Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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: : TilE OMAIIA : DAIlY DEn : , V.knN liSDA Y F ] BnlT Any 7 1S9i.
L I-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a
oFFIc1 , - - NO 12 I'EAUL ST1UET.
- -
Dtlfrfc by carrier to Any part of the cIty.
U. W TILTON , Lene
t. ' , LrPU NCSUul'nul OmCf. No. n : nigh
I tdlor , No. U
, - - -
Jl."Ull , UN7gUX3.
Ornl , Council Du Is , 1. F. rnrk , prop.
May , Real Estate agency , 639 Droadway
A city council mCtng has been cnlel' for
thIs afternoon. Some routine busIness will
bo tnllen lip , and the 10lcomen for the
coming teclon will bo slected , :
The ( Jib 1llel socMy of St. John's Eng
Ish I.ltheran church , ti glvO 0 literary nld
musical entertainment anll ( soclablo Friday
at their church room , James' h:1 1 Pearl
Itreet ,
The Jury In the Ce of the Pioneer Impl
mont company against the Sterling Manufnc.
turing company brought In n ! ealed verdIct
Monday 1 gIlt , whIch was opened yesterday :
. morning and found to be for the plaintiff , In
.1' the sum o $1,7oO.r.
Mr and Mrs. J. n. I llmundson entertained
a large number of their friends last evening
at a receplon at their residence , corner of
Fih avenue and EIKhti strcet. Th9 decora.
tons were coety , the gowns elegant , ' and eli
In all , the event was n thoroughly cnjoyablo
one ,
A cock fglt tool place last evenIng at
Omaha I.ark pn east Pierce street , anti a
large number of the faithful were present.
The combatants were n bird ' belongln to
Jock Whllnler and Fred Lamb jr. . and nn
unknown from Omha The unknown car
ned oft frl honors "y winning two bouts
out of three. The affair terminated at 10
oclock nnd up , to 1 o'clock the police had
hoard nothing of It. '
$ lerman and William Droge were arrested
yesterday hy Marshal Canning charged wIth
stealing bones from Jens Sorensen , who holds
the responsible positon of equine undertaker
for CouncIl IiliITs. Sorensen says that they
have been stealing the bones by the wagon
load : at night from his place n mile south of
the UnIon elevalor , until they have gotten
away with about $100 worth. They were
caught yesterday with a wagon load wehhlnf
about two tons , anti the bones sell for from
$6 to $8 t n ton.
Property owner .on OJ1bml , Fletcher and
'Vashlngton avenues arc complaining that
' hoao avenues are Imp ! nIM. When the
brick pavIng \"as put td3wn they flattered
themselves that they had the heat slreel In
the city . but the dirt haulers dropped n lot
of dirt from theIr wagons along the slreet.
and lhe rain of yesterday ( transformed the
dirt into 0 thick ! , pasty mud that makes
travel very unpleasant. They arc anxiously :
looking toward the chaIn Hang. or some other
benevolent institution , fer hlp. !
J. D. Croelnvel's hora mashed his buggy
Into kindling wood yesterday afternoon. Mr.
' Croellwel had been delivering some goods
, - at the corner of Sixth avenue and Eighth
alrlels , and was talking , to n passerby for a
mlnule. Whie ho was thus engaged his
horse started lo wale nway. After ho had
gone some lstonco he , noticed it , and called
to the horse to slop. This only startled the
horse , and he rushed whidiy Sixth
horsl widly up av-
" 't enue. colliding al the corner of Pearl street
: with 0 telephone poll. The buggy was en-
trely ruined. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wo have over $300.000 10 loan upon 1m.
proved Iowa fnrms. Farmers desiring loans
can save money by dealing direct with us ,
thereby saving agents commission. 'VI do
not loan on wild Innd" nor In Nebraska.
Lugeo & Towle 235 Pearl street.
l'U/ilO"AL 24 Rd ( Jft.IPIIS.
" S. S. . Eherldgo of Des Moines Is 1 In the
: . elty.
I remont Benjamin of Avoca was In the
city yesterday.
: Miss , Nina Price of ChIcago Is In the city ,
the guest of Mrs. S. P. MacConnell.
Miss .10\nnd. one of the clerks al Denn- !
son's store , was seriously hurt , In n fIre In
: _ Omaha about n week ago , but was able to be
about yslerdny for the first , time with the
oSlslnnca of 0 pair of Crutches.
S 'J , F. Peltgrew , who has been connected'
with one at lhe Coun-cl ' Bluffs implement
1 , , housea , removed , with his family , yesterday ,
, : to Omaha , where.he , has seemed n position
' eja s cashier for n large furniture houso.
- ,
. . . , - , Tim , II ; COlntgllunt Cornea to tire 10itun
More thll 'oolc.
; .Two Cr loads of goods will ' arive al the
Boston Store this week , nnd n5 quickly as
c tfey ( can be unpacked wil be put on sale.
' Case lots are being rEe21vd every day , and
the car lots are only n part of the regular
sprlng \ : addition received In a bunch. All
04 these good9 arE the newest spring fabrics ,
ald they cover I ; range In prcm : and quality
ti'ht win satisfy tire tastes and suit the
' p"rs or all the ladles. The new gocds were
naver , so beautiful nor so' cheap.
IIMlrlet Court 1011& , .
' ' 'he $10.000 damage suit of H. H. Wrinkle
. against Thomas Sherman Ioloway came up
for trIal yesterday. A motion for 0 continu.
arcs hart been filed by the plaintiff's ator-
nays on the ground that certain testimony
could not be cbtalnM , but the court over-
ruled the case and the trIal was proceeded
, lh , tnte U , Wrlnlde claimed she had
ben seduced by 10101ay and commenced
suit for damages , but later on assigned her
calm to her mother. Then she decided ] that
shE did nol wanl toprosecute . HOloway and
she having renewed their friendship. Mrs.
Wrinkle Insisted on trying the case , b\ll after
a hittic , ' testimony had ] been Introd\ied yesterday -
terday 'sho decided that Il was cf no iso , and
: dismIssed the Bull without prejudice.
In' tM afernOn tim chse ot I' . ii. Foth-
erlngham against 'Vhliclaw and others , Olh-1
10,000 damages , was on trial and lht evl- I
dence Is nol all In yel.
' Yes , the Eagle laundr Is "thnt good
laundry , " and Is located al 724 Broadway.
I In coub 'about lhls , try Hand bo eonvlncod.
Von't fOrget name and number Tel. 167.
Wllt II I II R Nnlo '
Everything If applied to 0 Iardman Piano ,
laid by Mueller Piano \ and Organ company ,
I lQ3 Main slreet
I'mt , ! Ilrult hurt " guIn.
Prof C. SJrult , one of the teachers at the
school for lho deaf , was badly hurl In a runaway .
away Monday afernooon , He had been con-
lined to his home with an affection of the
limb , and the member had ben for about
two welts encased In a platter of paris
mould Monday the mould was thrown aside
and ho drove out to the institute. As ho
neared the place his horse tool fright and
started to run away When the gale was
reached the horse plunged through It , striking -
lug the buggy wheel agaInst a telephone plo
In making the turn The buggy was over-
turned . and I'rot Sprull fell on the ground.
1'.ortunately he fell on his well 1mb , so
that ho was not hurl so badly as he night
, have been . Ills writ was badly spraIned
and he was considerably bruise all over.
Finest soup In town served with 160 din-
' lers al the I'earl chop houso.
au heating Btovea for rent end for sale at
Council Bluffs Gas company' ofce ,
Thought 8ho hart "Uobbor ,
Mrs. Quinn , who lives on Mill street , sent
lard to police h"adlluarters last evening by
. a blg.eyo young man that a robber was
roosting under her hous , Several ofcers
were sent there , and found that she was not
mistaken A .eedy looking tramp giving hIs
name as William Welch was Iluled feel first
from under the buiding , and when asked
for an explanaton , said ho was drunk and
went there lo sol out of the wH , lie was
taken to the city Jail.
One More Wok
or that hal.prlce art sale. A1 frames
and plclures'just half prlct.
I L. SMITh & CO"
45 Main St.
1larr"Ko I.'DURO' .
The followIng marlago licenses were Is.
sued by the county clerk :
Name and Address , Age I
r. E , ' Urookhausen , Polawllamle county' 31 .
grace I. Daley , lolawalatlo county , . . 18
Florenc U ECb , 10tawalal1e county. . 21
fosephlne hansen , t'ottawattamie county. . 21
. II , , : sells drugs , paint and glass cboap
' .
' '
Officers 0iosoiy PursuIng tbo Gang of Mur-
derous Bank Robbers ,
l'ostngn Stamps Taken from the Orllole
Shank Vaults ltecroered-Several Sheriffs
Take tep ohl the Case
Against the Burglars.
T"'o more of the men supposed to bo
members of the gong of robbers who looted '
the GrIswol bank und took part In the
shooting affray In thIs city Monday night
are now under arrest In Chicago Monday
afternoon J. W. White , who Is now In tILe
county jaIl , went to the local office of the
Adams Express company and left n small
valise to bo sent to Mark Davis , liS South
Wnler street , ChIcago. The Ilolco learned
of Il after the shooting , and sent n telegram
yesterday morning to Inspector Shea asking
that tire valise bo recovered anti whoever
might be found with Il arrested In the
afternoon a telegram was received nt police
headquarters from Shen announcing that
Davls , "nn old time crook , " ns ho called
him , and his bartender , Thomas J. Gllmar-
tin , were tnder orrest. The valise was
opened and funi1 td t contain $599.i6 worth
of postage stamps , Just the amount the
bank officials claim to have losl.
The thieves w1 have to answer to the
United States government for their crIme ,
for Il Is learned that the stolen stamps were
the property of the postoflice. There Is no
vault In the poslomco nl Griswold and so
the stamps hart been put Into the bank for
safe keepIng. '
Sheriff W. J. Davenport of Union county ,
was In thin city yesterday , accompanied by
Jnmes F. Dr'an of the Creston Daly News.
They were of the opinion that While was
implicated . In lhe robbery of n bank nl Mal-
vetn Insl Octeber. Tne lan In question
loafed about Creston for some tlmo : and became .
came intimate with n woman of the town
knovn l ) ns Maude Loulls. To her one day
he confided the fact that when he left Mal-
vera he walked oil money , and that was
literally true , for when the bank wns bur-
glnrhel' dynamie was user , which blew the
front of the building off and threw money
into the street , which the robbers did not
have time to pick up About $5,400 was i
taken. A lhlrr' person heard the remark of
the supposed bnrglar and gave 0 tip lo Davenport -
enport , who arrested the follow.
The grand Jury , however , tailed to indict
lho suspect. Davenport had his picture
taken and brought Il up with him yesterdny.
When shown Into the corridor quite a scene
ensued. WhIle was lying In his bunk rendIng -
lug 0 novel by thin taint light which shone
through the jail bars. Davenport tried lo
gel him lo talk , but without success until he
made 0 remark that reflected somewhal on
While's ancestry on his mother side. White
JUhJel1 lo lila feet , and so far as appearances
went would have torn Davenport limb from
limb had I not been for the intervening
bnrs. He ripped and swore with on case
and fnene ) ' which would have done credit
lo n Texas ranger. While thus engaged he
permitted n full view of his face , which
showed that It was an exact duplicate of the
one In the picture.
When In Creston White was found to have
been known ns C. F. Wright . C. F. Adams ,
Charles Adams , larry Gilbert . and a num-
her at other names. He Is said to be under
indictment In at least four counties In the
slate , and Davenport says hc can get two
rewords of $50 each It the Polawatamle
authorities will only let go of him long
enough. One of these crimes was the bur-
glary of 0 store al Redding , In the extreme
southern part at Hnggol ounty. His rela-
Lives live at Dnghamplon , N. Y. .
The three men were together al the Ogden
hotel .In this city last Saturday and Sunday ,
glslerlng os J. Stanley . W. S , Dames end
J. ' , D. Whl e. . They left Sunday afternoon
after paying Clielr bills. There seeml to , be
'I fourth member of the gang who has nol
cut much of a figure. I Is i asserted that
when Deputy Shrlfs O'Drlen and Hooker
loft 1lel's hotel with the trio In toy a
fourth followed Ihem unnntld hv Ihg nf _
corso He had previously ; . ' been ' - < picked " p-by
the ofcerr but had bon released by them
after some Inquiries had been made , their
belief being that he was nol concerned In
the. robbery , In spite of the fact that he
was In the room when Hooker and O'Drlen
made their descent upon It After Riley
hall fred his first bullet al O'Drlen and
O'Drlen hail returned the fire this man
steer by Riley's sine and sold to hIm Ina
low lone , "Arc you hurt ? " Finding that
Riley eemed 10 be In very good order , he
disappeare and has nol been seen since.
Sheriff Job Card at Cass county was In the
city yesterday and said that the day the
bank nl Griswold was broken into a , man
answering the description of Riley to a dot
called at the livery stable kept by Deputy
United States Marshal W. W. Eler ot At-
lntc and engaged n IEam. He represented
that he was a Roc Island official , and
wanted to subpoena some lady witnesses In
a law sull. lie got the team as agreed , drove
to Grlswoll In the venlng and back agnln.
One at his partners bought three railroad
tickets from Atlantic to Council Bluffs the i !
folowing morning. Card describes the man
who engaged the team as small , with dark
hair , a black scar between the eYES , and
about three or four weells' growth at beard
on his face.
Sheriff Hazen was In the last end of the
county on business Monday evening , and did
nol hear of the shooting \nt yesterday
morning. nt 7 o'clocl lie ot once started
for home. He called on NIck O'Drlen and
found him feeling somewhat better than he
had been durlns' the nlghl. ConsIderable ,
( alIt had been occasioned by the seeming
neglect , of O'Drlen old Hooker to search
their men before leaving the holel. Doll
lied been In the business ten years , or such
a matter , and might lie " reasonably exp ele
to know all the Ins ant outs of the capture
of desperate crimInals such as theae were
supposed to be. To the sheriff O'Drlel said
that when he entered the men's room at the
Kiel he drew his revolver email they all throw
UII their hands ns soon as ho told lhem to.
One of tIme fellows was In bed. O'Drlen pro-
ccded to search under the pillows on the
bed and In their pockets for weapons , but
found none , He saul lint ( he never was In
a case where he fell greater confidence In
hIs own safety than whe ho was , 'alklng )
along Fifth avenue with the three sUbpects
In tow. his first shot , ho said , was fred
at Hiey after RIleY had jumped behind the
tree and shot at him , and he Is IIoltV3 that
Il look effect. for he saw Riley wince , Ills
second shot was fred al Smith und struck
home. I
Cy Reid , 0 traveling man for a lower Main
street implement fIrm , was passing th9 car-
nor of Fifth avenue and Sixth street Monday
evening Just after the ahootng took place ,
and met Riley and White , the two d spera-
walkln.glong . , I.n I sedate fashIon ! , lie
aSKel one or wem woat was coo mnauer , ama
lho reply was that some one had bemi
"Wel , " said Held , "I guess I'l ' g along
wIth you , " thinkIng that the two fellows
were on the track of thin men who did the
"I think yoi'd better not , " remarked one
of the mcii . holding a large revolver In the
air .In such position that Reid could look
In and see several bullets reclining at the
b3tom of the barrels. I took him less
lhan a tenth part of a fecond to come around
to hid new friend's way of thinking , and
he started oft on a lively lope In the direc-
ton of Neola.
Ofcers Templeton and Easdale went out
early yesterday mornIng to look for tracks
of itiley. Dy an occasional footprint they
tracke bln along the Indian creek ditch al-
most to the river , about five miles soulhwelt
of the cIty. The fugitIve evidently found be
could not get acres the river that way and I
retraced his steps to the eastward along thin i
sIde of the UnIon Pacific dump , to the place
where the road panes beneath it. There
all traces were lost. Many or the footprints '
seemed to have been made carefully , 8 a
man naturally would who was feeling his
way along over a strange road In pitchy
Deputy SherI O'Drlen says that Riley's
correct name Is Charles Connor , and that
he hiyes in Omaba As soon lS Sberlf
luen returned home hI offered a reward ot
" 100 for Riley's apprehension.
Nick O'Drlen Is stihi In ' criticat .
Ill a very critcal con-
dilion. Dr. Macrao , who Is attending hIm ,
stated last evening that inflammation bad
not yet sot in . and ho thOlght he would recover -
cover , although nothing certain could bo told
for three or four dnys Pneumonia and porI.
tonlts are feared as the result of the Injury
and either one would certainly prove fatal ,
These diseases will probably not show lhem.
selves for several days , so that no Just opln.
Ion er his condition can bo formed. Dr.
1acrao does not think any of the vital or-
gans are Injured. The neighbors and friends
of the Injured man entice a good many of the
wild rumors that are floating around by . theIr
undue anxiety for hIs welfare , but .at the
same ( line It cannel be denied ' that there Is
a good deal of foundnlon for theIr anxiety.
Dlrlng the day ho was tolerably free from
the vomiting spells that look hIm Monday
night but last evening they returned again ,
and each spell weakens . him perceptibly .
; L1dIi- ) . ICE : UI'TJ" 1.
For its beautiful simplicity will the wedding .
ding ot Mr. Albert F. Miller of Franklin , Pa. ,
and Miss Louie Gertrude Drake , which was
solemnized yesterday nl thin family residence
on Twenty.nlnlh avenue , bo most generally
recalled by the circles of society present nl
the ceremony , While delightfully unpreten-
tous , there was nothing lacking to n perfect
ensemble , and no prettIer home wedding has
been celebrated durIng the pre.Lenten Benson
than the ono of Shrove Tuesday on exceedingly .
Ingly happy day by lie way upon which lo
plight one's lrolh
The lower rooms were daintily decorated
with sllnx anti In France roses , with here
all there a palm contributing its green to
the perfect harmony of color. The mantels
hell handsome vases filled with roses , while
lho south parlor , which was turned into a
temporary sanctuary was a picture at quiet
color , The clrlalns on - the . south - were
utilIzed clecUvely os n background , n filmy
raredos with smilax festooned gracefully up
and down the lace , wIth n rosebud oecn-
'slonaly attached to the smilax amid pink
bows of satin ribbon In keeping with the prevailing -
vnlng lone.
As the minute hand neared Its perpellcu-
Inr and almost upon the stroke of 4 , MIss
Susie Colpelzer arid MIss Desslo Norton suspended -
pended the rIbbons from the stairway to the .
improvIsed altar , amid closely folo\lng the :
ribbon girls cnmo the wedding party In thIs
wIse : James Htchey and larry Wilkins
first , then Mr. legealh and Miss Adelaide
Miller of Franklin , Pa. , 0 cousin of the
groom and the senIor brldesmnld. Mr.
Will Clark and Miss Methane of Fort Dodge ,
In. , came next , then Hev. T. J. Maclm , the
officiating prlost. Then two pretty little
fewer girls JosephIne Drake and Ada
Kirkendall , carrying baskets of flowers. Miss
Alee Drake , the maid of honor and the
bride's sister , walked alone , and lastly the
bride , eseorlcll by her father , Mr. L. J.
Drake. Just as the procession reached the
IPper part cf the room , the groom , Mr. AI- I
bert F. Miller , and his best man , Mr. Charles
J. S. Miller , entered from 0 sIde door and
look position with the resl. During the ceremony -
mony which followed the orchestra , sla-
tinned In the breakfast room played "Tender
and True" very sweetly , n fitting accompaniment -
menl to the words of the Episcopal prayer
book ns read by Rev. Mr. Mackay.
The bride who Is one of Omahn's lovable
young women , looked every Inch an ideal
bride gowned , as she was , In white satin ,
entraine , the waist ornamented wIth chiffon
and broad pearl trimming. ler veil was of
chiffon , caught high up on the head by n
diamond pendant , and she carried a bouquet
of her' favorite flowers , lies of the valley
and violets , made into eight ports ,
which she , on leaving , flung from the slnlr-
way to her maids In waiting and girl friends
clustered blow , Miss Brownie Baum being
fortunate to secure the ring attached to one
of the parts , while Miss Amy Darker secured
the coin and Miss Alce Drake the lhlmble.
The brldesmnld's ' , Miss Miller and Miss Mc-
Dane , wore gowns exactly alike , pink satin ,
trimmed with pearls and chIffon , and they
carried white roses. .
MIss Alice Drake the maid of honor end a
very pretty girl , wore 0 becoming costume of
white satin , wIth baleen sieves , the wall
trImmed with chIffon and pearls. She also
carried white roses. 'Miss Colpetzer and Miss
Norton were In Whit mule , very simply but
very effectively. mad , . while be little flower
, girls were In , pInk. )
The groom's presents , were C ceedingly.
handsome , to the bride giving a magnificent
turquoise ring , set with diamonds ; to the
maid of honor he gave a stick pin of Roman
gold , , made in I the , shape _ or _ R wreath _ . and
set wlm pearls ; to blSS llClane ana MISS
Miller the same presents were given as to
the maid of honor ; to the rIbbon girls ho
gave gold daisies , set with pearls ; lo his best
man a pin of oak leaves , set wh pearls ,
the same to Mn. Clark and Mr. Wilkins .
while to Mr. Rehley he presented a pin In
the form of a new mOn , Eel wIth penrls.
Following the ceremony the bride and
groom held a levee fer an hour or more , and
then , after refreshments , quietly left the
rom , later leaving on their wedding tour
ever the Milwaukee . which Include visits lo
Chicago , New York and FlorIda , lo b home
about April 9 al Franklin , Pa. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Drake received the guests , ,
who were representative In character , In the I
north parlor , assisted by Mr. and Mrs. 'Chules
Miller , uncle and aunt of . the geom , of.
Franl < 'n , Pa. , Mrs. Richard' C. Moore , Mrs.
F. P. Klrlendal , . Mrs. Christian Hartman
and Mrs. D. H. Gcodrch. !
Mre. Drake WI beautifully gowned In
black , , while Mrs. Miller , a wonderfully attractive -
tmcUve woman , was regal In black velvet
and white. lace.
Mr. Charles Miller , the uncle of the gem ,
holds an Important position wh the tan-
dard Oil company ot Franklin , Pa. , and Is
al the head of the Miller & Sbley : stock
Very rarely dees It occur that a young
woman commences married lIfe with so many
exquisite presents as will Mrs. 11er when
she seth up her own establIshment. In Frank- '
un . They fled an upstairs room , and nol
only Included magnIficent silver and 'god : services -
Ices , as well an lovely cut glass ,
but rare bnic-a-brac , . whim the linen
chest will contain a handsome array of nn-
pery , pretty doyles , made by her girl friends ,
souvenIrs of a happy day
Beside Mr. and Mm. Charles Miller , there
were present nt the ceremony from Franklin ,
Pa. , 11st letl Miller , LeRoy S. Miller , J.
French Miller and Clarence A. Miller . , cousins
of the groom. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( 'anmiun.Ftlloy.
At the residence or the brIde's parents ,
2537 Durdete street , Monday , Mr. Frank M.
Cannon of Rapid City , S. D. , and Miss Myrtle
V. Fley were married Rev W. IC. Deans
of the Seward Street Methodist church was
the clergyman. .
Marriage Lle " nl l.
The following marriage licenses were issued . .
yesterday :
Name and Address Age
Nels P. Johnson Mlnllen , Neb. . . . . . . . :
Ulnn Jacobsen , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Mike F. Covle. Loveland In . . . . . . : . . 24
Minnie M , Perkins , I.ovelond ha. . . . . . . 19
Charles Fraux , South Omaha . . . . . . . 5
Mar ) ' E. I Nichols , South Omaha . . . . . . . 26
James Donnelh' , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
Jennie Dillon . Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Frank M. Cannon Rapid City , S. D , . . . 27
Myrtle , V. 1.1ey , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . r 2
Jlovrlclt ot Oel"1 Steamers , Sal , 5th. I
Antwerp. At New York-Arnived.--Waeslamid , fem
At Glasgow-Arnived-Circassia , from
New York
hl'EATJIL'Jt FflUWA:4r.
Fair , with Houlhhli. . . for NebrlBk" To.
WASHINGTON , l lb , 26.-The forecast
for 'Yednesrlay Is :
For Nebraska and Uan8as-I : alr ; south
wlndL I
For Iowa and MIssouni-thhowors - tonight ,
followed hay fair : southeast winds.
For South Dakota-Fair : south wlnlls.
I.ocal Hoeorlt
OMAhA , Feb 2.-Omaha recorll of tem.
perature and rainfall , compared with the
corresponding day or the vast four years :
& : . 16t 1 91. 162 ,
Maximum temperattre . . 45 61 3i 6
Minimum temperature . . 3 Is 7 2 2' :
Average temper.Ltur . . . . . 42 18 28 3.8
I'rec'pitatlo'i ' . . . . . ! . . . . . . : .0 .13 .0 3
Condition of temperature und precipitation
lt Omaha for the day and since March I ,
1891 :
Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Excess for the clay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Normal pro ipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Inch
Excess for tae . ,1) , . . . . . . . . . . : . .33 Inch
Totul rreclp'tatlon al ce Marh 1 lt.s : ) Inch1
DelLlency tlnc March 1. . . . . 1'.18Inchtl !
Attorney Hnskh:8 : Testifos ip'ir impeachment lulls Im-
peacbment Oacul
10 .
_ c
' ,
_ Io.
'VnntNI Ills Clcnh 10rl' O with Another -
other U"ublcr , II Jlgnrt tp 'I'lllnl
VI' In Uuslll"s-'Vlnlpdtb , , Con-
celtrlto the UUSllI' .
_ I" miii ,
DES MOINES , Ia , . I eb. 2G.Splelnl ( Tele-
grnm.-In ) time Impeachmnl trial or Mayor
Ills today , Attorney Insklnl came for-
ward voluntarily and said : , "I hnvo nol
heretofore refused lo testify through frivolity
of any kInd This body has no power to
compel mo to testy , What I know concerns .
cers others and may implicate others I
will tel what I know about this bllness , "
Acer being sworn ho testified that he talked
with the mayor before the races of 1804
several tmes , Only one conversation 1m.
pressed itself upon his mind. The mayor ,
one afternoon In his once , after calling In
ChIef ef Police Johnson , talked about centralizing .
Izlng the gambling business
" 1 toll Johnson I thought ho was mistaken
about 1lng's place on Fourth streel. The
mayor said he , Johnson , was responsible for
all that was delia In riding this plnce Johnson -
son , turned to 111s and ' said :
" 'Didn't you gIve lS orders to pull all the
gambling houses In the city except one ? '
"Tho mayor mIld not answer , and said to
me : 'Mr lnsklns , wo have tallied Il over '
and I have decldel It best lo confine the
gnmblng In one place In the clly '
"I tel him that If he was going to con-
trol by centralizing I wanted lo know I ,
and I he was going lo wipe Il all out I
wanted lo know that In justice to my clients.
ills first idea was lo put time gnmblng In
charge of one person. 1 tel , him the report i
was that one huse was running wide open , ,
and asked him I this was to be tIme place
His Idea was that lnehnrl should have
control of the business. I told him my
clients would nol go In with Rnehnrt ; thnl
they did nol consider him their style ot m3n.
The mayor said In ssrbstamice :
" 'It your men wont to engage In gambling
YOl hind better have them go and arrange
. '
wIth Wnehnrt.
" 'hls conversation was had on thin day
following tIme raiding of King's place. The
mayor several . times made the statement
that my clients had 'better go antI arrange
with Rinehart. ' '
Bob ICing , Dick Williams and ex-Chief
Johnson were called , but brought out nolh.
Ing new.
Alderman McEderry was asked If prior
lo thin offering of the pool.seling resolution
ho had ' talked with tIle mayor about the
passage of such a resolution. McElderry
said he had such a conversation , and that
Hulls had saId he desirEd such a resolution
to pasa. About 12 or 1 o'clock of the same
day McElderry stated that he met Hlls on
Fifth street and asked him If everything
, vas \ right and the mayor replied that 1
was. ThIs conversation took place the same
day that Davies called al the hlnyor's omce.
City Solicitor lncomber and Assistant So-
Iclor Chamberlain testified In respect 10
conferences bad with the mayor In regard
to pool-selling and gamblng , .In which they
advised him that district or juttces' courts
were the proper tribunal csuppress these
evils. : ,
Captain Sims of the preent"force claIms
that the subject of concentfat1lg gambling
had been frequently talleU 'ofby , hImself ,
Johnson and the mayor bu" t'no tIme was
any place designated where'lt 'slluld ' be con-
fined. The mayor gave the pollee force or-
dora lo suppress gamb\ng , clul , nlade no cx-
cepton of any place. . I
An adjournment was then' ' 'tAken " till FrIday -
day morning. c
I. _ 'm
- sia'a
Richmond , \ka for AnothoJ ntnuRnco In
the Contempt cai " 0 . ,
DES MOINES , Febr j 26Speclal ( Tele
gram.-The ) case ot Rlchmon l"the' wreclle
ref l' Union Duldlng.ndf ' u ' ssdi' ilon ,
was called before Judge Stevenson ' thIs morn-
Ing. .Rlchmond was summoned t appear
and show cause why he should nOt be corn-
mlte : for contempt In refusing lo produce
the book of the aEso loton , os ordered by
the court some , tme ago. Attorney Heade
explained 10 the court that , It would be impossible -
possible for hIm to attend , to the matter today .
day , os he was engaged In the trial of a
case before Judge Conrad , and asked that the
case b postponed until next Friday. The
court , repled that the , case of Richmond had
been dragging along for months and ho was
getting sick of Il and wanted I settled enl
way or another , and In order to facilitate
matters ho would have Judge Conrad walt
until Mr. Reade could attend to the case of
I was then discovered that the defendant
was nol present , and his attorney explained
this by stating that he , had'lJnforme ' RIchmond -
mend that Il would be Impossible lo proceed
today and his appearance would nol be necas-
sary. Judge Stevenson ordered the bailiff
to t find Richmond and brIng him Into court
The ball returned In hal an. hour end re-
ported thal ho was unable to find Itichimond.
Turning to counsel the court said : "I ac-
cept the statement , but Richmond was Informed -
formed lo be presnt , The case Is now postponed -
pned till 2 o'clock , and I Mr. RIchmond 13'
' not present the sheriff will bring him in . '
Al the opening of court this afternoon Attorney -
torney Rende was engaged In Judge Conrad's
court . and Il was finally agreed lo postpone
the case until next FrIday
'Strange's , \llltRnt In Swindling Woodbury
( 'oulty T.IIa lila "Inry. ?
CITY Feb. . Tele-
SIOUX , 26.-Specla1 ( -
gram.-Charles lit. Perry , ales John Perry ,
the mysterious witness In the Strange case ,
was put on the stand today to tel what he
knew abut the methods of manufacturing
evIdence for the county olcer In their
trails. He told that he had lived In , Sioux
City several ) 'cal and last summer , when
Supervisor Strange needed certain nfdavlte ,
he sent Perry to Yank lon , where ho swore
to whatever Strange wanted In Ylnkton
he gave his name 18 C. Xli. Perry. The notary .
tary Public before whom Perry signed the
oidavits was also sworn , and testified to
I'erry's Identty , This Is the strongest evidence -
dence Ihat has been adduced , and Is believed
to measure Strange's conviction ,
Issure Itrnnge'convicton
The CredIts Commutation company will ,
have a meeting of Its executive committee
early next mOth. The meeting wi be most
Important. as recent deveopments : will re-
quire a definite announcement of policy . The
company has a tax or $40.0 voted , which
will , expire iiOOfl unless It completes the
Missouri river br dge.
Sellers liluckolt Out l.emOI
lARSlALLTOWN , la" , Feb. 26.-Jlm
Sellers , the colored welterweight champion ot
Iowa , and Harry Lemon of- Brooklyn , N. Y. ,
fought a finish fight with' 9-ounce t gloves
outside the city lImits early , thl8 morning.
Lemon was badly punished an\ knocked out
In the seventh round :
, '
Atlantic Ne\\Rn'p , 'rhllg" .
ATLANTIC , Ia. , Feb. 3,4Special ( Tele-
h'm.-The ) firm of Crawford & HOlowel ,
proprietors of the Daily dnrl. Weekly Telegraph -
graph , was dissolved today , JS. \ . Crawford
retiring , S. I' . Ayres formerlt of the Inox
via Journal , has purchased a half Interest ,
wel and the firm name will bt AYres , & Ilollo-
I h" 01 10\1 Ni .
Odhom & Sons. Implemenl dealers II
Greenfeld , assigned with Ipdebtedness r of
$10,000. II " ' ,
Da\Id Frazier , a farmer , ' 'hle returning
home from Clnton was held ' 'lp anti robbed
at $00 and a gold watch.
F M ihnzer . a member of the papal guard ,
and who participated In thin cmllalgn against
Garibaldi , Is death at Dubuque ,
Citizens of Dubuque appolnte a committee
Saturday evening to complete the organlza-
lon of the new telephone companY
The Crnlsh Gas Machine company , recently -
centy cstablshel ! at Hampton , Is urged to
remove to Chlca . o. Negotiations are pend-
Ings. .
Mrs. aplall B. A , Red die al her home
In Ackley , aged 40 years . Captain S. A.
Reed was a pioneer lawyer Of larval \ was thin
colleague or ex-GovErnor Eastman and Ii. L.
huff. lie served with notable distinction
In the war for thin preservation of the union ,
In which service be I celved a bullet In the
head , The captain died lt Independence rov-
eral years ago. The remains of Mrs. Reed
were taken to Ottawa , m. , for Interment.
Two families ot loncr ! residents of Bun-
Ingto" have received word that they will
probably share In the settlement of the Immense -
menso "Ell wards state" ot Nw York , reported -
ported to be worth from $500,000,000 to
$ l,000,000,000. The Burlington heir arc
Judge n O. Iro"'nllf and daughter Lydia
Drowning and Misses Nannle and 810
Extensive preparations are beIng made for
the tlepartment' enchlmcnt , Grand Army of
the Republic , at Clinton . In May , and the
commIttee on campfires have generously
granted the Union ex.I'rlsoners of War nao-
elation the use of the opera house for Tuesday -
day evening , , the Sth , for 1 monster campfire. I
ThlB will be the only campfire held on that : .
evening , and President Wlklns and Secre-
tnry J. J , Stukey are busly engaged ' In securing -
curIng speakers for thq occasion ,
lrE.S TEI ( . " 4SSOCI.I TION Jzzrr.Vu.
. . Jlmrl.O.
President - 1t"nt'l At rct"ton Uoohl" on
-Ihn clr'ltt : I 1111 Ilh"III'1 lt (1"1"1. I
QUtNCY , Iii. , Feb , 213.-Specal ( : Tele.r.\t )
-'he 'Vester lnse Ball association met
here today , with ni the Intel'eslcll t1tes
represented There were present : lresl-
Ilenl Kent of Jacksonville , Messrs. Howe
timid 1o\llte of Omaha , lnde of Jacksonville '
vlle , I'-rck of Des : lolne9. lllckoy of 1 11'
coin , Msmelenbei'ger of Sl Joseph , 1 1)11 of
Peoria , Nicol of Hoclford IHI Oat of
Quncy There wel'o also rCJresentnth'el
from Hock Island , Sioux City nun DenVer
At the afternoon ( esslon It was Ileter-
mined after n long tlscIsslon to heave the
circuit lB It was nrraiiged lt the DOs
Moines meeting , nrrtlJct , Joseph , Lin-
coln , Des Moines Quincy , Peoria . Jnc .
soiivillo and ltocktord . DenVer was represented -
"enlerl In the lobby by George Tebenu , amid
he made a strong nlllcllon to get In the
league. John OhlwCler hellled n .Ielega-
ton from Hocl Island , which asker ! the
reinstatement of that town , but tim ten-
club idea was rejecled. Denver offered 0
$90 gunrntee 111 rnlroad rates of 1 !
cenlRer mile , but it . ul'lllcnton ' for UI
mission was haitI on the tahle.
I wns decided that the U ) guarantee to
visiting clubs mlst he lurid before the IUh
Inning , anti tIm mater of rain checlls was
left to the clubs which may be oVertalel
by rnln.
Kent The , choice of balls wes left lo President
'rho schedule was n.loptel , nt the night
session 'nle Reason opens lay 2 , with the
ens tern clubs In the ) west. Tin western
clubs are itt home on the I'ourth of JUly
arid the elsleln clubs on Decoration day
111 Labor dl ) ' .
I''Mlls nt New trcnmms. ) :
NEW ORLEANS , Feb. : 6.-Traclc . ' heav ) ' .
Rcsuls :
First race , seven furlongs : Imp. 'Valse ) '
(5 ( to 2) ) won , Bill White (7 ( to 2) ) second , Le-
grande (5 ( to 1) ) thud. Time : 1:38. :
Second race , live and a half furlongs :
Brevity (6 ( to 1 won , Princess Hose (5 ( to 1) )
second Verdi (0 ( to I ) third 'rime : 1:15.
Third race , coven furlongs : Saldlvnl (5 ( I
to 'rhlrl ) HotsJlr (30 ( to 1) ) secoll , Dess ,
lcDuf ( l to 1) ) Ihlr.l. Time : 1:39. :
Fourth ( race , sIx furlongs : Black Bali
(12 ( 10 1) won , 1el rll (3 ( to 5) ) second , 'l'om
Kelly (5 ( to 2) ) third. Time : 1:211 : .
Fifth race , seven furlongs : Coopr (6 to
5) ) won , Joco (1 ( to 5) ) second , F. C. Nichols
(5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:37. :
( 'orbett UlnwnM : nlu 01 Ira < Y'1 Tnlk.
WILKE8UAll , Pa. , Feb. 26.-Chnmplon
JIm Corbett , In an interview today , slid
his manager 'V. A. Brady , was talking too
much. "I see " ho contnucd , "thnt he
allows I can down FIzslmmons In three
rounds. Now , to be candid , I don't be-
leve I cnn do thnt I may defeat him In
twenly rounds or less , but I ( on't want
to be quoted as snylw I can knock him
out In three rounds. l' ltz his not plt up
his deposit of 2.5o. Brady says I lales ]
no diftorence. I say It does. I want FIz
to put UJ every dollar he agreed to . "
IUd 10111 IC.tR Au.trluUl Murphy.
CINCINNATI Feb. 26.-A len.round glove
fight tool place before 0 crowded house nt
the Olympic club tonIght between Kid
Hogan of this city and Australian Billy
lurphy for $200 a side. They were banlnm
weigHts. There were no Imockdowns Hogan
was the aggressor throughout. lie was
awarded the victory at the end of the tenth
rU11 The cl\lvd coincided with the ref-
eree's decIsion. '
lillr.11 Drops Maimer.
BALTIMORE , Feb. 2G-Tho fight between
Jalto Klraln and Peter Maher , March 18.
at Keystones \ orr. Klrln ' w'l meet
Steve O'Donnol , Champion Corb'eU's " sparring -
ring partner , Inslead. ' -
, .
. , JochcAter ' - Ofers ! JOck , l'ursoa.
, ROCHESTER , N Y. , Feb. 26.-The directors -
rectors of the Rochester DrIvIng park have
decIded to give purses of $2,0 at the
meeting which Is to be held from August 13
to 59. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Measure for tho-corlul 01 Surface Water
l'u8sod bv time Snato
PIERRE S. D. , Feb. 26.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-The ) senate passed the bill provid-
Ing for building teservolrs for storing surface -
face water , the resolution for the consttu-
tonal amendment giving members of the
legislature $ :0 : per session rather than $5
per day and the resolution Introduced by
Crawford that the governor be author-
Ized to receipt to the UnIted Slates government -
ment for South Dakota's share of $3,213 re-
fund of direct taxation made durIng the
var 111e senate Idled the house bill providing -
viding for courts or conciliation.
The house killed the senate bill increasing -
ing the , salaries of supreme and circuit .
court judges and adopted the resolution
for the appointment of 0 commission of
fourteen to prepare a railroad bill deln-
Ing the duties at railroad commIssioners
anti answering the demands of the people
without injustice to common carrers , 'lhe
house passed the bill forbidding the giving
at a mortglge on property not In exist-
once , except crops to be grown wIthin one
year , Perrin's bill reducing and regulating
salaries or city treasurers anti registers or
deeths making $1 59) the maximum :
MIchael's bill allowing appeal to cIrcuit
courts from the decIsion of the city boards
of equalization , and Foole's bill approprlnt-
lag $ 10.0:0 : for printing legislative Journals ,
laws etc.
Several bills were killed , Including ono
to prevent horse racing , bIcycle racing
and sporting games on Memorial day ,
1'aiapd 1 1tlty'llo lulls In gui Hour .
TOPEKA , Kan , Feb. 26-In the senate
today Ighty.nlne , bls were passed In about
an hour. They were all or a local nature ,
and most Of them house bills. Some or the
senators showed impatience because the
Papa's Pants
Would do
for Willie
It they were mntt over fnt t3'tt wih
Dulutl D3'CI , the IClt home , nmmIoy-
saver. 'ht children's COUiCH-UI !
fntetl cloak , wl'nlllle' ! 01 Ih'cRs-can ho
muncie to look lw now , It n cost of emil ) '
10 cents , and iio txllC'lenct II ncc cl.
come In more thnl 40 shades . 111 the
Inst'1ilnc'ks are ( mist .
Direction hook ant 40 'lmpl , 01 cohered cloth ( rca
DIrecton . . , belCilAItI)5014 ' & CO. , hluilinaton , Vt
a few
drops ,
a few
rubs ,
fYi\ \ the pain is gone Nt
' nhont
guess wOlk
fIR n pntn { th'iver Good
tUl' beast.
mal 01
u _
house ! heWR n disioaitlon to negledt senate 'I '
bills , while the 1lt11'pt Its own t'tms-
Incas to rush hnle bills thrulh ,
In the house this .
thll morning Mr. tnrtlen hlr
presented a Petition containing 13.m names .
protesting against the resuhmlfsl 1 of the
prohibitory amendment , The hOI ! sH
aside the railroad bills . which were n ( spe-
ctnl order antI went 1110 commitee of "l'e-
whole on general orders The agricultural
nl > pro/rlnlol bill wnf reported Inlk wIth
the $10.0 Item for tomctc science depart-
ment stricken out The member oXlrsll.1
the opInIon that the great CUI'stol was not
how to cook Ile - , but how - t ge It ,
Sweet : tCI "II CRlel' .
BOISE , Illnho , I ' eb. 2&--Tliei'o were two
pairs told ' . air , ? one absent In the general
legislative sesslol Thin result of the ballot
for United States senator Wil : 8holl" , IS :
Sweet , 1 : Claggett , H. A caucus of 8\cel's
supporters Is i to be held tonight to do-
termlno their future course ,
A bill hns been ln81(1 by the hOIle en-
! llrlng In"lrnnee companies to hiaY 10ls1
II full , notwithstanding any chalice II Poll-
clf to th. ' contrary ) ' ,
JUlg ( J. H , McBrlee , brother at Senator-
elect lelree : of Or.igon , o5hmleszL' the cun-
vleton that his brother will stain ? with the
silver macn . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'e\ Comm grea. hmmiil , . \ 1lllrllnlllll. ,
INDIANAPOIlS , Fob . 26.-Tho hOlso tonight -
night lilSf4CtI the republican CIUCUS congressional .
gresslonnl apportonlelt bill nl n tuna
whel few of tIm opponemits of the bill were
Present Thin Second , ' 'hlrc anti , ourth
districts nrc hen\I ' deinocm'atie. The SIxth ,
Eighth . Ninth me\clth amid , 'wolfh are
hen\II ' republican \ , while the rest ate left
doubt II , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
II"r lltl't lug thl 'rl.Iimipau'o 1 1ltnl ,
NAShVILLE , Tonmi . , Pcb. 211.-The ; corn-
mnlttee alllolnterl by the legislature to investigate -
, eRtgnle charges of fraud 11 cOIIICtol
with the election for iovernor iii November
lnst , began voi'lc today. It will last ferty
days. -
Still licnmiiuckeI in 1)ehiiu'are ,
DOVER , Del , , Feh , . 2G.-Only one ballot
was taken today for tlnitt'd States senator ,
It resulted na rfohlows : Higgins , 9 : AIlhhckri ,
6 ; Ma5503' , 4 ; 'olcott , o : Itaymirsi , 1 ; Tunnel ,
1. Every member was uresent.
Vn'ii r I ii C ( ) limey I I I II.
Sr. PAUl. , Feb. 213.-llothi houses today
Passel it Joiiit miieniorinh to congress lii favor
of Olney's arbItration bill.
amri. hiyer , ; ileleiiotl ( in liomitl ,
Mrs. Mar3' hhyci's , vhio nrrested yes.
terday on a complaint elinrgimig her vltha
genial larcimy , swormi to by llenry Caiiiiolhl' ,
vnh ; released on a $2500 Iioiiil , Tii circe
vIll come up before Juthgc ilerlen on F'ritla ) ' ,
OATS 1 i
1k 1 Served for three hundred
' and sixty million breakfasts
( i in 1894. Why ? None "just
Q1as good as. " ' fl
\ " Sold only in 2 lb. Packages. Yl
, , iit & SEAIILESI
crvous ,
'I&I , r Privath
T1lIIATMET B1 MAiL. Consuiltittlotm troc ,
Wo cure Oatarrh , all diseaes of the
Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female -
male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and
Debility or ExiiaustionVastlug Weakness , In
voluntary Lease ! , with Barly Decay in young
anti middla aged ; hack of vim , vigor andwsakened
prematurely In approscblng old ago. Pill yeid !
readily tn cur new treatment for loss of vital
power. Ca. or or address with stamp for cur.
riihtmrs , free book qn4 ree'itptl.
D r Sanrine 'iild o1P1io 1416 Fiurnam
. 'J'"L& , iJ ( Omniuimmi Neb
- ' - -
An Druggit3
SIMS & BA1NBR'D ' Attorimeya-iit-Lmiw
C Uli ) Practice iii thai SOito
mimid I' edoral Cctuntq. Itonimis btJI.78.'J , Shi ug itt
hlioelc , tuuieil ; Hluifl , 1ot , ' ,
For Life" '
Is tha despairing cry of ( thousands
' ' af1icted with
I fr " Unsiglhtly skiii dist -
, t , ,1 ' \ eases.
, &v you realize
? what this disfigu.
-L § ration flIcahiS tO
1- , - - : : i- sensitive souls ?
It l33di1S io1ation , seclusion ,
It isabartoocial and busiihesssuccess.
IDo j'ou wonder that despair seizes
tlOl1 these sutTerers when
Doctors fail , stalldard remedies fail ,
And nostnums prove worse than use.
Skin ( IiCa$5 arc most obstinate to
cure or CVCII relieve.
It is an easy matter to claim to cure
tlldflh , but qti'ltc another tiling to
do 10. I'
Have earned the light to be called
Skin Specifics ,
I3ecause for years they have met
vitli most remarkable success.
There are cases that they cannot cure ,
hut they are few indeed.
It is no long-drawn-out , expensiv ,
25c. Invested in a cake of
Will prove more convincing tlhazz
a page of adveitisement.
in short
CU1ICURA works wonders ,
And its cures are simply marvellous.
Soki c'erywhrra. I'n'ce , CmrTICUWA , Sour ,
ace : hircoivcst , $ m , I'o'rica haii , AtIt iIK5. 'I
C ohm' . , SOle I'rr , ' ' - " ' " . , ' , . . - I "
Tile GOOd Samaritan , 20 Years' Expcricqce.
' . ' . . '
I treat time fotlowhig Dsoases :
Catarrhi of tIme hiciul , Throat amid Lungs' Diseases -
eases or tlio Eye amid Ear , Fits emil Apopoxy ,
Heart Disease , Liver Commiiiuimit , Kidney Corn-
pinimit , NervouaN Debility. liIciituI Dc.
preNstola , 1.058 of Mamuhiouci , MCIII-
I hail 'ealciteHi , Iimmiteteg , ilrighmt's lIs-
cmmse , St.'ittts' hamice , ltimommmmiatismmm , I'mmraiyais ,
WImito Swolilmmg' , Scrofuhim , Fever 50mB , TUna.
OtI4 aimid Itipotula Lit ano reinovcd
vithtuut CIsc letitfe or dratsvisig a , '
drop ufblood. Wosisast 'with 15cr
( Iclicate rnhsN rcHtored to
Stealth. IropN ) ' , cured 'witHout
tfliplllg. $ pecial Attention givesa
to l'rivate oust ! Venereal 1)IHcflC5
_ ofall 1iiails. 05(5 to , s500pfonfeit for
nhiv 'csierczil HiSarane I citnhtot CurD
in twoor three hours , oriio par , Hcenurs'Lmoids
or I'ihcs cured ,
Will save life amid hundrcds of dohiiur by call- ,
lag on or rising 'f
TIme only I'iyNiciimmi rr'lio e'aim tell i'himitail
a P"i' ° ) ' i'ithiOtmtHi41CIIIg ii ( iliestiDil ,
Tiioac at ii diatamien seat for ijmmcstIon
Illamik , No. I fr hid , No. S for yomimen.
All cori'cspondcmico strictly cemitkhentlal.
) Icdicino sent by express. Addre all letterS
C. W. XANGI.E , III. D. ,
ncloso lOb iii sttmliips for reply.
President , CashIer.
First Natlo nal Bank 6 4
Capital , , f $1oOooc
l'rotits , - - - 12,001)
On , of the oldest banks in the stats of Iowa.
Ve solicit your business and collections. We
pay 5 per cent on time depoilta. We will b.
pleased to see end serve you.
Special Notics-Oounci1 Bluffs
1I1 tiurke , at V , S. iSomer's , ( .33 riroaaway ,
court house. Apply at lies oiftce , Council Bluffs.
IIOOMH TO It1ir'ii1i'flsiiIoD : : 011 IJNII'UR.
nisiied bath attached. 213 WIllow avenue.
I I I IJ _ _ _ : ] [ -
LI 0
U 0U
Li ItlsOfNoUse o
to say that there is "Something Just
LI [ ii as Good as Ripans Tabules .for LI
disorders of the stomach and
LI i iver. , , It is not so. This stand0
' LI
LI ard remedy vi1l relieve and cure ' ii
LI YoU One tabule gives relief , ' LI
0 0
0 U
Rlpmins Tubules : Sold by druggists. or , by mail
it the prIce ( P1 cents a , Iox . ) is vent Ii 'rite , . Ill- .
U lana Chemical Company No. 10 Uprm'e N. V. [ j
' I
% Clutch Novul amateur cuter. Parlor I '
tahlilhlcihts fliP sooleti.s , I
, tiocimils and Ilonlea. Sent
Socials oiiru1pt oi lOJbytIhe Pastimes :
ertahimen1 Co , , CounciJ BJuff3 , Iowa. u
. 'I R W&TkWR U R Ill I
. . . . , , .
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