Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    - : . i . . _ . _ .
_ n _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ ! ll1fJ _ ! > ! ! . .t\IA ] ) AIJ..I"Y BEE : ' ' ) Y9AnOII 2 , lS0iJ. m _ _ _
Cola Weather Gives the BuUs n Chance for
. n Gcuulllo DClnonstmtlon.
AlhnnC11 from the Rlnrt nOI held Strong
- Al Unr In 81lto lt the 1'rlitCiit
hammering of the Shorts
) !
In 'Chitnge.
CHICAGO , March 1.-fletter grain prIces
abroad nnll the pOKslblty of crop lumnge
from the cell wave In the country ruled a
strong wheat market today , May closIng
&Ic. The other markets Jolnet the proces.
siorl Mi ) ' corn closing bC higher. May enl
ie hhher an(1 ( 11ruvlslons nt ndvnnces.
There , ( 'n" 1 complete change In sentiment .
mont regnrdllr wheat when trading corn-
nenccd. Instead of there being pressing
Belnt of May at 6c. n8 on yesterday
' , afternoon there was nn excess of bu'ers at
&Ic ; to M14c. Inside of the first hour May
Wheat had told nt &fc. The predicted colt
the snoW
Jolowlng the dlsnplICltnCI of
' Zrorn the wheat fields was rather more In
evidence this mornll" . The chief factor II
producing the strength Wfa n ( ecensel stock
: of flour and wheat nt Liverpool , which
much exceeded ) What the trade of that city
hail e"pecled and whIch had caused nn ad.
Vance there of d 1 per celInI In the yes-
terday's decline here. An Important for-
chIn item . which harrowed up the feelngs
ot shorts here until II was contradicted . was
, an mlvunco of 7 francs t5 cCllmes In the
S price of March four at Pnrls following
upon the advance ot 3 francs which took
vInce there ycsterdl ) Thc correction of
the rt'orlet advance or 7 francs In
the IJrlce of March Hour did not
have much effect In allaying the
bullish sentiment. The total or the
primary market receipts was 21.U bu. The
'AUnllc Port clearances were heavy ,
amounting In wheal III flour 10 rO ! hu. I
'l'he foreign demand for Hour Is well spoken
oC by millers. There were frequent nervous
c changes In the price. I reacted 10 ic
moro ! than once but was easily hoisted
again. I touched Mc to : und closed
ut flc.
. Corn was In better demand both for ship.
melt and on FIJeeulnlon. nl the latter talc-
lag In 1 great menure its cue from wheat.
- 'rhe huslncsR llolO was only moderate In
- amount. The opening uf 11) ' was at In
. advance of : c. nt 4e. ! I advanced ( and do- (
dined several times . being 4c hid nod ( 4 \ c
selling and closed nt 15c. Today's tin-
mary western market receipts were 270.0
bu. . compared ( with 617.00 11. I year no.
; A ( lUll session was IJHsed In oula. Thc
r market was n /hmle firmer at the cml
caused hy 1 similar situation In corn. Only
l a very few Eules were effected and these
, were small and scatterel. May started nl
2c 10 2'c. sold nt 2'c down 10 20'.4c 10
I sellers 2.c . up at 2c. lnll to . 2'c. and closed wIth
The provision trade was fairly good nt a
good advance In Prices The opening prIces
. . 100,1 7 ' cp II porlc ] and 2Yc II lard and
ribs , the closing Prices being the hhhest for
. the day. 1-log reeellJ's were Iiglit . . and thnt i
. , with the . strength in grin , caused the ad- :
. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat
1 cars : corn . 20 cars ; oats 10 cars ; hogs
17.000 head.
17.00 heat.
. The lending l futures ranged ns follows :
Arttcles.i I - .0Nn. - I IItihi. I - Low. I Con
wii ND l' ; r2 11H 12'
11. . . . . . / Mt In 6s ,
, July ] . . . . CC : H lC C
Corn No.2.
March . . . 43" 433d6t5 . 43" 43 !
. 4r. . 4 l 45 15
May . . . 41 .IC 4C 051
- July . . . . . 41 4C 4 ; 4474l
" Onto No. 2. . .
Mn. . . . . . 20rc 20ti ) 29IG' : Oh
: Juno. . . . : PIt 2ot : IG : ! 21H <
July 27H 27th .27-43 H 27T
. Pork July. per . . bbl . I 271 ' :7" 1 271
, Otn PI . . . . 10 30 10 37 10 30 10 37
, Short Lnrd.lOOlbs May. Rlbo- . . . . . . 0 ( 47 I G C2 I G 47 I G C2. 1 '
r - Nny. . . . . I 30 r 35 r 30 r 3 :
Cash ntitations were - follows :
Wnl AT-No. 2 sprln 54t5c ; No. S spring .
. . nominal : No.2 ned . & 2)tJ54c.
CORN-No.2. 4314c : No. 3 yellow . 41\HN2c. \
OATS-No.2. 2S3tOc ; No. 2 whIte , 32c ; No. 3
Ie. white . 3l43l3c. ,
RYE-No.2 , &ic.
; t HAHLEY-No. 2 , CSc ; No. 3. t1,4f303c ! ; No.4.
Cle.J SEEDNo.1. 41.40.
TIMOTHY SEED-lrlme. ' : .SO.
t PROV1S1ON-Mess porl per bbl. . tlO.200110.33 ;
land per 10 Ibs. , $5.40 ; short ribs sides ( ese ) .
$ 5.20115.25 : lry salted shoulders , ( boxed ) . $1.62 ½ tJ
4.76 : short clear sides ( boxed ) . 15.50475.55.
L $1.55. WIIISKY-Uisttllera' fInished ' goods . per gal. ,
' ' 1ho following were the receipts and shIpments
t01ny :
; rhIc1es . I Recolpts.iShipment'e.
Arlcllo. Shlpment'
. . . . . . . .
- - -------I------ - -
Flour. bNo : . . . " . . . . . . . I 7.000 12.000 (
' V1ieat . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . I . O.OIHI 11.000
Corn bu..I 128.000 22.000
On IS. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . I 151.0UO 147.000
t R'o bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1.i0oI ( O.IOU
ll'cy. ] bil. . . . . . . . . . . . jaopI ( 27.000
r- On ho Prollc e"cl'otOd : ; hb ;
ket was dull : creamery . lc21c ; clatry O@
lUc. XI I. lnn ; 20nl.
NLW YUltt UlcNIRAL lU.\tU ! T. ,
ClosIng Quoholon1 on thu l'rlncpa\ m-
, 1.1to. itisti .StitlIe5. .
r Nl\V YOltK Much 1.-FLOUH-Recelplo.
, . ,31. 0 bbls. : exports 30.70 hIde ; sales 1.30
, plgs. ] ; manteL quie but firm. Buycrs now pretty
, wel supllel. Export demand light : city until pat-
, I onta , $ .0 4.15 ; city mill clears $ 3.F ; Minnesota
. ( patents , 43.01413.80 : Minnesota bakeis $ 2.00fl3.60 ;
. winter extrn . 14.00174.80 ; .plng exira. $1.10170.G3 :
winter low grades 11.70472.15. Southern flour ,
' dull : common to rah' extra , $ .80 2.40 : good ! 10
i : choice extra . 42.40(72.25. H'e hour . firm : tales
40 bbls : stiperflne . $ & 5f2 : tancy , 42.70473.00.
. Buckwheat 10ur , 'Iulet. $1.70. $2.70(3.0.
CORN MI.\-\ul : ; vestern. 11.03471.10 : Dran.
dywlne , 12.VO : titles . 100 bbl. . . 113(1.10
ltYli-Nominal : car lots . 5c : boot loads 55
CGc .
. C HAnLEY.Dul : two-rowed state , GaGlc ; Can-
ada 70'12' . e.
- HAnl.tY MALT-Nominal : western , 701J72c :
slx.row . 13 ( 75e.
\VIIIIAT-lteceipts. COO bu ; exports H.O bu. ;
sales . 2.65.0 bu. , futures and 32. & bu. .pot.
7 pt , firm ; No. 2 ned . In store antI cievator
t ) c ; afloat . 60c : r. o. b. . C0c . ololt ; No.1 ,
\ norlh.rn. ) GOlc delivered ; No. 1 bent GDl/c.
, Opt : > S opened firm on Iho ( iiecneaso at l.o.oQ
e hu In the 10nlhly Liverpool wheat stoks and
n cold wave w"st. After the mlhlny period ot
fnacttvIty . with n partIal reaction . prIces advanced -
. . voncell sharply on higher lute cables and cov-
ering co.ln/ , nt % Ule net advance ; : . 2 ned .
: March r' t58e. etesed 5S3c ; hay , rm'e. <
, closed 58o : Juno cloae,1 9c ; Jul ) ' . t944iGoc ! .
4 coae,1 Gcl ; Auiust ' . & 'J4fGOc' . ebeed ( ) c ; 81p-
mber. 60'4(1Gc . closed Gc \ ; December , G347 \
, 63 r-16c. closed G3\\e. \ \
- COHN-HI'elpla. 2.9 bu. : exports . 2.80 1w. ;
' . tales 15.0 ho . futures anti no spot . Spot
snarke dull ; No.2. lIe In store : steamer Rlol
, lu' 49\\0 In elevator : 49o ; steamer
jolted 48e. OptIons generally quiet and con.
( roiled chiIl ) ' b ) ' wheat Iluctuntions being
- < luctunlons
' Emnler. nnl cled ut "c net advance ; March
e ( ' 1",1 : 491 : ? dtiy . 49174911e \ . closed 49\.0 \ ; uJly ,
49 5.164719l.c , clo'PI 49c. I
OATH-lli'eeipts . , hu. : exports 2.MO bu. : I
sales . 25.0 bu. spot SIII mantel , dull ; No.2.
; Else ; No.2. ddh'tt..I. tliic : No.3. dul ; No 2
White , 31'c ' : No. 3 whIte . 56e : track while
wl'olel nail state . 3Gllc. Options quiet whie
; firm . and with the other mlkela clooe,1 % e
higher : March . closed . 33el : Apnhl . 834c ; May .
" t\ 33e . 331e
IA Y- Ieady : shipping 434750c : good 10 choice ,
' t5 ! ! _ _ ,
. uitI'a-qttIet state. common to cho4ce old.I I
Ull'l-41lfl 8tnll. cmmon old
- - Ur1c : I'ntiflo coast old 3'ffp7c ; 161. 7471ie. . . I
11JII"ally ; Wet snltel . New Orleans . 4\ \ :
(5 : Buenns , \ yrs . 134113 ½ c' Texas . dry , 70f7 ½ c.
LIIA'I'lJilt-Hteaity , : hemlnck sole ) 7tHc
Areo. light to hC\'y Weights ll417c. . 1
. 19 WOOI.Qulet ; domeolc fleece Ulf1c ; pulled . I I
I lnOVIHONR-l'ef. steady ; family . 111.004712.00 :
_ I. extra me.a , $ .5118.0 ; h.t hams $ 11.011.0 ;
k. S.QIO.O ; cl ) . extra India mess $16.0tj12t < .
Lut meats . quiet : rickletl , t't'iiles. , L $ Glt'1.W. :
. - . . _ , le,1 uhiouidt'i- . HUH"o : 1.lckl'.1 (31'c t471c .
j. Lard . quiet Western , , 8tSe.
Lr. quiet ; \\'esler Steam closed nt $6.1 ui'nn.
. last ; t"lra. : $ tierces nt $5.7ly ; , G : ( n'll- Gci ;
May , 15.82 nominal : r'fled. quiet : continent .
17.10 : Roth American , $ & ; compounl conlnenl. U.c
_ : l1UTTlit-iitsy : ; western tlairy . 9(1It : western
creamer ) ' . li22c . : w.ster factory , 8tle ; tigins .
_ t. : ImItation creamery . 10(115' ; state dairy
. I 1e : tate creamer . old . 12jIgc .
CIlIlliSh-F'lrmO ' large , ltlle : small . 947l2c :
: part oklma. 38\c ; full .klms. \ l'4uj2c. ( 9\tI2e
t EGOSI'.y : Illte aid l'ennsyivanlu . 31c :
"e.'em. fresh 2\e ! ; Suuthtern . 250 ; receipts .
, J.0 kKI.
, . TA1.IAW-Frm : cit' (13 ( per pkir ) . 43474c
_ _ _ _ . cl 1J :
, . t\ttc
" 'utnykga. ( free ) . 4H\ie. \
, IU'I-llenI' : domeltc , fair to extra , tO
Ie ; Jspnn. 4\ \ Hc (
, MOLAHSI'S-HI.a'y ' ; New Orleans , open kettle . .
good 10 hioicc . 33 135c . opn kelte.
Iuo <
' TlllltNTINIlteldy. . 33\ i3Ic.
OltAN011S-Steady ; Florida . 11.00473.00 Cal.
OIAtm BRI Jorldo. :
_ , Ifornia. $3.20473.tO. $ .003.0 Ca.
_ _ _ _ I MlTAI.13-l'Ig . iron . dull ; Scotch , 19.060 :
. . American 19.5mc. Cpper easy ; brokers'
- price. IUO ; udinge price. $ & & CMJ broket' . ; ,
br kera' Irlce. $ .021 ; exchange price I . 13.10. 'flu
steady ; straits . $13.154713.ZJ. Ilatea. $ mnrket
Quiet. Sp.ler , dul : ' 310 : MaleS o
'change " 311 ' . . 5 tons March tin . a. o. 10 double '
CTfONSI I n OU.Market la rather more ac-
, lve 1 the result of conccsiou Itndln 10 salts
ot / bbb. prima lummer yellow at 23e : Irlnu anII
t'rude. , : ; I'rhno .umtuer nlow , 55tj00c ;
i prmu summer whtteZe nominal
_ _ _ _
_ Coffee Iulisrket.
17RW YOIOIC . March 1-CQFF1if5--Oitions
_ _ , , . OJ > ene stead ' ) ' at unch.nle - prleC to U poInts
advance ; ruled generally "rm on ullxl.eeted
.tremclh of catty ( EU"'ICan " catilea . close4 dull
. at 5l points let adl'onc. ; sales . l. cVe : bags .
, I
It.eituitlnXi March 1i&0 ll' Juite l14.i1Z
Ir.ellln1 , . 1I&-15.I t JUle. . :
11t July UHc ; ffl'fntl"r ' ! 117.II 0 ; 00'
luh'r , , ! OI.t ; 1)eembor . il.G. fp,1 Mtee.
flint ; l4 7. 118.10 : mild. .tel ( .onlnva , 815.7547
11m I ; pales .O , hogs lila . < r . 81"11. nl 1'0 ' ;
1. " ) L.tka hio 1 . Not' . 7 tad 5 . lt ' 1.1 ; 1M 1 I'RI
Rio . No. 7 . tlnl 15 point. . P" , nl l'4c 1 ; I..YJ !
hnl : I'nnt&iv . U1.T5. < folnll. .IHcrl"ed , "trhou.c
.1' Innrs rrll New York yesterday . T.Ol liars ;
hew York Slack t.dl ) ' . Iti.U3 tines ; Unlte.1
fitatouu stork . liO.1 tags : IluIt fur the 1111,1
"nics !
States . 2.1 ) bags ; 10t.,1 "I.lhl , for the United
fltntes . (0..W7 Ings . against 140Ifl bags last yenr.
1f.'R1i : . March 1.-Coffee fl"nr1 .tt < y n H
nlh'nno ; nt 1 In. . Ilrn.I ) ' 01 H nll'nnll : lt a
p. m. . steady , Inchnl&"l closed alcld ) ' nt UC
net ailenflee : 1111' 22,000 bogs.
SANTdS . Mulch 3.-Quiet ; IP"I n\losc. : $ iS.SO :
rtceipt . 1 0) ( ) l'aII ; stock . : .OIO bags ,
1.111Mnl'h ( l-Itcdy : pt'IC'1 Hi Jtg
advance ! : pulp ! . : .l1 h'II ' ; stock . 19.01 bags . In.
eluding 31auOO tlrnxliintt.
rlulnl : .no Imxlnn.
RIO DI .TNIIIO. lionel , I.-Firm ; XChnnlPI
lO ; rEceipts , , T1Q hogs ( . elcared for the Unie ,
Hlnlc3. 2,000 hngst : cleared for L'uropeL 4. (
bagi : utock , IL , OO liars. ,
Condition of ' 'rntlo RIgnolalont on
Staple nnt lrl 1 C ) ' t'rouiuco.
I1UTTIII1-Culle,1 . stock G(8c ; common 10 fair
lO ; rail to good country 1612c : choice to
fancy 1fl5cl gathereo crcnmer ) ' . 1 ; separator
creamery , 1 (20c.
E008-Strictly fresh laid l'l r.
J.I\'D I'OUI.'rfl-lenii ( . 5'ie : roosters . \e : : '
( ducks Co ; turkeys , 5c : heavy tows . Sc : geese , Ge ,
DIISSI D l'OUI.TIY-Chlekens. fair Cc ;
cholco large . tIle ; choice small 7c : turkeys . fair
to good . 7f1Hc : ; choice henvy . jl' c ; choice
StTittli . 8G9cl \ ( hicks . fair to good 5Hc ; rlnc ) ' .
full G9cl ; geese , fain to good goI. clflc ; fancy .
ful ( messed . 9c.
OAMl-lliue wing teal per , I z. 'UO :
green wing teat , " "I doz. , .2UI.r. ; tluck . .
mixed , per doz. . $ lO0471,2. : cnl'Ilackl. U.O'Jf )
5.0 : mallards nn < $ .00fl. beaus , . 12.i,013.o ; .mnl
rabbits . & cnek : rntibitii . 7e : squirrels COco
\'I\Cho ee fat 70 to Ill ) ILs. . are quoted at
5\ifI6c \ : large and contse . 31c.
Cll'JHI -WI.rnsln ( till rnenm Young Amprl.
eons lIe : h\ ins . lc : Nehrskl , and Iowa . full
cream . lc : Nebrnolm and lawn , pant skitns . 7@
Sc : 1.lmhurlcr. No. 1. I lie : ljnick No.1. lie ;
Swiss . No. I. l3. :
IIAY-tjpinnil hay . $1 ; midland. ' ! .M : lowland
IS ; rye straw $6. Color mnkeo the price oa hny.
Light shndes sell the besl. Only lop grades
brlnl top "rlc s.
IIEONSler 110z. . 75c41l.00.
POTATOIS-'Vealor stock car lots SIc ; small
lols. 10e.
O.D IIIIANO-lfnnd picked navy . $10(2.0 :
LImit beans . per It , . . 514e.
3.0. OINS-On orders . 81.00471.10 : per bbl. , 82.7547
CAllllAal-on : orders 2c.
CIRAIItY-l'cr doz. , S0IIWC : California , OO (
$ .0. , 0(51c
8WImT I'OTATOESOo BtOCk $2.&o ; Kan-
nail . $ 0 i 2.2 . - 1.lO
lltWFi4-l'er : bhl. , ir.o.
CAIII0T8-l'pr { bhl. . f2. .
CAULlV'LO'flR-t'er . crate or n doz and half
or two Inz. . U 2. . .
10HSgHAIHSI-ler It , . . GU1c.
1'tItSN1l'-1'er ( bbl. . $2.
lttt'FAIiAfiAH-.j'er II , . . 114c .
l'AltShliY-l'er doz bunches , 3c
TUHNIPHIer bbt. . U. O.
Sl'INA Cl1-l'er bbl. , f3.5t.0. .
l'IE 1'lANT-j'er doz. . 75c. (
I'EAItS-Winter Nelifs . none.
AllLmi-Cholcl stock U.oOa4.75.
GHAIIS-Con.ol. . none ; Mnlogas , per G5 10
68"11. blue. . ! ro.I. 110,004710,50.
CHANUEmUES-Jerse's fancy , 811.004711.50
tier bbl.
OnANGES-J'lorllns. per box $3.7561.0 ; Call.
forla naynis 33.50 ; eee'llings , . $3.
IIANANAS-Citoice stock 12.00472.50 per bunch.
I.EMONS-Mesolnas. sizes 30 to 3GO. choice .
$3.2 : fancy , 43.50011.00.
OYSTEHS-Medlum. per can 15c : horle.hoes.
Ode ; extl'o standards . Ole : extra selects : c ; com-
pony oelects . 26c : New York counts 30c ; buiks .
standard . per snl. , $ .70.
NEW I'IBExtm fancy IGc : fancy . He :
violet' \ . 12'13c ; California . bags . 7c.
I0N Y-New York 17c ; dark . 144715c' Call-
fonnia JGc ; strained . 4 to' cans , per lb. . 10c.
MAl I.E SYItUI'-Galion jugs . per doz. , $2 ;
Itlxtiy . 5-gal. cuns. . n.
NUTBAlmonds. tIc ; English walnuts , sof I-
shelled . 12c ; standards , lIe ; ilibents . SIJIe : Brazil
nuts . S.
SAUER KI1AUT-Cliolce white . per bbl. . 14.5047
I.Q ; per hal hhl. ! $2. OU2.75.
MINCE MEAT-I"ancy , In halt bbls. . per lb. .
1c : 10.gnl. kegs Ge ; condensed per case at 3 .
doz pkga . 12.50.
CIUEIL-I'ure juice per bbl. . $ : : bal bbl. , ' 3.
hIDES-No. 1 green hides 3' 474c ; No. 2 green
bidet . 30 ; No. 1 green snle1 hides ,5c' ; No. 2
green salted hides. 4\c ; No. 1 green salted hides
: I ) 40 lb. . 5 ; No. 2 green salted hides 55 to
40 Ibs. , dUe ; No. 1 veal calf 8 to 15 ILs. . 8c : No.
2 veal calf 8 to 15 Ibs. . Lc : No. 1 dry Inl hldea.
fc ; No. 2 dry flint hides . 5c ; No. 1 dry tailed
' "lt ( . Lc ; pail cured hides 'c per lb. less tItan
tuly cured.
9IIEEP I'IILTS-Green salted . each 2fGOc :
green salted shelrlnss short woled early skins )
each . lQ15c ; dry shenrlngs ( short wooltd early
skins ) . No. I. each 6@IOc : dry .hearln s ( short
wolC early skins ) No.2. each tic ; dry flint .
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts. per '
lb. . actual weight & Q8c ; dry flint Kansas and '
Nebr.ko-urrnln wool peits. per lb. , actual
weight ' 4(6c : dry fnt Colorado butcher wool.
pelts . per lb. . actual weigh I. { ½ c' dry flInt ,
Colorado murrain wool pelts . 'er lb. , actual
weigit . 447Cc.
TALLOW AND OREASE.-TnllaV , No.1. 3c :
tallow . No.2. 3c ; grease , white A. HNhc ;
grease . whIte D. 3c : grease yellow . 3 ; grease .
dnrk. .2\3e \ : old butter . 2@2Ic ; beeswax pritne
17(20c ; rough taliow . 2c. FUnS.
FUn-DelI. black No. Z large , 120,004755,00 ;
large $0 : No. I medium $4.0No. ; UO.of25.00 ;
benr. brown No. 1 Inrge. 420.004755.01 ; No. l
medium . IG : No. 1 small . $2 ; bear . brown . year-
itngs. No. I IMI < $0.Q@12.o : No. 1 snejium $8 ;
No. 1 small . f6 ; bear brown cubs 2n. 1 large .
Si ; No. 1 medium 15 ; No. 1 small . f3 ; badger
No. 1 medium $ : ; No. I sn.A1 : $ .OJIIO.O ; bear ,
black yenniings . No. I Inrgt. $ l2.0)47I.00 ; No. I
mellm. nO ; No. 1 small , $ i ; bear . Olack . cubs
No. 1 large . 56.000)1.00 ; No. 1 medium , 15.03476,00 ; '
No. 1 small. $ ; bear black Montana and Rocky
mountaIn No. llalge. $18.0J02J.Oa : No. I medium ,
Ill ; No. 1 small . 10 ; hear. black . .Montana yearlings -
lings . No. 1 large $2 : No. I medlum $8 ; No. I
small . $5 : bear hinclc Montana cubs No 1
0/11. ' 5.5 ; No. 1 medium. 1.5 ; No. I small .
$3 ; bear silVer tip . No. I large . $2J ; No. 1
medium 12 ; No. 1 small . 1 8 : bear . sliver tip .
yearlings . No. 1 lange- Il ; No. 1 medium $ s ;
No 1 small . 15 ; hear . silver tip. cubs No. I
No. I Inrle .0J@I.W ; No. 1 medium . coo ; No.
I small . 50c ; itsher . No. 1 large , $ s ; No.1 medium
f5 ; No. 1 small . $ : fox , sl\'er. IS to color ac
cording to Ienuly. No. 1 large $00 : No. 1
medium . 'C ; No. 1 small . $50 ; fox stlver pale
according to beauty No. 1 large . $50 ; No 1
medIum. 130 : No. 1 small . $20 ; fox , ' crtiss No. 1
large , $7 ; No. I medium $3 ; No. 1 small . $2 ;
fox $ No. 1 large , $1.5 ; No. 1 medlI : . . ; o.2.s :
No.1 small . $ ; fox gray . No. 1 lange 'c ; No.
I medium Wc : No : 1 small. 40c ; fox kits ) , No. 1
tango Cc ; No. 1 m.dlum. 40c ; No. 1 small . sUe ;
lynx No. 1 large . $3 : No. 1 medium 12 ; No. I
smali . $1.50 ; marten No. 1 large . $ : No. 1 me-
dlum. $1.50 : No.1 small . $ ; milk . No.1 large .
G00065o ; $ No. 1 medium 40c : No. 1 small , 3c ;
mink dark No 1 large 65c ; No. 1 medium : 41c ;
No. 1 small . SOc ; mountain lion . perfect head
and feet . No.1 large 11.0@2o ; imperfect skIns.
IG.0@1.o ; No. 1 small. OSI : otter . pale , No. 1
lunge . $7 : No. 1 medium . $3 ; No. 1 small . f ;
raccoon $ No. 1 large , 60@10ci No. 1 mt'lum , SIc :
No. 1 small . lIe : raccoon . black . ns to beauty ,
No. 1 lange , r0c01$2.00 : . lcunlc ) . hne . cased nltr-
row ' 'rlped. No. 1 large . SOc ; No.1 medium. 40c :
No I small . 2c ; skunk broad striped . No 1
large 225c / : wolverine No. 1 large . $ : No.1
medium < $3 ; No. I small . $2 ; volt . mDuntaln . No.
1 large , $ 1 : No. 1 medium 1 ; No. I Imolj $15 :
woit . prairie , No. 1 lange G5iD1c ; No ; 1 medium
GOc ; No. I small . 40c ; beaver . per skin No 1
large . 15.o(6.0 : No. 1 medium $ .SU ; No. 1
small . $2 ; beaver kits . No. 1 large . $2 ; No 1
smal. melum. $ $ .5 ; No. I small . 75c : muskrais .
winter No. I large 8i10e ; No. 1 medium 9c ;
No. 1 small . 7c : muskrats. full . No. 1 large .
UIGc : No. 1 medium , 7c ; No. 1 small . Gc :
muskrat kits. 2 < 3c.
DUX'S Itl7'I15V OF ' 'IE LsSr % VEIIIC .
No Gol\ GoIng Out Though Sterling Lx-
chllo I Near the l xlllrthl l'oint
NI1\V YORE . March 1.-n. O. Dun & CO.8
weekly review ot trade . which issues lomorrw ,
will say : No gold goes out . though sterling ex
change has risen close to the exporting Illnl ,
anti It does not yvt appear lint ( the syndicate
his made any effort to control the exchange mlr ,
ket : l.l\lon his sold about no shares of
stock durIng the veeh . nail the market hi distinctly
tinctly lower for rll,1 shares , though 1 shade
stronger for trotte. The stick markets wall
lirnler . for London . anti ror'hmers show titus
far more disposition ta sell than to buy. With.
.In\wol. lt gold by rcdempton ot legal tender
hal nol ceased . but since the closing or the s ) ' n-
dlcntu contracts have averaged about $2).0 )
iien I day
Whelt Is I\ic \ hIgher but clearly not because
western receipts are a trilo less than 1 yet ago ,
. , . rrom the Atlantic coast
nor because 1.rl. Alnnlc (1.t are
small. IlIalO of speculative ncvly ; must b
ex'eli , during every season . ! when I > rlcto
are itt the bllm such II'a118 cnn only glean
on advance. Nothing I. seen 10 justIfy any gnu-
terilt rise . I supplies In sigh do nol decrease
IIlMU titan they naturally \ould on oecnt : or
, \I'cuther. Corn 10 only shad
the ! 1,1I'cuther. Cur ) I higher ,
with w.otern rcell much smaller titan IU.I
year . Colon dropped I week ago 10 3.L6 cents .
Iho loWest Illn\ ever known since moer
clns.Ulcatuna wefe odoltl. and has not yet
niscu : . though the talk ot a great H"luelol this
year II al vigorous \ ever. 'rho whole muket
) .
turns on the fact that stocks ot American cot.
ton here a"1 ' abroad are considerably larger
titan ever. The industries malta very slow gains
where they mal , , nn ) ' . 1.111 Is said of the
stoppage or the glgB Thompson steel works ,
thaulh many thousand ho.,18 depend on its (1)
eTution . because the Carnegie coinpiuty ' has our-
trtun. coml'l )
ohnl5.11 tons or bessemer pig ' It $0.95 10
* 10 at l'lttshiurg . a price indicating that lie
biggest concern In we.ler l'ennsylyania does
not \ant to make iron for less . At other mar-
k.a , Ill iron has I. ' quiet , and elsewhere ,
I. at 1ittsburg. atrclurl cinders account for I
lInn , " Ihare or the new business l'I'ated. thought
actiVity In wire wire rods . und Orhed wire con-
hours. liar Irpn and steel are firmer at l'itls.
burtO . but without change In quotations . and on
the whole this reduced consumption In January
doeS not . .m t : have Inure tholl matched the
reduced production. In the minor metals there
is bore pruclan. ; in iako copper at 0.6.7 cents
With or'I , offerIngs at 9.5 cents , n r torced
values have depressed len to S.1 c."la. Tin I.
also wcner nt 13.1 cents . wih heavy 1m.
pontatlons. , ,
The market ro cotton goods I. ralr\ active ,
anti the demand Imprl'ts In .ono grades , Lit la
on the whole decidedly dlspl"lntnl. though
this wo.k there has been 10 sensational reluc-
lon In inlets. Undoubledly the accumulation of
goods clthlUt and I. mol dangerous for the
' ' " ' . ' - , " -
" _ _ _ -
traile. The Fates of wool nt the , three chief
market , doting the past month have been " lI03- ,
00 t > undf against lR.H4,11 , last ) ' enr . antI : -
18'.0 for the Mme " /k two felt ago . Ind
while the mills making low grade goods are .
fairly supplied with orlers. It II a rnnqt un.
Wholesome rMture that numerous rnClntnns
n reported . Indicating that the 1ols pUPlleo
nt kxCcltlflnnlly los' prices ! 110 not meet the cx- ,
111nlon or luyerp. On the other hand , the , Ie
mAnd for goods nr 1 better grade teems a little
better . titan up < clCl.
Failures for the past week have been 2 : In the
HnUM States . against 21 last year , and In Cnn.
ado 8. against 42 lnl year .
CLC.\nl nuu.m TUTALS.
Aggregto ot Ilulle9 Trnnocted bT the
Assncigt'pgi U"I Last Week
NEW YOR } . March t.-The following
table , comple,1 ) by Brnt lrcct'8. shows the
total clearances nt the principal cities and
the percentage of increase or decrease , na
compared with the corresponding week
010 year ago :
CITIUS. Clearings. Inc. Dec.
New Yorl ( . . . . . . . . . . . . ' I0S552.33l , , , , , , ' 0.7
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.G1.271 : u.s
l. lan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G3.SGi22 . . . 1.1
l'itiiiulelphiia . . . , . . . . , , , , C4.rG3.SG1 10,2 . . .
Phln . . .
Si 1.011. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19fI5.31 . 1.2. . . 0.3
Bnlimore . . . . . . . . . . . 9.323.M . . . . 21.6
Pltsbur ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.51.0IS . . . 7.7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . 10. j.I:1 . . 4.4
NI'I Orlenn. . . . . . . . . . G $11,117 21,5.
\ufnlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.11 ) . . . .
Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . 3.GiO.01' . . . 15.5
. , , , , , . . , , , , , . . . . . . . , , . .
\rlt : . . . . . . . . . . . 5,500,656 7.1 . . ,
l.ouisville . . . . . . . . . . . 4.861.519 . . . 32.5
MInneapolIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
nlls : .9m.:12 1.5
OMHA . . . . . . . . . . . . : .093.0J . . . . 43.9
l'rutiih'nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3 . ' . . .
Pr\hl'nce . . . . r.01,8 ( 3.2. .
Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.021.01 . 10,1 . . , .
"l1iistent . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.IG7,10 , . . . . . 1.1
St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.M3.0,6 11,3.
lenvcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11.12 ; . . . . 1 .2
ifldlflttniohlii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 . . , . , , .
Inllnnnlnl. . . . . 3.1& 82 . . 1.7
Columbus . 0. . . . . . . . . . . 2.831.3 ( ) . . . . 16.6
larttor,1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.735.8 ) . . . . 7.2
HlchmolHI . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,918.r I. . . . . 18. :
Wnshllgion . . . . . . . . . . . + r,3.GI > . . . . . 7.1
lalns . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4333,400 23.4 . . .
SI. J GMelh . . . . . . . . . . . 2.731.101 . , . . . 2. . 13.1
l'eoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.22.91 31.7 . . . .
Memphis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.0 . . .
lorlnlHI. Ore . . . . . . . . . 1.781.01 . . .
Rochester . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) . . . .
Now haven . . . . . . . . . . . 1.260.r.J . : . . . . . . 1.7 .
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SM'nnnah . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 5.0
Hpringfletl . . . . . . . . . . 1.S1.I:1 . . 24.0. .
rlnll ll. Mnss. . . 1,1.
'orcesler . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.135.11 , . . . . , . 7.3
l'onttnnil Me. . . . . . . . . , . . . 10.4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,743 .
, lnnll . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0e 3')3 ' ) . . . . . . G.O
1"Irt " .orlh. . . . . . . . . . . . : . 3)1..6.0 .
"Wnco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.26.Gn 19.2. . .
Syracuse . . . . . . . . . . . . & 1.5. . . .
IleA Molncs . . . . . . . . . . FOS.4& . . . . . . . . .
Grnn,1 Itapltl . . , . , . , , , . , , , , . , , . . .
. . . . . . . 761 ! 2 10.7 . . .
Seattle HnplI. . . . . . . . . . . . . 390.129. . 19.2. . . .
l.ow.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5G5.H8. . . 2.5 .
Wimington. Del. . . . . . . CG .22 ; . . . . 9.1
Norrol ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161,0) . ) . . . H.S
1101 : City . . . . . . . . . . 16i.0) , . . . . . .
Los . \lselo . . . . . . . . . . . S.I. 9E ui. . 1.1
Tacoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2. . . . 14.1
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.780. . . . 1.1
nllnw 1lch. . . . . . . .191 . . . 15.2
Spokane ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ui 10.0. . . .
.lncksontilio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20441 . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
. . . . 30.G
.lncksol'le . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3t6.039. . . . . . 19.9
New Bedford . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.793. . . . . . . .
Bedord . . . . ; 907. . . . 39.7
Wlchltn . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 11 . . . . 7.3
Irllhlham . . . . . . . . . . . oossoi . . . . . i.5
Topeka ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C1,4l . . . . . .
Iexington Ky. . . . . . . . . 1 . 4 . 1.0. . . 18.8
Itlnglsatnptoa . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.801 . . .
. . 16.7
Inllmmplon . 3 : . . .
' ilay City . . . . . . . . . . . . : . .
'I nl River 1leh. . . . . . . . . . . . . .oe 017 . 17.0. . . 15.3 . .
'Akron . O. . . . . . . . . . . . GI . 17 . . . 1.3 .
' i'ningfleld . O. . . . . . . . . 151.(2 . .
'Canton O. . . . . . . . . . II : . 1.1. . . . .
'Soux ! Fnls . . . . . . . . . . 12.100 . . . . . .
F'remont Neh. . . . . . . . . . 70.16 . 10.0. . 39.G
' llastings . Neb. . . . . . . . . . . . 54,5
'Chattanooga . . . . . . . . . . . ; .2. . . [ .
'Chntnnoogn . 1G.013. . . 15.3
'I"nrlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' Naslsvllle . . . . . . . . . . . I.:4 . . . . . . 2.1
"Gah'eslon . . . . . . . . . . . .611 . . " ) . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 11.4.
Salt Lake . . . . . . . . . . 1.02.40 6.G .
noclrord . . . . . . . . . . . 10.261 . . .
'Helena . . . . . . . . . . . . C .28 > . . 21.2. .
Scranton . . . . . . . . . . . . G'.301 . 10. (
alnmnzoo . . . . . . . . . .4,915,554) . . 16.0. . .
' Little nock . . . . . . . . . . .174,736. . . . - . . -
Totals United States . . $770.100.G83 . . . . . . 7.3
Exclusive ot New York . . 361.843.32. . . . . 4.5
Ionlrenl . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . 3.0
Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.sf37SI. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.GG.130
halifax . . . . . . . . . . . 9G3,539 . 4.3. . .
Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.6
Winnipeg . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . jl.1351. . . . .
-nls . . . . . . . . . . . .S . 15.L79.6701. . . . . .
- Include,1 In total because or no compar-
leon for last year.
"Not included In totals because containing
other items than clearings.
Rise In Exchange Rates alt Foreign Salting -
In lisa .
ing Cnule.
NEW YORK March 1.-llradstreet'gs financial l
review tomorrow will cay ; In n speculative
sense the weel has been n disappointment. The
success or the biSnd issu0 did not arouse any
outside Interest In' the market either here ; 'or In'
London and thc rapId rise or exchange rates
created rear or gold exports whIch . Ihough un.
founded . tended to create n bearish feeling. The
dividend on Canadian Pacific hud its influence
and activity during the early part or the week
\vas almost entIrely I thc expense otalues
1 was not until Friday that the Increaf ot the
short Interest brought about n rally nad strength-
coed Ihe market , which vas . how'vr. also at-
reeled by the absence ot the expected gold shipments .
menl8 and by the approaching adjournment ot
congress. The closing ot the : l"rlpton for
the new 4 per cent government 101 . with ap-
pleatons on this side or the ocean for Ibnut
,12.OO.OO. and the fact that blddets received
only a small proportion or the amounts asked for .
has or course ben one or the chief matters ot
Intere. ' Its effect on the market hits . hawever .
been neutralized by the unexpected ( strength at
exchange and the probability Ihot gold might
b tnken from the treasury and 8hIPI,1 abroad .
even before the syndicate hail carried out Its
b"rlln. Exchange was certainly nervous ' and
strong . with rates nt a level which would allow
or gold Hhlpments At the .are time It Is evl-
( lent the syndicate contls the situation . antI
that while It rnaot prevent rates from risIng It
Is able for tome time to come 10 check shipments
or x'pcie.
London was not only ( 1.turhe,1 by the action
ot exchn'le litre but took tic passing or ito
Canadian Puilc dividend us another relecl.n
upon American railway securities. This ot ,
cpurae . was unjust nR the lock has never been
1 favorite here. London , however was n seller
of . antI ot Louisville &
its specialties nli Ioul vle Nnah-
villa In particular. Henrlsh pressure was again
shown In Northwestern while New York Central
was affected by rumors that treasury stack had
been marketed. A drive In Missouri Pncilc was
accompanied by rumors or n receivership . but the
fact developed that Messrs. O ull and Sage ,
who hold alt the compuny'o hooting debt obli.
gations. are neatly to fund them In the shnp1
( $1.0.0 I her . cent coliateral bn < s , New
Jersey Central was tinotluer bear specialty . antI
the whole anthracite b'UJ was more or less in-
luMCet\ by reports or the bad conditions exIsting
In the coal trade antI the impossibility or forming ;
ing 1 compact between the producers . Interest
In thc industrials centered In DIstillers and Chl-
cage Gn8. The reorganization lilan far the
former company Is to come out next week the
assessment . II IB talil . being U n share . The
stuck rose 10 1 % . Chicago Gns was affected but
little by the granting 0' the port or the Chicago
council ot 1 neW franchise .
Unrch ' Opens Up with Tangible Signs or
I Irlvem"nt.
NEW 'YORK March 1.-Ilradstreet's tomorrow
will say ; While the general course lurIng the
fret two mantlis or the current year has been
dl.appolnlng. February ends antI March begins
wills tangible thoult not ns ) et sntisfaztry . signs
of Inwrvemenl. Larger eastern jobber or dry
goods report the trade meeting present wlll
only that foreign dress gs arc inactive and
competitive domes le fabrics corre8londngly : law.
Heavy arrivals or rorelgl wool depressed the
market Domestic mills are gmdunl finishing
spring ordero. Exports or wheat ( including hour
rng ( lour
l wheat ) from bthi coasts ' or the Unlcd Hiata.
Chits week . amount to 2.19.0 bushels : u .tnot
1.108.00 bushelS last Week ; 2.91.0 bushels In'
Situ corre8111lng week 1 year aga , 3.31.0
bushels In the lust week ot l'ebruIY. 193. and
' 2.I JSO bushels In the corregitsinding week or
it92. Two Independent calculations I' 10. the
wheat remaining In the Unl.d States Mlrch . 1.
1&95. Indicate the total quantity II the country
back or available supply points to be aomeWhltt
In excess or lO.O.1 bushels , ns complrld with
Ilerhapa 10.0.0 bushels a year ago. Thl up.
proximate quantity or Wheat nL available points
throughout thin Unle,1 States hind back of the
same lt the present time 's ' about 2.0 ( ) bUthi- '
cis whereas one year ago the corresponding total
was 216.01.0 bushels
Stock speculation In New York has heen Ir-
regular. learloh Influences were nruRl' by the
advance In exchange rates und the '
Idl'nnco exclllg8 rotes aecampanying
advance rvh'C foreign or pu"lc interest In the
mn.kel. . The selling . . however , seems to have
been mlinly short stock , and It the end pt the
week here I. I rally on the Hht interest ' , due
to the absence or gold shipments
IlhvIII.u Illrl't .
Mn.WAmEI . 1daich 3.-W'IIIIAT-llighier ;
No. Z spring , r c : Mach 1 northern . 63 ½ c ; May ,
CG 'e. ' 6\ci
COlON-Steady : No 3 , 421.4c . ,
OA'fS-IHeady ; No. 3 while . 311 : No.3 whIte , :
S lie whie I
lIAlLIIY-Quiet' No.2. SIc ; 10mlle. & 04754e.
I -SleadJ ; NO. 2 . t3c . &U54c.
l'OIK-UO.1 : tool . 16.3.
ImCI : lvfl-t'lour. 4.0 bIlla. ; wheat , 5,003 bU.f
bnrle ) ' . 9.01. .
h8Illl'MI3NT-Flour . 14,000 bbls.
IHI'lmNTHJ'lour. 1.0 ; wheat 14,000
bu. ; Orle ) 9.0 bu U.O
HI Routs 0 < 18nll 1lllkot.
ST. LOUIS . March I.-WHEAT-Opened nt % 0
Idl'ance. held Urns about all of Ihe ( session and
finally sold i,4o above the opening ; No I red
cuh. & % % c ; 1uy. & 3G555c ; July , & 3tc .
CitN-Fisoer with \ hut dull : No. Z
mixed cash 4lUtIllc : May 4244c ; July , 42tc. \
OATBlwer fur spot ; No. 2 nslt . 2tc.
I\'IOU bId fur No. Z.
II CtIvrl'lour. S.o bbls ; wheat , 3,000 bu. ,
cents. 40.0 h.u. ; oats . 16.0 bu 3.0
SHI'M NTS"our. 7.0 hbl . ; wheat , to.o
bu. i corn , 1.0 bu. ; oats 3,0 bu.
I New York Isry ( buds Market .
NEW , OUe , March 1.-Local . jobbers have
bl"l doIng more business. ! ucr arc plenty
iLfrfl . . 'et- , & . . ' . , . - , ' . ,
- -
ThOir purchases cover nil , ttrnlmfnl ( or lol
nail stitches . The ds'msiid ( Ilenll hOC been or
the Irregular thnlclet pt previous days . yet
greater interest 1155 - In staple
rnter Inlprllt hiI h4-Jmanitestetl tlll (
nail colored goods. D lf gotIs sire active with
agents Mtl jobbers . Iss"re 118 White goods .
" 'nl n 1"11 are In m1lCml dmnn4 ' for IU'
ulmn. Prlnlng cloths In moderate dcmln" tar
April contract lt 2\ie \ n4.which the market II
quiet _ _ _ _ 1l _ _ _
Securities WorD 111@\JmJro"CI \ In Tone
anti flood ( lsiit4s l'rovisllcd.
NEW YORK . MarchiThe stock market tNhny .
was muclmprvC1 : In lon . and there was fairly
good hulnA. chiefly for the Ihorl account. . The
volume ot bUllnes . " 'nl not . howe\'C. large . and
the net chlnC on the , Iny' Irnnlnclons , ns a
rule , are slight . with n majority or thl oks
traded In showing nn lIpr.cIRto1 In vnlue .
compared with the closing prices of yesterday .
Thc InnSer aloeks were well heM throughout
Ito slay , and close nl or within Vs per cent or
tim best figures 10uch , I. St. "nul WaS mall
largely dealt in . bought In gamIly amount for
thin Chicago account . The unfavorable rumors
current before today ns to the nnnunl Ilnl ment
or New .Jersey Celtral made thl leporl appear
fn"omhleh n puIiishie'tl today . ulhouRh I
.how ,1 n tlelel or * 642,701 after lie payment or
fG2.i03 )
te : regular 7 per cent thlviilentl. Consequently
IhlN wCe litilchtflSC. to cover short contracts .
whIch ( nus81 In advance In the shares . The
oilier coolers
( Jlers were neglected .
Thin general market Opened irregular on light
trlnIh n rrlcl.1 n fraction . except for
Leather Ilteferreil . which ! nke H per cent on
eateR or 10 shares lili'wtis Cenlml host 1i IJer
cent on n siuntli' transaction. A recovery or
Part or lie ( loss was ni'tile nboul I o'clock hii
before h1 ( the sPeculatIon nllil hecnme htn\ ' ) '
nli lirice . tlrll1l' frnclolnl ' , except ns 10
at total Electric which fell oc \ , per cent A
It\'lmonl 10 cover short contracts Wow begun
nf'cr mlhI ) ' . which cnuINI 1 gradual Improve-
iilent . anti the mnk.t closI , lul hul firm.
8l' cllalon In boals , wnl quiet and \llntcr.
esting : Iho majority ot snles were nt lower
IslnK mnjorly
111t. . Titet aggregate tales were $31,5. .
The lIvening Post' l.nlon cablegram Sfl5i :
The' stock markets Were inegular tojay . but
with n good undertone , . and the closing WIS gm-
Irll ) ' stron . Americans opened lInt . but reco\
erNI on buying lu New Yor . closing ilntn. Thl
\ Amenieai loan hnl lcrn nt 4 . ocr cent but
closed 5 .
nt l'r cent Nemlul.
The following were Chic closing quotations on
the leading stocks or the New York exchange
today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l htson. . . . . . ' Nortlitve'stern. . . . 88" )
Adattis Extiross. . . aRorlhwoqtern. . . 138 :
Alloit. T. IL . " . . :5 : N. Y. Central . . . IU"
, \nl. Express. . . . lUI ( ) ! N. Y..I N. 14.'U )
IIUlmoro l Ohio t7' Ontario , I W. . . . ! tH
Catiut's : l'.tcthlo. . . 4:414 : OreKol liii P. . . . . HI )
Calnda : SO\ 4fl4 ' Oregon Na' . . . . . 15
Clllrall.ncllc. . lh ; O. s. I. , I U. N. . . 4S'
Cues. . \ Ohio . . . 1 l'.icitic , Mail . . . . 22
'Chlemo : Altoii . . l-U 1' . P. , I Mal. . . . . . ! i
C. 1.1 Q..7(1 . - ( .lllsbur 1'.1. , . . . . . lC :
Chicago ( 'I ' . . . . I I l'ulltnan l'nlaco. is : ;
! ll:1
/ ulmah
COlsolhlnl",1 Orls. 1 : ! 1 1 "nII . . . . . . 1)14
C. C. C. kSt. I. . . . 3UI \ . G. W. . . . . . . . . II
Colo. Coal . \ Iron . .1 II O. W. l t'I. . . . 4:1 :
Cotton 01 ) Cent . . 2t U ) ' f Iocl ( IB1nd. . . . 0\ &
Ielawar.Uu" . 1'23k st. I'attl . . . /H
Dcl. , Lack. ) \ W. . liX tIp ltd. . . . . . . 117 . ! (
D"I 11. G. 1M. . . H : 51. \ . & Omaha. . . :
U.'O.1.Co. . . . 1H tioliu . . . . . . Oh .
grle. . . . . . . . . . I ) Southern Paciilc . 17' % '
do iiI. " . . . . . . 1 ; Sn.1 ltetIiier' 1 . . 02k
'FoIL Wn .no. . . 10 Tcnu. Coat . \ Iron. lni : J
G. C Northcrn ufd. . . JUO Texas : I'aoitlc. . . . 8k. !
' 0. & 11. I. pCI. . . . UO T..I 0 Cent. ofd. . 71'
hocking Valley . . IH'i Union I'acific. . . .
10clln Valey. 1aclfc. !
1110ls Cciitr.ii . . 84 U. S 14xnoss. . . . 40
51.1..1 Duluth . 11 V. St. L & 1. . . . /1 !
K.\ T. hid. . . . . : : tlo phI. . . . . . . 1 : %
Lake Erlo' ! \Vcat 1M' Wel' Jar o ix. . lU2
do nttI. . . ' . . . 71 We lcr Unto .
Lalo Shore. . . . . 13Mi , Wheehng.1 L B. B7\ .
Lead Trust. . . . . . :71 ! do "M. " . . . . . 34
Louisville . \ N. . . 49 % ltt. ' St. b. . . . . . . 2514
I. . . ' N. A. . . . . . . ! U. , ' 11 G. . . . . 1UJ
Manhntnl Con. . . 10714 G. E. . . . . . . . . 273k
.Mel1hl..IC. . . . 10 ! N. L. . . . . . . . . :11 !
Michigan Cciii. . . 112 C. i' , I L . . . . . . . . :4
MIBRonrl Paeilio. . 1lJI ) do ptcl. . . . . . . 55
10110 & Ohio . 13 II. &T. C. . . . . 2 %
'Nashville Chat. . t 4 ' 1' . A. A. . \ N. M. . 1
NatIonal CorJlo : 314 T. ' 51. I. .I . C. . 1
do rId. . . . . : . 8 . 'lopCd. . . . . . 7
N. J. Central. . . . fli S. n. IC. . . . . . . IU .
N..I W. pr" . . . . Iln' do Ihl. . . . . . : n
Norlh Am. Co. . . : : % Am. Tob. Co. . . . liilj )
Northern Pacific . 2)4 10 pM. . . . . . . 104 !
No.l'nc. "rd. " . . . II : ; St 1' . . M. . . 1 . . IOU ( !
U.l. \ & 0. . . 2)0' )
S bid
The total sales or s\oc\s \ today were 11.513
shares . including ; American Cotton Onil . 4.C ;
American Sugar . 12.CUO ; Jlurln t 1n. 4.800 : Clii-
reign Gas . 5.40 ; JISllln & alleteetln . 12.01 :
General Electric. 13.bOO ' Luls\le & Nlsh\ll.
5.70 ; New Jersey Central 13.0 ; New York Cen-
tral . 3.2 : Norlhwesler"I4.1o ; St. l'aul 13.111.
Now Ynrk.1Iiiie ! ) t ,1arkct.
Eas ) ' nt 1@1\2 \ 1'01 cent ; last loan I . 11 per cent ;
closed lt II per cent.
cel ' . 'lm lFHCNTlIE'lljAlEI\-H per
STERLING EXC1IANI1-Strong . with actual
business In bankers' bll4 'nt $4.SS5474,89 for ( Ic.
mand and It $ .81 % 4.S1 , for sixty ( lays : poste
rates $1.E8@4.89Y $ and . ' $4.90 ; commercial bills .
fUGI.W4.S .
GOVERNMENT BONDS-I.'lrm. Slate bonds ,
Stenhi ) ' . Inlload b3nds hln.
Closing quoralo s on bonds were n follows :
U. S. rio. rogi. . . . ) Litifl JJ3I1. : (1,4'i. . . . . IH
U. Hll. S ls.conp. ! . . . . 11314 lie : : ds. ,4. . . . . . . l
U. S. 4s . rose. . . . . hUt \ f & S. A. Us. . . 03
U. S. 4s.00np. ' . . 1l.'fU n. i.I. I. . . 8. A. 7s. . 100
'U. 5. 2s. reg. . . . . 115 ! n. . ' T. C. 59. . . lt5
'l'aciflctisofr'1t5 . 100 dOths. . . . . . . lU2
Aln. Class A. . . loll M. K. " T. tat 4s. 801
'Ala. Clnss-U. . . 105 , dod .ls. . . . . . 4:1
'Ala. Class C. . . : 'MnlnLl : Union 0. . lOl
'Ala. CuMne Cnss ) . . . I I 'N. J. C. Gen. 58. . 11
La. Hew Con. 40. 92 % No. Pac. Oats. . . . . 112 %
. Miftbounltbs. . . . 101 I : d02da . . . . . 12\
N. c. 00. . . . . . 120 % 'N. 'CV. Cosisols. . . ISO
'N. C. 4a. . . . . . . 100 ' < 10 S. 1' Deb. Gs 107
S. C. noitfiind . . . I % R. G. \Veet. lata. . . 0 :
Tel ) new let Os 84 'St. 1' . Con ' otq 7" . 1:1
'Tenn. 1tWset Sa 100 do 0. . \ P. W. ls. 10
'Tenn. old Cs. . . . UO 51. . L. . I.M.cii. . 5 . 71
Va. Centuries. . . , l8 . .SI.L. . S. .Gen.O 10i :
tiodeferred. . . . . tit4 ! Tox. Pac. IBtS. . . fUI
Atchison 4s. . . . UO do 2ls. . . . . . . 22JI
del A. . . . . . . llJ . U. p. late of ' \0. lU2"
Canada So. 2ds. . 14 West Shior.t 4' . . . lU4'
C. 1' . lRIB 01 ' 05 . 100l So. 1 H. . . . . . . BIM
0. &I5. G. 70. . . . 1.1
C bid. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. lo ton Stock ! UUtlton1.
D05TON. Marchs 1.-Callols. IW : , % percent :
titan loans. : o14og.t(4 per CClt : Closiur prices for
lme : . bu.idHantt . mining slare' ;
AT. & ! 8. F'.9)4 : Wis. Cetitral. . . . . . 2 %
Alit Sugar. . . . . . 12 * Rdlsol NIce..21 .
Am. Sugar sifd. . . 1)214 ) Geti. tlce.\td. . . 01
hay State ( late . . . 7 % ! Atchls l 2ds. , r. . 11134
hlellToiopiiono. . lC ; Atchhlol 41. . . . ( 111
loslol.\lbIY. 2nl ( ) Now England ( is. . 107 (
Boston &Malno . . IU3 Grin Electric 6s. . 8'\
C. B.JtQ. 1allo. . . . . ImH ) WIH. Coni. latH . . 41
Jlchblrl. . . . . . . HHi Atlantic. . . . . . . . lU
teii. ; Eletn1c . . . . : K UOIl'n . . 1oliana 15t ;
Mexican Cetitrai . 7 Butte . \ Boston . . !
N. Y. . N. 1. . . . 21" Calulno It heels . 200
Ore- . Short Line. . 4'4 Cenlennlal. . . . . CU
Rubber. . . . . . . . . :8 : Franklin. . . . . . . . II
Union PacifIc . . 814 ISoanreirgo. . . . . . t434
Wostl1ol. . . . . . (3014 O. cola. . . . . . . 19
WCt . . . . . . . . HO' Q'Hncy. . . . . . . . 102
Weittiuiirhi.EleC. . : I % .l.allrnc . . . . . . 1U
\elln . Elel. \ftl. . . . 50 ' Wolverine. . . . . . 2)4
S"n Er4raci400 1tnll tlO C Quotation .
SANFIIANCISCO . Ilnrch 1.'ho official cos-
liii : quolatono : for mlnln Ilocto today worJ lS
follows ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Alia . . . . . . . . 3JnKuco. . . . . . . . . I
AInliaCon. . . . . . . . . 0 teniicky . . , , , 4
llelcltor \ : : : . . : : : : : : : 49 MexIcan. . . . ? . : : : : : 70
Best & Ilelclior. , . I. 1ono. . . . . . . . 17
Oodles Con. . . . . . KU 1olut IJiablo . . . 10
Ilitilloit. . . . . . . . 21 ' Navajo . . . . . . . 5
" ( bOwer Con. . . . . 14 Occidental . Con . . 5
Caiedooia..7 Ophlr. . . . . . . . 170
Chiahlongo Con. . . 31 Ovl.rmll. . . . . lC
Chllengo : . . . . . . . I ( : I.otosl. . . . . . . . 01
Chollr. . . . . . . 16C SI\alm. . . . . . . 43
Con. Cal 0 Va. . . . : tl Scorpion. . . . . . . I
Coit. Imperial . . . 1 Sierra Nevada . . . fl
Crown l'oln . . . 45 Silver Bill . . . . . . 4
txchequer. . . . . a SlIver ICing . . . . 11 (
Olid , s Curry . . 41 ) Vials Coti. . . . . . . I
( /
halo k NorcrOiie. . 00 Yellow Jacket. . . GO (
Silver btrs . (1934310(1140 ( ( . Stexicaiidoii3rs . 49 }
Slvor 1 118. 11
411c. Drafts . ShOut 1240 : taloralhlo. 17Hc.
Now York 111111 ( Q uotation5 .
NEW 'YOnK. 1Irh I.-Tho rolowll : nra this
closIng mllllg IllolatOls : _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hliwer. . . . . . . I ) Ontario. . . . . . . KUI
Cholor. . . . . . . . . 40 O\'hlr. \ . . . . . . II\
C. .0" " 1'\1. \ . 36 I'lyiiioiithi. . . . . : U
: . "va : : : : ( : : 100
l . 24(3 Qt lokslv . . . .
< ai.\.v . . . 40 do pid . . . . . 1COO
Gould & Curry. . 41. ierr.i NO\.lda. . ' 10
hhalo & I Norr08s.O fttntlarI : . . . . . . . 21C
htotnesbtku . . . ; .170d t Union Con . . . . . 42
10Ieltaku. . . . . . . 7U Yellow Jaeet. . CU
London Stoelt UUulittioiis.
LONDON March 1.-1 Iel09Inl :
Can. 'i'aciile . , . . .4H-t Paul coin . . . ( .t
Eric..1' l'nllo . )4NYCeutral ; . . . 1)1414
grlo 2dl. . . . . . . 17 'l'l .ll\llla. . . A7
Ill. ( ietiiral. . . . . : HI. of . new 4. CH )
Mexlcol I. orlnar ) ' . It ( ' 1 . alu : . . . . . . 4H
BAIt HII.VIllt-27dPiOtlnce .
IINtY-l\t per entd I' . .c '
Thin rate 01 disc utit.til Ute ellen market for
short and three < gnonthis'biliii. 1' per cent
1"II"ncl " i' Nllt" .
BOSTON. March 1-Clenrings . $3.927.21 : hal-
unces . nUO,24. " . I 1
DAI.TIMOH Mul-.leorlngs. $1,740,719 ;
balances . 8224,917. " . I
NEW YOltK Marchi'-IeanIngs . ' 86.781.62 :
balances . $5,324,233. t. . , I
ltlllIdtDllLI'llIA . Mar l. 1-CIc'arlngs , . $ IO.t3.
318 ; balances . n.42.6 . " k
RT. 1.0UI. March h.thetinings . ! . $ .36.11 ( : I'nl.
ances . $51.OJ8 Maney . .fG ocr , cent New York
exChltLngt' . . iSo prenhiulli .
NEW YOIU' . March h ; 2Thie'otiil , let 8Is or
gold In tOte Rublrelsury $00) $ were n.IU.:21. or
which ' 9J.O was on account or the bond syn-
dlcale. (
CIIICAOO. March J.-lnrlnil. S2 I.O. New
York excliiinge , 250 lirelntum. Sterling exchange ,
actual. s4.b011A9. Mofley , 4414 % tIer cent on
call ; 5476 tier cent on time ,
ForclgisFiuislici'eI ithTiIit'S ,
fliOltI.IN , March 1.-llxchiango ou London , eight
das' sight , 0) marks 414 ifg ,
I'AltlH , Maceli 1.-Tltres' per cent rentes , lIlt
lZo for ( lie accoUnt , l4xchiunge on Londen , 2Sf
lIe for chiecks ,
IAINDON , Itlarchi l.-Oold Is quoted today at
liuenos Ayres at 250 ; Madrid , 2,010 ;
boi , 23.2S5 ; St. I'etcnsiburg , 5) ; Athena , 37 ; Ronie ,
lC0 ; Vienna , 303. Closing : Consals , for money ,
104 3.16 ; consol. , for thu account , 1)4 % . The
itunount of bullion gone into ( lie Ilaisk of Rag-
land ott balance today Is 24,002.
Thoto Wore omo Good Beeves Among the
Offerings ,
Corninoti Light. attil Rough Unnilxcii Lorstilt
Ihil Not Stove 1)1 ! ( .Jtslto Sts Handily
bsit. Were 1iuiitlhy Sold
Out ,
' FI1IDAY , March 1.
Receipts today consisted of 1,455 cattle ,
Si2i hogs anti 1,711 sheep , as against 1,12.1
cattle , 4,015 hogs nilti no sheep oii 1ridny
of last week. Receipts for the 'eek titus
far amount to & , t'OO cattle , 27,10t ) hogs anti
2,731 sheep , as isgahlhst 7,333 cattle , 29,2i
hogs anti 6,502 sheep (01' the triune period
last week ,
CATTLE-There were In tlte yards today
filLy-one fresh loads of cattle , nit ugititist
forty-one l'esterdal' , 'rhere .wcre 801110 good
beeves among the offeningil , There was
0110 buItcil good enough to bring $3.20 , the
highest vrlco totlehed at ( hits Point ill ft
long time , The lnarket on the most deslr-
able cattle was nut IntIch chailgeti , but
the cominonishi native steers were easier.
Tile feeling on western steers was not quite
so strong on account of the fact that some
of the westerns recently sold here did not
bring as bight a Itnice in Chicago na Was
tsnticipated , Abotlt everything In the yards
was olt1 before the close.
There were not far from twelve loads of
cows tinti mixeti stock in the yartla. The do.
Iflitliti WnS fair , but It was evident that the
heavIest buyers did not want the steels at
the lrices that they have been tinying , nuil
they succcedo:1 : ill getting a reduction of ISbOUL
lOc. The buyers claim that cows have been
for 5011)0 (11110 selling too high at CItis poitit ,
as compared with other markets , antI Inane-
over , ( hint ( lie clnes of stuff that has been
coming here of late has been killing out
very poorly , At tnidtlay tIler vere still a
few nilds and onda left unsold , though the
yttrds were lirotty t'e1i clennetl tip.
Iltoclcc'rie and feeders vcre scarce , but
What few there were broupht good , etrong
prices , Some fair feeders sold us high as
3.6O. RepresentatIve sales :
No. Av , Pr. No. Av , Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2. , , . 6r $2 50 I..l0l0 14 tO IS.lilG $4 30
1. . 810 3 00 5. , , . 806 4 0) 24..ISOi 4 4)
h.lOSt ) 3 4) 5.115i 4 ( ' 0 4.llG ) 4 15
1.1021 3 73 4.lOOt ) 4 Ii ) 1lllSI 4 43
21. . , . 016 3 SI 2..l00 4 10 10..llSt ) 4 45
4 , . , . 972 3 10) 1.l210 4 23 S8.llS7 I 45
I , , .1130 :1 : 'JO 3 , . . .1023 4 23 0. , . . 095 4 63
20.10'iS 3 9. ) G..100 4 25 I9I300 S 20
l.lllO 50 1. . , , 12) 00 3.10)G _ 5)
2 , . . . 18' ) 63 1. . , . SIl 00 1. . , . 500 6)
3. , , . 6S3 1 70 10. . , .t02 10 1. . , . 870 G )
2 , . . . 725 1 70 1. . . , 900 ii ) 8. . . . 563 65
1 , . . . it5 ) , , , , 615 1) 9. . . .1033 70
9. . , , 203 75 2.,1 0232310 , . , . 843 75
I , , , , 930 75 I , , . , 980 2) 3..1036 75
3. . . , ftl ) 75 4 , , . .1'S5 ' 23 3. . , . 123 75
I , . , . 700 75 I..I05) 23 I..10) ) 75
3 , , . . 900 75 6. . . . 710 o. ; ' 3. . . . 620 75
1. . . . 941 75 I,1040 25 2 , . , . 933 75
1. , . . SCt ) . , . , 52. ) 25 I.IilO 8) )
5 , , , . 900 75 1.liOO 23 2..l00. . ; t )
2..1015 so o. . . . 7s0 13 2 , . , 500 9)
15 . . . 8a7 B ) I..1050 25 1 . , . .1' 210 00
4 , . . . 6 55 2. . . . 840 3(5 ( 4. . . . 767 00
1. , . . S90 83 1 , . . . 560 Ii ) 10. . . . . 559 00
4 . . .I080 1 90 3. . , . 813 Li . . . .102) 10
I. . . . 910 1 00 1 , . . , CII 13 7..I063 10
2.,1030 1 Ci ) 1. . . . 84' ) 2 35 3..1258 23
2. . . , 815 1 'JO 3.I006 2 40 0. . . , 951 25
1. . , . 974) 2 04) 1. . . . 590 2 4' ' ) 2. . .10'S ) 41)
1. . . . 98' ' ) 2 00 1. . . . 370 2 50 3..I100 3 50
1..0C4 lOt )
2. . . . 440 2 25 3. . , . 506 2 41) 4 , . . . 420 300
2. , . . 56(3 ( 2 23 1. . . . 520 40 4. , . . 842 3 2.3
8. . . . 446 2 25 13. . . . 54 2 50 1. . . . 131) 3 23
I. . . . 451) 2 25 ' 1. . . . 90) 2 50 1..1210 340
5. . . , 540 2 23 1. . . . 580 54) 1..105D 3 7,1)
8. . . . 691 2 33 1. . . . 650 51) 1..1I1O 3 Iii
8. . . . 451 3 50 3. . . . 53) 00 15. , . . 603 3 75
1..1770 2 2' ' ) 2.1203 40 1..lOG3 2 85
I..1270 2 20 . . . . . . 70 I..I000 2 .01)
I..Ilr0 2 2 ; 2.I3S5 50 I..IliO 3 00
l..IOGI ) 2 23 1. . . .1430 55 1. , . .150) 3 03
2.,1100 2 35 i..l020 GO 1.1500 3 10
1. . .1190 3 15
3. . . , 326 I 73 4..l220 2 41) 1 , , . . 110 4 00
1. . , . 384) 2 7,0 1. . . , ssi ) 2 no i , . . . ioo 4 03
1. . . . 210 2 50 I..1C50 2 75 1 , , , . III ) 4 0)
2 : . , . 00 2 75 1..1260 2 75 1. . . . 341) 4 23
2 : . . . 323 2 75 I..l411) 350 2141) 4 23
2. . . . 185 3 00 2. . . . 215 3 50 2 , . . , 52' ) 4 54)
1 , . . . 90 3 2. S I. . . . 100 3 5) 1. . . . 123 4 75
2. . . . 550 2 00 4. , . . 457 3 05 32. . . . 718 3 25
. . . . ' 2 50 21. . . . 628 3 10 3. . . . 713 5 ( I )
1. . , . 504) 2 SO 6. , . . 556 3 15 3. . . . 7)3 3 45
1 , . . . 600 2 75 8 , . . . 503 3 15 14. . . . 005 1 51)
6. . . , 301 2 75 9 , . . . 831 3 23 II. . . . hI ? 3 50
1. . . . 40 2 90 14 , . . . 1.77 3 23 3't..1016 3 73
2. . , . 700 3 00 4 , . . . 700 3 25 4 , . . . 027 3 00
1,600 305
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5 steers..1024 $3 SO
2 cows. . . . . . . 70 2 25 1 feeder. . . . . 93) 83 05
1 cow. . . . . . . 02) 2 25 1 feetler. . . . . 810 3 05
1 cow. . . . . . . . 940 2 23 1 ( eeler , . , , . SOS 3 ill
1 cow. . . . . . . . 740 2 25 1 feeder , , . . . 75) 1 (45
I cow , , , , , , . , 030 2 50 1 feeder. . . . . 87i1 I 03
1 caw..1121) 2 51) 1 feeder. . . . . 90) 3 93
5 cow. . . . . . . . 97' ' ) 2 Si ) 1 feter. . . . . SC. ) a 05
1 cow..1114) 2 10 1 foetler. . . . . 'J34) ) 3 05
1 cow. . . . . . . . 880 2 50 1 feeder . , , , , 754) 3 0 ;
1 cow. . . . . . . . 62) 2 50 1 feeder , , , . .1000 8 05
1 cow. . . . . . . . GIG 2 5) 1 steer . , . , , , . 610 3 2) )
11008-There was a heavy gain in ( lie receipts
of hogs totlity , there being 107 fresh loads in
Chic yards. 'rho outlook was good In ( ha east
anil buyers vented hogs , the heaviest packers
especially bought fre'ty. The market was fairly
active , antI holders of good loads round no trou-
We iii unloading at fully steady pricer. Comnian
lIght and nought mlxeil loads thu riot move oCT
quito so renilily , but in ( lie end ( hey teere nh
soul , and ( tie Pens i'vre cieaur'd at an early
hour. l'nicea paid ilid not 5110W nay tiiaerktl
change from yesterday. Tue range of prices ,
from $3.60 to 4.15 , was thin same as yestot'tIa' ,
while thin bulk sold at. front $3.U to $4.05 , as
against front $3.80 to 41.05 yesterday , Repro-
tentative sales :
No As' . SIt. Pr. No , Av. Sb. Pr.
. . . . . . . . . , , $3 r. : ; si . . , , . . , , 205 , , , $3 85
37..152 . . . : t 6) ; . . . . . . . . . . . 00
. . . . . . . . 40 .1 65 . . . . . . . . 40 9)
. . . . . . . . . . . 3 c : ; Go . . , , , , , , 211 12) 91)
. . . . . . . . 40 3 65 51 . . . . . . .215 , . . 90
o 1741 - - - 2C' ; 71 2' 21 tli 4141
- - - - - - - -
00.i ) 40 65 7i , . , . . , , 247 16) 94)
. . . . . . . . 40 3 (5 86 , , . , . . . . 215 120 80
ci ; , , . , . . , . 157 40' 63 71 . . . . . . . .193 , , . 90
. . . . . . . . . . . 67 63..253 . . . 9)
9 ' . , . , . , . 1843 . , . 70 C'S ' . . . , , , , , 202 , . , It )
. . . . . . . . ) . . . 70 63 , , . , . . . .2' 22 44) 01)
43 , . . , , , . , 371 . . . 70 130..221 . . . 90
Cl , . . . , , , , 177 40 70 151 . , , . , , . . 107 80 94)
. . . . . . . . 80 71) 1.1..218 1) ) 94)
81 . . . . . . . .ml , . . 70 7" ; , , , , , , . 237 40 110
72 , . . . . . , , 184 , . , 75 . . . . . . . . . . . 390
99 . , , , , . , . 172 84) 7 : ; 5..23) . . . 3 90
26..182 , . . 75 . . . . . . . . . . , .1 (40
. . . . . . . . 60 75 77 , . , . . . , , 230 . . . 0)
119 . , . , . . . . 177 , , , 7 : ; 85 , , . . . . , , 21)0 43 9' ' )
52 . . , . . , , , 184 , . 73 64 , , , . . , . , 217 . . 110
87 , , , . , , , .194 40 77. 116 , , , . . , , , 201 81) (40
5t ) , , , , , , , 213 , . . 75 82..229 120 3 9t )
91 , . , , . . , . 171 . . . 75 75 , , , . , , . . 247 . . . 3 ( ' 0
70..175 . , , 7r ; 5) , , . . , , , , l's 60 10
21 . , . , , , . . 186 , , , 75 I , , . , , , . , 374) , , , 95
100 , . , , , , , 161 . . . 75 54 , , , . . . , , 205 tO ( 5
45 . , , , , . , , 190 40 3 75 74 , , , . . . . , 227 (5) (45 (
. . . . . . . . . . , 3 77. 71 . . . . , , , , 255 IC' ) 133
14 . , . , , , , . 198 84) 3 75 67 . , . . , , . , 221 . , . t5
81 . , . , . , , . 203 120 3 81) 82 , , , . , , , , 221 , , . 03
. . . . . . . . 80 3 1' ' ) 74 , , , . , . . ,2 3) 10 CS
84 , . , . . . , , 1(46 . , . 'I 60 59..239 IC ) 145
6 , . , . , , . , 215 , , . 3 (4,4) 91) , , , , , , , , 251 , . . 145
46 , . , . . , , . 246 SO 8 Si ) CS , . . , , . . . 221 . . , 95
36 , , , , , . , . 20 * 40 3 110 u : , , , . , , . . 2j3 , , .
72 , . , , . , . , 1(46 120 3 Fl ) Ill . . . . . , . . 221 40 7 ½
57 . . , . . .i' .49 , . . : i 110 8' , , . , , . , . .2 6 , . , 00
It ) . . . . . , ,1T1 40 310 1t3 , , , , , , , ,2 It ; so 0' ' )
87. . , ' , , , , , 199 40 3 5,4) 12 , , , , , , , 251 , . , 00
71 . . . . . . . .175 . . . 3 8) 4' ) , , . , , . . , 274 . . .
69 . , , , , . . ' ,154 , . , 3 110 77. . . , , , , . , 221 . , . 4 ( tO
77 . , , . . , . . 198 80 iO 38 , , , , , . . .2' .5 . . . 4 0234
19 , , . , , . , , Ill . . , 110 70 , , , , , , ' , 230 40 4 05 ( SO 1234 . . . . . . . . , , , 4 03
54) , , , , , , , 224 , , . 3 85 76 , , . . , , . . 217 , , , 4 05
6 , , , , , , . , 2.31 . , $11 Cl , , , , , , , , 241 , . . 4 05
70 , , . , , , , . 203 . . . 115 59 , , , . , , , .2' .10 80 4 03
72 . , . . , , , . 1141 , . . * 5 61 , , , , , . , , 216 , , , 4 03
53 , . , , , . , 2(32 80 17. 58 , , , , , , 234 . , , 4 05
50 , , . . . . , . 2"a 4) II 61 , , . , . , , ,2 ; 5 . . . 4 30
:44 : , , , , , , , , 200 , , , 85 1.7 , , , , , , . . 237 81 4 10
14 , , , , , , , , 'J 10 . , , 8'3 76 , , , , , . , , 251 , . . 4 10
11 , , . , , , , . 203 , , . 85 67 , , , , . , , . 2 d , , , 1 10
. . . . . . . . 80 115 65 , , , , , , , , 244 , . . 4 10
57 , . . ' , , , . , 225 , , , 115 Cl , , , , , , . , 803 311) ) 4 IS
78 , , , , , , . , 155 164) (4' . 89 , . , , , , , . 2'9 , . . 4 35
53 , , , , , . . . 215 , . , I ( 62 , , , , . , . , 276 80 4 15
83 , . . , , , , . 11)0 ) 60 385
51511-H AND CULLS ,
1..200 , . . 273
19 , . , , , , , . SO . . , 2 io : 26 , , . , . , . . 117 . , , 3 35
Cl , , . . , , , . 69 , , , 275 62 , , . . , , , , 1043 , , . 335
55 0'i 74 'i' 25 , , , , , , , , 135 , , , I 33
11 , , , . , , , , 113 , . , 3 15 'a , , , , , . , , jii , , ,
19 . , , , , . , . 81 , , . S 5) ) 11' , . , . , , . , 11 ? . . , 340
15 , , . . . . , , 109 . . . 3 25 147 , , , , . , , , 110 , , , 3 44)
. . . . . . . . , . . 3 2.3 32 , , . , , . . , 122 , , , 3 4' )
. . . . . . . . . , . 3 2.1 17 , , , , . . . .1 . (2 ( . . , 3 43
5 . , , , . , , ' 114 , . , 3 3' ' ) 24 , . , , . , , , 121 , , , 3 45
I , , . . . . , . 112 , . . 3 30
SltlllOP-Thiere were ( en double decks of sheep
in thi yiu'ils , but they were billed through , ( ( nit
were tint ortered for sale , Fair to chiolc natives
are quotuhilo at from $2.75 to $3.00 ; fair to good
163-165 Dearborn-st,5 Chicago ,
48 WaIl-st. , Ncwyork. 70 State'st. , i3oat : ,
'ti'iJlOL WATE7 and
TM1t liioii GRAVE
Ihought arcl Oold. Corrcspouds000 ISoUcltSd.
- - '
- - -
weAtenis st tn-nm 12.80 to $3.18 ; eonuiiier sinil
stock shsep si ( toni $1.80 ro $3.50 , gvslto _ 0i0co
40 Ce I00.Iit , lambs at frotit $2.75 to li.i.
There 1's i.tttle Chionga 'eAterdsy In tht
( : altiti 'llnrkct ,
CIIICAlO , Maceli l.-'Tlsete was little change
today in the cattle inniket , The stppl' was
light antI the deunanti was good and linices sen.
emily flint , Cliolco Iienyy cattle were seatet )
and sold strong , ( lie I'est offered ttiinglng $5.94) ,
whiih a fancy article would have toiltiti favor
at $6 or better ttithcut a doubt , Ordinary light
steers oiet'e somewhat neglectcd ant were in.
( 'lined to ho weak , but In all other brsnchie of
thin nustiket ( here was hirintites ,
The hog ninrket wni qislt strong today. is
ftinihit'i' decrenso in the receipts nnl tlic firm
maiket quoted net 'cltnngo s"emotl to Induce a
feeling ( if greater ContlIence , and the tiny's sup-
plr vns botighit up qlickIy % at linire , itterniging
DO higher tlinn ycsertla ( ) s closing qI9tiitIoti.
Scatcely ttnytliing Its lrenv' % velghirs p.ltl tielow
$4.10 ' , anti ten' ( if ( lie light iuIn1 tvent la'lo' $1.55.
'fhe ChoIcest cf ( ho farmer reachinti front $1.44)
to 11.4234 , ntid there' u eve sink's at nseonir'l light
us high as fi'om 84,15 10 34.2) . The qtultlt(4' ( 's'iit
fair and niost of tIre sales teere at front 24.15 (
84.111 tot' itetnge , , it liunre ( him 350 lbs. , anti
largely sit ( miii 13.143 10 $1.13 f.i' light ,
There t as it light ? , 51101,1) ' of sheep lute ttithl ) '
atid I lie ' ) t Ituotil % 'aq net ite , ( lie I ( 'IIh'n ( ) , ' l.elng
iii the ( Iii''Cliflhi of t'ett'r prices , No decitheil nil-
anc'e' ttit itigid , ' , however , qttntatkttis tutieltig
ft-ntui $2.84) to * 4.7. ) for poor to chiiee lieei un.i
fioni 13.23 to 85.85 for lambs.
ltecetiiiii : Collie , 4,8)4) lieatl' calves , 250 hicaul ;
hogs , 26,000 hieatl ; tiiccp , 6,002 head ,
Ituiticut. ( 'ICy'o Stock ,
IIANSAS CITY , Mardi l.-CATTIl.i-lleceipta ,
8,700 hiCntll thilpmenlgi , 1,300 iiu'ntlt market sleitdy
in , ettong ; 'I' there , $3.014f4.51) ; 'L'caq cows ,
$2O34F3.2 , : C.'lotruiln steers , none 'in Stile ; lvi'f
steers , 13.5026.5 , : natIve COICS , 41.23011,00 : stoekers
and feetlets , 12.00471.0 ; : bull. , * 2.21473.75.
IiOGS-lC'Ciits ( , 11,1401) hui'atl ; slilimetitp , , 1,20' )
hicatlh innthcet i0inng in 1k' luigier : bulk of tales ,
43.00474,10 : heavies , 83.05474.20 : Packets , 11.50474.24) :
inixeil , 13.7051.10 ; lIghts , 13.55013.14)'orkers ; , $8.80
471,144) : i'1cs. 13.10473,50.
Sit 14131fleciiuts. . 2,900 licod ; shiipitictit , notic
lilaIlcet strong.
Nets' York Lita 8tot'k liarket ,
NISW' 5'OUIMarch l.-lll1)l7\'i75-On sale , Si
enrsl active ; steers , 1fl hIgher ; o.en nO.1 hulls ,
sead' ( ; dry cows , lOlilSo teilerl ttati'e eteers ,
iwir to i'iilri' pritite , $ l,3575,45 ; nen , $ .t.C)511.54 ;
h.tthlp , $1 00014.37 % ; ( In ) ' ( 'fltVS. 11.75471.80.
ShIhilii' ANt ) 1.AMhiS-fleceipis , 4,571 hicad ;
Dli sale , S ciitt no sll(4elt offeteti ; linhine lanibs ,
H rio ; others , dttlh ii nO not Ivan ted ; luuribl , hoc-
dluin to Choice , * 5.00016.00.
IIOOS-lteeeltits. 7.539 head ; steady at * 1,3047
4.63 for ltufei ion to choice ,
81. 1.niii Lto Stock MarKet ,
ST. LOUIS , March 1-CisTTl.13-fleclpt' , ,
! , lOO hieatl ahiptoents , 700 luc'otl. Slnrket .hthl ,
atend ) ' to a shiade iow'r : native sleds. 1.1.00473.301
eon's. $2.55ii3.15l Te'xs steers , 703471,100 lbs . , $1. SO
471W : cows , $2.70J3.I0.
I100S-Itcceipts , 1.500 head ; tliiptuetit , 5t59
hn'nul. Market sirong and hIgher : geol medium ,
41.0811.2.0 ; mixetl and light , 83.70471.10.
SIIERI'-ICt'ceIltC , 1,10' ) lucail : sltipmenis , 100
hmeati , Slat Icet slots' nmuui uluht ; In mih , , SI 40 ; un tis e
htilt'd , $3.50 ; sotttiuweu.iern intxetl , $3.23.
St tick Its :41 glut.
Record of receipts at tIn' four principal mar.
ket for 1"nlda ) ' , March 1 , 1895 :
Cittile , Itourir. Sheep.
Smith Om.'ulut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.os 8,224 1,711
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,700 26,01) ' ) 0,000
lCnnsas Ci' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl134) 11,909 2,9) )
St. Lout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,2)0 5,0,59 1,00' )
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.533 51,124 11,611
Llvorioul Market. .
Lfl'IiRPOOL , Starch , 1.-V'IlEAT-Stenl ) ' : ( IC.
mont fate : No. 2 led spring , St 4ti ; No , 1 hirird ,
Manitoba , Sn LI : No. 1 CalIfornia , 5 Oil. Futures
opened steady ti ithi near lositlons unclu.ungeI
anti distant hiOsitons U,1 hIgher , closed sicatly
scithi near arid ( listant iio-ttioni l$0734t1 $ hIgher ;
htuslne.ts heaviest nit nuidtlte positIons ; ltlarcti ,
15 7.I : April , 4s Cd ; May , 4s 535.1 ; June , 4s 8)3 ' ;
July , Is 853 ' ,
COlON-Spot quiet : American mixed nest' , ( it
113(3. FUtures opened quiet anti ttnettangetl ,
chose' firm vlih near. antI , liuttattt hio'tIionR Un.
changed to i farthltig higher : husineM heaviest
on ennl' positions ; Itlai'chi , Is Ii4d : April , Is 1ti ,
Ma ) ' , 15 1 ; ' ; June , 4s 2,1 ; .luly , 4. 21W.
1'LOUIt-hlrm ; tlenmnd faIr ; St. Louts fancy
t'int.'r , rs Gd.
l'ltO\ISIONS-Ilacon , stead ) ' , ( lemon' moder'-
rile ; Cuniberhand cut , OS to 10 11w. , lOs 6th ; sttovt
i'its , IS lbs. , los ; hang chair light , 38 to 45 lbs. ,
2Ss : long clear heat' ) ' . 55 11w. , ISa Gui : short clear
ltaclcs , light , 18 lbs. , ISs Gd : shout clear mithulle. ,
iueav' , 55 lbs. , 28s ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 lbs. , Its ;
shoulders , square , 12 to IS lbs. , 27s Gd ; liante ,
short cut , 14 to 16 lbs. , 27s : beet , extra India
mess , C.s Oil ; pninto tarts , Sis 'd ' ; perle , It ! tune
mess , lines western , Ils Gd : 1)0110 , mnedtum. 475 6.1 ;
bat , iiuict ; linllne western , ISa 3d ; meflncd , in
pails. lie ,
Cl ttCSE-Stead(4" demand moderate ; finest
American white , S3 ; finest isnierican colored ,
4'a 6.1. .
BUTTIR-vlnest : American , 75s ; good , CO. .
Tt1111'lON'I'INFO-Sptnits-lIs 3d.
ICOSIN-Corunion , 4s 3t1.
COTTOrOSCED OIL-Liverpool refined , 175 Od.
I.iNSEtSI ) OIL-ha 9' .
I'l'ITICOLlIIJM-lCetlnetl. Cii.
ItiIl"ICIGEICATOIt BEEF-Forequarter. , 43W :
hulntiquarters. 5 % ' .
IILEACIIING POWDER-Ilardwood. t. 0. h. ,
Liverpool , 7.
IlOPS-At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 lOs.
I'liAB-.Canadlan , 4g 2' .
IteceiltIs of wheat during ( lie past three days
were 139,000 centals , inclutltng 76,000 centals
The receipts of American corn during the past
three tins's vero 119,500 centals.
1"ino weather prevails.
The stock of Ireaclstutfs anti provisIons in 1ls'-
cr11001 are as follows : Ftcuur , COO sacks : wheat ,
1.255,000 centals : corn. 751,000 centals : hicef. 3.400
tlerces ; pork. 5,300 bbhs. ; bacon. .0,24)3 hazes ;
haunt , 6,110) boxes ; shoulders , 2,600 htoxes : lard.
16,000 tierces ; cheese , 93,800 boxes ; butter , 1,200
pkgs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lhiltIutore ) liirkrt.
jlALTIittORI1) , March 1.-FLOUR-Dull anti
unchanged ; receipts , 0,1118 bbls. ; thulpmetits , 30,623
bbls.WIlliATFininer ; spot. 5S473Se ; May , 59)3c , ;
steamer. No. 2 neil , & 5c ; receipts , 2,00 bu. :
ttoclc. 267.000 Tiu. ; snle , 3,000 ho. ; southern , luy
stuniple , 584759c ; southern. on grade , 5533415S5ie.
CORN-Firm ; spot. 47471c ; month. 471447
% ; Ma' . 4S34c bid ; steamer mixed , 47c bitt ;
receiptit , 36,00' ) hju. ; shipments , 33,000 bu. ; stork ,
176.00) bu. : soles , 52.000 ho. ; southern white , 47'4
470773c ; southern yellow , lS47lOc.
OA'rS.-Flrmn : more easy ; thutio western , 5531.47
3Cc : No. 2 mixed. 3335833333c ; receipts , 2,000 bu. ;
stocic. 552,000 ItU.
ItYlO-hnacive ; No. 2 , &C4757c ; stock , 25,00) bti.
hAY-Quiet ; good to choice timothy , * 13.00047
GIIAIN FICEIC.hITS-Qulet ; room scarce ; steam
to Liverpool , unchanged.
SI inneispolie VIseat Market.
firm ; March. Sic ; Slay , & 53tlI7353c. ; July , T.Se ;
cii track , No. 1 huaid. r39c : No , 3 norihmorn ,
SSc ; No. 2 northern , 5733c. Rcelptt. 140 enus ,
There Is it ilecklethiy l.etter feeling In Ilour , tin'
salea arc increasIng. Pillsbury tolti 50,000 hibltu.
in ( Ito ( lay closing yi'atei'tIal' , 30,00' ) lhiuu , of
which teem for export. An advance in linlee
warm secured. First palents , in wood , $2'J5Uj3.lO ;
secuntls. * 2.65472.50 ; lirst. clears , $2 ; low grades ,
$ l.547l.55. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IGisnets's City Mmirk't $ .
1ANSA14 CITY , 24archi l.-WIIEAT-Firnt ; No.
2 huamul nail No. 2 neil , 524753c ; rejecteil , lie ,
COION-lumhl : No. 2 mixed , 404740c ; No , I
whuite. 404740c.
OATS-Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 29c ; No. 2 white ,
JCECISIh'TS-\Viteat , 3,000 bu , ; corn , 17,000 bu. ;
oats. 6.000 Iai.
hlhlIplUUNTS-Whcat , 4,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
oatS , 11000 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
P'signr Market ,
NEW YORK , isfaichi 1.-SUGAR-Firm : sales ,
28.7" " ) ' bags , centrifugal , itO test , 2c anti freigiut ;
13' ) tons MuscoVaulo , 89 test , at 2 11.1Cc , mund
1,000 bags molasses , 89 test , tiC 1c ; refIned , in
fair (1L'itlflnhH No. 7 , 3013 9-iCc.
LONDON , Ithirehi 1.-SUGAIC-Caflo , miieatiy ;
centrlfugtui Java , 11mm ; MuscovadO , fair reilning ,
85 9' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1)imluilli Vhus'uut Tuhiuricet ,
DULUTh. March 1.-'iVIIIIAT-NO. I liar' , and
cash , Coo ; Ma ) ' , GOc ; July , 61c ; Na. 1 noutti-
em , cash antI Miurchi , MI3c May , 1.9340 ; .luly ,
Colic : No. 2 muorthiern , cash , SSc ; No , 3 , G2c ;
tejecteil , 493c , To arrive : No , 1 hued , 0J33c ;
No. 1 northern , SOc.
ltYl3-46c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( 'ottouu Mmsrkoi ,
NEW OItl.l3ANS , March 1-COTTON-Pu-
tures , steiid' ; sales , 22,1. . ) ) bales : March , $53147
5.21' April , 15.1681)5.17 ; May , $521813.23 ; June ,
$5,2475.2'J ; July , $5.34475.25 August , $ .396t5.41 ;
St'pemnber , 85.42015.44 ; October , $5,4(1S.41 ; No. '
venuber , $5.4b445.5) ) .
'Erismi ) Wisest ) Iaricct ,
Dec. 14674c ; May , 'Jlc , ( iciured 125,144) centuhe.
TilE 15l4.tLTI' 3ltII6I3T ,
INSTRUMENTS piaeed on record March 1 ,
1895 ;
S V Nelson antI wife to llenry 3nodell ,
lot 24 , block 1 , Canlitljeil's nil' , , , , . , , . , , . , I 1,530
J 11 McCuhltchi ituiti idle to 14 V Van
CuisnI , lot II , block 1 ; lots 1 to 6 , 10 to 14.
Itlock 3 ; lots 39 , 20 arm' 21 , block 4 ; b's
21 all' 22. lilutek C : lots 1 to 4 mum' 7 ,
biok 7 ; lots 1 , 'I , 13 (0 16 , Llack 8 ; block
11. Va-li Cumuli'S multi ; umitlly 34 lois 13 , und
14 : lot 2. black 2 , hiunrisue add ; 105 4 ,
ltlock 33 , Omaha , , . , , , . . . , , ' . ' . " . . " . " 2,1,0(40
Iris Van Camp and wi ( o .J 11 McL'ul-
loch , snIfle , . , , . , . . . . . . ' " " " " ' " " " ' ' ' " 25,000
I I ) Jaynes anti htuisbnntl ( o 13 .1 Chulteebl ,
loIs 14 , II , 24. 25 , 50. block 2 , It' : . 6 , 7 antI
8 , htlock 3 , Sherman avenue Italic. . . . . . . . . . . 1,351
It Vi' 13 I'urclmflse arid wife to is 11 floron
11W Ow ( excejut 1.15 acres ) in 12.15-10 , 0
flu 0 of raIlway and 25.2' acres n of
railwaY in no s.c 31.15.11) , 10 acres tin a
sidu so se 3-35.30 , , , , , , . , , , , , , , . . , . . . . , . . . . . , , ,
' 7hionulss Haley miii' wife to J 2.1 Cast'y ,
lot 10 , 3)a'efltOi ; I's eubtliv , lot 23 , block
6 , i4chulestnk'er's ald , mind urmdlv % lots
4 uaud 5 , block 10 , Itod"s nil 1 , , , . . . . . . , , , , 2,230
QUIT CI.AiItl 1)15131)8 ,
FlIson Cooper and wife to II A Caoper ,
butts I , 2 , 3 , 6 anti U , block 2 , Chot'er.liul .
add a
IL I. 'runner to Josetthinu Cole , lots 11 antI
32. block 5 , Graninlercy lurk . , . , , , . . . . . , , , , , , 1,0)0
SherIff to John 3.Iaguirt' , toil 9 , block 10 ,
W'atemi.o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lijueciul master to J . Ileig. , lot 2 , block
III. Iuntleu I'lace , . , , . . , , . , . , , , , , . . , , .p. . . , . . , 2,434)
Total amount of
_ o---- : . - . -
- - _ - - - - - : .
- -
, . - - - . -
Uxp.I 1ti.'J7.SS 01' 2'IlII .4X7.tI.KI LA ir.
OMAhA , March 1.-To the 1dito ot The 4'k
lIce : 'flue iiiotetl question As to icimether such
11 bIll As the uiconisrganlno or bhittonino bill ,
1105' iti the hands of the goveruttr o thts 1)4 ) ?
t'tate , is a teitlstbon ; for thc ptlbhic bellcflt
e.1fl hive only OhIO rsnswer ,
The bIll is llfldollbtedly one which i. de.
sigiteti to throw that article out of the market
anti to put the stIgma of an inferior pro.
duct hIlton It , It is admitted that buttenlno
is a healthful Irouct , when made properly.
T1i lUblic might exercise supervisIon ot Its ' '
mnntitaetiiro if shichi ft step Is itecccsnry for
the Protection of the public health , anti there
can be no popular objection to BItch A nor.
tiiction ast oulut hla'o ten Its tirnose legiti.
Ihinto' rgulultioll ot the lllnnufacttlro omIt ! su- i
ervisloti Cf the sale of titis article.
lInt , you who know vhat thics effects of a
bill would be oi hichu votilti Schuilthgl ) ' be a ' 4.
regulittioll for lime sitl of bread , but lmlch
would rcmlly have the efTect of redticing the
alnotInt ttt that article wlIcls : ernilti be ut on
thus imiarket , vilI reamllly ierceive how vheti
by such a bIll as this a larie SUPPlY of
htnltlmy food of a certain n.tthird is tabootti ,
anti deizicti a teot ohs Its uitt'nlts , the SUlplS'
of food of that llulttlrc will bI ( lItnlniIlmci anti
ft lilOflulpOl ) ' will ho' cteated , Thin coinpaniait
between bread atiti buttonitte beoumte a fair
Otis , as soomi as It is gtlnilttcd , as It is tin all
sides , that this snide of food is list driven
out of the lhharket because It Is hmilwluolesoinc , 4
As to what Would b3 the effect of thIs
Imill there is rio rooln for doubt , Why has p
hitit time manufacturer of bimttenine the right
to color his 1)rothuct as Intichl as thme creamery fr
10811 , and why has hot every Iirotluclr thmo
right to ninle ; his ovaro as attractive as ho
call , SO 101117 flS lie doca not. iiujilre thereby ( I
the PtlttliC lieilth : 7 The ( lair'inahi has no ' u
Iltoro right to tim color of butter than any
nile cite. Now , Slhlh)080 ) tlit time dairyman
irits isleqa prcltlbiteul from coloring his butter ,
\t'Ollul tIm niaiufactiircr : of lot tI liavu a right
to taas an act luaviitg tIle cffct of preventing '
time coiorltig of dairy bmlttcr vijen in tluo
winter it bccanie nearly the color of lard , In
order that li mIght tiucreby increase the
sale of his product ?
It is eosliy 80511 that the ulairyineti have
lip prescrlimtive right to A1l' eden whuuttever ,
and that when a legislutuno claims to enact C
that it 1103 , it he getting en thangcroul ground ,
but this is not tIle ) 'or3t Icatttre of tlettrpa-
tion cf authority in' the : Ireehtt bill , \'ben
a legislature tillilertclceo to rctltmce time amount
of food of a certiln nature which
is available to the cotmeunmer and
thereby ilhCreISe the cost of a necessary tootS
product anti injures time coiusuiiner , tuaklng an
iicreated cost of lLV1ng for a certain class e ,
of its citizens , in order to enrich anotiier _
class. I tirnll' belio'o that such an act of
Ilsurpatlolt of to\'erntnental ; power cannot be 4
regarded b' ati lutchligent public or ott un-
lurC'iuulicei jurist as otlumir than umn otitrago
to all gos'crntnclmtal purity anti integrity.
Let us see what at present is tIme constitu- '
tlonal lositlomu of such an ehuactment.Vlten
time Uhilted Staten constitution wts : nidc the
states reacrved to tliemeelo'Os those imowers of
goveriltuent whuiciu rere not delegatcd to thio
govcrntnctit , and lIreviotis to anti since that
time tue courts have only justified interference -
once wIth private trade ( I ) oti tiuc grountt
of public policy anti PlilIlic necessity ; (2) ( )
where the constitutions directly give to states
time power of ittterference , as imi case of enii-
hoot domain or 1)01100 regulatIons , which last
power gives time right to time governnlent to
protect time ptmblie health , and (3) ) where time
'trade is of a quasi.pubhic nature. Cieanly
timis act just hasted by the leglabattiro of Nebraska -
braska is not justlflcul utuuler atmy of these ' '
rights of interference , and' although similar
acts have been l1t13'Sel itt other states than
euro , yet they are bail 'liere they have not ' ,
for their object sanitary supenvislohl. One
of time state courts of highest authority itt
thra cottntry has decided that an act \'hicit
drives thIs food producer out of time bucket.
rather titan rcgtmlate its tale is void as a'
tisurpation of governlnental iorcr , and with.
forca such act would also be .
equal an an un(5.
warranted interference w'itlm prIvate' trade
justified by no established principle of gov-
ernotetital povcr , as a inoastmre tending to
private aggrandisernent at Imbibe OXPOnSO ,
p'lmich every loyal resident of Nehraslca should
vigorously oppose , lest Ito forfeit. the name
of unselfisiu and patriotic citizen. 4
In conclusion let moo quote from tlm opinion
of Peckimam , J , , In thus case of People against
Gilson , in 109 of time New York reports , at
page 39S. lie says : "The fohiowlug. propo-
sitiona are firmly establIshed anti recagnlzetl :
A peeson living utider our constitution has
tim0 right to adopt and follow such hateful in-
tltmstrial pursuits , imot injurious to time corn-
tounity , as lie may see fit. The term liberty
as used in tim constitution is not dwarfed' i
Into nero pimysical restraint of time verson of
the citizen , as by incarceration , but is
deemed to ohubrace tue right of man to bo
free in the enjoyment of tIle faculties with
which ho has beep endowed by hits Creator ,
subject only to suclu restraihtts as are necessary -
sary for time common welfare , Liberty in its
broad sense , as understood in this country , 4'
means time right not only of freedom from
servitude , inlpnisoammient or restraint , but time
right of one to use iii , faculties in all lawful
wayl to live and woiIc where ho wIll , to earn
his livelihood in fll1 lawful trale or vocation -
tion , " TitetI , after citing authorities above ,
he continues , and as the case is analogous on
principle , it is relevant iiero : "It is quito
clear that some or all of thirso fundamental
rights are invaded , weakened , iimitol or destroyed -
stroyed by thmo legislation under considera-
Lion , It is evidently of that kind wilicli has
been so frequent of late , a kind which Is
meant to protect someclass , of time commmmnity
against time fair , free and full competition of
some other class , time members of the former
class thinking it impossible to hold their own
against strohm cotnp.tition , and therefore flying
to time legislature to secure seine enacttneult
wimbch shall operate favorably to theta or unfavorably -
favorably to their coimipetitors in tii commer-
clal , agricultural , manufacturing or producing
fle1d. By time imrovisions of this act a man
ots'ning articles of food whuicn ho wisimes to
'zeil or dlsimoso of Js limited In his potver of
sale or disposition. A liberty to adopt or
follow for a livelllioqd a lawlul industrial pur-
stilt , and in a manner not injurious' to the
community , Is certainly infringe' Upon , him- ,
ited , perhaps wemcemled and destroyed , by
sucim legislation. " The decIsion declares such
an act to be unconstitutional , It is clearly a
sound decision. PhILIP A. CRAPO.
Iioarti of licgeuita Shuosyn Up mis ZOo I1ottT
'l'hiusml ii ( Imutig or Thuberami ,
OUTIIRhli , 0kb. , March 1.-Tiho report of
the committee sent to investigate the agnl-
cultural college submitted to tue legislature
today was lengthy , but sonsatlonal in every
particular , They gave a iuistory of time Insti-
tutlbn from its foundation four years ago
almti simoweil that it had been mismanaged and
time funds corruptly used and siluanderetl ,
From time very first down to time present time
no Prover books- had been kept and nany
thousands of tloibars are unaccounted for in
any way. Tim baIrd of regents allowed each
otimer atnounts running up into iiunmlreds of '
dollars for services never performed , sent each
other on trIps to colleges in different
states at public OXlenSC , and so
on , One regent was for a long
day and drew this pay reuinniy every day for
nearly a year-Sundays included-while no
building was going on , Others served as purchasing -
chasing tmgehmts at 5 a day and expenses with
authority to purchase anytiming they . . _ _ _ _ _
Thmey bought horses , cattle and iiogs itt double
011(1 ( treble their value and iii Insimy cases time
alnount collected by time purchasing agent for
his cervices amounted to more than tue cx-
orlitant price paid f r the animals , A Imolitl.
cal favorite had been haitI $ lfOO an secretary
and dhul not servo on an average five days a
tnontim , a man was emnhuioyetl as superintendent -
ent of fanning alone at $100 who knew noth.
irmg of practical ( arming. 'I'iio report winds
up with time statement flint "tlio corntnittee
blileves that there have been sone honest
men connected with the college , but they
have itiwayis been greatly Iti time hilltlonity , "
I'tltili heusil I Pius flue ( miii ,
NEW YORK , March 1.-Anton SeitlI , wimo
was obliged try sickmmese to return to New
York traIn a trip wIth hiltS orchestra , Is not
seriously ill. A severe cold theveloped into
( hue grip and tcday lie is confined to his bed ,
- = - - - - - - - -
ac. .
1100.1402 Union Ave. , 135055 $ City , Ia ,
- 1