- - - - - - . . -s---- ' - . - II r . 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TITE OMAhA DAILY BEE : 'V.RDNESDA , FEBRUARY 27 , 1895. - : BROKERS DOING FINE WORK { - Practicing n Trick on the Ooa lt ! that May : Lend to Berious Trouble - REAP I \RVEsT \ BY SCALPING TICKETS : : ynl1'AII Chnlrmnn CnhhHI1 Tlrovi 1Iltne1t J/lto tilt Ureneh nn,1 Cnllft n Unit , tnllrolld 1\t1'1I l'rcdlct" 'nr Oil l'IIAAenjCr tentc Press telegrams have Indicated that the . Santa Fe has cut the rate from Los Angeles to eastern points en account of the manipu- lation of tickets by scalpers , but nothing , has been sahl of the same trouble which exists In San Francisco , and which Is liable , to Involve tM whole western railroad worlll . In an Internecine war , unless Chairman Cald- well comes to the relief of lines sicking pro- tection. It now appears that brokers In the Paclne coast metropolis ara selling tickets to ChIcago - cage and cutting Chicago rates $5 , by manipulating - nipulating tickets via Kansas CIty to Omaha . anti Sioux City , and tills Is , lone In a very shrewd manner. The passenger , on arrival at Kansas City , sells the unused port.lon- E hIs ticket , antI Presents an orller on a urOIer for a ticket to Chicago , the unused coupon from Kansas City to Omaha , or Sioux CItY . hning 119 good as old wheat to the brolcer. Dy this very clever slelght-of-hanll performance - . anco the passenger saves $5. But the hocus- pocus does not end with Chicago , for the - tlcllets affect points cast as well. These tIckets are openly on sale In San Pacific notwlth- Francisco by the Southern , standing the protestations of lines vitally Interested - terested In California business. And by their reading the pasEenger booing to Chlc3go buys to the J\tluourl river , with the hope - oC securing - , curing a cheap ticket to his destination , or If gelng to New York , buys to Chicago , the . scalp enabling him to get cast cheaper than the regular tariff rates call for. The trouble teems to he In leeeping on , ; , sale tickets of this kind via the long routes , I . and sonic oC the lines I'a"eDsked Chairman Caldwell to rule that these tIckets should be taken ocr sale because of their demoralIzIng Innuence. Otherwise the direct lines will have to protect themselves by payIng a commission - mission of $5 to ChIcago and points east to even up. A representative of the J1urllngton ; stated that his company was ready . to go out of this busIness just as soon as the Union PacIfic showed a dIrpoetion , ! to play fair. lie understood that the Missouri paclnc was somewhat differently - ently situated because of having a Pueblo can- nectlon , and might route bUfJlness v'a Kansas - sas City and Sioux City consistently. On the other hand Union Pacific officials affirm that they will only be too glad : to have this matter settled , for Instead of conserving - serving revenue It means constant disturb. ance of exlslIng rates. ' Dy reason of thIs manipulation the passenger Is enabled to get to 4. Chicago for $5 , whereas the local rate Is $12.50 , anti leaving California by reason eC . _ the cIrcuitous route , has the benent of nearly , $9 to reach his destination. :1111111'11 : , for is Itow. I Unless material changes occur In the situ- I nUon thc meeting of the Western Trunk Line i ' committee , called for today In Chicago , prom- ' Ises to be' a monkey and parrot time. 4 Chairman Caldwell's barrel of all has , not . been persuasive enough to bring the Missouri , Kansas & Texas Into line , allll the Missouri Pacific Is on thc fence as to Joining the . " -agreement. With this condition obtaining allli th9 disposition to fight on the part 01 : the RIo Grande Western and Santa Fe , the outlook Is llecllledly squally , and unless the c chairman supplies hImself with another bar- . . rel of the liquid which lfe Is said to carry L about with him , It will net b surprising ; to see the Western Trunk Line commtttee knocked Into a cocked hat. . . EiiIIvttyNote. " , , . . ' 3. S. Dartle.- assistant general freight ag'ir . .ot the Chicago , Durllngton & Quincy lines y In Missouri , Is In town. - J . On . March. . 1 the Chicago city passenger k'r ' _ and ticket offic If ! the Chicago ! ! , Mllwaulec , ' ; ; i & St. Paul railway \vlll be removed to the ; f > . now Marquette building 95 Adams street I t * . . i ; - 1 : ldclI. " Glistening In the rays of the noonday sun are' ' . beautiful exceedIngly , but If one of them were . " thrust down your back how you would ShUlI- : : der. This IV I precisely what you do when the : 'premonltory chili of fever and ague comes 't on. Then Is the time to take Hostetter's' Stomach BItters , a "Icrtecleer out" of every form of malaria ; also of dyspepsia bilious- t ness , constipation , rheumatism and kIdney trouble. ; , . . . . . . "t1\(1 lJ . . . .OE.1I BYIS. t . , Hanlon Dros. ' big fairy epXlacle ! , "Fan- tasma , " will close Its present engagement at , DC/yll's thelter today by giving two perform- ances-a matinee specially for women and .chlldren this afternoon at 2:30 : , and the reg- , ular evening performance at 8. In order te , make the matinee performance especially attractive - tractive for the ladles and children , a num- bfr of add'tional features arc promlsed. _ The cast will number at least fIfty people , nail . , contain among Its number Miss Patti Henny , - ' ,1L9 1'"antasma , " George H. Adams , the Inirn- "c Itable clown ; Leon E. NleC , baritone , Miss , Blanche Sherwood and W11I A. lilaI'll , In spe . , ' - ctaltles ; the McDonough brothers , grotesque 'artlsts and olhers. The prices for the mat- 'Inee have been fixed at CiO cents and 76 cents ; for the first floor , and 25 cents and 60 cents 1 ? . for the balcony. - . Sale of seats for the limited engagement . of the famous prestllllgdteur and necromancr , ' Herrmann the Great , who appears at Doyd's 'tomorrow night , and also FrIday and Saturday - , day and Saturday matinee , begins tOday. This engagement bids fair to bo the most ' 8ucceuCui one the famous amus ol the ' people has ever played In this city as It 10 : : known that his product ' on Is on a more ' elaborate and extravagant scale than . ever given heretofore and his pro- gram Is entirely nove. Herrmann ' permits ef ne repetition , and , although his : feats would bear seeing many times , ho ni- . ways cmbelllshes his program wIth new oar- i. - rises and novel marvels Des'des many new . Ceats oC slelght.of-hand , great features In his , t program , will be his latest sensations , "Noah'l Ark , " "The Artist's Dream , " "The ' Asiatic TruIII Mystery" and "The Columbian : Transformation . " In "Neah's Arle" the magician - . gician Is said to have surpassed \ himself III the cunning sle:1I : anti Ingenuity that Is exhibited - ' : hlblted In the trick , From a small structure . made "old and then lJed with water lIer- J mann csuses to , appear fowls and animals of ' all ocrlpt\o.1s \ , . , to the Intense astonishment of all . and bat conjures forth a beautiful fe- I male figure "The Artist's Dream" Is a bau- tUul sketch , and Is i a radical departure from ' , any of lIerT/l1ann'S / previous acts , It i beIng a : ' complete shert 'play , with sl'caltlng ' parts , which Herrmann uses for the purpose of rnag'c ! ' . Two other starlllng novelties wIll be found In "The Aelatle Trunlr Mystery , " the ' Oriental illusion , and "The Columbian Transformation - ' ' formation , " a bewilderIng national ith000nena : Mme. lIerrnnnn will bo lieCD In her remarkable - able Inlmloutl 811cctacular lance creations , , . with the aid oC many different colored lights At the matInee a program of peculiar Interest ' will be glv/'II for lalles ; und children ' , , The slory of Paul l\nuvar Is alive with human interest The dialogue ! fs prolific with t , wla ? maxims aull philosophical observations , ' anti there Is a thread 1 oC romance running through It all that Is quite refreshinG and , altogether delightful , e'l1clall to the theater 'Cera who have become satiate with the c modern lIraml1 , made up ef airy nothingness , prc'nillco 9fld ! horse phy. It has etu ' - claimed fee " 1'beJ : w Paul ICau\'ar" that It I" the boat \ 1)10) ) that has yet been written b ) ' 3n Am rIcan , 'fho scencry whch ! III to be used In Its Ilrecntatl at Boyd'lI theater on Sunday and Monday next Is all new and of tht asest t elaborate character , and the cos- . tUllllilg ( ; la ef 3 rich order and hlttol"clIy 'I correct , 'rho ( mSIlPsemcnt hu secured a . large force of Jluperullmcrulell to aid In the pruducticil and I\sslul In the great dream . ; ' Leslie . ' ' n - 1k "I'.arm Ticket \ 210" closes its engnltmellt ; , . t the Cml'lro with two vcrlorluaucea todll ) ' . ' , ' ' 4 . MatInee for ladies end children at 2:30 : , and the evening performance III 8:15. The usual matinee scale of 25 cents for any scat In the house will be In force , . . . . . . . . . : . - - . . , Barnes and Marvin's phyers , In 1\ select repertoire of standard dramas , will be tM attraction at tile Empire Ilurlng the week of March 3. The oM and meth-enten dramatics Is esrhewed hy this company , and each pro- duction will be rendered with all the ad. vantages at olnhorate scenic effects anti an able and artistic nterpretation . . - - - IN THE DISTRICT COURT , \nother I'ncklll ! IIrm"o Strike Assault Case 1111 'I'rlllt-Other : litters , . The Jury In the case of Charles Nerr , who Is chargClI with assault with Intent to kill John Peterson , was empaneled yesterday In Judge Scott's court Peterson was an employe of SwlCt's packIng - Ing house during the coopers' strike last tall On September 17 he was at the Seventeenth street station , awaiting the departure oC the Union I'aclnc worlclngmen's train , when Nelt and several others , who claimed to he strIkers , bent him , according to his statement - ment , with pieces ot gas pipe Ills skull was frectured amt tar a long tlllle nil hope oC hIs recovery was given lip. Charles Nelt was arrested as the loader of the gang allll charged with assault with Intent to 11111. I The defense will rely entirely upon prov- lug an alibi. They will allempt 10 lrOVe ) that Nect , who lives with his family at South Omaha , wns at breakfast twenty minutes bt-- ! Core the uSMUIt on Peterson took place , and th3 it I wuhl.Illwe ! . , been , impossIble for him to lie In Umalla at that time Petersen vae ; called to the stand shortly be- Core noon a Ill ! gave : his version or the as. sault , which Is substantially as heretofore published In The llet" . It Hili Not ; COl1ut. The jury In the case of John 1I10rrisy against Mrs. 1\1. J. Mann brought In a verdict for the plaintiff : for $132.25 and costs In Jude ! Keysor's court yestenl\y. : The case was an appeal Cram the jUStlC2'S curt. John Iorrlsy mId ph'mblng work at the Instance of the defendant III the old IIhorn Valley house amounting to 205.H , of which "Dlrdle" could enly he induced to pay $50 and waD sued for the b3hncC' ' In her answer the detenl1fint set up the pIca that she was , nt the time thIs work was done , a wClllan of the town , and that Morrlsy knew It. Therefore , when he dId the work he was aIding and abetting ! crime , In the- city ef Omaha and was not entitled te any payment whate\'er. Judge Keysor , ' would not permit this defense to go before the jury , for If the work was done properly llerrlsy : had honestly earned his money and hl' could see no reason why a person of ball character should not pay hIs debts as well as good citizens. n'slIlt or the GriiIt' The city oC Omaha , defendant In a suit commenced by George W. Smith and others , has filed a de111urrcr. The suit grows out of ordinance No. 13G , passed In 1890 , to change the grade of Douglas , between Sixteenth and Twentieth streets. The damages which woull1 result to the property fronting on the part of the sit eet to be graded were estimated , and a special tax was levied on all property whIch would be benefited by the change of grade. The complaining property owners refused to pay the special tax and petitioned for nn order restraining the city from selling the property for the purpose of collecting It. The demurrer filed states that the complaint - plaint Involves questions which are not common - mon to all oC the defendants ] , and that con- trary questions arc Involved. iLii Own 1'111111. _ The Burlington railroad has filed an answer In a $5,000 damage : suit Instituted by Michael Dempsey. In November , 1893 , Dempsey worked for the railroad company as a stone mason and while working on' a rlprap wall , constructed Cr : ; the support of a bridge near Fontanvllll' , la. , a mass of stone end , earth caved In on' ' him Injuring h's leg near the ) knee joint. The railroad In answer claims that the 'accident was owing entirely to Dempsey's' ' own _ n'eR\lgenco \ and that he was not parma- neptly disabled by It , ' , Wl\ntll the In"uranco , Eliza ' "A , Eastman has tile : " , an amended , complaint ' against the Hartford Life and Annuity , Insurance company , prayIng for $2.000 , the 'ameunt of a policy issued to her : : hushiahd , George , V. Eastman , In 1888. ' East- man died In December , 1893 , and proof oC' ' , death was furnished , but the plaintiff alle.es that the company refuses to pay any part of the , a mouat , cf the policy , a - - EAST'S PRELIMIN'ARY HEARING Charged With Firing Cotton's leo nOU8e- , . . _ The 1 .lclrn" " _ , pnn _ _ _ _ Yesterday afternoon the preliminary hear- lag of Drant East , charged with setting tire to the Ice house on Seventh and Webster streets , belonging to Frank L. Cotton , on the nIght of FelJruary 18 , was begun In police court and will be continued this afternoon. The testimony of the state was all taken , but the defendant was the only one on the stand for the defense , and there arc several more witnesses to be heard. The state showed by Cotton and other wit- nesses that East threatened to get even with Cotton because tile latter Ihstructed his men to cut some ice that had beets staked out by East. Some of the wItnesses also said that East state that Cotton would never poodle any of the Ice that he cut fl'om that portion of the river. 1l was also shown that there was considerable III fooling between the men George Webster , one or tIme witnesses , testlned that he was attracted by time blaze , anti as he was running toward It , ho met a luau running In the opposlto direction. ThIs man was of East's build and wore a long black overcoat and a cap. Other witnesses testified to having seen a man In a long black overcoat and cap riding on tIme > Walnut Hill motor line shortly after the tire started , who got err near Fortieth and Hamilton streets , near where East \1\'es. \ The slate's case consists In trying to prove that this man In time black overcoat and cap was East. The defense Is seeking to prove an alibi East was on the stand and gave a detailed account of' his whereabouts on the afternoon and time evening of thc day. lIe denied ha\- lug been anywhere In the neighborhood of the Ice hous . lie admilled that he had no gOOll feelings toward Cotton , and that he had told him that ho would get even , but denied that hD had said that Colton would never sell the Ice that he cut from tile portion of the river In dispute. . DEATH OF AN OMAHA ACTO'B. 0110 or thmo ; llrly-nllY t'lny,1'Il'IIR8CII , \"y , I Otto Puis , one 'of thin prominent aennnn , actors of the country , who for a number of years was n resilIent of this city , died at Newark , N. J. , Monday morning , aged 47 years. For some years : ' 11' . PuIs had been 1\ \ sufferer from Drlght's disease , which ! eyent- uahiy caused his death Early In 188t Otto Pub came 10 this cIty and 1III\yed \ durIng the entire season nt till ; Metz theater , wlllch , In those days stood all South Tenth near Harney strcet. After Germnnla hall was built he played there for a number of ) years leaving hero about five years ago and going : to Milwaukee , where ho remalnell a couple of years , returning tG Omaha. Fromim that time ho male ( this cRy his home until one year ago , when he tool up \ his residence In the eaat : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IcouldsetrelleUrorn BEFORE dIsc-sue II mOht horrible , I bud bleed Ir.eot hundred" of dolla1'll trying various rOlUeulC anti l'hy5l\ans. \ My finger uaiiscamo oil , nimit uty hutrcatueollt , leu. ' lug ' ' m3 perfectly bald. I then vcut to HOT SPRINGS but very Boon became disgusted , and decided to try 8.13.8. : ! TIme cited \VIIS truly wonderful I comwencc,1 to I\Cver after tllklng the float bot- tie : , and J:1r time time I bad tkcu " ' twelve bat tics ' I yas outirely : cured- turod b ) ' . 8.s. when the world-renowned 1 Uot IJI'rltlg'1 had lalle.l. WM. S. IOOMIS , tlbcc\-CP.UI , Lit. I Ol1rbookoa IhtDt.r.lUe and th tredmeu' mailed free to"ul'dllm. &lWlt ' l' 61'0110'10 9.Q.AUNlta , a. . HAYDEN BROS - Lnstnnd Greatest Out 9U II 1J , Oook's ' Heavy and Medium Weight Olothiug SPECIAL ' SilK BARGAIN , TOMCRROW 'rclnrstlny "tltl TlltlrAd"y We Offer / Two 'cr3' 81'l'cl,1 IInrA'ntlls In hlhlrcd' ' ! Suits frum the Cook Stocl- l'rleell l'u'hied Away DOWJI , - , All of thin M. n. Cook's chlhlren's knee pants suits , all ages , 4 to 15 , Cook's , t.OO to I $8.00 suits , go al $1.95 and ' 2.76. Days' long pants suits ages 12 to 19 , all M. II. Coek's $5,00 to U2.00 suits , go at $2.50 to $4.75. Men's tine all wool trousers , In all the newest palle-rns - and styles. We still have the largest / stock of any house In tIme - west. They l1\ust be moved this week If there Is a IJrlce that will ' move them. All of 1\1. \ H. Cook's stock of fine trousers , Cook' price ' 4.00 to $8,00 per pair , go now at $1.95 and $2.75. SPECIAL IN SILKS. Printed ChIna silks , sl1\all deslgus , 22 Inches wide , 151' . Plain India silks , all colors , 22 Incht'S wide , 1ge. Satins In nil colors , other houses say they are worth SOc per yard , our price on them Is only 191' Genuine natural ponge/ , 20 Inches wide , 19c. Striped Japanese wash silks , 20 Inches wide , 19c. Silk finish velvetocns , In a number of good color3 , 1ge. Silk velvets , tin extra fine quality , only 19c. Sill plushes , In bright and dark colors , 191' Changeable glace silks , 20 Inches wide , 25e. Cab o'cord wash sllles , In stripes and checks , 351' Fancy silk crepes , all colors , only 25c. Scotch plain snks , new styles , only 4ge. hAYDEN DROS. . TilE IHHIW'r bUUTIlEItN HOUTI Via Stock bltmcl , Shortolt Limo anti Irlntolt TIimm To all pains In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory Texas and all points In southern California. Only one night cut to all points In T xas. "The Texas Limited" leaves Omaha at 6:15 a. m. dally except Sunday , landing passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In advance of all other hines Through tourist cars via Ft. Worth and Et Paso to Lo An- gcles. For full particulars , maps , folders , etc. , call at or address Hock Island tlckel office , lS02 Farnam st. CIIAS. KENNEDY , G. N. \Y. P. A. 1 4 nUnESEnEIt1 EXCURSIONS South Via the WIIIIlSh Ituttrrmd. On February 5 and 12 , March 5 , April 2 and 30. For rates or further Information and a copy of the IIomeseekers' Guido call at the New Wabash office 1415 Farnam street , or write G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agent , Omaha Neb. - _ . ' To time 1'1\1'100 COURt III"t 'Vestern Points . VIa the Union Pacific , the World's Pictorial - torial Line. Read the time. To San Fran- cisco Cram Omaha , 676 ! hours ; to PorUand from Omaha , 65 % hours. FIrst class through Pullman cars. Dining car service unsur- passed. Free reclining chair cars. Upholstered - stered Pullman Colonist sleepers dally be- tween CouncIl Bluffs , Omaha and San Fran- elsc via C. & N. W and Union ' Pacific sys- tem , without change connecting at Cheyenne .wlth similar cars for' Portland ; also daily betweeui Kamas City and 'Portland , ' connecting - Ing at Cheyenne with similar cars for San .Fea nclsco. " ' , , , . , . , ; ' : Corresponding time ! an l service to Colo- , rado. Utah , Wyoming , Idaho and Montana poInts. HARRY. P. DUEL , City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam streeL e - - Pleasant : to TaSte The Northwestern line fast vestibuled ChI- cage train that glides east from the Union Depot every afternoon al at Ti:45 : and Into Chicago at 8:45 : next morning ; with supper , und la carte , breakfast : 'Every part ol the' train Is RIGHT. ' Other eastern trains at 11:05 a. m. and 4 p. m. dally-good. too. City tIcket office , 1401 Farnam street. - - - Nntlc ! 10 Stockhomuleri . 'fhi 111 ' 11 \'ul IIIcctlu& or stOCll1rI.I'rll : .n 'fhe Bce l'ublishmlng coml1any will be held at their oltlce , corlhr hum and Furnaun streets , lu time city at Omaha on Monday Murch 4th. ISDD . at 4 'cloclt P. m. , for the IlurpOSll ot electing m " board of directors anti lIuch other bum.immts UK may be pre- seated for consideration lly order of the prealfiHi t. IJEORGE D. T1.SCUUC'l' , Speretary. 1o"18m alIt GitliAT lIA IVRD1'T slum 8.\1.1" " . I lIoAtnn Store IIn""ltttnnnther ! Shoo Stock -ThIA Time All ItinilS ' MEN'S , WOMEr-l'S AND CIULDREN'S moos. And ( will sell theml'awfully , dleap. 1,600 Indies' nico. ifotd ties 59c. 1,200 men's $1.76 < 'enlf slices $1.00 , all sizes 800 men's $2.00 lU shoes $1.25 , nil Izes. Anll about 2.000 pair child's , misses' anti youth's very fine kangaroo calf spring heel shoes worth Cram ' 1.60 to $2.10 al 75c , $1.00 and $1.25. Just half rlcc. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N W. Cor 16th and Douglas. . . 00lNO.TO TEXAS 1 URtt'1I , Are Chump via 8\lItl' : 1"0 " ltouto. March 5 Is excursion day for Texas. For particulars call on or llliress n. L. Palmer , P. A. Santa Fe route , room I , First National bank blllldlng , Onmahma . - A Few AuIvtiitn.s Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee \ & St. Paul railway , the short line (0 Chlcngo. A clean train , made up and started from Ontahma Baggage checked Cram residence to destinatIon Elegant rain service anti ( cour- eon8 cmplo'es. Entire trains lighted by electricity and heated by steam , with dee- ! : tfll light In every berth. Finest dining car service In the west , with meals served "a la carte " The Flyer leaves at G p. m. dally from Union llel10t. City Ticket 001cc , 1501 Farnam street C. S. Curler , city ticket agent. . liG lluur.u mind 20 : Minutes IsThe . The time Now made by The Burlington route Between Omaha and Spolcnne. 21 hours and 15 mInutes Caster than any other line. Tickets and Cull information at 13:4 : : Fr lIam street - p l'lIILLU"S 1l0el. Isr.\.NU" EXCURSION Through Tourist 810cl'ln % Car to San Frat- CiSCO nnet Iusnjole . Via Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway , leaves Omaha every Friday at 1:10 : p. m. , via Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Sail Lake , Ogden Also through tourist sleeper to Los Angeles every Wednesday on our southern route , via Fort Worth and EI Paso. Tickets and sleeping car reservations can be secured at the "Rock Island" ticket office , For full Information call on or address CHARLES KENNEDY , IG02 Farnam St. , G. N. W. P. A. - . REPORT FOR DUTY. Colored Flremell Will Begin Work This itiornmmmg. The Board of Fire and Police Commis- sinners has decided lo put the colored fire company Into service at once , and It will be assigned for duty by Chief Redell to- day The members will go on duty the next day . 00 that the terms of service may date from March 1. Until the chief iseues his 'erders It Is not known ] where the new company - pany will be le-cated , but It Is said that It will be placed at one of the down town e'hglne Itoimses. It Is well known that the policy of the chief Is to put the best captains at the outside houses and as the new company will bc compos d of amateurs , It Is naturally expected - I pected that It will bo located where It wIll have a chance to learn lIB business. Chief Hedell argues " tlmat when there Is a fire In the down town district the chiefs arc on hand ae soon as the rest of the department - partment , and the fighting Is done under their Immediate super"lson. ! There arc , however - ever , a great many fine resldenc , manu- Cacturlng plants , etc. , on the outskirts which the chiefs cannot reach until the tire Is well under way. In these cases the captains have to ( handle the tire at the start , and as the first ten minutes are always the most Important - tant perIod , Il Is essential that the , captains at these points should have sufficient ability 'mad 'experience to 'work to advantage until their superior officer arrives. ' - - . I Captain Swceney ; U. : B. A. , San Diego , . , Cal. , says : "Shlloh's" Catnrrh"Hemedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good. " PrIce 50c. .0 Street CutSigimals by Night. Ever sInce the trains on the electric lines on Dodge , Farnam and Harney streets have run along Tenth street to the Union depot , people have had difficulty In distinguishing ' them , especially at night. To overcome this the street car company has caused the head- lights of the Dodge street cars to bo covered with a half disc of blue glass and tIle Harney street cars with a Ialf dIsc of red glass , while thc headlight ol the Farnamn street cars will remain white , a at present. - u I What is Ozomu1sion ? . I , Ozomulsion is a medicine-pure and simple ; ' pure cod Liver Oil , Ozone and Guaiac > - simple to mix if you only know how. Dr. Slocum is the only man that knows Just how , and he has spent the good part of a lifetime finding out. Any doctot will tell you that cod liver oil is good , that ozone is , . good , and that guaiacol is good , but he can't nii 'em just right , so they're pleasant to take Some doctors will tell you that no- . body can Dr. SlocUln can Some doctors prescribe OzomulsiOl . Some don't , Broad- gauge doctors , say II Take Ozomulsion , " They know a thing or two They know that keeping folks sick don't pay nowadays ; getting them well quick pays better Lots of folks get sick as fast as sick ones , get well If some one tells you that you look consul11p- I . tive , don't worry There's Ozomulsion It I won't cure an entirely hopeless case ; but ' , I few cases are hopeless , while Oz0l11ulsiol1 is to be had Ozomulsion costs a doIl ar'a bottle , - One bottle will start ' right ' 'vou , A * J emu 1 s I on cures J Colds , Coughs , Canand make you feel better. If it SUUlptiOtJ , DrDtJchl- , ' , AsthitJaatJdall don , don t buy any more , and ' . l'ulmotJaryCom. plaltJtsl ; Scrofula , get your dollar b ac 1 c , General Debility , r,0811 or Flesh , Ana - . aezula , and all Vourdrtgglst husft , amit'll ! bl1\'o It , or 110 Is Wasting Diseases. 1I0t tI zooll tlriigglst If I/Ot , semi to T , A. Slo- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cum Co. , ISI tlJlIltS3l'carl Street , New York City Tub , pale women get lllump and ( beaulleul on Ozomulsion esn9 KUHN & CO : 15th and Douglas St9" , Omaha I This FI1IDou. nemody cures quickly , J'ormllllontl7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all lloadsclmu nerroua , Yakefulooss 0111011101. Wuultl.lcmory.Lolioi . . Vitttlmiy , ull/lilly hiraiii Power ePIII' , 810118.0'11 drellwllwpoWIICj nul wasting dhuases ellUs. cd lIy 'uulhrul errur. or CXCCeSeI . Contains no OpIIlWI. lsaucrvctouicuimdbiuud buIlder Makes : the palo tinS puny sirolll nail plump. EasLy carried In \ 'Clt I.ockel. 1S1 per bOXI 0 torts : > . lIymall prepllld wltb , S n"r1ttonjluarauleo . locure\ \ money refunded. Write us . . _ . ' . . . . . ' rreo medlenl book , seamed , plaIn . . " wmpper.wllh , , teall' . . . menials Blldllnl1l1rl"lreferolrel. .11"0 .Nr 'VU ' IbIO1 100545 " rlarr/Orcnnlulta. thus . JIetiar , oJ jmlto'tlon , . Said tlJ our I1Kel1tl , erAddl'e1l , Nerve Heed Co. , Millonio 'l'emplo , ChIvzmgo ' Sold 111 Omaha by Shennaa & ; r.1cJonell. : ! I'ull. . " GO. and hi Vicker. A Merchant : , Drucal" \ Sioeidlotdon' III0ctlut . Notice la hereby given that the regular annual meeting oC the IItocleholders of the t30uth Platte Land compuny will be held at the oUlce of Bald compat1) , In Lincoln , Neb. . nt o'clock a. m. , on the IIrllt Wednesday 111 Macelm 1695. being the GIlt day oC the month. m3i , order of tho' ' Board ot Directors. R. O. PUn.LIPS , Secretary. LIncoln. Neb. , Feb. to 1695. F4m30t - - ' ' - 4 ' U , JJ3U ' . . r1I cF' ( kit : . k1 , , : tL , _ /J / I ) \ 41ii : j ! 41 4 Pii& * , U1 ! , , ig11L , ' - - - - - . , 4 r - - - - t , " I " , znc 1 = : . . c. & fW TiteGrent . .3a1e I _ _ Of $ oooo worth of men's , boys' and children's Fiiie Clothing , F ire Damaged by water , only , at the grcaL fire at tile Continental building at Boston , on the evening of January 3 ist. . , BegIns .l\tarclt 1 , ; 0 N LF I 1 11r N. E. cor - Friday , BRANCH OF THE C L 0 T H H DUSE. . We close Thursday nool1 to prepare for this Great Stile - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C A "COSY ' CORNER. " As you look at this "Cosy Corner" you can feel the pulses of comfort bcating ! all through your body at eighty to the minute. It Is all made Inene piece , and It flits Into any corner of the room taking no space that cannot be easily spared , and converting an uninteresting waste Into the most charming nook In the whole house You cannot overestimate the effect ot one of tbese "cosy corners" In a room ; It changes the whole . apartment ; it Is odd and "Inter- esUng" ; It Is comtort-crammOO , and It Is fashionable. It Is not expensive. Do not be frightened by the bugbror of economy. There Is 110 reason - ' son why you should not own It as naturally as you would own a sofa. Price will not pre- vent you Will you not see It at once ? CHAS SHIVEQICK & CO. , THE LARGEST STOCK OF FURNITURE IN OMAHA : 208 Douglas , - RUPTURE PERMANENTLY , . ( ITTBP1OR 110 . CURED PAY , , : , NO PAY UNTIL CURED ' ' , , ' WE REfER YOU Te 8,000 PATIlNT8. s- Writ forBank References . S. ' EXAMINATION FREE No Operation No ( Detention from Business , : SEND FOR CIRCULAR. . .tHE 0. E. : MILLER CO. . 307-308 H. Y. Lire Dldit. . aMAlIA NEB : - AMUSI3MINTS : , BOYD'S 4 NIOII'rs Wed IIll\tluco ' ' -'rONIGH'f- TilE WORLD FAMED . .ziIlaij1o . , ) PrOtlerS : . " Grand . Falry-Llko Pantomimic Spectacle , FANTASMA I Night I'rleclI-J'lrst floor , tOe 15c lint ) $ I.ooi ; bl1lcony tee and 751' . Matinee I'rlcell-I'lrst floor , Wc anti TIc ; LalcD- ny , Fo : : : and Wo. BOYD' ' S - THREE NICHTS : LIJ1U U SATURDAY MATIEE : Commencing Thul'lltlay , February 28 , A CnrulvllI lit 1I1111:1c : , MIrth antI Mystery The Napoleon of Necromancers . HEJIMANN THE GREI\T , In 11 New Marvelous lntertainment . "Tho Artfl'R Dream " "Noah's lurk " "Colum- Llan Transformation " "ABlotio Trunk Mystery , " anti Olheu. Autl Astisted toy --MME. HEqlt MA. NN- In hlerSpectacuiarflance Crealln EMPIDE POPULAR PIRE lvi .I , IJfUCHS. " ' . J , iJt'IIGESS Manager Tel 1131. LAIHP.S' MATINIU3 TOiAY 2130. 25c ANY SEnVED SEAT 25c 'ONIOI1T-25 . 35c , We , 75:1. PAWN T1cJET 2.0. - - . Jll ; , : I \ ) t ) ender If You Appreciate How Car a little money will go with us. Como , now , you are getting a I I lair salat.y of walres. You know it is costing you less to live , than o\'er. I Wo really believe that oven If your income has 'been reduced 20 , 30 or ( \ even 40 per cent , you are not so terribly bud oIY. Wo' know at nny rate ' \ I . that House Furnishing are n. full .JO per 'cent less than they wore two 11.1 /1 / 01' oven one year ago. For instn.nco- , fSee ( 1 : \ \ , This ' ParlOr r _ I'1'r . , . " ' : ? ' . "Si . , ' . " : : ' .1' . . T , y , f P' . " _ _ , ' . , ' ' Suit I ' N i 1 * 5 PIECES-Sofa EII"y Hocer.llncl ! two l'lush Chairs uphtoltcmetl - ' " In Urushutl Itfohmair Plush-all Cor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q17 . Go Two years ago this snIt could not hllvo heen houht : for less thun $40.UO. / We are " "mldll , , ! Hj.ectlll prices on couches this week IIlso. Frout Our Drapery Department Among-our now arrivals . in lace cUI'taills , there is one number wo , ' wilh to call attention to. It is GO inches wide , 3 : J yards IOIlg' , n. . good ( ( c strong hot You would say n. . bargain at $3. : i < oJ I OUI' pdco how yol' i9 but . . . . . . . _ . . .131,65 per paIr. Special solo this week or all odd lots DC lace and chenille curtains at ' half ' . Half ' ' ' . . pl'lee. pall's'OI'Y cheap. Do You Eat Well ? - l' " Thii ! week wo show n. gcnulno \ ) English UhlnlL IOU ) Piece Dinner Sot , ' 5 ; . l..i' formol'ly sold at $21.00 t ' /.f .f , This ! week ' 85 If JIb , . : r J price , . . . . . . $9.85 . . . -C-- . - , 0-\- = - . . . . ) , _ - _ _ _ - - , / ' -ri/.jI/ - , P7l. . Rcmcmbcr thcl'c is nothing III , " . . : ! . " . , . _ . ! ) . { . .u' ' " Tin Iron or Wooden ! 'Vore but \ dKt ! . , . . . whitt Tle loplc't : FUl'nltul'c uSa Carpet Co. , can supply . ummlllltgt WE GIVE YOU BEST . Ol EYEltY'l'UINO- \ Also lClliOlflbr 1 BES'V J : ; ' ( hat ; i' go ; ds wcro nJ\ : \ : ' ; so iii ChEAP Scrvin. as now and that ; ; tTII tlioy : / cannot ; i pJS- 1 sibly ho b chcal1cr , f TERMS-EITHER CASH OR MONTHLY PAYIrBNTS Our new is'j ! ) ; ) Baby Curl'Jago Catalogue ii ! out. Hend font . His n belLllt1. ! , . OIEN SATUlmA EVENINGS UN'I'IL 10 O'CLOCI\ \ : . Send lOc to covet' postmugo On big Fttrnltut'o Catalogue. OO ; ; ; ; ; ; : : ; OOOO . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OWER FROM GASOLINE P DIRECT FROM THC TAUK , ' t4 CHEAPER THAN STEAM , . Nut lltiirr. Nn Hlulln , Nu Jssglmierr , DE. ' > ' ! ' I'OHit for Corn null Feed ! MIII , hahn : , , JIll , Jtulllliull' flrpuratorll , CrcumerlclI , etu : , ' - - - - - , / r OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES StatIonary or Portable 1 10 JZO U , I' . 8 to 30 11. 1' . f ; ( nIl for 1I11I1"llIe : , , l'rlceI : , rlc. , describIng work 10 Lie " don . . THE OTTO CAS ENCINE WORKS Chicago 5LahSt. OJTO Omaha , ' 321 So , 15tl1 st , aa < 1ok. " 'ulu" sits , t t'2lI1..UEL.I'Iiit , 1'A . , . . , ' - , . . _ _ _ ; " - ' ' ' i. e - - - ' # ' ' ' : '