-V _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - . . . , - - . 7- - % ' " i - ' I' . < - . . . . . . ' t < < DA1J.JY itE 811NDA.Y : 1\rARtat \ 3 1895. 12 : - - - - _ _ _ - TIlE O\AIIA \ DA1Ji E : S1 , j , - 1 ; _ ' nm OMAHA SUNDAY Dm- ! . c. ItOsrWATI"n. ( ltor. _ . - - , l.uH.tslm tVlmy 1InNIO. - - . Tf1tM8 O1' suusc11I'rio. TIIMK OJ' t M1T flet , ( \\'lhnut * Sun,1n ) ) , One yenr. $ 80 Only Upo nn4 Bundn . On" Year. . . . . . . to ( Vlly Ito In . m < Month ! . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO . . 2 4 PS Three 1lnll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ro funI , , 13. Ono r .ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 fntu..y Ike. On ! Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & \Vclly : nee. One ) eu , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G r O'IICI t. r ? Ilh Oinnhn. Omnhn The , fl 8ncr fluU1lnK 1k. . , Corner N dnl , Wh 81s. Cnnncil llltirrg , 12 I'enrl 3tret. Connel IUffs . 1 Chnmber of CnmtnerCe. New ( Orle . I""m" 31 1 I nh1 ' IS , Tribun Bldg. Wall'gton. , 101 II 8tret ? l. W. . _ ott1tg9I'o4tlNcB. .1 . All tnmmtinlcatlon reintlog In new ! nnr1 11. , Al mnUtr hnurl ! be relnlnr nr1re' ' < l $ To the IdItor. 1URINrRS Llfl'TIltS. AU ' , ulnc leUl1 end remltnec ! , ouh bo ftl.lrpctl In The flee lubl"hlll compfly . 1Ilrt"1 . nrnfA , Iee nnl pntofllco nrtlr" 10 be inadO payabld In the nrler " the C0I1nn ) ' . b IAd plYA1,11 n TUI 1m : I'UILIBINO ( t'MIANY , , - TArmmNT OF CCUI.ATION George B. Tcliuck . eereary of The Bee Pub. Ih.hlnl clmpnn ) ' . 1"lnl duly Aworn , 1) ' " Ihnt the nctufl numher of full nnt , complete ( OI'4 P" of the )117 Momlnl Ivrnlnl ful anti lunda , Bet . Irlntpll , Iurlnl the month of I'ebrnt' I8J5 , wa DB follows : 1. . . . . . . . I0.1O 15. . . . . . . . H,181 2. . . . . . . . . 20..30 IG . . . . . . . . . 19.r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ro. . e3 . . . . . . 20.SO 17 . . . . . . . : .3..20,8. . . . . . . . . . . O.tO .1. . . . . . . . . . 1.7 : > , 5 . 20.012 1 . . . . . . . 19.786 . 5. 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.90t 20 . . . . . . . . . . 1 .rG . 7 . . . . 19Cl ) 21. ! . . . . . . . 19,79 . . 1. . . . . . 8. . . . . . . . . . 10.8r9 19.r.9 2Z. . . . . . . . . 19.67 9. . . . . . . . . 19.799 21 . . . . . . . . 1.e51 ; .10. . . . . . . . . i'O.00 . 21 . . . . . . . . . : . ? O 11 . . . . . . . . . O.CO , 2 : . . . . . . . . . 19.61 . t. . . . . . . . . . t9,816 2G. . . . . . . . 19.6t , 13. . . . . . . . . 19,7r. :1. . . . . . . . 19.51 11. . . . . . . . 19,70 . 28. . . . . . . . 19.G 2 Totnl . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .551,63 i.eM . IeducllonM for 110,01(1 nn,1 relure,1 ) .tPluctonl . . . . . . . . . . un.oll . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,020 , Net Ile" . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . il.613 Dnley Ne n\.e"e. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,70t ( llOflOB n. TCtUC . Rworn 10 I"fore me OmnOf , ' , In my pre . coce this 2tI ( ICY or Mnrch. ! 19O. rnCo ( Henl ) < < N. P. 1.'mL. Notary PublIc. . I WOI't ; he bug 10W 1)'fore ) tie luum ) bttll Cl'nll { Iii _ figlilil _ _ nhrQtl h\ I ; 'tt Innll. 'rie COlnl' . lllfly Htl ( hOlle ) . HO long jut Scct'etnn' Mot'toti , CUIHCIIt ! . to lemaln In the ! clhlnet ; . Mr. : \11 uf 'r .x ns framed n tariff bill to mcet the reforl Ilens of lrmdllent Oleveltll , but ; IIR Illll't get 1cubl. . net job. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Watch for 1 rovlsloiu ( of thc postage tariff In tl directon of " 1'C'enue only" 10 loon UI CiiittriiituuVllsoii UIHUICI control of Uncle Sauuu'a iijuil. , Is I h.tt. Il ahlg&d , that the womnn who talks dress reform 10Uh'st Is the , OUUU who looks unll'esentnlie. no , maier whut Idll of clothes Ihe dons ? : I I nn cxtra leHHlon mcant prolonging , tlc HCHHlon of tie II'cHelt congress llo ) Ilc would hesitate to Iml1te such a base Intenton to Prcsilent Cle\clull 'fle Gould wChlng will le thc event of tomonow. For al accurate nnl COl- : photo account of tlc . momentous c\ent , Ilcoille ) In this vicinity will have : to real Thc Bcc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Now , If Postmaster Martin vhll Induce the Postal authorities to put t new side- ' : wule l'olnd tile federal lullln , -hc ( will have earned the gratitude of thc cmmuniy from tlc cry beginning. 1 I there Is any remaining virtue II . . the - tm honored adage . the iniltiness . of the weather liwinA thc last few days : Is a warning to look out for Home bitis- i 1 . toting wludl along about the eut of March. . . The nalcs of the congl'csslon who . t have slgncd the dClocmtc free slh'c. t mnnfcsto ( have not lccn given to thc ; ; public , lut wo may he sure ' tlt the : luUO of " 'llum .Tcnnlns BLYIIU Is ; close to tile tOIl of tile list. The ProPosition to shut out chldl'cn und relatives of sonltols fl'om piaces on the II ' 101 of the Unied States senate always boll ) up aleut thc tmo for mljourlmont and Js alwnys forgotten - ten l ' tile time the senate reconvenes. A correspondent of nn eastern IJnpcI' usl.s , "Whr ; do Incolo tux collectors _ _ _ _ _ hide ? " 'Vo didn't Imow they WC'C hid- lug. nut the IICOlllo ) wih the Im'oICI vhii be ' the 'who ' ' 1 wi 10' pcrRons ) lire IlhlnA whcn thc Income tux collector emerges. I Nebraskans shul fcl'ulmloUHI ) ' live d UIJ to tile 'policy of IJtloulzlnJ home uU\uClehn'I'f thcy wi have the goods S while oilier Nebtslmns will have the ; moncy IJuhl for those goods. \\'hy scnll ' , Nebraska mouc eUlt when wo need ; ( It In our business ? ( . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Let . the United States senate once got started . itt the business of lu'hlJ ' . , front .I'lll . lt the JO'II'UmClt ! ox. J = llonse ) for one of its members Illl It will not ; stop unt It gets the govern- mcnt . tt Ilro'hlo every senator with I free residence lilting ills term lu the public service. ( lemhet' ) of the Gould fatally have for , a Ion , tmo cOlplahwll that they were not fairly h'l'ltml hy the tax assessors I In New York City. By h'nnHflI'lnJ a i goodly shm'e of twh' welih to u . ( foreign cllzc \ wih a mo'lug ( ! castle ' and gilded crest her t have found a wlr dl of Ithll U large hloc ) of tlh' cor- poi nto wI'nlh outsldc ( of the jullllcUon of tile mlous tlx collctOI Till ) l'l'Clltou ) telld't'l'tl lIe I Ulelhl11 i of the IIhutulc h ) the . 1llcoll Coiti. mcrcnl dill ) on Friday WUI crowtit'tl to O'el'lowll" 11lleulut'l : ) . In' Ihe roolnsVilCl'o 1efrem4lllll'Iitu010 Hl't'\'l'll. rooms whm'o'fl'Clhlll'ntH Wlt.o \ ( ( ! 'ho COlml.t'cnl cluh ) nt tile Capital City evidently hcle\el thn t tilt ? wn ) ' to I 1 ullut's good will II tht'o\jh his Htolneh Amid tile ) Jleh bowl II n hetCI' vote mnl.er thnn tile mOHt IlrHU\Hh'e do- qU01CO , of 1 11h'ctl . cllteh.II' . 'rile . h'l'l'lhlo ) rnlrol\l wl'ec Icm' the City of Mexico OICO 101'0 olllhnsizes tile fact that the tnngcr of mllhnl II always I'lntC' to cxcurslon t'9hll than to uegIllar trains. Bxc1 lol tnthll lre r\l OUtside of tile rCJlhtr Icllhll ! . . ntl often l ) lxl'l trnln crows. Hlclnl lush'uctonl gl\on to govern thl'm are - more likely to lo forgotten 01' le ll'ch'll Then too , cxem'llou tmlus are \lunl ) d o\'C'IOulltllllll'Ocl'ml the . grent- cst of dililculties. 'rho ' tlleultlt. proportion of , wrecks 01 cxeunlon tnthtl to lillY total allulcr of luch trnhls II lueh greater ; \un that of those 01 regular trnlns. . - . OWl J'JS1TWN I'IYFP. OMAIIA Mach 2.-To the TMIIor of 'ho net : I admire the 8aM yell hvo taken In ' luuo effecting the vcl being ltarly every Ilectnl wt1 of our city and state , and ( epecialy your t"HltU Ixposur , of COrrtlfdiOII anti dllhon' sty In public flac . I am at I 10 10 ln01 , jew . ver , why The nee line favored end ! countenanced IcenII camblnl In this communht . and why Il ban not denounced our city ofcials for tolerating the gambling dons and dives where vice and ! crime arc bred. I lems to me that n paper ot such ' wide influence and potency for good should not OCCUpy nn equivocal position on queslons of social morality fhl goo government. Voun for MU41C11'Ali mwon MUNICPAL Our contrIbutor IH 1torhltt ) unll'\ 11fIIJI1'hclslon ns to fnch Itll cOlll- 11(1115. On\hllj Is not 11'cIII'11 II Omnhl , StIll 'rhe lice has t1\l't. favored or cotiuiteiiniccd 11c01l5151 gltllllllillg. cOllhmllccd lcelAel1 J1\lhll Quite thc eolltrmIrS' , whel the ordi - 111111CC IlrollOsllJ 10 IJ1tCI' oln ) hOURI galilbiltIg 111111Cr liltIlliciPal iutOteCtIOlt JnlhlllJ IUlte. mlllcllnl Ilrotecton before thc council 'rhe wa IICIHIIA lef.c COlncl Bl' ! OPIJOSCII the llncltlnt of Rleh flIt o\lllnlHC i II vicious 1111 tend I It g 10 itts . tleIinllcC. ' 1he fulowllJ lIII0'111 ( leader lllidflr'd ) ) In Its cnl\lR flU HII' titislmiy : ! 18lll' ) tin' Ctlltol , ' " "Sllaui Otlhtl hi' ) Llc < IHIII'f" : An ordlnnnce has been Introduced In the city council 10 Icnso gambling by Imposing periodic fines upon keepers I ot gambling houses and hint who make a living out ot gambling. This Is nothing more nor ' less than an' attempt 10 nullify the criminal code relating to gambling ami ( make the mayor and the polce judge and police force alders and abettors In the defiant violation oC the law which they are sworn and In duly boiled to enCorce. The plea In favor of the proposed ordinance Is that gamblng , like prostlnlon , Is I na- turl vice which no law can cttrpate . one therefore the most prncllcal way of dealing with gambling woull be to legalize , regulate ant supervlo it. Tim assumption that gam- blinj Is an Inherenl vice on I piano with the blnl social evil Is nol well founded. The propensity - slty of men and women to amuse themselves with social games In which chance : plays apart part should not be conroundod with the vicious dl.pslton of I very sisal ! percentage of people who are drawn into gamblng dens by the tempting oPIortunlty lo win large sums at the gaming table. But the solat evil has never been licensed In Omaha. I Is merely tolerated and the fines Imposed do nol I galzo I or In any way nullify the statute or compromise the ofcers of the law. There never has been an ordinance even Inlr01uce 10 license dlJrderly hOlsl . and no law-abiding citizen would countenance such an ordinance so long as the laws of this state make the keeping of such resorts n criminal choose. The effect of the proposed ordinance would ! certainly bi mischievous and demorailzlmig. I would advertise Omaha abroad ns n law- defying community . In which gambling dens wore licensed In defiance of stall laws. The mere fact that no gambler has been sent to the penitentiary since gambling was made a felony affords no excuse for letting down the bars and running riot ' with open gambling houses into which hundr'et3 of wage workers would flock to drop the scanty savings and earning that should bo given to their fam- , ites. ! ites.The The gambling law Is doubtes : eea severe In its penalties and Its weakest spot Is the pro- vision that makes the plucked victim equally punishable wIth the keeper and capper that fleeced 1dm. These defects of the law can and should be amendeF by the next legislature - ture but EO long as there Is a law against gambling the council bas no right to nullify or crcumvent it. Suppose the ordinance Ii- censing gambling by providing for periodic fines should be enacted , what poslton would the gambler be placed In \h9 voluntarily pleads guilty ? Would the payment of the fine relieve him from the Ilenaly Impo1e. I upon gamblers and keepers of gambling houses by law ? Would not the payment . ment of the fine b. prima facie proof of guilt and would nol the county attorney be In duty bound to prosecute all such persons In the criminal courts ? Could musy municipal reformer hnn n\ulc I clcarct' and lucre cmphatc Ilccalllon ns Igalnst lccnsct gaIn- ' blimig / On thc hels of thc assagti of the ( ordinance the folowlu editorial np- IJCnrct lu The lice uute' thc cnplon. "how It " -I Worl : " Mayor ' Demls has approved the ordinance adopted by the city council to lcense gam- blng In the city of Omaha by means of a system of prloJlc fines upon keepers , of gam- blng houses and their Inmates The mayor says that he approves the measure for the purpose of seeing how Il will worlc. He w1 find that I will work about as The Bee predicted - dlcled In Its protest against tile ordinance last Sunday. I attempts to override the criminal code relatng , to gambling and places the legislatve and executive authori- ties of the city In the attitude , of abettora and accessories to a business defined by law as a felonious crime. I The mayor has made I mlsl11le. lie has place himself and the city In nn attitude of law defiance and has struck a blow at all pretense ef reCorm Does tills show Time Bee to have miii. \'oentCI nnll favored lecnsell In\hln ? ! I 11 non mltI' of history ' thnt the poler uf Olll houle gulubillig WUI nhlulonct Inll till Ilblc gaining honleH were diesel ( mot Ihun a year ago. 1"0' n tle the tiger iiot1rIslll ( II Houth Olnaita . and lIe wnH Ih'lvel ( lilt of hlHhwls olir six wl'el.1 ago thl'OIJh l'XIWSI'cl 11110 h ) ' ' 1he Hec II HIJlo : of IU thelo facts . thIeVe II'C lllel ill . this COlluul ) nHI stnte who ivihi l'Oltl1 tl 111 nt 'rhc Bco 1111 sciic to II'l'jtHtl'C ) IIW'lhhll cltzmlH l nlllt It h i ) InlcouHI'II'l'HlItI ) It lS the chlUlllul of the vicloul amid InwleHH elellItults. I ii I lRUI.fH . : : lOH ( < 11.1. ' 'lMf : , ' ' 1ho Ilnt. WO IIVl' nlwl ' : wiH ) UI" II IHnclenl ) ' ni axiom Ill lollel'l 10' clolo r. Ual wc Il ) wih ( ' (11011 ( tlulh that tile Illmttllliioyed ) , . wlllJ nlll nlxloll . to wot'I . halt mlthlo to 110 so , I.o . 1110 to bc always with UH ? Alt nlh.lltth'e nnHwel' Iu this Illeltol II \I'utml'll 1)37 tile Mllnl'Hotl l'OI1 It. Hlolct' of inlaur . ; 11' f. G. POWl't't Ill ilk dileulsiol or "Better : lclholH of ll'llllug tile 1t'lplo ) 'elt , " li tile hllt IHluo uf the lulllll'11hmt I ) , 'i'Illlt wo 11\0 nl been temlltl't to regard 11 n h'llllent IlhelOmll ) , nlHl wlat we iltti't } . , hlun trylllg to Itl'lt wih tdilt- li1ltY do\'ll'l'l :1' . Powem's HUl'ltl II it'illiitllelit ) timid not p1155111g. 'i'lte II'oh. ) ICI of Hl'CI'hll wo\ foe hc t hOleHt tutu Il'tlI''hll Imolg tilt vast army of time 11llllo'l'll ) ( iS , ill his olliniol , tint IOlt ll'etllu secolidmiry loell ll'ohlll of out Illr collcctell with tile Just dlsh'lmtol of tile IJ'O111'tl of hUlln tel "lhIIII'ohlel , " coltnm'l this writer , "Is lot merely of tile wlllr of 18U ) , Tile II't'elluhlle for any l'lscntul ) ' better ICthOI of hepln the tlIlCiilIioy15l IU8t collIe frol n recognition of the act that their lWCI' "nce II l sonletlIllig ' more than . u tln' flent Illnsl' of tnltI'1 ( society to IllSI away wih the cdn of twelve fhott iflIltils ' few ' ' ' . " monthl 01' u years C\'Nl. I this t1ngnoI ! or tile fltun t(1 IA l correct thNI , most of our Ilhlnnthrolltc nlt chllnhlc lltl11Irllcl ) In'e hecl ) 'H'oceelln \Imn fill clth'b'101J thelH ( . Wo hn"o bc\ nS\lht hInt all flint Is no\ necessary If to bridge OYN' tile thrcatenll chnsl Ilt , limit tile . lrl'uch wl thel Intu\l ) ' 11Hall' Ilel. Iii the COI1PS ( ' of . tulle. Almost eYe' ) tOWI nHI ( city Iii the couliti'y has been tollg ( HOlethllg to lIeu ) thc t1emlllo ) < ( l. . hut nch of thl'l his loolwII tllon ) the Illl'Hton ( nf unl' of tOI'nl mnnwlt enl ' luII hnR m1llulH 'wd its Ilns treH of t'cll'r quIte illielICllIt'flt ( ( or what ! the othcrs le lIning , 1\11 : i1- IJ'lntlr . hHIOet'cnl to ( their Icl hholl' efforts. 'hl'l' ( hnH hecn 10 co.operntol O' uliform 1IIIn ) of Ictol II time ( lit- fm'lt cities . , 1\1 , of l'OI' ( nOI' he- i twcen city Inll cfJth' ' . . 'rho 1)'IHelt hudcn lies hecl ) Iltelt . If not l'hcc\ fllr , liot'ile In the hOlle . limit ( It wonltl OOI hc lfed nlo ethct. . t'lllIlCstIohi- ( . Ihl ) tile 1lmbcl' of uiieniployetl "nt.I'R greatly fl01 fcnHun to : ( ! nHOI , 1111 ( ft'ol Illnce to plnce , hut If there mnHt hI' a large hOll ' of mcu ' 11nhle to get I . work . 11 the tle t the llltdllin'rY : to. Ilr.lle ) fm' Ihcl t . IIHt hl' ( Ill'rIIUHnt 111 conslllt mnnncil. ( 'I'hc ideal 'Htl'm of ( ccolomlc dIHh'lhn- tiflui of coilrse elimiiimites the Uildlil- tel of com'le elmlnnte : theH'1' l)1OYCl , nloJl'theflol caicttlmttiomt. I IxeH emuiloynieiit for every fnein' II the IHlustrlnl wor11 111111 nsi4lgmls to ench factor In'ecljel ' thnt letnln "hldl corl'eHllondH to _ its loltrihutll tOward - lie t socIal IHOlllc. 'Pilmit H 'Stl'1 ItU t. 10\c'el. t'elWII 1m Itlnl HO far , na tile I'ollcctl ) for the Imlcllate 'futUre go. I the uncllllo ' ll Il tu reniiut \ : \ WI Ittnll the lllfect 1 'ste1 of ceo- n011c dlslrlhuton thify wi hc to ni IltenlH nnll ( iullhOseM ) a Ilerlllnt lix- tme. 1'0 deal with tile In'hle1,11 It ItcmlUtlH will lculrc ( I thorough re- \Islon of our II'cHent ) mcthods. JJTI..O I.-Ol All . ) TO 1'iztS COU T1r. I Is 5111(1 ( thnt thc' Canadian muilnexa- tollHtH mire eXIll'ctn ) strong fnnneni atI : mol I HUlltnrt ) fl'01. their fl'lelHIH In the t uled States In the forthcomll 11ltols ? In the Dominion. Ole of the ' from Camuatimu. to tue effect t'ello.tH fr1 Cnlllll . wnl efcct that Senator I bar Iml othcl' mcn of Un- tounl fale are 11'1IJl'l'll' : to flrnlsh I fnnl for the lis e1lnltol of alnoxut'on literature and to lc ilStMl In olhcI' ways to develop the Inncxaton Iwuthncnt. ' 1he : laRslchusets semintor . hl"lnJ bccn nslcd If milly concerted ( 10'clcnt was I'ohlhlc 110nA Americans Rtltcm1n : 0' busIness men looking to nnnexll ! \ hc replied 01phatenl ) In the negative. itIil ' that not 5 1m ( cXI'efHcd ) the opinion thlt centH coull he In Isct fur such a pur" IJose. Senltor Hoar also 'said , nld In this hQ voiced the Rlntmen 011 very large majority of the American people that the suhject or Cnt111nn nnncxnton Is one which the Unlcd States hint better - tCI let alone. Any suggestion l'cAI'dhll .t 1tt o'lglnatc wJth Cuuiada. : There Is ROle annexaton scnlnlnt In New EmIg- lall ( slld Mr. iroartuid ulonJ tjle Ctnlflnl t'ont I' , hlit ItS 1' gelleraF Ilroposllol ) OU' licopieClttt very ' little about It . Unquestionably thc.c Is ! consillc'ahle IlulnleI' ! of m'llllt nnnlxatouists II the . Ulitell States who believe . It IH the ditty I or this government 10 .tnlt steps to hllng ) CUlndl 1110 thc . union , amid who , If tlr : cou' ( have tleir : way would iaard a war with Great Briain II tin ntclt to absorb thc Dominion. 'rhe a lsl'b IJcolJle who alh'ocnl' this Ilolc ) ' ha\e beel heard , f101 . In contrCSH , and thc , mite constant t' IIA thcl' 'Icw UpOI 1)111)- lie attention thlou h the II'CHH [ nut the ' constute nel ' Rmnl thoulh 1)e1- flstcnt . anti lolcwlut . aggressive ml- 101'lt . of our pcople , . nud It does hot 111)1)1511' ) that their effortS have lccn SUC-I elHlful for sOle tlC ImRt Iii itinterhuily , IICt'CUHII their stremugtlt. . I Is fairly to hc dou\tcll vlletller thcrc Is ns much IillmlCXmitiOlt seimtimiuetit ill the ' at IIUCXltOU Hentmcnt 11 cOUh' ) lt IJICfclt nH there was two 01 three years ' ngo. But It IH quite Ilosslhie ) lint 1010' of thl'He IJOlllc have encouraged the Cnnldlll nlwxltollst . who are also , thel'o Is IcaSOI to bl'lc\'e , less nUmIO\H ( unit 1 year 0' two age , to hOJc 'for fluncli 111 1011 HUll110lt ) frol thc Unlcll 4tttte. I Is somctlhlJ mOHt Intu'ul (0' tlem to do but If the . CIUU' 11IUS ( really lXllcct to Ilnlze Iuliytiltlig . fl'om such till nS'lIICe , . they are CC.tlll [ 'to le disflliOiIltel. . ( AH to thc fortiteollilmig elections lu lila Domllion It Is 1 suite II'CI1Ctol ) ( hunt tllljy wi show thc unIcxuton Party . there to hayc Ileclncll In IulcI'lcnl Hh'I > IJlh. 'J'hCl'C hns been collupuimitivt'iy little ngitatloli of ( lit' subject for ' ' ' Ito lu tel til' Hubjlct a ) 'l'l' or mO' ( ' and till tie hllnloll are hInt POIJII' interest lu It hnl "nncll Fo'mrt'I ) ' numl'ouRly ntCllcl nn- Icxaton meltn s were frequent , hut of lute thc ) ' hnve hl'n l1'e or of so little C0IS1'111U0 ns I0t to commanll ( the u t- (15th ( Ion of news gtmhilertrs. 'I'he suhject ml . ' again l'I'come ' Oll ! of C\I'nl Interest - pst . Homc . tmc In thc future , but nH Senn. t01 ilommr y15.y II'OIJCt'I ) ) ' said , In ) RI JCR" ton of Inlexlton Illt O'IJlnato WI1 ! Cannltn , amid I II safe to suy : that uo such suggestion wi he received hy thc Inlcll States Il\ll the Iftml of thc i)1SeIit llcI'Iton. U1'.1 uS .1 N7iTl. 'Ile ( 'Ot'IIt01 to fl'ume n state con- Htlutln ( or 'tuh wi ml't this month 111 the COIist hut loll . wi tl Huhlltrll the ' for to PeoPle mtlutou ucxt Xtycmhcl' . At tile Ilmc ( lIne n governor - C'UOt' and other state officers , u ICIII' Inhu' III u ilit'liildr ) of cOilgiesi4 wi ho elecled. I tile cunstluton lit raIl. lied h ) tile IIOlllhu' vote , untIl If the li'esldOlmt , Ondl thlt I II'O'hlcr for n iCiUiilStit ) COtU of AO\'cl'nment tImid II nil respects COlllll'wih thc net of co Il'l'Z"4 ho wi Issue 1 ll'ulnmlton ) luuounelul tile fact ulli 11'chl'lll Utah I state Seventh 11J0ltult I'ellu'l'mcnts for t e state eOIHt I uton tire nllh by the enuhlnJ act I mllt ho I'cllhlcnn ) 11 fO'lt 1111 lalw 10 Illtlcton In ch'l 0' 1loltl'll rnmiic on account of race or l'olot. except 11 to 1111111 who ate not U\Xl"t. I mllt 11'O'hlo lay otlhlucl' , h'IO'ol'ahlo wihout the I ( OIHl'lt ? of tile I'iiitt'ti Htat'l 111 the 1111110 ) of tile lt a h that perfect t.lI'ltol of rc- ' - - lglols Rlthnont shall hI RCCllNI nll hunt 10 Ilhlhlalt of time simile shall l'l'l' le molestll ou account of their mOlll' ( of religions worsllip . Jlovhlell ( ( lOut IIOlntllolR O"hu'nl mnrrhlJ ( art' for- 1'1' iroliilitetl. , , ' 'he state Is to Il ! clnhl al tlu to' thc iliuniroprhntei jtihlk' ) Inllil ( uUll all lllnt 11118 ( are to Iellnht tiIltl'u' the nh elute Jilrisiic. tel of tlc Puled ( States , hut the goi' . t'III'nt cOIWcIleR ( liberal t'antl tf hUltR to the state fo' Ilhll' iitpos's. . One h\ll'ol sect ions ni' ' given for IIlc ) hu\dll R nt the l'nll1 I I. 00,00 ) ) uterus for nn nJllulmnl college . two tOivIl- lllH ) 1111 11.00 mur's fOI' thit' 1'ul- ! "l'I'sl ' of ltnh. for InhnthlA ltIl'lOses ) rt.o,000 ; ) . nCt'I'H , for nn In nnl' IHylll , for 1 Hehool of Ilhlel , tot' t Ilcnf ( nnll . iuillil . 'hlm. i'efovlli . for dUlh ) iuI.Viillll for n Il'fot'l . t4dllool fo. a state I 11n1 I 81'ilOOl tot' un 1111 I 1- lon fil the hllll , cnch 10.IO ( acres . , mil ( for I lUllIers' hOHlllnl 50,000 4ieies. All gt'nnted 111111 ( t'e to he 10111 ( at Ilhlc Hall'l for not less lImIt $ Zi an ncrl' , hut the Htlte mnr lease Ihcm for I Icilcil tm'l of yeau'm. 'I'en IIC' ll'lt of the 11'ocleds or tlc subs of Imhlc . 1IHll nfct' tile allulsslon ( of thc territory tl ( HtaldloOI II to ' he Ilil ( l' tl ! O'II'nment to the 'Htntu . lS a IICrlllent ftlil for thc support of tile cOlmon seitools . onh' the interest of which II to ) l available. I will he Reen that t 1lrnl IJII'o\llntonH ) ) nle 1111e for l'llucntolll 1111 charlnhle luimiiOses. All of thc cllHltonnl inl4ti- tUtOIH ( tire to remain umI ! thc cxcii- Ilve cOllrol of thc state 111 no PI'I of the . II'Ol'CCIIH ) ( of the land l'nn hc used for tin' RUlllort or any Hl'ltnllal or do- 1111 ni tonn I Iclwol , . . - . i IS tlc rClisonnlle ) CXllcctlton ur ! o IJcOl ) e uf Utah thnt , .hcn I hCCOUHH n' Htntu its growth II population . Ind mlicrlnl des'cjohilnent wi hc much more rllhl ) titan I hlK hl'cn. ' 1'11 tlil- torr , , II wel clulllllCll for HtntehoOl ( , mich ! hotter hH\hell ( \ thnn most of the titi'iStiltOs ! ! Wlro 11 the tmc of their htlfluissiflll. ' 1hc llpulaton Is cHthtuh'lt to le fully 2:0.00 and nowhm' II thet'e 1 mOI'l' elit'P1)tiSlllg . enerJctc nnll : ( iirogressive lil'OIJI ? . , iteiiei'el ( of the drawbacks tu adauceliuetut which lI'awhncl. : nl1-lncmncnt are Inellent to tLllollnl : conlllons there dOlt le no doubt lImit ( Utnh will IIHh ) forward rfli.illy In the le\'cloIJmcnt of its great Inll , ) u'lcd reHoul el amId In- como lit 1 the uot Ve' ) relotc future our of tl mOlt II'OHIll'rOtl uf the wcst- era stn tCI. OlllIAUr' ' 'UI r. Tile ncto ft the senate 'n agreeing to I resolution for 1 commltce of inquiry ni to the nll\IHahltr of a Joint committee atll" two houses on nuct'ology , tOe' do .nwny wih eulogies emi ) 1 ' dcconRcd HcmiOl1 . : nnd mCmlCIH IUll : ( IWO\'hlc for iuul'litorilti volnmcs or lie lea(1 WILlS , 'cl nd\ICll 'l'lic ' II'nctcc of sctu n { ( dtn day In clher lluch of coilgeess 11fl' culOJlzlu n tcnd Rl1101' . 0' tprcsentntIve mlbc very 1110p0' fl'1 n sentmcntal point of view , hut It takes I time that cnu hll : ' hO ) , saId to hb l ! ! Hefulr eliuhlOyCl . for , there Is tmp ( : tonjoetctInto tim , Con- , r sMIOII'He . . . bt ' a ' \tst ttihiuttt of ' . tile ' of obituary orttory greater IJnrt . \hlch hi - onIY-"lhctot'l iuibblsii. . Several da ) 's ja'o recently hn , given ! ! UIJ to thll )110Se ) , to thc deiay of most important and urgent buisliless , anti ilhtrdiy ono of flue ' so-ctilled ! eulogies do- Ih'cloll on these occnslons wonld hc nil- judgeti by liy comlJctent critic of BuglHh comlosit t to he worthy of perpctuaton In l1lu1 On one of these dtiyeh thc Rubjcct' euiiogy'iyaj ' the late Se1lator Ynnct of North CI lolna ! , who died nearly 1 ) 'cnl ago . and among thc euhogists wnH Hcprlscntatye Bcnjamln Bml 'of that , stab ? . I " 1 be nplu'o liritite In thIs connection to mnlw one extract fromu ? Mr. Bunn' effort , 11 IUH- . truttlmug its geiterni character. He colt- tmtnl lene11 clllctel' eluded his eulogy lS , follows : Yes : he , hfs left behind a radiant stream of effulgent tlory Like the brilliant sun which sinks behind the distant hl.lops and leaves behind I golden stream of gorgeous splendors making the whole western horizon seem as If the most opulent dye pots In the , studio of the angels bad been , upset and had leaked through I upon the clouds , , thus giving them the tint- I . Ings of celestial glories , so his sun of exist- once bas sunk behind the hl.lops of death and leff behind I Stream of memories that wi , neyr fade from , the tablets of our bearts Unlce the glories of the setting sun , which scan lose their glorious colorings In the bosom of darkness , his resplendent virtues will not lose their brilliancy In the shadows of deaUl's dar1 night . for they were dug from mines of richest and purest ore . and bright In glory's jeweled throne they will shine Cor- evermore. , Thus If not l' 'irolulCel aH a falfic ) of olJl'lslonll obIUII' ' oratoru' ; " 'e 111ml It II excciltonll ) Amid yet I great dC11 of It ; II Jot \I much of . lilt' 1111. Il'oieIlieIlL ) upon thiN. . : lol'co\'et. , thel' cal 1l\'C' he amiy certainty thtt : mich of whnt , II utolml on these pCCIHlolf II 1 gcnulne l'clccll. or thc fcclng of tIle Rllcnlwl's nn.t t'cnl ' HiIlCI'IP.tS I mltwr at J : flct , with some of thl1 It Is II miiei'uly Jornnctol ' m\tlr. to ho dil' hosed of wih Iduo reguird to fm'm , hilt havhl little , If thuS , of the plmlJtll If shl'm ( feeiitl4PL foll' 'CIti' $ ago : J Ihn J. .njnIH ; WU fll thc Pliell Htnt/ , Sellat ( . ( It'hiVO7ei . 1 eulogy on I It- ( ' ceased mcmh1tl' Ir tT thc house whleh . Lit- lmetel ( whlc IttJyton lS : lI'111.1mhlr hl'lltt ( 'ffoi'tLI mull the (11't WUr ( - IHIHllt thlt hi Il ( 3i'its } IlnoHI lnth'el ' plagiarized. :1'ln"ll1 II'ohlhl ' lw\\ ( "CI' , ' little Ih kff''ile ! decelHCl and I Is enth'cl cC'tiJ11lt \ } wllt ho . uttert'ti WIH not n h'lh\lhTlfl'OI ) t1 heart ΒΆ 'l'hl ! I'X.Hl'UUtot' , 111111u ( , cnh- cllscovei'etl iljt Ilnl'llt II tillS .iiue . so flH UH WC lire IWu'O , ah1ioIl ! I'llllolnl ( NlloglHtl of thc < ( l'aI1. hur'i 1 IlUllIhiel' IH large uf thos who I'MtNIHIel , / ! Oil these U' I tlle IWmOt'lll 0CCsdilI1h , IN Ill'rCunet0'I ) ' und wih ns lthHnct'I'o ( fcclhlj 11 lie 'l'hl' Il'letc ) < tt pronouncing eulloglos on d'CI'IHld Iwmbol'l or congress ought to be lICofltiliiil. ( ' If there ' ' . . lu dt/colthn cll. I WIS ei'er I tulle wl\n Ili.thll ) could be sull In 111111'ovll of tiluJrllCtieO I hlK gone by. frhu tlC sitvtsh ,1'ICtc , ' lonlug It could bo 1010 ullfuly . ellllo ) 'l. lnlll'mol'lul \'OIUIII . of time Il'll wOIII 111"0 . far better to 11llt ute their mCI.11 thul thc clllJ Viletot'ie amid HloJllY eloluelco of tile average obituary orator OIluholl ICOIH hO\11 to ulw her- suit lllJhu' ItS I tourist resort wihout oXCt'CIKllg too close a scrutIny emi . tile chnrnctol'H of her' visitors. She shu.tlll I out to build U1) I thivlu'iug divorce II' tnRtr - l . 1nkluJ the 1'l\lrl'tW1tR for jUllelnt ( elJlaton tHI In ns IJO slh11' . 'rhc iestilt il1fltlC ot ulslilIltdtI l'cRUI was nn II0me tlRlnlell Ioille ill ( tl'ch of relict traIn thc bonus of wN1ol . ) ' : lcou1ngel by tills I successful n'uhn'eR. OkllholU Is now contemplatIng holdillg out special lii- cOIIl'\IJlntuJ 1011nA 0\1 11. ItlClteltl tu IJrl1e fghters and 1110118 ( of all khHIR by cunetllJ 1 law tllln Iktl conteHIR perfectly Ic n1 Tim p1O- hosed law 11 said to he n direct bid fo\ thc "arIOIIH'I11' tJhts JOW ill lWei.l'lu- ) ( lion . Ollnhoum Proceeds 01 tile thlory that thesc c\cntH lure to he " 111111151 off" lolewhl'c , nHllf ( the t , , ' cnu hn cor11ell Inlo 11cr ' . . the vi1i ilidi. territory IH'ltH wi hl1. cntc I RhrewlI hUlhtR 1)OllCY. Okln- hullhlHI . ROle lIt tie cOlpetton ? In llIiyiIIg ) for thc ( tiI'orce t1 t te. J II to he ? hOllt ) that tlc t wi he given 1 flce leht 15111. In tile nla ter of IJ1olcctng IHII- IrIeccitig , the l'uhle. / ' . , , } 'hlnllphlt Tlnel lhowgnte also II aClull d. That 11 qulo In Rccordnuce with the general drift , I wns only publc monl ) ' that he Rtole. There Is 10 harm In that . , Awakening In i Iho Old Uom\nlon. \ i Chicago Inter Ocean , There 11 n wonderful revival or George Wahlnpton spirit tn Virginia The dem- oeratK arc talking about honest elections where everybody , white antI black , shall vote on al equality , nll Hlchmoll 19 building I tin 111ate titill. The next thing wc know Virginia will be offering to adopt / both McKinley IUt\ heed to make lurc her title as mother . oC presidents. URnd ! ( ) ? . J'hlmlehhn Lcd'ler. ' I Is- said that Japan has again intimated , this time to l npland , that she Is not deslr. ous or any Interference bY guropenn powers In the . war with China. 'rhe Japanese have sho\11 .themsel's a century In Ilvnlce of I their antagonists . and , apart from some ex- , lilhitlons of toward , . hllitonl cruelty tOWlr prlsonerf. they i have demeaned themselves ns capably ns I the troops or l urollan natIons . 1nglltl ! and HUISII , tn tarticular , . hnVe special In- terests In Asia , and will watch with Inter- est the developments of the present cain- palpn , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ) 'nl1 Hernln Thoorlo" Delrlt Free Press MrR Susal Young Gnth. daughter of the late Brigham Young slated In thc national council of women nt Washlnpton that the American gIrl 11 nearly extnct , and that she has been physIcally degenerating for years. This may be true because of rec- ognlzed causes In Utah , . but throughout the rest or our great nalon she Is very much In evllence : nclvl rosy and resolute , far- lher from extinction than ever before. 'Vlh , II due respect to Mrs. Oath she Is one of those croakers who think that I Is their especial missIon to turn . off the sunlight. DeOnnel Iixecels , the 5npply. ChIcago Tribune. The laboratory that supplIes Bishop Fal- lows' home brewed non.nlchoholc beer Is working over Wine In order to keep up with the demand. The drink , us described by a connoisseur , tastes like oll.fashlone1 "yarh tea " anti nl1J1ears to be a preparation of preparton roots. herb . barks ana gi1ns such as the grandmothers of the present generation used to give to "clean ant the system" after nn attack of boils , carbuncles or spring fever. There Is a general feeling that Bishop Fal- lows would nol spring any unwholesome or unrIghteous beverage on a trusting com- munity. and the Home Salon Is doing a tremendous - mundous business. . A GIgantic Enterprise. tlobe-lernocrat The construction of the great Siberian railroad will open I vast ara of land to the uses of agriculture , all It Is already np- parent that the policy of Russia will be to attract setters by offering liberal terms On the western section of the railroad now completed the richest government land Is held at an nnnual rental of $ .2 for forty acres. and the Russian emigration there Is 'heav ) ' . The productions are wheat , calte , lard . wool horse and cnmels hair and raw hIdes. Including camel and goat skins. Students or the world's , economic affairs will have a new element to deal wIth when the railways across SiberIa and South America are In full cperation. . The South , Unlc"t" Scatidni SI. Louts Itepublic. I Is Impossible to understand how any man with n proper conceptIon of decency , and n proper degree of prIde In the stale he Is presumed to repreent , could be led tl vole for such I measure by the exertIon of any prcper and legitImate InSnence , Such nn Insolent demand Is absolutely without argument to sustaIn or justIfy it. I I Is urged that the exIstence of such a statute brIngs revenue to the state . I should not be forgotten that the evil reputation whIch will come to the state through the exIstence - encc of such a law wi have the certain effect of keeping away a cass of hnml- grants whose presence would rio more toward the development of the wealth and resources of the state than tens of thou- sands of the transient guests who contribute - guests ute to the enrichment of shysters and hotel Iceepers. South Dakota should maintain Its own self-resDect If It expects or desires the respect - spect of the rest of the world. . l'ICOl'l.B ANt ) TIJl1G. ' Mr. WIlson Is the LI Hung Chang of \he ' admlnlstraUon Official commissions soften somewhat the poignant recollection of NOI'ember's comugres- slonal chill . Republics are not ungrateCui-to poets. Eu- gene ' Field traveled from Chicago to New Orleans In a private car ' Dolly Ferguson easIly leads the procession nr ndvnnoi women In Maryland or eIsa- where nrvno".r : She Is' 118 years of agobut ; doesn't look it. Senator thrice's aerial navigation scheme Is frowned upon by the senate. The upper Iouse regards with suspicion every movement calculated lo rival Its high flying llropensl- tcs , ExGo\'ernor St John of Kansas Is said to be' studying clocuUon. I Is labor lost The vocal cyclone has secured a sufficiency of polsh . from the ballot box lo last a life- Chicago brewers look suspIciously nt the Episcopal salon movemenl. What troubles them sorely Is how the sedate bishop cpuglit onto the recipe for producing I piccadilly collar on a schooncr As If the cloth was noL up In the. science of atmospheric pressure - , sure . The mellowing Influence of wemen In the leglvature of Colorado was put to the test recently . and emerged In a mutilated condi- tioa. Two masculine members palnled each other's eyes , SpiEd some gore on the carpet - pet and did nol apologize 10 the ( ladlea . A Michigan court 'l'llch perm.tted a wItness to testify hy telephone established an Im- porlanl precedent. As an aljuncl to thc lrachlnery of justice , the telephone has many claims to polulariiy. Imagine how much more charming would be the allmonltona or courts to Juries I transmitted over a few lengul of wire , Dstance would lend enchantment - chantment and touch a responsive chord In the hearts of grand Jurymen , An ancient time colored document Is one of the heirlooms possessed hy ! r. G. W. ' Wallace - lace of this city Ils ' the naturalization cer- tfcate of his father Gavin 'Wallace . Issued by the court of common Ideas of 1amlon county OhIo October 28. 1836. Tim tnterest- big document bears the signature of William Henry Harrison , who was clerk of the court at the ( line . and four years later was elected president or the United States , The campaign Is al least six montha away In Iowa and yet there are occasional erup- ticns of U" political , 'olano. foreshadowing tie coming cataclysm of caloric. An 01- tumwa IJaper refera . to an esteemed contem- porary as "the lying Ignoramus who eJect hl Idiotic drivelinga Into the columns oC one of tile republican smul 011118 . " I vldenty the coring campaign wi add A few choice el.l- thels , to the literature of the ntury. Ilsa'mo Is Benjamin Dunn. and he hails from Rocky Mount N , C. For mellifluous oratory and cloud scraping verbal pyrotech- nics Mc lu\n takes the bun and tie slelv- Ing. During a recent eulogy on the fame of a defunct senator Comigressinan nun\ took occasion In his florid way to tel tie secret of our golden sunsets . "The briiant sun " exclaimed - claimed the Rocky Mount spell binder. "wblcb sinks behind the distant hilltops . and leaves behind I golden stream of gorgeous splendor , makes tie whole western horizon seem al I lie \osl opulent dye pots In the studios tf the angels had ben upset and bad leaked tlrough the clouds . . etc. , wblcb pro. yokes from the New York Sun ( lie reflection IJlgmenls. that Ilunli's mouth caught tie bulk of the - SJmCUL.tIt SlWTli .fT : TIm ' tiI.PZr. J llnpoUs Journnl : h Is not neeessry for Colonel ! Robert Ingersl to spend any \on e ) ' In nlherl lng. The ministers nl11 1'101 ! eollo In the tOWIS where lie lectures can lie depended on to do list ( for him tree of cost. The righteous people ot Hoboken ! ) hn\e been . ( specially kin to hIm In this Courier Journal : The worM is I still full If evil anti the preaoher who wAnls to Iionounce Sinners need never lack 11 houet Oppotttln- OPloHun- Ity . Jut to condemn ! young people because they / to balls Is SIlly And 10 \ say that I 19 the ( girls who ieail l ! the \an astray II to dl tiara hllm lf eligible for a sallarhlr for welk mlndA. IhlndeJphl1 Record : : ' 10 of our es- ( CoIned COntCfllpfitArfc print every Slnrl.ty nn original sermon In order that sinful readers who do not attend church 10 atcml may not go wlholt IIOIIlr moral isistructioii. We elo not bolo\'e mull the preachers wil like this Intrusion at the newspaper Into their special nell of labor The doctors ot divinity will look upon Inno. \'aUII publishers of sermon9 very much its doctors of physlo , regard free dispensaries 1111enlarils and hospitals , Chicago Hernh : CnnUnnl Gibbons . who Is ulloublelly well ntlu'ised In all ecclesiastical matters . has nol only declI1 to Ilroluigate tie decree ordering Roman Catholics to heave the Odd Fellows I , Sons of Temperance and Knlphls , of lylhla8 , but iota uggesthl ( nnl his subordlnnle clergy that they say nothing upon lht subject for the prcsenL I Is on- derstooll thnt necessary steps have been taken to secure rtonshleraton ot the ( 11ecree. anti ! thnl its reversal , on more cOlplele e\'I- 11e1CI. Is asslred , Chicago Post : The one way to suppress the colone\'s \ hlather Is to fight him with his 0\1 weallol-rhlcule , Sate from the bar , the pulpIt nnrl the throne tlrOnl , Ingersoll Iliust Inpersol lust yield to rIclicIlie. And If the chlrchmel think that weallon 'btnesth the dignity eC theIr hand ! they ( should let I him alone. The Poor \ old fellow Is ' . \1001 felol Is'Iry near the dropplng.over place on lie ( broad road ( which hc has traveled . with so Ilch eclt , and the last few t rods of his jOlre ) w\ he hnrmless. , I twenty-five years from now Ingersoll's ngorsol's panic will be unknown , Springfield Helmblcan : Opposition to hib- lb. erlsm In relglon now conies from the Unl- , 'ersalsl demiOmllinatiom ) . 11ev. A. N. Alcott bt tile UniVerHal8t church nt IJigIn . lii. . lies so ofended his congregation by becoming identified Will time so.calell illinois state congress of liberal religions that he has been suspended from felowship for a year This congress was originated by the late Prof SwIng 11ev . Dr. Thoma8 , Jenlc'n Lloyd Jones Dr. Hirsch and others or varlols creells. Mr Alcott's denomlnnllon lusl be 10ved by feelngq of jealousy , as the liberal congress cannot be 10vlnp on lines Ilch more comprehensive than those bounding the Unlversnlsl creed Duhlque Telegraph : "The church Is Jarpeb' to blame for Ihe present ihisortlerefi ! lsordered condItion In the Industrial world. She has cathedrals for the rich and conventcles for the poor : aristocratic Sunday schools for the ofsprings of the m\lonall'e. and ragged schools fOr tile children ot the worldngmnn : eloquent , imighi-salarled clergYlen for the affluent , and chenll city missionaries for the Indigent : she Is a sycophanl nl thl altars nlan where the prosperous claim to worship and the patronized al the altars where the laborer bows In pra'er " Let the reader may assume that this Is an excerpt from one of Colonel Ingersoll's lectures , we hasten to lay that It Is not. I Is an extract from nn article Omaha , wrllen by Dshop John P. Newman of . our UF TIB 9IWZ'AIlY On January 1. 1895 , there were 2.035 reg- Istered women physicians In the United Stales During the eighteen years ending with Juna 30. : 1890. 1,826 persons were killed by cyclones In the United States. An odd ' palndrmic sentencene which reads the same backward as forward-Is "Draw pupil's lip upwnrd. " The smallest church edifice In the world Is at the mouth of the Saginaw river. Its capacity Is eighteen persons Rev Samuel G. Jones oC Georgia 'Ias departed - parted lhls life al the age o 90. lIe was the father of , the most celebrated Of Georgi i preachiers Hev. Sam Jones. He raised five : Sons all of whom are lelhodlsl prcachers. He has left behind him 130 descendants , Mr. and Mrs. D. Ieebler of Lebanon 92 and 90 years of ago respectively . have been married sixty-eight 'cars and have sixty grandchidren and eighty-five great grand- children. Both Grandpa and Grandma Peebler are bright In mind and active In body for their ages. Grandpa Peebler walks up town ten blocks from his home and back quill oren , George F. Danvle , a farmer near Yanlc- ton , S. D. , Is the proud father of the ninth set of triplets Mr. and Mrs. George Dan- vihit slave now twenty.seven chidren , although - though Mrs Danvle Is nol yet 30 year old. She Is a Norwegian : her husband'Is a Hoosier. All the children were born In triplets , the oldest lot , being under 13 years old. All are boys but three , one set of triplets being girls and they are all sturdy and healthy. One of the most curious apologies on record was that which appeared recently In a Tburlnglan newspaper and also on a placard In the principal hotel at Schiwabza I runs : " I . Jehann Schmidt , apologIze for having said publicly that Fritz Werner Is the vilest rascal In hue world. lie Is not the vilest rascal , " This Is equaled only by a western paper which apologized for having said that the local \ congresmnn had changed his shirt within a month by penitently stating that he had nol changed his shirt within a 10nth , The Irish won a noble victory In the house . yesterday . says the Washington - lsl , Mr. O'Nel of Missouri hal intro. Iluce.l nn amemlmbnt to the genernl Ilen. clone ) bIll to rI'proprIAt ! $77.80 to pay PAt. tick Martin , I constituent at bi In Mia. ourl for supplies taken by lhe ( union forces during ito war. Mr. SArs of Texas m.lo the \olnt et order against It , that t vas hot In order 01 R deficiency hi J that It came 111er the ( head ot "I ourlh of July" claims , anti should bo Ito ( subject ot In Independent bill , When the Iller conic tp for decision , however. Mr , Sayers itl that when ho matle the iohnt he' did not really nlprcclat time force of the aggregation against itini-On irish cialnamlt with an Irish rpresonIatI'e on ( lie floor to nilllear for lilni. aitti an Irish judge in ( lie chair , ( Mr , Tarelucy ) to rule upon the question , lie wollll , therefore , withdraw the point , anti. the amaclutilnent was agreed to. lmt.f.Ts' ( ' 1IIMUIM'S 1lOfl ? A tool carries his imine in his Inoutll. No man tioca his best wile works oiuly for 11.1) ' . A fool never leai'ils anytliimig frollu a nuls- take , The cheorfal giver is always the one vim gives Inilcil , Tim ( loVil Won't let ui. stillgy man lowe any iiiercy on ilIlllliOlt. The devil cover throws , any stones at a mall on tiio fiice. Tue birtla ritti thio brightest feathers do riot sing ( lie sweeiest. That IlinlI is a tlliet chm is hionest only because - cause in ? is ui'atcilCi. The sheep tilltt goes astray never foils a green pasttmre for itself , There Isn't aiiy religion in golmug i'itiiout sleci' ' at mllght to ruiti down the chlurch. S . u hilt Will I ho liiriest lIe ? 1'Iiiiadeiphila itc'corth , It is expected \Vasiilmugtoiu lliit Senator \Voicutt's resohtmtion to einpoo'er the liresi- dent to nPlCliiit ilohegmites to lillY imloiletmiry Conference ( lInt illfl' be nrrlingetl ill lill'oln ) wIll ho ilasseti before niiJoiirmi mmlent. Tiicro is lb hiarni in conferences of ( uk soltI 3'et if time ilitornational sIlver t'oilf.oii , is to ( I.i1 its the ituternatiotial , enl coilforelice n.l ii , it s'otihd lie iiomie , ' iii t'lt goii'rilnlent's lOClet to solid regrets Ilisteati of jOlllili , time part ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S.IIR I'tflf , ' ( Iffl.iNS , Galveston News : 'ro set sotne PeoPle to thtiiiking is to iluitite tht'mn nilserable. Syracuse Post : 'Sim's a 'ely pretty girl. She Is ruahl ) ' immutnsc , " "Aiu(1 silo hits an imututonse father , to boot , ' ' Chicago Tribune : "Tue dismutiviuiutage t labor ililtier , " said Cain , Ilitterl ) ' , mutter thin muriier , ' 'lit ( limit I don't kiun' iriiere l'rii roing to ilmi whtnessOs to rove lilt alibi , ' Springlleltl Umuion : Flapjack-Ghibl ) ' Is quite a talker , isn't 110 ? Tremuche-Yos ; but his ilat. Will get dowml over ilk nlollthi. Atchlsoiu Globe : it-your aunt has an income of any size it is quite ( lie proper tiling to refer to her as ' 'auu'nt , " Washington Star : 'Go slow when yoh gltii mail , " nid Uncle l'Then. "Er iiialu that 'bunco somneboiiy vhomi lIe's oxciteil alIt lOW'fUl lt'bio ter bit lila owmt tongue , " JilOgo : Little Ikey-Fader , u'as It trite ( lot Charge Vashiington nefer toidt a lie ? Mis- litsici ( tite clothier-M'y ) son , I lerleef it vim so ; but lie votmld nefer hut sugeocded In der gloading peesluess. IndianapolIs Journal : Watts-Did you try that hot-water cure for your cold ? I'otts-Yes. It is 81mph ) ' great , too. You see , I illixeil It wIthi a little whisky nlld lemon , anti I hewer hiatt amlytiling slip down so easy. Detroit Free Press : "My wife and daumFii. ter , " remarked tile rIch American. ' secured - cured some elegant articles of bric-a-brao during their sojourn in Europe. " 'Does the list include the count who is your daughter's affianced ? " inquIred a frIend of the family who hind views of his own , ' tI Chicago Tribune : 'Whiat sort ot layout , 110 YOU call ( lint , Henry ? " nskeil tile uncle from Anlnleroogia , as time two walked out of the glided restaurant. "That vas a thhle d'hote dinner , Uncle. answered hits city nephew. "Anti they charged a dollar antI a half for ' 't ' ! Sufterin' Moses ! What would IL cost : to get a squaremeal therei" TWO OF THEM. Detroit TrIbumie. The hunter slowly threw a bend , Tileml fired , happy-hearted : lie mIssed him gable some seven feet Anti mourned ( lie deer departed. He slammed tile rib on the ground Somehow the lUiiet started , And now his up-to-that-time vife Mourns hIm , the dear departtd. . - - . LENT. Boston fliabe. Too late mon umi , do you Opel ) Your hips ! I can't listen to love. Nay , nay , tiear ! Just now I'm den'inV Time world and the pleasures tiucree. . Speak ilot , mon nail ! I'm fOrsWoarIilp Tue things upon whIch I did dote. Your hove making's quite out of season I'm now not coquette but devote. We've danced thro' the wInter together , And now , Ned , our dancing is ( lonol For sins of onlission. the season Of uenance , dear boy , has begun. So , talk not of love or beseech me. rn give you my hrnfli ! All too late You ahcI had you spoken up soonet We muighlt have arranged on a date , We've danced thro' tile winter together , And moments have been-I comitess- When , hind YOU but seized them and amtketl inc To marry , I niighit have said ) en. I might have said yes , und found leisure , Thy this time. my haste to repent : hilt , Neil , dear. I can't think of giving My heart to 'oti. now for it n Icnt. _ _ . , * * ItI/yc - 'b RELIABLE CLOTHIERS Yotit"Mouuuay's Worth or Year Mnaay B.talt. Will it be Warmer ? . If it is , what are you going to do with thatbig over- coat--shed it-shed it for a new I ) ' c' ; light spring overcoat , We've , c'1 ' ; & got some pretty hot styles-We 4' 9" are always the first to show the Wi proper styles anyway-A spring hat-want to pay s for a hat- _ _ _ I0-c'-- ' then don't for you can get t for $4.50 thisyear-thie "Stetson Special , " or the "Browning- King Special" for $3. 50. That's a good hat too ; we guarantee it ; give you another if it's not perfect. These are in the new spring styles Men's furnishing goods for early spring are in-some of the nobWest things in the way of ties and shirts ever shown , We also have a few ' 'Star" shirt waists , of the i.oo quality , to go at 75C , Better buy one for the boy. Every boy making a purchase in our children's department . , gets a pair of hard wood stilts free. # BROWNING , KING & Co. , Reliable Clothiers , S. W. Cor. 15th nuid Domigi as Sts' , - - -