- . , - . . - TIlE O\AIIA \ DAILY nEE SATURDAY , MARCH 2 1895. - 8 : , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - , : READY FOR TilE GRAND JURY Inquisitors Propose t Look Into the Sub- jcot of County Exucnscs + . - : COUNTY SALARIES TO BE INVESTIGATED ThiN : - ! b t R ] llnltcr ' Which Will no Up tor Con"I.lcrntion nmt Will Ho the Sub- Jcct for UI.clI""lon Ho- limit Clo"c.l Voors. The end of the troubles of the county commissioners - missioners Is not yet. Since the meeting of IatVcdnesdny they have been bcsleget1 on nit sIdes by thelr constltllents , and the pub. lb ! fa In general , with complaints regarding their tleclslon. They recognize that their . failure to reduce tim expenses of the county lUll ! called forth ( n widespread protest , which has reached the cars of the grand jury. Those who voted to raise expenses Instead ( of lowering them stand by their colors and tlc- : fend their position In the matter with the same arguments used during the last mcet- ' ng. Chairman Williams Is disgusted with the action of his colleagues , but feels con- sclous that he did everything In his power to prevent It. In conversation with a Dec reporter - porter ho said In reference to his proposltlQn o cut the salaries oC all employcs receiving pver ! $ ili , per month 10 ) per I comic : . "Of course my position Is UIIIopular , In the court house , but that was to have been exp - pected. These high salaried clerics can well affortl a cut. II they have savell no money PI' to this time to draw or. to keen up their lnnecessasry expenses , It Is their own fault , and they must economlle. It Is no mora oC a hardship for them to do It than It Is for the : thouamids of commercial employes whose , salaries were reduced a year or more ago. j "Ono of them said to mo yesterday that his rent and board for his wife and child nllli ' himself alone , amounted to $ C5. 1 promptly told him he was extravagant. He t , had . no business to Incur such expenses , In % times 11Ito these , when all he hall to depend , on was his salary They say they can't do It , but they can , and they would do It It they. : had to , and that without any hnrd- slut' _ "I do not want to be understood as being In favor of low salaries for good work , and I am willing to admit that We have as competent - potent a force of emlJloyes In this court house as thera Is In any similar Institution In the country. 1 am In favor of paying all S wo can , and no more. 1 do not believe that the people are willing to stand the present f expenses of the county , because they cannot c 110 It , and 1 am , therefore , In favor of mak- lug a reduction where It will do least harm , , to employes. " - Mr. Jenkins Is the hero of the hour among the employes , but he Is not satisfied that the matter Is settlec1. lie Is Informed that the ; . grand jury will take notice of the matter In Its forthcoming report. The quetIon I will then come before the commissioners . again. ' ' Sheriff Drexel complains long and deeply about tIme reduction of his force of Jailers. He says that It Is almost impossible to get ; along under the new arrangement , and that I he Is even now paying out of his own pocket for a collector and stenographer. Ho says that ho will certainly have to employ another man. lInt Commissioner Jenkins Is of a contrary opinion lie cites the fact that It was even possible for the sheriff's office ; to run without Its chief during the latter's long Illness and his trip to Lincoln aw . I. , SCOTT AND THIS GRAND JURx. I - I ( lie IntlnmtcR tlmtcarrlagos Are l'retly L ; , Rich fur Their 11100.1. Judge Scott does not Intend to coddle the grand jurors , even a little bit. He does not believe In their riding around In carriages . . It he can help It , and he Intimated the fact * to _ them very plainly yesterday. Shortly before ' neon Deputy Sheriff Mahoney visited th judge and Informed him that the grand jury had ordered him , to provide four carriages to convey the . members to the county hospital , which In- . ' _ , stltullon' they were to visit In the afternoon. "Carriages arc what they want , Is It ? " . ; , said the judge , whose sentiments toward the . jury were 151) clearly aired Thursday morn- Ing. "They want carriages , do they ? How . near to time county hospital will the .street _ t cars take them , Mr. Sheriff ? " "Within four blocks , " meekly replied Mr. Mahoney. , "Well , than , " said the judge "they can ride . that far and walk the rest. Provide them with street car fare Why , I .walk more than four blocks ovary day mysell. It : , doesn't hurt me enough to warrant my tak- , . tag a carrlagp " : The deputy sheriff bowed himself out , but he did not like to go back with a message like that to such an august body as the t grand jury , so ho wont and unbosomed himself to County Commissioner Jenkins , : : ' who happe"n'd to bs at his desk Mr - , ? Jenkins told him to get a warrant from the grand jury for time carriages. "Glvo them II box of cigars In the bargain , If you get a ,4 warrant for It. The grand jurors are re- sponblhle for any extravagance that they _ _ _ _ _ _ may bo guilty of It Is none of your affair. " _ _ _ The deputy Cell Into a deep reverie , but . - . the grand jurors rode out to the hospital , : and that In the street cars , too. , , , . - _ _ _ , m Only bathed malice would try to belittle time fame of Dr. Price's Baking Powder. Its ; high reputation Is Impregnably fortified. j. I CAUSED BY AN OLD . RED WAGO ' ' - ; Vehicle Clint 11 la tlroulht lloord to a L . \ \ holu COlUlllunlty. , :1. r About all the people who live within a radius of three blocks of North Twenty-first , , , i and Sprague streets were In attendance In ; ' court room No. 3 yesterday , where the case of Charles II. Haminond against John Lewis " was on trial. The suit Is for $3,000 damages , , . , for false Imprlionnwnt , but It all grew out i , _ of a struggle for time possession of an old . , ; l wagon , whose full value was about $10. . , . More than two years ago , time plaintiff states , ho toolt the remallls of two old wagons . r whoso days of usefulness were even then t. long In the 111m memories of every ona In , 4 the ( case , amid comhlnlng them and painting k ' them , he made n vehlclo of which he was , A ' proud tn his quiet way hut his pride had n heavy : fall , for a entleman ! ; of color , John : Lewis , ho states , came along In April last : , . . year , and clalmell thu wagon us one that had been stolen Cram iuiam When Hall1monc ! re- _ . fused to give It ill Lewis lund him arreste.1 ; . . ) Ho was tried and acquitted. Last term , jlowever , Lewis cumnmnc'umced n replevin suit : , and recovered the wagon from Hammond mind I has It ) 'ct , 'fo' complicate matters a little ' % more , Halnmond began this suit for false Im prisonment. 1 . 4 THEIR MONE.Y r4OT ' ET EAltNED , : ' iiiggluug for un Alle.lnn WeU May lie : . \ It 111111111.1. , : Timers Is sonic probability that the efforts to bore an artesian well In ntvl'rvlew Park I ' will bG aJanelonell ! for the present \t the t/ . : matting of the Uoarll of Pari commluloners ) ' ( 'sterJa ) ' afternoon time contractors reported ; , : r that : they bad had bad luck with the boring ! , end would have to have EOIIIO money on the contract before ' they could lmroceed further , AD lIio cOntract did not contemplate paying , . anything until 'a supply , ot water was to- cured , the board decided ! not to grant the . request , and tIme contractors wlll bo notl/loll / to that cffect " : Time secretary was instructed to ad\'ertlso ' - for bltlw for the purchase of the house In : tIme northwest corner or lUvervle\\ park . r u Time February tutu 1 , amounting to $1/iOO / , , . ; were allprovclt and a resolution passed that , . . thlt , council be requested ! to approprIate HSO . . to offset the Item for Superintendent Adam's . . street ! car fare , which the 1Inanco commltteo f . . llal ! knocked out DC the IIIst aPpropriation ordinance A number of applications for po- c .ltlons as HIIl'clal pollcemcn during ! time com- lug season was placed on f1J1J. . . . OOIr-iU ' 1'0 'l'tXhf , URtu Are CheolJ vhs Santa 1"0 Route March Ii Is excursion day for Texas. For . particulars call In or address B. I. , Palmer I I . A. Santa 1"0 roqto , room 1 , First National I ' ! Axik building , Omaha TITJ.lC : TU .1I1t.r.W.'YS ; Cl.UVlJIW Discovery or the FlutVlfll . of tim Lnlo .T"hll 1\lcCRlTerr WIlt Cause Trouble' . ChICAGO , March. 1.-A discovery has been made by Attorney Deall of Georgetown , D. C" , which will affect large finnncial interests Mr. ball has discovered In Mar land nn aged woman who was the first wile of the late John McCarrery , nn eccentric mllliontliro of this city. This means that one.thlrd of the personal property of the estate will immediately - medlnlely pass to her , besides giving her n claim on the real estate The Maryland woman Is now In the 80s. The most extraordinaryfeaturo of this new phase of the McCnffery matter Is that the discovery that the first wife of time dead millionaire Is alive will cloud . the title to millions of dollars worth of Chicago property , most of It situated In that part of the city known as time Town of Lake : After reaching prosperity In Chicago , McCaltery , In common with other rich men , made n practice of Investing his surplus money In the purchase of lax titles In every ono of these deeds McCaffcry signed , , ; his name as a bachelor , or the deeel was Joined In hy one of the tie women whom he Is supposed to have marrlel\ nt different times In Chicago , and who were universally recognized by him In all his bumsi- ness transactions I\S his wives. The Ills- covery at the present time that the original Mrs. McCaffery Is not dead oC course gives her the dower Interest , not only In the present real estate belonging to the Mc- Caffery estate , but In every Coot of lal1l1 that was sold by McCartery In Chicago , and In all the titles which McCaffery gave In restoring property on whleh taxes had been palll by hllll after default by the real OWners. When John McCaffery lied a year or so ago considerable astonishment was caused by time fact that In his will he admitted the exist- once oC three separate families of children. In his will he referred to five children by his wIfe , to whum ho was married In Maryland - land more than half 11 century ago. Mr. 1\IcCartery's most Intimate friends had not the slightest suspicion that when he came to I Chicago more than a generation ago he was other than a single man. Complications over the will and the large estate which It ells- posed of immediately ensueel. McCarrery's will provided that If necessary five years should be devoted to hunting up his lIe- Rcenclants by his first wile , and Clayton E. Crafts , who drew the \I III , has been devoting some time to this branch oC time case He did not , however , work In conjunction with lIIr. Beall , , the latter gentleman having been secured by some of the children oC the first 1\Is. McCnffery. They became separated Cram their mother nt the time McCarrery left her and came west. All these years she has lived In ignorance of the whereabouts of her children , but there Is no question 'as to her Identity and consequently no contest will be made over her claim , at least to the one- third Interest In the $165,000 worth of per- sonal property belonging to the estate and which Is now In time keeping of the Illinois Trust & Savings bank. . D1TU.1Ill'WUS CO.IL CUJtIllNE. t'roducers RIIII CarrIers ifornmlng 1'11\IIS for llutllnldvI&ntllJl' , . NEW YORK , March 1.-The bituminous coal producers and carriers will meet In this city on Monday to perfect plans for the mutual Interests of the tradc. A meeting has already been held In' Columbus and the meeting here on Monday will be a continuation - tion of that. [ They advocate the adoption of a plan for one selltng agency for nIl the producers ; that this agency shall have the power to make nil contracts and to name the price at which coal shall be sold ; that It shall distribute the sales among the producers along the lines oC time various railroads In proportion to their average tonnage as hewn for the years 1892 and 1893. It Is declared that under this plan an advance can - bo secured at from 25 to 60 cents a ton and that a sliding scale can be arranged with the miners whIch wilt enable thorn to , participate In the results of the advance It Is also declared that the producers and railroads , , , Ill largely Increase their net , Income. The principal roads to be benefited by this arrangement ere time Pennsylvania - , sylvania , Baltimore & , Ohlo . Hocking Valley , I Wheeling & Lake Erie , Toledo & Ohio I Central , Cleveland , Lorraine & 'Vheellng , Considerable progress has already been made toward perfecting such an arrangement. TIme . producers of the Pltlsburg district and those i along the lines of the Hocking Valley , the Wheeling & Lake Erie , the Toledo & Ohio Central and the Cleveland , Lorraine & Wheeling -ure already pledged. Frequent meetings are being held , both In the west and thIs city. _ _ _ . _ _ _ Plenty of rivals try to compete with Dr. Price's 'Daklng Powder. None can make headwa against Il. , , . . I OUT OF WORK AND WANTS TO Dm LaborIng 1\11&11 from time l\1..untl&lna At- I tempts Sulehlo. " I John Hall , a laboring man , reduced to the ' point at starvation and unable to secure work , swallowed an ounce ot digitalis yesterday and walked Into a saloon at 612 South Thir- teenth and remarked that ho wanted a room In which to die. A moment later he fell to the floor and bec3me unconscious. He wa taken to the police station and placed In charge ! of physIcians. A small quantity of the drug remained In a bottle on his person. It was purchasM In Sioux City , from which place the man came to Omaha. A companion explained tha Hall had determined to end his life timer , but concluded to make another effort to find employment and came to Omalla for that purpo9 Finding everything crowded : In this city , after looking two days for work , he took time _ pelson. He went to Sioux City from Dutte IIont. ! At time latter point he lot his right ! ; hand In- the mines and was then unable to continue In the vocation of a miner. To all questions of the police as to hiD name he replied , IIud. ! " He appeared anxious to die and resisted feebly time efforts of the physician to afford him relict. He was taken to the Presbyterian hospital and will probably recover. r Stearn's Electric Paste rids your house of Rats , Uoach and other vermin ; 25e. . . . Tltl VUtltOT tiUUTUEt ! to UTE Viii Hock blmJ : , Shorfost ! LluD 1&1111 U".tot 'l'lmn. To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory , Texas and all points In southern CallCornla. Only one nIght out to all IJOlnls of Texas. 'rho Texas LlmltoJ" leaves Omaha at 6:16 : a. in , dally except Sunllay , landing passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In advaco of all other lines Through tourIst cars via Ft. Worth and Et Paso to Los An- geles. For full particulars maps , folders , etc. , call lit or address Hock Island ticket otllce , lC02 Fllrnam Ht , CIIAS KENNEDY , G. N. W. P. A. I hAYDEN BROS - OJosing Out Oook's ' Furnishing Goods and Olothlng Tomorrow NEW SPRING \ CAPE , JACKETS AND WAISTS rrcsh Country Itoll HlIltcr for 70 Found -ScpnrRtor Crl'l\lIIcrr In Tubs or l'rJ"t , Oc-Snlt : Fork , Go R l'otmnd CLOSING OUT TilE COOK STOCl Saturday we will put on our counters soniC of the greatest lurgalns wo have ever offereel Just think , your choice of the Cook stock of halt hose for l2,4C a pair ; they are worth 2lie anti SOc a pair Cool\'s ties worth liOe and 7lic , go nt 25c. What wo have left of E. & W. and Coon best quality of Illten ccl1nrs ! go at 12'Ac each. Cool\'s 76c unlaundered shirts go at SOc. Wilson Dros. fine laundered white shirts go Itt 7lic , worth $1.0 [ ; e-1eh. lIen's : fine madras sateen and percale shirts worth $1.00 , go at CiOc. Cool's line percale shirts , worth SOc , go at 2i'ic. Cook's SOc suspenders go at 2lic Cook's $1,00 suspenders go at liOc. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Spring delights are all returning to time ladies and children who love to see ! the new spring fashions In capes , jackets , waists , skim ts , IIresses. hAYDEN DROS. Stock of those goods Is most complete. I.allies' spring capes , all wool , $1.GO 'op. I.adlCJ' spring jackets $2.00 up. Lad Ie ! ) ' spring suits $4.41i up. Lalll s' feparato sltlrts $1.25 up Children's refer jackets Ole up. Lalllen' wash waists lIe up L11lles' silk mists $2.19 up. Chllilren's wool dresses , wool , In aU colors , $1.48 up A lady's heavy wool plaid mackintosh at $2.19 , sold by other dealers at $ IiOO. Saturday Hayden Dros. will bold time GREATEST CLOTHING SALE EVER KNOWN AU time 111. H. Cook Co.'s slack must go tomorrow at less than hall of wholesale cost. Heal ! the prices : . AU Coolt's $1i.00 to $25 suits go tomorrow at $2.liO , $1i.OO , $7.60 and $9.00. All Cook's $10 to $28 overcoats and ulsters go tomorrow at $5.00 , $ i.liO and $9.00. AU Cook's fine trousers $1.60 to $2.75 value go tomorrow for lIe and $1:26. : All $4,00 to $7.50 tailor made trousers go tomorrow at $1.95 and $2.liO. All Cook's heavy and medium weight boys' ancl chlldren's clothing on sale tomorrow at prices heretoCoro unheard ot. Doys' all wool long pants suits at $2.21i and $3.75 ; Cook's prices $5.00 to $9.0il. Knee pant suits , all sizes , DIe , $1.95 and $2.75 , Cook's prices from $2.60 to $8.00 a suit. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY. The finest embroidered handkerchiefs only 50. R regular lIe article. Ladlc ! slllt garters only 25c , worth 50c Fine Va\ \ laces 2c , 3c , 6e and 8c per yard. Saturday night from 8 p. m. to 9 wo will seU - Nos. 6 and 7 aU silk ribbons at lc per rarl\ \ Ladlen' satin belt hose suporters 25c. Saturday night from 7:30 : to 8:30 : we will sell \ dress stays Ie per dozen , 200 yards spool cotton 10 spool fancy elastic 20 per yard. - CHEAP DOOKS. Trilby only $1.00. Coln's financial book 20c ; 25c novels 7U1e. Shakesreares' complete works 7lic. DRESS GOODS FOR SATUHDAY. A complete suit all \ wool novelty suiting worth1 ! , liOo yard , a complete suit all wool serge , a complete suit aU wool henrlett.l : , Sat- urday $1.76 suit. 60 pieces wool grenadine l4-lnches wide 150 yard ; 100 pieces wool challle , beautiful designs - signs , all this spring's paterns , 12 ½ c. 25 pieces of our now famous $1,00 serge , black and colcrs , Saturday SOc yard. 100 mora of those < beautiful silk and wool novelty sUltlngs worth up to $6.00 a. suit , Saturday $2.10. I , AGAIN TO THE FRONT ON DUTTER. Hayden will sell nice fresh country roll butter for " 7c , Dc , lie and we will - sell the I finest country butter made for 12U1c ; wo have It In rolls , prints , squares or In tubs , any way you want , every pound guaranteed to be as rerpesented or money refunded ; separator ceamery In tubs or prints only 20c. MEATS AND LARD. Here Is where you can save many a doUar. Read our prices and be convinced : , Sugar cured No. 1 hams 8c ; picnic hams , 6U1c ; sail pork , 6c ; pickled pork 7U1c ; sugal ; cured bacon , iJc ! ; corned beef , 3m4c ; and we are still selling porterhouse and serloln steaks for 10c ; 3-pound cans best lard , 24c ; Ii-pound cans , 39c ; 10-pound cans , 76e. . DON'T FORGET OUR CHEESE DEPART- MENT. Young America full cream cheese , 8c ; Wis- cousin full cream , 7U1c and 10e ; brick cheese lOc , 1214c ; Llmberger cheese , lOc , 120 ! and lIe ; Swiss cheese 12U1c and 16c NOW FOR FISH. I-pound cans fancy Oregon salmon , only lOc per can ; ced fish , lie pound ; 3 mackerel , for 10c ; 2 large herring , 6c ; Cal1forna ! salmon , 7'/c : ; white fish , 6c ; best Finnan haddles , 7c per pound. Call at our cracker counter' fo : ' nice fresh g&ods at lowest prices. hAYDEN DROS. , Providers for the People. P. S. The catch line that drew the piano prize will be publish IIi our ad In Time Sun- day Dee. S Anxious to Sleet Uau ThlOVI'8 Sergeant Whalen does not wear his accustomed - customeel emlie It Is duo to the fact that his pretty little house at Twenty- st'xlh and Dodge streets was entered Thursday night and all of the copper flooring In the bath room , In addition to much of time plumbing , was cut out and carted away. The house had just been put In first class shape for an occupant As junk , the proceeds will net the thieves probably $10. Il cost time faithful officer several months' salary to fix lip the lmouse The sergeant will pay $25 for the arrest and' conviction of the thieves In order to make examples ot them , . Firm as time rock of GIbraltar are time foulI- datlons of Its famo-Dr. Price's Cream Dak- hug Powder - . Stolen from a ( hurch yard ! . James Gallagher , a 12-year-old boy , got mixed up In a bicycle stealing a few weeks ago , which terminated In his being arrested Thursday Time stolen bicycle Js the , property of W. H. Day , who claims It was 'stolen from a church yard , where he had left It while attendIng services. Gallagher claims ' that the wheel was stolen by 'VlIlIo Hlubaugh , who loane It to him to ride to his home , and when ho was arrested he had not returned It yet , and the officer found It In his possession and locked him up on the charge of grand larceny . - - - - , ' Between Man and Wife , I poor baking is the frequent cause of trouble. Poor baking usually comes from poor baking powder. Poor baking powder froU1 not knowing of Calumet : WR. : 1 A High Graclo Pl.ocllwt At a : JIoclorllto Prioe. A thousand dollars to anyone who finds a taint of alum , ammonia , Rochelle Salts , or any other impurity in any- thing baked with Calumet Baking Pqw er. A pinch of it ' has power enough to do a pound of leavening . A..k Your Grocer For Calumet. CALUMET BAKING POWDER CO. , . . . . CHICAGO. . - ' ) . . - . , StuNG tltK , WILnY , - Keith County OhJICJt1t-.to ! 1'lng for 1\ Dry 1)UUlh. Keith county has.rbroucht suit In the district court agnlnstlrs. L. Wiley for $31- 394.34 In June , 1889 , WlIeVtfilcc1 with the county clerk of 1elt11 cOUl1ty proposition to con- struct a canal , wIth the necessary flumlng , from the South PlAtte river , between the towns of Big Springs and Drule , to a point near the village of Ogalalla , a distance of thirteen miles , wltlch was accepted. The proposed canal was to furnish 300 horsepower - power luring all lIeasons of the year , and by means of a resorvbir , It was to supply Ogalalla with water for domestic purposes. The consideration was to bo $3,000 : ; In bonds of Keith county. Time plaintiff alleges that Wiley has received - celve.l $31,394.34 , and that time canal does . not furnish the required water power , and that It supplies no water whatever during the greater portion of the year . Appreciation of Dr. Price's nailing Powder Is "orlll.wldo. It challenges comparison and outstrips competition. S : : IlnrttU'R Big Jlnll'1l1ct. Major Clark.oon's retirement from ( the post- office Thursday was amid the fragrance oC flowers sent him by atlmlrlng friends , but the new postmaster's desk was barren of all floral remembrance until 11 o'clock yesterday , when blg.hearted Count Creighton happened In and took In time ' oversight at a glance. A few minutes later a florist staggered Into time postmaster's office with the largest anlT most elaborate floral tribute of tIme season , n girt of good will " ( rom Creighton to Martin , " as the card Rttachml to the flowers / read Colonel MarUn's eyes looked like CalifornIa grapes for several minutes , but when ho recovered his equlpolso ho thanked time donor nnll opened two boxes of fine Havanas. A number of Jnckeonlans called on the neW postmaster during the day. Postmaster Marlin says that he Intends to haVe all the modern convcnlences with time office , and will put In II telephone at his personal expense ' In .a few days. lie has aim written to Washington for a supply of now furniture for his private office. S n031ESE ICI It : , ' XCUUSIO\S. . South \11\ the Wnbash lIallrot\ll. On February 6 and 12. March 5 , April 2 and 30. For rates or further Information and a copy of time Homeseekers' Guido call at the New Wabash office , 1415 Farnam street , or wrlto G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Aront Omaha , Neb. . Card or TIII&nlu. lIIr. and Mrs. J. Kulas , time bereaved parents of time late Julia Kulas , extend their utmost gratitude and thankfulness to Hayden I3ros. and employes , Wilcox & Draper and employes , and the Catholic Desedll for the beautiful selections of choice flowery decorations , sent to their daughter , who so unexpectedly passed away. Your names will often be referred to and do much to soothe our feelings. MR. AND MUS. J. KULAS. -S J1nmelll1oker I'xt'urmion , . On March Ii and , April 2 one fare ( pIus $2.00) ) for time round trip to points In Arkansas - kansas , Texas , Louisiana via the MissourI Pacific Railway. 1StoJQyers ) al1owed. For land pamphlets , folders , rates , etc , call or write agent at depot , ' 16th and Webster , or city offices , N. E. , 'Cor. ' 13th and Farnam , Omaha , , Neb. THOS. F. GODFREY , P. & T. A. J. 0 PIIlLUPP.l , 11. . G. F. & P. A. . 1'Iellsllllt Ita Tnko The Northwestern fastwestlbuled Chi- cage train that glides cast from the Union Depot every aftermmoon at 5:45 : and Into Chicago at 8:45 : next morning , with supper and In carte br akfast. EVery part of the train Is RIGHT. - , Other eastern trains : at 11:05 : a. m. and 4 I p. m. dally-good , Uoo. " City ticket office , , -1401. Farnam street. - - 1. ' T. S. Clatkson , UIJl : 1st Nat. 13k. 'D1dg. IrrIgated agricultural l lands , California fruit lands Omaha realty. 1 _ _ _ m _ _ FA1\MERS FEELING HOPEFUL. - Returning to limo Statennil ! ! Preparing for n Or llt Crop \.nr. Though only II few Inches of rain fell throughout Nebraska Monday and Tuesday , people livIng In those sections of the state In which a prolacted drouth has prevailed are encouraged to a remarkable degree This Is better Illustrated by the tone oC the can- versntlon at the union depot among the passengers Com the western counties of the state thnn In any other manner nt presont. Officer Fleming at time depot has a splendid opportunity to secure Information along this Une. Wednesday's trains from other points brought several hundrell people to the depot enroute to time western part of tIme state , nil of whom were prepared to take advantage of the heavy rllins to place their ground In condition for grain Many oC them had left their farms until \ rain should fall and others hint gone to points In Iowa , Missouri anti illinois until the severe winter was over On' all . ! SIdes were henrll remarks about what Was , expected to be accomplished In the way of raisiumg a big crop this 'ear. Amen those waiting nt the depot for their train was J. J. hays of Polk county lie has been a Carmer In that locality for years and PTGmlnent In agrlcullural affairs Talking on time subject of crops In tIme state , ospects , etc" , Mr. Hays said : "There are few farms In Polk county that will not be occupied this year. All talk about land not being In de- mand In that or any other Carmlng section oC Nebraska Is foohishmimess Some lleollle have left , but others have taken their places , amid In Pollt county a new farmer has come for every one who has gone. They are nol eC3rell by the IIrouth. "Tho condition of the winter grain Is remarkably - mllrltubly good While little snoll' has Callen , the weather was such that It all remained In the ground , and In this manner the roots of the plant have been well protected Since the warm weather hOB arrived 1 have examined several fields anti I1nd the plant strong and heRlthy In every Instance. lIvery particle oC moisture oC the Past few days bas been absorbed ! and now tIme ground Is In excellent condition al- most all over the state. The prospects are for time most prosperous year In the history of the state 1 say this because there are Indications commonly accepted by farmers that there will be men abundance oC moisture this year In Nebraska and this Is all the assurance - surance the farmers of this state require. "Since the rains time price oC Cnrm land has advanced materially allli the rents arc corre- spcndlngly higher , but th're Is plenty of good land In Po lit county to be had on reasonable term ! ! by good renters , but If not rented It will be planted to crops by the owners. " S "Surv\'al ! of the fittest" Is 11Instrated In the growing sales of Dr. Prlcc's Baking Pow- der. For ahead of all competing powders. - - - o LUU.IL JIlW".I71ES. A license has been Issuell to Antonio Paul , aged 42 , to marry Agostlna Clalda , aged 26 years. Doth are residents oC this city. Dodge street Is In a filthy condition. Apparently - parently It has not been cleaned along the curb lines since CaU. The officers of the First Baptist church have taken out a permIt , authorizing them to construct a $ COO addition to their house of worship at 109 SjJuth ; Thirty-fifth street. The South Side Improvement association will meet Saturday evening , March 2 , at 1015 South Eleventh street , at 8 o'cloclt. All members and citizens oC time First ward re- questel to be present. . Proprietors oC the Morse-Cae shoe factory , which was partially destroyed by fire some months ago , have taken out a permit for the reconstruction of the building at Twelfth and Howard steets. The estimated cost of the Improvements aggregates $17,000. The explosion oC a gasoline stove at the home at F. H. Schwanberg , 318 North Eighteenth street , at 9 o'clock yesterday started a blaze which called out all of the down.town companies The flames / were con- fined to the Itltchen and were extinguished without the firemen's ald. The two-Mary frame residence at 5300 North Fourteenth street was burned at 6 o'cloclt yes- tErday morning. It was the pro1crty ; oC RUdoph : Russ and was , valued at $3,000. A defective chimney Is supposed to be responsible for the blaze. The Spaulc1lng street fire com- pdiiy lind"IIlfficulty iri'jettlngwater l and nothIng - inc could be done toward saving the structure It was fully In8ured. - - - - - - - - - - c . What is Death ? Not many folks speak dead languages nowadays ' and it's very hard to find out. Death is very fool- -c. 'ish in some cases. Lots of folks die every year that , * could postpone it as well as not if they'd use a little common sense. Are you getting all run down ? Get- . - ting consumption , are you ? Doctor says you are in a 'bad way , does he ? Do you want to die ? If you do , o don't try our kind of medicine. If you want to live , o take Ozomulsiol1. It only costs a dollar to try it. It - can't hurt you. There's , not much in it but cod liver . -o oil and guaiacol. The doctor probably gives you the ' . o common cod liver oil now. But this is ozonized. . . .o How's that. done ? That's our secret. That's what : helps the cod liver oil and'guaiacol to go where it will , o do the most good. Try it. It will make you hungry- . : o things will look better tO you-you'll eat more-you'll . .o get more flesh 'on your bon s-you'll begin to build up , .o . -you luay get better right away. If one bottle helps .o you ever so little , you've started in the right direction- 0 try another. 0 : Druggisis sell Oomulslon. If yours don't , . send to the chemists who make It . -'r , 11. Slocull1 Co" , 183 Pearl Street , "New York Ity. 0 CURES Colds , Coughs , Consumption , O. _ OZOMULSION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bronchitis , Asthma ! , and all Pulmo- 0 nary Complaints ; Scrofula , General Debility , Lou of Flesh , Anaemia , and all Wasting Diseases Thin , pole women get plump 0 ' and beautiful on Ozollluislon . 0 ? f.o 0 0 0 ( j 0 0 0 . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OO KUHN & CO : 15tJl and Douglas Stg. , Omaha - - AMUSEME.NTS , i : - ' ToNIGHT \ , BOYD'S I , J.F Mat Tomorrow . Last I'ertormanoo Tomorrow NI1It. PACKED TOI THE DOORS 1mTUUSIAS'rIC ltECJl'TI0N TO HERRIANN TIIU anCAT The New Program ( Jrcl1ter Titan Ever I Immense success et TIIIJ AAI\TIO TRUNK MYSTIUIY . NOAU'S AHK. TIII AHTJIiT'S nREAM. 515111. J 1I1 HMANN'ti UANCES. Nlllht Prlee.-l.sOUnOO : , Re , Soc and :5c : : , Matinee l'rlcel.l-I.\IO lie , too and 05c. No exllo charge for reterved 8ClLls. . BOYD'S TW l ITS t'll ' llA 1\1AnCH } \ 3 AND 4 9TH SUCCESSFUL SEASON OF EUOENe 110UtNSON'S SUPBI4U PIIODUCTION _ 1 PAUL : : \ KAU AR. FULL 0(1 LOVII Jl3AIl TIIB I'ATHOS I l'AlII0US OUBNADlP.q AND COMEDY , ' { IVAI/TUTTI ) / ! . The sale of seats will open Saturday m01'nlnlJ' at time usul1l : prices 4tO SEATS AT W CENTS E.\Cn. J AMUSffiM EN PS . EMPIOE POPULAR jyl , PIR J4 PIUCES. W. J. UROESS Manager , Tel I , 1531. " 'eek Commencing unday. t March 3 , I Barnes' : ( 11(1 ( Marvirts Playcps C1IANOI 0(1 'I1DJItAM ! D.tiLY.L 1.fAT1Nhii VP.HY PAY AT 2:30 : NIGhT , 8:15. : m " 2--- , end flu , si ' lientoly CALTHOS rrcc , iiml is 151 E icatti guaranteothiat tjavmiog mthi . . wm'oi' uI.cbure. , e mnm.iun , , it a flE ai ChilE i'p.rm..torriru. % nrfcocele ( . . , , uHm iclsroun1 l.o.t ' . Igu , ' , . .trmkk Ve(1asdpavfatsfied , "I 41r'aVON MOtH. . CO. , - , ml , , . .tutriran (1510 , ctiiw . Anmou1'cm'mMw.imG 11.51 I SIU Ume t'eaturcsammtl flemuv- .m.g imhemi.u.eslm , 1W p , Iiooii foe a .Lnmj. a , J , , liiu JI , vo.mbtmr ) ' , 127 iV' . 42d itt. , N. , inscimtur OX Woodbury'a t'uclal iioazm. I ! Our record or actual anti undeniable cures ot 8\"I'JULIB la phollorn.nal. We turnl.h all med. icines ! free and eradlcala the polaon from the system In 90 daya. Cure . -uarunleed , Jloun. 5:30 : tj . . .10 : Wednesdays aDd BitUC' da'a. 9. p. m. TUB DINS IOOn REMEDY CO. . /112 / New Xcrk Life , owana. Nab . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ .f1- - 20t11 Season I , ENTER Spring ' 95 \Vith this issue wc begih moulding human form with apparel designed and executed for spring and summer , ' 95 , vVhat ' a pity , for thc handful of clothing consum- crs who can't be enc'uragcd to buy honest clothes at honest prices , instead of playing "suckcr" to trIC whiskcrcd schemes of "firc , " bankrupt , " "half pricc" or other styled catch-pcnny sales And what a pity for thc clothing fratcrnity. Ugh I I-low ugly I 'Tis ' of ' affair if ' cheeses to cOI'tnlnly none our some Pllrchasor Slip- port such IIn51wII\I\lloU8 \ Instlllltions , but if the same 111I1l\'lllu1\1 woulll take onlightenincuit wo chcodull.v will cxtclIll an lt1\'ltl\t1on to call OUl' spl'in stock Is lIulthol' from n flea ( sprlnlc101' ) or some old rottcncd bankrupt , but fresh h'om the bout of thc splatter mounT the hands of the taIlor , now to the WOI'1I1 of styles , nnd new to the fancy of the eye , OUI' pt'iccs are now , regulated by the l'CCCllt free wool adinisslomi to our ports , which cheapened the class of wool ( UUI' clothes arc made of ) to n. Iul'prlsln dOg'I'ce. AlldH0 \ cnn't save you 1\ few dollars on n stilt nho\'o nil loud mouthed oITot's , wo'll disgracefully stop down and lot "llunco rolgn. " llllt these dnys will never como-thunk 'Oll.- it I Spring 'OJ ' catalogues : : are ready for ml\llIng' , and as 0\01' before contain - lain samples mutt ? prices ns wcUus other purchasing Informo.tlun. Sent free to o'cry out uf town 1lllllieLnt. } F - - -s " CJD IETEliiiEli ir ElJEEI IL 1 o D Q It Is Of No Use B L Q to say that there is "Something Just EI ElU D as Good as Ripans " 'fabules for D . disorders , , of the stomach and Q LI liver " It is not so. This stand- D p U & Q ard remedy will relieve and cure LI o you. One tabule gives relief. 0 D D D Ripans Tabules : Sold . by druggists . or . by mlll : ' It the price \00 cents 0. box ) Is sent h. . The HID - 0 . . . pans Chemical Company , No. 10 811:1W "a. ; . . N. Y. D _ D 'CJCJLJCJDCJOCJD CJDCJ I ILJDEL = JCJ I _ . S - ? Sheriff's Sale . - S Of Boys' , Children's and Men's Clothing , S from the Bankrupt Stock of the . Western Clothing Co , -1-317-1319 Douglas St. Greatest , . Bargains S in Omaha Today J Boy Knee Prants- . t ' t NECKTIES . 15c - - IlIcll111l1l1 un tine Very very nice , they , are . . eft { If nml'l' NgOKWEAR : ' . .I'lte'eatei'ui hn 1 . T T . H lOc Boys Knee I P ants- < ) - t - t - AND1 J As good as any in to\Vn . . 25 C i i 15c . : S J. 4 1 f A. whole lot of them S 1 I tine Westel'll sold for S TT t t noc , . . ' T T LAUNDERED Boys 2-pICCC SUlts-- 55cLAUNDERED You can't ask them for less C i I : : . - . - ' .PW ( ) 25c t t Collul's. . . . . T T A MIGHTY \ GOOD - - HAT Boys' " 0vcrco ts- r ' T t " " r 75c A mighty good one for. . , . JeT 'f T FOR . . . . . . 25c For : : to ait1S SHE IFF SALE . ! 1317 -1319 Douglas Sb-eet. _ , , - - - - , R FRON ) GASOLINE PcM DIRECT FROM THe TANK. CHEAPER THAN STEAM /l'u hotter /\'u h'tcllm ( Nu B"ull\ccr. \ ' I lIelt l'u\\'cr for Corn tumid Feed Mills , Ilimlioug S- , hay , Itllnullll CremmmmmcrIcmmHpnrators : ! \ , & 0. . , , S , OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES , Stationary or Portable. ltollofi,1' . 8to3GB.P. ' Seoti : forC'ntalo/llc / , l'rICCs . , " ic. , doocrltJtlll work lu be 1I0p. . - THE . OTTO , . . CAS . . ENCINEWORKI . . aa.l a ; \\.Iullt , 8s * , l'JIIi.AIIJSLI'IIZA , l'A. Chicago , 2'5 Lite St. , Omaha , 321 So , 15th St. . . . 'S f , - . . - - S. '