Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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' ' ' ' "
I Jj , . - . " , T iE .oJ\rAIIA \ : DAILY nEE : MONDAY , 1rUOI 4 , lSf . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ .
Rlcbcst , Portion or Utah Boon t De Opcna
for Bettement ,
\'onllfnl ! Mlnorl UOROnrCII 0tho Region
-Mlncr" , ( I'U8o the Aur' ; ! lent I : crl'-
titan I4w-1ndors , Inlrun.1 rruJect
- ? evI ; of the Northwest
Slnc ! the pasgo by congress of the bill
rvldlng fCr the opening of the Ulnlh and
Uncompahgre Indian reen'atons I fed of
Inquiries h8 poured In from every Quarter ,
of the union , from thou&nds of people who
desire 10 bo on the ground when the lands
ere opened for setlement , lYS the Sal
Lake Tribune. As yet comparatively little Is
known relative to the rlchne of the min-
erai deposits with which the mountains of
both resen'atone are presumed to abound ,
although the country has been sUlclenUy
prospecte and developed to Imbue the best
Informed minIng men with the belef that In
many pbces a few itrokes of the pIck will
be sufcient fer a beginning that wIll enc
, 'lh the discovery of some of the richest
nines of which the west can baasL GenI I
eraly speakIng , a mineral belt extenc9 en-
trely around the reslrvaUone , but the ma-
jorty of mining men have pinned their faith
to the northeastern portIon of the Untah
reservation , where gold , silver , lead and cop-
per are bleved to abound In paying IUan-
titles. Bxtenalve coal antI asphalt fields are
also to be found In the southern porton
or the Uncomphagre resEvaton , and
gold , silver and lead are said to.exist '
lu paying quantitIes along the W'lle
river , near the Colorado line , on the eRter
aide of the reservation. Rich placer mines
iave also been discovered on the Green river
at various points where It lows through thc
Uncomphagre , which can be worl\e at small
XpCn3e. In ) no other part of our country
are carbons and . hiydro-carbons found In such
abundance as In the southern and eastern
Portions of th ! reservations. Great quantites
pf good lignite are found there. Ozolterle or
mineraI wax 19 morn abundant there than
any other place yet discovered. Springs
pour out eml.Ilquld streams of uaptha , while
there Is abundant evldenca ot the existence of
large quantIties of petroleum. There arc
many bodies at Isphalum In the reservatIons ,
which In tIme will be opened and worked to
proflt. Near White Holt agency there are
large stretches of country covered with sand
and lmestone saturated with aophalum , making -
lug a combination which will possess commercIal -
cIal value and aid In paving streets and
walks as soon as our railway connections
1alte cheap transportation for this substance.
Along a number ot streams In the southern
portion ot the reservation are found epsom
% salts and other mineral salts In such abul1-
once as to make them ot great commercial
; llue ere long. A railroad Into the country
nd manufacturing enterprises will solve the
question of values of these ealts.
MInors aU over the state are thoroughly
arousell In opposition to the passage of Sena-
tar Tehier's bill for exemptIon for another
year from assessment work on claims.
There are lots of claims , saId a mIner spealc.
ing to a Denver News reporter , which to my
Jmowlccge have not been touched In three
years. They have bcn held for the past two
' ears by paying 40 cents each year for record-
ing the exempton Men who 'have Iota of
' \ calms , socaled rich men , are the only ones
anxIous to escape asslsment work For
two years now the entire state his suffered
from the law which It Is propose to keep
In force another year. I prevents miners
and prospectors from developIng camps and
keeps men out of legitimate workS
You see , the per man Is not benefed by
the law. Legitimate miners will always do
their assessment work I tImes are hard , the
poor man bas more time to do It ; In a dull
- season he will get In assessment work , because -
cause there Is nothing else to do. The large
holders 'are the only ones to get a benefit.
' .
Lander has a railroad project , says the
Fremont Clipper , that means something moro
than the ordinary sc'leme which Is too often
only on paper. The project to build the
Colorado & WyomIng train Green River to
Lander will meet the approval of capitalists
wbo have the money to Invest In the road
and the other class of men who approve of
the undertakIng. The extension at this road
alone the north edge ot the Roclt Springs
" ' coal field , through the rich mining districts
' of the South Pass , and on to the oil fields
I or the Lander valley , will meet the approval
at thinking men overywhere. I wIll bl a
" great thIng for this section of the country
and the men who have the courage to Undertake -
dertalte to build thIs road will find themselves -
selves amply rewarded. I needs no argument
to prove that this rquto Is one that abounds
In great wealth . Coal ot the lineaL quality
abounds along the line of the proposed route ,
rIch gold fields lie directy on the line , the
wonderful flowIng oil wells or the Lander
basIn must bo passed In order to reach Lan-
der The rIch and highly developed farming
lands at t'o Lander valley will be on either
side of the road. This much may bo said
of that part Qf the lIne which will run between -
tween Green RIver and Lamler. Wo ate
glad to state that Colorado & Wyoming
Great Northern Is a sold corporation with
$3,000,0 In the treasury and with an almost
certainty of $2,000,000 more being available
to push forward the ( construction.
There seems to be no question as regards
the richness ot the mines at Gold City the
latest from the new camp being of a most
encouraging nature. There f plenty of the
yellow metal down there , anti It Is exceed-
Ingly rich at that. Messrs. Wolstonholmo &
MorrIs of the Gold 11 the pthor day received -
celved a piece of ore weighing sIxty pounds
that Is a beauty I was taken from the vein
mater , nays the Salt Lake herald , and Is a
sample from the Ihal on the inclIne. The
chunk Is tul ot tree gld , whIch ca be seen
; lbout the aId of a glass.
'VolBtenbolno & Morris will make a ship-
ment of about forty sacks of selected gold are
tn a short time and expect to form an adequate .
quate conception of the value of their output.
That their properties are payIng ones they :
] ILVO not time slightest doubt , and the con-
lld.enco whIch they oxhlblt has a very salu-
try elect upon others who are developing
claims In the vIcinity.
'homas Miller made an interesting export-
snout with BOUe Gold Hill are. lie took
twelve pounds from the Inclne , with which
10 combined SOl0 halo rock Cram Parley's
canyon , as - fux , and at his foundry treated
the mass In a crucible. The result was a
button ot 13.76 ounces of gold , silver , copper
and Iron combined
One.hal of this was assayed , the returns
.howlng a rate per ton at twenty-six ounces
gold , 22.4 per cent copper , six ounces silver
and 68.6 per cent of Iron. This Is a most re-
2uarkable showing , but Is none the less a
fat , and tends to confirm statements made
- ' regarding the richness of the deposits.
Mattera at Gold City In the way of build-
Sng are very Quiet on account at the severe
cold , but a soon as a change occurs It Is
expected that everything wilt bo agaIn re
Bum cd.
, Al soon a a road can be broken through
'ho AOW to 1ublo Grove canyon the hauling
of onyx wi begin , says the Brigham ( Utah )
flugler . These onyx beds are twelve miles
trom the Irlgham station , which distance
must be covered by teams , Over five car
loads of a superior quality are now quarried
and ready for ahlpment. The blocks weIgh
tm 2,000 to 6,0 jeuntis sllece. Each
' block will make a wagon load. I Is beaul-
Iul material and shows five distinct colora
Te proprietors have made arrangements
' with a lag ! Chicago firm 10 take these five
cr 10ldl , Shipping should have been begun
1 ' 1bruary 15 , but the Inclement weather and
anow.blocke roads pre\ented. The Union
1'aclnc company II favorably considering the
request to put In a large derrIck at the
Brigham station for loading the huge slabs
on 10 the trs This twelve mile haul will
glvo employment to a good many lrlghsm
Inen and teams this aummer.
A memorIal from the legislative assembly
Of Arizona has been presented to congress ,
says a Washington special to the Denver
News , requesting that the lands covered by
the petrified forest 0 withdrawn from entry
, until the advIsability of making a public
' park or 1 can b settled. The lands are In
" ' , " " - , . . ' " ' , - : ' , .P" . . " - '
, . "
" . .
Apache county , are ten miles square , and * 0-
cording to tM memorIal are covered by
trunks of trees , some of which measure
over 20 feet In length and from oven to
ten feet In diameter The legislature rep-
resents that "rnthless curiosity seekers are
destroyIng these huge trees and logs by
blasting them In pieces In search of crystals ,
which are found In the center of many ot
them , while carloads of the limbs and
smaller pieces are being shipped away to be
ground up for various purposes. To make
It a publc park would preserve the tract
from vandalism and Injure no one , as there
are no settlers upon It. "
After spendIng eight months In the exploration -
ploraton of the faltnesses ot the Ulntah
mountains , In many sections of which the
foot of white man had never before troc ,
Cass lute Is about to return to these wilds
for the purpose of further exploration and
locations. To Cass belongs the full creldt' '
for the discovery and measurement ot the
highest peak In the terrier of Utah , says
the Sal Lake Herald , and , In fact , of the
Immediate Intermountain country Since
the making of the first surveys and measurements .
mentl I his been generally understood ( that
Gilbert's In the Ulntah's , with Its cleva-
ton ot 1,980 feet , was the highest point 11
the territory , but lUte has measured anjl
named the peak which rears its lofty crest
nearly 1,000 feet above that of Gilbert's. I
Is Dear peak and on a clear day lUte nacer-
tamed that the mountain Is 14,600 feet In
height. This pelt Is almost due north ot
Giibert's , between the extreme headwaters
of the Dear river and Rock creek , one oC
the largest tributaries of the
Its crest Is always crowned with snow alI
for several thousand feet below the summit
timber refuses to grow. As yet none ot the
official maps have given this pint In the
range credit for being the highest In the
territory , but I Is mere than likely that the
fact will bo called to the attention of the
proper authorities withIn a comparatively
short time.
A marriage took place In Ile open aIr
under peculiar circumstances the other day ,
says a Valley Springs , S. D. , speciaL to the
St. Paul Pioneer Press. David E. 10\ers came
hero from Montpeler , Vt. , to marry Mrs.
Mlnle S. Frnk , a widow from Montpelier
also , " ' 1 had preceded him here , and was
visiting her aunt , Mrs. Omstelt , Just over
time line In Minnesota. Mr. Power while
In the east , had always received letters from
his friends here dated at this point ( South
Dakota ) all reported that the Olmsteal resl-
deuce was In South Valtota. lie therefore , on
his arrival here , without asking any ques-
lions . went to Sioux Falls , the county scat
of thIs county , and procurec a license to
marr . On the evening of the marriage the
minister Informed the bride and groom that
ho could not mlrry them In Mr. Olmstead's
re311ence on the South Dakota license , as Il
was In llnnesota , and tIme party was com-
peled to walk across the road , which divides
the stltes , and bo Joined together on the
South Dkotl soIl. I was a little romantic ,
but rather chiy.
One of the biggest mining sales that has
taken Place In northern California for many
years has just been consummated , says the
San Francisco ExamIner. The noted Iron
Mountain group oC mines , twelve miles northwest -
west of Redding , In Shasta county , was sold
by N. F. Ceary , formerly of Leadvie , how
of New York , and Hugh McDonnell of Mon-
tana and Colorado , to Charles . Fielding of
New York and London , for himself and a
syndIcate ot English capitalists. Fleldln's
grandfather , four generations back , was the
contemporary of Smolett , author of "Tom
Jones , " and famous In the annals of liter-
The amount of the purchase as given was
$ OOOOO , though In some quarters It Is said
to have been $300,000. The money was paid
over of Camornla. and the transactIon closed at the Dank
The property consIsts of 360 acres of pat-
tented ground and 940 acres of timber , comprising -
prising the whole at what Is known as Iron
Mountain , on time Sacramento river , above
Itedding. I lies eight miles from the old
town ot Shasta , once the county seat. I
Is a sliver , copper and gold property , and
has been worked for many years. I bas
produced about $600,000 worth at are.
There I a twenty-stamp mill lt the mine ,
but , as the are Is essentially what Is termed
1 "smelting proposition , " a smelter of very
large capacity will bo erected. I will treat
as the purchaser states , not less than 1,00
tons 'a"day , and will b larger than the noted
Argo , or the Grant works , at Denv r. About
1,000 men will be employed In the mine and I
smelter ,
I Is estimated that there are 500,000 tons
ot oxidized ore In sight running ten ounces
In silver , $3 In gold and 10 per cent copper to
the ton. As for the other ore , I Is estimated
at twenty times this quantity. The price of
the mine , Including the working capital , Involve -
volve a sum , accoldlng to Messrs. Cleary and
McDonnell , of about $700,000.
I Is expected that the purchase , together
wIth the erection of the large smelter and the
development of the mine , will cause great
activity In and about , Redding. An ot the
ore of the mine furnishes a base for smelt.
lag , so It Is stated , and all the smclous gold
ores of the vicinity may be used as a flux.
. OL
, A discover has just been made by Henry
L. Drenning , while workIng on his irrigation
tunnel , that Is likely to prove of greater
Importance to Douglas and Converse county
than any occurrence since Its organization ,
says the Douglas Dudget.
ThIs Is nothing less than the finding of an
oil barIng stratum at sandstone anll the
strIking ot a vein of oil near the surfaco.
While at work In the tunnel some time
ago Mr. DrennIng struck a peculiar , Eel
sandstone that had a strong smell ot oil.
On being examined It was found to b so
thoroughly saturated wIth It that I would
stain anything wIth which It came In contact ,
and would make fro from an ordinary latch ,
burning vigorously for some time.
Time other day , after a blast hal been put
off , Il was found that a seam or voimi In
the rock had been opened from which the
oil trIckled In a small stream. The sample
ha ben examined and Pronounced l equal
In every respect to that found In the Salt ,
, creek field , and which has ready found ,
favor as a lubrIcant wherever It has been I
trlod. An entire section of land has been
fled on and further dovelopmen1 will be
vIgorously pushed.
The wolf bounty law Is attracting most
lre/round / Interest among stockmen , and they
are watching the proceedings ot the ILls-
Ilture earnest ) says time Cheyenne Sun.
The savages of wolves this year have been
to an extent never known before. Mr.
Spaugh , the wel known cattleman , writes
that'lwolves are becoming so ravenous that
they even attack persons and come right up
to the doors of ranches. le states the bounty
on wolves should not bo less than $5 a head
to mlke the business profitable to trappers ,
as during a great part of the year the skins
are valueless. The bounty bill carryIng $3 for
wolves and $ for coyotoo has been recommended -
mended for passage I In the senate , having
Iassed the house , and It carrIes an appro
prlaUon of $25,00.
A wire ropeway recently has ben erected
for transporting ore frol the mine to the
mill at the English Mountain mines In Nevada
county , California. The ore , says time Gras
Valley TIdIngs , Is transported 2,800 feet , wIth
I drop ot 60 tect. The nominal capacity
Is 100 tons In ten hours. The lne passes up
a very rougim and broken gulch , on one side
of whIch rises a perpendicular cliff 600 feet
high. The upper end of the line Is very steel
the Oil on the upper terminal sets being from
forty to fifty feet hlgber at the outer sIde ,
The line crosse Jackson lake , being sup-
ported on structures placed on the blgh bluff
at the upper or mIne sIde of the lake , and
stretches acrols to a forty.fool st'ucture
between the mill and the lako. I IlSpeS
Into the upper part-t the mi and dumps
the ere on a grizzly above the rock-breaker.
The altitude above yea level I of tin upper
tormlnal Is 9,160 feet and the fail of snow
averages fifteen to thirty reet. Time I :
so constructed that this will not interfere
wih the operation ot the rope way , 13 the
buckets swing tblrty to 150 feet above the
The English Mountain Mines company ( . \
erected a twenty-atamp mi to aLlt with
which may 0 added to later on , and I
working on a comparatively low grade ore.
Whlo lime wrier , In compny wIth another
gentleman , was returnIng trom the literary
out In the Eutmsn Ichool hous district ,
three mies south of tbls V ia gc , writes an
Alpenl correspondent to the Sioux l all
Args.Leader , we winessed a very singular
phenomena. Ac we came within about hal
a mia of Alpena wo chance to look In the
direction of Woonsollet , whIch la ten or
twelve miles nuthwelt of this place. We
could see some fifty or sixty lights , which
looked a much a culd be like a passenger
train wih ten or fifteen coaches attached ,
while almost In an opposite direction and extending -
tending from the zenith to the horizon was
what Is commonly called the northern light
( Aurora Ioreals ) , which were very brilliant.
We could account In part for the Auroras , but
the most singular thing to account for was
the apparition that appeared so much like f
train O cars. Woonsocket can be seen only
on a clear , brIght morning when 1 mirage
Is on. "Was It a mIrage by night Or was
It a forerunner of some unforseon event "
the writer asks , to which we would suggest
Il may have been an aftermath at bad
An Hem recently appeared In the ! -
patches from Deldwaac gIvIng D. P. Carln ,
commonly known as " ) ong't considerable
prominence as being the owner ot the only
buffalo herd In South Dakota , says time Sioux
Fals Argus-Leader. The facts In the case
are that whlo Mr. Carln was chlet clerk at
the Cheyenne River Indian agency under
Dr. McChesney , be became enamored with a
half.breed , the daughter of a pioneer French-
man by the name of Dul'reo Later he was
marrIed to thIs faIr maiden ( for such she
really was ) , and finally , on losing his job at
the agency , ho settled down on the ranch
owned by Vupreo and located some fifty
miles West of the Cheyenne rh'er. Mr. Du-
Prro Is very wealtimy. lie has cattle and
horses without number , and owns tn bulalo
herl referred to Mr. Carln has gained the
confidence of his tather.ln-Iaw to such nn
extent that In the old man's declining years
ho bas practically turned OVer the control of
his business affairs to him , a compliment
quito worthily bestowed. The bufalo herd
alone Is very valuable. Last season Mr. Du-
Pree sold one , an old hull buffalo , for which
he received an even $1,000. He refuses absolutely -
solutely to sell any of the cows and but seldom -
dom consents to sell a bull. He had no less
than twenty olllortunlles last year to dispose -
pose of as many lmead.
I Is 10lularly believed nowadaYs that the
only wolves timat one ned nowacIY those In
the tales ot advntuo which come In cheap
library form , but the Merri Advocate tells
of a northern Wisconsin experience that leads
one to believe otherwise. Charles Smith , the
account says , who Is an employof Jacob camp , three mies from Pllmbeau ,
started not long since on his way to his home
In Flnmbeau Wih no moon to lght the
path he experlence.1 considerable difficulty
In fnclng tit ' way through the dense forest.
SUddenly from time underbrush burst forth a
bark that has caused many a brave heart to
quail-that ot hungry wolves. They charged
upon Mr. Smih , but ho being nimble as a
squirrel was soon among time uppermost
branches ot a giant tree. The rapacious
beasts , aCer perambulatng around the tree
for some tme , gave vent to a dismal howl
of disappointment and slunk off. Thinking
they had become discouraged , he ventured to
descend , but no sooner had his feet touche
the ground than the carnlverous animal
darted again at hinm In a moment ho was
once more sate In the tree Here he remained -
malned somewhat longer than before. Becoming -
coming benumbed with time cold ho came to
the conclusion that he would make another
attempt for freedom. This time he was not
molested by the hungry pack and relche
Flambeau In an exhausted condition .
A new company Is being formed In Dubois
to be known as the Dubis Mining and Milling -
Ing company. The company has just commence -
mence the tunnel , which Is to be 1,184 feet ,
says a Dubois special to the Denver News
and Is Intended to cut time following lodes :
Caploll , VIctor , Pride of Iowa , Cheno-
werth and Pride of Denver. These are all
true fissure 'elns runnIng wel In gold , one
assay yieldIng as high as five ounces In golden
on ore from time Pride ot Iowa , which has a
vein estimated at twenty feet. The Inten-
ton ot the company Is to out In a mill at
Dubois for the treatment of the ore from
this tlnnel , which wi cut the Capltola at
200 feet , the PrIde of Iowa at 486 fet , and
the prospects now are that the mill will be
needed as soon as It Is possible put It up.
The mill will be Within the corporate
limits or Dubois and wIll give employment
to a number of men. Mr. Grley says the
name of the tunnel Is the Dubois tunnel , and
ho believes It will show a rIch bill. Other
properties are w\rklng a Cast as It Is possible -
sible to do so. One of the owners ot the
Edna M , , In Poverty Gulch , stated that ore
was growing better and better every day.
I was reported that a rIch gohl strike was
made In the Robert Jonner mine , above the
Burro bridge. says the Siiverton Standard.
Siverton -
This property has produced several , ounces
of gold the past summer and was considered I
a very god property , but the last strike puts
It at the top notch on the production of the
yellow motel.
After three years of good hard work and
spending considerable money , the owners of
the WYlan tunnel are beginning to see a
chance to realize something on their Invest-
ment. The tunnel which Is located on An-
vii mountain Is In plain sight ot town and
was started by LouIs Wyman and others who
had great faith In the possibilities of that
mountaIn. The tunnel was run something
1to 670 feet when the vein was cut thIs
weelt. Already the vein has been cut over
seven feet and the other wan has not been
reached. Time Quartz Is fairly alive with
brittle silver and runs very well In gold.
ThIs property premises to prove the biggest
shipper In time county and will be a great help
to the town , as every one workIng on the
mine will live In time city
About fifty visitors , twenty from Pueblo , a
like number from La Junta , and seven from
Denver engaged In time nnnual jack rabbit
hunt at Las AnImas , says a special to the
Denver News
It may seem Incredible that over 6,000 rabbits -
bits should have been killed In two cay , especially -
claly when the rules of time hunt limited all
hunters to shotguns , but the
hunter Jacks are so numerous -
merous this year that the poorest marksman
could not miss a shot The rabbis have been
hung up and photogrlphed , and the citizens
expect to shll' them to Parson Uzzellt Den-
ver If they are wanted.
A few such hunts as thIs , It Is hoped , will
rId the country ot these pests. The citizens
ot Las Animas gave the hunters a grand bal
and supper at the opera house.
The exact count shows 6,522 rabbits killed ,
fifty-six ducks , ten owls , one eagle and one
hawk. The Pueblo men killed the greatest
The system of waterworks at Role , cost-
Ing $7,000 , has just been completed.
The Murphy gospel temperance meetings
success. at Davenport are being atended wltl great
It Is said that "Rct" Clarl < son wi return -
turn to Des MoInes and agaIn become the ,
editor of the State Regilter.
n. F. Smith , a Chicago traveling man ,
attempted to jump across a guler of muddy
water at Clinton and broke an arm
Mary 'Vonllrazeck of Dubuque bas brought
suit for $2.000 damages against Anna Ded
see for calng the plaintiff a thIef.
The bondsmen of ex-Auditor W. hi , John-
son of Muscatine county have been sued to
recover the amount ot his ( theft , abut
$ : ,50.
John Underhi of Relnbeck la In Jai at
Grundy Center under $300 for potty thiev-
Ing. lie had been lootng farmers' wagons
at night anti enterIng Btores. Time booty
was found In his house.
Henry M. Dates of Iowa , one of the exam-
liters In chIef of the patent oUce at 'Vash-
Ington , has been requested to resIgn , but
has declined to comply with the request.
10 will probably be removed.
The Baptist church society at Mason City
has settled Its loss wih the insurance com- I
Panics and receIved $2,937. I Is learnod' '
that over $4,000 has been subscribed toward
the now church and that building will commence -
mence earlY In the spring
Great excitement was caused lt Mount
Ayr by Dlputy United States
Unled Marshal Riclm-
ards arresting B. C , Warren , a promInent
member of time Law and Order league , for
botegglng liquors. Warren was prom-
Inenty connected wih the prosecution of
druggists at the lat term of court In Ring-
gold county.
A new survey of lands In Mills county
adjacent to the Missouri rIver Is now being
made. The fickle stream baa wiped away
so many acres at rIch lands thjt I la be-
leved the county has 4,000 or 5,000 acres
less than It had ten years ago. Time mlddlo
of the rIver beIng the state line , In a ma-
joriy "f cases , Missouri has been the gainer ,
As Henry Drechel was helping William
Moore saw wood with a bun saw near East
Janesvle , the saw burst and the pieces few
In eli directIons . Uoth of his handl were
so badly cut and lacerated that It Is believed
that he will lose a part or the whole of both
of hIs handa. le la a young man and Unmarried -
married . The saw was drive by horse
po"'er , and when I bunt the force was such
tat a piece of the law struck f house at
quite a distance froJn.4mo machIne.
NlmHA. ,
A base bat clulllbeing \ organized ft
Norfolk. " Thmi
The Deemer TII I' hat celebrate its ninth
birthday . . V'
.1. 11. Dunca hI , taken sole control of
the Auburn arangor ; .
A wolf hunt will 'be ' heM In Antelope
county on March G' ' ,1
Falls City Is cX1ctb ! Ie have a MW foun-
dry located there thIs btaon .
Wakenclc farmerr 1(1 ( citizens are taking
steps to establish n cH ! mer ) ' .
Crete Is making ; Celort to capture the
county sent of Saliho , qounty.
The armers' bank or Rogers has ben
reorClnlze wIth Jphnilenry as cashier.
Some of the county' , schools In Cheyenne
county have ben ( losl for want of funds.
l lmore County Teachers' association held
an interesting meetng at Geneva last week ,
The bar . docket of Stanton cOlnty con-
talM fort-three cases , ot which five are
A Congregational Sunday school convention
will be held at Alma on Wednesday and
Thlrsday next.
hard ( lines are not affecting the trade
of the DeWit creamery , which Is doing an
Immense business.
One humlred converts have been gained
by time revival meetIngs at the Methodist
church Itt Norfolk.
Time large general store of D. I ) . Cobb at
Cedar Rapids has been closed by attachment
In favor ot Corbin , lay & Co.
The encampment of the Souther Nebraska
Grand Army Dslrlct Reunion association will
bo held next Thursday at l'alrbury. I
H. C. Dauer has sold his Interest In the I
homer Independent to W. W. Alien and J.
Jesler , who wi take control at once
Nels Anderson's 7-year.old son , living
near Emerson , fell over 1 fence post and
almost severed his nose from his race.
Harvey Harro of Durchard secure second
prize for an animal story sent to time Chicago
Inter Ocean. There were 1,000 competitors.
Rey. James Elliott of Platsmouth , pastor
of the South Plrk Uaptst Mission church ,
has received a cal to Alma , Harlan count )
A wagon ran over time legs of the oldest
son of Jol1 Lewis ot hayes Center , break-
Ing botb the bones between the knee and time
Rov. T. Scot Miller , a Presbyterian minIster -
later at Bmerson , has boon In\estec with
the rights to lractce law In the district
H. T. Wilson has purchased time Western
Wave , whIch ho has edited for one year.
He starts on the second year as editor and
Mrs. T. Dunn of DcWlt Is the owner at a
vIoln that Is 160 years olml I bears the
Inscripton , "Antenlus Str luarlus Gremon-
enfs Faclebat Anne , 1712. "
One of the Norfolk people who secured
relief from the state had $3 left over after
satsfying her Immeclate wants , and Invested
the money In a pall of polow shams.
James H. Darret has slccecel John W.
Wilson as county judge of Keith county.
Judge Wilson resigned whelm Governor Hol-
comb appointed him commandant ot the
Soldiers' home.
A strange phenomenon was witness by
the PeoPle of Butte the othr dl ) ' . A large
circle with four sun dogs at regular Inter-
vals was seen In the sky , and lasted for
about twenty minutes , after which It faded
awa ) ' .
A Broken Dow ur refused to return a
verdict until their , fpe , were paid. In the
meantime the defendant's attorney fled a
motion that time timofor the verdict had
lapse and It Is likely that a new trial may
bo mmecessary . , ' ft
Time Butte GazeHQ registers a complaint
against time terrlb\ \ tales of hardship and
starvation that are ( bing sent over the coun-
try concernIng Boyd ' 'ounty , and explodes a
fabrication concerruglaitatly that had ben
living on the flesh ! 9t ' mule that had been
starved , to deathii
Diy Worlne Off MInden his a dog which
has a trick ot pcklngr ! up money from the
floor when It Is tiroWh to him. ) The other
lay he added a fmfturm' to hIs trick whlcli
was net part or , timl program. He was
thrown a $20 gold l which he picked up
and swallowed. The : dog Is now being very
closely watched by itsowner. ,
They have Impro d'bn' , , time old way ot set-
tng law suits In 'FUmore county. Two
neighbors got . Into I Quarrel and all the
neighbors had \ ben summoned as winesses ,
but the boys brought the lItigants together
and made them settle . All the partes then
clubbed together the money thal would have
been expended In lawyers' fees and celebrated.
Gottielb Fritz : , a farmer living near Hol-
brook , was worried over the failure of his
crops and the destitute condition 11 which he
bas been left , so that he has come to ImagIne
himself a money loaner. He proclaImed from
housetops and bay stacks that ho was pre-
pared t accommodate anyone with a loan
on long time and charge no IntErest for it.
Ho has been taken to the Insane asylum
Abut 6,000 tons of coal are being mIned
daily at Rock Spring's.
A pipe line Is to bo built front Casper to the
Pennsylvania oil wells north of that city. -
Rawlns women wrote all the matter for
a late edition of the Republcan or that city.
Dig Horn county people complain tbat
they have not had ' mal for nearly two
Five couples dancing for a prize at Cheyenne -
enne Itept It up for two hours and forty-
seven minutes.
There are forty-one malice ot trackago In
one of time Union Pacific company's mines at
Rock SprIngs.
State Engineer lJead says that 75 per
cent ot the water rIghts of the state are still
unapproprIate and unused
A test has Just been made of the Laramie -
plains coal and its showIng Is aid to be up
among the best ot the state
A Casper physician says ho has discovered -
erell a new compound which will kill the
scab and still be har/les to the theel > .
Miss NIna I'ettigrew , formerly at Sun-
dance , Is now a woman evangelist , and Is
saId to be meeting wIth great success at
Time Saratoga Sun reports that the Four
Mile placers have been sold to Omaha parties
for $25,000 , and wi be extensively worked
next sunmnier
Rancbmen along time Big Laramie rIver
are suffering from black leg In their stocll.
One ranch man has lost several head of fine
steers from the disease.
The coal output In the different mInes of
Uo state for the Pat year was 2,202,000 tons.
Time number of fatal accidents was thirteen ,
out ot 3,453 men employed.
In Wg 10r county wolves have become so
troublesome time stoclmen have pooled their
Issues antI contributed to a fund , which ,
added ( to the state bounty , gives a reward of
$35 for each wolf killed. I
Two men In time Hock Creek tie camp are ,
reported to ilave hauled ties from the moun- !
talns down to the creek by menus ot a bOre
mounted on snowshoe I The animal Is saId to
have taken kindly o : \the \ shoes.
W. F. Icing has been at work In time Rock
creek tie camp durlng"the winter and says
that they have gOttu out between 40,000
and 50,000 railroad , tieui and mine props dur-
Ing time season. Twe Y-fvo men have ben
at work there , bu the all have beosm this-
charged amid time csimmpils now cl03ed for time
season. The drlvol down stream will In all
probability be madb tml ' ° Jumme. The props are
for the Hanna mln . J-/ /
A man named Y.UI and hIs son. In-law ,
Edwards . were arrested at Buffalo charged
wltr killing beef 'ht,1' ' ° abandoned Fort
lcllnney retervaHq ! , . Time lurtes came
hero last fall fnun Nebraska. The beef
killed was a cow , tqimging' to W F . Will-
Iams. The alleged .kUig occurred one simile
above the old pst and was discovered by
William 1ogarldge : 4o was out prospectIng -
Ing for gold rock recthtly brought In ,
There Is considerable excItement at the
Big Laramie placer fields over a big strike
that was made a few days ago. A prospect
hole was sunk on on of time claims belongIng -
Ing to the Dodge , County Placer company
to bed rock. They Il iled' out from 76 cents
to $ $ per lmamm The gold Is dIfferent from any
other that has been panned sInce the discovery -
covery In tie ! camp , all of It being round or
block plec . In fact It Is the only place
where bed rQck has been struck , and It
pans out beyond all expe tat\ons. \
' >
An' Owen correspondent at the I.aramle
Boomerang tatel that cat In that regIon
have wintered exceedingly well so Car , but
the ravages of wolves have been something
unprecedented In extent. It Is stated that
wihIn a radIus of twenty miles of J. N.
Mertz'a ranch ito less than $5,0 worth ot
stock has been killed or mutilated so that
they hue to bt killed . 'fhe correspondent
declares that what Is true of that region Is
also true of olhe sections at Albany county.
Similar news comes from Fremont county
The Mennonite colony of non 1omme
county has received from Minnesota a carload -
load of seCt wheat
Secretary of the Interior Smith 1mn assured
Major Pickier that the Yankton Indian reservation -
, 'alon will bo opened April 1. The lresllent
will shortly Issue a proclamation to that
effect .
A largely attended meeting of the patrons
of the Lisbon cheese factory was hell , and I
was decided to operate tIme concern during
the coming season as n co.opcratvo associa-
ton , purchasing the plant of time present
Arrangement are being made to start a
creamery at " 'estprt , a few mils north of
Aberdeen. I Is reported on good anthorlty
that I ) . M. Ferry , time well known seed man
will open UI' a branch seed Carm In Spunk
count )
, Two railroad lines ha'c been sllr\eYll
I through Vale , n small town about tweuty.slx
mies est of hello I'onrche. One will be
from landan , N. I ) . , to the 1ack hills , and
time other from SIoux Falls via PIerre to the
Paclnc coast.
About three years ago " ' . A. Eaton , a
farmer near Claremont , S. I ) . , placell $280 In
a tin can and burled it . A few ( lays since ho
wished to draw 8010 money from hIs 1m.
provlsed bank , and was surprlsell at not being
able to locate H. lie slcnt two days searclm-
lug for the hhlcen treasure before finding it .
Time mayor at Aberdeen has been notified by
telegram that decision has been rendere.1 by
the commIssIoner allowing townslto authorl.
ties to enter land , This Is construed as allowing -
lowing Aberdeen City to cutter land nml lmro-
tect the rights of squaters now on the tract
Authorities consider the case finally settled ,
after being In litigation OVer twelve years.
General Carpenter ot 'atertown , commander -
mander of the Grand Army of time Hepublc ,
department ( f SOlth Dakota , ami Irs. Robinson -
son , dellartmcnt prcsldent of time 'omnn's ,
leUef corps , have been In Pierre arranging ;
for time state encampment to be hehl there In
Jumime The 'Voman's Relief corps and Sons
of Veterans wi hold their annual cncamp-
fluent at the same tme and place.
At a revival meeting held In the Congregn-
tonal church at Dryan the other day some
culprit placed SOIO cayenne pel > er on the
red hot stove anll In short tme minister ,
mourner and sinners were In a perfect con-
vulsion of coughing , wheezing and sneezing.
Services had to be dismissed and much Indig-
naton was Colt over time matter. This ofonse
Is a crime In South Dakota He\ . Prior Is
collecting evidence and arrests will follow .
Denver and Aspen miners are developIng
claims In Ilno creek district.
The Gold ICing mi , Ophlr , shlppcd three
retortl , weighing In all 528 ounces In gold.
The Hntel mine , In TIp Top district , Gil-
pin county , yields Iron ore worth $100 per
(0mm. (
A tax of $2 per year on mining claims
Is advocated In a number ot the mining
A mi run from time Mary Etta lode , at
Silver Plume , returned two and one.hal
ounces of gold and 204 ounces of silver to
time ton '
A now tunnel enterprise , wih heavy fnan-
clat backing , has ben started for time rich
gold deposits of Belevuo all Olpln count ) ' .
I wi have about one mlo less to run than
some of the other propositions.
A railroad from Creedo to Gunnison , to
connect with the South Park , Is talked at.
Time South Park line Is now preparing to
reopen time AlpIne tunnel , which would on-
able them to exchange business with the
new road.
I Is rumored here that a consolidation
has been formed of the famous Ridge group
at mines , the Solomon , Ethel and Holy
Moses , and that large reduction works will
bo at once erected and all the are from these
mInes treated In one nmihi.
lUch ore bas been developed In time lower
levels of the Golden Treasure mine Gipin
county , ot which John D. Morrissey Is man-
ager. Recent assays show 40 per cent lead
and over one ounce In gold to the ton for
the entire width ot a liberal voln.
Should the now mining district of Alham-
bra prove successful n railroad could soon be
run Into the camp. The Florence and Cripple
Crock road could run a line there from Crlp-
plo Creek at a cheaper rate per mile than any "
other railroad yet built In the Rocky moun"-
Down a Silver Cliff the Geyser mine his
produced a new mineral , known ns vroustte. !
It Is a crystallized ruby silver and assays
16.000 ounces to the ton As high as $86 In
gold have been shown by assays , and of
twenty-ono assays made from the 2,100-foot
level time average was 4,500 ounces In sliver.
Contractor Frost , who docs the haulng for
a number ot Cripple Creek mines , states that
moro high grade are Is being shipped this
month than ever beCore. He states that from
the mines with which ho bas contracts alone
ho hauls lfO tons per day to the railroads en-
' route for time smelters. February Is the sbort-
cst month or the year , but for tonnage of
ore and value of the same , It will beat the
record of any other month In the camp's
his tory.
The Medford brewery has started up again ,
after being Idle several months.
Daltr CIty merchants have Just purchased
a carload of.candles for underground minIng.
A projet Is on root at Salem to establish
a creamery to use 6,000 pounds of milk
Time Corvallis Carriage works has turned
out Its first farm wagon , and It Is all of
Oregon wood.
A petition Is being freely sIgned at Hunt-
rngton to have that town annexed to 1al-
heur county.
Quarreling - In the Astoria volunteer fire
department-- makes the citizens anxious to
have a void department.
Centerviiie and Greenville have been en-
gagell In a rivalry for a creamery , and the
, former has been successful.
I A cannery Is beIng built at Gold Deach.
Cattle are being IJUrchlse In Walowa
county for the Montana ranges.
Time machinery Is In place for a rolling
mill at Laltvlew , and It Is expected that
the until will begin operatIons February 20.
Eight hundre ounces of god : bullion , valued
at $16,000 , from the VIrtue mine , were dopes-
.Ited at the bank In Baker City , early In the
FruIt men of Marion and Polk counties
will consider matters In connection with
operalng the Salem cannery time coming
A drIvIng assocIaton Is being organized at
Eugene , with the object of Improving time
county roads and building a macadamlzpd
road to Merasls park.
Prolsably lfO men are thrown out of employment -
ployment near La Grande by reason or the
fact that there Is no snow In time mOlmtans ! ,
and logging Is Iml > Hslblo.
Ed H. Dshop , cashIer of the National bank
of Heppner , says that he bas a cUHtomer for
1,000 horses of all age and sexes , colts only
excepted , I prIces are low enough.
The arrangements are all made and work
Is to continence at once on the new water
works system for Athena. 10nds of the city
are to bo Issued In the sum ot $12,000.
W , ' v. Masterson of Cottage Grove hSI
sued time Southern Pacific for $5,000 for not
stopping the train at Helleraon staten ,
compeling him to Juml' off , fracture his wrist
and otherwIse Injure hImsel
A hungry coyote made a dash at the lithe
daugimter of U. C. l'ope , near Ontario , time
other day , wimeum a dog Interfered , The coyote
was rapidly wimipplmmg time dog when Mrs.
Pope approached ammd killed limb beast witim a
stick ,
l'eyton harris caught a large eagle in a
trap arm lila ranch near Oakland a few days
ago. It welgimeti twemmty peummdmm ammd measured
seven feet from tip to tip of it5 wings. It
imad been carrying off Mr. harris' lammibs , anti
he was fortunate in trappixmg it. Time eagle
was sent to Morris /tbraimamn of Roseburg , to
be stuffed and snourmted.
In January time Cosmc.pohia Simiimgle company
simipped 2,600,000 simlngies.
halt a dozomm brick buildIngs will soon be
under construction at Wlmatcomu.
Recent reports indicate the coal production
of this state for 1894 as 1,163,432 tons ,
It is cetimnated that 75,000 imogs are being
fattened upon wimeat In Wimittmmmmmm county.
A logging rairoad Into time timber nortim of
Montesano , Is being plaimned for at timat place ,
Time Settle Salvation arnmy immms equipped
a large building for feedlmmg amid lodgimmg , amid
for repair shops and basket factory , with a
woodyard attached , and wilt give food anti
lodging in exclmalmgo for work.
Seattle is considering the question of setting
nil it atone yard' to give employment to kilo
Codd hirotimers will drive 1,600,000 feet of
logs down the Palouse river to Golfax this
The Oskesdalo Packing company tma hmeemi
incorporated at that place , for packlmmg both
beet and pork.
A petrified toad lmas been founil immibetided
in a rock S00 feet below time surface of the
ground in them Newcastle coal maine ,
A second shipment of a cargo of 600,000
feet of lumber to hawaii ima been mmiade
front Port Angeles. It is for the Ilonolulu
railroad ,
A townaite will be laid otmi at the ltoy
Kendall mmmimme , emi Huckleberry imiomumitain ,
Twenty buildimmgs now form time miucleus of a
Twenty-fivo imogs , weighimmg 8,940 pountis ,
were recently marketed at Lowlaton. Tlmat
is an average of 367 pounds , aimd timey were
not "cornfed , " eltimet' .
It is estimated that time dammiages done by
time Qmmilceno floods in January to time rail-
roami , Imersonal property and time county roads
amid bridges reacimea $50,000.
Selections of 1,500 acres of lammd imy Pumyahiup
Imidians imavo been sent \\'asimingtomt for
approvai , and as snucim more imas beemm selected -
lected , btmt time papers are not yet ready.
Timankful hiostord , livIng mmear ilatton ,
Adammms coumity , and 91 years of age , made ilnal
proof on Imer imommmestead , 11cr mm'memmiory is umm-
tsmmpaired anti sime testified to every date connected -
nected with her iroof without memmmoranthmimm.
A yoummg mmiamm was driven away fromii Star-
hmmmclc by tn mimmommymnoims timrcmitemmimmg letter ,
liurportimmg to be fromu nmm orgammizatlomm of
cIlizemms. It Is hots' alleged to imave commie
fromu a maim who owed lmimmm mmmommey , anti took
thIs mmieamms to save a tow dollars ,
Senator F. 0. Dcckobaclm says imo will
almortly formmi a commmimammy to work time newly-
latemmteml mmiaclmimmes buIlt to extract time gold
from time black sand on time Gray's lmarbor
beacim. Time first nmmmcimimmo imas worked to Imis
satisfactiomm , separating the gold at aim cx-
lCiiSO of IS to 20 cents per tomm of sammd. Timc
snmmti coimtains fromn 25 cents to several del-
lars' worth of gold ier ton.
Time Yakinia tribe of Indians contemmipiutto
Imoldimig amm electiomi 1mm time imear ftmture for
tIme iurisoso of clmoosimmg a lmoad cimiof.'oummmg
Kodlan , semi of time late Icotiakimi , will prob'
ably be clmosemm , lIe is 22 years of age , of
gooml size ammd carriage , amid wears lmis blami.
ket. lIke a vrimmce of tlme royal blood. lmmdinmms
say timat if imo is selected the comnimg porn-
liOlhi deuces will be coimtlttcted witim unusual
vIgor and l'ommw.
Governor lltmdd proposes to immstituto a state
Thmanksglrlmmg day , on the occasion of the the-
teat of time Reilly fummdlng bill mn'\Vaslmlngton.
No Important discoveries have been reported -
ported him Utaim's new district , on Little Cottonwood -
tonwood , but some promnblng Prospects are
tIme results so far reached.
Utah mnimiismg and mill men Imavo been has'-
ing fun of late witim a Captaimi llradforti antI
isis new process. Time inventor claimed to
save more gold than the ores commtaimmetl.
Ex.Comigressrnan Dorsey of Nebraska imas
just succeeded imi orgammizing time Lemimi Gold
Mining company. witlm a. capital of $5,000,000 ,
to operate 1mm Itialmo. 'I'ime conupammy commtrols
a group of ten etaimmis ,
In the spring time Rccky Mountain Bell
Telephone comuptmny will build a new line
to Great Falls , and also extend time line from
Helena to Butte. Time longest distammce coy-
ered by this commipany In Montana Is 325
A wild and wooly imumiter , dressed in buckskin -
skin suit , broatl.brimnmimed lint , etc. , disposed
of a wagon load of smoked antelope imamus at
fancy prices In Boise , before any one this-
covered that they were ordimmary , everyday
The value of the gold prodtmced in Utah
last year Is estimated at $1,250,000. Time
mint figure for 1893 was $853,000. It is expected -
pected that this mint report for 1894 will show
a shigimt increase 1mm time output of silver , just
as It does in Colorado.
Thomas S. Bullock , president of time Prescott -
cott and Arizona Central raIlroad , is to in-
tervlew time Southern Pacific mnanagers in regard -
gard to time constructiomm of a competing railroad -
road from Yavapal's capital to Pimoetmix , con-
imecting tlmore with the Soutlmern PacIfic.
The extreme cold weather imas made the
wolves very bold and reports of losses of
simeep and young pigs are frequesmt , In sommie
instances time varrnlnts have smot even imesi-
tated to attack human beings. Tlmey seem to
ho Increasing in numbers , despite time liberal
bounty offered for scalps.
Time survey of time Nez Perco Indian
reservation , wimich is to be timrown open to
settlenment next May , Is nearly flnisimed. and
time Indians imave already picked out time land
they are going to claim , Time reservation con.
tame 760,000 acres of land , over imaif of wimicht
is said to be good amble land , susceptible of
a hIgh state of cultivation.
AffaIrs are stirring In time Mercur mine ,
near Salt Lake City , since time completion of
time railroads , and the contagion of time activIty -
Ity begins to spread to the entire camp. Time
Mercur itself is putting out 150 tons a day
and expects to increase simortly to the full
of the. mill , Time
200-ton capacity little railroad -
road is making six trips daily , and workIng
both day and nigimt carrying traffic for the
other mines , as well as time Mercur.
Rev. S. Snyder of time Navajo agency at
Fort Defiance says time Indiana are having a
hard time to exist timl winter. Timeir wool
clii ) Wm9 imardly worth shipping , and timoy
ratsed no grain last year. They are eating
timeir horses , of which they imave great herds.
Two representatives of time department are
now at time agency investigating time condItion
of the Navajos. No work is now being done
oil the Irrigation syatemmi timat Is being put 1mm
by time government , but it is expected that
active work will begin on the ditches Ia the
- ' - - - - '
, -
If' imemimiacime , Imamelmmicimi. , orn throat and
cnthtshmiimg give ynmu remiqoum I I ) Iemtm' ( Ito prev
mtiemit cr11' , ynmt wiii hut , mim.i yntu have refit
liii's. , ilmii' , ( or , of c.'or.t' , you arc In acrch
1)1 mm reimmemly.
LE'I' YOUR SlAlttiII IIXI ) itillIhi
VIiecrimig , titl'mm'q mmmmi mitimor grip IlmiCer.
ie are limme to m'nmmtn by Immfl'y's t'mtrm SIm.ts
'imICkry , a tommIe timiit , minmm mmimikra I Ito betty
at rommg eimntiglt Ii ) ilgimi Itti om n tamithes
Irmmggislmi miimt grocers it'll It. Itkmstm'atetL
lmmImnIhlcL iviht be at'iIf by limo
IUFFY tti.T'hliSiiY CO. ,
itUfii4i'lit , N , Y ,
Is the Great Life Giver
1' I I ) F. N E halide no
. . . refresheiimvigoratesa'it
eximmmtmsteml orgmtmms of time
body. it Is time great
vegetable vItalizer timmit
deitrimys time gonna of
timmut Immaithiotma tiiscsto
' whuieim immv i'nCtcmt time
' . etrength of cite young
memm ,
There are imunmireda of
. young ammil immithilu imgod'
mmmcml wiumtao imervu force
mire tleclim'uing ' , wlmo ammirer fromu tiebilitatimig
.hrt'nnis amid thmosu ills wimirim follows front cx-
ceases immmd over itmtitmlgcmmces 1mm cmmriy life ,
( IhI'IIII vtIl give you back ymmr life.
'on will be mu lmowerfmmliy strong after Its Use mu
you are now' purlommtly weak.
Are voim 1mm a mrernntum con-
. ditiomil ( thI'flNIl viii
Cmi ) timis witame iii a IOtim1ght oc
three i'eemee.
Imnpotemiey sterility ' , mental
, , immemmlamitmes arc qulc'kly cured
mmd m' meedily ro-
- shoved it ) ' tinYttsO
( lEVI lENl
emmees I.oat Nan , '
lmood , Loss of llrmmimm l'owem' , cnn-
simsnmtiomt of time ltrumimm I l'mmrt'Isce ) ,
8lCCjlC'mmCh5 Jmmck mit l'ou or , miz.
zhmmese l'mthmmsmm thu Ihuick , Nervomma
i'rostratioml , Nmtrvoimmi iotmilitv
\'aricocele , Cosmim utah inst mtmmti v i '
sumeely br1u bmmck'tbo limit l''vcr '
of mmmii.
Prostatitle carries oIl' our
mtmmd mnidmilo-mtgcmi nmemm.
Lommmg prmstmtte , gland imeeds
' N _ _ f , tmk'timmg yet i'tmem ful remo
d dIal ngemmt. stmehm Is CUL'I-
-\\t BiNl. 11mw CU1'iDENEnmmml
' avoid a dammgcrous ohmermitiomi.
Ghiaratmiec in writimmg givemi
I , \ nmmml imiommey returimed ii nerO
. iunmmemmt cmiro is mInt etTectcl by
' six boxes. Gmmnrmimmtee sent
with snail orders jmmsF the
the same. 1.OO a ioX , (5
boxes for 5.OO Imy mimall , ti,000 Teatime-
imimils. Send for free clrcularsand testimoniaLs.
Address cii nmaii otdcrs to
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R\R'W 4P 1 ;
cumtis AND i'itiiwnsys
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chit's , Pnoumotia , Swelling of the
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CURIOS TIlE SVOItST I'AmS in from one to
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( hi. advertleemneat need anyone fiU3'FJfl WITU
itmudway's Ready lfchiet is ma sturo Cure for
Evary L'uimm , S1)rammm , Bruises , I'mmlmms I , , time
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aut Iii time 0111) ' i'jtIN ztJt3i1DY.
That iimBtamtiy stops the most eacruciatinE
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whether of the Lung , , stomach , Bowel , , cm' other
gland. or organe , by emma application.
A. halt to a tea.pooatui to tuniC a tumbler of
Water will In a tow minute. cure Cramps , pas.-
Ins. Sour Stomach , Heartburn , Nerm'ousneeii ,
Sleeplessness , Hick Ileadacime. Uiarrhea. Iyiec.
lemy. Colic , Flatumency mind nil internal pains
There Is not a remedIal agent in all the world
that wili cure fever adn ague and nil other Ma.
iarlou , . flhliou , anti other fevers aided by ItAD.
WAY'S PILLS. so qulckiy a , RAIWAY'U hulA.
Yl EW A1 % imouTch1ANtiii'dG
time Feature , mtntl ltemmmuy-
ing hiiemt.imosin ItO p. bOOk Ic , a stamp.
, JoImu II. Woodliiry , 127 W. 424 Itt. . , N. V. Mit , . jY '
inventor or Woodburx'a b'aclal flomw. '
L _ - - - - - -
_ _ - -
Gastorla is Dr. Samuel Pitc1ur's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contaill5 ncltlicr Opium , MorpIno nor '
other 1arcotIo iubstniicc. It Is a Jiarziiloss sulstituto
for Paregoric , flrop , Soothing Syrups , and Castor 011.
It Is Pleasant. Its guarnutco Is tjitvty years' use by'
flflhlloiis ofMotllcrs , Castorla dcsIroyH Wornis and allays
feverisituiess. Castorla PrCVCIItS voiuLt1iig Sour Curd ,
cures Dlrzrrluxia. nud 'Wind Colic , Castoriti rcllcvcs
teething troubles , curca coustilatloa alld flatuloncy.
Castorla assIiii1latc tlio footl , rcgulntcs tim stomach
and bowels , giving healthy nun iiaturat iilcep. Cas.
torla is tim Clhlldrcu'8 Paiiacca-tho Motbcr'H Friend.
Castoria. Castoria. "
I' Castorta lean excellent medIcine for cWl. .t CtorIa is so well wlaptedtoclmlhijren thma $
thren. liotimems lmavo repeatedly told moo of its recommend It imssuporiortamumy proscription
iood ceet upon their chIldren. " kBOWU tm
It. U , C. Oaooo , II. A , Ancumm , hi. D. ,
L.meli , Bass. 211 So. OxtordSt. , Brooklyn , N , Y.
SI Castoria it the beatm-erocdy for children of " Our physickne In the clmildrcn'a depart.
irhich I ammu uicq alrmtod. I imope time day is mot memmt have spoken highly of their export.
tar distant when nmotimers wlil consider time real emmee In timely outside practice whim Castoria ,
Interest of timeir cimildreo , and use Cammtoria inand although we ommiy im'tvo among our
gt.ewl Cf titovarlousquack nostruxnswimlclm Dro umedlcai supplies what Is kaown as regular
destroying ( helm loved ones , by torclng'optunm , products , yet we are free to confess t t.
ummorphumme , soothIng syrup and otimer hurtful zumerita of Castorha has wo' ' , l look with
agents down their throats , thereby seeding ( aver upon it , "
Iliemmi tu pm'ematuro graves , " UIIITED hloam'mviJ.
Bit. J , F. KmNcuzLo ; Boston. Maza ,
Conway , Ark , Am-ass C. Bummum , Pres. ,
TIao Centaur Company , TT Murrisy Street , Now 'York City.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
; .i--r-------- -ii
- ' . - . - - ' - I , t- , . ' _ 4a.u.