Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1895, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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    iiir " : - ' 1''f''T' " " , " , , ' ' ' .F . . . . . " . . . , ' ! " / " " ' r' 7 - . . , . . , T" " 'i" ; - . - - - ; - ; - - ; , ; - : ; - ; : - - - - - ; - - - : ; . . - - _ _ _ _ . -
w TiE OMAIIADAILYBEE : . _ : SIJIDtYFJB1UJA1tY24 _ , .18fl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ 3
B. & M , Jounl Company Bends an As-
tunding Oaim t the Oommltee ,
JlURt'lton ShO\8 Ihat : llny TuneR the
Urnl "nino of , \rll'lrf 1'lrllfhrl * I" "
let'l ( lrgcel the Sh'tu Iii
Nt'lrl ) Ivcry : I iitiiflce. .
LINCOLN , Feb. 23-Speclal.-Tie ( ) ) house
commlleo on claIms was In executive sessIon
thIs afternoon with State Auelor Ioore. The
entire time was lovotel to an examination 01
bills , mostly those ( fell by parties or whom
. Alien had purchased
ex.Secrelnry ot State Alen hnl purchnsel
legislative 5UIphICS. ' Some 01 these bills are
enormous , especially the ones flell hy the
Jtalo Journal ompnny. O,1e conPlllcu u' item ,
Is $ & 03 for lead pencils. AI 50 cents a d zen
'I this would give tic legislature 12,000 Ilencls
for Use during a session 01 sixty working
days. But some or the commitee on claIms
sa ) that all 1IIs fed for legislative supplies
are enormous , and , like lie Invoice 01 $ G.O
chairs , are out 01 nil proportion to current
4 retail prices for similar ! oolls. When It Is
: remembered that ( the bulk < 01 these legislative
4 supplies are supposed to hl\'e been furnished
at wholesale prices , ns theY were bought In
wholesale lots , the outrage on NebrAska tax-
ayers ,1 be better appreciated. Auditor
to give the
Moore Is In an excellent position
committee on claims considerable light on the
matter. The contractors for the ' e supplies
are now on the anxious sent , DS I Is under-
Itooel ( thnt there will be n liberal scaling down
or Ilrls charged for the supplies. This
latter action wi be rIght In line with the
statement 01 ex-Secretnry Alien before he
left on his western trip. To n reporter for
The Bee lie said :
"I have malIc no contracts for legislative
supplies. A contract implies a price agreed
upon between seiler and purchaser. 1 have
ordered a few supplies for the legislature. and
toll the parties from whol 1 ordered 10
senel their bi ! direct to the committee on
, . cluhns. They lay nlow them all they may
cut them down. At any rate the parties from
whom 1 ordered agreeel to these conditions
, when they sent the goeds all dlc the repair
s work on the capitol. I had no authority to
make n contract for suplilics. , "
It Is with this unelcrstanlln , that the
I wlh
commite Is now at work with State Auditor
Moore I Is , nlso. evident that a Ilsaree'
nb surprise , awaits many of the Imrles
who furnished goods.
' In this connection there Is n good story
about the extravagance er the house In purchasing -
I chasIng flies for holding the bills In the
: two fes : The house roll tiles provided
this session cost $2.76 apiece In a large
JobbIng lot They can be bought at retail In
almost every large stationery store for less
than hal that sum. But no files have yet
been furnIshed the house for USe In tem-
porarily bindIng the senate fIles sent In to
the house immediately after passage. In
consequence or this , for nearly n week no
bills passed by the senate could be acted
upon passel house because the members did
not have copIes or he t bills before them to
act upon Intelgenly , The matter was
brought up about ten days ago , and some or
the members objected to paying ! such eX-
travngnnt prIces for pasteboard bInders for
Bennie flies. Howard or Sarli said ho could
give the names of n dozen houses that would
r sell suitable binders for GO cents nplece. On
motion he was appointed a committee or one
on the mater or files. "Time wore along "
but for some mysterious reason no tIles ap-
peared. and on Thursday last he was called
upon to report howard Isld that he had ,
on hIs appointment , Immediately given the
clerk or the , house the names of parties from
whom the files could be Purchased for 50
cents nplece. But no acton had been tnken.
' , On the contrary , a dlsposilon had been
manifested to Ignore his economic suggcs-
tions. The upshot or the mater was that the
house voted to Instruct tie clerk to procure
the flies at $ 2.75 apIece. Members say that
' , b thIs Is the reason why no cheap files were
* purchased , and why the members have been
obliged to await action on important busi-
oblgee or the house to afford some supply
house nn exorbitant price for gools.
- , -
Friday morning an Omaha paper aild that
a petttion ! had been fed In the district court
by the state against the bondsmen or ex-Ol
Inspector Hfltcn. hut II was not true. The
state Journal mixed up the matter still more
the Eame day by stating that the petition
would be filed yesterday . a legal holiday.
. This was not true. The Dee gve the true
condition of the case , together with all newlr
developed facts In connection with the affair.
and 'tated that the pefton would be fed
at 9 o'cloek Attorny
shortly. This morning Alor y
General Churchill med the stato's petition
against ex-Oi Inspector hilton and his bonds-
men. The names or the bondele and the
facts were given In The Dee this morning.
The judgment asked for Is $12,729.47 , being
the full amount of money retained by 110:1 :
as rees and expenses.
Today Oil Inspector Edmisten filed an en-
t'rely ' new bond with the secretary or state
for . $20,000. The new bondsmen are George
'V. Solclgh , who qualified for $15,000 , and }
M. M. Iloxto . who qualifies In the sum or
$35,000. I Is pot In any respect a supple-
mental bend , as has been claimed , but an
entirely new document , which replaces the
old ono against the uretes or whch ! charges
had been preferred that they were drawing
from the relief fund or the state.
f A cOlmltee from Custer county consst- :
lag ot Ih\'p F Campbell , G. n. Husom and
n. " ' . George were at the governor's office
today , en route to the east to solicit aid for
, their home people . The aid required Is In
the line or seed grain and fcd They wi
divide soon after ieaving and as Individuals
! slt Iowa , Illinois alt nlllon3. Custer
county Is not In a positon to take advantage
or Sniiborn's bill , house roll No. I , whIch
authorizes counties to vote bonds for sed.
The Cuvtr county people also have some
doubts regarding its constitutionalIty. The
committee Is wel Ilrovlled with credentials
from the Custer county relief commleslon.
There are a numbr or provisions In the rules
of this association , one or which Is that
farmer can secure this grain on thor notes
due January 1 , 1896. The committee . \'I
leave Monday over the Burlington.
Lincoln county Is going Into irrigation more
extensively than any other locality In the
"tate. A large and handsome townsh'p map
or the county has Just been cJmpleted , show-
lag every ' mile or ditch now finished. In
length It antolnt9 to 150 miles , and each
mile will irrigate 1.000 ncres.
Yesterday afternoon John Conway , a
young man o Lincoln while visiting his
fathcr . in-law , twelve miles north of the city ,
met with a serious accident . lie was try-
Ins to break n colt by hitching him with
another steeel to the front portion or the
running gear or a wagon. The team ran
away and Conway role a considerable ills.
.9 tance with his head ! and shoulder Iyln"
against one or the rapidly revolvIng wheels
before ho was thrown under the vehicle. The
wonder Is that lila brains were not beaten
out. lie was bruised to a Pull ) In various
parts or hIs otly , sustained n seriously true-
tured collar boiio , a broken thumb and n
I dislocation or the bones 01 several fingers.
The fracture or the collar bone Is nn ugly
wound , as Ils In a position were adjustment
Dr the fracture II dufilcult .
. In distrIct court today the Newport Sav.
Ingl bank ot Newport , N. I. , was glnm
Judgment against Tulle and Davi } May for
$2,651.45 on 1 note. and George Olcot and
the Connecticut River National bank ot
Charleston. N. ii. , was given n jUdgment
for $2,289.95 on simIlar Paper
l.olls Prouty lit named as co.respolent } by
- ' Nelson J. Vosler or Unlversty ! Place , whu
1 brings stilt for divorce agaInst hIs wIle. Jel'
. ' isle , who he claims has been untrue to him
Mr. Vosler recites In lila petition that she
broke the sevenths commandment during the
preset month at her own 11010 , and ho de.
blres forthwith to be relieved or her.
Today a divorce suit was begun by Charles
J. Schwartz agaInst his wllo. Sarah. The
question agitating Lincoln tonIght Is , who
Ire the SchwartzI as there Is considerable
mYltery surrounding the case . No sooner
c . . had the title or the case been entered on
I. . _ _ _ the 1JIearance ) docket than the papers were
removed from the tiles by Cark & Alen ,
atornefl fcc the plalntlr , on the order Dr
Judge Holme . The petition charge adul.
tory and atnillar misdemeanors.
! 81mlu mldtmennon.
The motion for a new trial by the .Itlene } .
ant In Melck against the Mt on's Fraternal
AccIdent association has been overruled.
This Is the cue In which lie policy 01 Dr.
Iobbln" , who commuted suicide while seif'
ferlng the agonies 01 lockjaw , was sued on
and defended on the ground that It was a
plain case 01 suicide.
\ The Omaha blolmths hall anther hearing
today before Jlstco Spencer. An enthusiasrn
tic circle was on hall to testIfy for the
nccusell. Dr. Imma Hazen was first exam-
Ined. She Is n pleasant mlleUe.oged Indy ,
and never once lost her temper while on the
siand She said she had : been graduated } nt
alrmonl , O. She denied 11ractclng medi
cal , surgery or obstetrics.
" ' with tha M. I D.'s , "
"We have to be friends wih D.s
she saul , "becnuse ' send all such cases
to them.
She failed , however to explain how she
reconcUe this with her former wholesale
denunciation 01 the regular eloetors.
The case against the blopalhs Is being
proseeuled by Lincoln physicians , who accuse -
cuse them or practicing medicine Ilegal )
UIWln'TIOS ' 1 COI.O'U ' . COU\
,110h"l. CIIEcn ( vo luf"lo 111 n
Chnnrn 10 l'IRn cIrasicfl .
IUSIVt.Il , Neb" , I eb. 23.-Spcelal ( Tehe
grarn.-hion ) , W. F. Cody . "Buffalo lull , " has
been here durIng the latter p.lrt 01 the week ,
the guest or 3. : P. ABa ) lie Is here to secure
100 choice braves from Pine Ridge reservation -
ton , 10 bo forwarded to Phlalelphla , 10
join his Wid Wct nggrcgaton , The colonel
has a government permIt for 12. Indians , but
only needs 100 nt present. The Indlnns will
leave liere h for the ( east April 1 : . The princely
snlnrles pall these red men and the kind ,
generous treatment accorded them by the
Wild West management maltes the visit or ,
Co.onel Cody or any or his agents to the '
reservation occasions for rejoicing , and every
able bodied IndIan wants to go.
'Che \ 'lid'est will Open In Philadelphia
nnel ( travel Ilurlng the season , visiting all 11e (
Ilrlncl 01 cities In the east , fInishing up at
Atlanta . nt lie ( Colon exposition ,
The citizens today tendered Colonel Coy
n serenade and reception , and In his speech
on lie ( occasion he remarked that the ( lrnpres-
slon he recel'C In the east of the condition
or Nebrnskn's pCple led hIm to believe that I
their principal diet consisted 01 prairie dog .
and wnter straight , but he was glad that he
hail found I far from being so ball lie be-
levcl , judging from his long experience and
observations tn the western country , that
there would be an abundance of rain antI a
bountiful crop thIs year , and advised all Nebraska .
hrnskn Ileoplo to alto ( courage and stay wih
the country and go to work Inlubtrously ! as
soon ns eprng ; opens The cit zcni 01 Chndron
telcrllhed down this evening , tendering
Colonel Cody a reception II he would come
up , but he was forced to decline on account
or not feeling wel and . - - pressure . or business.
: I'I.\n ISTI
"u lcnlo anti nnlluet Vllnr thp AU.Ice : of
; : i. ? llcrinitti Vnuiiiinnuery "t Irnl' e'
BEATRICE , Feb. 23-Speelal ( Telegram , )
-The musicale and banquet given last night
hy the Mount Herman commanlery No 7 ,
Knights Templar , In the Masonic temlllo In
this city , was an occasion that for weeks
has been looked forward to by society people.
I proved tQ be the social event or the season.
John N. Vanduyn of \\'lbe'r acted as mas-
ter of ceremonies and at 8:30 : o'clock an-
nounced the opening ot the muslcnle-"A
Spring Song " by a Iluartet composed or
Mrs. H. M. Brown , ) Miss Grace Fuller . ! essrs.
Gilbert lahner and H. D. Cogswehl. This
was followed jy several other numbers ,
comprising recitations . orchestral vocal and
Instrumental selections. The program
throughout was one or unusual merIt
At 10 o'clock the large dancing room In
connection wIth the temple was thrown open
and the grand march led by sir knights and
ladies , was participated In. Dancing was
then begun and contnued untl 1:30 : a. m. ,
the banqueting rooms beIng visited durIng
the evening by the large assembly present.
Music for the occasion was furnished by
the Wiber orchestra mid was ' the sUbject
or much favorable comment. The attendance ,
vas by .lellt and comprised the best people
, of the city , as well ns many from nelghbo
log towns. The rooms were profusely decor-
ated ( In n manner appropriate to lie ( occasion
and presented n'lst attractive appearance ,
the ( brilliancy of the scene being greatly
augmented by the many elaborate costumes
, worn by the Uests. The sir knights or
Mount herman commnndery fully sustained
their reputation ns royal entertainers.
Iems of thu \eelt lt Orll
OID , NED. , Feb. 23.-Speelal.-A. ( ) W.
Jackson and family left Wednesday noon for
their new home In Randolph Ia.
George Millard ! has traded his farm for A.
P. Jensen's stock of general merchandise.
Two Gal ladles were honored by the
Grand Army or the Republic reunion held
1t Ilastings. Mrs E. M. Foster was chosen
ecretnry and Mrs. S. A. Mason department
The marriage or William James Mlord
to MIss Emma Hatlf occurred at the home
or the bride's Ilarents , Wednesday evenIng ,
Hov. W. D. L ? onnt officiating.
Several persons were received Into lie
Christian church Sunday evening They
were baptized at the resIdence of Mr War-
wlcl" , where a large tank had been prepared
for lie occasion.
The Valley County Agricultural society
held its meeting at the office of the see - -
Is meetng ofeo
lary. The following named gentlemen
were elected. D. McCall . president ; W. H.
H. Rainsay vice president : W. C. Hall .
.econel vice president ; W. L. McNut , thIrd
vice president ; A. S. Howan , secretary ; A.
J. Forklns , treasurer.
Quito n number of promInent citizens , irrespective .
respective or creed , religion , profession , be-
ler or disbelief , have organized themselves
Into a society for the study or the bible. ,
Prof. George 1. Kelley or the ( Ord Igh
school Wl lead the meeting. A great deal
of Interest Is taken In the ( move anti some
interesting discussions may be looked for.
lot E"rl wih ISis J'rnfe..or
GREENWOOD , Neb , I eb. 23.-Speclal.- ( )
Forrest Montgomery , whie nt the flight
school literary , alcmpteel ( ( to disturb the ( so
ciety and was promptly ejected by the superintendent -
intendent The offender In company wIth
a number or other men went to an old stable
and waylaid the rOfeSfor ! on his way home
and knocked him Insensible. They used a
wagon slloke. The parents ( or the chief
offender stand very high In the community
In which they hive , and have no control what- I
ever over the lad , who Is barely 18 years of
age. The superintendent left for Phutts-
mouth to cause him to be arrested on the
char"o or assault with Intent to commit
bodily injury and an attempt , will bo made
to place him In the reform Ichool.
( : hRrled wih Cntte MenUI !
SPINGVIW , Neb. , Feb 23.-SIelal.- ( )
Hyden and Robinson , two young men or
Duston Creel , were arrested and brought to
town yesterday charged with cattle stealing .
Other arrests wIll follow . as there ( are more
In the gang .
The noOOo feed and seed bond was ele.
teatet by four votes to ont at the recent
election. Keya Iaha county warrants are
worth about 98 cents on the dollar and the
people prOIKse to keep them there
The county Is getting some aid from vri-
vato donations , and owing to the ( mid winter
farmer have more feed than wIll be used
Stock Is looking wel , but what the ( farmers
need most Is seed for sprIng's sowIng.
1)t.triet I , 'ourt I 10u'll nt 1'uiierton.
FULLERTON , Neb" , I'cb. 23.-Speclal- ( )
Hon. J. J. SuU\n last evening closed the
spring term or lie ( distrIct court here. The
docket was cleared of nearly ! every case .
Fred Itandoiph a young , prosperous and
highly respected farmer , living near thIs city ,
today marrIed .he young , handsme and ac-
comlllshed daughter or : lr. Barclay I.amb
a wealthy farmer or this county The nuptial
cerfmony was perlormed at lie ( Catholic
church lu this city by Rev . Father O'Itliey of
Albion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11 111Int % , . ul ) lcCuol Junction.
M'COOL JUNCTION , Neb" , I eb. 23.-
( SIclal.-e ) drouth through which the
farmer or York county have just passed
does not to al large an extent al was esti.
matell injure the good trade that McCool
has always enjoyed . I Is surprising the
amount of cash that Is paid to merchants
hY farmers. Saturdays are the bUIY da'I ,
and the streets are usually crowded with
( earns. One merchant last week rceived a
carload of rocer1es ,
Governor Refuses t Extend Oemency t
the Condemned Muderer ,
I'rianncr Not UIAtnrbrll by lila Approach-
lag Execution and Ins1h tlt , JI -
( ice Has Not IrcI Ix-
1'llleel tn Ihini.
PLATTSMOUTII , Neb" Feb. 23.-Spcclal (
Telegram.-Tho ) first nail on the scaffold
from whIch Murderer larry II will take
his downward plunge Friday was elrhen :
thIs mornIng , and n force or carpenters has
pushed the erection 01 lie structure . and its !
enclosure wih unusual activity throughout
the entire 11 a ) ' . The finishing touches will
have been completed early In the week. I
was though that the sound or the ( hammer
In such close proximity to the Jai would
have n manifest elect upon the prisoner , lut
when n representative 01 The Dee calee } this
afternoon ho wore the ( same defiant air ns
over , enl nlhoug:1 : It was apparent that the
luau's will power was being sorely tried , ho
bore up bravely and gave but little outward
sign 01 his mental suferIngs ,
All hope 01 interference by the governor
has dlsnppenreel. A messnge came from
LIncoln thIs evening signed by the governor
and addressed to Matthew Goring . 11111's
counsel , In which the Ilrlsoner's doom was
sealed . The Import of the message was to
the effect that Hill hall been accorded a fair
and Impartial trial , the supreme court hall
reviewed the case and affirmed lie decision
of the lower court , and the , findings or the
courts would not be subjected to any guber-
natorlnl Interterence.
The news or the overnor's decision was
taken to the Prisoner lie received It with
his sual vindictive air , and retorted that
having never been given justice he could
not expect I now.
The prIsoner gives every evidence 01 being
resigned to hIs fate. Tomorrow , , the condemned .
demneel mnn's last Sabbath on earth , will
be his 31t birthday nnniversnry.
I'remlsr of a Inrllf County Farmer Made
V.o of by ii Thier.
SPRINGFIELD , Neb. , Feb. 23.-Special (
Telegrain.-The ) citizens 01 this village and
vicinity were starte this morning upon
learning that during the night Detectve
Hudson or Omaha , In company with Sheriff
Startzer ( or this county , had swooped down
upon a wel loaded fence on the premIses 01
G. W. Hngo , a highly respect farmer liv-
lag three miles southeast or this place. The
officers came wIth a search warrant , and went
through his barn and unearthed fifteen sets
of harness . three top buggies and one sprIng
wagon , which they loaded up and took to
For a year or more farmers In this neighborhood -
borhood have been missIng harness and other
artcles , and have searched high and low for
them , but all In vain. The unexpected find
In Mr. Rlugo's barn solves the mystery Mr.
lingo was not nt home when the ofcers
came and the only obtainable Information
regarding the preseree of the stolen property
was received from his eldest son . who told
the officers that n man named Drown had
len the ( gods there from time to time during
the last year.
Brown has been camping along the Plat
bottoms with several women or questionable
character for some ( line , but six weeks ago
he sUddenly disappeared. He was regarded
with suspicion while here and generally
wih suspicon whie generaly
looked upon ns a bad 1 an. During the fore
part or this winter he made his headquarters
on the Hinge rnneh. Ringo's character has
always been above reproach. He was In
Omaha today , and his side of , the story could
not be obtained but It Is not believed that
he has knowIngly been Implicated with Drown
In the wholesale robbery.
InterestIng 1 xlter SocIal.
EXETER , Neb" , Feb. 23.-Speciah.--Thie ( )
social at the resIdence ! or D. C. Ragan
Thursday evenIng was the most successful
or any yet given under the auspices or the
Congregational social committee. ThIs Is
one or the largest residences In the city , but
It was fled to overflowing , nearly 160 being
present A few socIal games were attempted -
tempted , but the jam was so greaV they
could not be carrIed on very successruly ,
The literary and musical program was a
decided success especially the piano and
cornet duet by Mrs. Ragan and son , Harry
the guitar duet by Messrs. nagnn and Reid
and the recitation by Miss Jo Williams .
The Baptist I.adles' SowIng society met
with Mrs. E. ' ' Pester , In the country ,
Thursday , and In the evening held a social.
The law-nbldlng citizens or this place arc
after Peter Paul wIth a sharp stick. Very
shortly after It was decided by the last
spring election that nothing stronger than
ginger ale , lemonade and pop should bo sold
In this vlrt\lus' city . Paul concluded that
the boys ought not to be compelled to go
thirsty for a whole year. So he opened n
so.caled lunch room on one or the side
streets , which soon became very popular. anti
Pnul did a very prosperous business eight
or nine months. The good citizens , howevdr
rose up In their might by this time , and
Pauhl . becoming somewhat alarmed con-
eluded I was best to close up until the
clouds passed. But several complaints have
been fed against hIm and he will have to
stand trIal.
John Hayes , a son or Mike hayes or this
place ) , died very suddenly Friday. Ho was
working on a farm about four miles south or
rlend. I The cause or his death was be.
loved to be heart failure. He was about
20 years old. The remains were brought
here Saturday and burled from the Catholic
church Sunday Father Simeon officiating. ,
Eugene Williams came In from Chicago !
Friday for n visit with his parents , Mr. and
Mrs. R. n. WIlliams , and other relatives.
lila Clr Inhuty Returned.
WAHOO , Neb , Feb 23.-Speclnl.-Pres ( ) _
hey Dlshop , an insane man , has been placed
In the county Jai to prevent hIm doing mls-
ehler. About three years ago ho was diii-
charged from the asylum ns cured , but lies
hecomo so vIolent of late that I was found
necessnry to take him In charge. Ho will bo
sent to the asylum as soon as room Is found
for hIm.
On Monday Joseph 1lrchnlvy was taken
to lie penitentiary by Sheriff Uuck. lUrch-
navy was convicted about a year ago of
assault with Intent to kill , and his case has
been pending 1,1 the suprfme court , but the
JUcgment or the lower court was affirmed
and he goes to the penitentiary for two
yen rs.
On Friday Henry Warner . an IncorrIgible
youth , was taken to lie reform school.
August Lounihhohns n farmer residing six
mlel northwest or this city atempted 8ul.
cldo last night by shooting himself through
the breast with a revolver. lie was 27 years
of age . The cause or the shooting Is not yet
known. Ills recovery Is doubtful .
l'roposad I.Iluritry locloly U"hnIO.
NORTH LOUI' , Neb. , Feb. 23.-Special- ( )
The Woodmen Literary society or this place
has been chalenged to debate with repre-
sentatyes or the noyal Domosthenes ( society
or Onl , and lie ( challenge wi probably - be
accepted .
On acount 01 a supposed lack of statutory
authority , the village bard ot this munici-
paly has al yet taken no acton In regard
to irrigation water this season , notwhthustund.
lag the fact that a lateral now runs through
lie ( town site. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11,1" ( Iy Irlltel ,
DAVID CITY , Neb. , -I eb , 23.-Speclal.- )
Iesdames Myatt . and l ratCr entertained
their friends at P.thla8 hal lat enmlng.
M's Helwig , teacher In the high school ,
has resigned and her place has ben fled
temporarily by Miies : lulElmsn.
Mes Vincent , who auaulLd Sherif Derby
with a double.barreled shotgun , was fined
0 and costs.
George Norton and wife returned home
from their ( wedding tour 'esterday.
I'lum tnulo II/rIPI' / ' .
AURORA , Neb. , I eb. 23.-Special.-The ( ) 1
farm house or I. C. lean , south or the city , .
burned yelterday. The loss Is about $ ,20
with insurance or $800 , hI Ihe State of DeB
Molues . The same company bad $250 InBur-
nnco on Ihe ( houscholl goods , most of whIch
were saved The fire c'fhIn the upper
story from a defective Ille ! ' I
Wnll "Iorm 't unite.
BUTTE , Net , Feb. 23.-Special.-A ( ter-
rifle wind and sand sMih' Irevalell here
Wednesday , rendering trafc quite ImpossI-
ble. In some tarts of th I' fnty ? light show-
ers are reported , but battl ) \noulh to settle
the dust. " , \ ,
Complete returns troml all precincts In the
county shows that nt Ihlhlprclal election heM
Tuesday to bond lloyd , county In the sum or
$20,00 to pay its intlebtedness , G7 Votes
were cast In favor 01 ' the proposition and
33t votes were against It. '
(1111m I'rht J'lghtcr. I'leiii , floUt , .
PLATVSMOUT1 I , Neb : , Feb. 23.-Speclnl (
Telegrnm.-HCI ) O'Nei and Arthur \othery
or Omaha appearoj In distrct :
apieare Ihtrct court today
and entered pleas ot guilty to lie charge 01
aiding and abetting the Iln.lsny.obblns
prize fight In this city last AUlusl. The men
will bp sentenced next week. \
, \tRckcl ( hYI , ' tul l'iill.
100mS , Neb . Feb. 23.-Speciah.-Whiile ( )
driving cattle ) 'estellny. Mr. Stocker , the
butcher , was nlnckc1 by a mad bull and
severely Injured. One 0 [ the ( horns penetrated
the ( thigh nail mode an ugly wound It was
n narrow escape.
( ] u.Is. .5 . ? ) .ISA C1t.lI1U1I , l'ITI 111.1. .
I "tor NO" A nf ( Ito S'iiahiIigtnn Star , \ter
th" 1 "lor of the Nt' " ' , irk ! UI ,
Nln\ ' YOlK , Feb. 23.-A Wnshlngton spa.
clal to the World says his ( morning : Frank
U. Noyes , business manager or the ( Evening
Star or this city . and one or the most Prolni-
heist and pOlllar young men In Washington ,
nnnounced thIs evening that he hal tele.
graphed to his lawyers In New York to have
Charles A. Uana , edlcr ot the New York
Sun . arrested for criminal lbel The Sun
this ( morning printed n long editorial article
attacking the management Ilf the Associated
press , In the course of whiihi was the sen-
tence : "They ( the subscribers to the Asso-
cntel : press ) may see their way 10 making
such n thoroughly dishonest director no F. D.
Nos ot'nshlngton , for Instance refund to
them the amuunt or the extra assesnieiits
out or which they have been buncoed . "
This attack ) Mr. Noyes created n sen-
ration here No one stands higher In the (
ealllni than he , either In business or society.
Ail lurIng ( Ihe ( day lr ; Nores received as.
surnces thaI his acquaintances throughout
the city bele\'e.1 In him. Mr. No'es 1dm-
self acted promptly. In the ( Evening Star
tonight the leading editorial article con-
cludC with these words : ' 'For this mal-
cious personal libel , commited without a
shadow or justification or excuse , the ( Sun
shall be made to stiffer I there Is any virtue
In the criminal laws or New York "
WASHINGTON , Feb. 23-The Washington -
ton Post . n United press paper , this morn-
lag I nn editorial dePrecates the attack on
the Associated press by the New York Sun ,
and wih , reference to Mr. Frank B. Noyes
says : "In Its edition 01 Friday the Sun
took occasion to refer In most Injurious
terms to Mr. Frank D. Noyes of the ( Even-
Ing Stir or this cl ) Mr. Noyes Is one or
the directors of the Associated press , and In
that capacity has Incurri' the animosity 01
our esteemed contemp'orary' \Ve are very
sure however , that tht Sun's accusation
against him will not pear inquiry ) and for
our part we take plesur ' In saying of a
fellow townsman , albeit n competitor lu
business , that no one" who knows him as
well ns we do will be In the very least disturbed -
turbed by the Sun's' extraordinary ' nUacl
Mr. Noyes can afford , to , let , It pass . without
notice or any kind.
WASHINGTON Fel , . 22-Tho ! WashIngton -
ton News , I Unied pros paper and the
Evening Star's opponent In the afternoon
field . says this aflrl\OCn \ editorially that
: Ir. Dana or the Ncv York Sun weakens
his attack on the Assotiated press , at
least for this commuit ) ' . ' when he makes
C personal nUnclt on thc honcRty of Frank
n.NoyeR. - . and adds : ' 'llle business In-
tegrly or Mr. Noyes hUH never been qUes-
toned by those who know him best. "
. - - .
. , ' IJIfIEFS.
. X tLHUt.U'IIU ill l'S.
' Ex-Goveinor Oglesb 's . ' cqudlUon ' Il much
Improved. . . , : ' ;
Chicago { populsts , have nominated Dnyard
F Holmes for mayor
Canadian Pacific directorS adjourned wIth-
out declaring a dividend.
' The Southern society > or New York held Its
ninth annual bnnQuet last night.
A class or 222 were initiated - Into the Mys-
tic Shrine nt Cincinnati yesterday.
Two men were frozen to death In the recent -
cent cold snAp near , Pound , Gap , Ky.
The National Farmers' institute nt VIcks-
burg , Miss" , closed with n grand ball.
Lancaster . 0. , citizens have started a
movement to erect a monument to General
John D. Zau , one or the pioneers of the oil
busIness In Pennsylvania died yesterday nt
The AmerIcan Newspaper Publishers' assc-
elation concluded its session In New York
The grand jury IlDelon , Tox. , has Indicted
ex-County Treasurer Blair for misappropriat-
lug public money.
United States Rubber works at New Brunswick -
wick N. J. have been shut down on account -
count of lack or orders
The congress or Daughters or the Ilevolu-
ton elected Mrs. Jc1 A. T. lul of Iowa
one or the vIce presidents.
A Southern Pacific train was wrecked at
Pncfc wreckel
Franklin . La. , and the engineer and fire-
man "iere severely , though not fatally , In- ;
The officers or the Typographical unIon at
nelon , Tex , hnvo been "Indicted for Issuing
n boycott circular against a'IJper which employed .
ployed nonunion printers.
Fred Young , a former Minneapolis business
nian whom rumor connected with the fling
murder care , line been arrested at St. LouIs
for passing a forged c1eck.
The executive committee or the board or
walking delegates at New Yorl has approved
the action or the wire men anti It Is hoped the
strike will bo settled by Monday.
A populist and democratic member ot the
Oklahoma legislature precipitated a fight by
forcing their way Into lie ( chamber where a
republican caucus was In progress.
The city council or Rochester , N. Y. , has
been called together to alto action In cc-
gnrd to according an appropriate reception
to the remaIns of Frederlcl Douglas.
A confidential agent 01 the Guatemala government -
eminent Is In San FrancIsco with the avowed
purpose or purchasing several vessels In case
or war between his country and Mexico .
The Belgian Iron workers who came over
under contract were detected by the authorities -
Ites at Pliiiisdelphiei" \ ' ' the steamship ( com-
Iany will be compelled to take them back .
A memorial tablet wj-yesterday dedicated
at Baltimore , markIng th .ocaton or the old
court house , where the Declaration of lade-
IJendenco was read to/thuleople , of that city .
TraIn robbers hell1'ul" the 'I rlsco train
near Nevada Mo. The I express messenger
left the car and hid , andlas the robbers had
no means of openlni the sate they got
nothiiiig . J i I
Passengers on a s1 an1er just arrived at
San Francisco from ( Acu'uleo , Mex" , state .
that the cruiser D ' nllnb"on Is at that hart
tumbled , government llofts to the contrary ,
notwithstanding. : : "I
Doctor who have Of ! Jled Father O'Grady
report that his death II , , lly a question of a
short tme ( and there Is no prospect that he
will bo brought to trial fo the murder or a
young Cincinnati gIrt ( 11
ExperIments have ' rMled doubts among
naval experts 8S to whether the Whiehead
torpedoes can be depended upon In cold
weather , The oil In the ( controlling valve
becomes chilled and the valve will not work
properly .
Morganfeld has been , hlenUled at the trIal' '
by Express Messenger Murray as being the (
leader or the Aqula creek raid Searcey , the
other robber , made a confession on the
stand , stating Morganfel was the leader
or lie affair .
Mrs. M. C. Taylor or GuthrIe , Okl" , blew off
UIO head of Wiiam H. Harrison with a shot-
gun. Harrison wu a detective whom Mrs.
Taylor's husband had hired to watch her for
the purpose of securIng , evidence to use In
a divorce caso.
Republicans frdm all aver Michigan , who
had gathered to atfnd the ( state conven.
ton ( , celebrated WarhlnGton's birthday at
Detroit. Governor McKinley or Ohio reo
idled ) tc the teat of the "Itepubhican 1arty , "
giving the Cleveland administration a severe
- - -
I\ELLEY , STIGEI\ & co. '
r ' : )0 ) ( :
, -
Spring AnnOltUcement.
Atractvc Slcudors Lace Dept.
for Spring 1895.
BEAU''lFUh [ Nl\\ ' I\CIS :
CH : PI' that : Is lie II/l'll fl hloluhlo At"I'l"l. :1,1' ,
' / FOH 'P1Il' Sl'ltlNl ANI ) SUi1MI1t
cl'ch'l. Wo { IIIII ' Ihol II 'I1N 81HO ImH
SILK iEASON . Tl'S'I' ImmI'gD. :
' . . .
WOOl.D ' liite of all tiilk Brotlt'rie
COI1IIl'tO Ihll ni IHt.nlcllo
. . \BHCS Auigliiiso IHI htrode't'le liruxehleti , Iu ' \'hi1te Goods. '
, ' " " > I.t'I'I'1 t I. ' " , \I/Inlc , C1l'10 IHI Bloeh'I'I bll'I'O. B1uxolc ow 'hle
CltHl'l 1'I41S4E : , . .
CH lg NH'r ' 101 l'OlN'1 ! DP ] \I"HW : , .11 ow Dotted Swl ! cs.
cn El'l' : A l4l4lGA1Olt , . ,
111' I.Y.IGAlOn silk iuuud cotton , all vidthies. ow Plain Itieks.
' ' . ' . Ik nli colol ni whlh Ilnll Ducll.
Clml1 NO\'l14'CIflS. : !
Black 1111(1 nIl the enlors iii ' . \A " DY1g l4A'I'S : , II BOI1llo19 ntHl ' ' , .
Bnck IHI ni ( 'I 11's II "l Ue. : : l'1111011 DUtII.
' ' ' ' , ' ' " . \ ' ' Points , In black , corn itud .
1'01'01 hAlt 1'1'11" \'l'lwllnl Iolut ! II COI IIHI , , . . ' , .
' .
Ne' Gnletet Strhiws.
' , bout's'e. ,0\ \1 ( 1. SI'IIH
lHER FOn SPEEDY SAl4lS. : bOt'I'O.
S\I SS ' ' .U' 11'1'\ . Nfl'L' ' 1'01 [ BnOnmnl l : IADNHA NeSS' Scotch GI IIUUR.
CI\X'K AD S'1'HIND 'I'AI.'I.'N'I'AR icis , II black , CI'CIII : anti bellrc , ow Scotch Ch\'luts.
' ' ' ' , ' .
: iINhVPt'ItH ChECKS IN I 'I1AFpoint ie l'ai'is Chutn'y ittud ? iinhtesu
Iollt Chll nltl
11'1 ' Inlc .
Fl'i'A ! 8II.K. to - ew Scotch : IHI'I : Cloths. '
FB'A . ' . . ' " , ' . [ ' , ' . " . - . , Iacc : . nil whlhl , und In8011019 ( 10 "
1"\\ .lAPANI'Sfl SILKS. . . New' Scolch Flauiii'ls.
inutc'li. t I Fltlts.
I IlltflSlS'rAItlE ( : Nl"I'nAC'I'IO IN 11 . . , .
IHH SIH'1ABI.I' _ FItENCIL , I'I'AI4IAN ! . 11\1 AND .
' ' ( I , Ionlestic Glnghnms.
" :
, " " . . ow
SwI : \'EL SI IlCS. DOlestc
. ' . ' , . : ' \ : . . AN'L'IQUfl YA lAlNC1NNES I LACES ; , In
I\Al\\ "ASI SI.I.I.IC. . uiidk'ss 'I'IQ1B ' 'tlt'l'i3' . O NtV' Failcy Drcss Luwius.
elt llH
, . ' ' . 1
lNflSl SI LKS -hlES'i' -600.
SI.KS-BES'I'-GOC. Hnll Inllo ! 101'chol , iIei1icl ( nll Ne' Printed , Cluninboid Brihhlnntiu
EIII ' Illchnsl'H. ) wl secl'o the : lclcl 1I'IItl'd Chllho't BI'llultnQ
choice Ht 'leH. 'l11 best effects tit'e sold SiilYi'iutt . LICt : , In nIl widths , and II' Ne' POI'cnleH.
sei'tioii 10 I t cli.
ilrst. SCI.tol 0 Inlch.
HIm 1I' IN OUt \ VEST'INDOW : OUH Y1 1'I'IYA : DYKI'1 COLLARS , Special sale In Lnulllo1otI nlI U.
$ : ! .HS ) SIH G Dmss PAlrm H. 4lnch F'itENCII , UIWFO ( S II all hlUllolc(1 Shirts .
The latest : novelty II COLOltl'1) shindi's.
Spechtl sale on Musllii Ijiuderwear.
clnilox nt $1,00. ( ) INI'I'S'I : NO" ) rI'I1S IN "mI- Oi : 11 Uulorwenr.
The best effects . ever tISllla : ' 11 II hln ( ' IXGH , sitigle IHI 110ubh ! wldlhs . Our stock or Linens , olblcus all .
Freiicht'novelty BLACK DItESS GOODS NE't\7 fllUl lFltI ES.
FI'clch'JoYcl 1.ACK DltSS 1W 1 lnODmIm'
thc ( iies' ilttel'iaS iii Danutaks , Napkins ,
' ' . . ' 10W IJtols II DnllsltB Ntilldns
Se ! om' all black brocaded slul tie- SWISS M4Vi''LLEI ) SET ItItltOID- , the largest ever exhibited by ths
! 11 II GLACE tUl JAPANESE EHIES II all lie ( InleHt loop edge ,
SIJ4IC : at S c. ; tlto Ilc Irish Illlt lace . ! ceH ,
OItGANDIES-Tlie admiration or all r.AI'I S1 NO'EI4'1'1l'S IN I PASSI
! llcctntO' ) . IEN'l'1'fltI ES.
: l
pr.AIDS-.Tustln , silk and wool , $1.23 tlr CAItNIi'IIItES. LOWEST
grade lt Sc. P08SIBI PiticEs.
Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Streets.
- - - -
, , ' " , ,
People Throughout , the State Oelebute'
Washington's Birthday Appropriately .
, -
Excellent Program Rel1crell by the Dodge
County Normul Sehool-1'rh'uto Itosi-
deuces the SC.10 of Fcstlltea
on Alt Sides.
FREMONT , Feb. 23.-Speclal.-The (
patriotic people or Fremont celebrated Wash-
Ington's birthday In n mnnner which shows
theIr full appreciation or the Father or the
Country. 'he Bachelor Girls' Music club was
entertained In the evening , together with their
gentlemen friends , at the homo or Mr. and
Mrs. George A. HIckok , the affair being given
In honor or Miss Alice Wood , a sister or !
Mrs. Ilickok There was present a large
compay or young ladles and gentlemen , and
Ihe occasion was a very enjoyable one. A
splendid musical program was carried out
There were various games and amusements ,
and delicious refreshments were served.
At the Fremont normal school there was
nn excelent entertaInment. Nearly fifty people -
plo appeared In colonial costumes George
Schaar appearing as George Washington , and
Mrs. DeLarlo , the teacher of elocution , ns
Martha Washington. There was a welt arranged -
ranged program , which Included an oration
by J. W. HarrIson , a recitation hy Mrs. De
Lnrla , and then there was a grand march
and pleasant games In the chapel
The residence or Mr. and Mrs. 1) . M. Huger
on East Sixth street was the scene or festivity -
tvl ) ' last evening , the occasion beIng a ro
cepton given to a large party or young peo-
PlO by their daughter Miss Ethel Huer.
There were refreshments , music and games ,
and the young people had a happy ( tarn until
a late hour.
There were several other small parties In
thD ( city. The pUblc offices and the banks
kept Sunday hours. The Fremont Maenner-
chor gave a masquerade party at their hal
on D street , which was well attended.
OID , Neb" , Feh. 23.-Speciai.-Washiing- ( )
ton's birthday exercIses were held In al
the school rooms yesterday "Uncle Sam , "
Liberty , George WaBlnglon and the thir-
ten colonIes were appropriately represented
by the scholars , The rooms were tastefully
decorated for the ( occasion , and the ( exercises
were listened to by parent and others. I
ASHLAND , Neb , I " eb. 23.-Speclal.- ( )
Ashland schools observed Washington's
birthday by carryIng out In a very creditable -
able manner the program recommended by
lie state superIntendent. TIme rooms were
elaborately decorated with lie national
colors and a 'great number or the patrons or
the school were present. In the evening lie
Literary society gave a "Washington" pro-
grain , assisted by the Stereoptcan company ,
with their beauUfll1 scenes or Incidents ot
lie ( revolution .
A very unique social was given by lie
ladles or the ChrlsUnn church last evening
at the ( reslleuco of John Miller . Games
were furnished for nmusement and all had
a plelant Umo.
SIILILBY , Neb. , Feb. 23.-SpEclnl- ( )
WaBhlngton's anlversary was observed In a
patrIotc manner hero. Most or the business
houses and some or the town buildings were
( decorate' with fags and bunting The band
boys had a large band wagon which they (
purchased from a circus when I broke up.
They took thIs trom its winter quarters and
In the evening gave a serenade The school
devoted the afternoon to appropriate exor-
OSCEOLA , Neb. , 'eb. 23.-Speelal.- ( )
There never was such a local gathering ns
that at the Grand Army or the Republic
hal last night. The boys have a large hal
and many had to go away because there
was no rooni The boys celebrated Wash.
Ington'l birthday by a rousing camp fro
and threw on the rails and did the story
telling } lhout having some 01 the ( big gen.
orals from abroad
JUNIATA Neb" , Feb 23.-Speclal.-The ( )
local schools very appropriately celebrate
Washiimgton'a birthday yesterday. The dIfer-
ent rooms were nicely decorated , and large
nags were raised over the three buildings.
The exercises consisted ot reading , singing
and declsraUons.
Many visitor were In attendance , among
them being lie county superintendent
DAVID CITY , Neb. , l eb. 2.-Speclal- ( )
'Vashlngton's birthday was celebrated by
tIme citizens or this city and surrounding coumi-
try , the business houses and ' many or the (
residences beIng decorated with the national
colors. The public schools prepared n
patriotic program for the day tending to
teach patriotism In the schools.
The second annual ball or company E , Ne-
braska National guards , took place In the
evening In the ( opera house , which was taste-
fully decorated and brilliantly Ightell i
Colonel Ilratt . Adjutant General Gage , Inspector - ;
specter General Hotchkiss , together with
Major erehet and Lleutennnt Pershing of the (
Unltl States army were present.
The grand march was led by Adjutant Gen-
. oral Gage and Miss Sue Dean. An elegant
I repast was served at lie Perkins hotel , anti
the entire affair was or a high order.
FALLS CITY. Neb. , Feb. 23.-Speeial.- ( )
Washington's birthday was celebrated here
very appropriately. Last night , In the Jenne
opera house , the Indic or the Christian church
gave an entertainment , in I which all ( lie presidents -
idents were represented from Vashiington to
Cleveland. In the court house ( lie Grand
Army of ( ho Republic gave a public entertainment -
tainment , in which prominent speakers of
tIme county and ( lie scholars of the public
schools took part.
EXETER , Neb. , Feb. 23.-Special-Thie ( )
ladies of the Women's Relief corps were well
paid for the trouble they hind taken to prepare -
pare a birthday reception for George Washington -
ington Friday. They were hardly able to
feed ( lie poojile as fast as they came. The
recitations , readings amid music wore also
very good.
\\'AIJOO , Neb. , Feb. 23.-Speclnl-The ( )
teachers and pupils of the city schools gave
a Washiingtoii program at the opera house
last night. It called forth a large crowd , and
was very entertaining and Instructive ,
Asliiiiiid Sci 1 i'orit ,
AShLAND , Neb. , Feb. 23.-Speciah.-Miss ( )
Grace Reasoner gave a delightful "at home"
last evening to which over fifty young iseople
were invited. 'rho house was elaborately
decorated with siniiax anti roses. Thus evening -
ing was spent in games of all sorts , and re-
fresbiinenta were served at a very late hour.
Miss Grace , having reached her 26th year
yesterday. took ( lila means of celebrating ( lie
occasion ,
Sheriff \Vhiiteloclc met with a serious accident -
dent yesterday afternoon by running against
an iron door.
J. C , Medtlehl , who has been visiting in
Malvern , Ia. , for ( lie imst week , returned
home totlay ,
Andrew hanson , who recently purchased a
meat niarket in Council Bluffs , is in ( lie city
on business.
haiidlortl Baker of ( lie Conimnercial hotel
of this city reports business from thio first of
tIme year better than it has been in the last
two years.
Minor J , Wells , an old Ashland boy , who
travels for ( lie Westonhieuso Manufacturing
company , is In ( lie city visiting friends anti
relatives for a week before going to Cole.
Joseph Chiadstrom returned to this city
yesterday after a visit of seventeen weeks
with rciatives in Iowa , where lie was attacked -
tacked with tYihioid fever ,
CY. . Thompson , H. A. Shiopard anti J. I' ,
Seward , three Omaha sporte , hut in yesterday
on the Platte river in search of game.
Ievol'er'eiii 1)11 ) iii the Tilcater ,
GRAND ISLAND , Neb , , Fob , 23-Spo- (
cial-A ) short ( line before ( lie performance
of ( lie new "Paul Kauvar" began at the
opera house a revolver belonging to William
Grithin , a miegro hiartender , was accidentally
discharged while In his overcoat pocket. The
ball passed through a seat In front of him ,
amid it is a miracle ( lint mio omie was injured.
Police Ohhicer Canipliell 'as at his side without -
out delay , searched lilni amid found tIme weapon
and placed him under arrest , There were
about 300 people iirosexit In ( lie opera iouse
when ( lie accitlemit occurred , but they remained -
mained very quiet amid orderly. TIme accident
Was caused by .Urutiln throwing his overcoat
carelessly over ( lie seat , the hammer of time
weapon etriking iii so doing.
l'siia'ity 'Jitoi siii iirrvities.
FALLS CITY , Neb. , Feb , 23-Specisl- ( )
\Vihl Moran of this city , who hiss been In
( lie employ of ( lie govcrnnsemmt In Cincinnati
for ( lie vast four years , returned to lila home
let this city yesterday ,
T. F. Sullivan , who lies been transacting
business in Frankfort , Ky , , ( lie past two
weeks , returmieth hiommie Friday.
Miss Grace Resterer left thmi afternoon for
St. Joseph , Mo , , to visit relatives a ( ow
Thieves broke into Gerhardt's shoe store
anti secured several pairs of iboes ,
Train Wreokea anti
Passenger Entirely _ _ _
Oontumtd by Fire ,
Several Others Injured , Tmiouglt Nona qf
Them Scrloualy-l'ii'maengcrs Wore on
Their Wity to Attend
ititirdi Grits. .
GREENVILLE , Ala. , Feb. 23.-The southbound -
bound passenger traimi on ( lie Louisvihlo &
Nashville , passing Greenville at. 8:40 : this
morning , was derailed three miles below
hero , and a fearful wreck resulted , The
cars rolled down an embankment and caught
fire. Five of ( lions were burned , including
two passenger coaches , tIme baggage and
express cars and one sleeper. The engine
tore Its way along tIme road for some ills.
tanco , tearing up tIme rails. A large number
of passengers were on board , many of them
enrouto to tIme Mardi Gras at Mobile and
New Orleans. The physicians of ( lie city
were sunimnoned in haste end soon reached
tIme wreck , wiien everything possible was
done to relieve tIme sufferings of ( lie yb.
timns , When ( lie extent of tIme damnago was
ascertaimied it seenieti littie less than a muir. .
ado that only one life was lost-that of an _ _ _
immilumown man , who was killed outright.
Ills mieck was broken. Several svaro more
or less injured , as follows : '
Mrs. Armstrommg of Buffalo , N , Y. , arm
'broken at ( lie shoulder.
Mrs. Schmoolcraft of Montgomery , hand on
forehmeatl cut ,
Mrs. Wisdom of Montgomery , face severely -
verely cut.
Mrs. Thompson of Montgomery , contusion
of tIme hence can.
Four others , immciiiding the porter , 'wore
slightly hurt.
' ( 'lie man killed purchased a ticket In
Momigomnory ( for New Orleans. ills grip hail
time initials " 3. It. A. " No one know his
name. All the liassongers , except a few
who remained here , vero carried by special
( calms to Montgomery , TIme wounded are
being cared for at the Ilbert house.
1)1(4Th OP 11 , II , JIOD'IR ,
One of the Inrgcst Iiiiid Ownvr in liuffalo
( 'ciilit3' Suceiiiiih ) to hiemirt lilsotise ,
KEAItNEY , Neb , , Feb. 23.-Special ( Tale.
gram-II. ) II , Bowie of Logan township died
suddemmiy of heart disease at ( lie Windsor lid-
tel last night. lie hind been suffering from
an attack of quinsy for a few days and yes-
terilay hal his U r at lamicei , lie roted : eas'a
after this until midnight , when thm watchers
noticed ( list lie stopiiel breathing and before
a lhiysician could arrive lie was dead. Mr ,
Howls was one of ( lie largest laud owners
nail stock raisers in IhuiTalo county , has rep.
resented his township on ( lie Board of Ru.
iervirs for a number of years , anti for three
years was chairman of ( lie board ,
IIAIJTIMOHE , Feb. 23.-Colonel Edward
F , PonIer of ( lie Fifth regiment , Veteran
corps , iliad tolay ( ,
CHICAGO , Feb. 23-Ex-Stato Senator
Jammies Rodgers of Decatur died here toda
after a lirolongeil illness ,
LONION , FeL' , 23-Walter Low , one of
( lie editors of tIme Lontlumi Globe , Is dead ,
CX1'Jt8S1I ) 1 0 1' ! 'J ( .11 UItIItIi' ' ,
Iyhjmg Negro ( Swims tip to ii Htiirtilmig Career
. of ( 'rmiir ,
IIAI..SEY , ICy , , F'chi. 23.-'rhie atatomeqt
of a negro who died hero yesterday hia
createti ( flute a senmstlon in ( lila hittlo
iduec , TIme isegro was seen by ( lie L.ouis-
s'ilki Hvexilng I'ost's reporter just before
liii hiasHed away , amid lie confessed to hmav-
lug committed five murders , 'i'wo of thiens
wem'o In Altilimumna , two iii 'l'cmmnessee , and
Omit ] iii Georgia , lie said ( lint three of his
victims were white women , lie also said
that one man had been tried , convicted
itmiti hieing for one of hii8 liendlsh acts. The
luau was not guilty , amid was convicted
on purely circumsumitlnl eviitc'ncu , lie
woUhil mint tell the exact towns or local
itles n Which lie comismnitte'i ( tie crImes ,
Thin biuck hlenil curried in his Pocket ( lie
skeleton of ii female humid , whmlelL ho ui-
Ways kept about him , arid claims that it
has been his luck piece for lIve years fm
crap games.