I - ; - 4 'l'llE OMAhA DAILY ] : J1ftIj1 ; : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY H , 189G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . PENITENTIAL DAYS IN SICIIT ' - Srove Tuesday Ends the Glyctio : for Next Forty Days . - SENSIBLE RULES RELATIVE TO SOCIAL LIFE - WMhl"tol' " Ulrt.lny C lrhrtc.1 II NUI- bcrll' ' J'rcUy 'ny-Car,1 J'lnl ' II , JouII"o J'lnco nrlll" Ont the ' ViIsttpiinIIcs-Lcfltcn 'York , Changes In etquete are purcly vagarIes of ta9hlolI only to bo adopted by thaI leisure - . clan who regard the tying of n cravat or shaking hands one of the serIous events In fl.Doth Doth men and womU hesitate al the foct tr of stairs over the question as to which shall go first-the woman or the mm. : This short rule , If remembered , will govern the Inde- , . ctsion-thiat In going down the steps the man follows the woman j In going up , hc precedes her. t Never sass a woman on a stalrcl , 10 m1t- , 7 tcr under what provocation . upeclaly If you : ; have no acrlnalntanco with her. I a man Is : coming toWn stairs hurriedly , all a Woman , apprecIates ! the situation . she can quicken , her Rhps or stand oslde. saying , "Do not let , me detain you. " tie should bow hh thanks i and . . pass on , : I very gentleman should remove his hal when accompanYing a woman down the steps I they ( arc strangers , and meet on the stairway - ; way she advancing , he should stand : to one ; , side , and remain with head Incovel'ed until , she Is I a ttell above him , then resume his . way Should he be a few steps from top or bottom , lie must go back to the landing , allowing - p ' lowing htr to pass him . . ThIs Is the etiquette of the stairs. I may ' - . round trivial to enumerate these rules to a man or the world but It Is a Hale estimate . that ix ! out of every ten forget to observe them when in tie rush of business offices , - hotels . or even boarding houses. . Next to the question of the ' stairway comes : the problem of the door . When women are f pasolng out cf a room the men should give I . k them precedence at the door. I a mal las I . . folowlll a woman down the stairs , he allows I . : her to pass Into the room first . 8 he stands I I Lt the side of the doarway . not behind hor. I the door Is closed ( le can step before her and open It. I h erroneously thought that U the door cpenu Into the room the man should . pas In , wIth the handle In hand ( , and stand t theO as she enter.s Not so. Tie door can : be thrown open and hell back with ls ! open t hand from tIle side on whlcl 11 should stand Therefore , thl manner In which a deer opens Ooes nol alter hIs attitude. The two riles already outIned should stand for a man'c courtcy In In elevator . . A woman precedes him both when entering . ; anti leavIng the lIft. Men arc not very care- - , ful In lifting tieII hats when femln'no occu- ' ; - pants share the elevator. .I Is tronbesome : , " they argue , but It Is , a breach of Ilolteness to : do otherwise. : No mater In how great a hurry a man Is to catch . a street car. he must stand asIde If a woman desires to get 01. I Is unneces- . - lary to lilt his lat as she dots so , for the acton would materially lessen his ability to jump on the car. I he las acquaIntance wIth her she should bo assisted by him , and II Is affirmed that the pole thing for a man In any case Is to respectfully helll a woman In a position like this , especially If , as usual ] , 1\:1 hands are ' , filled with bundles. No sensIble woman would take Offense at the If it j . olenso courtesy \ I was rightfully executed. ; Offering I scat to a woman In a car Is so , many sided a problem there Is lto sats- ; - faction In dIcusslng the question. . That a man should lIft his hat when he ' - ? . 110es rIse to offer his seat Is a rule that holds c 10 amendment. The lady's escort , If she 1 has one . lifts his hat also In acknowlE g : . mtnt of the courtesy. In alighting from a street car the rule of precedence Is reversed the man stepping down first , that he may be of nsslstance. This action holds good In . every case , whether tendered from strange . , or friend. . t When greeting a woman on the street do not ' merely tip your lint . er , as many do. barely I . touch Its brim with your fngers : Raise tie : , . covering entirely from the head , leaving I bare as she passes. ' I Is a bit hard to determIne whether man' or woman should bow first . I Is very - much 1 question of the degree of Intimacy . In [ the cue of n slight acquaintance a woman , should be allowed the choice of recognition . recogniion. . Of course I depends very much on .catchlng. 4 the eye , for n woman dislikes by look or action to notice a man acquaintance who may ; . , have forgotten tie IntroLillctlon . In southern countries It Is the souther I vogue to stand with hat In land while conversing on the street with O friend of the OI > Oslo ! sex ; climatic conditIons ' do not favor that custom a , In al latitudes. In lieu of this the gentler - gnte- r man Its hla hat both on addressing and ' , leaving 11cr. The best procedure under , such circumstances Is to wall with the svomn ' untIl the conversatIon Is ended. Xhl relieves her from any conspIcuousness ' I When escorting a woman to the theater ; always go 111 and down the aisle before her. * A This rule Is founded on common sense , for f ? you make clear the path When the cou- pans are identIfied stand asldo and let her pas In first. Always rise when a woman la ' passing In front of yon to a "eat. It Is no k - mark tbon. of deference , but makes less obstrc- I . . .L " A man should offer his arm to a lady otter afer nightfahi . The custom Is not as general as , , formerly but It lends too much support and ? comfort to women to ever Cal Into disfavor. ' In assisting tier over a crossing or thr ugh p I crowded thoroughfare , hIs hand placed under her elbow Is more efficacious. To an ; 2 elderly women le should extend the latter ' courtesy at any hour of the day , as she will , . probably need the support. wi L Whenever you see a woman's gown In . disorder , so that others may Unpleasantly . . criticise . the fact should bo toll nnpleasanty . . manner of telling determines her reception of It. A man who leI recepton ' I. , hitting his hat , steps up' L to a woman and quIetly says , "J beg' pardon , but your skirt Is slipping down " and turns away , may feel assured that ho has done the . proper thIng I may embarrass her deeply , but she wi thank hIm. I prevents a dozen passers-by from laughIng . Jassers-by at bier , Several men tel ms they glance over a friend's toilet Very carefully If they are ac. . companylnl her to a public place All mem- ae 'lS of the loycly sex do not possess maids and gowns arc lometmrs carelessly put on , 60 the sUl'llaneo of a quIck eye arid a bit , of advlco-though inascuilne-niny prevent , masculnemay later disaster - "How shall I Illale hands ? " ask a score . of men. "Surely there are changes In that ol-tme custom " 4 Never mlli those vagarIes. Shake hands In the moat cordial and graceful way you - know. Don't let the hand ( all through your ' friend's wIthout enersy. Nothing Is iso unpleasant - : pleasant to the other 11uty. I the woman , . Is ungloved and there Is pleasnt friendship . between you , give her hand a cordial clasp. I you are making a short cal , cary ycur . list t. gloves and cane In the loft band Into the tl" ' drawing room. J1oe the hat and cane on S any avaIlable pIece of furnIture . keeping time cloves In the left hand Where recehiticlis , are In progress leav the first two articles In the ball. artcles The little boys who were admonished for , ; thrusting theIr lands In theIr packets while ' talking to ladles waul be surprised at the ' ' ) atel In vogue for time past live years. The correct attitude now Is to stand In the formerly - , merly proscribed manler , a la Olb on'a so- ciety men. When dlnlng the sale custom , t J observed between th , courses , and a man sis with both hands hal slipped Into lila , I trouer Pockets . . . - A , The only public dance of the winter will be given at Morand' academy 1ueall ) ' ven- log , under the directIon of Mr Joseph Oar- smesu . jr" , and Mr. Cement Chase , Strange 4 II It lay seem , public dancing parties ba'e ' . been few amid far between the absence oC sn assembly bal or charity entertalument of any sot , where the haut monde might have an , opportunity to display themselves , Ilelng one of the 10lt Interesting social subject de- bated this winter At time Whilst club It was . suggested that an Inexpensive dance be given L to round out the pre-Lenten season . and the 4 stance of Tuesday evening is I time result. The ' ; iaDce music , which has just been selected / - : ' . - 'c _ . _ . . _ . .t. . _ _ ' _ _ ' ' : . . . - _ . - - - " ' : , . , ; , : , . . . _ , _ - . . , - - . . - _ "Jf.i" " _ " " , - ' . . by Mr. Gareau and Mr Chase embraces all the very newest airs , some oC which will 0 heard In Omah for the frt time , Inelud- tog , InJer the head I , of waltzes "Ilngrr Longer , Lou , " "Dlamolll Ring , " "Muriel , " and for the two atejis . "American Cavalry " "I our Seasons . " "TobaSco " ( In whIch 'F. Q. Seabrooke Is making such a lilt ) , and "Mar- guerle of Monte Carlo. " In Hunur I of \18hllIOn , One of the prettiest funct tons of the week , and with a patrIotic tInge withal , was the card party gIven Friday I evening In Iounlzo Place by ' Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weler and Mr. and Mrs . O. N. Davenport , 2102 Wlrt street. The house , In honor of Washington , was decorated with bunting and nags , the n- toMI colors being draped about the stalrcal mot effectively , while palls and I atcr les : gave an additional touch of color to thc rcsl- dence . which I exceedingly large nHI well adapted to the A1\lng of large receptions. The score cards were exceedingly appro- priate [ . being cardboard hatchets , led with red . \ hle and blue ribbons. There were fourteen tables , each having ass'ned to I the names of a president , vice prf ! dent or well known general. To the gentlemen were given the hatchets , havIng the names of the presidents thereon , whie to the ladies well h'lu the "backers , " with familiar utter- nnccs of the men named on the gentlemen's cards 1or Instance No. 1 was known as the Thomas Jefferson table which card was held by n gentleman , and to time same table General Sherman was assigned. The ladles held opposite cards one wih the quetal'on from time sage of Montcclo , " 1ii men arc . created free and equal , " while the other held a quetaton from Sherman "Hold the fort I am coming. " Table No.1 , of course , was assigned to George Washington , tIme Iluota- tlon attached being "In time of peace prepare - pare for war " while John damns divided honors wlh the "father ef his country" at table No. 1 After a lumber of games of progressive high five refreshments were served . and these too , wer of a Ilatrlot c nature , even tie cream beIng red , white and blue. , ! rf. CharIeR Lee Doss won the ilies' ( first 11rlze , a cut glass battle of perfume ; Mr. Streight captured the gentem n's first honor a traveling cnse. Mrs. Sutphen an'd Judge Drallley received the consolations , the former it pocketbook , while the later received . a card casc. I The following guests were present : Mr. ' and Mrs. C. S. Raymond , Mr. and Mrs. W. I Alien , ! I. and Mrs. C. Babcock ! I. and Irs. Will Hellck , ! I. and . ! Is. Alexander , Mr. and Mrs. James Duchanan , Mr. and Mrs. Chris lartman , Mr. and Mrs. Amos Field , Mr. and ! rs. Jaynes , Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mr. and Mrl Van Court , Mr. and ! rs. Wil Rector : lr. antI Mrs. A. T. Rector Mr. and ! rs. George 100bler. Mr. and Mrs ' \1 lalmltcr , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee Doss , Mr. and Mrs Stmtphen Dr. and Mrs. Crum- mer , Mr. and Mrs. Ilamlin . Mr. and Mrs. Gibson , Judge and Mm. Fawcett . Mr. J. B. Marlcel , Mr. and Mrs. Sanford , .Judge and Mrs. Macomber , Mr. and ! rs. Meikle , Mr. and Mrs. Naudain Mr. and Mrs. Bradley , Miss Shatuck , Mis" F'aweatt " . Miss Mae " Fawcett , Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ilaker Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Fawcet Mr. and ! r. rank Porter , Mr. and Mrs. Streight. l'Irl8nL urlrl " for 1u hems. One of the most delightful surprIse parties of the season was that arranged by Mrs. hems , at her charming residence on South Nineteenth street on Saturday evening , for the pleasure DC her fascinating young daughter , MIss Alice Heins 1 was a very pretty picture that the sixteen couples of young ladles and gentlemen made , when , after ' meetng at the house of a mutual friend they formed In line and marched with mll- tary precIsIon to the residence of the young lady for whom this highly successful party was gotten up. When It was announced to MIss hems that the festive assemblage of young people were there to do her honor she evinced much genuine surprise. In order to show her appreciation of the visitors Miss Heins gave several vocal numbeis . which was followed by dancing . kept up tIll quite a late hour , and then the guests sat down to a delcious little supper. These present were : MIsses Jennie Stitt , Nellie Gregg , Kate Ryan Addle Campbell . Ada HeYlan , Dole Ryan , Stella Campbell , May Hems , Alice Hems , May Houtzer , Miss Taylor , Miss Brpwn ; Miss Green Miss Arnold and MIsses Smith all Gibbons of CouncIl Bluffs. Time gentlemen present were : Messrs. Dave S&lmon , Howard Ileyman Alle Llneblade , Jesse Derry , Frank Campbell . U. Gregg Johnnlo Panther , Bert NasonVihl hems , Johnnie AustIn , Jee Uudebers , Dave Brewer Frank Smith , U. n , HobbIns , A. n. Green and Ambrose Ehhlngton. Serious Jliits oh C. H. IiuuicI . dr. ! J\II'S Ir . 1. U.nl , , , . A telegram rec lve by General Dandy on Tuesday brought the unexpected and distressing - tressing tidings that his son , GEcrgo D. Dandy jr. , who Is a cadet In time . United States Military academy at West Point , was In the post hospital seriously Ill wIth np- pendicitis . A subsequent telegram stated that there were no unusual complications In limo case , but that a surgical operation was deemed neccssary. Mrs. Dandy left immediately - mediately for 'Vtt Point , and on her ar- rIval had the patient removed to Roosevelt patent removl hospital In New Ycrk City . where the opera- ton was performed by Dr. McDurey , the i most emInent specIalist In this disease In. . the country , The latest Intclgence Is to I the effect that the operation has been suo- ! cessful In Every respcct and that barring Inforseen developments , n complete recovery i Is assured. General Dandy and his family have been the recipients of many ovldences of sympathy from their friends during the past week . , all of whom will rejoice to knew that the prospects for wardIng off the niuch.- dreaded disease are so good . , \ C' IIII"1 too111 Sumc'eevii. Miss Collins continues her social successes In New York to the delight of her many Omaha frIends , and there Is no one who Is better able to enJoy the social side of Gotham life than I this traveled woman Last Saturday the young lady attended an elaborate luncheon given by Mrs. Den3amln F. Smith In the cafe of the Plaza the guests beIng ! rs. Howan and tie Misses Iowan of Tarrytown Mrs. WqUe ( born Mabel Smith ) and Miss Collins. She has been the guest of honor It so sunny teas , theater parties and dinners that , as she says to a friend In a letter , "It seems quite like gettng back hOle to he among such hospiable peJple. " Last week clue was the guest of Senator and Mrs. Lexow at Nyack-on-the-Hudsol and tomorrow , morrow or Tuesday will go to IU\'erdallon- the-Hudson as the guesl of her old school friend Miss Martin . ; IIR' Kiunb. , 'I ' a 'nrd Party A delightful card party was given FrIday night by Miss Arabel Imbal at her home on Pane Wild avenue In honor of Miss Burke , who leans for Chicago next week Progrlslve high five was the game , the scores being Ilelll by means of little oralCI- tal pIns lustead of In the usual way. The ladles' frt prize , won by Miss ltIngwalt . was 1 gold and silver bonbon spoon ; the first prize for men was . a curiously natural jump- tug frog In rubber won by Mr. McShaue. The guests wele : Miss Eugenic Ioultze , Miss Gertrude Jtingwait . Miss Clara Palmer , .Mls I.onergau , Miss Marshall , Mra Russell harrIson . Mr. nni Mrs. McSlmane , Mr. and Mrs. George Holdrege , Mr and Mrs. Howard I"ronci. ] Mr and ! rs. 'r. n. Kimball , ! essrs. Charles Saunders Nethertou 101 , Charles Iountze. larry Lyman , EnJ Gannett , George J'alnur. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; lrs. " 'imoeinr'A " 'aohllIOI l'UICllol. From 4 to G FrIday , In honor of MIss Thral of Detroit , Mr D. I Ii. Wheler , ir . entertained most charmIngly In pleasing remembrance of the day the young ladle assisting In the dining room were becomingly gowued In Martha Washingon style. Il - trlotsm was symbolized In the feral dccora- tiomis . which were of red and whie roses , with \'Ioletl to add theIr pretty blue to the color schemo. Receiving with ! rs. Wheeler was Mica Thrahl . while assisting were Mrs. Rogers , Mr. Hellck , Mra. Bradford , Mrs. Herbert Mrs. Chase , Miss lugwal , and In tIme dining room' were Mfss ! Doane , Miss Curtis , Miss HImebaugh In ! Miss Buckeye \\'ashington. . _ _ _ JRIJhh'ra cur AIIlrln Eitrrtminod. In I very novel way Mrs. T. " ' . Hotchkiss entertained on Thursday evenIng the mem- tiers of the society known as the l'atriatlc Daughters oC AmErica , and a few of the order's frIends at high five . The Isdles' Irt jnlze Ilrze was won by Mra. 1' . C. Hough , and Mr. Fred Gw'nne csrrieI alT the first gentleman's Ilrlze. Mrs . Garnett captured the ladles' booby prize and Mr. Van Altne Was awarded the gentlemen's booby prize. At 11:30 1 moat delicIous aurper was served to . , L. , . , _ - - - . I , _ , . v - ' . = , _ _ ' _ _ _ ' - ' W' ' ' ' ' the guuts. Much credit Is Ine to the com- Inltee , Mr. Webster , Mrs. Gwynn . Mrs . Osmfer , Mrs. Bouquet and Mrs. Distelboent . The following ladies and gentlemen were present : Misses Alee ' and May hems , Miss : \S'ebster Miss Woolls , Miss Thompson Miss WhIte , Mb Miller , MI6' Russell . Miss Smith . Miss Gibbons , Miss Fife . Miss I.oozer , Miss Stubern , Mr ! . Webster , Mrs. Brown Mrs. J. Whie , Mrs. Dank , ! Il. Garnet Mrs. Cleveland . Irs. WIlliams , ! rs. Miller . Mrs. FIshier , Mrs. hems , Mrs , W. T. White , Mrs. Ow'nle. ! rs. Gamfer Mrs. Bouquet Mrs. Uistelboent , Irs. Hough and ! rs. Sutton. Messrs. howard Heyman , Mile I.lnehlall , Ambrose - brose Elngton , Sol Frank . I' . C. Hough , T. Garnett . W. T. WhIte , A. U. harvey , T. S. Denman , N. D. lsa , S. M. Garnet J. Whie , Penman . G. M. Sutton , L. Dlstelbo , M. Ochihtrce . W C. hank M. 1 _ . Casiday W. S. Gamfer , P. J. SkInner , A. N. 1.lneblall. N. A. Gentry , Grant and Hussel t'etciritcml , 'I hell l'llh'lh .mimuivcriumiry. Tueaday evening , February 12. Judge and ! rs. J. n. Porter celebrated their fiftieth weddIng anniversary .t their homo In Los Angeles Cal. Doth .udge Porter and his wife are well known to the older reldent of Omaha , having lived and lbered here when the metropolis was young , and the account of their wedding anniversary will bl read with interest Mrs. Edward laney or Omaha , their daughter , was nresent at the anniversary i In order to assist her parents In entertaining . and of eight children born to ! r. and ! Is. Porter she 19 the only one now living. - The Los Angeles Herald publIshes the fol- lowing account oC the v ry pleasant annlver- say : "Jullge J. R. Porter and wife celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary last night. Their well appointed housa at the corner of 1.lncoln and Pearl streets was fled to overflowing - flowing with friends anxious to congratulate the happy couple , and many present were old friends who were able to review thc journey made by the judge and his wIfe through the long years from 1845 to 1895. ! "The house was handsomely and appropriately - ately decorated for the occasion The hal- wreathed and festooned with - ways were wih pep- her tree leaves. The parlor , where Judge and ! rs. Porter receIve tlier ! guesti . was a blaze of golden acacias . relIeved by the , .vlvld green or sniiiax , which was twIned among the nowors. "Tho back parlor and drawing room were decorate with carnation pinks and Ivy and across the bay window was a spider web of smiax , with I bIg , fat spder ! resting h\ the nest. The dining room was ns bright as the parlor only the fowers were yellow marigolds and smilax . and a great bank of acacias In one corn'er Dr the room An excellent band of music was stationed In the drawing rcomn while a collation was served In time drawing room. "Mro. Porter wore In receIving a handsome black sIlk with a yellow vest veIled wth ! back : cimiffon . her ornaments being duanionds "A word or two concerning Judge and Mrs. Porter ivihi not ccmo amiss. wi "Time couple who have 1\d so happiy for fifty years ito man and wife wee married In armlnglon , Ill. , February 12 , 1845. and shortly after mend to Omaha where Judge Porter entered the practice or law. lie prospered - : pered and rose from the bar to the bench and In J887 , lmavng eared a competence , came to Los Angeles to enjoy It with the wife. "The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forrester , Mr. and Mrs M. D. Dnckslone , Mr. and Mrs. L K. Lindiey Mr. and Mrs. It. V. Bridges , ! r. and Mrs. J. M. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davld.n , Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sale , Mr. and Mrs. 1 < n. Pea rue , Mr. and lra. C. E. Foot Mr. and Mrs J. S. Pem- berton Mr. and ! rs. H. II. Van Saut , ! I. and Mrs. Samuel Hawver , Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Slaughter ! rs. R. T. Crombie Mr. and ! rs. H. T. Cromb'e , ! I. and ! rs. O. Peck Mr. and ! rs. 11. Jones Mr. and 11s , A. Jones , Mr. and Mrs. Dakesley , Miss Emma Dakesley , Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith , Mr. and ! rs. David L. Drown , ! I. and ! rs. Judge Graft . ! r. and ! rs. V. Parln , ! I. and Mrs. D. A. - Cole , Mr. and Mrs. Chase ! r. and ! rs. Pratt , Mrs. Shipman , Mr. and Mrl. A. , v. Itichards . Mrs. Mot Miss Foster , Mr. and Irs. Charles Chase , Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Smith , sr. , Mr. and ! rs. E. D. Smith , jr. , Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Dukeman , Dr. and Mrs. 'V. H. Dukeman Dr. and Mrs. Stevpns . . Mr. and , Mrs. , . Godin , , Mbs . ' , Iab 1 Gdin , Mr. - and Jlls ; Hedges , Dr. and .Mrs. Mathcwscn , Mr . and Mrs. LewIs Meizer , Misses Grace and Kate Stevens Mr. , Pratt . I Mr. and ! lrs , E. W. Reynolds , Mr. and Ira. J. K. Fuller . Mias Lena Forr.ter , Miss . Graft . I . Miss AHce Smh , Mrs. Harry P. Deuel of. Omaha , Mrs. Z. P. Foster Mu. Porter of Santa Ana. Newman Cark , Ralph Smith , I Arthur Godin " . .flrg. humP air.4. .Junrs W. BUlk ntcrlnln. Mr. and Mas. James iV. Douk entertaIned at their residence 18 South Fifteenth street last Monday evening . a number of theIr friends with progresive high five , eleven ganus balng played , and twenty-olght people taking part in the game. The favors were entirely of candy bon bens and choice can- dies of dIfferent colors were presented to each one wInning a game small boxes lavlng previously been distributed among the con- testants to keep them In. Mr. Charles Schlersteln and Mr. G. D. I.asbury each scr . log an equal number of games , were obliged to cut for the first prize the former wInning it . a large candy cane , around which was eutwlned a small snake. Mu. L. N. Gar- ret Mrs. G. W. Sutton . Mrs. A. 1" , Whl- balms and Miss D01e Pray having won the same number of games each drew a number , tie smalest one to decide which one should receive the lady's first prize , which was awarded to Mrs. L. N. Garret. ! rs. Dr. Viliianisan and Mrs. Charles Scmersleln los- log the same number of ganmes . decided In like manner as to who should become the proud possessor of the Indy's consolation gift , and was won by ! rs. Charles Scller- sten , Dr. G. W. Wiiamsen receiving the gemitieunan'a "booby prize , " all time prizes offered beIng made of candy Refreshments were , served al the conclusIon of the serIes of gaines , and after the prIzes had been awarded the prize winners were arranged In a group . around which clustered the remainder - mainder of the gueats , and Oamer , the pho- tographer. made an excellent electric flash light o the happy parly. Those present were : Mr. Jnd Mrs. Jesse White . ! r. al1 Mrs. L N. Garret , ! I. and Mrs. G. W. Sutton , ! I. and ! rs. Charles Schierstien . ! I. and ! rs. Alvin F' . Williams , ! I. amid Mrs. Theodore C. Llvlgston , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Noonan , Mr. and ! re. George W. Williamson , ! I. C. W. Ilaker Mr. G. n. Lasbury Mr George Lemon , ! I. Mark Williamson , Mrs. Nellie Fisher , Miss Dole Pray Mrs. Houser , Miss Houser , Miss Ole Sutton , Miss hose A. Weeks and Miss Adltns of Gretna , Neb. A lew Club Is liIuruu . The Maniou Social club made its debut last WClnesday evening at Myrtle hall . Time program of eighteen numbers contained all the latcst- dances. Among the InvIte guests were : Miss LoWe Hayden , Miss lamle GerIe ] , Miss Ida Cain , MIss LIzzie Gerle ] , Miss DI'I , Miss Cora Hayes , Miss Gray , Miss Frankie DeVol , Miss Carrie I Ericlcson Miss Wacner \ , Miss Loto ! Metcalf , Miss Young . MIss Ida Hh.ades , Miss Jennie Stett bUss Laura Orliflthm ls& l.ulae Batten- hour Miss Derle Clay , MIss Pearl Yen en , Miss Nellie 1arcrof Grace Ward , D. Solo- man , Ambrose Elllngtoum . herb Riggs . E. Powell , E. G. Gilbert. William Gerke , M. lit . Uuyett , Roy \Valker . n. G. Bruner , C. C. Danson , William Senate , Bert liufYner . Fred Caldweii . Theodore 8praten , W Cwan , S. Howe , Charles 1llght , C. B. hail , George Ward. Agmihui Ih" Og.uinllua. "lull O"llllu. Time monthly dancIng party of the Ogal.ala club , which traditIon diatingnishmea cab traditon dlslnb"utshes as beIng a very pheasant and enjoyable affaIr . occurred - curred at Morand's dancIng academy Thursday - day evening The affair reflected great credit on the club and added Inother golden link In the club's chain of succsses The Omaha Moon Beam and I.a Rosa clubs were well represented. The participants In the grand march were led by Miss Nora Wi- lams and Mr. E. L. Lowry , followed by Mr. E. Msrnel and MIss blabll Crampton of the O. M. U. club. Those In charge of the even lng's gayety were Misses N. WIlliams , C. Gllgal and lit . Peterson ; Messrs. I . S. Lowry , A. F. l'otersomi . " 'llal 1"lannery. J. Iiinz A. Chr\man. V. Benson H 'rrlpp G. A. Sacha H. Wets , L. 1.01me and Wi- lam Benson. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1llllallUI qlhll. Ynlrrl.lo. 'he Manbatnn cub gave the last of its wInter aerIes of parties Friday evening at Erding hail . JuLiging from the gathering thIs cub ba many well wishers who will regret the closing of its Parties during Lent Thou present were : Messrs. and Mesdslue A. Ucnuett . S. Collins , W , Spang , _ . ' . . , . _ _ . . . . . . " . < . " . . . . . - . . . . - . " . - . . . . - - - - - : - . . , " .r _ . _ _ . _ ' . - _ . , . . . _ " . - A. Peter , Misses higgIns . Young . Drcn- nan , Kelley , Rhle9' , Vorwld , N. Nestebush , n Neslebu fRleY , Matson , Snlvan , McGuckin , \S'hutn , Knight Reynolds K. Smith , E. SmhtI loodbett Dnbols , B. Colbert - bert , O. Colhert Ianl O'Connor , Carney , Daie ) ' , Meeormnack , lagcrty , MartIn , O'Brien Miles ; ILl ; Miles . J , Moran , A. Moran , Fleming ; liIesrsi 1 Murray , Kinney , Gilbert . Rocheford . TI Cahalane , O'Connor , Kehicy . Ford . McUuCkIn Morris Fyfc , Moran , Jal- lings , Smith , . l'UI ) ' , Riley , Murphy , O. Murphy , Johnson lirigerty Shannon , Mc- Creary , Timmins , Waltln , J. Grady , McCormack - Cormack , W , Grady Dalton , Leighty . D3Ie ) ' , W. Riley , MLie . Caimm Mies and Weber ' 1'Iiantommm " ' . " 'hnnlll "nrty. A surprise party was given at time home of Mr. and 11" , D. E. Chapin 2023 Douglas street , on Monday evening. They were In- sited out to spnd time evening . all on their return found their house filled ( with uninvited guests , robed anti masked In white , each wearing a hUg chrysanthemum and busily engaged In playing cards. One of the Ken- temen present , sIx feet three Inches In white . dlsgulsell , mel tbem at nil door on their return , ushered them Into the room wih In invitation to join the game. At time end of the first game all tmnmuaskeil The surprise was complete when one famIliar face after Dnother appeared , After playing seven games of high five beautIful prizes were given. Mrs. Tlppery won the first prIze , which consisted of I beautiful china bureau tray ; t'e second prize was n dainty doily , won by Mrs. Chal1ln. The first gentlemen's prize , an exquisite Japanese figure , was won bv ! r , Drlrl ! the s..on'l a nlctv whisk jro lll.- sliver - mnotmmmted ; , by " Mr. ' Fritz Marti : After the prIzes hall been dIstributed dainty refreshments were served , after which the company were treated to some fine Instru- mental Illuslc by Miss hall , Mrs. Urlscol all ! r ! Soulhmead. Mr. A. II. Flndla . , one of Omaha's favorite singers , sang several . . . which he stoles , among which was .Calver . rendered very flmmely. I Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. O. Mart , Mr. amid Mrs. John Drlscol , Mr. and Mrs. A. H. lndlay , Mr. and ! rs. J.P. Shonlng , Mr. and ! rs. Griffin . Mr. all , Mrs. J. S. Tlilery , Mr. all Mrs. South mead. Mr and Mrs. Kessler Mrs. Hal , Miss Marti , Miss Fermi Marti . Miss Elizabeth Moore , Miss Dcssle Bali , Miss 1ancharll. MIss Clydo Danchnrd , Miss Lewis , lilies Mldgeley , lilies Ella Pitimer . Miss Marguerite Marti . Miss Edna Caivert Mr. Fritz Marti , Mr. WI TIp- pery Mm' J. E. Tlppery , Mr. larry Uttley . : [ 1. Dahlstrom , Mr. J. L. McClure , Mr. John- son _ _ _ _ _ leith'ltms of time Starlight Cluh. The members of the Omaha Starlight club celebrated St. Valeumtine's day by givIng a surprIse party to lilies Annie Moran 1306 . South Fifth street. Dainty refreshments were served amid the evening was spent at cards , at whIch ! first prizes were won by Wiiam Felnwlcl aud Miss male Ilinchey . and booby prIzes by Jack Kennedy and lilies Cora Greley. Among those present were : Misses Emma 1e'ers. Hannah Leary Maggie - gie Orceley 1amle Kemp , Mary \'an. Cora GretIey , May Ilaggerty Nellie leCoto Maggie Cry , Minnie Carey , Rebecca Manning. Josie Hlncimey Kate Ilinchey Hose 1alon. Minnie Ilaniriclr Kate Kenny. Annie Hag- gerty and Aunle Moran , and Messrs. Frank Holand , Walter Carln , James Drummy , George Hushlan , John Kemp Phi Donahue Robert Donahue , Dan Lahey James Lahey , Ienry Uagorsh , William Feinwiek Frank lyers , Joe Sulhan : , Mike Haggerty , John Haggorty , Pat Ryan , John Hyan and Jack Kennedy. , Kenney. 1 Time homo Jof bliss Mantle Kemp , at 320 South Twentieth , btreet . was the scene of an enjoyable surprIse party Friday night which was given to thmc hostess by the Omaha Star- light cub , Illlfvl and ether games assisted - sisted In passIng most agreeable evening and prizes verm won by John Ryan and MIss Em'mna Meydis. " "A dehicous ! Emia Meyi. de1cous supper was served. Among'tlosl present were : Mlsse MarguerIte Greeley . Emma th'ers , Nettle DeCoto , Mlnn' ' Cat'ey , Kate HinChey : Hannah I.eayose -Mahlon , Josle Hinchey Mar Ryan , Anna Haggrty . Mamie Kemp , Mamie Haggerty Cora Greeley , Annie Moran anti Messrn. - Frank'Myers , John Ryan , Pat Ryan , Dan Hlnchoy- Patrick Rooney Henry Iasgrshek George Rusimlau Michael Hag- gNty , Dan Sulva , George flaunman WI\am ! elnwJck , 'ValeI Carln , Dan Lalmey John H jgrty , Phi lionahue , Robert Donahue , John : Keimmp , Antcn Mycrs. , I I I 'Y. ' 11" Social The second of the serIes o'spcials given 'by ' the Young Me's Institute last Wednesday evening attested the popularity of the organ- Ization. One-half. tIme invitations Issued were accepted , and time attendance crowded the capacity of Morand's assembly rooms Among those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Laquot Mr. and Mrs. Sawtel , Mr. and Mrs O. McCalre ) ' , Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fitzmorrls . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Swift , Mr. and Mr Kane , Mr. and Mrs. Cobry , Mr. and Mrs. Seymour , Mr. and Mrs Grant . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Bennett . Misses Martin , Gbln , Doud ( Chicago ) , Connor , Murply , Cunningham , Williams ( Nebraska CIty ) . , 1iane , Franklin , Reagan , Sulvan , Anna and Kate Garvey , Hobrs , O'Nei , Hogan , Carnmmy Samonlx , Higgins , Walcim Hinchey , Ryan , Decoto Callahan , Riley , O'Drlen , Ella and Florence Mcquian , Croft , More , Ella and Kate Smith . Phillips , Lowry , Moore , Manning Carey , Hogrty , Moran Kemp , Drennan , McGuire , Ford , Messrs. Lane Drummy J. D : ' and M. H. lagerty , Rasgorshek . O'Donnel , O'Drlen , Roland Fermwiel lulcahy , SwIft . Carmody , Pollard South ( Omaha ) . Walch , Hannigan , Winters , Cahalamo Jehilngs . Meyers , Lahmey Leaey , Rose , O'nrlen , Drennan , WIlson . McCoy , Fiala , McKearnlY , Grady , Wagner , Dalfe , Hascal , KasUe , C. D. and P. J. Dugdale , Reagan , Crowe , Sulvan , Rooney , Mears , Martin , Hardy , Garvey , Bowman , Russell , Carney , Gorman , Murray Kemp , Hinchey , Dcnahd Ryan Riley , Moran O'Brien , O'Nel. Mcquian , Keatng , Drown , ! lsen , Malone , Shannon , Moore , Johnson , Smith , Thacker , Wallln ! , Proper , nuslau. ! rely IlrlhlhlY i'nrly MIss Estela Sanford daughter of Kenton Sanford , superlntendont oC the Adams Ex- press company , celebrated the 11h anni- versary of her birthday by entertaining her friends and asoclates at time family residence , 211 mmet street , Thursday evening. The evening was very pleasantly spent by the young people In appropriate games , music and having a good time generally , refresh- ments helng served durIng the intermission Miss Florence Lewis , Miss Marie Koch . Charles Lehmnr and lana lelngs were the winners of the first prizes while Ethel Rector , Joy Sutphen , and Tress Keys were awarded the "hooblos. " Among those Ilresent were : Misses Ethel Rector . Agnes Weler , Florence Lewis , Grace Storks , Marie Koch , Mable Vickers Mao Nondoln , Vivian Rector Tress Keys , Sadie Sanford end Tot Sutphen , and asters Arthur Lewis , John flodiek Dana Helngd , Joy futphen , Charles Lehmar Sidney Baum , Guy linker . Lyle Storks , Herman Lehmmnar Kent Sanford , /1. / , end Barker Sanford. J'it'ms'jsmm UIICII ' \ , One of the mOltuenjoyable dancing parties of the season , , \I ' I given by Mr. Thomas Wilson and Ot ! : arm Monday evening at Idlewld imahl. Those present were : Mn and Mrs. McAuley < , Misses 1e'ers , Aggie Wi- son , Clara Veal ? : Lulu Lyons , Carrie An- derion , Teresa nrey , Florence I Frederick 1.lzzle Dachus , ladge , Lile Daly. JiellY , Annie Agnew"rMa'gle ! McCormick , Louise Vorwald Anami' ' 'S\unson ' , JennIe McCormick Enimima Vorwalij ) Agglo McCormIck . Shannon - non , Chine . Jenul , Post , Cora Ketmney . Corn Wi 1 iS. I'eatltm Graves , Irene Iardlng , Cressy itobert54'mmnny . _ _ Sitehdomm ; Mesermi Charles WIlson , tiara UOIOman , John Wil- son , AJel Swanson Tom Calahan , Tom O'Connor , Frank Daily . Luke Simanumon Tom Stoney , 'rl ii Reynolds , Charlie Morrell . Ed I Davis , I" . ! ' n. Tom Whalen , Dad Steney , Oerl "llkstrom , John Lowe , J. Rawiston W. Gpr.on. T. Gordon , Dan Whit- ney O. Joyce : Tlnl Gler , John Carr , M. Carey , John SWanson. J'II'IIhIMt. . A very charming whlsl party of twel\e tables was given Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. E. V. LewIs In their pretty hOle II Kountze I'lace Tie decorations of the paler were all Ln Illnk and the same N"r ] was noticeable In time refresimmneuta. buttes of ten points were played chubs being time trumll for tie entire evenIng. Those who won the prize were Mra. Pinto . Mrs. Wi Rector . Mr. Alien Hector and Air Sutllhen. The guests of the evening were Mn and Mrs. Brogon , Mr and Mrs. Charles , ! Van Court , Mr. and Mrs. Weler , Mr and 11s. Jayimes Mr. and Mrs. Sutphen , Mr. and Mrs. Chace , Mr. anti 1 Mrs. McAllister . Mr. aud Mrs. Gb- son , Mr. and Mrs. Bowman Mr. and Mrmi Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rector Mr. and Mrs. Wlrner , Mr. amid Mrs. Lowe , Mr and Mrs , Mcl"arland , Mr. and Mr. I'ritchard , M.r . _ . . _ . _ _ _ . _ - - - - -a------ - _ . - s , - , - - . . _ . . ' > 4. - " ' . - . , . " , . . . " , . , - . , and Mrs. OtIs . Dr. and Mrs. Crummer , Mn and Mrs. A. T. Rector . Mr. and Mr ! 100bler , Mr. and Mrs. Pinto Mr. and litre Mnpe . Mr. and Mrs. Lnwrle , Mr. Van Court , Mr. Busch . Miss Walker , Mrs. flodman ChIna \ 1.1111nn'veNnr , Saturday ' I friend to evenIng ebruary lG , ! the number of seventy-nve of Mr. and Mrs. I. nehfehl of 44 South Twent-fourlh avenue assemblcd to do honor to the twentieth anniversary of time host and Iloslcs The spacious Imrlors as veil as the large oil 11alntngs of time hrlde and groom were profusely decorated with sunhiax. Part of the evcnln was spent In presslve high five . music and singing. Among the fortn- nato to capture prizes were : ! Is. Hlcfel- man of Des Moines Mrs. S. Katz and. . Mr. Gus nelehcs. A delghtul luncheon WaS servet ant mnn- were the toasts offered eXI1Issl'0 of the hOl1e to be 11resent It the sIlver ' . Ilh'er anliversr ) Among those present from out of town were : lime I , ' . Meyer of Chicago , Miss Joomlngtale of Pimiiatlehimhia ( . litre Hegel- man of Des MolneR , Mr. Martn Aronson of San I Franslsco Mr. Den Bellman of Cheyenne Mn I rnkln , father oC 11ev. Leo Framikllmi. TIme gifts of china and cut glass from their frIends sere miumnerotus Chat or HncllL T. Mr. [ Arthur letz Is at Tampa l la. Mrs. Brogn , who has been very ill . Is ablo'to be out again. Mrs. Joy Morton of Chicago Is the guest of her mother , Mrs. Lake. lilies Dacy , the milliner . left Wednesday afternoon for New York Charles B. Forll has gone to hot Springs S. D. , on 1 business trIp. Mrs. M. I ) . Parker was the guest of Mrs. G. M. Itchcock last week . lilies Buckeye of Wnshlngton Is time guest of her sister Mrs. Gurle ) Miss Kinsler entertained n few friends In- formaly Tuesday afternooum . Mrs. Charles E. Ford anti children have gone east for a six weeks' visit. Mrs. Love left Thursela for Wisconsin , w'ere mime wi visit her mother. litre . S. Paulne Icgers of ne\'cr Is visiting - . Ing her sister ' , ! r. Mart ) , 2321 Barney street. Dshop amid litre. Tute : of Missuni were the gusts of Bishop and ! rs : Worthington this week. ' Mr. Julius Meyer and Mr. Emi Drandels left for New Orleans last evening for Mardi Gras we l. Miss Ilibbard . who has been time guest of Miss Siuort has returned to her home In Kansas CI ) 111 Lizzie Daenport of 'Norfol" , Neb. , Is vlltng Mn . and ! rs. Nathan HEctord of 109 Stanford CIrcle. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. I.oclwood arrIved home Thursday from a month's trip through Texas and Old exlco. ' Mr. and ! rs. Julius 'Houck St Louis arc with the family of Mr. Fred Metz , Jr. . on Twenty-elgbth street. hiss Alice Drake returned from St. Cath- erIne's seminar . Davenport yesterday , to at- tend the wedding of lien sister Mr. and litre. George I. Doggs heft Wednesday - day for Arkansas to be gone two mcumtiis ! r. Boggs goes south In search of health . Miss Miller of Prankln , : and ! I. Al- bert Frederick Miller , the groom to be at the Miller-Drake wedding , have arrIved In Omaha for the Interestng ceremonies. Monday e\enlng a largo reception will be given at Creighton college for Count Creigh- ton. This Is a very pretty complment , and the affair will doubtless be a great success. Prof. Chatelain gave his fourth reading In French yesterday at thQ residence of Mrs. John L. 'Vebster. These lectures are greatly enjoyed , and all attended by a score or more wonton every \\'eel. Mr. John C. Wharton and hits mother , Mrs. Fitzgerald , entertaIned at dinner Thursday evening Major Halford , Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Morse , Hev. S. D. and Mrs. McCormick . Mr. and Mrs. Hchard Carrier , Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm. Wihelm. C. E Chapin , who will be remembere by many On\aha people as hovlng been connected with the general freight office of thE MissourI Paelfo under Mr. J. O. Phiippi , Is now city editor of the St. Luis Post , and Is remakIng . I reputation ' fol himsel In , newspaper circles . Cards hav& been received announcing the marriage , February 26 , of Miss Mole Gar- IFch , formerly of this city , to Mr. Arthur i Sylvester Luria of New York. Miss Gnrlhch will be remembered by many friends In Omaha , who extend to her sincerE congratu- ' laton . Mr. and ! rs. S. A. McWlorter gave a . beautiful violet dInner Thursday evening , timetable table being an artistic pIcture of lovely napery and cut glasa The guests were : ! r. md ! rs. F. D. Johnson , Mr. and ! rs. Charles A. Coe. Judge and Mrs. W. C. Ives , Mr. and ! r. ii. G. ! urt. Mrs. Frank Ewing of Poppleton a\'onue returned - turned this week from the Osteopathic institute - tute at KlrllsYle , Mo . where sue has for four months been undergoing treatment for spInal trouble of many ycars' standIng. Her legion of friends will be glad to lear that her health' Is completely rostored. The members of La Rosa Social club will give one of their enjoyable dancing parties at Morand's dancing academy on Wednesday evening next The Invitations havE now been issued and from the arrangement being made thIs will doubtless le one of tie best entertainments of its kind that has been given this season A serIes oC steroptcon views of Italian paintng will be gIven at time Woman's club rooms under the directon of ! IS. Judge Koysor , broiler of the art department , he . clnnlng March 2. lt 2 p. m. . Early Masters ; March 5. lll : p. m" , Dn VIncI and Angelo ; Mardi 9. 2 p. m. , Raphael : March 13 , 4:15 : p. am. , "The Venetians . " The studies used are from ! l. Farrar of Chicago , and all the same as used In his own lectures The ob- jcct of these lectures Is to start a fund for the foundaton of an art Instute similar to the one , now at ChIcago. On Tuesday ( evenIng last Mr. AI Sander of 21Ci Coming street was very much surprised by a party given In his hiommor. nurlug time evening the guests were delIghtfully entor- tamed by ! r. A. Sander , who played the violin for dancing , and at a late hour an ex elent lunch was served Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. Ii. Sander , Mr. and ! rs. Cunningham , Mr. and ! rs. Iulla of Florence , Mr. and litre W. I' . Arnoldi , ! I. and ! rs. Conumehly . ! r. and litre I. Sander MIsses Hooney , M. Hamrick , A. Arnoldi , K. Worden , hi. lorten , Connoly , T. 10lmer ; htemiars . , A. H. Sammdor jr , F. C. Shatter , E. Sander H. Ireger , J , Ford . John ArnoldI , James Arnoldi. One of time pleasant parties gl\en the last week was tIme masquerade given by the Aurora Borealis club last Thursday even- Ing Among those present were : Messrs. and Meedanies Sanford Paler. Benson , Stu- ben 'Vasek , Donaimue Lessentin . Thomas , McKenna and Swoboda ; Misses litierer ( . Heven , Clieabro McKenna , Latsch , Thomas , Haln. DOMhue , Cotton . Latchm , Russell , I'ot. ten , Tait , Craig , Potter , Foatner , Nison , iltis- sell , ibuxhuold. Adera , Nisomi , Fredrickson , Latschm and McKenna ; Measra , McKay , Zinm- mimer , Iluximold , Kirkiammd , Nicol , Brown , Adera , Craig , Strange , l'mmge , Osborne , Heat- imig , Zimnmner , Niaon , hborsnman , Timommmson , flommabuue , Inmithi , Tlmonmson , 0mm February 18 time Woman's club mnet at its rooms over time Iloston store. It was entertained by tue departnment of Germaim iii- eratmmre , time subject being Goethe , Before tiu regmular prograemm ii'as taken up tIme muteetiuug ivas addressed by Mrs. 1)aniway of Portland , Ore , Mrs. Danlway is enroule fromn Atlanta. Ga , , where LImO was a deiegate to time Equal ltighmts convemmtion , Mrs. 1)aniway a is brilliant and interesting speakers 'Flue regular program was opened by two German songs ( In time original ) , followed by a paper on the "Loves Cf Goethe , " Mrs , Charles Potter kindly consented to read a paper that had beemm written by an absent member , The creaumi of time mmieeting was a paper written by litiss hiryno on "Time Women Goethe Loved. " Time program ciosd by time reading of a paper by time leader of thus departimmemmi , Mrs. Wegla Tracy , in which site 'eulogized time itmmuimurtsl bard. IN LOCAL NUSIGAL CIRCLES rnatd Entertainments Wherein Omaha Artists Will riguro This Week , REhEARSALS PROMISE GOOD RESULTS 5lmume , 5ttirnitfcriuig utuuil Emutimr Auicutmmuumuu Mnko suit Exeehlemtt Inipressioum mat l'hutttS immomtthm-ltnuuer ? mboore to ( 'ouuime't ma Choral Chite-Chat of Mtusiclumme , A rehearsal of time Apollo club occurred Tuesday night at time Voting Mcmi's Christian assoclatiomi hell , amid was well attended , about aevommty beimmg presemit. Time work in Preparation is "Fair Ellen , ' ' time words of which arc taken front time old I3eotcim song , "The Campbells are Comnimmg , " anti Max liruach is respotmsible for time music. ivery- body seeumis very much Interested amid time work is progressing flmmoly , Of the $1,000 tlmought imecessary to cover expemmees , nearly time vimohe aniount imas been subscribed and time promnoters feel assured of time success of the enterprise. Out account of Inconvemmienco to somno of time mitemmibere tIme rehearsal mmiglut wIlt bo chuangeil fromn Monday to Tuucetlay oveuming. Thmo large rooumt in time city hail forunt'rly occuitled by time opera festival school has beemi sc'cumred by Mr. Pemmimehl and future rehearsals will lao lmohi there. Time Ileetluoven String quartet will give its' fourth recItal this ( Sunday ) aftcrnoomm at :3O : o'clock , in time roommie of thm Woumman's club , Sixteenth amid lougias streets. Mute , Muemmteturimug will be thmo artIste of imomfor on this occasiomi , with hem Franz A' teimutann , violIn. Time programmi wili be as folio ia : Qumirtet-Op , ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Un hi000 Andmtmito-Allcgro mmiol . , ed mugi- tate. Ilommmnnze , Ammdnmitino , I ntenmnt'zzo , Allegro mole am , i Fimial , Lomito-l'rcstonl Saltuireiio. Sonmtto-for ( imiano amid violin ) Ohm. 11 . . . , Itubinst in Moderato comm mnoto. lmtodcrnto , Comm VmtuiazionI , Sciil'rzo-l'rostlRsimno , Fimmnle , Adagio non toppo et lutoderato eon Inoto. Qmuartet-Op , 44 , No , 1..hiondelssohmn Molto Allegro Vivace. Mmne. Muentefeu'ing nmmti lien pupils on time plammo , kindly assisted by Mr. Franz AmId- mimann , vIolIn , will give a recital next Tlmuurs- day eveumimig at 't'oummmg Men's Ciunistiami asso- elation hall. 'limo program Is as follows : Immvttmution to time W'nItz-Qumamtet ( for two ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . let , piano , Mrs. ? utmmcnteferimtg , Itirs. .1. M. Macfarlmtnul ; 2d 1)hamio , Mrs. (3. ( II , Tzschmucic , Miss Myrtle Coomi. Lacimtnubchmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bout' lilies Annie Conul , Mmtrehmo Ilongroiso.-Duo fem two plamios ) b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DCKoumskI lilies Ditmturf , Miss 1)evnr. Melody in F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .liubhumateimi lilies Edith tier. Mazurek . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'adorcwski Miss Lultu Scimonk. Sonata for Piano amid Violin , No. 3 , Op. 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ileethuoven Mine , Muentcfenimmg , IIem'r Franz Adelmnanmi , Mlmiuc'tt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Itiedermnann lilies Edith Dovey of Plattsmouthm. Lyrlscho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Mary Nasum , Caprice Espagumole..hioszkowski Miss Irma Morley of Sioux City , In , Andante mund Vuriations-Duo for two pianos ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Schumann Miss Etto. Creigimton , Mrs. Muentefering. Mr. Timber will net give his recItal in TrinIty cathedral this afternoon on account of being out of the city , and the recital will be postponed indeflnitely. For the benefit of the piano rund , a musicale - sicale will be ghvemm Tuesday evening of tlui week at the St. litany's Avenue Congregational - tional cimurclm , tIme program of which will be : Organ Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solo-Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . With iolIii obilgato by Charles A. Jilggimas. Mrs. Ely. Quartet- I a Plaumtation Medley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h , Old Kentucky Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thuratomi Itifies Quartet-First tenor , Wallace - lace ; second tenor , overdale ; first bass , Jtichmnrmls : second bags , Hoffman , Solo-The Secret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Garmas Myrtle H. Coon , oio-Selccteu1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juicum Lurumbard , Violin Solo- a Nocturne , op. 9 , No. 2. . .Chapln-Sarasati b Hummgarian Dance..Iiraiiuns-Jonchuimmi Charles A. higgins. ( PiammO accompaniment by MIss HIggins , ) Solo-Soleted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ 'alterVllkimms , Duet-The Fisherman..Caubusse lilies Johns amid Miss Ely. Solo- a Queen of time ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' b htedeemncd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'rowmmer C Selection ( Swedisim ) . . . . . . . . . . . . Huitman Rev. J , H. Iiultmamm , quartet-Daffodils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Foote F Inst soprano , hiunchoff ; second aojmnmmno , lilies Joimnmt : first alto , hirs. Mortoim ; second - end alto , Mrs. Ely. Accompanist , John Id , Butler. Thmo following is time program for thmo nmu- sicai service at time First Congregational church ( lila evemmlmmg : Orgami- Largo Appassionata , from Somiata No. 2 , op. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antiemimie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GUlimmmamit Animate Grazioso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunam't Quartet-Selected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hlrg. Squires , him's. Morton , Mr. Ziicjtobt'rts , Mr. Abbott , Offertory-Slumimber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solo-Lord , God of Abraham , from EliJah - Jah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mendelssohn Mr. homer Moore , Postlude , from Noel . . . . , . . . . . , , . . Saint Sans A parlor musicale was given on the even- imig of tIme 18th at time imomomo of Mrs. 0 , J , KIng , 1124 Georgia muvemimie , time lmroceeda to be usemi toward furnishing a roommm in time hiothmodlat hospital. litre , King is a teacher Iii tIme Ilanscommm Park Metlmodimit Episcopal Sunday scimool , and tIme program was non- dered by lien class , every nummiber showing care and cultivation , Time program was as follows : PART T. Chorua-Hnrkl hark ! My Soul . , . , , . , . Faber Class. March-Norwegian Bridal i'roresaion.Circig Miss Frances Stanilimmim , Vocal Duet-ltoso-llushu , . . . . , , , , . . . . , hodges hisses Clmaffee and Crawford , Hecltatiomt'-Moiiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kellogg hiss Jammnie Weaver , I'iano-Aummtrian thong , Op. Ui . . , , . , , , , I'ncluor Miss Gertie Weaver. Pimumio Dumet-t3onata 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mozart Mlses Ilertzier and lloyd , Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'iViii Carltomm Miami Casmmio Doyle , PART 11. I'iammo-Ilrenk of Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Muller Miss Jhem'ihma hiortzier , Vocal Duet-Swallows' Farewell . . .JCuckerm Misses Grace mmmi Ella Crawori , Piano-2 mmmc Mmmzoumrka . , . . , , , , , , , , , , , flodard lilies Mabel Boyd. Vocal-Tit for Tat. , , , , . , , , . , , , Henry I'ontet lilies Grace Crawford , I'iuno-VulHe do Conemsrt , Op. 30 Imi 1) , , . . . ' , , , . , . . , , , , ' ' , . . , , . . . , , . . . , ' , \\'Iemmawski huin Corn Chiuftce , qiuorume-God lie \'ithm You . . , , , , , , . , , , 'i'omner Class. Mr , Homimer Moore , who imas made a most fiattenimmg imimpression mmmi a singer milmmce lila advent in the mmiusicai world of Omaummm , bias been secured to take charge of time tousle of the First Comigregatiummal church , In imuldi. ( ion imo will conduct a class in vocal cui- tore and choral training in time lecture roosmu of the church for a series of sixteen even- imigs , comnniencimmg about time first of March , During these leitsomma ? itr , Moore will give somne Practical talks on mnusicai subjects , 1mm- ( erspersed with songs amid chorus work hiy way of illustration , Time choir of time Central church , Ts'emmty- fourth ammi Dodge , Is imreimariug for a concert to be iiven Tuesday evening , March 5 , ThIs choir has been doimig some good work durimmg tIme winter under the direction of I'rof , hcratz , I Righest of all in Leavening Powcr-Latcst 13 , S ( Joy't keport DrV1 Baking \w Powder' ' SOLJTELV PWE and with the aesltano of some prominent local talent wIll give a good concert , 'lily hI IS i.iOec" : lioy , Jamne. , ( I , lihaimme 'ae Aiie to Tel 1'rruicis Wilson , time Uperuutlo uttar. Some years ago the late James 0 , lliaino nmi Francis Wilson were fellow passengers on a transatlantic stesimmer , anil dmmrlumg a coumver- saGan omie ( lay Mr Wilson learned that Me , hilnimie untIed himself upon his ability to re- nmeuuibcr nammies anti faces , those of any lierson lie Imiot lmever escaplmmg hilni , thuo statesmmian chalummed , "Do you nmean , Mr. Ihislmme , " alui \'iisomi , "tdmat If I were to call upon you a year huemico ) 'OU womuhd be able to call mao by haute amid say vluere wo iuiett" "Ccc- tnlmmly , ' ' said hllaine , Time mmext tlmmieVilson was in Washiimgtoii lihaimme was secretary of state , Otto miay they met , Wilson , as was hue customim , bclmmg itutbiteil so quietiy ( Imat 1,0 , imati a decithedly uniumietenial look. They aimook imantle at the tlceic in time Arhimmgtoui hotel. ' ' 'e1l , Mr. Vihsou , , " Saul iuiamimo , ' 'what are you doing in Vi'asimlumgtomi ? limuvu you a chumreflu lucre now ? " ' 'No , " mtmmevcredViison , ' 'I emma ommhy on a 'isit , ' ' They chmattetl a while emu 'anIouus topics , chmlelly those which ought be ( 'xlectcl to immterest a clergyummmuum , and then iiialuie icmit to lila carriage nnti 'a'ilson started mit ton a walk , Blalumo luau not gommmi ft block , however , when hue retuurmmed to time hotel nuuti saiti to hiaumnger hieiuumett : "VIll you ime hcimmd cimouim to tell Mr.Vilson that mumy muistako was emily temmiporar ) ' , knew Ito was Wlisomm , thin actor , as soumi as I got a good view of bile legs. " N tialtalo at i'iuttsimmoumtli , Time P. II. 0. Gernmauu history chaos of l'lattsmmmoutim was splendidly entertained at time hmommie of Mrs. Gecrgo lmavey'emimmesday even- log , Mimic , hluentefening cmiii llerr Franz .uIoh- ummaimmi being time solosts of honor 0mm this occa- elan , TIme umrogrnumm opened with Cluophum's ' 'holistic ' iii A list , " lmla'et.l uvitlm beautIful effect amid was , followed by Herr Aticimmiammn , who gave as a violin solo tIme Legenfie by II. Wientavski , wluiclu imo remidered In an exceedingly - ingly skillful mimaumumer , "Mr. Adeimuamib comae as a stranger to a Plmittimiomuthm autileumee , but won time ntlummlratbomu of all by hits mmymiipatlmetio lmlayiumg , " 533's a corresgtmmdent of Time lice. A beautiful Ittubinstein sonata for lmlammo timid violin was followed by Mendelssohn's much adummireti "Andante onmi Itondo Capnlcloso. " Thuhmi wmis given by request ( , as was also Schmti- bert's " $ erenade , " anti no nuuntbers were muons thmoroughuly emmjoyeui than they. "F'aust Fan- tasie" for violIn by Sarasate , anti Cliopiuu'a "Nccturne in F" iu'er ; pleasingly reumtlered , ammd after' iratciulng eight sweet little girls in caps , go'ns anti curls go thmrommgh a pretty drill time guests rclmmctantiy left , hmmt1ng speni ml mmmost emmjoyablcm evenIng , duuo largely to tlmt effort of hire. C. F. Stoutenboroumghu and Mrs. Dove ) ' , wlmo kimifihy tendered her panicre fet tlmo recital. Clumit oC MumtIeltiic. htIs Ihertha Bayhis , well kumowmu to many Omaha uimusicinmms , is mmiakimmg a big hit Ic "Time Fencing Master" cmi tour , Simo is sup. portIng hiss Iorotimy Mortomi , and those vimc have seen lien say she Is stunnimig. Ilomiry It. Abbey hits had ammothmer attack oi grip , but lie wIll recover , Time opera seasomm In Now York has been very imrofltable , Mr. Abbey saId tIme other day : "Our receiimts on an average of hid whole season of thmlrteexm weeks have been $7,000 nmore each week titan last year , Our eXpemmses immure been $2,500 a \reek more thmmmn last year , mit title leaves us a clear mmmargiui of profit of $4,500 on every ' tveok of time season. I simoului say 1mm round nmummtbers that omur lmroflts would be about $100,000 In New ToniC. " A person imavimmg a reserved seat on a cold , ulamp night , on the picket fence of time Old Granary burying ground , amid listening to Marc Antimony's ( mineral oration miet to the dead mmmarchm In "Saul , " sung by a dtuummls , man mind orchestrated for a broken hand organ , would extract ummore hmumnor from time situation timan from "Dr. Syntax" whicim Do Woif Hopper Is playing , says time mnuslcai critic of the Boston ) Journal , Ibsen's "Ghosts" is a whirlwind 01 merriment by time side of it , amid spending an evening in a faumtiiy mausoieumn is bubbling mIrth In comparison. Lectum'o to LdIos , The first of a series of three lectures will ho given by litre. P. 'II. Keyes of San J3'rami. cisco at Royal Arcanumm hall , Bee buiidimmg , tomorrow aftornoomi. Time growimmg dolbeacy and hack of endurance mmml increasing sue- ceptibihity to dIsease amomig wommmemm , cape- daIly Ammiorican womnen , is dmue miot ommiy to improper treatment , so frequently adopted , but to a defective eduacation relating to tIme laws that govern amid control her physIcal being. Timero is mme greater stumily for women timan women. Behievimig title , thIs course of lectures hmas been organized ummder time supervision - vision of time Viavi compaumy. Time instruc- tiomus gIven will be almhmbe , untechmnical and practical itt character. Every lady wimo is ammxiouus to preserve and increase tier store of tlmo choicest of all possessions-perfect ' health-is cordially invited to attend all of these lectures hlonfiny , W'ednestlay anti Fri. day , at 2:30 : p. in. sharp. Adnuiesion free. AFEW MORE Fire Sale Drug Prices. $1.00 patents ( over 200 kindmi ) , SOc. i Soc Immutemitmi ( over 100 hindu ) , 25c. , 25c lmtenis ( o''r ZOO lulmuls ) , m0 , . 750 nnml $1.0) FiuteS'Immes ( ( or medicinau use only ) , ( Its. 15c amid 40c , 25c ponioumi lhmuster5 ( about 1 mloz. kInds ) , &cCZognto Soap ( box 3 cakes ) , lOc bOx. iSo Toilet Stoop ( tx S cakes ) , 5c box , About 1Ob bottles Witch iimmzel ( stains isIzo as $1.00 l'omtd'ms Extractt ) , lIc bOttle. About 350 bottics Hommschiold Am- moamlu(15a ( emIze ) , 5c bottle. Potash , Soda hint , etc. , tablets , 25c miizo Sc bottle. 25c GlycerIne Sumpposltorles , hOc box , 25c hmttle Caught Syrup , Pills , etc. , tOo , SOc Cimmmmburlnins Cough Syrup , 2cc. 2c Taicumm l'owder , jOe. 75c ammd $1.00 Syriimges , 2.c. $1.50 2.mjt. F'ommmutmtimm 3ym'Imiges , , 75c , l'erfumo Atomnizer , new styles , exactly half urine. Sale will commtlnue from day to day until Lciio stock itt gone-muo longer. SHERMAN & McCONNELL , 1513 DODGE STREET , - - - OMAHA. Second tioor west of l'ommt Office , A"cosy CORNERI'1 As you look at tlmis "Cosy Corner" you cart feel time pulses of cmnfort beating all timroughi your body at eighty to time mInute , it is all mails in omme pIece , amid it flits Into any corner of time roommi , takimig ito space that cannot be easily spared , and converting an uninteresting waste 'Into the most cumarmimig imook in thi wimole house , You canmmot cverestimnate time effect of one of tlmeeie "cosy coremens" itt a rooni it. chamies tIme whole aimartunemut ; t is odd mmnd "inter- eatIng" ; It is comnfort.cramnmmmed , and it is fashIonable. It is mmot expemmsive. Io imot be frightened by time bugbear of ecanommmy , 'fliere Imi no rca- son why ycu ihmould not own It as iuaturahiy as you would own a sofa. I'rice will mmot pro- vemmt you , Will you umot see It mit omueQi CHAS SHIV13RICK &CO. , TIlE hARGitST SToiC OP' YURNLTUIULi IN OMAhA , 1209 Doiigiwa. " , . .4- ' _