' . - . ' - . - : - - : ; ; ; ; - - - - ; : - - ; _ - , , ; - - -w 3 . , \t ' t I' T > , " I t. 0 (1 / ' I t i I. , , . t 1' } t' . - . . . . TIlE OMAIIADAILYflE1 SUAY ' . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : WAY , FBHltUAUY 2.l , 18fij. ' 15 CONDITION ? OMAHA'S ' TRADE ' . Local Jobbing Situation Shows Very Little Ohango COUNTRY COLLECTIONS RAmER SLOW NehrMIR , * ! \lcrch'111I JluT Very SI'RrlllIy ot . \1 I.IICA-Nu Urcat 111'roclclt AnUdll'lrI tur lhu Near Future -HollgM or 1lIInt1f4cturert. TIe Jobbing trade or Omha has moved nlong the well beaten patti durIng the past Week , nnll the general BlulLtOI cnn. lot bo said to have shown much chango. Gcneral huslnos hI dull , and there Is no reason for expecting It to ho otherwise. Country merchants realize that le\'erl moniha will have to ho IJalsei through be. toro It wi bo possIble ) to grow another . . crop , and wllh the llrospcet that money will be very Benrce Iurllg the spring and IUller they arc buyIng very spnrlngly oC all classes or "ools , Time volume oC trade Is small , Iml every one expects that It will , continue 10 tor BOle 10nlhs ) yet. The Bcnrel ) ' or money In time country Is i be- ccmlng moro 1111arenl , IIHI collections are less satisinctomy. 'rho IllClly or cot- lectng for time gout ! old 11 havc I tel- Ienc ) ' 10 Itcell down the volume or trade ! during the prlng , and summer. Abolt the only money that Is goIng back Into the country al the Present time comes from the sales or such country Produce 19 hUt- ter and eggs ! /li from hive "loclt. l'he latter furllslles the main revenue ot the tnrler In the ubsence of n grain croll , but . the Income frol that sOlrce 1H lighter than - usuul. bilico the nrKt or time year the re- celpl8 of cattle nt Soulh Olaha have shown n railing OIT , Ia ( 'olllrcl with last year , Il0untlg to 21.70 ; huml. 'l'ho reccipui Of hOgs hlvo Khown C gain oC & 2.0 head / , but thel'e hits bel'u such ' "lch n U'elelHloUs fulllg oft In the welsht oC the hugs , whlo the price Is n ller hUlllre lower " nll the lLrmers are not receivIng ns 1uch 10111 ns I year ugo. In thu IlrOllco marltct there has beeJ\ little to Illerust the general Ilublc , ushle from the egg market. which ha been closely watched. The receipts oSg' ! have been so light that llere seemed to be a Hood reason for expecting Il advance , but thb weather has been too mild tu admit of lirices being forced ullwur Poultry hal been lu fairly geol demand v nt steady llrlces. Potatoes are scraco nt time points bC SUI- Illy. A broker It Denver cal18 that time dealerl there are oversold to the extent of : o ) to : too ' , and that ' ' :00 30 enl'S they IL'O paying groWU'H most anything that hi a8lted. Allilles are very scarce IUII so far ns can be learned the market does not lack much of being entirely baro. 'I'here are Home falcy western box tipples \ Ihnt have nr- lived during the past week. California ot amigos are 'Iullo % plenty , and i' , . . are selling nt reusonable Prices. ' 1he quality - * Iy Is very 110 this season . the flavor being sweet und the color guod. Oysters have been about the scarcest nr- tick on the market , und the prospect Is I10spect that they wIll contInue so for some days. ' 1ho harbor at laltllore has heel frozen over anti It has beel Impossible to catch any Oysters to amount to anylhlng. OwIng A to the scarcIty 11'lces In the cast took ! . . .a. . hal'p upward tutu . At this point bulk I stock wits y/wcell 20e 1)01 galen , but c canned oysters relained unchalge . FACTORY l"AC'S. " The planing mIll people arc anticipating . lome business for the comIng summer ; the low jim ices on nil kInds of immaterial Promise to stimulate buIlding operations. ll'lnH lhe past year a good deal of work In this hue has gone to Iowa mills . to the detriment oC Omaha establishments. John Doe , manaII' of the SJuth Omaha Ice company , estmntes that the packing houses ammd time Ice men of this city and " , touth Omuha have palll out for labor . In _ _ f filling their Ice houses this wInter about . , / ' ' I . $0,0. 'l'hls money has been dIstributed ( . largely among the poorest class ot laboring S , men. . There are a good many people In Nebraska - bmslt who have nn Idea l that I Is some- thing unusual tor the eltJzens of any one state to favor the goods produced la that Itnle as agnlnst the products .ot some other secton ot the country In other words . they think that the "home In ustr ) ' " cam- : paIgfl 'that has been carried emi In Nebraska Is out of the ordlnnr\ The fact Is that Nebraslt UI to a year or two ago , was very much behInd other states In the mat- ter ot encourglng home Industries. I was recently shown that there Is a law In New York providing that certain materials used In the construction oC public works must . . . ) be ot home manufncture. In a recent Is- . Hue at thb Charleston , S. C. . News and ' Courier there WJB In artIcle regnllnl the excellent quality at bed , ticking produce by I factor established In South Carolina. In commentIng upon the subject the following language was used : 'here arc probably Irohably 2.00.0 or 3.0,0 beds In the stnte. Equip them hereafter with latreHHes made In the state , of home matte cotton and home woven ticking. Patronize home Inllustrles : It will hell the Industries and hell the - state. " " 'hat Is not a very good object lesson. " observe a citIzen , pointIng to a sack of Nebraska flour. the sack bearIng the brand - ; , of a ' bag factory located some distance from 4 - Nebraska. " ' 1he manufacturers want the people to patronize them , and they should Iet a geol example by patronIzing ehch other. " Time Electric Tic Renovating company Is l the name ot a new Irm that has bepn established - tahlshet In Omaimo. The company his a secret process for cleaning silk neckties . at n cost ot 15 cents each. 'rho worl wIll be done throuth the laundries . and they ex- poet to build up a large In ustr ) ' . 'Vllam , Preston & Co. nre empioylng ! , In spite ot the dull timnes. ICty people In the manufacture ot cereal and specialty goods . whIch shows the value to the cIty of that kind ot un enterprise . Thousands of dollars are Bent out of this cIty every month tor cereal goods that might ! be manufactured nt home just ns well . Members of the Mantmfac'turers' and Con- "nmers' association were congratulating th nsel'rl yesterday upon the success 01 their FrIday ovcnlnl banquet , These home Industry banquets have come to he unite an Important f"nture In time bURlness circles at the state. Time first atem\t In that dl- recton consIsted of what was modestly called a "home Illustry" lunch , which Wil IIrend In The n.e buIlding , at the time 01 the first annual meeting at the Iwocla- ton , Time Pleasure afforded the members by that effort Il'l them to try the same thIng nt Llnroln , on a more elu'ge scae ! , with the addition , that business men , other than members oC the n soltuton , were Invlel to 10 present. Each subscquent banquet has been larger than Its predecessor . At Ne. braslm City Kuch a crowd wal entertaIned that It wal ) thought that the lImit had heen reaehell , but It was stmriisseti hy the one given last Friday c\onlnl. when [ peo\le sat down to the tables Time Mnnulacturers' and Comumenl' IsHocllton hal / tumid whIch was lihsel'lbed lor limit ( purpose . and ' \mrpol \ from which time eXllenllR at tue hanlUC1 , are paid. Nearly everything COlsumEII itt the banquet II lurnilhell by mnemmmhers , who In turn receive thl'lray In the advertisIng . \ay which they reo'I\l' from ho\'lnr their names prlntcIon the bill of ( cci' . nellhrnberg.Rmlh Co. II the style of a new lnn whih has just openoll imp lt the corner ot Fifteenth and Harley streets . un pIt.bUshment for manulleturing and loh- blnK jewl'lry. watcimes ( 'tie. 'I'hl memhers of the nrm were fonnelly with Max Meyer & Co. , and ama already well known to the trlulo. A. J. Smih , a member oC the firm , ammd n. P. Fiucimmi will rellrelen t the com- pllY AII on the roall. Time IrumimmoiuI Carrll/e COIIUI } ' has fitted ont lie wagon used I ) the chlet ot the Council mulR fire department wIth wheels having rubber tires. The chief was over yesterday . all hlshl' commended the new device . as I 1101S away with much nt the Ilnncer l1cmlalt upon runs to fires. ! 110 : Tin : S'I'\NUI'UNT 01' UUN. 1.oet Trade Sllnn J.ittlo I.ittm RIII time Future 1'011'Itht Sllot , , . The local mlnJfr or thc mercantile agency of n. ( I. Dun & Co. , In his usual weekly review , bays : "ao far Febrtmry haH onlrlbuted nothIng - Ing ot II'elnl Interest 10 the t\lo eiher local or general The month to tints has been slow fol llslHI ) . IUII If nlY jobber boasts of a COrll'atvc Improvement ho rutty bo set down either ns In entlulllt or al exeL'lllon. Trade at the Hrocel' houses his \een ns good its was CXIOCteii but cOlllULrpd with good times Is not all that could bo desired. Time boot end shoe h0I/(8 hn\e done 1IIle wel , too , but tim leather Anll liquors. drl timid dry goods IlltWUI'u anti hUI'I'SI , IlleenlWnro and cOlmlsslol goomli' . the J\I'I''I cOlplalnt ot rlthcr huv ) ' trade hal 1'010 ' to 1) ' ears. " ) 'ollcR 11 the bane or lIU.II'11 11 Amer- t Ia. 1 ( .0111..1 wi 111t' the npptolmrta. tion bills nail adjourn 11t1 next December ton thle'l easier , all In locnltes where , oilier CUlltO11 mime tlHCrahle u decIded Implo\elelt will follow n.ljou1Iolt. UI' leu time 11ildQlt IhllhnlelllJIY \ cal . un extra 1111101. In II smaller \A ) ' thl Nebraska 1tllcturu Is allowing Polities to Interfere wih trade . Whllt wo Iwoll In our leglhllturo and 11 congress Is II teslol ' uml 1 1\\IUlclI Inll not 1e" , Imolihlelamis , Time NQurnslm legislature conmmnitted ' leglllaturL cOlmlh' u * , hmlgum.haimulctt outrage upon I1111el5 sense 1 amid lime ' COllHmonl Cf butter when it UL I Passed time unti-oleomnalgmmm'Ine bill. There I J Is hope thut Uo\olor lIolcomb will w.to the mCa""r but It Is pressed by all the creamery men In Netirnelta , and they have votes hnll InnUenco. I II specIal legislation and inexcusable. I Ittlks nt n rapidly dcvclol11ng industry , and while I advertises oleo and to this extent Rids In creating n market tor the substitute for butter , Its tendency II bad. Wo need all the wage haying Inslllon"olMlhlo In Nebraska. "Our banks have \ plenty or 10ne ) ' . but the demanll Cor It Is not strong . Oood leans do not go begging , hut borrowers who are not edged wIth gilt have' n har.1 time persundllg money lenders to bo cc- commodntn . " 'hero hI ! no market for real estate , thoUlh a tew trn"fel are being made At sherifs anti other onelnl sates Ilrollerty goes for almost nothIng. 1 saw 1 good lot worth $ ,2) , sold the othel' tiny Oi ex' : eculon tor $2 . the purchaser to assume a mortgage for $ 00 or $100. runnIng several Years. The sale was aferwnrd conlrmed and 1 5USjlCt time millionaire imurchmnser I fOln ho hall n bargalmi In a small way. hnrlllln 'hls Is only a small 5itflIiiC. ! 01 execUtion lands and lots mire worthles9. r1hls stag- Imton cannot cOntifltme. SOl0 prOle With a little mOle ) ' . I little loresllhlall prO\ \ 1 little eOllllelec 11 Olaha , Will ho lade rich by the pUI'chnles they make now. " )1 those days oC t110reNl CCOlom ) ' ( roam peasant to Prince amid ! letlJ'lue to 11rel' blent I II 10 small timing to have cOlgres ! throw $ I.O Into the lap > of a city of 10. ( 1)001)10. South Omaha which Is at- vays lucky . has jusl eXllorcnrell ! timId enjoyment - joyment and with ) nnl together wlh COlgrcRRmal Mercer and time congressional 11eleloton , Is helnl COlgrllnted most eurllol ) ' , " 1W far time mOlt interesting event 01 the week was the banquet or thc Manulac. turol's and COlnmel" association tendered 10 time visIting traveling mcii. Aside from time menu nlel the nmcetimmg . the ofect or the sentiment aroulell tn favor of home Industry lust bo far.re'chlng , rime trnv cling len oC Nebraska sell the goods pur- chasell In Nebraska II a large measure , and IC they take hell oC Nebraska goods with charcteristc vigor anti enterprIse , Nebraska manufactrcs mlst leel time boa- onts wllhoul delay . Time most clfcclve bUsiness men's orgallziton 11 this state hy the wn ) ' , Is tll 1nlull1irers amid Consumers association . " sNOY . CIUICI & CO.'S \ ' 1lWS. Extension of 01,11'1 1"lell I ! 0 .lolmhmhng C.ntor 19 un , 1 lconrlchu : Ssetm . Time local manager for Snow , Church & Co.'s lerclnlle agency writes oC time Omahl trade sltuallol : "As the end or February draws near . there appears to be a slht increase In the volume oC buslnoas. 'rhe Ieductol sales advertised by retailers leeoult for /1 fair share oC the buslless done 11 that bramicim . but the increase applies 1010 , directly to wholesale iiiie . The extelslol or territory Is [ direct cause oC time larger volume 01 trade. Sllce January I , amid , 11 act , slnco time oxlelslol oC the Burllgtol hlmie . Olaha jobbers have boon prel1rllR to In- vUlo new territory . ' { his has been one of the eOldllols imposed by the .itmmtlomm . , \s I have stated It various tlimies . little cal , be expected CrOln thIs state for SOl0 I 10nthM , cven shoull all cOldltols he ( a- vorahie. I Is the I'ealzatol oC thus fact that has Imposelt upon Omaha timid Nebraska . blsl ( jobhers the necessity of seekIng new fields oC action . ' I'ade 11 Iowa , II certaIn districts , has beel luMhel1 very vigorously with n lair degree of HUceess. Denlel'H Iii IIIY lles Ire now taking In Oregon , 'Vushlngto and 1IcntlLn , Iml Job- hers who heletofore hlvc limited their operations mainly to this state tumid to Iowa are now soliciting trade 11 Colorado . Utah amid ' ' . H Is 1111'omlng. gratifying to that these efforts ' bctmm note cffOltR are hell rewarflell with 1 fair Ilegree of stmccess . ; amid there Is no doubt that within a very short ( line jobbers located In this necton uf the country - try will he dohm an extenHI\'o business lS Car west as the coast. Many Irms who , have heretofore relrlned from extondln their trade beyond Colorado , claiming thnt the eXIerlnent'IS lCo expenll\'c. are now trading as far west lS Oregon , amid realize a very fair pllt emi their gaothi. South Dakota busIness Is also Iwlng pushell amoco vl orolsh' . ' { hla eXlelR'On of territory Is one of the fealll'es brought about \y the hard ( hues that wi undoubtedly result In Proilt. 'Vlh auch a large terrItory , If not tlbulnr ) ' , It least aeoesHlble to Omaha , its Importance as n Jobbing center must na- t\lly hecome gl'eater. ' 'he fact thut this center hms In the past . been generally regarded ns havIng limited territory has IUI'Hel Interfered with Its growth. A case In point Is the departure of the Ilm or Gilmore & nuhl. Time loss or this concern Is very much regretted for the lenSOI that time gentlemen connected with the same arc succosslul , energetic mnemi I imave It from a member of this firm that their reason - son for leaving Omaha Is for the very inir- \ur- pose ; ot oxtcling their field of operations. olemlons. 1hoy go to St. LouIs , 110lblng their cap- Iul ! amid In a position 10 compete wIth ca\- leaulnl houses lt that point. ' 'hel. trade nt Omaha has been proltable , and the former Is the solo reason for their do- > rture. As the limit . of territory thut can l be covered from Omaha becomes larger thus wIll one or time causes for such removals - movals as this disappear . \ "Hnr wlu'e dealers are making special efforts - torts for time far western trade , and with the opening of the building season quite a faIr business may be expected frOm the new torlol' . Hoot timid shoe men amid ' ) have for doime grocery men some years dOle huslncsa In the far % voet . but they state that they expect a material Increase In that section during the spring. I may be seen , therefore that there arc faIr pros- ; ueets ot an aVera trade dUrln the eom- _ - - - - lug month. - - "Another cause for antIcipatIng n gradual improvement In business during time spring and one that gives more encouragement than any other ts the prospect of a wet season. I Is an . Indisputable fact that more snow hns fallen In time mountains thIs wInter than tOI some years. When the spring thaw sets In thIs will naturally till the streams of Nebraska. The evaporatIon , I 1M expected , will cause more or less pre- cipltation. I Is needless to say oC course , that the mere prospect of moIsture soil- clent to bring about I good crop means prosperity tn this sectIon of time counlry. " 'nltlng Into consideratIon the extension of territory above referred to , and the prospects tor a good crop the situation seems to he mCro encouraging nt time pros- ant ( line titan It has been for sonic months , anti the facts In both Instances are such that there Is little cause for doubt of the outcome. The ulusuul depression PrevaIl- hug III'lna time beginning ot thc month Is gradually gIving way to I slight ImpI'ove- mcnt , wimicim It 11 generally believed , wi continue through March , , and as the sprIng grows older It will epenl , entirely upon ulon the clnmte conditions whether time revival wi bo lasln 01 not. "While thelcCol'C , a heavy spring trade can hardly ! be expected , there Is lunclent encourlgl'lent tn the mere lact that I may reach a faIr average ligure. LooltnJ back on JUIUUI'y mind the enll'llrl oC llll mouth 10st hlslncsR mel fee that they have liaSsed through ! time worst part 01 time year 1S95. LIttle ts expected lt present , be- yond time slght Improvement which seems to ho tultng Jlace , amid the contInued ,11' crease In trade that will result unless all calculation ( ails. " lu\lloro MurllI. . UAIt'IM.OIU : , Feb. 2.-JI.OUn-Dul , an changed : rerehitte 8t : hible . : shipments , 1G.38 biiis. : smiles . e : , hhl8. W'iIFAT-Flrmner : spot tint monlh , G7 ½ i'e \ : t5\0 MArch , GH\f/5S \ / : MAY , 5BHj58 .c : etemmnmer Nu. 3 'red. 5\ft ; % . < : tecoipte , 2,16 hn. : eimipnmentmm to.o 1m. : Iloek. 622.792 hu. ; sOled , 101.0 hu. ; southern . h ) mttiiimimlo . tTtJic ; soutlmermm . 01 grade , 5 @ :0. COHN-AI I.ly : eliot , ti'Itm' ' : month , 47f 4''c : March t1I(4Ye ' : lucy . 4Si.ttc ; sleamer i immixed 46e hid : IPepll'ls , 32ZST bmm. ; hlpmenlo , i 30,0 him ; Blocl . 33.520 bu : sales 37,01 hu , ; , oulhorn white nnd yellow . 48(4 0. OA'l'i-Qulet hut ln ; No. 2 white western . 33G ! : . : No. 2 mixed , 33\H13Ie \ : receipts , 10,113 bit. ; stuck 21 .O liii. 1lul : No. 2 , G@57e : receipts . 20 bit : 81001 2S,4fl bit ILAY-Qulet antI . eas' ; gel ! to chmolee tmolhy , ' II.tO'9i3.t0. 1) UIAIN vnlia1lTS-Qmmiet t : rates bum ely steady , ul han"I'd. b'IK3AIt-Flrmu . , unchAnl d. lmtrrrSU-Ummcimammged. 1.U : < HUlehaltI'l CIII IEHS-Uncimmmngetl. - . 'riii : 1.U.11 : Ilt T. . INSTRUMENTS placed on record February 23 , 1895 : WMtit.tNTY lIIDS. " , lt.rTY umms. w It holhnlt 10 hlaims Johansen , IW 5.IG.1 I . . . . . . . . . lnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8.01 1.1 1.In nnll wife 10 Nip' Jeimsn . w \ iiL I 5 . , block I . ClIfton 11. . . . . : . . . . . 4:0 : Theure Ol.n And wife 10 0 1. Itymum . tOIB G 10 10. TImer Place . . . . . . . . 1)'I. . . . 1iQ I I. I"olgon It A T 10rmyr , let G. block U . Imprvement a.oclulol atil . ! ,00 J 1 hansen Kn.1 wire to hugh 1tnle < ly. lot 8. block 2 , l'otter k C's aiM to moutim Omaha . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /oulh . . . 70 H I l"ul ) ' 10 1)11) ' ilem'ryman , B n feet lot 4. nnl I 2G feet lot H. n-u Place . . . . 4,0) Nehr.I1 81'1"and Set 1 immimitto bank II / A ' . \ un,1 MAry Cmc.kehmunt.m' , lOt G. block 21 , l'lor'nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :0 " 4 0 McLemi.1 10 0 Il P.mrmlow , lul It . hluel I 11.hle ( ' add No. I.lslow . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . 2.0 Ella A Ittimem ' In J A atisbuy , t'amt ' tux EII G ; , Illel' II . .1. . . 8nl.hlrY . . . . . . 1':1 . . . . . . . G1 J N Markth 1 10 ( relghtl Thulullldln ; cmpan ) ' . lOll I and 2 Ilht 0 i feet lot 3. antI w 2' ; feet or e 33 teel ot a : feet ot lot 3. block ' In . , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . 2 QUIT CI.h11t litD8 , V 0 l.ntf' al1 wife 10 Nebraska t11'1:1t : oiI uhan&e beak , let 6. hlu. it Cl . Jiorenre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I . . . 2. . 1 Anna MOAck ic Aimust Armmmmmamm . ow 10.14-13 ' . . . . . II . . . . . . . . . . Ar . . I0n. . . . . . . . I Julius 'n'lhdIe mind wilt , 10 ldmm J M flue. JOIII i nw BI t.I-I. . . . . . . I'u . . . . . . luI . . . 1 W I. haul 1u luL' ) ' I hail. lot 0 , hock : : n. J13.1101 l1n . . . . . . . . . . 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . I IiIIIli3. Sherlr : to Albert 11,1 .tmmsotm CergmIek , lot i , hl.k I. I 10gl' & , 1'1 Ct ,1 ! . t'Jrltk . . . . . . . . fCI Spee'ol 181. to'Muriortt , O'tlrady , loll U :111 1. block 2 . Institute 1mmc . . . C Totmi : IDUuut at tramieCer . . . . . . . . . j. COM IRC1AL - AND FINANCIAL ? , , Trade on 'Ohang ' GtDHaly Wn Dull and in the 'nd Prices Sufma , WHEAT VISIBLE SUrPlY A FEATU Corn 'ns Inther Immsy : nt the Stlrl 0111 Dcllll ) W.RI ( TUmrll time Emmil- : Light . ! .e'lllts Strelgtwl'l 'I'roIMIIIM. . ' CHICAGO , l eb. 23.-Trade on 'chnne Relerl ) ' was dull today , amid In the ell prIces sufore , Compared with the closIng rates on ' 1hursdny , wheat Is 1tC lower ; corn Is nboul ie lo\or ; omits lost ; 4c , al11 vro- visions , nlhough supported by I falling on In hog receipts 11(1 / reJoltel Rood lelnnd for cash stuff . barely helt theIr own Time weakest feature ' In wheat was the l1rospeclvo failure oC the visible "UPII' to decrease largely Iondn ) ' . Wheat openell wlh CI'om l. to ' tC below the Irlee al which I cosed 01 'hurla : Time cables were slendy , the receipts In the northwesl were no heavier than haL beel expected , anti nothing else which might bo calculated to caUse weakness was mbde ImbUe al tha uJenlng or hl occurred since the closing oC ' 1hur8In ) ' . New lO'jt Placed Eelllg elders In the hands of Illt a Il0zCI commission houses herc , for execution nt the Cpemmlmig . 'te placing oC these orders calselt time Mo pllce tu ellen at &e , for the most 111t , wil a tow StileS lit G 3'te , ns COIII\'c whim &ao \ lt the close on ' 11'Sfll ) ' . In New York amid Ht. houhms on the contrn' . nrlCS showed f.e Im'llrO\'clent at time olmmmImig . 'rhe tellenC ) ' here during the 11 t hiur mutter thu olleling was toWUI ! the picking . till oC the qUlller cent IrullllcII at lhe start . 1'as generly expecteim that the tie- crease II the visible IHIII.I ) ' Mommilny will b less thun l.lW.U ' him 'l'ls was 1 lu'01lnclt factor In time larket , Hecelllll here were elJhteen cars. llnllenlols received 3i cars Hlnce ' 'hur8,11' 10rlng. nnl Duluth rePorted - Ported liG car for the tIny . Atllltc port clell'anees sInce ' { hursln ) ' were cqual to 320.0 bu. , In wheat antI hour. Primary 1allet receipts wue .152,00 bu. AII\lceR fl01 time sea board were to the effect that intro were II goad man ) ' Inqulrlcs fr01 alroml for wheal for simipmmment . unl OI ( onlcls were also recelvell In this larlet for export to Liverpool. 'rhe 11rltet here hat n 'ery larrow mne , flol 52cc to Wc bellg the miler edge of It , anti 5le closo. the upper , wih the lower price rulnl at tie The corn market was rather easy lt time stort , and leehlelly Weak townnl the eml , The cOnelllng wCI1tness was due to time cstmntell receipt of tHO cars for Mommmlny. 'rime PrimarY market receipts , were r11.0' hU. , ugalnst 4ir.UO ) ( mu. on the oorrcsllOlllmg day of time year before. Time opening price for May was from 4Hic to 4ic. wih the hlghel' oC these the mosl general trmUng liruce. There was some bu'lng by Iceal scalpers when wheat mimaile Its lemporr ) ' allvunce , but t the estmatell refellIS for Monday were too heavy for nimy hope of l1mellate Imll'ovoment } ami cavil' buyers made 'ery vigorous eforts ? to get mitt or thell' purchases. Alter rising to 45c . the ensnmg Ileclne tool the price tleWmm to Irom . 4 c to 4tc. which was the closing quota- tion. . tion.For a Saturday the oats market was fairly active. Prices close a shade umler the last quotations on 'l'imtmrsmlay. him s'm- lathy with corn , but . notwithstanding timis the mallct was relatively firm. Higher prices werc pllt. and only at the enl . did any Ilgn of a eclne occur. May started at :9'"c. ' sold to : \ c. up to : c , down to 29c amid rested at from 29c to : ' \e. \ 11'ovlslons. helped by light hog receipts opened hiram . al nn alh'ance ( of lOc for 11011 , . olenel ; hard . and from unchunged to 2b.c higher for anl . tendency was sllhtfy , Ilownwar for a Ihort tinme . and then the i leelng became steady , with more lmmdica- ' tons of Improving than -f selling lower lnt time corn marltet became so radically weal 'rhe drop oC .c In corn had n Ie- pressing effect , and the early gain was lost. May pork and ribs closed unchanged anti May lard 2c higher. ant Estmntel receipts for Monday : 'heat.0 cars : corn . GO cars ; oats 3tO ears : hogs , 40.0 head. Time leaLlng futures rnged as follows : Articles. I Opoim. T'mim I _ j C \Vi.catNo : . 2 Feb . . . . . : J' tOTh ro , , OOiClf : May . . . . . 63 13 /2H r2JK < 6 : Jil ) . . . . 64 M HH 14 G,1 Corn No. 2. . Feb. . . . . . 42H43 431 42 % 424a 1ln . . . . . .IH ! t ; 4f ( 44 % 44th July . . . . 4lJ443a U ,1'fHI ' ! Oats No. 2. . Feb. . . . . . 28I I 2FH 28 4 28' May . . . . 11 ! ! 2U" ) 2 ! : ! ! .Jiiimo . . . . : \H ) 21\ 1m ) 20 Pork per bbl pr . . . . . 1025 102 ; 10 15 10 Hi Lmd.100 Ib' MAy. . . . . 050 \lO 04 : . 04i Short lUbe- . _ May. Ubs- , . . . . _ 5 2iJ _ _ 5 :0 _ _ I 2 5 271.d Cash quotatIons were as follows : FLOUR-Winter ImlenlB , f2.52.r. tolowR ; ; Fprn ! pat- ents (3.041t13.5' ' ) : winter straIghts ; S2,02.r,0 ; halers' . $1.7fl2.i0. Wll AT-No. 2 sprIng , ifJi7c 1 : No. 3 sprIng 10mlnnl : No. 2 retl fO4i&lc. cOnN-N 2 , 42ttfi2io % ; No.3 ) ' .low. 40fc. ! OATH-No. 2. 2.a \ : No. 2 white , 3tH131 ! : No. 3 white . 3 > 3:0. Rn-No. 2. 5 2c' . Gle. 13AIt1dY-No. 2. G(54a : ; No.3. GI'lo ; No. 4 , FLAX REINo. 1 , ' i.3l. 'riaioTltv SEED-I'rlma. (5.7t5.5. MO'1 1G.80. I'itOVISION4-Mess pork . per bbh . $ lO.O0iJ10.13. $0.0'10.1 Lard Pr 10 Ib8. , Sii1m6.4O . Short ribs . cities , loose . $5.iOtJ5.i. Dry sAle,1 shoulilerim . 1N'l , i 'I.G2\HH.75 \ ' : short cleAr s'Ies boxe.l , 5.4.GO. . U.22. Wi11IIKY-Disthilcrs' Inlshcopods , itr gAl. , I 'j'he followIng were the receipt and shipment lo'IIY : AiiIcles. iiipttm . Shtpments. - - - - - - - - - - Flonr. bbs. . . . . . . . . . 28.000 ( 27.000 S'hmeat bu. . . . . . . . , . . . :1).llU ) : 11.UUO Corn . 1m. . . . . . . . . . . . . 234.UOO 0(1.1)00 ( ) Oats. . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; : :1.000 2:1.OOU H.c.tm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.110 ( li.IOO ( ) Harley ! . Un. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , o.2 _ 40,05(1 ( 0mm tIme Ir01neo "oa'liD to:1 } " Ils b.ltsr market - ket was ( tram : creamer . iIta22lc ! ; dairy , ! @ 200. Iggs . 111 : i0t5le. , : I \ YUIU ( "NI II\ MAXtKlT. Closing Qnltlllln . 01 Limo 1'111011 1 Coam- lolU01LII , / Slnlll . , NEW VOI1K . I'eh. :1.-FI.OUi-ieeclpts. 39.&O bbl , . . ItOO this. , & , . : exports .ISO hlls. 5,10 plegs. Market taLly steatfy , hut very dull : city mialells , $ .O H.I : ; cIty mi clears . $3.M : Minnesota patents 3.03.8J ; Mlnnesola liakera * 2.00i3.6) ; winter extra : I.00tj4.E0 ; spring extra . $ l.iIf.C5 ; ivimmter low m ( S , 11.70132.10. SI > ulhel flour , del : common 10 tall extra , . $1.i0fj2.l0 ; good 10 choice celia , t2.401J2.93. I.c Ibu' , 111 : galemi . 21' ) his. : rupemlIne . 12.53(12(0 ; fancy , t2.799J1.0) . luckwhelt hour . dull : ih.70. COHN MI.\-Uul : wosler SI.0 > ' 10 ; Ilrtmn. dwlne , .2 itO. . ILYS-Noimminal . ; car lots , tOe : boat loads , 51 1"c. \AI.Y-Dul ; two.rowed state , COUCle ; Can atm . 7Qf73e. uln. 70fi0. iihtti- MAII'-Nomlnol ; ivestern , 70'i : < j I Ix. " 1'ld. T3itTic. s'lIgA'r-1tecehmtts. 1.101 ) iju. : exports 09.2 ) hu , : sales , CGOJ ' ) \ . tUIUI < s anti 16,0)1 ) Lu . 8pol. Ibtot. dull ; No.2 red II mitoru' emil elu\'alor , rCj ; umictat. 5,0 : r. o. h. , > % ' IlulI ; No t 101'1 ; > - ( en . G c. delivered ; Nu. I haul . G34c , Ielh'- eril . . ' . . ' 11',1. Options were Ienemly : mt.etmtly , .it for a little weakness al ( tie opening . dime 10 a Inlre I'e < ucto , In time hour anti wheot < "I.nrlullon. : , 1"urel:1 houses bought anti south equally Ild ) cables came stettily There was very little fea. Iur 10 limo nail kt't. o1 ! ) I : lllt reactIon at time close loft . itrices unellnted r.ol Thmursdty : No. 2 red I.'cl.or. closed G t'c : 1irmrclm. el"sed fic : May . G8 1.IGI18'd.el fS4c ! ; June . < lo31 ! 5Se : July ri t3 1l.iio . CI"9Id 5'1ic : Attract , G8 1I.iCte . closed 58"c ; flepteimmiter 5iiJte ! , "Iosell 5)-jc : Deeemler. clove J GliJ3ie. COIN-\OtIIII. 3.9 hu. : cxprts 61q61 2.110) bu. : sales . 81O hu. futures and . 13,0) ) lu . 81.ol. SIhIt t. Irm ; No. 2. 48o 10 ( .I'\alor ; Iteamer mIxed , t In c1ov.mtor tOc dtdlvcrei . o 1'10\1101 ; ; del\tN. Options Ilim-r on 1011019 ot 1 roil tlomn.mni In Iho Chicago marlel uld II weter ltolmtmi aid light orterimigs h.re , closed Hlo hl.r : I"ebrunr ) ' , elo'd 48'.C : May , 41'-.tf49'4c . of.ell ; 43'f.c ' : Jul' . close : , ) 4lc ( . OTH-itecepts. EZ ( hu. : < 11"119. 1,01 ) ) le. . : Iles , GQ bu. toluruJ , maid 4)tt ) ' )0 ) lu . spot . Hpn. > Ilm : No.2. 31e ; No. Z. , klv""ul. 3. . ; No 3 wh'le ' , Sic : track I . mlxCI imec'etn. : Ye ; track . white. 3ti2e . Optons , steed ) ' . wlh cciii . 00.11 ; IL 340 advance ; " .hroA ! . cbosij 33e : March , < 1 ' sal 3'e ; Ml ) ' . iiiiJ'3i.O. cl.el , , 33. . 5fJ IA Y-HI..d'j . ; .hlpplns. 4tG9cj ; genii 10 choice . 1101'S-Quiet : "lAte common It cholo' . eltI Srlc' Iaele lopsl ( , " iti . 3' e' 1(91 1 , 7Ilc . iiliFi3-titeatiy ; Wet S1 ' ( 1.ew OrltIII 41S 10 : lu"1" li'1I. % < : 'Fezas dry . iUiS ' < ' , 1.1'NI'IUt-'t"Ily : : hpnllocl s ' ic. iluenos Ayre.light 10 IHSohlht. . . 1'"fl ' ; < /uela. l \\'OOlulel ( ; domestic Iteocv. 1v 23 cj ; I'uled. IlO\18INlleeC. quiet : famIly . $1 I.o0iJ12.oe ; UXII' nmoss . 47.5)1)1.0) ; iee ( h1u. ) $ 1.111.0 : .8. ( ) 10,0 : cliy . 'Ilra lnJl1 mmss. $16 0 laoll.l. ' ) 16 1. l 'mitt 1 meats quiet : Illcklelt 1tII , , . . GI..U& : Iticideti simouliers . 4'tJlc ' : alll ; ! hams , tZJie. 1Icieli li'.c. dull ; w..lel sleam .1".1 lt 11W nVllnal ; cimy , $1.21J6.ITtj ; Juhrun- ) ' . d" > .1 ul S3.i . 101' IrILI : May ) fO.15 asked : r'lntI. .Iul cal ateu.i' ; .onlnenl , Suite ; ecimiltitinI. Ort't.r . l'oric. im'g. looted : neW immet's , $ hi.Cttmll 7 ; IJml , $ iituj t.O : short cCII' . i13.emillbt'm. ) 11UTTIit-l'urmn : w.stel tilry ) 01.1' ; svet- c'rmm rrt'mmmner ) ' . l9PI3e , western t.el'I' . SUIo ; I IKIIS , : < : Imlsllon eteanmery . 1&lit : HHlu Lr : ) itfiC'c : 'Ito ' ertamuJ y . iHl"c. . t'hlitt.-sieamy : : ; large fQ4l " ; ilimafi . t'ij CII I : lleuI > rQIH" la\ 12t : loll m.kimns . 3QS'.e ! : full klm. 3d3ci' O'HI JUC1t4-Strcn ; Iat I and 1" " s.I.cn (2 . M' ' I2tc ; Ice lieu. ' . 21. : IC ; w..I'r 0.11 tl'.I , iI 3)1 < : " 'I' her :8jle ; Icclpls ; , 2,2'i 'kl1 : t TALi.O'iuil ; city , 4t4. : cUUllr ) ' , f. ! ) . ' . aB IJ qualit h' . i'iTitOI.i8.'M : - Nomn-I ! ; t'n't"1 ' etose4 ot SIOf bit , \a.hln lon. In thIs , U.\17 1' ' ) . < \aahlnl" Ion , tl hulk , $4.5) ; lulnL" New 'ollt $ . \ ' , l'hlndrlphll anti flaltimp'r $0.03 : rnn l , In bUlk. 13.05. 1111' "InSIN-Fln ; trlnel"TIJ1 ' to go'i ; $1.49 ,14. Q " . ' . . . ? ' . , T111PINTINLI.-.Tlrm : V't Tt.\'I'NTINI1rlr to extra . 411 1I If.1n .1rmtllJ"lr uti. G.c ; Japan , 41,4074"lr. . > 41 MO1AssS-4ttotmiy : . ; Nyamlsans ! open kettle , go.ttI II choice . 3f3 t . 'iJJlenn Olt.NOla4-Quiet ; 1'10rllR $2.0)jil.00 $ ; Callfor. n11. ' 3. fI3.r. t.OHJ01 110 110N-III ; 0ovjI ir . I9.0)V2&00 ; Am r- lean 09.rtti2.M. I' ' . , , .t9.0)t " 'tI'i'lIt-Caey : iiroke1'trlce. ! c. IflAl-F'immn ; Itrokors' . 2Infe , $ : ' ' COTTON 81mn : OI.Q , I . hit ahlt steetirl : prIme cnmtle . : f2lc : ol HI"te , 2UII'c ' ; Irlme "IIm.r ) 'elo\ :61 . ' f2k ; art llm r yellow , 2t12'e. ; nonmhmmmtl ; yoliow butter gntdes . C3tJ9c : 2f2c. white , 30U31c . , .low.lutler"de ! 2U = nOI- ' nOI.0 OIAl..HSI'I : : .0 \ \IAlln 1' . Condition or 'Trlle , i Quotation ; on tnlltn , Ilei Illh > Y l'rlll'r. lITTBi-CuICl slock , to : comlon to felt , l < lte : rAIl -to good cotmntq , ' , lm2\fc \ ; cholco to fancy , 16UICc : gathered creamer ) ' . iSot : separator creamery . 19f2 < . l(1oh3-htricli9' ! ( freib laid , 22o. Li\'iI i'Ot'i'r1t\-c1mIckes , 641J7c 1 , llck , 6cI ; turkeys Cc : imemv9 ' tome . te : geese . Cc. 11t $ SI : I'OUi.TihY-Cimlekens , fair , CUCHe & : choice large , G , Hlc : choice entail . 7(8 < ; turkeys . rAIl to good , S1jSc : cimoice h.n6HI \ 0 : cimolee lal , 9QIOc : ducks . tall tu good , i' . t1e , fancy . ful drc8NI. DUIOe : geese . faIr to geol , 7\Hi8e \ : fancy , tul ,11.1 , Suite. O'MI -lle wing teal per do ? . , $ t.00 ; green \\1ng tel ! , I'er dot. . Si.2iJi.50 ; 11ucks. r2ilxetl. l Per dot. . ' u.0001i,23m : cnnhack. . $1.01 5.0 : 1.10rds nnd tel hmt'tmls . f.0/ : small l aiitblt . , SOc : jack rabbits , io ; squirrels G ! reIn. Coo. Gc. \'lAI.-.Chiole CAt , iO 10 10 Ibs. . Are quotel nt GUryc ; large anti cOI"se " 31No. ( . 'ilflii4ti-Vkconsin : ruli e.om. YOlng A , tIc : twins , 1ie ! : Nebraska anti \ lows full creani , le : Nehr.k" And Iowa part pitlimme USe : tIm- ' burger , No.1 , lie ; brIck , No.1 , lIeI. : . . No. t , iie. . Y-UIlant hay . $3 : tmildhnnd. ! 1 > .Go : lewinnI 88 ; ) straw , $6. Color \nk. the price on hn } ' . 1.lght shmimdes sell the best , Only tcp erodes Irll top l.rlcPR. . I'IUkONS-Oitl tn , ncl01. \ . 7idUt.0. - . . . - "IWI TAI.I S. loll. i'O'I'ATOlS\'estern 70e. stacie , car lots SIct : smnl 01 , ] iiltNa-7antl.piciteml . nay , $ .90 2.o : 1.1la hpnn8 ' , I'el' Ih. . . G % < ON1ONS-Omm ollels , l,00li.10 ; per bbi. , 2.i5 { . . ( 'liltA(1l-On orders . : c. JI.O. CI I.I , \ - doS. . & 01160c : California , 90c@ S\\'fET POTATOfS-Good stock . 12.60 : Ian- MS , $2.Oiu2.3. \ ) III I''I' > - ' . LII . St.60. ( ItltOTH-l'el' hhl. I ! . C\tTI.IPJ.OWJ.II-t'er crate or a doz anti hAIr 01' Iwo ,101. , . U 25. IlOltflflhtD1s11 -Por Ih. , C@7e. 1'\ltSNII'R-l'er til . 12. ItITTAIIAuA S-l'er II' . l'4e. ' 1'\ltRI.gY-l'er iioz. hunch09. 3e. TtlltNII'S-l'pl' thl. , , $1.50. RPINACII-I'el' hhl. $3 t0I.00. PIE I'I.\NT-Per , ,1117. . i ; < . I'nUITS. Iti'-\\'Inlpr . . - \ Nellie . nOlle. . \ I'I'I.ES-Chol stock 81.50111.73. OitAI'ES-Con 11r.l1e ; Mllt3sas , per CI to CS-Ih. IIhls. . grimes 'IO. ( ) trIO. O. CHANtmHnn-JurHe's. . fancy . $1l.0)Il.5) , Per ItbI TROPICAL FUt'ITS. OUOF.Sl"lol'ln . per hox. $3,7Vi.00 ; ColI- , Cornia I1ll\'el. , 3.50 : .eLlllngs. t3. \AI'\\N\H-CIIOI slocl 82.00132.50 per lnmnclm IONS-Me..lna. : . sizes 200 10 360 , choIce , $ U.2 ; ( itmicy , 3,50111.00. lit 1SCIILLANL'Ot'S. OYSTJnS-'I < llIulII. pr can. IGe : horselho . 20e : extra .tAI1llIl'lI. , 21c ; extra selects , 2e ; :011I- pAn Itciects . 2Gc : New York eotmnts 50i : bulks standard ' 1. per lIal. , II. iO. NflV F'iGS-ixtta fatmey ICc : fancy , Hc : choice . jUc : California lne ic. IIONIT-New York. : i7c dark , llfll3c t : Call- tornhmt. : lIe 7 : , 111 :31'1t to t ' i1.Ilt. \ n"t i.er ib.Ci'J : API.n . H\'ltUI'-GaIIOIl , cj'u s. Irir'lIoz. . , IIZ : lilxbv . ro-/ml. / cans. ' 3. ' " NI11'S-AllnonI. ! 13c ; " ImhIe1m wolnllh' . BOrt- shelled 12e : stnmmtlardn . 'ICe : fimmcrts , . SijOc : Bl'azil IIOls. S < . b'At'llt 1flAU'F-Cimo1eo.wImItc . 1"1' hbl. . $1.50't ; .00 ; IlPr h,1 hhl. . $ .5' tl2.r. ttNI'I : AT-I"IInC : . Jim ; hAlt 1.18" , per Ih. 5tc ! : 11al kern Co ; . bndell.ell Per core ot 3 doz. plgs. 2.5J. CIDI t-Purc juice rur I4tJ. $3 : bolt bhl. , f3. 1I11HS A\'D , 1\I.I.OW. : HIDCS-No. 1 green 1d2i ' Oiic : No. 2 green hides 3e : No. 1 green- salted hIdes 5e : No. 2 neon salted hlI" , . 1Hel No11 ; green salted hides , 23 10 40 Il1s. . Cc ; Nu. 2 green salted hides , 23 10 40 Ibs. . ' 4Nt : . \'eal' calf 8 10 15 11 8. Be : r\o. 3 veal calf 8 LJ Iii Ihs. te : 'No. 1 dry IIInt hides Ge : No. 2 dry IIIl1t lmit's-9o : No 1 dry called imhde . Gc : part cured hldd e per IIJ. less than , fully our < d. ' shIllI- . I'EITS-Grc9n-.F3I1NI. each 2.GO. : greeD sAlleJ shenrllogs 1.I\O"t wooled ellly skins ) eachm 5f1Iio : dry shmeam'ings' ( , ' ( short wooled early skins ) . No.1 , each . . J10 , Pary shoarlln/s ( short woolell early skins ) 'No. : 2'leAoh. Gc : dry IIInt IKonsAs slid NI''raoka hnlcher wool pelts per lit. , actual 'elgllt ; GllSc-ttry : nlllt Kalls09 muid Nehm.la murrnln' wool helm . , IJcr lb. , actual weight , H16Cj ; dry flint Colomllo butcher wool 110115 per hIt. , actual weIght 4120t/e : dry IIInt Colorado ml1rr\11I wool Pelts per lb. . actual weIght , tile $ < . TALLOW AND anOASI-Tllllow. No. 1. 3c ; tallow , No.2 , CC : grease white A. Hj'te ; grease , white n. 3c ; I'reASO , yellow . Ic : grease dark . 21H/3e ; nil , hlllter. 2122t/.c ! : beeswax prIme , lij20e : rough tallow 2C. , FUnS. UnS-neAr , black No. 1 large f20 0O25.0O ; 'No. 1 mehiunm $11 : No. 1 maIl . f8.o. ' 10.OO ; heJr. black . yearlings , No. I large , SI2.CO'i1l5.00 ' ; No. 1 melllulII , $10 ; No. 1 enmimhl Si ; bear blaclt. ctmhs . Nu. 1 large. iI.iJ'JIir8.0) ) : No. I nmediuam . .0011G.oo : No. I cumuli I : Icar black Montana and tockr moun lAin. No. 1 large . 118.10a29.00 ; No. I mdull1. ! u. ten _ 1 cmn" 510. h . " , ' iin'ir ' Mnn'.nn " nr _ hinge : " No. 1 ' large ' : ' $12 : ; - No. ' -i" medium ; $8 ; ; No. " 1 email , $5 : bear ; black . Montana rub" . No. 1 IArg < . G.GO ; Ne. 1 medIum $1.30 , : r\o. 1 simnli . S3 ; bear , silver tip , No. 1 large , $20 ; No. 1 1II < ! lIum. t2 ; No. 1 small. IS : bear slIver tip , yearlings . No. 1 large 811 ; No. 1 lIIedlum. $8 : No. 1 small $5 ; bear , sll\'r ttp cubs No 1 large , 8 G ; No. 1 lIIedlum",1.50 ) : No.1 small $3 : bear bronin . No. I IIIrge. ' 20.0 U25.00 ; No. 1 medIum tG : No. 1 small $12 : hear , brown 'ear- lings. No.1 large ' 10.OOflt2.00 : No. 1 medium $8 : No. 1 small 06. bear . brawn cuts , No. 1 Inr'e $7 : No. I medium $5 : No. 1 small I : badger , No. 1 large tt.OOqt.EO : No 1 medIum COo ; No. I small &oe : fIsher . No. 110rgo , S8 : No. I medium fG : No. 1 Hnmll , I ; fox sll\'er. ns 10 color . a < . cording 10 Iteauty . No. ' 1 Inr/e. Si 100 : r\o. 1 nietilumn fG' ' ; No. 1 email S50 : fox silver pale according 10 heauly , No. 1 large , $50 : No 1 l1I..dlum. fZO : No. 1 emaIl $20 ; fox , cross , No. 1 lars-e $7 ; No. 1 medIum $3 ; No. 1 small $2 : fox , red , No. I large $1.10 : No. 1 macilIum . $1.Z5 : No.1 smoll. I ; fox , gray No.1 large 7e : N.o. I metihmmm Me : No.1 smnll. 40e : fox kits , No.1 laige Coo ; No.1 modlum- : No.1 small lOci I'ux. No. I large $3 : No. I lIIelulII , , $2 : No. 1 9moll , 1.50 : marIon , No. 1 large , $2 : No. 1 l1Ie- 1111111I. ,1.0 : No.1 small $1 : mini ; . No.1 large . G31265e ' : No. 1 metllumn tOe : No. 1 smll 3e ; mlnl . dark No. I 1.lI'g . wo : No. I medium . 40e : No. 1 small , ale ) : mounlAl1I lion perfect head ani feet , No 1 large UIXIG1.00 : Imperfect 811In. 61.00127.00 : No. 1 smith . $1 : otter , pale . No. 1 IArl . $7 : No. I metilimni $5 : No. 1 small I ; raccoon No. I iarge COp.TOo : Nn. I nmodium COo : No. 1 small , lIe ; raccoon . black liS 10 beauty , No. 1 large 50c41$2.O0 ; kunle. blielt < cocci nar. row stilted , No. large , SOc : No. I medium 10e ; ' No. 1 9m111 , 2\c : SkUIlI , bro,1I1 slrlol'd. No 1 large . 2iJj2ic : wolverine , No. 1 large , SI : No. I miwmllmmm $3 ; No. I entaIl $2 : ' wolf mounlAIIl , No. I IlIrgu , f3 ; No. 1 mimedlummi $2 : Nt . 1 small $1 to : Wtlf l.rah1e , No. 1 large 650jlOc : No.1 nme'llummm , Ole : No. 1 small . 40c : beaver , POI' sllln , No 1 large S.OOii'6.00 ; No. 1 mellmmmmm , u.&Q : No. 1 small , $2 ; beaver kits No. I large $2 : No. 1 11I0. dlum. 'I.GO ; No. 1 8mllll. 7a : nmuslrats wlnl I' . No. I 131/:1' , lube : No I medium , to : No. 1 8mnll , 7c : muskrats , rllll Nt 1 lurse 4@Cc ; 1'\0. I amodluni To : No. 1 small . Gc ; lIIuskralJl , hits , 13e. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Coffee "I/lrkot. NlI' . ' YOnI' . Feb , 23.-CQI"I"II-opIl0ll9 ( ollPllel1 stead ) ' AI uneanll'ed ; mtrlces , rule IIrllwr on foreign orders and local coverings closetl linn lit IOfl15 Iolnlll , net Ad\'alloe. Hilts . 8,7M ' lairs Illcluillng : March , U.9) ) ' /U.IO / , May . U4. 0 ( 1I. 0 : tept'mher , UI. G'lIII.Efi : October II l.b3 , Nn\'elllber. ItS , ) , a-tI ljec'mlmer .1t.81) ' . Spot cllrteu , IUo , manteL nominal : No 7. $ i6.61,4 ! . Mild , ilUlet : ! l1l1lnvA.8. . 5'ff19.it ) : silos 111111" . \\'url'hollSt doll\'erlt'll ( room New YUIll yostemtiay . n.wl ha" ; Now York stechi today , 211.311 Jags ; Ulllle.1 States vl'k . 7,691 lags ; tubal for time Unlte1 ! H..109. l9'OO ) ) haIS ; total \'Islhlo for time Unlled HIUII' , 4ITGo1t ba4 . IIcalnsl 480,500 hll.s lOBI year . . /lANTOS. I .h. 23.-I"lrm' ; good average IIAa los , $15.40 ; receIpts . i.eS' . hogs : Blocl . 2Ii.o hl""II. ' IAMimUIta . I'eb , 23-Qulet ; "l'lol'sIq " \ . IICg Ileelln tlOIl1 'rimurs'ia's'closlmig l'rl < cliales : , 9.1))1)II ' : . . t ' " 'i lIA'ltl' , I'.IJ. 23.-open.,1 steady . IIlIeIIlUI/I1C1 10 ' 4f 1' decline ( remit ' 1nUi ' " closing : closet m.tc.tiy , ; lie further chllll/e : salts . 0.1).Jf he . . ItIO PlO JANIIltO. : l"ell. , , $ ] . -qlllrl : No. 7 It'o ! lii : cxcang : . ' , 10,1 ; l'e''I1' ' . 10.(0)1) ( ' bags : elNI'I' ror limo Unlle,1 ! , Sioles' ' , ) ) bags ; lelLro.J C"I' Iul'ope , & , Io ) bags ; 910 k ; . : Jn,002 hags. 1.01111" " . 'llIrh''t 111'\11 w. I.oNDON , Feb. 23.-1'I\ uceld Il'rAlher ( .s 1ad. ' lIalty I..aklllll' up. 'LimO \ ( heat mark-t durlog tIme week was 111'111. Timli Q/torlll1:9 / wen'I hl , olld tleshm.mIht' //IIIlu Were tlrmh' held , I'speclolly tll better grades of lIussll ' t'rices wera about 3d tIll . "n time iyeok l'ulcelll 1Yqro flulel , fli'ot wheal \1'111 slo\\ \\'Inler l'aJ'L'e1 ; 1 'Iarcht'lIn'n' , were quoted t III 21s. I'lour mvii4 ' Ilull 11'111 only small lout were sold . Prlee + JIQwc\'L'r. micro stoutly . Corn mine Pl'lIlea anti "lory linn. UU"rB were I'.oornd. Mixed Amerlfjln parcels , March tIe. livery , WilI'L' Iaotell at 19. 'h1arle ) ' woo quiet nnd ) 111'111. Oats were inactIve , but irlces 111m. hUJ\'IIr l\llrll"t , . . NJW YOItl J.4 23.-HlTOAIt-ltllw. steely , ; fair refining . 2 1t.IG ; .lIlrlrugol , v ; toil 30 , 8111"s. nOlle. ItL'lInell , quiet : No. G. 3 i.tCo ; No. 7 , 3e ; Nn. 8. 3 i 3.16 : Nil. 9 , 3\.l13 G-l5c : Nil. H ) , 3 1.151mL' : NI 13j'3 J.ltQ : to. I : . 2 .lijfJ 1 lc j No. 13. 2 It.IGfJ3orr ; i' \ . 3'itJhe ; mould 1 , \ . 4 ltGUHje , I'IBIIIAr A , 3 It'\t3 ! ; t'-inC . . tomiers't : . 3 iI.l6j37e ; cut loot , 4 T'iGUI't.e ( ; crusuhol 4 .IOf/H. : luwt1ered 4 J.UtHYIC , 1uDuI01led. 3 I3-IG'ltlc ; cubes . 3 3-1G'3. ' 1(111I'1 1.ltylurKers. . \l'\ilAB CIT1"iI . :3.-\\'JI&AT-1Iall01 1111\1 ; No. C lined emil No 2 It" . filfji20 : re- jecl'od , 171j48e : sammupbt 8al. t. o. II.11".1.11'1'1 1'1\1' . No. 2i haitI l nn,1 No. j\ ted uumthmangvui 'OliN-Market firm ealh' . closed ' /it. lower : Nu. 2 iimlx"i ! , 4Oiiio ; No. Z while , \.flac. \ . OATS-Markst firm ; No , 2 mxod : 'Ji'Qc ! ; No. 0 wlmute : , ' , l ' . 2etv sort I I'y III ( .h Mmirhtrt NEW YORE . I'- " h. 23. - Mail ardrra frmm , YeS- terday rave 11 faith ) ' I qt IIm'.UAt or II"W hu > l. 111'8 lint Ihoru ties cne dernhla II e OIl a "Ultl wa ) ' hy tIme' IU.dnt IcIJ..rnlll..lu % tot III-or. town mnrket" It \\'nll 1ntun1A , howt\'tr. IIn.\ \ th"O WAft ito demand oC III1\ nc ( . l'rlnllnl ' clolh quiet At 2 O.llk ; sales for thl' week U ) . ( plcce _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UN tYtlb 'l'U-\T. ! : ' Save for t\ Itlto Early 1I0lllnllll lor luH- hug time \Inrlot t'mm Fm'mmturoieqe , Nfl'YOlhi , I'd , . 23.-Timt stock immfltket ehaeni'i firm itmt uulet , 1)Isthillnmt cns iii great tbeimmanul , openIng uleallagmu beIng reconlel et 1OO mulmmtremi at lt',1Ilii4 , A rise tO 11 % feiloivetl , hitchIng time Ott IiImt I per t'nt. The m oct of the ilmit iris slIghtly higher , mmd COmtsolIlnte1 ( las Showed an Imimprovonient of 14. , t 10:11 l.'uiui niii Tobacco iero nne.mk anti lemeteti Tt antI 1 'r vent restectirely. Smmluneqtmt'nthy Mnohmatittfl ant Toimacco preferre,1 gave iviil' 1 itei cent t'mtchi , Tlm gmmermml umarkot , hmowo'er , beermnme hirmn , nimi souse adt'nnce was anile , includIng New Jersey ( 'claIrol tint 11a9' State ( Ins ; % In New inlammd , Tmnrtlen , nnl 3 per cent in l'lttsbtmmg & W estern l.rCtermcI. At Ii o'c'lnclc fllstilillmg imni tloclimmeil "h , , and Itmay Slate ( ) as immiti lost time Scum. 'lime imiamkct grim. emIly ifl5 foattmm'c'less. 'lime hnte sit ° ctmhmiton ( V.115 ier9 i'ghmt 1mm 'ci' imimme after Il mm , tim. , ttmmt iltimlmmg time liret immmi ( hitter the tt1kit'mme ) ' i\'as Impiva p1 , St , l'untml ci. vaneing l , illimiols ( 't'ntrmuh 1 , Tob.icc , 5 ; , 1.tnmm. imattan , 1.t'al , amid b'mmnttr In ofem-rol l , anti other phmmmcs a smaller frntIcmm. , 1mm hit' last halt hour time mmmttrlet ens Ii regular. i4umgit fell elf I lot vent. , New , lOrsi'3' ( 'entOil anti Tud'nccu. 'm , ilmy Statn ( las mtt a few oIlier tutclt5 b. to ' 4. 'i'ime ( 'timulumgo militia's ii'ere strong , tIm cOfltilifl e'cilln mmml 1,4 , ) trefcrme'i ! , amid guamimmiteeti t. t.nmimt it'htimiui 'i'imietlofl mane mini llanimattnn j. Time mimaikct closed Irregmmlar. Salot , 74(01 mnlmuure'mm , inclUt1iim CG.tO ) listed timid 10.11k ) unllnlrl. Tlmt eloshmug ( ) tmotatlctmmi , nct'truilng to It. C. MIller , ivere : 1hmmmmhnttttn , IOS % : limIt' , S ; i'm'm. clflc' Mail , 22) ; ; Lake Itlmore , liT ; i.oumlsvihle & Nnsn'liie , 52) : 1.emtti Trust , Ii ; Northarestern , mi'i4 : lilseotirl l'mmcille , 2ib ; Nturtlmemn I'mmcifle troforr1. 15l ( 'lmlctgo. llmmrlnglon ) & Qulnc7 , T0' ; SI. 1'mtU , 55 ; Vcstetmm ltimlomm , $7 ; Aimiu'mi emma .Mmignr' ltelmmllmg ) , l2'A , ; Jeimmey ( 'emilm'mai.$2 ; ( 'imicago ( las , T3v , ; itentlimig , hi ! ; lelawmmme & ituducun , 124 ; Tcfln. , C. & I , , it ; Amiierican To' hurmeco , $7 ; I ) . ( " . I' . . 11 % ; IT. (1. II. , 2'J ' ; N. C. 0. , t'i 11. 5. (5. , 16. Time following were time cloning qtmotntioiie on the leading stocits of tIme New York oxeimutmiga ( clay : Atchmisoum. . . . . . . . . . . 4 NOrllmwetitumrim. . . . . Atlmfllui : lIClirelis 142 N. v. ltfmi , . . , , , , , 105 Allen , T , II . . . . . . . : l5 $ N. Y. Cemmlrat . . . . . . . mull Ama , fixItreeC , , , Ill ) N. Y. &U. II , . . , , . , 294 lialtitmmere , . Ohio 5' ! Ommtmm'io : & Vi' . . . . . . . 1l4 Cmmmtl't : I'achflo , . , , 4 $ Oregomi imumli. . . . . . . . Im ) Cammmtimt : S'otmtlmi'rmm. , 15I Orogomm Nay. . . . . . . . 17 Ccmitrmtl l'mlcIilcm. , , , 1-I : o io. r , l , u , N. . 44 ChitS. & Ohio uu ; ) l'aeific Mall. . . . . . Chmltmago Altomi . . . . . 140 I' . U. & F' . . . . . . . . . . ' 2 $ ' C. , II. & Q. . . . . . . . . . 7O l'Illcbtmmv. . . . . . . . . . I 04 ChIcago ( Ian. . . . . . . . 7:1 : % I'mmlimmmxumm I'aIace , 1044 Commeohltimttu.mI (1n , I : ii ltcntlimmmr. . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Ii. C. , C. kSt. L , itif it , II , W. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cob. Coal& lion , I , II. 0.V. . phI..1 Cottomm OL 1 CelL , . . . I 5 % hI ot'k I uuimtmmtl. . . . . . . 02 % le1wm'trtm , e itmmti , . 127 St. l'ummil . . . . . Uel , , Lmek. : .m W. . . 105 tie ird. . . . . . . . . . . a. & It. (1. ) trli. . . . . ; ms St. I' . & Ommmmt1m . . . . : iu ) , & , F. Co. . . . . . . lli do 1mb. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(19 ( Eric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St Sotmtmu'rmm ) l'aellle. , 17 % do Ittil. . . . . . . . . . 1(1 ( Siigmm' : ittimhmmu.ry. , , 1)2)4 ) ) } 'ort'cyime. . . . . . . . lCd Tummu. Co.tl & Iron. 14't C. . Nottlmermm tird. . , It ) ) ) Texas l'Ifle. . . . . . C. & i : , I. ftt. . . . . . Pt ) P. &O Ct'uml. iutt , , 7(14 I ftckltm mc Vitihuth' , . ' I II Ummtemm l'.mei lie. . . . . ihihtots Ci'mmtrti , . , si' ; ' ( U , S. Ixiuross. . . . . . 42 SI. 1' . , t lhmlumthm . , 2) ) ) V. ' . St. I. . & 1' . . . . . . IC , & 'I' . imfil. . . . . . . . 21 % do 1)11. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 % Lmlmo : I'rleVcst 354Vlh.i 1"mmrgo lc 31)2 ) .1mm p11. . . . . . . . . . . . 71)4 V.'emlermm UmmIomm 5734 ftltmu : Slmom'e. . . . . . . . IIONS'lueomtmg : ) & 1 II. , it 1eaul Trmist . . . . . . . . 2' ' $ the ItrI. . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 LouISville & N 02.4 01. & St. 1 . . . . . . . . . 2)1 ) I. . & N. A , . . , . . . . , , 11 % P. , ! . . 11.0. . . . . . . . . . 11 ? imimlm.'ttttmm ; Coil. . . . 10i4 (1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 % Mt'mmmtmlmls & 13. . . . . . II ) N. t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2(1 MIchigan Cemil. . t4 U. F. & I. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 ? liuicmtumrl I'aeI Ito. 21)4 ) do fi. . . . . . . . . . . . lii ) MobIle & Ohio. . It 11. & 'l' . C . . . . . . . . . . Nmmsimviilo Chmmtt , . . . ( I I 1' . A. A. & N. 91. . . . 1 Nmmliomimil Cordage. 0 % ' 1' . St. I. . & K.C , . . . 1 tb phi. . . . . . . . . . . 51.4 ( ItiltitI. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 N. .1. Cumilr.tl . , 82G . It , It. . . . . . . . . . . . . liIi N.Y. . Pfti , . . , , , . , I 1 % till ( . . . . . . . . . . . . % Nttrihm . % mmm. Co. . , , :1 : % /1,1mm , 'rob. Co. . . . . . . Nomtimcm'mm l'aclilc 23-S do p11. . . . . . . . . . . . 104 No.I'ae. itfd. . . . . . . 10)4 . St. 1' . , M. & 91 . . . . 11)3 U.I , , . p. &ti . . . . . . 1 'rime thtai sales of stock today were 73(1 shmmu m's , hmmehmmii 1mg : A mnom'icnti 'Tolucct , .m'Jtt , ) Ammmem'icnn Sugar , 9,10) ; iImtiillmig & ( 'attlcfed- Immg , 27,50) ) ; Olmimmimntlnma , 3,1O ) New Jers' ' CImi- tmUl , 2,100 ; Nortlmw stern , 4.410. Now York .Shtmmaoy ! iimti'kct. NflW 'YOfll , Felt. 23.-MONIY ON ( 'AL1- i'ttSl' at 1121'l icr vomit ; last balm , 1 per cclii ; closet ) , 1 iter remit. i'ltIMFi MUIIUANTILI' I'A1'lit-3 ½ 127 per ccitt. s'rIUtLING INCiIANOi'-Dull , but firm , willm ncttmtml itushmmesmi in bankers' bIlls mit S 4.SS % for ulemmiumal , aati mit $4S0J4.S for s'ty ut3ys ; posteti iimtcs. $ l.$7jtj4.l5 imimi $ I.S90J'i.SJlf ; cmmmmtmereIai lhlhe. $4.00. Sli'i'E1t ChfltTi FICATES-C0'tc liii ; tie immles. ImAlt Sll'llt-6flc. Cu 1IXICAN 1)OLLA11S-ile. ( lO'1'ltNAiIST ilONlS-Fimnal state boimd'u , firma ; rallr.nd boots , quiet and steady. Cioslmmg mmomatlone on bonds were as follows : 11. 8. ibu. roy. . . . . . I itl' I ) . 't It. 1) . 'ti. . . . . U. 5. ibmicommp. . . . . , 110 % Krio 2tis. ' . . . . . . . . . . 514 U. S. 4s , romc. . . . . ' 112 % e.If. & s. A , ll DO (1. 5. lum.coimp. . . . . . 1121-4 G. 11. S. A. 7s , , . , Itl ( ) U. S. ' 20. rag. . . . . . . mlii II. & P. 0. mIs. . . . . 300 l'acIiie ( Itt 0 ! ' 0.5. 100 do lie. . . . . . . . . . . . 10114 Alit. Oltss : A. . . . . . 105 0 ! . 1. & ' 1' . let 4u (11 % Almm. Class 1) ) . . . . . . . 1(15 ( tIe 2tl 45. . . . . . . . . . 40 Ala , Cltss : I. ; . . . . . . . 1)5 ) Tilulmmal tlmmhoum Ga. I I 1 % Alit. Cmmrremmcy. . . . . 1)0 N. J. C. lieu. Os. . . I Ii La. Now Comm. 4s. , 1)214 No. I'.mc , isle. . . . . . 118 luhimimiommrl O'm. . . . . . . 300 do2tls . . . . . . . . . . 5114 ' N.C. Os. . . . . . . . . . . . 1'23 N.V. . Commsolmi. . . . . 140' N , C. i'm. . . . . . . . . . . . 1)0 ) do S. F' . Dab. Os 108 S. C. mmommftmmmtl 114 It. CVcst. . lmii.i. . (13 Tomn. : mmciv eel fls 84$1 $ St. 1' . Cemmmols is , , 1'20 'rommmm. mmaw sot 0)m ) 100 do C. & 1' . 'It' , Os ill ) Tenmm. old t1 . . . . . . . Ct ) SI. 1. . & 1.M.Gen , ii , 77 Va. Cemmturiol. . . . . & ( , ) 81. L. & S.F. Gemm.ll 1(1334 ( the deformed. . . . . . 0 % Tex. Pac. . . . . . . Mclmilioii 4'l. . . . . . . ( i.iT do 2dq. . . . . . . . . . . do 2m1 A. . . . . . . . . . 1714 U. 1' , lmit'm of 'OIl 11)3 Cmmmmamia So , 2tl9. . 100 % Vo'mt Slmora .i't. . . . . Ill IIG a. I' . ists ef ' 03. , 1004 So. U. It. . . . . , . . . . . h<.G.7a. . . . . . 111 % _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lhotomm Stock ( Juotttloni. bOSTON. Feb. 28.-Call loamme. 3 114 par coot : tlnmo ioamauu , la.14 per ccmmt. Cloitlmmg prices for stocks , bumidmm mmd moinhmmg shares : A"r. . &s. F. . . . . . . . 4 lVts. ComIral. . . . . . . 2 % Aiim , Smigmir. . . . . . . . . 02 Edituoum 1lec..23101211 AIim. Sugar imfd. , , 1)2 ) lien. Elce. imfd..0100(1 hay Stale Gas . . . . , 7j AtcImlsmm 2dm . . . , , , 17 % Ilell'rcloimhmommi. , . 102 Atchison 4s. . . . . . . (1414 ( iioslomm &Albammy , 21)8 ) Now 1mmglammtl ( Is. , 10754 floslomi &Malmao. . , 1)11 ) % Geti. Illectric Os. , , 86)4 (2. i1. & Q. . . . . . . . . . . 71)14 ) Wium. Cnimt.'Ietmi. . 451.4 ritcmltmmm'g. ; . . . . . . . . . S I Atltntlc. : . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ( en. Fflcelrlc. . . . . . . 29'4 Iiontnmm Muntan :35 : MexIcan Ceimtrtl (174 lltmlto & Imestomm , . , 1)91 ) N. F. & N. F. . . . . . . . 21)14 ) Caltmnmet & hyde 292 Out Coloimy. . . . . . . . ISO Centennial.10 Or , ' . Short Line. 4 % Frammkltmm. . . . . . . . . . . 79 ( tubber. . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 Koarsargo. . . . . . . . . . 8 SVectEnd , . . . , . . . , , (30 ( ) sceoia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 tie ) . . . . . . . . QmmImmcy . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0114 1S'eslmmmgimEleo . . . . : ioi412ln . : 'Imnmiraeic : ; . , . . , . , , . , 145 . 1V. I11et. id..4H9fi4lt ( Wolveritmo..1 Ssim 1'ritmotiom , lllnhmmr srecc : Qtmotmmtioat , SAN..FItANCISCO Fob. 23..Tlma offletal cloiitiT qimotatlomis br imtimmImmg stos.te to.l.my ivirj : ta follows - lows AIIm . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . , 29 Ilale& Norcross , , 87 AlhmlmaComi , , , , . . . , . , I ) .Itili'm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A.mmmmO'l . , . , . , 21 , Iimslmco. . . . . . . . . . . 0 lmclelm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moxlmamm. . . . . . . . . . . . 08 iOst , . , lIcielmer , , 7(1 ( MOmtmmt Uiahlo. . . . . . 3(1 ( ijodie Comm . , . , . , , , , , 80 Navtm3o . . . . . . . . . . . . S Imtmiltomi. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ml Ot'chmiemmtal Con , , . 5 llumlwer Comm. . . . . . . . It ! OpImIr. . . . . . . . . . . Cmmmi'fomml'm. . . . . . . . . . 5 Overmimtmm. : . . . . . . . . . 11 Chiaiiemtgo Comm. . . . . 2(1 ( Potost , . , , , . , . . , , 47 (8uommmtr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Savmmmut. . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Cotmiltienco. . . . . . . . . Ut ) SIerrA Nmratla. . . . . 57 Coil. Cal Va. . . . . 225 Silver 11111.1 Comm. imnperbml , . . , , , 1' Sliver iclime , , , . . , It . ) Croivia PoInt . . . . . . , ' i7 Ummiomi . . . . . . . . . llxeimcclmmor , , , , , , , , , 9 Ycllow .bteket , . , , , 41 Gommmt'm .1. . Ctmrr.v. . . . . 31) ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SiivCr b irs , I103ht)34c ( ) , Mexican dollars , 483412 'Itle. Drafts , fulgimt , lOu : telmtgrtplmtc : , jOe , Lomimlomi 8to'c ijtmotatiomii. LONIJON , Fob. 23-I I ) mmmciocimmg : Cmlmm. I'aeiIio , , . . , . , . 11)81 Si , i'muml cmii . . . . . . 57 % irio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' tl1.4 N , ' 1' , Cammttai , . , . , . It)2 ) 11 , ' 2de. . . . . . . . . . . . 51) ) l''nmmsylvammbm . , , S I 34 ill , Central. . . . . . . . . 8834 htetdlmmr. : . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mexlctmmm ordimmary lIi'itlex , Comm. mmow lit. . hAil fliIXllIt-27 9-ltd icr ox. JIIONIIY-1 per ccmmt. 'fime title of discount in time opeim market fet short ltlhIs 1mm 1 7.14 iter cent ; for tlmre mmmontiis' bills , 1 % let cent. New York Mmnmmmg ( Juotatiommi. NIOSV YORK , ( 'oh. 2:1.-Tim : tolIowImm mtrj ttm closimmg mmmlmmimmg qmmotatioummmm hlulwor , , . . . , , , . , , 8 tmmtmmrmo. . . . . . . . . . 800 Chmolor . . , , . , , , , , . . . 40 Oplulr , . . , . , , . , , , . , 120 Crowmm l'Olnt. . . . . . . 42 l'iynmOmllii , , , , , , , . 25 Comm. Cal. , It Va , . , 410 Qmmickmahlver , , , , , , , JIlt ) lacamiwood , . . . , , . , , 40 do iufd. . . . . . . . . . . 1051) ) ( lommlti & Curry , . , ' 10 SIerra Nevada , . , . 51) iimtlt , & Norcrose , 05 Stmmmtmird . . . . . . . . . . . 2(15 iomimcstah3 , , , , . , ' .175t ) tjmiioma Comm . . . , , . , , , 1:10 : Ntixlcmmm. . . . . . . . . . . . ' 10 Yellow Jacket. . . , 30 i'lmmeitil , Notes. IIOSTOI'J , Felt. 23.-Clearhimgs , $13MO$37 ; ltd. aimees. 0938.014. F'or ( ho week , rleumrlmmgs , G',516- 713 ; balances , 00,508(55. ( iuAL'i'IMOII li. F'elm. 23.-Clearings , 51,702CM ; ltmalaneos , $258,120. 1'ar lIme 1ye't'k , clearlmmgs , 19020,821 ; L'oiances , * 1,237,540 , Pill ItAilht'IiIA , i'elj. 23.-Clemirings , 51111- 391 ; balummmcec , * 1.50)216. Fur time ii'ttit , cl 'arlmmgc , 5,57U,33. ; Imalances , $7,501,019 , , ( ' 11 ICAIIO. Fel , . 3.-t'enrhngs , $ l0,10(00 , Totmti for tIme veek , $ Tl21h,0tU ; corrt'sltondlng seek last your , $61.3,000. New 'ork oxoIiummge , Mc i > remiuimm. wr. .ot'n4 , Feb. 23-'letmrings , (3,8)3.303 ; thmls wcck , $ hSCT7,7lO ; I umiancs , $613,178 : timlmm iveck , $2tt18,050. Money OtIS per cent , New York ox- clmutnge , 53o iurcmzmlunm. Nu' ' YOItl , Feb. 23-'ulte ( 'elicIts of specie fronm lime lIon of New \umk ( or time week amount ( II 8101,515 iii gull mmtmtl * 113ln2 to sliver , Time Imnportm , of SPecie for tIme wt'rlt were : Omli , $1,572,031 ; sileir , $2,12 ; , iry gouuls , 84,550.17 $ ; eon- cmiii nmouctmmuntiiso , $7,069,763. 'rime total cioamimmgmm of mmli tIme bunk clearIng Itausemi of time Called States for the wt'ohc enling totiti ) ' were $721 , . 224.094. against $ Slt.lmG3,041 last week anti 5723.450.- (10) time cormcsi.ondummg mVek of last year. Clear. lags. $ Sl,2G,3ll ; htmmlammt'i's , II S9l30. Fr the ivoelt , clearimmg , , iS'3,503,3 ' 8 ; 1aIammrs , 5 S 0 Si ) . h"uirt'IIm ) 1' lummitclmil it tIdes. liChtl.1N , Feb. 23.-i1xelmans cit Ioodon , eight , iays' sight , 2' mr.amks 46 % i'me. l'iitlS , i"eb , 23.-'l'imre'n lt'r cent leak's , 3031 ISo ( mit hue miccotlimt , 11Xc'lmung rem Loimdomt , 2Sf tom' checks. I.ONbON , Feb. 23-Ooil Ii quotol today at lluens ) , ) remi at Ml , MadrId , 8'.O , LIsbon , 2i.23t ; at , i'vttrbitUrg. 1.1 ; Atimvns , 7 ? ; Itonme , 115.23 ; 'ienoa , 11,3. Oi\li\ \ \ A LiVE STOCK NARIiETS ¶ IhroVero Only a Pow Beeves on Sao Ycsteray. STOCKErS AND EEDtRS VERE POOR 'Timero 'm't'mms a l'rctty i'tlr : Ilium of hogs for time Cinl' of tii S'eeit , ltcrcipt living Commelmlermilily 1mm lTct' of Itmt'mt % 'et'lc , SATURDAY , Feb. 23.-Today's receipts mmumnberd 971 cattle , CIO'J liege anti C,272 511011 $ ) , 08 against 1,1l ) cattle , 4,591 hogs m-tmttl 337 suleeli oIl Smittmi'thrty of fiat week. ltcCeiimts fur time week shmouv ci. gnimm 1mm cattle nmmd sheep aflti a slIght ices ill liege , as eotnpai ed whim ( lie lire'iotls week , 'I'iie l'l2COtlitS of m'imeej ) lmmve beit tiimtmmiumtlly lmikge dllrittg time seei , As eommmpaieml vltii ml 'emi' : ago , there . i'ns a iteM' ) ' decreitsu iii both cmittle aimtl hogs , 'iI'iClaV Catlie. ilor. $ lmc'elt. Itceelits this iveek. . . . . . . . . . SGI 85,0l 1,1:0) : ) llu'ctllite last iICCII . . . . . . . . . . 7.703 33.082 1,1.23 l4tihim week 110)1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.011 i'i,46 $ 4t.9 h'SIiiO i'eek 1S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,841 I1,05' 15.970 fittimue week 10.2..u . . . . . J3I ) 4 2C42 . lli)7 'l'lai totmol i'coeipts hifll'e limo Iim'st of time yenh show mt loss of LO,83 ? cmtttle , mu gmiiti of 514)27 ) hogs , nmmtl a. itmmi of 21,91(1 elmt'ep , amid a loss of 2t:5 : horses mmmmtt mmmllles , as coat- pared with 1691. e'l"rI1-'rimom'e omtij' timirty-timi'eo fresh . 108(15 of cattle iii time 9'itl'tie , 0 light m.ihii eveim for time iitit mitt ) of time i'cok. 'flmere % % 'ere dill' it fuii' beeves oma smtie , itlmtl time humik of iiimmmt theme vmts imem'o consisteml of eomnstmmm stuff. Time ( lOmimmiti Was ln'otti' ( muir , munti time offemiiige i'emtu mmiestl9' cicammeil till lii g otl cemisomi , tumid at mm. little strongom' Pl'iCt'S , 'O'imero ui'eme mu few cattle iii timi' yartis good elmotiglm to bring $ l.ti tim S but time bulk of time sales 1vero at $ .L'iS to $1.10. CO'1S auth Imlixcil imiitotilbl8' stock wet'o iii v1m.y I iglmt IttlItlill' , t hero bel mmg ommiy nbou mie'emi lonuls nil told 1mm time , l'am'de : 'i'hmo mnurict't 1S'miil fairly nctl'e 1lmmd eveh'3'thmimmg soitl curly itt etm'ummg htrices. Ihi time way of stoeltom's aimtl femJci' there % nl3 motlmlhmg : iii tile ytmrtlum of mummy eommse- qtmt'miu'u' . 'l'imero Wei't' a te % % ' odds mtlmll elide. hith t lmotim I ilg l'O1)l. 'I'll ei'e is mo mutt , ililitmi m'y ( or good fec'ilei's mtmttl time feolimmg was mltrommger Oh ( lint doss or cattle , lcpm'c- semmttlti'C sute 11111' ' ) ' IlTrilIlUl , No. Ai. Pr. No. Pr No. Ar , i'r. 2. . . . G3 $2 1) 1. . , .111) $3 . ' . . . . . . . : si GO 1. . , . 70) ) 2 ) 2. . . .1033 3 Ci ) 4' . . . .1191 4 03 I. . . , 93' ' ) 3 tI ) 11. . . .hO37 3 f' ) 25 , , . . lICO 4 03 1. . , . 630 : i 0) ) 25. . . . 63' ' ) 1 63 22. . . .1210 4 2) 10 , . , . ru a 1k ) 1.iI3' ' ) : i 7 ; ; 22..131t1 4 3) 1. . . . III. ) 3 23 19..lllO 3 5 Cl..231 . 4 4) 1. . , . 07) : ; 20 2i.103) 3 SI G..ll'ih ' 4 63 ii , , . . s72 3 4 )2) ) , . . . 1091 . 3 'J G.hjr,1 4 63 1. . . , 1.1) : ; 1 ? ) 4.7 . 4 0' ' ) 33 , . . .llmI 4 70 2l,1OS 3 5' ' . . . . 213 ' 4 00 1. , . . 72) 1 0' i. . . Sill 1 60 1. . . . 10) ri 1. , . . It ) 23 4. . . . si : ; I ES 9. . . . I'll ' 51) 1. , . . 1.2' ' ) 1) : i . . . .h' r j SI 3..ifllG ri 1. , . . 8' ) hO 3. , . , 140 1 00 , 1.,112) ) I' . ) : : . . . , 11)3 I' , ' ) JO. . , . 14) ) 2 'I ' 12. , . , so : ms 2. . . . (65 1 )1. . , . 101) 2 01) 7. . . . tIl C ) 2. . . .100) 6) : i. . , . 1)3 2 0) 2. . . . I'S ) C ) 2. . . . V.13 C ) 1. . . , 1.6) 2 0) ) 12. . . . 973 70 2. . , . 63' ' ) 6) ) 3 , . . . 03) ) . .Lb ) 1..i2I' ' ) 73 I . . . . SOt ) Ci ) 4 . . , . 915 1' ' ) 1. . . . 1) ) ? . ; 75 I' , . . . . 638 6) ) 1. . . . 12' ' ) 15 1. . . . IOF ) 81 1 , . . . ItS' ' ) Ii ) ' 1,103) ) 15 Il . , . , SI ? 05 3. . . . 99' 6' ; : i. . . . . . ' ; 25 I..1tl , ) 0) 7. . . . 120 C' 2. . . , 903 30 4. , . . 1.57 3 ii :1. : . , ' ItT ) 1 7) ) 5. , , , 91' ' ) 4' 2. . . .1.11' ' ) . Ii ) 5. . . , (16 ( 1 73 1..lOS' ' ) ii ) 4 . . . . 92 1) . , , . ' ) 1 73 1..i13'J ' 8' ' ) 1 . . . . 6) ) 15 1..m17' ' ) I Si ) II. . . , 1.51 4) 1,13T ) 15 4. , . , 1.75 1 63 0. . . . 83 5) 3. , . .l10' ' ) CS 2. . . , 00' ) laS lhlll'I1fl5. IL. . , 350 1 4) 2. . , . 495 2 10 1. . . . rIb IC ) 4. . . . 537 1 7) ) 1. . . . 49 , ) 2 10 . 1. . , . 9b : ) I 40 1 , . . . Cl' ' ) I 73 5 , . . . 720 2 2. . . . . . fm ? 3 4) ) 0. . . . Cli I 15 2. . . . CiO 2 4) ) i..hO'b ' ) a . . . . ' . ) 2 0' ' ) 1. . . . 41) 2 f ) 8 , . . . 702 3 CS 2. . . , 62) 2 0) 1. , , . tI ) 2 7i ) LmUIl.h7. 1.121O I 65 1. . . . 260 2 2. 1irs 2 61 m..Ii)3) ) 2 0' ' ) 1..liSl 2 3) 1.153j 30) 1. . , . 730 1 Cd 2 , . , . 110) ) 2 35 1.12.n : 3 10 2. . . . 745 2 CI 1.,121 2 15 1.,117) ) 3 15 2..11S5 2 25 1 . . , , l' .SO 2 65 I..17) a 40 1..12S0 2 23' fl'i'AUl. 1. . . . 620 2 50 1. . . . 710 2 73 3..1t13 3 35 . OXCN ' 2.,1I2) 010 S. . . . NC . 1 03 1. . . , 270 2 03 1. , . . 11) ) 3 0) 1.'Ut I 25 1. . . . lCd' 2 0) 2. . . . ill a 15 2. , . . 213 1 it 2 , , . . 11) 2 0' ) 1. . . . Ii' ' ) 3 0) 1. . . . 24' 1 23 2. , . . 325 2 4) 3 , . , . 123 1 51) Ii. , . . 330 1 4) ) 1. . . . 105 2 75 " . . , . III I It ) : : . , , , , CG 1 5' ' ) 1. , . . 10' ' ) 2 75 1. . . . 121 3 5) 3. . . . 213 1 f,3 22) 3 0' ' ) 1. . . . 21' ' ) 4 0) 1.,310 175 STOCI1S1tS AND FgUiMTrtg. 1. , , , 42) 1 80 6. . . , &S4 2 8) 2 , . . . 790 3 00 I. . . . Cl' ' ) 2 00 , 1. , . , ' 13) ) 2 05 12. , . . 061 3 0) I. . . . OS' 2 15 0. . , , 59) 2 91) ) 1 , . . . 01) 3 00 9. . . ' Ill 2 15 3. . . . 733 2 1.5 5. . . . 1,01 3 0) 1. , . , 262 2 45 17 , , . . sri 2 93 1. . . . 770 3 (5 I , . , . 610 2r ) ' 14. , . , 731 205 2,1030 315 I , . , . ISO 2 7i 6. , . . 671 2 13 6. . , . 813 3 25 0..6Ot 273 WISTIIRN9. Ollmmimmmm lImos. & Co. No. As' . i'm , No. A' ' , Pr. 10 iitecrs..1502 51 0' ' ) Timoimits 15c'aelm , I itimll..IOU 2 Qi ) 1 Ituil..1230 2 45 I0000'-Timu'm'e was a pretty ( air ruim of imogs ( dv time close or time veehc , time m'evelitls behimg commsld- orally in excess of Satmmmdmy'mi : record a week ego , So far on qmmmlit3' wits conu'ermmetl tIme liege into about up to tIme average estnltliplme,1 of ltmte. Time iumaiicet ss'os a little slow antI mm'eulc 0mm tIme liiclmt liege mit Ilue omtemahimg. iii time cmii tIme lmogs soil at about stonily orlcem. Time light weiglmts averaging - aging tinder 20) lbs. ivent mit front $3.15 to $3.00 , but jtrimmclpmmlly at ( morn $3.70 to $3.00. Timomue avom' . agIng ( room 200 to 250 lbs. colt mit ( rain $3.00 to $3.05 , ivlthm three iaads of mu ott > ' good 110cr ) ' hugs mmt $4. Thug , tom ) today was Itte stove (1mm imiglmest Price Paul ttfl yesterday. Time average of prIces , ( mcmii $3.55 tI , $4 , i\'ns limo samimo its at lImit elect of last week , 'i'ime hmmmhit of ( Ito Imogs soil today mit from $3.70 to $3.80 , immi ngmuhmmst fm'omn $3.70 to $3.85 yesterday , Itepreaemmttmtive sales : No. As' . Oh. l'r. No , its' . film. Pm' . 9 . . . . . . . . ir0 . , . $1 50 61 , . . . . . . .203 Sum $3 1.0 . . . . . . . . . ) , , , 55 52 , . . . . , . , 206 60 8) Iii . . . . . . .141 120 & : ; 75 . , , . , , . . 214 . . . 00 ' ) . . . . . . . . . lO GO 51 . , . . . . . . 203 . . . SO 19..1 . . . CO . . . . . . . . ) 40 8' Dl , . . . . , . , 162 U ) C ) . . . . . . . . 4) 8214 . . . . . . . . 40 GO 75 . , , , . , . , 10) ) , , . 1231 ' . . . . . . . . 163 0214 7) . , , . , . . ,22' ) 120 15 , . . . . . . . . ' . 65 8.1 . , , , . , . , 223 8' ) 8' 04 . , . . , . , , 171 4' 65 62 . , , , . , . .2. , 6 110 51 . . . . . . . . $ 40 CS . . . . . . . . 1'8) 53 . . . . . . . . . . . 61 71).221 4' 03 . . . . . . . . 5 , ) 70 61..105 40 55 . . . . . . . . 40 7 , ) 43 , , . . , . , , 212 , . . WI ) . . . . . . . . ) , . . 70 75 . . , , , , , . 205. 83 (5 Slm. . . . . . . . 16) , , . .1 .0 7..a . . . . , 26) . . . Si 101 . . . . . . . .17' ' ) 180 3 TI CI . . . . . . . .221 43 83 . . . . . . . . . . . , 70 1.8 . . . , , , , .2. 1) . , . 13 . . . . . . . . , , . To CS , , , . , , , , 205 , . . , . ItS 49 , . , , . , ic ; , . . .i 70 7l , , . . . . .2. . ' ) 40 .1S3 " . . . . . . . . . . , :1 : 70 Cl , , , . , . , , 21 . . . Si . . . . . . . . 16) .1 70 71 . . , , . , . ,2.3 itO I its (0 . . . , , , , 181 12) 71t' , 50..105 , . , I 85 94 " . , . ' 161 . . . 7231 Cl . . . , , , , . 212 5) 3 83 SI . , , , . . , , III Ill 75 7 , . , . , . . . ItO , , , 83 18 . . , , . , . .I' .0 . . . 75 13 , . . , . , , , 161 , . , SI 103 , . . . . . . . 177 40 75 ' . . . . . . . . . . , Si 101 . . . . . . . .IT' ) ' 8) 76 . . . . . . . . (0 871,1 . . . . . . . . ) , , , 7' , Ci. , . , , , . . 22) 40 SImS 57 . , , . ' , . . 192 80 3 75 77 , , , , , , . , 231 40 90 . . . . . . . . . , . 3 71 ' . . . . . . . . 80 9) . . . . . . . . 120 ' 1 75 70 , , , . . . , .2. ii 40 lb $9 ' ' ' . . , . . 155 , . , 73 (6 , . . , , , . , 251 121) itO Si . , , . . . , , 153 5' ' ) 77 % ( . . . . . . . . 40 80 . . . . . . . . . . , 3 80 33 , . . , . , , . 231 , , , to Ill . . . , , . , , 214 Pfl 10 82 , . . , . , . , 20 , , . 73 , . . . , . . .1 , J3 50 5' . . . . . . . . . , . tO 43 , , . , . . . ,1' .13 , . . 8) 76 . , , , . , , , 258 12) 1' ) ( . . . . . . . . . 40 Pb 59 , . . , , , , . 230 , , , 1121,4 Cd . , , , , . , .I' JI , . . Is ) ( . . . . . . . . , , . 1)234 ) 78 . . , . , . . . 201 . . 80 10 . . . . . . . . ' 40 115 . . . . . . . . . (0 8) Cl , , . . . . , , 217 10 115 . . . . . . . . 41) (0 71 . , , , . , , . 211 . , , 95 Si , , . , , , . . 202 4' ' ) lIt $ . . . . . . . . 110 113 53 , , , . , , , .1' Ji 40 53 1) , , , , , , , ,1 00 160 115 . . . . . . . . , . . itt ) (1) ) . . , , . . . , 287 . . . ( JO 71 . . . . . . . .195 40 IS Ci ) , , , , . . , , 158 12) ) 0' ' ) . . . . . . . . 40 50 . . . . . . . . SO lxi sgii's AN ! ) CUILi3. 2 , . , , . . , , :00 , . , 2 5) . . . . . . . . , . , 273 1 , , , . , . , , IS' ) , . , 20' ) 1 , . , . , , , . 2) ' ) , . , 125 l'iOS. 55 , . , , " . . 79 . . , 2 75 iG , , , , . , , , lit . . , S 25 53 . , , ' , . . . 75 ' . . 200 27 , , . , . . , , Ill , , , 321 45,1" 4' : m J ) 34 , , . . , , , , 101 , . , a 21 27 . . , . . . . . 0 ? , . . a to ) CC. . . . . . . . It ) , . . Ii 23 . . . . . . . . , . . ' 11 0' ) . . . . . . . . , , , 3 1' ' ) Ci , , , , , . . . Ii ) . , , : i 10 23 , , . . , . , , 114 , . . 3 3' ' ) 7 . , ' ' . . , , Ill , , , 3 13 ' 1' ) . . , , . . . . 124 8) ) 3 1) ) . . . . . . . . . , , 4 15 IliIlill'-'lIme rceilul $ of mmlmeelm ivero large tod.t ) ' , though a good immimmi ) ' of ilmuso 1mm tile yamitm mve , itilied through on ) web not oh'fcrei fur ii mle imere , ¶ l'imo ieceiptmm of slmteju timlmm mu'otk aiim the iergsat of ( hut year so far. rime ijuems wanted mu few sheep today , uimd Iaiii abimt steady is ices. FaIr lit choIce nmthiveml mire uIUoImuiia fit ( rein $3.75 Ii ) $3.50 , fair to good weeternme ot frton 12.5' ' ) to $3.70 , comnmon mtimi Stock milmecim ut frommi l.Z. ) to 12.9) , anti gttoil Ic choIce 49 Ic 15)-lI' ) . isinlts mmt reimi * 2.75 to $1.70. Jteprcstnlmtlli'e salt's ; No , \Vt. I'm' . 26 im'em'terfl svetlielu , , , , . , , , , , . , , , , . , , , , . , . . i'll $3 CS Iii natIve welkers , . , , , . , , . . , . . , , , . . . . . , , , . , Oh 4 00 to im'osterim lanmbs . , . , . , , . , , , . . . . . . , , , , . . , , . , , Ill 4 6' ) Itaimemee City ihi't , m'.incic , 1ANH/mH CITY. h'oli. 2l.-C'AT'ri.t'---hteeoIitle , 3,400 head ; mtimhltniemits. 700 lmt'ad ; mamitet st'mmtly to strung ; 'reemis steers , $3 00)01.15 ; 're'xis : comes , 51,73102.83 ; beef elects. $2 4flfl.50 ; native ettas , $ i.Wlj 3.00 ; mulockoms end fe.sleum ( , 2.ShJl.I ) ; hulls , $2 ZOii 3.81. I IOfii-ltecelpts , ' ,0O , ) imeul simlpnmemmls , lOi lmt'ati : mmmtuhet strong to Sc hIgher ; itulit of vaie , $3,70fi3.93 ; iueavles , * 3.16144.0) ; mmmcktm'm' , 13.Tltti.Ol ; mIxed , $3.63t03.11' ; lights , $3.C31j3.75 ; 's'uriteis , $3.65 hITS ; mig , 13.25'AtI.G' ) . Huillbi'-ltere'iIP , 10) imemmI ; slmim-mienls , zioie ; lilam Iet nomninahl' stoutly. fit. i.omsl * I.i ; Stuck , liT. IAtifl , t ° ob. 23.-CA'Fl'Il--ltecelpts , 1.50) imeal ; shmitments ; , 500 hmezmd ; mmmumritt quiet at Fri. d.ty'mi prices , iIOJmOltecelimts ( , 6.0' ) ' ) iuemmti ; rhilpmmtcnp. ) 5.000 limIt ) ; m.mket , strong , chmole heavy , $1 i1121.2o ; mn'dIumim wvtgttts , 83.50114 13i , film' to gtmod il3Imt , I3.G')1j3.$5 ; 111Cc antI commmmmmomm ihmhmt , $3.0ij.Su , fitS l.'I4t'ilcceops ( , 50' ) heal ; sImltm'mmemmt _ Qo ' heoul ; nitmmltot quiet , firm ; choice lambs , 84.511) 11.25' mmtlm'e mIeI , geusl to choice , 53.00118.71 ; gtto to eiuole sheep , $3,7311l,1. . . CIIIC.tII ( ) i.tVll STOCIC , Scattering lIuneiic tsr ( 'ntile SVero Clomed ( hmt lit rrhtltty"s I'rlec , ( ' 1lh.C1O , Feb. 3.-Tetlah'mm Tt'eliitus of cattle 'tore cshimimateii lit $0. ) Imtomd , m'mktag 46,414 lmetl for time week. agilmmst 43,150 head iumt rcek mmcl 05,106 imenl Ii ) ' ( 'ar Ago , 'limere was nothing new In time aittmmmtion tIa' . Thm scattering ( toadies % i'ere dcccii out at aieimmt Pri,11i9"A l'rices , tlmo tone of time 111cm-hot bel'ng 110mm , fltee'rs soit from 83 30 to $3.00 , coin's cml itimiha et ( rein $1.5' to Sill amid Texans frommm 51.70 to $1.43. iii Image thiu' estlimieted nmmm for tctti09' wIts 15,00) im00d , mmmaking 2l6Gfl imemiti for timlum icwk' , or about 15,0) ) la'etl Iem' tImn last ireek 011,1 57,000 imeat lumort' titan time ctrresitnntilng weelc last year. Tlia mmmiii hut tp.'mir.l cttumi lint i'itOl , utah , late Cnli'um luo4ng mit FlIlulflmttlclil % ' Frhtii'u. ittmcc. Time test Imeumm'j' gmtle cii mmm'ommtml $4.30 , nati choice aS. sarletl ihglmt verc in tiettmamii c'nihy at timnm $1.03 I ) S I. 10. ii'iter Iti time mimimrmmlimg It urns iuartt I. got as mmmcii its lISt ) fJtI' fl09 hhimmg ) , 'i'iie l.uIill tif IlIum hog" , were ii ( 'Igimei lit ( miii $3.83 to II tot' ait'm'ng1's of iet' tltmami 20) Its. antI mit front Si to $1.25 ( tiC imt'tmvIr im'eiglmts , ' ( here fine mm tumid alit ctul9' Imimilitet for m'imet'ti lit frcmmm $2 1.0 to $1.40 tom' mery eumnilmmout tm clmtlt'i' , 'I'lme lmmib tliahiet iVflm CtmuuI3' mit ( loin $1.25 I , , $3.40. fllmc'oi , ' amid Irtliutin of t'Ittmm , (11151111' CCitt' himantied aim imtli'mimmct' en time miisui' mt lii's , ito. cellllti ( tie tlmitm mm'eek almiulInleul tb G2,0'0 heal , ngutimi.t 67.850 iuel , lust meek , itecelitts-t'tittlC , 63) iucnuI , u echos , 13 heath liege , 10,00) ) lit'mitli m'hmi'ep , 1,70) im0tI. 0.I ocli 1mm Si glit. hlec'orui of receIpts at tiu finmr pmimmcipmtl mmmiii' . ( , mr Sattmrui.m9' , h'ebruary 23 , 1095 : Cattle. llog % . bimeehi. i4outii Omnalma , , , , , , , , . . , . , . . , , Oil 6,461 2,17.1 t'hmicmig , . , . , . . . , . , . , , , , . . . . . , , , , 2,00) 11,0) . ' ) 1to ) lutlmsme : City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) ) 10) SI , I.cuumi'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lP1) 0,10)0 gmj 'l'otmalul . , , , , , . . . , . . , , , , . , , . , , 9,6I 56,263 4,672 4 tlttitim 3'imirksui , Nl'Oltl.hS.N5 , Ccl , , -C'OTTON-ijmmtures , lim Iii ; mill hic , 17,10) tutmlmi ; i ° m'Ium'unry , $3. 19 ItbI i Mitrehm. 83,2I105,25 : April , $3.260f5.211 May , $5.2J49 f,2 ; .iumue , $5.2201k33 ; Itmi' , $ i.34r3.rS ; Aiteimet , 00.42813.11 ; 14i'Iutomimlter , .hi(5.4'J ; October , $ ) .8I1 5.12 ; Nuyetm1em' , , $5.3ttl.11o. : Nl2t' 'thtl6. i"CIt. 2JT1iC cotton nialket , tltn'imu't uim let nt mmlioum I 'i'im'.iI'til , 9''n citslng Ilgu IC'S , 'iiie ltct lttiII I Clmtiii ei mumm ntlvnmmcc' umi lOb 2 Ismimmte. huumt tiue mmmmm , hot t'homi.i , lit , l1' Steal ) ' itt lurlee's rm'ommm C 1,11111 5 hmlgimem' tu , 2 huilmit it hoivL'r , ( 'Cliii ) I cii um'itlm the chosImtg ilgummes itt 'l'hmtmmumi.my , 'l'fltmtl sateS , 59,100 hctl's. i.ocmml m'emmlltmmemml In i.ni l"im tumm this iltill hesS of gelm''m oh I 1)1,1 ? , 'lIt e oIlier stmgtust hut iii milt'dtt ii ( Item Is I lie lat'u' alit I mmci e.umm'iIug sUllli9' , I tert'Ihuts , lilt C ; gfl' $ , 513 hilt's ; fmi meat iiel , 111db ; stiti'lt , 1G.0,1O hales ; hitch tutt.15' , hot macvilla , 12. 19(1 ( hal i's ; . 'xmn It to (1 I tat I im'ltmu in , 13,725 itt 103 l ttt tlm cummtimmcmmt , SImS halos ; stuck , Iu..o7i ; InlOs I otmml milmiec flcplemub'r , I , lmc't I eJ'oilti 'i , 6,111,7. ICIOM , ' etdm lit Ii ( iremit firitmin , 2,163,5111 I niCem ml 1"m-ummt'e , ( ; 3l,11s titles ; to tIme emmmthtmcmmt , 1,762- C it Inches : I or I lIt week dm1 mmcc j'u stem ilmi ) ' , mmet m e- vc'lIls. 2.60.0 himlemi ; guest , 16,75) bmti'u , t' ) thOu t ) Ia (3m eat hirhtmti mm , I 1.0)9 t'mili'e ; to l"rt lieu' , I .733 l'miies ; to I lie coot Imit'mmt , 4 .700 l.mlee ; furwartleti , 2,0.0 bales ; silos , 379 ltiles3 $ itilmiiel'n , MO hales. \'Rlti'OOb , l'elt. 13.-I'O'l"iiN--SltOI , immod. cm'mite timmmamid ; A mnerlcamm itmiltI hug , 3 13.12th , TIte ealt's of time dmt' ivero 10,000 tual4 , of mm ImIcli ItO ) ut'ei'e for m'peemmlmmh hum mu tmtl c.lort . timid hmmeltmIcut 7,40) Aint'ric'mmt ; , llec'Clhils , 03,00) ) tales , immclumOtmg 12.20) ' , mmmt'rIea mm , Put umm i's t'ltutn'l , ci emitiy mit thm mmdm'.mmice ; Ammierirmimi , L. SI. C' . , mmiiiJimmg , l'ebnl. or ) ' . 2 61-Gi'j2 C'3 6hh ; Olamelm mini , \lmmIl , 2 6h6t6P I 62-Gil ; April mmmiii May , 2 63-Gil ; iuhmmy mimmi JUmat , 31 ; .1 mine mi nd .1 mu I ) ' , 3 1-6 1121 C'U it ; .1 tmly ma mmd Aug. itl , 3 26 iii 3 3-611 ; 4lmgtmm't miimti fli'jttemnlmu'r , I 2.6 $ era I'd ) ; i4elttcmmmbcr antI Octutiucr , 1 5-GIl ; Octo. item' cmii Ntmm'emmmhtcr,3 6'6i633 7-GIl , 1,1 muIr imuni . 1l ul m'a ( tI , I.l\'l2htl'OOl. Fcht. 23.-V.'l I 1IAT-Ilpol. steady' uJmmmnmii poor ; No , 2 t ed wlmmtem' , Oi OtId : No. it'd rumimmi ottl Ni , , I Item ii , Ohm mm htoi'.i. Sci 81 : No. 1. ( 'nhlformm hi , fs II. Fimtul ct eltasci minim imimi aim- u'Imammrel ( rommm ) 'cctc'rdtmy'g closhmig httmsltme.is , about t'qlahiy ulisli'hbimtch ; l"e1tnmmtr' , Is 65'l ; Mcmvii , It I'd : Aps'.l , 4s TttiI ; Olmmy. Julie amid JUi' . 44 34t1. CO1IN-Sitctl. Alnerlcmmmm ritimeeti , mmcii' , Os 3d. F'tmltiiea cl'surl Ilium ammI tmnehmangei frmmtm , y'i'ml't ulmy's cloelmig lirhecs : iutmcl"c's ol , tmt equally , llmmtm'lbmU e,1 ; 1"ebm an my , 4e II ; 01 arch , 4.4 11,4(1 ; A lurll , Cltty , l mimic umimul .1 till' , 4s 1d. 1"l.oI it-h4tettl' ; ulemflmmmmtl mmmonli'm'ate ; tit , Louts fa nor im'hmm tel' , Sq 6 , ! , l'11.\14-t'muntilmmn , Os. J'ltO'i'iSlOli'-ilaermt , uhmmhh : u1eumtn1 loom : Coot. lei'ltnl , cut , CS to 30 It mu. , los 61 ; 51101 t I tiM ! , 23 limp. , SOs ; Iommg clear. light , IS tm 4' Ilua , C's ; long clear , ite.ii'y , rn lie . , SItu ; mhmom't n'loar itacimmi , lIght Is I tic. . lOs 01 ; eliom't ciemu 1' mmmiiiiee , heavy , 0 lbs. , ISa ; ehemar bellIes , 11 to 11 fits , , Ole ; , 'iloulders , miqtimmre , 12 to 11 Ibut. , ITs Gd : imnimms , short cut , 11 to 16 lIe. , Its. 'l'mlemv ! , Otie No' tIm Aimiei'lcmmn , miomimhmtmml. 1 heef , n's trmt I mmila Imiecs , 63i Gi : irimmie ' ' SIc 91 l'om'U ' linim n'Cslel mmmi's'i , , In mmmi' manes , mm , 525 6,1 : ( limo mncullmtmn , SOt CI. Lard , fInn ; iirhnms % i'CstCm a. 13s I'd : reline ) , In mmailm , lIe ( ti CII l1ll7-Qmmiu't1 , lcmiiaail imitiermite ; finest .tomoilemmm ivhmltt' , 46c : tltmt'St Aimierictim colored , 4rmn. I ttJll'fllt-l"Ine't Iluihtol StAlt'tm , TSs ; good , SOs. , JtOSIN"-Coiuimammm , 4s 1311. . CCt'i'TON Si'fl'i ) OIi-lmcruuol relimmed , 17s ttL 1.INSI'lIi ) OhL-21s Sd. I'C'I'lhOTIIIIM-lteflnt'tl , Cl. lti'lm'IUUlIIIA'i'olt ; 1IEI1F-ForeqUmtrters , 43411 lmimmlqoarmem's , 541 , ) (1IIACII1NO i'OWDI711-llarcimvood , f. 0. lx , IA'omptel (7. 1101'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 lOs , St. Ioiihs Uuimu'rmml Olirkot. aT , LOUIS , Feb. 23-FLOUR-Dull , tin. clamored. W'IIUAT-Fhrm , quIet , cloning imiout tmaclmiiige1' ' Nut. I mel , caslm , tic : May , SIc : .11113' . SITIc : CO11N-Openet easier , but maIllot , tlmon weal- mmet1 , cloalmig tic oft ; No. 2 imitiel , c.tsh , lie ; F''brttim' , ditto ; 011mb' , 4ic ; .Iumhy , fl7o. OATS-hull , lower ; No. 2 , cautlm , Uc ; Ola ) ' , 1991c ' .Timcm , . 137'c , itYhi-Nt' . 2 , east tltie , imeli mit GTe. JlAlLl'S'-Qulem , whtlmotmt cimangu , n mail .iim'lre ! ! e cent trehc. smelcedt TOo bid , l ° LiN Ililhi-l.5G , . - .5 ' ClOViTlt 8i1ti-CimoICc' , lslglmer ; $ S.22uS,35. 1 I'IOIOTliV S'flil-I.25tg3G0 , JAV-Ummcimanged. I JilJTi'lIit-Firmmm mit last figures. IIGlS-l.owvr ; lie. ' LIIAI-Iltea'h $ ' ; $2.00. , i-Ol'gl.'Ffllt-m'm mit ; 52.97(1. ( COitN ? .lllAh-I.SStj2.OU. ' I .1 1'l Ii SKY-8i.22. COTTON TilUl-OSO. ihAII1NI-1'.125Ve. I'ItO'lf5lON8-b'muimmcinrt1 mores , obhmlng , $10.30. ! , rcrti , prhime slomiam , $6.25 ; choIce , * 6,40. Pry salt mmment it U mmii luacomi , tmnelitinge't. lticiIPTs-viotmr. : : 3,000 Ibis ; wheat , 5,0)0 ) bu , ; coin , 03,000 Itim. : oats , 46,000 iti. 8111111 INT8-im'lommr. 6,000 IbIs , ; wlmemmt , mmone corn , 1,00' bu. ; oats , 12,0'S' ) liii. ' 7 ruihtmvmittlm&'o 1Itm'imctu' : . M1hWAUFISII , F't'l. 23.-vLoun-iluii mnt1 weak , \Vhil22tT-Tuhl coil steely ; No. 2 cjurhng , 53o ; No , I riortluerim , 62'le ' ; Ma' , 62'c ' , COIIN-QuIu't , OA'lU-l"hrmn ; No. 2 wiulte , Ii'c ; No , 3 wIllIe , 31142l0e. hI.\ltLlSV-Iias'cr ; No. 2 , & 2me ; iminaple , 511,4' fIS3e. lt'i'l-Lower : Nit , 1 , SIc. l'llo\'Ii4IONS-iiteniI ) ' . VomIt , $10. Lard , 60.19. itmscI2lI"r-l"iour , 7,10' ltIts , ; ulmeat , 14,50) bu. ; btmm hey , 37,60' Ic. SI I h I'M I N'l'-F'lour , 12100 ItS ls. ; wimetmt , none ; ljnili'y , 4.00' ku 11V17-l"ii ma : No. 2 , 5e. I"I.AX 2311i11)-Iumli : $ i,2S. ' lmitAN-Flu'mmi ; GlfmCCe. Iiv-wcal but imnelmangeti. lItJT'rUlt-ilmasler ; creammmem'y , 17122ie ; dairy , 12 1215c. iG0Il-FIrmn : 22c. . - I1i3'I1ii"i'fl-\'iient ( , 12,100 bu. ; C'orim , 53tOS bu , ; oats , 10,0' ) ' htU , _ I I ( I I lit it % hi cii t SI ii ekot , flUiUTIf , Iehs. 23.-'mVill'A'i"-JUll coil lotion No , 1 , , emmm'im mini February , 573n ; Olay tm550' July. 583c' ; 14o. I null lhmei'fl. cash man' l'clureary IGY'.c' ; Sltmy. 57'hc : .Tumly , 5S'4o : 3 mmomtlme'mn , cacti , 53'Yc ; No. 3 , GO.c ; rejected , 47c Its tLrrIYi' , No , 1 Immml'i , GS'/c ' ; No. 1 xmorthiern , SiC. , Frli.t'i i % V , , ' L mi il mit e I. HAN P1tANCIIICO , Felt , 23.-W'IIIIA'V-Steadul Decemnhtt'r , 11Ic ; ? .lmm' , SSc. . P.311.141) 1(1 i.I lI1 'J'IJl2 ? 'IIJI. lltemumimt'r llruiittte'1'e ; ; ; ; ; ii SimilW'eOIGOi CrmaFt htmL ( anva no , tII , NE'YOIlIC , Fob , 22.-It is time epimmion of simhpmlmmg macmm timtlt time Stemameimil ) lirunotte ( rain itermuda mmtteimmptetl to spi'ulc with a craft at sea , time last mmummt of whose crew lCrhsbmeth In the ttum'ribie cold Withiill view of time mstemimusillp. Time lirunOtto muigimteci time YitiinoUtii Schooner Fn1ina H , on February 13. 'Fime crew eceemnetl to be ill time rigging nimmi on deek , strammgeiy mnotlommloss , After miihlimig : to whmithivuril two' malice time lirunetto ) IlttW time linitleim c'mshgn , with tile Ummiomm jack d0Wi3 , slowly mount to thu hmerttl of the Emulmua 13. Captain Ilenulei'soml * 4gimaleil ' ' 130 OU sylsim to aluamimlon time vessel ? " No rcslomiss i'nmno , 'Fimen time ivortle ' 'viimmt tlti you wammi ? " were , lulgnalel , 'lime liruimette lUli witimim 1) too of time vcssel , hlmt thmero ( : ailie ( mc reply , mtnm time crew iVflmI still mn'tionleitil. After wait- lug in tt ( luhigelOus sea ( or mmlx hours , lime S Jlrulmette otenineti off , - I tim Ill t ifl ( ilit Ii rum .s miii gmi 5. CO1,1imiDtJS , 0 , , Fel ) , 23.-'I'Ime Columbus Iimmltlermient C0mmlimtliY assigimetl today to Thtomonil I'Cmmtiuss. 1lmiitlihties. $75,000 ; assttu , more , Only it few timous.mmd . dollars go to itceferreil erditors. Cause , bills lmtYUbi , ( I ltd 110 retuty money. p ( 'mmnll'.lam him Imiumglmt ( 'um'l , \\\SiIINOTON , 1m'ch , -Secretary Carlisle - lisle Is euftenhmmg from a seyej'e cold , stud in eotlsctltmemwe WItH at time dt'luarttfleiit oimIt is miuiom't till ) ) ) yesterday. - ' 8PEOIALTY CRAUO MLLT AND OAtE CLOVER. TIMOThY. ac. . 1IIE1J Ualun Ate. , . IfarulCi City , _ iLl - - - - - - - - - - -----t- - ' - _ . . .4. . .1---- ' _ _ , rr4.kJw8u . )