Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - TilE OMAhA DAILY DEJt : SUNDAY , J\L\.ROII 3 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16
Lccal Jobbing Situation Remains Prac-
tialy Unchanged.
Or.'rrl ' tlr ( aadl Cnme Freely Atlrr the
Jtlh - Only 1 1 : lolrfto JuAlnrM Antlet-
1'tol : tot the Niar 1"lhlre-Uoll ! .
ot the : lllutnclurer .
Th most Importnnt tehlr ( ot the past
wrk , IO tar ni the bUlnes ! Interests of
Omaha arc concerned . was the rain' which )
cxtnllC over the greater portion of the
atite. The jobb'l are reevl ! a gael many
' ters frmn the country stating that the
feeling ot connlence ha/ been rslorel ) In a
great degree . both among the tl rlr" al )
bURII ( ! ! then. AI ! ni evidence ot the better
, feelng produced In the tate the jobber of
Hits city received a 1001) of orders the dzty
aCer the rain. As one of them observed . It
l elet al It evry retailer ' In tie state sat
down nlll wrote out an orller for goods anl
contnued allhat occupation Il lonl as the
raIn lasted. This little spurt of buSIness
F. 'however was al over 11 a day or two after
the rnIn , nnll busIness settled town Into the
usual routine.
Every ( ( fort poslhle II being brought forth
by the Jobbers alul Illufacturcrs 10 make
up for loss of trade In Nebraska by extendIng -
Ing their business Into new fiehd8. Some
houses hlve been Very sUccessful In working
tip I very fair trade In fields ) that have
bpcn hItherto neslectell by the jobbers of
this cIty. Not only are goods being shIPH ! <
to distant western states , but to the east as
vehl. A Proininnt local mrmufaetrer has
just taken I mln off of western terrItory fOI'
the Purpose , of sending him Into an eastern
state prohably ; Illinois. Omaha merchants
ant manufacturer arc now reaching out
after trulle fnrthei ' than .
afer flrthel' Ihl1 ever b\fore.
In Nehrslm there Is no Prospect oC busi-
ness being otherwise than quiet for the next
few' mdnths , and jobbers . ns 1 rule , arc not
lookIng for much business It home until
aCer n new crop Is grown. , unt
The market on country produce hiss shown
considerable change during the vast week
80 far lS prIces ate concerned. The mild
weather has hld ( a tendency' el. Increase the
reclIlis ot sonic lilies. while the same cause
S has shortenet the time Ilurlng . which Iler-
Ishahlc goods could bo held
t rhe egg market has attracted I good deal
at attention . In fact the most Intelt his
been taken tn that branch of the li-ado. A
Btrong lOOr was made 10 h Il up prl . es , but
as the weather continued so warm am ! the
receipts began to Increase , there nnt de- ,
ciled inclInation along dealers to keep !
their stocks cleaned out . and the rush to sell I
broke the market rapidly. There has ( been
n good ( lea ! of speculation hI eggs this sea-
soil . and sOme very neal sums ot money
have bee made iy Plleculntors al some of
. the larger mnrket centers. Eggs hnye been
I. , ' sllllllcl from CalifornIa to Chicago . 11 UI-
heart ot thIng , II the Ilast. ; California has
been dependent for her supply of eggs to 1
great extent upon the east nIl I Is quite
n novelty to hlve ( tile tables turned about
anti eIS sent from the coast eastward.
The butter market Is ' tiull and <
buter Isry dul prices
arc low on nil grades. A larle proportion
of the country butter arriving hal to be I
801 for packIng sloel ,
The poultry market waR also easier on
account of the warm weather forcing the
receivers of dressed stock to dispose of It
withut delny.
The Past week has for the most part been
quite faverble to the sellers of live stock
ot all kInds. The continued lIght receIpts
ot cattle at thIs and all other markets hiss
tended to put prices up quito rapidly . and ( a
very material advance was scored during
the week. The hog Inrllet has also shown
some lIttle Impro\'emenl , the highest pint
since February S , having been touched dur-
lag the past few days. tur-
The most interesting features ot the mar-
ket however Is the continued IAht receIpts
of catte. Iurlng the past month there ar-
rIved at this point 32.303 head , as against
to,71s ; for the Ilrevlous month of January .
and 50.916 ! head during February of last yenr.
TakIng the two months ot January and
February It 'will be seen that the total ant
_ - pllpls oc cattle this year were 83Q23 hend
' while durIng ' the nrst two months of 13.1
there arrh'el at this poInt 115.154 head. mak-
hag the de reasethiIs year 32.r.11 head . or an
average shortage ' or G7 ( bend ' for every' market -
ket day during the two monthR.
While the receipts ot cattle have been fallIng -
Ing oU rapidly , the hog receipts have held
their own. During February there arrived
121,3t3 hogs a ! against 120.321 henll during
F the corresponding month ot lS3t. The bcl
however hint the reeelpt have been only
slightly above the record oc last year Is
very significant . and natural ) ' bring up the
question aR tO whether the large hog run
Is over for the year. During January It will
be remembered that the receipts showed a
gain over the previous year of 39,3&9 head ,
S while for the two month the vain amounts
to only 40S : heal ) . I Is n question wheth.'I'
those who have been telling the public for
some time back that stock was pretty wel
cleaned out of the country were right after
al or whether the light run or the haRt
due 10 unfavorable
. month waR unfa\'orble chipping
- , iyathier or other rausrs. . .
ihe I'erelpts of Rhrep fer the two months
naRt fool II ) only 25,23 hpad. , as against
61023 head ) for the corre pollnA IWo months
ot 18H. ! beIng a decrease of over one-halt.
FACTS l'IUHI ' 11 I4CTOit1ItS.
Note on the Prores . Made IIY Vnrlon
NeurllKk" InII15trlr .
Nebraska manufacturer of vinegar com-
plain a good deal oC' the unfair competition
vhkili they are compelled to meet from
the outside . Vinegar Is a commodity which
i8 ! 10 easily adulterated , and concerning
whIch the ) 1\'erag , buyer knows s [ little. '
that I becomes a very e y matter to. palm
or In article as Ilro fruit vinegar when
there Is not the len t sisplclon of fruit
it. Some ot thus Pllro fruit '
- juice In I. pure frIt vinegar
I Is saul to contain nl much as 3 per cent
_ . , , or fruit juice , bat no moro. A LIncoln
.ji manufaeturcr ends the following to The
lice. In reference to this matter : .
"l ranlt E. HIht of St. I.olis. Mo. . who
wns fOI' u number ot ) 'earl traveling sales ! -
man tOI' u Irm that flooded Nebraska WIth
its so.calOI 1'llu ' fruit vInegar. II com-
piling 1\ iiarntIiet Ilvln to the merchants
all over the country a full expose ot the
modus operandi of the firm's betrayal ot
conihh'nee ns to their so.caled fruit "Ine-
gar. The expose \\1 bo full and complete .
It would ho wel for nil ( healers to cease
the Ilrchaso of those soclled fruit vinegars -
gars ual thIs little book reaches them .
Iluy your , 'lneJarl close at home save
mOney and be gulled no longer by a firm
unwurlh ot your conlllence or patronage
and unworthy of representation : by any
. "
honorn lila salesina
The Htamlutl Oil company has advanced
the Nlo DC leAned nil l % cents from
the low point. whll the I'elal Price lal
advanced full ) ' UI much. 01' In some cases.
mon' . The cause for the advance Is ! alt
to bo the advance of 2 cents 'n ' the
Price of cI'lle oil .
"Omaha . ought to he 1 good location for
a . Innner . . observed a citizen . "hut when-
eve'r the mater hits been brought II ) In the
past It hal I\VIYI leon cllinell that the
COlt of Ih\lp\ ( tan bark from the east-
ern forestu would make It ItnlHacteal to
. cpor u factory here Ol.itIia bus the
rw inaterinl . the packers at Houth , Omaha
being Iblo to SUllpl ) ) ' all the hides Ihlt
wal 111 uo required I . On the other liaiiti .
there are u number at large und very suc-
cess11 hnrnelJ factories In ! the state . which
' consume an immense amount ot leather.
and which woull ho sulclont 10 keep a
large tannery Ioln . " 1" . S. hush , man-
nsel' of George Uuorne & Co. ' " hlle and
leather business ut Omaha boll aslwl unl
about the matter . said : Omaha woult bo
n good loeatol for a tannery , nn the mw
mnlorlal II till 10 UU hUll hel' , axeelit the
tan bark , und there would be I runty pier- ,
Iet near by for 1.1 the heather that any ,
one tnlnlry would turn out . I
Omaha has two harness tlctorle : that :
buy leather II the enst. by the cur lot and ,
then there are vury large factories at Iln- .
coin and other plnls , The only
thing that we lack here UI 1 said before )
, volhl je the tan blrk , and whIle that was :
a very trloll drawback 1 short time ago
It has ceased 10 bo ' . The
I hUl 10 non' 'lho day when
tan bark was neeel6ary for the operation
of I talnery has 1118set. and. iiliitead . the
fxtr/ct are being used. George Uberne &
. : o. have I factory ot Knoxville for the
lnanufaL'tut' < of the oak extract and one at
l'ort Alhmhany for the manufacture of
hemlock cxtraet. und theee extracts are boo
lug uso.1 very largely by the tanners " In all
paris ot the country , al they are tar mote
convcnlent than the bulky Ian batle. At
f ChicaKo where they thIng Ihe ' make as
, Iorl leather as Is i to he found In any hart
, of the country . they are using eItl'flut5 .
( The cost of tmnlllorlntpl ue the exlr.\ct
would cut very little OJlr In Ih cost oC
the leather , 111 I can see Tn relOI why 1
tannery would not LII' paying '
) woul ( \ I I"ylnl 'ntmpnl '
at this point . The cst of a Jllnt wmll ) net
be 10 very large , hut It rllllrr n 100\1 \ ' 1111
'ot ' 10116) to handle the busiaezi as the
, 'Iroccs ut tanning l'IQllres'rral months
for completIon. ait.1 therl Iho leather
cOlpleton. 1\11 has tu
be , sold on time . s. 'I that u 1001111 ct
, . mono ) ' Is te..1 . 's 10 the zt.'v tanning
' material that . I. ' . .1\1 : Inltf1 ( 01. tnnnlmJ .
1 llr. Oberno el8 that tire I. 10 'UtI"1
' :
( . A' but what I lo l prctCnl lut\luc , for
. bark anti bat the quality of thA I"ather
I . $ lrduc , ; I . lnIIU 8. Coniriirc1shhy - ' , ca' .
Ilt has not thus tar been much known
because the tanners did not care to use I
Unless they could Ret a conslant supply . nnll
the farmers did not care 10 cultivate the
toot unless there was 1 constant delnnnl for
It Each party has walC on tM other
anil under such circumstances the remark-
nble thing Is that the new industry has
made any progress whotevpr. In lMld. \8t
nnr 1892 InrRe quantIties of the rot were
dug . llced . rrlell and stacked . and several
lhouPond tons were Amt 10 Great Britain an I
GerlRny. and leather tanned wlh the ex-
tract In gUtoPI Was exhibited It .Ihe Chi-
cngo exposition n couple of years ago In
189 n factor for the manufacture of can-
algre extract was e tnblshe,1 In Drmlnl.
N. :1. and Prot. OUley said that It was
last year siilppi.ig the semi.ilquld extract
containing t5 per cent at tannIn which sold
at HI cents 10 cents u pound In Northern
lilarkets Botanically canalgre appears to
he a cross between yellow dock and "Itle
Plant , " I hI Propagated by iTot anti the
seed roots do not decompose , but are reo
corell In harvestIng the crop and are
richEr In tnnnin than when pllntell , The
seed , therefore . costs nothIng. The yield ,
Prof , OUle ) ' says Is twelve to fifteen Ions
to Iho acre , } tuft ) ' rise with good , cult-
, 'nlo ) ' and plenty nf Irrigation 10 twenty
tens. The root Is indigenous In Texas . New
MexIco nnll , \rl.onn. and In Mexico. I may
exist , nR : . ' 'rllhle says . where , the sol
1' too dry for other vegetation. The mnnu-
fncturers can afford to pay $5 per ton for
the green rools.
huh Vcliriiary Slccoele" hT R Fair l'rombo
for General iltiltim. ,
The local superintendent ot Snow , Church
& Cos , Mercantile agency says of trade :
"The month of I ' ebrlnry , Just closed , has
been the Iulesl and most ploltess In both
wholesale and ( retail lInes experienced In
yenrs. The month , ns a month Is In most
brnches ot trade a dull otie . and little II
expected II either wholesalers or retailers .
but the dulnes ! of thIs year has len nn-
Rurpasseth The frst hart ot the month
hl'3lnesl was especially slow. I Is eneour- ,
aging to note however that during the I
latter Part there was 1 slight revIval ,
which seems to have carried over Into the
first days of tlarch. Even grocery men reluctantly -
luetnnt ) admit that business with thorn
during the early part : oC February \\'al
unuluuly ( lull. The sale Is tl'ue In dry
oolls and boot and shoe lines. Among
the manufacturers ot shirtngs 11\1 over-
ails , however business seems to ' keep up.
Hardware men rue having a fair trade In
the new territory which they have recenti
IflVflItItl. In furniture business recenlr
Bank clearings show a flln : off . and
coleclons reached their low level In the
early part or February
"During the past week however the raIn
had its share In the slight iniprovenient.
I will ; siiy needed to aid the wInter
whelt crop and was an absolute necessIty
for the Planting ot spring grain. MUch
wheat Wil put Into the ground Immediately
after the ruin . and merchants throughQut
the state felt much elcoul'lged. In con-
trt to the depression ) of February Is the
fooling of encouraement manlfes\l among
dealers of all cha8c . traceable to the
slht Improvement toward the end of
the month , lul the belle ! thai with the
continuation ot favorable condiions , trade
will show much better during Iarch. Un-
less the weather II particularly unfavor-
able : Mlrchshoull ot Itself show" un In-
crease over 1.'chruar . and If u fair degree
of rain hould fall IluI'lnH the month there
Is no doubt that a marked improvement
will set In.
"ltoClt oC all descriptIons have unlloubt-
edly reached their lowest lcvei and conservative -
servatvo bu'llg contuue ! . anl Is no
doubt however that 1 slightly better Ceel-
lug' ' prevails . 111 u sulclent degree -
greo oC moisture . meaning u good crop
In tile fail . wi no doubt result In
Increased orders and more liberal buyIng.
Dealer In dry goods . groceries and boot
and , shoe deniers place theIr entire dependence -
once Ipon these favorable conditions for
the maintenance of their trade . Hnrdware
dealers , while they look for some Improve-
ment hardly expect much Increase this
Rprlng. Lumber men arc In about the same
hoal. I Is , hardly to he expected that I
great deal of building ! will be done out In
tile stale untIl Ileople get more money In
hanl1 and this wi not ue the case until
another crop Is han'esled. Lumber dealers
as well ns hnrlware therefore cannot rea-
lonabl ) ' hope for any very material Increase .
Some of the larger buIldings about to be
erected will , no doubt . benefIt trade some In
these lines . and itis naalnly on the building
't these that they will depend for business
this spring .
"Never before , possibly since the business
depression started In , has the feeling ns to
what each day and week will bring . been
mere tense than nt presnt. Evr.thlnA depends -
ponds upon the weather In this sctlon ' during
the next few weeks , and rain . rain . Is the
universal demand.
"The seed grain movement Is beIng ac-
tvel ) ' pushed . and with apparent . .success
lnd there ' Is now little doubt that. farmers
In Nebraska will have sulelent seed to plant
the new crop. The conditIon of the gold
reserve Is very satisfactory . and according
to advice . the good effects ot the lust bond
Issue are still fell. The best feature of this
Is the fact that the outflow of gold seems
to have been stopped for the time being.
Although this and other general discus-
slons are oC interest to merchants In Nebraska -
braska . they are not receiving the usual
amount of attention. The local situation Is
engrosslnl traders. and until ! 1t , Is solved
there will be 111 tIme 'o iv for the
consideration nr affairs In other parts of
. Dealers In the
the counlry. country seem
10 tell that they have the worst months
behind them , and. provIded conditions are
nt all favorable durln March . tills Is ' Un-
110Ihtly ) true. In the meanvhille. future
anti present trlie hang In the ' halance. tie-
ppnlent , upon the favorable or unfavorable I
climatic conditions , " I
Prospect oC n Crop Olveit LIfe to Droolll !
J o"r
The local manager ot the Omaha office ot
n. G. Dun & Co.'s mercantile agency.
speaking of trade for the week , says :
"The rains of Tuesday and Tuesday nIght
raised the hopes ot 'ever'body a full notch.
ant with a few more warm days spring
plowing will begin , though more rain Is
needed. The teellng Is general that In spite
of the short supply of seed grain , the continued -
tinued trouth antI the removal of a large
number ot people from ; Nebraska , the acreage _
age oc smal grin and Corn 'wi bj very
! reaty hlerclsel It thl working season
silail be early and tavoraule. With an enlarged -
larged area under cultivation and u bount-
ful crop Nebraska will agaIn take her pJlce
among the prosperous cOmmonwealths of
the union . A single good crop Is worth , mu- '
lens , to tills tnte.
"The governor has not yet signed or ve-
loel the nnl-oleomarsarJne bill. I am sorry
to read In the paper that he will proh.
ably approve , It. No good can come to the
creameries . the cows or the farmers by the
enforcement of the proposed law but 1
mnterlql Injury wi be inflicted upon a
iegitlmate wage-pa'lng industry. un
legltmlie ) Illuslr )
rror can 10 nothIng which will so much
slrenglhen him nmonH right thinking busl-
ness men , not biased by seltsh Interests , a8
to veto this measure.
"Trade has been rather better during tile
week . and jobbers and manufacturers . us
well nit Inlnclal peoitie arc In better humor
than for nlontits. Tile hOI ) issue anti Ihe
remurlcblu manifestations of eonldence In
tills government "hown by both local anti
foreIgn bidders for time hOIs ) have estn h-
iltiled a better feeling . I now tile expenses
of time nvernment cnn he maintained from
the receIpts from the tariff. internal revenue
ant Income taxe ! It will be comparatIvely
clear sailing for the next few months.
.Irnl estate Is very quIet . hut It Is ob"
served that buyers are beginnIng to appre.
elate their opportunity anti sales on fore .
closure Itild execution draw more bidders
Int l'xecuton trw blders
and bidders ot u better class . One live
operator and loan ngrnt told me the other
day lie hnl f50.0 ' available 10 he used for
one ( mon . I ) ' WilY at Investment In Omaha
realty . This gentleman says that Omaha
money maleu'l and money loaners will wake
UI ) some morning to thin tact that whim
they slept others came In anll carried , off
lime wenit 11 which opportunity intended for
'rhe hanlts are expectIng n cal from :
the comptroller nt any time . antI cue cons.- "
quenl\ I trile more conservative about tin t
\in : ! Ihan ' usuaL The uncertainty wih
reference to time gold reserve havlmmg pasll(1 :
by . banks ought to feel safe 10 ( Ia their
regular busIness.
"In view or the tact that the . savings
of tim people ot liii' clt . New
1111)1081s ( Iln peplo tl city of ,
Yoik hmrct"llt ) from $ Sr..o : 10 f93.bQ ) . ( .
Ilurln time 'ear 1891. there Plems less room
than ever for Iho feelng at so many peo-
ido ! ( hint time wagl earner II at the verge or
htnr'mltlnrh 'flmes are hnrll enoufh . of
course , lImit the lalent UmltIsed resources or
tiH American Ieopl" are greater than am'
of 11 c lcelv ( and when we gel , Ihroulh
frlchllnlnA 1\'eo'o'l' Into pafety deposits
and , tlvlnAs banks wIth tlm'iV money woo
imahh tutu ) all , we need. ready anti waiting
Fhn1 al anl wnlhl
to he tise.l , for IrlltOle business purposes !
"In . lobbing circles iii , ' week J his been
tmtmit . limit amonl r111 dealers trlllf was
quite artlve . especially In clothing antI boot
anl\ shine lines.
"Cnlertol ! for Februqr were better Iln
t,1 the IlrlcelnJ 10nlh , situ trade genl'r-
al\ ' was Imetter. A few duys' rAin would
brace 11 Ihe trade situation r mlllabh' null )
lImit everybody Into Ixcelent humor for
Iuslnla " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IIIRT Mil' . .
NtW YOlti . "r..1 : .KtGAI-Tr\T. Orm :
fair refinIng. 3 1.IrN rllrluool. t6 1.1 Sn'
pairs. none. n.Ontrl. nn,1 felriy Iclvl : Nu. .
C. : 7.i & No. 7. 3CJ ti.lte : No5. , . a 3.jIfn
N""r. . ' I" : No. N. : ln JcJ' . " ; .I"/ Ii
a'l Ir. : : . It. 3 1 .Jf : " . : N" . U. Ilte : off
. \ . 5tft3Zc . , m011 A. 4 . 1.IA < 41t , ; Ilnn'ln , \ .
: I ICOT'r : .nfl.ton.u. A. S ll.lCi3Ie : ril
i'a . " . 4 7.lGi43e . eamehieti. 4 & .lerHI.r ! , powdered
d I 114'e ' , lluhtt. 2 n.1CUI : . CUbeS . 4 IIG
(1 I itt' .
Iuls Took Profits Yesterday and as a
Result Who.t Was Easy .
Tendlley of I'hlclnlon la Timle Cereal !
" ' 1" 10 Follow The o of 'hrnt-
ORta Wlrc Very Jul-StolkA
amid . liomul. . . .
CHICAGO March 2.-Tho bulls took prof-
its today . and as a result the whnt mur-
Itot was easier . May closing HI lower May
corn closed % c lower Nay oats Hc lower
all provisions at slight declines.
' 'ho weather was not so cold In the west i .
r to justify the slnnl service cell wave
predictIons of the day before. That In
conjunction wIth the excellent report on
the condition of the wheat , plant In iCan-
8as. Missouri Jllanl and Illinois . along
with the fact that tile more long-headed )
oC the bull sPectulatormi hnd unlonlld again
on the shorts dlrlng ) 'estlr ny's advance .
gave the market a weal ollonlng. May .
which closed yesterday nt &lc . opcned
wllt sellers at from 5Ic to GIe , with
al immediate further shade or rcIUctIoIl.
'hat extreme weakness wore off In a short
tulle . but was again followed by I dt-
dining tendency until after the receipt of
the olclal cablegrams giving gove11lent
quotations tror the contncntnl marltets.
Berlin antI Antwerp were each quoted
higher and Pnrls from ! ; e per bu. advance
for March to 2 'ic higher for the Ma-Au-
gust term. The Quotatons from ParIs to
the New York exchange showed UI even
greater advance In wheat than the 0111.
clal figures received here amId translated.
'rhe Paris cablegram to New York gave
the advance In March wheat at r.r Aave l
centimes and also In1uy-AUlst. which Is
respectively equIvalent to 21c ! and , 3'c per
bu ' These gains It the continental markets -
kets caused I recovery her to 511. which
was time tradIng prIce at the close
The business In corn was small and of nn
uninteresting lOcal dIameter. The tendency -
ency of the fluctuations was to follow
those ot wheat wIth the tendency ot corn
rather more In favor of a' decline. The
operlng price for May was 4e. and I do-
dined during the day to 44e with 45
the closIng price
Oats were very dull. Th tone ot the
market was easIer wIth CO'n. prIces beIng
a shade lower lurlng the entire session.
May sold between 2'c and 2e , closing at
from 29o to 29c.
Very little change can be noted In provisions -
visions . but such as they ure Is In the
direction or lower prlccs. The following
lro the declines for the May deliveries :
Pork ant Inrd 2 c : rib , tram 2c to &c'
pork same hog receipts 16.0 head and
39.0J heat are estlnlated tor Monday . with
18,0 the entire run for next week.
Estimated receipts for Monday : Wileat t
cars ; corn 2t5 cars : oats , 133 cars.
- The - leading futures rnge < os flows :
Articles , I Opou. I 11-h ; I Low. I Clan
Wheal.No. 2
Marcim . . . t2 OI ( 28
Inrh. I'H 5U lH /
In ) . . . . . 4 ! ; 54 ( .1 M 1
July. . . . . : l } @ aoe Cl4TGts3 G n@\
Com No.2. ? .
Mardi . . . 43 : ( 43' 421' 43H
In. . . . U1 5h 4r.H 4Hi 44345
JI1O' . . . . . . 4.mt1 ( 4H ( 44t 4"t
Oal8 No. 2. . . !
Iay. . . . . . . 2m , 2mfl ( 20 WHm
Junr. . . . . ' IH 28th SH 23
. : : IH : 2fH
Jul ) . . . . 27 2m L 27" 27H
Pork per bbl
Mny. : . . . 10 35 103 ; 1027" 10 323I1
Lard.IOO Ibs .
ia ) . . . . . . 052" } 0 12 0 47 0 no
Short tUbs- .
. Ibs- . . a 30 : G 32 I 27" I 30
.UI : : . . : : . . . . . 0 48 .j > I 42 I 4 ;
Cash quotations were ns follows :
PLOUH-Wlnll' latents S2&Q .1 : : spring
patents , $ .0 3 , & : bakers , $1,3t.2.IO : winter
straigimis S ,30iW : sprIng straights . S2.OOI12.75.
WH AT-No. 2 bprlng , 5H.56' : No. 3
spring , nominal : No. : red . ' OIttI3c.
nN-No. 2. 43WiN3c , No. 3 ) 'elow. 4Hle.
OATS-No. 2. 2Kc : No. : white . 3lc32ic ! :
No. 3 witite . 31 31'c.
RY -No. 2. 5n c.
AHLI Y-No. 2. tIc . ; No. . 3. ll524cr No.4.
tic. ;
FLAX 8gED-No. I. U:39i39U. : ;
TIMOTHY Iml Dlrlne. $ .50.
1'ItOVISlONS-4ess' \ jorIc per , bbl. . $ \O.J@ \
10.3. Lard . per 10 Ib8. . I6.37i. Shorl"rlb "sllef
( ( ese ) . S5 I4J5.Q : dr Fie shoulders ( oxed . ) ,
SI6T % @ 4i5 : .fhnrt clear sides ( boxed ) . $3.41fi3.IO.
WHISKY-Dlsllers' Inlshed goods . per gnl. .
.81.33. ,
'Cho following were the receipts and ahlpmenll
101ay :
-ArUcles . Receipts Shlpment' .
- - - -
Flour bbla. . . . . . . . . . 10,000 10.000
Whelt , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.000 10.000
Coni bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252,000 21.000
Oals. bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.000 107,000
Rye but. . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . : . 1,100 )
narley. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,000 18.000
On the Pro.nc3 e1eh nINJay Iho batter m ;
ket was steady : crCmer. 10Wc ; dairy : 0
118. ) Eggs . dl\1 2tl2. , .
NEW , YOHK UtNEltAL l1 m.ET.
Cioslng Qnotlttun , on thl PrincIpal Com-
tundlte , IUHI SIIII\e. .
NEW YOn . March 2.-I'I.OUR-Recelpts. . 2' ' , .
( ) bbls. ; exports , ' : .50 bbl. : ; sales . 8$0 Ikgs.
Maillet fIrm but quiet. Buyers lOc under
salting prleo for spring p.lenll : ely mill p4t- i
eola , S4OO@I.I ' ; winter patents . l2fO3.l0 : city I
mill clears . S3. : : : wlntcl straights , $ l.701t2.15 : I
Minnesota patents , $3O : 3.S ; wlnler extras . $1.90 !
62.4) : Jlonl"olo baler S2.001G : winter IqlY' '
grades , $ l.70t12.iO.spdng ; low grades. $ < 1.90 ; , .
spring extras. * 1.83112.35. nyp flour . qultt : sules.
15 bbla. : supertine . $2.G3r12.O ; fancy $ .80 ' : .0.
Uuckvlmeot Ileur , quiet ; * l.t3fit.lO. .
l . .
n \ & I
fl nL'
IIUCKV'IIFA'L'-fluli l , ; .
CORN IIMJQulet : sales 20 .bbls. ; yellow
we.ler. Sl.OStJi.IO : IJrandywine . $2.(0
nV -Nomlnal : car lois , 6c : boat loads t5
@ .G.
IiAUIAY-Itasy ; No. : . tilwaimkee . 63iGjc :
tworowed state . Wc : Canada . 703j112 ½ c.
lAHLEY 1IALT.lteny ; wClern,7Un ) : slx-
rowed . 730170c. " _ .
WIEAT-neeelpis. none : exports , 15G,500 bu. ;
sales 1.1,0 bu. futures : no bPOI Spol In-
nclVe : No. 2 red . In store , nnUele'alor. 5S1c :
silent 59c : f. ( > . b . Oc , uloat : No. 1 north.
ermi , GSc ! : No. 1 haid . C ' \c. delivered . Options (
opened easier under tree local selling and line
wlalwr WeSt . traders ignoring Ihe firmer . mules
.nd big Increase . In Wt'cSly. outputs. Lalel' tilde
WItS / further , delne : on enormous English farm-
. , r8' deliveries and time ( lose \\'OS lt : % nel
lo.a. On tile curb prIces rallied sharply on
I.'rench advices : No. 2 led , larch , , loe,1 sit
58 ½ c : May , 581:9 5.IGc. clo.el ul tltc : Jun"
: nal59Ye. ! clcsed at 89ttc ; July t9f:9"e. \ : . closed
dt 59yc ; Hepteinl'er . GOuOGOc. closed nt GOIC
December 63'hc , closed II 58c. GJcl
CIN-necelpIK.37.7o bu . : exports . 18,10 hu. :
sales . 130.0 bu. futures and 10,010 1m. spol.
Spot dull : No. > 2. 49c. In elevator : tOuc sIlent ;
telm.r mixed , 4 * e. In elevator ! : 4)tt q lucId .
Options , very quIet anti lower with wheat , closing
al % re declne : March elOel ot 4S.e : May
l iIWc. closed ot 48e : July 49fI9tc. ! .Iosel
at 4ge.
OATH-Iteceiptuu , 4 .0 bu. ; exporis 2.0J .hu. :
sales , 5. ( ) . bu futures and 16.00 , bu. 8pOt. Spot
rely dull ; No.2. dcl\'cred , 31 e : No. . 3 lIe : No.
3 wimite . 32c ; No. ' a wimhte . 861c. Options ruled
very dull ansi cl"ed I.C lower ; March closed nt
: ' , c : May cioscl , lit 33t'iv .
301lec. hAT-Steady ; shlppl4ao : gOo to choIce
: H01S-81.aI' : slate. common .to choice , oh ,
3@1c lIttle. ; _ 1891. flc ; Puclc ' old , 3\Hlc \ : ito ) ,
lBl ) i 8-SteadY ; New Orleans . wet salted , fl-
leell. 4. 10 G : Ibo. . 5e : Jutnos Ayres. dry .
.10 10 21 lb. . 1fI3\ \ : Texas , dry , U0 30 Ibs. .
IUATIm-ule\'j \ hemlock sole , Iluenos J\'res.
' 11rht ) O heavy vegIits ! . 114jtjiTc. ! .
WOOIQul t ; dUUc"ll Ilccce , IGf c ; pulled ,
l'itOVnilONS-lmee ( . quIet : faml ' . $ ll.Oi4JlOO' I ;
1ltVHONH-Jeef. SI.0O
extra mets , 1COtJS.O ) ; beef iaas , T.w'jueKed ; ,
\ ( ) n2.0 ) : .tf8.OJ mess ur.MfIM.O. Cut
Imleats. steady : 1.111..1 . liemile. . $5. $ ( . & ; 1,1"k-
haul siuouhilers , UU4.15 : pickle . J.1v $3. & ) @
3.tb3 i plellel sluouidemis 84.&Of4.75 : Illckled hnms.
t8.edsJ. " . Lard steady : w""lerf . .tt'anl close
lt $ G.72 ½ tj6.'O : city. SG. : ; March closed at $ % %
/omllnl ; May .t& ' ) nominal ; relirmeul. quiet ;
coimtlnent . 11.10 : H. A. $ J : compound. U.15@
. ,0. Iork. II.ndy : new mmmccc. $ h.2.dfll.71 $ ; Cam-
I ) ' . $ Ue % 0'1 ' : short clear . $ l3.UOtl1.tO.
IITTt-lul $ $ : wulern uLmiry . 001150 : we.ler
C\llh'r' 1t2Ie ; western factory Hjlc : m-
glims :162 : imItatIon e1'ery ; 10&Ic : slate
.Ialr ) ' . lltfl.Oe ; state creamery . oU lsjlS ½ c .
C1i11l351-Qiulet : ' 1Iale. large PUI\c 19\c. ,
, ! , : part "Ims . , 3 { ½ e ; full skim . i ½ 43 \ . .
110U5-ttteady : state and l'.nn.yh'anla. 3Qc ;
west"r frmalu 2i'fc : southern . 20tI'Jc : receipts ,
2.211 I .lugs. '
'L'AI.IAW-Flrm : city . 4c : country . n c.
l'L3'rItOht'UM-l'Uv United closed ut n. & ; bid ;
WaahltIlon. * In Ibl. . $ G.50t1.l0 ; Wlohlngloo , 10
lutulk . $ "f ) : r.nn.1 New York , U.30 ; l'lIl3delmIuia ;
upJ lalhn" . e. $ l3.3 ; l'hllsddpiuia soil Ullrnor" .
II bull : . $3.10. .
1tO3tN-Virnm ; strained common to good . $1.40
TL'I1PI3NTINII-Kteady nt 33t013Ic. \
l1ICmi-Itteaulo' ; domimestle . ( air to eta , 4 % @
Gc ; Jal'an. 43.01I4e. \
: OI\tH ! S-SI''dY : New Orleans . open keto
tie , 101 to clmoice 030t35e.
OlI.Nt1i2i-Quiett \ 1"lorhla. 81.0003.00 , Call.
' ( olola . $1.2344.G ) .
MI3TAI.8-I'ig iron . quiet : Slch , SIO .O
. ' mnerlcaii. $ . : J IlG CI'p < r. ! brokers'
price $3.11. . lead , brokcrs' price , 3.023g. l'lales
quIet nnd steadl'
t'1wfON ; Hl3lfl ) 'Ol.I'rlnl' crude % : off
crude : lc : Nlme lummer ) 'elow. 2334f26c ;
elf suulnier ) 'cltIV. ' , 3j'3te flooded : yellow hut
liA4tuiitai. leI' grades . 2r.e ; prime summer white . S0J2o ,
- ( 'oteo 3lerket.
) ark.
01 < . & I
NEW YO88 . MardI 2.-CO1F3i3--Options
"pened Ileuty at ( pints - . but kept
steady under . Cor ltn and local mulling . weak
rOI'I&1 " 1\.lc. . .maler deliveries und larger
rcceimt. . 6"1. 1.75 bags . Including : Muuy .
UI.WVU.t ; June , Il4.5l4.CG ; July. IlI.70011.71. ;
Atmguit . nUQ : lttQ& . UMMUf6 : Drtmbr.
SU. & Spot caftie , RIOflun ; Ne 1 , Stsr 111
qull nonl. Ind .lr1ut . ' 011581"1 ' ; sales ,
; 'Irho\ deli'CtY'frnm \ New York Ylltr-
day . 1v. hogs : N&tk IIMk today . 1G.
lungs : United tIAtII'1k. ( 72.m t'nga : alCt rO
the tnled HtstesJ' 'Yooo , h'l : total . , I'e '
Ilrplr forthl United Slates , mr 1g8 , AIAloAt
42.34 bal last YJ'TIr , Rio shipments to the
UnIted States durrl l'ebrusry , 75,000 bags :
Santa' , r.'I ) kigii. 'I r 150)
SANTOS. March % .Market quIet : good aver'
ngl $ afltos , $ G.I 'l'tlpts . 0,0 : .
:3 . ( ) hn . '
ll. MlltYltO , Mnnh'l-Mnrkel 1 I.rlees '
fU pfl lrlne Il ' ' ! " m. : clnol\ dull and un'
chanced : Mltl 1..tll !
. Rio 1 JANI3II1I ! O.LArh 2.-Mnrkrt steady :
No. 1 IUo , SI5.3. ; clngl. lo ; receipts , 8.0
lungs : Cleared for UuInIteuI Slates . 3.)1 hoxs :
eie'urctl bags . ro EurP . \ h , io 1 , . ) ) hAg ; stock . 16,0
011AI , URN , - .at , L AIAJtt T ,
COlltoo of TraIl sail Uuotntaal an
Staple iuul' rnney t'roduce.
BUT1 n-CtICt stock . ChIc : common 10 faIr
10 : fair 10 lot tuntr 1012 : choice to
fancy , 13'16 : Ilhcrll crnmery ; " Ito : selralor
creamery . istooc .
I OOS-trlel ) ' ( realm haItI U@c. }
LtV I'OtIITltY-ltf'ns , ( : roosters . 6c :
duCks G ; lurkej' ! G : htRv ) ' tOOIS , 5c : geese Cc ,
DItIISSIOI ) .1'tI'lY-Clckenl. fair ro :
ChOice large . C'4c ' : choice smali . 7c ; turkeyS , fair
to 11 , 7 ili4cIl : .cblc heavy 7Sc ; choice
small , 8\19c \ : ducks , fRIr \ good . 6ie : ronc , .
full drs.l , Oe : gees . ; faIr to'go. o. Gtc ; fancy
rul dresed , l.
( 'IAMII-lllue wing teal , per ulos . SI.I :
green wing teal . Per doz. , 1'1 U.2QI.G ; dUck .
mixed per dec. . S1o" 12 : can\'nlhnck" . UOt
5.0 : mallards and red Imends $ , MU3.0 $ : Imnl
rRhhl. 5 : JAck rabbIts . 1 : Iqulrr'l ' toe.
" ' 1AJCholce : fat , 70 to 10 lbs. ) . are Iluote" at
C ½ tmflc : large and coasn . 34J1c .
CII'ESI : -Wllrnlln full cream . , Young Amtrl-
cans . I3cI : twins 1e : Nebraska nllll Iowa rul1
Cream , lie : Nebraska nn\ lows part skims , 101
Be : I.lmbllrl\er. Nu. I. lie : brick No. I. lIe ;
Swl. . No. I. 15c.
UAY-Upland hay SO : i : mldlnn SSM : lowland.
ssi : rye straw , $ G. Color makes the' price 0:1 ba ) ' .
LIght shaMa soil the best . Only lop grades
bring tap "rlces.
PlOEON8-l'er I\OZ. . 7.c41$1.oo.
POTATOE8-\Veslem stork car lots , Gic : small
lots iiiI.
,01.0 BIMNS-Uand picked , .nB\'Y. SI.901i12.oo :
Llm bean , . Per lb. , 11 % c.
ONIONS-Dn orders , $1.00f/1.10 : per lIbl. . $2.IIfJ
3.00.CAIOIIAUFIOn orlel'll , 2c.
CBtl n -l'er dot. . 5OffGOe : Cnlltornlt J@
$1.00. .
8\VJ3IOT l'OTATOES-Good stock 82.80 ; lnn.
, sac , * . 0002. 2:0. -
IIF.IITS-l'er lIbl. Sr.5O. . '
CAHItOTS-l'rr bbl. . S2 '
CAI1IU'LOWJonl'cr crate of a doz. and hall
1'1' Iwo I\OZ. . U.2.
ItOnStnADlSU-1'er Ill . 6@70. .
I'AltsNIP8-l'er IIbl. S2.
ltUTAUAGAS-l'er lb. . l4e. \
I'AIUH.EY-I'er .Ioz. bunch . : .
'TUllNU'8-l'er . ' .
- bbl. ; SI.50.
SPINACH-Per bbl. 83.10014.00.
1'1E PLANT-Per doz. . 75c.
, 'UUITS. '
PEAnS-Wlnter Nelli ; . none.
APPIES-Cholcc stock . $ .50 114.75.
011APE8-Conrord. none : Malagas per 6S to .
68lb. bbls. . gross . SIO.OO@IO&O ,
CRANI1OI1IUES-JCtSCY $ . fancy $11.00@I1.&O
per bbl. .
ORANOIIS..Florldat . I'er box S3.75@4.00 : Call-
formula nIlVII18. SI.roo : seedlings S3.
DANANA8-Cholco Stock $2.00@2.50 per lIunch.
I.EIION8-lIfes8Init . sizes :00 to . 360. choice ,
S302 : fancy . S3.&O 14oo.
OYS.TEn8-Medlum. ) : per calm . ltd : horseshoes ,
oJc : extra standnNs , Be : extra selects 2.c : cent-
"any selects :6c : NOw York counts 30c : bulks ,
standard . Per A'11I. , $1.10. '
NgW I108-Exlro. fancy 16c ; fancy . He ;
choIce 12ift13c : Caiiiom'nia . Lags . 7c.
UONEY-New YorlQ file : darlc 140113c : Cull-
fornla J6c : slmlned , ,4 UI 10-lb. cans , Ier lb. . 10c.
II.\I'I. SYl1UP..Gnllon jugs , per doz. , $12 :
Illxtuy 5-al. cans.d 03.
NUTS-Almoods. t15cn : English walnuts IIOC-
shelled 12c ; standards leo ; lilberts 8119c : Urazll
nuts Sc. m 1
SAUI.n KRAUT-iGholcc whIte per bbl. . t.50@
5.00 : per hlllf bbl. , $2.GO@.75.
III1NC III1 AT-I' ' lne ) " In unit lIbls. . per lb. .
5Y"c : lO-glll. kegs , 'c : ' 'wndensed ; per case oC 3
doz. "k:8. . 12.50. t , 'I ,
CID n-l'ure jukv . , pc'i hbJ. $3 : half bhl. , $3.
IUD S-No. 1 gt'el't\ ' Hides ' 3U4c ; No. 2 green '
hIdes 3c : No. 1 \cfl1'lsaltc hideS' . Ge : No. 2
green salted hIdes _ ' 4e1'No : . I green salted hides
2. tJ 40 Ibs. , 5c : No ! : * 'green salted hIdes . 2. 10
40 Ibo . 4c : No. 1 tenltnlf. 8 10' 13 Ibs. . 8c : No. .
2 veal . cqit . s loiS 7b4',0c : No. 1 dry IIInt hlde8 ,
. 6C : ' No. ' 2' dry llint'h1hds Sc : No. 1' dry sailed
ciies . 5c : part curct1"hlaes 'ho per lb. less than
tully l"11'ed. ' _ 0" ' "
lJUEEP PELTs-Jl1'rh salted each 25fiGOo :
green salted oheaHlnp9' ' tahort woole early skins )
each , 51l1c : dry I/hl'arllngs ( short wooled early I
skins ) . No. I. euch } " * IOe : dry shearllnKS ( short '
wovl",1 early skltj ) 'N ' . ' 2 ; each . Sc ; dry flInt'z
l\nnSJ\f.elt'hd N"Utllftlq 'lbUI h ! ' r ,1",01,1 pelts ' 1ICr z
lb. . actual weight 5U c : ( try' flint Iunaaa and
Nehmsk-n , murraIn wool pells. per lb. . actual
weight 41/lGc ; dry flint Colorado botcher wool
'pelts , ' per lb. . actual weight . 4@GIIry \ : IIInt
Colorado morroln wool pelts , per lb. . actual
\"elghl. 41l6c. ' .
, TALLOW AND GflI3AS1O-TaIlow , No. 1. 3c :
tflIiov No. 2 . 30 : grease white A. 3 . @I\ie ;
grease while D. .30 ; /P'ease. yellow , 3c ; grease
dark l1i@3o : old butter 2IiUUe ' ; beeswax , prime .
110120c : rough tallow , 2c.
FUnS-Denr. black , No ! large , . 20.000125.OOi :
, large SG ; o. 1 medluni $4.5ONo. : I small $3 : ,
bear brown No. I' large 120.000120.001 No. l.
mediunm IG : No. 1 small. S12 : hear brown ye.r-
linTs ; 'No I Ian : ' . I0.00@12.0J ; No. I-meJlum. $8 :
N1) " 1 small , to ; bear. , brown cubs ; No } ' 1 large ;
$7 ; No. 1 medium , S 3 : No. I small U : ; badger
No. 1 medIum $15 : No I amt.,1 : Si.oo@IOOO : bear ,
black yearlIngs , No..1 large ; U2.1 Jt15.00 : No. I
meuliuni SIO : No I small n : bear black cubs
No. I large 60.00013.00 : No. 1 melllum , $ .OO l6.00 ; ,
No. I sm lI. 11 : bear llack Moatana and Hock ) '
mountain , No. 1large ; . 8I8.03432).O : No. I medium .
S1 : No.1 small ; $10 : bear black- Montana ) ' .ar-
lings , No. I large $12 : No. I medium S8 : No. I
small S5 ; Lunar black Montana cubs , No. I ,
large . G.50 : No. 1 I11cdlum. . 14.50 ; No 1 smnll :
S3 : bear sliver _ tip , No. I large . $2 , ) ; No. 1
medium. S12 : No. I mail $8 : bear sliver tip
yearlings No. I large , Ill ; No. 1 medIum . $8 ;
No. 1 small $ O ; : bs1r sliver tip cubs No. I
No. I Inne. UOHlIro : : No. I meullutn tOe : No.
I small , too : ltshor No. I large $ S : No. I medIum
$0 : No. I small H : ( ox . silver as 10 olor , uo-
corlllIg 10 beauly. No. I large , $100 ; No. 1
medium $00 : No.- I email , $30 : fox , silver . pule
according 10 beauty No. I large , $50 : No 1
medium , $30 ; No. 1 , Binnli , $2J ; , tax , cross No.
Jorge. ST ; No ' 1 mMlum 13 : No. I small 12 :
fox red No. I large $1.50 : No. I tnediu ; 1.25 :
No. I small. $1 ; fox ; gray Nu. 1 large lIe ; 3o.
I medIum , 5oJc : No. 1 snall 40c : Cox kits No. 1
large Sac : No. I medium , 4Qc : No : 1 small 3)ct ' ) :
1).1\x. N1 large $ : No. .1 mndIumn . S2 ; No. 1
' small , $1.50 : marten , No. I laro U : . No. 1 nIl'-
dlum . $ Ito ; : , No. I atall St mink No.1 large.
COilC5c : .No , I medidm 4Qc : No 1 mnli . 35c ;
mink. dark No. 1 large , tic : No , J. lIIedlllm , 4.c ) ;
No. 1 s1l1nll. 3Oc : nlllonlain lion perfect hud ;
and feet No. 1 large . SI.00@2.o : Imperfect skins
lQoo@7.00 : No. I small $ : : otter , pale. No. 1
large , S1 ; No. 1 medillm. $ : : .No. 1 small $4 ;
Inecoon , . No ; 1' large . 6O@iOcr : No. I , medium , G'c ' :
No. I s1l11111. 33c : raccoon , hlack' . ' us 10 benitty
No. 1 large , . LOclS2.00 : skunk , blllek , cased , nur-
lOW strlpeJ . No. I large , GOo ; No. I medium. 1'lc ' :
No 1 b""II , 25c ; skunl- hrga.t strIped No , I
huge 2O323c ; wolverIne No. I large $4 : No. I
111I'1I111m. SI : No. I 8mnll. $2 : wolf , mountain No.
1 large. $3 : No. I medium 12 : No. I Bulmuli $1\0 \ :
wolf pralrl. No. I large . C3fi9)o : No. I muedlutmm
tOe : No. I amnII , 400 : heaver per skin , No I
lal'ge. Si.ooflG.OO : No. I medillm , u.r'l ; NOI I
entaIl $2 : beaver 1lls. No. I large $2 : No ; I
medium , U.5Q : No. I emaIl lOc : inukrats
winter No. I lauge -84310c : No. I medlnm. 9c :
Nil. I small , 7c ; muskrats fall No. 1 large ,
flCc : No. 1 nmedlum 1e : No. , I small , . Go ;
muskrat kIts 21l.c.
STOCKS , dt4I ) nos 0'1.
' - 1
With the Exception of' Sugar sad Dlstillin
Securities " " ' 1'0 n eak.
NEW YORK , March . - ' ' " stoell market was
weak throughout today . except for Sugar and
Olstllllng nndI. feat , others of the less , active
industrIals The weakness or the LOIlllon mark"t
Cor Aml'rlcun secllljl1. " anti selling hy foreign
houses hall , perhall : , ; jouut \0. \ tIe ' Vllh ( the de.
Iln'solon i > , but time " "PHI.efIn sterling exchange
rates was also /I. prominent rnclor. OC time 1'1\11.
way list 1..olI'III. , s. Nashville was hcavl.
eat London wl i 1''llhe leader In thiS
sellIng nmovoniemit : iIl , as the sllres receded
Stol loss onlers w rl' ; met with , which helped
the decline , nail Ih Ihtk'us not chroke,1 until
n loBS of 2 Per cent t4tl I. been mllll" . The closIng
prIce was 0111) I. t pr'.tlt above the lowest lit .
I'ul sold down I tip'eat. , Ihe 100t being the
lowest price touched' fl1II purchases were mainly
10 cover sHort eoru ( 1lds. The other greasers
showed declines ur fr'1' , , tO 10 i per cent 'fhe
loss on the day In hit , \i'st oC the railway group
rangeil front t hidC CiI downwai'd , '
'flue ' industrial : ahma'reI tilOYI'd n iriegularly. Sugar
was bought In moocrnte. amounts 1(1 cover short
contracts and rQae3 IItr cent with II final reaction
action uC , , I'er 't"lIft ' Plslllllog was tile \
In good Icllland , makIng a gain oC %
per cent on _ Jow.Inc by the anti-
Un'l'nhuI party cll11I1nlr' ' . . per cent below the
best , Iead and LtIAd" ' preferred each 1I1'Ire-
clule 1 per cent.1JJ 1leclrle 'was 1'0\.1
down 1 per cent b3 : fl'tUml houses . reglllnlo I
per cent In the ttnstr4nuding , IInlleo1 1IIIIIell
Cordage guaranteed biS1ie S per cent on the sale
or n 100 share Igllt ttw oolll1ll0n receding I. - Ier
remit Tobacco Is' ' \ ' 0a' ( per rent Chicago tips
% per CcItt and Consoldated ( Gas % I'er cenl.
'Via market closed generally heavy
Iurlng time week , DS 1\ rule the market hums
"t"1I heal'Y. and hue active list . will IJut few
exception , . shows material losses as comlJurl..1
tt Rhm the final ' quoiiuttons of Istut Saturday. At
( ito opening of n eel wck the action of the Cans.
tHan I'aeltle In passlo&'the dh'ldl'1 on Ihl' eonh
11100 stock Il..1 to selling of the . iiur . here mind !
la IAndon and aust'd II drop oC K\ \ 1' -1' cent 10
( I. tluh''luent coverlnlf by the short Interest
hroughl Ihe figures u\l lu 41 % . but there was II
later reaction . and the flush sale of the wh'k
lecor" a net loss of 6 per reol. 1..I1Idon111
II notable factor la the weakness of IpccuhlUoa. ,
Twenly.nlne euniCe loueh..1 the lowell 1II.\Ires
resciued since Januury I. The Vanderbilt 1'111.
ertes : were t'lken In iland In torn by the bear
, traders and hanlnlert'd dOlm. New YOlk .otr'al
was the chief point ot attack. The Gould stocks
tec..lvl'd conslderabte % ntt nllon. which was 111011'
marked In' . MIssouri , 1'.eUle. lint stock being
sent dawn 1 % lerrcent tll l$3. of which Iinly . 1\6
per cent was regaIned . The action or the 'hi- .
ca&o aldermen In : grantIng chanter 10 a new
gus corporation and tIme renewed ho.I.llly DC
Attorney Gcnnlll Maloney brought about II heolr.
Ish feeling 11lcagQ nt8. ul"'l1le & 1'1'
yule broke Crom ' 20/ . to 418 . . mainly .n lI'1uIGa.
lion 0ureio acoutlts . 'j'jllt coal ahisres lien
depressed durIng thr early trailIng to Ihl' extent
of 41i per cent In 8u"1uthennllVf ttm I'rl'o
ferre'.l . I" per cent In New Jersey Central aruul
T per rent In IAlrkl\'I'nnnn. The agreement of
the sales agents 'u ' to the IItRtch Output brought
nt.mlt II 1'1I1" rally nnt the closing prIces
Show only rmcllon.t chl\ngM.Cn the week . except
for New Jersey Crntral.
Thl' 'Clnmllotl of Il (1I,1I1I'n,1 of t per cent on
United States Leather I'reft"rl' . when 4 per
cent was looked for resulted In n decline ( real
112 to U. and the common lock fell In sympathy
from El to 1. Tobnceo was sol lit ro on Mon.
uhmi ! ) ' . loIlt sales were made In the closing 11I'nllno
III 91. . The net gaIn Is S per t'ent l\nllhnore
& Ohhut " .ftll 11010\ dawn from C2't \ ' to r4tt , mRlnll'
on rumors 100 thin effect that the company , wOlllo1
find 11 III00cuit to meet its March dlll"\lr , emt"nill.
An olnelal IleniRI of the story rl'ollllett In 11'1" -
covet ) ' to S1 % . 11J\tt of which 'nil lost , and the
break on the week Is 6'l'er cent.
The Itl1lnl.r abates were tinder continuous
pressure , partietmlnrl' Northwestern whiieht lest
a per cent , tallying only % per cent. The act
declines in th rest of the grmtp ranged from i'
to 1 % per' cent , the hatter in Pt. PattI.
Thie'sales of the week aggregated S.O.890 uuimires ,
The bonul market teds ) ' was qutict and the ma-
orit' of the sales were at lower Ilgures. TIme
total transactions were $330,000.
During the week the nImirket was dull flflil
generally' hmet'y , and in tIme inactive mortgnOtti
there wnq usnno notaiule eonees'Ions , inclutding
Oregon Navigation cnllaiernl irtmst (5 , ii Per
rent ; Northern l'stciflo collateral trust Ca , 7
cent ; St. Joseph & Grand lslc.hd let trust re-
ceipta. 5 her cent. Cnnt.ige IsIS nilvanent C'I
Pet' cent. ThS sales of' the veek were 1tiO1.0O.
Sales. of large amounts etC new gflVCt'tiilleflt 4s
were made at figures ranging from llS't to hlI , '
the hlnal toinsactlons Iwing at the latter ilgitre.
The lIvening l'ost's london cabtertatil says :
'rho Unitt States loan is sit 4 ! { , mr cent , re.
mium. Americans were flat todc.y on many sales.
One mtilion pounls in t t'enb Chillan teens' .
lit ) ' huills have been PllCed lucre by the Iiotlus
ehilds at a price to yield Ss per cent intere'st.l
This bills are Issued to draw geld fromli lucre to
assist in the conversion of the currency ncx
Jul' .
The following were the closing qtmaatlona % nm
the heading atock of the' New York exchange
today :
. . . . . . . . . . . ' Norttivestern , , , , , 871
Atianla Express. . . 1411 N. V. liful. . . . . . . . . . 1ts ; '
Alton , T. It . . . . . . . 'J.i ) N , 1' . Pemttral , . , . , , tuii'
AlIt. ltxpress. . . . . . I ii ) N. 'I' . & N. . . . . . . . .
naltimnore & Ohio 57 Ontario , ! , W. . . . . . .
Cflflhtl't t'aciltc. , 48 On'goit 11111) . . , , , . . , It )
Canada Soutlmnrum. . 47 ( Oregon Nay. . . . . . . . It
Cu'mmtral l'aciIlc , . . . 1'24 0. 5. Ti & LI. ' 3. . . . 44
Chit's. & Ohio , , . . . . lili' ( l'selflc Mail , . , , , , 2lj
Cluicaco Altomi. . . . . 1411 1' . U. k F. . . . . . . . . . ' 4
0. , Il. & Q. . . . . . . . . . tit)5 ) I'itt'bllrg. . . . . . . . . . 1313
Chicago uas. . . . . . . , ' 3(04 ( l'umllimllttt i'alaco , 153
Conuoildatett (158 I30).i ) ltauhimu . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
C. . C. , C. &St. 1g 00 11. 0 , W . . . . . . . . . . . . Iti
Cob , Coal & Iron 4 It. ( I. V. . . . . . . . . :
Cotton Oil Cccl 2 1tck luulauul. . . . . . . 0l
Ieiawaro&llt1d 3281 St. l'aul . , , , , rut
Del. , Lack. 3. IV 151 4 do tutd. . . . . . . . . . . I Iflt (
I ) . . ! i it. U , p10. . . . . 334 St. 1' , . ' . . Omaha. .
I&C. F' . Co. . . . . . . I'2 .io pta. . . . . . . . . . . . loll
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Southern Pacitic , 114
tiO pM. . . . . . , . . ' 'ill Sulgar Itotlilery. , , t)2'L' )
i'Ort Waymmo..I5ll Toulum. Coatk lromt 131
6 ; , Northern ofuL , , 101) ) Tox's i'aoiflo. . . . . .
0.3.13. I. nal. . . . . . thU T. .iO Cent. t'fd lOti
llockiulgValloy iS ( habit Pacific 511 ,
Illittots Central 51 % tO. S. } ixpres. . . . . . .10
St. 1' . & l3ultitht . , 21)1' , St. L. & 1' . . . . . .
Ic.3. T. pfd. . . . . . . . 21 % .10 1)1(8. . . . . . . . . . . .
Lake lOne & tVosl 31St Wolis Fargo Ex 11)3 )
do IlfU. . . . . . . . . . . . TI tVeuinnt Union , 87)4
LakoShoro. . . . . . . . 13314 Wluecitng&L. 13. , 81S .
Lead Tnmst. . . . . . . . 2)0 ) (10 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
LonlvIllo& N' 4734 lul. 's St. 3 . . . . . . . . . . 2814'
1. , i N , A. . . . . . . . . . 0 I ) . k . It. U. . . . . . . . . . 1014
Maniuattaut Con. . , , 1004 17. F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
? 'temitululiu&C. . . . . . 10 N. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It )
? uIlciuigan Ccitt. . . . 51 % 0. ? . 1i L. i . . . . . . . . . 24
Missouri Pacific , . 1014 do 1r&t. . . . . . . . . . . . 51)
Mobile .ti 01,10. , in II. acT. 0 . . . . . . . . 214
'Nashville Cimt. 14 T. A. A. & N , Oct 1
National Comtiltgo 45 ( ' 1' . St. L. Ji IC. C. . . . I
doptd. . . . . . . . . . . 74 doprd. . . . . . . . . . . . 7
N.J. Central. . . . . . 0.114 5. 11 , P. . . . . . . . . . . . It )
N.&W.pfd. . . . . . . . 10 dopful. . . . . . . . . . . . 31
? 'Oortli .ttmt. ( to. . . . 32 Ant. Tob. Co. . . . . . . ti)14' ) ) .
Northmermi Paoillo 284 do pfil. . . . . . . . . . . . 10481
No.l'ac. 1)fd. . . . . . . ltll : St. 1' , , Id. & 81 . . , . 100
u.l , . . n..G. . . . . . 24
The total sales of etocks today were SG.tOO
sllares , inchuilitug : AmerIcan Sugar , 14.01)0 ) : html . /
llngton , 1(03 ; Chicago (3aM , 1,60) ; tIstlliing amid
Cattlefeculing , 20,100 ; Uenemal I'iecIrIc , 1,103
, Ioulsvihle & Nasliviiie. 7,1,00 : Nv .letuey Cemlttai ,
2,0l ) ; Nortiuwestern , 4,000 ; Itek Islatid , 1,504 ; tOt.
l'uul , 16,100. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Neiv nrhc Momtoy Mmtrket.
N1l'YOIUO , Oularclm 2-MONLV ON CALl.-
: i tier cent.
l'lllMII MnI1CANTILIO 1'Al'Efl-3015' , per
STIIRLING EXCiINOI-Stu'ong and luiglier.
* * lthu actual business in haaiiems' blis at $4.Sif
1.Sivt : for demand amId at 14.S7'/,01I.571 for sity
BAIt S IIX13R-501jc.
2dIIXICAN DOLl.Alt5-4Sie.
GOVlOTtNIItlOrOT ImONDS-Sieady ; state bonds ,
quIet ; railroad bonds , iveuuic.
Closing quotations on bonds ivere as follows : rot' . . . . . . . 11514 IJ.&l. U. 4i. . . . . . 81
U.S.fiscoup. . . . . . 113)4 ) ErIe 24'u. . . . . . . . . . . 54
U.S. 4srer. . . . . . 111140. ( . II. &S. A.0a..c 1)3 )
U. S. 4s.coup. . . . . . 1124 G , It. &S. A , ls. , . . 1110
U. S. 25. rog.- . . . . . t3 It. & T. C. Os. . . . . 105
Pacifleuisof ' 1)3 100 4005. . . . . . . . . . . . 102
'Ala. Clasi A. . . . . . lull Ms If. .t ' 1' . 151 45 80
Ala. ' Clasu hi..i 105 do 2t1 4'u. . . . . . . . . . 441'l
'Ala. Cla8sC ; . . . . . . 1)3 MtmIlmaI Union ( is. , 3011
Alit. Currolicy. . . . . 1)3 ) N. .1. 0. Geo. Os. . . , 1 1 1
La. New Comm. Is 1)214 No. Pao , 1st . . . . . . 11214
lillsoimrl Os. . . . . . . 100 do2ds . . . . . . . . . . $134
NIC. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1211 % N. W. Console , , , , lit )
23.0. 4s. , , . . . . . . . 100 do S. F. Dot , . 5s , 107
S. C. iloitfuitid 14 31. 0. West . lsig 03
Temuu. new sat ( a 84 St. I' . Consols 75. 125
Temun. Hew sot 58 100 do C. & I' . V. Os , 1104
Tenmm.old Os. . . . . . . 130 51. L. , ti IJILI'.ea. II , 70
Va. Centuries. . . . . 881 ( St.L.&S.l'.Ga.ti , 103
do deferred. . . . . . (11,4 Tox. 1'ac. imuts. . . ; .
Atchmisoki 45. . . . . . . 04 do 2ds. . . . . . . . . . . 2234
0o2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11111 U. I' . Jstq of 311 102
Camiatta So. 2ds. . 1044 West Shore 45. . . . . 1014
C. 1' , luutis of ' . 03. 101)14 So. 11. It. . . . . . . . . . . 8O1
Dt.G.78- . . . . . 114 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I San Fr.ancitao tItuihitg stooZ ( uotatlon
SAN ? nANCISCO. Mardi 2.The olflciat dos'-
in" quotations tot' immitilny atooks toiI.iy were a9
follows :
Alt % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Justice. . . . . . . . . . . 7
MphaCon. . . . . . . . . 7 tlentttcty Con 8
Anuloa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 MexIcan. . . . . . . . . . . . 94
iieloiwr. . . . . . . . . . . 44 Motitut Diablo..10 .
licud & Iicloimor.3 71) . NavalO . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
todio Comm. . . . . . . . . . HI ) Occidental ConY. , S
Ilsilliomi. . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Opliir. . . . . . . . . . .
Ilttlwdm' Con. . . . . . . . Iii Overman. . . . . . . . . . 18
Cnieiloni * . . . . . . . . 7 l'otost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI )
Ciuailongo Con. . . . . 4.1 Savace. . . . . . . . . . . . 45
CtmOitiu' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Scorpion . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Comulidence. . . . . . . . . 1135 SIerra Nevada. . . . . Ifl )
Comm. Cal . Vs. . . . . 278 Sliver Hill..8
Comm. Imperial 2 Sliver King. . . . . . . . 10
Crown l'ottlt . . . . , . 48 Uimiomt Con. . . . . . . . . (12
I3xclueqtier. . . . . . . . . 1 hIatt Comi. . . . . . . . . . . lit
Gould & Otirry. , . . si : Y.iow Jacket. . , 115
lisle i 2Oreross. . 03 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sliver burmuu1O'ittii)340 ) , Mexicami dollars , 48341J
4tc. ) I3rattssIgiit , 124c : telogr.ipliio , 174c.
lto'uton Stock ( , totmttlon * ,
DOSTON.Jifarohi 2.-Callioans. : I 1 % ocr cent ;
timilo loans. ' : i8404-114 per cent. Clotin prices for
stocits , bundie said umulntn ; .uiuarox . :
, . & . ' . . . . . . . ) WisCeotral. 2
Ammu. Stmgar. . . . . . . . 0214 F.iIioui 'i'3lec . . . . . ,1'2
Alul. Stmgar aM . 0284 teum. 131cc. 11(0 , , , 115
Hay State Gas 714 Atcluluu'm 2ds. , 11384
lIellTolepiuonu , . . . , 1111 Xtolutson 45. . . . . . .
Iioslon.i/Ibany. ! , 21)7 ) % New Etuglammd Cs , , l07 (
tostomt & lulaltuo. . , 113:1 : ( Ouln. Iicctrio Ss. . , 14714
doprd . , , , . , , , , . , . ISO tYis. Ceilt. huts. . , . 45
C. It. & 11 , , , , . . . . , , ( )1) ) ) Atlantic. . . . . . . . . . . . 10
l''itclibttrg. . . . . . . . . . . 87 iiostomu & ! tiuumtana 30
13eui , Electric..2714a14 hiumttc & Ilostomi. . , I )
Mexican Cetitr.i1 7 Calumnot .iu.liecla 213) )
N , Y. .cIN,1O. . . . . . . . : Io Centennial. . . . . . . . . flu
Crc' . Short Lute , , 414 i.'rankltum. . . . . . . . . . . 12
Rubber. . . . . . . . . . . . . :1714 : Io'irsurgo. ; . . . . . . . . . .
timulon I'aclflc 1414 Osceol't , , , . . . . . , , . , 21
tV'stImIt . , , . . . . , , , (1184 Qmulumcy , . , . . , . , , , , , 1014
( ho 1)1(1. . . . . . . . . . . . 87 'i'ammlam'aek. . . . . . . . . . 133
tvosutuigiuElec3i43t24 tS'olvcrimo. . . . . . . . . . 3
tv. l'ilee. mmd. . . . . . . flu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.ondon 8tok ( Jtmotatlomi'I ,
LONDON , March 2.-I p. * itclosimtgi
Camu , l'acitto . . . . . . . 4414 51 , l'aul COIlO. . . . . . 5(1 (
Eel. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k)1 N. V. 'entral . , . . , , 08
EriotHIu . . . , , . , , . , , , 117 I'emiutsylvania . . , , 51)74 )
Ill. Central. . . . . . . . . 8il % tier. Ceti. tteiv 4s , , 5 $
? JL'XCStm urdiumary 1(314 ( ltuidiuig. : . . . . . . . . . . 434
IIAII $ IL''IIIt-27 31.16th per ounce ,
MONI3Y-ltt ocr cent.
'flue rate of iliscOunt Ia time otwa market for
short biis ( arId three mnonthms hliis is lt juer
cent , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i.flmlflht (1 rahit Trutulo 11vlow' , ,
LONDON , March 2-TIme weather has been
nuder during time week , tutmt the land has been
too itaud I , , * vork , 'i'h.o . * i'heat 11151 liet was Ortmm ,
with moro demand , but not specially cuctl'e ,
'i'iio continent. however , * vmts Inchimmed , to iuuy
whuite sorts. Itusslan has heo In fair request ,
American was lucid ( no hIgh , The spot tratlo
ivits moderate , withu ret winter. Marclu end April
liatceis , at 21mm 4140 , i'Htr wits quIet and ( en.
tutciesi. Cot was scarce nail fIrm , wltuu mixed
Amet'icila miarcela Mardi , lit ISs 34. lOam-icy * yuua
itrtn. Oats wemu heat end inactive ,
i'Iuitnchitl Notsa.
1IOSTON' Marchi 2.-Clearings , $17,543,153 ; hal.
tinces , $1,611,718 , '
IIAI.TiMOIt1O , March 2.-t'lea rlumgs , 13.130/31 ;
iualuices. $389,885 ; fs' time * eck , clearings , Ill-
743,837 : balances , * 1,149,001.
I'I ilLUhiI4'1i IA , March 2.-Cleitrings , $ lII2 ,
180 ; Lutances , $1,506,718 ; ( or tiuo * vcelc , clearings ,
$84,231,812 ; balances , 19'J90,7Ul ,
liT , I.OIJIH , MUrVII 2.-Clecuringe , $ i.1C3,2J3 ; this
week , i23.2it,41 ; balances today , ' $13,714 ; title
week , $7,416,000. Money , 5010 per cent ,
W'ASI1INOTOI'3 , March 2-Today's siatetilent
of tius nomiulition of time treasury shows ; AxtiI.
ahulu cash balance , $177,930,415 ; gaki 1eserte , $31-
ChICAGO , 1.Iarclu 2.-'Clearlumgs , $ E,423,090 ;
total for the week , $88,2t0,000 ; tinl for iceburary ,
831I.OTt0O corrveponIDg month l"t year , $ ' 6 , .
4)6,000 ) , New York exchange , 23o preuntuom. liter.
ling exciummllge , actual , S1.S8fgl.8S % . Money ,
ttItttj per cent met call ; 16 per ( 'cult on Iliac ,
N13 % ' YOltl'C. Mam'alt 2.-This exports of specie
( real tue port of New York for the week
ttnuouunted to $16,000 in gold anti 1833.74) iii nilycr ,
The imports at ( hue lrt of New l'utl : for tue
week were : Gold , $4335913 ; silver , 121,833' dry
gjodi , 13,157.914 ; mnercbuundise. $ S.lh2.9iO. L1ar.
iuigi , $ ll4ltoaI $ ; balances , $8.141,403 ; for the
week , clearings , * 531,505,217 ; balances , 838,141,102.
J reugit i'immmirmcial .tltalrg.
' 111381.113 , Marcit 2.-ischange on Lenilon ,
eight days' right , ! ' ) nminks 46I tfg.
I'AItI $ . March 2.-Tltree Per cent rentes , 1032
5Cc for thie account. Exchange on Lenulon , I
23 ¼ e for cheeks.
IONION March 2.-Thue stnuu.iut of bullIon
gone latq his hank of England on Lalaee tuslay
is LSS.000. Gold is quoted at Buene i'tyrCs itt
2:4 ; Madrid , $ Cto ; Lisbon , 23.2O3' tOt , I'elersburg ,
24 ; Atheas , TI ; Itornum , l(5.bO ( ' Iemta , tO3 ,
Cattle Worn Pully Five Cents Lower and
the Quality Poor ,
layers 'nntcd tim hogs anti Timey Vcre
Not I.imlg III ClearIng Up thto
hulk of thue llTer-
I mmga.
The receipts today were 1,920 cattle , f.,8l3
hogs and Ill sheep , as afntnst l,45 cattle ,
8,221 hogs and 1,711 slueep yesterday and Ph
cattle , 6,161 lIogs antI 2,611 sued ) on Satttr-
day of last week ,
\ Vll3l'ci4itiCiIt'TS. .
Cattle. . Hogs. Sheep.
Itecciptut thus week , , , . , . . 8,3SI 83,113 3OP1
lieceulutmo last week i , . . . . . SiCl 35,703 8,110
Samne week 1891 . , . . , . . , , , , 13.189 .10.720 31,010
Salmie week 1893 , . , . , , , . . . 18,730 . 19,009 7,679
Same week 1892..2,195 22,169 31,608
CATTLiji-.Thte receipts of cattle toihity of
all , kinds consisted of seventy-four fresh
lomttl , as agaitlst fifty-one yesterday.
Among the beef cattle there a'emo a number
ci : ' rIght good lonul of steers. While there
was IlotililIg gootl enoitgim to reach ycster-
tlay's toll price , tht salt's showed imp 'er'
s'eil , Tile niarket hiowe'er , is'ns slo * * ' nmd
while It may not luavo benil Ru nltmcii lower
on some of tile hllOst ilesirabie steers , it
was easier .oti others , antI In seine cases
ftllly Sc to lOc lower. The market dragged
alOmmg during till ) whole ( If tile luorlling aIltl
lit Illidda ) ' there * i'ere still a few loads till-
sold ,
Cows nnul lilIxeti butcimers' stock were in
somitewlimit larger sulliI' than yestordut ) ' fltlil
the bttyeruu Were In a uesltim1 to tuemir PrIces.
As a result the hnarket experienced about
tlmo slime decline as tlt steer market.
Stockem's aInt feelers s'er ) ' scarce , in
fuict timere * * 'ere 110110 here to atIlotmIlt tu. )
nllythming. There contInues to hit' 50)110 do-
manil , Cmlii right desirable feetler woitiut
% vithmotmt ( IOUlmt commnand gooti prices. Itep.
rcsemitatt'o sales :
1111115' .STEftS.
No. y , Pr , No. A * ' . I'r , No , y , Pr ,
2.I230 $3 23 3) . . , . IRiS $3 80 I1.i..leS ; $4 4)
1. . . ia'i 3 2 It , , , . 937 83 ' 10I2.S ) 4 40
II..TISO I 33 21 , , , , turd 9) 69.1508 4 43
13 , . . , SIt. 8.33 1..1056 15) 17. . . . 110) 4 55
I , . , , ISO I ll ) ' 7.,1l15 0) libI279 4 SI )
3. , , . 533 3 ri ) 11. . . , 731 4 (10 23.I28G 4 51)
I. , , . 734) I C' ' ) lC..IlOI 4 10 83.llOl ) I 85
iS.,1lt 3 70 2I.1126 3 10 I8lISS 4 13
2' ) . . . , 063' 3 70 4I3I ) 4 12 ½ 12.lF.O 4 9)
1 , . . , 811) 3 73 22..lIOl 20 29.liSG 4 90
1g. . . SIt ) 1 15 I.,103) 4 23 Itt'I ' 0 >
3. , . , 900 3 75 4Illlt 4 2 1S,1433 5 00
III..I14t I 75 17..1l65 4 35
2. . . . 010 1 ( II 1. , , , I0f0 00 4 , . . , 895 " 5)
I. . . , 710 1 23 1 , . . . 754) 01) 1..l0'O SO
2 , , , . 594) 1 23 2. . , . 910 00 l.,107O 51
2. , , . 910 1 23 1. , . , 633 0) ) 2. , . . 901 50
C , . , . 0S5 I 13 2. . , , 405 00 1. . . .1010 10
3. . . . 106 1 23 1. , , . 730 2 10 1. . . . 030 511
1 , . . . 861) ) 1 ii )2 , . . . lOll 10 1. . . . 43' ) Ii
1. . . , 740 1 CI ) 4.1010 13 1..ilIl ) ) GO
1 , , , , 840 1 Cl ) 4 , , _ , h'35 20 1.10S' ' ) CI
3. . . . 140 1 51) I. , . . SI ) 25 1..1221 03
1 , . , . $31) I 50 2. , . . C5 2 25 1 , . . , l0l'l 03
3. , . . 813 1 Cl ) i..l000 23 1..I0lt 75
5. . . . 122 1 6. . . . . . toO 33 1) ) , . , . 1(8 75
CI0ss 1 6. , . . . . .1070 2 , , . . . . .110) 75
2. , , , 80) 63 i..lOC > . . . . 1061 83
C. , . . 943 65 0 , . . . 116 . . . . 766 9(3 (
: : . . . . us . , , , ii ; ; ' ) ; . . i . . . . 11IJ 'JJ
2..I00' ) 75 1..I0CI 2.5 i..l000 00
7. . , . 01 , . . . CC ) 2 3' ' ) 6..Illt 3 0) )
2. . . , 8)5 ) 75 lI..I02) ) 2 31) 14. , . . 181 3 ( ' 0
I..1020 75 2..1083 I ) ) 1..l13' ) 3 Oi )
I , , . . 52) ) 75 2. . . . 84)3 31) 1. . , .2'tO ) 3 181
2. . , . 335 75 1. . , . 1111) 35 3 , . . . 903 3 tO
1I0'Yi ' 9) I.ImlO (3 1.llS ) 3 1) ) )
1.IuO' ) 9) 2. . . . 035 I , 1..120) I 10
2 , , , , 085 05 2. , . . SOS II ) l.I01) ) 1 15
2. . , .1035 0' ' ) 3. . . . 83) 4(3 l.l07l ) 2 25
1..103' ) 0' ' ) I.laI ( ) 40 2..lOOu ) 3 4)
1.,1OJ0 $1) 9 , , , .794 4(3 ( C. , . . 'P3 I 45
I. . , , 'Jr. ' ) oo 2. . . . 025 4) l..114O 3 50
1. . , , 710 0) 1. . . . 1134) 4' ' ) 12.lllG I 5)
i , . , . III ) 1 C' ' ) 1. . . . 604) 2 25 1. . . , ' 750 2 70
1. . . . 51' ' ) 1 75 1 , . . 42) 2 3) ) 1. . . . 871) 2 70
I , . . , 31:1) : ) 175.S. , . . 721 2 31) 1 , , , , 40) 3 0)
4. . . . 425 1 75 1 , . , . 47c ) 2 5) 16. . . . 697 3 0(3 (
4 , , , . 312 1 8' ' ) 7 , . , . 75' ) 2 30 2. . . , 783 3 10
2 , . , , S30' .2 0) 1. . , . 600 2 33 3 , . . . GIG I 23
4. . . . 613 2 10 1 , . . . III ) 2 51) ) 5 , . . . 08) ) 3 73
1. . , . 49) 210 2. , . . 830 26) ,3. . . . , , 732 38
4..593 214)
. .
. . . . . . . 2 15 2..1l37 2 51) ) 1 , . . .l .4' ' ) 1 00
I..146 ( ) 2 2.i 1..121) I 51) I..I3.83 I 25
2..lltl 2 II ) 1.I20) ; 2 55 I.lIOO 3 25
1. . , .I51) 2 5) 1. . . .131 )2502' . . , 161(3 3 33
I , , . .1' & ) 2 : t. ; " 1..1IS' ) I 65 i..Il7t ; ( 350
2.ll33 2 33 1 . . . ,1' 26(3 2 65 1..1S60 36S
1.-.1310 2 35 L..12411 2 CO 3 IS9) 4 00
2..1100 2 31 1..133' ' ) 2 65 1..2030 4 23
2. . . . 315 50 ' 1. . . . 373 3 00 3. . . . 126 3 54)
5. . . . 312 s ; ; I. . . . 3 3 00 4J. . 137 s
5. , , . II ) ) CO 1. , . . 320 3 0' ) 3. . . 146 4 03
3. , . . 200 75 1. . . . 104) 3 04) 1. . . . 1611 4 00
l , . . 164) 00 1. , . . 194) 3 00 1 , , , , 140 4t0
2. , . 233 50 3. , , . 200 3 21 2 , , , . 15 4 73
I , . . , 262 6' ) 1 , , . . 230 3 25 C. , , . 143 4 73
2. . . . 310 75 : i. . . . 833 3 50 3. . . . 184) 4 73
7. , . . itO 285
3 , . , . 740 2 04) 5. . . . 410 2 05 2. . . . 730 8 20
1. , , , 931) ' 5 4 , , , . 442 3 00 6. , . . 405 3 25
9 : . . . 510 - 15 23. . . . SIT , 3 05 5 , , , . 120 3 25
2. . . . 825 2 2.5 508 3 05 31. . , . 634 3 23
1. . . . 560 2 54) 13 , , . , III 3 10 77. . . , 737 3 25
1. . . . 430 - so 4 , , , , 567 3 10 19. . , . 681) 3 34)
19. . . . 5)3 2 Ia . . . . . 704) 3 10 , 3 , , . . 673 3 44)
1 , . . , 610 2 73 2. . . . 603 : i 10 2. . . . 623 3 30
6. . . . 586 2 15 4. . . , 420 3 10 51. . , . 5)1 ) 3 3' ' )
I. . . . 72) 2 75 13. . . . 746 3 10 7. . . . 738 3 50
1 , . . . 45) 2 75 8. , , , 63' 3 13 1 , , . . 610 3 54)
1. . . . 770 2 5' ) 6 , , , , 70' ' ) 3 15 6 , . . . 624 3
3 , . , . 546 2 83 5. . . . 614 3 15 10. . . . 842 3 G
XillLIOl3fl $ AND Sl'lINOERS ,
1 cow anti calf.$2i 00 1 cow and calf$27 00
IiOGS-TIuu , offem'lmmgs of luogs today consisted of
elghuty-omme fresh loads , its ngutlpst 101 leads yes.
tenla' , TIme uveu'tuge quality was not mquciu
uIImTu'I'emlt ( ram yesterday , Time early m3rket was
anii'o at atu'culy to stmmg prIces , and tIme close
hareiy steady with ye'teala' , 'J'lte market tmhu'.Ii
tue w'liolt. was not so very different fruumm yes-
tertiny. Thuc buyers wonted thus iuogs , sund tlme'
* vero not long In cleanIng umu tile bulk of ( lie
offerIngs. The range of prices , from SIC' to
$4.13 , was tIme camme Os ) ( 'sterday. LIght hogs
soil largely at from $3.14) to .83.83 , Medium
* vejglita v0nt at ( real $3.83 to * 4 , and good
Iieav' at from $4 to 71,15. The hulk of cull tim
luogs brought ( mull * 3.9) to $1.00 , nit against from
* 373 ; ta $ i.0O yesterday , 1tepmesentatlve sales ;
.2o , y. Sit. i'r. No y. . film. I'r.
. . . . . . . . ) , . . $3 51) . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 90'
8,5..116 40 C ) . . . . . . . . , . , 150
. . . . . . . . 4' ' ) Cc ) . . . . . . . . $ . , . Ic )
. . . . . . . . . . . ' 5 * . . . . . . . . ) 80 93
Ci , . . , , . , . 136 1' Cl 7 . . , . . , , .2 ii , . . DO
. . . . . . . . 40 ' ; o , . . . . . . . . , . 9)
26 . . . , . , . .I .1 . . , 70 01 . , , . . , . , 21i . . . . 'JO
74) , , , , , , , , itt . . , 7i ) , 75..1 . . , 9(1
9..1)0 . ) ; . , . Ii ) ' ) . . . . . . . . 20' ' ) 9)
5" . . . . . . . . . o , , . 5 83 . , . , , . , , 243 8' ' ) 3 i0
4 . . . . , , , , 224 4' ' ) 73 ' ) . . . . . . . . 4' 90
86 . . , , , , . , 113 2(13 ( 75 12..lit WI 9' ' )
63 , , , , . . , .11 Ii , . . ' 75 ' . . . . . . . . . ' ) 2811 95
62. . , , , . , . 10' . ) . , . 75 53..21.1 10 III
76.,1) . ) . . . . 75 IM , , . , , , . . 211 . . , 93
4(3..3 . , . 75 89 , . . , . . , , 232 12) ) I'S '
53 , . . , . . . 216 , . . it' ' ) ' 134 , , , ; , , , 213 89 95
69 , , . . , . , , ISO 4'l ' ' 8' ) . . . . . . . . . . . III
ti ; , . , , . , . , II' Ic ) ' 80 79..24)1 1(11 ( 5
l5.2 It 40 80 7' ) , , , , , , , , 20(3 4' ' ) 93
:143 : , , . . , . . . 17(3 . . . 8' ' ) (3 . , . , . , . , 2,11 . . . 93
. . . . . . . . ' . . . SI ) 77 . , . . , . , , BI . , . 95
57 , , . . , . , , 115 211) ) II ) 41 , , . , , , . , 253 , , , III
70 , , . , . , . , 195 80. 54) 81 . . , . , . , , . l' . uI ) , , , I4u
45 , . . , . . , . Ill , . , SO 5''o 10' 95
82 . . , , . , . , 191 , . , 80 . . . . . . . . , , , S 'JO
18 , , . , , , . , III , . . 2I C . , , , . , , , 214 , , , 45
4) , , . , . . , . 22 ? 10 85 es , , , , , , . , 23i . . , 01
50 , , . , , . . , 225 4) tO . . . . . . . . 4(3 4' ' )
74 . . . . . . . .219 4' ' ) 85 7 , , . . . , . , 17 . . , Oh
79 , , . , , . , , It ? 4) 85 Cl , . , . , , , , 2,11 . , , ' 4 01
1(2. ( . . . . . . .184) , . . 87 31 . , , , , , . , 28 , . . 0) )
49 , , . . . , , 197 44) 15 II . , , . , , . . 237 80 0)
59 ' . . , . ' , ' 235 2P ( ) 55 80 , , , , , , , , 215 , , . 00
88 , , , . , . , , l' It 44) 85 GO . , . . , , . , 22) . ) , , , U )
75 , . , . . . , 217 16) 85 48..2 , , , 4 1(5 (
. . . . . . . . , , . 55 ( . . . . . . . . 4) 403
31 , . , , . . , , 2i' ' ) 12) 85 111 . , . , . , , , 2) ' ) , , , 4 03
Si . , . , . , , , 2,04 , , , . * 5 51 . . . , , , . . 121 . . . 4 05
74 . . , , . . , . 194 164) 85 o ; , , , . , , , , 4 ( ) 4 II
. . . . . . . . . . )5 79 . , , , . , , 272 50 1 1) )
76 , , , . . , , . 2.15 43 $5 55 . , , . . , . . lilt 100 'I I' ' )
CI , . , . , , . .I .8 . . , (2 . , , . . , , ,2. l , . . 4 10
73.228 , , , to ) . 70 , . . . , , . , 21' ' ) . , , 4 1'
. . . . . . . . b ) DO 81 , . , . , , , , 131 , , . 4 13
52 , , , . . , , . 216 80 cu ) : : u , , , , , , , , 426 . . . 4 15
73 , . , , , , . . 214 . , , 'JO 73 , , , , , . , , t' .4(3 bj S 15
70 , . , , . , , .2 34) . . , 39(1
51011'S AND CIIIJ.S.
I , , , . , . , , Ml . , . 2 23 I , , , , , . , , 140 , , , $ 25
1 . , . . , . . , 100 , . , itoPIGS.
16 . . . . , . , . 37 , . , I 75 . , , . , , , , , , . 3 31
4 . , , . . , , , 143 . . . 2 15 II . , , , , . , , It' , , , 0 4' )
it , , , , , , , , 10) . , . 3 04) Id , . , , , , , . Ill , , , 3 4(3
It , . , , , . . . Id , , , 2 01) ) 26 , , , , , , , , ill , , ,8'i' ' )
11 , , . , , , , , l0'J . . , 3 25 ' 3 , . , . , , , , III , , . 3 4)
10 , , , . , . . . liii . . . ' 5 23 1)1 ) . , , . . . . . 1)1' , , . S 40
14 , . , . , . , , lot , . , 3 25 1t ; . , . . , . , , lit , . , 2 .40
. . . . . . . . , . . : u 25 . 7 , . . . , , , .1 . ,5 , , , 3 13
25 , , , , , . , , lii , , , 3 35 54 , , , ' , , . , 121 , , . 2 5' )
HlltOllP.-'Tuue receipts % i'nte very light minI tue
jitiurket iIlsUt steedy , . 'u , 'uuali bunch of tuative
halulba cluamigrd luentis. Fail' to choIce natites'
are quotable at * 2.7303.63 ; ( muIr to good west.'vuie ,
i2.tOt3.75 ; cotminein tumid stwk sheep , 11.5011 ! 50 ;
ugsl to citolen 11) to lOO'Ib , lmimbe , 12.IZM 4.75.
uteprisentotite slea ;
Nu , . y. Pr.
14 natIve lanb , , , , , , , , , . , , , . . , , , . . , . , , , . . . 80 $4 75
t'lltCAGO LIVE S'l'Ot.'it.
Tltero % % 'in ix ( looul 1tqoiry , fur Cattle Iii
Ilte iJiffercat ( ,
ChICAGO. March 2.-Cittilu receIpts today
were 804 head , makIng 11,891 head for the * veelt ,
against 46.157 ) i ad ( or last ireCk. ' , fhti'o was a
good lnquiy fat' ecittla in tIme different issses ,
but Iju.lne wait iuiuu3red by the macuser Pro.
of tIme stiplIly , Time ( eeihng was ( hal ,
for , actwitlatanmllng , flue recent smart advance ,
there lire no lndieetbnsiof.excauive meceipta iii
lb. near future , Trading ius on ix 1.5,15 of
froun $3.70 to 3) for countoa to extra , at front
$131' ) to $1.40 tar stoekeri. and feeders ammul at
( toni . * 4.50 for cows , holfers anl t'ullv.
Vat Texu * it.i's WCIO Iploted at ( roma 83.15 to
$5 and ( at Texas bulls fit ( rout $1 to $3.84.
Ifog m-ecOtltu , , were estilnstet.l alt 16,000 head ,
naktng 17411)8 Itead fk , this week , 'rime dcunauil
( IVOl pIWkCIC wett ucilve end ShilIuCrs % uer'
buying Steely , lime stash supply * tus scoim out
or sellers' lunntls. l'rices were steady aol stng.
The7 ranged from $3.Th to 13.53 for very common
to trom * 4.44) to * 4.1 % for ptime , The
prIces most frequently patti for light wCtgiiie
were from $3.05 to $4.05 , mtnut the bulk of thin
iteM' ) ' hogs sold wIthuin the range of from $4. . )
to $1.23.
'reuis week's receipts of scep mtmimnt to ftIxmt
50,50(3 lmtiet , whleh is 13,00(3 less tht5n far last
* eeek snul l'4CS ) lose than for hue eortespormuhiuig
* * 'eek last year. Thm miurket was quIet anul
steady at ( rota $8.0) Ic. * 1,10 for t"of' to choice
Sheep nflI at from $ .t2.8 to $3.44) for lcttnbs ,
ltcOelts-4'c.tie ) , 80' ' ) hnul ; calves 10. ) he.itIl
hogs , lb,0) ) hmrnlhmuitedlu. 2,0(14) head ,
put , h.out. 1.Iti , r'toek Manuel.
S.F. I.Ot'lS March . . .
, 2.-C.TTl.U-.ltcceipt * , 04)
hmenul ; shupttienis , 300 imenil m unneket steady ; good
to Choic native stents , $4.TStft.2O ; fair to nmediuna
shitp'lng , $ i.20.IZ1.63 ; heavy ulreased i'eef nnt
lututclmem's , $4.r14f1 'Jo ; light to mneultuim $3.&O4 , to ;
feetic'ts , 83.0043 10. stolters , $ lVtiGn ) ColtS ,
$2.tt1li3,23 ; giasiers sail Texas steers , $2.50P3i.0 :
feeders , ulungi' , $3.tOiJl.5O : gresS $ ,75(3 (
hiX15-Tlet'u'ipt. . . , 1,200 heath ; ehiipunents , 3.100
heaul. market strong ; toil prices , $1.25 ; bulk Of
sales , $ t.luStl(0.
SI I 13111'--ltu'eeliits , 401 iii'c.iI , slulpnlents , none'
unmil-ket stemiuly ; tIlulilt of thlt. nlleriuug' were fed
4hitlcans nutI sutli at $ .ro1 nntiu , unIted at $3.23
tj'l.O0 ; sotithmermi aiicul , $3.73.
lt'orhmu.uul 8) ) I ) rketq ,
I.l'litl'OOI. , Ituirril . ' ' '
-\\'hhlIA'l'---Spot flrnli
dna uti.l loori No. I m cml , Is S'8ul m No. S ru'tI smiting ,
Is 21 ; No. I until ltlnnitntua nail No. 1 l'nltlonthn ,
Is ltiil , l'ttttttcs chocd quliu't tint steady , witlu
itelur and diatatit peiitiomia tuilclumiligeul I , , I farthi.
Ing hilgiuer ; lunsinesi. ntu.'tut u.qtmalho' ullmitrtluutcil ;
Ilaleli , 45 huh ; 'iuuIi , Is SI ; Ma ) ' , 4s Shil ;
June , 4q $ ' ; Jtmh'J' , 15 'JI ,
( 'OliN-Pent ( Irni ) Atiterican miend , hew , Is
ld. 1"utimroi elosel ittlet tot stetul ) ' , wIll ) near
tststtloniu Unehiangrut in I fartluing Imiglmer saul
distant hC'sitiOlms unelmntigit ( mmmi yestenlsy'u.
ciuuslng j'riees ; ittshtiess itemuviest ott enri' Isisi.
tiouts ; Marelu Is Itttl : , iuril nnl May , Is 13ll
.Jminr , Is 2tl Jul19' . Is 2uuu ; .iugtust , Is i't'I ' ,
l'it'lt-litiii ; , lemiiaad fairl 141. i.ouls fancy
Wititcr SIs Cl.
l'ItOVIMiONS-Ilaeutn , teail7' , tienland mueder-
ate ; ( 'mumatuerlend cut , Is to Ii ) Ills. , 2851 slum t
ribs , 25 Ihus. , ba ; lotmg t'lear , llglut. 30 to 43 lbs. ,
Its ; elicit t clear , iunit % ) ' , r.s It's. , lOs ) phiort eIen
burks , , light , IS hiua , : 'ja Cdl piloit clear inlildiet' ,
lmc'avy , r. . lbs. , 14s ; t'letr , 1'lles. 14 to IC Ihts. ,
3li ; slunimldu'rs , s.Iuunrn , 12 to IS Ito' . , 215 SIll huttitis ,
tuhmort emit , Ii to 16 lbs. , 37s linef , extut ltiIta
umlt'uts , lSs ; so : muriunt' tmlees , 53.4 Sd. l'erk , ; u-tuutut
tmlCC'I , tine l't'Stertm , CIa SIt ; iurumimu' mminditluu. ITs Cth ,
Lard , .utt'suly ; iurillmelcmiteni , 335 6t ; teilneul , in
haitI. ' . 315 64.
( 'ltl1I4i4l-litmmt l ulcnimun,1 moderate ; finest
Aliel'1'Ofl whuit , Its ; finest Amulerican colored ,
495 Cd.
llt"1'Tiifl-1'inet 't'nIteuI l4tmttcu' , ISa ; good , flOe.
L'T'l'ONlil4lIl ) Oll.-ilverlotL reflnel , iTs Oti.
lINHI'3l3l ) (1lt.-2i 9(1.
I'l'rltnh.IltIM-ltelined. Cd ,
ItlOPltlfllOIt.Ttlt ltlOlOF-Vorequarters , 411th.
hiiniitlartcrIi ; , b1.
1101'S-At luinulon ( t'ncifld coaot ) , 2 IOs.
24t. l.outis (1emitrL hitrkot ,
ItT. I.OtTlIt , M3rc11 2.-WIIIAT-Opennil .ta '
loiter , there beIng sold off idl8c Inure , but later
recuv'red a frtettoa. becomlliiig stronger nutil cPus-
lag ' , ic itluovo the bottom Itrice ; Nu , 3 ral , casiu ,
il'2Mc bid ; Mit' , & 3Po bId ; July , SIc t'll.
CO1tN-Nnt having Itny suipport ( real wheat
openeil 1,1,0 law'er , tieelinc'd , hait nulhinit tIe later
itt sytum'ttiuy WIth whit'at , closIng itt a rt'acttnn ;
Nut. I IllIxell , cash , 41180 bId ; Mity , 41e ; July ,
4214c 1,10.
OATS-Steady for spot grades , with butt little
ulentand : no Culture trading ; No. I nlixed , cash ,
IS3c' : 14tn ) ' , 2114e iuitl.
ItYlO-No. 3 , offered , east aide , at SIc ; lie
IIIIAN-Stently ; east trcinic , 70tc ,
h'I3l31)-l.30. '
, C1.OVt3lt Hh3i.l-$4.lOi1B.20. '
TIMOTI t % 'J31313l-$3.23015.13) .
I1AY-Strntl ) ' ; luiechiutit vrmtirlc. $7.75 ; timothy ,
strictly lirlune , $10.23.
luus-lhtghucr : , witit better demand ; freslm , 2lo.
I.l'Al-J.nwer ; $2.05.
hOl'fllTgmt-Dtmll : 62.05432.9714.
COlIN Stl3Al.-$1.9r10j2.05.
5v hi lStOY-I.213 for distillers' finished goods.
I'IIOVXI4IONH-l'oric , standard tliei'it , $10.4) .
Liurul , prlnle steam , $0.23 ; choIce , $ G.'J7YI. lry
salt fiesta , iuxeul u.huoiuhtlermu , $4.50 ; longs , 83.231
rIbs , 85.50 ; shitumls , $5.73. ltacomm , packed shluui-
tIers , 84.40434.75 : clears , $5.rOlsr.75.
ltUCl1t l'T-i"lotur , 4.004) ldl. ; * vhieat , 6O043 btt. ;
ctum a , 41,004) Imu. ieits , 27,18) ) ) hut.
SIill'MIIN'l'H-Flntmr , 12,0) ) lbls. ; * vhmeat , I9,00 '
bit. : corn , 3,000 bu. ; oats , 6,00' ' ) lut ,
Ml3'I'Al.S-I.a,1 , , lniveu at $2.85. Spclter , dull
autO easIer at 82.93612.9714.
tluuItii.uuro .tlmirkote.
llALTliOll13. Marctu 2.-31'LOtTIt-Stemiciy ; re-
CellOs , 11,607 bids. ; ahImmients , 370 llle. ; sales ,
250 bluts. .
W'III3AT-F'ironer ; spot and alontil , 55'301563ic ; 5
( dli ) ' , 59h'ijCOc ) stcaniu'r , No. 2 rel , 55t(357c ;
m'ec'tlpts , 1,1St Ito. : shmlmunit'nts , 16cC ) ho. : stock ,
552,149 hat. : sales , 110,0(3 liii. ; eomttiuern * vhmvat , by
mcammlln. ; SOtIGOc ; uiouliiern ithicat , on gund' , 564351c ,
Oolu.N'-Uno' : suet and illoiltil , 170117'c ; May ,
4St40'4S14c ; uute.tner , mnlxmt , 4Cc 1,10 ; receipts ,
31.401 bu. ; Clihmanentul , 47,1)3 lam. ; toeit , 325,711 bu. ;
sales , 1.000 1u. ; soutlmern while corn , 4714014T1e ;
mucuilliern yellow corn , tic.
OA'l'S-FIuimi ; No. 2 white , western , 55141)3614e
No. 2 mulxeul , I314tJ'333c ; receipts , 10,920 bu. ;
stock. 248,103 bu. . . '
lt't'lI-SIow ; No. 2 , 163J3c ; rcccipts , 1,065 bu , ;
stock , 23,025 bu , . '
hAY-Steady ; good to choice timothy , 811.0001 . ' ,
13,50. . . -
GRAIN FRIOIGIITS-'Qulct ; engagements lhgilt ; "
stemtmmier to Liverpool per bu , , is 24. 'i ! .
I otton Mutritot ,
N13V ORLEANS. MardI 2-COTTON-Futures , '
steady ; eahes , 17,700 bales ; March. 65.24013.23 ;
April , 65.115(5.21 ; ? , tay. 83.16435.27 : June , 8&0Q
5.32 ; July , 55.37433.38 ; August , $5.42435,4i Septem- .
her , 83.46433,47 ; October , $7.4'4435.5U ; November ,
NIOSV YO1tK , March 2.-Time cotton marlcet ,
opened steady gut an advance of 103 Petals , the
lowest price of the seralnn j'uleil faitly activ
and firm , dosing at tue best prtce , jun advance
of 6338 poInts ; tetal sales , 47,700 bules ; midditng ,
& % c ; net receipts. 400 humles ; gu'oss , 4.698 boles ;
exportmu , to Great Britain , 2,352 baics ; to thue con.
tInent , 4101 lutlye , ; forwarded , 1.091 bales ; sales ,
anile ; stock , 176,592 bales ; total today and con.
salhilateut , net tu'Culhtil. 20,663 tunIcs ; exports. to
( treat BritaIn , 5.313 hales ; to tue contInent , 7,5,3
hauk' . ; stuch , 036.874 bales ; total since September
I , net lecc'ihutu' . 6,817,264 hales ; exports , to Great
lhritain , 2,660,526 hues ; to Fmance , 643,803 bales ;
to tha contimment , 1,783,401 bales ,
Toledo .Slnrlt t.
TOLEDO , Mutu'chi 2.-WIIIOAT-Steady ; No , 1 ,
camulu and Itlnmclt , 55Ic ; May , 5314c ; July , 5614c.
CORN-Active ; No. 2 mixetl , 43c ; May , 44c'
No. 3 mixed , 42c ; No. 2 yellow , 43e ; No ,
yelloW , 41e.
OA'riO-DulI. stcadi ; No. 2 mixed , tIc ; No. S
whit. ' , 33e.
Ity13-Duhi : , 57c.
C1AViOlt SlOlOl-UulI , steady ; prime , cash ,
$5.4214 ; Slarclu , IS.IIOJ.
ItleroIu"rH-wtieat , 9,000 tnt. ; cnrli , 38,000 bu. ;
oatS , 1,000 Imu. ; clover i'eeui , 100 tinge ,
SIlllMl3N'1'Idiour , 2,100 1,1118. : wiucat , 8,000
Icu , ; corn , 12,000 bu. ; clover seed , 853 bags ,
' itlltu'mau.mken Slmtrhots ,
lIt 1L"uVAti tO IIFI , March ' 2.-\'Ii ntT-Walc smut "
lower ; No ; 2 bpriflg , &Sc ; N. I northern , C3yo ;
May , 500.
COltN-Qulet ; No. 1. 42tte.
OATH-Louver ; Nut , 2 wiulI" , ilm,40 ; No. 3 whIte ,
.ltummtmnry , 3(10&llt'ic ( ,'-'itj. 2 ; SIc ; uennlple , tIfj'OIc.
1t1'lO-lhtgtuer No. 1 , file. -
) 'tU'IlONf4-\Vu.'nk : pork , $10.03 ; Iar,1 , , $0.30. '
lthicIoIl"rlo-tdour. 5,100 blle. ; uhteat , lt,2)O bu. ;
barley , 6,400 hiu. . . .0
Sllil'MlN'i'-Fiour , 6,200 lbls. ; , wheat , nOn ) )
barley , 4,80) bu. _ ' -I
Now 'orlC t , .ckly 11immk Stmtt5lliiint ,
NI3SV YOUIC , Itiarcim 2.-Tluum weekly bank
statement Imou'n tie folloiving change. . , ; iteseive ,
ulccru'aso , $3,768,228 ; Iiarms , Increase , 11,1.83,500 ; ' 1
sPecie. ulecrease. 84,841.2)13 ; legal temidermi. increase , , , . . , ,
$3,040,200 ; ulepoollil , decrease , $119,100 ; circulation , '
incrciie. $133,900. * .1
The hishilis muon' Iuold $28,031,500 iii excess of tita
rcutm'etnanl $ of time 23 per cent mule.
. Yorlc Pry ( lou14 Slarkat ,
NCI'tV yoitg , imtnrelu 2-Qulotttcius prevaIled In
all tiehuat't fllemulut ( lit' lmmg to time nihuietct me , Tiuero '
wius ut ( muir attendance with J.'lmberuu , luut hitihut 4'
Ilitit ulitug rmTuwmg ) uugcntmi. printIng clottmuu quiet
at 211o fot' 64 , situmules.
SI him mmnum is 8 iuett $1 it'hot ,
211 INNI1AI'OI.lO , Mtrclu , 2.-WI ! IIA'r-.closc'I
stonily ; Murt'tu , tIc ; May , SWsc ; July , 540 ; Sep.
tCutlii"m , tIe. On tucucli : No. I hiut'l , fju ; No. 1
tmottiiu'tui , 1Sc ; No. 2 ntirihuem'n , 57o ; tecelptut ,
Ito cars ,
, Irhsul , iVin'tst , tliirlcot.
I4.'iN VI1AN'hi4Ct ' ) , iutqrclu 2.-W1II2A'r--ltuiauls' ;
Deceniber , Ui',4c ; 14ity , tl'3c ) ' ,
A placer rnfaercfCaoilllcpc , twenty miios
IVCt cit 'l'res I'Iedros , N. M. , while workIng
Pus ) lltmti , feund a lltlggCl of gold two inches
long by omte end a half incites wide , weighting
( our auud ( .8 italf OUilCeS ,
- p
'i'lhl 11h.t.'t'Y MAIIICET ,
lNST1tUMFNTS ilbaCeO on record Mardi 2 ,
\v.tlln.NrY I1iIlltS.
C. 11 Ileimney to C ( .1 Joiunson , hot 4 , hloclc
3 _ OlcImmItul 11111 . . . , , , . . . . . . . , , . ' . , ' ' ' ' . . . , . ' . . . ' 4 1,500
l"ntumk JIavi'hkmi autO wife to Mary lOttepat' ,
U 100 felt lot Ii. block 74 , South Ounatlux , , 1,504)
Charles Jatmu''tu tind wife to Ileqry llreascIm ,
'V % ! i sui 12-11.14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
I" 11 , % Iheti , receiver , to ' 3 U lIuil4 lct It ,
Aucliet' l'ltee , , , , , . , . . . , , , , , . , , . . . , . . . . .s. , , , , , . , , I 14
0.tnuu to sante , hot 13 , caine , . . . . , , . . , . , . , . . , , , I
J v 'i'iuouiiaiu , reecivem' , to Ii 13 llroolts ,
U ' .3 lot 10 , h.lo"lt 10 , I'lain'iOW ml , , , , , . .1.503
(1 V ' 1' ilih't'n cunul wife to C 13 huh , lot
ha. . 'r.tier l'iui'e . , , , , , , . . , . , . , , . , , , . . , , . , , , . , ,
l4itmuo ti Atnemkan invcstniciit company , lot
3 , bli.ul \'alruut 11111 , . . , , , . . . . , . , . , , , , . , . , I
SherIff to iloutim Onusuha Hevitigi hank , a
151 f.'L Ict 2 , black II. South Onlsita . , , . , . 1,000
itutinu to samni' , n ' , S cit . , Ill lot 5 , block
73 , scuttle . , . . . , . . , . , . . . , . . , . . , , . , , , , . . , , , , . . . . . . . 531
SpecIal nuasler' Ia Pritumk Ilaveihta , a 10)
fat lot 32 , block 74 , auntS . , , , , , . . , . . , , . . . . , . 1,504
Total lutnoull' of isf. , , , , , . , , , . . , . , , . $1I.501 , '
AI4D ¼
I- . xrnPx4LzL ] ,
1403-144)2 Urmiu.n A'e. , Easmias City , ho ,
- - - .
_ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . - . . . . - , _ _ , _ . . - ' _ _ _ , - _ _ , _ , . -