Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1895, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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QuclIlIon of Paying - "Oustodlnn" Causes !
? an Uproar in the lome ,
- -
Ilnorl , nrport HCrOlmIICIIJ , Its TI-
ilefinlic I'o tlllrnl'nt YolNI UO\I ly
R Jlg : I"Jorlt-Honth. % I"Uers :
Atelded to I" JCI1er
- LNCoN , March 2.-Speclal.-The ( )
house employe volcano wal ngaln In al
eruptve stage this mornIng. A great deal
of bad blood wns engehlerrll during the lIe-
bate and over the rtult , The trouble orlg. , ,
Inntell over 1 resolution whIch Thomas askec
ulnnlmous consent , to Introduce and han 1m.
_ mediate action tIIOn. When It was read by
the clerk It Ilevelopell ( ( that J. E. Cook , ni old
t soldIer , who has ) ! becn acting ns custodian ,
desired to be placed on the pay 10\ tram
January 1. I 1805 , and continued In luch ser- ,
vice during the rest of the session. This '
waR the substance of Thomas' resolution.
- There are two stories In regfl to the mata -
a ter and there Is quite n variance between
; the statements of Speaker Wchards and Mr.
i _ _ Cook. Cook says , and this position Is sub-
stanlatCI by Secretary of State Piper , that
tim later appointed him nt the openIng of
the session , subject 10 the future action of
the house. lIe says that ho applied to the
speaker and was tel that he might , 1)05-
_ _ _ _ _ slbly , not appoint any one else to the pos- !
tion. Upon this basis he had remained insole
solo charge of the room , and had done nil
the work.
Speaker Richards Says that when Cool
nppled ! to him he distinctly told him that
. .u _ _ . . , Ilslncty
Lie WOUI not nplIOlnl nun , und that he could
not reconlze his claim In any particular.
Upon this point the question vent to the
house and thc resolution was carried by n
vote of 4 : to 33. Burch was In thc speaker's
chair , nli the speaker was on thc floor opposing -
posing with all the Impassioned eloquence at
hIs command the resolution. Durch made
the pecular ruling that he should hold that
the resoluton ! was 1 motion to reconsider ,
reqnlrlng a two-thirds majority of all voting .
und was , consequently , lost. In time m\sl
of considerable disorder the house adjourned.
The old soldier clement nre very Indlg-
nnnt. They say that the end Is not yet , but
that the man who hns worlll faithfully for
the state through two months and has never
been ordered away shal be Paid In full for
such servIce.
When , during time reports of standing com-
mitees , house roll No 490 was reached thc
bill to locate the state fair permanently It
Lincolil was before the mombers. The measure -
uro was 'Introduced by Lamborn of fled Wi-
low. There were two reports , majority and
minority , from the committee on ngrcul-
ture. The minority report was signEd by
Chnco of Stanton , who recommended In-
donnlo postponem Time majority favored
" time general file when It could be discussed
In commitee of the whole. Sutton and
Johnston of Douglas and Chnce made strong
arguments In favor of the minorIty report.
The mlhorlty report was voted down but
the vote Is by no means 1 test of strength
; In the hOlse , but simple courtesy to the com-
mItee on agriculture. A majority of those
: Voting against the report of Chace say they
' only deslro to have the measure discussed
In commIttee of lhn wholo. Therefore they
'I voted to place the bill on general me.
House roil No. 494 was ordered to the
general mo this morning. This Is the meas-
ire appropriating $80.000 to complete the
library building for the state university.
Colo's bill , house roll No. 370 , appropriating
$20,000 for the Stratton Home for Aged
Women also landed on the general file ,
mainly through the efforts of Cramb who
made quite nn extended speech In Its favor.
Aside from the two head clerks In the
house engrossing . and enrolling room there
Ire eight Dr .ter : others , alleged assistants .
who have pract ally , nothing to do. Time
man who 1 few years ago did the work
alone Is now nn employo of the house In
another capacity , but he claims that the
way bills have been passed so far In time
session ho could have completed , single
banded , all work which this dozen or so
employes have been engaged upon. This
means , at least , an unnecessary expense to
time state of $30 a day , or $1.200 for the forty
days of the sessIon expired.
Jenkins of Thayer this morning moved n
resolution accepting time government's ap-
propriaton of $19,312 , direct tax , refunded
to the state ns communicated to the house
by Governor Holcomb Thursday last.
The speaker read a telegram from Superin-
tendent Malnleu of the Kearey Industrial
school thanking the members for their
thnnltng member reso-
luton of sympathy In .the bereavement of
the loss of his wIfe. Resolutions were also
' adopted thanking the Lincoln Commercial
club for time brilliant reception to the members -
bers of time legislature tendered last oven-
The following measures were recommended
for passage :
house roll No. 617 , relating to the development -
Telopment of coal mines.
House roll No. 498 , provIding - for voting
bonds to aid the sugar beet Industry.
house roll No. 69. providing for G per
Cent Interest on county wnrrants.
. House roll No. 512 , providing for nppro-
. prlaton at surplus funds In county treasur-
les to purchase seed grin for the destitute.
house roll No. 6GI , authorizIng township
boards to purchase seed grain.
house roil No. & 19 , appropriating $2,000
for shelvIng for the state library.
house roll No. 492 , appropriatIng $200 for
:4 I card catalogue for time state library.
house roll No. 179 , provIding for an ap-
proprlation of $15,000 for additional buildings -
Ings for the Asylum for the Insane nt Nor-
folk.10use roll No. 394 , relating to time elec-
ton of supreme JUdges and regents of the
House roll No. G6 , providing for township
organization and to divide counties .
The following measures were ordered to
the general me :
house roll No. 404 , appropriating , $80,00
for completing unfinished buildings nt the
State ummiversity.
house roil No 6G3 , providing for the In-
Ipecton of honey bees.
House roll No. 500 , provIding for protec-
tion from prairie fires.
House roll No. 479 , relating to the vacation
ot lands for Ilblc rands.
House roll No. 507 , relating to the location
of county vents.
Time following were recommended for indefinite _
definite Ilostponement : House rolls Nos. 97 ,
888 , 26G , 396 : , 426 , 49 , 61.
When house roll No 490 was renched the
committee submitted a majority and minorIty .
Ity report. The Anajorlty report recommended -
mended that the measure , Lamborim's bill to
locate the state fair permanently In the city
: ot Lincoln , bo ordered to the general me.
The folowing Is time minority report :
Mr. Speaker : I the undersIgned member
of your commitee on mmgriculture , have
had house roll No. 40 under torsideration .
"A 11 for nn Act to Amend raton.
Chnllel' Ix of the Consolidated Slntutel of
the State of Nebruslc. " and would bsg
lel\e to submit the following minority J
Port : That whereas time state has vested
the mnnimagetnent . control and location of time
state fair In the State Hoard at Agriculture ,
ant that , exercising that duty and privilege ,
the board has entered Into 1 contract with
01nl1 Ilrtes for the necessary imuIkiings
and grounds for the holding of time state
fair ut that 1lnce for time next live years
anti . that sull parties ha\e already expended
large sums ot mOI y In fulilng time conditions .
dltons of this contract . IUd that this leg-
Islature cannot legally 1 set ushe ! a contract
male , hr the State . hoard of Agriculture
with full authority of law mind in Arlculure
In,1 that the II\sme of this act vauI4 not
be honorble , fair or Just , anti would brlmmg
about a series of Itgatonl that would !
very detrlmentnl to the Slate Hoard ot Agri.
culture and the Hat ! fair. I would therefore -
recomumneud that this bill be
fore rccolunend bi indefinitely
postponed. Cl.\U.I S 1. CnAC
Upon the adoptIon at time minoriy report
the yeas and non were demanded with the
folowIng result :
Allan . Davie , , Orion
lijc3im . " Frits itlelmanison ,
1oCI. "
1elllct , larl" . IUehnl"1n
Ilera , llonfl . SUIOI
1urke , howard . (1)ougimjs ( ) ,
Citace JCII I. Tl1me.
Chapman , JtmnmmtonVmbem'21. , .
Crow , tUuu"lns ( ) .
Ashley , . ( luthrte . I'ohhmnan ,
11orry , lalrr\t , Jemlnton ,
! !
. liCk. HaIler , Ittmodea ,
, . . . ,
lire . Inrl" " . not rt""n ,
Ilnl'r ' , harris . Hoblnln ,
ilroekmnn . hurlon , itoidy ,
In111nw , Jlk , Hou e.
Ir'llCl JIIln , ; t/ol
Ilm.l I , Jenllnp H/llekctl ntz ,
Uurn . , Jomies . Iokrman ,
( L.nneaier l ) . Jui.1 Inckrln. <
( lln ? , Xaup . f1encir , ,
lnfl.fI ( ' , Jltnhom. Ruter ,
C"rl.'n. I.nnlhor t. SUlon
Cam'ier , Icl'adlcfl , l'II'nfc ( ) ,
( " .If. McNit , Thomni. .
Cnna\R ) ' , 1c\'lcker. \'nn Ilouren .
Cooley , Merrick , Vnlt . .
Cranib . M'es. \\.nrt ,
Dmnupe ) , MI"/ Wleter ,
1ly : , MUnet . 7lnk ( JohMun )
( lear . I'clklnl. Mr. b'I.eaker-63.
Urlfth ,
Absent or not voting , tiecher , hums
( Dodge ) , Delancy , Hinds , hull , Johnston ( Nt- ,
maims ) , Inthon , McBride , Moelmnan , flick-
ets , flotlmlcutner . Shook , Smih , Zlnk ( Sher-
Inan-II. )
'rhe folowing rclutnn9 were reported , by
the committee and allopted : TenderIng
thanlcs to the railways of the state for theIr !
generosity In t1ls\ortng supplies : endorsing '
the acton of congress In making the 2211 or :
I'ehruar a legal holhlny : to consider house
roll No. 310 : , relating to irrigation , and In-
definitely postponed
Thomas asked unanimous consent to Intra.
duce a resolution to place J. . . Cook , an old
soldier , who has been actng In the capacity
ot clstoilan of the toilet room , UIOI the pay
roll from time 1t of January , iSbS. The vote
on the resolution was 42 to 33 In its favor
but Burrh , 11 the speker's chair , announced
that ho shull consider the resolution a mo-
ton to reconsider , anti thnt as two-thirds of
thos3'otng had not recorded their votes In
its favor : the moton was heat.
The house then adjourncd until 10 n. m
Manta ) ' . .
The senate held merely an Informal session -
sion this lorenoon. Nearly hal the senators -
tors were absent , amid after disposing of
three or four bills In committee of time whole
an adjournlHlt was taken until Monday
afternoon at 2 o'cock. The committee to
which was referred the appointment of Dr.
Abbott to be suporlntendent ot State las-
plnl for the Insane at Lincoln diLl not prc-
sent its report , owing to time absence of so
many of the membcrs of time sennte.
FVNlI.\ ' 'I : iAi.LALLiU :
hlllu hut I mmmprcRIsot'crcImmuImles Conducted
nt thn 10mn I I 111 nt Ila ' : ii u reim.
KEAINEY , Mardi 2.-Speelal.-The ( ) last
sad rites over the remains of the late 'rs.
Alice S. Malaleu , wife or Superintendent J.
T. Malalen , were helll yesterday afternoon.
A service for thc ofcere , employes and boys
at the Industrial school was held In time Nheol
chapel nl 1 o'clock , conducted by Re\ Dr.
Martin , and there was scarcely a dry eye
among the many boys assembled as they
thought of her who , to many of them had
been the best mother and dearest frIend
they had ever known on earth Dr. Martin
paid a beautiful and pathetic tribute to the
n emory at the departed , and spoke of her
departure as 1 breakIng of the family
cIrcle. In the home she was a queen and In
the schoOl lho conquered like the sun , not
like a storm.
The services for the public were held nt
the Baptist church and were conducted by
Hev. Dr. Askin. lie took his remarks from
time scrhlture found In I CorinthIans xv 20 ,
but It was difficult for hIm to speak without
breaking down. In speaking of her life work
he said : "The girLs now It Geneva who were
under her carl receivEd the advice or a
mother until they almost felt that she gave
them the motherly love they so much needed ,
and many have gone out 10 purer , happier
lives because of her care all sympathy. She
watched the boys , too , and by many an nct.
a hand on the shoulder here a word of advice
there became to them the mother they
should have had to guide them. "
The flower decorations . both nt the school
and the church , were profuse and beautul
Tangier temple , A. A. O. N. M. S. , of Omaha
contributed 1 large pIllow of whie roses
with a red selmetar ; Mt. lebron commandery
of Kenrny sent In a beautiful cress and
crown ; Superintendent and Mrs. McKe1'e ) '
of Geneva and Dr. and Mrs. Johnson of
Hastngs , a pleat ros ; the state ofcials
an1 Board of Public Lands and Buildings ,
through Major McArthur , made 1 large and
beautiful offering ; the on1cers of the In-
du&trlal school donated nn emblematic designer
DC the "Gates Ajar ; " the Buffalo club of
Kearney contrIbuted a basket of roses , and
many frIends In Omaha and Lincoln sent other
beautiful oferIngs , as wel as frIends In this
The funeral wae.ln charge of the Knights
Templar of thIs city , and Sir Knights J. D.
Hawthore , S. M. Nevius Henry Gibbons ,
D. H. Goel , D. D. Smith and Norris Drown _
sered a pallbearers. The remains were
escorted tram the scheol and to the cemetery -
tory by a company of Industrial/ school boys ,
and a detail or six boys was delegated to
serve nD a guard ot honor.
Mrs. Malnluo was born In LaPorte , nd .
July 8. 1858 ; was marrIed to Prof. J. T.
lalaleu September 11 , 1876 , and had lived
In Kearney for sIxteen ears. She leaves n
son . Thomas . and tvo daughters lamle
and Bessie to mourn a mother's loss. Her
deeds . however , will live after her , and the
goo she accomplished will reach to the end
of Iliac. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.nlrbar J'arty Thrown from a carriage
with I'robnbl" "ltll 1.8uI8.
STJELE CITY , Neb. , March 2.-Speclal (
Telegram.-Thls ) afternoon as Mr. Knight
of Falrbury was driving to this place , when
ho was about three miles north of town , hIs
team became frightened at the railroad track ,
nnd , wheeling , suddenly plunged down an
embanlment. Time rIg wa upset and the occupants -
cupants thrown out. Knight I serIously In-
jnred Internally , and It Is fearel . fatally. ills
daughter , Mrs. Doss of Fairbury was ler-
rlbly cut and bruJCl about the head and fnco.
11cr son es : aped wth alight Injuries. Gertrude -
trude , daughter of G. D. Lewis of Falrbur ,
had anD ann broken and Is otherwise badly
bruised _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Uol Conlty JerCIUS fecil 10Id. , .
O'NEILL , Neb. , March 2.-Speclnl ( Tele-
gram.-The ) proposlon to bond the county for
$60.000 to purchase seed graIn and feed
which was voted upon at 1 special eleeton
held yesterday , was defeated by a vote of G
to 1. The proposition carried In only four
precinct In the county Although n majority
at the farmers In the county have no seed ,
they prefr to secure t through SOme other
source than to bond the county One of the
greatest objections that was made to the bill
was that the farmers wouh have to pay the
seed notes In one year. The propolton made
by time ChIcago hoard of Trade to furnish
seed will probably be accepted by some , I no
: other proposition Is offered.
" 'mIJpcotet , or UlllrOrc..lollll'oU"lct.
BEATRICE , Neb. , March -Speclnl ( Tele-
gram.-A ) peculiar case comes up from Lib-
erty. John Heed was arrested upon a charge
at burglary. Attorney Richards appeared for
time accuse" before 1 jnstce at time peace , de-
mandCI n Jury , nnd the defendant was trIed ,
found guilty and Eentencell to pay a fine at
$0 and go to Jai for thirty days. RIchards
then brought the case to the distrIct court
upon error , and got his client discharged
Judge Bush being convince that all was not
right , has cited time attorneys and justices to
appear In court Monday to ascertain whether
or not the conduct of Ichnrds does not lay
hIm liable to diebarrnemmt Attorneys Mur-
IlhY. Hnaker and lardy were nppolnte ns :
an Investigating comumomittee . I
Ie , ' " ' 10".ceIIS I imicmmgo' . l'ropoiittnam' , I
M'COOt , Neb. , March 2.-Speelal ( Tell-
grnm.-A ) county organization was formed
here last night for time Purllose of accepting
the propolHon of time Chicago Herd of Trade
to furnish sed for the coining season , with
the following officers : V. I"r.nldln. pres-
Ident : JV. . Dolan , vice peldenl ; C. F.
Babcock secretary , and W. F " Lawson of the
1.'lr-t Nattnal bani' , treasurer. The execu.
live committee Is COl posed of the 6C\'en
banks of the county , and will look after time
dlltrlbuton and the securl ) I. 1. Easter.
day was lent by the commItee dIrect to
Chicago to complete the arramigenments .
l'crkll , l'r" ' llrNs Arm ( la' ) ,
ELSIE , Neb" , March 2.-SII ( clal.-The )
flue rain has Ilut the ground 11 I fine condiion ,
and the farmers are anxiously waiting for !
seed , so that they lay go 10 work The !
pNlpects Ire bright that Perkins county will
thins season produce a largr crop than she
ever has before ,
Will Bo Confined to HIS home the Granter
Part of the Week ,
I'ceuhior . Cl e or Mental Aberration . from
" .llch n State Unl\r.I ) l.ndy Stllcnt
18 bll'rhll-'Icll" , '
111'h l'tmzslei
LINCOLN , March 2.--Speclal.-Go\'ernor ( )
Holcomb Is still confined to the house , sit ! .
ferlng from what 11romlscs to bo rather a
serious attack ut the grip. This morning I
he was up amid around the house but Is re-
portell thIs evening as not so well. Prlvnto I .
Secretary Mnrat says that It Is possible ho
may remain In doors durIng the greater portion -
ton or next week.
The banlrnl board has taken possession
of time State ball ( of 1.lchnel , at hitch-
field , Sherman cOlty , The capital stock
Is $13.000 , and deposits $6,000. Today Dank
Exaliner J. A. Clno was appointed tem- ,
pornry receiver , and left for that cl ) ' , A.
T. Nichols was cashier nml A. Iansgnn
President 'ho fnlhlro at this bank recalls
the circumstances of some three months
slnco , reported In the local press at time
time , of 1 man name,1 Nichols passing soy-
oral counterfeit Jlver dollars on n Lincoln
saloon keeper. I Is alleged by certain parties .
ties In time city that I was the sam Nichols
who passed time "queer , " and who was nt
the limo cashier of the hanlc. Time titan
was , It Is stated , arrested , but time case was
adjusted In some way , ama ! ho returned to
Lttcimllold . Gencrnl mlsmanagcmcnt Is said
ttmave bern the '
_ cause of time bank's prcsent
m 1 cu I )
Secretary Ludden of the relief commis-
sIon this nferoon received a telegram from
President Nason who Is with the commitee
which left Thursdny to lay the conditon of
Nebraska's destitute before time boards of
trade of St. Louis and Chlcngo. The tela-
gram was dated nt n poInt In Iowa. I
slated that time commlttce hnd had excelent
success at St. Louis , amid expected to reach
Chicago tonIght.
ConsIderable Interest Is being manifested
by Lincoln citizens In time approaching trIal
of George W. Davis , the colored mail ac-
cused of wrecking the Hocl Island train
last summer and causing the loss of eleven
lives. Davis will be placed In the prlsoner's
dock Momiday Time case promIses to bo the
most absorbing of any called In the crIminal
court of Lancaster county this year On
strong circumstantial evidence the prIsoner
15 chargell with wrecking the train on Au-
gust 9 last Ho has told conflicting stories
as to hIs whereabouts on the date at time
wreck and as to his movements on that
dny. Already the state has endorsed on the
Intormuton time nnmes of seventy witnesses ,
Today Judge Holmes , upon motion of counsel
In open court , and recommendaton of colored
citizens of Lincoln , appoInted George A.
Adams , assistant counsel , to act with Alex
Aulschulcr and J. E. Phipott In DavIs' do-
fenso. What course time defense will take Is
not m'nlest. but I Is considered certain
that no effort wi be spared by the colored
people or thIs vIcinity to secure hIs ac-
Because time ) ' are fauly In their present
state amid mlst be drawn In conformity with
the law , Auditor Moore has refused to
register the $ & 0.000 refunding bonds of the
Lincoln school district.
Time termination of 1 school day romance
developed today In time district court when .
Miss Lulu Harrington by her mother , Mrs. !
Olive A. Ilarrington med n suIt for breach I
of promise agaInst Philip Manger , and nsk-
Ing for $5.000 dnmages. Miss Harrington Is
1 minor between IG and"lli , years of nge.
She alleges that she became englged to
Manger November 17. H04. Itelring upon
this engagement she had remained single.
Manger , however , had jilted her and married
another lady last month In Doonvle , Mo.
The young lady refused to talk voluminously
about the cafe , but saId that PhIlip bad ap-
prised 'her of his contemplated marriage , but
that she had refused to release him from
his engagement to her. Miss Uarrlngton Is
a tal , good looking brunette , thid has re-
sided In the city about six monthis.
A mysterious case of mental aberration
has developed nt the State university. Miss
Louise Laurizen Is a student who has
been intermittently registered for abolt th' ee
years For some tme the faculty and stu-
dents havO been exercIsed over her peculiar
actions. On various times she has occa-
stoned disturbances In the classes Her pe-
cularites have been most noticeable on
windy days , or when the clements were
turbulent. Occasionaly she persists In taking -
Ing down her hair and dressing I during
class time. Chancellor Canneld II\s lt last
been compelled to ask her to wihdrw
from the classes hopIng to lear the , , hereabouts -
abouts of her frIends "In order that they
might be advIsed In the premIses. hitherto
she has steadfastly refused to give their
names or place of resldenco. They are sup-
posed to live at or near Grand Island. Lt
plght MIss Lauritzen visited the chnncelor
nt his office and became frantic over what
seemed to her unwarranted perzecutiomm.
Apparently she thought that time hand , of every -
cry one was against her and hinted at sui-
cIde. For over an hour the chancellor reasoned -
soned with tier and had consIderable dlm-
culy In persuading her to lenve. Much
sympathy Is manifested for the young lady
by students and faculty.
W/\fElt NOITI . l. .
Citizens Workll ! to "uolro Irrllton for
time TO'Tn In Gemmerit ! .
NOITH LOUP , Neb . March : . -Spcrlal. ( )
-In order to relieve the village board of 1
porton of the responsIbility of assuming
extra statutory powers In the maier of Intra-
Iluclng water wlhll the corporation for Ir-
rlgntng purposes , a petition Is now being
circulated among the citizens praying the
board to take such acton as may bring
about that result. All portions of the tawi-
site can be readily Irrigated , but the I/ues- /
tons growing out of tIme right at way for
laterals on streets , bridges , etc. , are , ot
course , all quIte new to the citizens of time
munIcipality , no ICES than to the estmabla
gentemen who are occupying posiions on
the village board and during whose Ine\m-
b.ene' the questions have first been raised
Whlo the board Is justIfied In acting wih
time caution due In cases where action must
bo taken wihout time benefit of special statute .
ute or specific precedent , time citizens of the !
town are almost a unIt In their desire for I
water , and 1 proper soluton of the problem
wi no doubt soon be found.
The commileo of three supervisors selected -
heeled to confer with the bondsmen of ex.
Treasurer Trout with n vi7 of effecting a
compromise of some sort relative to tw
shortage of semite $8,000 and Interest , whlcll
has been emi the boards here for several
years , hnve again ndjourned without arrIvIng -
big It aim agreemnt. The boudunen pro' .
Ilose to turn over certain lands now In time
possessIon ot the ex.onclnl for the ue at
Valley county as 1 poor tarm , and when time
interested partIes shal b able to agree on
time value of time land the question will
probably be closed wihout going Into court ,
n proceeding which the bondsmen are no
doubt especially anxious to avoid The com-
amities will meet again next wrek to gIve
the mater further attention.
Rev J. n. Uurley , pastor of the Baptist
church of this place who has been absent In
Colorado for the past two weeks holding a
series of meetngs at Boulder , has just returned -
turned home.
! r. M. D. C. True of Tecumseh , who has
been visiting wIth relatives here for the
past leek , left for her home yesterday.
The city schools closed yesterday for 1
week's yacation.
( rhlh'r'l I'nstomflm'o l'lht , ! eth"t ,
SCUUYLER , Neb , March Z.-Srecial.- ( )
The contest for the postomce at this lilacs
hns ended nt last with the appointment oC
M. M. Huck , who had the first intimna-
lion of his success by telegram from \'hi.
Inmsol of the laud ofce al O'Nel , Neb ,
Who was one of the Inluental 11arte ! In I
hluck's behalf. The prIncipal contetants I
for the plac' were Miles tntmeyer. M. , . ;
Huck and 11. C. Wrl h. > F. C. Heinecke ,
now deputy county dark J"IS n c"ndlttl
nt one time . but long , 'nQ ' Mopped out of
the fight. Time Ienetalef \ among Ilemo- :
erats , anti others ns \el ; , item was that t
7.entnieyer woulll be Ihp ) euccossfui enndl-I
( late , CS his backing trpl\ here seemed to
be stronger than that p niy one thee , and
ho was s/ll to I ! a gel 1 tIcnml ' of Mm Mnr- I
ton' " . Uowe\'er. ninny post sight of the fact
that Zentme'er deelarel 1ijnself a little too
strongly for Dr'nnlsm } ) ! he was made a I
candidate for state senatr , nt Columbus last
fall : alto that It has not , , \cen long since he I
was commnml:11 : of the , ioii1iers' home at 1
Grnnll Islanll. Huck hul : , been In the jew. !
dry business hero for , nan ) ' years , and hns
established u reputatQn 1fqr energy and integrity .
tegrl ) , whIch makes hIm nt once one In
whol the PeoPle feel confidence enough to
believe hint he will make a good postmaster
cUI.r.CUUN . t' , 11YS ' 'Ol til1oI'm .
Public Senler Urll Rt the Chlrchc ! to Ito
Jnellll t 1' II the Ilehil .
SCIIUYLEI1 , Neb , March . .
SClUYI.I 2.-Speclal.- ( )
The services hell In the : Ietlollst church
Wecnesday afternoon and evening In accorl-
mice . with 1 cal mndJ by the bishop for
n day of prayer that the toils of time lmtms-
banlman , In time coming season might be
bleu d with bounlul rcturm , were wol
attendetI . Ie\ ' . T. W. hearth of the Presby.
tulnn church addressed the meotng In time
afternoon , and HeI E. I F. A. lnn tel of
St. John's EvangelIcal I I.\thern church the
ono In the evening , the theme of cach being
God's answering prnyer.
An ndjournellineetns of time CoHax County
Agricmmiturai society Is cnled for this afternoon )
noon , there being before the board time qmmes-
ton at borrowing fuuds to adjust claims
that hnve been sued , Judgment against time
society was obtained In ana came and time
grouUls are advcrtscd for sale Time debts
of time society aggregate $000. and to liqmmld.
ate a part of santo the secretary hns alh'er-
tsed for bids upon 1 dwelling house thnt
stands useless on time grounds
Inn ) ot time farmers of this county are
eglnling to look about them to find seed
lor time coming spring , they not having raised
enough last year from which to save seed ,
and mich at whal was raised not being
of good enough quality . .nu'ers who foresaw -
saw that ther wouhl he 1 demand for seed
bought and are holding grin theretor , but
sonic farmers consIder time prices asked such
as will not Justfy the expenditure necc-
sary to procure It. I Is probable , too . that
there will be grain need'd for feed as
many of the horses In this county have ha1
nothing to et all wInter but corn ladder ,
and tght anti poor fodder at that ; In can-
seqtmence time animals Ire In poor conditon
to begIn spring work.
Youl Llucon'Olln ! Gives C. Ii. Towner
I 1,1 Hit S"rlrlse.
LINCOLN , March 2.-Special ( Telegrm.- )
A case of alleged mistaken identity , resulting
In time public hone whipping of C. I.
Towne : , occurre this evening In front of
1224 0 stre. t. At that hour Towner was np-
preached by a stylishly dressed young lady ,
who taking 1 small riding whip from the
folds of her dress proceeded to shower blows
upon time shoulders ofJthe nstonlshed Towner.
A large crowd quickly collected and the arrest -
rest or time parties soon followed.
At the police station Towner protested that
ho was unacquainted with , the lady , and It Is
generally believed that , ho tells time truth.
Miss Emma Marley , time wielder of the whIp
declare all through the sensatonal scene nUl
at the station that Towner hind uttered defamatory -
fnmatory words against her character. She
was released on ball of $1QO. Miss Inrley Is
a dre'3smaker , and 'qwn'r Is an agent for
school supplies.
The lady Is refined ; gp0 lookIng and was
evidently In earnest 11 tfls redressing her
supposed wrongs In pmhiljc. ,
Alhllll News . .omes.
ASHLAND , March 2.-Speciai-Mr. ) and
Mrs. J. E. Mudget , wcsl of thIs city , last
evening celebrated the twimteth annIversary
of their marriage. "A-clghlul'repast was
served after which William Pickering with
a fDy qppropriate.eniarka , presented the
host and hostess vitii 1 handsome set of
chlnawnre. Mr. . Mudget and family leave
In I short lme for their future home In
central lawn , where ho has invested heavily
In 1 stock fnrm.
T. D. Wilson received the sad intelligence
from Garrison , Tex. , that his sister Mrs.
Mary McClnstock , of that place had died I
very suddenly. She , wlh her husband , have
been life residents of Ashland until their recent -
cent removal to Texas.
A remarkable shipment of "spring pigs"
was made yesterday by Wilson & Wells of
this cIty. They averaged 316 pounds , and
topped the market at Omahn. .
_ E. E. Thayer purchnsed a pair of Chlnse
geese of I. W. Moon today , to be used on
time Platte river for decoy purposes. The
eggs from whIch these geese were hntched
were shipped from China four years ago.
They are 1 very domestc bird with 1
squawk very much tIme same ns our wild
geese , and very noisy.
North flomut's SUtlr Ueet ( plny.
NORTh ! BEND , Neb. , larch 2.-Speelnl (
Telegram.-Tho ) North Bend Sugar Beet
company was organIzed hero todny. Seven
directors were elected consisting of Thomns
Kleon , George Dodge , Samuel Etciminsomi
Robert Sioss M. Dowlng and WillIam
Nichol. The Idea Is to rise $100.000 among
the farmer and others interested In raisIng
sugr beets by hnvlng thom subscribe for
stock , which Is to bo paid Id l beets wIth five
years to run , and then open negotiations
with eastern capitalists to put In the plant
Nearly $50,000 hns already been subscribed.
Lovers Womtltt Not 11e ' ) . '
, rs 011 no'II IIlpoln..d.
FALLS CITY , Neb. , March 2.-Speclal.- ( )
Grant llama at Lawrence , Kan , and Ills
Minnie Jones at Ottawa , Itnn. , were married
In this cIty Wednesday by Judge J. R. Wi-
imite. This couple hind n hard tints In uniting .
They went to Kansas City Han . and were
refused a license on account of the law pro-
hibitng licenses to cousins. They then came
to this clly. When the ceremony was per-
fotned the happy groom threw his arms
arounll his newly made wife and exclaImed :
" 1 nm glad It Is overl"
hilton Celcbmtol Ills itctimrn to Illlr ,
BLAIR , Neb. , March 2.-Speclal ( Tele-
grnm.-Ex-Ol ) Inspector L F. Ilton has
returned to Blair 10 live . He celebrated his
first day by strIking Tom ChadwIck , n lame
drayman , who claimed that Hilton owed him
a bill of long standing. hilton met him on
thc street this morning when n few words
passed , and Hilton struck hIm In the face.
11on was arrested for assault and battery ,
pleaded guilty before : Justice , Bler and was
fitted 1 small amoUnt aed costs , whIch be
paid I .
. ,
Smll lIla o , u I , Ieltrlco.
BEATRICE , March 2Specal : ( ! Telegram . )
A 4 o'clock this nOfJlng Hene's fed store
caught fire . The blqZQ I'was occasioned by
Mrs. Rene , who WaS 'preparing ' to do her
washing , catching Iher sleeve upon a nail
and droppIng 1 lamp , The family lives up
stairs over time feed stre , and damage to
teed , furniture nnd J U ! building aggregates
about n60 , all of \ hlc\ \ was covered by In-
surance. _ _ _ _ _ -f _ , _ _ _ I ,
n nh Ir . lr/.J , L . Inl. '
TECUMSE1I , Neb ] March 2.-Speclnl ( Tclo-
grm.-lr ) J. L. Linn died at her home
hero nt 3 o'clocl ltimiu' aferoon , aged 25
years , of cOluIP1ct.1 She was the wIfe
of Prot. I. N. I.lnn. , Time funeral will be
held at the Chrlstah cburch tomorrow nUer-
noon nt 3 o'clock , Rev T Davis officiating.
IUlon nr i.exltmgtoniitqmilttoil .
LEXINGTON , Neb , Mnrch 2.-Speclal.- ( )
The jury In time hilton assault case returned
a verdict of not guilty . No attempt was
made by the prosecution to connect Hion
wih the pat of time crime for whIch Thomp.
lon was convicted.
Ihlllm : , ulllpr III $ ( joel to BeatrIce.
D ATHCE , March 2.-Specah Telegram. )
-John A. McMuflhy at Onaha , an old newspaper -
paper maim . has bought an interest In the
Daily TImes of this city end will become
actively associated wIth-time 1lllJer.
II.IIIM I I I . m hid' I "IL'II" i 'm'mI.
HASTINGS , Neb. , March -Speclal ( Tele-
grani-ilenry ) Corbett , who was arrested
two weeks ago for stealng valuable elothlng ,
was today sentenced tu the penitentiary for
one ) 'ear ,
- r
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' I
. sj.jb : : ; S
I Getting il1 NeV Dress Goods Every DnJr-Not so many
as wc could wish-but as much that's new as can be handled-New Dress
Trimmings-New LiningsNcwVash Goods-a beautiful lne at popular
prices , The Noticns have been rcplenihed with new things at old prices :
And speaking of prices , that 1'e111il1ds t18 of our
China Department that we are closing out entirely-We've had the grandest
b sate we ever experienced. in alI China Department and "price" is the only
thing to lay it to : Prices so Jaw t1z.t neary : every customer asks the clerk to
say it again so nearly nothing they seem to be that people can hardly realize
it at first ,
Our Silks- . Dress Goods-
CI'owdet nil the time ut this doplrtment. I Is .
quite : \ undorlaldng to keep it stockell tin with H.INCIBATHOSS. . 350
} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, but it . Wo how n bcnulul line. . . . . . . . . .
now things bit wo do i Im1 find time to cut :
Pt'ICCS to ;
. 11 Albatross wtl go nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selling at Soc to nc elsewhere . 2 5 C
Seln start them Gc at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-11CI BLACK IrNnl .T.\S : 450
Umllflty beautIful lt . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. I ,
Ilegttlnr price the worM OVer Is $100. 4 9 C 41-ICl mACK crml01s : . . 500
HCAular We ask but . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10. . . . . . . . Seafoam ripples of Incst weavings. . . . . .
. PLAID SILKS- . C Makes up to perfection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
You will expect to pay $1.00 , 4 9C
But wo surprise you. . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . .
. In new colors at 75e and. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
You'vo paid $1.00 to ' $1.25 for no better . 5 9 C. .
$100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . beler. . . . . . . . I '
On sale tomorrOw at. . . . . . . . . . . . . &i-INCH STORM SERGES : . 870 !
Nothing as fine In the city . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Some at them or the $1.50 grade 7 5 C Wo are showing a fno line of impO.ted suit pat-
' \11 go tomorrow at. $1 . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . tOl'n8 for time lrs lmo tWo
. $5 to $6 a Pattern.
Woe displaying thcsc lines in our north 16th .
street window : They go on sale tOIO'rOIV. .
Btitterick's Patterns- .
For the convenience of the ladies we have moved this dep3rtment down to the
ladies' reception parlors where we will show tterick"s March Patterns-The
Fashion Sheets and The Delineator , the best fashion magazine publshed , Sub-
scribers to the Delineator will receive the new monthly fashion plates by mail as
SOO , . published. Come in and subscrbe for the Delineator. : es.only , $ a year
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - I
. Bargains for Boys- I Bargains for Boys-- t
Days' lookIng fine , less Cnsslmere than hal Suits prIce , strong at . . and . . . . good . . $198 Days' plaids unlaunderet amid dots ; lii. percale D. G. Waists Co.s , last stripes , , , cut , . . , 2 4 C
on them was to 35c ; we sell them for . . .
Boys' scats , . $ & and .00 kmoees. and $ GOO . . . 2-plece . . . . . Suits . . . . , double$2.98B' laundered I King SII I r tWit. . . . . 75c (
Days' Reefer Jackets sprIng weIghts , $4.00
. 50 50
Days' $7.00 and $8.00 ChevIot and Serge. . , , $250
$ and $5.00 Jaeketmi navy blue cheviots
Suits , elegantly made . ' and trimmed . . . . . and serges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, . . . . . . . - - " ' .
; ; . : . ,
i : . . : . . . . : " - MORS J :
r I InKY GOODS @ .
. 4
Relief Oommhsion Oonsultin with Ohicago
Board of Trade Mm.
SU lcston Made thlt Ulforcnt CountIeS II
Illinois Shoutd Furnish time I'roper l'om-
Dltcos wih What Is Scuded Through
the Board or Trade
CHICAGO , March 2.-W. ' N. Nason , presI-
dent of time Nebraska Slate Relief cllmltee : ,
J. H. hartley , S. P. 'Fimomnpson and E.
Sprlc , members , met several memhels of
the Chicago Board of Trade Relief cl'IJlt-
tee this afternoon In time secretnry's clmce.
An explanation was given of time complete organization .
counties In time
gnnlzaton of forty-nino countes
drouth distrIct , consisting of Crntrnl and
, townshlrl committees anti the mined of ns-
: slstance In time way of seed and told was
unquestioned. As 1 necessity rllulrlng 1m-
mediate action , It was suggested that I the
various counles of time state at Illinois would
each contribute' to the State Belle ! commIssion -
sion of Nebraska or time Chicago Board of
' Trade Relief commission 1 carload of graIn ,
such would afford substantnl assistance .
J.lcrlry 1.1lerllhllllt st C rote ,
CRETE , Neb. , March 2.-Speclal.-A ( ) ,
yery interesting and profitable unIon meetlg I
of the ladles' cubs of Crete was hcM yesterday -
terdny afternoon In time lecture room of time
Congregational churchm Time room had been
most tastefully decorated amid presented a
very attractive appearance as time member
of the five clubs of Crete and their friends to
the number of 100 gathered to partake of
the Intelectual feast provided. The Ilrlncl-
pal address was by Mrs. Wiiam Jennings
Bryan , amid was nn eloquent tribute to Gladstone -
stone , with 1 careful analysis of hIs chmmrac-
ten anti attmtinmnents. , ! rs. Bryan nHerward
consented to give , In n more Informal way ,
time Impressions gathered during 1 wInter
\Vasimington. . Mrs . Bryan Is very skillful
In repartee and her bright replies to questions -
tions asked greatly pleased time Indies who
tons .
were privileged to Imeam' her , After this
came the social hour , during which refreshments -
ments were served .
The literary societies of Doane college ren-
'dered n unIon program last l evening. The
exercises were of hIgh literary merit and the
large audience that crowded lesrerlan hall
frequently showed its hearty appreciation.
An original poem by Miss Maud Johnsol
was nn Interestng featuro. rime poley of
non-intervention II foreIgn affairs was very
vigorously debated by six members of the
different societies.
C rt" 1 , " 'CIII111101' t .
CRETE , Neb" , March 2.-Speclal ( Telo-
gram.-A ) mass meeting was held In the city
hal this evenIng to consider the question cf
removIng the county seat of Sa\lne \ county
tram Wiber to Crote. Hon. C. C. Whl
was elected chairman and Judge Abbott . 'r.1
II. Miller and many olher prominent citizens
expressed their views on time subject. The
talk has beeu going on some time anti It
seems to bo the sentiment of the 'ounty
that the move should be made. Time ques-
ton wl undoubtedly be voted on In the
fall elections , wih almost 1 sure victory
for Crete. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
York Irpvltr8.
YORK , Neb" , March 2.-Speelal.-Tho ( )
mortgage records of York county for
the month of February show that
there was fed slxty.nve farm mortgages ,
amounting In all to $70.71&.7 anti sIxty were
released , $40,6GO.20 ; mortgages med on city
property , thirteen , amounting to $11,191.26 ,
while there were nine released , $8,700.30.
This indicates an Increase In time mortgage
on ( arm and city property. Last month there
was a decrease on eli city property. During
time month of February there were $58,260 In
mortgages paId off In this county.
C. A. McCloud . who 101 been In Lincoln
for 1 few days havllg his eye treated , re
turned homo Friday
'rho "Japammeso wedding" given It the
Unite Drethren coleCe was 1 success A.
U , Davis acted to perfecton the part of
ChulS Yang antI Miss Hattie Montgomery
was very good ns letUe Sing. Time ceremony
lasted for over an hour , durIng which Limo ;
not 1 word was simokemt After the wedding
ceremony was fnlsheJ these present partook
01 n Japanese wedding supper , which was
lovely Time entertaInment was given by the
Ldle : ' Literary society at time college .
1"loll Jllhwlmen In ( Mart.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , March 2.-Speclal- ( )
W. I" Hcks , Lee Dobson and John Moore
of Ulysses were arrested yesterday for holdIng -
lug up W. E. Buckler , a travelng mnn.
They were brought before Cotinty JUIlgo
Halo , nnll bound over to appear arch 25.
In district court yesterday , after the state
hnd introduced teatlnony In tit case against
F. 1. Bloom , charged with hOlllng up Mel
HaYles wih 1 Bhotgun and coleCtng $2
which 100m elalmoll laynes owed hIm , time
jndgo Instructed time jury to rotur 1 verdict -
dict of not guilty , amid dlschlrged hilootim .
Time members of Clara Barlon temmt . laugh-
tens of Veterans , held a sociable last evenIng -
lag that WaS largely atteumded
11\I tl"thJI limo / eel " 'ropasl tion .
INlANOLA , Neb. , March 2.-Speclal (
Tclegram.-A ) meeting of the bankers and
business men of time county was held hero
yesterday to c lslder the Chicago Board of
Trade's sell prolmositiomt . The meeting nIl-
jOlrned to McCook , where I permnuelt or-
ganIzaton was made . II. H. aBterday ,
grain dealer , was appointed , amid heft for
Chicago lhls moring 10 investigate time
Imropositlomm. I Is cstmated that $27,000 will
be needed to seed this counmty TIme following -
Ing amount at graIn Is required : Wimeat ,
20,000 busimeis ; oats , 12,000 bushmels ; corn ,
6,000 bushels ; jnihlet , 2,000 busimels.
lm.jureti ii itim at Sltmmmg hisrut ,
M'cOOic , Neb , , Marcim 2.--Special ( Teio-
gramn.-Thme ) little son of 'Vita I'ohmi was seriously -
riously immjured today by a slung simot , a
piece of lead strlkimmg hmimn in time eye. It. is
tiioughmt tImers is little lmopo of saving time
mmiember1 and more serious results arc feared.
Nebraska Organizition Holding Iti Annual
Convention at Prelnont ,
Aimn to Hccuro i'rcfermmemit for time Moi
% 'Iio itimido ill ) limo Comnqtmenlmmg Army
Commmimmdemi by ( lrammt-Notos
of Limo City ,
FREMONT , Mmmrcim 2.-Speclni-Tjme ( ) eec-
emi annual convenmtiomi of time Union Vat- 7
eramm League of Nebraska is inn session in
Fremont , This league was formed purely'
for political imurimoses , anti altimougim organized -
ized only two years ag now imas fourteen
subordInate lodges 1mm tIme state , Its objecta
are to secure for time veterans of time union
amities of the into war Positions of trust ,
profit amid imonor under time government. Tb.
State Omcers are James A. Wear , Grand Isl.
and , iresitlent ; George F , Itynmm , Grand hI-
and , secretary ; J , It , Ratciiffc , Central City ,
treasurer ; Riley Wescoatt , Wood River , or-
ganmlzer. All of time state ofilcers are pros-
enmt at time meeting , but time attendance of
delegates is smimailer timaim anticilmated ,
Last niglmt tIme Wonmenm's Relief corps of
timla city visltemi time league at I'ytimlan kahi.
amid time result was a very imaimpy occasion ,
Speecimes ivero mmmade by Mrs. ii. F , Stiles stat
Mm , F , M , Smaitim , wimo expreesed thick"
synmpatimy witim time objects of time league ,
Remarks micro also made by Comrades Wear
of ( irmmmmd Ishammd , Simowalter anti Stiles of
Fremommt , ilowarmi of Ilastimtgs , iean of
( ] rammd Island , Porter of Cemmtnmmi City , anti
otimers ,
lfmmrd cmi Cmuttln ilinslieri ,
NORTH PLA'rrll , Neb , , March 2.-Spe- (
clal Teiegram-Cattie ) stealing in Lincoln
ccmummty expeniemmced sonic demrossImtg blows in
time district court imore this week. F. lit ,
ilecic , a local butcimer , cimarged wltim rustling
cattle , imad his trial time first of tine week.
Time jury was out from Tuesday oyenmiem
until timis mmtornming , wimemm a vvrmllct convict-
lug fleck of Imetty larcqmmy was hmrouimt tim ,
Joimmm Scimick anti James Halley , clmarged.
with time sammie offense , were today found
guilty of grammd larceny amid will serve teren
iii time Imemmitentiary. 'Fimese trials and con-
victiomis will put a stop to cattle rustlini
In this section ,
mu itleimmory of Jtmmlmu t , ii , ( imurcim ,
NORTh I'I4ATTE , Neb , , Marcim 2.-Spe. (
cml 'relegraumi.-Timis ) evening memnorlal ox-
ercisea iii imonor of time late Judge Alonzc
ii , Cimurcim wore held mit ( ] rammtl Army ot
time ltepubhlo imeadquarters in thIs city , Gea-
erai John liT , Timayer was present and spoke
eloquently 1mm eulogy of time departed corn.
made. Judge Cimurclm was past gmammil corn.
inammder of time Departmnemm f Nebraska
Grand Army of the Republic.
. ' - - - - . - - - , _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . . _ _ _ w _ _ , _ _ _