_ - - _ . I , . ' I 20 . T1flT9N1tA DAILY BEE : StJND.AY , .FEBR1TkThY"I2t ! , 1895. ' 11 . CHRONICLES . . -01"- I ( 'i ( COUNTANTONIO - _ , J q t . BY ANTHONY HOPE. S ' Aulhor of "A Prlsunor oC Zondt . " I3to. ' . . . , CoV3rIght , iIU41byAnthony hope , I - ChAPTER V. J : . , COUN' ANTONIO AND TiE SACRED : . . DONI S. , . One tale there Is concernIng Count Antonio of Monte \ellllo , when hl dwelt an ollaw which tell with fear and huB In the hils , men tel Ind . doubt , mar\llng at the audacity of his act , and sometimes asking themselves whether ho would In very truth have perfcrmed what he swero on the faith of his honor he - would do If he did not attain what he de. manled of the Iluke. For the thing he , - . ? . , . threalened was such as no man of ornlola . ' , . , . dire jthlnk on without I shudder , for we of e Por\ola \ prize and reverence the bones tf . . ' . our ilht , the holy martyr , Prlslan , above and for beyond every other relic , and they . / . Ire \0 \ lS , a9 It were the sign and testImony - : ' of OOll's enlurlng favor to our counlry. Dut much wl a man do for love of a wcman , . Gnll A tonlo's temper brooked no obstacle ; s that none know al the truth of the mat- " . ter. I may not doubt that he woulll have done even as hc FaII ! , braving the wrath of . heaven , and making naught of ihe lerer , ' . and consternation that had falen on the * city and parts round , about It. Whether that thought of his heart was one that would . .z. call pardon , I know not ; hat the thIng ben . done I could scarce hope , even 11 heaven's Infinite mcrcy. Yet thl' story , ale , I must . tell , lest I be charged with covering up . . . , what &hames Anloul" fer with the opinions . . I of careless and fa'thless men ( of whom there are too many In this later age ) , I g have no communion , and I tel the tale not . to move laughter or loose jests , but rather * 1 ' to show to what extremity a man , by nature good , may be driven by harshness ant the unmerIted disfavor of hIs prince . II the third year , then , of Count Antonio's outlawry his hIghness the duke ( 1001ct upon . the Lady Luiia and fount ! that she was of ' full age for marrIage Ther ore , he resolved that she should bt wed . and since Robert de Deauregard , to whom he bad proposed to give her , \\IS : dead , ho chose from among . , ' , his lords a certain gentleman of great estate , f , . by name Lorenzo , Int sent word to Lucia that she had spent too much of her youth ' . pining for what could not bc hers , and must forthwith receIve Iorenzo for her husband hut Lucia , being by now a woman and no mora a timid girl , returned to his highness , ' I message that site would look on no other man than Antonio ; on this the duke , greatly Incensed , sent and took her and set her In a convent within the city walls , antI made her known that there she would Ibhle till her life's end . or until she would obey his : command ; and ho charged the abbess to treat her harshly and 10 break down her pride ; and he swore that she shouhl ( wee - . Lorenzo , or , If she were obstinate , then she should take the vows of I nun In the convent Many weeks the Lady Lucia abode In the convent. resisting all that was urged . . upon her. But nt last. finding no help from Antonio , being sam beset and allowed no rest she broke one day Into passionate and pitiful weeping , and bade the abbess tel ' : his highness that , since happiness was not for her In this world , site would seek to fnd It In heaven , and would take the vows , . rendering all her estate Into the dto's ' , , ' band , that he might have It and give It to , Lorenzo , or to whom he would. Which message being told to Duke Valentine , weary , of contendIng with her , and perchance secretly fearIng that AntonIo would slay Lorenzo as he had slain Robert , he cursed 0 her for an obstinate wench , and bade her j t - take the vows , and set a day for her to c ' take thain r ; bue her estate hD assumed Into I ' : . \ his own hand , and made a gift of great . . . , value to Lorenzo And"Lorenzo , they say , ! . : . ; " was ' well content thus to be quit of the mat . ' , I ter. ' 'L'or . " said he , "whle that devil Is ( ' loose In the hl ! , no peace would there have S been for the lady's husband. " , But when I came to the ears of Count Antonio that the Lady Lucia was to' tale the veil on the morrow of the feast of St Prlslan , , t his rage and affliction knew no bounds "If ned be , " he cried , "I wi attack the - It city " wIth . $ all my men before I will suffer "Vour men would all be 1 < lell , and she ' . would tale the veil none the less , " said Tom- masino For Antonio had but fifty men , and although they were stout fellows and 'milos- ' : sible to subdue so long as they stayed In the his , yet their strength would have been nothIng against a fortress and the duke's ? array. , "Then , " salt Antonio , "I wi go alone and die alone " As he spoke ho perceived Martolo coming - to hIm , and calling him he asked hIm what he would , Now , Mnrtolo was a devout . man , ant had been much , grieved when Antonio - . tonlo felt under the sentence of excommuni- caton ; yet he abode with him , And now he I bowed and answered : r "My ant , In three days I Is the feast of St. Prisian and the sacred bones will then , , be' carried from the shrhII \ the church ! oC the saint at Hlano to the city. " For It was at lillano that Irlslan ha ? suffered , and ' a , ' . rich church liil been built on the spot "I' reliiemer that It Is I wont to be EO , Mar- tolo , " answered the count ! " 'When I dwelt with my father ' , ' ' said Mar- tolo "I was accustomed to 'go forth wih all . the people of my village and meet thl sacred bones , md : , Itlelng , receive the benedlcto , : ' , ' ' from the lord archbishop ns he passed , bear- - ' tag the bones , In their go1en casket , And : . the hike would I do this year my lonl " , "Dut are you 'not excommunicated In company - - pany with Count Antonio aol me ? " asked ' Tommaslno , lightly smiling , . , "I pray not I was not lamelt In the sentence - tence , " said Martolo , signing the cross , I ; " 00 In peace , lartolo , but see that you : are not taken by the dule's met n , " sold Count ' , . Antonio , , . "nut few of them go with the archbishop , my lord , For who would lay hands on the , , ' ' , sacred bones ? The guard Is small , and I 1 , t , , fhal .easly elude them " Auiil Iartolo de- I { ; , I . 1. L , , L , , a I , 4.7 J ' ' . ' 41 C' : ' I . . , . . , ' , . . - TJm Julm PACE ! UP ANt DOWN , . . parted. arid told the man they called Beua 'what had Ilaued , but lenl las 1 graceless ' fetlo' ! . anti would not sa with him. . Now when Mortolo woe gone Count An- , . . tOllo sat down on a great stone . and for I ' . long while salt nothing to Tomlallno , Uut ' certain rods out .if . those which Martclo I 1J1 spoken wefO pcholnl through hubs ' braiuu , ' and he could not Ilut them ald , for they . came ugaln , and again and Igaln , and al last , 100kiuS UII at Tominualno . who toot hiy huts , he saul ; : - 'fonunallnc . , , \ \ lit " 10uh lay humb 01 the ncrcd bones ? TOluuaslno loul.ed Ilowu Into hi eyes , ttlcn he held a lian'.l gn hl ehl'ut.1er. . and . \1 t0110 bull looked UII and repeated "Who wouht lay hauds un the sacred bones ? " , T sntuasino's e\1 crow found In wun4cr ; . . " , . _ , . n' . " " , he smiled , but hIs smile was uneasy , and ho shifted his feet " 1 It that you think of Antonio ? " ho lukellin a low voice "Des Ide I , I would be a light thing to kill the duke In his own palace " _ Then Antonio cried , striking his fist on the palm of his hand : "Are dead bones mora sacred than that living soul , on which the (1(11CC ( lays han ! to force I to his will ? " "Tho people reverence the bones as God hllself , " salll Tonimasino trouhled. "I also reverence them , " said AntonIo , and fell again Into thouht But presently he roe al11 tool Tommaslno's arm , and for a long while they walked to and fro Then they went ant sought out certain chosen len of tl hand-for the greater part they dare not trust In such a mater , but turned only to tn''m that were boldest and reeked least of sacred things Ant to ten of such Antonio opened his counsel , and by great rewards - wards hc prevailed on them to come Into the plan , although they were , for all their bohl. ness , very sore afraid lest they , laying hands on the bones , should be smitten as was he who touched the ark of the covenant. There- fore Antonio said : "I alone will lay hands on the goldenens- let ; the rest oC you shall but ho\1 \ inc harmless - " less whlo I take I go "lInt ? " I the lord archbIshop will not let It "The lord archbishop , " said TOlma lno , "wil let I gO " For Tommaslno ( lid not love the archbishoP , because he would not remove - 10\'l the sentence of excommunication , which ho hall laid upon Antonio and Tonunaslno on the prayer of thc abbot of St Prlslan's Now , When the feast of St Prlslan was come the lord archbishop , who halt ridden from the city on the eve of the feast and had lodged In the house of the priests who served the hurch , went with all his trall Into the church , and , with the rest slandlng afar or and veiling their eyes , tool from the \al of thc church near 1) ' the high al- tar , the golden casket that helll the bones or the blessed St Irlslan , Ant hc wrapped the , casket In a rIch cloth , and held It high before : him In his two hnnds. Ant when the Ploillo hat worshipped the archbishop left the church and entered his chair , antI passed through the vIllage of ltiiano . the priests Ind atcndants going first , and twelve Gf the duke's guards , whom the duke hat sent jfdlbwlng lfer , Great was the throng oC [ olkp me from all the country round , to gaze upon the casket , and In the proces- sion 01 . ! UU lord archblsholl and most de- vault ofLthc all was Martolo , who rested on his kndes from the moment the procession let the church till It was clear of the viage , And Martolo was still on his Imees when he beheld go by him a party of peasants , all , save one , tall and powerful men , wearing peasants' garb , and havIng their faces overshadowed - shadowed by large hats , These men had knelt lS thl casket passed , but they had rIsen anti were marching shoulder to shoulder behind the men of the duke's guard , a peasant behind every plkeman. Mlrtolo gazed long , at them , then hc moistened his lips and crossed himself , murmuring : "What does this thing mean ? Now God forbid-I" ! And breaking oft thus , he also arose and went to the house of his father , sore vexed and troubed ! to know what the thing might mean. Dlt he spoke of It to none , no , not to his father , observing the vow of secrecy In all matters whIch bo had made to Count Antonio At the bounds of the village the greater ' part of the people ceased to follow the pro- cession of the sacred bones , and , having receive the archbishop's blessing , turned back to their own homes , where they feasted aad' made merry ; but the twelve peasants whom Murtolo had seen followed the pro- cession when I set forth for the next village - lage , distant , three' miles on the road to Fornlot Their air manIfested great de- 'votiod . for' they' ' ' walked with heads bent on their breasts ahlI downcast eyes , ant they spoke not once on the , vay ; but each kept close behind a plkenian. When the proces- .Ion ' had ) gone something more than a mIle from the village of Hlano It came where a little stream crosses the highway ; and , the mlns' havIng ben heavy the week before , the stream was s\\olen and the ford deeper than I was wont to be. Therefore , the of- fleer oC' the guard , thinkIng of no danger , bade six of his men lay down their pikes and go lift the archblshop's chair over the ford , lest he should b3 vetted by the water. And on hearIng this order the tlest among the peasants pUt his hand up to his hat and twisted the feather of It between his thtunb and his forefinger ; and the shortest of them whispered : "The sIgn ! the sign ! " whie every man of them drew a great dag- gel' from under his habit and held It behind his back. Now , by this time the priests and /Lendants had passed the ford and one-hal the guard had laIn down their pikes and were gone to raIse the archbishop's chaIr , the remaInder standlg at their ease , leaning on their pikes and talkIng to one another. AgaIn the tallest peasant twisted the feather In his list and , without speech or cry , the pe9santFfartetl forward , Six of them seIzed thiej ! : \pt \ ! , lay on the ground the remain- tL"iifr \ Ic ied like wl cats on the backs of thei3ic'eiuefl , , lrclng the necks of the plke- men ' ' lflpe \ \ ! , their arms puling them back , and cQlnln , , ; j ar to throttng them , so thnt the 11Itn\lel \ ? , utterly amazed and taken full at dsud.yauutage ! , staggered and fen backward , whle'the peasants got on top of them and knehtn \ their breasts and set the great dag- gerl df \helr \ , heartl , While this passed on thltiJ Toad , the remainder of Antonio's band- fti'r efoat wfre the peasanls-rushed Into the slrcll rld compelled the unarmed 111emen to te down the archbishop's chair In the tittist , so that the water came In at the windows of the chair , anti the procession , held at bay with their own pIkes , sought to draw their pol nards , but Antonio cried : "Slay any that draw ! " And he cale to the chair and opened the door of I , ant , using as little force as he could , ho laid hands on the casket that held the sacred bones ant wrested It from the feeble hanls of the archbishop Then hl and his mel , standIng In line . steppelt backward , with the pUea levelell In front of them , till they came out of the water 01),1 ) , onto the dry road again ; { Ut rushed at Antcnlo , but Tom- one ltkluin TOI- laslno , sparIng to kill 1 him. caught hIm a buffet on the side of the head , with a pike and he fell \c a log 11 the water , and had been Ilrowncd but that two of hIs comrades lifted him. Then - all twelve of the band beluig together-Cor the first sIx halt risen now ! from oft the plkemen , having forced thietui. on laln of instant death , to deliver over ' their "pIkes to them. AntQnlo . wIth the ca , Iui his 'hands , spoke In I loud voIce : "I ket.n , GOI that no man Is dead over thll buslnihIii hut I you reslM you shaH die one 1 Il"ul , Go to the city . tel the duke that II/\ltonlo , dl Monte Veluto , have the , bones of" the ' blessed St. i'rlsIan . antI carry 'thel with inc to my hiding place In the ( highest part of tie lulls , lu o he will swear by these bones that I haiti antI by hIs Ilrlncelr word that he swill uot Nurer the 1.31t. Lucia to take the vows , nor will con. strain her to well any man , hut will restore h r 10 her OWl houle and to her estate then let him selt the nrchb'shop again antI I will deliver lp the sacred bones But If he wIll . themm , God hives . w1 not swear thei us Ive8 , to. morrow at mldl'ght 1 wi cause a great tire to be kindled on the top of the hills-a fire whole fame you shal tee from the walls of the ' cly-aut In that fire will I consume limo sacred bonis , anti 1 w.l sC1ter the ashes of tlel to the four winds. Go ( and bear the I 11i6ge that I give you to the duke , " And havIng thus sold , Antonio with his men turnelt and , went back at I run whence U"y had COIO ; but to the viage of Ilalo they did hot go , hut turned rslde before they came tQ It , and , coming to the Corm of , who 1m\ Antonio they bought of him , 113) lug him In good 'coIn of tie duchuy three horses which Antonio , TOlmaslnl anl1 Uena mounted , and they three rode lanl for the h1& , .the rest following al quickly al ( 'M ) ' might , so tlat ty nightfall tie ) ' wer. ni afelY 6emblc'l ' In their hiding place , . amt wIth thc'm time \bbnel of the blessed tI t. Pril' Ian. Hut they told not yet to the n , t of teh hand ) what H'U that Antonio carrlNI under hIs cloak , nor dil : Martolo \ \ hen he r"turnell from lthano. ask \\llt had befalen , hut he crossed hlmlpl many times ant wore u fenl" ful locI lint 'omms1 , " came to \utonlo lnl' sal4 t9 him / "WJIdli YOU not ask also Ilardon for all of UI , and for Ylufel the lant of l.uchu ! ? " " ' 0 great thing :111 : a thlug that tfouble . . - . - - - . , - - ' , me , I have lone already , " answered An- tonio. "ThorefotI " ,11 tsWnbthlng for my- self , and nothuing ' IW' 1 Ask for you or my friends , nothlni a4hOthirg but that rlht anti justice be IIO" : : ' othlr bl that my sin In layIng hand on the sacred bones will be the less. " Now after Antonio all'lls men were gone , the archblshop's train lYe long by the stream In the road , lamenting and fearing togo go forward , and being come to the next vl- , hugo , found al , the leolle awaiting them al , the bounds , And when the people saw the : disorder of the processIon , and that the pike. ! men had no pikes , they ran forward eagerly , I askIng what had befallen ; Inll learnIng of 'I ' the t calamity , they were greatly afraid ; atld I cursed Antonio ; and lany of them accompa- nlell the archbishop on his way to the cIty. where he came toward evening , and a great ' concourse of people awaied his comIng there and the .Iule himself sit on a lofty seat In the great square , prepared to receIve the sa . cred bones anti ! O with them 10 the cathe- dral , where they were to be exposd to the gaze of the people at 111gb mimes . And ! the ) set the archbishop's chair down before the duke's feat , and the archbishop came and stood before the duke , and his priests ant IJlkemen with him. And the luke started UII from his eat , crying : " \Iat aIls you ? " and sank back again , and sat waiting to hear what thc archbIshop would cay . Then the archbIshop , hIs robes still damp and greatly dlsorderell , , his limbs . trembling In anger and In fear , raised his voice ; anti all time muliude In the square were silent while he declared to his highness what things Count Antonio had done anti rehearsed the message that he had sent And when the archbishop toM how Antonio had sworn that as 00,1 lveth 1m would scatter the ashes of thc sacred bones to the winds , tIme len caught their breath with a gasp amt the women murmured nffrigiitedly "Christ save us , " and Duke Valentine dug the minus of his hand whereon hIs 11ealt rested Into the flesh of his eheels For all the city held that according to tIm words St Prlslan had utered before he suffered the power and prosperiy ( of tIme duchy and th ' favor of heaven to I rested In tIme presence among them , and the faithful preservation and ven- oration of those most holy relics. And the archbishop . having ended time message , cried , fOod , pardon my lips that repeat such words , " and foil on his knees before Duke Valentine , crying : "Justice on him , my lord , justce' ' " Ar 11 many In the throng echod his cry , but others , anti among them many oC tIme apprenticed lads , who loved Antonio , muteed low one to another , "Dut the duke has taken the sweetheart from him , " and they loolcd on the "dulO wIth no favorable 1001s . Then Duke Valentine rose from his scat antI stood on the topmost step of It , and he called sundry of his iords ' and ofcer around him , mind then he bckbled for silence and : ho said : , "Before the sun sets tomorrow the Lady Lucia shall take the vows , ' and he , with his train , took their way , the plkemen clearing a path for them , to the palace And now , In- delI , ws silence , and all marvclell and were struck dumb that the duke said naught concerning the bones of St. Prlslan , and they searched one another's faces for the meaning of his words. But the archbIshop arose , and speaking to no man. went to the cathedral I Peter b still , curing him for In- solenee , and shouted that the people should disperse on paIn of hIs hIghness' dii- pleasure . " ' , Vhmere Is the duke ? Let him , come out to usl" cried Peter alHI the Cal ) ' lain , despIsing him struck him ' iiglmtiy with , the fat of his Iworlt. lint Peter , with n cry of rage , struck the captain n great blow with his staff , and the captain staggered back , bleed flowing from his heAII. Such was the beginning of the fray , for In nn instant time plkemen anti the people had joined hale ; men cried In anger and women In fright ; blood folel ] , anti many on both shIes fell and rose no more anti the archbishop came near to being trodden under foot . till his friends and the priests Fathered round him , and when ho 'C" that men 'were being slain he wepl. Then the IAtI Lorenzo hastened to the cabinet of thb duke , whom ho found pacing \ up antI down ; gnawing his finger nals , and told hIm of wht was done outsitle . " 1 care not , ' sold the ( dule "She shall lnke the vest & Let the plkemen scatter tIm emn. " \ Lorenzo then besought him , telling him that all the clty was In arms , anti that the conflict wouht Us great But time duke sall still : "She shall take the vows I" Never- the less he went with I.orenzo , anti como forth on to the ! topmost step of the portico. Amid when the people saw him they ceased for I 10ment lI asal the plkemen , and cried out : "Olvo us back the sacred bones , " "Scatter those fehiowsi" said the duke to the captain Of time gimard. " 1ly lord , ilmay are too many And If we scatter theme now , yet when we have gone against Count , AntonlD they mmma } do what they will with the city' " maY The duke stood still , palo anti again gnaw- Ing his nals i , and the plcmen , fnding the nght hard , gave back before the people , and the people pressed on , Then Peter , the furrIer , came forward , and the hottest wih him , anti mocled the plkemen ; amid one of the pUemen sucltenly thrust Peter through with his plt nmt tIme fellow fell dead on which a great cry oC rage rose from all the pcople , and they rushed on the plkcmen again and slew and were slain ; and , the light rolled UI ) tIme steps , even to the wry feet of the duke hminiseif. And at last , able no longer to contend with all the city , he cried : " 1011 , ! I will restore the sacred hones ! ' But the people would not trust hIm , antI one crIed : "firing out the lady hero before us and set her free or we will bur the palace " And the archbishop came sUddenly and threw himself on his knees before the duke , beseeching him that no more blood might b ( shed but that the I.ady Lucia should bC set free. Anti the dule , now greatly afraid , sent hasty to the leutenant of thc guard and ten men who came to tIme convent where I\cla was , anti , brooldng no delay , carried her with them In her betgoln a lit brought and set her be3lle the duke In the portico of the IJlace , And Clue duke raised his hand to heavcn , and before all the PeoPle he said : "Behold , she 15 free ! Let her KO to her own huouse and her estate shall bo hers again And by my princely word and these fame holy bones I swear that she shall not take the vows , neither will I constrain her to wed any man " And when he had said this he turned sharply around on his heel , and , lookIng neither to the right nor to the left , went ' - . " : TI " ' I ' , , : . , ' , ' ' . , : " \ ! I. \ , . f . : ' , ' ? ' -0 l'n'p . ; . , ' ' ! , " .tfl : ' " I : . < . . . : : . . 4 ; ' , ' : , : ' , . . \ \ , \ \ 'ug . . , j a- . ' _ . ' , , ' ' ' , _ \ 7. J..T' 'lht- I / _ \ \ < , , L . 1mL . : . i. . . . . . . . " ' . . . . : , : : : . ; : ; . . . . I. , ; 1Ltce ; .5 . - . . : . _ ; I ( IJfu7 ; ; ' ' - VP - \ - " 1 t . , , , . f.I , ANTONIO CARRIES OFF' TIlE CASKET. N'ONIO and knelt there before time ' altar In the chapel of St Prlslan , anSI here abode on his lmees Surely never ; from that 'day until this hour , has such , I night , passed In the .clty of Fornlola. For the duke sent orders for evey man of hIs guard to 'be ready to start at break of day In pursuit of Antonio , and through the hours of the night they were busied In preparing their provIsions and accoutrements - coutrements But th lr'lpks were heavy and their tongues tied , for they knew , every man of them , that , though the duke might at the end tale Altonlo , yet he could' ' not come at him before the time thJt Antonlo pad said . And this the townsmen knew weU also , and ' they gather themOjs , , In groups In' the great square sayJng : ' q p pre he duke comes at him the acre lmopea'wihi be burned , and what wilt then befall the duchy ? " And those who were friendly to Antonio , foremost among them being time apprenticed lads , spread themselves here antI ] there among the people , asking cunnIngly whether It concerned the people of Forlola more that the blessing of St. Irlslan should abIde with them or that a reluctant maiden shou\l bo oblIged to tale a veil , anlt some grew bold to Ihlsper under their breath that the business was a foul oume. and that heaven did not send beauty anti , love that priests should bury them In cOlvent walls . And the girls of the city , ever most botd by reason of their hehlless- ness , stirred up Clue young macmm who courted them , lending them on amid saying : "le Is a true lover who risks his soul for his love , " or "I would I had one' who wpuld steal the bones of St. I'rlslan for my sake , but none of buch have I , " wIth other strring antI lu- famlng taunts , recklessly flung from pouting hills and under that . IJs eyes cimallengetl Anti all the while Duke Valentine sat alone In nls cabinet , listening to the tumult that sounded palace with lufed din through the ' walls of the Now there was In the city I certain furrier namcd , Peter , I turbulent fellow , who had been put out of his craft guild because he would not abide by the laws of the craft , and Ih'Cc now as ho best could , being maintained II large measure by those who Istcned to his emllt all seditious conveuuton , This man , loving ' naught that was worthy of love In Count' , AntonIo , yet loved him because he de- fed the duke , and bout midnight , having drunk much wine , ho como Intb the square and gllherelt together the apprentices , say- Ing : "I have a mater to say to , you-und to I I you-and to you , " tilt there were many scores 1 of them around iuiuum . Then h3 harangued I Ihem , and more came round ; and when lt' ' last Peter crIed : "Give us back the sacred bones , " a thousand voices answered him : "Aye give us back the bones ! " And vhen Clue 1)ltemen would have seized him , men and and women also made a ring around him , so that he could not be talten. And sober len also. of age and substance hearkened to him , la'lng ; "Ue Is a knave , but he speaks truth hOW " So that a very great throng assembled - sembled , every man having a stat ant many Ilso knives ; all to those who halt not knives the women amid girls brought them , thrustIng - Ing them lute their hands , Nay , sunlry Jrleits ale were among the people , moaning stud wringing their harids'Illd sayIng that the favor of SC . Prllon WRuld be lost forever to the cl ) ' . AntI the square was thronged so that 1 man could hot move unles all moved , nor raIse his hanl to his head E\'C by the favor of his nel hihpr . Yet Ilrcsenty the whole mas benlq ! , 9llove , like a great wave of waler , towanl , tll Jalac of the duke , wllre the pl/ IW/I ! / Jt oji In ranks , really now to go against , , tuitnho ( , S\Menly arose a cry ; " 'fhl Irch\lhoJ c.ompeal" . ! amid the yen- 110111 man vas seen , Jell through the crowd by I' tcr and omo pmori , who brought him ) /IOr and ret hlnIn \ tM. ' fr911 ranks of the peo- Ille ; ant l'etef rrle\i QIII ) " 'imere Is the iluke ? " But time 'ciuhutaimi of the guard came forward , Eword I band , anti bade , . , . , - - - -'r--------- - ' - -----j- - - - - through the great hal to his cabinet and shut the door. For hIs heart was very sore that he must yield to Anlonlo's demand , and , for himself , he had rather a thousand lm's that the bones of St. Prlslan had been burned. . Now , when the duke was gone the people brought the Lady Lucia to her own house. , drIving out the ' steward whom the duke had set there and this done they came to the archbishop and would not surer hIm to rest nor to delay one hour before he set forth' to' carry the duke's promise to Antonio. This the archbishop was ready 10 'do , for alt that he was weary. But first he sent LQrenzo to ask' the duke's pleasure ; and Lorenzo , coming to the duke , prayed him to send 200 pikes with the Irchblshop , 'For ! , " said he , "your highness has sworn nothing concern ' Ing whlt shal befall Antonio , and so soon lS he has delivered Ul the bones I will set upon him , and bring ; hIm alive or dead to your highness. " But the duke would not hearken , "The fellow's name Is like stale lees of wine In my mouth , " said he. "Ten of my plemen lie dead In the square , and more uf my it . " citzens , I will lose no moro men over "Yet how great a thIng If we could tale " ' him ! "I will take hIm lt lY own tmo anIln my " sold the , " God's own way , duke "In name , leave me now " I.orenzo therefore got leave from the duke for but ten mel to ! O with thc archbls110p , and to go himself If he would , Alt thus they set out , exhorted by the people , who followed then out beyond the boundl of tie city , to male aU speed And when they vera gone the people came back and tool up the bOlles of the dealt , whie the plemel also tel ( up the bodies of such of their comrades as , were slain Yet had Duke Valentine known what passed on Clue his whUe the city was In tumul , It may not bc doubted , for , all his vexaton , that he would have sent out the 200 whom Lorenzo asked ; never hind he 1 fairer chance to take Antomulo For when the count and those who went wIth 'Ilm to Hlano were asleep , Antonio's head resting on time golden casket , a shepherd came to the rest of the ( bal1 and told them what had been done , antI how all the country was In tin uproar Then a debate arose Imong the band , for , though they were lawless men , yet they feared Oed , and tlught wih great Ilread on what Antonio hat sworn , so that presently they came all together and roused up An- tOllo and said to him : "My lord , you have done much for us , and I It may be that we have lone somewhat tom you But we will not suffer the sacred bones to be burned and scattered to the wInds " "Except the duke yields I have sworn I , lS God lives / ' answered Antonio 'Ve care' not , I shall not be-no-not though you dnd we die , " sold timey "I Is wel ; I hear , " said AntonIo , bowing \lls head , "In an hourJ mimI they , "we will take tIme bones , I you wm not yourself , my lord , send them back , " . I "Again I JIer , " said AntonIo , bowlll hIs ihICttI. anti thd baud weQt back to the fre round whlcl Uley had been sitting , all save Martolo. who clme antI put his hand In An- tonlQ's han . ' : " 1\\ ' noW ; llartolo ? " asketj Antonio "What you 101 , I will , my lord " said Murtolo , Far Ithough he trembled when he thought of the bones of St. 111slan , yet he clumig always to Antonio , As for lena anti cung ant time others af tWo ten who had gone to H. lanD , they ltd burned , not the bones onlY , , but limo bles1 saint lulimumehf . hud Antonio I bidden themJ lard len , In truth , were they , and f cl < ebl. I Now the rut of the ban ] being gone back to thc'f ' fire . nod ne night being very dark , In treat cther.ct ' caution Antonio , Toni- " maine , Marlolo anti theIr fellows-being thmir- tpemi , ) / nik-rosc from their places , and . tak- , hug patmuit.h ! ) : them but their swords , ( save that Anoruj > carried the golden casket ) , they slole forth tQJ\ the camp , anti set their faces to clhnb rCL higher Into the heights of the hIlls . None spoke : one folowlnl another , they clmb ' 1 the steep path that led up the moun- fain s'I'e ' ' , and when they Mlt ben going for tIle space of an hour they ( hearlI a shout far below thiemmi "Ou'it flIght Is known , " said Tommaslno "Siualt we stand and meet them , my lord ? " tuuhed liena. "Nay , not yet , " said Antonio , and the thirteen wnt forward again at the best speed they could. Now they were In a deep gorge between lofty cliffs , anti the gorge still tellle 111- wart , and at length they cmo to the place which Is named "AntOnio's , " now nlo'l Neck There name time rQcks came nigh to meetng antI utterly barring the path 'et there Is ' ; yet a way that one man , or . at most , two , may pas through at one tme , Along this narrow tongue the ) ' passed . and , coming to time other side , fount I level space on tIme edge of I great prec- pice , ant Antonio , \olntng over the lmreci- IJlce , they saw In the light of flue day , which noW was dawning , the towers alt splm'es of ornlola I , a very far away In the plain be low. ) low."It 10"I Is a better place for the fire than the other , " saId Antonio , and baa latmghietI , whl urlolo shivered "Yet we risk blng hindered by these fel. lowe behind , " Iad : Tommaslno , "Nay , I think not , " salll AntonIo. Then he charge Tommaslno and all of thcm to busy themsclves In collecting 8uch dry sticks an,1 Imllhlolt as they could , ) and there was abundance near , for time nr trees grew even so high. And one of the ln also went and set a smmare anti presently caught a wild goat , eo that they had .lneat. But AntonIo hlmrl took Bena and set him on one sldo of the way where the ( nlI ( opened1 out Into level space , and he stood on the other side . of the way hlmselt. And when they stretched out their arms the po'nt of Bemma's sword reached the hit oC Antonio's And Antonio smied , sa'hlg to Bonn : "lie had leed to be a thin man , Bonn , that lasses between you and me " Alt , Dena noddHt his hl.o bead at Count , Antonio , answering : "Indeed , this Is as : straight as tIme way to heaven , my lord , ant leads , as It seems to me , In much the same thiroetloim. " I Thins AntonIo and Bena walell n tIme shelter of the rocks , lt the opening of the ' leclt , whie the rest bui lP I great pile of wood Thcn , having roasted the meat , they made their breakfast , Martolo carrying \"rtons to Antonio anti to Bonn , And , their pursuers not knowln the path so well , and , therefore moving lees quickly , It was but three ) Iours short of non when the ) ' heard , tho"vpl cj of men from the other hte of the mmeck And Anton'o ' cried straightway : "Come not through at your peri , Yet one miiay come anti speak with me " The a great fellow , whose name Is varIously - ously given , though most oC those whom I have questioned call him Sancho , care through the neel , and reaching Chic end of It found the crossed swords of Antonio and lemma hilts I fence against his breast , And he saw also the great pie of wood , and restng now on the top of It the golden casket that held the sacred bones. And hc sid to AntonIo : "My lord , we love you ; but sooner than that the bones should be bured , we wl 1 < 1 you and all that arc with you " And Antonio answered : "I also love you , Sancho ; yet you and nil yotmr company shal die sooner than that my oath shall be brohcen , " : "Your soul shall answer for I , my Iprd , " saId Sancho "Vou speak truly , " answered Antonio. The Sancho went , back through the neck and took counsel with hIs followers ; and they made him their chief , and promised to be ob lent to all that he ordered. And he said : "Let two run at their highest speed through the neck ; It may be well they wilt dlelbut , the bones : must be saved And after UicTTi 1 ' Iore , and again two. And I will , b ! ! ( ii&hirst two. " , DUllhcy"vould ; not surer him to be of the first two ; although hc prevailed that be sloulLbcorth ( last two And the six being 'ch'bseh.drew their 'swords ' , and , with a cry , 'cb'sehRdre neck. And AntonIo , hearIng : . .thaliifa t slldHo Dela : i , "A"qtiick bl \ Is lS goo as a slow , Dena " And even lS be spoke the first two came to the opening or the neck But AntonIo and Bonn stfuck lt them before they came - out of the narrowest , part or could wield their swords 'fr ely ; and the second two comIng - lug on,4ina strucl ( lt one and wounded him In thef6'reast ; and lie wounded Dena In the face , over the right eye ; and then Dena slew him ; while Antonio slew hIs man at his first sho\e , SAnd the ffh man and San- tnd Antonio cried ch ) tIme sixth , coming on , loudly : Are . you mad ? 'Ve could hold the neck against a hundred " put they would not stop , and ' Antonio slew the nrh , \ nd BOnn was In the act to strike at Sncho iut Antonio sudllenly dashed San- chos ! : a\vor'Ifronihuis % hand and caught him a ) uI'1tIiuff'em.sp that he foil sprawlIng on the b , l s't r- tie five thlt were dead "Go baclc fool go back ! " he crIed All SauieJio , answering nothing , gatherc AhSanCo himself ; mp' and went back , for he perceived now that rbt by the loss of hal of his men could lie ' et by Antonio and neno , and be- yond iet stood Tommaso , with ten whom lie knew to be the stoutest of the band. "U's 'a 'sore duy's work lena , " sold An- tonic , looking at the dead bodies "If a : man bo too great a fool to keep himself - self Lilve , iny lord , he must die , " answered Dena" , and , lie pushed the bodies a little further 'hack lute the neck with his foot , 'Ocl ( n Sancho's company took counsel again , Tl , much al they reverenced the sacred bones ; there were none of them eager to enter 'ho , rigck Titus they were at a loss , till time sl lf.dho ( had come along wih them spdlcb \9 \ . Sancho , saying : , "At'the , cost of a long journey , you may cOme at hIm , 'for there Is a way round Clint I can lead you by. Dut you will not traverse It In' less than twelve or fifteen hours , talc- Jng necessary rest by the way. " But Sancho , counting the tme. said : "It will serve I For , Iluough a thousand came against him , yet the count will not bur the bones before tme of his oath , " ' Therefore he left fifteen men 'to hold the neck In case Antonio should offer to return back through It , and wIth the rest he fol- lowelt , the shepherd wih great stealth and qumiet , i by' reason of which , and of the rock between them , Antonio knew not what was to be done but thought that the whole conm pony lay still on tIme other slle of the necl" Thus Jhe day wore to evening , lS the arch- bishop with the I.onl Lorenzo anll tIme guards como to time spur of the his ; and here they found a man waiting , who cried to them : I " 1)0 you ' bring the duke's promlso to the Count Antonl01" "Yes , we brIng It , " said they. "I am charged , " said he , "to lead the archm- blshol and one other after the coumit , " But since the archbIshop could not climb the hills , being old , and weary , Lorenzo constralnell the man to take wIth him four of the guards besides . shIes , antI the four bore the archblshol I10ng , Thus they were lou through the secret' ' tracks In the hls , timid , these Lorenzo trlell to en- grave on , his memory , Clint ho might come ; again nut the way was hong and devious , and It was hard to mark I , Thus going they came to the huts , and passing the huts still climbed wearily till they arrived Ilear to the neck , I was then night , and as they guessed near on the tlnmo when Antonio hud sworn to bur the sacred boncs ; therefore they passed on more and more , and came lt last to the entrance uf the neck , Here they found the ( Hi , and 'Lorenzo , running up , crIed aloud : "We bring the proml , we bring the Ilromlsel" limit scarcely had he spoken these word when a sudden great shout came from the other side of the necl" , amid I.orenzo , Irmiw- , Jug his sword , rushed Into the neck , the ff- I teen following , yet leaving a space batween him and them , lest t\ley should see hll \ , pierced by 4ntonlo anll nem. And l.orrnz'J stumll d anti fell oVer the five dead bodies which lay In Clip way of the neck . Ulerlll a cry , "What are these ? " he Hcromblcll 10 his feet amid passed unhurt through the mnoujIi of the neck , and the fifteen followed after Jllm , whIle t\le gnonl supported , tue Archbllhop In their huammtis his chair being too wluie : to pass through the neel And whufl they all thus came through , \ \ ld a 11 strange was time sight they saw , J'or It chanced' ' t'a itt the tme Sancho's com lIn ) ' had CII' l l d their circuit and hall burst from b IUnd' upon Antonio and the twelve. Arid vmem ' Clue \\lve saw them they retreat ld to wte' ' t/e ' and made u ring around I , and Ito ll 'thUe ready to ( lie rather than allow Sammcho'uu men to reuch the pile. And I was thcl IllnlgM ant , the Chime of Count An. tonia's oat\i. Amid ( 'etumuttmutommlo stood al tW tO'i ( ' 1M ' 1cat imuhe. At hIs feet lay the golden lask ' containing the sacred bones. anti In his bald vas a torch. And he crIed " - - - ' - - - . - " ! , . aloud : "hold them whle I fire the pile ! " and hue leaped down anti cnr to the tide of the plo and laid his torch to tIme pile . AntI In an Instant the flames shot up , for Cue pie was dry. Now , when Snncho'si men saw the plo alght , with shouts or horror anti of terror they charged at the tQP of their speed against the twelve who guahled the pie , An 1.0' rento anti his len also rushed , but the cries of Sancho's mcn , together with the answering defanco of the twelve , drowned the cries of Lorenzo , anti Amitctplo antI the lweh'e knew Antqlo not that Lrenzo was come Anti the fiuuummes of the Ille grew , and' ' the highest tongue of fame licked time shle of the golden casket But Antonio's voice rose Above all as he stood , aye , almost within the ambi of the fire , anlI shouted : "hlohti them n momenl , Tomlaflno' mao- ment , Iena , anti the thIng Is ( leach" Then Lorenzo tore his casqle from Ills hlael antI flumig down his \\orll and rumshuetl fung \ \ , rlshtl Inarmeit between AntonIo's men and Sancho's men , shoutng louder than he ha" thought ever to shout : "The pol11el tIme Ilromlsel" ' AII at I the smo mOlent ( so I I tohil-i but tel I ! as It Is told ) , there came from heaven a great fash of lhtnln , , which , aiding the light of time flaimits full ) ' revealed the features , of I.orenzo , flack fell Sancho's mcn , anti An. tanio's arrestclt their swords AntI then the ) ' al cried , ns 1en cry In great Jo ' . "Thl Prommmisei the promlsel" And for a mOlent all stood still where the ) ' were , Amid time lames leallcll hlgh , anti . as Antonio had \ said , they were etI ; by the great throng that gaze from the city walls , and they worn Sln by nuke'Valentne lS he walchIll from the \al of his garden hy the rIver , and he went pale , glawlng his nails , Then the Count AntonIo leaped on time burling hue , though It seemelt that no man could pass alive through it. Yet God was wIth hll anti he galnll the top of It anti seeping seized the golden casket anti fung 1 down , clear of the pie , even at the Lord I J.orenzo's feet ; and when I.erenzo sought 10 lift It the heat ef It blstered his Ilalls amid he cried out with the pln , But Count Amm- tomb , choked by time snmoke his hair aUII his eyebrows scorched by time fire , staggered hal way down time hue amid then sank on his kiutes . And there he hat dlell , but that Tommslno , Bena a lt Salcho , each eager ' to outstrip the other , rnshed In ant drew him forth , amid etched water anti gave It lo him , 0 that he breathee agaIn anti 1\'ed. But the fames leaped higher and iulgimer and they said 01 the city wails : "Geti help us ! Goti help tush Time sacremi bones are bumrnti" And wommmen , aye , anti mmmcmi , too , fell to weepIng , amid there 'as great sorrow , fear anti des'olaton , And time duke gnnp'ed his nails even to the quick , and spat time blood front hula mnctmtlm , cursing Ammtonib. But Loronzo , hmvngmerceivetl ! , that time greater mmtmmimber wefe. mmgainst Ammtonlo , cried out to Sancho's mmmcmi : 'Seize imimu and bring hint lucre ! " F'or the duke's pronmise carried no safety to Antonq. ! J3ut Sancho answered him : ii ' "Now that time sjqed' boies are safe we have no qumarrel fti lay Lord Antonio. " Anti lie amiml hiis uuifui Ivemut. amid laid down their swords by time fed. of Antonio , where hue lay emi the grouuid Iilmi head on Tomimmimasino's lam , . So that thud whole banti wore round Antonio , amid Lorenzo hind but fcur with imimn. "lie asks for war ? " growled Bena to Tonnmasino. "Simahi he not have war , my lord ? " And Tommasino latmgheti , ammswering : "Here is a drunkard of blood ! " But Count Antonio , raising Iuinmseif , said : "Is the archmbishop here ? " Then Lorenzo went amid brought tIme archbishop - bishop , 'huo , commming , stood before AntommIo , and rehearsed to hmini thmo oath timat Duke Valentine had taken , anti told him how tue Lady Lucia was already free ammtl in her own house. and mimade him aware also of time great tumult Clint had imappened In time city. And Antonio lIstened to tile tale In silence , Then time archmbisimop raised a imanti toward heaven and spoke In a solemn anti sad voice : "Behold there are ten of time duke's gimarmi , dead in time city , and thuero are twelve of time townsmen dead , and mere in tIme opening of the neck there lie dead five men of' those who followed you , amy lord. Twenty and seven mmmcmi are there that hmave died over this business. I' pray more have not died in time city since' ' I set forth. And for what has thin been done , nmy lord ? And more thuaum the death of eli these is there. For these sacred bones have , been foully anti irrehig- iotmshy stohemi and carried away , used withm yiio irreverence , and brought into Iniminent hazard of utter destruction , and hmatl they been destroyed and Chme ashes scattered to time four winds , accordin' to your biasphmern- ous oath , I know not what would have befallen - fallen the country wimere suchu an act was done. And for what line this beemm done , my lord ? It imas bec'ui done ( lint a prouti anti violent man uumny have his will , anti timat tile passion may be satisfied , heavy , indeed , is the burden of your soul , mmmy lord ; yes , on your sotmi Is Chic weight of sacrilege , and much blood. " The archbishop ceased , amid huts hand dropped to lila side. Time ( mimics on the phic were burning how , amiti a stiihmmeas fell on all the comimpany , But at last Count Antonio rose to his feet , anti stood wmth his elbow on Tommasino's sluouider , ieammlng on Toimi- niasino. Ills face was weary anti sad , anti lie was very pale , save where in omic spot time flame hind scrochued' ' imis chielc to an angry red. And , looking rotund on the archbishop and on time Lord Lorenzo , and on them nil , tie amiswered sadly : "In truth , may ord archbishop , my burden is heavy , For I cmi an outlaw , and excom- municateil. Twenty 'and seven amen hmavo died through rny'Ac'and ' I have used time sacred bones brougmt timemn immto imnmnlnent peril of , : totl destruction accord. ing to my oAth , 2JJ ( thus is true , ummy lord. And yet I know tFor Almmmighty God , wlionm all we , whmd(1me ( imommeet macmm or rob. ben , memm of law or ,1vless ( , imumnbiy warship - ship , Alnmlghuty God 1ma'Jiis own scales , mmmy lord. And I know pot whuicim thing be lii Chose scales the hmeimvlet'-tiuat twenty anti seven nmen' should ( iie"antl time bones of time blessed St. Prlsian 'huouItl be hroumgumt imi peril , aye , or ehmouhi be utterly destroyed- or again Clint omie 'eak gIrl , wima line no protection save in lm Justice and Pity of milan , shuould be donieui justice and bereft of pity , and that mm man siioumld hearken Co her weeping , Say , mmmy lord , for It is yours Co teach and ummine to learmi , which of thueso things shuouhmi Coil count time greater simi ? Amutl for myself I have amked nothing , and for my friends here , wiuomum I love-aye , oven those I have killed for jumy oath's sake , I loved-I have dared to ask mmotiuimmg , But I asked only that justice shmouhmi lie done amid mercy regarded.'iuere , nmuy lord , ii. time greater sin ? " hut Clue archbishop answered not a worth to Count Antonio , btit hue amid ( lie Lord Loremmzo caine anti lifted time golden casket , amid , no man of Antonio's qornpany ieeking to hmiuuder them , time ) ' went back with it to Clue city anti shmoweti it to Chic people ; arid after tIme pee. pie hmati rejoicetl greatly Clint Clue sacred bones wiuieiu they hmatl Clmotmghut to be destroyed were safe time archbishop carried time goltlen casket bacic to ( hue shurirme 1mm the village at tUlane , where it rests till Cliii clay , But Count Antonio - tonio burled tIme five' ' men of tile lmammd whionm hue and liens hiatt slainiAmmtl witit time rest. h abode still 1mm time hum , wiulle time Lady Lucia dwelt 1mm lion owrm'luouse mm thio city , antI the delco , iuonorinmg ! time oath wltlchu lie luaU sworn before all thm&peOple , thu not seek to constraint her Co wed ammy immarm , unil restored tq tier time estate that lie hind taktn fromn iuer. Yet Chic duke hinted Coummt AntonIo the umuorL' for whimtt lie lied ulomie , auud sought. time nmore how hue mmmighut lay hands on imimmu and hut him to death , ( To be Contimmued. ) Cook's Inmperial. 'uVoriti's Fair "highest award , cxcelleumt cluammipagmmc : gooth erferycs. once , agreeable bouqmiet' , deilcioums flavor , " IMPFii : HAIR GENERATORI l'cutccthy rt'etorf" a. I let , , lustious coionj nuukra ( hue himuir hut'mmhthty , arud Is a ' clean , HiamnIng , saht , ( ii Timihtisti , ; ! . 1 11mm i tie ha hot u1ttct I m. 1 1 Is its umLLt- - . . , miai mi C hat tii C ; d'e Junt liutcrem e gt with Ciii ilmm mm nil em tuuuimiiug , - .1" . COl.uIutS : , ; 1. htlaelt. 0 , Iiglut Ciiituuti $ 2 la u it ilr'wuu. ' Ii ( ; ( , uul luiomuIu. , : u 1mctIliuti lii O'it. 7hiu liiummth , ' , .1 . C tuesiuu iii. h'iIct' * 1 .au * .1(10 , A i'iuflhmuie hulht of ' ' 'cnus 'chat , ' ' a t hot Img , fur tIme chueits , ilimi im C 'mit oil rc ipi of a . . ' emit stummi' , . I.IPiBiitL , CIi1II'h1CA1 ? 'lZU. CO. , 202 1"Ifm vvittmo , 1'oiv YOhk , 1r,4 OMAlh , ; SHERMAN & McCONNELL , 1513 Dodge Street. . _ - - - - - % Weak Heart Irregulsr action of the heert , Functloaai Derangements af the hmearte Cause1 by the exceshve muse of to"ac'coi Dt. pepsia , Nervous l'rcstratIom , Gemietai Debility , &c , AN iMPOVEflisHto STATE OP THL nl.oot , , Are cred , amid many orpnic dhca'c , of the imeart , lrops anti hirighmt S Disease of the Kid. Imeys arc alleviated by : ardi1 Tim ixtrnct of time A. * hlcort of time Ox , Prepared according to thic formula of DR. WM. A. 1IAMNOND , In liii laboratory at 'asmhng'oa , D , C. Doic , Dtop , PrIce , Two Drachiuns , $ moo. All elderly persons siuotmlsl uie CadIne , 1'OR SALK its' Atm. nauccms , 'rho Colurrubia Cimonimiocil Co. Sead for Book , 1:6 0. C , KtIIN & CO. , 4GUNTS FOIC1AIIA ) , - - , - . - _ _ PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES fly purchating goods mmmado at ( hue following Nebraska factories. If you caummiot find what you want , comnnumnicate with Clue muanufac. turors as to what dealers huantlie their goodsi 11,4(1.'i , HhlIfl.hI' l.Vi ) a'Il'Z'i'l ? . iIiii1ciiio ; ; : j ltnnutacturer , of all kInds of cotton & buuia ' begs , cotton fear sack , & twine a specialty. 1 GIA 'i6-61S S. , 11th-st. JI1t.lKPlx 7' I"OI ) , J".OfIil , 1'lm..CST. I Manufacturers of Preston' . CalifornIa P'iake Sickle brand Sill rqlstng flour & i'enst. Bo yea u l'reston's beSt flour ? itiu'jt'iicii.s' ; , . - a 1RE1V1GAOJfl'I'ON. ! Car loath shipments made In our own ictrlgoratoy cttm'e. liltie lthbbon , Elite Baport'leuinua Export , and Fammmiiy Expert , detlveredto at ! mhuitl of cIty , C , ' , I hULl ( J I P.S FROST & hARRIS. Carriage & Wagon Makere. Carriage. , buggisi , mdmaetons & wagon. always on hnntm & made te order , ii3-ii ilarney-et. , Omaha. . ( jI"FflL , PlCItSI3.IIClX ( PU hI.1)E:1ir. : _ , CONSOLIDATED COFFEE C' ' ) , , CotTee flomusters , Spice Grintiers , Maumufacturerl German BakIng Powder and Oerninn Dry hop Yeast. 314.10 5. lhtmm street , Onmaua. ) :2 : PI ( ) Ult. i ; - - , , . . - - - - " ---s : i. hianufacturer of Gold Medal Flou ? ' C. E. tihack , Manager , OmahiS. FUJf.VI1'UlfI l".l CTOflhIS. - OIAIIAUPHOLSTERIflG ) CO. ' Manufacturer. of parlor furniture , lounges , dims. ing tables & fomdlng beth5. 2Sthare. . , Boyd to , J Eamimer streets. i.vs uiei vcir. UNION LIFE 1SURNCE CO. Over one miiiion doliare go out of Nebrashcs every soar for no better Iumstmrance thuan is fur- nmsmmeci by the Union Life of Onmaija. Agentl ivanted in every town In Nebraska. iCE .INI ) CO.IL. - SU'fil ' OMAHA ICEANI ) COALCO. Domestic & steam coal. We have the best , Of. , flee 1601 Fnrnam-at. Telephone : OrIlee 373 , yard ' ' , iGG , .1. , A. Doe , gen'l manager , , JICON n'oiei : , . T- INDUSTRIAL IRON \\7OKS \ \ ManufacturIng & repairing ot nil kiu.ls of maa cimincry , englumee , p'unps , elevamom's. printing presses , hmangem'e , shafting & coupilng , I4OI- $ 1townrdst. , Omaha. PHOENIX FOUNDRY C. Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , speetahe ; boiler fronts & fittings , street iVy car wheels. Arch ! . tectural iron works. Office hOl a. lfthi-st , , Omaha. PAXTON & VIERLING IRON WORKS , St't'r's of Archhtecturmui Iron Womlc. General Foundry , Machine and EmacksininluVork. . En. gineers & Contractors for Fireproof iiuildiags , 0111cc and Works , U. 1' , hiy. .0 So. ihlm ( ree Omuima. 2Ill N Ui" . I OTUJCLNI ff11 1iIt'iTS. TIlE MERGER CJIEMICALCO11ANY. ? , fanuto.turers of fluid extracts. ehixirs , syrup , , .ct wines , compressed trlturatea , mm'pociermio tab. lets , piths & scientific medical , nov.itiea. Omahe. , iIt'1TJtJ'8t1C.'I , ( JOT . , . ( . 'ItlS. . L. C DOUP. Manufacturer Mattresses , " Sprmna h1tle ; 3obbe Fenthcui and Phihaw , . North 14(5 , uund Nioholai Ste. , Omnahua. 4 . - , I' . / - -I ! , .wIJ1' hl'.ITUIt , 2'1UI , 'ilItJ'IJJ..t' , . . . - - - - - - ---1 - - - AMERICAN , DISTRICT TELEGRAPH , 'Due only perfect protection to property. Exam. toe it , Best thing on earth. Iiethuces insurance rates. 1301 Douglas-at. _ _ _ _ 0 J"FR. I LI J'J U7'Ol ( IJ , XILPATRICI ( KOCII DRY G ) ODS CD , iulunufucturers & jobbers of the eclelrmtted Buck. skin bu'nnd china , pants , overalls duck cloth. lag. 11Oi'3 5 Ilarney.st. Factory last pmnlm , - - It t'fZ-NEINSC ( ) , Manutacturer of men's & boys' cinChing , panig , shirt. & overahis , 202.212 II , hlthu'.t. _ _ _ _ - . - - - ' = = = : - - - - - - P.1 I'IJf J3O.'bJX - , THE OMAHA PAPER BOX CO. Manufacturers of all kinds pamper boaea , shelf boxes , sammipie cases , mamuihimig tuijes , etc wed. ding cake & fuirmey cmmntiy bets , di'tmgii & 3ewehr boxes. 1205-10 Jones-at , , Omalma , NIIIIZ' ( J"I ( , 'TUI i ; . , ' ' j7'j'jLyANS--.EBRASKA ShIRT CO. Eichuslve custozmm ehirt tailor. , . ' 501. 3115 'Znrnamn atroet. 'Tclrphione r _ _ _ _ _ _ I'JT1fJt'JJ1 ? J'4 i'I.t'I JS1f'IC. . - illif1Iii : : OllANE Factory in Louisville , Cues ( 'a Q'maiiy ( of brlclg .araiuteed to be as gooti p. army inuoitacturi tuitsitls cC Ciii. C'ate. ilemiry lio0n. BREAKFAST -SUPPER , EPPS' S GRATE FUL-COMFO 2TING' , COCOA BOILINGWATEFC Ox MILZ. ! ' ' '