- vr . - - . - - - . , . . - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -j---- . . , . , . . - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , - - , - ' - - - - - --r----r - _ - , - - _ , . , _ - - - . - - - -Tr- ' . . v - ' _ - - - - - - - - - . - - - - \ , . . . 8 . . 'rnE O\AIIA \ DAILY BEE -suNDAY : , J\ARCII \ a :1895. : ) - - - - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BOSTON STORE NEW \ SILl { SALE - rnnd Spring Silk and Dress Goods Sale - Our Own Direct Importaton 'ER STAMERLA GACOGNE FROM FRANCE lo Atc l'IRCO on 8110 tle tltre : Crlc- brnlt.1 SAml.le J,111 turol.tll : CAI't 11(1 ' \'RI8 . Ut IJn.1 n" HSlunl.lr , of Vlrn 1'R8h101blc , Spring " 'eRr. GRAND SAI.n OF DLACK SI.l { On our main floor . Heavy double warp surah , satin sublme , : aleta glace , francalse , Iekln stripe , gros 10 Lyons , All splendid values , worth from 50e " 75C , at 39c. Satin tuchesse , nil pure silk , In rich , hIgh Istn' , and 24.lnch gros le Lyon , good 'alue ror $1.00 , at 690' 27.lnch taffeta , In n rIch lustre , nil pure silk , end cashmere sublime ; splendid qual. lY ; real value , $1.15 , at 7ge. 24.lnch satin duehese ant gros grin , In satn ? Ieh lustre , a heavy quality , real value 1.35 , at 08c. $1.00 COLOmm SI.IS 1 01 C9C. . Paacy : siks In all the new weaves In two- , rone,1 erects all beautiful colorings , worth I.OO , at 6ge. All silk rench crepons , 21 Inches wile , worth 16c , at 39c. $1.75 COIOlm mmss OOODS , 75c. I H.lnch French two.color novelty checks , I pure silk anti , wool , In rare blemlngs of : olor , suitable for spring all summer wear ; llso 62.lnch I nglsh spring sUltngs II broche effects , hnlr.lno checks , etc. , real value $1.iC a yard , nt i6c and ! Se. 5.lnch novelty cheviots , r nglsh shepherd checks , two.tonell crcpon cheviots , In ) t grant ! array of new all Interesting spring color : tanl , grays , blues , browns , greenR , etc. , all preaentell. \0 orer In these materials - tennIs such imsitIvehy good value that an inspection - Ilosltvely 1001.ue ! peeton of the gcods will he sufcent to make you n buyer at once. Heal value , $ .2 ( a yard , at GOc $ 4.lnch all wool French serlcs In spring I shades of tan , resedn , mahogany , gray , greell I shales old blue , ctc. , all wool , In mixed tan , mOle , gray and hrown : also 3G.lnch camel's : hair , gay head check mixtures In new tan3 , moles and grays : real value , IDa n yard , ntc. : . anl D.ACK AD CO.OHED l NII T'rA. 11 piEces 46-lnch all \ eel silk Inlshel German henrIeta , mnde of best Austrnlan wool , In black all all lelln : , colors , navy , myrtle , moss , brown , garnet , cardinal , wine , old rose , and aU evening shades. Price SGc : ) 'arI , nt 50c. ThOSE HARE SAIPI. CAPES. Tomorrow we display for the first time In Indies' Imported sample America , over 1,000 sprIng capes designed by time most celebrated . - brated artists ant made by the most skied worleers. These cost up to $60 to Import , but we arc enabled to sell them nt $5 , $7.50 , $10.00 , $12,50 , $15,00. $20,00 and 2500. IMI'OItTED Sl.l WAISTS. Worth DIPOHTED up O.OO , go at $2,50 , $3,08. $5,00. ali up. They were bought from an importing house nt SOc on thq dollar. In this lot will find from plain iiks to the most you siks fnl you1 extreme novelties. Silk waists from $2,50 to $50,00 each. You wi find silk crepe waists , China sIlk waists , Tafeta silk waists , or plain , checks and , fancies. AI ! of them are elaborately trimmed with silk crepe , real lace , fancy buckles . and buttons. Each waist Is nn exclusive style. They will be sold at $2,50 , $3,08 , and hundreds of them aI , $6.00 , amid from that up to $50,00 each flOSTON STOnE N.W. - Cor. IGth . ali Douglas Sts. , l'OMI , , ItefltOtI. ( , Alt members of George A. Custer Post No. 7 , Al . A. n. , arc hereby ordered to meet at their hall on wednesday evening , March G. at - ' 7:30. : Duslness of Importance to the welfare ' . of the post DEMANDS that all comrades be present. Dy criler of ' I1. II. PURDN , , OfcIal orler : ' Post Commanler ; J. D : SA'II.I ; Adjt. l Homer Moore class In vocal culture , let Cong. church , Monday evening , $5,00 for , . curse of IG lessons . - , ' . 1'1oiiitmit to Titko 1'lm'sIlt TIke : ; The Northwester line fast vesUbuled Chi- cage train that glides cast from the Union , nepol every afternoon "t 5:45 and Into I Chicago at 8:45 : next moring , with supper i ' and la carte brealefast. Every part of the - traIn Is RIGHT. Other caster trains at 1:0 : : a. m. and - ' , p. m. daily-good , too. * City ticket ofilco , HOI Farnam street. ' . _ - From March let the Seymour Lake Arte- mien Ice Co. will deliver to consumers Dr. Miller's artesian water Ice. Family trade especially solicited. Absolutly the only ar- tesian lee In the mnrleet. Ofilce , IGO Farnam ' street. 'Phone , 1216. . - , Jomescolwr , ' 1.xournlon On March 5 and April 2 one fare ( plus $2,00) ) for tIme round trip to 11clnts In Arkansas - kansas , Texas . Louisiana , via the Missouri Pacific Rnlwn ) Stopovers allowed . For land pamphlets , folders rates , etc. . cal or write agent at Ilel" . 15th ! and Weblter , or city offices , N. E. Cor. 13th ant l"arlun , , Omaha Neb. ' TIIOS. F. GODFrmy , P. & T. A. J. O. PlI1ILIl'P1. , A. G : F. & P. A. , , . _ . . - ] tlllon , . \ I tention. ' : The Great SpirIt has removed from its Drother George Bennett. All members of L Ynh.Nun.Dah.Sls trIbe No.2 , Improved O. n. M. , arc reluestcd to meet at heir t wIg- ' wnm. Continental block , 16th and Douglas . at 1 o'clocle p , In. Sundny March : 1 , to make ; ' arrangements for the funeral. Other Hell Men are requested ( to be present. , , D. J , . l'GHA'fJ. Sachem. : , I10nnlhller/ ) 'rl'"lc " "elJcnnco Oi Intorlcr ' WINSTON N. C. , March 2.-Thlrty white- ' caps went to the homes of Amos Indrley Knet In Vldlln count ali beat them mm- p mercifully. ' Time two brothers were gagged and tied , Each rcceicd over 100 'Inshes. ' Amos Is not expected , to lIve. The whitecaps charge the bl'otherl with reporting mnny moon5'llno ' distilleries In Vall\n. whel' revenue o cer . have made a number of raids recenty , A ' . Ilh ( riiuL'ai 1.gt'nmcmmL : SenIott . CHICAGO , Mnrch 2.-A week or two ago a report Wil started In New York , and ered. T I ell In Chicago , that MIss Juhli . Grant , : ' y daughter of Colonel anll Mrs. Fred Grant , I was engaged to Mr. William Lalmbeer ot ' , New York. This reported agement Is positively denied by the IHrenls of the young . lady . and by Miss Grant . herself. , . N.1 lhorrceh.iIT dll'I"I.IY lii. Im PHOVIENCE , H. I. , March 2-Nd Uerr , sChol's phslcan regards : his Patient's COndition . dlton as very critical , antI says typhoid fever II threatened lie sa's Mr. Herreschof will not he able to sit uII for two weeks lt least , , C\'en If t\IO threatened fever does not develop ' - Duriimg this time work on the cup defender ? vIhl bo practically nt btamldetiil . wi prnclealy _ a D _ _ l ' Arrival " 'rml Iho t out Coutitry % . NEW ypme , March 2.-Among the passengers - sengers arrh'lng by the steamer New York . ' from Sonthaml1ton today were lowarll Gould , ' , Judge al'orge lll'er , 1leutenant Wllr\1 A. : ' Holbrool < . Samuel I. Clemens ( Mark Twain ) , I General J. O. Hcholehl , Alfred { ' " Jay and ) P Thomas ' " Wl\on , . I Ex.1Iileter : Smlh 'J'"lk1 Finnitco. , NEW YORK . March 2.-Charles Emery Smith , ex-minister to Germany and editor of time Press , wn the principal guest alll speaker last night at a dinner gIven by the l'ohltlcal Science club al time Hotel Save , George Gulon llrcllded. Mr. Smih made atm : . eloquent Sllccch 01 financial topics ' . : Jury Could Nol ( .i'ii'le& the UIIIIII , I' NE\V YOm" , March 2.-The jury II the l' case of ex.Caplall Doherty accused of IC' ' : cepting ' 'JetectQI' lpner ! front the I.o\p . ref ' of n dIordrly house , has porld a lf.- grcement . r . ' Mruck on ills Ito 'II. ' ; i JOSCII Straussniami . emplo'l on the hell. . lan bUlllng , f,1 trOUt the first story ) 'e' . ; terllay afeTnoOn amid struck 01 hh heal on the Ili\'Cmcnt , zroducimmg cOlcunh ) of the braid , lIe was taken to his home Iwar Cui. .q lake - ' ' . . . , - . . . - ' .M.m4-4- - ' - - - - - - - ' BOSTON STORE \ \ ASH GOODS The Only Up-To-Dat Wash Goods Department - mont in Omaha , PRICES INVARIABLY LOWEST IN AMERICA INVARABLY I - 1\'CY New Wnhm rlbrle for SprIng nlli Slmter ' 'cnr" , " 'hetherIHrlcnn or Foreign : lnlutlcturr , Cln Always no Found nt 10ston Store t WHITE OOODS DEPARTMENT. India linens , largest steel In Omaha 8e , 12c , 19c , 25c , 35c and COc yard. Bargains In plain nahuooks , worth from 25c to SOc , go at 151 , 19c and 26c ) 'arl. Barred and checked white goods , worth UI to lOc . go at 8Ye , lOc and iSo ; yarll. The only complete lne of dotted SwIsses II time west worth from 25c to $1.50 n yard , go at , 15e , 1ge , 25e , SOc and 75e. We carry the largest line of those new dainty colored dimiies In the city . They are worlh iSo and 26c n ) 'nrt and we sell thel al 8c , 12c and 15c. SATlmS. ' I In saloons we have everything thnt's new this eaEon. All the China silk patterns Ire made In sateens and we tel them at Sc , 12c , 15c , 10c and 25c yard. Big sale In plain black henrleta snteens at 10c , 15c , 19c amid 25c 'ard. . \ 1 big values. On Monday the bargain square will be pled high with Hlc sateens In dress lengths. They will go at 8c a yard On another bargain table wo will sell those ISo ser fnish lIon gees for 61c ) 'art , ' In limo gingham department wo show all , the new small checked lght and dark colored China silk finished ginghams at lOc , 15c ant 19c yard. Zephyr and chambray ginghams , worth 15c ) 'arl , go on our bargain square at 0 ' c. On Monday wo will sell the duck sullngs In naV1 and all colors at lOc yard. Everybody - body cite sels them at 15c. nXTHA. LONSDALE MUSLIN 6C YARD. By the yard , by the Illece , by the case , by the carload : every hour of the day , all day ; no Imlt , buy as much as you want. BAlOAINS IN LIE : 200 pieces heavy cream damnsle , 72 Inches wide ! , worth $1.00 a yard , go at 50e. Big lot CO.lneh wide unbleached Scotch dammmaslc worth G5c ) yard , go at 30e. 1,121 remnants Imported Turkey red damasle , worth up to SOc I ) 'arl , go at 2c. Extra I heavy table padding that sold for Cc yard , will be cosCI It 39c. lHGAINS 1 : HATS AD CAPS. Mcii's $3,00 spring style bats go at 98c. 1io9s' hats , all styles go al 3Ge. Cimhltiren's yacht caps go at 25c. C10CKImy DEP'RT 1T. Teaspoons , fc each. 11llsome berry set , 1 pieces , worth 75c. go at 21c. Handsome vase lamp " : c. hotel Ice picher , 4Se , worth $1.00. SPECIAL TEA SALE. Gunpowder , 20e. In'enno gunpowter , 2Gc. Pin heat gunpowder , 3Se. Uncolored Japan , 25c. Spider leg Japan , 30c. Fancy spider leg , 38e. Garden growth , extra fine spider leg . 45c. BOSTON STOlE , OMAHA. N. W. Cor. IGth and Douglas. c 001:0 TO TEXAS ' Hates Are Cho1t " tii Rlt" " Fo Honte March 5 Is excursion day for Tex s. For particulars cal on or address E I. . . Palmer P. A. Santa Fo route room 1 , FIrst National . Dank building , Omnha. - . T. S. Clarleson , 621 let Nat. m , . Bldg. i Irrigated ' ngrlculural lands , Camornla' . fruit lands , , Omaha realty. . I ' King Ierrmann cigars , Max Meyer & h3ro. , sole agents Manufactured by Kaufmann Uro . , New Yorlc. . THE UIIUHJTSOIJIIIEILN nOUrJ Via naolr 111' I , SlmrtoJt Llno anti l'astoJt ' mu , . To all poInt In Kanas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory , Texas and all points In southern : Cnlornla , Only one night out to all points ' of Texas. "Tho Texas LImited" leaves Omaha at 6:16 : a. m" , daily except Sunday . landing passengers al all points In Texas 12 hours In admco of 'all other lines. Through tourist cars via I Worth and E Paso to Los An- geles. For full particulars , maps folders , etc. , cal at or address Rock Island ticket ofce , 160 Farnnm st. CIIAS. KENNEDY , O. N. W. P. A. . Ilocumttom , . Mrs. Myrtle Ketcham.Dalcn nnnounces the opening Qf the spring term In limo elocution department of the Omaha Conservatory of Iuslc. Delsrte system of physlcil culture. Shaleespeare. He uced rates for spring term. e ' Time whole city Is smoky wl1 the popular Ilng Herrmann cigars. - . 'VuOlmeu of tIme ' VorhmI. Meet at Myrtle hal at 1 o'clocl Tuesday 10 attend fllneral of 0 , A. Bemmuett Reel- denc , 'J20 N. 2mith , street G. C. e THOMPSON , C. e. i Yew AcivIntmstai's. Offered by ' the phleago , , Milwaukee & St. laul raiway , time short Into Chicago A clean train , ' lade up and started from Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to tlstinatiomm. Elegant train servlco and cour- teous employes. Entro traIns Ighte(1 by electm'iclty and , heated by steam , with dcc- trio light In every berth Finest dining car sel'\'lcc In time west , with meals served "a la carte. . The Flyer leaves at C p , . m . daily hOI . Union depot. . City Tlcllt Ofco , 1501 Farnam Itreet , C. S. Carrier , city ticket - e agont. ! Ulm 11J'l VI J "al .I."Olr. Woman DIsappoInted II Love 'Vrulo Lol- t'r Iotamlu ! liar Own Ih : rnolor. EUGENE . Or 3. , March 2.-Mlss Mary Berger , a rnshlonal'lo dressmnleer of Eugene , was he\I to answer before the United States cOlmluloner for endlng Improper hatters through the malls. The circumstances of the case present features thaI mal.e It real ) ' reo marllbl' , I no mistake has been made In accusing Mitts Berger , It appears that time woman haR been for the past year and a hell writing notes to various leading women of the city , defaming : her own character and by skillful and systematic devices making I ap. year ' that the author was Airs . Dr McKenny , ono of the best known and most highly reo sheeted womcn In time town ler motive was jealousy , 1)r ) McIcnny at one tme being attentive to Miss Iherger Time ladles who received the vile letters refectng on Miss Uerger's character , comlllalned to the post- olce department and the arrest of the dress- maleer ( olowed , . Itlvt'r h'l UI limo -1'1015 Sr at PI'fTSIUnO. March 2.-River men are Oi tim anxious scat and wi not be relieved untIl after the rivers ha\'o emptied themseh'es of the Ice now gorged above here In such 1m. menSQ quantle , . Time warns and Ialny weather of the host few tars has served to rot anti start some of time smaller gorges which has resulted In some damage here , probably amounting to $25,000 , but the main gorge 'laB not moved al . Inch , Imi mu)0r nne lly I COln1 * ! 1 'ndlcted I , LEXiNGTON . Icy , Jarch 2-'l'hmo grand jury has IndIcted Mayor Uuncan amid both board of the general council for passing and sIgning an ordlnnnce payIng the salaries of 110lce oflicers II tIme face of the recent report of time grond jury calling attention to the police retaining rees "Iat should be turned Into the city treasury Time police contend they are enth'll to the fees , amid bave In- sttuted a test suit. . rh CilO 1 I ) Council l'nlured , S1HXO mLD , m. , March 2-A rosolu. tlm of most scathing character resarllng the Chl ago CII ) ' council was offered by I.owen. thai uf Cook county In time house I denoulc : 1 the council for flagrantly giving 1\\1) ' valuable framichise5 . and calls for the apl1olnllcnt of a fpcclacemlitel \ pf five to Investigate the odIous of I Ilderlcl who tool lrt In the 4bsrlcctul aulr . I I : . A ' , r"Z - ' - ' - , . . . " " . " , , ' 5 " : ' - ANOThER OCEAN DISASTER - The New Hamburg Steam3r Phoenicia Ar- rives in I Badly - Damaged Oondltlon ! , WAVES MOUNTAIN IIGI SWEEP llE DCK OneCr I.tu o Iltornlton hut R Reporter 'III Out AlL Aholl I-Tho Jllrlno . InsurRnco Cmmmitimmy Settles COII"nY Setlcs time Lou to Cargo , When the stevedores employed In umiload- Ing the neW Hamburg steamer PhoenicIa , which arrived January 29 , began to hoist the cargo to the deck . It was seen thnt time cases and bales were In n badly Inmaget conliton , The officers of time ship refused to give any Information , but It has sInce . transpired that on the second day out time Phoenicia was struck by n tremenl0us wave that stove In one of her forward port holes and flooded her hell , The tamage was repaired , the water pumped out and the "es. eel suffered no further mishap. When she was toeleell , her cargo was found to bo tnm- I aged to the extent of at least 200000. I ' Amongst these goods were a big lot of Silks , black enl colored dress goods , kid anti fabric gloves , hosiery , laces and em- broitkries and hanlleerchlefs , Consigned to Broeswlck & Droesel , cor. Green and Grand street , New York , which time Marine Insurance underwriters sold to Boston Store's New York buyer at a great sacrifice. These sols are now being aR- sorted and put In shape , antI will bo on sale Welnesda ) ' , 1arch G. This sale Is destIned to create a censlton absolutely ulpnrlelel In Omnha. Helcmber the day ali date , and where I Is. ' . BOSTC."T STORE OMAHA BOSTC. , , N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglns. 0 I 1tUIttLtITON ROUTE. Low Ilte" to rICUIMR nnc Texti' . Tuesday , March 6. round trip tickets nt Very low ( practically half ) rates , to Arkansas and Texas points , will bo emi sale nt time city tIcket office of the Burlngton route 1324 Farmmamn at Smoke , smolee King Ierrmnn cigars. J031SBtO 1b' 1 XCUISl0 8. South Vita Iho % 'mmlitm HnlrO\I. On February 5 and 12. March 6. April 2 and 30. For rates or further information and a copy of time IIomneeekers' GuIde cal at the New 'abash office , 115 I'arnam street or write G. N. CLAYTON , N. - W. P. . Atnt. Omaha Neb. hello , smoking ? Whal's the brand ? King hlerrmnann of course . ! HEAD OFFICiALS GO TO WOR1. Hoar , ! 0' Jelth Jlcmlnra Tel of Their 'rcub "s II ClclnlnJ time t'tty. The Board ot Health Is engaged In an effort to supply In Industry what It lacks In time way of sanitary Inspectors. At the last meeting oil of the sanitary Inspectors and MIlk Inspector Drune , were dismIssed , pending sonic further financial assurances from the city council yeerlay Commissioner - missioner Sav10 was out tacking up con- taglous disease notices In the northern part of the city , while Dr. Towno was c\erlng" the south side. There were t\venty \ cem- plaints of nuisances on ' time hook yestcr- day. They woul naturally bo attended to ' by the sanlta'Y imispectors . but as the board cannot afford such luxuries' at present ' , Meat Inspector Frank was called Into r'equlslton and he was sent out to attenl to half a dozen of tIme most serIous complaints. Time others will have 10 go by time board and nothing moro will be attempted In the line of sanitary Inspecton , except to Investigate some of the most Important cases that are reported by citizens. Commissioner Savle said yesterday that this state of affairs would continue unt the board was assured of sufficient financial support to carry It through the" year. lie thought that the board might get along In this mnnner durIng this month without any serious danger to the public health , but that n3 soon as sprIng came on thorough sanitary inspection was imperatively needed. "I am trying to conduct time affairs of the board on a busIness basis " added time commissioner. "and every one leows that In nny busIness concer there Is a minimum of force and when you go below that time machine stops moving You might as well have a wagon wih three wheels lS a hoard of , health with- out sanlur ) imispection. I told time council some time ago that It might better throw $8,000 Into the river titan approprIate that amount to run the Board of Health through the ycar. All wo can do In the present sltun- ton Is to look after a few special cases and drift along wlthoul any real Inspection , " The commissioner Is Inclined to bhleve that the acton of time council II dictated by political considerations. II\ says that when a lot of cOlnclmen go to work and cripple the board to get one or two political sup- porters a job It Is an outrage , both to the people and to politics. - - - - MEANS MUCH TO WITNESSES. Test Case to Uo 111,10 lu time Courts to EnLighten . JIrhtel Count ) Conunl aoncr . A case of general Interest \1 , as soon as argument can be heard como up before Judge Kesor. ) Over a year ago John McDret was on trIal for felony before Justice of the Peace G. S. Smith and was acquitted. Among the wItnesses for time state was Wilam Metzar. lIe had come 800 mIles to attend time trial , and remalned"ln alendanee three dn's. ills bill , therefore , was $40 for mieage , and $3 for witness fees. Time fnnnce commlteo of time county comtmiissioners . to which the mater of payment was referred , reported In favor of rejecting time clnlm , on the ground that t'.le ' summonIng of the wit- neS was a useless expense , and that under time statute It was time duty of the board to re- fuse payment , An appeal was taleen to the dIstrIct court on September 8. 180t , The county atorney has fell a demurrer Ho desires once for al to have the queston determined whether a witness for time state before a justice of the peace In a felony case , where time charge Is not sustained , Is entitled to any compensation whatev , There mire sey- oral oilier cases ot the same hint ! before the connty coimimnissioners and their fate wil depend entrelY upon the result of time argument . mont on this demurrer. " 'uIUnJ for Huudsmon. The ponderous form of Charles W Edger- ton , justice of time peace , chief of the Omaha Detective Agency and constable , fully occupied - pled one of the large chalrl In SherIf Drexel's olco yesterday lie was bound over by limo pol co judge In $ SOO bonds on a 'chargo of embezlng some funds deposited wIth him by parties litigant In his m1 of justice. The cleric of the distrIct court was nol satisfied with the bond , but through an overblght , no new bondsimien were furnished , but Edgerton went tree untl he was again brought before JUdge Scott upon an imi- dlctment by the grand jury for the saro ofense for whleh ho had already been bound over . He wl now have to procure prOller bonds for his appearance , for which he Is anxiously waiting In time ofeo ot the simerift , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' ( lhl Not t'mmy Cite I'mice - , II. I. . Wooldridge , who leeeps a saloon at l Hy.fourth and Dodge streets1 I ! I the hands ot the sheriff , under indictcnt by time granl jury , charging hll wlh selling liquor without a license , The complaining wltnessel are John Laferty , Hahneman J'bur antI Frank Crawford , Wooldridge says that two of time tom- plllning lneSes wenl out to ! ls place on February 10 and Informed hmlmn ! that bo was about to be arrested , but that tlmey would square ! time case for 11m I he could make It convenient 10 hand over a no bill. This , he says , ho rehllell to do and that they then cale down 10 $5. and finally to $20. They dil POt get a cent and he considers this fact the olif cause of his arrest. = - . . - - . - - , ' IUMTONTUm" ; - . uUU'IT 8A,1 . Tomorrow Wf J'ut nmPmtjo Our I.ntiro 1.lnf of Sirhigal"misterns. Consisting ofAxmlnltbm , Moqueles , body Brussels , tapestries , ingrains , etc Tomorrow morning ibogins the greatest sale of carpets and rUI'ver hell In Omnhn. Note the followIng rJcs : fleet ni wool Ingrnlns , 37e , worth 75c. Ingrains , colon chain ; 2c , worth G5c. Heavy minion Ingrains , ' 25e , worth 45e , Tapestry carpets , fine- . Isortment of pat- terns , 451 , worth 75e , Hotly Brussels carpet , with or without border , 72c , worth $1.00. Moquete carpets , largo range of patterns , 15c , worth $1.25 , 00011 hemp carpet Hc , worth 25c. Japanese seamless mntng 16c , worth 30c . Heavy stair carpet 12c , worth 25e. 250 remnants of Ingrain carpets , 25c each. 600 remnants of Brussels carpet , SOc each . BOSTON STORE , N W. Cor. 16th and Dougla. Carrying a complete line of urnlture , carpets - pets anti stoves. C , DROPPED OUT T.E SUIISTITUTEB. Caused bY the tlhnltItmm of 1 New 1'11\1 for I "nl'plyll , ! Tcmtchirra. The four substitute teachers who have been on th ! pay roll of time publo schoo1 have been dropped , and they reeeh'el their notice of dismissal from SUllerlntendent Marble l rl. dny. This action Is preparlory to a new plan In this partcular which has been decided - cided upon by the superintendent and the te3cher commltt hIoetofore teachers have ben designated as substittmtes. They \ \\'er Inexperlncet teachers who l'eportf1 to certain prlncp.ls every moring amid received $1 each for aslslng during the forenoon. I they re- celved un nslgnlent to go out all teach In soma school where a teneher wns absent , they plt II the whole day and received $2 each . This plan has ncvcr been entirely snt- Idaetor , ns It was thin experience of the commlteo thaI a llbsttlte teacher shonld be , I anything , a little better Ilualfct thnn a regliar tb-iclmer. Where a regular teacher had a certain line of "ork every day , time substitute had to go to a different school amid n dlffercnt grade nearly every dar , and . therefore - fore needed to be qualified to teuch In any dcpnrtment In the schools I b the present Intenlon to elect four regular substitute teachers , who are to be slected ! from Dmong the best teachers In the Rchools at a salary oi $ iO per montim 'fhlR will bo somewhat moro expensive than the former B'stel , but It Is clnhncd that time addeJ expense wiil bo offset by n largely Increased efcle'ney wi the schools. . cllie of ho )1."IIIS Urond. Superintendent Marble Is considerIng the idea of broadening time scope of the discus- sions In the 10nthly tenehers' meetngs , seas as to Include not only matters directly connected - neetel with the schools , but topics tf general Interest His plan ' Is to have the teachers meet twIce a month and In addltla to thm'i usual consideration at , neI methods In school work discuss the live topics of the day , nllich after the mnnner of the Current Topic club. There arc nearly 400 teachers ! thc schools and the Interest that was taken In the meeting Wednesday' afternoon leads time superlntendenl to conclude that more frrqucnt meetngs would be attondcd with equal pr fit. Time teachers generaly favor the idea and several good speakers are already In view who have promised to address the teaelers at one or more of their S meetlmmgs. ANOTHER ICE HOUSE FIRE. Danlnge 1.lght , Hcnchlu 011Y 1 Few ifundroci . HUldrod Dolliura. 'Yesterday morning an alarm of fre'was sent In from the Union Pacific car shops Time fro was first notced In the south end of the roof of the Ice , llouse and gradually It spread along , the whole roof , but wascon- fined to thisllpdrtkin ' of the' bUlllng" . The house was entirely filled with Ice , and "but very little of this was damaged Time , sides of . the buiding were not Immjured but the roof , and the upper rafters Were almost completely - pletely destroyed. The loss Is In the neighborhood - borhood of $600. 'he origin of the fire Is not known. The Union Pacific Fire company was time first to respond to the cal , but the streams that were laId did not reach more than fit- teen feet and were Dot more than an Inch In 'diameter. After the streams of the city departmenl were laid time force from them was no greater , and II was only alter they had been connected with an engIne that the fire could be reached. e Even Hal Dozen Wivo' J. A. Walters , the veteran soldier who suicded In this city several days ago , seems to have been a man wih many wives I was reported that he had one In Denver : that he attempted to kill one here when ho sui- elled , and now there Is Information that ho had two In Pennsylvania , one al York and still another nl Harrisburg. lie was In the flitter city a few days before he cme to this city and at that time a constable from York was looking for hIm with : warrant sworn out by hIs York wife , charging him with bigamy The Harrisburg Mrs. Walters Informed - formed the constable that Walters had de- dared In her presence that he would never be taken alive and displayed r knife and revolver - volver to back up hIs assertion. . The elite of smokers swear by King ' Herr- manmi - - n.drn Ire , , ' Shors Tomorrm" Bargains for the ladles . Closing out the Cook shoes cheap. Geol shoes were never sold to Ch0 [ Ieall the prices antI come to Haylen's tomorrow for shoes , i4athies' fine $ ,50 and $2,00 Oxford ties , SOc ; sizes , 2,4 to 4. Ladles' fine $3.50 hanl.turned patent vamp shoes , $ ,76. Ldles' fine $4.00 10ngoll patent tip button ihi2s , $1.93 , all sizes , square anti opera tips , C , D and B wlths , I.adles' fine SOc oyergalers , 28e. Misses' $1,50 school shoes , 98c ; sIzes , 13 to 2. to Children's 12. $1.25 school hoes , 1lo ; sizes , ! Boys' $1.S0 lace shoes , 08e : sizes , 2 10 6. Men's phees from the Cool C tllng Co. are going chenper than ever. OSo buys a $2.00 pair of tmicn's shoes from time Cook stock. Men's oil groin lace 811013 , $1.00 ; C. C. C. got $2.30. Men's Cordovan shoes , $1.75 ; sold by C. C. Co. at $3,50. Men's fine hanl welt kangaroo slices , $3.00 ; sold bye , e. Co. at 650. $ $6,50.IA YDEN 131105. , Shoo Snle. - GEORGE A. BENNETT DEAD 1 , 'ShcrII l'a"1t'Ir nt His Residence ' . , , , \ , . \'l'.lertny \tCrnUUI. After an Incss of several weeks , at 2 o'elccle yesterday afternoon , slrrountell I ) ' friends and relatives , ex.Sherlf George A. Bennett died at his resldenco , no North \\'enty.slxth street , In this city , Some months ago : Ir. 1ennett contracted a wry severe cold , which later on developed Into lung trouble I rom this affliction Mr. Bennett pnrtaly recovered nml wClt to hot Springs , Arle. , hoping that time change would fully restore hIs health. Whie thee I he was taleen town with liver trouble , and 10t fnding an ) ' relict ho returned home ant gave nl nil h011 of recover ) From the tmo of his retum'mm unt his death he fnlld very rn 1111 y. 'hree weeks ago he was compeled to go to his bcd Time funeral wi he held from the fnmly reslo' : co rcxt Tu s 'ny aft rnoon at 2 o'c ' ock. The Interrment will be at Forest Lawl cemetery . ) Time ( aml ) ' let to mourn the death of George A. Bennett consIsts of a wife . his parents and several brothers. George A. Bennett was horn at Wolfe Islnnd , Ont. , January 21 , 185G His earlier education was obtained at that place , where his parents lived until he was 16. The fatally then moved to lruxton , Omit , and about n year after Gcorge let home nnd went to Pl'mnouitlm , Mich. , where he remalnell for four years . during which he fnished learning time horseshoer's trade. He came to Omaha In 1818 , and wih the exceptol of n few months sient In Lincoln soon after . he hnll been a citzen of this city ever since. lie worked at his trade ns a joure'man unti 1883 , when he went Into business on his own nccoummt. and let It when he was elected sheriff ! _ the fall of 181 ! Slnl'lled elms Itlotlior's I'aco. Yesterday at 1 o'elocle Irs. JosephIne Wilson , living at ! 3 North Twentr-thlrd 'street , aroo and found that there was neither fire In time stove nor kindling wool wherewith to Itart it. She went to her son's roam , aroused him from his sweet slumbers and ordered him to husto out , get somc wood and start time fire. But Waler Donnely , that Is his name , was not built that war. lie was 21 year old and was his own muaster lie didn't want to get any wood and he said so. His mother was somewhat urgent and to quIet her he arose and slapped her { ace. Irs. Wilson had him arrested and Judge Derka sent him 10 the county jai for fifteen days. The parties arc colored. , SAIl'it JUIHH1T ALUOfJr.l1. UrlUlnnt SIICCt\co Seen In the Sky by l'co- plo or flIO , Nc\ ' . RENO , Nev. , March 2.-At 5:48 : this morn- lag an Immense aerole shot out of the north- er heavens and , 'ernlngly passed over the tawn. I exploded wih terrlfo force , shaking the btmIldngs amid waIting people. Those who saw II describe It as a magnificent sight lighting up the heavens amid earth In all directions. I was accompanied by' a rushlns , whirring noise like a tornado. People on the street involuntarily dodged I was probably a great distance away , as the explosion was not heard for about 1\0 \ minutes after It had disappeared. . Eooklnl Toward 1\ Now City . J.iIt. There was a special session ot the city passing the February salary orllnaneo and attending , to one or two routne matters . The comptroller was Instructed by resolution to advertise for bids for quarters for the city jai for two years beginning April 15. The advertsement will specify thnt time proposals shall be for two years giving the city the prIvilege of terminating the contract In one year If It wisim or extending It fen .n addi- tonal year nt its discretion . A rlsoluton directing the comptroller to advertise for bids for supplying 2,600 dog tags was referred - ferred _ ' , hull' Tried to U o IIHI J.nnJLntf. STROUGHTON , Mass . Mardi 2.-ln the district court here Judge Dush Morse was arr.lgnel on the complaint of F. W. Marslmahi . editor of the Sharon Enterprise , charged with using profane language In a public con- veyalce and Iolatng the town by. laws. The case which was tried In time defendnnt's own court by JUdge Humphrey , created considerable - sllerable Interest and the court room was crowded. After a hearIng lastng several hours the defendant was dIscharged. - . JMr , & , , Just think of it. ' ΒΌ - Five . . . 'Li ' : L. , - I Dollars. I't I' t down payment , and $5 monthly , S , . you can buy IL strictly high. ' - - -1 grade , made ' gralo organ hy . 7 . Kimball , . Wilcox& White -Ol- i Mason & Hamln I ' : , t , : ' 6-f. , C-In. hlh , 3 mirrors , , - 1 stops , oak or walnut , only $76 ' , . , , ' - + Walnut case , high top , 1 ' , I f - stops , ilmie tone and actiomm ' ic _ I was $25 , lne now' . . . . . . . acton . . , . $ G , , 3' , . - . 1fh ; top , walnut case fine . ' ' . a' tone , was sold at $100 , now $ :1 : ' ' . , , , S ' . 1. ' . _ , ' ' ' 'alnut tone , worth case i8. hlHh miow. top . . . lne . . . $ I They are golnS fgst-thme prices sell them and no wonder for they are the finest goods In the world Call at once or address A Hos-e : ! Jr 1513 Douglas Street - . i. I l , OI\UA. NEB , , . have you soon the lnost bicycles made this ycnl' ? Time "Vlctol' and Impel'ul ! , , v1 _ , , - _ . : . - _ 1mm. Sole tim' f MotmarchmsVo d flt'et-olnss ' ' . Sumplcs now 11. fgontl JI' ) 11'dt'ClI'Op:1I'III. : - : - OMAHA BICYCLE CO. , - : - ED. T. IEY.EN. ? Itsuagor. 33 NJrtl Hi I 5.rct Ihuula , . , Plocc , 1665. , _ _ _ _ - - - . - - - . N. U. S'mulconer. . . J'IICOI r. On : Monday morning , place on solo a magnificent assortment of new goods , con- slstng of linens of all kinds I , lallcs' waists , underwear , laces , wash goods , spl(11hl as- sortment of black goods all silks , etc. , etc. Theo goods are nil new , the very latest styles , amid goods are now so cheap that they are nt least 50 per cent better value than old goods , besides being fresh anti new. Como on Iolllay : see the beautiful IIplny. N B. PA LCO : Et o YOUNG CHRISTIAN LADIES "orlc Which Is I lieh.mg . "ceoml.l hed 'L'Iirougiu 'I'iiiIr ' 'Tutt" . Preparations for time War Song concert go lerrly cmi . amid the commitee In charge Is sngulno of success , The requcst for as- slstanco ha'o met with realy response oml I time 'nmIiitnry" will bo strongly In evhlence. Time regulnr troops , Omaha guards , Thurston rifles and Fort Omnha bnli all have prom- hOI to tallo part Prof 'orrens has ful chnrge of the music ali Is Irllng time choruses Time various quarlets will appear amid time soloists Jules Lumbarl , amid Mary Nyc arc to be Time con\nlteo Is especially fortunate In securing Mr l umbnrl , for hIs name Is inseparably . sellrably Inkel with man ) ' of [ the war songs , anti especially the "hattie Cry of ) I'reedom , " for It was his mngnlfcent voice that IntrOlucel1 It to the world some thirty years ago , 'he opera house Ims been secured for one night , TlmtmrdnyIttrchm 1 , amid efforts arc being , made to engage It also for the follow- lag night Prices wl be as usual , the proceeds to be divided between the Associated association Charities and . time Young Women's Christan The eally ] pull last Monday nlghb \\'I n success In every respect . For enterlaln- ment Mrs. Isenhnrt and Mrs. Wettlng 1111)'el a mhtmet also two of Mrs. Sweeney's iupils. Miss Mary Knlghl gave two read- Ings and Mrs. Matheson , who cnmo simply to look on , read two .humorous selections . I was very enjoyable ali was votcl one of the lost pleasant events of time season. The Iancallo party on Tuesday ovenlng was a very enjoyable affair . The luch neede" rain prevented many from attending , but notwlhstallng this nil who came emm- joyed the rlfreshments , which were served by ladles In colonial costumes Gospel services , Sunday afternoon nl 4 o'clock , leader . Miss l'fremmmmmmer. 'fho subject . ject for consideraton will be found In lnle Iv : 2G-29 verses. All arc welcommie The meetngs are growing In Interest. Mondny , March 4 , al S p. m. , tall by Dr. Lanlton on limo "Gospel of Health. " Oood music has been lu'ovlded and I promises to bo n very Instructive talk. 'Cho French class under the direction of Pror. Chatelain closed time first term lat Friday nIght. The second term will begin next Friday evening , March 8. at 8 o'cloel Anyone wishing to join can do so by lea\- Ing their name at the assocaton rooms ho- fore that timmic. tme. . 1'01 unit 'VI8 : crhnnly hnjtmred. Friday afternoon the 13-months-oM boy of W. J. Scott . living al 293 Dodge street , was quite erlously injured. Time little one was plalng on the third floor of time imouse' , al the he,1 of the etlrs. A gate had been placed across the stairs and It was thought that he was safe. But the ehUd mnnnged to press himself through the posts of a railng alongside the gate and fell down cn the stairs below , striking his heat ant roiling down to the foot. No bones were broken , but I Is feared thaI the little one suffered concussion of the bral , . ere - Crusimcd Jrnclth mu " "tOI " 'iiocl Bum'ko Western Union telegraph Fred DUllc a 'ester telegrph messenger , was rIdIng emi his wheel yesterday afternoon , and In passing the alley near the compn"s ' building on Thirteenth street , he struck a wagon , was thrown oil and his foot crushed. He was taken ! to his homo at Twenty-second and California streets. S LOCAL JJIWVLTJES. . - - The Building Trades council Is making an effort , wlh good prospects of success toward having union labor exclusively employed In the construction of the new theater building at Fleenth and Harney streets In accordance with a recent resolution of time lord of Education , all telephones have been ordered removed from the Public school blldings wlh thc exceptons of those at the Walnut Hi , Saratoga , Leavenworth and Pacific scimool The salary roil for February shows a contracton of $200 from the figures of time previous month ns evltence of the efforts - c- I forts or tht board at retrencimnient. - FARMERS FEELING - nOl.FUL. Returning tl the State and Preparing : for . Great Cr01 , > Year. Though only 1 few Inches of rain tel " throughout Nebraska Monday anti Tuesla ) ' ' people living In these sections of the statd In which a protracted couth has prevalct are encouraged to a remnrknblo degree , Thl . Is better illustrated by the tone ot time con- \rsnton at limo unIon depot among th passengers foam the western counties of tho. state than In any other manner nt present , Oflicer 1'lemlng nt the depot hula n splel111 opportunity to secure Informaton along thll line. Wetlmmestlay's trains from other Points brough several hundred \eoll1e to the depot enrouto to limo western part of time state , nn of whom were prepared to take Ith'antngo or time hcnvy rains to 1'lnee their grouII In conliton for grain , Mammy of them hM left their farms until rain shoull fall amid others hnll gone to points In ' Iowa , : luourl anti 1lnols unl time severe winter was over. On . all sides . were hearth remnrks about whnt wns expected to be nccOml18hell In limo way of rnlslng a bIg crop this year. Amen , those waiting nt the depot for their train was J. J. lnrs of Polk county lie has . been a farmer In that locality for years anti prmlnent In ngrlculural arnlr" . Talking ems the subject of crops In time state , prospects , etc. , Mr. hays Mil : "There arc few fnrms In Polk county that will not be occupied this j year. All talk about lalli net beimig In dc- ' mnnd'ln that II ammy other fnrln section or Nebraska Is fooiisimmmess. Seine 11eoilio have left , hut others have taken their places , atH1 In Pole county a new fnrmer has cOle for every ono who has gone They are not scred by the tlrotmtim. "The cOIIIton of the winter grin Is ro- matllably Koed , Whie lIthe snow IIB fallen , the wenther was such that It nil remalnCl In time groUhn , and In thl manner the roots of the plnnt hn\'e ben veil imrotectetl. Sllec time war\ weather hns arrived I hnve examlnell several flltis ali fnd the plant strommg and Ilealhy In every Instnnce. Every particle of molsturo of the pnst few days has been absorbed and now the gromHI Is In excelent condition al- most all over the state. 'fhe prospects are for the most prosperous year In the history of the atmite I sa ) ' this bocluso there nrl ) Indicatons cOlmonly accepted by flrmers that there will be nn IbUII/nce of molstur& this year In Nebrslm amid this Is all time as- surance the farmuiers of this stale require. "Since the mllR the price of fnrm land hna advanced matlrlnlr nml the rents arc corre- spGrdlngl ) higher , but there Is 111enty of good humid In lolt count ) . to be had emi reasonablG terms . b ) good renters , but I not rented It wi be 111anted to crops by the owmiers. . " tmurmImme l.'e'mi'es . The following ! Ilrrlage lcenses wcro 1- suel yesterday : Name nnd AI1lress. Age. Erik Larson . Ialmo , Neb. . . . . . . . . . . . . G \'elhlmlnl Larson , Omnhn. . . . . . . . . 2 Andrew C. Larsen Omimahma. . . . . . . . . . . . Susie M. Grabi , Omh.2 Ilnrleh P. lnlge , Gimore , Nob. . . . . . . 21 Johann Oltmann , Glimuom'e , Neb. . . . . . . 2 DIED. Y\YAnD-Infant dluJhter of : fr. anti Mrs. C. S. llaywam'mi , 1213 South 31st st. . died Fehrnry 28. 189 , aRet 1 day . HESS-EII A. aged 21 years I months , be- loved wife of Frnle N. Hess , March 1. 1895. Funeral from residemice 1813 North 3Hh at , Sundar afternoon , at 2 o'clock Interment ut l'orest Lawmm rlends In- \1 ted. nOCKAFIEIJD-Jonathan Mardi 2. at 1 t a. m" , aged G : years. I. unerl from resi- dence. sua SJuth Eghteenth street. Mon- day , Mnrch 4 , nt 2 I m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Da.ton , 0" , and Laport , Inl" , papers please copy. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ( 0ln8 I10wors 00 Oi StrIke . HARTFORD CITY Ind. . March 1.-Tha refusal ot limo Sneath Oas works to pay union wages to blowers resulted In a strika by 250 men. \ ' BARGAINS. . FLOflIDAWATERTImIs Is the finest nr- tlcme nmade , by nastman : : & Co. , formcrl ' selling mnleby It . now. lnslm:1 . . . . . . . formerb.35 . . . . . i'EiiFUaIE-Ao sorlmcnl of elgimteen D eghtce high gm'atlo odors . formcrly sold al OOc . now . . Irle . . . . olols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . 19c S SOAI'-incmumllmmg butter milk , ahycemine , transparent glycerine , Gerlamiola timid otimers high grade tenet soams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 BOX ' ' ' ' . PAI'ER-Inciudlmig Iiurd' , W'timting'.15 un&l otimer line papers fur society. Cormo. seondence. Formnethy soiti at Sic to SOc ; mmow Box. Snow , Lund & Co. , S. E. Cor. 16th muid Faruarn , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . ? IW 9W5 229 fIi _ ' Kitchen Ti ; : Necessities 7 Wimere quality and economn . join imanmis there you will find a . - - - - ' : true value that is wortimy your attention. 'rimeso words tell time . ---I-5'.L. wlmoio secret of our endeavors , . . _ Look over time followimmg great ' bargains for Mommthay's sale : , ' . j'L _ . _ : : , I'aper Pails s'omtIi 2c at lie , . Tub. , 3 hoops , as'omLi : The at Sic , ) l'em'frctlomm W'mlngermm , Womlim 3 , at . . - - . , - . . sm.ss. - . - . ' - mmmcmi ] Iiimmdies wortim lc at IC , - - - - Nickel plated Flat Irons. 2'4c ' piuni , - - - Carpet Siveepors tt'om tim * 2A0 at U,43. Tca liottics , ntckelc'i mmml copper bottom wertim Sm , at fZie. ' Fr I'113 iftem ) L'auidr , 5-foam , rae. 9 camtcetit ; Goods delivered promptly to all parts of time city , Baby Iimmggles anml Bicycles- I Stoi- : , up.to.dato to-date Imrices styles , mit domm- I 1 1 1) P1IhLtih1 . rmwwrn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs. J. BENSON. - Now Stamped Liiiona iii ! I I i ! J . I entirely now designs. , Now Dm'npory Silke in ' 'S , , , , , ' " , dosiglis ' S , ' , , Now Spring Jackot. for , r Chaildron , , , , 5 ' , Now Shirt Waists. , S , , , Now Infants' wear , Now Kid Gloves - in- c1ucUn blue and green , Now Ribbomis in all widthu and shades. beautiful. Now Embroideries , very I New Laoos of all kinde , Now Embroidered Chiffon , Now Vandyke Point Colhrs. Now Paseomontrico , - New Goods for o.ir Summer Counter. - _ _ _ _ _ - - - = - # _ . . , . . , ' _ ' _ _ " _ _ _ _ ' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' - - -