, . I , ' 1H u t t j LIl'V . J./ , ri . hI r t I ' t.PI , I \ . . . , , - - - - - . . - - - _ . - - . , - - - I 2 - TII1 0MATrA , . DAILY13EThWJDNESDAYFEI3RU<Y _ : _ _ 27 , 18m - ' . nnrl H centl per pound lor IUIUB over 80 and unr1er DO denree I further pOTlr1e ( ! ? $5,00,000 for bountes nt the rate or ehht- 4 tenths br n cent on sugar producet from August , 18D4 , to June 30 , 1&D5. i Mr. ; ¼ lls gave notice or a point or order ngaint the sugar amendment when the ; deb"te C1OEL Mr. Mandenon lupprted the amenl1ment , urging the rreat cxpente Incurred by beet Illnn sugar producers In anticipation or the bounty. Teelrallhlc petItIons from NEW Orleans r were read urging the passage at the bounty amendment The banks : and Imslnes men urged that they hRd given credits or $20.- + . 000,000 on the , faith that the government policy ns to the bounty woull be retained. The point c order ngaint the BUrl1 bounty amendment was then submitted to the senate and by n 11ecllve vote the amendment wns I hel11 ( to h3 ) In onler. The full vote was as. . follows : VOTE ON SUGAI nOmTV. Yea- Al4rlcli , 1'Rulkner , Mlchel ( Wid ) , A Icn < , 1"r'e , ' 1orll , AUInn , < : llller , Ieter , \loon ltckhlm , n""lon , INkn" ! , manchnll1 , 01 : ) ' , l'latt. IUrrol ( ! , Inle , IrGlor , 1IitIer , hawley , qUI ) ' , 11 I ( I'nrrer , 11111 . Jnonm , ( 'nil , "I. 1lnlo : , 1tonch . l''nern , 1'le , Hherln , ( eRrr ' l.tnllot , HfUh'e. ChandICr , 1"1 ; ( Hlewrt. Chnnller , Mc'tIIn ! , Wnl.h : , ( 'Ililoni , MnnnOfl'niibutr . , l'ulol , Mantt , Vhtto. Unnlel Mnte Whl ( : Dlxnn IM'I' . ' Mnril. WI n ( , ) - Nnys- ltlte ( . .Toni ( . \ tk. ) , Teler. herr ) ' , Mel.ulln , 'runlt \err , Mm . . " eIt. , ( ' ockrell . Power.'nnrhee. , I O.'rnn I'orkrel. Ilrrl , Iowtr , \Volcott-lt. This was n test or the strength of the auger bounty nn" ( its adoption became as- , ured. Srecchcs continued to be made Rurel. against ! I , however. Mr. McLlrln : opposerl ( the bouuty law ns unconstutcnal , and therefore - tore void ns n law or u a contract with th sugar roduCora. SUlsr Ir. Iclaurln offered , an amendment that the sUgar bounty balll In silver coin , to be coined front silver seIgniorage now In the treasun' . Mr. Blackhur made n point or order that the lcl.1urln amendment waR not germane tl' and the Ilreshlng ofcer sustained the poInt. Ir , Oorn1n spoke energetcaly against the bounty amendment . 1 would be most unfortunate he said , tb have this great sum attached to , the sundry civil bill. lIe had voted for the bounty when the tariff questIon . But had dccred against wa , . up. congress decriel the bounty and now I was not here on Its merits as a bounty . but as 1 claim. SIXTY MILLION IN TI IUD. "In view of the bounties gIven by other countries " saId Mr. Gorman , "I rlo not be- hove the sUJar IndustrY of the United States wIl' last f"o " years longer. " lie believed In t.lf meris ot this bounty , but In the condl- to. or the treasury and the tarli nation ot . congr.ss he did not belIeve In thh old hounty. " \Ve will soon have the question ot financial deficiency before us , " slr Mr. Gorman , "and we have been for two years paying the Interest or the government b3nds : solr , and until we make provisIons for meeting our expenses there w1 not bo onougii by $ GO.OOOOQO to py the expenses or enougl the present year " . Mr" . 11 suggested the bounty amendment ought to bJ as germane as Mr Gorman's treasury certificate nmendment Mr. Wolcott offered an amendment direct- Ing the purchase of 4,000,00 ounces or silver monthly.tor thc , next eight months and Its ' colnao Into standard sliver dollars. Dy a vote ot 13 to [ 0 the ameudment was de- dared out or orller. Tho'ote was not sIgnificant on silver hues. Those In the affirmative were : Irlce , Cameron , Clark , Inmbrough , McLaurln Mantle , lUls , Iefer , Pettgrew , Teler , Walsh , Wolcott. , Mr. Mitchell or Oregon offered another ; : - amendment to the bounty pro slton for lie pymept of a [ cent bounty ' per pound to American wool growers for losses sustaIned _ by placing wool on the free list. 10 supported - the sugar bounty , bpt the same equities woul1 glvo the : ,001 growers compensation / for their great losses their industry having bein . ; dcroyed by the tariff law. The , n el11renl \ a1 ruled out or order . .M. Pettgrew Eald , the cugar men were no I - nr ,0IiJt1 ( , , c inpnsAUon than , were others injured byhe Wise : tariff. The _ _ _ _ Louisiana claim was "a premium on Im- pudonce. " The L'u'sl3na Eenators had helpd break down the protective tariff and ? t run : American Industries , and now care In ; askIng for protection for their own people. Mr. Hoar moved to strike out the elght- tenths of a cent bounty for sugar made from . sugar cane. le L.ld the beH sugar interest . was entitled to the bounty , but the cane interests - entted , terests or LouIsiana was not , as its onatcrs I ' had voted aga'nst the sugar bounty on the . final vote In the senate when a single vete , would have retained the bouaty. Louisiana . - had herself abolished the bounty by her ) ? vote In the senate , and Lhe should act corn- plain ot this abolition now. The Hoar amend- nbolton , meat was defeated en a viva voce vote. I The final vote was then taken The ques- lon was divided , the vote being on the propo ! Iton for bounty on sugar produced pror : to the passage or the tariff act , and It was ' agreed to-U ; to 20. BOUNTY CLAUSE CARRIED. I . The V nb [ _ n1 vote was as follows : . AIJrlrh. . " . , Onllner , Pcr@r , Alien. G011 ! . Perkins Al" , Ur ) IIt . I 11el\buro , Hawle . Power , , Jllnehar Hunlon , 1roelor , carrery . ' Kyle. Pugh , . CUrC ! 'I''I Canmden . I.mmithay , Quay . Canl.'n. 1.\ul"ay \un . ) . , , Cameron , L.dge. Jiqteli : ' Carey. atr'MIllami. Sqllre , iz ChRlrl ' r , 11\\1101. lelllnl. IiL.i'iirt , Clnrk. MantleVulsti. . Cufloni , Martmn . \ \ ' t'lom Ilrln. \\/hl1lr" , _ i n/nlel. Michel ( Ore , ) ; White. ' . c Iavl. Morgan . i , VJlsan ( Wnsh. ) Ulxon , Mfrmlll . WJ8 U , 4 i'ry' . ' Plc , : - , . 'Nays- " , . , . lul ? . ' " JlnshlR : Puirner . ' meny Hams , I'ettlgm'ew , len'YI , IPllnr \ . Url . " ' HOar . Teller. _ Tel , ' , liUmrows , Jones ( . \rl < . ) , 'rul'I , ! eorl.n-I . , Mc1surln'eu , 1p eolc , Mills , ' \ 'ulott-2G. , 00111. Mumpti ) The vote was then taken on tim second I branch ot the suar bounty amendment rerAn ! _ f _ ' An aggregate bounty oC 5OOO000 ; , nnJ I was agreed to ; yeas , 3G ; nays , 25 , as follows : Yea a- - . \llrleh , GOtIOI ] , Pasrop ' I .1.n. Gi ) ' , ! .rkons , . Alson , Hnwlo , 111 It , " 11lehLur 1unlol , lnlctor , 1 11110hanl , J'I . Pugh , c. , ' : urcrr , 1lnlA'y ! , QUi ) ' . , Canidn . Jlelllnn , Ii".teh ' , . 1al"rol. Ilnld.rol HfUll ) ( 'lianilier . Mantle , HlfWII , Cujiommi. Mirun. \\'llrh. , Usllcl , Morgan , ' ' "shlum ' , . 111/ , Muri , ' Vhlti-3. \ : . : ; "Nas- . . i Ih ( . ) ( .l'lln , 1.ter , . , l"tr ) ' , 1ulsLrush. PetiIgrew , lIrlrt . Hun Is , IctllrC\T : nl ) hoar , Teller . CIrk 1..IIc. 'lullI. Corl.lel . , ateIlflmrIntt. . . ( ' , Mills , " 'Uson'luh. ( . ) , ' ' . 1'.iimner , ' ( . } 'I'I. , 1'.1 Ier \\'oleoll- ( alll/pr . 4t ale : p. ni. the-senato took n recess until 8 u'clock ! . , : . WORK OF TIE EVENING SESIN , . . When the senate convened In the evening . tulon an agreement waa made , after BOIC , 'lfcuulon , bywlmich the roll was caled , amid : 11 each senator was called , he had lime Irlvl- legb to name the bill to be considered. hula - Were then iaased 1 toluws : Quntlg 10 the ftale c 1'lns8 the abslulone' l ort lans - niililary reservat'cmi for . mllay reservat'e an agricultural col. legt and normal institute : to gIant the Oa nn- yUle . McAlster & St 1.0uh. Halway com- - l\illY the rIght or way to build two branch thrtugh the Indian territory , addi9onai ttrltory Idlt pea crc toaecure r'fht : or way , delot grounlh etc , : I to protect the invimila ! ot the Ied Cross 'ir There wai a spirited conlroveray when Mr. l lull , o Ntw Yorl , objected to a bi urged I 1) Mr ! , Oallntr of New iiammmlialmlre , a to I 'I a WuhlnGtol , suburban ralrcnd , Mr. Oal- t. lnger ; thcllll1 the New York senatcr was i , Insl.lr\lt by pique , and h" would therefore ' . - object : ti ni ether huslnCss , - m Mr harris also crltclzer Mr. 11111's course. ! There was an e1chanl ( c ler.onaltea , during wllh Mr 11 declared hat Mr. Quay - was blockinG n certain Iccal rai reed bIll In ji I'ml'cte the Intereat of tie Ih181\ellhl8 \ rlrtt railway . - : r , Gallnger wllHlrew his Imel'al ; ob- Jectlona , Lnr\ \ bulnes proceoIed \aln , the . - rolowln/ / ; bills being paaerd : Authorlzlnl thm - l'ittLitrg , : o\lngahfh Wheeling Railroad con\IY to buhl : I bridge over the Icncnga- lute ever : Proictlng iulic forest reurva. I ton $ : 'Iu ol'eo 10 setlmel ! 'anr luorlr : for tll dl'osal or be 1111\C lands lt Furl Mc- - l'heran milItary reservation and Camp SherIdan - Idan , Neb. : for a pulle bul\1nl at OJIIsI11 , Col. , to COlt $200,000. rOl' the relief ef time . hjmiter ot Calvary Cattitilrai . Suu1 laiic , \ , . ' ' - " AU "I" . " . , - 11" . - . 4 , _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ . . - 4 5 . , D. : for the relict at the Jurerer by the IS. ot the United States ship TalhpJou. i At 1:3a : o'clock the omate adjourned. I'titS ) A ( Ulum.Vl lU3Ul SIS , Hfnftt FlnAnelnl ( ) olllten I'a'mio ' on hit' l'rollo''Ht Alnndment , WAShINGTON , leb ) . 2G.-Tho Inate financial commite ! at Its meting tOday or- doted a favorable report on the amendment to the sundry civi servIce bill , to Provide for the appointment ot a commIssion of nne : en behalt ot the UnIted States to attend an Internat'onal conference for the rehabilitation ct 1lver ! In cae one ! hal bo decldell upon. Thte were rme verbal amendments , but the provision for the selection oC three member - ber trem the senate and three from the house was retalntd The amendments made by the committee strike Cut the provision ot the original resolution specifying countries upon whose Invtaton ; the president ! hal determine that this country be represented , and simply provIde that he , hal act with such conference Is called. There Is also n change In thp werr1ng oC the IJrovlslon In regard to the appointment ot commIssIoners on behlr or the United States , whIch Ie mnd to read u rolows : "The United States shall be represented nt such conference - ence by nine delegates , to be selected n. fol. lows : "The president ot the United Slates . sh31 select thre or said delegates . the senate shah select three members ot the senate as delegates , and the hcns or repro- entativeo . shall select three memhers as 11eleates. I nt any time there shall be any VAcanclea ! , snh vacancy slul be fled by the president of the United States. " 4ilNIMENT MUST nl AIhANDOE1) , SUldry CI,1 nl , 'milmnoS I' , with time Ccr- : tne"h , l'clt1rotnlhec , WASHINGTON , Feb. 2G.-The friends or the amendment to the ( sundry civil bi pro- riding for an Issuance or $ t00,000,000 cert - ctes of indebtedness have about conciudei . they wIl 'be ' unable to get the bill through ns long iS time , amendmcnt remains a part or I The populst Elators have nnnounced their determination to defeat the passage at time bill rather than allow the adoption ot the amendment The rrlcnds or the measure have been In consultation and some of them concede - code that It will possbly ! be ntceSry to abandon the nmendment. 13 I rule , the selotors who oppse the certificates favor the amendmelt offered by Senator Mills for the repeal oC all laws , authorizing the Isue of bonds , but It will be opposed by the popu- lists who favor the certificates just ns stubbornly - \nly as limo ccrtfcate amendment will be OP1)sell by thc anti-bond men. Either would probably force ( debate that would pro\'ent the passage of time b1 ! If persisted In . a'1TTIUItEV TELLS ; \ . \ ' Il nSI w. Ills i'mrt tim lie lofiilcatlommi-hiad ! ro Flmncltl VCI.lll ! wih lnylo , WASHINGTON , Feb. 2G.-The attention or Senator PeWgrtw ! at South Dakota , beIng called to the report that hB had soml know , edge of the recelt deCalcaton of Treasure Taylor - ! lor ot h' ! state , said that all the information he possessed was that known by other South Dakota men. The day before Christmas Charles Itt . Coy lied told him Taylor was short $100.000 , al1 that It was to 1e made up , $50.000 to be paid by Taylor's relatives and $ [ 0,000 by biD bondsmen "Under these circumstances , " added : Ir. I Petgrew , "I did not thlne ! It wise to make ! the Inater lUblC. ' There Is no truth In the report that I ever borowed a dollar from Taylor. I never had any financial trans- actions with him " MEXICAN : FREF ZU E Amendment Fnvor.tbly Uecomlcnded by time ! " 'ltc FlnmQe Cotamnmittee. ' WASHINGTON , Feb. 26-Tho committee on finance or the senate today decided to favorably report the resolution favoring the admittance , ot goods into the Mexican tree -zone with nmendm nt. The 'resol Uon , 'a,8 'It passed provided for the suspensIon or the existing IjW permitting merchandise to bo transported In bond through 'the United States between the eastern boundary and the city oC Laredo In the state ot Texas und the Pacilc coast. I was thIs clause to whIch exception was taken , as being opposed to the Interest 'of ' the roads entering Mexico wes ot Laredo The commIttee considered these objections ns vald , and : struck out the ob- jectonablo clause , leaving the ProviSion to apply alike to all parts or the free zone. " I'rlz for I Sucresdul thlp , WASHINGTON , Feb. 2G.-Senator Brice , from the committee on interstate commerce - merce , has reported without recommendation the bill Introduced In the ' early part ot the present session , authorizing the secretary or the treasury to pay time sum of $100,000 to any , Inventor who shall , prior to 1900 , construct - struct n vessel that will demonstrate the practicability , ot safely navigating the air It n speed or thirty miles an hour and capable of carrying freight and passengers. The object ot the report Is apparently to print the information avaIlable on the subject - ject oC experiments It aerial navigation sInce the days of Montgol er. ( 'onfernes Ueoeh ' 11 Agrefmmnent. WASHINGTON , Feb. 26.-Tho house and 'ute conference on the agricultural appro- prlalon bill has aree on time differences between the two houses. The senate amnena- nHnt to appropriate tO.OOO for the exermr- ' /lton.ot tie gYl y moth Is stricken out , and ilL' ameldments recommended by Secretary orton duth rlzlng the secretary ot agrlcul- tore to cause to be Inserted live cattle WhORP meat Is intended for exportation . and also to 'make regulations to prevent the transporta- ton 'of condemned 'carcasses between 'he states or abroad , and fixing penalties for vlolalJons of the regulations retained In the bIll . _ _ _ _ _ _ b1.IR ! l r' . l.hurslty , of AmorleR Hii , WAShINGTON , Ft'b. 26-RepresentatIve Heifer or Nebraska has Introduced a bill to eshblsh the University ot Altrca : , In whch ! each state , territory and consresslenal district - trict shall be entitled to an equal propor- ticmmate number or students , chosm tcnate by con- : IJttv examinations. Instructions In oil the branches or all del rtmenl ot knowledge Is to be given and ! cltes ! furllhed for sclen- tlc anti literary studies. Tlc goverment cC , the university Is to be yestcl In a bead oC twenty regents. :1 1'11 UllrJ ) (01 : r"o ; . WASHINGTON , Feb 2G-The national dairy congre , consIsting ot ( eleates ! from the various state Isssoclations , began 1 three < ) i' selslon here thll mornln" . AmonK the < el/ntIS presenl arc : J. I. lower oC Colornrlo , C. I. Gabll"lson e lawn , lion H 1" , Illner and D. 1' , Ash. Iml of Nebrnhlui - . . . IHIOD,1 'lJI Gi'EltN.lEN . l'01' ! 'I'o SUIllrCI l"rulhtvcrt olclll of _ . \Urll0 Fair Amr0rm14 ? Letters from both the chIef or awards ( on .u rjculul ) lt the Chlclo , , 'orlrl'/ fair , rI' ; J. S. lro\IIS and lime ! judge ur award on alrlng powJei-s , eXIOSU the lalslty of the ch\11 mad" In ! behalf ot a Chicago Imlehm powder Ihlt H received the hlhest award ! for leavening power , leeeping qualities , llurl ) ' and [ ; ! \eTI e1celence , qUlltea 'l'ho judge or awards says ( hale claim hi talsI , that no fuch award , Wil given to that bahcing Ilowder. ! ) r Browning hI hil letter 11111d hub. lihel , Ilso shows that there was no award given to limo Chicago COIIJany tor time best baking powder , 1 now npllclrs further that the Inalysel of the powller eXhlhlte,1 showell I baking I > wrer mille In New York altogether the superior lt the Cblcugo Ilowder In both la'ly alHl ' ; t rca gi ii. 'rbe 10\ernment hns prohlllt ll the use tor advertising pUnIOS ot time medal I warcell by the faIr. I wouht he n great IJrolrrlon lu til Ilullc Ir tit o\ernmL'nt woull nlo IJruhlblt the PuimhicatiOli or false clnllSI 'mrh iK ll/e that t have been ox- IOed ho relation to tuch : awards . Time only official rOlpetllve test of n na- tonl character , fron\ which consumer can obtaIn UtO at'tual facts as to the relative I'olal\'e values ot 1\1 the prlnclpll brnmmds ot luklnK Ilowder or time cdunlr , 11 thaI made hy time . \rrlrllulll department < nt Washington , I ) . e , I 10 hnpI.ens that this WIl conrlucted I ) ' the Kame comment chemist who acted as jllgc ot awards Ct the Chlerlo Columbian talr .1 his nlrllllcpn pubUfhed at this Ixumln\Uon , limo Hornl TuklnJ 1o\rlor was rOlrl to he the 811"rlor powder Ind high- \It In leavening rtrength , Ucrm'1 ' Chnrly hail II Ni'mv York NIV YOm" , J'eb , = G-Th Gamma ! , clarlr bal t'ol place last night : t rldlsoa Sql re Rudel Two thc-um1 heo'.mle : were Present and UQOO will bJ realized . HOUSE IVES A DAY TO LABOR Oonference Report on the Postofco Bill Pfe- sented but Withdrawn , NATIONAL ARBITRATION , BLL PASSE SUl'llrtcrR of lie Measure Claim that It h I 111"or,1 hy time 1llro ul Com- I . i 1 > \11 anti I ) the Vorielng 1 - immen-its l'ro\'lols. WASINGTON , , Feb. ' 2G.-Tbo house met at 1 o'clock today ammi Mr Henderon , demo- crat ot North Carolina , chairman oC the CJm- Ilteo on postofces arid hoSt roads , Immediately - mediately called UI the conference report on the restoflice appropriation bill , Iruch t ( the , dlsalpolntment or the members who were clamollng for unanimous consent , to consIder bills , The senate nmemlment providing that tnlway : mal clerks hGnater polnted should live somewhere along the Inc ot the route which they arE assigned io , but that clerks heretorore nlpolnted should mmot be required to change their residence , WS the only question - ton In dispute between time two houses. The amendment was designed to destroy the erect cf general old r No 379 issued by the postmaster general requiring clerIcs to live on the line of their routes. When time order Was Issue some 1,300 clerks lived oft their lines. Since then 800 hove changed ther ! reslrencc. Mr Henderon bad read n let- ter rrom time postmater general protesting against the ( senntl l entJnenl As It was evident that the nmelument ! 'woull , occasion some debate ! r , Henderson wllllrew the conference report In order to give Mr. Catcb- bags nn Olpoltunly to preslnt time special order givIng today until 3 o'clock , to the 'coni- mlteu ! on labor and to the com1ltee on 'puimlic buildings and grounds under the special order whIch was adopteJ NATIONAL AILIOITRATION. Mr McGann or the' labor commlteo called caled up the national nrbltraton bill entitled "A Ilit ! COlcerlng Carrie Engaged In Interstate - state Commel' and Their gmployes " The purpose ct the bill Is to provide a board of conciliation consisting at the commissIoner or labor and the chairman of the Interstate Commerce commission , whose duty It shall be , when a ccotro\'ersy concerning wages , hours ot labor or condtons of employment arise between a carrier under thus act amid the cmploes or such carrier , to put themselves - selves In , communicaton " , lh the parties to sucn conlroversy a 11 shah use their best efforts , by mediation and conciliation , to amicably settle the same , and I such effort should be unsuccessful should at once endeavor - denver to bring about an albltrntlon or said controversy by submitting ' the same to n board consisting of three persons. one to be chosen by time employes , one by the employer and those two selecting the third. Mr Erd- mnan . democrat of Pennsylvania , explained the provisions of time bill . which , he said , was originally drawn by the attorney general , and after being carefully considered Arer careful ) and perfected by tIme committee on labar today had the support of all the chief of labor organizations - tons involved and of the commissioner or labo : . "Does the bill provide a compulsory arbitration - ton ? " nsked Mr Simpson. arbira- "Dy no means " replied Mr. Erlman , "The railroads favor I The laboring men have considered It In all its phases and ther : rep- resentatvea are , here today anxiously urglmmg it. The bill urgng I. bi has the unanlmuus support of our committee . " "When a difference Is submitted to dlcrence submited arbi- ( ration under the provisions or this bill , " Interrupted - terrupted " Mr. Dngley , republican . 'f Maine , "Ind the arbitrators decision Is not agreed to how Is It to be enforced ? " "It Is to be nrorced , by the , courts , " replied - pled Mr. Erdman. Mr. McLeary republican ot Minnesota . republcan llnnesota. recalled - called atelt n to time. cacton uf the bill which provided that all labor orgammlzaticns llalons claiming benefits under , It sllould have In \ theIr articles or incorporation ! 1 m clause providing - viding , th:1 members should 'fnCilt , their memberships arbitration award. . It they- ' failed 10 , Sonpl ; : With FITHIAN' DENOUNCES CLm ND. , . Mr. Flthlan , democrat ot Illinois. took' occasion - casion to make a bitter speech denouncIng the acton of the president In sending the troops to Chicago last year to suppress the strlko. He declared Mr. Cleveland's acton was Unconstitutional - constitutional , and that consttutonnl when the full facts were known Governor Altgeld's polton would bo understood. "I predict , " said he , "the name or Algeld will live In histor as that of one who In 1 great crIsis In the events of our common country , stood for law- tul amid constitutional government against government by Injl\eton. government by force and government In violation ot law , which Is anarchy In time worst and most violent - lent torm. " Speheces favoring the bill were made by Mr. Iklrt oC Ohio , Henderson oC Iowa and Dunn or New Jersey. . On motion ot Mr. Twney oC Minnesota an amendment was adopted In the shape ot a proviso to the effect that no empioye should he' puntshed for failure to comply with an arbitration award as by contemnt or court Several unimportant anumadmerits , together - wlh those offered by the committee , were agreed to and without dIvisIon the bill was . passed . Mr , McGann then called up the joint' reso- luton to raise the rate of wages or prInter and bookbinders In the ' , government printing olee from 40 to [ 0 cents per hour Acer some debate lie bill 'was withdrawn . A bill was passed for the publication ot the bulletins of the Department of I.abor. The remalndcr oC the day was devoted to enoglef ! on the life and public services of the late PhIp Sydney Post.of Illinois . Those who paId tllhute to the mlmory or their late coleacue were Messrs. Henderson and Laue or Ilnol ! , Bynum of Indiana , Grosveuor ot Ohio Clark of Alabama , Bro- erick of Kansas , Wheeler oC Alabama , Deliver - ver of Iowa , Stockdale or MissIssippi , Martin ot Indiana , Boulele ct Maine and Lucas oC South Pallota. At 5:35 : p. I" as 1 further mark of re spect the house adjourned Will , OUU.\JZ ' . \ bU\'gn IAUTV , lmetllistr In He..II : IIVnshhuton with 1 lellH. fhJe"t In View. ' WAShINGTON , Feb , 2G-The conference oC memhers or time American Bimetallic league still conUnues h1 sesslhi at the league rooms here , wlh time prospects ot , contnlng several days yet , There were about 1 dozen members preset at today's moelng , and this number fairly represents the average aUenlsnco slnco the conference 'bogan. I II understod at time close or the : meoUng 1 IJublc nnnouneement will be mmmate or time conclusions reached which omlOIY'1 cal on , I the friends oC silver throughout , the country to organize al11 IIJpoll , delegates ) tea : nn- tonal convcnton to bo called tO 'mfteet durIng I the coming summel' or nltumi1 : .Iid great object which Is 80ught Xo.'beattained II be yond reasonable doubt to olanl7o ; ,8 natIonal sliver IJSrty having only : one plan , that or free amid unlmited coinage ot silver . wih a view to forcIng 1 etralght-out political cam- Ilnlgn un this Issue Oi'ENIU Ol : _ \'l'IONU 'I ; , I'.tiiiCS. ' nll 10 i'rovliie for "nun'AAlol.ml Hellrcou- i 11101 lurl I.hull ' the "no. WAShINGTON , lib : , 2G .Reptosentatve ' Wheeler or Alaba'ma Jmas zeported to time I .iS , house lrom the joint commlteo on time Chick- amauga and Chatanooga National Military hark n joint re90luion jrbvldlng for the ( Jrtclpston by' congrcs in the dedication ceremonIes or time hark September 10 and 20 next , through the pre&ldllg olcers or the respectve houses : time JoInt cmmitee on park dedicaton ; such senators and repre- sontatvos as served at Chatanooga , and such II may be namell by the , pr 8ldlng , oUc r or the respective houses as representatves ot other armies and the navy , or : al p alers to represent congress. The sergeant.at-arms ot the senatc Is to ma1eo necessary arrange- ments for the congressional partcltJaton lire- 110ed at In expense not to exceed $ [ ,000. ru I'ncille UII.o , I.elhlilun I'oaiiii'e WASHINGTON , Feb. 26 -'fheru seems to bo little douht that 10 molc ntemlts nt Pueblo railway lelllatll wilt lie nmade In this t'OIHrIII'hlo time rules commi- tea of the house hal IOt tormai ) ' decided 10 I'nnt ! 10ro tme , leJlc'IJtalonl of time DM34 otsuao ; Otfl Aq uoflou )0 sClllIqiWiOdLU ( .WI OIUUDI } .q 10101 'tllllWDOdUI ' beemi minute wiuic'h have immobably decidem the conmnmittco . SUllporlers of the bill went to the senate to make 1 canvass nf its chnncr fltiul3 ivare told by tenatorVhite or ( nltornla that unit 1 dozen senlom lied remmoived , tem see to I limit no legislation on the lne ! . the Helly bill shoull paIR the 8onnto _ _ _ _ _ _ l'ItEt'AI.ttftn A S IL' ' lull 1.J I STU" lemocr'lts of Tlu't lRlh II'T hml an AI- ( iresi to time ( J'muntry , WASII1Nt1TON , ' Feb . 26-ltoumthmme mnatt'rs ' on the 100t 'of time house were overshntlbwed In Interesttbdl' by the Initiation ot a brisk movement .dclr a majority or time demo- cratc membershht In favor ot the financial policy hnvlng the free coinage or sliver for its keynotER 'Pdr sonic time there hns been n Ilscusslmf' hatrIM on by time free silver leaders of timtarty In regard to time prac- tcabiiy ot n plan to unite their forces anti to erystnllzo their ideas Into 80mo sort or n plalorm or declaration , The net ruul ! bns been the 11rnn or n resolution addressed to the democrnts or the Unloll States anti ( outlining 1 fnanclnl policy for the donmo- cratc Imarty ThIs } nper ' his bee clrctm- latell on th democratic side at time hols ! anti Is being vigorously discussed ( , with the object of obtllninn the consenSII ot silver democrats Upon its chief expressions. The chief 1nstglors ot the movement are Messr lalll or Missouri Brnn of Nebraska , Sibley or Ienusylvnlln nnd Coleen or Wyomln Their paper Is nl present but a tentative ex- lmreasiomm they say , anti not yet In rorm for publication , since none of Its details ha\o been definItely agreed upon , In substance I states the financial policy or the party t6 bo' for the free coinage or gold nmmd.sllver emi terms or equality nt the rate or 1G to 1 ; for time Issue or all Ilaper money by the goverment without the intervention at banles : amid opposition to nlY Issue or Inter- ost-bearlng bOlls without the authority of n special act , ot congress. - AtontJn Is called to a movement said , to , be under \ y through the opponents or free sl\'er In time farty to secure the olecton or gold men ns delegates to party conventions , anti particularly to the national conventpn , anti thus secure the nomlnllon or n single gold stallar < llan for the presitiommcy DemQ- crats are urged to oppose the movement and to , ace to It that none but tree sliver men arc elected to positons or intluemmco In tIe part amid to represent them In aU conventions. MAJOUTY ALL , TIEY NEED I the support of n majority of the party In congress can 10 'pledged to n financial plat- term It Is Intended to issue the manlresto to the democrats at the United States wihin a Cow days. At present the declaration Is In but a formative \ stage , Mr. Bryan says , : n\1 I Is intmided to secure the \'Iow or , members and make such changes in It ns , the majority oC , them may lclnte. There Is n possibility that .thlY lay ! not bo , able to agree upon any terra ci aunress , uecnuso diversity ot opinion has developed today upon the details ot the settlemnent. But few easter members have been approached - preached and time populists are entirely Ig- noret with the expectation that they will come Into the democratc party If I declar for tree silver. how far this has been inspired - spired by the meeting or time executIve com- nmittee or the Bimetallic league It Is Impossible - sible to say for while the prime movers say that their plan Is entirely Independent ot tim league . It Is noticed that they are men who have been admited to the councils of that body during Its session ' Representative Davis or Kansas , wllo Is 1 prominent IIV\lst says that the more con- ' servatve tl1rd , party men could adopt a platform t\ri' ; ! ' nlonal currency of gold silver and ! ' 1Jacles. with the single addi- tonal grf of 'puble works. Most demo- erotic mnembers . wh , , have been presented with the tm : Jra " If the manlfcsto arc more or lessrelqclo"t to discuss the move- ment becau crlY has been 'enjoIned up n them until , j. r.cfI Ie agreanmommt shah have ! been cemneutm Mr. DrY 1 ll\ \ Io mails an incomplete can- ass of the silver democrats In the senate. He dId notIKesqpt , any. prepared declaration , such as he thought It would he wIse to make , but meMI-submlted to' them the question of ireadvlsabIlity ot such 1 move- mont , and suggested . among other thIng that- ' a 'jolnP'e61Ig' the silver democrats In the two . , i1IS : bl held before adjourn- mont fdrl.t ! Cs1dorUon of thq ' matter. It , Is understMd" whle many of , . the democratia expressed Interest dcmoeraUI ltors In the luestton , and stated that I struck them favorably upon first thought , they should prefer'to'mave time to think I over In all its bearlngslberore finally committing themselves to the : project. 1tEVENUECIJTTER SElVICE Amendment Prnpoaed iSo Attached to time .IV" ! Apiroprmiatloim ; 11111. WASHINGTON , Feb. 2G.-The committee on commerce or the senate reported its amendment to the naval appropriation bill concerning the revenue marine. The amendment provides for the appointment or a bard of three surgeons from the marine hospital service to 'examine and report upon all ofcers or time revenue cutter service , who , from reason or Infrmites oC age or physical or mental disability , have become incapacitated - capacitated to'fflcientiy , perform the duties or theIr respective offices , and also that cfcers reportel - , ns Incapable shall be placed on "waiting orders out of line ot promotion , " the vacancIes thereby created to be fled by promotion or ; officers In the order ot seniority. This provision has been recommended for the pat twenty years by SecretarIes Dout- well , Sherman , Falger , 'Wlndol , MannIng and Carlisle , antI Secretary ' Carlisle bas addressed - dressed n letter to' Senator Coclerel , chaIr- man ot the senate committee on appoInt- monte , earnestly urging that the amendment' be Incorporated In the naval appropriatIon bill IS recommended by time committee on commerce. The amendment would affect thirty oncers , 'one : ot whom Is D4 years or age , with a record at sixty years' service : another 83 yearsnnd the remainder are past ) the retiring age In the navy . I Is set forth In the report that the revenue cutter service Is and always has been In point of fact a part or the naval servIce and discharges , duties that would otherwise bo performed by the navY , I time cutter service wele not In : existence , and ns that service Is now seriously crippled by fenson ot the fact that some oC the omcers are on a "waiting order list , " making It practically n retired list . Time argument , say the committee In the report , that It Is nn "entering wCl1go" for time crea- tiomm ot a civil ' pension list cannot be sustaIned - tamed and Is made only by these who have 10t studied time maler , "It Is time rear or . 1 hmomsibiiity' rather than the conviction of' a probability that inspires such argument , anl' ' It has been Put forward agalist every IJrOO- slton to llargo amid extend the Ienslon list Cor the benefit ot these indirectly connecter } with the army and mmavy I cannot be drawn into a IJrocedent , even Ir It were outside ot , legilmnto rules governing pensions , but I thIs were trl ItJld \ be n sqilicient ! ans\vC to say that by jig possibility can Ihls lIst ever exceed , , 'jty nelclarles or an annual expenditure ter. . 'ten years at $20,000 per nlnum , , I' : " ' .tOOl I\lloller , l'eimiiorm 11111. ' WASnINGfQ ! t Fda . 20.-The pres\dcnt' \ hilts lent to Ih . lP IOUSI 1 message \etoln/ the lull to grant a pension to Eunice .lpli nam , lulhter _ Dt. John , Putnam , who /erved In thQ , utwlr. . "Time report or time / ut\ committee tq Wh\Ch ( lila bill WIt 1Iterroll , " until the lrtlm0e0t , , " /tales that no clllm for n ( Iehlie ' hill Iccount ot the 80110rll death hl 011 been lerl In the ponlion bureau , I1r1 I , bffll that upon thIs Uwory , It watt IroPPtmtiitQ ' Ilnslon the tau : htol - ' I do not suWqt I wait Intenrlell thll a double P ° fliI1fl ' ohoulr he alowed , In , Ilolnt or tact , the widow his nllol < ) ' bemm pBnsloned , and- luch Ienslon alowance has b.'en mmnhtleefor the minor childm'en , 'hero Is rio sm5fstion that the wllow , has tlletl 01' rnflmig. I this , bill Ihould)0 / - coma u law two full pensions woull ho In force 1\ time lame tme , one 10 time wIdow" and nnothlllo tw daughter , el mteim Irorl- catell upon ' /I\IO / \ ! le\'lcel and delth ot tbo : /ame soldier . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ Error's ' , i , , the Wltnn Tnrllct , W\SUINC'DN , , Fob. J 2G.-Tho SUHlest011s yesterday c0llunlcltel1 10 the /cnlte by Secriary CJrUs touching t'o errors In ho tariff act were Toall In the meeting or time fnance committeetoday , but no action wits taken Time Oniy objection raised was that time lenate could ' not olllnuto tariff bills . but I II undorltQod that opposition would iittVO dovcloiteli among the repubilcttii members - hers on other scores It there had Ieon an effort to press the mn Ier , . ' . .1" . . . lu Armoy Officers. W ASJJNGTON , Peb. 20.-(6poclll ( 'felo- grmimn.-Ceuptmmln Charles ii , le'I , 'l'wemity- third infantry , Is granted one nmmontim's extended - tended leave : ) I"lrlt I.ieutexmaumt I.'rancls U. Beach , Sen'nth cavalry , one Ilnth : 1"Irnt 1.leutonanl Alone Gray , Se\'enth cavalry , one month anti two aYl Secolll 1llutennnt Murray Baldwin Is transforreti lghteenth from COltllan , ) ' I to company Ii , , GOVERNMENT NOT PROTECTED Minority Report Snbmltted on the New Pnifo Railroad Bill . Rnirnt Di. NO SECUFIY . FOR INTEREST CLAIMS l'urciimsers of the i'iie of time Cornmelt ltortnJo " ' 1 1'111 I to Their AI- ' - vantage tn HefeRt l'lllt or the UNnllnlr * or time 1.ten , WAShINGTON , Fel b. 2G.-The member ot the Pacific railroad commlteo who are opposed to the second bill for settling the debts ot time Union nl1 Central Pacific com- panIcs have presented to time house n report discussing the detects of the bill from their point ot vieThe report Is signed by Messrs Snodgrnss , harris , anrl Coopcr or \'m'isconsimm The rep rt says'e : cal attention - tenton to time following fatal dEects at the bull ! , Whlo ostensibly pro\ldlng for the prlne'la ' ! of lie subsidy ends , nmo\nt g to $ Gt , 2312 ' , It really gives lo the debtor comp'nle3ln orton which they mayor may not accept , nnll during which tme the bur- den ot provlling for the pament oC all sums , principal nnd Interest , which may fall due Is thrown upon the government Should time provIsions of the bill be accepted by time , debtor ! companies It wil result In the trans- : for of the 1iit which the government holds 'as ' to the principal oC time debt to Ilrtes whose interest will be entirely antagonistic tD ( the l'vernment In the fnnl , payment ot the Interest advanced to the SUI ot $75,712- 42 " . which Is by time terms ot the bill expressly - pressly relegated to n third place as a so- curly which will bo In effect mae securiy \\hale\.cr , as there will be superior to time go\erm nt claim the sum ot $129,247,047 , one-hal drawing [ pe' ' cent and one-hal 4 per cent , all or which will be 'so manalell as to dNtroy any possibility or the ultimate payment or the government Interest , " oher objections mlntonell mire that tIme sinking fund musl bo kept Intact for twelve .mouths and p'ayment made IY the goverment at the Interest and prhlCrpal ot bonds that fail mice , that the companies may declare dlvi- : lends before they have paId the debt to the United States All menton or the ter- minals Is omlte < In provisIons for n new mortgare : that permission Is Riven for "por- ( ions" or the Union Pacific to be ncqulred 1) ' other corporations ; that \ the companies are not required to comply wih time provisions - sions of the bill , and finally that Il amounts to nil exfenslon to the companies or one year on their debts. A bill designed to overcome these 014cc- tons nccompanles this report. , UIU\ SI'NDENCE.UUnTTI . J , No hopes for l'emmco Vmler l xI8tng Cnn- loleR dlton In the 1 11 d. . WASINOTON , Feb. 2G.-1'he president today sent to the senate . In response to a res- elution , copies ot \ the communicatons relating - latng to Samoa sInce the ratification ct time Derln treaty , from Judge Henry C. Ide and ex-Consul Dlacldocle. Secretary Gresham's report , which accompanies the Papers , I brlet. He says that lu order to maIm the account ot political events In Same complete - plete copies of time correspondence of harold lit . Sewal and J. H Mulligan , the 'principal consular ofcers In Samoa during thc period since Mr fliacleiock's appintment as vlca consul general and or the fnal report or Mr. Chambers , late land commissIoner on theprt or the United States , are also Included. Ccples oC the correspondence betwon the department - ment and the British and German embassies since July , 1894 , the date ot the last transmIssion - mIssion oC Inrormaton In regard to Samoan affairs . mire ' also transmitted. Though not spe- cifcaly , called .tor by the resolution ot the senators ; they throw light upon time ' situation In tim Islands. . Tbe correspbndtmce' covers' " thd"j I'lbd"ind'I889 anti mbrc s"between 150 and 20 docum n1. Writing on December - ber [ last , Mr. Mulligan says : "The condition hero'cmtnues to be one of profound peace , No outbreak of any kind has occurred , and no preparation for such nn event ts diScernible , notwithstanding there Is a general belief that the prevallln'g pace Is to be broken soon . Reports are In clrcu- late that a conflict had taken place and war actually inaugurated In Lavaly , but tbCe happiiy prove to' be untrue Jt Is cer- taIn that time native population generally II In 1 state of unrest. As tar as I understand the general dissatisfaction among the rebel- 10usly inclined Is directed against Maletoa , not alone through tribal and local prejudices , but for the present reason that II ! is a mere figurehead In the 'h3nds of foreigners and really represents a foreign domination. " Further' along In the same communication hl says : "If the natives were In all ways satisfied and well disposed to peace , It Is plain In my opinIon that they would be sat- idled to so continue. The elements sought under the treaty to be harmonized are so di- recty In conflict that cordial coperaton Is not to bo expected. So long ns time present arrangements continue to exist no permanent peace will be permitted. " Mr MullIgan's lat communication Is dated January 2 , and In this ho SlY3 there are no appearances ot a renewal oC the war , but repeat that but little confidence Is Celt In the permanence ot the existing peace. In 1 communication or September 10 last Judge Ide complaIns bitterly oC time efforts of the census to 11mlniitor time affaIrs at the islands without consultation with the pro- visions of time treaty ot Berlin , bu by prior determination to dictate to the president and himself. Be closes thus : "In the amidst oC time' difficulties and changes oC the situation I seems to me far wiser not to spend our time In discussing the questions of abltract right , but for all to join time president to try to ar- complsh somethIng for tide wretched coun- try. " _ _ % VOMIIN TARE CL' UVSINESS. Elect Officers for time 1 > lsllnl Yrlr : nUll OlcorA I A lenr ! 'helr Contttnlolll Il\ WASHINGTON , I eb. 20-'he nnnuul hu ! - ness session or the Natonal Counci or Women was held toda ) The eec- tion ot time eleven officers for the ton ensuing year took place and a mmummm- , bel ot important ' changes In the constitution , or time council were adopted , the princIpal , change being , the creation ot an upper and , lowcr council. Time upper branch will bo composed or the delegates and president o ' ' the presl- 'each or the natonal assocIations , : ddimts or state councis and the chairmen of dnts ' . atrons or : t1io standing conlnlteel. time counci will be allowed ' to choose : to servo In either branch' , ia\lng no vQto" , , however. Time lowr councIl , will consist or d ltgates of' state councils 'and the president otstate : and delegate , ot local councils. All national ! maUers will be passed npon In tIme upper wi 11iusc , and time ' lower brnnch wi transac ! jl ideal business. New officers are : ' President , ! Mary Lowe Di 1dnson of New York , who la' ' ' prell1enl D of the natonal orgammization . or 1tlnKs Jlughters ; vIce preshlent-at.lalge , Rev , Anna U. ShIW , Phiadelphia ; carre- , spnilng secretary , Louise Barum Hobbins , , Michigan : first recording secretary Emelne Maine second recording BurllngammmochefleY , ; soond secretary , Ml's , hlelemm Finley Bristol , Qtmincy. 1ii , transurr , hannah : . jicihoy , Mmiiime , 1fiimresentatieS of organized work 1mm the municipality opcmmpletl time afternoon seasIomm , tGertrude Stevens Leavitt , imresldemmt of time I'ortlatmt1 Council of Women , said time orgaim- izatlon cmmmprited fourteen of time imiost. 1mm- fiuemmtial organizatiomms in the city , and that titit- work title seasoim is twofold , to secure time election of wonaemm on tIme ecimoel boards , so far denied timem , and to urge legislation ilv- : imij the mother equal amid just authority in time care anti custody of nminor ehildremm , Amieila Collins , proxy of the president of ( hid Quincy oummcii , announced that time qtmcs- tiqn f equal pay for equal work and divorce amid dres refornmumm have their lmearty support , amid clue urged that patriotic instruction be giveiu in Sunday chooi as well tic public schools. , Time work of the Indianapolis local council svamm discussed by Delegate Jozepiiimie It. Nichols , Municipal work was time topic at the evening - ing session , It wits discussed by seven dif- fernt speakers train as mummy different atmummd- 1)oimmta. , Ammnie ' 1' . Scribmmer of Ienmnsylvania took for her subject the "ltelation of house- imohil to Municipal Sanitation and Private to I'ubhio hiyglemme. " I ) ; . Mary E. circeim of Micimigan discussed " \'omnami'3 Relation ton _ _ _ _ , _ _ . . _ n-- ' - ' " - - ' " ' - - ' - ' # Ilygiene in the Past anti Futmmrc' . " "Time Separation of I'olitlcs frono Municipal Man- agement" was treated of by Ada C , Sweet of Illinois , Rflte ihonti of New York came next with an address on "TIme Needed Fac- tcmr In mitmnIcipal Ciovermmment , " l'rof. Maria I. , Saimforil of Minnesota followed - lowed , anti , after imer atidres's was conclumtieml , Josephine It , Nichols , delegate of the local Commn&i of the Women of Indianapolis , spoke on "t4on-l'artisansimip iii Mtmnicipal hoards. " The session ended with a paper by Mrs. J. Ellen lostcr \Vasimingten on "City anti State. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - I'ermonmul tIentiomi. WA SI I INOTON , I'cb , 2d.-Special ( Tele- grarn.-.J , hi. Unmstead of Fullerton is in time city for a. brief visit antI called omm Congresmunmmnim ? mioikiejoimmm mit time capItol today. Congrossmomm Mclelglmama intends to go south mis soomm mts 'comigrcss adjourns , amid simenmi a short tinmmo 1mm l"lorltla , vithm a view of immmprovlmmg his imemmitim. Mr. Mci'eigimamm imas miommateti imis ( mmli qimotit of garden ect1 to timc state coimmmmtittee for time bonelit of tlrrmumth sufferers. Conmgreasmmmntm PIckier of South Iakotn has l'ecovoroti frommi imi sliglmt iilmmesa nimd vas today omm time floor of time imotms ' . Congreasmamun hlnimaur lma itmtromitmceti tt bill to establisth 1mm the Iistrict of Colummmmtmia a miationmil uIuIvem'slt3' Intv4 i'oImtt Cimmimigea. WAShINGTON' , Feb. 26-ipeciai Tele- grnna-J ) , IL , Pope wan today nppolimtetl iostmmmoster at Arbor liii. Aiaim' cotmrmty , itt , , vice II. C. I.vmmcim , m'enmoveml , 4tm'chibaid done' was totimmy commimnissiommeti Imostmnaster mit 1'Itmmii , In , FROM SOUTH OMAHA , Coitlne'ms hletwcemm Ioctor Cimnsr Trotmit , iii Mlcrtmt'iidcmL lit-li irtmmment Witcn Secretary Mortomm was imero lie rec- ommmmcndetl soimme chmammges 1mm t.me rooms in the Packers National inmmmk bmmihiiimmg umseti by time mmiicroscoplcmml department cf time btmreau of aniimmal immdustry. Since returning to Wash- immgtomu Mr. Mortomm tins wrlttemm to Don C , Ayer and Dr. ' 't'hmlte , rcqmmestlng them to get together , ammtl iii connection witim Mr. Marl- arty , cashier of time banlc , decide ulmomi sommme plamu for time remnodoiitmg of Limo roommms occim- lieti by tIme niicroscopists. Cashier Moriarty is reatiy to go to work omm time inaprovemmaemmts as soon as tIme two Inspectors agree omm Plans. Insteati of conferring with Dr."lte , Mr. Ayer sent his owmm smmggestions direct to VasimImmgtomm. Tlmomm Dr. White , not to be oumt- done , semmt imis smmggestlons to Secretary Mor- . (0mm , NeIther gcimileimmmmmm has yet received ntmy word frommm Wasimimmgtomm , consequeimtly time immmprovements ordered by time secretary of agricultumro mmearly two weeks ago have not beemm commimemuced. During Mr. Morton's visit here tIme secretary called Mr. Ayer tlowmu pretty imam'd amid ortiered him to hereafter confer with time chief mnicroscopist , Dr. W'hmite , iii all matters lOrtnhimimig to time workimmgs of time ouhlce. ityer has so far ignored time secrc- tarys artier , dud seine of the packers who are tired of imi stubbornness au-c mnakimmg a icicle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Funeral of j , A , Doyle. Time funeral of J. A. Doyle was held yesterday - terday aftermmoon. Time deceaseti was a-Mastmim anti a nunmber of Masons attended , Mrs. Mattic Slanger of Cooksvihie , Ill. , a sister of Mrs. Doyle , was presemmt. , Mrs. Doyle is very ill , ammml it is feared that sue. tea , will simccumamb to tIme disease , Immmeumnonia , which carrietl oft imer husband. Mrs. Gilkinsomm , Mrs. Joseph ammd Mrs. Stratton of Wmdmoo at- teimdetl time funeral , amid Mrs. F' . A. Gilbert of Cedar flhimffs. Time reimmains were interred in Laurel 11111 cemetery by time side of a daugimter , Mrs. Belie McDonaid , wlmo dIed last Wednesday. _ _ _ _ _ _ - alilgic' City Otiasip. Mayor Johnston Is in Lmmcoimm ! , Coucllmmin Bulla is visiting in Missouri , A. C. Raymner mas returned front time east. Councilman Muhialy has been drawn upon the imetli jury _ City Treasurer Tom Hector 'went to LIncoln yesterday afternoon. MK ' Chariha Pericay and wife of Walmoo spciitstrday In the , dIty , , .1' . L. Donahu'd is 'a candidate fo'rrnem ber of tii Board o'f' Education. Mrs. George Karil of Oniaima was visiting friends in this city yesterday , The South Onmaha BrewIng company is sinking an artesian 'well ' at the brewery , just south of' town , The South Omaha Rpubhican club will hold a neetlng tonight at Pivonka's ball. A full attendance is desired. Yesterday Building Inspector Post issued permits' for two cottages to be erected in BrowU park , one to cost $400 atmd time other $900. $900.The The Ladles' Aid society of the First Methu- odist chiiclu will meet Thursday afternoon at tIme residence of Mrs. Scott , Twenty-fIrst amid G streets. - Miss Anna Clark died yesterday of scarlet fever. She was employed as a domestic ima time fa'rnhiy of Lawrence Martin , There is a general complaint that time physicians are entirely too negligent in reporting commtagious diseases. Time police have arrested Pat Welch for time larceny of a watch anti sonic money belong- lag to John McCune , After the theft Welch skinned to Omnalma. . where ime was arrested. , r prisoner's reputation hero is bati , lie being coimsidered a worthless fellow who will not support bIB famniIy. When arrested Welch had somuetimlng like $14 on his person. Judge Cimrlstmmmanmu compelled him to give $10 to his wIfe , who Is destitute. airs , Clay % YLii tm , On time Stammti. LEXINGTON , Feb. 2h.-In today's hmro- ceedimmgs in time trial of General J , 0. Shmelby agalmmst Mrs. Anna Clay to break the will of their mother , Mm's , ] ienjttmimm Grats , time time was taken up by arguments emi a motion - tion by time defense for mm peremptory order ( I ) throw time case out of court , Oemmermtl Simc'lby's attorneys OhhOsed this strongly null argued from testimony hint tIme will Probated is not timat of Mrs. Gratz , hut of Ait'ti , Lammra Clay. The court declined to ac- COht tIme motion ( or peremnptory instructions , 'nimbi-row Mrs. Laura Clay ivihl go on time mttamti anti testify. Her testimopy and tlmat of oilier witnesses that will follow is awaited t'iIii intense interest. ) _ 5 ' ' , ' , Mi's , I. i : . Lanier Bush's Mills , Ohio , StrainedNerves _ Palpltatlon oftho Heart and A ConoraiBroak Down The Good Effect of Hood'n wise Mnrkcd and Porniemnont. , , C. I. hlocil t Co. , Lowell , MasS.i , ' Uemtiemnemm- : ; s'as takeim down sick last locemnbcr ) , anti became very weak with miervotus ti'ommiile , ItahlmItalion of tIme lmcarl , iumti it gcmmer.'l i.rcak dowmm. I had it good Ximyalciatm , htmL 11mm- eret1 aiommg , getting mme bolter , I commid sit till mmly abommtlmahf mm da ) ' , mmumtii limO 18th of March , lmcm : I concluded 1 would give hood's Hamsaici. 'F1ood'ssiil3 Cures rlila a trial. Whmcn I imati used it a short time , I rtmmmhi get miii amid go all atmomit the house all day , I have imever ciijuyctt Perfect health , iwl mmmii mmouv taking my ilium bottle of itood's Sarsapa. i-ills , ammd know It imas imehimod mao wommdcrimmhly , I Imavo uacd iiuod' l'ilis , and timlimk them cx celiemmt. " Nine. A . I. I.ANZEU , Buahi' Mills , OhIo , - Hood'fm Pihla act osliy , jet hromPIl1 and emcentiy , Oh time liver amid bowels. 2Cec. I TH Ailimal Extracts Prepared according to the fonimula of DR. WM. A. HAMMOND. In liii iaboratomy at Washington1 D. C. ' The most wonderful therapetmtic discovery since time days oiJenmmer. CIIRIflfllNii ! , - - Prom the Urain. For liseaces of the flma'n amid Netvoims System. fltiIUt.LiNlh , - - Prom the SpInal Cord , For Epilepsy , Locomotor Alflxiactc , C/tRDlNfl , . . - Prom time heart , ior Diseases of time ibcart. T13STIN13 , - . - Prom time Testes. For the Testes , OVARINI3 , - - - Prom the Ovarlee. ' For Diseases of Women , ' Dose , Drops , PriceTwo Dracimme , $ i.oo. \ 1'Oim sAm.mt fly ALL. 050001505. TIlE COLUM 1114 % CIfl'.MICAL CO. WASHINGTON , 0 , C. Scni for took , l3 } t'hlN & CO , , ACIENTS FOlt OM4UIA , ( Il , , ' . , 'k 4 ' ' . . , ¼ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' I , , 7"'M - ' t .e , . 4 z- c , I - ' ' ' \ ' 'I Lt' - . Yale's ' Skin Food Removes wrInkles and alt traces of age. It feeds through the pores and builds up the fatty membranes and wasted tissues , nourishes the shrivele and shrunken skiti , tones and nvorates the ncrves and mus- des , enriches the impoverished . blood vessels , and supplies youth and elactkity to the ac- ion of the skin ; It's perfect. Beware of substitutes and counterfeits , Yale's Original Skin food , price $1.50 and $3. At all drug stores , MME. M. YALE , IIenltiu and Cormmpioxttoia Specimmilut 'aitm Toimmimie of Beauty , 140 Stab street. Cbcmigo. 9 CONVENIENT AND ECONOMICkL : 1 t . CAR , . -4. t The best way to un. pi-ovo and atrongim- en Soups , Dishes of , all kinds Is to add a I , hlttlo of tIme famous , Leibig COMPANY'S 1. ; Extract of Beefs , For Improved and Economic Oookcry : , For dolicioua , Refreshing Beef Tea t . I I illoIL1' $ i1UMO-i8f. Rpenhil curnt'r agent for ) l.rromii orB hteadmhe ; hJridm Ezmtaustlan , Iiloe'lesc.nssa , , , , , .i'oclah or gamierril 0ei.-nliam eimIor Lm.c' . B Inhmtmmi , Ccitt , hticiue Jilanrdurm , , Aci&Jia. mevtba Anmia. Antidote tsr MeokCtii , amum otmior . ezcossea . , I'rlce , 1 , IAsUdO0CtOa , ECrvo.ccat. C THE RNOLD CHEMIC.L CO. ir.i r ' ' . . . . . . . . . WIlCA. . For solo b7 all 4rmigglats , OLhi. 1 EW FACES bIAmI0UTCmIAttt4G the Feuturca anti tteuioy' lag hihemimhesIn ito . hook log' , p. a stamen , loIw 1-W'odliry , 127 V. 42d St. , N , luvcutor of Voodbury's Iacini itome. Teeth Without Plates w , , BAILEY , DENTIST , l'axton illoalc , lUtim anti Farmmammm 31 $ , 2o1 , j ( ) Pull Set Teeth , . , , . I 00 I Silver h'ihlimmrti..Ii , 0th heat Tetitim , , , . . . . , , 7 O l"iro dolil ) fiiiiimgii 2 00 Timimi Phmmto , , , . , . , , , 10 00 i coitl Crowta-2'.ik , Ii 00 1'aimiisu F.xtrmtot'mi 0o I ' , im'idgu Tt,1hm-toOtii Ii 00 Tooth Out In Morning , Now Teeth Same Day -1 m a10 S ISTliC I3BT. a SHOE IT FOR A KiNG. . C 0 I I : OVAN , ¶ FgfICII&CNAHLLED CALl" , r 4$350 fhtiCAlialAon ( $3fPPO1ICEsoLs , 9z. WORKlHG1E's 'EXTRA i"mH- Bovs'SciiQoLSHQE 'LItXflS . "a Over One MIhilo a People wear limo Wa. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoe All our shoes arc equally Batl8factor They give the best value for the money. They equal custom Bimoca Jim style and ( it. TImoir . wearing qualitico or. umsurrmmssed , , ho liriCes arc uniiorm.sthrni'eml en cole , " -I "I tattmve'I : ovcctilrr , nmalcrtm. , , , , A.W. t3owmanCo , . N. l6thSt. C , J' ( FhItcni'1CPi.24tht. w. w , Fisher , Parker and Leavenworth St. J , Newman , 424 8. 13th St. Kelley , Stle'er & Co. . Farnam andl5th8t. T. S. Cressey , 2509 N 51. , SoutL Omaha _ _ .i - ' - ' -