- . , , - - - ; - ; - - - - -v- - - = - - - - - - : r - t r I I ( F ( f , , ' J . l . . . t T' J' , f Ii I t 1 J' . . . r - - TilE : \AJIA DAILY . flEEIttllTIAY , } MAlibu 1 , 1S9. 7 8PEBITL NOT\GES \ , ii ' d1"ctNc'"elt for 1 htNn ( olumll , I In Rltl 1111 12130 p nt. for the " 1""hll and Inll 8 I" I , for the moruln and Sundiy , Cd It lot , . Ad1lrlhcrl , by reqnc.tln " i nnmlfrlHt check CRn hRvo nnwer nldre , Nelt to R hlllerl,1 leter , In earn of ' ho Ilco. An' wcr " 10 RlldrtNsell , , II Ito delvor , " upon ruentRton of the check otily. ltatei , 1 1.20 nlrl , nnt Inserton , 10 R , vorl' IlerrnUcr. Nothlo : taken for Ius than 2Gc for Irlt lortlon. ' heRo nlvert enlnt : must tln conlecu' Uvcl , . - - - - . SITUATION WANTED. - - - BIT1'ATJN WANTI1 ny A COMITCNT ) ' OhIflt woman nl nn nttenlnnt for nn InvalId ' _ chIld or lady. AtIdr " 1 J 6. tIre. A-M14) 1 VANT1L SITUATION AN lNltWfmOtS ! teRn ot good tlurnton anti hnb\l ) : wnge not I much nn object ns Rtealy < cmploymenl. Ad. IreM J 10. JI4e. . A-I : 28' WANTED.-1 . HELP. ANTED"r.ALE HLP. - - ' CUBAN FlECKI.E. 6C. 1Q4 DOtiUlV3. 1-iS6-113 WANT1I NI.WAIAl'lm t'ANVAiSLlt FOI , local work on C.tleago daily pal' r. AlIrea I . . _ : ! ! ! _ tee. l-Ml. I' VANTlD AN 'NNlmOTI MAN TO nEt celve anti elnRst ) . orderR. 43 S. 11 Il-Mitt hr' WANTED-FEMALE hELP4 . VANTl1) . ooou 01. IOR OgNlmAI. housework at 131 CI ! street. C-94728' % ATIl ) , EXPlttIlClt : ) 011th Fen GEN- WT m In fnmly at three : German lirefetred. 208 ) 8 Mlh street. C-M9H _ l.retetr.l. . I . WANTlm , COlgTBNT nUSINFSS WOMAN over 2 : 10 lke charge oC ofilce. Adtreosu.l - ness. J 2. Uec. C-M9 1 , : WANTI1. - 011L14 VOlt Gl1EflAI4 HOUR . wok : reCernees lt. roqutrel Mrs. 1nlonl , li Sc , . 3th a4e. C1U I' . WANTgl ; I.ADY TO : ANA0 ATOI1j'MUST . b well acquainted In eUy. Adlre.s C-M151 J 3.e" 1 . , ) ! FOR RENT-HOUSES. - hOUSES , . F. . Ie DAULINtI. nAI\ER 11LOCI. D . 1 hOUSES IN ALL PART $ Ol TIm CITY. TiE O. F. Davis company. 15S Farnam. P-30 JOUSES : UgNAWA & CO. . 108 N. 15'ST. . - I D-no ' - , J'on I1I4NT-G.ttOOM COTTAOi IN GOOD Il.- pair. city water. $10.00 per month to good partes 19 N. 37th. 1 block from Fnrnm ear Ine . Inquire at 8\oetel's stove store. next 10 poto1flce . . P-31 , .nOOM MOmmN , 110US1. FIVLI MINUTES JOUSI FIVI walk tram crurt hou.c. G. L. Green. room 28. -Ilarkor _ hloe.k. D-3U 1IOUES WALLACE nnOWN m.t. . 10 & Doug. D-317 . D-31 FOR HENT-2U C.\PITOI. AVENUE , 1 roomp , modern. To O. F. Davis company. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-73S _ _ _ J'01 flENT-MODEI1.N 10.ROOM hOuSE. WITH furnace , bnth. gna hot and cold water : ono. Italt block from Farnam street molar line : In most , le lrble residence locality In the city- localty ety- No 220 South : th ave For particulars apply to Home Investment Co. , 204 I'axton blic. _ D-M8G Fort I1ENT-FLATi4 AT NO1tThI1LST COIINEI1 .ot 11h and howard atr'ots on COINEI . 4 Inqule room 3U 1st Nati. bank bldg. D-66 2 1"LT FOR RUNT. INQUIRE m3 DODGE iiOOM 'lOnrmN HOUSE , WITt nAnN. cheap. 131 South 25th a\'e. D-820-3 ' 20lS MASON STnF T.ND 3010 JONES : hlreet ; loll modern. g rOOlS , tne.l 1ocations . $1.5 earl , . 'wnter ' paid : 7.rom house Orchard 11111. . good repair. $7.0. S. K. lulphr y , D , : . 2 NoW YOII ( LIte. . D-MS9 : SIWEN-ROOM-lis ATEn , BATh. ETC. , 28th and Hlclrory. E. D. E\'nns 'phone EC , . D-.ISS3 2 MODERN 7-ROOM nOUSE , NEAR PAIiK. APply - - 'I ply 1309 S. 28th street. ] -:1690 VERY DS1RABL131 hOUSES . VACANT "EIY DESIADLE larch 1. J. H. Sherwood , 91 . N. Y. LIfe. ' , - D- 28' 6.100M HOUSE. 830 S 218t ST. Dl91 : 1. - ' , OUTSIDE FLATS STEAM . , iO NO. , 1&1. . D-IP : ) 6. EOR : RENT-PURNISHED ROOMS. : PL.EASANT HOOM. ln9 DODGE. 1:1110 FOR m N'r-S''EAM UjATE FURNISHED FtINIBHFD lOorn. Ct So. 13th. - EtF a FUHNISlED 100MS Iron 10U EKEEPJNG. man and wife : rent talcen In 10ur < 319 N. 17th. _ _ _ _ _ _ . E-t03 FUINISIED"'iONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE , - . .ulalIe for 2 or 3 gcztiemen. 121 N. 191h sl. E-131 3 ThREE UNIrUINISUlD 100MS TO MAN and wlro In slell.l.ated flat . Reeoml floor. cen- lrnU ) ' located. Address J 7. Dee. EMH3 I' IURNISII D EOOM. 2011 IIAT1NIY. HAHN:1 > 3 4' NICELY FUnNIHUED EOOM VOlt GENTLEmen - men or houeekeoplng. C6 North I11h. - . . -JI5 3. : U1".ISRED ROOMS AND BOA D. . FRONT 100111 & BOARD CHEAP 2310 DougIa 1-795-2 DESIIIAIiLE ROOM8. WITH BOARD : STEAM . DESIIAnIl DOAID SI A1t. . - etc. 202 N. 18th Mreeet. 13'-M927 1. nOOJI SIJLTAIII.fl FOIl TWO WITH BOARD. Tcrms reasonable . Pleasant location. 2510 Dodge str'et. lr.8172S ' . 1'-81-S' FOi RENT. FUINISUED HOOMS. WITH board. Iteam heal. Utopia 171 Davenport . Itt. . F-841.1 . _ _ 1-86.1. . FUHNIHIUm ROOMS WITH GOOD IIOATID BOAID. and telephone Z1 8. 2Gh ! i4. 1"-3i892.2' IL1MSANT nOO1 [ I PRVATE PAMIIX. with or without board : references. 2:1 I ar- . nam. ; F'-M946 ) 2. I100MS. 1 IIRT CLASS UOAHD , $ :0 PER month. 210 lougla . I - 31-3' 4 SOUTh FRONT ROOMS : UOARD' OPTIONAL. OPTINAL Mrs. Churchi's. 112 Chicago. 1"-M813 4' . UNFUlNIBHED iicors TO RENT 4 IJNFURNISIII4I ) 1100MB VOlt LIGhT . UNFunNISlm noof 01 I.tUT houHell epinw. 1919 Dodge . G-MS 1 au RENT-3TO1S AND OFFIOES . YOR IIENT-TIlE 4.BTOEIC mUCK I3UILDINCI YOI lEN'r-THE 4./TOIK nUI.DNG 91G Irara'n slreet. This building has ) a fire. proof cement baemont cn-lete eteam beat- InJ txtures .water on all , < n. gaB. etc. Ap. ely al the olce at The 11cc. - - Ap Iron I NTI'ISTI..SS TIIIICE.STOI1y and laacmelt Irlelc , More . wit ) , elevator nt 1003 Irrl.II. suluIle for any hind ot bualne. In. quire :1 room 81 1"llt National /anlc - 1IIIg ; - - . - _ _ 1-6i FOn nm' . LAIU1II DOllLI ST lm. HX83. . wed la.emenl , aleal heat 16h ( nnlVobster . street . 10)'s , 16U I'arnm Itre t. I-lS35 1 r _ . _ _ _ - AGENTS WANTED. . . . : iAGENT1N TVlmV 'fOWN. 11"IUA- ltnt buIuees : have not IpnlU to explain : In. ' -st ole , Ilawlt'ye llfg. , Co. . Ill 80. - lath - St. - _ J-7-MI AahNTS'iNT1D : TD SELL TEll Z'IlCXfO.IT : . : WrkP Camera ; , ehis I..lf : proiiti immense , A.reHS time l'holo.I IItg . C < , 12 . I.n Crosse , , 'VII . J-MI5i I' Dp- _ _ _ _ _ _ ; WAN''ED-TO RENT. . , LOC.TION FOR SALOON : MUST 13U GOOD IC : and , 'heal' rel t. Addrema .J G , Uee. . IC-Mill 2' C ! 1'1t.A'IiIlNtl MAN WIIII 8 IOAII AND I'om for wit" and baby with private family In l'd iut'atifl. 1tefccnees. J 1. lice . tomly . -m2 3' L _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _ STORAGE "E $ ' STOn.HI IIUII.DINO IN OI1AIIA , U. s. m\ bonde" "orhousn . . OM.I' .tored . gools . - _ Lwe.t rAtcs. 1013.101. Lea\'cnwolth , l-19 nO AGE. I'RANK I1WEIHI. mt . I\RNIW. J" . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ : _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ l-U _ _ WANTED-TO BUY. Eiy i . . & co WAlUM.'S. t'IUCIl.UtD 18 PA'M. N-2 : W.'NTlm. 'fO hUT. tthIAI.L. BECNIU.\ND p.tan ror , mol , hetnn ( pony inquire for , _ l'tmtImarui , 01 lllon slure. N-MS3S \'ANTCD. A NO. Z mMINO'ON TYI'Ii. 'n'f. wrlel' . Uh' number or 10hl"e. .oldiion anti 4 - _ I'rlce. _ : :7 , lice Coum'l Uluff . . N-U3 anl irlt t'.i4Ii. A LOT on ! \ ' ' W LOT , lU TO O tct ( lout : KOI mmoighbut ii ooj ; "h'e Ialol , 1111 , i'iit'- . Atre.s , J. 8. LIce , N-U8 3' ANTI D. SIIEI.VINU. lOJNT1IS AND otliro. new or econd'lnd. A < . It Denmpmmer . i 1.01d 1CIUII _ unt 3 p. - in. tola I. ) N-11icO _ _ l' lOR 6ALIM.bU . LL , NEOUS. t * . " 'EaMAN ' . ' ' . Z'IANOS DnDGEI'OH' OnOANB 1"EOJIAN - _ 11r03. , ill So 17b Q-U UO AND CICICN FENCE : HARD WOOl ) pickets.C _ _ _ , U. Lee. 981 Douutu. Q- . " iiBALI9-8 ) 'UEI CWS AND CALVE - .ni oe' Iclren Hohtlu cow and heifer I 831t at > Webter. Q-1531'Z. T . - , . - - : FOR 8ALE-MtSOELLAEOUS Cofltinuetl. SMOKE 10U3E J'O/ PIPES. m Q-iS61IU POUO.A/ fTFAM nADATORS FOR SALE. ( nms will b rlved until 6 o'elock p. m. , MArch 8 , 1895. for the mllnton now on the lxpoition building eite at 1lh antI Capital n\'tnU. Many or Ih , nmo are In good condilon ; CAn he ex. nmlned on 111 premise ! . A.hlre. II a to An drew J. l'o"1lelon. fJm 3/ First < National I'Mk Iulhlng. 1ght reserved 10 reject any . - and nil 1IIa. rcer\'c Q-MIU 8 II CELLAN EOUS. - hAVANA FHEC-ICLES. 104 DOUGLAS . U-i56M1 FOIl SALE . TWO COAl. WAGONS WITh Oil without tenm. Apply at 101 Ilerc ! St. 19 : CLAI1.VOYANrS MM DR. \VAIt1t1N , CLAIItVOYANT , UE- liable business IneJlun11 ; year at 19 N. S-327 161h. TIlE CIRIIATESI2 - - CLAIRVOYANT OF - TIlE age MndnmD Itomain hai returned by requ.st anti can be consulted an nil affairs ot tile. There wlhlnJ correct advice on bu.lneu. love marriage . divorce. IAWfllM , ctc . can sfeY rely OA Ihe mndame. She removes evil In. titmences . reunlls couples and causes speedy and happy marriage with the one you 10\ ' ' She mnkes ! succoRs where others fnl , Alt In trouhle call and receh'e prompt ijenefit. lIourR . 9 tD cnl I.ele" with stamp answered promptly . 321 , ' N. 151h street tnt A , . - . 8-:1 - iG . H. ItLt SSAG ] .EATH . ETt. MADAM S11TH , C2 S. 1'2U Pt.OOR noot 3 and : magnetIc sea baths. . vapor . alcohol . steam , - sulphlrlne ' . TUHKIBH BAThS. ' 'u/-lm UA'lh ! ; : ONLY PI.ACC IN CITY exclusively for ladits. Suite 103.110 Dee hildg. 8G PERSONAL. Il. IIA/tS. FI.mUST. rI.ANTB. CUT FLWI IS. flanduet . hail . residence and gray doralon . -IS13 _ Vlnlan .tree I. Telephone 17G U-663 MASSAGE , ELICTIO THEi MAL BATHS chiropodist. limo. l'ost , 319 S. 15th at. 11ml'ot 3191 at.U - : ) TIm IELI.n 11P1'IIRLY CORSET . MADE TO order from measure. _ 103 1'aram street. 1-2 NEWLY I ITEn DATU lAnLOn Turkish and electrla baths for In le. ' anti "enle- 'flair. Mme. Howell . 320 S. 15th < et. 2 I floor. Howel. sti.iuari OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE 1TI AND Farnnm. U-MIll 1.:3 SMOIE hOUSE , FINE ICIlY WEST CIGA 115. U-7S6--M19 VIA VI < . . 340 : liED 131400. : III4ALTII BOoC tree : home treatment : lady alen < anl. U-3E DEAUTY CULTURE : I VgIY LADY WITH facIal hall can have I destroyed torever. guaranteed - anteed ly the ELECTRIC NEFILfl. Moles LECTIC NEEDLI. warts wens. red nose , birth tattooS . pow- der and cInder Ir\rk3. frecldes . blacl ; heads , liver spots . pimples and all facnl blemishes rvmnved. II'Mhnled nose and Projecting ears remedied : bust Ie\elopel : hnlr. scalP nn.l . olen treated ; tit reduced : nervous and female , lls- eases cureti by the Curupathlc InstItute. 101 S. curet 11h ut. . near Dodge. 1- 1112' 1 CADNtT PIOTOS. BEST FINISH. $1.75 ; 10 daya only. Cowan's . 63 DI'alwu U-MG33 ) ' . Co. Illuris. Ul MAllAGF PAPER. WIT 100 ADVIIIITISC. I mont and photos at marriageable people , man ? rich : lists ot books . novelties. etc. . ftee. Gun- . _ nels' Montly. Toledo. O. 11-31430 112' STOECICER'S SMOKE hOUSE , HOt DOUGLAS. U-iSiMI3 MAPI.E SHADE TREES FOR SALE : ALSO TIEES FOi plmtl In any part ot clt ) ' . E. O. Summon , 216 FranklIn street. U-MIO 4' MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO.31 N.Y. LirE , leans nt low rates for choice security In No- brska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W -33J LIFE INSURANCI3 rOL1CmS LOANED ON or brght. INSUIANCJ 1' . . . Kansas Cily. W-334 Mo. MONEY TO LOAN ON IlnOVI D OIIAIIA real estate. Drcnnan. Love & Co. . Paxton blk. , W-3 MONEY TO LAN \T LOWEST flATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 105 Faram sl " ' -3S VERY LOW UTES MADE ON GOOD LOANS ' 3.V. . Squire 2tS Dee bldg. 'V-337 . ITY"LO'NS . : : STAII-15 .N : . , : CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. I'u.ey . & Thomas , FirM Nat'l Dank bldg. W-9 . -MONIY' TO LAN ON- IMPHOVrD OMAHA propertl' . Fidelity Trust cempan . 1103 Fat-nam. W- LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNUIPiWVED CITY property. \V. Fnrar Smith & Co.-E3) ) Farnnm W-U MONEY TO ' LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE ' . 11N\1Y 'LAN at G per cent W. U. Jelkle , 1t Nat. Ilk. bldg. CITY LOANS. $ :0.0 : to $ , OQO.O A'I LOWEST rates. Powell & Potter 1t floor N. Y. W-M3T L bldc. INVESTORs' DIECTORY CO. . 10 WALL street N Y. compile and sell names ot bona tide ea.ter investors who have money to In- l < ve.t. run particulars upon requesl. . . .W-M95 3126' MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON 1"UUN1TUI9. PIANOS and all kinds ot security . Fred T 'ry. room 43 Ramge _ block. , . X-3U MONEY TO LAN ON hOUSEHOLD FUnNI- lure. pianos , har.es. wagons . or any kind ' at , chattel security at lowest possible rates . which you can inv hsck at any time anl In any amount. FIDELITY LAN GUARANTEE CO. . Ioom 4. WlhneU block. X-3U . ' i. D. HADDOCK . : UOOM.47. IAMOE 13LOCI. X-15 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. IIANOS. horses wagons. etc. . at lowest rates In cIty ; no removal of gods ; strictly conldeltal : you amount. can pay It ; . : loon . off at any time or In any amount.OMAhA MOITGAGE LOAN CO. 306 8. IGth al. X-M6 BUSINESS CHANOES. . DO YOU WANT A MONEY MAKER ? TIlE Edison lClnetascope ( eight maehlnesl , took In $ .0 In lees than three months. For terms addres Edison Ilnetoscope Co. . 103 Ao. 16th at. . Omohn. Neb. Y-11677 GOOD PAYING MANU AC1INO BUSiNESS , complete for I9'O. God reasons tar s.Wng. Address J : Dee. -GI CUBAN FUECI LES. BEST IN TIlE WORLD Y-iS6-MI9 - - - 1200.Od IIONTIII.Y OUAHAN''CED. MANUfacturing - tncturlng concern wnnts representatives In Omaha ( or nny city not taken ) . Must have few hundred dollars cash 10 pay for goods OA de. livery arel' orders have been secure . F. E. Vail . 110110 bldg. , NewYork . Y-686 I' FOR SALhi.COMPLIITE UO'fLINO OUTFIT , , 'OlALN. ollice fixtures. and horses and wagons . Apply olce fxtures Inl walon. Faust Battling Works 1213 Jones Ht. YD3t MEAT MAi'I : T I.'on SALE IN . ONE OP Tilid best thoroughfares II Ihe cl ) : good hu.lne and wel fitted up. J 4. nee. Y-31136 2' MEAT 1IAI { " ' FOil SALE OR TIIADE . IN good sized towit. 1cason for selling. dl.solu. go tel ot I' rlerhlp.lldrc8s U 28 , lice , Council lilufIs. . Y-Ml&9 7 - FOR 1 OH4NGE I ANY PERSON WIShING TO EXCHANGE A good Manic at merchandise for two fgrnis and 82t acres ot unimproved land In Nebraska . no wlste anti 1lendld grass anti nsrleulureal land , now has a rate opportunity : these lantla are all smooth . nIce layinic. excelent soil. per. feet title and In incumbrance. POI information addrcss E. Y. Clnrl Genoa . Neb. Z-Isi901 I' OUNChL. IILIIFFS BUSINESS I'ItOI'ERTY , COUNCi. nl.\rl IEUTl. rnla $10 month 10 exchange for u.sler boys . or eastern Nebraska ( ann F. J. Seitnorr Council hilutfs . Z-M813 I LO'I' 8. AINHFIELL ) . AND SO2I : CAHI FOIl cell t all lot .aortii ot Dodge. Address J b . lice. 4-131 : S' - - - - - FOR BALE-REAL ES'ATE. FOIl BALI on 1 CIANGI : . A FINE 1 SI , dence piopoity . . with large cl'oulds. : wel 1m. lr\'e.l ; owner hns 10 use Cor the property anti will lake other ' ' In . wi god pl'pprl txchanae. Address , H. n. JLOee. CouncIl 1ul. . In. Im-i61 U FARM LANDS C. 1' , 1.\/nSON. 912 N. I' . I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IE-M1 Ill' LiXCILANG1E4 . ANI SALES : CITY I'ltOl'EIITY I , farina - , Inerchandlse. Gar\ln Dro. 20 N.Y.Llte. Im-3U UAUOAlS , I0USnS , 1.01'1 AND FARMS. ale or trade ) . K Darln ! Darker 1lock. IE-t DAIIGAINS . SALE 01 TIADU IN CITY l'ltOI' . erte and ta11. J110. N. 'lenzer epp. I' . O. _ 11-S3 FINE OAIIIN : LAND. 5 : / 1 1Oll I' . 0. . $0 per cro 014 N. Y. i. bhl& 11-9S WANTD. 1,1,00 , I1DS 01" FAMILiES 'r lake up trIl Itotuoctrada 10 the Red river vet- Icy 111lesol , Map chewing xaet location. . ectlon. toWt\ anti range wn be mal free by I writing tD land con1nlfllQner Great Northern railway. St. I'aul. Itlnn. JU'1UT 1t A GREAT JAnO.\N : ELEGANT $ .3OO3l cottage near Jiunacom park. every ' modern ( ( lle ntar Ianaom ever "Ionn convenIence . QWler Imsa left cl . must sail. Address J. L W. . box 91. ) RJ-IJ za' A . &O 10U1 FOIl $ lC&O0 , EASY ' 'ERS ; let u. low It to you . Jeptmlr Wt never offer anything but genuine snaps. ir. E. Cole. I lOG N. nb & 5111" 1 -mGI a - . V , ' Im1H ( ' There'siijI - lere S . .4 ) j Y " Money in It - . , ' -v , - \ 'ashng with Pcae , Therc' ! / case and comfortlAt1 , it . too , and ( safety. Therc's .wear saved on T cvcry thing \Shed . j there's " II ' I -3 1 II , work saved ifl every thing ! you I / . U P do. Thcrc's ncThne , wasted I and little time nq.,11c Therc's nothing lkc Pearlne , Thcrc's no harm if you 'use it , thcrcls no reason in doing without it Ik'ddlcrs anti some unscrupulous grocers will tell you , B eware ; . this is ac good ns" or ' thc same I Pcartinc Icl . IT'B ' ; : FALSE-l'carllne Is never peddled . I ( your groccr9 send . : nn mitnlion , L" honcst-sm.I/ Mmk . : ; JAMBS PYLE . , New York - - - - - - - FOR BALE-REAL ESTATE. Continued. - SOMEThING NEW l IFEc LITTLE OCMS. G.nOOM COTTAGES. MODER IN D\lmY nmItC. ! JUST PIlING FINIShED. IN FIST CLASS NUIOIIUOt1IIOOI3. , - . . . ' IN WALKIO pISTANCII OF DUSINESS. _ CLOSE TO CAfl LINE CONVENINT TO SCHOOL. WILL TAKE CHIAl 1.0' AS pAHT OF lnST' I'AYl NT. Duslnes lot on \ ! street and cash for a clear lot or house an,1 , lac. - Clear store and lot on 'Vest Leavenworth and some cash for house and lot. . - A $3,50 lot inside 1 mile , sade cash and 3 or 4 outside tots or house old lot _ lId feet ot ground and 3 cottages . Within 2 blorks ot the finest residence portion I at this city west tar acreage or farm near Omaha. - . . Small apartment house and some cash 10 cx- change Cor cottage home . To the MECHANIC. l'AINTEn. MACHINIST . and others : Why wear your life out tryIng 10 PAY bight rents br excessive taxes on your home In town and depending enlrely Oi your trade or proCe.- Mon 10 make n 1\lng1 I you owned 5 acres at land near Omaha you could raIse enough fruit and vegetables to motto ycur your trd living . and still wotlt - half your time It We are lele ago. tt ' for 40 acres only 4 miles from I' . 0. 11 tre.t 1'lnE land neal' Omaha that sold : n ' 8 ! : for $1,000per - acre . Slot cash. The owner will cut .llls up Into 5.ner tracts . and wi take n house and lot In Omaha a part "ayment. balance easy term. Time lax on 5 acres I. less than on your house and lot and the land home. will make you a hIving and give ) 'ou' a fine Your house and lot nearly breaks your back 10 keep up taxes and nssessmenL. Omaha I. goIng to grow and 5 acres within 4 mIles will srw Increase In value five tmes n. fast aM your house and lot and make you I lIving In addition. . Se u at once for partc'lar. FIDELITY TIUST COIPANY , , SOLE AGENTS. - 110 Farnam Stre.t. . n E-9.2.28 ABSTRACTS. THE DYION nEED COMI'AN't. REOt FOR SALE. WELL EQUIPPED STOCK FAItH . 3,720 acres . on Wood River valley . Neb. : 723 acres cultIvated . balance fenced ' OR hay mead. ows and pastures. God buidings , teed yOrds . ctc. Value. $3.2. Small cash Payment and balance ot equity In clear city Iropert Ad- , dress 85 Cooper building . Denver Cola. RE-Mill 0' FOIl SALE 20 ACHES NEAR NEW STAT Fall grounds : a splendid bargain. Address . J 9 , line oillce. Itid-141 :8' . UNDERTAKERBANDEMBALM RBI 'ii. K. PUIINET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND I embalmer , 108 Chicago st. . telephone 90. 3:6 SWANSON & VALI14N. UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers . 101 Cumin& st. , telephone 100 I M. O. MAUL UNDEITAKEn AND EMIALJ { . er. 11 Farnam st. . telephone 25 : El ' C. W. DAltER , UNDERTAKER . 613 S. 16T13 l' BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION HOW TO GET A 10m Oi SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L & D Ass'n. 10t Dee bldg. O. W Nattnser , soc3G : SHARES IN JUTUAL L. ' & D. ASS'N I'AY 6. 7. 8 per cent when I. I 2. 3 years old , alwaYI redeemable. 110' I'aram st . Natllgcr , Soc. 113 - Hor1Ijt _ _ _ _ _ hOTEL PARKER. 111 AND JONES STi4. 15 roms M $1.50 per day. r rooms at $2.00 per day . Spedal rates 10 commercial Iravelers. Ioom and manager. board by week or month rank hlildltch 819 . AETNA blOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COI4' 13th and Dodge. 10ml by day or week. 35 I MEDICA L. I SYPhILIS TREATED ; NO CURE. NO PAY : cases on paymenls : consulaton tree : E tl 10 U. 11. 1 ID 3. 7 . 10 9 p. m. :30 Cumlnl st. Omahu . - 31-792.1(20' - : -79.12' MAIK SUITS. I.A/ES' AND MEN'S 1A'SI SUITS FOIl RENT at Golden Eagle store lt S. 161h street . 11613-1(11' CARPENTERS AND DU.LDERB. c. 12 , 1OllILI. l'AI'EH hANGING . 101SI . sign painting . brick work plasterlnCI ; off . It. I , Darker 111k. : tel 733 : shop 221 Izard : leI. 40. _ MSH - tTOV1 itj1PAii-1S . STOVE UEI'AllS l'On 40.0 DIFFERENT makes at stoves : water attachment and COl- netons a specialty. 127 Douglas at . Omaha Stove Repair Wor L 36 DENTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL SURGERY . 1"J E infirmary : dentistry at coM HIlt & CiI5a 114 . : - - ELlOTIUOAL 8UFFLIS ELlCICAL ENGINEERS AND CON1'UAC. tar Cor electric light and motor plants and all anl kinds of electrical construction . Western EI e. trleal Supply Co. . 41 and 4J S. 1th . t. 3:3 : SHORTHAN TYPW1ITING. -t AN SANTB SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND N. . Y. Life Omaha. Ask lor circular 366 . WHOLESALE COAL JOhNSON Dnos. . WHOLESALE DEALlmS IN all kind of coal. Correspondence solicited. 19 FarMm at St : - DENTISTS. 1)11. PAUL. D1NTlT. : : DUET 8 ? . 363 - - - ] 31C YCLES . M. O. IAXON. t01 N. 16TH. 33 - - - - - - - - 0IA1A DCYCLI CO. , 321 - - N. - - lOT - - - lIST. - - 333 ST1 m.INO 1lIC'CiliS , Utl\ 1.1C A watch " 'eler Electrical SUI'ply Co.,432 5.15th. . 531. A. L DENE & CO. . WlOI.FSALI AND HE- tail ble'cleR' llS I.'nram street. _ 19 i\'Il.t. lAHNUM & IhitO. , 1:0 N. 16TH STIr T : only riding school in . the cIty 11U "COl.I'MtlIt" 1103. FINEST : I2XA7tII'Lt-i Ol light anti high grade hleelb constructIon . " ' tii. Lyle Dickey & Co. , 103 ) DouglAS at , agents. 9- . - - EMPLOYMENT OFFICE , CANADIAN EMlL'M : ' lUm.\U liE- mo\'e,1 tD 1522 Douglas : furnish best male and , _ female help. : l91 MI MUSIC , A ' AND LANG AGE. c. F. OELLENBFCrDANJOIST AND GUITAR i teacher 191. Cns sl. 91 . - COAL. D. T. MOUNT lAS REMOVED II COAL omce 10 209 S. lGth sl. . Brown bIoel HO . - - - - - - - - - 1ICE IEDUCI1 : SIIIbRIDAN. l3tST WYO- mlng coi : nut . $ I.G SIlmIDAN. ; : ) : 2.00 lbs. feta - a ton delIvered . lC5 1'ttrtiant stteet. 261 LC3T. , LOST Oil STOLEN . JItlh. : 2. . A GannON setter answering In Iho Inme ot ] nl : IL hbcll reward ovill be i'aid if returned to 1137 1 Farnato i7 : S. Airnlmam \ : . . . rlurned m 3 t DRESSMAKING , Dm SSMAtIm IN PA1IILIUS. , 4310 GRANT .t. . IG 31' _ BUSINESS 'OTICES. DAMAGED 11nnORS I1ESILVERED . ill N. 163 16. 'I'liIi IIEALTI'IIAIIKI4T : 11 11 tLTY U.\llUT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record February 28. 1&95 : WAnlANTY DEEDS. C S Grilsteal and wIfe to Geneva Pet- . ' tilt . lot .3 . 1"1laon Ilaee. . . . . ! . . . . $ 20 Fredericlc 'uch'nmgen : nl wire to John h'zezernl , lot II . block . ' ' n U. 10. WIlcox's SZlzerl < < . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'lcox'l . . . . 633 . Annn Morin nod ' to L . Sleyen- " . lot 2. bloc I hURb'4' \ \Inahn. . . . . . . 2 L 14 Rte\'enRnA 10 the ; It'er Schoelhofen Brewing company . 11t .J . . , block lS0t \ , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . .2 : : . . . . . IbaItham , Jotter nnd osittt . Fted lrewa nalhns . Jeler . , , . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . lot 1. blunt 1. 1urr\ . . . . . . . . . 1,10 J C " 'rlht et nl to l : It.rJIrtstings : . W , ! I.rlnstnR. ' lot 7. block 14. Omaltaototi lot ! 1. block 2. Improvement assointtpn 11. . . . . 2 Midway Iny'stment coiaeiy tD t R Town et ni . lot 21 , block 1 'OtJI & n'g add. . 240 L I Itall to J A HowJ . lot & , block < . : J lnl . . . . . . . . . : ( w . . . . . blol. . , . . : . : A S Patrick to' E G Ct'0dlbn } . lot G. block 4. A S 'atrlck's ClgIi I. : : . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,2 QUIT C. , r lmDS. , August \Vend 10 11 , 18 Haven , a 63 feet lot ' U , Wenlt Hoger.st01romma. I ,1 , Jayen . . r . . tlet . . . 1 DERIS Special master to 8 t tans. jr lot 5. Splcnl ' sUb,1\- . , . " 'i1"0ClJ. ; ; . " . . . . . . . . . .2,0 Total amount ot 'rlt. . . . . " . . . - $ G.52 Do.etLi ' : R SEARLES . ' . : & SEARLES I , " \ Chronic Chrnic , $ \llt\ \ \ : i ' II NC VOn , . , ! : i ! . Private . g ; Wt , . .J . Discass. T JAT.\EST BY 11All. ConsultatIon { . 'roe I We'cur Cat'rh , aU diseases of the Nose , Throat , Chest , stomach I Liver , Blood , Ski and Kidney Diseases , Female . . male Weaknesses Lost Manhood , and ALI PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN. WEAK MEN ARE VICTIMS TO lEIVOU & I Dtblhity' or ' Eu.Uon Wasting Weakness. In voluntary Loijea . with Early Decay 10 OUnl and middle aged : lak at vim . vigor adwe&ened :10 prematurely In mpproscbtng old age. All ) eld readily t cur Dew ttment for' lOB of vItal power. . Ca or or sddrns with stamp tor. tlf , ulsra. frea book 'no r lptL Dr Searles and Qniosls 1416 Farnatn . ML. lJVaLlbJ UUU UbULIJJ1 . 14i t .1 ' : rE r 'LRwyersandsolIcItors . SUES ' & CO'I Bee Building , OMAHA . Neb. Advice FREE. RAILWAY TIlE } CARD Leu\'cs IIJU1ILINOTON & MO. I1IVEItIArrives I/UlLINO'ON 10. IU\EI.IArrlves OmuhalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts1 Omaha I : i5am. . . . . . . .Den\er 5xhr053..9:43am . . 4:33pm.Iilk . . hills . Mont. & I'uget thnti . . Ex.4IOpm : 4.3pm.Uk. : . . . . . . .Denver ExpreB. luget . Inl. . . . .4:10pm : G:45pm.Nebr.ka : Local ( except Sunday ) . itjpm : 8nm.Llncoln Local ( excep $ unday,11b3asn ) : ; Sandar.1:2.am 2:4.pm..I"ast : Mal ( for Lincoln ) Dal ! . . . . . . . Leaves \ CHICAGO , /1m.1N ' 0N & Q.iAn'ives Q./AOh'CS / Omaha _ Union D I > ol. 10th & Mason Sts ( Omaha 4:431mm..Chicago : Vesttuui i. . . . . 9:5am : 9:50.ln. : . . . . .Chlcngo Expres . . . . . . 4:15pm : ' 11:33am..aciiic 7&Opm..Chlcago ; : : : : I and . Junction tit. Luuis Local. Express . . . . : : 0lOpit 8:10am ; : : : . . . . . . . . .I..ast Mail. . . . . . . . . 2:40pm : L'maves ICIICA o. IIIL : & ST. 1'UL.jArrivea OmahjUnion Depot , lot h ! _ & _ Mason Sts. / Omaha 6:00pm..Chlcco. : : Limited. . . . . . . 9:3am : 11:10am..Cicago . : r xpres ( ex. Sun. ) . . . 6:00pm : Leaves JCllCAOO & - ' - NORTIIWL'ST'N.lArrivecr ' OmabalUnioitDepot . _ , 10lh h Mnn Stsd Omaha 11flIain..EaateI'e" ; . . . . " f . - . - . . . . - 5:3)'m : , , 4 ; OOpm..Vestlbule I i LimIted. . . . . . . . . . 0 : lOano 6:15am. ; . . . : . . ' . . : Yfg.t Vullei4.ocal..10:30pm : : : : : : : : : : . ; : l'm..Omaha CiiVcagottpeelal.- : . Leaves I CIIICAGO.Jt.jI. : & _ IACl'W. IArTis ; ' , : Omaha I Unlun I3r.ct . lt ! Mason Sta.l , OmAha EAWI' . ' 11:0OoinAtiantio : . xpnr.ex. , . . . ) . . 6:00pm ; . . . 1:0m.AtanUo Sunday . I 6:25pm. : . ; : . . . .Nltht " iPress. . ; ; . ) . . 95d\ ; I'11 I 4:3 pm..Chlcno Vest'Ibuisd Lllle. . . IOPln : 11.i3pm.Oklaitomtme - Txp. ' ( IIU. Ii. ex bun.llt3Opm . w- \ - : ' ' : \1 5lluntUlciaitomna : , 4t 'rt'ai lOx. ( cx. bun.,1l:3Oj 1:0pm. 6:5ul.Ulluhumu . . . . .Colorod-led. 'I 1x. le. . luI..lJ ) : : - I\'U -C. ST. It.7 'I. & O. I rrh'u Omaha I _ Depot Iltim _ a'l.Welsler Sts.Jpmnaha 9:2am..Neb..slla : Iu.s"er ( daily ) - ; PI1 " 4pm..lluux : City IIXDlUa ( CL Sun4..llidan ) ; , Gltm. : . . . . . Ciy ' KX" Ubnled. . . . . .10 :3ul : Leaves - F'T11. - & MVAILEY'iArrives Lans I-I l&'AI.I.EV ; Omaha _ Dept Ilh and } V baler . Sis. / I Omaha 2:101 : l.m..I . ' 1lalqu V1i..or 1 . . . . . . . 4iumm 2:101 : > m.ex. Hut . ) Wyq1x.ox ( , lion . ) . 4:5jpm : 9:05am..Norfolk : Expre . ( ex. ttundaylOloamn : 6:101'1. : . . . . .St. ' Exper' iA x1re. ' unlay.10:3dm . . . . .lQ:33al : Leaves I R 'c. , ST ; ' J. . & C. ' 11. ' tAtrives Omalialon _ Depot . JOtIm' & ' : ? E. Stat I / _ Omaha 9:30am..Kansas \ . DaiExpreaa. . . . 6IJpII : . .t : I\.IC. C. Night Ex via U. 1' . Trans. 6:3am : Leave I IIISSOUItI j'ACIFt . - _ OnmalmalDepot 11h and 'yelster Sis I Omaha _ 10:40am : . . . . . . .St. LuIs Espresa. . . . . . . 6Oal ; O:3pm..SI. : LuIs Express. . . . . . . G08pm ; ; l0pm..Nfbraakal.ocmlex. Sun ) . . . 9:00am - Leaves I SIOUX CITY & 'PAClArlv OmaltaJjepol 15th mind . _ S'obste r. 51. . / I ; : : ! . . . . . . . ! . Patti Ltmnttd. . . . . . .161IIan , LeaSes II0-ux CITY & PACIFIC. I's' Omaha UnIon L\pol. both & { as3a ' Sla.I Omaha 11'lo\e.1 : . . . . . . . " City - I'aasenger..10:33pm : 5 :3 : pm. _ ; ; _ . .8t. Iaul Cly-laa.nuor..l0spm Llmle < . . . . . .123Im ; - ' LC'\'e" UNIN I'ACWIC.- ' iArflves Omaha Union Depot . 1011 4 Jas > n Slat / Omaha 10 :041. : . - : . . . . . . JCeal-ey xprtu. . , . , . . . . . . 3:41pm : 2:00pm..Overland : I'lyer. . . . . . . . . fi 2Oopmn.Uea'tce & Str'c Ex.ex. Bum , ) . 8:4i'mt : , 7:20pm..l'achio Exprets..5.iOfdam 8tjl'll ; . . . " . . . .I f0m 6 :15pl. : . . . . . . . . . .la.1 _ 1Ial , . . . . . . . . . . 4:1'.m : - - LeavesVAIIASII \ lAU.WAY. / r-rI44 Omaha _ Unio Depol. lOut & Ialn Stl , I Omaha 3I0pmn.St. : Lui Can ' on flali..I2:3lpzu : BELIEVE ThEY CAN AGREE Much is Hoped for nt Coal \ Rate Conference this Moring. QUIETING OIL POURED BY UNION PACIFiC InllAhlA Two Un's of UI ( ' ( lrItII'nt ly CotieescIon Ucitttlt'e to Colorado nli UnlAno Coei-l'oltits II the Uls- tIAAloIA Ycsttrdn ) ' . Representatives ot western rnlwa's who have the Millard for [ been In conference at Mllnrl or two days , slklng 10 reach nn ngreemcnt re- specln ! rates On coal will meet again at 10 o'cloclt this mornillg . and \1th more hope than has been felt at any time dtirhIlg or even before time meetIng. So discouraging Illl the elualon Ec'elfl for n time last [ evening that Paul Morton with- le , . followed shortly after by General Manager . nger loldrega and General Freight Agent Crosb ) ' . nut Mr. Truesdale kept the major- Iy ot the rcprccnlnt\'es Il the 101 and filIally thc Union Pacifc conceded several 110lnts In relatIon 10 soulhern Colorado antI : ICnnMs coals , the Union Pacific tll 10 this tmo insisting that there shoub 0 mnxl- . mum rate to Kansas Points This concea- slon brought new hOIO and , at last when G o'clock caine the railroad men hail rechel n point which sceme.1 10 Indicate nn agrtlent In sight and an ndjolrment was taken untIl 10 o'clock this mornIng n nlmber of the omclals agreeing to try one tore day before tiie3' filially gave lip hmoie at reachIng a con- elusion satsfactory to all Interesls. NO COMpRmnSr ACC PTED. The big guns of western railroads were prolJty called . togethcr yesterday al 9 o'clock by Vice President and General Mon- agcr Truosdale , who had Leon 'hosen chairman In the room were , Rccelver Frank Trum- bal and General F'reigimt Agent Fred Wlldo . jr. . of the Union PacifIc . Denver & Gul : General Manager G. W. lohlrego and George II. Crosby of lhe n. & 11. : Asslstall Gel , . oral Freight Agent Wood of the Union Pa. chic : AssIstant General Freight Agent Phi- lppi oC the MissourI Inclfc : AssIstant Gcn- oral Freight Agent C. R. hudson oC the Santa I"c : General Manager W. H. Tresdlle and General Freight Agent J. 11 John on oC the Hock Island : Trmc Manager A. J. Iuhe ! . Denver & Ro Grande : Asslstnnt , . . General Freight Agent A. U. Merchant oC. Ihe Elkimorn That something , definite might be ac- cOlplshcd Il wus decided to take up the questIon of . Nebraska rates first . lunsRs rates being less liable to cause a spilt In the meeting. Mr. Wcod on behalf oC the Union Pacifc presented a comtromlsc proposition that Hock Springs coal should bo $3.75 IJer toil from Hlnna $3 , and from Sheridan $2.75. wIth ! a $3 rate from coal mines 10- catcd on the EIhor. hardly had this comtrmlse been sprung when a lively war oC words ensued and On a vote beIng taken Il was Idled before you could say Jack Hob- Inson. General Manager Hol1rege of the Burlng- ton shIed his castor Into thc ring by offer- lug thc ( allowing proposItion : From nock Springs $3.90 ; Shcrldan. $2.75 : and ilanna $3.25. but I was struck by n cyclone anti scattered to thc wInds. Then the Heck Island and Santa Fc attempted - tempted to patch tt the differences wih con'promlse propositions , but as rapidly they met the fate parceled out to the UnIon Pa- cWc and BurlIngton proposit1ois . I began to look serIous by this tIme , and as one gentleman expressed it. "It seemed to be a question of tonnage , nOL I question of revenue . " amid that Is the way I struck 1 number of others. . The coal men In the meantme were out In the lobby ' midly . roasting' one anther mid tcUng ghost storIes about the output of the vjrlous mines they representcd. The freight : people had no use for them lug scsslon. durIng . the morn- .1 . A representative ot time UnIon I Pacific : stated that for four years hIs : company had endeavored to bring about an , adjusttncnt of coal rates but had met with ' no success whatever. For that number at Years the Union PacIfic hall malnllined the I rates 'from Itoqk Springs and Hanna to the I detriment of their Interesls. But during , ltle' last month the secret cuts and rebates made by other roads had so materllly .chlnged the sltulto ) that the Union Paclh : had decIded to openly make a reduction of ' 75 cents per ton . the same rate which com- peters were making secretly . and an emergency tariff was Issued the coal depart- ment realizing that only through decisive action could au agreement Icton or an Idjust- meat of rates bo ached. And they pro- posed to stand by theIr guns until competitors - tors agree 10 be talr. On the other hand ' a representative ot n competing line with time UnIon PacIfic was emphatic In the statement that the UnIon ; Paclfc wanted the earth with n fence , aronnd it. Their. proposition Is to j1qualza the Tates { from Hock Springs and Canon City 10 points In Kansas alhougn there Is 0 dIfference at .nelrly' 400' mIles In favor of Canon City to Kanss points IS against Rock Springs. The present differential Is 65 cents In favor oC 'lhe Canon CIty ml e. They would prob- ablY agree to a compromise differential of 25 cents but will not bear of tile present differential . cntnl being continuel . ' STILL mp' WIDE APART. , All afternoon compromIse 'after compra- 'mlse was presented and 'as promptly voted dooyn. A resolution waS Introduced seeking 10 make a delivered price the rula , that Is to say Instead of loading tree-on-board cars at the mlm . to make the price at the mines , plus time freIght , the governIng principle but this was opposed .by the Union Pacific . and . In consequence Chairman Truesdale excused the boal men present , stating that the diff - basi f ren2s . : would have ' t be settled on a Iraf ' Considerable , dIscussion ensued overa new compromIse which contemplated a rate of $3.75 ' [ rom Rock Springs and Canon City : ' $3.60 , from Watsens and Rouse points In souther Colorado. General Manager Holdrege offered n reso- luton that nil effort bo made to advance freigltt rates from : lo 60 cents a toil . and I the resolution 'should prevail , th3t II would be understood 10 effect all mines In Colorado and Wyoming' nt all poInts above St Joseph , being contingent upon a slnlar advance between the rivers. But Ice all other compromises It met an untimely death Then came thIs proposition. which seemed to meet with more general elllorsement pian 'any former compromlae : flock SprIngs and Canon City . $3.7 ; 'Valsens end north Colorado , $3.60 : Hanna , $3.00 : Sheridan , $2.76 : New Casl , . $2.60 : Trinidad $3.7 [ . The Union Pacific . Denver & Gulf would not agree to hut Trinidad on the Ilme basis ns Rock Springs and Canon City. Time Denver . ver & RIo Grande representative could ' not agree 10 'carry' tile same rate fro I 'Canon City as froln nock Springs. Then came the proposition ot tll Union PacifIc referred to , and which will be the basIs of [ the discussion this morning. I.lvoiylinla Wil' lr"\vN' : . LOS ANGEL S , I eb. ' S.-Tho cut of [ $2.0 In rates to the east 'haS gone into elect on the 'Santa Fe . but the Southern } 'aeile company - . pany and time representatIves ot other roads made no reductIon. A Chicago dispatch dated time 22d Jomewhlt confused limo sItu- I aU n. I intimated that Chairman Cald- wel ot the Western Trunk Line commission would be compelEd to declare the actln oC the Santa Fe unwarranted on the evidence submitted. The Ivdenco : tmltlnlng the Slnta THE GREATEST PURIFIER s.s.s . , , FOR THE BLOODS Fe In lie ( attitude I lied taken was only forwarded 10 Chicago today . In the first instance Iho Santa Pc simply nnnonncell Its Intentons or meeting a cll In rates In conS "onnno wIth the terms of time 1)lulng r agreement. When the Santa Fe gave notice 10 the Southern Pacific or Its intention 10 rut the rate from Los Angeles I announced that the re < lcton was made 10 meet the conipetition of outsitici lilies .bectlSem Comletlon ollshln lnes "becallc , as the notice rerttl "we assume that all coin- mll o lines are observing time agreement. " The Southern I'Rclnc , whIle not joining the Santa I'e In stRshlnr time eastern rate Is In sympathy wih the movement to bring Iho whole matter up for investigation. The new fate has not stimulated second class travel , 1.lel report from California ethIc that Ihe SOllhern Iclnc company Is reduced lie rate $ : from Chicago to the Pacific eO'sl. tinder the cover of 1 rebate. The Santa \c peile now announce that unless the Southern Paclll acts squarely they will cut the rates uull tll 011 time rate or $30 from 1'lns1s CIty , anti therefore Onialma . was once more estabhishiel. Should this cut bo In1\glrlcd Il will bring about the liveliest Inll of n rnlo wnr. Chalrmnn Cnllwet Is In need of anolhcr barrel 1 oC oil. Unless hl UC- cetls In patching up time dllerenc 3 tlln ) or tomorrow In Chicago It I feared that hIs p rsuash'o powers will - , - bo sadly wrcnchc1. I Is tnelrstool that I Ihl obnoxIous tclCl have hccl ordered oft sale by Chllirmll Calti- wet of the WISINn Trunk I.II missociatiomi . These the " " . nro tlo "clbow" tckets. At tIme Union Pacifc h alqtnrtcrs nothing Is leown of Ihq w 8tboUII cut Ihol1 I Is 111rstoml lhnl Chairman Caldwell has ruled against ! the , Santa } . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IISSUUII lACl'l S''UL OUTSIJ' : . \o ttrl J'n' " , " ! , ' " JInlI Vaitca1 I . In \nll fur Io lt4tt'Oimlltttlt'C . ChICAGO Feb. 28.-Tue general mcelng of the WCstern Trunk LIne Passcngcr nsso- I cia lon has altournl1 suhjecl 10 the cal i oC ChaIrman CaIdwell , When the mealng I convened this mornIng no word hal bem ic- 'ceh'ell ' frm the Missouri Pnclfc all no representative of tIm line was prescnt. The Wahash nnnolncell that It hI only slgncl I the cmmitee agreement with the undcr- slnnllnl that the Missouri 'Pacific was 10 bc- COIO a member anti Ihat If Il was not to como Into the [ old time Wabash wouhl ho compelOI to remain on . the outsh1 'ho meeting at once adjourned , instructing Chair- man Caldwell 10 agaIn semI word to General Passengcr Agent 'ownscml of the MissotlrL Pacific . relncstn hll to nnnounce whcn I will bo convenient for him 10 com tl Chi- cage for the purpose oC atcmtng the mcel- Ing of the conitnittee. I a rClrescnlltye oC the MissourI Pacific will bo here on Saturday - day Chalrmnn Caldwell will issue n call for 1 meetIng ll that 111r. I time Missouri Pacilo cannot be represented here on Salul- period. day the mater will bc put off for a longcr Jerlol. The earlng of all the lInes or the Atchison - son system for the thlnt week In February were $68'1.781. n decrease oC $8.362 ; for tIm month to date they are $1,999,219 , n decrease oC $ ; 0.472. The clrnlngs of the St. Louis & San Francisco , IncludIng one-half of the Wlchla & Westeln. , were for tIme wool , i03.- I 802. a decrease oC $1.78 : : for the monlh to I date $239,323. a lccrcl5e of 16025. Thc ! earnIngs of the AtlantIc & l'aciilcvoro for tIm week $66,112 , an increase oC $11.- 1:2 : for the 10nthl to date , $95,656. nn increase oC $25,687. The earnings oC tim Colorado 1ld1111 were , for lhe week , $23.- 41. a decrease of $292 : for the month to date $72,9:8. a dccrease of $6.57. The earings at the Atchison m13'itetn Proper wore for the week . $491. I 8. 1 decrease of $17.408 : for the mOlth : 10 date , $1,118,238. a decrease oC $73.55G. Al the earnings reported - ported Iboye arc approximated gross carn- imigs Ings.'he Chicago Great Wcstcr today ser\'ed notice on Chairman Callwcl that It Is not a lrty to and wi In ! o way' he bound by any oC the rates which wi bo hewn In the forthcoming St. Paul-llnneapols rate sheet. The Great 'cslorn some tIme ago wlhMew from tho' St. . I'aul-Minneapolis Rate \ . association do acconnt of a dispule'ln regard : to rates In which the cbalrman.r led that ' the Great 'Vester had taken the correct : poitlon. In was later InvIted to 1 meeting laC the rate acsocilton ant its representative wns instructed 10 meet the other hues hll way In making whatever rates were desired . It vas Inormclt that I It wished 10 become - come a member of the association Il mnst abandon its' stand on the matter whlchl had occasioned its ' withdrawal. This tIme Great Weston , rtfused 10 do and promptly Informed - formed Chairman Cnldwel that I wi re- main an 'Indcpendent line. 1tOICOTTO'T1lI1 ' . , ' , : I AUO.\ L1NI - - N. C. & St. I Enjoined ly .JIHlgo Lumlldu front I'arm lcmptting. : ATLANTA , Ga . . Feb 28.-Klng & Sp1ld- log rEIJreSen\lg \ Iho'Seabonrd Air Line raIlroad - road applied yesterday to Judge LUltldn of the superior' court of Fulton county for n temporary - porary Injunction restraining the NaEh\I , Chattanooga & St. Louis' raIlway from taking part In the boycott instituted by 'the Southern raiway against the Seaboard. After . reading , the papers for twelve hours Judge Lumpldn granted thc injunction . which will , until finally decided cut a large hole In time boy- cottng efforts of the Southern Railway and Steamship aFocaton ! , sInce It gIves the Seaboard - , board an outlet to the north , the lack oC whIch Is likely to prove the most serious In- 'jury to the boycotted line. 'fhe boycott goes Jute ' effect tcmorrow. The Sbaboarci . according to all expressions coming from its ofcarJ , has determined to fight thc boycott. TIme ground fOr 'praying ' the injunction against . the Nashville ' , Chattanooga & SI. Louis Is .the ; ' vlolaton o't 1 contract between this 10JII ( and time Seaboard which 111' into Atlanta over the ' North Carolina & St. Louis leasedlne , St. Louis Western Atlantic , and ihe ( Iirtwr ground that there Is a clause In the Western - ern & Atlantic lease which malccs the boycott illegal. _ _ _ _ - _ _ ' CmOIWJ ( IU.U JAliIS UFNJAJ. : Ueclros There 'is No ' 1'nt1 , In die UUlol'el 9ilsotirl ] ' , , \0 Ilccclvorsimij. NEW : YORK Febo 28.-Regnrdln a rumor which has gained some publIcity that there ' likelihood of th3 MissourI PacifIc railroad being placed In the receiver's lmapls ; . George J. Gould said , to an Associated press . . reporter - "Tho Is without fountlation . porter : story wihout foundllon. I Is started anlunl ! . but Is no more true today than It WtS last year " . The boarll of directors of thc Missouri . Pacic hlya under conshleratott a scheme I for fundIng thc fontns debt of tIme cor- II poration. 'ho plan Is to issue laOOOOOO ot [ par cent one-year collateral trust bOII.I , vliichi after Ilrovllng for the funding of the floating plus debt . will . leave a suhstantal stir- plus.Nf CIU O. ' 1'1 ShORT 1.1:0 : l'rolont Trllo . \rruulel\ut , wih thn 1"lnl i'm , title OI'llerD,1 Cumit iii ii m'mi . ST. LOUIS . Pcb. 28.-1n time United States court today Judge Sun bor ordQrcd the ' J'e. celvers of the UnIon J'acltic to conllnua' tIm prcsent tariff Irr ngemelt betwetn thnt road and the Oregon Short 1.lnl. Time mater came Ill last Saturday , hut action was deferred at time reqll'll ot the AmerIcan Loan nlll 'frust company of Boston whose counsel 1 lmttem'posetl objecton 10 the order Today the COlpal ) ' was lot represented . uld tIle order , a Inost Important one. was milade . AfTairi of Iho Erie . NEW Y011h Feh. 28.-'he receivers. of tile New York : . I.nlco Erie & WI'ttlt rail. road wi , I its undclslood. pay the iiiter'st chal'1 ) due 11urch 1 II full , ) One oC Ilit' coniliany'mi . directors II authority ( mit' the statenlnt that Ill ( hOlrd hal blot con llere,1 , ' ot issuing receivers' certificates tIme question hUIUhlleellverl' : ccrtfca1 for Ihl current uses tC the romlal ) ' . and I Is believed such U course wi lot be ucces. story ' for the JI 'Clt'nt lt least. Non hl'rn 1'lclu I Ih'nrlll'7'lnl. I NEW YORK , Feb. 23.-'l'he Northern Pa- cUlt , reorgiiiii'aitlOn corniuiittee lmas just taken $ ! ,400,0I' ' ) of rect'ivprs' certilirates , Irmaking the total amount which the corn- paiiy haii takeji $5.900,00i ) . 'rho receivers iyere mtiltitrJrIZL'ti to Issue $6,000,000 , but ltuve wltimlit'lil 1100.000 becaUse of inabilIty to fur- niim coilatertit to miectIre that itiiomtiit as required ii ) the order of ( lie court allowing the issue. _ _ _ _ _ _ , ,00l , Ji'atiulu I oIlmitcuIIy Elects ( hliiccrs. SN F1I4NCISCO , ireb. 28.-Time board of tlireetors of the San Francisco & San Joaqulmi Raliroatl company elected executive ofilcerd as follows ; President , Clause 5iirrkels ; flrst vice prr'aitent. 11. F. Whittaker ; second vies president , Itob3rt Valzii ; counsel , l. if , Vrcitop . EUCLID IARTIN POSUIASTER rorinany Mojor Clarkson in the Office Last Evening. COLORED JANITOR GOES tINDER 1hZ tX lie Is Succ'ecmlpl Iy is W'hiIt Icitiocrat.t il mtjor Clturkenn l'meticnte'cl witit hltt , . tiutta mitmil miii Lhiiilri'llms-Unctsj- tic' timmiimug EIlIl'l(13'CQ. At 6 o'clock last evenltig Major Clark. soil formnmmiIy reiinquisimetl the oflico of Post. liiastCr aliti Etilitl Martin forlnnhiy as- suliucti it , Imi Inakimig the transfer tim new' Post- htiastem' was first Introtlucotl to tIme following lteads of tiepartinents , who itssemiibled to Sheet hIm in tlm : liOOtliiatter's office : Charles E , lhtirimielstcr , etlperlIitlitlent of noiie' order dcpartiiiont ; fl , l'hoenix , of the registry dl- vision ; J , i. Cramer , stiparilitelilent : of 1113115 ; JoitiiV. . DiSbrOW , stlperllhtemitlent of carriers ; \V. W , Connovtiii , stiperliltentlene. of liialilltg dlvisioii ; L. S. hole , stiperintend. ent of ulistriliuting division , antI li. Antler- sail , Itcail stanip clerIc. Major Clarlcsait shako somewhat feelingly WitCh lie etilogized his oh ! staff and ox- liresseti tIme itoite that the relations bhtweemt Mr. Martiii Cliii these imoemi wotlil be as Pleasant as they hail beeti between head aint siihiorillmiates ill tIme Past , Time new Postitinstor brIefly replleul mud , said lme aimaretl the seine sentiinetot. 'Flio bonds of eimiploycs up to' lecemuiber were then fixed , Tlt first patir signed omctalli' by "Eueikl . Martin , lostmuaster ) , " OVIIS umotifleetion to tIme sixtlm atitlitor of time treasury that lie luatl assumnc'tI the titities of the oiflce , 'rho last order sigiteil 113' time rotirimlg Postmltaster Waste to the stuttie oiTlcial , conveyIng the intelli- geiice tlttt ; Ito had transferroul titti , ofiico to Imis autcccslor. i'ostinnster Ttartin then rio- ceipted for the Proloerties , antI formally took charge. , 'l'iitl first recruit to time ranks of the tinem- ployed caulseti by the cltange was harrison Daugimtnnmm , otie of tIme oiered janitors , wins : was stlcceedetl by George Shierloclc , a. wimlto miimlI : of the ( lemocratic persuuasioii. Major Clarkson receIved individual gifts , incitiding several handsome bouquieta and ft ltandsomiie ummibrehia fromit several cmpioyes in the 0111cc. A formmtal subscription presemita- tIotivab vetoed 1)y time ex-postmaster. Ilarrisomi Ilatigitinan , tim first victim of the axe , was next presented wIth a purse of $10 by synupatlmetic eiiiployes in the office. and it brouglmt joy to his old Afro-American heart. There Ito a decided spirit of unrest among the itostoilice cmiiplo3'es , altlmoughi canoe of them try to smuile and look pleasant. flumnora of hungry democrats clamoring for federal pie reach their ears amid the Connoyor ghost toned it two-step through tim corridors occa- alotmally. 'itilo not ofliclally promulgated , the dicky birds say that Woodard's head will not tie seiaratoti froni Imis neck by the executlener' axe , althioumglt Comioyor's friends insist that tlmey "can't lose Cliarley. " One of tim worst worried mcii in the build- 2 imig is the faithiftml eniployc vlio did miot lcmiow- Colonel Martitu atiti refused to give him his mall wheti ito last lila key the other day , but the colonel. It Is eald , rather enjoyed the affair , It Ia generally concedetl that there' ovill be no fmirtiter change at iresemmt amid that. if any iieatis drop iii tIme future it. will be with the autumn leaves , - Coin maul , Sono Should ho used in attempting to euro that very disagreeable disease , catarrh. As catarrh originates In impuritIes In the blood. , local applications can do no Permanent good , Tiio common sense method of treatment Ia to PurifY the blood , and for this purpose' timere is no preparation superior to IIootl3 b'arsaparilIa. A _ _ _ llcpti's Pills cureconstipation by restoring perisialtic action to the nltmentary canal. - 1'JIICSOX.lL J'AIC.IGILII'IIS. - S. D. Davis , Malvern , Ia. , is at the Pax- ton. ton.D. D. Nets ) ' , Scarflsli , S. D. , Is at the Ar- cadc. , j C , Itt. Engle , Hamburg , Ia. , is registered at the Arcade. ' - Giant Stuart and wife of mair are guests at tIle Imliilard. T. S. Clark , , Washington , D. C. , Is regIstered - tered at the Mctcliaiits. Victor Gabrilo and wife of Raymond are. guelts at tue Merchants. J. Petersen and wife of Silver Creek , Neb. , are registered at the Parker. Homi. Church howe and I3arton C. howe are registered at tile Paxton. Postoffica Imispector Sinclair of Nebraska City l a guest at the Dellone , John Woiznuutit and W. D. DrIskihl , cattle men of Spearflshm , S. D. , are guests at the Pttxtomu. \v , 3 Robinson anti wife , \V. J. Kermitetter. W. IT. Everett , F. Ditcoin , wmth Prof. herr- . maim's company , are at the Barker , Commercial men at tIme Hotel Darker are : Lymnztn Drown , Nebraska City ; J. S. Slmenub , ' , Louisville ; .1. 11. Lamb amid Jolmmi D. Moore , Now York ; Frctl Plessner , Saginaw , 11kb. ; : Artiiur Ware , Chicago ; John II , Martin , Liii- 'colul. , At thin Mercer : 0. \\reicieman , Murdoclc ; M. Newbcrger , I' . Mamilting amid vlfb , New York ; II. 0. McGill , 0 , II. Pitlcips , Topelca ; \v. C. Riley , St. Joseph ; 0. Gallagher , Kan- sal City ; Dr. It , It. Livingetone , Plattmouthm ; 0. B. Fuller , W. I ) . Souie , Cimicago ; Ii. Studyvni , Iowa City ; F , J. Ilolt , Cimicago ; It. If. Foster , Minneapolis ; 23. E. Lomabaughi , , Sheridan ; La. I. . . Spooner , Coumicli illuffa ; I , It. Mumaugll , Portland ; II. Chiesehoro , Sheboygan - boygan , Wis. ; T. P. Demcnt , Lincoln , NeIr.tsliitma ttt tilt' II utttl. At tIme l'mxtomu-Mrs. : II. C. liarmiliall , Fre- liiomlt ; J , 14. lOoker , Lincoln , .At ( ho MiIlmuiti.-Joeophi Jernuan , West l'oint ; C.V. . Loitligh , Nebraska City. At timro Arcade-F. W. Meichior , West Poilith J. I' . Johnson , i'Cearney ; Joint S. Kli'vhng , O'NeIll , At tim DelIomie-Artiiilr C. Chase , No- Iirttslcmt City ; C Orr , I' , ( ' . Itlunlill IL C. , Ict'ri , Craig ; W. A , I'rlmieo , Uhand Island , , At the MerclirlntH-i ) . ( litivoy , IA' . F. Dry- 'ii Ii I , I i artl ii gto ii ; C' , J. H tniiuon , On khatitl .boimit Ilolltgulluul'3' , Itmtyimi.nti ( ; 0. 1 , . ' , itoyce , I I.V. . I'ottni' . E. It. Sadiliom' , Lincoln ; ' 1' , II , ' - ( Jaibratllm , , Aibiumi , Icleit's. ( ilistemuing Iii ( lie raya of ( lie mioonday sumi are beautiful ecceedhmijly , ittt if one cc thielil were thrust down your back how you would abud- , ' der , ThIs i precisely what YOll do wlmen time premonitory chill of lever and ague coimies oil , 'rimemi is time time to take liostetter's ' , .SLoinacio flitters , a "knocker out" of everyt , formmi of malaria ; mule' , of tlysppiSit ) , bilious- gloss , constipatioll , rbeiitmiatism and kidney trouble. ' Ilmtrm'Ingu lturnin. . The following mnarriage licenses were is- uod yesterday : Name amitl Address , Age. ilolmert hmigram , Council Bluffs , Ta. . . . . . . . . CO titella floss , Couimieii liiuu , Imi . , , . . , . , . , , , , , 2. l'rcuicottV , I'ss'iuig , South Omiiiia , , , , , , , , . 22 Emniuti .1' . Lowry , 50111 ii Ouumtiiitt , . , , , , , . . , , , 10 ( 'luarits I' . 'L'liemail. Omaha . . . , , . . . , , . , , , , , , 21 Or , , heady , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Louis ltmtight , Omnahia. . . . . . . . . . , , , . , , . , , , . , , , 2 ( imimele iClitilil ) , Oinuiin , , , , . , . , , , . . , . . . . . . . , , , 17 ' 'tiiids itiatlson , Douglas county , , . . , , . , , , , , . 112 ( iitist'mua I hansen. 1)oulas county , . , , , , , , ( leorgo ICitIsteims. Ilillaril , Neb . , . , . , , , . . , , , 23 J.enit flruhmn , Illllarml , Noli , , . , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , IS JOSCIJIm Calhiier , Oltutlia , , , . . . , , , . , , , . , , , , . , , , 21 .tiimttt Hojita , Ornalmit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . IS 'I'ieodor I Inhisoviild , Doiigltts county , , . . . . . 41 dary'estiflitiii , 1)ouglmt.4 couuity . , . . . , , , . , 42 Cimmurles Erickson , Oninhmti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 i3eihmma laiilatroni , Omnalma , . , , , . . , , , , , . , . . , . , o f4uimititl ianloi. ( .imflatma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , 34 JCati 1'si Onualia. . . . . . . , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , 4'I 'I When I3aby was sick , we ave her Cattria. Vben she wao a Cimild , she rio'i for Coxtorlit. 'Thea she becamno Dss , ti'j clung o Castoria When she bad Cblldrensbo gavoihem Ca3e _ - , ' - . ! . - _ ] ) ' - - ' ; . , .s