. ' - - r . - - . , , ' . -w ui I- : - G' 4 TilE OMAHA DAILY DEE : 'VJJ1DN ESDAY , FEBRUA1tY 27. ' 1 895. _ _ _ i COMMERClAL AND FINANCIAL I - Gnlu of One Oed in Wheat WM Scored Ycswr ny , - MANY FACTCRS fIGURED m TilE RESULT - Corn Stnrtc"11 Slroll nrly Without AnythIng - thIng l'nrtlculitrly ] lcolmgllf , thnt I " ' /1 Not PrcIoiiiIy I ] lovn no- fore the ' 'fule Olrm.\I. \ - - l CHICAGO . Feb. 2G.-A gain at tc In what . CIICAOO. n red letter day for the hulls. : j A ecrensQ malc or nearly I.o.o bu. In the I t world's visIble last week 2.OO hUt ot I . , occurlng In this coultr : shIpments from CX- j f L ' porting .J , . . . counirks , .n . ' .r en..I"I. which . tel Wllklv 13.0.- WJ VIA cnj. u. "U&'J" 0 u' - t I , , \ T' ; Or"u' lu. ImportatIons l u'm v. I , hlences that American wheat Is now the cheapest In the world In the , ; ' shlile or un nnxlols Inquiry for It for f itbroad were nil clements ot strenSlh. t Today country miers bought 130.0 bu. In . ; stored wlntlr w'heat and New York reported - ported 13 boat loads. 'rhe wheat market re- 1'01 ted tirin unJ ruled strong during the en- tel lnn ; \ tire tornoon. The Liverpool market waa , called firm It an advance ot 'l. and with - ; . un II.wnrt & tendeacy. Pari wua ( luotLd ! firm. J Berln 'A mlrk higher and New York I'e- portl.1 I eonllnentnl lelull : 101 wheat. , 'l'no gnglth iauip1y ' ! , which yesterdayV1u4 t , rlllOlel tu 111' Icrcuacl bl.W 1m. lust Week . It WI ! tounl had dcelcusell about " : ; w.U\.v \ ho . I Ilslulw having becl mlile lit the quantity 01 hoUr suhl to have been 1m- I - lorteU wilch I11C the above Illrercnce ur I - about 2.1 bu. 11 tile 1-esuit. The total I ( iUiifltity nllut from nil the eXllortnK countries - , . : tries lust Week fell 3O.l ho short of the estmllcd weekly reIIUII'cllenl ! uf the Im- ' 1 , portIng coulatrle8 nina about noon It became . I \ knljvil ( limit the stocks In this country at the .i ( Ilolnta Inclll11 11 Brmtclstrcet's vlplble aup- , ' plY /tnlement had decreased 2h530OJ , bat. . compared wllh u dccreao ot unly 1.155WI . hu. ut the snle leerease the correslolllng . week oC the year befoac 'l'he one sol II 1) ' . bearish feature In the day'a4 Innouncement vas time receipt or G15 carloads or wheat nt . MlnnCIIJOI ! 111 Duluth but that Is all : shipping wheat . worth ro to 10c per bu. more than the article which Is used 10 fl.ecu- . - late In. , Corn started plronl. without anything 11:1- I , : ticularly cncoUIJlng that was not previously - , , , Vlously known concerning It. The receipts k here were 439 eara . compured with 305. but c : the ccurse at the market ) 'csleIIIY was nut ' quite satisfactory 10 the local shorts and - : they were inclined to cover. Thc breaking & up ot the country roads . which was one ot the reasons given for thc Irmncts at the dny hetore. was again referred to and n11- ; teared 10 be one ot the nctuulng Innuences against firmness this morning. Some confirmation - . Irmaton ot the effect ot bad roads wits tound In the fact ct the eslmlted receipts for tomorrow leln only lG can SI. I.ouls : lent bullish dilatcimes and 11)'lnJ orders. ' The opening price for May was 4&c . nlHI - very eon It touched 45c 10 45'hc . reacted to 45c. anti then became strong again ad- vnnclng to 45e. and closing with buyer nt 45c. . I There was consIderable activity In oats. The price was Influenced principally ly the firmness In wheat and corn together . wIth some effect resulting tram I3radstreet'n re- port ot a decrense In oats ot 20.0 ho. May . opened at 2c. sold nt 2 ½ ' dowl 10 from - 21c opelel 2c. nl1 tp 10 ( 2Yr 2' , 10 2c. at which price It closed an advance ot % c. - The rccclll" of ho/q were : ( I head nnel . that. conlrmlng ) 'esllrllay's estimated light rain gite the provIsion market nl the slort 0 gain of about Gc In Iorlt nnll 2 ½ c In Inr.l. At the 21c close that gain was lost anti n little more. 10111. : which clocd 'eslcrllny nl $10.2G , olpn,1 nt $10.21 % cose < snll ns high ns $10.30. 11roppe back to 1015. but owing 10 the cln.lng Eenglh In whpat the I'rlel recovered to SIO.2 % anti cioead nt lhnl. Ltiltl sold 01 SG.G21 anti closed nl Illl < $ G.Hli. Hb" ioltl from G.30 to $ : , and close ot $ : .27'j. ' It-elplR for tomorrow ore estmnle < : Whcat . I cars ; corn . IW cars ; OUI8. 101 care : hogs 3.0 hroll. . The lending futures rmgell nn follows : Arlcles. I Opon. I l h. I Low. I Can WhealNo. 2 t- Feb . . . . . . 51 f2 fOU flH - . . Mi ) . . . . lt : ) MH la6 a July . M3 534 54 - 1i5 Corn No.2. . . . M1 IG1 f IH ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Feb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MaY . . . . . 4&1 { 4f4 4 : 41 - Jul ' . . . . 44H ,41 . 44 44H ; t Ools No.2 : . . Feh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . , . 2Rl 1 , Mny. . . . . . : ! } 2\ % ' 21 ( : l . June . . . : f { . :0" .20 ,20" .Iily. ; . . . . . _ 27J ' :8 . - 2i' . ( 28 Pork bbl per . . 'V Fob. . . : . . . , ; .n ; . , , ' . . . . :1' Ja- . . . ' ' .JO 02t1. . . Mny. . . . 10 274 1030 , 10. .i5 10 22i 'e LzardlOO lbs I Ffb. < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 31 Mi ) . . . . . . 0 f2 U 52 . 47 0 47h 81 Feb..o .a . ; . . . .1. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 10 , _ tay. . _ . . , . _ 5i 30 _ . _ _ f 3U. . . .21 _ I 27 Ii. Cisia . quotations were ns follows : I , L FLOUII-ilnchangetl. FLUlt-Unchanel. . . 5Hlc : No. 3 sprlns. . t nomInal : No. 2 rell. 52c. . COHN-No.2. 43c. I OATSNo.2. 28c : No. 2 whIte 313i/&c : No. lo. Ii a white . 31,4c. . 281c . , nYE - No. , 2. 51 c. ; , , AHLEY-No. 2 , 3GJ3c ; No. 3. &l53c ; No. 4 . &OtflMc. : 'e. - FI.AX REEO-No. I. U9. , TIMOTHY SnL2D-l'riiale. $5.S5. . ? . i'Itovis1oN8-Mes 110rlt. per Idil . $10.25 : larll. ! ? per 10 Ibs. . $ G.31'short : ribs slle8 ( loose ) . $3.1U ; t dry salted shou1lels ( boxed ) . nominal ; shol clear - shlcs ( boxed ) . nominal. . ; . ' 1. WI15KY-UIsUlel : s. fnlsl\ < goods per / . . 4 The following were the recelpta and ahlpmenls , t0a ) : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aricles , ; . HccolplR. ShllmcnlR. . - - - - - - - - - , Flour bl'ls. . . . . . . . , . . , . 12.0O D.157 ) , Wheat , bti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.iJ ( 1),18g ) , Corn . bti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.2S0 : R.n : : : : 01mm. . bu. . . . . , . ! , . . . . . . . 2n.IOO ) ) 117,115 D.c.bu. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . : 1.150 ) 17.IIR ) , harley. bti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,40U _ IO.J - On the 1rodlc E 1chUi o today the butter mar t ket was dull : creamery . 10:2 c : dairy U0 Uo. . Eggs . steady : real ) ' fresh , l7tt2Cc. NV YUIUt O NElt\L ll\mt T. - ' Cloiing Uuotltlons on the l'rl Ip Com- t inipalittos , tmati ' . mUlUos I\ul 1llpl'8. 4 NEW YORK Fe , . 2G.-I"J.OUH-'eeeJpls. 27. - : - 0 bbls. : expohs . 2,40 bblo. ; oales 3r pllgl 'I Market strong 0\ firmer prlces ) vhlcll are freely bid. luslnels again lallel ) In city mills. Spring Ilatenis hall z good coil city mill - 1 100 < cll ; ciy mi patents . $4.O0j4.15 : city mill clears . $3.3 : 7.linhesota 111 - . cnls $ 3.SG : Minnesota. bakers . 12.W@a CO ; a ; wl"l.r extra . 4O0014.8O : spring extra . $ U5tl3 ; winter low gr < " 8. * l.7Ort2.i5. Houlhem hour . ' /our. - dull : common to fair extra . $ l.8O2,4O ; good 10 choice extra. $2.4Ot2.95. H'eour. . frm : mi's. : ' 76 bbls. : superilne . $2.5j@2.60 : jitney . $ L70fJ3 CO. luckwhpal flour. quIet : $ .70. lUCKWI ! A'-Qulet ; $ l.G0611.70. $1.&I.iO. i. - CORN M AI.Dul : western . $1.OS@I.I0 : Bran I dyWlne , 12.0 : sitiex 4' blils. . 2.0 sacks . RYE-Nominal : ear lots C.c : boat loa < s. tt O:6e I- lAILEY-Dul : two-rowed state WUClc : Con- . ' .da . 70 72'c. .4 . - UAlLI Y MAI.T-Nomlnnl : wctera , 701720 : ix-rowetl. 731H6c. - \VI1SA'l'-lteveipta , 5,200 hu. : cxporls. 89SOO WlEA'l-I'ehls : . 89,6 bu. ; 11. . 4.2,0 ) 1m. futures and 10 .O 1m. , Ipl. 11,0t neuket firm : No. 2 re.l < II sluro anti elevator tcloal. : . c : f. O. b. . 6Oe . afloat : No. J. northern . C ' \"c. delivered : No. 1 liarti . t G e. deln'no. Options olenN , firmer on a cr- r recton In the r nll.h visIble supply frol C.O bu. Increase to . . , ' " I. C.O bu lecrea.e : cOed 'hOP 10 llvnnce : O'eliruary closl.1 lt GSe i Ztlurclm . t7' Ore , closed al flc' May . rStThc . clool ut : 6910 ; June r.Oi1d',4c . cosed : ( ) 9o JUly. t . ( 9c ; clOsed itt tic ; < \ugsl. G1 i 15.16@ t f'9c. clole at tdc : Hepteinber . . go\"c. \ clo.,1 at GYe : Decemher closed lt G3e. ? L'IN-Upcellls. 23..0 bu. ; exports . 21,10 hU . : I 4 aal1. t.WI ) bu. fulules , Illl 21.011 bu. sp3t. t. , t , aket firm ; No 2. 493C In elevator : GOc shoal' ! II'umer nmtxai , 491.c l'lnre < . 0..lon8 . Cc opened 4 aleny : later advanced 00 con'rlli. due 10 small estmah' anti l.r.'lctons of ruins . antI I'- closed ' 4o higher : I'ehrunry cOle nl 4Jhc : May . Hlc : 49P493c. closed nt 49c ; July . 49\UI lc. clOt ' at 49 " c . OA'lecelpls. 82.6 hu. ; CIIts. COO bu : , ; les. mO ) bu. futures antI 2).0 C . spot . Spot market lnn : No.3. 3'0(310 : No.2. deC - C- Itwereti . 3HU/3O : No. 3. 33e : No. 2 WitIt . l\e : No. 3 white. 3\Hf31Iet \ track wlto : west- cn , ZStj4c : whl" , .Inle. II'4e OptIons quiet - but jita'atiy clol'ni unchanged lt Optons , . \ ; ! t l'ebrary. 3t3c. closed ot 33'c ; March : W'31"c. closed II 3oc : AI'rl. 3'oU3 .c. closed /I 31"0 : May . 33t3c. closed itt Mc . Y-8Ieady . : shipping . : tr ) : good 10 choice 6(51e. f 10I'I-ulet : state common tn Choice old . , Zllel lacllo coast old Stj7c : Th94 . 7(111e . ( lIU m-IHend ) ' : wet salted New Orl'ana. 4\2 \ t . (0 : 1upnl > Aytes. UUUyc : Texas airy . U7Icc. - ' ! r. 707'e. LEA''UI I-Slc"d)1 hemlock ide . UuencA .Ayrea . lIght 10 hea"y weitjhts 1IHlle. ' WOOlulel ; dohuesltc fleece . 1G0121c : pulled . < . ] 9024c. omnlo lC4 luI.I. ' S I'OIOVIIiJONS-iieef. steady : faintly . $ iI,0001.0 } . , ! . extra nu',1 $ .ttl H.I : I'd leans $7 ; IHck.l. - . $ .110.0 ; clt ) . ulr India mess . $ l6.Ojjl8 Q ) . t - ( 'ut meats . Irm ; Illklet Itelites. ftfCc ; 1lckh'c ' - houlder . 4"0 ; 1.lcklelt lianip 61 ! 'c. Laid . stci4yvtstern : all.n cloeel II S6.H ; sales. :50 ; t teru nt $8.70 : city at Gt'tjGo ; , "Ie l' tmeiten : . . a t."s 1"v1a-uary closed II $ .70. IJmlnal : MI ) . $6.tU. nominal r-ehlrteal . alend ' ' , - nomInl ; fllll steady ; VOfltlneItt , 8Ul.i com L'ontnell 4 , , l"ull. ( % < . < Pork steady ; new mess . , IU { 11.7 $ ll.504t12U0 short clear . . . . j fanhily4 U.tt'I30 : 0I3.Ol4.tO. -S , iId'l"Ttelt-Weaka ; w'elern cear. ) UH5 13.0 : west em omeamnery . 1t'alell ; lac lory. $ t234c ; t , Imitation crfm.'r ) ' . 1061c : stats d.lr ) ' . lItac ; - state creamery , od. : ' 1(19 : Ellias. % . ltOi C11011flF-Vmiaa Ninte . . - lurKe. CIJ ; : ; elal. iOUll4c : sahall . , . Sl:1 hart . . skll' . 3t4c : hull 10tl . 1 ' , . ( Z\c. . OOBI..lrm : stats anti l'rnnarh'unll. 31c ; ko - it house . % 2 : w"llel freslm O"c \ : southern , . 2 ) . 3 : receipts. I.UI I.k" I'I3TItOLCLIM-Firrner : United closed nt 103 % t.tlOLUUM-t'lrmlr Unle coaed 1030 ; - ' Vasblngtumi. bbts. . $ .ol 1.10 : Washington In bulk I ' 4.50' refIned . NfWork. . $ &OO : i'hlladeliIila and UanCmo" ( JG. : ; i'liliadel3lma . : and lu1 ! lorl nnc < , ulk. $375 , t JI . ALlll iron . Quiet : Scotch . 'IUOUO ; , . ' , ) - - - _ iuMilrL1. . ; IJDl . ! American 9.td l2.M Copper flat : brokers' Amerlctn. . GO\ f. Coptr nll brk"r' prlc ! " .M ; eXchln " price $3.S. l.tllt. tllct brokers' price . $021 ; exchange price 13.07 % . Tin quiet ; Stratie . $13.00 213.071 plOtes . steady Epelter . < ul. l'omtBtc. $ .N. Illn. 'easngP : 10 Ions July . tin nl $13 : U tons AII'.al. $13 : U tans 10 Apri M. one [ Iny' notice . 112.113. 1.1. 7iOSlN-1lrm ; atralned . common 10 good . $ I.n 1.1.TlmrnNTINF.Flrm TlmrnNTINF.Flrm nl t . < IlIC1-7-Steaily ; ilomeetic . fair 10 extra , 4W ( % C ; Jnpnn 4E4c. 4'fl rc. MOI.AHR\SHtenly : NeW Orleans . opcn kettle , gel to choIce O3PtSSt' . O1tANaE-.Steady : florIda . $ .013.0 : Call. fornla 13.25173.54) . COON RI.m ) OU.lnct'e ; oft crude , 201 Sic' prime slimmer } 'clow. 2Cfl2e : off Pltnlu , yellow . UZCo : yellow butter grades , 2iSe : prime while , 2(30c. OMAUA In : i n.IAIttCT , COllUon of Ti-tadomand gnnlRtOl on lnll" "n'l 1'"ney 1'101100. 'rhe butter mllkct hnse \ ; n BlOW for some little time . and the feeling Is wuk. The receipts of eggs are very light. and the market has nlh'anccII quite rnpldly during the past few days While thc weather la very mild , . II dora nol nPpeor to have any effect Ipon the altullon ao far na cnuslng nn increase In the rcc'lits. , Ountatlorist ! QuotnlOu IU'fllt-Culh.\-"tock. \ ( CU8c : common to fnlr. loot : faIr II good country . uunc : choice 10 fancy 1(15c : gathered creamery . ISo : separator crl'llpr ) ' ( 19f/Zte. 1X1QS-Htrlctly : fresh lnitl 211725e. I.I\'I l'OtLTlY-Chlckena ! MinGI'c $ : ducks Ge : luke ) . C : heavy lomp. 1c ; ge.'p . Gco InRS : IOlLTlY-C:1Icltenp. : fair 617t'.jc : tholce lal/e. CI % fjc : choke mn3tl . 7fSe : IU keys air 10I'1I. . SjtOt : cholrp hen\'y. SYfl c ; choice 8101. / 110. S'8Ic : " . fair 10 good . 7Sc \ ; fancy . ( till < .lresrcil HUOc : gt'ese , fall to good . 7t.41Z3c : fancy . full . \rep.ell. \ 901100. 1110e. ( All-lllue wing teal . per .toz. . $ .C : green wing teal per (105. . $125171.5' ' ) : rlucks . $ .2iil.M fluxed . per , Inz . $ I.0)0J1.23 : enR'ap1nck8 , U.O'JG fOc . ) ; malnr < a anti red beaus $2.CU3.0 : .mal ntbilts . 50cl : Jack mitbits . 75c : squirrels . COco " AICholce 1 tat . 70 10 10 lb. . are . Iinoicli nt CaC'ic ( : large . nnel l'rl. . 3171c. l11 I HIWloconsll , Gaul cream , Young Amerl- eanp. lid : twins 12',4c : Nebraska nlli Iowa tnl cm-coal lid : Nebi-nika and Iowa . part skims , Tt Sc : 1.trniturger . No. I. Ue : brick No.1. Uc : Stairs No. I. 13c . Y-UIlanll hay . $9 : mhiiand. $3.50 : lowland . $8 : 1)1 stmnw . $ G. Color makes the price 0' ha ) ' . Light ShldcR sell . the besl. Only lop grades bring lop 11tlceo. lances.VI7O1TA1IL1S. . . IOTATOeSWesler . stocic . car lots . Gic ; sniall 0.1 III7ANS-lInntl 1lcko. navy . $1i2.o : 1.lmn beans Per ml ) . . 5c. . ONINS-Oi . ui-dims . $ l.000ji.1O : per bbl. . $27r' 3.00.CAnl'OI - On orders . 2c. ( 13l.tItY-l'er orlers. < . . r.uc1c : California 06 . $ .01. HWlmT 101'ATOESGou < sloe . $2.M : Inn- sail . 52.00172.23. ( Iml $2.(112.2. bbl. . $ .50. CAIIIIOTH- ! bbl. . 12. $ CAUL1I'LOVl0It-j'er crate of a doz. and bolt or two . loz. . $2 23. < JlOltSlttAlJlSll-l'er lb. . 60170. l'AlthN1i'S-l'er bbl. . $2. lttJ'I'AIIAGAI-I'er Ih. , 1c. I 'AilSll0Y-1'r tloz. bunclae . . 3.c TUINIISPcl' bbl. . $1.50. SlINACH-Pcr hbl : . VL50OJI.W. I'll t'LANT-i'cr doz. . i5c. P1t2JIT7. HS-\'Intel' NeIIH , alone. Al'1'lCi-Cliotce : stock U.GO"ti . o IlAl'flS-Concoa-d . none ; Malngas . per C5 10 Cuncor. 111lngas. GO-li 1.1.1' . . . II'OFH. $ IO,000JlO.5O. CIANIEIUtnS-Jcrhe's. fancy . $1.061.0 Per bbl. TflOPICAI. FIUJITS. OHANOES-Jlolllao. per box $3.7r@ .0 : Call- Coria na'nI8. $3.50 : .eelIII19. , n. B.\NANASClnlce ; stock . * 2,00212.50 per bunch. 1.IMONS-lhESllos. sizes ZOO to aw , choIce . $3.2 : fancy . $3OU .OO. MISC5I.LANEOUS. OYSTEnSlc.lum. . per can IGc : horseshoes Bc ) : extra shaantlartls . 21c : extra selects 2c ; com- ' pony selects 2c : New York ounls , SIte : bulks . standard . per got. . $ .70. NnW I"IGS-Fxtr fancy . lCo : fancy . He ; choice 12613c ; California . Stags 7c. I0NFY"New Yaik 17c : ' dark . 141715c' Coil- lc H115c' Cnl- rornia 16c ; ollnlne . 4 10 10-lb. cans per lb. . IUc. MAt LI SYItUI'-Cahlon jugs . Icr doz. . $2 : Ihtxhy G-ln. C S. . .3. NUTSAlmonds. lc : English walnuts sf- shelled . 12e ; tantlarcls lOc : hliberts . st c : Urzl nuts Sc. SAUF ICRA7JT-Claolce whIte per bbl. , * 4.5017 : .0 : 1'11 half bbl . $2. 06Z.75. MINCE ML1AT-Faney . In half bbI9. . per lb. . 5c ; 10.gl. kegs . Cc : condensed . per case of 3 doz. iakgs. . $2.50. CIDEIC-I'une 3utce per bbl. . $ i ; half bbl. . U. IID S AND TALLOW. hIDES-No. 1 green hides. 3474c ; No. 2 green hides 3c : Np 1 green sale < hides . 5c : No. 2 green sled laitles . 4 0 : No. 1 green salted hides :5 I. 4 Ibs. . 5c : No. 2 green salted : hides 2 : to 40 Ibs. . 4c ; No.1 veal calf . 8 to I : lbs. . 8c : No. 2 veal calf 8 10 I : lbs. . 5c : No. 1 dry flint hIdes . Gc : No. 2 dry , flint blOcs . fc ; No. 1 dry salted hides 5c : part cured hIdes % c per lb. less than luly cure < . .1 HEEP PELTS-Green salted . each 251Cc : green salted shearlns short wole < carly' .klns ) each 51715c : dry shcarlngs ( short woole early bklfls ) . No.1. each , 51710e ; dry shearlngs ( short wole early skins ) No.2. each Lc ; dry hInt . Kansas anal Nebraska , butcher- wool pelts . per lb. . nctuHwellht. . 517Cc ; dry mInt rllsa anti Nebraska _ ! \urrlin wool pelL . per. II , . . actual weight 46Co : dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts . er Ib..I' ' actual weIght4175c ; . < r ' .fnll Colorado murrain wool pclts . ' per I lb. . actual welh. , H Ce. . TAI.LOWND GIFASE-Tnlow. No. 1. 331c : tallow . No.- . 2. 3c : grease white A. 311\ \ . c : ' grease . while n. 3c ; grease } 'Ilow. 30 : grpnse. , darl . 21 % @ 30'\ ell butter 62Uc : beeswax . prime , l@20c : - rough \ - tallow . 2c. FUn& FUlSnear. black No. 1 large 320.000125.03 : No. 1 melum ; $5 ; No. I small. SS.0J0110.00 ; bear . S8.01(10.I black yearlIngs . Nu. 1 intge . 112.007(15.00 : Nu. 3 medium , $0 ; No. " small . $1 ; bear black . cubs , No. 1 large. $ G.ofS.o ; No. 1 medIum . $5.01fN.O : No. 1 small . $4 ; bear. black Jolnna < and ) Hock , mountain No. 1 large $1l.00@2..OO ) : NO. 1 inethlum . $14 : No. 1 small . $0 : bear black . Montana ypar- thngs . No. 1 large. $12 ; No. 1 metltum . $0 : No. 1 small . S5 : bear black Montana7cubs . No. I large $ G.r : No. ' 1 nietitum . U.t ; 'No. 1 small . $ : bear sIlver tip . No. 1 lamge. . $24 ; No. 1 rtietiltim $2 : No. 1 sitiall . $ : bear. sIlver tip . ) 'pnrlns. No. 1 large $1 : No. 1 naediurn . $8 ; No. 1 small . I : ; bear silver lip . cubs. . No. 1 large. $6 ; No. 1 medIum . $ .t : No : "F small . $3 ; bear brown NJ' . J large 520.001725.00 : No. $1 1 medum . $16 ; No. 1 small ! . $12 : boar hIO\Vn. yeur- hogs . No. I large . $0.00@1.0 ; No. I meilum $8 ; No. 1 small . fG ; bear . hrown. cub" . No. 1 large . $1 : No. 1 medIum . $5 : No. 1 emaIl . $ ; badger . No. I large . $1.OtiaIJl.5O : No. 1 medIum . GOc : < No. I small . Ge ; fIshier . No 1 large . $7 ; Not,1 , inetiluna . IC ; No. 1 - small . U : fox . sIlver . as to color uo cording to' ' beauty No. .1 large , $0 : No. 1 Icdlum , $ GO : No. 1 small . $50 : fox . silver pale according to beauty . No. 1 large $50 ; No. 1 meillum. $30 : No. .1 small. 820 : fox cess , No. 1 large . $ i : No. 1 medlum. 13 ; No. 1 small . $2 ; fox . / < No. I larse. $ .r. ; No : 1 medium. $ : ; No.1 small . $ ; foX gray . No.1 large . 15 ; ND. 1 medIum c : 2(0. ( 1 small . 40c ; fox kits , No. 1 large Wc : No. 1 medIum . 40 ; No. 1 small . Mc : lynx No. 1 large $3 : No. 1 medIum . $2 : No 1 small . $1.50 : marten No. 1 large $ : No. 1 me- , tilum $1.50 : No.1 small . $ : mInk No.1 large oIGc ; No. 1 medIum . 40c ; No. 1 small . 35c : mink daik . No. I Inrge C5c : No. 1 me : um. 4)e ; < No. 1 small . 2c : mountain lIon . perfect head anti fret .No. I large * 1.00012.03 ; Imperfect skins SG.oa7.o : , No. 1 .smal. $ G : otter . 11ale. No. 1 barge . $ ; No.1. medium $5 : No. 1 small , 1 : raccoon . No. I large COliOc ; No. 1 medium , ! : No. 1 smaail . SIc ; raccoon . black as 10 beauty No. 1 laro : . c H2O ; skunk , black. eased . narrow - row stripe . , No. 1 large Wc : No. 1 medIum . 40c : No. 1 small 25e : sllunk. broad striped No. 1 large , :15e ; wol\rlne. No. 1 large , U ; No. 1 medium $3 ; No.1 ' /01. $2 ; wolf mountain . No 1 laige $3 : No. I meUu$2 ; No I emaIl . $ lCO : No. 1 Jar . wUWc $ No. 1 medIum Wolf prairie . large : le < lum. We : No. 1 small . 40 : beaver per skin No. 1 lunge . S5.oIG.0 : No. 1 medium $ .C : No. 1 stainli . $3 : beaver kits . No 1 large . $2 : No 1 medIum . $ .C : No. I email . i5c : muskrats wInter No. 1 large 8al0c ; No. 1 medIum 9c ; No. 1 small ' . lc : muskrats . fall . No. 1 large HICc ; No. 1 medIum 7c ; No. 1 small . Cc : muskrat kIts . 2(3e. " 'nnl "InpLn' . . . . . . . . . . I'IIILADIIL.I'IIIA. Feb. . l'IILADBLI'IIA. leb. 26.-WOOL-Moderate , .lemnntl sternly : Ohio , I'cnloI\nnll and West Vlrllnla , XX and above 1UISc ; X anti above. IC611e : melum. 20(21c ; quarter blood . 2Ii2 e : common 181190 : New York. MlclmlganVash - In&lon. etc. . 16@lc : X. 15t1GoI ; < lul. 19@ : : Qunrler-blood bIllIe : common , 1iI8c ; wlohlng antI cumhlng anti < delalne floe , 18ft2c : medium , 2142J low 22123e : coarse . 21'2Ic ; unwn.ho lIght aol ' brIght LIne . lUJ2 : : meIlurn , . 1&0111e : low medIum IG@lo ; coarse 15t1Ge : unwMhrd dork colored IIht. line . 9610c : heavy. line . Gt8e : I.Uum. 121713c ; tine medIum . 1@ 12e : coarse , 1f12c : territorial anti northwestern light . line . HlOe : tine . 7Oe : medIum . One. 10 ( 'le : . medIum 100i1c . . 11(130 ; Qualer.blood. 12@130 : 10HTN. I.'eh. 26.-The wool market continued quiet but firm In tone the volume at sales foolIng - log up 10 n very fair average. Mnnuflclurers are buying wih con81llerhle freedom . /11 the lots uf wlJI shown hy mObt of tile dealt'ra mire now pretty well broken up but that does . nol seem 10 strengthen Ilrlces appreciably . Buyers are turning theIr attention more 10Wr foreign I'eb. 10W that the .lllelte offerIngs are Iel' hog low TerrItory wools . Montana. lIne and lIne m.lum. 9(12c ; No. 2 medium . UUI3collnl. : Utah 1)aiaotit. Nevada . Idaho nnll Colurulo , lIne antI finn medium . 6lc ; No. 2 m''lum. 1(12cl CalIfornia wools shrinK. northern . 10f/12Iic : mId- tile coittaties . II'rlnl. C4iilc ; Or'gon Mis. , 'asler. fair DJO : : choIce. ltI2Mc : Auslrnlalouls. . scoured combIng super . 4IHc : averuc . Z513c. ] llsia CUT Itiarkets. leANHAB CITY 1.'eb. 26.-Wheat Ho higher : No. S bard and No , : red rI\f c ; I'jeclcd. nute ; sample soles . Mlsslsslll" river basis . .n- trely nominal ; no satIsfactory quotation oblnln- able. COltN-t6temuly : NO. 2 mixetl 40IU1010 : No. 2 % vhite . . .tte . OATS-Unchange : No 2 mixed 27c ; NO. 3 WillIe . 31e 2le lt10-F'mrm ; No. 2 , &Zc. l\I"lrm % t'I.AX i3t0l0i-1)ull. 1.2. liAN-FIrm. wG10. ( Y-W'ak. . but unchanged . \U''l I-Elaler : crllner ) ' . nOlo ; daIry . no 15. OOSI.owpr. 20c. ltlCt0li'TtO-Wbt-at : . 1.0 tie : corn , 15,0 bu ; 0. . 711 bu. ' . 811'MINTBNont. : I.h'erlloul J".r".u. LIVEIU'OL Feb. : -\\'ll AT-Spt firm : Ie- mend Inoth'rate : No.2 red winter . , ; No. 2 red - < 1. . .rlni. r. Ida : No. I hard Manitoba. 5. 2,1 ro CalIfornia , I.e 24 ; futures opened firm , wIth neam anit distant POLAtiOnC 1 ho-tIming ; higher I . antI tare , Position I to 1 penny higher. anti distant , penny higher : buainesa about equally I. : trlmlt ; l"ebrar . . 72di ; May , 4s bd ; June t\ < . 8\11 July 4e ali . COICN-l4liot hIram ; < AmerIcan mIxed , new 4. 1 id : futures closed /nl wIth near and ( lloDI I positions 1 ( nrlhlnl hhher ; February. 48 1..1 ; Msrch . 48 1id : April . 4s 1.1 ; May , 4 ld . June . Is lil : July 421ill. l'ltOVlSlONS--.llncon . steady ; temonll meder- \ l'HOVISIONB.\Rcon. tR.y moel late : Cmberlnntt call . 2 10 . 31 lbs. . 3 ; short tl > 2 Iba. . 3a : long clear light. as 10 4J lbs. . 2a ; long Clear . heavy . f. li's. , 2' short elenr Iiek . light . 18 lbs. . 2a 61 : short dear. middles . heavy . lOs ; clear bellies . I to J lbs. 3 : . Shoul' 28 lea. Ib'j " lunr . 1 10 IS Iba. . 2R 61. Ilnms . I 10 18 Ihl. . Ms. Ileef . extr India mess t1 P : prime mess . G1a Oil . Pork , prime mess fine western 2 Cd. l.r , , steady : prime western : 6 : 11- flnl . 1 pairs { . 31a. 1"LOtJlL-Firm ; emnnll toll ; St. Louis fancy winter fa Gl CHEEBISleally : demand modernte ; finest American white , 48s : finest American colored , .9. ) hiTTTllR-rlnrst Unlled Sinus 75s1 go. SOs. TUltl'INTINESPlrlla23 Gil. TUltl'INTINE-SPlrlla\ 6 \ . COTTON t1'JU-I.I"erl. refined , iTs M. I.lNSI-llOt ) Oll-21c . 9.1 . JNSfI 1.21 9. IITIOI.FUJ-I'lnrl. M. , . JmFInATnn \EBF-I ore < lnrlera. 4 ' , ill : 8.1. nhldlj\orlN . & % ' \ I. &H'1 I1.IACIHNO l'OWDCI-Inrlwooll. Liverpool 70. [ 1101'S-At Jmdon. PacIfic coach t 15a. II ABlanllan. 4a 111. \ . The reeeIltR of wheat Ilurlng lht past three days were 225.01 . centals IncludIng C2.O Amer- icon. The recellla of American corn during the past three days were 15.6 ccnlnla. Weather cold 1111 < ry. STUCts AI1) IINDS. nll OI1CIII ! Fniluwctt by CUluldor..blo ' 'r'lnl. ' tutu I.mvr Cio'ie NEW TOI2IC 'cb. 2G.-There WaS a moderate Volume of bumneH In the Slack exchange toally . but thc trailing was unsettled In tone antI lie closing prices vere . 11 n majority of eases below the final sales of 'e.lerllay. Speculation ! opened dull . but Ilnin . anti sme slight gains ( were malle. A mid pn Chicago Gas was Ron matte "hlch sent that stock .Iown 1 % per cent anti wc.llt- ened the general marltel. Tobacco Ilt Net \ York Central Bll of 14 ! . 1110111 PacifiC nail llnhnlnn % . HugoI anti oilier shares flom % 10 .4 per cent CanadIan I'aeilic waR nn ex. cepton.'IICllg 2 % Per cent. The declining lelllcncy Was checked before I o'clock and n rally of from % 10 Ii per cent took 1118CC . led ly tle Cot'Itge tueks ' which ciliate into good demand < the . bl'lng. olucks\ \ I.\'e < being for the /ccolll 01 n new bull 11)01. On the purchaoe of 10 sl les Northwestern preferred rose 2 Per cenl. . \1- ptn.tcliliag noon . some of the Inellslrlal9 . , Incluel. Ing Sugar . ChlcaRo GI" antI Tobacco . fell of SU'lr. ft urn \i \ ' 10 * I.er cent . anal I.oubi-tlle & Nnsh- ' ' , anti few of the tralghl \\1 lost 12 per cent . a flw list ft smaller fraction . but the malkct QuIckly stealletl itielt . unit dlrlng the hour following sllule ' , . Cottonseed OIl naiveti nol it firm lone 1'11'11(1. Cotonsecl Oi 1.1.'d UI' II Per cent nml the general lt from % toPer \ . Per cent cxccItol8 being HI. Inll & Omaha 11 J Norlhcr lacWc 11rdcrell. which declined , per cent . hand Itubber . % \ per ccitt . A drive agaInst the granRcrR wn8 made about 1 o'cock. which "as chleUy Ilhccl'l luwnr Nortliavestern thai stock gIving , away I. Blrlnglon anti 161. Iaul % anal nock Island \ per cenl. The , IC'res.lon ' WM comlunlcnll to the rest ot the list . which no- celell from . % 10 % per cenl. After delivery hour the mnrket became tInnier . anal a partial recovery took Place . which ranged up 10 % Ier cent speculation being faIrly sl-nlly nt the closc. Strquehiann.t & " 'eotlr llrcferneivl.s hea\ during Ihe early afternoon aiiitl broke 4 % healurllg earlyreroon nlli I Iller cent wlh n Inal rally of 2 ! ! leI cent tu I 3G\ \ ! AmerIcan gxpreo" [ 11011111 2 per cent but reco\erel 1 Per cent. Adams 1xln'8s made a ' gain of 4 % per ccnt. The more Important 11 I"ln dines on lhe day are : Northwestern Ncw York cines anti Consollaicil Coal 1 tler ccnt ; Chicago - CIO One III I.er cent ( duo 10 the Icton of ( tie Chicago nllermen In granting franchises 10 another - other gas company nnd 10n electric light celia' pan ) : Northern 11clc preferretl . 2 % her cent anti Susquehanna & " 'eller prlhrre < . 2 per cJnl. Cotton Seed OIl shows n 1IIIn of 2 % per cent anti Canadian 11elc 212 per cenl. London was In the market only to a small extent nnl maInly ns a seller of the Inlern- tlonal s-pccialtks. Thc market ns I whole Is lclnlt almost entIrely In the hands of professional traders. There was a fair amount oC ( rattIng In honls today . alt In the early part of the day prices ragged ofO . but In the late 8erRlon I hlrmer feelIng Ire'al" ' . anal lie closing was In Irmcr tone. The aggregate sales were $ W.O. ; < ' ' cable ' The The venlng Iost' " London . says : American loan Is at n plemlim lo < ay. . The allotment letters wIll be posted tonIght . The loan was applIed for eighteen tmrs over here. The rate of allotment wIll vary from 5 per cent 19 it minimum to 10 per cent ns the maxImum. All \ possible care wIll hc taken 10 favor bona tIde Al applicatIons In preference 10 11remlum hunters. The Stock e"Chlll' settlement has begun wIth I small account , but deater money. ConlanlocR on Americns were Z % to 3 ler cent. Thc general - oral lone of the market today was quiet but flrrner. Americans improved . closing slpn < ) ' . Canadian Iacllcs rallIed % per cent. Omnll Trunks have risen Ehor11y on the unexpected Inerene In tralltc. Louisville was excel.tonly lower on a general house till to sell It. SIlver stocks were sentimentally better on the parln- mentary dIscussIon tonight of the question of nn International monetary rnnference. The following were the closing quotations on the ' leading stocks of the New York exchange today : < hlson. . . . . . 3J Norliwestern. . . . 88Cc Attains llxpresit. . . 143 N. W. pfd. . . . . . . laN % Mtota . T. 11 . . . . 13 : % N. Y. Cenlral. . . liH ) ta1i. ExpreBs. . . IOU ) N. Y. & N. E. . . . 211)5 Baltimore ' Ohio. 60 OntarIo & W. . . 251 $ Dalhnor C'IILd Pacific. . . 4 : % Oregon Imp. . . . . . f.J Canada Southern. . 4H Oregon Nay. , . . . 17 teutrat . PacltIe. . . . 12" O. S. 1 . . U. N. . 4" Che9. & Ohio ; . . . 10 ) % Pnclfo 31a11. . . . . 21 % Chicago Alton. . . . 140 P. D. . . E. . . . . . ' Ih Chlclo . . . Alon. . . . . . . . 7U. 1.IUBbuf. ; . . . . . . 154 Chicago Ga9. . . , 70" 1't1llitaanPnl3o. . ' 154J4 ChleRlo OiS : . lal Iteadhut : . . : ; . . . 1)5'S ' C. 0. O. . "SI. I , . . 36 It G. W. . . . . . . . 1LI ) $ Colo. Coal & Iron . I _ H. G. W. pfd. . . . luJ Cotton 011 Cert. . . 20M Hock Island. . . . . . 01U Colon 01 ' 1Id. 126' ) 51. Patil . . . IH Del. . Lack. & W. . lei 110 ptd. . . . . . 17M D. & R. G. ptd. . . . H4 % St. P. I Omaha. . . 3U p. .0 ; C. ' Co. < . . . . . lU % (10 pro. . . . . . . 100 ErIe. . . . . . . . . . 8 ! Southern PacIfIc. . 171 do pfd. . . . . . It . Sugar Itoflujory . . 00)5 Fort Wa.no. . . . UO Team. Coat & Iron 4 G. Northern llfd. . . 100 Texas I'acllc. . . 835 C. . ' E. J. aM. . . . DO T.c.O Cent. pfd. 70 % lloelcIngValloy. . . INH UnIon 1ncllc. . . . IllInois Valey. . . . 15 % U. S. Express. . . . 40 St. P. . . Dtilutia . 21 W. HI. L 1. . . f ' 32. . . T. phd. . . . . 21 % dOlfd. . . . . . . 12' . Lake ErIe \Vost 35 % Wels Fargo lOx. . . 102 ll" do pfd. . . . . . . 70" WCblcm Union . an ( Lake Shore. . . . . lIIHt : ; Wheeling , k 1 E. 8J' Lead Trust. . . . . 275-5 110 pfd. . . . . . . . : Loniavillo & N. . 00)5 M. iii SI. L. . . . . . . 21" LOlln'lo . . . . . . . . . I D. . " n. G. . . . . lots Manhattan Con . . 10n G. E. . . . . . . . . 21'4 MoinOltill & C. . . . 11 ( N.'L. . . . . . . . 11' . 1lchlnn Cent. . . 110 C. F. k L. . . . . . 24 MissourI PacIfic. . Il" do pita. . . . . . . . le 11/"ourIPnelfo. < Mobile & Ohio. . 1 n. & 2. C. . . . . . 2" 1loblo Chat. . . t4 ' 1' . A. A. & N. M. . 1 Ntflontl : : Cordage 1' ( ' . SI. L KO . . 1 Nltonll dopiti..t',4 Corao doptd. . . . . . . . 7 N.J. Cenlral. . . f ' S.1t.R. . . . . . . . . OH N. & W. pfa. . . . 11 I do pfd. . . . . . . . . 31t North Mn. (10. . . . 3 % Am . Tob 00. . . 875 $ Northern Pacll0o. . . 2)4 < 0 pOd. . . . . . . .1021 No.l'nc. pOd. . . . . . . : . p : I St. P. . M. & M. . 101 U.1. . D.t'eG.1 . : . The total sales . . , stocks today were 10.708 - shares Including : American Tobacco . 4.0 ; Amerlcun Sugar . 2,70 : lturlhngton . ' 3.c : Clal' earn Gas 2.60 ; DIstIllIng and Catlefee.lng. cnp . : LouIsville & Nashville. C.O ; Missouri Inlc. 10.70 4.r : New Jersey Central . 4.9 : North. Northern PacIhIc preferred . 4,200 ; western . 1.40 : Norlher Paciic < 4.2 Hock Island . 3.40 : SI. I'nul 5.0 : United Statea Cordage 3,300 ; UnIted Stales Cordage preferred . 2..0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Now York "unoy llarlet NEW YOI11C Feb. 26.-MONIOY ON CALL Easy at 1' per cent ; last loan . 1 % per cent : closed at 1 % IIr ctnt. c0sl l'III MEICANTILE PAIEH-3Y@41 pet cent. clnl.t'EII.INO EXCIANGERlrnl. with actual buslnef In bonkers' bills nt 54,8031014.23 for < e. mnnd and nt $4,37t174.87'h for C days ; postal rates , $4.88174.89 / $ : commercial his , * 4.90014.6654 , $ .6SI4.691 HIL.VI0lt C1ltTlF1CATI0S-G0c. GOVERNMENT IIONlS-Flrna. Slate bonds , dull . Itallrooci bonds . steady - dul. Hal Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows : I. H. ls. 1-cC . . . 1 \ 1. & I. O. 48. . . . 80H U. 8. 5S.COIII. rl. . . 16 aOrta 2ds. . . . , . . . 17 U. S. 48. reg . . . . 12 U. I. & S. A. (15. . . 03 U. S. 41.COlp. . . 112 % G. n. 1e 8. A. 7s. . 100 I. I. S. 25. reg. . . . lie I. & T. O. Se . . . If % l'aclflotlsof ' . 100 do OB. . . . . . . . . lOl Ala. Class A. . 'l. . . 114 ( M. It. & ' 1' . 1st 4. 8014 /ola Cass D. . . . Ilf < 0 ' . 4R. . . . . . 4lJ Ala Class 0. . . . U ill M\llnl Ullol tls. . 11 Ala. Cas8 . . . 11 N. J. (3. Goat. Os . . 11 , AI. . New 001 4s. U2" NO. Puc. late . . . 1 : Missouri ( Is . . . . 110 dOlla . . . . . 52 1lsso\rl . . Oi. . . . . . 123 N.W.Conaols. . : . 134 N. 0.41. . . . . . 110 do S. ] ' Deb. Os . 108 8. O. nomifuntl . . . 1 % a. O. Weet. isis . . Or Tottam. new Bet 0" . 8434 51 1' . ConBol8 7s. lf Tenn. new Hot Sis . 84J do C. . 1' . W.s. . 101" Tcnim.oitiDN. . . . UU SL 1& I.M.nen.l. 77 Va. Cenlurle8. . . la" ( 8t. 1& S. ] . Oen.t. loa do deterred . . . U Tex. Pac ists. . . . . 845-1 Atchison 48. . . . . (145-5 do 2ds. . . . . . . $ do 2.1 . .s. . . . . 17 U . 1' . lStH ' Of ' 00. . 231 Canada So. 21Is. . . ] Ot West Shore 4s. . . 114U Cnlal/ . . of ' 115. . 101 % So . I I. . . . . . . 8014 D. & I. U. 7a. . . -115 - 10801 Htoolc Olotllol' . nOSTON. \'ol. 20.-Cal loans 3H % par cant ; tiitttt loans . : HKo4 % per ccitt Coslnt paces for tln B. bondS anti mining shares ; A'r . & 8. F' . . . . 3" % Vesttngli.Elec..30546512 1. Stager. . . . . 00" W. Eler . UfIl . .4t % .11 ) Alit. Star p10 . . III" ) AlchllJI 2ds. . . 171' tIny S\lor Iia8 . . . I Atchison 4s. . . . Ill " lav Ilnlo IlcllTeleltbotle. . . 102 New Enlul < Os . 107" leITelephone. ! Ilueton&Aitlaimy . 21t ) Utan. RcclrloB. , 1485 ( I lIoblola ti Malau. , . 302 VIs . Cciii . lute . 4e IOblol . . . Q. 1lolno" . . . . . . tl" : ) AtlantIc. . . . . . . II \.Uchb\rr. . . . . . . 11 lost"Monlaua 3f Ccii. lOlectric. . . .28)51721) 1\t0 & 10slon. . 1 ( } Mexican trIll. 1114 CalItmitel ii liecla. , 21)0 ) . Cel t" Calumet. 210 N. Y. & N. E. . . . . 21 ) Cetiterntial . luolaN . . co 011 Colony. . . . . 171' . ( ] 'rlnlll. . . . . . . 1 : Ore. Short Line . 414 Itcnr8arKe. . . . . 714 0. lulor..2U'4UI Osceola. . . . . . . 21 Unlul PacIfic . . . I'S'S Q.lncy. . . . . . . 101 WestlOad. . . . . . tnJi WolverIne. . . . . . 23 H do 1111. . . . . . 11 ) New York lIIIIJ . ( Juntiatmous. NEST TOnIC . 'ob. 20.-Tho foUowlur are the closing mtllll [ IUOllllolSI ; litmlwur . . . . . . . I Ontario . . . . . . jln 111\cr . . . . . . . . . . . , 40 Opltir. . ' . . . . . . . . ' 1.25 Crowim I'olttt. : : : : : : g l'lymitoutlt. I : ; : : : : : . : 25 Coim . Oal. " Vu. . . I QuicksIlver. . . . lot ) lL.alhvoO..n & \a. do phd. . . . . ,15UU Gould . Catiry . . . : H Sierra Nevada . , . LIt ) halo & S4oacruas . In Standard. . . . . . . 2:0 \ole.llko. & . . . l7LIil ' Union Coma. . . . . HI Mextcaai. . . . . . . . ' 11 Yellow Jacket. . . ! i London llno" ( Jttolmltioims. LNPON , 'cb. . - . an . cloihur ; Caitl'acIhio . . . . 4454 SI.l'nnl coat . . . tU 1110. . . . . . . . . . bt N. Y. Central . . . 101 Jrl" 21Is. . . . . . . ltl l'ciiiasylvaul& . , . . IUJ ill . Central. . . . . . Itl ( 1t4latiiil5. . . . . . . . 4) Jdexlcanurdltuary . 16'4 61cr. Coim.iiuW 41. itS BAIt SI.Vmt-211.16 per ounce. 110Nln'-H. per cpnt. ir The mate of dIscount In this open market for both short and three months' O1pn . Hi per cent. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARRETS - Among the Oferng.Wno Many Fair Oom- fed - 1kos. EVERYThING WAS' : lL CLEANED UP I I. Elhtr R vcaUI' R } 'Rllno In the Hog llRrktt ofji&e ' ( sItu Yeater day Wns' No hizeci- til.j : r _ ' i " r'm -TI5ISDAY , F\b. 2G. , The receipts todnfrwlae . 1.8 cattle . 8,40 hogs and SiC sheep . , ns against 1.5C cattle . 0.21 hogs anti 98 shie11i on Tuesday of last week The total receipts for the two dtt3'S ot this week show 2.6 caUle. 1,30 hogs and 1.0 511001) ns against 3.0:7 cattle . 10.71 hogs and 93 Iheell Monday and Tuesday of last weel CATTI.E-'hcte were seventytour loads ot cattle on sale today . ns against twenty- three loads yesterday . . Among the olerlns/ were seine pretty fair corn tel beevc. The lemnnl was gOO and thought the market was not so very active . the offerIngs Wore PrettY well cleaned lp In good senson. Sum- mel up Ill n few wortle . I was n good . strong lltflrktit HU'ers In some cases were clnhnlng In advance of 5c to IOc. As high ns $1.8 was \:11 for some 1.315.11. beeves while the built ot the sales were nt $1.2 to $ l,70. One bunch or 2 head of hay fed westerns went at $1.2. The offerings ot cows anti mixed bttchier Block wbre conslierably In excess ot yester- day's light run. ' 'he l mnnl WIS quite good . ! nl though bUy.er were able to II/- crllllte I little more closely In making their selections , they bought about eVery- thing olele . anti nt tly ! slealy prices. Canners were rather Blow and Inclnen \ to be wenl nnl Stockers and feeders were again In very light supply . Light stockers which were qUle plenty here I few dnys ago have been lIre I ) ' wel worked oI. wile the tresh itr- rIvals have been very light. The hay tel Cattle whIch rue coIning are mostly good geol enough for 1llers. 80 thn the stocker anti teeter market Is very poorly supplied. Whie Inl the demand Is not large I Is BUlclent to Bentnt\e take all the sales cattle : that are coming Repro- nmw STIOUnS. No. Av. 1'1. No. A" _ Pr. No Av. Pr. 2. . 403 $3 0 2. . iSO ! ' $1 o 21..12t6 Si 40 I. .10. 3 25 6..1081 4 0 G..I : G $ 4U 1..III 360 H..IS ; 4 I : 19..1 0 4 4 : 1978 . 3 CI 9..1:1. U 22..1210 * ) 4 45 22.- , . 563 3 W 39..12IC. 2 : 1..It8. 50 13. . . . h7U a C : 21..1ICG 4 25 20..1530 45 .9. . 73 3 V : 1..101 4:5 42..ILO . 4 61 / % 3. . 93G 36 : % 0..1:18 4 a GI..13U 4 70 \ 19..1063 3 & % I..U' 440 16..1391 4 1 : 1..10 3 'JO 2.1313 COWS. 440 21..1315 4 t5 1. . 6S0 I 0 I. . 810 20 15. . 7t 25 7. . 7h2 12 2. . SW ZO 4. . . 7.2 46 G. . 656 1 40 1. . . 930 ) 200 8. . . 9U 2 GO G. . 8)2 ) 1 G : 2. . Gl0 2 00 1..19 : 2 C5 G. . 80 1 CO 2..10:5 2 00 15. . . 82 2 65 2 . . 760 1 CO 10..10 20 3..10'Jl 2 G : 8. . 6G2 1 CO 1. . 8iO 20 4. . 925 27 1..980 . I CO 2. . 7G5 215 1..1030 27 : 2. . 6. 1 W 1..1010 2 15 l..H1) 2 i5 2. . 9 : I W 1..10S0 2 20 2..lSU 275 2. . . 9 ) : 1 CO 12. . 785 2 2 1. .15 2 & 3. . 710 , ,1 w 5. . . 912 2 2 1. . .121U 2 SI 3..10 1 65 2. . CII . 2 2 1..1 . . ! lJ 30 . 8. . 942 170 1. . ! Io 225 3. . 73 30 G. . 955 1 75 1..100 2 25 1. . 111.0 ! I 30 1. . 96 115 1..10 22 13..10JO ) 00 30 1. . 8GO 175 1. . 9W 22 ; 7. . 61U 30 ) I. . 10 175 a . . .10 22 1..130 310 2. . 70 115 2. . & 22 : 1..130 310 1. . 840 175 5. . 968 225 10. . 6G 31 : 1. . 60 115 5. . 612 230 2..12 3 I : 3. . 966 1 75 2. . 6 2:0 6..10IG 315 5. . 8J6 I 75 3. .110. ' : 35 G..I01G 3 2 1. . 60 175 6. . . 8,5 240 61 . . SSl 3 39 4. . 733 I 60 4. . E30 :25. - . . 90 340 1. . 7CO 1 & 1..1000'-I-tO 1..130 340 . 3. . 910 190 5.J 2 2.0 1..110 a r 4. . 915 20 1..1220-1 1..120 3 W 2..105 20 2. . * 7Q't0 5. . 91 3 G 1..130 2 0(1 " 0 llIl3ilJtS. : 2. . CI5 1 WI. . 40. 12 15 1. . 541 2 23 2. . 4Z ) 1 6 3. . Coil ,2 15 6. . CO 2 2 ro 2. . 30 20 3. . i43h215 16. . . C6S 20' 5. . 468 210 4. . 434)117 21 I. . . 73U 30 1. . 40 211 3. . 1.2 ! 3. . .9J 36 I hULLS. ' . I. . 910 15 1. . I(02 2 : 1 : . . r0 25 1..12'J ' 19 : 1..13\ 235 2..16 270 4..12 2 10 1..1Q . 40 1..11) 27 : l..IOW 2 15 1..U ) . , . 45 1..1530 30 1..180 2 I : 1..13,0 ; 3 & 1..13G { 335 1..10 : 20 1. . tlO'.2 ! CO 2..HO : 4) 1..13 223 . ' ! ' ; . PtLVES. , 1. . 22' 1 40 . . -2 C\LVEs ; ! . . ' , 2 : . . 115 30 2..19O . 1 r > t : . : : . ' . 2 ; . : .2. ( . ,20J , 3'00 . 2. . 2 2 25 2.29-'J . b - ' . S'QCEIS 4' FEE ElS. 1. . 72 175 6. . HO 270 6. . G 30 ? 1. . . . 704) ) 2 00 2. . . . 42.5 2 75 9. . 722 3 05 3. : : : : 470 2 25 i : : : : m Ii 75 37 : : : : m 3 g 1. . CO 241 4. . 42 ' 2 i5 , ' 4. . 765 310 1. . 70 2 2.0 1. . 720 2 S : 7. . t5 3 10 1. . 5GO Z 5 2. . 4GO 2 90 ) 15. . G2 3 15 1. . CO 2 W 3. . . 403' 290 12. . C6 315 I. . 630 250 2. . 7W 3 W ,2. . 865 3 : 1. . 5CO 2 : 2..780 30' ' ) 1. . 941 3 2) 3. . 40 2 CO 1. . 620 30 12. . 60 330 2. . 41 : 2 C ; 4. . . G 300 6. . 65 335 7. . 537 210 10. . C2 30 4. . i8340 7. . 61 2 iO WESTERNS. No A , . . Pr. No. A" . Pr. I hull..1060 . $2 3 : 3 c ws..l0GG $3 2 3 bulls..1226 . 235 10 cows. . . . . 99 3 ' 1 cow..104 24U 1 steer..1034) . . ) 3 55 1 cow. . . . . 9S0 240 ) Steele & - A < ams 22 steers..b275 . . 42 Fred King. 1 COW9. . . 99 27 ; .35 Steers. . . . 9G 8 SO 10GSI Is eIther a feast or n famine In the hog market. Yesterday there were only lhlrlysll loalla here whIle today the number reached 10 101 < a. I was the IlrKedt un 01 hogs since ' Tuesday of last week . wlIn 9.21 ) bogs arrived nt the yards. Good mlxe anti hC3vy hogs solal vel'y , rlnlly at fully yesterdays llcco. The lighter ; anal more common stuff waH I little slow antI If anything ' I little weak. Light weIgh . a'urag. Ing under 2M Ibs. . sold from 3.31 % up 10 $3.10 . < UI but principally at from 13.CO to $3.S0. MI"el 101tl. averaging 20 Ibs. and UiWII ( p.1 largely at . from $3.85 to S3.95. with n few loads of good heavy at . from $ 10 U.05. The bulk of the sales were at from $ .70 10 U. as against $ .15 to $ y 'ester ay. The market closed very weak on the - common lIght. with a few loads still unsol < Representative soles : No. A. Sh. 11. No Av. Sh. Pr. 79..18 . . $3 3750 ' 76..216 40 $ 8'A 53..143 . . a.o .79.,21.0 38\ 90..12 . . 3.5 1..21 . . 38 . 16..10 . . 3 W & : ; . . . . .2240 3 s 8..1W . . 3 CO 61..2- 385 % 6..IS1 s 2 0 7..21 . . 3 S : . G5..154 . . 3 GO 75..232 40 365 13..1 [ .0 3 CO Ill . . . . . 215 20 385 84..1C8 60 3 G : 7..2GO 60 365 61..16 . . 3 c 85..209 . . . . . . 3 SPA 7 ? . . . . .158 . . 3 C 7J..2o ) . . 39 69..1C2 . . 3 c . 31..21 . . 390 9G..ICG 40 3 C5 . 2.07 . . 390 10..19 . . 370 CI..210 . , ' . 39 16..19 IGO 370 71..2 .o. . 3 to 62..18 . . 370 42..31 40 390 6..216 . . 370 8..22 80 390 20..2 . . 370 70..26 . . 39 58..19 lW 3 iO 8.:12 : . . 39 2. . . . . 3 . . : 7 : G7..29 40 392\2 \ 9..2. ' . . 31 ; 83 . . . : .253 120 a 95 61..210 40 3 7 : GO..2 3 12 395 97..168 60 37 : 62..2J . . 3 tiC Cl..20 . . .75 Z8..2 . . 39 : 79..202 IW 375 % 8..2.8 . . . 39 ; 7..202 40 375 6..2C8 60 39S . . . . . 130 375 C2..27 60 395 . . . . . . 376 52 . . . . . 2144 1& 3 911 1..213 5..24 . . 3 75 . 82..227 . . 971,4 - 2 . . : . . 270 . . 375 .G..31 120 40 4..2 . . 360 70 , . . . . 202 40 .0 4 . . . .20 . . 360 84..242 . . 40 12..215 . . 3 s C3..29 . . 40 [ . . . . . . . . . . . 401 ) 94..19S 120 3 SO t..2j9 . 2..19 . . 3 SO 3G..216 . . .0 1..195 40 36 30..2J .40 4 00 C9. . . . : 6 3 W 3..3 . . .0 68..21 40 360 61..21 . . 4021i 92 . . . . . 201 . . 3 W 6..29 ) . . 4 Ui 87..193 . . 360 ' 'I G7..2 7 . . 40 , . . . . . . 4 36 1 4..84 . . 405 67..225 . .0 3821i ' 33 ; . . . . oos s 40 & . , . , . . 242 . . U\i \ " ( . . . . . . . 40 33 . . . . . . 1540 . . 3831" 11 ' &I.S . . 40 40 81011'S AND' CULLS . SlellS GLLS. 1.:2 . . 3 75 1'IGS. ' .1..30. . 280 " J'18.t 12. . . . 79 . . 3 t t . . 8..14 . . 32 6..10 . . ZO' ' 2S..12 . . 330 18..10 . . 30 lo' ' . . . . ISO . . 3.0 ' . .0 310 ! 7..201 . . 390 2..108 . . . , . , . 315 < 75. , . . .28 . . 395 2..15 . . , . 32 "tf. $ . . . . : . . 3 D5 45..12 . . a 2 l 4 HIllOllt'-There were to loads of sheep In the yards today , The miarlost ) shows very little change , ltepresentatlve ' alea chlnge lepreenlalve' No. " I Av. Pr. IG Colorado lambs . . . . . . . . ; , . . . . . . . t $32 New Yorl Live 1 ; uek Murl' . . NEW YOme. 1.1' , 2-fllEVSS-Recelpts. "H heath : none on sale : n , it rl I nl. Llvlrol cables quote American " .erl ot IOU tc. dressed welghl. Exports twoYI . 1.2 $ beeves . 2.06 Iheel' sad 2.489 [ IUlrlerl of br . . HUEI' AND LAMIIIO-NO fresh arrlvall : about 3.r. ! head 01 Ile : ; market lat ; nealy 3 yet unsold : few rules etftctcd. lOOSlecEpls. : 6.21 head : slow but firm . SI . I.JI" .Ivn liuck ST. LOUIS. Feb. 26-ATJ.F.1ecelpls. 3. O head ; htiitntentI . 10 head : market active . strong ; native hutchers. $ OU5'i ; light , 13.504i4.IJ ; Texas . . . steers $3.G544.10. lOlS-I.oell'I. $ 6.10 laced : shipments . l.tO head' market sod ) ' medIum $ a111lmenls. : mixed and < \ lht. 3.140(14.10 ) ; 1lga. 13.4063HI. HIllOlSl'-IteCeiI'tC . I. ' head : shipments none ; l f market ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U.na1a City 1.1VO Stock . KANSAS CITY Feb. 26.-ATTI.E-leeellls. 5.40 head ; . .hll'l.enGO head : mlkp steady active Texas steers $3.000J4J.0 'frxa . and "clv , ; T"xW $3.00Uf.t : 'rel\ cuss 52.00173.10 : Colorado steers SUUUI.U : ; beef $ .0(3.10 . . Z : native cows . $ .w.o : stockers - ers and feeder . $ . ® tUO'1 bulls . $ .013.75. ' I lIOGiS-lteceipts. 1.70 head ; shil'/ente. ' 70 1 I head ; makct steady ; bulk of sales . * 3.70173.80 : henries $ U a401 pRcke" * 0.70171.00 : mixe,1 $3.173-V&1 lights 3.2.0443.T0 $ .70f40 . . $3&(3.95 : l hla. J1CU3.70 ; Yokers. * 3.60013.70 ; $ .W(3 pigs . $ .303.6. ( SUIFI-Itelpls. 1t . hrn.t : ihlprnnts . 2. ( head : market alealy , tinchinaged. mUVAOO LtVH 8TOCl 1eRnd for Cattle WRR Unn."Ill Stlrltelt nod AU Soht Rrly. CHICAGO . Feb. 2G.-Cattle prIces again showed great firmness. The demont was unu unlh' spIrited end with scarcely 4.0 cattle In the pen holder. did not find It necessary 10 hook for buyers. The nnrnle of prIces was about 10c hllher than for yesterday or from : to 30 higher than nt Ito chose ot last week. Very COllon lc/s 8M l from $ .75 10 $3.55 anti tIO : offerings tlhl not heat 10 $ choIce 10 "ring ns much ns tram $ S tt $5.2 Moat o the < oY'1 hlailesa Was done al fml U to $5. : for steers anal at from $ .2 to $35 for cons . helers anti bull5. Texas cattle were vnnted at from $3.50 to $ . ,5 for comrnn to choice feti steers , ' 1-lie hog market lied it steatly tone , . 'rile fresh niatl stale ofTerings combined nmnounteI to not nro ( titan 34,00) Iienl , nni a , tile quality v.ns goal iinti ( lie demand genii , the 31005 tvere cleared at tail earlIer hour lhian tm8taal. I'riine heavy hogs were titkefl at fr-ona $4.3' ' ) to $4.35 anti lit troni $3.95 to $4 vas paul for light , From those 3irlces sales ranged downwarl to from $3.80 to 53.113 for corn- mon heavy anti from $3.70 to $1.75 for comnon light. Ateinges of ( main 2 , ) to 400 Ihet. 51.1 prlnclllally nt from $1.10 to $4.15 ani 12. ) to 200 Ihi. hogs sold principally ot ( iota 53.113 to * 3.95. There wits an tinaccatantably light dettaaittl for i'heell anti laittla , and ( lie Otaiket lviu weaker. \'hile tlto nrniva1s were coniparatively lIght ( estimatei nt 10,1530) ) , tlley couhil not nil be lalaceal , allilotigh sehleis wqio willIng to make coitcessiona tt , nCcoinlhlslt ( lint ciad. 1'lle range of quotatIons 1-Or sheep tiis $4.10 for poor to choice , anti icr Intiths front $3.23 to $5. Iteceiilts : Cattle , 4,04)0 liea.l ; calves , 5,030 heath ; hogs , 23,000 head ; 5110011 , 1,00) head , Stock lii itight , Record of receipts at tite tour ri-litcipal hoar- kets for Tuesday , February Ii ) , 181' . , : Cattle , hogs. Sheep. Sotmth Omaha , . . . , , , , . , . , , . , , 1,55) ) 8,45' ) 1115 Cllheitgo . , , , , . . , . . , . , , , , . , , , , , , , 4oJo 20(0) 1,000 ICalasas CIty , . . , , . , , , , , . . , , , , , . 2,40) 15,704) 1,6430 St. LouIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,14013 7,04)4) 1,213) Totals . , . , . , , , , . , , . , , . , , . . , , 15,050 2.9,170 4,615 St. Lottis Ocitatriat Market. Sr. LOUIS , Fob , 26.-Wit IOAT-Openeti strong , thc Itigher , galnhmig ! ,4c inure ; caseti oft it couple of poInts , bttt inlhleti to a close IC above ) 'rster- day ; No. 2 red , cnblt , SIe Mny , 113e ' Jttly , SSc. COhN-Was stn'ng cnth' , stiinuhatet'I by lalleat later , anti closed ' , tc abate yesteriiay ; No. 2 inlxetl , cash , 4175c ; Mtty , 42c ; July , 420123ie. OATO4-l-'irtn , quiet , % tJftAc higher ; N.j. 2 , cash , 10'hc ; MarcIa , SOc ; Ma ) ' , 3'.16130'Ac ' Jtth3' , 23c. bt'i0--.No. 2 , east t'itie , held at STe. liAltbl0Y.-Quiet ; without cltungc. llltAN-I'Ililt ; 72e , east track , sacked ; Toe 1,1,1. I'LAX 141111)-l.36. CIAh4'lOI SlOlOi-CiloIee , higher ; * 0.22173.73. TIMOTHY SIOIOD-$5.25CJ5.Co. IIAV-Iuhl nnai heavy ; prIme to cltolee ( li-outlay. $95441710.50 ; lriine to 01101CC prali he. 50.50179.50. 10005-Lower at 200. LIOAI-ilcltl at $2.99. ' , ( , . Sl'hOtTiOl-Steatiy at 12,97 % COItN MIOAI.-l.355J2.00. - \VIIISKY-lllghier itt $1.23. - COTTON TICS-OCe , 1)AGGING-1505c , i'ItOVIIIIONS-l'ork , staiuharl moss , JOibing , $10.23. Littal , Itnimi' steanI , $6.23 ; choice , $5.10. ItEClOll"I'H-F'lour , 3,000 bl0. ; wheat , 2,031) bu. ; corn , 72,004) bu , ; oats. 14,00' ) ttt. SltlI'MIONTS-Vlour , 10,000 1,1.1g. ; wheat , 13.00) bu. ; corn , 14,000 bu. ; oats , 18,004) bu. tloITeo Market. NEW YORl , Feb. I6.-COVFIOIO-Opthoita opened baa-ely steady at 563-10 points declIne , ruli--ci genoa-oily dull under foreign llquhdatohn and local attempts to sell anti closel barely strntl % ' at 101(15 Points decline. Stiles , 11,750 bags , lnclulIng : veb. rtiary , $13.20 ; March , $15.10 ; AprIl , $15 ; May , 111.751714.90 ; July , * 14.0401714.00 ; Septeiniaer , 014.5001 14.85 ; October. 111.00 ; November , $ ll.Ce1)Ill.70 ; December - cember , * 11.60-0114.50. Shot colTee , Itio , qtiie ( ; No. 7 , 316.2,0. lttlhiI , hIrm ; Cordova , SIS.75Jl9.50 ; sales , 2.100 bags Maracaiho iind 600 bugs iOavahulIa , p. t. ; 250 rants l'nlcttabang. 2lc. 'nnehouse delIverIes front New York yesterday , 7,472 bates ; New York stock today , 197,24)4 bags ; United Statea stocli , 211,273 bags ; afloat for the UntIed States , 503,000 bags ; total vIsible for the United States , 411,273 bags. ogninst 452,012 bags last sear. SA''ToS , Feb. 26.-Qttlet : good average Santos , $ l3.O19.0 ; receIpts , two days , 13,030 bags ; stock , 211.000 bags. IIA2tIIIUI1G , Feb. 2G.-QuIet ; prices unchanged to ½ pfg. declIne ; sales , 4,000 bags. 1110 BE JANEIIIO , lOeb. 26.-Quiet ; No , 7 Itlo , $17.00171S.00exchiange ; , 9diecelpts ; , two days , 0,000 bugs ; cleared for the UnIted Stales , no returns ; cleared for Europe , no returns ; stock , 157,00) bags. lIAVItlO. Feb. 26.CO1c110EMarket open rut quiet ; i/4f declIne at 11 noon ; Closed without further change ; sales , 7,000 bags. It altimoro SI iirlcots DALTIMOIt1i2 , Feb. ILL-FLOUR-Dull , un' changed ; receIpts , 16,343 bbls , ; shipments , 563 bbls. ; sales , 454) thIs. WIIIOAT-Flrnler : spot and month , S717577 , ; 3liurclt , 2.73017-5775 : May , 59175914 ; steamer No. 2 red , 545j54-c : receipts , 6.918 bu , ; stock , 633,572 be. : sales , 42,000 ho. : southern wheat. by sample , 574779c ; southern wheat , on grade , & 7175S'/c. CORN-Firmer : spot and month , 4T17175c ; Slttieh , 4V00147c ; May , 48050t4S7c ; steamer maaixed. 470 bId ; receipts. 21,305 bu. . stock , 156,799 be. ; sales , 36.000 be , ; southern wtilie and yellow corn , 4$1749o. ' OATS-Quiet anti steady : No. 2 whIte , western , 3&1730o ; No. 2 , mIxed3S55)34e ; meci'ipt8 , 6,034 ' bu. ; stock , 249:422 : bu. RYE-Steady ; No. 2 , rlCalJS7c ; receipts , 53 bu , ; stock , 27,917 Ito. - IIAY-Quiet anti steady ; goat ) to choice tim- otlii , ' , $13.00$013.50. EGGS-Steady ; fresh , Mc : cold storage , 200122c. CltlOlOSbO-Firni ; fancy New ToilGOc ; outht- era , 11c ; soutitenma size , 1F,1c. ltlinno.tpulls Vhetst Slnnlcet. MINNEAPOLIS. F. b. 30.-WIIIOAT-ClosIng : February , & 7c ; May , 57c ; July , & 8c ; on track , No. 1 hard. ISo ; No. 1 northern , bSc ; No. 2 northern , SOc. The market closed up strong. Local receipts were moderate. Some look for a check soon In norttmwestern receipts. The cash trade was not Important , the mIllers beIng en- willing to accede to the demand of ttte eheva- tors tor a premIum over May of lc. Flour. lower ; first patents , In wood , * 2.85051.05 ; mieconti patIents , 82.63172.80 ; first clears , $2 ; how giades , ' 41.2.5171.63. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Toledo Grub Market. TOLEDO , Feb. 26.-WJIEAT-Active , higher ; No. 2 cash and February , riCo ; Mny , l15'4c. CORN-Dull , firm ; No. 2 mIxed , 43c ; May , 45c. OATS-Sternly ; No. 2 mIxed , Re ; No , 2 white , Sic. Sic.3triODull ; rash , 5Cc. CLOVER $ gED-Active , steady ; prime cash anal February , $5.50 ; March , 55.47 % . JtECIOI1'TS-Whieut , 17,000 bu. corn , 59,000 be. ; Oats , 2,000 bu. ; clover seed , 320 bags. b'lIII'MENTS-Flour , 12,000 bbls. ; wheat , 1,0001 bu. ; corn , 8,000 be. ; rye , 600 bu. ; clover iced. 765 bags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hogan Market. NEW YORK , Feb. 26.-SUGAR-flaw , steady ; sales , 1,9S0 bags centrIfugal , 96 test , Sc , ex-shaip ; : tto tons 3tuscovado , 83 test , 2 11-iCc ; 2.00 bugs moletuses sugar , 2 13.1Cc ; refined , steaily ; No. C , 3 7.lGc ; No. 7. 3,4c ! : No. 8 , 3 3.1Cc ; No. 9 , 3540 3 5.1Cc ; No. 10 , 3 1 1603t4c ; No. 11 , 3473 1-16c ; No. 12. 2 151r'171c ; No. 13 , 2 11-16012c ; . oft A , 3O 3c ; ' moulti A , 4 1-1G414'c : stanthtard A , 3 ll-110 334o ; confectIoners' A , 3 11-16103c ; ctit loaf , 4 7.1G404c ; crushed , 4 7-iG474c : powdered 4 1-16 174540 ; granulatetl,313-36014c ; cubes , 3 1-lG43c. Now York liry Uotds Market. NEV YORK , Feb. 26.-There was more busl- ness than usual far Tuesday. The demand of agents was somewhat irregular , yet it absirbed many goods , to which telegraph orders for all kInds of printed fabrIcs ani other seasonable specialties added largely. The market is 'ery full of small buyers , and jobbers are very busy , l'rlnting cloth market lery duhi. Oil Market. CIIARLIOSTON , Feb. 2G.-TUR1'ENTINE- . Firm ; 28',4c. WILMI NUTON , Felt , 20-ROSIN-FInn ; strained , $1.10 ; good , $1.15 ; spirits , steady ; 100. C ottlI % Sliarker , ST. LOUIS , Feb. 2G.-COTTON-QuIet ; mid. tiling , 8c ; sales , 700 talea ; receipts , 3,4140 bales ; shiipmnentts , 3,000 bales ; mitock , C02'.O bales. Mitnelmester Textlivg , MAN1IESTER , Feb. 2G.-Cloth anti ) PXnS dull iu,1 upchunged. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Foreign I' huitlitelitl Affairs. PARIS , lt'eb , 26.-Three per cent rente , 10Sf 12540 forthtt , account , Exchange on Leaden , lIt lIe for checks. LONDON , Feb. 26.-Gold is quoted at Buenos Ayres today at 27-4 ; Madrid , WI ; Lisbon , 2E15'4 ; St. Petersburg , 110 ; hllenH , 77 ; Itome , 100.15 ; Vienna , 10. The amount of bullion gone into ( lie blank of I0nglantt on ltalanco to.IaP was 7,000. Consols , for money anti ( lie account , 101 % , lJlOltLlH , 10eb. 2G.-lixchuungo on London. 8 days' lghtt , 2' ) marks 47 % pfg , The weekly statement of thae Inapenial llanic of Germiany ehtowa the following cliunges , as corn. .ired with the lrovIOua fttcc'ount : Camilt ut iiuinil , decrease , 1,420,030 mark. ; 5rcasury nee : , Increase , 'j30,000 otut-ke ; other m.ecuritiemi , decreumie , 2,640,00) marks ; note. In circulation , decrease , 30,240,000 marks , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ehititimeimil Notis. BOSTON. 11'eb , 24.-Clemuings , $13,256,137 ; balances - ances , $ l,4G3Gll. IIALTIMOItIO , Feb. 26.-Clearings , $3,617,781 ; balances , $281,444. NOiSY YOItlO , Feb. 50.-ClearIngs , 93,053,334 ; balances , $5,891,749 , PIIILAIIOLI'llIA loch. 26.-ClearIngs , $12,811- 163 ; balances , $1,814,232. $ ST. LOUIS , Feh. . 26.-4learings , * 3,776,630 ; hal- ances , 943,057. Money , & ( (6 iter cent. New York exchange , 8743 premium bid. CIIICAGO. Feb. 26.-ClearIngs , $13 639,825 ; hal- anees , $608,423. New York exhiange , 14)0 ) pre- intum. Sterling exchange , aclual , $ i.8PG34.88 % . Money , slow ; rates unchanged , WASIIINOTON , Feb. 2G.-Gold coin has been received by the government on ( its bond issues as follows : New York , $21,711,028 ; Ilaltltnetre , $101 , . 494 ; I'hlihadehltiite , $ lOI,491 ISoston , 1016.567 ; Citi. cage , 850.155 ; lOan Francisco. $ h,12.0,000 ; depository bunk. , slZ.S4'JfSO total , $36,809 121. Today's state. tnent of ( lie treasury ; Avadable caeht balance , $376,343,861 ; gaul reserve , $76,177,113. N. . HARRIS & CO OANJKERe , 163-165 Dearborn-at. , Chicago , ! 5 Veli-st , , New York. 70 State-st. , 1903(01 : . CITY , COUNTY Li'TflOL WATEI1 and .jRjflOUGaADE Jiought e4 told. Corrcapoili000a eoUcltcd. BADLY BEATEN BY A LOVE1 Plorenco Imons Receives Strong Proof of 0. W. linakins' Burning Affections. BROKE A BROOM STICK ON hER FftC lie l'olaiadi 11cr Vcatttr Into no Unrecog- nlzuablo 5Eas nitti Leaves tier Senseless - less out tIm Floor of 11cr Shuolu , LINCOLN , Feb. 26.-Sptacial ( Telegram.- ) A brutal assault was motto today upon Flor. once Sirnons by C. W. hackles , lEe broke a broonastlek iii three pieces across the glrVs face , break'ng her none and otherwise wotinti. ing lien , until her features vere bathed in bleed. Florence Is a barber , vhio runs a shop oi- posite the fltmnl'ngton depot. She caine to Lincoln from Chicago for the hluril030 of getting riti of liaskins , but he followed luer , anti 1)35 ) contittiet1 to abuse her at different tihilea for several montims , UI ) till today the girl ha declined to swear out a warrant for his arreot. She was senseless when found on the floor of her eltop , andhten tito waist Cf her dress was , utlbuttoned blood fiow'eih in streams trout beneath lien con- set , whiec it had collected frola her face While she lay on the floor. llasklns In bel'ertd ' to be nti ox-convict who Is wanted at Atchipln , ICan , lie was an' rested , charged with assault to do great bodily harm , There may be considerable litigation in settling the Lincoln hotel nluthile. Tile late propnietorMr. , Shears , itas been advised that lie has good cause of action for dantages agalllst tiio hstel Cohlfltafly , The conapaily clallus a l'on in a lea&3 aloes not take precedence - cedence over a bona fide chattel mortgage , AppraisIra are etihi at work , and deputy sherifTe are in possession. Mr. Shears naovci out today , lie flied ala assignatent of ltls ac- cOtInts rcceivnble , consisting ot $839 wcrtlt of board bills , to 0. G. Ilnlinrd , to be applied uloiI ) a salary roll of $1,230. Today tito ChemIcal National haul : of Non' York obtained a ititigment of $2,37.40 against tim defliOct Capital Natioital bank. The following atlditloital whttaenses hia'i beeit endorseti on time lllforniation against George \V , 1)avls , accused of wrecking tile hock Island train last sUmmer , F. A. Ito- ! himas , .Ira Shorinidge , Dr. W. 13. Sniitlt , 10 , U. Fairfield , S.V. . Deliass , Epla Corncal , 23. U. Itaglanti , San ) J , Dunbar , Mollia Sexton , Andy Gttllberg , U. M. Alien , Nettle Collier all-I Detective Jaities Malone. ftiulilanti Notcs aitat i'arcotials , ASHLAND , Nob. , Feb. 26.-Spcclal.- ( ) Miss Lena Cole left this afternoon for Pitts- burg , I'a. , where shao has been secured as superintendent of the kindergarten of tile Ahieghiany City public schools. Miss Cole Is considered ai excellent worker in this line , having taken a three years' training ceurse In Chicago. A farewell tiarty inns given last evening itt the residence , to whiCh a laumben of intimate friends were invited. Otis M. hendricks , age. ! 20 , lIving near this city. died very suddenly Sunday night of inflainnaation of the stolnacit , The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the residence. Mr. and Mrs. Trickey of Lincoln were the guests 00 Dr. and Mrs. Meredith thio first of the week. 0. D. Hartford and Dr. Meredith attended the banquet , of the Sitnitiers at Lincoln last even I rag. Frank Eniow of this city received a tele- snaIl ) from his old imomo in Illinois stating that his naothter was seriously ill. Ho left on the evening train. David Dean of this city and S. 0. Salsbury of Papillion , In company with a few Omaha gentlemen , left this afternoon for Montana on a land exploring anti pleasure trip. A very Instructive and interesting stereopticon - ticon lecture was given by Rer.Mr White at the. Inimanuet'Baptlst. , chiurcla ias eyealng. ' The scenes slaowed we' time protiuc'tlomas of the finest works of art from moral , no- ligiOlls and comic subjects. VIll Build It. Own S'nter Works , NEBRASKA CITY , Feb. 2G-Special.- ( ) Plans and specifications for a new system of water worka and an lectmc lighting plant were submitftd 'to the city coufiCil last even- log. The plants are to be owned and op. crated by thtdcity. The estrnated cast of the water wonlrn is $ S5,000 , and for the dee- trio light plant , $18,200. The plans wore accepted - cepted and placed on file. An ordinance sub- mitthhig the proposition to vote $90,000 in bonds for the erectlcn of the water works Was also reaiP'Tor the fimot time , anti will doubtless go 4arough. The election will be ibId in April , ehould the ordinance pass. This step is the result of long standing trouble between the city anti the preant water and light company , A quiet anti happy wcddlng took place this morning at l90 residence of the bride's parents - ents , the contracting parties being Frank Landis and Miss Annie MIllar , Time young couple are well known anti popujar. Mr. and Mrs. Landis left for Omaha tills afternoon , A ntle , soaking ra'ii set in early this morning and continued all day. Farmers say three days more of such weather would he the greateet blessIng that could visit Ne- braska. - Prayer Versus IrrigatIon. NORTH LOUP , Neb , , Feb. 26-Special.- ( ) Rev , Mr. Sexton of Seward , synodical missionary - sionary of the Presbytery , occupied the pulpit at the Presbyteran church here Sunday. A leading thought of the sermon was his advocating the propriety , and even duty , ot praying for m teral blessings , etplclahly rain , which idea just now appears to strike no elis. sonant chord in the public mind , Or , Sexton stated that the pulpit here , whch ! lIes no regular paetor , vlhI be filled Sunday February 80 , by a theologian from Omaha. A meeting of time farmers was held at the town ball yesterday In order to make known the probable dmount t grain that will be nettled in this twm11mip for seed , so as to report - port the same to a county committee , supposed - posed to be In conference wltlt representatives of the Chicago I3osrtl of Tratle. 'YnuIim Funnier 4trrcstsri , STANTON , Neb. , Fob , 26-Special.-Last ( ) evening Slleriff Ackerman went out to tile farm of Anson Ilennett , three miles west of Pliger , anti arrested Charles Davidson , a farmer , on complaint of Miss Abbie Holmes , cimarging htina with illegiti. mate parentage. Davidson was arraigned before County Jutigo Mackoy , who set the hearing for March 26 , and time prisoner was released on 500 bonds , The plaintiff Is of QOl1 family , District count convenes at. tills place Mon. day. There are two criminal cases of in- teicot to be tried , Ice lri * 10ra * as Tnmnar. 19F3ATRICI , Fob , 26.-Specish ( Telegram.- ) ThIe five leo dealers of Beatrice 4mavo formed a stock company and organhzetl under tue name of the Blue River Ceo company. Tue capital stock is ; 25,000. The officers are ; A. \v. liratit , 1)resident ; la. 0 , L.lslllC , vice president ; IS. J , Copeland , scene- tary ; Chaiinles Elliott , treasurer. Time moor- porators claim that the forming of time coin- pany will decrease expenses ant ! iuaako ice delivery more Itroilipt. IL Is also intimated that time price of tile product will be shighttiy advanced. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.argo liry ( both Stock Ruined , NEBRASKA CITY , Feb. 26.-Speciai ( Telc-gram.-FIre ) broke out in the second story of J , Ii. Price's dry good. store titis evening , threatening the entire block for a blort time , hut the miaines were drowiiod out before spreading. l'rlce'n stock , valued at $15,000 , was ruined by waterfuliy ; insured , Aitti-Liccimse I amimuaign at lhhiiiilit , MINIEN , Nob. , Iceb. 26.-Special.-Tho ( ) antl.iiceneo party began time campaign at time Methodist Episcopal church witlm a crowded house. The state vice Tempiar also spoke in this city in furtherance oftite work. I'icreo Will have usit lpsnmt liout ) ) , PIEItCF3 , Neb. , Feb. 26.-Specsh-Tho ( ! ) opera house qutstlon Is settled , and Pierce will have a j5,000 Play louie by July 1 , A stock company has been organzed , with 1) . - - - - - - - 'a , t'pton as president , Thomas Chlivers , eec. \ retary , anti C. A. Relniers , trOasurer , TInS * uthorlzeti capital is $6,000. Architect Stltt. Ca , Norfolk is now preparing the phatis anti pecifleationea , anti the company- will ndvei. Iso for bitis as soon as tiac plans are co'n' pheteti. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eiaui of it ! .uiiig i.ltigatlan , YORK , Neb , , Feb. 26.-SpcciaI-.Judgi ( ) - flobert Wheeler , handing in a ( leclaion ill the case of flrown egainit Illack , et al , ends ant Intereoting nntl qtteer contrctveray. Tim case has been in court for years , being coo Vt the oltl st cscs on the docket of ! aonl county , Robert Black , who was one of thto defendants , owned a quarter section of lam ! ill this county , lieing olti nllti having no Isanily , lid 5oiteretl to nllon his tlelhtew , Charles llrowmn , vIe ; then rsidet1 In tiis- sotmnl , if 1)0 ) Would conte to this county ntt take care of 111111 ( Illack ) the control of ( ho " - latlath , and beqtleath 111111 the seine at hti death , 'It seetna that on becomning pos- sesseti of the lafltl , llrown hhionigaiged 11w caine twice. Illack land hO knowledge of tlti oliltil notice of tlc ; foreclosure. stilt was brouglt ; to hum , whichi lie began to flgltt the illctmlnbrahaces , anti tlcceeticil iti aletentinI coo of the claltus , and thus saveal one-halt of the qtlarter section , lIe then left lOrown , stat. log that hits conduct towarti hIllal'as ertici anti inittiman , ati ; ! Wellt to tlto hiotaa of ono James Mltrplly , and rcoialcti at his hmoiiio hmiitii the iliac of his ( lentil , t'i'hilch OcetIrreti rocetithy. lie revoketi tite fcrnier will ant ! tleedetl nih of thto land to Murphy , who at once bogall prcceeiilngs for possession , which was graiated. Since that tiltie tile stilt line been lehltiliig , until a few hliOhitlis ago it was Inlet ! iteforo Judge \'heeier , vhto took it ( hItler ath- visement. The case hlas beei thtrotigh tim atiprenie court of the state , SlId , nhtiiough Oh-icr different titles , it itavohved thme sanno qlestions ; , Tue former stilt was taken tip tinder the title of tue l'iioellix Mthttial Lila Insurance company ngninst iliacic , et oh , anat was decitleti in favor of the defendant , Jtmdgo Witeeler really atistnincti the sahaic aiatt graitted a verdict to tIme defendant , T. I' . i , C. U , Services itt hixcier , EXETER , Neb. , Feb. 20.-Spoclal-TJao ( ) Young People's SocIety of Christian Co. ilcavor of tIle Congregatlollal church contiuct.- Ct ! a splcaitlid evening service Sunday aught , Tllreo VC1-3t good paicrs were rent ! by some of titi members. and the songs were rendered better than tlstltth. Mr. Vt'illiana Sitcehtan of 3-lcd Motlntaln , Cob. , Soil of Mrs. N. Simeeian ; of tlth place , stoppetl ovc lcro for a few days' visit with lmis nulllerous relatives antI frientis. lie is returning front ai extended tour tltrough tim eastern stntcs. - iVililarn Ii. hunt , ruao came from Kansas four or five weeks ago to sulerintend till ) cutting anal disposIl of the cottonwooti grove on his loran hero , returned to his home Tees- tiny. lie littentls to Put in a crcit of smianli grain there , ttnd will then rettlrn here niad put in a croiu of oats anti corn. Sanford Williams of ICearney , Neb. , came in Motiday to look after seine business interests - ests here antI to visit old frlentls , Miss Mary Dorland amid Miss Carrie Ray- burn and Fret ! lInde vent as delegates fromi time Congregational Sunday sclmo3i to tile Semi- day school convention at FrIend. Rev , C. H. Huestis attended tile Sunday school convention at Friend Ttiesdy , Mrs. Cherry of Ornahma , tIme Evangel of Christian Science , came in Monday and is holding a series of meetings for tile benefit of her class here. ' , I-ocliul AiltaInt , itt Coitatltbuis , " . COLUMBUS , Neb. , Feb. 26.-Speciah.-- ( ) . The Pioneer hook and Ladder company gave : t4a twenty-first annual nnasled ball at ( lao opera house. The buildIng was crowded with inasloers anti spectators. The net proceeds amotunted to $47 , The Utlilding was neatly decorated with flags , firemen's cart whecis , etc. etc.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. U. 11. henry have just celebrated - brated their twenty-flttim anniversary. Ab3Ut sixty invited guests were present. lion. and Mrs. Barns of Grant ! Island ; Mr. anti Mrs , S. lii. Barker of Silver Creelc , Miss Susart Gustan of Kearney , and Hon. 3. U. North and wife of Oniahia were among the guests. - Quite a stir is being made by tim Union Pacific detectives in their search after thieves. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Itavagos in Yerk coutmuty. . M4COOL JUNCTION , Neb. , Feb. 26.-Spe- ( qiall-.Vbout ) ono month ago4Chris , Njrjtiest.B dog vent toad antI made a whe circuit of LeRoy and McFadden iownslmips , and at nearly every farm bit stock-Itonsco , cows. calves anti bogs-and finally at Red Lions mills he was shot and killed , \Vithmin the last ve1c farmers wlmcste stock was bitten lava been compelled to shoot their stock. Jolma Peterson lost a fine lot of Itogs , A. Miller had to kill several calves , Elliot Flocke wa obliged to kill his fine 3-year-old colt. The dog followed severe ! farmers , but never cifered to bite. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; i'nnraul sd re lit L'iehlgta Closed. NELIGH , Nob. , Feb. 26.-Special ( Tele- I grani.-TIuo ) general merchiandiie store of 0. A. Lancaster was closed this morning under a chattel mortgage ror $2,000 , given to WI , T. \'attles of the old Commercial , State bank , Time stock is now in charge of the sheriff under a claim of the First Notional bank of tills city , anlountimig tiC $2,000. Unsecured claims of wholesale hoiioes , ara outstanding and will amount to not lens than $2,000 , with. a probability of largely exceeding that sum , Several Omaha laouses are CZ4U5iltl but for what amount is not yet known. TItle is tile first Important failure here for years. , ts uterlnu tlruv tirs WATERLOO , Nob. , Feb. 26.-Specialj- ( Mrs. it , A. Royce Is entertaining her brother , F. W. Corilos of Ornaima. L. W. Denton shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha totlay. This village has made all arrangements or. collecting an occlmpation tax. The business - ness men are bitterly opposed to this move anti , say they will lIght it. J. C. Robinson , who has been making a business trip through the eastern states , was called toino by the sickness of his tlaugitter Clifton Illnckley , who was badly hurt wiullo sawing lumber , is slowly convalescing. Ilslrlct Court utt. iliivitl City , DAVID CITY , Neb. , Feb. 26-SpeclaL- ( ) District court was convened today by Judge Wheeler. Tue docket was called and cases assigned and court adjourned till Thursday , WhIch tile jury for the terot Was moimmnoned to appear , U. J , May , former manager of time Perkins IbId is in time city , Till Orang3 social given last evening by the lathes of the Congregational church at the residence of I. . J. Walter was a decided success , and largely itttentletl. Vlli Itaiu'o Sugar hic'ets , FREMONT , Fob , 20-Spcctal.-TherO ( ) iii an indication that sugar beets will be plallted extensively In this portion of time Platte val- leP tlmis season. Time success of time Standard Cattle company with several lmunilred acres the lost two years , anti of several other parties in a smeller way , hiss convinced many that beets is one of the surest and most profitable crops for thIs section , and a large number will go into time btmsness in a small way tills year as an experliatent , Html niuig I e I oh.ruaulo. IIOLYOIU , Cob , , Feb. 20.-Speclal ( Tele. . grani.-A ) heavy rain fell intro all of last atight. flalia is reported cast and west of thmi place anti inilicates that thio rain has been general in this country , It vih1 prove of incalculable benefit to western No- brmu'ka and easteral Colorado. ihipoit s' ( lustI mu ty $ t'ed ii oil tO. ie tested , ALBION. Nob. , Feb. 20-Speciai ( Tehe. gram-Tlme ) intllcatiollhi area thqt time propoal- lion submitted to tile voters of Iloone county yesterday to issue $ lC,000 seetl an feeti bonds has been defeated by a largo hilajority. N.'t ' ( Iaaiity as lItIg llseaied .iicitt , II ASTINGS , Feb. 26.-Special ( Tehegrain. ) -Time case of Aaron Ransom ttgainst Kauf & ltindorspacimer for selling diseased meat caIne up today anmal thta defendants were 60- ( juittOd for lack of evidence. -.5 ' 1 " 6PCIALTY aoAs MILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMOTHY. & . ci- . 1463.1600 Unin Ave. . Reuses City , 143. . _ - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -'r------ " . . - - - : : .