- - - - T . . - - - - . . , ' . - . . . . . . . . . . . _ . ! r. : ; + t t + - + * ) ' -c = : ; Ht .7..1 t THE OMAHA SUNDAY ; BE'E r fHH.t = ; ; ; ; J I . . EESTABLISIID . JUNE 17 , 1871 OMAhA : , SUNDAY OnNING , IAnCR a , 1895-1'1VETY AGES. SJGLn COPY FiVE CENTS. . J - - - - - - , DEATh S KEPT BUSY London Requies Much Atenton from the Rider on the Pale iore , COLD WEAThER PROVS : A \lAMIY \ Long Oontinuell L3w Temperature Tolowed by Most Dirostrous Results , CITY I TiE CLUTCH OF TiE G31P , , Popu'n ion of the Metropolis Sorely Stricken by Malignant Infuenza , RICH AND POOR - SUFFER . TOGETtE rt1hoflftb13 'CNt 1:11 : ] 'ccll the ) IICI80 I ni 80\'crel ni the S1uii-Mevvro Coli of Iflhrllry I5rItig 1 on the Ip1.Icitic. , . , l'res 1'ubU.iIng Company ; , ) ( Cyrhhtcd. 18 r Iy ! luIlshtng CompIY LONDON , March 2NelYork ( Worl CableSIJeelal Telegram.-The ) Influenza Is IncraIng : In London In splo ot the continued mUd weather. rio epl- cemlo Ecems to have originated In the fashIonable West End , and It Is now generally conceded that the dIsease Is In- reclous. I has rapidlY spreall to the outlyIng - lying dlslrlcls. To the American vIsItor there 1 small wonder that the disease Is so prevalent here The houses In lhe hest quarters are lily equipped against such cold w ather as that ot the last few weelts. Not' one hal In 100 In the expensive houses Is warmed at all , whim the windows and doors ot all FnglIsti residences are Ill-flttlng and draughly. 'fhe temperature of the halls consequenty Is below that of the outer air , yet the people go Into them from warm rooms and a sudden chi Is Inevitable In the poorer quarters , unhappily , the temperature - ture Is only too equal In the living rooms and halls. The coroners report that forty people were frozen to death In London during February. The month was the coldest In the officIal .s record. To Americans a daily average at soma 28 degrees docs not Imply much suf- terlng , but the tact Is the extent at misery among the poor here was unparalleled , so Insumolent are the preparations agaInst cold During the last fly years there have been ony tour months In which the temperature In London has been below freezing polnl The number of deaths last seek dIrectly ' traced lo Influenza was 111 , but the official report gives 1,119 , or thlrly-tour per 1,000 from disease of the respiratory organs. ThOUSANDS ARC DOWN The mortality , judging by the long death columns In the Times , was largely among the well-to-do. The list ot suet , Including ' b the leaders ot both national parties , Is like a transcript from "Durllo's I'cerage , " while five Judges , scores of members at Parliament and many actors and actresses , Including Henry IrvIng and Charles Wyndham , are suf- rerers. TOlay the general postomce and V other government bureaus , Uw great railroad stations and oilier large slahlshments re- port a large proporlton of employes down with the dlease. The holiday papers print . ' many letters suggesting remedies. DurIng the extreme cold the drains and water pipes , the later nearly always here are conducted io the upper stories outside the buildIng , were frozen and burst. The companies shut oft the supply lo the houses. largo part of London now gels Its water c'r all purposes from ( the supply pipes In the .treets. I saw today footmen carryIng tubs Sled In the street Into fine residences. NOT DAD IN IIAVAItIA. The World's MunIch correspondent tele- graphs : . "In contradiction to the statements published already regarding the prevalence at influenza here , the police today state on the authorIty of the munlcpal statistics , that no cas , bas developed dangerous symptoms. The lseaEo has never assumed a malIgnant form , and the number of cases Is Olmlnlshlng The number of patients In the publc hospitals last Saturday was 51 ; today It Is only 197. rhero were no deaths from the disease duro lug the weelt As regards scarlet fever , In the garrison the disease shows a marked de. crease. There now arc scarcely 100 cases Three deaths ore reported for the weelt The state at the public health throughout Bavaria Is nominal " BALLARD SMITh GEIEhAIS ALL JA n TII DISI ASI lehveon 1'hlrty aiutForty Thousand Clues Ulllrtell lu flerhlsi. ( Copyrighted , 183 : , ! y the Asoclated l'acC5. ) DERLIN , March 2.-Influenza has taken hold ot the people ot Derln , with a strong grip. The mlter weather appears to have favored Its spread. In fact , according lo the statistics at the local sanitary bureau , three- quarters at all the sIckness In the city al present Is due to Infuenz : The epidemic has IPparenly taken the firmest bold of the well- to.do , and fe'I houses In the west , sOlllhwest and northwest districts have escaped . I Is also notch that the complaint , whIch was al Irst at a 111\ ( character , has grown much moro dangerous , and the number at deaths from Infucnza and its complications this week has relchrll several hum1red. In the tlcllslag time usual attendance droppei to about forty , some I&0 member suffering from an attack . Time total number of cases II Berlin Is esthnalell lt from : 0O00 lo 40,000. AIOI : ( the sufferers are lie ( two vIcE presidents ot the IclehRlag , relhrrr von Duol-nerenbrc and Herr Uuerltln ; .dmlral van bits , Prince von UJest , Lieutenant General - eral Spitz , I'rlnce Carolalh.leuthel , and numerous court officials. I aha , l'elops that Emperor William had Just recovced from a mud attack ot Infuenza when he started from Vienna to attend the funeral at Archduke Albrecht. The United State'3 Imbaulllor , Mr. Theodore Ulnyol , has ale suffered front a slight attack of the dlrease. I Hclnell Money fur ( rtmiori. mmJ.IN , Murch 2-lltor' the \ole on : I the nvai credit waR laleI : , Herr nlchtrr , In defense of time attitude lf the ( rels\llnISQ party II opposing time grants said that German commerce did not depend upon the lumber otarshIIJ' ZOasessed by Germany , Moreover , he added , the existing feet was sllrlelt , a , shown I durIng the clrgoa bay Illdolts and dnlnj the course of e\tnl In Chihi. Ito conlrastell the posl\lol \ of thl conservatives IUW and the ppaIIuis . whJnn the ) took up lrel ) 'rarl ago whel they II nowise scconilr'i the hhb- Irnl efforts to tln'lgthcl tie fltt' ) ' . I'ihmmcc ) iisumarok's sons , contiuell hIea Wchlrr , then reproached tie liberals for sUlporlll : the grants asked for 10 llul < ships , and now the CO\ornlent wllted a feet , not us a necouly , but for time IIrpl1le of dlspla All\u/h thl lclch3tag refuted to grant the alI IUIIel for to build thto new cruisers , It , . ' _ _ t - - - granted time rqledt of Vice Admiral Ilolt- mann for n credit to bull a new torpedo division boat. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nIWUIT Til : MIUUIS 1ST. coUnT Oscar Wldl 1rln1clon for T.thrlgnll,1 thin lnr'IItN uf U"eIINhfrry , LONDON , March 2.-The marquis of Quo nsherry was remanded on ball at the Marlborough street police court to.y , chargll with libeling Oscar Wilde. I appears the marquis left wih n porter at the Albemarle club a card , upon whIch was wrItten an offensive remark referring to Oscar : \Vlhde . A lawyer who appeared on behal ( t Mr. Wide said lhal the hatter was on affectionate - ate lermu with hi wife anti child , but had been the object of n f'slem or the most cruel persecution at tIme hands at the marquis of Queensberry durIng the last len months. Owing to the situation ot affairs In the fern- ly at the marquIs or Queensberry , Mr. Wide wa , most unwilling to take steps toward criminally prosecuting the marqul9. nut he had bean s : fearfully persecuted H.at mnlera hall now reached a clImax , anti he was obliged In selt'lJroleclon to lake action. 03Ca Wilds and his wife are both members of the Albemarlo club ; anti on February 2g , It appears , one of the hal porters handed Mr. Wilde a card whIch the marquis ef Queensberry had left for him. WrItten on the card were three mosl offensIve and indecent - decent word , Implying that Mr. WidE was addicted to unnatural \Ices , This card I.al been lying In the club ton days before Mr. Wide received It. Counsel for Mr. Wide added that after a couple of witnesses had been hearll ho would ask lhat the case be adjourned for one week , when the whole matter would be gone Into , as Mr. Wilde did not propose lo rest the ci simply 01 tIme question at the libel referred to. lie proposed to go into other case which had occurred before February 18 , all after they hal been investigated counsel would aslt the magistrate lo commit the marquis at Queen sherry lo prison. The hal porter then testified to receiving the call and an inspector at police deposed to having arrested the marquis at 9 o'cloclt this. morning In Carler's hal , Dover street. The inspector said that when he read the warrant to the marquis he thought that In such cases proceedllgs were generally taken hy surnmons hut he supposed It was all right , and asked time Inector the date when tIme card was loft at the Albemarle club. When the police officer Informed hIm lhat It was on February 18 , the marquis said he had been wanting to find Mr Wide for nine or ten days. rhc Inspector then ; escorted the marquis to the police staten , Sir George Lewis appeared for the mar- quis He said that when the cIrcumstances In the case were more fully known the magistrate would find lhat the marquis had acted under feelings of great indignation. The magIstrate , Mr Newton , here interposed saying : 'Ve cannot go Into that now. " SIr George saId he did not wIsh the case lo bo adjourned without It being known that there was nothing In the case against the marquIs. , Mr. Lewis remarked : "I want my client released on his uwn recognizance In 1,000. " To this request the magistrate said he would want a surety ot 100 In ad- diton , and after a merchant named Tyser became surety for the marquis , the case was adjourned. . Throughout court proceedings , the mar- quis was perfectly composed , and when the counsel for Mr. , 'Wide remarked that the second word ( written on the card was ii- legible , the marquis cody explaIned what the word was. IE\'UL\Elt DID Tim D1.tIJI.Y WORK : , Man Ordered to Lenvo nn omor , but In- sto itt 1'lcJ(1 VI is f.ln anti Fired VALLEY FIELD , Quebec , March. 2.- John Loy , clerk , and Maxim Leboux watch- man for the Montreal Cotton company , were shot and killed last night , and Hugh Wilson , another clerIc , was shot and perhaps fatally ; wounded. The assassin Is C. n. Shorts" formerly private secretary to ' time general manager of the company , but recently discharged - charged on account of irregular habits . Between - I tween 10 and 1 o'clock last night , while ' Paymaster Lowe , assisted by Clerks Lay and Wilson , were making up time pay- roll Iii the office . Shorls came In Ho was ordered to leave. Becoming en- raged , he grabbed a loaded revolver from the pymasler's dealt and began firing. Wilson tell , wounded. Lowe called loudly for help and Lay stepped to time telcpllne lo summon aslstance. Night Watchman Lboux rushed In just In tme to see Ioy fall , shot In the back. and Lowe slip into the vault ' , pulling the door shut after him. Shorts took tie- liberate aim at Leboux and shot hIm down. Ills Injuries were fatal , and he dlell before his b dy was ( hiscov. ered. Shorls , after an Ineffectual attempt lo open the door at the vault made hli escape. There was no one lo Interfere for all ihls deadly work hall been carrIed on In the solitude ot time office wihout at- lraeUn outside attention . , bout midnight Wilson was able to reach an electric button anll soulded an alarm whIch at once brought aseistance. Shorts has been arrested and jailed. I I an open question whether the shooting was Inspired by revenge or b ) Shmurtis' desire to secure $ 2,500 whIch ho know was lo be found In the office , but which Lowe hastily srabbell np and took with him Into tIme vault when Shorts began his fusla4e , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 'lrlCI I Nlw l'remler. VICTORIA . C. , March 2.-Al a caucus ot time government party lieu . O. I. Turner was agreed upon fur Ilreller to succeed Theodore Davy , who has been made chief justice , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 11 , t J'Y P.LIIUfl1 , . r IC.tVS.IS GIrl ( ) Imo of tim , lnr\l.t 'owdry 1'lr/ ' lam thin CI , lnkl's 11 Isslgnnmotit. , KANSAS CITY , Mal'oh 2-'fhe Jaccard I Jewelry COmpln ) ' , a branch ot lhe ( St. Louis house at thaI name , lalb this evening made n trust deetl oC IR stock ! lo secure their creditors Time PI'cfer/d cl'cdUonl hell claims against time company nlmregatng $ $15.01 'rhe Rlels ore placed , al $15,0 but emi for.'ell stile woull he worth halt that anioutit . and perhaps less. 'fhe MetropolItan National ' bank , J\unPls City , Dernanl Cor- rhun amI th\ local mmewpapems , are among the cle.1oro gl'en ; 11reftlcnce. Outer cled- Iorl are Hoer , Rmlh . & ( ' 0" , the G'Jrman Mannflrtulnl COIII1 Ilrk ( I10s. and Hoerer . ( ' 0. iiV. . lIotk.'r ! . lute 'PI I- Ilelt of \IetropuiiIau :1110101 bank , Is mantle time trustee amid ioesIon ! vas eur- lellerEl to hll laic l'mlghl ' , Ih wi at once lull aim II\eutol' ) IU.alJllralso \ the IlrOpPll ly all ! OltIU ! to sell lt reai UI- II June 1 next , Iff which lie Is to sell the stuck then rlllllnl on hand II hulk , Inlft the ( dfltl Ire fOQnt' 111hl. 'J'ha Irm never IC'o\ ' 'r\1 flol I * ' , OO loss IHllhlrll Ir lire two years Ilt' . his olhicers' III.hl have pamileil nlonl for 1I111r ) ' , hut thmm'y knew Ihp ( 'OIu > was crippled ) antI thought 1 hut 1ut l to their In.lnl and to lhr'lnh't'l to hillj hue flql , 'rho' house 1111 "Iwa ) ' teed hlih In lu lle"K rHlc : 'l'h 11llal stock If time c/III'al ) ' , fully 1"111 lPu ' 10,0) ) . time major " ' ' 1Iun of whIch wits hlld II ) Eugene V. anti \III'r hi , JICC.fl mind Itubcrl J. O\\crt REBELS NOT TO IANG Leader , of the Hawaiian Revolt Have Their Sentences Oommutld , GO TO J.\IL INSTEAD OF TO lH GALLOWS Thirty-Five Yenrs' ' Imprisonment and n Fine of Ten Thou3nnd Dollars , Q'EEN IlL HAS A FIV : YEAR SENTENCE I ' Her View of the Cause Oontributcg to Her 07erthtow Two Years Ago NHRESTING ENTItY IN Hm DIARY I Suggestion If Trt'lchcr ) ' on time I'nrt of liar Cabinet-I'osiiiiiity that time l'rR- : onol May Uo Ielcs'd If Everything - thing Ienmils Ullet , hONOLULU , Feb. 23-vla ( San Fran- cisco , March 2.-Whilho the government has easily pnt do\n the revel , I docs not take the most hopeful vIew at the situation. This Is due , to some extent , to the ex- ciement of the momenl. President Dole and his cahlnet are disposed to adopt a most lenient policy towarll those captured In arms and UIOiO suspecled ) at sympathy with them. But time ) ' are urged hy those who have much at stake here and desire lo remain to use severe measures In order to prevent another revolt. The natives have shown no fighting qualities. Of the men coiled out by Nowleln , the military leader at the revel , only about 12 responded. I \ appears that the revel was planned by whIte men , Gulck , Seward and nclmrd , that time money for guns was furnished by white men la San FrancIsco , that the vessel which , brought them was owned hy while men , that white men went out In a steamer and landed the guns , and lmt ! two half- whites were the chlet commanders of the In- surrection. Nowleln , the commander-In. chief , says he was Informed positively by his whlo royalist friends that he could bring a force ot natives and that the clUzens' guard at 500 men \ould not dare to come out and that the "missionaries" would yield at once , He believed thee statements and acted on them only to discover that the citizens' guard instantly turned out and some 300 more ' whites joined lhem Even time absolute abdication at the ex- queen does not settle mnatters. The natives are thriftless and In the present commercIal ' depression are suffering to some extent lS they have no earnIngs laid by. They are told and believe . that a change at government - ernment would brllg better times. The ex- aminaton of witnesses under martial law discloses the fact that there are many' white men who wish a change at government , be- cause It Is economical. There Is a bonanza In the opium and Chinese gambling buincss and the men who control tile police and custom house are In time way at making large perqulsltes out of It. The great majorIty at whites , however , stand by the . government without reservation. REGRET FOR THE QUEEN'S COUnSE. The government and its supporters much regret . lho defense made at the queen's trIal , under advice of Paul Neuman. She denied \i knowledge at the revolt.wbile her place was fled wih retainers armed with guns and plslols. I was hoped she would plead gully to a simple knowledge . at the revel and then make a statement whIch would almost compel the utmost leniency. I was not difficult to show the facts tram which conclusive knowledge at the revolt on the queen's part was evident. In the queen's diary , now In the posses- sion at the government , Is lo be found very curIous and definite information about thl revolution ot January 19 , 1893. I Is well known that the queen's cabinet at that time tme had advIsed her to promulgate a new const- luton , but when I saw trouble changed its course and advIsed against I , anl even went so far as to appeal lo Thurslon and others to support I against the queen , The demoralzaton of the cabinet male prompt acton against time revolutonlsls Impossible , and the revolutionists calm ] , gave tim'm a chance lo take possession of the government - mont without the aid at the AmerIcan ma- rlnes. The queen makes this entry In her diary : I "December 4 , 1893. I laid Mr. Uchar son ( an intimate friend ) he had better tel Sam Parker ( her minister of foreign rah s beforetime the overlhrow ) he had better resign whpn I I told him to He , as one ot time cabinet , had commlled time great crime ot treason In fact , the ) ' all ( ( cabinet ) turned against me and folowed 'fhurslon's instructions and allowed themselves to LI guide by hIm : until time overthrow of my lhrone " The above Is time queen's \1'W ot time situation - aton at time time the AmerIcan force landed and wi be regarded as ample proof hy many that time overthrow WS due , as the queen says , It was , more to ! the treason of her cabinet : than to the interference nf time AmerIcan forces This view ot the cafe was never present to Mr. fliount The queen hall two Bets ot enemies lo deal with lt time same moment , her own cabinet and Timlirs- lon's friemlds SATISFIED WITH OUEJ : nITAN , The attitude ot the BritIsh ' eommlsslmer : , Hawes , toward the Drltsh subjects who wue involved In the revolt , Is very satisfactory to time government , as ho tells them that I they have got themselves Into trouble he . wi not help them and hI knows they are I havlns a fair trial Mr Wiis , the AmerIcan - can minister , Is also disposed to aid the goverment. The evidence In the treason cases Is so clear he cannot dispute the gui of the American ciIzens charged with the crime , but he has raised some question to the jurisdiction of time as jurIsdicton military court to entertain these cimarges A number of sentences were announced today. Among them were these of Robert Wicox , W. 'f. Seward , W. U. Hekard and Charles T Guhlck . 'fhey were the four leading ploHers. ihach man Is sentenced to servo thlrtyfh'o years and to pay a fine of $10,000. 'fhese four men were originally sentenced to be hanged , hut the verdict of lime court was chalged to ImprIsonment hy President Dole. Thls means that no capital punllhment wi he inflicted on time leaders . or the rcbehhlcn. I appears that the presl' ! ' mient has been opposed to executons , an'l his feelings were shared by members at the caWnet. The other sentences are : Thomas \aler ; , thirty years and a tIne ot $5,000 ; ( ' all Wlddeman , thIrty years ; Wiiam GreIg , twentY ) 'ear ; Louis Marhal , twenty years , Time last IWo were fumed $10,000 each. Jmes C , Lno was given five years and a fine at $5,00. Samuel Nowleln smut , Henry Bertle- mann , two of the lromlntnt leaders , have been allowed their lberty , They gave vaIn- able cvhleneo for time government , without whIch convictions In many case , could not have beau secured . captaIn Davies has been sentenced to ten years nlll ordered to pay a fine of $10,000. He II the man who landed the arms for the rebels. tle QUEEN LIlA IN , QUOD. Alhough the queen's sentence has not been made publc , lie Associated press corre- spolient Wits informed this morning by a cabinet officer that she has been sentenced to serve five YEars In prison a 11 to pay a fine or $5,00. I Is understood that the sentence will not be changed by the president - dent Within the last few da's a number ot prisoners have been released tram eus- 'todY , Among thc number 16 Charles Clark , who gave information that afterward reslliell In the discovery at the arms and ammuni- ton at the queen's resldel1 Ou the 22d twenly-on rebels were sen- tencel1 These sentences arc ummlform . The men are each to serve five , years at hard labor. A fine Imposed upon each man by coin- mission was remitted hy lrcsllent Dole upon advice all consent ot time cabInet The punishment fixed was time mlnlmu:1 : under the statutes On the 19lh Inst. a rumor was going the rounds lo the erect that time government was about to ask for Drlish protection. Minister Willis' attitude was the reason given for this radical step. I was stated thal the representative of tle" Unied Slates hall made unreasonable demal1s when he called on Minister Hnloh the : day prevIous A government official was seen In regard to the matter , and he stated there was abso- lutlly no truth In the mmor. lie said Miii- later WIllis hall not made ' any demnands. He bath sImply made a request In regard to some political prisoners who claim the pro- lecton at time United 'Slate DavId Kawanouakou , who was a prince under time monarchy , was arrested on the 20lh on a charge at mIsprIsIon ot treason He was afterward released. Judge 'V , W. Dixon , who , was a represent- atve In congress tram Montana In time last congress , Is In Honolulu The government was informed lhat lie was' senl here by ChaIr- man lcCreary et time house' foreign relations committee to make an investigation ! and re- port. When IntervIewed by 'an Associated press correspondent he denied the report and stated that he came 10 thLvountry merely for a pleasure trip. The militia court I still slUIng V. V. Ashord , who lE stiffening a sentence of five years for misprision of treason , will probably be allowed lo pay a fine at $5,000 and depart from the counlry.i Doclors agree that It he Is kept In jai he' will die. Ills health Is very poor Time commutation of the death sentence of the court martial to life imprIsonment ! Is accepted - cepled by the conservative people at the com- 'munly ' as the best final disposition ot the matter. Il Is believed that If there Is quiet for some time time prIsoner now under sen- tenc'e"wl be raieaseth : The ex.queen has It In her p Wr to do omei , good ' among the natives , but Il Is leaned "ier natural dlspo" slon wi prevent hlr cromruly $ accepting the situation. She may , ho.n ver , qQ.SO It she ' does she will not suffer any , imardsht ' at the hands of the government. Her con- finernent' will 10 at present In the executive buIlding , which was her former palac She will occupy one at the large . rooms formerly , used by her and overlooking the fine park surrounding the building. CUSTLY : FlUE -lt\UNU AT TORONTO. I Thro Quarters of n : llton In Property Dc- stro'ed lt 2:30 : thIs II0rJII . . / TORONTO , Ont March 3-A lremenious fire Is raging In time block hounded hy Younge , Queen , Richmond and Hay streels Robert SImpson's department store Is totally destroyed. This building was Just cl'cclel at a cost of over $300,000 , and the stock Is enormons. . John Wanl ei & Co.'s retail Jewelry store Is totally destroyed There Is a high wind from the nort west and the fire Is spreadIng at thIs hour , 1 :50 : a. m. TORONTO , March 3.-(2:30 ( : a. m-The ) fire nt this hour Is still spreadiug Knox Pres- byterlnn church In Queen , street , and Jamieson's cloUllng store ae " hurned. The ar"e loss exceeds $ O.000. . , Insurgent "Icory I/i I / Brazil . RIO DE JANEIRO , March ,2.-The , Insur- gents In time province ot 1'10 ' prando du Sol have defeated a detachmini or the govern- mont troops and havE captured General Sam- pal , commander of the garrlscn ot Sanla Ana JI.slolrlcl leeollll F.mmxloimim. I LONDON , March 2.-A Daily New dis- patch from Dlls says the American mIssion- aries are anxious regarding the attitude of time Moslems , UnIted States MInister Terrel has aslted the Porte to protect thorn ! . S'imimt to 'oo Alerlcll Cimvisiry . II Iollon , LONDON , March 2-Tho Telegraph says negotiations are on toot to obtain consent that half a troop of Amel'lcan regular cavalry shah attend the tournament to he hcld In London In May. - _ _ _ _ . 7'1.1FS-IlWJ.n TO 'ISUr .I1OVI.i , 1- Conslllltol of Cimiemigo's 'Cwo UI10l'riUo Jlorlll Xnwslllertcolpl : Hhc" . ' CHICAGO , March 2dle Timnes-hiorald , wll le Issued Monday WUi ! . James W. Scot us edllor-In-chlet anti Ilhlsher , mind Henry \ \ - . 1Iwley as muhagln editor. 'l'imls Is the result of the consolhjlUon ot the two Paler 'l'ime Times was started In'181 by Isaac Cook , James " ' . Shealami tAAd Daniel Cameron - SheahaJ tl.d eron , democratl , In J& 'It Ihlol'bed the original Herald und Ih ' : lnteIC'ls 1cCor- mlclt obtained c ntrol" Wilbur F. Storey secured Il In June , 1SG1 , awl durIng the war the papel' had aim er.n\ul 1 history , being suppressed once by G/lell. Burnside tar ) treimmiormuble ulerancea , 1e' fl other Clii- cage Ilapels , the TImes wus.burnel out In 1&1 , hut wihin a weelt Ide.ls IIJpearnCe again After Mr . fHore"sdeuth the ' 'llea was time subject of much litIgation , and when the various suits were reted the late Cnrter I. Harrison blght \ it. Ills two ache conducted I for a thlt , . ) ut lost control - trol 1) ' time sale hy cUlor h lrllto Mr. Adolph I\raus. A short tme afterward : r. Hawley acquired the interest at tIme 1arrllJn boyH. 11r. Hawle ) ' wits a skillful newipaper man , having itt one time bon OWlel of the : ln- ncnpull Journal and the Dtnver Times . The 1eI\1 was urtinied In Ala ) ' , l&Si. Time owners were JnmemV. . Scott , Frank W. Palmer , A. 11 , Je1mes and Daniel Shep. an1. I was "stalwar ( republican , " and Mr. Palmer , now oC time S'M1ISe 1oSl , wait time el10r-IIchltt. Thell was n reorganization In 1183 , /I exept MI' , pott ceiling their stock to Jol1 H. 'Vulsh fcot banker . The hoper became democratic . Recently Mr. Scot acquIred time % tenest oC Mr.Vahsh anl lroucht about ' the oneoldaton wih time TImes The Times-hIerald will he tie olly democratic momlng puper In ChIcago Time exact umount omoley ) In"olnd Is nOl known , the Hvenlng 10lt ben" ! Included II the sale to Mr. Scott , but \ I b said to le about $2\O whloh would make the deal the largest relating to the newspaper hla- tory at the country , . ROSEBERY TO RESIGN ills ReHtqubhment of Office is Expected te Come Very Soon Now , , - BASED ON rU ElY PEIBONAl REASONS Shattered Hmlth and Sensitiveness Sorely Wounded by Partisan Orlticisms LCCAl POLITICS IN lO1DJN WARM Strgglo for Control of the Municipality One of the Most Bitter , RANCOR REACHES EVEN TO "SOCIETY" OlO of the S\\elcst or the Swell Sol Ostraclze.1 for Utrh\ : to Chnlge Ills I'nrtymUIUUIS , nt time I'rcsent Timomo ( Cpym hhlcI , 1IDI , I ) ' Ire s ru18hln Company . ) lONDON , larch 2.-New ( York World CabeSpeelal ] Tclcgramn-Tho ) speedy re- trement of Mr. Gladstone from the post at prime mlnlsler I was able to predict fourteen monlhs ago , as wel as time certaIn succession of Lord Hosebery. The possibility at the hatter - ler event especially was scouted at that tme by every prominent Irllsh paper of both Parties and hy the correpol1ents of New York papers. Now I cal assert time very I strong possibility at time speedy resignation ot Hosehor , for personal reasons , even whie I the present majority lu the House ot Commons - , mona remaIns assurell to him. He Is still suffering tram Inluenza , but that would give lIttle concern lQ his friends and 11hyslclans I It were not complicated hy Insomnia , which has been almost ehronlo for a year or more. The sleeplessness began after an attack at scarletua seven years ago , but lately has increased - creased to such a degree that for several monlhs he has found It Impossible to sleep here , going to one at his two country seals every night. The depressIon whIch Is the InvarIable consequence ot influenza has so affected him that only the influence or Lord TIeedmouth , a man of strong wi , robust courage and highly traIned political knowl- edge , has prevented , time prime minister's - , I resignation within the last two las , Dotl Lord Tveeamnoutlm and other friends tear that no Inluence can prevent It within the next torl-clght hours unless Rosebery's present temper changes ' 1Ie bitter attacks of Mr. Labouchere amid SIr Charles Duke In the ' , house the other day , both being members , or his own party , have affected the prime minister greatly. 01 the other hand , It II wen known that he Is nmb10uB ! ! , has worked unceasingly for the I premIership since hIs entry Into publo life , . mid therpforo would not throw It away lightly. Nevert\leless , hIs hIghly excIted and ; nervous condition mnakesThflhiThbMlnate In his ' present purpose _ . , . " FEATURES OF THE LONDON ELECTION. The great municIpal confest which ended In London after as bIter and long continued a canvass as that In New York last year was curiously like and yet unlike our fight against public corrupUon. There were two parties , the moderates and the progressives - , , . . . . . Tao former IClaeu practcalY nil toe great properly lords at London and all the arls- tocraoy and tory party In general ; repre- sentatves at the state anti church were unanimously on that side , and with them were the liquor interest , the proprietors In the musIc hals , the frequenters of these institutions - sUutons , the water companies , street car lines and olher private monopolies. The mar- quis ot Salisbury and Arthur Halour , the two leaders ot time conservatives , gave lhelr aid to the moderate candidates , adjuring every member at the conservative party to vote for them , so It might appear that this was the respectable party , but the tact Is that It represented all flint Is worst In municipal lte.The The corruption and scandals of the old Board at Public Works , never fully exposed , because the press was and Is muzzled , led lethe the overthrow of that body six years ago amid the establshment at an elective county council. The liberal party In naUonal affairs captured the council and has controlled It ' ( rosa the slart. The council has In a large meaelre reformed time administration , and time hospllal and alnuhouse management , 1m- Ilroved the fire department , given thousands at ucre3 to new 11rlts and has made efforts to reform the present system of taxation , by whIch the ground landlords largely escape their share of the munIcipal taxeS. These efforts have been defeated thus tar hy the House at Lords. Time council has been very , walchul In the lIcensing and the control of I puhlo houses and has broken up such dens as the "promenade" In time Empire music hall. I has many retorms yet to nchleve , among lhem the proposed purchase hy time city of the water supply system and time street railways. ARISTOCRACY ON BOTH TICKETS. These things arrayetl against the progres- siva party all the interests nanmemi The Es- lahlshed Churcl here Is always on the side at time landlords Time progressives have es- lablshcll a system of tiny labor under supervision - pervIsion whIch has produced more efficient results at less cost. The moderate program approves a return to the old contract system - tem , which was prolific at scandals The counci Is an nnpald hotly. Both parties presented - sented candidates of good character Among time progressives mire many of the best known hanker In London , among them such men as Lords Tyhbledalc , Russell and Cmmrrington Among tie moderate candIdates were the duke ot Norfolk , Lords Cadogal , Churchi , Donoughmore , Durham , Dunraven and IQle ot honorahles , several \'Icars and ex-omeers In the Irmy and navy , Harry Marks , rormerly a World reporter , and 10W the owner of a IJrosperous fnalclal paper here , was a mod- crate candidate . Women who arc householders - ers are allowed to vote , but seem to make Ito ot time privilege . OSTRACIZED FOR OPINION'S SAKE A Itrollg ; lght Is throwl on time Infuence at Ihe soc l feelings here against time liberal party hy the fact that Captain Le'lnnd , who married the famou8 AmerIcan beauty , Miss JennIe Chamberlain , and \ with his wife untIl lately was Ilrominenl In time mOil exclusive circles of 1.0ndon society , Is tOW Ilracteal ) ostracIzed hy hIs former frIends. lie lately I relgned his seat In I'ariiamnent : al this , ground thnt he had been converted to the liberal policy , As ho Is very Ileh , had I sure conservative seat and could command conservatve any rea80lablo IJolteal nlce within lila own party , hs ! sincerity Is unlmpfachablo. ; Ils resignatIon was publicly allolueed while ho was convalescent uler a serious illness. The card basket lt hi resldcnce hall previously been filled n\'cry da with time cards of all the fashIonable world . .r THE BEE 3UL.LETIN. Wrnlhrr } t.'orrn for Nebraska- l'nge. I'nir , Followed by Snow Flurries \ Col < r. 1. ICplietmilcnf 1101fIZn tim I urollf. 11Iwllll Ulhlll Will Not lie 111 III , ] 'reummlcr Ih'lhlr ) ' lIenS on lht'slgnlmig. . lmmpium's , 1 1Thlf lt " 'II'lnl-W'I. 2. I'II\llt. , lu ) ' Mlkln Ilrlll ) Imuo .I\rff. ii ) time Sugar Iluuty , " ' 01(1 C118f Tholr tel : rl " . 3 : , 1mlI : iemmmI'r . Iii n Vnmmmmgie. ( bvm'nmmor iIolt'ommih'm . lhimm'ui ' Not Severe . Nlhrnkn Itff CIIII..lol , \ Ir lil ' , Unlol't"nl I.cimgmm o 11 I St'seltim. , I. 1,1t Wlol tim 1,0111 Soel.'t " , Ilr ' 11)\1111 I I 101 Afll'rlr ) ' . r. UOIIIO Clllt ) ' Crllll .11r3' Ufllrts , hONNll1 , Cnn iii I"t 1.11\0 It tmtumms. O. COllel lllnrTe locMlter. ; . , l\cCIY aim Trial lt l'ierro. 7 , Theatrical ( lomimip hero IIt . 'mbroati. ; :1"lo tutu Her le\'otel5 , 10. Wceilly Crl.t of Sllrlhl : no"II I 1. ihymi ' nll ( line' UClmrllrll. Ur. 1.1v1 aim . ' Iullolllni CO\'Orllent. J 2. 1 lltur"\1 niI Cotimmimetit . I 8. h.ttcriur3' 1.01,101 , , 1.5 Whlt time Churchl , Are lolmig . I a. Clllllion I or tn\I ) : ' , 'obbll m : 'rulo. lllle\cllllll 1'hllol\t , , NU\ . I'cnturl' of time Live Stock Alarlcot . , . J 7. Ituseise's HI11110 Ih\lroul Schemime . 18. Chronleles If l'oUltntllto"I , , 10. " ' 01111 ler " 'ityi 1\11 Ih'r Wurhl , 'l'uimmh \brnlll timid Saris , 20. COlcernln ! time t'imtullo I'hIOI. : \ hltN' 1\11 I imo Y"'II t'eopie JlodeaUol ot : Iret 'nUs. London , hut tram that day It has been al- most empl ) ' . So potent Is the social In- fuence here antI so universal the hope or expeclaton at most ot limo conductors of newspapers at titular honors at tIme hands of the queen , that no public alusion has been , made to these significant tacls Captain Le'land , 1 understand , will he a radical candidate at time next general election , HAIT.AUD SMITh. - - SU.ISMONLII U TILE COUN JL OJSTA''E. . Mcmistmrce ' for the Ioll'f of time Agricultim- nets to 11 C'ommslmlomcl. ( Cnp'rlihll < , 1593. I ) . the , \ soclalell Prcs" ) BERLIN , March 2.-As toreshadowed some weeks ago time emperor has convened the I state council for March I , the main purpose beimmg lo devise means lo alt the agrictmltur- lets ot Prussia , who , eSJJeclal ) In tl eastern : provinces , are heavily depressed In financial cOlllon as a result of foreign competition In grin and cattle. The sections at the stale counci called to meet arc those at husbanlry ( , , The session will he trdes and eommer e wi Inaugurle by an address upon the Interal situation of Germany by time emperor , who , imowcver will nol preside , as he did In 1890 , but leave that duty lo Chancellor liolmemmloime. The summonIng of the councIl Is interpreted as showing time emperor and the cabinet , In view of the Incessant agllaUon of the agra- rans , have reslveJ to endeavor to arrange some measures oi ' elet , But they will adopt nothing so radical as , Count von Kanitz's pro- ' ' posed grain monopoly. According to' the Franllf ! qR . .t4 'woposals which will be dlscusse by time state council include the organization of a certain system for smal farmers , selements for ngriculural laborers , the cheapening of production , tariff reform and n moifcaton ot the brandy and sugar dutes , Several political personages consid- ere to be exp/ls upon agrarian questions have been invited' to sit wIth the stale .coun- Invlc' cl , and among them are _ Dr. Koch , prcsde . t . of the Deutsche bank ; Count van lOnOI- Frledrlchsleln , who warmly supported time ' Russo-German commercial treaty : Oehlmrath Frenlzel , the ex-presldenl of the body of commercial elders ; Herr van iardOrff : , Count von 11rahaeb , herr van laltznhn , ex-secre- lary of time treasury , and Herr Wltenbzrg , president of Imo ( Posen Settlements company . These names , joined lo those of time eminent memhers of the council , arc regarded as InsurIng - surIng the atopton of measures beneficial to German husbandry and cognate IndustrIes An Interestng question arose In connection with the convening of the slate council as lo whether Prince Bismarck Is still a member of that hody This was settled by a nolo In time German Gazette announcIng thal the prince was not only a member , but he < tl retains time vIce presidency of time council. NEW CRUISERS WILL DE BUILT. Time UelchRlag has been busy with tho' naval estimates during the past week , anti alhough the government demands for new crulcers were conceded , the Uelcbstag test- fed its determination to oppose expCndlture3 upon an Increase at navy merely for display , hy refusing time credits asked for to build time torpedo boats This rebuff at the government Is due to the abse'ntaton and In some case to the opposItion of the conservatives , who acted thus In defelse of theIr traditional policy , as a warninG lo time government to pay greater alenUon to Igrarlan interest ! . The discussIon brought out several interesting slatemenls. Prince lohenlobo yesterday warmly ap- pealetl to time hOle to grant time cstiinatoi. 10 2all time Corelgn tfile of Oermnny , In which not only Industry but hushandry was concerne.I , requIred greater protection , anti , this enl could only bo attained hy on ale ( I qualo navy. lo could net believe the Inler- I cst In time navy , which was so keen In J818 , had entrely vanished. 'fhe German navy must he equal lo Hs task and keep pace with the development of German trade , They must have vessels of lodern construction and modern armament. Many at the German warships which a few years ago Insplrcd re- 8peet , looked now as thoush they might he Iwoeltcl lo pieces lt time first simot The gov- crnmcnt IUd not want lo create a great navy , but to replace obsolete and useless "essels ' lie appealed lo time feelings of Germans and sall ho hal once indulged In time dream of a great ammO mimigimt' fleet whIch 'auld bear this German fag over limo seas. These dreams , imoivovc'r , rapidly \anlshel , In obe- dlence to time wishes of Iarlamenl and time laxpa'er many cherlhell wIshes hal lo be abandonell 10 concludel\ with relarltn ( he hoped the Uelchslag woull agrei lo the lresent modest request of time naval aulhor- ltie. I te Count vim Mlrbach , time agrarian leader , announcel that alhoulh time conservatives n would vole for this crllber credit upon this occasion , time ) ' would loL premise ) to support HI fnal adlns unless that go\erament sholed Iut mole DIrenlLle to time agrarian .ifnmands. . 4fman.ls. 'he' Iteicimetag'ms : .Jecton of the IW torpedo - pco grant was a great dloppolntlent : lo tlJ/ naval authorllu , Two of these s'csseis nero to ba\e been buIlt , and they wrr Intendpd lo bo the swiftest vessels In time na\'y. I been should be constructed hall blea plnnel ! they bO UI to 11n'lup I speed of twell.fh'e : knots an hour and bo able to 1\'e \ a \'uyogC of 5,000 mlel without rc ' oall . 'fhey were' expected to be In\oluah ! for reconnoItering and for conveying dispatches , while being . I aha 1\"lahIG as "torpedo cah hels. " Time general belief II the gCI'IIICll wi make another atenlJlt . te cet the 1\loj1la to - - - - - - - - - - ( Contloie1 OQ Second 1 1 . ) HAD [ THEIR O'VN ' 'YAY ' Tortress of Wel-Rai.Wel Was Vacated When the Jnps Arrived , DES1ROYING llE FLEE WAS lARD WORK ) - Blizzard : il Pe-Ohi.Li Gulf Mor of a Hn- . thence Tlnu nn Aid , YET ONLY FOUR SIFS WERE LEFT SOUND Torpedoes Sent Many LnrgJ Vesse1s t tha Bottom il the Darkness , MAJJR GENERAL OTRA WAS KILLED lie l'hmiimiieil time , UIII'lt nn Port Arlhur 111 . , " ' \111lhlo In ills Couumtmy nnc - cnunt of Ills limmon ledge of ' 1'lctCN. - TORIO , I eb. 1G.-Vin ( Steamer City at Peltng to San 1.'rancI8co , March 2.-The ) liar- tier or \\'el.lal-Wells lo the south 111 ot the bay ot l'e-Chml-Ll what Port Arthur was to time north. its possession , however , was not ' really Issental to the Japanese , whoso n9\'Y hall very tree egress lo the guH , hut its eap- lure was thought desirable , parl ) ' as 1 bril- lant 11on lo time prestige , of time coumqtmor- ore , amid partly to set at rest all smumxietie with respect to time still liowerfimi hoot coma- immamimled by Admiral Ting. ' After a successful laumdiumg iii Jaumtmary , limo nmarchm inland fromim time hmiy \'mtng-Ciiuimg , began oum time 29 ii tiimd 30im of that imio.itim , amid before umouim time following day time heights ovonlookiumg tme harbor were reaclmeti , amid time first grotup of forts at I'o-Cimi-Ya-Sim wore taken. Time eommtest at this ioilmt Was time severest in which time Japaumeoc troops 'ere engaged. Their losses vere not imeavy in imtmmuber , being lhimmited to less timamm 100 killed and vommnded , but time tientlm of time general conmumanding time first brigade of time Sixths , or Ktmmiiammiato division , was a veritable caianiity. Or fighting leaders time Jnpaiiose army line a profusIon. Witim skilled sttmdcmmts of strategy it is riot so liberally provided. Major General Otcrmt was as aasidtmous iii plannIng cam- paigims as mc was energetic iii executIng theimi. It was lie Silmo laid out time imioveunent against t'ort Am'tlmur. lIe was time first of imia grade to fall iii time war. Time forts seized by the Kmimnammiato brigade were four 1mm ntminber. Most of their guns were in gooti order and were immedIately turned tmpomi time Chinese imips and batteries on time islands in the bay , Meanwhile , time second grade division , from . I Semmdal , proceeded along a range of bluffs. driving time enemy like sheep before thorn. No opposition ivorthi speaking of ws offered , mmd time works on time opposite , or western attic , wotmid imave been promptly captured but for a uddcn downfIl of llindlng snow , which brought .niIlltary operations to a standstill. Time soldiers suffered greatly froumi Oxposute to time piercing cold , amid it was not until th morning of February 2 that time task aliotte o them was accomplished. GARRISON hAD ALL FLED , Not a soul encountered them as they en- toned time works. The garrison haul all fled , but not w itimout leaving acme cvidencoot thoughmtlulnes anti caut1n aesmmnma mmmcm. Tao big cannon hind been thrown from time wall and otherwise rendered useless and the cx- pectations of training them upon time comrades of their former owners vas necessarily given over. The share of time army in reducing Wei-IIai-Wei was practically at an end. Small bodies of foreigners and artihlorists iscre set to work planting montana and guns at advantageous spats and seine of timese vere afterward served witim decisive effec. But time main interest of time proceedings was transferred. to the lower , level of tim 3 bay , Admiral Ito's ships had been much more hardly dealt with by time tenmpest than General Oyarna's soldiers , The latter had found elicitor of some sort , whIle the fleet was so beateum about by time raging winds that time positicn outside of Wei.hIai-Wei could not be maintained , and for timree days , from January - ary 31 until February 2 , it was obliged to take refuge in thmo w'atcre of Yurmg-Chmmmng more than a score of miles away , Time Japanese atimumiral had intended. to coin- mence ills attack January 31. At time outset little could ho done withm Imis omen-of-war owing to limo difficulty of entering time imarbom' , All tue openings hind been bhcked ) by strong barricades of cimaimi cables and spars , forbidding - bidding ingress to strangers , amid allowing iassane only to pilots familiar witim time line of obstructions. Time Chinese ships witimin " occmmpied a basium fifteen or more miles in lcngtit by five or six in breadth. With thia opace at timoir disposal they commhi nt easily - he reacimeti imy artillery froumm any point imehti 4' ' by the Japanese troops. 'Fhie emily resource timeui was torpedo boats , If a breach could be made In time barrier , timese compact mes- ' Bengenim Cf destructIon mighmt burst in mmmnong time ironclads , anti all alone umecomnpllsim thou' terrible erroimfi at anmmihmiiatioum , Six of them \rere celected to undem take thus expleit on thmo mmighmt of , Ianuary 30 , but thmrotmgim seine Un- ltmcly blmmnmiening they vero met by a heavy' fire train their friends in l'e-Clmi-Ya-Smm forts , as they were eimdeavonlng to force the eaitenn ebmamimmel , This coimipehied a vostvonenment of twenty-four hours , limit befomo time imewly tiesmigimatemi tinme imafi conmo a snow storm was driving time entire body of ships , large and small , far away train time sceime , IIREAKING UI' 'hiE FLEiT. Three days t'erc thus host , antI miothmhmmg waa done ummmtil time imighmt of February 3 , whmeim time torpedo boats reneweti their attempt. Again they vere unsuccessful , time barrier proving hmnpassahiio ( em' timmit occasion , hut a good icginnlng had been umade , amiml on time follow- himg night a flock of giant kihiers made an aperture of 100 yarmis broad , and , utter carefully - fully picking their way thniugim , bore miown at. tepmnost speed upon limo Chimiest ? uigshm1p , wimlcim even 1mm time blackness of immltlmmlgimt was distinguished by its huge bulk , At a die- lance of 400 meters timey sent their torpedoes plunging sheath , repealiuig dlzcimmrges until time supply was exhatmeteml , 'l'iw big ironclad wise not immimediately suimlc , but it was woummdccl to death , Its side was torn away , amid tIme injury iniiictcd wise so rmmhmmtus that. Admalrimi Timig be said to have 'ost ' no time in trammeferring isis quariers 10 time Clmesm Yuen , time second simip of time I'ci-Yammg squadron , wimlcim , thmosmgim recently bathly dumagc.d b , rmlmmmiing upon a rock , hmmod been eiitficlentl repaired to take liar place in line. Other Ciminese vessels icro amuck , emil one , suls. hmosest to be a gunboat , was edit La liii. hot- toiii. Four of time torpedo boats retmmnsmtd to their station outsitie time imaniiu , though CUb of tlmen : hind been lilt fOrty-seven timmmee , an all were pretty bauiy ] hunched about. Thm ( ucimerl were badly used , anti mimaimy of timeir : crw were killed by the fire of time enenaz - , - , - - - - - - , - - - , - - - - , - . - - , , , - - - _ _ . _ , . - , _ _ . _ _ , _ _ - - . , _ _ " -S