jn4go 01 time supreme court
anti two regents ot the ummiversity. Whlo I
" 'a not nt mull necessary for them to say what
they ( liomight about national .
tholght Mtonal tssues , the com.
mtlre elm resolutions unnlnously reported
1111 time COllentol adopted ] with enlhuslasm s
resoluton that "tho ( r1emoeralo IJarty 01
Michigan nlqnalnell ) ' declares , tn favor [ 01
limo free antI Illmlell coinage ot sliver and
coM with ( mmli legal ten cr power anti at a ratio
< ) rate
of 16 to 1 The Ilemocrats 10111 not imavi
IJ'onolncl mnch moro uoequlvoly In favol
ot a lshonest currency
NIUU.llUC.l .1 , ] .Ifllf.tShANS.
Time new Otlil Fellows temIlpie at Fairbuir
wIll be dedIcated April 26 , tIme sevcmtty-sIUli ,
almmtiversary of time order.
Time annual nmcetiag of time Host Nebraska
conference of time United Ilnetimnen im Christ
wIll be held at liitmo Springs , Idarchm 20.
Mr. and ttrs. hi. S. Cotterehl of North lhenii
have Imeon marrietl fifty years nmmtl Imavo cole.
brateti time cveimt with bofltimmg ceremonIes ,
John A. MacMtmnillmy talks Frencim to time
Imeople of Beatrice tim his aalmmtatory as editor
of time Beatrice 'rimmmes , Ammtl still ito asks for
"fair slab' nmmtt eqtmai rights. "
Time chief of the Ncbraska City fire depart-
macnt has asketi the city cotmncil to purchase
a chemical engine. There Immuvo been too
immammy fires lit towmm rcceimti3- suit tIme fire-
'mmci ) .
The tmmayor anti police juitige of Nebraska
City cammie o'ery hear himoving trouble becatmso
time chief exeetmttve took the liberty of pardon-
imig orisommors whiomim tmc Imolico judge wanteti
held , Time mayor wIll mmot be so imandy with
hits pardomma itt tile future ,
1P1lIT.I'LlI ) TO A I'OIST ,
Jtmdge : Mr. Simpson , Sr.-Doan' yo' sass
nme , mugger ! Mr. Simmilmoon , Jr.-I nimm't or
mtaa.c4mi' yo. Mr. t3tmmmpsomm. Sr.-Wmml , doami' ' "
look ez it yo' ovom- .
Dostomm Transcript : Ito-After nii' m'aitl ,
time renliy hnmpy maim is lie vito tlmimmks lie Iii
better than mtimyImd- else , vlm is stuck on
himself , as tIme , mmlmraao , coos. Sime-Weli , I
ouiu,05e you ougim to aziow.
Truth : 'Yes , " remnarlced Mrs. Malaprop ,
"it'as a great sight. FIrst. Caine ttmu klmmg ,
cmmrryimmg a scemmtic 1mm imls imanti nmiti vearimmg
a beaumtifui red innimtie all trimumed witim
vermimm. it was a grmmnd sight. "
Plmilntlelplmla Ledger : "I'mmi. going to call
my baby Charles , " said the author , "after
Lamb. because lie Is itticlm a dear lIttle
iamb. " "Oim , I'd call imlm'illiam Denim , "
said the friemmml ; "lie liowelis so mimuch. "
\Vnslmimmgton Star : "Did you say , sir , "
said time excited statesman , "timat it was an
linpossibility for me to tell time trtmth'i"
No , sir , " replied time oilier , "I merely said
it 'vi's an imaprobabtllty , "
Piitladelphmla Record : If the lawmakers
caim't cimeck the big hats In the timeaters the
boy tim the cloak rooni caim ,
Indianapolis Sentinel : Visitor-This must
be a remarkably healtlmy locality. I never
saw ito mnammy old People iii as small ii. town
before. " 'i'ime Local Pesalmist-Ymus , they
keep a-uivilm' on because this here place ain't
one imo decent man wants to be found
dead in. "
Syracuse Post : Cimoily Cimumpoy-I sea
that earrings arcoming Into fnshioim again.
Have your ears ever been bored ? , Mmss
Caustie-Wimat a question , Haven't I often
listened to your twaddle ?
Boston Traimacrimt : Cimronio Grumbler-
Look imerel Thmere S flO meat In tlmis snaIl-
wich. Affable Waiter-Timen why do you
call it a. sandwich ? I am surprised that
a gentlonman of your erudition slioulijcom- -
mit such a solecism in rhetoric.
New York liemId.
You may choke lime Off with quinine ,
You may frigimtemi me witim sqtmilms ,
You may try to overcome nme
Witim your tonics anti yotmr pIils
But I'm atroiiger tlmamm your doctors ,
TlmoUgh for miles extend timeir fame
I'nu a little ' 'grip" bacillius-
And I get tlmerejust time same.
It , SONN1T.
Josephine polmard.
Once a poet wrote a. sonmmet ,
, Ali about a pretty boimnet ,
And a critic sat U1)Ofl it ,
( On time sonnet ,
Not time boimnet ) ,
Notlming 10th.
As If it were Imigim treason ,
lie said , "Neitimer rhyme nor reason
ions it. Anti Its out of seusoa"
Which ? Time sonnet ,
Or time bonnet ?
Maybe botim.
'TIn a feeble imItation
Of a worthier creation ,
.An aesthetic innovatlont
Or a mtoimmmet ,
Or a bonnet.
Timis was imard ,
TOoth were put togerimer neatly
] Imtrmommizlng very sweetly ,
lImit ( lie critic crushed conmimletely
Not limit bonnet a
Om' tue soimnet ,
But the bardi
H : I
O\UNcuIf//k ,
. ,
YotitMoney's Wot'tht ot Your Mommy hl.s2i
. , I
See the Fellow-
I-Ic's glad-that's all-he's glad Spring
is coming-he'd rather buy Spring overcoats -
coats than coal-Our styles in new Spring
overcoats are very fetching - Complete
line now-Some new dainties in Spring
overcoats that are entirely new - very
nobby and very dressy. Look at our
new Spring hats , too.
, . , ,
Rihhiltbic Clotlikors , S 'IS' Cor,16hi ( 811(1 Iotmghiis Sts