i : ---v ' - - - - ' . ' L : . c H ( 1 1 I tF r J q < l' 1 I' f I , Ir' I 1T1\ P . . . . . . - - - - - -F 2 TIlE OlrJIA 1)ATLY . nI\D \ : SA ' tH.A. Y , lAHCII 2 , i8I. * I . Ing from St t. John's C3tholo ) church , l ahQr . Carney omclatlng. I was the prhonN's , ofclatng most urgent tCluesl that his body shoul ) be moa ! preserved from the dluecll : room anti ) Il wil Jrantc < , lie will be quietly Inter ! ) In I the Cath'Jle cemctry with the u81tal rItes II . which the church acc rd8 to the repenhnt Among those who wItnesses ) the execution Wn Tom Akesou , the tn of the oil farhler who fell hy the murderer's hanl ) lie had , mndo a pcclal request to bo allowed to 10 lreeent , and , ho stood In one corner of the Jresent onclollrl until after the trap was sprung , when he gazoJ for a few scconds on the rigid form rind loft the room. In many rcspects the execution was Sll- gestvo of that of the soldlcr , Dixon , which occurred ) In Omaha a couple ot years ago. .ho condemned ) met his doom with the same cohn resignation ; and without a sign of fear c3\n or trembling. Like Dxon , harry 11 ! had been steepe,1 , In religious doctrlne during his last days until he regarded the scaUoh as the \hlcle that \ \ ni tn bear him to n better worM , Ho 111e.1 and niad e no shn. tilED WITI A 101 Ol l A VnN. with 11 Ill during his The priess who were wlh 11 < IMt hoiir are unanimous In the belief that his calmness was the result of n firm belief [ that his sin hall been forRlven. They de- dare that ho had truly repented ' ) and that ho Iled n Christian. Sheri I glenblr' ) holds the &me olnlon. le PaYs that he was never EO mUCh impressed hy the larhng or man ns he has been hy that of 11 during the past fel days. lie was perfectly re- signell and , was even happy. 1 was only within the IIQst three hays that 1m seemed \ to obtain this perfect confidence In his IS- Inranco or Divine forgiveness , Inl ( In the sheri I's opinion he was Incero In every ceclunton : ) that he mnlle. Sherlr mken- blry heloveJ thlt hilt spoke the truth when ho declared that ho dll 11t know who fired ' the shot that killed Mr. Akeson. lie thinks that both the men were drunk , and , ) that when they went to the Altson homestead they had no idea of [ the tragedy that would follow. folow. A large number of these who witnessed : the execution wore visitors from other coun- ties. Among the ofcers who wcro present tes. were Shellr ! Drexel , Deputy 10Jemwel , and : Jailer Joe Miller of Omaha , all Sheriffs Wiber of 1lncoln , 1111en of Fremont and Smith of Frankhiim. Smih IT WAS < A BIUTAL cniin. Time murderons crime for whtch Harry Hi paid the extreme penalty has but few comparisons - parisons In the criminal record of the last decade. 1 was entirely unprovoked , , amid \ the brutality with which I was conceIved and executed was beyond alaton or symathy. An old man shot dead , In cold blood before his , horror stricken family , his aged wife beaten 1110st unto death , his son and other 4 mmicmb'trs of the family seriously Injnrcd- this was the measure of the crime that . Harry Hi and his murderous partner hlerpe- tratell In the hope of stealing n small Ilor- ton of their victiimi's s.nlngs 'ho victim of Ihh bloody butchery was lJl AIIson , a German farmer , who lived about six amid one-hal miles northea of Weeping Water In Cass county. On the aVciiing ! of No\'emler 1. 1893. Mr. Akeson ' \'as seated at the supper table ' 'Ih his ' fmuiIy. These consIsted besides hlmsel or Mrs. Akeson their lon Tom , and the two hired men They hall scarcely begun their meal when the door was opened and two burly nun stalked Into the room One of them carried a revolver , and this was presented - sented itt the head of the old farmer with a f < lavag Injunction to throw UI' his hands. Dazed by the unexpected danger , the Old man was for a moment unable to respond , and without In In tant's hesitation time Intruer j pulled the trigger. Alleson fell dead from his chair , whlo the jimmy stream of bloo that mingled with hIs silvered hairs told where the bulet had erushpd Into his brain. Scarcely hal the . mirderous nUTose been . aecolP shed when TomAkcsomm I1rang at the throat of his father's murderer. lie was Instantly disabled by a shot through the heft . ; i. wrist Gus Berg , one cf the hired men , ) valiantly came . to the rescu , but the ever ; ready weapon was turned In hIs direction and a bullet struck the side of hIs head. leaving , a severe scalp wound. causing a narrow es- from iimstamt death. Another himliet lilt " cape I sta1t hulet hi the other hired luau In time leg and seeing , ; that they could not cope with the armed . assassins Berg fled , 10 , give ' tl alarm and ob- tqln assistance. , ' , ASsAULTED A DEFENSELESS WmIAN. In the meantime the other ruffian had turned c upon the helplos old lady and knocked her dJwn wih n' heavy club which , ho had brought with him. low after blow was . I'alne on her bleeding head , and this nerve ] the wounde men to a fresh effort. They ' plucldl grappl wih the , .brutc and finally , _ e & mlJlell him to desUt. Trio lan who hall hilled AllcEon had by this time empted hIs . revolver and the two men tcok tu their heels. , r hceIy' this time Gus ( lerg had reached thc 4 , , house of n neighbor , but by the time hell arrived ' the murderers were put of reach Soon otter the news reachmei . Plalsmouth and n number of carriages tilled with determined - termined men were qllcldy drIven to the Alwson homestead When they arrived the 'wholo neighborhood was aroused and a sys- temltc search for time murderers was nt once ' hegun. There was mme dlmculty lu ob- taming theIr decrlpton , The two men were 1 not unlmowl to the Altesol family. On the Saturday preceding the murder they had applied at the farm house and asked for I fed and elicitor. They were offered work : In the corn field , and professed to be whiling to ear theIr support. Thy were kept over : . Sunday , end Monday morning they were set : ; - , to work husking corn. lut they were not notable for their industry , and when , TuesdlY canmo Akesomi discharged them and . C.mo AIIson paId them for what they had done. I was soon learned that the two strangers 4 had been . OPI Weeping Water on Wednes- . day. One of them ball wall oUlddt while time oIlier wenl Into 1 hardware store amid r purchl1cd n levolver , after whIch . they ( ls- , - flhmpeared. 'fho HalC Inen were recognlz . ( - by the AIeson family \ time mmmmmrderers. ' rer They had evldenUy Hopped ue the hmou A onIon / enough to become Icqullntcd hou& with the Ilrlmlscs ) , and thln IJlaun the robbery . : which ! ! resulted ; In he ! bloody , encounler , ' CAPTUIE ! AND NFAHLY LYNCHED. The description of the murderers was Ihen tclegrallhed tu all the towns In time eastern m - part of time state , nnd before easter iitmn- dreda of oflicers and Intcrested citizomis oleers were citzens L , on their trai The Omaha poleD were the first to recognize time descrhltons or the mono I . They were at once Identified ns those of Harry Hill ant John enwol , both of whom . t bld Leen frcqulnty IrreHcd In Omaha for IleUy crimes , Time identification assisted immaterially In the ; search , and both men were , U nrrcstOI In Lincoln late Saturday Ivenlng , E The arrest was lallo by Chief of I'olco Cooper and Detective Malone of that city. 't and on time following [ morlnl ; Sheriff ciy 1 , of Plllslouth arrived In Lincoln. lie was accomimpumicm1 ) by Tom Allcson" . who lt oneo k ldonlfl thom lS time murderers : e To days hUledlately 8nccccdlns time capture - ture 01 time murdercrs saw moro uxcitejuemit t In Illtsmouth than lt uny uxcloment . . Its hillory. The brutality of time tmo and & the general esteem In which Mr. and trs. Alteson wee imtid Iy the entire comumnummity 'S . lolalell l > ullo bonlment to time hghest pitch , and the town was /led with nn hum- mouse crowd of Infurlatod lon , who were delormlned that no 'timo should 10 lost II tkllt vengeance on time assassins. I was . o Iby bringing lImo prisoners to Omaha and loelglng thel\1 In the Douglas rounty jail - - that time Indignation of time lob wag Jai . 1 prisomierms were started ) for 'hu prlsonerl Plallnoutb i . on thl day folowing their IreHt , but dnr- ' , . Ing time JOlrm'y the deputy slerUr ! who wal ( In lmrgo of them received word of the , slnaton ut Pialslouth , aUII Inruclonf to , "tlr his men to Ommmalma . 'i'tmey were quietly taken frol time train amid carried . to the Jail , In a close.t carriage , to remall until It was Ionshlored safe to take them to Piattsmmiouth . Meanwhile no lpwledlo or thml ruse hall 1 * . reachCll Ilatlllllh , Illnl time tl\1 WIS wl ( ' , with excitomemmt. Time train on whIch Ial ' cpeltell the prisoners woull arrive \1'11 dime ut 1 u'cio'k , and \\hen It reached limo , depot . full- 1,000 men \10 congregated with the expresett intention 01 saving the county the . CXilnSO of a trial , 1'ho men were lot . there , bnt limo crowd Increused and time arrival - rival of c\'cry tmln ( was watched. Uy noon : . ' time crowl hud doubled . , ail SherltTIghe , who las also Ignomnt of limo acton of lila 'I ( lChluIy II taltlnl time \nltloror , to Omala , mmmdc tiens , _ ' _ ( l1l11 tbcl a blort 21Ieeh In which ho tb. I eured , his Intentol 10 proll'ct his ! prloners awl lalntlln Limo majolty of the law . ' ? \\'en ho Immtd finished ' Whcl l fnlHhed a rl-hulret farmer ? . mounted a dry goods box al\l ulg..ld time crwII 10 ceo that Epeed : Justice wal meted . ' out to limo mono who hal murder11 un hump- ( ' emit mnn whom thl' ) bar klQII'1 for n quull'r : a 10Itury , lie was cloqulnt : In , & Way HuH al'llenlcd moat cl"tvlly to the ' 1 > lulons of I. au'lcnce. " 11 when hI con- dudlt his oJ\ortalon with the sentence , "As muon and cItizens time county I emmution l0n ( ll'OIIf thl ( ultlon , m ou not to use 'Iul"uce , but I ask you to do ) Lo unto others al otimer have done to Mat Akcsun : ' lie was carried away ou the &houl- . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( lore of the mob , while 1 volley If cheer was assurance that his advice would be fol- lowed to time hotter . , NWm.L l"D A t oNI nSSION. The : same condition of affairs continued throughout the day , and County Attorney Travis WI , sent to Omaha with instructions to have the prisoner kept there Indefinitely. Inc\lentnUy ! Charley Masher , Ihe defaulting ex-president or the Capital National bank , who waS then confined In the Cass county Jail , was brought 10 Omaha for fear that time mob weal turn their attention to him when they were balked In oblllnlng their ex- peeled victims. 11 all BenweU were locked In solitary coils In the Douglas county jail , and they had been \nlIer lock nnt ( key hut n few hours when Benwel was limit In time sweat box and soon broke down entirely 10 related the whole etory of the crime and ) nllmltcll every detail. lie declared ) that 11 was the man who had done time shooting . while his own part In time nlaul had been 10 beat Mrs. Akeson with n cuh , After the killing the ' hnll tramped time country for t"o days neil hash . finally hrou/ht imp at Lincoln , where the were preparing 10 separate , when they were arrestoll. \ben thus confession was shown to 11 ho also loot his nerve foil . frantically ex- clllmoll : "l } ' God , this wil I hang us both I" With such evidence It time command of Limo county officials the conviction of limo murllerers was b levet to bo certain had \ the cvllenco been leIs concluslvu there Is but little doubt that I would never have been safe 10 take them to Cass coimmity. But when It becatlo apparent that 1 con- \'Ieton was certain , calmer counsels lro- valOl and time sIh3eqlont proceedings In the case were not markCl' ' any hostile demon- atratloui . Time prisoners were tried In tle tme , Judge . Chapmnn presiding , and both found guilty hill was sentenced 10 hang amid len\el hi non lifer at 1.lncoln. Since his sentence 1101's attorneys hare 110no e\erythlnJ In theIr newer 10 obtain a commutatIon or n stay of proc rdlngs , but without avail. Governor Holcomb decded that It WIS not a case where execulh'e Inler- ferenco was possible , and 'a few days before the date of the excclton the Ilwyers re- lnquished their last hOll. IUII 11IU U ( II" :1 Clt , Negro IJllt . to no Innlol , TwIce for the I rumuirtier nf R 1"JI'Irr , ATLANTA , Oa. , March 1.-Jo Dean , a coal black miegro , who murdered A. P. Leigh , I wel-to.do farmer of Cumpbel for his money and afterwards confessed to the crIme , was hanged In Ialrburn loday. ly order of the court tM execution was \0 \ he private , but the crowd of 5,000 excited peomie that had assembled lore down the bight fence arould the gallows and lade I public. I The wretchel man had to bo hanged twice The flint time the rope hrok Like a dead man ho was taken back emu the scar d and again swung oft' lelnlmo his bands had become untied . all In his frantic contortions he disrobed - robed himself. The drop fell at 1i5 : , and eleven minutes later ho dle < . During the morning lean , In response to hIs earnest entreaties - treaties , was alowed to snake 1 speech from the court house step3. He describe the murder - dee of the old nmami and said love of money. IgnorancJ and the devi did it. ( : rnrtn tnroo Iluulmatmuumut r'r'Ullerurt. ' FRANIU'ORT , ly. , ! arch 1.-Tho trap which banged George Magee was sprung at ex- oct ' GO : a. m. le came to the scaffold par- toothy composell and met death bra'eiy wihout a muumirmur He was accompanied on the scaffold by Father Oneal amid Assistant Cobh Time boy showed convulsions < :1 twltciuluigs. Ho was 11ronouncel dead by Surgeon Reynolds - nolds In thIrteen minutes. His heck was not brollrn. lie ate a hearty breakfast and expressed - pressed himsel as sad , but ready to go lie slept wel last nIght , Ind' arose al i o'clock thin morning. ageo's crime was the kUing of Guard Thomas , n colored employe In the penl- . tentnry , , In September Inst lie had a p.er- Banal encounter with Ttonmaa and had been 11nlsled for It At the first opportunity he sneaked up behind Thomas and stabbed him . to death , ' , - " t ; 4ho' -itlo fdr r , . , p'uj& ' ! oed . D r Price's flaking Po\vder ihb\.s 'I ads. 1'l has put to ght , , . Od g . eeneiles\o : eoold1 ! _ rJfl 1 Ula ritt-s rsm J.cu . S.1l : TI1Wt1.2'E South Dakota Onldal Co-peraUuA 1"IJI8kauthorltlo& Toward tintS 1ntl . LiNCOLN , March 1-Speclal.-Land ( ) Commissioner nusel' today reeelvcd a let- tar from Surveyor Genera ! ; Hughes of , South Dallta , Inforlnlng him lblt he had awarded the c contract foil'surveyl j fractional ' town- ships 3 ; , ranges 13 to 2gJ.Wcluslve ( , to Messs , Ihryey amid Gumaer , 'lQth of them Ne- braslla mdi. The nw rdt\as made on time recommendaton of Alex Schlagel of the land commissioner's ollice. Surveyor Gen- erl Hughes Is an old Njraska boy. The mystery surrounding the Schwartz divorce case the petlon for which wns fed last week In district , court , has It last been solved. Attorneys. . for Charles .1. Schwartz . fed It Saturday , and therein It Is alleged that Schwartz married Sarah un- der compulsion In this city In 1884. At that Ume' he was considered her star boarder and a youth of ' 19. she beimag 38 years of age She had children of her own . older than he , but when she . threatened .proseeu- ton for bastardy the .youth married his elderly Inamorata to quash Lime case In its Infaney. lie declares In his petition that she has since treated hIm cruelly and tn- hnmanly. and has , also , 'lvlded hel' favors prcmlcuously among other men Sherman W. no lcl this morning pleaded ( guilty to , dlsposlhg , of mortgaged property belonging to Abbot DroB. lie was 'sen- lenced to one year 'In the penitentiary. , De Hass was 'arrested In 'fexaB and divorce papers were served updn him by his wife fail.Charles after he was landed . In ' thc LancaSter county Charles \y , la61.hl time brute who mauled the features of Florence Simons until they mere aim unrecognizable pulp , was today sentenced to one year : In time pel1lentary , his real name Is Hestcr. Tuesday morning last he entered the hal'ber Bhop where the girl was working and broke her nose whie beating her wih a 'broomstick. I. LlCOLN SUUL.ti. E\'E NT. mnborote U ODIul " 'llutoroll th lom- \or. ff the Stlio i.i'giliituru. J.UWO.N , March 1.-Speclal ( Telegram- ) Almost for tie fIrst tme 1n the history of legislative Kslonq the city of Lincoln ten- dared an elaborate recepton to hc t lembers of the st"to leglslotl\ro tlls e\'enlng. Time affair WI ( I\en under the auspices of the LIncoln Comnmem'ciai climb , and 1.00 In\lta- tons were issued. The s \ nato nbalher amid \ ropresentth'o hal were utilized , time one toe a reception room und thn other as a bal room. Both had been cOllletrly ! transformnei ) by the profuse decorations , tho' teiute .ham-I her rescmbll more a conservatory filled wih tropical foliage that n room designed fur I leglslalvo IIUrpOsI MlfJ than 1,000 people ' were present , including thin rle of I.hlcoln : society , time mllbersof the < : ullercI11 climb and thalr la < les. 'l'hme toilets of the IAI\ ; werl elaborate , and , the assemblage wa beyond - yond question thn 10st hrlllnt that ever gutholJ ) In thl capital city , Time Lincoln Llglm Infantry was In nUe l- alice In full dross unhforimi together with tlo PlrKt regiment baud Music for dancing was furnished nt 10 o'clock , whie reresh- ments wera served dnllnl the evening In the hluutc'mmaut hoyernor's , rooms . Int"rlllnl I.tinI Clon 11 Trlnl. DWA''Ul' Neb . Murch 1.-Sperlal.-An ( ) In1ortlnt law case was tried In Juvtce Hen- yon's c'lrt here yeKterday In which A. W. \'tbster was time plaintiff and . Allied Ste\'en. the delemudmmnt The jury disagreed . Time Cto line been railed again for Wednesday . 3m vas . P fight over : piece cC land In RIverside imrecimue ( . The land } In liigaton ties clol to limo Missouri rlnr about eight mlel south of Drralur. 1 was b9Uhtr lenlg of Golden Springs frpl ( the' gO'lrnmet In 185S at Omalla , but be never received actual title , Ilulg I vet on I f"r several ) 'earl anti In the fail oC 1872 IID washed away by time river Nine ) 'eaa alter the Ulaurl replaced tIme land , anti ) lenll commenced to lucy t.xes on Il again , \hen time land was washel , away thert were n ta.ea paid , thl ' Itseuor putting 1 on the rccord8' 1 \'no limed . " Last fl the land was sold to Web- miter , In limo 11eallme a man numed Dray bqlaled on thE land , and lie E1) out 10 a man nmed Stc\'en . When Webster dlcov- ere1 this fact . lit' served notIce en Stevens to vacate , wlch request that genl lan fused t : compl with , hence the ; lult . ' ' . , ' : _ - WlLL \ \ ' BUY SEED ) CHAIN ONLY I Rouse Inteds ApprJpritiu1 $20,000 , for that Bpccifo Purpose - CLOTHING , rOOD AND fUEL KNOCE : OUT :0 l'rn'IAlon lllh , for the Succor or Settlers 1'lltnl Another Jln'At Thmne-1)0 , - IJto 11 the hilt Lengthy timid , , AcrhulnlluA I.INCO.N , Mardi 1.-Special.-Thue ( ) house spenl time greater Ilortoli of the' (1) ( lu com- mllee of the whole comldelng the new re- . hat bill , whlcb , IS recolmendet for ) as3g ! , aJproprlale ! $200.000 to IJurehase feed and eo(1 for destitute 3rmers , gIves limO relcr coululslon 1 IHrcenlage of ' lOOt ) for han.- ) lng the sam , and roquim 13 1 bonJ of $20,000 for the faithful [ i'erfornmance' : of its 11uly , The bill Is lutered all over with amendments. H use roil No [ 31 wae cOlhlerul In cen- necton with the . other , and ale reeonmnmendd for IlaNage. .I provides that cOlntU can ue their surplus road and bridge funds for the Pimm'cimnie of seed gralmm . jUt before 11journlenl howArd sprung a scusaton In time hape or 1 motcn lo flunks . house rols 55 and ' 32S ; time Om1ha. stock yards "regubUn measurea a speciai order for tomorrow morning at 10 o'clocl . lie said that there had been 1 "tIe-imp" between the Douglas and Lancasler delegations , In which Lancaster was to get all she a.ltd In thc way of University approprIations , and In ro- turn was 10 kill \ stock yards legislation . After adjournment , and the tabling of hie mmiotioii . n number of members , vigorous ecmbaUE,1 , this statement and said that the stecl ) 'are11' bills would bo reached tn their regular order. They are now on the general fe , only eighteen down 'lhe list , and must necessariy at an early day come up for pas5age. Davies told Howard that he had no fears but that the stock yards bills would le reached In time for actIon by both houses HOU'fINI 6F TI IA Y. The hOl50 this morning went Into com- milee of the whole , with harrison In the clmair 10 con hle housE roll No. 525 , the new relief bill , appropriating $100,000 In aid of drouth sufferer 'rho bill , as ported by the commlUe , Ilro\'hles for fuel , food and clothing , In iiddf- ton to money for feed and seed. Speaker Richards moved nn Imendment to strike out the words " ( mmcl . food and clothIng " On that point many of time populists tof te Issue with the speaker and an extended debate followed. Richards urged that the object of the bIll was to seed the elate Barry called attention to the fact that I was a long tme until harvest and peopo : were likely to suffer. Miles didn't want any feed or fuel gtven-the destitute. Ho said the People of the easter portion of the ftate were willing to "give" the poor I of the west some seed , In order that a crop might le raised , but ho opposed any- thing for food cr fuel. Scot ealell Miles down In a vigorous man- ner. He saId I Miles would go cut Into the northwest ho would lear more about the maUer than he appeared to know at present. A running fro oe luestons and answers between Ccnawa and Suter ensued. In which It was developed ! that time ccninmhslon now had on hand $3S.000 In cash. Barry and Ihode3 baum dwelt on time fact that the amendment of Richards would te the hand of the relief commission , and that people would actually starve wh\e waiting for the growth of a crop. , The amendment of Speaker Richards was curried by a vote of 29 to 23 TOOK THE LARGEST AMOUNT Time conmmittee's amendment , to Increase , the amount to $200.000 was then declared thmd question , ' but Denedlet amended 'the amendment by cutting the appropriation tQ $50,000 Pending time submission of this ' anmemidth'tuit . 'Illei > p'ke , agdlnt any np- proprlaton whatever. He says that lie be 10vod the western counties could v'ple bonds or In some way' help thoselves. The county ho represented , Washington , was bonded for over $200,000 , and hey paid the Interest on It easily , Munger protested against such n line of argument , and proceeded to show by figures time Immense profit which could be made on time Investment of $200,000 In corn nlone. I would be , he thought , a financial mistake to refuse to pass this measure onedlct's $50.000 amendment was lost by n heavy vole ngalnst It. The vote then recurred - curred on the amendment of the committee . to Inerelse the amount to $200,000. This carried and further consideration of time bill by sections contInued . Rhodes saId he had n number of nmendments , relating to garden seeds but amid considerable dis- order , ho was jested to one side and the nmeliments dId not materialize . Speaker nlchnrds moved nn amendment looking to the equable distribution of the relief among the dIfferent counties , and provIding that nt least $1.500 shah g to snch counties as have organized relef commIttees . should they want It. Time amendment was losL Pending a vote on n numbor' of other amendments looking toward equality In the distribution of relief , the commlUeo rose , reported - , . ported progress and asked leave tQ sit again. Time housa then took n recess until 2 o'clock. At time afornoon session time house immediately - ' me'dlately went Into commlUco of the whole with Harrison In the chair. Chapman move that when limp commitee aroe It report 10usa roil No 525. the relof bill , for In- definite 110stponument. The amendment was l st , lIce then moved In amendment dividing time relief pro rata among the farmers mmoed- Ing relief , tile provision lllylng to counties - ties having 1 population of 2,000 or more , and which have a recognized lularj' relef cQmmlsslon. The nmendmont carried and section 3 was nc't In line for consider- atton. Sections were adopted In succession 111 section 7 vas reached , whLh provides a commltslon of 5 per cent for expenses for the relict comnnuissiomm Hllrgro\o gave no- lice that he should moore to Imenll by maltIng - big time tithe of the hill read ' "For the relief of : r , I.udden , " and did at that tme move to amend by cuttng time .ommision to 2 per cent , whIch prevailed . Wien section 1 was reached which provides that a com- ml810n handlng over $200.000 shall give n bond In time sum of but $20,000 , Halrgrovo moved lat the bonds be fixed at $100,000. Time amendment was lost , as was ono also , providing that the bomb should ho . placed at $0,000. Amel\lnwnti were carried mnk- hug I unlawful 10 discriminate agaInst soldiers - diers drawing penslonb and rel\lul s orgall- Iratiomus . COMMISSION MOIST KEEP ACCOUNT Bolero time bill wan recommended for I latago , Monger stated that he thought time commision of 2 per' cent 'In the bill , raising $1,000 for expenses or. the relief t'ommmmmmisslon , was too much , lie mid $200 \oulll shIp out 'all time 'graIn ' : which ' the ap- Il'ullrlalon provtded for 10 'Ed thucorn- mission had already been voted 200 In time bill sod several" weolls . $50,000 hiI Imassod mgo Bpeaku' Richards then 10\'od that the rom mIssion bo instructed to"keel Inn itemized - Izoll ICcolnt oC the OXllollluro of time 2 per cent cOlllulon , for publc Inspection , and It I mrovahhed. house roil No [ 2 [ wal than , together wlh Il1 amendments , recom- 10111e\ , \ for pasEag1 louse roil No 63jwhleh / had ben made a special order for consideration with the bill just rerolmenddu for passage , was tlen taken up I Ilrovldes that county boards can use their surplul load , and bridge funds In purchasing sue : and food. The bill ) vas introduced by Hairgrove and Aahby nt time request of the county board or Clay county The commltro of time whole then rose " . re- prled , and time report ' was adopted. Howard moved that house rolls Nos. 55 and 328 , the stock yards bihis . be made / special order for tomorrow morning al 10 o'clocl. lOUEO moved to table time motion . Time motIon IJrl\'aled. In explaining his vote Howard Bald that the stock yards lg- Islllon hall bCln carried along oyer since the openlug of time selton , with no dispo- sitiomi mlntested to Idvanco it . lie believed - levell that no laglHlaton would bo bad. lie said that It was a result of a te-up be- tweeum Douglas und Lancaster counties , Hooted voted no Thin hou&o then adjourned. iic''iiker " 1'1"1,1 the Inun' , ' LINCOLN , March 1.-Special.-Ti'iero ( ) was an error In time detailed Vote on the sugar bounty bill debated yesterday In coma- _ - - - - - - - fi il------- mil ! ! ofIl whole MeVlcker Of Dodge county was 'tRrtell as hnvlnl voted against Indelhlle poslnfenlent of the measure. Ho voted In favor ! I. IlUTSt U'111t ( u\ IS 'rl : : US\TI : : I'orenonn l'rItmiictrlly i'aaeih . IndcJDnrn - tunis T"knu Ti thl ' ln'n"u : , 1.lNcol4N : : r'clt 1.-Speclai.-Thmo ( ) Sen- ate conicntefl''fllj ' with perfunctory mitten- lon to rult & "brlt this forenoon , and ended its brief scslomIi ' before 12 o'cloclt with an adjournment until tomorrow morning. The reading , of the joural ot yesterday's I > ro- ceelllngs ( occ'\\ ' 11 time greater patt of an hour , anti then 11'large : batch 01 [ bIlls IntrOlucc and rend , yesterday for time frt tmo was Ivel . n seccnll reading. There were about fifty of these his , and time radlnJ consumed the balance of the forenoon. Several reports from standing commitees were receive and acted upcn , as follows : Senate fIle No 19G , by Cah1wel , to pri- hlblt gombln/ Itoclls , hands , graIn , lard , cotton and po\.llons ; amid to euppress . bucket shOII . was rccommendcll for passage mind placed ; on Ieneral file. 10lso roil NO. 89 , by 1IUP , providing for the adol1lon of amcndmentD to time eonsl- tuton by a majorll vote of the peple , was Illefnlle ! postpommo1. Senate file No 217 , by Pope , to pre\'ent the employmcnt of minors In runnln and 0- , ; crating elevators In large buidings , was sent to the genrnl file . Senate file No. 24S , by Crawford , provll- immg ! : for nn mnenlment to the law relatln to Limo l ' vertsln" of delnquent tax lat , was Indefnielyostpon.j , Unler the present law the printe rcelvei 20 cents for cach descrll- lon of farm propert and ) )0 cents for town lots. Senator Crawford sought to amcnd the Ilw by cUltng these fgures In two. Senate flies No 11 ammO 18 , which formed lho bails for the Interectng struggle In the sennte yesterday , were today reorc to their pllco on general file without oppositlomi . The lenl10 then adjourned until tomorrow mumorning much to time dlogust of a numher or senators who , nol cxpeclng time moton , were paying blt little attention to the proceedings and , did nol vole. The vote on adjourment stood 7 10 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Imuws iS1'T OJ TI1INUS. - 1(1)reAentRth'o Ioiluson nn.t limit Cleric S\ . .hcrrl lit 1.lllerhe lh. LINCOLN , March I.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) There are tonlglit 'lrge splashes of very red hlood on time nioon , which , metlllhorlcll } ' , faintly illuminates the gloaming wherein Ire sequestered the myriads of house and senate emplo'es The trouble lies principally to do ' with the presenllnclnbent of the house bill 'elerllshh > and Representative Robinson or the Lancaster county deiegatiomm . The minnie of time bill clerk ID Swisher. -I Is the opinion of Ioblnson that Swisher has biten oft Immure than he can thoroughly masticate. Through one of the numerous leals made nt 1.1 oponlng or the session , amid during the Ro-as'YQu-please scrmble for sot snaps In time gift , of legislature members , Swisher received his appolutment , as HobIn- son alleges , throUgh the laUer's influence. Swisher denies this , but be that as II may , he dId me n st'tfmont wIth Speaker Richards to the effect t at Robinson had trIed to hold hIm up for $70 on the strength of time alleged limfltmommce. Thl Is Swlsher's tale of woe. ' flobimmson's Is I 'lhcl re < wih numerous va- nations. Thmciater says that Swisher has been derele , 1 II'riS ' dutes , has been guilty of hmgratitumcl ' , , .and , thai a ful and free investigation - vestgaton olie.Fan place him < a rl/ht ihgimt . even timotIh such Investhlnn iihrn,1,1 result In tiiclOflmIciimgof ' S\ \ ishi emi i ; sinecure I. I Is report'mftl ' iimat Swisher wanted to make mlle affidavIt per fiI I ltement flid . with time speaker , but , vas dissuaded fro.m so doing 1 Is quite pr'ablb ; 'thlt some member of the house an Investigatico \ viil tiit'btlis . ' u. e. a resolution . demanding To an outS b.t hi l { ! affair seems of rather - 11minutvo , proportons. , but time outsider sh u ' . d'Je 'givn tl , straight tip that hel J h no fury Ikt r Twent-fourlh , sessIon of the' Nebraslta leglsltFe when the question of employes Is e'ploled , ' Swisher Is a brothor-In.iauurjrSenatbr reKesson. It looks , now , aathougls'tlie gen'l\hllh train ' Lmtfldaster 'had arrangedlmn'cheind' odeadfll for Mr. Swisher , that would catch Him going or com- Ing. ' ir F'on A ii iiOTT' CON 1'.I IA'fUN , < cnlto Comnmntttoo' hu the Asylul Aplolnt- melt Miled UI' 1K neprt LINCOLN , Marh 1.-Spqclal ( Telegram.- ) . Superln.entent hla'y . of the . Llncoin Asylum for tile . Insammc has , engaged time , , professional services of . ax-Attorney General John n. Web- ster and will make an effort to retain hIs position by appealing to the supreme eourl He declines to give np his office without a legal contest In splo of the advice of time leading republicans In time senate Early In time week Governor Holcomb sent to the senate the name of Dr. L. J. Abbott of Fremont to succeed Dr. hay as superlnlenc- enl of the State Hospital for time Insane nt Lincoln. Time senate In executive session referred - erred the Ippolntleit to a commitee con slstng of Senators Hahn , Atlers , Sloan , Black and Stowart. The committee held cmmlltee a 11t session - sion this afternoon . . Superintendent Hay and his attorney were lIstened to . and they argued - gued that the governor hind no right to remove - move time superIntendent except for cause , and that the senate had no right to confirm thmo ! appointment They claimed that there was no constitutional provision requiring the cormflrnmation ot the senate . and that the stat- utes were alent as to the necessity for time assent of the ennte. .o They backed up their assertion by the statement that Governor Croulse appointed lay two years ago March 23 , without sending bls' nam , to the seliate. After Inch discussion the commlUee de elded to report to time senate hi favor of Abbott's confirmnatipn . Hay opposed this vlg orously , clalmln/ that confirmation by nlo senate would' 11rejudlce his case before the suprcmo court , The report wil go to the aenalo tomorrow , and there may be a fight over its ado)1on , lurtuu 11 ( lie Oleo ludustry. Washington Special to Chicago Record : Secr'tary Morton Is very Indignant over tIme aclon of the Nebraska leglslatur In _ passing a law prohlhlng time manufacture 'f oleo- . margarJna In that state , because he Ibele\.es I to bo an Intnslry that Is Ilule as vroflt- able lo the farmer as time manufacture of butter , olld ha adlled as , munch to the wealth of time state. lie says that during the last year we exported from this county 118- 195,019 pounds , or $11,265,010 worth of oleomargarine - margarine to , rorelgn , .ountries , and time year beore (189) ( ) $11,834,720 worth , of which a eonsldorablo 11qrtQn was fUllshed by Ne- brasica. GermanYaloJP , took 29,217.927 pound , for which she paid us $2,857,406. At time samQ , tme the ' tolal Q3cqrts of butter were only 10,088,152 poii < ! valued at $1,730,210. In )893 , wo exporte ! ) . \ ess than 7,000.000 pouns of bitter ' 11 tYbived ( or Il $1,347,742. Get- m any took only 10,465 pounds of butter lat year and paid us nly $108,841a _ . 'IJhln\lm : to Ilnry iiuiiiiug. : LINCOLN , lf.t1 ! ) 15-SRecIai.-A ( ) desperate - ate effort si1j11bp maio \0 \ pass the $80OO appropriation 11sel ; for by the State un I- vcrslt ' for - I library building . Tue combinatonwrt i Up by the commlteo on publo lands and buildings . to which attemu- ton was directed In The lice scver1 welts ago , Is quite rmldable , and the mater Is . warmlnJ UI time ' nearer It approaches a l fecus. HeltcN iiyuniehmta ' are held Qn time leer of the house after adjournment , amid , I judging from ttu.eppearamice of time I.ancastor delegation lwmallberl feel that they are on' ' Easy street. ' \cnedlcl , ot Douglas told Mmmii- ger tonlht tii4m . , whl hue vas favorablo' to t\1. volng Ier a ! SUI' 'Jlfclin1t , to complete the l- brary bUldln" , he dld.lot consider that such an offer impiiedammlxhmenditure . , of $ Saooo. (35) i'C cmiii I' lulcumb I I ( I "tl I , ! l'uU'I. LINCOL , ! lrch Z.-Specimmi.-Uovernor { ) 10icomb , who Is , eolfnedlo the hOUBO with an aUacl of In grippe Is feelng soma better thhl evening. aud expects to bo at the capitol wihin I day or t woo Four of the relef com- mlalol-Nasol , Thompson , Sprick all Hart- ley-lef last night for Chicago and St. LouIs In response to 'aim trvlqlo from the Boards of Trade of those cites . ' The object of their mision Is to lay before the member time exact condition of and prospects of Nebraska for time peselt umeasoim. . Jlltrlcu SIDD Stock 1)nmnngod. BEATIC , larch 1-Spoclal ( Telegram ) -At 6 o'clock this morning fIre broke out In the rear of Gbbs' shoe store 11 Court street and did abut $500 damage The building 18 ' March AprU May ) Arc the Best Months inVhich to I\ \ Purify Your Blood . ; , And the Dust Blood Purifier is Hood Sarsaparilla)1 ) _ , Which Purifies , Vitalizes and Enriches the Bood ' . At this Rcason everyone should take I good slring imietliejiuc . 'l'ho bloOI hint become louded with imluritcs nun thc whole system shoull be reno- 'picd. Nature cries for help anti i therc is not t pI'ompt anti satisfactory , response , the pClmlty must sooncr or Intel bo paid in scrious Illness and I prolonged suffering. Tills cmand can 011) ' bo met by the imurifyilig , cnlching and Dlood.Vltalzlng I elements to be fouud In Hood's Sarsa- . tilt'uILtt. That this is the boat mned'mciile" for you t tko is pt'OVCI by the fact that it has the largest smiles amid nccom- pushes the greatest cures of any medi- i cno Ill tim world I purifies the blood , creates men appetitc , builds up the nCl\'ouB systems : amid renovates the cntit'c body. Do not bc induced to buy auything else. Iusist upon HOOD'S. A Boy's Lifo Savod. I I cannot Hood's praise Sarsaparll enough for what i has done for my boy. Some four ars ago , when six years old , George was attacked by hip disease in his rIght leg. Wo had to get him a pall of crutches , with which ho was able to move about , but became badly deformed Wo had to have his right leg lanced just above the knee In a few weeks n second sore broke out , both discharging freely. Agon- izing pins afflicted him , ho could not boar to be moved , his growth was stepped and in n short tmo he was n memo skeloton. lie had no appetite , and It was hard work to make hIm cat enough to keep him alive . A tow weeks later we had his hip lanced , I amid following this five other eruptions ' broke out , making eight running sore In all . Wo did all wo could for him , but ho grow weaker ovary day , although wo had three of the bet physicians As a last ro- sort wo were prevailed upon by relatives who had taken Hood's 8rsaplrln with beneficIal results to give the medIcine n trial. We got ono bottle about the frt of March , and he had taken the medi- clue only n few days when his appetite begun - gun to improve When ho had taken ono bottle he could move about n Ute with his crutches , which ho had not been able to use for the preceding three months. Wo continued faithfuly with Ho d's Slrslpa- 111 , and In six months he was Able to be Dressed and go about the house without the crutches. Ho has now taken Hood's Snr- saparia regularly for eighteen months , and for the pat six month bas been with- out the crutches , whlcl1 he bas outgrown by several inches . The sores ba\oll healed with the ccoptonof one which Is rapidly closing , only the scar and nn occasional limp remaining as reminders of his suffer- Ing. Hood's SnrSAplr1a In his case has truly done wonders , and he Is daily gaining - Ing In flesh and good color. lie runs about and plays as lively as any child . Wo feel an inexpressible joy at having our boy restored - stored to health and we always speak In the highet terms of Hoed's Sarsaparilia . " Mns. HENRY W. MURlny , Exeter , N. H. ' HOOD'S ' . ' HOOD'S' 1 - - a two-story frame and was saved only by desperate efforts on the part of the fro de- partment. There Is every indication that the fire was the work of an Incendiary. Building and steel were fully Insured. CASES Il YORI's DISTIICT counT. Several Matters or Local Interest tire BeIng Jlhch.ly Heterimmimmeit. YOnK Neb. , March 1-Spccial.-The ( ) . case of Ford against Logan and others , which was tried herp yesterday In time district court , was 'eclle in favor of the defendant by the jury , after being out but n few moments. Time case was on a promissory note , the de- ( ease being that usurious interest had been charged The cases set down for trial today are : George D France against John amid Amanda Del , and Josiah H. Tiden against the WestInghouse company The latter Is being tried at time prcsent time. The case of Brown against Drantz Is set for Monday , and will bo interesting owing to the fact that the defense - fenso will e delvor to bring n crIminal action against time plaintiff after the sauna has been tried 'for forgery. Victor Bemiway and Miss lone Slookey , both of Falrmont , were married nt the Conge- galonal parsonage by novo R. T. Cross. D. F Lutes of the finn of Lutes & Hankins of this place returned from Walton . Neb . nt which place lie was marrl to Miss Edith SiberIa and was accompanied by the bride. Mr. Lutes Is an enterprising young business man of this city. The 'debate between the Lyceum League ot America of this place and mae Lockridge Township literary , which was to take place tonight , bas been postponed until tomorrow nIght. The debate Is causing a great deal of eOllent , and will no doubt be one of the most spirited and hottest contested debates - bates ever held In this city . Judge , A. C. Montgomery addressed the students of the United Brethren college yesterday on time two subjects , "His Great- est Act of LIe , " and "His 'Capturo and Escape In the Army " A good crowd waR present , and the Judge's remarks were very much enjoyed , beIng very Interesting and instructive. Colonel B. Crabb and wife let for Troy , Kan . , yesterday , 'at which place he has pur- chased a neW hotel. The colonel bas for 1 long time been 1 resIdent of York , and proprietor . of the Legrand hotel , which wl be' run In the future under the direction of his son , Will Crabb Colonel Crabb Is wel known throughout the county as a fine orator and an upright business man . FAT.1L EXI'LOSION Ar ? ' 01I'OI.K , airs C. I' . , V. JlnrqUuct 'Vtl l'roiiabhy DID from ( .Inulne Uurl , _ NORi"OLK " , Neb. , March 1.-Speclal ( Tell grani-Wimile ) Mrs C. F. W. Marquardt was preparing dinner on a gasoline stove today the stove exploded and set fro 10 her clothing , burning her person so severely that It Is doubtful If she will escape with her lIfe. Time fire In the Reno hotel last night was I confined to one wIng of the building. The ' ' buiding was thoroughly flooded , the damage hy , water belug much greater than by flame . Time loss It fuly covered by Insuranc Htatblnl Affair Comllromls ASHLAND " Neb. , Mlrcl 1.-Slmeehai.- ( ) Time Calvert-Daitohm ! stabbIng affair , whleb took place near this city last week , was so\l \ d yesterday by a compromise , Dalon paying casts of trial and Calvert payIng the doctor bill , J. J. Brown of Omahs , president of time National bank at this piace,1was lii town on business yesleday. Little Denton Such died very unexpectediy last evemmin , beiumg communed to hula bed but a ( ow hmommra before deatim , Time funeral services - ices were conducted by 11ev , T. J , Penny this afternoon. ? , 13Viisomm nmnmle a trip to l'lattsmmmoutbm yesterday on legal busimmess , Ut , Meredith u'as a Llmmcolmm visitor yes- terday. 11ev. Mc , White. having resigned time pastorate - ate of the lmmmnmanuel Baptist church , me. celved friends last evening at time residence of Luther t3nehl before his departure for Lbanoiu , Mo , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thmerlfl's b'ifu ilekt ike Puhoommer , CLAY CENTIII , Nab. , March 1-Speciai. ( ) -Fraumic Wilson , who is confined In time county Jail omm time charge of burglary , await- imig trial hum 'time district court , made a des- permute atteimmpt to cacalme , Wimiio in time hmailway getting a drink of water hmo daslmed ilmrougim time simerift' ' house and tried to open time front door , Mrs. Iavis , the sheriff's wife , with mucim presence of imiimmd lucid the door closed until time sheriff caught time prisoner aumml Imiaced hun beimimid a cell door.where hue whil likely remain. NebraIsmscmty aiortgmigo Decent. NEBRASIcIt CITY , Iilarcim 1-Speciai.- ( ) Following is Otoe coummty'a mortgage recorder ( or February : Farm mortgages field , fifty. five , anmounting to $70,880.30 ; released , tblrty , $35,867.10 ; city , filed , ten , $0,170 released , timree , aggregating $5,396.01 ; chattel mort. gages filed , aighmty , representing $21.666.40 ; released , thirty-umimme , anmounting to $5,316.01. Time retail dealers of southmeasterim Nebraska - braska met in timis city last evening. Time immeeting was held beimind closed doors , but it Is learned that prices ammO terms upon which Immupiements are to be sold were agreed upon 'and things so nmansged as to do away witim all commipetitiomm. Tue next nmeeting will probably be held at Plattsmnoutiu , but local mmiemmmberum would neither afllrmma or deny time iocatiosm. J34tNi FII.UItE AT , UULIJItIfOE. Iloidrego Nntionai Falln to Open Ste ioora -No Statemuemit 1'imm.te. IIOLDREGE , Nab. , Macphi 1-Spectal ( Telcgranm.--Tlme ) Hoidrege National bank of this city failed to open Its doors this morn- ing. Time crash imas been expected for some time , and very few business memo of the city got caugumt. Time bank was founded byY. . E. hymen amid others. It lies been running since January , 1S95 , without a pres- blent , J. 1' , Ilymner being caslmier and Fraumle Ilaigren vice president. It has $4,000 of the county funds. No statement imas been made of the aimstts or liabilities , but there is no prospect of reorganization , Time remaIning banks here are not in thme least affected , moo runs being made upon them , and time city is as quiet as if nothismg hind occurred. Time bank imas a capital stock of $75,000 , and a surplus of 45,000. Its correspomidents are tiio Chemical National of Nouy York , the Continental National of Chicago , and time American Exchange National of Lincoln , It hind imo Onmaima correspondent. Waterloo Notes mitii I'ersonahs. WATERLOO , Nob. , March 1.-Spocial.- ( ) Al Mulendoro of Valley fame has been sworn In as deputy marshal and in fmmture wihi make iui headquarters at tlmo jail , \v. MoWimorter of O'Neiii has rented time flobinsomi farm. A surprise party was given Johnson Foster last night by time young people. Au report hmaviimg a good time. M. T. Sweet , whmo has been confined to time house for severai days , ha arommuil agaimu , M. 'W. E , Purchase and A. IL Norton went to Oma'iua on busimmess timis mornimug , Mrs , Ifhiza Simnington of va City , Ia , , is visiting imer sister , Mrs. George Archer , ( 'onvictod Lit ? itmmmltiu g Iluga. PIERCE , Nob. , Macelm 1.-Speciai.-Time ( ) Davidson hog stealing case , whilcim has occu- plod the attention of the court for three day3 , has been dispcsed of. The jury , after beIng omit eigbmteen hours , returned a verdict of guilty yesterday morning , Jmmdge Robinson will senknco Davidson en time last day of time term of court. Davidson has really lund a very serious time of iate Ills noothuor died only a few days age. Davidson's wife is also lying at time jmeint of death , and time attending physician entortalmma very little imopo of imor recovery. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mu ra , ( h'orgm .Jmiokiomu'a llommvy LosS. BRATRICE , March 1-Speciai ( Teiegm'anm , ) -Mrs. George Jaciesomu , a widow ilvlmmg In time miortimern part of time county , came to time city timis afternoon to do some trading , When about ready to start imome alma discovered - covered timat alme hail Ipiut a package contain- in $00 , imu cash , and about $000 1mm' notes. TIme iumoumey alma hind borrpwed after conming to the city , Time lady imas been partlcuiarhy umm. fortunate , losing nearly $1,000 'last sumimnen : by time Cortland ' bank failure , Iforger Tate Sentenced , BEATRICE , Macelm 1.-Special ( Telegram , ) -Aipimeus Drown , ' alias Wiiiiani 'rule , guilty of uttering forged paper , was semmtemmced timis norning in district court to two years in the peniteumtiary. Time paper was cimeckmm given to mercantile estahmhishmnments In thus city and purporting to be signed by time Ifxpress I'ub- lisiming counpan ) ' . - Wimy borrow trouble In time kitchen ? Dr. Price's Baking Powmler ha a barrier to care. vuim Advoomito nit JIihrIrhat10mi. LiNCOLN , Macelm 1-Speclai ( Telegram.- ) A delegation consisting of ax-Attorney ( len- oral Ilamutings , cx-Conmmmuisloner of Public Laummis hiumnhmhirey , Judge Ilayivurd , Judge hiroamly , J. It. Webster and Cumptaimi if. K. Murtin assemnbied at time Llnilelh tonigimt to appear before time imouse commIttee on claims to argue hum favor of time bill appropriating $9,200 to relmnburso time hmumpeaehwl otliclais for tlme money whmiciu they claim to hmave cx- imended hum timeir trial before limo supreme court two years ago , The ciaimmms committee had umade otimer arrangememmta for time disposition - sition of time evening , but agreed to give the ox-state ohilcials and their attorneys a imear- hug : meXt Monday evening. Failure of ( I invhd City Iluflchor , DAVID CITY , Neb , , Maceli l-Speclai.- ( ) Thm meat market of Vachaw Sudlk was closed last night by time sheriff on an attachment sworn out by the Central Nebraska National bank , The amount chaimned is about $4,000. A number of iota were attached at time aamome time , time,1 : : -,1 . ' 4' My inother-iio-nw , Mrs. Eiiznbetb Wolfe , at the sign of 7'2 ) 'eltt'S , was at- tucked with a violent forma of sail rheum ; It s1)rcl all over her body , anti Imer hands and limnba were ( iroadittll to look at. AL the annie time , uaiy little daughter Clara , who was just one year old , was attacked by a simnllar disease , like scrofn'la , It appeared In Leurgo Sere 111111cr each aide or her smock ; sloe had iltteildamlco of time family Iilysicinn and other doctors for a long time , but seemed to grow worse. I read of imoamiy people cured of scrofula by hood's Saramoparilla. 'As soon as wo gave llood'q Sarsaparilia to Clara , sue began to get better , amid before the first bottle was gone , the eorea entli'ely' healed up and there has never been any sign of the disease since. She is a Healthy Robust Child. Her graudmotimor took hood's Sarsa- parillmt at the annie tune , and time salt rllotlfl decreased iii its violence and a perfect cui'e was soon effected , It took about three inommiha for her cure , and she ascribes Imer good isealtim and , strength at 1ie advanced ago to Irood's Sarsaparilla. It has certainly been a Godsondtomyfamily. " Mits SormA WOLFE , Zaloski , Ohio. l3o sure to get : TOBACCO. _ % Consumers ofchewititoaccowG arewi11in to paj a little more thau , the price diarqed for te ordinatij trade tobacco5 , wilt hid this brand 5uperior to all others BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. DOCTOR' SEARLES & SEARLESI ' _ Chronic t , nervous , 3 , PElvata DIseass , TIIifATM lINT DY MAIL. Coumanilmitloim terSe , We cure Catarrh , all disonees of ths Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , l3lood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , P0. male Woaknoasoa , Lost Manhood , and ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN. vioA1c MOON ARE VICTIMS TO XUfItVOUB Bebiltty or Eiimauafioo , Vaattag ' , 'emikfleaa. La voluntary Loues , with E&riv Decay tIm young sail mmdmti. agedi haCk of vim , vigor aamtwealt.nsd premnturel7 in aepreachlag 015 age. All ysuimi UadUy tJ cur new treatment for iou of vital power , Cai oc or address with tiunp for cls. cuiari' , tree book in'S rec'mlptu. I ) r Ssartnc teiriao 1410 Farumammi ' V. ' UU UCUOLVJJ Ommmabma Neb A Cup of Beef Tea puret11 auth bem can be Pm'CParCd instantl' ( corn Liebig COMPAIY'S ' Extract of Beef. Timero's ommiy ( men gommimine kind amid hunt you cnum iimmoW bY thus muigmmtituro hum blue ommovory jar ; DR. McCREW C us TilS ONI.Y 8PEOIALIST . ' -'I. woo TUSATS u. PifiVATE DISEASES ' Wcaknos anO1ecrs iiiordssot MEN ONLY livery cure iuuarautoSd. , go yemirs' oxpeniem'ce , 5 75ftr1 te Omaha. 1100k Vies. i4ib .t Yraum$45 OM.IJIt , NXM. pUF19rs PURE MALT WHISKEY. All Druggists. ' , _ _ ' * re