Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1895, Image 1

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. ES'.rAULISIIED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAhA - , 1.IIAY : MOR : ' ' 9irG - MARCH 1 , 1895. SIGLE COPY ' 'TVJJ OEN''S.
Ohand1orUncork Hs Long Delayed Speech
en the Kangas Senatorship !
Charged the Eeal1 of Both of Them Are
Tainted with Fraud.
Latter Dub3 the New Hampshire Man !
Poltical Hyen
Caled UJII lo JulJl7o lie Jolrlcl ! IIR I
Lngtiige hut nclcrltc . the b'enLlnicnt
LnJuno ! S"nlmcnts
-Sundry Chit lUll t'iiieI , Ildu.ll . !
tin Sliver Conference Itelit.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2S.-Luclen Baker ,
Leflator-elect . from Kansas , was on the floor
ot the senate for the frst time , antI waste
Introcluccd to his assocIates by Mr. Martin ,
whum hu succeeds.
Mr. Gallnger briefly addressed the senate -
ate at the opening of the session today 11
favor ot a l11an presented by the Daughters
ot the He\'oluton , that a copy of the Declar-
aton ot Independence be conspicuously displayed -
played In every postomec.
The deficiency appropriation bill was reported -
ported by Mr. Cocltrel , leaving only one
biii-tho naval-remaining before the ap-
propriatons committee.
Consideration at the sundry civi bill was
then remed. Mr. Petgrew , offered an
amendment appropriating $300,000 for seed
for the drouth surerers ot the northwest.
After a short debate the amendment was
. agreed to by n vote ot 33 to 17.
. Mr. Date , democrat at 'ennesee , urged an
, amendment of $125.000 for government par-
tchl3ton In the 'ennes3ee state centennial
. , In I89G.
. , Mr. hoar ironically asked Mr. Date It the
- constitution gave authority for this nppro-
priation. .
: Mr. Date said that It was the eune : author-
; I that gave government all to the World'a
fair ut Chicago and to the Cotton States ex-
position at Atlanta. A point ct order against
tim amendment made by ! r. Coeltre1 was
submlttd to the senate ar.J the appropriation
was sustained-3d to II ,
Mr. Stewart , l'iuiist ' , ' moved to reconsIder
the amendment already , adol tel for particpa- ;
ton by tl'p United Stath In the national
monetary corlerenee , Ho sad France was the
, , moneary l/
only European ccuntry In a position to take
In eucli 'conferc'nce wIth my
par eucl a "conferlnee 3ny prospect
. ot fairness 10 slv r. He therefore would pro-
Paso an amendm to the II ? bpo.tcn ! , In :
% structng the Unll Sl\le\ legate' . _ 'hot to
Igre to any rate below .15 to 1"
Mr. Wolcott ot Cdlorado 1ahl liB greatly regretted -
gretted this i1\'lslcn of 'opInIon a loqs' sena- II
, ' . trs from the slver"stat s"wholad , so Ions
0 stood tognther. , The senator from Nrvada
' ( Stewt ) decled ; this Wilhemc , ot "he
, ' 4 gold .bugs. Was he forte \ ng 'the 1ant
' L' fight ot the friends ot silver 36vorli over
'i r \.llch had fist culnlna\ed \ In , sut'es In the
' , British Parliament , and tIre Germup Ret hstag
J t In tav&r oC an Intcnalona1 conference ?
I . France , too , was , taking the Inilatv . Suc- :
, ) cess was ' aimot at hald.I ; was the work ' of
the friends " cf..eslyor , through7nzt i.he
world. Woro"dho..rIcods ' ot oliver to' pause
at such a moment 0 : , sucCtss , The senator
declared himself for American " ! meta1 ! m ,
but It thy nations M the world united Ir
offering the greatest advantage to silver I
had received since its dOlonetzat n It
would be criminal to cast It ashle.
; A8 Mr. Wolcott closed his vIgorous speeeh
there was a bur ! ot applause frQm
the galleries , which the vice pre ldent
checked by rapping the gavel and giving a
sharp admonition .
Mr. Stewart again took the floor , denouncIng -
Ing the proposed conference as a "trado
with our ollpreSOrs. " Whatever others
might do , he woulll never consent to such n
The Stewa'rt motion to reconsider was do-
tented. Yeas , 9 : nays , 52.
The afrmotvo vote was as follows :
Alen. Dacltburn , Cal , Coeltrel , Kyle , Mar-
tin , Perer , Pugh and Stewart. The negative -
tvo vote Included many leading silver men ,
such as Toiler , Jones of Arkansas , George ,
Wolcot , Cameron and others ,
Mr. lunton of Virginia urged an amend-
, mont restoring the salary ot the superintendent -
tendent of the coast and goedetc survey lo
GOOO Instead of ' 5,000 , ns rellucet In the
bi , but the amcndment was defeated.
* Mr. Squire of Washington secured an np-
proprlaton of $5,000 for an investigation at
the coal and gel ! resources of Alaslta.
Mr White ot California proposed an appropriation -
priaton to pay California I Plr cent of the
proceeds ot California public lands sold since
California was almltell ! to statohoo The
amount of the aunronriation was estimated at
- aUlrolrlatol estmated
$800,00. The IlileJlhnent was ruled out of
orler. Mr. lyle's amendment appropriating
$20,000 to sink wuls for irrigating llrpoBt1
also went out on a poInt ot order Mr. Mar-
tili's Imenllment granting the abandoned
Fort lays , Ian" military reservation to
Kansas for on agricultural college was ruled
out at order ! , os was also on amendment of
Mr. Mitchell of Oregon appropriating $335,000
to Oregon all IQOOOO to Nevada to reimburse -
! llrsB thelo states for assistance In aUI-
. pressing the rjbchllon.
Mr. Caroy's amendment granting certain
lan.a ! ot the Fort D A. lussel military reser-
Vet Ion to Wyoming for public purposes wn
allpted ( An amendment was also agreed to
alowlnl : cOllies of \VoriI' fair certncates ,
et ( , to successful exhibitors and to nows-
papers paying for the same. An appropria-
ton ot $10,001) was mMe for ten historical
vlllns , on the Columbian exposition.
At 3 o'clock the sundry civil bill , which
hall been In commitee of the whole ! for many
day ! , waR reported to tim Benato. A number
at votes were then taken on reserved amend-
Iir. Carey olTero'I a substitute which was
aleptellln 111aoo ot tim Previous appropriation
for public bnlhlngs at Cheyenne , Wyo , Boise
City . Ida no , anl Ielena , Mont. The sub-
ItHuto all11roprllh II 55,000 for the three sites
and limits tle cost of each building to $250. -
000 , 'l'hll leaves out tins sites of O/pll.
' 'ash" , , nBmlrelc , N. U" I , and Pierre , S. 1
Mr. Stewart renewed his nmtlhnent In-
structing Unlttl States delegates to the & international _
ternatonal cOlrerenee not to agree to a rate
her ot 16 to 1. I anti It was lefeated , 10 to
49. The vote was substantially as the one
earlier In the day. TIll , llrmath'o vote was :
Ahlt'n , . Huuton ; l r I' .
I-halt' , Irtiy ' . l'ugli.
1.1' IrII' Iulh.
Jelry , ) McLaurIn Stewart-l0
'l ,
Thl Bnnllr ; ) ' civi : purlpr\tJ bill wal
then passed SHUt time 1tjlslatve. executive anll
judicial nllllroprlaten b1 ! taken tip.
A resolution wa adopted requesting the
president 10 urge Ullol the republic cf
Nicaragua the settomenl ot certain claims
'I die . United ! States citizens .
'ilic onf.renco report In the bill for courts
In Ihe Indian territory was agreed to.
\t tl : request l 01 Mr. l'olkh'l the 'mllte
agreed that at the evening session the oxeou-
lh'l aProprlaton bill shlnld be < lpatel ! of
and 10 other business tllnsach',1 , exCept l'on-
slot : bills nut objected la , IIII Mr. Chandler
be permitted 10 lubmlt semite remarks un
the cato ot Mr. Martin 1'1 lanaf , who , Mr
Chandler IQhh , \a not legally cleclel !
Time senate passed the resolution luthorh- :
InG pmiymemit 10 JOicth ) V. ' . .r of 2.000 t (
cover the expuse " Incurred . comtotImi 8 "ho
! 1 - - ,
sent of Senator Martin or Kansas anti to the
later $1,000 for oxpenses. The only Im-
portant amendment to the executive bill
was that increasing from $200,000 to $250,000
the amount for force In the supervising
architect's oiflco.
The senate then took a rece !
Rapid progress was made on the legislatve ,
executive and jnllcial appropriation bills at
the night session of the senate.
Mr. Dubois sought to strike out the appro-
piaton for the Utah commission and to pro-
vllo that the suppression of bigamy and
polYty shall hereafter be prosecuted under
the laws of Utah. Mr. Dubois urged that
the polygamous condition ot Utah was a
thing ot tIn past , and that the loal authori-
ties might wel bo trusted to administer the
affairs ot limo state.
11' . Faulkner , ot the committee on terrio-
rice , In response to an Inquiry front Mr. Man-
derson , acid It was expected that Utah will
become 1 tate by Nevember next , under the
enabling act heretofore passNi .
Mr. Dubois' amendment was finally ruled '
out on a point at order.
The appropriation bill was temporarily laid
aslo to permit Mr. Chandler to make a
speech on "recont election methods of the
democratic part ) ' . " lie took up the election
of a number of democratic senntors. Con-
, corning Limo election ot Mr. Murphy ot New
York , he did not question its legislative security -
rity , but declared It was thought about by a
gerrymander ali various Corms ot election-
coring larceny , In which he Indicated that
the then ( governor and present senator from
New York was concerned , As to the elec-
te ot Mr. Martha ot lCansas , Mr. Chandler
said the senator , although a democrat , had
made a "closo connectIon" with the populist
connecton" populst
memher" ot the Kansas legislature , and emi
becoming a senator had secured all the demo-
crate patronage whIch time state of Kansas
received from the national administraton ,
The populsts , were thus deceived. "They
cheate,1 , to get hIm In , " said Mr. Chandler ,
"anll the results have been what might have :
been expected. " As to the seat now occupied
by Mr. Roach ot North Dalotn , ! r. Chandler
declare It Would bo fle ( by n republican
IC there had not been time basea t manipulation
In whIch time speaker of the house and his
confederates had Particliated. : Mr. Chandler
denonnce the "traitors" ot that transaction.
He then took up time investigation whIch time
senate began as to the private record of Mr.
Hoeh , and read from the record lo show how
action ou the investigation hall been avohleJ.
"And so , " said he , "the former cashier of
the Citizens National bank ot Washington
Continues to occupy a stat as n democratic
sena tar. "
Mr. Roach mt at his desk throughout this
arrlgllment ,
Mr. Chandler then reviewed In detail time
proceedings ef the Kansas legislature In the I ,
election oC : Ir. Martin and declared It made
as vicIous a record as was ever presented
In electioneering Crnml. "lie Is still here , "
said 1r. Chandler , "and will remain until I
next Monday , when thc demecrtc congress
comes to an Ignominious cnd. "
As to Mr. Kyle and Mr. Allen , they had (
acted With the democrats ot the senate ns
Mr. Fairer had at thrice ncted with the republicans -
publicans , but : Ir. Chaniler did not criticize
these actions. But , he sahl , It made It pos-
sible , "wih the unlawful : and fraudulent
vote of Mr. Martin and the vote of Mr.
Roach , who should never have remained In
thc senate one day after the facts ot his life
were known for time democratic majority of
the senate to be maintained. "
Mr. Chandler closed with a , rerrrence to
11' . Gorman's recent figure at speeeb , "that
a bow of promise for democracy was In the
sly , " which , said the New Hampshire
senator , was merely a flash from the lower
Mr. II was immediately on his feet when :
Mr. Challer hal fnlshell He said the
senate had witnessed an extraordinary spec-
tacle. The enator fro ! New Hampshire
sought at this , time closing hour of the senate ,
to stir up. sorc partsan bitterness. "Dut
this spectacle this senator has presented to-
night-Indulging In coarse statements against
a brother senator-does him no good and will
do his party no good , " said Mr. Hill , wi
Mr : Cockrehl "
Interposed "I
Coeltrel : hope the senator -
ator from New York will smot ' take the speech
at the senator from New Hampshire ns nny-
thing but a jolto. "
"I hope the senator will proceed. I have
been trying for two years ' to draw him out on
New York election methods , " said Chandler.
"Anll you have drawn ie out , " answered
Mr. huh , ' 'and before I am through you
may conclude It might have been wel not
to have drawn 10 out " -
'Mr , II turned his attention to Mr. Chand-
ler's reference to Mr. Roach. Ho ( lull )
could have forgiven the ataclt on New
York or the attack on "Honest John Mar-
tin : " - "but , " said he , ' "I cannot forgive the
cruel , mean , contemptible malicious
conteinptble , malcious attack
on Senator Roach. "
Mr. HIl referred IronIcally to Mr. Chand-
ler's staement that he spoke of the subject
with regret. lie would as soon expect the
hyena In pouncing upon its victim to paue
with regret. And yet the New hampshire :
senator had "spewed out" this miserable
and contemptible attack . lie had revamped
an old and ancient charge , outlawed by the
statute et limitation , n charge never sustained -
tamed In a court or by n jury. "
! r. 11 drew 0 striking picture of the
coming and goIng at Mr. Roach In time
chamber , his plain and quiet habits. "And
yet time malice ot the New Hampshire senator -
ator , hyena-like , assailed this 1100r man. "
Mr. 11 said ho "hated hypocrites . " He
referred to the "traud by whIch the great
Samuel Tiden had been kept from time
, presidential chair , Then , turnIng to Mr.
Chandler , ho added : "We all remember the
course ot our friend Chandler at that time
In going to Florida and stealing that state
from the democracy. "
There was a tumultuous demonstration nt
this point , lasting hal a minute. The vice
president rapped for order and then warned
the spectators the galleries would bo cleared
It the demonstraton was repeated .
Mr Martin replied to Mr. Chanmller's refer-
once to him , saying no honest man ever
questioned his right to hIs scat. No man
had ever charged that he bought his seat In
the senate , but could time senator from New
Hampshire Bay as muth , I one-hal was
true that was charged against time senator
from New Hampshire Inltead of being In the
United States senate ho shoulll be In the
penitentiary . Insteall ot time eagles that hall
represented the great state of New lamll-
shIre , "a buzzard had taken their place. "
! r. Frye at once arose and called . Mr.
Martin to order Mr. Martin remained
standing , wher upon Mr. Mal\leron lIe.
mandel ! time rule be enforced that the senator
take his scat. Mr. Martin took his seat
Mr. I'rye wihdrew his moton calng the
senator from Kansas to order ! r. Hoar
at once renewed the cal , saying le weald
withdraw Il It Mr Martin would withdraw
his objectionable worts.
"I cannot withdraw them , " said Mr Mar-
tim ) , "I meant no ofense to tie senate , but
It Is only strong language that wi meet
some situations. "
Thcre was further discussion RS to whether
Mr. Martin should bo allowed to proceed.
lie finally went on , withdrawing the obJec-
tenable words , although he said he < oul !
never chante his fund as to their applca-
ton te the senator from New hiampeimire.
This closed the exciting event for a time
and the senate returned to the mmppropria-
Uon bi ,
But Mr. Chandler agaIn took the lor at
1 :30 o'clock for another Phase of the subject .
le laid he would pan ever the vituperation
used against 11m. lie referred 10 the acton
of Ir , JI In "gratifying his spite against
the president ot the United States In can-
\'a8lnl the senate to defeat Mr Cleveland's
nomination to the Unied State supreme
court , 1 , , Chandler Iprko of Mr , llIs recent -
cent dlnmm'r at Ihl house , amid cOltrasted "hll
old host ' t ) ' with his recent lubsen'lency ,
snaste which . had " fralyeen repaid b ) one pest-
Mr. 11 replied ho could nat be [ urchaed
by 1 dinner It' time whlo house unl , had not
recommnndemt ! the postmaster at Eimirw
reconll'ndel postllter Emlrl referred -
ferred to. :1' . JI reviewed liii personal
relations wilts the president anti declared he
OIJlonl him when ho1 $ wrong and IUP'
IOrttd ) him when he was riimt Mr Jill !
CIOH' ! at ml'lnlgbt. I
At t:5 : Friday mnoruir.g time legiiative , ex-
ecutvD &nl Judicial Olllrrprlolon bill WU
passed ) ; aDd the uuuto o ] jUt ned , I
Ever One Euspectd of Revolutionary
Tendencies Placed Behind the Bars ,
Three Jlulre.1 I'crsonR In Jail , Inehutng
llcmlerl ot Some ot the Most 1'\011-
ntlt I'alle ! of lho 1himmd-
Grcat I xelemelt 1'\o \1 1 S ,
NEW YORK , Feb. 2S.-Tho Ward line .
steamer Orlzaba , which arrived this morn- :
Ing from havana brIngs news thal the whole II
Island has been under martial law since I
February 24. Great ' excltoment prevailed In
Havana on Sunday last , owing to time report
that the Cuban general , Julio Sangll and
about thirty members ot the frsl tR\lles ot
Havana , were Imprisoned In tIme military
tort , Cabanls I was reported that about
300 persons who sympathized wHh the revolu-
tonists were also arrested all Imprlsoncd.
There was no news from the Interior ot the
Islnnd. I was stated that the people of time
northern pcrton ot time Island were In favor
ot Generl Manuel Garcia taking charge ct
operations against the government , while the
people ot the southern port ot the Island were
unfavorable to him as I leader. 1 was j
rumored tint the thrMtenlng uprising of I !
the Cuban revolutionists had been betrayed
by one of their own party , and the govern- :
mont took prompt measures : to suppress time '
uprising by arresting General Sangul and :
his Immediate followers . ,
Hardman hal was crowded last night by
time sympathizers In this city of the Culan
revolutionists. The assemblage was very
enthusiastc , and was called to order by
Juan I raga , president ot time League ot Hevo-
lutonary clubs In the United States. At the
close over $2,200 was raised and will be uned
to purchase munitons of war to be sent to
MADRID , Feb. 2S.-Accordlnl to ofcial
dispatches received hero from Invaln the
rebels In thp province ot Santiago do Cuba
number about 120 men. If Is added that the
town of Dnlre has declared In favor ot the
rebels , but a later dispatch from ofcial
sources announces that the insurrection at
faire hall been quelled.
I Is cfclaly announced hero that the
Spanish troops defeated the bln . of rebels
reported to have assembled In the province
of Malanzns , and these advices confirmed time
report that Manuel Garcia , time notorious
rebel leader ; was killed during the engage-
meat. The Spanish troops are actively pur-
suing the rebels. - -
llU"UE )1 : or : _ \,1N : ! 'to UO Li'
Cattle Exclllol Order Only Issued on
l'o < lh'o I vlipno" or UlseHD.
, PARIS , Feb. 2S.-Cntrary to the reports
cable l C re. ; United Slates Ambassador Eusts
has not received instructions to prote3t against
the French exclusion ot American cattle from
this country. 1 seems that there Is a misapprehension -
apprehension ! In the United States-In regard to
the scope ot the decree , which applies only
to American live cattle and which does not
affect tinned or drersed bef. The exact word-
afect tnned E.
lag of the decree Is : "Censlderlng that conta-
gious diseases which do nol exist here arc prevalent -
alent In the UnitEd States among the bovine
species and cases have been establshed among
animals Imported to Europe from that coun-
try , It Is nEcessary to take measures to pre-
vent the introduction of timeoo diseases Into
our territory. Accordingly , upon the advice
of the consulting committee ot the epizootics
and the counselor of state , the director of
agriculture decrees that the Import Into or
transit through Franc ot all animals at the
bovine species from the United SLates Is pro
hibited , both by our land frontiers or by sea ,
until otherwise ordered. Animals shipped be- ,
tore February 24 wilt bo alowe entry I
hmealtimy. .
I Is learned that France took this step
with the greatest reluctance. M. Hanotaux ,
the minister of foreign affairs , says : "I my-
self was greatly opposed to the Issue of the
decree and It was only done lter the minIster -
Ister of , agriculture had assured us that
there was positive evidence that disease
among the cattle landed existed. ,
"I am not , willing to agree lo any step
which could bo construed a8 unfriendly to ,
the United States ; but Germany , Belgium I
and England Ilave already taken exactly the
same precautions and wo are the last na-
ton to do EO. "
Inquiries made by time Associated press cor-
respondent at the ministry ot husbandry
today elicited the following statement : The
measure was entirely based upon sanitary
considerations. Agriculurists throughout
France have for several months past been
pointing out the cattle diseases In AmerIca ,
ant they have been calling its attention to
its spread In Franco. The Agrlcl1ural society -
ciety and varIous representative bodies
backed up the appeals. Finally an Important
event compelled the goverment to adopt a
drastic measure. Germany and Belgium had
already forbidden the1mportatons ot cattle
and Switzerland was uneasy about the toler-
anco ot France , anti fearing a spreat of the
disease , Switzerland manlested her intention
to close her frontier to' all cattle entering via
France or ot French origin. In the presence
of this situation the minister of iusbaldry
decIded to prohibit the importation of American -
can cattle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Crow Caught by a IrlU h 1IRn-ot-WRr
1.111& trnms Rt l'uolo" ' ( ! ' . .
COLON , Colombia , Feb. 2S.-The Faith , a
coasting sloop which has arrived here from
Doas del Tore , brings the news of a fre.h
conflict at Blueelds. The I alh met two
Drltsh schooaers , the Dauntless and the
Brothers , at Docas del Taro. The masters of
the schooners reported that while they were
at Duefelds about two weels before on
American ship , where name they did not
know , arrived thel' The British consul at
Duefelds was Informed she had on board
arms imported by Samuel Wel , The American -
can ship left Duefelds for Cape Craelas a
Dos , north of Blueflelds . A British man-ot-
war followed her there and fouad her landing
two boatloads of arms The Drllsh ship
fined on her , carrying away her mast ,
No confirmation of the rumor has reached
hero up to today
J . \tL OF (3O'LlY iL'h
Iuccoedell by a Young JtUI Wimo Wa. Iludo
J'IIUI Imy . l.vo /t "nlr '
LONDON , Feb 28.-The earl of Cowley
Is dead Ho was born In 1834 and suc-
ceedell to the title In 1884. his son , larry
Arthur Mornlngton Welesley , Viscount Dan-
jan , who succeeds to the tie , at one time
wanted to marry Miss ortesche , time Tlelreu.
During the course of the publicity given to
time affair letters exchanged between Vii-
count Dangan and Miss l orteche were pub.
Ishe and commented on by the press . hut
eventually I. W3 found that they were mainly
taken from "model letter writers' " books.
About Sue Upr'ng ' Sets ' ( I.simmmu .
LONDON , Feb : -Slr Edward Grey ,
parliamentary secretary fttO the Foreign
olco , replying In the House of Commons to
SIr Edward Daden-Powel. conservative ,
mmi4 that he did not knew whether the rejection -
jetlon of the Bering sea proposition by
congress was final I. however , I It was
final , the claims would have to be Intro
dmmced ! hI detail , as [ previously arranged , He-
pi ) Jnl to Mr. William n , Cremer , secre-
tar ) ' or the international Arbitration league ,
Sir Edward Grey said that the Bering sea
arbitration cost ngland $83.30 or which
Bum , however , Canada bore her ahare.
Jlt'"nel" Uo-Elnhlr : , nt Wet. hat- 'el.
ChiE-FOO , Feb. 28.-The Japanese are
evacuating their advance positions at Wel-
ilal-Wel . Nlnghal , a town lying about mid-
llal-wel. I : eHlalWelul : UIII city , baa
been abandoned , Time ireatcr .art , of the
Japanese amy hiss been embarked upon the
transports , which have left Whi1iai-Wel for
'Fallen-Wan on the Lee , Tng peninsula ,
almost directly across th Guif'gt . . Pe-Chl-LI
from .
Wel-Hal-Wel. . ;
- ,
Frcneh CIRI" igahssst Sin iOmnlngo II R
l'llray to Zollcmcnr
NEW YORK , Feb. 2S.-At the ofce ot the
Dominican consulate In this city H was \ta tell
by Consul 01 that negotiations have been
goIng on between representtvu of San Do-
mingo and the French government and are In
a fair way , according to : advIces received ,
toward a speedy and satisfactory settement ,
These negotiations , I Is also stated , which
have been going on for over two years , were
suddenly interrupted In December last when
the news reached Paris ot the assassination
ot a French resIdEnt of San Domingo , and un-
t the French authorities were informed of
the arrrst , trial anti conviction of the
murderer the diplomatic relations were sus-
pended. Time murderer was executed on I eb-
ruary G and since that date the' negotiations
have been re'umcl with every promIse of
Immediate and ( ! satisfactory ettlement .
WSINOTON , Feb. 2S.-Tbe rench gay-
ernment 'has so far acceded 10 Secretary
Gresham's representations In the mater of
alemptnl forcibly lo collect indemnity from
San Domingo as to abate for a time its insistence -
slstenco upon an immediate settement of the
claim for Indemnity of time French bank , and
leave this to be settled by diplomatic negotia-
tIons. I insists , howevel' , as a condition
for this acton , that the government of San
DomIngo shah Immediately pay time Inllem-
iity claims for time unwarrantable Itllng ot
a French subject during ammo ot the revolu-
tonnry movements ot the Island.
PAIS , Feb. 28.-The protest ot the
United States government , In regard to the
lemands ot France on San Domingo arc In
behalf of time San Domingo Improvement
company at New York , who have a mortgage -
gage on time customs receipts. Some ( lays
ago Mr. Henry Ognal , the United States
charge d'affaires , presented time protest ot the
United States to the minister ot foreign
affairs , 1. Hanotaux , who ' received I In the
most friendly manner , but pointed out the
fact that the private contract ot an American
firm could not bo allowed to stand In the
way of France's rights .lnd that she Insisted -
slated upon a cash indemnity for the mur-
doted man's mother.
II AIIl 011' - AS IS\\S10 "
Cost Ilenlul o\itl H Itop the Emharka
tlol of Columhlll Ic'v11111IsI8. ;
COLON , Feb. 2S-Tho authorities of Costa
Rica have just 'frustrntcd an Invasion ot Co-
lombia. I appears a number rebels , havIng -
log secured a lot et arms and vessels to
transport tlem to that countd , assembled at
Port Limon ; when the mater \ vas brought to
time attention of the Costa Ildm authmoritirs.
Time later lhen notified the , rebels lhat force
would be employqd I neccss4ry to prevent
them from sailing , anl the , attempted invasion -
vasion was apparently nbanIohed. The 0111-
dais of Port Limon are nov' ' understood to
be In communication with t elgovcrment ot
Costa Rica , and the expulRlon , the Colom-
bin rebels from the territory . of that re-
public Is threatencd.
WASHINGTON Feb. 28.-The insurrection
.n Colombia , after n pariod oCqllctncs , seems
. to be about to ceme to n' ' crisis : The Navy
department tonight received tim following '
dlspntch from Captain Cramschl , , commandIng -
Ing the cruIser Atlanta : .
'COLON , I eb , 28.-An eng4gement ' Is expected -
pected near Gulcatn , Colombl r r' I
' ' 9 WELL ; "
RedmoimOttc . Wilt Vote 'lll the ' rl q .
LONDON , Feb. 2S. - . Tho' xchange Tele- :
graph company says hat the Redmondltes
do not make a secreC ot the fact that they
Intend to vote against tie government tonight -
night on time moton of time chancellor cf the
exchequer , Sir _ William Harcourt , to take all
the time allotted 10 private members for the
furtherance of government business.
Cnrrl"d time ShIr Ild stripe ; in ' Ils how .
LONDON , Feb. 2S.-SI\ Francis ' Wyatt
Truscott , who was lord mayo of London the
year President Garfield died , and who had
the stars and stripes carried In the lord
mayor's show , Is dying 10 was born In
1824. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Auetria-Iinngsry WoullTnlo I'nrt
VIENNA , Feb. 2S-ThQ Iiremdenblatt , a
semi-official newspaper , says It Is certain that ,
AustrIa-Hungary will accept an invitation to
Join ence. In an international ' monetary confer-
Admiral ( ' \oP'ltl. o'umorwiPm.
LONDON , Feb. 28.-yIceAdmiral Alex-
ander Duller , C. D , has' beeu appointed to
the command { jf the China staten , relieving
Vlee-Admlrnl Sir E. Fremaple } , K. a. B.
\lllnm loners Irrqncis Joscpb.
VIENNA , Feb. 2S.-Emperor William has
conferred upon Emperor Francis Joseph the
title of field marshal general In the German
army _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l'nmou ( : ul" ; , UIlltShot. .
HAVANA , Feb. 28.-Gcla , a famous
Cuban bandit , and a companion , were shot ,
yesterday In Havana byg _ rnment soldiers .
Irof , Ill icklu crioiiely lii .
LONDON , Feb. . John stuart
Daclte , the distinguished author -nnd Greek
and Latin scholar , Is seriously I , ill ,
WT IN LINE : w 'u ano FElt.
Michigan DemocratsinVonyontion Endorse
Free Silver Wihout Reserve ,
SAGINAW , Michm , Feb. . 28-Chlef Justice
John W. McGrth ot the Michigan supreme
court was renominated for justice at the su-
pronto court by acclamation by the demo-
crntc state convention helt here today Judge
Charles J , Palhorp of Petosey and Stratton
D. Brooks of Isabella cotnty' ere named
. cOlnty )
as regents of time State uplverslly. The lame
of' Miss Ella Hutchins ot ronln was presented
as a candidate for regent , : but , after some
discussion , It was decided that site was not
legally eligible to the OmCI , and her name
was wlhdrAwn _ ,
A commltteo on resolutOIB'1 consisting of a
member from eaeb congreionai district ,
spul nearly two hours . coftiering ' time ques-
ton ot resolutions , there Jdn ! considerable
difference In time sentmeot , ot delegates as
to whether time ntJbmoal
present n UbiUI administration -
lon should be endorsed luavery particular or
In Part only , Time quet ! of refereelsm
versus ant.refercclm In the IDJplntment of
natonal olcers Is still . .a , ubJect ot con-
tenton umong 1lchltal dempcrau , anti the
commlteo decided after dmhiberaLion to rec-
omme/ ! only a resoluton df\beraten for free
sliver , UIS avoldlnl any 11lOS } ble dissensions
regarding time system of fed'ralappontmcnls ! ,
etc. The resoluton , as reprtjc and adopted ,
Is as follows :
rime democratic part o ( Jdlchlgan . In
convention assembled , ) hals , with telghl
the rapidly Incl'cnslnH sentiment In favor oC
the restoration oC silvem' tb time position it
poslion I
10 long held In the monl r fytom of our
count' ) ' and unquullocIY ) In favor
oC time , rco and unlimited Jerlnres or silver
Iwl gold with full legal lnnle anti
at n ratio of 16 to 1 , amid Invites anl
patrloto citizen , Ur111 of Ilrevlous
party amlatqns , to Join with us In an
Imimperativu demand for Irmcclnte legislation -
ton to that end , and wlh011t ? rejam-d to the
PositiOmm thcreto. ot any other natipn with respect
Cotonol l'olt.kl fpr" C'ngo ot \ 'cmmuo ,
WAShINGTON COUR'Jj loulm , 0. ,
Fob . -Colonel A , D. Cott appeared hero
today before Judge New y of , Jhhland
county and pleaded not guilty tQ the In-
lctment for manslaughter. lie asked a
change of venue nnd JUrgO Newby took
the mater under advIsemwt . Colonel Colt
commanded the troops dum'ng the riot last
October when five [ rHonq wore kied anti
sever woundc In the ttorts to lynch
Dolby , time negro who U a\lcd torts 1 Jlroml-
nent white woman. . ,
II nnll Urewpr VunInltt. ttmictdr .
ROCK ISLAND Feb. 2S.-Albert Uraun , a
capitalist who has brewery interests In
Seattle , " 'ah. , and who Was negotiating for
a brewery at L Salle . shot hlmleU through
, the hUlr&
Condemned Murderer of Matt Akesen Coolly
Approaching the Dark Beyond
Says lie IR Ccrlaln of Salvation In thin Next
" 'oril RIII COIMe'Itlty IR himdifler-
elt lo 1'cnIR II Thml
lt 1'teeut.
PLATTSMOUTI ! , Neb. , Feb. 2S.-Speclal (
Telegram.-In ) one ot the narrow cells of the
Case county jail Harry lull , the condemned
murderer , Is passing his last night on earth.
The clock In the jailer's office Is ticking off
the few remaining hours lhat &eparate him
from his deem , Time death watch Is keeping
its grim vigil , and inside time Iron grate the
murllerer Is sleeping 10 quietly as n tired
The preparations for the execution are all
completed all nothing Is heft to do but walt
for the fatal hour. Ot all those who are In-
tereslcl In the affair , the prisoner seems
the least concerned . He Is apparently fuly
resigned to hIs inevitable Cato all only wl91es
the hours to pS more quickly , ! that the
agonizing suspense may end Father Car-
ne ) ' , who has attended him alnost constantly ,
was with him most or the day , but left be-
fore supper ; The prisoner ate heartiy at
the supper hour , and then lit a cigar nnll"at
down In the Jai office anll chatted plea9-
anty wih Sheriff Elkenbery and his IItp-
\tle ! during the evenIng. The tranger who
sw him sitting there would never drtnm that
he had been condemned to die ; that he hal
seen time red sunset for the last time and
knew that its reappearance would be the
signal for his doom I he saw : In the darkness -
ness that curtained the little enclosure that
concealed the scaffold tIme symbol of the
darker shadows which lila soul must pene-
trate , ho gave no sign , but loungel at case
all chaltd wih hIs jailer , as complacent a
victim as ever stood beneath the gallows tree
and peered Into the ( ieapaning shadows oC the
mysterious beyond
lIe has an exaggerated aversion toward
newspaper men , and at hIs urgent request
no reporter has been allowed to see him
during the last few days ot hIs life. Late
this evening a flee reporter was granted admission -
mission to the jai , and thIs was the first
time that time prisoner has spoken to a reporter -
porter since his fate was assured. Hi was
still sitting on a chair In time Jai office. As
far as any expressIon of anxiety was con-
corned nlmost anyone ot the hal dozen men
In the office woull bo selected as time pris-
oner before iminssehf. Ho was smoking n
cIgar , all ho looked up and smiled pleasantly
as the reporter was Introduced. Ho shook
hands heartily , and there was not a trace
ot emotion In the firm grasp of his muscular
"I wont ' .to say to you , gentlemen , " said
Sheriff Etkenbery , "that f ho never' h'ad n'
better behaved prisoner that Huh , and I do
not believe that there 'Is another man in
Plalsmoulh tonight who Is mere resigned to ,
his talc nor happIer ! than he Is. Isn't that
so , Harry ? " he asked , turning to the prls
oner , and Hill smiled appreciatively as he
answered : "Yes , 1 am contented and happy ,
for truth has made me free. "
As soon as the visitor asked him a ques-
ton or two ho jumped to the conclusion that
ho was talking to a newspaper man and his
pleasant smile was succeeded by an expres-
don ot stolid indifference .
"In all the time that I have been In this
I Jai , " he declared , with some show ot spirit ,
"I have never , receIved justice from any
newspaper. "
He was assured that whatever ho had to
say \\ould be correctly reproduced , but ho
steadfastly refused to answer except In
monosyllables. Ho could not be made to say
directly whether he was guilty or Innocent.
Ho said that he still maintained the state- ,
mont that he made In the long letter which'
he wrote to Mrs. Akesen , wife of time mur-
dered man , last February , beseeching her
forgiveness . In this he said that ho did
not know Who shot her husband , but when '
asked whether he meant by thIs that he
'vaa Innocent , ho mid that was another question -
ton and refused to answer Curther.
The one subject whIch ho seemed willing
to discuss was his own feelings on the eve
of his execution. Ho saId that his sins had
ben forgiven and that whatever his fate
might be In this world ho was sure of snlva-
tion In the beyond "It makes little difference - ,
once to mo now what they say about me , "
bo continued. "It can do mo no good or'
harm , I shah bo beyond its reach What
this world thinks ot me doesn't concern me
now , but I want only to say that I will walk
up that scaffold tomorrow without a single
pang , and that I I have ever Injured any
one 1 am sorry for it. I heave this life with-
out a hard feeling toward any one and I
ama only anxious for the end to come , "
All the while that . ho was talking the
prisoner seemed as cheerful as his words
Indicated lie laughed pleasantly and slowly
exhaled time smoke from his cigar wll the
air ot serene contentment
Only once was his calmness disturbed. This
wns when the reporter asked him If there
was not solo ptrson In the world to whom
It would be a. . source ot satisfaction to know
that ho had died protesting his innocence at
the terrlblo crime for wlieh he was con-
demnec , This seemed , to strike some burled
chor that recalled a time before hIs hands
were stained with human blood , and he faced
time black menace of the gallows . lila face
flushed slightly , and pointing at the
reporter he appealed to the sheriff to put a
idol > to the interview Ills request was
compled with and no one but the ofcers
wi be allowed to see the prisoner until
tomorrow .
Although lie has grown somewhat thinner
durIng his sixteen months' confinement , time
prhoner Is n picture oC imeaitlm . His face
Is not wlhou 80me trace of refinement.
The worst feature Is his eyes , which are al-
ways partially veiled by his long lashes ,
giving his face a somewhat treacherous
lie was Plainly attired - In a black coat all
vest with a pair of light striped trous rs
and his collar was confined by a black bow
at a style of several years ago. Some time
before midnight ! ho retired to lila cell und
to nil appearances , was seen slEeping quietly .
Time cell Is of the regulatIon size and contains -
tains the narrow cot on one side ! and two
email tables on time other. One of these Is
occupied by articles ot toilet and 01 the
other , which stands at the head of the
, cot , t a smal crucifix and his prayer book .
Just back of the Jai Is the scaffold. The
enclosure Is twenty-six feet square and I I
onclos d by a beard fence sixteen feet high , i
This Is roofed over so that no curIous eyes ,
cnn see Inside The scaffold stands In the
center of time enclosure. I II twelve feet !
square , and Is SUll10rted by 16-Coot posts. :
The trap Is three feet square ,
wlh n drop of eight feet The trap
was finally tested by the sheriff nt I o'clock
this afternoon. A piece of cast Iron weigh-
Ing 150 pounds turnlhel ! the test , and the
trap worked perfectly . Time next time I
Is sprung I will send the soul of Harry
Hill Into eternity
The general admission to the place of
execution II from the ouUlde , but the
prisoner , together whim his religious adviser
und time ofcors will enter It from the rear
window of the jail. Father Carney will
not be able to witness the execution on
account ot a severe hEart trouble Father
Nugent of Louisvie , Neb.1 will perform the
last ofihees. 11 will ascend the scaffold between -
tween Itputy Sheri Is H. W. limes and
harvey 1010wa ) ' . After he has reached the
trap Father Nugont will offer time last '
NUtnt wi oler IRt prayer
and then the , prisoner will be given the
usual opportunity to address the spectators.
ll , however , has malle Ul1 his mind not
to speak ant as soon as the prayer Is
finished his hanlls will be bounll , the black
cap anti noose adjusted and Sheriff Elkonbery
will spring the lever that releases limo trait
anti adds the final fatal chapter to the history -
tory ot Malt Ake80n's murder
Sheriff mkenber mil this evening flint
there was no doubt In his mimi that ihili's
profession ot religion was genuine. 1 was
only within the past few days that hmo Ilall
see met to realize that his awful sin was
for lven. Since then he Ilall invariably been
resigned anti apparently happy. Father
Carney Is ale nssurell that his unremitting
efforts to leash the condemned lan to re-
Ilentauco ham not been In vain. lie says
11 Is truly rlentnnt , will die calmly all
with the assurance that his peace Is minnIe
with Gosh.
, Among those who will witness the oxecu-
ton tomorrow will ho Tom Alteson , time son
of the Inurterell man. Aleson asked the
sher\ to bo allowed to see his Cather's 11eath
ovengel and his request was granted , A
number of Nebraska sheriffs arrived last
nlJht to witness the proceedings , among
them being Sheriffs Drexel of Omaba. Wiber
of LIncoln , lelken of Freniont Smith of
Franklin Omaha. I anti ( Deputy Sheri I Hozcnwelg of
Forty-Two l'oOItlo Itlol 111 R Large
:11Ihrr imijisreit.
CITY OF MEXICO , Feb. 2S.-Vla ( Gal-
yeston-Ams ) excursion train coming Into time
city on the InteroceanIc railroad met with
an accident this afternoon. While rounding
a curve en the side ot a mountain five
coaches jump d the track and went down the
canyon. orty.two people were 1lled all
! thirty or lore seriously Injured. The accIdent -
dent occurred about forty kilometers from
this city. Wires have been down and It has
been ImposElble so far to obtain any details
cf time awful disaster.
I.\ SOUTh 1).1lCtl'I'S TWUSrtTUW.
Lively Work Done II Favor of nlR II
Unli Ii , itmscmi t.
PIERRE , S. D. , Feb 28-SI1eclal ( ' 111-
gramss.-Tlmms bill npllrolrlnlng ,1000 ; acres
of land for the normal : school at Springfield -
field and also 40,000 acres for the Hospital
for the Insane ut Helfeld , whmlcimvore lost
yesterday forenoon , were rcconsller ; d all
l1assed. Lively hustling had been done
sluce yesterday Corenoon In favor' or the
The sensation today In the senate was
the Introducton this morning by Johnson
or Douglas of a resolution to Inquire Into
the charges made 1) ' C. J. Lane against
the judges or the superior court. 1.ale hue
been making these charges for several years
und hud sent 10 each member or time legls-
latule a sworn umtlLvlt that he had been
defrauded out at property ly the decision
01' the suimrenme court. This afternoon time
resolution was taken up in executIve session
and a miveiy scrap was indulged in for
something over ass hour , after wimichi a mu-
tion prevalieml timat all reference to thme rem-
hutton be expunged ( rain the record. Those
whmo oiposed the resolution claimed that
the senate had no mower to investigate a
co-ordinate branchof the state goveniimnemst ,
.whil ' others alleged that Lane , having
beea an unsuccessful suitor before time
court , was giving Vent to hatred and sphqemi
because of losses sustained at law.
In time senate time following bills Were
passed : No. 23 , appropriating money for
tito burial of deceased soldiers and sailors
of the hate war ; Ne. 336 , authorizIng the
commissioner of school amid public lands to
appoint a deputy , nmnenthing iaw relative
to tax certificates , rcqulnimmg the redeemer
of tax certificates to redeem mortgages.
also when on school hantis ; No. 300 , to give
vendor of water for irrigation murposcs a
lien upon the crops and land ; No , 352 , preventing -
venting sports on Memorial day.
In the house the following bili passed :
The senate joint restolution arranging for
the settlememst of the boundary question be.
tweems South Dakota and Nebraska ; amend-
imig the constitution by increasing the limit
of indeiitechness IQ per cent for securing
water ; No. 56 , proViding for condemnation
of warehouse sites on right of way of rail-
roads , and No. 316 , appropriatIng money ior
employee of the senate.
The following bills vero killed : Regtmhat-
ing the location of county seats , nntl regarding -
garding reports of referees. By permtsslon
Imurhce introduced a huh allowing jutiges $00
per annum for expenses , to be paid by time
cotmmstics. Hair also introduced a hilt pro-
Vithing that townsites may lie entered be.
tore county ludges in unorganized counties.
Governor Sheldon today sent to time senate -
ate the following msominatinns : For boarti
of regents-Nelson W. Eggleston of lirule
county , W. S. Peterson of Pennington
county. L. T , liouciser of McPliersnim , to
Jiold omce until Mnrch , 1000V. ; . IT. Jordan
of Minnehahma , until March , 1596 : Frank D.
Atlnms of Brown county nntl G , J. Coilr of
Tlrookings county , until March , 1898 ; B. H.
dough of Lawrence county , to be consniamstl-
ant of the Soldiers' home until April ,
1901. The nominations ycre all confirmed ,
The caste of th state of South Dakota.
against Charles P. McCoy canto up for
lieam'ing this afternoon. AttorneY General
Crawford and State's Attorney Holmes up-
peared for the state : Homer anti Stewart
for the defense. The state asked a. continuance -
tinuance until George A. Pottigrow cotmhd Ito :
hirought hero from Flanmirenu. Upon Mr.
Crawford making an amtlavlt Justice Tar-
neil adjourned the case to Snturtiav after-
noon. In time attorney generai'tt affidavit lie
asserted that George A. Pettigrew , who is
art important witness anti a cousin to Uniteth
States Senator Pettigrew , was in Pierre
about , Tantmaty 8 , 1S95. when the thefentiant ,
McCoy , iresented to Senator Pettigrew for
payment certain promissory notes for $ . .OO0
and interest for one year. entiorrme'l by time
pa3'OO to W. W. Taylor. Senator Pettigrew
telegraphieti that lie will be here in ten
days. Subpoenas have been issuemi ( or
prominent men all over time state.
MimIsing 55nnmn for J'rmzri iImiits ,
GUTIIRITI , Old. , Fob , 28.-Time house to-
thay passe RepresemitatiVe Iittle's bill fbr
time promotion of athletic sports , vimicim
lows sparring matches anti prize fights.
'Fime cotmncil hUts been hlohleth and will immss
time bill its unanimously as time house , where
only two votes were against. it , Timis vhil
01)0mm time territory to Corbett amid Fltzslmn-
mona anti any other national champions
without fea of interference.
, I isti too I liii rotI a' E t Ii I I ri isv ry.
ST. PAUI , Feb. 2-A seimsationni petition -
tion vaii read iii time lower house of the
legislature today , asking ( or time Inmimeacim.
meat of Juhge Fi'immilc Ives of Crookaton ,
Minn , , jutlge of time Fourtec'mttim district , lie
iii chmarg'ti with bribery , conm'uption , violation -
tion of time constittitloil. anti malfeasance in
oiiice. The imoUite instructed its jutiicinry
committee to investigate ( lie charge fully
and with all pueishitle speed ,
Imcusvy l'eiiimlU.'ti fur itut'Icet ) imois Mcii ,
TOPLKA : , lnn , , Fob , 28.-Time senate has
passed a bill providing that any persons
convicted of conducting a bucket shop stimuli
be lined not less thummi $1,000 anti riot more
tim an $5,000 , svi tim I inp neon tim cmi t i ii time mmcmii-
tentiar' of not less ( lain onu mint moore
tuna live years. A Penalty imhso attaches
to any one patronizing a bucket shop.
Belief for Feiiiihies ( , f Iieimii Miners ,
SANTA FE. N. M. , Feb. 28.-Time tern-
tonal legislature thmi afternoon smiproiri.
ateti U.500 ( or time relief of tIme families of
tue miners killed iii time explosion at Los
Cernilloit. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
0 ro t'i Ii 10 5i , , , , ottI , ' U 4 I ii 1 mitt lip ,
BOISE , Idaho , Feb. 28.-Time vote today
( or United States seimatoi' was uncimamsgcd ;
Shoup , 19 ; Sweet , 17 ; Ciaggett , 31.
WIilidcy 'I'm ust m' ' . Jhlegsmm ,
SPRINGFIELD , ill. , Fob , 28.-State Seas.
( or Moses Soiomnorm of Chicago , who was mit
the head of a special joint commmiittce last
session which investigated time W'imiaicy trust ,
offercd a resolution today protesting against
time action of time circuit court of the Usmtterl
States conducting time business of this associ-
atlomi through a receiver , as it has beemt do-
dared by time state Courts to be unlawful and
contrary to putiiic policy , Time atom'giey ( gem- :
cral is directed to take some .ictiomm to brimig
time attenticn of time circuit court to time fact
that time \'I.isky trust has boost consiimctcd
contrary to time laws of hlilmiule. Under tin'
rules time resolution went over ummtil tomnor-
row ,
" - ' - - - - -
House Members Dcoidc to Pass the Bill by
a Party Vote ,
liscms'siiim of ( ito teasnre lit Cotmsmmmitteo oP
time 'hoie Eimgeimdercd Somno Ilcat ,
istit thu ileimiimre % 'ims Never tim
hunger of 1)efeat ,
LINCOLN , Feb. 2S.-Spcclai.-Today ( ) the
conmmnitto's substitute for hiouso roll No. 67 ,
time stigar botmnty bill , by Ihunmia of lodge ,
was recomnmmmomsded for passage by a vote of
72 to 21. Vm'hmiio time discmission was miot so
fl'olommgetl as was that on ( lie anti-oheomimarga.
rifle bill it was far more acnimmmommious amid cx-
citimmg. At one ( line time scen upoms Lime floor
rose to time ncnmeof boisterous disorder , Miles
was in time chair , in time conmmmmitteo of ( lie
whole , considerimmg ( lie bill , amisi time speaker
vits obiigcsi to commie to his assistance and
threaten time macsabers with all time implied
terrors of time sergeant-at-arnie.
Time original cause of time trotmbhe was the
exclusion front Limo comnniitteo's stmbstituto of
time lrovisieis for paying $5 a ten for beets by
the mmianufacturcrs. This iection was in-
cltisle.i iii time original mmieaatmre , but stnichCemt
omit iii time consmnitte.Vait ti icd to sip hy thmo
deficiency by ems amcndmemit , wlmicim provided
that 5 a tomm should be paid time producer of
sugar beets at time factory. , Upon this anmenfi-
imient thmo debate was bitterly vngeih'ait
took a very conservative course in time mmtatter ,
anti , although his amncnthmmmemmt was swept avay
by a large mmmajonlty , imo caine up smmmliing at
time finish amid voted for the cuimmmiitteo's sub-
The bill , as recommended for passage , pro-
vithes , nmaitmly , that there shall be lmalmt out of
time state treasury to time mimanufacturer of
beet sugar five-eighths of 1 ccitt per pound
for each lrnummd of sugar manufactured under
( lie lrovisiomis of time act. To every titus on
corporation which shah litmllmi additional or
new factories lit time state tlmree-eighmtims of
1 ccitt ier hiounsi shall be adslc'l , masking time
total bounty 1 cent a pounth ,
Time bill was OltIOael by time solid dense-
erotic amid inslepeimtient vote. This nntagd- s
isians was greatly accelerated anti increased by
Limo sprecim of Mimimger , who doclaresh that it
vasi a reptmbilcan mmieasure , muro and simple ,
timat it was opposed cmi time grotmntis of its
hsratectiomi primiciples , and slmoultl ho put
timrougii as a partisan mnc-astmre and supported
by all good repmibhicans. Several repmmbhican
mnemnbera staid , after adjosmrnmemmt , ( hint they
imail voted for it iii commimnittee of time whole
Omi its macrite , but if it shmoulth agaiim be insisted -
sisted upon that it was a Partisan macacute
they should \'oto against it ott its final poe-
'ntis was "mtonmnal school day" in time house ,
Bills were ordered to the geimeral file , ott
favorable reports from comnniittecs , appropri-
atimig snemme3' tom' normal schools at liarting-
ton , Wayne , Aurora. and ICearney ,
By unanimous consemmt thm following reso.
lution was introduced by Brady , and adopted ,
as tlw first business of time mornimig session
of time house : _ .
Whereas , The sad intelligence of the
theittim of Mrs. John T. Malialitju , matron of
time State Industrial school at Kearney , has
reached time members or this body , and
Wimeremma , In hem' deatim the state loses an
excellent womnami anti 'ams ctllcient pubilo
servant ; therefore be it
ltesoivcd , 'i'imflt ( iso members of thus house
extend to Superintendent John T. Maim.
lieu and lila ramily their heartfelt regrets
anti comitloience in their bereavement and
deplore time loins in imer death suffered by
time state.
Quito a number , of petitions for time pas-
rage of Benedict's ago of consent bill were
ream ! and referred , and Limo next order of
business was reports of standing comimmit-
tees. Juring the progress of tIme req1in
about thirty mninutos vero consumed mad-
justisig a parliamentary tangle , Time follow-
imig bills were ordered to time general file :
house roll No. 444 , by. Bock , providing
for a normal school at Ilartington and ap-
propniating $3,000.
No. 559 , by Judd , limiting the number
of house and sonata employee.
No. 500 , by'Crow , vrovtdlimg for a uniformn
system of vouchers for time disbursemmient
of state fumids.
No , 497 , by Mattison , providing for a
revision of time present election system.
No. 189 , by llarto , against the mmianutac-
tune of inmitatiomi butter.
No. 223 , by haIler , authorizing time bust-
imess of life insurance emi time mutual assess-
meat , co-operative and natural premium
plan ,
No. 12 , by Chace , providing for a normal S
school at Wayne , Wayne county.
No , 43i , by Munger , to permit foreign
colleges and universities witim branches In
Limo state to issue diplomas.
No. 124 , by harrison , relating to 'co-opera-
LIve and mutual benefit associations ,
No , 213 , providimmg for a mmormal school at.
urora , hamilton coumity ,
No. 558 , by Lamuborn , to reduce time expense -
pense of printing hiouso rolls amid senate .
files. S. ,
No , 538 , by Walt , providing for a tax levy ,
to pay Pohico forces. S
No , 333 , by McNitt , to enable agents of
corporations to grade public highways.
No. 309 , by Thomas , providing" for liquor
license in all corporate cities amid villages ,
No , 457 , by Wait , authorizing boards of '
health in villages.
No. 270 , by Brathy , providing for a normal
school at Kearney.
No , 138 , by Jones , to regulate time practice
of veterinary medicine ,
No , 200 , by Ricketts , providing for a list
of legal holidays. 5,5
No. 56 , by Jcmmkins , to regulate time chargea . S
of telegraph conipammies. S
No , 222 , by Munger , relating to more general -
oral supervision of insurance consparmtos.
Senate fib No. I , by Watson , relating to
cities of time first chaise ,
Senate file No. 57 , by hircesier , to provide
for a landlord's lien , .
Senate file No. 93 , hiy Smuitim , imrovlding
for time aimsicablo arhjmmstmncnt of disputes
bctwecmm onmpioycrs amid employee.
Time fohlowimig mneaeures wore rocoiimmnemded ,
for passage :
Senate file No , 15 , by Crane , authorizing
( lie emfllioyitient of bailiffs in district courts , 'S
House roil No , 488 , ity iticketts , lroViding ) 4
( tsr time imreventiomm of biinduiess ,
House roll No. 541 , by Sisson , provithing for
sworn atatoinentim to be fiir&misiied assessors
by hank o1ficimtl , S
hloimse roll No , 502 , by Cooley , relating to
time regulation of cases of bog cholera ,
iioubo roll No. 557 , by Ihecimer , imroviding
( or impnimmg elections in cities and villages ,
Semmate file No. 9 , by Watson , relating to
time appointissetit of supreme court coma-
mnissioimcrs , and imouse roll No , 365 , lay Robinson - S
son , appropriating time nmatriculailon fees of
the Nebraska State Normal school , were
ordered engrossed for a third reashimig ,
house rolls Nos , 412 , 46 , 205 , 310 , 441 and
523 . 'ero recomnniemmdetl for indefinite vest-
Crasnb secured unanimous consent to re-
aurrect house roll No , 150 , wiiiclm had been
indefiumitely iscatpolicd , and imlaco it ( JR germ.
eral file , It autlionizeis county lmuartl to
lmimmtl out or apprentice mnimmor children under
time ago of 14 years wimo imsay haYe become
public charges , '
Time house tiiemm took a recess until 2
Time coimmimllltee's substItute for house roil
No , 67 , time sugar bill , caine up as a special
order of time ilay at 2 p. m , 'flie crigimmal
bill was introduced by ilunmis of Iodge.
Sniltim imio'ei1 an amnendiuemmt that a bounty
Ito paid to time mminnufacture of chmicom'y , Miles
% % 'as iii lime chair , time house lteimig iii coin.
mmmitteo of time whole. Smith's amimendmnent
was promptly voted down , ammil Cole moved
Lie adopjon of time first section , wimicim lied
been read by time clerk ,
\Vmsit moved aim immernhmnent that $5 $ per ton
ho void for beets.'sit niathe a simeechm
in support of lust aimienfimmmemmt , saying LimIt io ,
untl5rstood that time object of timc bill waste
to encourage the rowtb , si well aa tb
, S SS r-4F' " S